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Marcus wakes up to a much better reality.
Date and Time Unknown


Something tickled my balls, and I woke with a start, my body jerking in a half situp, looking around wildly as I tried to piece together who I was and where I was being held. My sudden movements had the unfortunate side effect of shoving an unexpected extra inch of dick down someone’s mouth. Her gagging drew my attention as she backed off my cock, and I looked down to see a curtain of charcoal-black hair draped over my crotch. I felt cool saliva and drool coat the sides of my member.

Suddenly, none of that mattered as most of the muscles in my body cried out simultaneously, reminding me that I was in no fit condition to jerk them around like that. I dropped back down on the bed with a groan and stared up at the ceiling.

My ceiling.

I was in my bed. Back in my house. My apartment. The expensive apartment I owned set in the New York skyline. Everything came flooding back - Vegas, the threesome with Ashlee where I caught Chloe watching, the rooftop party, Charity, Ray, the kidnapping, the beatings, Natashya with a gun to her head, the doctor on the plane.

I looked at the woman whose lips were currently wrapped around my dick and reached down to slide my fingers through her thick black hair, parting it to see who it was that I’d nearly suffocated with my penis. A green eye peered up at me as she continued suckling on the head of my cock; her tongue circled it before the tip ran up and down my piss slit. She smiled at me around it and then removed it from her mouth, sitting on her haunches and reaching up to pull her mane out of her face.

Already completely undressed, Danni’s perky tits sat high on her chest as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. I took in the sight of the pink nipples capping her pale breasts and marveled at the sight of her near-flawless skin. It felt like forever since I’d seen her. Her smile was dazzling, and her emerald eyes sparkled at me as she put the finishing touches on her ponytail. She cocked her head to the side, and her smile became a touch shy under my gaze.

“Hi,” she said. Her warm, affectionate voice melted my heart.

“Hi,” I said and grinned. The right side of my face twinged in pain as I did - a constant reminder that someone had beaten me for three days. There was no way she could have liked the view, yet somehow, she looked at me like a lovestruck schoolgirl.

I must have winced because she suddenly looked concerned and said, “Does it hurt?”

“A little,” I admitted, “but I’ll live. I can’t imagine it’s much to look at, though.”

“Not really,” Danni said. She carefully picked up one leg and carefully straddled me, reaching under her to grasp my erect cock and position it so that the tip was lodged between her already wet pussy lips. “You look like a boxer after a tough fight. It’s kind of hot.”

Her look became uncertain, and she glanced down at my crotch and then back up at me. “Is this okay?”

I nodded. “Please. Just be gentle. I’m still pretty sore.”

Grinning, Danni lowered herself on me, and I closed my eyes as the ecstasy of entering her washed over me. I loved the feeling of my cock head spearing her for the first time, experiencing a little bit of initial friction until her juices fully coated me. I placed my hands on her hips and squeezed them a little, opening my eyes to see her gazing down at me affectionately.

God, I really missed this sweet girl. Out of all the women I’d been with, Danielle was undoubtedly the sweetest and kindest. I never heard an unkind word from her; she was always obliging. She gave off a soothing aura like a balm on my soul. I felt safe with Danni… taken care of.

Once she had me firmly lodged inside her, she gingerly placed her hands on my chest while watching my reaction to make sure I wasn’t in any pain. She slid her cool hands up and down my chest as she started slowly fucking me, lifting herself up so that only the tip remained and then dropping herself back down until her crotch met mine. With every thrust, I could feel the walls of her pussy clench around my dick while the mushroom head pressed against the back of her cervix.

She leaned forward, keeping one hand on my chest while supporting herself with the other as she slowly rode me. Giving me a look with those bedroom eyes, she brought her face close to mine and brushed our noses in an Eskimo kiss. “I wish I’d gone with you. I hated you being away.”

As much as I wanted to return that sentiment, I thought better of it. Having her in Vegas would have meant the possibility of her being kidnapped along with Natashya and me. I had a suspicion of what they did to the dancer, and given Danielle’s sweet disposition, I was sure they would have broken her. No… as much as I would have enjoyed wining and dining her in Sin City, it was for the best that she stayed behind and that we reunited just like this.

“In different circumstances,” I said, “I would have loved that.”

Her hand slid up my chest to cup the side of my face - the least damaged half - and gently pressed her lips to the other side. She started showering it with warm, wet little kisses as if trying to heal my bruises with her affection. Each kiss stung a little, but it was a welcome feeling when it meant receiving love from this beautiful, fair angel.

“Erin called me after you were taken. I was so scared we had lost you, Marcus.” She pressed her lips to my cheek so that the corner of her mouth brushed mine and continued to talk, her words soft and sweet. “I was afraid I’d never see you again or do this.”

Her lips slid a fraction of an inch across mine so they rested squarely on each other. She lightly pressed hers against my lips and gave me a sweet, chaste kiss that I returned with equal sweetness. Over the next minute, her kiss slowly started to heat up; her lips parted, and she reached up to capture my top lip between hers, suckling on it as a small whimper escaped her. I, in turn, captured her succulent bottom lip between mine and did the same. My tongue lapped at the morsel of Danni I was sucking on, and she immediately reacted by meeting mine with her own, and we began dueling tongues as our kiss continued to grow in intensity.

Our kiss turned into a full make-out session, with my hands running up and down her silky skin as she still rode me. Her pace was languid and leisurely, enjoying the feel of each other as we copulated. It was only when I felt her fingertips dig into my chest that I yelped in pain, tearing my lips from hers.

“Oh my god! I’m sorry,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“No. It’s okay,” I said, cupping her cheek in one hand. “I wish I felt better because I would love to take full advantage of you being in bed here with me right now.”

Pink erupted across her face as she pressed her cheek into my palm, looking up at me through her long lashes. Her hips slowed as we got lost in each other’s gaze. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and chewed on it as I brushed my thumb across it.

A whistle pulled us out of that timeless moment, and we both looked over to see Erin sitting in a chair beside the bed. She wore a short grey skirt that stopped just below her mid-thigh and had one leg crossed over the other, showing off a gorgeous amount of coltish leg as she balanced a notepad, pen, and phone on her knee. Her silver hair framed her elfin features beautifully. Her thick-rimmed glasses were pulled to the tip of her nose, and she was staring at us over the top of them, her dark eyes twinkling in amusement.

“Danni said she was going to wake you up, boss, but she failed to mention the details.”

“Don’t you knock?” Danni said, and I couldn’t tell if she was seriously annoyed.

“I didn’t know I needed to,” Erin protested. “You just said he’d had enough sleep, and you were going to wake him up!”

“I winked when I said it!”

“That could have meant anything!”

“It meant that I was going to fuck him!”

“Well, I know that now!”

“Hey, Erin,” I said, laying my head back on a pillow as I slowly started working my hips back and forth. Had it been anyone else, I might have been a little self-conscious about fucking someone while another person sat next to us fully clothed, but Erin was a perverted nympho and would have insisted we continue. Danni took my movements as a hint and sat back up so she was perpendicular to me again, giving Erin and me an unobstructed view of her entire body. I glanced at Erin just in time to see the tip of her pink tongue dart across her dark lips as she eyed her friend.

Turning my attention back to Danni as she started to carefully ride me again, I said, “Business or pleasure?”

“With me, it’s usually both,” Erin replied. “I wanted to see if Danni was successful. How did she do it?”

“Blowjob,” I said.

“I startled him,” Danni added. She rested her hands on my stomach, and I enjoyed the sensation of her fingers as they lightly traced patterns over my skin. “He jumped so hard that he almost strangled me with it.”

“That’s one way to train her to take all of it,” Erin said. She glanced at her notebook, “Anyway, since you’re awake, I thought you’d appreciate catching up on a few things since it’s Wednesday evening.”

My head shot off the pillow, and I looked from Danni to Erin. “It’s Wednesday!?”

“You’ve been asleep most of the last two days,” Danni said, a little breathless.

“Don’t worry! Chandler knows your situation. If you’re good for it, he’s open to coming here tomorrow for a meeting,” Erin added.

I was supposed to have been meeting with him on Monday to discuss plans for next week’s board meeting. I also wanted someone to start tracking down any clues about who took Natashya and me.

“Chandler’s confident you can be ready by Monday if you guys have a couple of long sessions.”

Danni grabbed one of her petite breasts in one hand and squeezed it, groaning and smiling down at me as I fixated on her. I wasn’t the only one. Erin looked up from her phone to stare at the fair-skinned beauty bouncing on my cock.

“So,” Erin finally said after a few moments of staring. “Can we tell him that we’re good for tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” I said a little breathlessly. I wanted to buck my hips up into her, but my recovering body just couldn’t keep up. Instead, I just let her do all the work while I enjoyed the feeling of her pussy swallowing my cock. She’d grown wetter and was now slipping and sliding up along my length with every stroke. “Block off most of the day for us. Let’s meet here and do an early morning to get as much done as possible. We can take meals here.”

“I’ll let him know,” Erin said, hesitating before tearing her eyes away from Danni’s form. “On that note, the chef is here. Camille Dupont. I’ll have her put something special together for you and Chandler, and you can meet her.”

I placed a palm on her stomach and slid it up and down, enjoying the slight contours of her flat, feminine belly. “How is she compared to Joel?”

“Just as good a cook and a delight to talk to. You’ll like her.”

Glancing at Erin, I couldn’t tell whether there was any implication behind those words or if they were an innocent admission that she was just a pleasant woman. My assistant was too busy admiring Danielle for me to really tell.

“What about Natashya?” I asked, holding onto Danni’s waist almost as if I were using her to brace myself for the worst.

“Natashya’s fine,” Erin said. “She’s in the apartment, and she’s been asleep most of the time. Same as you.”

“She looks like she was beaten as bad as you,” Danni said, switching from bouncing up and down on me to rocking her hips back and forth. She twisted one of her cute nipples. “But I saw her a few hours ago while she was awake. She seemed to be in much better spirits.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. I wouldn’t feel completely satisfied until I had a chance to talk to her, but their report was good enough for the moment.

“Emily’s been in and out, checking on the both of you,” Erin said. I glanced over at her, and she uncrossed her legs, giving me a peek up her skirt before recrossing them. She wasn’t wearing any panties. “She left last night to go home and rest. She has rehearsals all day today but said she’ll try to be back here tomorrow afternoon.”

Danni paused a moment to spin around so that she faced away from me, and I got a lovely view of her ass. While her breasts were more petite like Erin’s and Bobbi’s, her hips were a little bigger, sharing a size more similar to Helen’s. I watched, mesmerized, as Danni slid back on my cock, her lily-white cheeks subtly bouncing as she began riding me again.

Apparently having enough teasing, Erin set her notebook and phone on the floor beside the chair and stood up, admiring the view of the two of us fucking in front of her. “Speaking of family,” she said, her tone absentminded as her dark eyes roamed over Danielle’s form, “Your parents and little brother are in the city.”

That got my attention, and I felt the tension in my balls slacken at the mention of my parents. “What? When?”

“Monday afternoon,” Erin said as she walked toward the foot of the bed, watching Danni as she rode my cock. “I put them in a hotel suite just a couple blocks away.” She halted at the foot with hands on her hips and head cocked, gazing at the beautiful woman on top of me. “Given circumstances like this, I wasn’t sure how you would feel about your mother staying at your apartment. I can make other arrangements if you’d like, though.”

As always, Erin was as brilliant as she was beautiful. “No. It’s smart. Thank you.”

Erin watched us as she approached our bedside once more, “No problem, sir. That’s what I’m here for.” Reaching Danni, Erin slid a finger under her chin and tilted her fair face up so that they stared at each other. I couldn’t see Danni’s face, but she wasn’t fighting the manipulation. Then Erin dipped her head toward her friend and pressed their lips together. I felt Danni falter for a moment, but then she found her rhythm again as she placed her hands on Erin’s shoulders while they continued to openly make out over my body. I could hear the noisy sound of suction breaking, tongues lashing against each other, and quiet moans, and whatever damage to my erection had been done by talk of my parents, it returned with a vengeance.

Breaking the kiss, Erin slid a hand through Danni’s hair and down her face before wrapping her fingers around her throat. She glanced at me from over one of Danni’s pale, freckled shoulders and said, “Let me know if this is too much.”

Then she pushed Danielle back, and I felt the shift in weight as her bottocks nestled on top of my lower abdomen. Erin helped her lay back, and Danni placed her elbows on either side of me so that her back barely rested on my chest. It was slightly uncomfortable, but the good definitely outweighed the bad. I could now look over Danielle’s shoulder and have a straight visual down her chest, taught stomach, and even see a little bit of the trimmed charcoal bush just above her pussy.

My cock had stayed buried inside of her and was hard as a rock, so in her new position, Danni began rocking back and forth. I kissed her shoulder and left a trail of kisses up her neck as I carefully tried to match her rhythm without causing too much pain. Danni leaned her head back and hummed in contentment as I wrapped my arms around her middle and reached up to cup her breasts in both my hands.

Meanwhile, Erin stood over us and chewed on her lip. She tentatively reached out with a hand and stroked her fingers across Danni’s taught stomach. I felt her shiver under our manipulations as we started to find a rhythm.

Erin continued catching me up to speed as I tasted Danni’s skin. “Chloe took Monday and Tuesday off to recover, and Shea is at home resting from the gunshot wound she suffered.”

“Who is she?” I muttered into Danni’s shoulder. She pressed her cheek into mine and whimpered as I still continued to piston in and out of her.

“Shea?” Erin said, her fingertips dancing over Danni’s skin until they came in contact with one of the hands manipulating her breasts. She trailed her fingernails down my arm, making me shiver.

“Yeah,” I said.

“She was some sort of communications specialist who worked with Chloe… or maybe Psalter… or someone else. I don’t know. I was just looking for a flight attendant with a few other talents, and Chloe said she knew someone.”

Her fingers trailed off my arm and across Danielle’s chest, grazing lightly across her fair skin. “She told me that Shea put a tracker in you while giving you a massage after we arrived at the hotel.”

Danni’s whimpers increased in volume, and she turned her head a little more toward me. I could feel the corner of her mouth touch mine; her lips parted, and she breathed rapidly. “Getting close,” she whispered, nuzzling into me.

My mind reeled at the news that one of my employees put a tracker in me, but it was hard for me to react when I was fucking someone as gorgeous as Danielle Holland. On top of that, an equally attractive woman was hovering over us, eyeing both of us like she wanted to devour us. Erin leaned over and brought her lips down to Danni’s for another kiss, which happened dangerously close to mine. I turned my head and kissed Danielle’s flushed cheek as I continued to fuck her and enjoyed the sight of Erin plundering the other girl’s mouth with her tongue. I watched as their tongues entwined around each other, slipping back and forth into each others’ mouths. Erin’s dark lipstick left trails of smeared makeup across Danni’s lips and cheeks, marring almost a perfect complexion. Despite my sore muscles and exhaustion, the sapphic display, along with Danni’s impending orgasm, made it nearly impossible for me to keep holding back my own climax.

I felt the ghost something brush across my dick as it plunged in and out of Danni and realized that Erin had found her friend’s clit and was grinding it under her fingertips. Danni’s hips started bucking harder, and she broke her kiss with Erin to drink in oxygen; their lips brushed each other as my assistant watched her prey’s pleasure building.

Danni wasn’t the only one. I felt myself reaching the point as well and whispered in my lover’s ear, “I’m gonna cum, Danni.” As soon as her name left my lips, she shuddered. Eren kissed her face and then down to her jawline; I saw her nip at it, which pushed Danielle over the edge. Her shudders turned to convulsions as she made noises like she was hyperventilating. I would’ve been worried if I hadn’t experienced it before… Danni’s orgasms often seemed to overpower her. Watching her with Natashya and Erin had been an absolute delight.

“Oh, Marcus…” Danni cried out, and I felt her drop more of her weight on me as she came. I grunted but did my best to bear it as she rode through her orgasm. It was too much fun watching her breasts - almost flattened to her chest as she was stretched out on top of me - rise and fall in rapid succession. Then she turned her head into me and pressed her lips into my jaw. I could feel the residual stickiness from Erin’s lipstick as she kissed up and down my face, and I turned so my lips could meet hers. My tongue immediately invaded her mouth, and she accepted it enthusiastically, noisily breathing as she sucked on my tongue and batted it with her own.

I tweaked one of her nipples, and she squealed in my mouth while she bucked against Erin’s hand, and it sent me over the edge. My grip on her breast intensified, and I twisted the nipple between my fingers as I felt my balls contract and the first load of hot semen eject itself into Danni. A second pump, then a third, released deep inside her womb as we made out fiercely while she rode out her own orgasm, humping into Erin’s fingers as they moved furiously.

Eventually, the last spasm of my cock injected a smaller load, and my hips slowed down. Erin must have detected the change in my movement because she slid her hands under Danni and flipped her off me. The realtor landed on her back next to me with a surprised squeal. I thought Erin was about to attack my cock, but instead, she lunged over me and settled between Danielle’s legs, aggressively eating her out.

“No, Erin, I just came. I can’t take anymooooorre!” Danni said, scooting her ass half a foot away from Erin before my assistant latched her arms around the poor girl’s thighs. She followed Danni’s pussy with her lips and latched them to the swamp between her legs once more.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, of fuck, of fuck, oh fuck!” Danni squealed and threw her head back, making token attempts to push Erin’s silver head away from her. Her head fell back, and her eyes clenched shut as she let out a silent scream. The fingers on Erin’s head instinctively curled around some of her hair as Danni switched tactics, pulling her friend tighter into her as she came again.

I wanted so badly to just roll over and chew on one of Danni’s small, pointy nipples, but now she was off me, I could feel the ache across my body and settled for just watching in awe. There were few things as beautiful as seeing a gorgeous woman in the throes of climax, and Danielle was one of the most gorgeous women I’d ever met, having one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever seen.

Eventually, she patted Erin on the head and said, “Stop! I can’t take anymore! I can’t! Erin!”

Erin pulled away from the realtor, grabbed her thighs, and yanked, pulling Danielle a foot down the mattress so that my assistant could drop on top of her. She hovered above Danni, placed a hand on her fair cheek, and ran a slender thumb over her pink lips, still smeared with traces of dark lipstick. Erin curled her thumb, inserted it into Danni’s mouth, and gently tugged down, coaxing open those pleasantly plump lips. And then Erin opened her own darker ones. White viscous fluid dribbled from her lips in long strands and into Danni’s; some missed the target and glazed her mouth and nose.

Danni’s surprised expression melted, and she let out a soft moan, her pink tongue extending to capture more of the nectar slipping from Erin’s mouth. My softening cock suddenly got hard again.

Erin pursed her lips and pushed the remainder of my cum mixed with Danielle’s juices and her own saliva, out of her mouth and let it fall into her friend’s. Once the final remnants were expelled, she extended her tongue and ran it up Danielle’s chin, across her nose, and then along her lips before sucking on them, removing the remnants of my spend that hadn’t made it into Danni’s mouth. Erin grabbed her lover’s face as they exchanged a messy kiss, their cum-coated tongues twirling around each other as they moaned and whimpered. It was one of the most erotic sights I’d ever seen.

My assistant finally broke the kiss and sat up, making a show of swallowing whatever remnants of the fluids she had in her mouth. Danni was left panting on the bed beside me, staring up at the petite, bronze angel sitting between her legs.

Erin glanced over at my cock, with a mischievous gleam in her eye, then at me and said, “I could really use that right now.”

I glanced down at my hardening dick and back up at Erin and nodded. After what I'd done with Danni, I was already feeling sore and a little tired, but my assistant just looked so thirsty. She grinned, shed her clothes, and mounted me, also taking care not to jostle me too much as she grasped my dick in her petite hand and aimed it at her slit. She closed her eyes and pursed her lips as she sunk down on my dick.

Meanwhile, still lying on her back and basking in the afterglow of an orgasm, Danni slipped her hand into mine and squeezed it. I caught her staring at me, her green eyes shining as she flashed her dazzling smile at me while the fingers of her free hand grazed over her skin. It was damp with a thin sheen of sweat, and thin strands of black hair clung to her forehead and face. There were traces of Erin’s dark lipstick on her cheeks, mouth, neck, and chest. She rolled on her side and cuddled up to me, nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

Erin spent the next several minutes riding me, her body undulating on my cock as her hands wandered over her body, giving me a show as good as Natashya or any of her fellow dancers at The Starlight would have done. She had one of the tightest pussies I’d ever had the pleasure of inserting my cock into, and in less than ten minutes, I was on the verge of exploding again.

“Fuck!” I said through gritted teeth, squeezing Danni’s hand as another climax rolled through me. My cum spraying the inside of Erin set her off for the second orgasm I gave her in the space of ten minutes, and she had to work very hard to not collapse on me. Instead, she rolled off me and collapsed on Danielle, embracing and making out with the woman as she came down from her orgasmic high.

The three of us spent the next few minutes lying in my bed, recovering from the impromptu threesome. Danni stayed snuggled close to me, occasionally pressing her lips to my shoulder, neck, or the side of my face. She gently stroked my chest with one hand, and every time I caught her looking at me, she grinned almost bashfully at me.

Erin, on the other hand, went simply lay on her back and recovered from her quick and dirty fuck. After a few moments, she sat up and started looking for her clothes while Danni cuddled me.

“So,” I said, enjoying the loving caresses from Danni, “Did I hear you correctly? Shea lojacked me?”

“According to Chloe,” Erin said as she bent at the waist and stepped into her skirt. She arched her back, thrusting out her firm breasts as she pulled her little skirt over her calves, up her thighs, and slipped them over her tiny ass. Everything about Erin was tiny except for her libido.

As I lay there, I recalled feeling a pinching sensation at one point during Shea’s massage and wondered if that was when she inserted the implant in me. “So, that’s how Chloe found me?”

“Yes, sir!” Erin said as she picked up her sleeveless cream shirt off the ground and twirled it around one finger. “Shea said that without it, the likelihood of finding you and Natashya was pretty low. I know if-”

Her words cut off as a knock on the door interrupted her. She glanced at it and then gave me her best mischievous grin. “Speak of the devil. Come in!”

“Wait!” I said as I lunged for the blankets to the bed and threw them over Danielle and myself.

The door opened, and Chloe strode in. She shut them behind her while looking around the room. I felt my cheeks heat as she took in the situation. Clothes were strewn across the floor, and there were two naked people in my bed, with a third half-dressed, holding her shirt in one hand.

“Hi!” Erin said, grinning at Chloe. She grabbed her shirt in both hands and slid her arms through the sleeves, obviously taking her time and making a show of doing it. She raised her arms over her head, pulling her breasts high against her chest as she began to slowly work it over her head and down her torso. Eventually, her silver head popped out of the collar, and she pulled the hem the rest of the way down, covering her midriff. Erin eyed my bodyguard as she pulled the fabric tight against her front, making sure that the shape of her firm breasts was on full display. I could even see the nipples making indentions in the fabric.

Danielle shrunk under the covers until just her eyes peered out of the blankets; her entire face was beet red, and I was sure it wasn’t from the sex. It was strange that she would be this shy, considering she’d participated with me in a foursome and then later in a six-person orgy. Did Chloe intimidate her, or was there something else going on?

“Miss Holland,” Chloe said as Erin went to a closet and disappeared inside. Danni simply waved her fingers at my bodyguard without pulling the blankets down. They’d met once, briefly before the press conference on Chloe’s first day.

Erin emerged with a silk robe and approached me, holding it open. I looked from it to Chloe, who merely raised an eyebrow at me.

“You mind turning around?” I asked.

“What’s the point?” Chloe said. “It’s not like I haven’t seen everything already.” Despite her words, she turned around.

“That’s on you,” I said. “You’re the one spying on me with Ashlee and Shea.”

Erin blinked and looked at Chloe while still holding the robe open for me. “You peeked in on them?”

I used the opportunity to slip out of bed and step into my robe, taking it from Erin so I could fasten it closed in front of me.

“You fucked Ashlee?” Danielle said. There was a look of disapproval in her emerald eyes. Since Erin was friends with both of them, I guessed Danni had some experience with Princess VanCamp.

“I was talking about you being naked when we found you,” Chloe said, glancing over her shoulder to confirm I was dressed. She turned back around when she saw it was safe.

“Oh…” I said, suddenly remembering that I’d been utterly nude during most of the time I was tied to the chair. That had been the state they found me in when they rescued me. When you went from seeing zero people killed to seeing roughly ten in three days, as well as almost getting killed yourself, you tended to forget about things as inconsequential as clothes. “That’s right.”

Chloe glanced back at Danni, then Erin, and I would have given anything to know what was happening in that head of hers. She had such a strong poker face that it was hard to understand what she was feeling or thinking, which was a strong contrast with most of the people in my life. With the exception of Helen, everyone seemed to wear their hearts on their sleeves.

So I did something that surprised the hell out of her and let me see past her defenses, if only for a moment. I limped forward and hugged her.

Chloe’s eyes grew wide as I approached her and threw my arms around her, hugging her gently because even a firm hug hurt right now. Her arms hung limply at her sides, and I felt her head turn. I imagined she was looking around, confused, but she stood there and took it.

“Before anything else, I wanted to thank you,” I whispered. I barely noticed how her hair smelled freshly washed or that she felt really good in my arms - small but firm. I barely registered that I could feel her breasts brush against the silk of my robe or that they gave a little as I pulled her into me. Instead, I just thought about how she stood in the light of that doorway like an avenging angel who had just slayed the man threatening to kill Natashya and me. I owed this woman my life.

I let the hug continue a few moments longer, then backed off, feeling myself choke up a little. “I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you. You were amazing back there, and I’ll never forget what you did.”

Never in my life had I imagined I would see Chloe looking uncomfortable, but there it was. She looked back at the two ladies, then at me again, and cleared her throat. “I was… just doing my job, sir.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said, shaking my head. I felt a little of her discomfort seep into me and scratched at the back of my head as I took a step away from her. I searched her face for a hint that this was anything more than a job for her, but once again, she was hard to read. Her ability to obscure her emotions was helped by the fact that she was cute as a button with the slight upturn to her nose, freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks, and framed by golden wavy hair still damp from what I guessed to be a shower. “I’m grateful.”

She gave me a tight-lipped smile and a nod. Then she looked straight into my eyes with her dark brown ones and held my gaze for a long moment before quietly responding, “Anytime, sir.”

I gazed back at her a few moments longer, then gave her a small smile and a nod. It was clear she was uncomfortable with this much affection, which in turn made me a little uncomfortable, so I did both of us a favor and moved on.

“I’m glad you’re here.” I looked at Erin. “Both of you, actually. I wanted to talk to you guys about something.”

“Oh?” Erin said.

“Yeah. This whole thing was scary, and I haven’t taken my new situation as seriously as I should have. I mean, I’ve taken a few steps to try to understand the company better, but for the last two or three weeks, I’ve just been reacting to everything. Things keep coming at me, and I just let them and do something after the fact.”

I took a deep breath. “I’m tired of it… and it’s almost killed me. Worse, it almost got Natashya killed. Ray’s dead… and Charity.”

“Charity isn’t dead,” Erin said.

My head snapped up to look at her. “What?”

“She spent a few days in ICU, but she’s making a full recovery.”

“She’s not dead?”

Whatever the look on my face was, it made Erin break out into a huge grin - the genuine smile of someone who had the privilege of delivering good news. She shook her head.

I closed my eyes and took a moment to be grateful; it didn’t make everything better, but it was one less death on my conscience.

“What are we doing for her?” I asked, looking back at Erin.

“We’re covering her medical bills at the moment.”

“Good. I want to make sure she’s well-cared for while she’s down.”

“You got it!”

“And I want a personal trainer.”

“Yeah. I’m building a collection of candidates already,” Erin said.

“I want one as soon as possible. The best. I want one to help me recover, so they need to have some experience with physical therapy on top of the personal training. I want to do it right… all of it.”

“Okay,” Erin said. She’d picked up her notebook and was taking notes. “Anything else?”

“Bonus points if they’re martial artists.”

Erin looked up from her notebook, her eyebrows arched.

Chloe cleared her throat and said, “I seriously hope I don’t find a bat costume in the closet.”

“No,” I said, looking at her. “Nothing like that. I promise I’m not going to be stupid, Chloe, but I felt helpless the whole time I was there, and I don’t want to feel that way again. I have a lot of free time, so why not use it?”

Chloe gave me a wary look.

“I also want you to teach me how to shoot,” I said. “I’m going to take your advice seriously and respect that you need to do your job, but I also want to learn as much as possible. No one can protect me from everything all the time.”

I looked back and forth between them; they were both looking at me with concern in their dark eyes. “I realize that I’ve been naive and more than a little careless. I know I’m not gonna change overnight, guys, but I’m in a different world than the one I was in a month ago, and it’s time I started acting like it.”

Neither of them spoke for what felt like a long time, and then Chloe said, “Okay then. When do you want to start?”

“Let me get through the board meeting on Monday. Then we can work that out.”

Chloe nodded. “Say the word.”


“That all?”

“Yeah. Do you have anything for me?”

“Just one,” Chloe said. “Ashlee didn’t come back with us. Erin said she disappeared about a day after you did and never returned.”

“What!?” I asked and looked at Erin.

“It’s true,” Erin said. “She said she wanted to grab a bite to eat downstairs, and she never came back. Like a long-lost dad going out for a pack of smokes.”

“Do you think she had anything to do with my kidnapping?” I asked, finding it hard to believe. The way she’d been with me, it felt like she was developing feelings for me. I hadn’t sensed any ill intentions from her at all.

“We won’t know until we find her,” Chloe said. “I have Henry on it. He’ll let me know when he finds her.”

“Okay. Arrange a call with him when you can. I have something else for him to do.”

“Will do, “Chloe said. “Alright then. I’ve got to go. One of my guys is with your parents, but I need to create a schedule while they’re in town.”

I hadn’t thought of that, but I appreciated that Chloe had the foresight to put some of her people on my family. I watched as Chloe turned and made her way toward the door, taking a moment to admire her ass in those tight jeans. I needed to wise up, but that didn’t mean I still couldn’t appreciate a damn fine-looking woman when I saw one.

“Oh, Chloe!” I said.

She stopped near the door and turned around.

“The tracker in my ass.” When she didn’t look like she would respond, I continued. “I appreciate the foresight.” I hesitated, then corrected myself. “No, actually, I’m grateful for what you did.”

Chloe gave me a small half-smile and nodded.

“But that’s the last time you do something like that without telling me.”

She looked back at me with a stony expression, then gave me a curt nod. When it didn’t look like I had anything else to say, she turned back around and left. I looked at Erin, who was gazing at me as if I was a different person, and I gave her an awkward smile, letting her know that I was still me.

“Well then,” she said, looking around me at Danni, who was still mostly hiding under the blankets. “You spending the night?”

I looked back at Danni, and she batted her eyes at me, her smile peeking out from under the blankets. I couldn’t help but return her smile.

“I’d love for you to stay, but I’m afraid I’m tapped out.” I looked back at Erin and asked, “Do we have any more of those pain pills?”

“I’ll get you some,” Erin said. “Then we can curl up under the blankets and get some sleep.”

As always, Erin had the best ideas. I hadn’t been awake long, but the short amount of time had been put to good use, and I was exhausted again. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before Erin returned with a painkiller and a cold water bottle. Within a few minutes, it was dark, and I was curled under my blankets, naked and sandwiched between two beauties equally nude. In no time, I had drifted to sleep. Only this time, my dreams weren’t as pleasant as my reality. I saw Natashya in distress and Ray’s lifeless remains. I heard the cold voice of a woman bargaining with me - information for sexual favors… and a man’s outrage as he claimed I was his to kill.

Why did I feel like I’d heard that voice before?


Thanks again for reading another installment of the story. If you have any feedback, please feel free to email me. Or if you’re interested in reading any further installments, check out my Patreon at Chapters up to 41 are posted there already, and a LOT of extra dirty bonus chapters. Thanks for your time and cheers!

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