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A very wild cuddle party at the cosplay convention.
This continues the plotline from chapter 11, so you might want to read that first.

See for a free pic of all the women in this chapter.


Jia-kitty was so confused. Why was she so nervous, so excited? And why was she even tempted by this? She held the card in her paws and read it yet again. "Cat-Mouse Secret Cuddle Party. Room 717, 3-5pm. Game rules suspended. Admit one. Not transferable. Come hither and leave with a litter."

Leave with a litter? That's couldn't mean what it sounded like. They had to be just trying to sound scandalous and crazy, which would be pretty on-brand for wild mice. She'd heard rumors of secret parties like this but never imagined she'd be standing there actually considering going to one. But without admitting it to herself, she had been preparing for it. She had canceled other plans. She had even changed into her cutest, softest, cuddliest pajamas. Looking in the mirror in her hotel room, she knew she was irresistibly cuddly, just as devastatingly adorable as a kitty could be.

There had just been something so endearing, so sweet about that little wild mouse who gave her the card. She had done a hilariously terrible job running away, going straight around the back corner of the lobby to a dead end, as if she didn't know the layout of the hotel. Or as if she wanted to be caught in an out-of-the-way location. Then she had smiled as Jia-kitty closed in on her cornered prey. She had kept smiling at her as if she was the predator, as if she was the one doing the catching, even as Jia-kitty plundered all of her bows. The mouse just gazed at her the whole time, smiling that strangely endearing, soulful, knowing, joyful smile at her, then reached slowly into her bra, pulled that card out, and handed it to her, its warmth on her fingers seeming to spread, like a blush, but everywhere, all over her body, and deep inside too.

And ever since, she had been unable to think of anything else. Inexplicably, she had even been wet. Basically all afternoon. Wet and squirming thinking about a stupid cuddle party. She wasn't this kind of girl. Was she? She wasn't even into girls. Or mice. This was so crazy. And it was already 4:30. She'd missed so much of it already in her indecision, and because of that odd feeling that her body wasn't quite ready for it, but would be soon, whatever that meant. But now she felt ready, somehow, and she knew if she didn't go soon she'd miss all of it. Might as well at least stop by, she told herself. Just to see. If she didn't at least go see, she'd always wonder. She might never stop thinking about it. Oh what a fate, to be stuck like this, thinking about it her whole life, inexplicably wet and confused forever.

When the elevator doors opened at the seventh floor Jia-kitty gasped. Were the game rules suspended on this whole floor? There were two kitties and two mice together waiting for the elevator, all in very cozy pajamas, practically cuddling standing up, hugging, giggling, giddy, their hair messy, their makeup smeared, their faces just utterly beaming with joy. She didn't know any of them. The wild mouse who invited her wasn't one of them. These two weren't even wild mice; both had collars with name tags. But when they noticed her, they all looked at her that same way. That exact same soulful, joyful, knowing look.

Holy crap, what was going on with these girls? Was the cuddle party that good? How could cuddling make them so… satisfied? She shuddered with a wave of arousal, her pussy clenching, frozen in place, stunned. The elevator doors started to close. One of the kitties put a paw in to stop it. Then with a kind, caring look, she took Jia-kitty by the arm and guided her out, reassuring her with gentle, soothing meows and pets. One of the mouse girls took her other arm, and the two of them led her to room 717.

Another adorable wild mouse in pajamas opened the door a few inches when they knocked, peeking out at them. Again it was not the one who had recruited her, but again she had that same look, that same amazing look of bliss and satisfaction. Jia-kitty had never seen anyone so happy as all of these girls looked. Not even close. The wild mouse held her paw out the door, smiling sweetly at Jia-kitty, waiting for something. Jia-kitty slowly reached into her bra, pulled out that invitation card, and handed it to her. She looked at it, put it away, and let her in.

It was a regular hotel room. Was. But not anymore. Now it was entirely converted to beds. They had hauled mattresses and pillows in from other rooms, converting the entire floor to cuddle space, filling in any awkward small spaces where mattresses wouldn't fit with many large bean bags. Pillows and cozy blankets were everywhere. And there were girls cuddling everywhere, at least twenty of them, the whole room a giant tangle of cats and mice together, all in cozy pajamas.

And every face she saw had that beautiful bliss, that unbelievable satisfaction, pure cozy joy everywhere. It was contagious. Jia-kitty felt their happiness begin to fill her too, especially when the wild mouse who had recruited her saw her and jumped up from the tangle of kitties she had been cuddling with and hurried to her, gleefully holding both of her hands, then pulling her in for a hug, clinging tightly to her, squeaking happily each time Jia-kitty squeezed her back. She was even more adorable than Jia-kitty remembered. She reached up a paw and gently caressed that sweet little mouse face as the girl beamed up at her. Then she gladly allowed herself to be pulled into the room. Another blissfully smiling kitty made space for her, reaching her arms up to her invitingly. She descended between that kitty and her wild mouse, becoming one of them, surrounded by cozy cuddly adorable warmth, relaxing completely, letting the happiness press in all around her, filling her soul.

Their caresses were sensual, but surprisingly not sexual. It really wasn't an orgy. But it sure smelled like one. Clearly her own pussy wasn't the only wet one in the room. But the touch of each girl she cuddled with was all comfort, pure relaxation, pure sensual delight, not a hint of sexy mischief, each adorable face she saw beaming joy into her soul and somehow making her feel so comfortable, so at peace, so relaxed. She felt so close to all of them. Like they were all long-lost sisters. No words, hardly any meows or squeaks even. Reverent joyful silence. It was breathtaking, beautiful, the impossible utopian dream of cat-mouse harmony at last achieved.

She reveled in it, cuddling her way through the room, amazed at how connected she felt with all of these girls, most of them strangers. She cuddled with a few she knew too, also amazed at how suddenly close to each of them she felt. Teammates or rivals in the game before, strangers, acquaintances or friends, none of that mattered anymore. They were all suddenly best friends, sisters, soulmates. And they were all just so freaking adorable, the absolute cream of the convention. And their bodies. Holy shit, every body in that room was so hot. Even though she wasn't into girls, their sexiness added a strange delight to the cuddling, making it feel even more special. They were all so amazing in every way, such gorgeous adorable sweet faces, such perfect sexy bodies, and it all just made her feel so honored to fit right in with them.

Then she noticed a tangle of six feet together just poking out from a sheet nearby, in the back corner of the room. The two middle feet seemed a little too big, a little too thick, not delicate, not even cute at all. Could those be a man's feet? She scooted a little closer and reached out to carefully lift the sheet a little. Hairy legs. Oh my god, they had a man in here! She glanced back at the kitty spooning behind her, another late arrival who had shown up a few minutes after she had. She pointed to the feet, lifting the sheet slightly again. The other kitty gasped, her eyes going wide, a paw covering her mouth. They both sat up to look for the faces that went with the feet, but they were hidden under the sheet. The two kitties crept closer on hands and knees, leaned their faces down right near the feet, and together they slowly lifted the sheet up more to peek all the way inside.

Oh my god. They were naked, all three of them. He was sleeping on his back and the the two girls, one a mouse, the other a cat, were pressed against him from either side, his arms around them. The cat girl had a hand resting on his cock, and the mouse girl was stroking his chest. The two naked girls looked down and saw the two stunned kitties peeking in and just smiled at them.

They both dropped the sheet and sat up, stunned. Maybe it was time to go. She saw movement under the sheet. The two girls inside were jostling him to wake him up. Jia and the other newcomer kitty were both backing away but still staring. Then the sheet came down, their three heads appeared, and his eyes were open.

Their eyes met, and everything changed. Time stood still. She felt all the swirling confusion of this room converge into a single powerful need, all of it suddenly making sense, or something close enough to sense for Jia-kitty's lust-addled brain. He was why she had been wet all along, he was why she had to come here, and he was why this room was so full of joy. It just grew and grew, a deep throbbing need for this man, driven by a singular purpose. And then she knew what the purpose was. The card wasn't kidding. Come hither and leave with a litter. She needed him to put a litter of kittens in her womb. It would only be two, but that was enough. Twins would count as a litter. Her kittens. She needed them as soon as possible, more than she had ever needed anything in life. She knew it would be so right. It was the way to that beautiful joy she had seen in all the others. That was why she was here. Not just in this room; not just at this convention; on this Earth. She had to make those kittens, had to have them in her life, and he could give them to her. Her whole life had led up to this.

She pounced, literally throwing herself onto him, kissing him madly, grinding urgently on his growing erection through the sheet. He laughed and kissed back for a few seconds, squeezing her ass, stroking up her sides, his touch sending shockwaves of pleasure through her, somehow driving her desire even higher. Then he stopped her, holding her face in his hands to look at her, smiling, and said, "Hold that thought just a moment, sweet pet. I think there are other newcomers I need to meet first."

With a reluctant meow, she climbed off to the side and let him up. When he sat up she heard a gasp from nearby, and turned to see another mouse girl who had arrived while he slept, now staring at him. Jia-kitty knew just what she was feeling, and it was so beautiful, so right, and so incredibly sexy. He would have her too. Oh my god, she thought, he's going to knock her up too, and somehow that is the sexiest thing ever. She wanted that almost as much as she wanted her own kittens. She sat up to watch in awe as he stood, the sheet wrapped around his body, and made his way around the room, surveying the crowd, gazing happily around at his many recent conquests, those many, many girls who were so full of that beautiful joy that Jia-kitty now knew meant they were already bearing his offspring, and also causing those same sexy gasps from three remaining newcomers.

His tour of the room complete, he turned back toward Jia-kitty, his gaze full of desire as he dropped the sheet and slowly approached, nude, his straining erection leading the way. The other five he had just enthralled were all standing now, crowding in close to him, slowing his progress toward her, all of them now panting with lust, their eyes all fixed on his cock, their hands beginning to explore his body or to remove their own clothes. But despite his obvious enjoyment of their attention, his attention stayed fixed on her.

Jia-kitty tore off all her clothes and lay back, spreading her legs wide and offering her body up to him, pressing her hips upward, thrusting her virgin pussy at him from across the room, just desperately in heat, showing him with her eyes and with her whole body how much she needed him deep inside her. He gently freed himself from the others and soon stood over her, gazing down at her writhing body, his iron-hard shaft throbbing, his eyes so intense. Wasted seconds, such torture. She needed him so much. She thrust her hips up again as high as she could towards his cock, squirming around in the air, and she meowed it at him, a new kind of meow, a sound she had never heard or made, a sex meow, a fuck-me-right-now meow, urgent, wanton, guttural, desperate, dripping with lust. The others all moaned together in response, stunned by the power of her meow, feeling her need and rooting for her.

And then finally, finally he knelt down between her legs and she felt the tip of his shaft brush against her, then lodge slightly inside. She was holding her hips up off the mattress for him, her knees stretched out wide, her pussy clenching tight on his tip, gasping in wonder at the unbelievable pleasure. He pushed slightly and stopped. He was up against her hymen. She nodded vigorously at him, urging him on, willing him to understand how much she wanted this, how urgently she needed him, how little she cared if it hurt. She didn't even want him to waste any time being gentle popping her cherry. She needed him all the way inside her, right now. But he held her waist firmly, preventing her from thrusting onto him, and looked over at another girl on the bed, one with a tiger ear hairband, giving her a little "come here" nod. Her eyes went wide with excitement and she jumped up, revealing that she too had been nude under the sheets. Her tiger eyes were fixed on Jia-kitty as she crowded close behind him, pressing her body against his while she reached around to hold onto Jia-kitty's hips.

Then the tiger girl pushed him forward, slowly increasing the pressure on Jia-kitty's hymen until it suddenly gave way. There was no pain. She gasped, her eyes going wide in shock. How could anything feel that good? Every millimeter of movement into her was a new layer of pleasure, a new voice in a chorus of impossibly perfect music, filling and stretching her so full, sliding slowly ever closer to the center of that craving, that achingly hungry place deep inside where she knew two eggs were waiting, ready to become her beloved twin kittens. Another slow push, and the pleasure went even higher, even more places inside her lighting up with unbelievable pleasure, waves of it spreading through her body. And then finally, finally he was home. They were pressed deeply together, fully joined, her virginity fully plundered, her body fully given to him, his hard shaft filling her completely, his virile tip right there, right where she needed it, at the center of her fertility, ready to fulfill that purpose, to fully satisfy that craving.

He lowered himself onto her, pushing her down onto the mattress, kissing her breasts and caressing her body as he began to move slightly inside her. His weight on her, those slight movements, what he was doing to her nipples, it was all so electrifying, so overwhelmingly exciting, insanely pleasurable, but too slow, too gentle. She was moaning loudly, and the watching crowd moaned back in response, seeming to feel her pleasure too. He was thrusting just a little farther now, slightly longer strokes. He was still going slow to let her virgin pussy get used to him, but soon he seemed to pick up the signal that the body bucking and arching beneath him to meet each thrust was more than ready for more. And then finally he was really doing it, really stroking her fully, long sensuous strokes, slow but powerful, sliding deep into her tight slick embrace over and over, making her gasp with every thrust. God, how could anything feel this good?

Soon he rolled them over so she was on top. The tiger girl kneeled close behind her, caressing her, playing with her breasts and clit as she began to ride him. She rode tentatively at first, unsure of herself, but then the sheer pleasure of everything she tried made her stop worrying whether she was doing it right and just start to want to do more of it, and faster. The tiger girl behind her guided her hips, helping her change the angle, and it suddenly felt even better. She arched her body as she rode, her pussy clamping down harder on him, and she saw his eyes go wide, his own pleasure seeming to double too. His eyes devoured her body. She was all stretched out on him, back arched, hips adding power to her thrusts with true cat-like grace, and she could tell from his eyes how hot she was to him, what a wildly hot sex kitten she was, even on her first time.

She was delighting in giving herself to him, speeding up, pounding her body on him, gasping and moaning at the incredible pleasure of it, her first time already so much more pleasurable and so much crazier than she had ever dreamed. The tiger girl was stroking her clit so perfectly. She could feel her orgasm building, and from the look in his eyes she knew his was too. Oh my god, he thinks I'm so hot. And he's right. I'm so hot, and I'm so fucking good at this, she thought as she pounded her fertile body faster and faster on him. It was a whole new world, a whole new side of herself she never expected, and she loved it. Yes, she thought, he's right, Jia-kitty really is a wild super-hot sex kitten!

Then he held her hips firmly, slowing her, and the tiger girl held still on her clit too. Why were they stopping? She whined in protest.

"I'm Jim. What's your name, angel? I need a name, and I don't speak meow."

She didn't meow, just gave him a low warning growl and pointed to her collar, squirming around on him, trying to get free and thrusting again.

The tiger girl laughed and checked her collar. "She's Jia," she said.

He smiled. "Jia, how would you like two kittens?"

She gasped and nodded vigorously as he let her move again, adding his own thrusts to hers. She was so ready. Oh my god, he was really about to do it. She could feel him swelling, somehow getting even harder, filling her even more, making each stroke even more pleasurable as they continued thrusting deeply. His eyes raked over her body again, his expression so full of wonder. Oh my god, she thought, Jia-sex-kitten is blowing his fucking mind. I am so hot. I am so fucking sexy. I am unstoppable. I will make you give me kittens, right now. Take that, and that, and that! And ah, god, that's so good! The tiger girl's magic fingers were speeding up on her clit, driving her pleasure even higher, already far past where she thought her orgasm would break and still rising.

A dizzying peak, her unfocused eyes locked with his, their fingers intertwining, then time slowed down as he thrust up into her, his cock making its final plunge into her hyper-fertile depths and she saw and felt it happen, a primal grunt escaping his lips as she saw his face change, his orgasm breaking, then she felt it, his cock powerfully spasming deep inside her, his hot seed spurting deep into her, what she had craved finally here, her purpose finally completed, and then the absurd pleasure of her own orgasm finally breaking, the waves of it crashing over her, their bodies moving together as one, so beautifully. He pulled her down onto him and his lips found hers, their first kiss tender and wonderful as their orgasms subsided, perfect beautiful sweet completion, such immense satisfaction, the unforgettable perfection of it all burning into her memory forever.

And then suddenly, just when she was thinking nothing in her life could ever come close to this experience, it got even better. Infinitely better. She gasped, her eyes going wide, and she grabbed his face, needing to see him and show him what she suddenly knew. The beautiful truth of it seemed to pour from her eyes into his soul and she saw the joy it brought him, the same joy that was filling her, filling her even fuller every second, absolute bliss, heavenly pure happiness. They wept together with joy, so profoundly connected, caressing each other, her paws wiping away his happy tears, her own tears dripping into his mouth, her happy meows making him laugh, his joyful kind-eyed appreciation of her adorable kitty persona making her clench her pussy tightly on his cock. She clung to him tightly with her pussy and with all four paws, their connection so perfect, so complete, her whole being full of gratitude and satisfaction. Her kittens. Their twin kittens. What a perfect treasure she had growing inside her.

And then, with the joy still filling her, her thoughts turned to a different kind of lust. Her own womb was not enough. Her two perfect kittens were not nearly enough. All the other pregnant kitties and mice in this room weren't even enough. Almost as much as she had craved him for herself, she now craved spreading his seed to other wombs, and spreading this beautiful joy that came with it. And there were five more of them in the room. She turned to look up at them. They were all nude. They had all been watching in awe as he bred Jia-kitty. She had heard their moans of vicarious pleasure. She knew how deeply they craved what she had just gotten, and she couldn't wait to see them get it.

The kitty who had been spooning with her when they found his feet was now nude up on the bed nearby on her back, moaning wildly with pleasure as the tiger kitty lapped at her pussy, her legs spread wide, her hips writhing. Jia-kitty looked back at Jim, catching him looking at the other girl. He almost looked embarrassed for a second, then saw her eager eyes, felt her clench her pussy on him one last time, and seemed to understand somehow that she wanted him to do it, couldn't wait to watch him take the others. And this seemed to turn him on even more.

She quickly climbed off him and he was up on his knees in seconds, approaching the other kitty on the edge of the bed, his cock at just the right height as he kneeled on the floor mattress. The tiger girl made way for him, standing up and pulling a mouse girl down onto the bed, caressing her and nibbling at her breasts before kissing and licking her way down the girl's writhing body toward her center. Jia-kitty sat up to watch. God, it was so fucking hot. Jim was already positioning himself between the widely spread legs of the kitty right next to her, his iron-hard cock that had filled her just seconds ago already teasing this other girl's wet folds, her moans so excited, so urgent. Just past her, the mouse girl was now spreading her own legs wide, offering her pussy up to the tiger girl as she licked and stroked all around her inner thighs, ever closer to that sweet little pink treasure.

She heard a gasp from the kitty next to her and looked back to where they were now joined, his tip just beginning to spread her, and she knew exactly what that girl was feeling, exactly how amazed she was at the pleasure of it. Watching it happen was even hotter than she'd imagined, even more exciting, even more perfect. She leaned over to watch it closely as it slowly slid into the girl. Her breath stopped, her eyes went wide, her entire being thrilling at the sight, memorizing it, watching it slide inch by inch into her until they were fully joined. And Jia-kitty knew right then that she could never get enough of this.

The wild mouse who had recruited her was there at her side holding Jia-kitty's pajamas, her eyes shining. She hugged that little mouse tightly, making her squeak again, then just pulled her back and gazed at her, trying to show her how grateful she was, how incredibly happy this had made her. She already knew. Of course she did. She had known already, hours ago, when she gave her that card. That was what that smile had meant all along. Her eyes were full of tenderness. She felt so close to her. They really were sisters now. Their babies would be siblings. True and permanent cat-mouse harmony. It was a miracle. It was all so right.

As she finished getting dressed, the couple on the bed were already speeding up, their sounds growing more urgent, their eyes locked on each other as he thrust over and over into her sexy slender body, her hips rising to eagerly meet each thrust. Jia-kitty cuddled up with her wild mouse sister and together they watched it. She could see and hear that they were close. And then that beautiful moment came, and it hit her so hard to see it again. Their breeding was so right, so powerful. Both of their bodies clenching up, tightly joined, crying out in pleasure and satisfaction, moving together, making another perfect kitten.

And then they slowed and finally stopped, just clinging together and gazing into each other's eyes, the whole room holding its breath, watching, waiting for it. And then it hit them all and they shared it fully, their hearts all so open to it and then so suddenly filled by it. First the breeding couple gasped almost simultaneously, then the rest of the room. Happy squeals and moans everywhere, two dozen kitties and mice all filled with that contagious joy, all those new sisters sharing that moment, sharing that miracle together, all so happy for each other, all so satisfied, all so cozily cuddling with their sisters around them and with their babies inside them.

Was he done? Didn't he need a break? Why wasn't he spent? Oh my god, he wasn't. What a beast. He was already pulling out and positioning himself between the legs of two mouse girls at the edge of the bed, one on her back and the other kneeling over her, their sweet little pink mouse pussies close together and so wet, already having been thoroughly licked into a frenzy by the tiger girl, who was already positioning the next kitty and the final mouse girl in the same position after them and diving between their legs to get them ready.

Jia-kitty was utterly hooked. She was filled with thoughts of bringing him more, spreading this pleasure and this joy to so many more. So many girls she knew came to mind. She wanted them all to feel this, and she wanted to watch him take them all and make them her sisters forever. The remaining four in this room were not enough. She knew so many sexy adorable girls back home, where she also went to college. Jia-kitty was very popular and active in her community. She'd watch him take these last four and then go, immediately. Or maybe after just a little more cuddling with all her new sisters. It felt so right now, even better than before, to hold them and be held by them, now that she understood, now that they shared this miracle, this joy, and this purpose. But soon, she'd take the bullet train home tonight and somehow convince as many as she could to come back with her. She'd only miss a couple cat-mouse events tonight and could hopefully not miss anything tomorrow.

Jia-kitty scooted closer, finding a gap in the crowd now gathered around to watch as he took the two mice. Her own wild mouse sister came with her, hugging her tenderly from behind, resting her sweet little head on Jia-kitty's shoulder as they watched together.

He was already pushing into the bottom mouse girl, producing adorable squeaky moans of pleasure from her. He stopped halfway in and pulled back out, leaving her panting in need while he did the same to the other girl, who gave a very un-mouse-like deep moan of pleasure that made everyone giggle. Then he went back to the first girl, pushing slowly back into her, continuing until they were fully joined. It was so fucking hot, their pleasure so intense and contagious. He paused deep inside her as she squirmed, unsuccessfully trying to get him to make her come. Then he pulled out and slid slowly back into the top mouse. Her body arched and quivered from the pleasure, her strangled gasps announcing she was getting close. He paused with her too, fully joined with her, holding her hips tightly.

He pulled out again, switching again to the bottom mouse, this time giving her two long deep strokes before switching back to the top mouse and doing the same to her. His thumbs were at both of their clits. He kept switching every two strokes, speeding up, pounding harder into the top mouse but still gently into the bottom one. Their squeaks and his grunts rose higher, the mouse girls' eyes wide with shock at how insanely good it felt.

And then finally it broke, the top mouse coming first, then the bottom one seconds later, and then he plunged deep into the bottom mouse and let fly, gasping out as his orgasm peaked inside her spasming body, pulsing and spurting into her fertile womb, then quickly pulling out and sheathing himself fully in the top mouse, blasting his seed into her womb as well, then resuming switching between their pussies as they all rode out their orgasms.

It had been so fast, and so fucking hot. And the best part came quickly too, both mouse girls gasping, echoed by the crowd as the joy of their successful breeding filled the room again. Utter bliss filled them all. It was so right. And yet it still was not enough for him. He didn't even kiss them.

He was already out and moving around to the foot of the bed behind the last pair. What a beast. Still he was not satisfied, somehow. No, it was the opposite. His lust only seemed to grow. The tiger girl got out of the way, lying down next to the last two and putting both hands between them to stroke their clits.

He speared deep into the kitty on top, plundering her exceptionally sexy skinny body, gasping together with her. Then he pulled out and skewered the adorable mouse hottie below. A wild beast, reveling in his conquests, his desire so fucking gloriously intense, so powerful, so dominating. He began to pound them both, alternating between them every few strokes. Wild eyes, urgent meows and squeaks and grunts, so passionate, so powerful, so contagiously sexy, their breeding already imminent, just sprinting toward it, devouring each other, not even stopping at the brink. They were already hurtling over it, coming so hard, all three of them together, a frenzy of hard urgent thrusts and orgasmic cries as he blasted his seed into each of them in turn and then continued, switching each stroke, pounding it home into their fertile bodies, the entire crowd watching in awe, every paw at their own pussies, clenching and aching with vicarious pleasure, every voice squeaking or meowing out their amazement at this fierce and urgent coupling.

Oh my god, he did it, Jia-kitty thought. He fucked everyone here. Knocked everyone here up. What a beast. And now, incredibly, he wanted more. She could see it in his wild eyes, even as they filled with joy from the knowledge that the last two were pregnant. He wanted so many more. Panting, he collapsed out of view on the floor mattress, many kitties and mice swarming in to cuddle him.

Jia-kitty climbed up on the bed and cuddled her way toward him, hugging and caressing each of the tangled blissed-out sisters on the bed on the way to him. Finally arriving at the foot of the bed she looked down at him, lying on his back on the floor mattress, sprawled out and surrounded by his joyful conquests, many paws tenderly caressing him, many tongues grooming him, lapping at whatever parts of his skin they could reach. She caught his eye and she showed him, pouring all of her feelings into her eyes, showing him her fierce determination to help him, to bring him what he needed. Jia-kitty was a hunter. She would hunt so fucking well for him. Just wait, my glorious beast, she thought. Jia-kitty is perfect for this job, and Jia-kitty is on it.

Incredibly, he found himself out of pussies again. And mice. And incredibly, he wanted so many more. That short nap seemed to have completely recharged him. But there were no more here, so he just lay back, trying to relax, trying to cool down that beast mode as his pets swarmed over him. Deep breaths, just soaking in that incredible joy, their caresses and licks soothing him. He had fucked so many of them, twenty-five kitties and mice total before his nap, after knocking Chao-Xing up first with twins when they arrived a little early for the party, then going so quickly with the others as they arrived, Chao-Xing helping seduce them and get them ready for him.

He had stayed out of sight on the far side of the bed early on in the party when new girls were arriving frequently. Each time they heard a knock or the excited meows and squeaks of new girls being welcomed, anyone else nude with him would stay low behind the bed and he'd stick his head up to look over the mattress until all the new girls were enthralled, then dive right back in, not caring if the newly enthralled girls heard the moans and wet slapping sounds of urgent breeding. After a few seconds of shock, they would fully understand.

He cuddled and fucked his way through the adorable sexy crowd, delighting in their cuteness and variety. They were all very sexy, but unlike the other new recruits lately, their bodies were more varied, not all exactly his ideal type because cuteness had been prioritized in their recruiting. He wouldn't have expected this would actually make it hotter, but somehow it did. Maybe just how new it made it all feel, or how perfect it was for the cuddle party setting, but somehow their cuteness mattered much more to him than their body shapes. His pets had been so driven, so motivated, and they had done a fantastic job. It was the perfect distraction, the perfect comfort. He just soaked it in, all their adorable cuddly lively energy and enthusiasm, loving every minute of it, savoring every conquest of this huge harem of adorable new pets, all so in heat, all so happy for their turn with him, and all so happy to watch their sisters give their bodies to him.

He picked out three favorites to save for the end, two mice and a kitty, each of whom he knew would bear him twins. Those three were each so incredibly adorable and hot that it took all of his control to stop himself from coming with them. In the grand finale right before his nap he lined them up along with the last four others and knocked them all up in one long orgasm. Ten babies at once, resulting in absurdly powerful joy. He had planned to use that moment to try to ambush it again to get more information about the pods. But this time there was only a shadow of that dark hole in his mind, and he knew it was no use trying to force it open. It was ready for him. It had grown stronger. Maybe ten babies at once wasn't enough to weaken it anymore, or maybe he'd never be able to force information from it again, now that he'd lost the element of surprise.

Beast mode had exhausted him, but it had done the trick. His dark mood had been completely banished, and it was still gone. Each conquest drove his worries farther away, the joy of each impregnation building until everything felt right with the world again and he could delight in the simple joy of cuddling his huge collection of newly pregnant, extremely adorable pets, so cozy, so comfortable, and then soon nodding off to sleep, thinking his work was done here, not knowing there would be six more late arrivals.

And now, after all of those late arrivals were pregnant too, one of them had caught his eye, peeking over the edge of the bed at him, looking so intense. She was easily one of his favorites of the cosplay girls, that adorable wildly sexy kitty Jia, whose cherry he had popped and who was now bearing his twins. She was trying to tell him something with her eyes. Her fierce, predatory, determined eyes. He understood. He had seen that look so many times, but rarely this intense. She looked like Guanyu when she left to find flight attendants for him, or Huifen and Anna when they went to find dancers. Or like those ten after-party dancers last night right before they left. He nodded to her, smiling, and whispered, "Yes, my gorgeous sex kitten. Do it. Hunt for me."

Others nearby were sitting up, looking alert, whispering to each other. He heard the word hunt over and over again. The excitement spread. Many eyes had taken on that predatory gleam. Mei, who had been cuddling one of Jim's feet, was now scrambling to block them at the door.

"Hold on girls! I mean kitties and mice," Mei said. "Wait, I need to teach you to hunt first!"

Several of the girls frowned disapprovingly at Mei while holding up two fingers in an X sign over their mouths.

"I don't care if you excommunikitty me. Go ahead. It's my last year anyway. I need to talk to you. This is more important. What happened in this room is no game."

There were nods and murmurs of agreement, the frowns disappeared, the little X sign hands went back down, and the room quieted down to listen to Mei.

"You all need one of these pink cards. Use it right away to get in touch and we'll send you what you need to know to recruit. We only have him until Friday night. So you need to hunt fast. The standards are now very high, but recruiting is easier than you think, as long as you make eye contact. Just make eye contact, even with a stranger, and usually you can get her to agree to come meet him, basically on any excuse. If you're not sure someone's body is good enough, we have a model agency you can send them to for evaluation. Now, does anyone know where those four who left early were going?"

One kitty raised her hand. Mei called on her.

"Meow," she said, helpfully, producing a chorus of giggles.

"Oh, thank you," Mei said, her voice artificially sweet with sarcasm. "Ok, could you also write that down for me so I don't forget?"

"Meow meow," the girl said, getting out a pen and paper from her purse, writing, and handing it to Mei.

"They went to hunt at the adult division. Ok. That's in another hotel a few blocks away. I'll go find them." Then she started passing out pink cards to the eager hunters. They were all getting up. Every single one had apparently lost all interest in cuddling. And then they were picking up the mattresses and bean bags, taking apart the cuddle room. Jim and Chao-Xing moved to the bed.

He lay there, amused and a little disappointed he didn't get the extra joy-filled cuddle pile he had been looking forward to, but their enthusiastic rush to hunt for him was perfectly adorable, hilariously in character, and exactly what he wanted right now. An army of hunters. He was no longer afraid of having too many. He wanted too many. That way he wouldn't have time to think for a damn second.

And what insane fun this had been. Who cares if it was so fast. How many cosplay girls had there been? He had knocked up one kitty and two mice in the helicopter earlier, then twenty-five in here before his nap, then six more after. Thirty-four cosplay girls. Thirty-four girls, each so unique, but each in her own way like Mei. All so damn cute, so lively, so full of enthusiasm, all now so joyfully bearing his children, all of their wild adorable energy now focused on hunting for him. They had all seen what he could do, how fast he could go, and they had all seen the fire in his eyes at the end, his desperate insatiable need for more. They were now insatiable too. They really might recruit him way too many. They were so motivated now, and they'd be great at it.

He only got a few quick goodbye hugs and kisses and then they were gone, their excited meows, squeaks, and giggles echoing down the hallway, only Chao-Xing remaining with him. She cuddled her nude body up against his, stroking him and nuzzling his neck as he lay on his back. They just stayed there together a few minutes in silence, both smiling blissfully, both recalling so many vivid memories of the insane experience they'd just shared.

"You recovered quickly after your nap," she said.

"Yeah. Amazing. How about you? Did you get any sleep? Your tongue must be tired. And you came, what, seven times?"

"Yeah, I slept a little. Tired still, but so worth it. I still can't believe what we did. I just ate twice as many pussies as I've had my whole life before, all in the last two hours. I never knew I was into cosplay girls either, but damn what a bunch of sweet little pets. And I never knew I was so into seeing girls get knocked up, or popping cherries. Jim, this was the greatest fucking day of my life."

"Was? It's not over yet. Maybe rest up if you can before the party really starts. I might need your help."

She looked stunned. "More? You want to do more later tonight? After all that?"

"Yeah, but not later. As fucking soon as possible, and until I pass out. And then again right away if I wake up again. I just hope there are enough for me."

She shook her head in wonder, still not quite believing it was possible. He sounded like he meant it.

He did mean it. He didn't want to stop tonight, didn't want to slow down even. That was how he'd keep those dark thoughts and worries away. Already he could feel them hovering nearby, threatening to disrupt that comfort and bliss that still filled him. He hurried to get dressed, she followed suit, and in a few minutes they were out the door.

But then as soon as they stepped out of the elevator into the adorable chaos of the lobby, the thrill of hunting for potential recruits took over, filling him again with excitement, his lust again off the charts, completely driving away any other thoughts. What a fucking rush it was to walk through crowds now, just knowing he could have anyone he wanted.

The sidewalks outside were even more exciting, since they were even more crowded. Together with Chao-Xing, he weaved his way through the rush-hour crowds toward his hotel, scanning everywhere for conquests worthy of his almost impossible standards. So many beautiful faces, so many sexy bodies. He sized up hundreds of women. Within two blocks he had seen at least a dozen who would have been enthralled if he met them yesterday. But none of them were quite hot enough for him now.

Then he saw her. A fucking goddess body. Stunning, impossible, otherworldly, almost cartoonish sexiness. She was a block ahead boarding a bus, her spectacular body shown off by tight jeans and a red midriff-baring top. Even from a block away he could tell. Oh my god, that tiny waist, flat belly, wide hips, shapely long legs, thigh gap, perfect ass, just everything over-the-top sexy. He didn't get much of a look at her face before she disappeared inside the bus. The bus started to move, driving toward him as he approached. It was still going slow as it passed him. He looked in, found that red top, and waved to her, catching her eye. Yes. Oh, fucking hell yeah, he thought. A gorgeous face, just absurdly beautiful. Angelic, sweet, soulful eyes, utterly perfect for him. She gasped, her eyes going wide as she turned around in her seat to look back at him as her bus drove on.

He just stopped there, turning around on the sidewalk to watch as her bus drove another two blocks, then stopped. She got off, as he knew she would. She immediately ran back along the sidewalk toward him. Her red top made her easy to pick out in the crowd, but apparently he wasn't, because she looked panicked as she ran. Finally half a block away she saw him waiting for her, looking relieved and slowing to a walk.

Almost every man she passed turned to look back at her. She was devastatingly sexy, dressed to kill, the kind of girl you see only once in a long while, the kind you can't help but stare at, the kind you remember for weeks. He smiled at the thought of all those men staring at her, trying to memorize her impossibly exaggeratedly sexy shape, then probably rushing home to jerk off to her. They didn't have a chance with someone like her. No mere mortal did. She saw only him. She was coming to him. Coming to immediately give her goddess body to him, and to get his seed in her womb. Her eyes were wild with that familiar look of confusion and lust. Uncertain, but so driven, knowing only that she needed to get closer to him.

"Holy shit, Jim, great catch," Chao-Xing whispered huskily in his ear. "I bet she has the sweetest pussy. I can't wait to taste her. We're going to blow her fucking mind."

She stopped a few feet from them, blushing, breathing heavily, staring pleadingly at him, her eyes so intense, so soulful, so full of meaning. Even more gorgeous, even more of an angel up close. It hit him so hard, taking his breath away. He couldn't even speak. He just returned her look, exactly matching it, showing her he felt the same need for her, the same desperate urgency. Chao-Xing took the girl's hand and brought it to his to shake.

"This is my friend Jim, and I'm Chao-Xing," she said. "Normally he can talk, but I think you took his breath away. What's your name?"

She smiled, blushing even more, still clinging to his hand, and took a few deep breaths before finally answering, "I'm Bingyang."

"You need to come along with us, sweet thing," Chao-Xing said. "You are going to have the time of your life at Jim's party. It is where you belong. We will take such good care of you."

She hesitated a few seconds, looking back and forth between them. Then she nodded. Holding his hand and pressing close to his side, she walked with him toward his hotel.
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