I sit up, my body still humming with the aftermath of pleasure, and watch Naira who is no longer laying next to me. He works with his basket and some creepers. His strong hands manipulate the natural fibers with the ease of a master craftsman, a sight that's mesmerizing in its own right. He glances up at me, his expression a mix of excitement and pride, and holds up the basket. It's been modified with a makeshift harness, the creepers now acting as straps that will fit around my body and secure the basket firmly against my back. I realize that this will make things easier if we go out foraging again.
With a gentle nod of encouragement, he gestures for me to come closer. I oblige and kneel down, feeling the warmth of his touch as he carefully places the harness over my head. The basket settles onto my back, and he adjusts the creeper straps, ensuring they're snug but not too tight. His hands linger on my skin, the gesture almost tender as he checks the fit and makes sure the weight is distributed evenly.
Naira studies his handywork, with me kneeling and him standing, we are about the same height. He then starts on the new addition: a pair of creeper ropes dangling from the front of the harness. I can't help but watch, wondering the purpose of these additions.
He clambers onto my shoulders, his legs wrapping around my neck and his feet resting against my chest. The ropes dangle in front of me, he loops them round his feet and ties them off on the harness. I realise what he is doing, he has made stirrups for my harness!
Naira gestures for me to stand, and I do, the weight on my shoulders surprisingly comfortable. With his legs wrapped around my neck and his feet in the makeshift stirrups, he's essentially riding me like before, but now he does not need to hold my head for balance. He leans his body forward and back testing his balance with no signs of him slipping off. There's something oddly playful about the situation, a break from the tension of the day's events.
He thrusts his hips into my neck as a 'gee-up' signal for me to move, and now his heels bang into my chest as well thanks to the stirrups. I take a tentative step forward, and to my amazement, it's easier than I thought. The ropes hold firm, and with Naira's weight distributed evenly, I feel surprisingly stable. I walk round the clearing, following his gestured directions. With the new harness, Naira is able to ride me and keep both hands free at the same time. I'm walked towards the fire, then he stops me and gets me to kneel down. Naira climbs off my shoulders.
He takes the harness off me with the same care he had put it on. When it's free, he places it aside and takes my hands in his. He leans in, and I meet him halfway, our lips colliding in a kiss. The kiss is a declaration, a silent promise that we will face whatever tomorrow brings together. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him, his naked chest pressing into mine. The heat from the fire dances over our bodies, warming us both.
Naira breaks the kiss, and leads me towards the leaf shelter he made earlier. We lay down side by side, our bodies entwined. Naira's arm is around me, his hand resting on my bare hip. The forest noises lull us into a restless sleep, the fire's glow casting eerie shadows across our intertwined forms. I'm acutely aware of every inch of his body against mine, I feel safe and loved, and I fall into a comfortable, restful sleep.
I wake next morning to find Naira's eyes open, watching me. The fire has burned low, now mostly glowing embers. He smiles, a warm, gentle expression that sends a thrill through me. It's a look of quiet satisfaction, as if he's found something precious. Naira gives me a fruit, taking one for himself as well. As we eat, the sweetness of the fruit fills our mouths and the sticky juices run down our chins, a shared moment of delight.
Once we've had our fill, Naira approaches me with the harness. He looks at me with a mix of excitement and challenge in his eyes. I kneel, allowing him to place it over my shoulders. The basket settles against my back, feeling surprisingly natural. He then takes a gourd bottle and carefully places it inside the basket. He hasn't packed all his things, so I guess we will be coming back.
With a nod, Naira climbs up onto my shoulders, his bare feet finding purchase in the new stirrups. He gently pulls my ponytail upwards, and I stand, feeling his weight shift with my movements. The straps press against my skin as I adjust to the sensation of carrying him. With a gentle kick, he signals for us to set off into the forest.
I jog through the underbrush, my legs pumping rhythmically, each step taking us further from the camp. Naira's eyes dart around, searching for something. The forest unfolds before us, a kaleidoscope of greens and shadows. My mind, usually a cacophony of thoughts and worries, grows quiet. The only things that matter are the ground beneath me and the man on my shoulders. It's a strange, almost meditative state, I don't need to think about anything, just follow Naira's instructions.
Suddenly, Naira taps my shoulders with urgency, and I come to a stop, and he gets me to kneel down. He slides off me, the harness swaying as he lands. He approaches a particular tree, there must be something about this tree, something I can't quite discern in the morning light.
Pulling out his knife, he carefully slices into the bark. A thin, milky white sap begins to ooze out, trickling down the tree. Naira tilts the gourd bottle to catch the precious liquid. The sap flows quite quickly, after about ten minutes the bottle is almost full. The smell of the sap is faintly sweet. Naira nods with satisfaction and rubs a handful of dirt into the wound on the tree, stopping the sap leaking out.
He secures the bottle in the basket before climbing back onto my shoulders. All this time I had just stayed kneeling, waiting for Naira. It just didn't occur to me to do anything else. His bare feet settle into the stirrups, his thighs tightening around my neck, he gestures and up I get, and move off along the trail. As we continue deeper into the forest, the path is narrow and treacherous. His grip on my shoulders tightens as he points out the way with a series of grunts and gestures, his eyes never leaving the dense foliage ahead.
We begin to descend, the incline growing steeper with each step. The ground beneath my feet shifts from solid earth to a mishmash of roots and loose rocks, and I feel the muscles in my legs straining to keep us both upright. Naira's balance is unwavering, his body moving in perfect harmony with mine. It's as if we're one creature, moving through the forest with a shared purpose. As we reach the bottom of the slope, we find ourselves on the edge of a stream, its banks eroded by the relentless flow of water. Naira points at the stream with excitement, his eyes alight with something I can't see.
He motions for me to kneel, and with a bit of hesitation, I do so. Eroding from the bank there is a peculiar bright yellow powdery soil, almost glowing in the early light. Naira climbs down from my shoulders, his feet landing lightly on the soft earth. He starts talking in his language, the words rapid and unfamiliar, but his tone is clear: excitement and discovery. I watch him, his gestures animated as he describes something about the soil to me. He mimes removing a leech, his expression a mix of disgust and satisfaction. I catch on to what he's saying, or rather, showing me: the leeches don't like this soil.
Naira carefully takes the gourd bottle filled with white sap out of the basket. He removes my harness and basket so I'm now naked and kneeling in front of him. The cool forest air brushes against my bare skin, sending a shiver down my spine. Starting at my forehead, Naira paints a layer of the sticky sap on my face, his touch surprisingly gentle. He works meticulously, his eyes never leaving mine. He coats my cheeks, my neck, my ears, and my shoulders. He even overlaps it onto my hair a little.
The sensation is odd but I trust Naira knows what he is doing. As the white sap begins to dry it goes very sticky and rubbery, and I realise it must be something like latex. Naira then takes a handful of the vibrant yellow powder and begins to rub it over the sap, his movements firm but caring. The powder sticks to the sticky sap, creating a bright yellow coating over my whole head.
As he works his way down my body, I'm slowly being turned into a bright yellow living statue. He takes his time, ensuring every inch is covered, from the top of my head to my breasts, arms, stomach, and hips. With a gentle nudge, Naira has me stand and then continues painting me with sap. When he reaches my hips, Naira's touch lingers, his gaze dropping to my sex. He seems to consider something before coating it with the sap as well. Yellow powder soon follows. He proceeds to cover my legs with the sticky sap and yellow powder.
Once I'm fully covered, I look down at my transformed body, the vivid yellow stark against the deep greens and browns of the forest. There is no way I could hide looking like this. The rubbery sap clings to my skin, and the powder clings to the sap, creating a protective barrier. The texture of the powder is unusual, it's gritty yet smooth. The sticky sap beneath it has dried, creating a rubbery barrier that really sticks to my skin.
Naira steps back, admiring his work. He says something in his language, his tone one of accomplishment. He then turns his attention to searching the forest floor, looking for something specific. After a few moments, his gaze sharpens, and he approaches a bamboo-like plant, its tall, slender stems reaching for the light.
With a swift motion, Naira slices through one of the thicker stems. He examines it, then nods to himself, as if satisfied with his choice. The stem is about a meter long and as thick as my thumb. He carefully strips the leaves away, revealing a hollow center. He then takes a deep breath and places his lips to the end, blowing forcefully. The sound of his blowing through the stem confirming it is hollow.
Next, he finds a long thin branch and sets to work, carving the tip of the stick into a sharp point with his knife. Within minutes, he has made a long spear. I can't help but feel a sense of awe at Naira's ingenuity and skill. This isn't the first time he's shown me the depth of his knowledge of the forest, but there's something about watching him create a weapon from nothing that makes me feel glad I'm with him and not on my own.
He motions for me to kneel, and he climbs onto my shoulders, he is holding the bamboo and the spear. I stand up, and as I'm now hopefully protected against leeches and Naira has a spear, I'm expecting to be guided into the river. Naira holds the end of the bamboo in front of my lips, and I open up allowing him to place it in my mouth. The bamboo tube is smooth, I suck on it and get a lungful of air. I can breathe through the tube ok. Naira's hand guides my head upwards, so I'm looking up towards Naira and the bamboo is pointing straight up.
Naira gets me walking towards the river. Because I'm looking straight up I can see Naira holding the spear, pointing it forwards. He looks down at me and smiles. I feel the cool water at my feet. This will test if the bright yellow powder will keep the leeches away. The water swirls around my ankles, then my calves, and as we wade in deeper, it reaches my knees. With each step, the water rises, climbing my thighs, then my waist, and finally my chest. As the water reaches my neck, the current grows stronger, pushing against me. Naira looks at me and gestures for me to keep going. A few more steps and I close my eyes as my head goes under the water. I'm relying on the bamboo for air and Naira for guidance, but somehow I don't mind.
Naira guides me through the water, the current now a living force that tries to push me over. Suddenly, I feel the signal to stop, then he signals me to turn left. I turn slowly then he stops me. Naira is completely still, I have no idea whats happening, I just stand waiting for him to command me. Several minutes go by, what if he never moves again? I have no idea which direction the shore is and I'm completely under water. Nairas legs signal me to walk, and I move forward slowly. I'm walking directly into the current. He signals me to stop, and I stand and wait again.
The tension builds, my senses straining in the muffled world of the water. And then, without warning, Naira's body jerks, and I know he's caught something. I can feel him pull back the spear. The water around us churns. He's got it. I can't see or hear, but I can feel the shift in his weight, the triumph in his grip. Slowly, with deliberate care, Naira guides me onwards. Then my head breaks the surface and I open my eyes, the world coming back into focus with the sudden rush of sound and light. Looking up I can see Naira holding the spear with both hands, I can't see whats on the end of it.
The riverbank looms closer, with each step the water gets shallower. Naira's thighs grip my neck, I am comforted by his presence. When we finally reach dry land, Naira gets me to my knees. He gently takes the bamboo out of my mouth and climbs down from my shoulders. I look down at myself, feel my body with my hands, the yellow coating has indeed held firm, creating a barrier that seems to have worked. I'm very pleased to see no leeches at all on my skin. Naira holds up the spear, displaying a very large, silver-scaled fish that is impaled on the tip. It still flaps and squirms in its last moments. The size of the fish is impressive, and I can't help but feel a surge of pride at the thought of sharing a meal with him, something we've both earned.
Naira gets me to stand, and he carefully inspects every inch of my body, looking for leeches I guess. He finds nothing and I'm commanded to kneel again. He places the harness and basket on my shoulders once more. And the jug of latex and the large fish go in the basket. Naira quickly climbs onto my shoulders. I am commanded to stand, feeling the weight of him and the basket. Then he gently squeezes my neck a few times, like a horse rider 'geeing-up' their steed. The gesture sends a thrill down my spine, and soon I'm running along the trail guided by his directions.
The forest is alive with the sounds of unseen creatures, their calls echoing through the dense foliage. Naira's eyes dart around, scanning for any potential threats or food sources, his grip tightening and loosening on my neck with every change in our path. His trust in me is palpable, and I feel a deep sense of responsibility to keep him safe and comfortable as we move through the underbrush. After about half an hour of running, my legs start to burn, and my breath comes in ragged gasps. Naira senses my fatigue and pulls gently at my head, wanting me to slow down. Obediently, I slow to a walk, the change in pace a welcome relief. Naira's hand rests on my shoulder, the touch comforting and firm.
We approach a tree with fruit the size of basketballs hanging from thick vines. Naira's eyes light up, and he taps my shoulder, pointing upwards. The fruit is a vibrant shade of blue, and the smell is a heady mix of sweetness and tartness. It's clear he's found something he wants. He stands on my shoulders, and is just able to reach the fruit. Soon two large fruit join the fish in my basket. With a satisfied grin, Naira points further along the trail, and we continue our journey. His legs tighten around my neck as we move through the forest, our rhythm a testament to the trust we've built.
A bit further on, Naira gets me to stop by another tree, his gaze drawn to something high in the canopy. The tree's trunk is massive, its surface a canvas for a riot of mosses and vines. He whispers something in his native tongue, his eyes alight with excitement. I feel his body tense, and the pressure of his knees increases, signaling me to stay still. With surprising agility, he climbs off my shoulders and onto the lowest branch, his bare feet gripping the wood with a confidence that defies gravity. The vines become a ladder under his sure touch, and soon he's high above me, a blur of movement against the emerald backdrop of leaves.
My eyes follow the trajectory of his climb, the muscles in his arms and legs flexing and releasing in a mesmerizing dance. His loincloth sways with the motion, and I catch glimpses of his firm ass, the muscles rippling with each step. There is a thrill, watching him move through his natural habitat with such grace. Moments later, Naira descends with an armful of fruit. He's like a forest acrobat, navigating the branches and vines with an ease that makes me feel like the clumsy one. As he climbs gracefully on my shoulders, the weight of the additional fruit causes me to stumble slightly. The fruit he's gathered is a mix of sizes and colors, the smell of ripe berries and tropical sweetness filling the air. The basket creaks under the weight of our new bounty.
Naira squeezes my neck, signaling for me to get moving. I take off at a steady pace, feeling the forest blur around us. His hand occasionally rests on my head to ensure its balance, and to guide me through the dense foliage. The scent of his campfire reaches my nose, a beacon of civilization in the wild. My legs burn with exertion, but the anticipation of rest and sustenance fuels me. As we emerge from the forest into the small clearing, the sight of Naira's camp brings a smile to my lips.
I kneel down and Naira jumps down from my shoulders and removes the basket and harness. The weight is lifted, and I realize just how much I've become an essential part of Naira's life. The fire crackles back to life with Naira's attention, the flames growing taller and brighter. He prepares the silver-scaled fish and skewers it onto a makeshift spit, balancing it over the fire. The smell of roasting meat fills the air, and my stomach growls in anticipation. His eyes meet mine, and he gives a knowing smile, nodding towards the fish as if to say, "See what we've achieved."
While the fish cooks, Naira turns to the basket of fruit, his deft hands plucking out the ripest ones. He slices the blue orbs open with his knife, revealing a pulpy interior studded with seeds. The smell is heavenly, and my mouth waters. He offers me a piece, and the taste is an explosion of flavor, both sweet and tangy, with a hint of something wild and untamed. The fruit's energy courses through me, and I feel a renewed vitality. It's only mid-morning, and we've already gathered a feast that would last all day. The forest has provided us with its bounty, and our partnership has proven successful. Naira's eyes sparkle with pride as he watches me devour the fruit, his own hunger momentarily forgotten in the satisfaction of providing for us both.
I look at the sap and yellow powder on my body. It clings to my skin, a second layer that seems to have become one with me. There is no sign of it coming off, I pull at it experimentally on my breasts and nipples, and it seems to be firmly bonded to my skin. I'm yellow from head to toe, and it looks very artificial, specially in the forest where everything is so natural. The thought of removing it is daunting, but the protection it offered is undeniable. I glance at Naira who has been watching me inspect myself, his erection is once again prominent, a silent testament to his desire for me.
Without a word, I get on my hands and knees, presenting my bottom towards him. He seems surprised at first, then a knowing smile plays across his lips. Naira stands behind me, his firm grip on my hips. He aligns himself with my body, the tip of his cock brushing against the slickened entrance to my pussy. The anticipation is palpable, he leans forward, placing his hand on the small of my back, and with a gentle push, he enters me.
The feeling is exquisite, his member sliding in smoothly despite its unique texture. The bumps along his shaft rub against my inner walls, sending waves of pleasure through me. I can't help but let out a moan, the sound echoing through the clearing. Naira's eyes never leave my body, watching intently as he starts to move. His strokes are deep and deliberate, each one causing me to arch my back in response. He takes hold of my hips, his movements becoming more forceful as he picks up speed. His breathing is heavy in my ear, a mix of excitement and effort. Each thrust feels like he's claiming me, marking me as his own. And yet, there's something incredibly liberating about being under his control.
Then, without warning, Naira reaches around my body, his hand finding my clit. He starts to rub it with a ferocity that takes my breath away, his thumb working in tight circles. The sensation is intense, the combination of the roughness from the sap and the smoothness of his skin creating an exquisite friction. My orgasm starts to build, the tension coiling in my belly. He seems to sense the change in my body, his own movements growing more powerful in response. Each thrust is now a declaration, a claim on the very essence of my being. His strokes becoming faster, more insistent. His breathing turns ragged in my ear, and I know he's close, too.
My orgasm flows over me like a crescendo, each wave of pleasure more intense than the last. Naira's thumb works my clit with an expertise that's as primal as the forest itself. I feel Naira's body stiffen, his breaths coming in short, sharp bursts. He gives one final, powerful thrust, pushing deep into me, and I know he's found his release. The heat of his cum fills me, a warm, wet sensation that sends me over the edge again. My climax crashes over me, a symphony of pleasure that has me crying out, my body shaking.
The sound of our lovemaking mingles with the forest's chorus, a raw, unbridled expression of life amidst the wild. Naira's hand doesn't leave my clit, even as his thrusts slow, his fingers gently caressing the sensitive flesh. My orgasm subsides, leaving me trembling and gasping for air. He pulls out slowly, his cock glistening with both our juices, a testament to our union.
Panting, I collapse onto my side, my body hot but does not feel sweaty because of the sap covering me. Naira moves away, attending to the fish on the spit. The sizzling of the meat over the fire fills the clearing, the tantalizing aroma wafting towards me, mixing with the musky scent of our passion. I watch him, his back muscles flexing as he turns the fish, each motion precise and efficient.
He hands me a piece of the cooked fish. My mouth waters as I take a bite, the tender flesh flaking away easily. The taste is heavenly, a blend of smoky wood and the rich flavor of the river. The meat is firm and flaky, with a hint of sweetness that complements the salty tang of the river's bounty. I chew slowly, savoring the moment, my eyes never leaving Naira's focused gaze.
Naira sits cross-legged beside me, tearing off pieces of the fruit with his teeth and chewing thoughtfully. The juice dribbles down his chin, and he wipes it away with the back of his hand. The sight is primal and sensual, and I can't help but feel a warmth spread through my body as I watch him eat. Our meal is a silent communion, the crackling fire our only company. The forest's sounds are a soothing backdrop to our feast, a reminder of the world outside our clearing. After a while, my stomach is full, and I lay down on my back, the soft earth beneath me a welcome respite.