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I tend to write this off the cuff and then go through it for spelling and grammar not paragraphing it so here is the next chapter tidied up a bit.
Elise Ch.14

“Wake up, sleepy!”

I opened my eyes to Elise naked and standing at the side of the bed with a cup of coffee for me. I sat up and she handed it to me.

“Drink that and get in the shower with me. Ger.”

I took a mouthful of the smooth, rich coffee and the fogginess of sleep started to fade

“What time is it?”

“It is seven fifteen, plenty time for a shower and such before you need to go to work. Come on, I don’t have all day to wait on you!”

Elise laughed as she turned towards the bathroom. I swallowed the rest of the coffee and getting up, followed her there. The shower was already running and we stepped into it. Elise put her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss as she pressed her body against me. My cock stirred and started to rise, pressing against her.

“Well at least part of you is awake now and needing some attention.”

She slid down my body onto her knees with the water falling on us both and took my hardening shaft into her mouth, her hand drew my foreskin back as her tongue circled the swelling head of my dick feeling out the edge and probing the slit. I became harder as she did this and then I felt her cup my balls with her other hand as she held onto my swelling length. Her forefinger stroked behind my balls along the ridge of my sack towards my asshole. She gently pushed against the area between them and rubbed back and forth making my cock jump in her mouth and reach full hardness. Still cupping my balls and stroking that area she sucked on me and the fingers of her other hand started stroking my shaft with more speed. I groaned as the pleasure from her actions intensified the sensations I was feeling.

Elise looked up at me and her eyes made contact with mine as she drew her mouth back and forth on my cock. I could feel her teeth just grazing my shaft and then trapping the head of my cock between them before going back to sliding her mouth up and down with her tongue teasing all the time. She kept this up for a couple more minutes before releasing my dick from her mouth.

“I want you to cum in my mouth, Ger. Let me feel you cum in my mouth.”

She took me back in her mouth and her actions became more vigorous. Her hand tightened on my shaft as she stroked it causing my foreskin to stretch and then relax. Her tongue circled the head of my cock and she probed my slit again with the tip of her tongue. The warmth of her mouth on me was fantastic and she sucked strongly with her cheeks drawing inwards as she did. I felt her teeth gently graze the rim of the head of my cock again causing tremors that spread through my body. The intensity of the sensations were getting stronger as my balls were tightening and I knew I would cum soon. She sucked and stroked me harder and her finger pressed against my asshole again with more force causing my legs to shake.

“Oh fuck, Elise! I’m cumming!’

My load of cum raced from my balls and my cock jerked in her mouth as it spurted out. I felt Elise swallow rapidly as it filled her mouth spurting from me. She kept sucking my cock and with my shaft jerking a few more times my balls totally emptied their contents into her eager mouth. I was shaking as she sucked my cock dry before getting off her knees to pull my head down for a kiss. Her tongue was coated with my cum as she probed my mouth and sucked my tongue into hers. I was still shaking from my orgasm when she broke the kiss and spoke.

“That should keep you going for the rest of the day. Can’t have you going to work without getting a decent blow job to remind you what you will be coming back to, can I?”

“Any other time and I would be taking the day off after that. You really know how to make me cum hard don’t you?”

I held her to me as the water streamed over us. I had less than 2 days before going to the UK and if Elise would be wanting a lot more sex before then.

Elise reached for my shrinking cock and squeezed it as if to wring out any last drops of cum.

“Looks like someone doesn’t want to play anymore, not even a little twitch!”

She let my cock fall from her hand and ground herself against me, teasingly, her fully erect nipples rubbing on me and her hands on my ass cheeks.

“You little nymphomaniac! I need to get ready for the office. A quick breakfast and then I’ll have to go there. Come on and get dried off.”

We got out of the shower and Elise just towelled her hair and put on her kimono robe. I got dressed and packed up my gear ready to go as soon as we had eaten. She sat on my lap as we breakfasted and when finished she let me up. Downstairs at the bar door she opened her robe and pressed against me.

“The sooner you get back the more you get of me.”

After kissing me gently she closed her robe and opened the door to let me out.

“Elise Hays, I love you more than ever.”

Her eyes glistened as she closed the door.

Driving to the office my mind was not on the contract but on the woman that I love and cherish. She was everything to me now and there would be no way I would do anything to lose her from my life.

The drive to the office seemed to pass in a haze and I got out my car and headed to the office block attached to the main factory. I went directly to the conference room and set up my laptop before going for a coffee. I got back to find the senior executives and Rhuaridh milling around the table. On spotting me, Rhuaridh came up and warmly shook my hand.

“Ger! An absolute pleasure to see you again. I hope that this little hiccup does not cause you any problems.”

His accent was as I remembered, clear English with just a tinge of his Scottish heritage.

“Great to see you too Rhuaridh, no problems for me as far as I know.”

“Great, good man indeed and to make it easy for your companions here I have just told them to call me Rory as that is the easier version of my name. These chaps have been struggling with the formal one.”

“Not a problem, Rhuaridh. Rory!”

He laughed and the meeting was called to order by my boss. It dealt with a lot of the specifications and a couple of very minor modifications to the support equipment that although it was not part of our machine it did require some adaptation of pipework and extraction.

We broke for lunch and Rhuaridh sat down with me and we talked non-work things as we ate.

“So you have a woman in your life now. She must really be special looking at the change in you since we last met. Your boss was talking to me earlier saying that you were going to stay past the install of the contract. As I said, I spoke to Annabel about your girlfriend and she said she would look after her no problem while you are busy with this project. Hopefully it all goes well and on time. I am looking forwards to meeting this woman that has given you a new vitality.”

“She is Rory, very special and has made me happier than I have ever been in my life. Elise is one of a kind and she is just incredible.”

“Elise? Does she have some French roots in her family tree? We can do a few things to make it memorable for her when you take your holiday break. Annabel is organising a ‘surprise’ birthday party for me, she just cannot keep anything a secret, that girl! You must come with your Elise.”

“She is pure Californian as far as I know, her father just liked that name and it suits her so well. She will be over the moon when she goes there as she has never left the country before.”

“In that case we will make sure it will be something special for her. It looks like they want to get down to business again so back to the grindstone then!”

The rest of the meeting was mainly discussions in regards to finance and support clauses that were dealt with by the legal guys there and not really of much interest to me but I kept myself aware of the proceedings. The whole thing wound up around 5 pm and my boss was going to take Rory to dinner later. He came across to me and shook my hand.

“I’ll look forwards to seeing you in a couple of days, Ger, until then it has been a pleasure to see you again.”

“Thank you Rory, I’ll see you in the UK then.”

As I was packing up my laptop my boss came across to speak to me.

“Ger, we are all depending on you making this go as smoothly as possible, this could be really big for us.”

“I’ll do my best and hope it does.”

“OK, good man, now I’ll let you away and Sort yourself out for the trip. Bye.”

No great biggie then resting on my shoulders, as if! I got out of the office and called Elise. The phone rang for ages without an answer. I wasn’t too concerned as she must be busy and I would try again later. Driving back I pushed the meeting to the back of my mind and thought on how the next two weeks were going to be a real pain in the ass as they would be without Elise. I got broken from my thoughts with my phone ringing, it was Elise.

“Sorry, Ger, I missed your call when I was down in the bar. I just popped up to change and saw that it had a missed call. What were you wanting to tell me?”

“I kinda guessed that you would be busy. It was to let you know that Rory and Annabel are looking forwards to meeting you and that we have an invitation to a birthday party for Rory.”

“Wow! Makes everything seem closer now that there are some plans for when we are together there. Great!”

“OK, I’ll be back in about an hour as I need to go to my house to change, I smell like a wet dog.”

“Yeuch! Go get yourself presentable then and I’ll see you soon. I love you.”

“I love you too, bye.”

I pulled into my drive and left the car out as I would not be long. A quick shower and a change of clothes and I was on my way to the bar. Pulling into the parking lot I saw a big tour bus with blacked out windows and a couple of medium panel trucks alongside.. I parked in an empty slot away from it and looked at it. Maybe some tourists decided on some refreshments before continuing their trip.

Tom and Jerry greeted me with hellos and smiles at the door. I went into the bar and stopped dead in my tracks as it was half filled with equipment and people scurrying back and forth. There was the stage set up ready for a band, there was lighting on tripods and big video cameras aimed at the stage. I was thinking WTF?

I looked around and saw Elise in the company of a few folks, one of them sporting electric blue hair and I recognised the owner as being Susanne. She saw me and nudged Elise who turned around and beamed a huge smile at me before heading towards me.

“You’ll never guess what is happening, Ger! They are filming a video to go with the release of a single here in my bar! Would you believe it?”

“I think I might have guessed eventually.”

“Susanne phoned me after I called you and asked me if I could possibly let her film it here tonight as this is where she got her break. I couldn’t say no and this is what is going on! Her manager has contacted the local radio stations and said that she would be playing here and if anybody wanted a chance to be in the video just turn up! They are going to pay for the use of the bar although I would have let them use it for free for her sake. Isn’t this amazing?”

I could see that Elise was bubbling over with excitement and that this would turn into some night.

“I called Sean to come in as well as two more of the girls to help out as it just might get a little crowded in here! Imagine my bar in a rock video! So hard to believe! Come into the office for a minute.”

I followed her into the office and she closed the door, spun around and crushed herself against me.

“I don’t know what is exciting me most, the video thing or the thought of you in bed with me again. Feel this.”

She took my hand and thrust it down into her leggings and pressed it against her mound. Her thong was moist as hell and she pushed my fingers against her silk covered lips.

“I feel so wet, what do you think?”

“You certainly are and we’ll have to sort that out later.”

“Oh yes you will, guaranteed, you will be sorting that out and in and out and in”

She released my hand and giggled at her comment.

“Later though, I need to make sure that everything goes OK out there.”

She stroked the swelling bulge in my jeans a couple of times and kissed me hard.

“You had better let that cool down before you come out, wouldn’t want it to attract any attention other than mine. Mwah!”

Elise went back into the bar and I adjusted myself so it was not too obvious that she had aroused me so quickly. I came out a minute or so after Elise and saw that Sean had arrived and was behind the bar giving me a knowing smile. I smiled back at him.

“Have a beer, mate, looks as you need one to cool down.”

He handed me a Budvar and laughed. I went to my haunt at the end of the bar and watched the proceedings as the bar started to fill quickly and the video crew put the final adjustments to their gear. The guy on the sound desk had the band take their positions at the mikes and called for levels from each then he had them take to their instruments and balanced the PA. Once this was done the band put their guitars on stands and went back to the table at the side of the stage where they had their drinks.

The bar got so crowded it was elbow room only and I was glad of my stool at the end that gave me a good view. At 8pm Susanne stepped up to the mike and the crowd noise subsided to let her speak.

“I am happy to see you all here tonight and I’ll try and explain how it is going to go. We are just going to do a set like we used to and some of our songs will be getting filmed during it so all we need is for you all to be yourselves just like any other time we have been here and if you are lucky you might be on MTV but most of all we want you to enjoy tonight.”

The crowd erupted and cheered Susanne while the rest of the band took their places on the stage. I looked down the bar and Elise and Sean were going full tilt readying drinks along with one of the girls. The waitresses were working their magic by somehow getting through the crowd and delivering to tables and stand ups. I had to admire their skill as nothing fell from the trays despite how crowded it was.

Susanne approached the mike and said. “Ok, I know you are here for the beer but before we start it is a big shout out to Elise who has helped get us where we are now. Elise!”

The crowd clapped and cheered Elise who looked embarrassed as hell being put on the spot. She just raised her hand in recognition to the applause and got back to filling orders.

“We ready guys?” Susanne looked at the band and got nods. “OK folks, here we go!”

The lights came on and they started into Alana Myles ‘Black Velvet’ with much appreciation from the crowd. Next was Heart’s ‘Barracuda’. One of their own songs slowed the pace down a bit with beautiful lyrics and an excellent guitar solo.

I saw the guys take position at the cameras and another one picked up a steady cam in preparation for the song that was going to be the single and video. Shooting a band live presents problems as there are no retakes and respect to Susanne and the band they exercised it flawlessly as the steady cam captured the crowd during the performance of the song.

They did a couple of more cover versions and songs of their own before taking a break. During their break the video folks cleared out the lights and cameras to leave the bar just as it would have been during a normal music night. Even with those guys gone the place was still packed and the bar staff being kept really busy.

I turned my attention to Elise behind the bar working as hard as the rest of her crew and as I did Sean came to me with another Budvar and spoke.

“I never expected the place to be as busy it has been tonight and yesterday. Not complaining as it is more stuffing for the kitty!”

He went back to tending to customers and filling tray orders as I savoured the beer. I looked at Elise behind the bar and imagined pulling off that wet thong to reveal her moist pussy in its glory. I had to change my train of thought as my cock was starting to swell into a rather obvious hard on, luckily I was seated and it went un-noticed by anyone apart from me.

The band came back on stage to play some more numbers featuring more of their own material that went down well with the crowd. They wrapped up the set with the UB40 version of ‘I Got You Babe’ which had the whole bar rocking to the reggae beat including the staff.

“I want to thank you all for coming down tonight and especially Elise who made this possible. Ain’t she the greatest?”

Whistles and cheers went up from the patrons and Susanne and the band came off stage. Elise went over to Susanne and hugged her warmly then hugged the rest of the band before returning to her side of the bar.

The band packed away their gear and left as the crowd eventually thinned out leaving a few die hard stragglers who left after a short while and Elise closed up the bar. She called all of her staff and Sean together and they met at the bar.

“I have to thank you all for tonight and especially those who came in when I called. Without you all it would have been mayhem in here so I am going to make it worth your while for your dedication and help. The video company paid me to get permission to shoot in here and cover any disruptions to the place. I’m not going to take the money but split it up and give it all to you guys so come and get an envelope and thank you so much.”

Her staff looked amazed at this and collected their envelopes, looking inside they found that they had all gotten $1,500 each and they thanked Elise profusely. They chattered excitedly as they got their coats and prepared to leave the bar. Elise had one final thing to say to them.

“Don’t spend it all in the one shop! Goodnight guys.”

She locked up after they had all left and gave a sigh of relief. “I’m glad that tonight is over, it has been as hectic as hell.”

“Can I get a job here? The perks are amazing!”

“You have a job already and that is to take me to bed after we have a shower, I can feel that my pussy is still wet from earlier,”

She put her arms around my neck and drew my head down to kiss me.

“This must be what it feels like to get run over by a train, I am absolutely knackered now. Come on and make me feel wanted.”

“Of course you are wanted and wanted by me.”

She took my hand and we went upstairs to her apartment. In the bedroom I slowly undressed her kissing her skin as it was revealed and when she was just in her thong I knelt down and pushed my face into her mound and inhaled the sensuous smell. The moist thong I pulled down to reveal her glistening pussy lips and licked them making her shudder. I could feel the blood rushing into my shaft due to the heady smell.

“No fair! You still have clothes on and are taking advantage of my condition.”

I quickly shucked mine and pressed against her with my cock swelling against her belly, my arms around her shoulders forcing her breasts against me so that her erect nipples pressed against my chest. I guided her to the bathroom and sat her on her vanity chair as I knelt down and opened her thighs to expose her sex to my gaze. Her pussy lips had swollen and her moistness was glistening between them. I got down in front of her and lowered my head to her mound letting my lips brush her outer ones.

“Oh fuck! You are not making me wait, are you?”

“Got to help a damsel in distress and it looks as though you need saving.”

I let my tongue lap up her sweet juices as it parted her outer lips. My hands went to her ass and pulled her closer to the edge of the chair to get more access to her sex. I covered her outer lips with mine and let my tongue probe slowly from the bottom to the top and pressed it against her covered clit.

“Oh my god! Oh fuck!”

Elise trembled with what I was doing and her hands went to my head and pushed it against her as she opened her thighs even more to let me get deeper with my tongue. She shook when it pushed past her outer and inner pussy lips to tease her wet hole concealed there. I felt her fingers tighten in my hair and heard her gasp. Forcing my tongue upwards I pushed the hood over her clit back and teased the bud. Her thighs shook a little as I flicked it with the tip of my tongue and when I sucked on it she gasped loudly. Her pussy juices were starting to run out of her and I sucked them into my mouth at the same time I was sucking on her clit. Elise was leaning back now and her thighs trembled more. I eased off my sucking of her clit and licked up and down her inner lips savouring the sweetness oozing from her pussy.

“Oh fucking hell! You are going to make me come!”

I returned my tongue to her clit and mashed it against it causing her to give a little scream and clamp her thighs to the sides of my face. I let up and just teased it gently with the tip of my tongue and she eased off the pressure of her thighs until I sucked hard on it again. Her hands clenched in my hair and her thighs shook hard as she started to cum. An intelligible sound left her throat and she pushed my mouth hard against her pussy which gushed into my mouth as her thighs crushed against my head.

“Fuck!! Oh fuck, oh fuck!”

Elise orgasmed really hard and shook almost violently as she came. Her hands eased off pushing my face into her and her thighs parted releasing my head. She put her hands on my forehead and pushed me back from her pussy.

“Enough, enough, no more, I’m done! Oh fucking hell. That was, that was something, really something. Let me just sit here as I don’t think I could stand just now. Holy hell, Ger, how do you manage to make me cum so hard?”

“I just do what feels natural with you, Elise. I just love making you come anyway that I can as you do to me.”

“Natural? It feels un-natural to me as it really makes me blow my fuse. Come up here and kiss me now.”

I moved closer to her on my knees and she lowered her head to mine. Before she kissed me she ran her tongue around my lips and then pressed hers against them. She was still trembling as she wrapped her arms around my neck and slowly parted my lips with her tongue to gently wrestle with mine. Elise held the kiss for a while and brought her head back and looked into my eyes.

“I cannot believe how intensely you make me cum. It is on a level that I have never had before and I’m going to miss it for 2 weeks now although one of them will be little miss spoil the fun puking her guts out.”

I had to laugh at her de***********ion of her forthcoming period that she would have when I was in the UK.

“Not funny, how would you like it if your dick bled for a week and you get cramps along with a short temper? Not nice, I can tell you that. I could stop them by changing the type of the pill but that has some draw backs. You skip the placebo pills that you take during your period and just take the hormonal ones all the time. Nope, I prefer to have everything functioning as it should do.

“It is your body and your choice what you do with it besides I get to have a rest!”

That got me a dig in the ribs and a laugh from Elise.

Who said you would get a rest? Don’t I have hands and a nice mouth to satisfy you?”

“It certainly did this morning, my little nymphomaniac.”

“OK, help me up now and we’ll get that shower now.”

I got up and pulled Elise to her feet. She was a little unsteady as she reached in to turn on the shower. It warmed up in a few moments and we got in together and stood under the water.

“Do your thing with the sponge and soap, slave!”

I soaped her all over and cupped her breasts to tease her nipples to hardness again. Smoothing the sponge over her belly I gently washed her outer pussy lips clean of her cum. As the water rinsed over us I held her close with her ass pressing against my rising shaft. Elise wiggled her ass against it making me harder and I gently pinched her nipples.

“Looks as though there is something to see here after all, folks!”

She turned around and grasped my nearly full erection and squeezed gently it, pulling back my foreskin to reveal its purplish head. She washed it gently and then let it go.

“Next stop is bed after I dry my hair. You can get us some wine while I do that.”

I dried off and padded into her kitchen and took some cold Merlot from her refrigerator and two glasses from a cupboard.

“Put something on the hi-fi, Ger. Something nice and relaxing would do.” She called from the bathroom.

I stopped at her record collection and put the wine and glasses down as I riffled through her vinyl. ‘Nice and relaxing’ I looked through them trying to picture the tracks that would be relaxing and decided on Lou Reed’s ‘Transformer’. I put this on and took the remote along with the wine to the bed. I poured a decent amount into the glasses and lay on the bed waiting for Elise to come out of the bathroom. She was not long in appearing. Her body was silhouetted by the bathroom light before she switched it off and looked totally desirable. She got onto the bed and we lay propped up with the pillows as I handed her one of the glasses of wine. My dick had subsided and lay on my thigh awaiting the pleasure of her body. I pressed the start on the remote and ‘Vicious’ came over the speakers in the bedroom.

“Nice but not quite relaxing, it will just have to do for now.”

“Well it was either that or ‘The Wall’.”

“OK, I’ll let you off then as I have to be in the right mood for ‘The Wall’. When it comes to ‘Comfortably Numb’ I get really emotional with his solo. It goes right through me and brings memories of my dad to the surface. You can’t deny that it is one of the greatest pieces of guitar ever.”

“I won’t disagree with you on that, it is amazing.”

Elise put her glass down and laid her head on my chest while tracing her fingers over my muscles and ribs. I put mine down and stroked her hair as she did that to me.



“I’m going to miss you so much when you are there. It will be as if part of me is missing and I’m not looking forwards to that.”

“Elise, it will pass quickly as you have a lot of things to do before you go there too.”

“I know but it is going to be at night when I am in this bed alone that will hurt the most. No making love, no blow jobs, no getting my pussy eaten for two weeks it is going to be so fucking shit. Masturbating together on the phone is not going to help much. I suppose I could go out and buy a dildo and pretend it is your dick, one of those rampant rabbit ones!”

She burst out laughing at this.

“Imagine me with Bugs Bunny stuffed into my pussy! It would be hilarious if when the batteries died it said ‘That’s all Folks’!”

Elise went into hysterics and couldn’t stop giggling at what she had said. I have to admit it was as funny as hell, ‘That’s all Folks! I’ll never be able to watch a Bugs Bunny cartoon now without the thought of Elise cracking up at her comment. She was incredible!

“Oh my god! I just thought about Porky Pig saying it with his stutter!”

This set her off again and I pictured Elise with a dying rampant rabbit in her pussy stuttering out that catch phrase.

Tears of laughter were rolling down her cheeks and she was shaking as she giggled even more.

”Th Th Th Th Th That’s all Folks! Oh my god, that is so fucking funny!”

I let Elise try and get a hold of herself but when she looked up at me she collapsed into more giggles. Eventually she got it under control and wiped her eyes with her hands. A few more small sniggers and she got her cool back.

“I need a drink after that.”

She reached for her glass and emptied it in one go. I had some of mine and took her glass and put it next to mine. She put her head on my chest and toyed with my nipple as I held her close.

“Make love to me, Ger. Nice and slow so I can feel every stroke inside me as you do it.”

She turned onto her back and parted her thighs holding her arms up for me to come into her embrace. I positioned myself between her legs and supported my weight on my arms as I leant forwards to kiss her mouth. Elise put her hands either side of my head as she responded to my kiss with slow movements of her tongue against mine. I shifted my head to her neck and kissed my way down from her ear to her shoulder making her give out little sounds of pleasure. Still supporting my weight I kissed my way to her left breast feeling the soft skin against my lips before I reached her proud nipple. Covering her nipple and surrounding flesh with my mouth I traced her areola with the tip of my tongue before flicking her nipple. More sounds of appreciation came from Elise and as I sucked on her nipple she arched her back to force her breast against my mouth. Leaving her left nipple wet with saliva I gave the same attentions to her right breast bringing on more little sounds from her.

By now my cock was nearly rock hard and dripped precum onto her lower belly. I drew my hips back to trail the head of my cock towards her waiting pussy. I felt it brush against her wet outer lips an Elise, reaching down, took my hard cock and placed it between her pussy lips pulling my ass to her and forcing my dick inside her.

“I can feel you sliding inside of me, it feels so good as you push my pussy wider with your cock.”

I kept my weight off her with only our groins making contact as my cock swelled to full hardness and pressing against her wet walls. I drew it back slowly until I was just inside her pussy and no more then slowly pushed it back in parting her hot flesh. Elise squeezed her pussy walls on my shaft as I filled her void. I started a slow rhythm of stroking into her and she put her arms around my neck.

“That feels so good like that. I feel the head of your cock push me open and it is so nice. Just do that to me for as long as possible. I don’t want to cum quickly, just want it to creep up on me until I do.”

“You feel incredible and I want you to enjoy it as much as I am. You feel so hot inside and I love the way you grip my shaft.”

Elise pulled my head down and our lips met in a slow gentle kiss that had no urgency, just tenderness as we pleasured each other. Her pussy got wetter and wetter and became like silk inside as my cock slowly stroked back and forth. The heat from her pussy walls on the shaft of my cock was amazing along with her pulsing her muscles to make the sensations increase.

“Your cock feels so good inside me, I love the way it pushes me apart every stroke you make. You can make it faster if you want, Ger. Faster and deeper.”

I sped up a little and the silky walls of her pussy felt even better on me. Elise reached between us and stroked her clit slowly in time with my thrusts into her. We kept this up for a while before she said that she wanted me from behind. I pulled my glistening cock from her pussy and a trickle of her juices came from between her lips. Elise got on her knees with her face on the pillow and I guided my cock back into her holding her hips to help support her. I watched my shaft disappear into her pussy as I pushed up against her ass and as I drew back her outer lips dragged against it.

“I feel your cock reach other parts of me like this and it feels great.”

I was starting to feel the build-up of my load in my balls as they tightened. I reached around with one hand and rubbed her clit as I stroked her soaking wet hole. Elise moaned and squirmed against me and she got even wetter.

“Oh yes! Do that to me just a little bit harder. I feel I’m going to cum soon.”

I released her hip with my other hand and reached for her breast cupping it and tweaking her nipple with my thumb and forefinger. Elise moaned louder and thrust back against me hard and our bodies make wet sounds as they met.

“I’m going to cum!”

She cried out and I thrust harder into her to bring myself to the edge as well. Her hot pussy clamped down on my cock and released a gush of her cum as I gave a few more deep thrusts. The first jet of my cum shot from me and Elise gave a strangled cry as her pussy spasmed on me. A couple more spurts left me to flood her pussy and as they did she collapsed on the bed shaking and a final jet of cum landed on her ass cheek. I fell down beside her panting and sweating putting my hand on her shoulder. She twisted and put her hand on top of mine and I saw it was shaking. A few moments passed and she wriggled round to face me her face red and her eyes glowing with gold flecks yet again.

“That felt so good especially when you took me over the edge with my clit and nipple. Oh god! Just amazing again how you know what to do and when to do it to me.”

She pushed her face towards mine and I met her halfway to kiss her slowly.

“I felt your cum fill me and that last bit hitting my ass. To fuck with having a shower or changing sheets, I just want you to hold me to you and wrap me in your arms."

Elise snuggled up and put her head on my chest and draped her free arm over my back as I enfolded her in mine. Lying together like that was bliss. We lay like that in silence for a while and before I knew it I was starting to drop off. Elise’s breathing was slow and steady indicating that she had already fallen asleep and I followed suit just minutes later.

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