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Val gets caught fucking her neighbor’s Rottweiler, but getting caught might just be a blessing in disguise.

Val heard the knock and her eyes snapped open, her exhaustion traded in for alarm. The windows weren’t visible from the street so she hadn’t bothered to close the curtains since arriving yesterday, confident of their privacy. But she must have been wrong, and she found herself debating whether to pretend to be asleep, or running out the back door and never looking back.

She was contemplating how far she could get while naked from the waist down when a second knock brought her mind back to the room. Baxter barked and wagged his tail at the visitor, and Valerie turned her head to face the onlooker, praying it wasn’t Ms. Hughes, the octogenarian from the end of the block that spread gossip like it was her full time job.

It wasn’t Ms. Hughes. Instead, it was a man Val had never seen before. He was standing on the porch, dressed in grass stained jeans held up by a khaki belt. He was shirtless from the waist up and Val could see the sun glisten off his sweat covered chest, highlighting the muscle definition across his pecs and stomach. He was holding a string trimmer with beat up garden gloves, one hand shielding his eyes from the sun as he looked at them through the window. She guessed he was about her age, maybe a few years older at most.

When he saw she’d turned to face him, his face lit up in a smile and he pointed to the front door off to the right, signaling she should meet him there. She stayed still, sure speaking to him would be worse than staying put and pretending this wasn’t happening. He pointed again, continuing to smile. He looked so earnest, as if he hadn’t just witnessed a dog’s balls repeatedly smacking into her pussy lips while she worked herself to orgasm. She almost laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation, but before she could get it her lips began to tremble. She was suddenly on the verge of tears. What have I gotten myself into?

She considered running again, or going upstairs until he left, but she figured it was better to pull the band-aid off all at once. She pushed herself up from the carpet, doing her best to hide her body from his view as she quickly put on her shorts from earlier and draped a thin blanket over her shoulders like a robe. A single tear ran down her face that she quickly wiped away before approaching the door. The man moved from the window to meet her at the entrance to the home, setting the weed wacker down to lean against the porch’s oak railing.

She opened the door just wider than her head, keeping most of her blanket cloaked body behind the door. From this position she could see the stranger clearly, taking in his broad shoulders and the hair that grew across his chest and trailed down his stomach into the top of his jeans. He had closely cropped dark hair, a handsomely crooked nose, and his smile spread across his whole face, lighting up his eyes and causing crinkles at his temples. It felt infectious, and Val almost smiled back. Almost.

“Hello! I didn’t mean to interrupt your afternoon miss, I was just here looking for Morgan and Evelyn. I take it they’re not home?”

He met her eyes, then glanced behind her at Baxter, who was celebrating his post-nut high by eating the remaining kibble in his bowl that he’d left behind at breakfast. She blushed and looked away, closing the door a few inches. Was he not going to address what he’d just seen her doing? What is his game? Val must have worn her skepticism on her face.

“We can pretend I didn’t see anything, if you’d prefer. I can keep a secret, and I won’t make it weird or anything.” He laughed a little as he said this and she got the feeling he was telling the truth, despite the strangeness of the situation. She let out the breath she’d been holding, and silently thanked God that it had been this man and not Ms. Hughes or her parents coming to check on her. “I’m sorry again for interrupting.” He continued. “I was hoping to speak to Evelyn or Morgan about trimming the lawn. I told them I’d come around when I got a free day, but I guess I should have called first.”

“They’ll be back at the end of the week. They didn’t mention anything about a gardener..”

“Aw damn, I really should have called,” he wiped his brow with the back of his glove, then yanked them off and put them in a pocket. He held out his hand for her to shake. “I’m Logan. I live over on Amherst Street, and I landscape for some of the people in this neighborhood when I’m not working.”

Val hesitated. She believed he was sincere, but her heart was only beginning to slow down and she still didn’t know this man. She adjusted her blanket to hold both ends in one hand between her breasts, and held out the other to quickly shake his hand. “Val.”

He waited in case she wanted to share more, but took it in stride when she didn’t, happy to continue on his own. He pulled his hand back and ran it through his short hair. “Well it’s lovely to meet you Val. I apologize again for intruding on your day, and I better leave you be rather than prolong my intrusion. I should really use the rest of this daylight for another yard while I can.” He turned as if to pick up his trimmer and leave down the steps, but before he did he turned back to Val. “Unless I could work in the yard anyway, and Morgan can bring me a check when she returns? Do you think they’d be interested?”

Val remembered how two days before Morgan had shown her how to take care of the vegetable garden, and how she’d mentioned they hadn’t had time to give the rest of the yard any attention. She’d considered surprising them and doing the work herself, but she didn’t know where to start. They’d probably appreciate it, but do I want to prolong my humiliation any more than necessary? She met his gaze again, swallowed her shame, and nodded.


Her heartbeat never returned to normal that afternoon, and she spent the time anxiously pretending to read on the porch while Logan worked. Baxter curled up at her feet, and she occasionally flipped pages while spying on Logan working. Who sees a woman defiling herself underneath a rottweiler and doesn’t bat an eye? She wondered if he was crazy, then she laughed. Who was she to judge crazy? She fucked a dog, and part of her was begging to let him knot her again.

She’d managed to read most of a chapter in between glances out at the yard. She’d started to realize Logan must be looking her way frequently as well, and they’d been making fleeting eye contact all afternoon. His face lit up each time their eyes met.

Baxter occasionally got up to supervise Logan’s work or chase a bird before returning to Val. The afternoon passed in relative peace, and birds chirped on the telephone line above them when Logan turned off the trimmer. He moved on to the roses, trimming them carefully and collecting the rosehips in a basket. With his final snip he cut one long stemmed rose that was mid bloom and set his shears down before approaching Val on the porch. She set her book on the side table and gave him her attention. Logan extended his arm, offering her the deep orange flower. She couldn’t hide her smile as she took it.

“You didn’t have to stay out here the whole time I worked,” he didn’t seem upset that she had.

“I didn’t know if I could trust you with unsupervised access to the shed.”

He laughed, like he understood where she was coming from. “Fair enough. Well, I’m happy to have the company. Landscaping isn’t the most social side-hustle.” He began cleaning his tools as he talked.

“What’s your main hustle?” She asked, letting herself relax back into her chair and the conversation.

“Mechanic. I work at Mike’s Auto over by the mall, and it’s just me, one other guy, and the owner, Mike. Compared to those guys, you’re a breath of fresh air. A lot prettier too.”

They continued chatting while he cleaned up, and Val got the impression he took longer to put away his things so he could keep talking to her. She learned that he was taking night classes at the local community college, and he’d just moved into a duplex in the neighborhood with a classmate. She told him she grew up in the neighborhood and was home for the summer. She gradually began to believe he wasn’t just waiting to bring up what he’d seen but that he really wouldn’t mention it, and she chose to just accept it for now rather than wonder at his motivations.

Eventually his tools were cleaned and packed up, and he couldn’t put off leaving any longer. “Do you think.. Do you have any plans tonight? Would you like to go to dinner?” He met her eyes as he asked, hope all over his face. He smiled wide when she agreed.

“Great. Okay. Yeah, I should go home and clean up. Can I come back to pick you up at 7?”

“See you at 7,” she put the rose up to her nose as he left and took a deep breath before heading back into the house with Baxter.


The doorbell made her jump, and Baxter barked from his bed across the room. Val grabbed her jacket and opened the door, not at all surprised to find out that Logan looked incredible after a shower. He’d swapped the grass stained clothes for khakis and a cerulean button up that matched his eyes. Does he look nervous?

“Jeez, Val, you look incredible.” He reached out to take her coat and helped her slide it over her bare shoulders and thin black dress. “Really, I mean you’re beautiful.”

“Wow, thank you,” she smiled as she replied. She always thought she was decently attractive, but she wasn’t used to the sort of flattery at a college with plenty of pretty girls. And she especially wasn’t used to it from a man as handsome as him. And his apparent nervousness in her presence was endearing.

They walked down the driveway and to his CR-V parked on the street, Logan holding the door open for her to climb in, and it was clear it had been cleaned recently as well, a few tools neatly organized in the back. The drive to the restaurant was mostly a comfortable silence, besides telling her about the reservation and asking how the rest of her afternoon went.

When they got to the table, Logan ordered an appetizer for them and quizzed her on her school. He asked about her classes and her dorm, but mostly he asked about what she did for fun and how she spent her time. She had no problem telling him about her cooking and outdoor hobbies, and quizzed him right back about his night classes for his associate degree and what it was like doing two different manual labor jobs. There conversation only paused while ordering main courses, and Val found herself feeling carefree in his company, the same way she felt in the bath when she’d realized she had the whole house to herself and couldn’t be judged.

Dinner ended before their conversation, and they strolled through downtown after. When she stumbled on an uneven sidewalk Logan put an arm around her for support, and he left it there to hold her against him as they walked. When they finally got back to the car she was reluctant to let go, and she held his hand on the drive home.

He helped her out of his car and walked her up the porch, pausing on the last step as she went on ahead. He gently grabbed her hand and spun her so she faced him, head at almost the same height. He looked into her eyes asking for permission and she nodded slightly before he leaned down to kiss her.

She felt sparks where his lips brushed her own, so gentle she barely felt it. She let out a high pitched breath and leaned into the kiss, pressing closer to him. He took her response as an invitation to deepen the kiss and put one hand on her cheek, sliding his tongue across the edge of her lip caught between his own. She parted her lips for his tongue to press further.

She could feel her chest leaning into his, and her nipples tingled against the fabric of her bra. He wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her in further at the same time that his tongue plunged further into her mouth. She let out a startled moan.

He chuckled, pulling back to look at her but still holding her close. “I better be going before we get carried away,” he moved his hand from her back to under her chin to kiss her again softly. “I had an incredible night with you Val.”

“But.. what if I wanted to get carried away?” Val whispered. She was feeling bold, and she didn’t want their night to be over. She saw the barely held back lust in his eyes and knew she must look the same.

“Who am I to deny a beautiful woman?” Logan replied, a devilish look appearing in his eyes. She leaned up to kiss him hard again, running her hands along his buzzed hair. She bit his lip slightly and he stepped up from the last step onto the porch to bring his body closer to hers. His hands found her lower back and one moved lower to cup her ass. He guided them towards the entry as they made out, restricting her movement as he backed her into the door. Val breathed hard, fumbling for keys in between them grabbing at each other. At last they managed to stumble through the doorway, slamming the door behind them.


Logan must have been inside Morgan and Evelyn’s house before, because he seamlessly emptied his pockets at their entry table and kicked his shoes off on the mat without taking his attention away from Val. He held her tight against him, hand gripping her thick ass as he guided them to the living room where Baxter had fucked her earlier that day. She blushed at the memory, heat reaching her face but also down into her belly and between her legs. She was glad it was too dark for him to see her expression.

Logan guided them to the couch where he sat down and pulled her into his lap so she straddled him. She briefly worried about crushing him with her body but abandoned the fear when he pulled her firmly down on his lap. Her short dress rose up and she could feel his erection between her legs, held at bay by his jeans. She moved against him so he pushed against her panty covered mound and smiled when his eyes fluttered closed and he learned his head back. She kissed his stubble covered jaw before returning her lips to his.

As they made out, his hands roamed Val’s body, moving between grabbing her ass and hips and gliding over her soft stomach, up her arms, and across her chest. He found one of her nipples through the dress and pinched slightly while he kneaded her other breast, causing her to moan against his mouth. He traced his fingers up to her shoulders and slid the dress’s straps down, exposing the tops of her breasts and slowly revealing her nipples.

His fingers again found the sensitive buds and pinched slightly, and he drew back from her lips in order to kiss her jaw, neck, collarbone, and down to her nipples where his lips replaced his hand. Val wrapped her arms around his head, cradling him to her as Logan sucked and nibbled at her breast. She kissed the top of his head, hissing in a combination of pain and pleasure as he nipped harder.

He released her nipple with a “pop,” and smiled up at her before taking her other nipple between his lips, repeating the enthusiastic sucking and biting. Her arms held tighter as his soft bites grew sharper, and she let out a yelp that turned into a groan, grinding her soaked pussy against his crotch. “Yesss..” she moaned while he flicked one nipple between his teeth, twisting the other between his fingers.

Logan leaned back against the couch, letting her saliva-slicked nipples form goosebumps and moving his hands down to her hips. She looked between them at his lap where a puddle was forming in his pants, no doubt from her juices leaking through her cotton bikini as she humped against him. She made eye contact, silently asking for permission as she reached to undo his belt, then quickly removed his belt and unbuttoned his khakis when he nodded.

Val stood up and he lifted his hips as she pulled, grabbing his boxer briefs and pants together. His cock strained against the fabric as she lowered them over his hips, jumping to attention against his stomach as she yanked the clothes lower and all the way off. She threw them to the side and got on her knees to look more closely at Logan’s cock. He kept the dark curls between his legs trimmed, which showed off the average length and much larger than average girth of his uncut penis. Precum was leaking out of his foreskin covered head, and she leaned forward. She touched the tip of her tongue to the head of his cock, drawing the slippery liquid into her mouth and sliding her tongue between the thin layer of foreskin and the head of his cock to collect the rest.

Logan ran one hand through her hair as she licked him clean, sliding her tongue down his length to get the bit of precum that had escaped and dripped down to his balls. She followed that up by carefully sucking each ball into her mouth, stretching his sack slightly before letting go and returning her attention to his cock. He held his hand to her head as she took his shaft in her mouth, an inch or two at first while she got accustomed to his girth before lowering her head to take more.

Val could tell Logan was being gentle with her her, and she worked hard to take him into her mouth and throat to show him she could handle it. She managed to touch her lips to his pelvis and held her head there before raising her head and lowering herself again. Logan wrapped his fingers tighter in her hair but still let her set the pace, so she reached up to put her hand on his at the back of her head and pushed tight, showing him what she wanted. He got the message and put both hands on her head, pushing her face into his crotch as he thrust his hips up. She gagged but quickly composed herself, relaxing her throat muscles as he held her head in place while he fucked her throat. She covered him with saliva while she was bent over his lap, still on her knees in front of the couch.

Just as the tip of his dick hit the back of her mouth again, Val felt pressure against the thin fabric covering her pussy, then a more insistent nuzzling that she realized must have been Baxter trying to get at her sex. She tried to snap her legs together and get away, but Logan groaned and held her in place, whispering “it’s okay, let him.”. She gagged and drooled, and she felt one of Logan’s hands sliding down her back to her ass and shoving her panties down as far as he could reach. With the thin cotton out of the way Baxter stuck his muzzle deep in her pussy lips, slurping up her juices and thrusting his tongue in her hot hole.

Logan’s hand had returned to her head and he let her back off and breath, but never took his cock all the way out of her mouth. Val whimpered and whined as Baxter licked from her clit to her asshole, shaking from both embarrassment and pure lust. She was in disbelief that she was letting this happen, but she also couldn't bring herself to stop, nor did she want to. “That’s it Val, fuuucck,” Logan groaned, watching Baxter work.

When Baxter pulled his tongue out of her pussy Logan patted her lower back, signaling for the Rottweiler to climb on and claim her. Baxter wasted no time, front paws digging into her hips and ripping her dress. His cock found her hole quickly this time, and Val let out a loud groan around Logan’s cock as the dog began mercilessly thrusting into her canal.

She could feel his cock growing with each thrust, and if possible she thought he was stretching her out even more than that morning. Her pussy felt like it would split in two, and only grew more stuffed as she felt rope after rope of Baxter’s cum fill her, his knot plugging her so tight it was almost painful.

Her orgasm bubbled up quickly, and the knot pressed against the walls of her pussy as it contracted around the huge cock filling her up. She panted and moaned like a bitch in heat, and Logan clearly understood what was happening because he returned his hands to her head and started fucking her face hard and fast. She could barely breath and felt like she might pass out from the pleasure when Logan grunted and held himself as deep in her throat as he could, filling her up at her other end with his own cum. She swallowed eagerly, tasting the cum that lingered in her mouth as Logan gently lifted her face off his lap and met her eyes.

She lay with her chest against his knees as she worked to catch her breath, suddenly self conscious about the fact that she was covered in sweat and cum and still had Baxter laying on her back tied to her by their genitals.

Val blushed before reaching down and very gently helping Baxter free himself. She heard the suction break as he slid out and felt his cum run down her legs before she sat back on her heels.

“Wow. I mean, holy fucking shit, wow,” Logan breathed.

“I should go get cleaned up,” Val said as she moved to pull her ripped dress down, turning away to hide her reddening face. Her post orgasm embarrassment made her want to run from the room, but he grabbed her wrist as she moved to leave.

“You don’t have to hide. Why don’t you let me?” He gently took her hips and guided her to the couch, kissing her gently and melting away her fear. He had her lay down, her legs in his lap, and guided her knees apart to expose the runny cum covering her pussy and smeared across her inner thighs. He positioned his upper body between her legs and kissed her thigh, dipping lower to suck gently at the pool of Baxter’s cum gathered there.

The sensation sent shivers up her spine, and she could feel her body reacting as Logan trailed kisses up her body toward her slit, cleaning the cum off her as he went. When he finally brought his tongue to her cunt she arched her back and spread her legs further, eager for more. Each stroke of Logan’s tongue brought him closer to her clit and she could feel another orgasm encroaching.

Logan’s lips closed over her clit and she screamed his name, hands finding his head and holding him there as she bucked against him. He slid two fingers inside her hole, curling them slightly as he flicked her clit with his tongue. Her orgasm crashed over her like a wave, pushing more of the dogs cum out of her and into Logan’s eager mouth.

She shivered as her orgasm subsided, and Logan raised up to get the blanket off the couch and cover her. He kissed her forehead and she heard him say that she’d been a good girl just before her eyes fluttered closed and she drifted to sleep.


2024-11-30 19:04:33
Great story very arousing , loved Logan cleaning her of Baxters cum

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