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Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are over eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, 2024. All rights reserved. Enjoy!
Bimbo Potion: Prom Night

by Fidget

High school senior Saffron had been crushing hard on her friend Law for the past two years, and so she was overjoyed when he finally asked her out at the beginning of the semester.

Initially, things went well – the young couple did coffee, dinner and a movie, making out in Law’s car, all the classics, and now that they were both eighteen, each could tell that the other was impatient to take their relationship to the next level.

Luckily, Law’s parents were out of town that weekend, and an unspoken but mutual understanding soon formed between the two amorous teenagers that Friday would be the night when they would finally lose their virginities to each other.

The night arrived, and after a nice but brief dinner the two retreated to the privacy of Law’s bedroom where things quickly got hot and heavy.

Saffron soon found herself on her back with Law on top of her, trying to relax herself as he kissed her neck and slid his hand under her blouse. By this point she’d gotten comfortable with Law’s hands exploring under her tops, and she loved the way she got all melty and tingly with arousal when she felt his rough fingers cupping and squeezing her small, sensitive chest, but this time felt different somehow. 

This time she knew that Law wouldn’t stop at exploring underneath her clothing; sooner or later he’d try to take her top and bra fully off, which would leave her bare breasts naked and exposed to his eyes for the first time.

What if he doesn’t like them? was all she could think, her head filling with nightmare scenarios where her beloved Law broke up with her because her chest was too small or too weird looking, and so when Law did finally try to lift the hem of her shirt the rest of the way a few minutes later, she immediately recoiled beneath him and threw her arms up to cover herself.

Law was patient and understanding, but no matter what Saffron did, she couldn’t seem to bring herself to take her clothes off in front of him.

“I’m sorry Law, but I’m just not ready yet,” was all she could say, and so he suggested that they save going all the way for another time and go back to just making out instead. 

Now that there was no danger of exposing herself Saffron was finally able to relax in her boyfriend’s arms, and she soon found herself feeling all warm and tingly again. A few minutes later she felt Law pressing his bulge against her thigh.

Again, Saffron had mostly gotten comfortable with Law’s boner by this point, having felt it pressed against her body multiple times over the months, though she’d never been brave enough to actually touch it on purpose. She knew that Law’s penis getting erect like this meant that he was attracted to her, which was exciting and flattering, but it was still a bit strange to feel his sex organ touching her with all she’d heard about the dangers of boys and their sex-obsessed dicks.

After a few more minutes of making out while Law very gently ground his crotch against her hip, Law abruptly sat them both up and asked if Saffron would be comfortable trying to give him a blowjob instead, since they were postponing sex.

Immediately her anxiety came back with a vengeance, but she didn’t want to disappoint him further, so she nodded her head bravely and slid a hand into Law’s lap, where her thin fingers finally made contact with Law’s cock through the material of his jeans for the first time. As soon as she touched it, however, it jerked against her fingers, and she snatched her hand back with a mixture of surprise and disgust. It felt alive, almost like it had a will of its own, and that squicked her out.

Still, Law had been patient, and Saffron felt that he deserved this, so she tentatively slid her hand back into his lap and unzipped his pants.

Law wasn’t wearing underwear, and his cock immediately bounced into view as soon as the zipper was low enough, upright and ready for action. Seeing it in person like this, so much bigger than she expected, insistently erect and throbbing with Law’s lust for her body, was just more than Saffron could take. It was like a big pink worm, its weirdly loose skin pulsing grossly against her fingers, and Saffron felt like she was going to be sick.

“I-I-I’m sorry…” was all that she could stammer before looking away and squeezing her hands in her lap until her knuckles went white. 

Once again, Law was a perfect gentleman, and after zipping himself up he held Saffron there on the bed until she calmed down before taking her home.

All weekend Saffron was mortified at how badly things had gone, sure she’d never see Law again, and so she was shocked when he asked her to the spring dance the following Monday. She happily accepted, overjoyed to have another chance, and promised herself that things would go better on the night of the dance. 

By that evening, however, Saffron had begun to worry. She knew that her fear was irrational – she trusted Law completely, and she genuinely did want to take things to the next level with him – but she had no idea how she’d be able to get over her sexual hangups in time for the big day. 

She went online, desperate to find something that could help her, and after a string of useless relationship advice blog posts she finally stumbled across an advertisement for Bimbo Potion. Saffron was a bit disturbed at what the ad promised the Potion could do, but she was also intrigued, since if it worked as advertised it might just help solve her problem.

Apparently, a drop of the Potion would turn any woman who came into contact with it into a bit more of a bimbo, enhancing her features and curves while – more relevantly to Saffron – reducing her inhibitions, making her more likely to seek out and engage in sexual behavior. 

These mental effects were exactly what Saffron wanted, but the possibility of accidentally turning herself into a bimbo was scary, especially once she began reading reviews of the Potion online. She noted that, thankfully, it seemed that the Potion’s perceived effects on intelligence were a bit overblown, and were attributed to a general shift of priorities instead. 

It also appeared that the Potion enhanced womens’ natural pheromones, making the men around them increasingly interested in pursuing sex with them when the women were aroused. This didn’t sound so great to Saffron, since Law was already clearly interested enough as it was.

What was more worrying was the fact that the scent of the Potion would apparently induce a compulsion to dose oneself in any woman who smelled it, and, even worse, many affected women (or, terrifyingly, those around them for the women who could no longer type) also reported that they had found the Potion addictive, experiencing near-irresistible urges to dose themselves with the Potion's bimbofying effects over and over again.

Worst of all, it looked like the effects were permanent, with no known way to reverse them. If Saffron weren’t careful, it would be all too easy to accidentally spend the rest of her days as an obscenely proportioned bimbo slut with an insatiable, indiscriminate craving for cock.

Still, thinking of her beloved Law and how badly she wanted to please him, Saffron ignored the risks and impulsively clicked Buy.

When the small, unassuming bottle arrived the next day, however, holding it in her hands made everything feel a bit too real for Saffron, and so she threw it in a desk drawer and tried to forget the whole thing.

Unfortunately, nothing on the sex front seemed to change during the weeks leading up to the dance, and as Saffron watched herself slide her dress over her small, naked breasts in the mirror, her thoughts returned to the potion in the back of her desk drawer.

It couldn’t hurt to bring it along, even if I’m not going to use it, she told herself, pulling it out and sliding it into her clutch before continuing to get ready.

Once again, the first part of the night went great. Law looked super cute in his tux, and they enjoyed dancing to the first few songs together.

When the first slow song started, however, and Law pulled their torsos together to sway with the music, Saffron once again noticed the bulge of his penis pressing against her waist through his dress pants. An image of a big, gross worm flashed through her mind, and she caught herself beginning to hyperventilate. She quickly excused herself to the restroom, locking herself in a stall.

What could she do? She didn’t want to lose Law, but she also didn’t see how she could ever be intimate with him under the circumstances. In a fit of desperation, she pulled out the Bimbo Potion and unscrewed the cap.

Now that the bottle was open and the moment of decision was at hand, however, Saffron suddenly found her courage faltering. What if the effects are too strong? I only wanted to find a way to get over my fears of being with Law, not turn myself into a dumb, slutty bimbo! Why did I even buy this stuff?? This is all a huge mistake.

As she moved to replace the stopper, however, she caught a small whiff of the potion’s scent wafting through the air and panicked a bit, remembering what the reviews had said about its overwhelming effects. A faint impression of bubble gum and something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on wormed its way into a small corner of her mind as she recapped the bottle. 

Oh, well that's not so bad, she found herself thinking as the non threatening nature of the scent took the edge off her panic. Not only that, for some reason the implications of the Potion suddenly didn’t seem quite as scary as they had a moment before, and before she knew it she found that the bottle had somehow opened itself once again.

Saffron absentmindedly leaned in for another sniff, relaxing even further as a sickly sweet cloud of pink bubble gum began to settle over her thoughts. At the same time, a small spark of bubbly arousal began growing deep inside her, along with a slight curiosity about what the effects of the Potion would feel like in person.

She inhaled again, on purpose this time, and that feeling of warm, happy excitement continued to grow. Saffron recognized that she was succumbing to the Potion’s scent, just as the reviews had warned that she would, but for some reason that didn’t seem like as much of a bad thing now that the pleasant bubblegum smell was filling her head with sexy thoughts. 

A few deep breaths later Saffron’s decision had been made for her, and she could no longer see any reason why becoming a bit of a bimbo could be in any way a bad thing. It just seemed so exciting and desirable to let herself swell into a giggly, horny sexpot all of a sudden, and so she gave into the temptation and eagerly let a drop of the innocent-looking liquid fall onto the inside of her forearm, rubbing her wrists together out of habit. She briefly considered a second drop, but decided against it – Saffron may not have been able to resist her need to dose herself at this point, but that didn't mean she had to go overboard with it. 

The skin on her wrists began to tingle. That’s it, she giggled excitedly to herself, there’s no turning back now! She noticed a corresponding, insistent tingle starting up behind her tiny nipples, and then she was watching in astonishment as her small breasts actually began growing right before her eyes!

The bust of Saffron’s dress began to slowly press away from her chest as her twin mounds were forced to expand, swelling into soft, inviting advertisements of her sexuality to the men around her. But even as Saffron urged them to grow larger, still caught up in the seductive idea of becoming a bit of a bimbo, the small dose of Potion soon exhausted itself and Saffron’s breasts slowed and eventually stopped their growth, finally settling at a respectable large B cup.

Law definitely won't complain about that, she thought giddily to herself, delightfully enraptured by the Potion's fumes as she urged her body to succumb to the Potion’s bimbofying effects further. Next the tingle concentrated in her nipples themselves, and Saffron pulled down the front of her dress just in time to watch as they too began to puff up and protrude. 

She brought her hands up to cup her noticeably larger chest, gasping lightly in pleasure at the increased sensitivity of the stiff nipples poking into her palms as she explored her new assets. She even jiggled now! In a matter of seconds Saffron’s tits had gone from small and forgettable to full and perky, practically begging to be grabbed, licked, and sucked. 

And, in the midst of her hazy arousal, Saffron was only mildly surprised to find a desire growing within herself to let some lucky guy do just that. Her earlier reluctance to reveal her breasts to Law began to seem silly. Tits deserved to be seen, especially cute, perky tits like hers, and she couldn't wait to see her boyfriend again to rectify the situation.

Saffron’s athletic torso didn't need much work, but her hips flared a bit to emphasize the inviting femininity of her figure as her shy little sex began to tingle. She dropped a hand down to her crotch without thinking and began to absent-mindedly tease and rub at herself as the Potion used the stimulation to tighten her pussy and fill it with the lightest of fragrant pheromones. As cute as Saffron was already, any guy lucky enough to be around her when she was turned on would now find her features becoming almost painfully attractive in his eyes, and he’d be increasingly tempted to casually brush himself against her, to slide an arm around the invitingly narrow waist framed by the soft curves of her breasts and thighs.

As Saffron’s face grew subtly cuter without her noticing (lashes lengthening, eyes gaining a hint of sparkle, lips plumping up a tiny bit and deepening in color), she found herself beginning to crave that physical contact as well. While she had always loved feeling Law’s strong hands gently exploring her body, she now found herself desiring to actively seek out situations where some innocent, deliciously masculine contact would be the likely result.

As the Potion’s effects finally began to subside, however, along with her potion-induced high and the unnaturally strong arousal that came with it, Saffron felt a bit of her old reluctance and embarrassment returning when she thought about going back out there to face Law. Well that's not fair! she thought to herself, looking down at her bouncy new boobs and wider hips. She was definitely curvier now, but it didn’t seem like her inhibitions had been reduced much, if at all.

She squeezed her larger breasts back into her dress and opened the stall door, wanting to see how noticeable the physical effects were in the bathroom mirror. The first thing she noted was that her tits were now visibly overfilling her dress cups, making her look a bit sluttier than she was comfortable with.

I guess the guys will like it though... She grabbed her newly-enhanced breasts through her dress and gave them a gentle exploratory squeeze, and was once again surprised at how nice it felt to do so; she briefly found herself wondering how much better it would feel if her hands were someone else’s, but the thought passed and she let her tits drop back into her dress cups. 

As she did so, however, her nipples erupted with pleasure at the friction of the smooth padding of her dress sliding against them, and she found herself yearning for more of the addictive sensation as her little nubs involuntarily stiffened and her pussy began tingling again. She’d expected that her body would be slightly better suited to giving men pleasure, but it hadn’t occurred to her that she might be made to receive more pleasure as well.

With how good it felt to touch herself now, however, Saffron realized that this was clearly intentional. The Potion had turned up her body’s sensitivity in a cunning ploy to incentivize her to let others touch her as well, and as she continued to stare in disbelief at her slightly shapelier and imperceptibly more alluring figure in the mirror, she realized that she wanted to do just that. The Potion had performed as advertised, physically at least, and it was undeniable that her body was now designed to subtly encourage and amplify sexual contact.

Unfortunately, as nice as it was to be more attractive, Saffron had never really had a problem with her body’s physical responsiveness, or with Law being interested in her, for that matter. She only needed help with her inhibitions toward actually initiating sex, and other than a brief desire to show off her boobs while she was under the effects of the Potion, she wasn’t sure how much it had actually helped with her problem.

Not that there was anything she could do about that now, of course, since what had been done to her so far was likely permanent.

There was one other complication though, and now that her bimbofication had clearly finished, Saffron braced herself to resist the urge to dose herself again that the reviews had warned against, but was relieved to find that she felt no such desire at all as far as she could tell. If anything, she was more than satisfied with the amount of Potion she had used, and to be honest, she really didn't feel all that different.

In fact, her overall experience with the Potion had been surprisingly positive so far, considering how badly things could have gone. The physical effects were more subtle than she’d feared, and she looked practically unchanged other than a general impression of seeming vaguely sexier. Law would probably notice that something was different about her, but Saffron doubted that he’d be able to point to anything specific.

Even better, aside from the increased sensuality of her body, Saffron certainly didn’t feel like a bimbo now that the Potion’s initial high had worn off. At this point she could only hope that any residual mental effects would actually be strong enough for her to get over her reluctance when it came to sex with Law.

Once she got back to him on the dance floor, however, the difference was immediately apparent. Her boyfriend suddenly seemed yummier somehow than he had before, even taking into account how strongly Saffron had been crushing on him already. Everything about him, from his thick arms and broad chest, to the strong, masculine features of his face, and even the way he smelled made Saffron want to just press herself up against him, which was much closer to what she had wanted from the potion in the first place. She briefly wondered how much other men would have that effect on her now as well, but didn't really want to dwell on that scary thought when she could focus on how much sexier Law was instead.

“Hey, are you ok? You were gone for a while.” Law’s eyes were full of concern for her. I have such a wonderful boyfriend! Saffron thought happily to herself.

“I’m better than ok.” She impulsively wrapped an arm around her man’s waist and pulled him in for a sizzling kiss.

"Wow, Saff, uh, that was really nice!” he stuttered when she finally came up for air. Law found himself quickly glancing down at her body – something about her seemed different, sexier somehow, though he couldn’t quite put his finger on what. And had she always filled her dress out like that? 

“You look great!" he stammered. "I mean, you always look great, but for some reason right now... you really look great."

Saffron preened at the attention and arched her back a bit to emphasize her visible cleavage, suddenly feeling a lot more willing to show off her boobs for some reason. The idea of pulling her dress down a bit and flashing her hard nipples for him popped into her mind for an instant, but she resisted the uncharacteristic urge and blushed with embarrassment at the naughtiness of the impulse. That just sent a flush of alluring color into her cheeks, however, and all the while her gentle pheromones slowly began to fill the air around her, subtly enhancing the sex appeal of her cute face and slender-yet-feminine figure to all of the young men around her.

Feeling almost giddy in the presence of his cute girlfriend all of a sudden, Law impulsively gave her a silly bow and asked for a dance, and Saffron giggled and did him a small courtesy as she took his hand. 

For the next half hour she relished the sensation of being whirled around the floor by her strong boyfriend. She felt incredibly sexy, as well as perfectly comfortable and carefree for the first time in weeks; gone were her insecurities and reservations about her body, her relationship, sex… she only wanted her handsome boyfriend to lead her across the dance floor forever.

In the meantime, all of Saffron’s exertions were helping to distribute the subtle pheromones her innocent little sex was now producing under her dress, and eventually Law found himself reaching around her waist to pull her nubile figure up tight against his torso. Both of their bodies immediately began to react to the physical contact, and the carefree atmosphere of lighthearted sexual attraction that had been growing between them sharpened into an increasingly overt sexual desire that soon outstripped anything either had felt for the other before.

They continued to dance, but as their arousal grew they became less focused on the music, and more focused on rubbing their increasingly horny young bodies against one another. 

Saffron, with the increased sensitivity to touch that the Potion had given her, was getting more turned on the more she was in contact with Law’s body, enjoying the hardness of his muscles, and, surprisingly, also enjoying the hardness of the bulge between his legs that brushed against her waist every few seconds. She found herself fixating on it more than usual tonight for some reason, and she even began arching her back to press her trim midsection harder against that fascinating dick. The fact that doing so made her cleavage stand out better with her boobs pressed against Law’s chest didn’t hurt either. Her whole body tingled with arousal, and the air around her thickened with her scent.

Law couldn’t seem to get enough of touching Saffron. Everything about her just seemed so enticing tonight: the way her dark hair framed her cute face, her full coral lips gently parting as she stared adoringly up at him, the sparkle in her eyes. The swell of her creamy breasts that threatened to spill out of her dress as she arched her back. The flush of what was clearly arousal in her cheeks and on her chest… all of that was it, and yet none of it was, somehow. There was just something about her tonight, an indescribable aura pulling at something deep inside him, and with her hips pressed hard against his like this, each movement of her torso rubbing against his rock-hard cock, Law’s desire for her body was quickly growing.

Soon the young couple was practically panting with need, and so when Saffron began to notice the other cute guys on the relatively crowded dance floor beginning to pay her a concerning amount of attention compared to their own dates, she decided that a change of scenery would be best for everyone involved.

The doors were being watched by chaperones, but Saffron and Law thought they should be able to talk their way through the front door at least.

“Hi Coach Lamb, can Law and I run out real quick to grab my phone? We left it in the car.”

Saffron felt a hint of satisfaction and arousal as the football coach’s eyes briefly dropped to the full, ripe cleavage swelling out of her dress, and she felt herself being subtly drawn to the attractive young teacher’s experience and authority as well. Nowhere near enough to actually do anything, of course, but she had to admit that being in his presence while she was turned on like this was… pleasant.

Coach Lamb considered her request as he looked them both up and down. The young couple were undeniably flushed and sweaty, and while that could just be from their exertions on the dance floor, he suspected that this was a case of young libidos seeking an outlet.

“Sorry, Saffron, but you know the rules. Doors locked until the dance is over.”

“Please, sir? It will only take a second!” She stared up at him with puppy dog eyes and demurely clasped her hands in front of herself, which also had the effect of squeezing her cleavage together slightly. All the while the air around her slowly filled with the pheromones her aroused body continued to produce, locally reinforcing the weak background level of Saffron’s pheromones that now filled the gym, and which Coach Lamb had been breathing in for almost an hour.

The coach felt his resolve weakening. There was something about Saffron tonight, something that made him want to do what he could for her, to protect her and hold her close…

She took a step toward him, but that turned out to be too much. Coach Lamb quickly backed away from the oddly attractive senior and averted his eyes from her alluring features before giving her a firm “No”.

Saffron could tell that she was getting somewhere, but she didn’t want to press her luck or cause a scene, and so she left the Coach alone with his gradually intensifying impression of how good she looked tonight. It almost seemed like he wanted to reach out and touch me, she reflected as they walked away. The scary thing is that right now I’d almost be tempted to let him! She squeezed Law’s bicep and giggled at how thirsty she was tonight.

The couple shifted their focus to one of the back doors instead, and also changed up their tactics. Instead of the direct approach, a well-timed incident involving a punch bowl and a stolen top hat allowed them to slip out unnoticed.

They sat side-by-side on one of the picnic tables outside under the stars, more turned on by this point than either had ever been in their young lives. 

Law wanted to take his time and be respectful, but was finding it surprisingly difficult to slow himself down. Something about Saffron’s body kept driving him forward, urging him to push boundaries and take things further. "You're, uh, really hard to resist tonight, Saff."

Her mind briefly flashed back to her worries about pheromones making her irresistible to men, but she laughed it off and silenced Law with a kiss.

It wasn't long before they were once again at the point where Saffron had first chickened out last time, with Law’s hands groping her breasts through her dress and threatening to pull her bust down. His fingers curled around one of the cups, seeking inward along the curve of her soft sideboob toward the stiff, stubby nub at the center.

When his rough finger finally brushed against her sensitive nipple for the first time, Saffron’s entire body lit up with electric pleasure, and she moaned and squeezed her legs together as her pussy clenched with need, stoking her fire even higher. She needed more of that, and there was one sure way to get it.

She put Law’s hands on the cups covering her breasts and nodded up at him.

“Are you sure?” he asked, though his hands were already pulling down, and Saffron’s areolas had already crept into view.

She grabbed his wrists and pulled his arms down in answer, and her pert B-cups popped out into the open air for the first time.

Law was flabbergasted. “Oh God babe, I never noticed how big your tits were before!” 

“Do you like them?” she asked, arching her back to press her attention-grabbing boobs up toward Law’s greedy gaze.

The subtle aura of enhanced sex appeal brought on by the heavy concentration of Saffron’s pheromones in Law’s system made the swell of the perky breasts jutting from Saffron’s chest seem like the epitome of feminine desirability.

“They’re perfect.”

Saffron squirmed with pleasure at the compliment and, feeling especially adventurous, decided to right another wrong from that night. “I’ve shown you mine, now it’s time to show me yours!” She snaked her hand down between his legs before he could protest, unzipped his fly, and slid his penis out through his boxers.

As she stared down at it once again, surprised by her own audacity, Law’s cock somehow seemed much less intimidating than it had before. If anything, Saffron felt herself becoming more interested in it by the second. I take it back - that Bimbo Potion really did its job! she giggled to herself as her desire to touch that fascinating phallus continued to grow. It was just so cute with its little helmet! And it made her feel all nice and tingly to look at it.

She put out a tentative hand and gently stroked the soft skin of the swollen head with the tip of her finger, gasping in excitement as it responded to her attentions with a strong twitch. Why have I never done this before? It's so much fun! she thought to herself, suddenly full of desire to see and feel that cock twitching again.

Saffron bent down between Law’s legs on top of the picnic table and gave his glans a tentative lick, giggling again as it jerked up and booped her in the nose. She couldn't see what she had been so afraid of. The scent of Law’s body wash mingled with an appealing, pungent musk as she wrapped her soft mouth around his cock for the first time. 

Saffron could practically feel the passion and need in that turgid member as it strained between her lips, and it briefly occurred to her that at least some of that intensity was likely coming from her new pheromones. At that thought she too was suddenly overcome with an unexplained and unexpected need to have more of that cock inside of her, and before she knew it Saffron was sliding even more of it into her mouth, feeling it twitch against her tongue as she wrapped her small fingers around the thick shaft to hold it steady. She finally began to suck, pulling her cheeks in as she slid her tongue back up his shaft, until the head of Law’s cock finally escaped her lips with an audible pop.

She pumped her hand up and down a few times afterward, staring in playful fascination at the surprising rigidity of Law’s erection mere inches from her face. This was just so much fun, and from the look on Law’s face he was enjoying it as well. “Wow, babe,” he said, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight, but I like it!”

Saffron liked it too. As it turned out, sucking cock was surprisingly addictive, and she couldn't wait to dive back down again. Everything about this just felt so good and natural… and she felt so sexy doing it! Her saliva quickly lubricated Law's sensitive skin, and then Saffron’s cute face and hand were sliding down his slick shaft with no resistance whatsoever, and she giggled to herself again in blissful pleasure as Law's hips began to rock with his growing need to thrust himself into her soft, wet orifice. She loved that she could get her boyfriend so hot and bothered like this, and picked up the pace.

"Oh God Saff, that feels amazing!" Law moaned. "Don't stop!" he commanded urgently, and he meant it. He needed his oddly seductive gf to keep sucking his dick like this.

This was music to Saffron's ears, of course, and she redoubled her efforts, frantically bobbing her head up and down on his cock, loving everything about the way it tensed and flexed and twitched in her mouth. She lost herself in the sensation, teasing his frenulum with her tongue, silently encouraging his shaft to get even harder, to throb even more insistently while Law's moans grew louder and more urgent as he began to get close. Saffron's mind was empty of everything other than her happy, giggly horniness and her desire to keep stroking and sucking on that tasty dick.

Soon, however, a sixth sense warned her that something amazing was about to happen, and so Saffron instinctively took him deep, wrapping his entire shaft in the soft velvet of her mouth and throat as her sparkling blue eyes stared expectantly up into his, watching as Law's brows furrowed and he gave one final moan, and then his hips began to jerk. 

She felt Law’s cock flex strongly against her soft palate, and was surprised at the intensity of his ejaculation as a corresponding spurt of cum splattered forcefully against the back of her throat. Now that she’d gotten him to lose control, Saffron pulled back a bit and began slowly working his shaft again, making sure her boyfriend enjoyed every throb as he continued to jettison his cum into her mouth. The taste wasn’t great, but it was easy enough for Saffron to gulp down, and it was worth it for the chance to experience a cock cumming up close and personal like this.

"Wow, babe, that was amazing," Law sighed in relaxation as his still-horny girlfriend worked her way up his body and straddled him. She pulled up the skirt of her dress, leaving the majority of her clothing in a thin strip around her waist as she slid her labia against Law’s naked, deflating cock with only her thin panties in between.

"Mmm, you're telling me." Saffron giggled, licking her cum-stained lips in giddy satisfaction at having a belly full of Law's semen. She knew that the old Saffron would have been shocked at her actions, but that had been the whole point of taking the Potion in the first place, after all, getting over those inhibitions so that she could please her boyfriend. So, even though Saffron could tell that the Potion’s influence was clearly affecting her behavior, she couldn’t help but be satisfied with how things were turning out.

Plus, she hadn’t cum yet, and she was still horny. Saffron was suddenly hit with a desire to feel Law filling her belly once more, but this time from the correct direction.

She arched her back, putting her boobs in Law’s face again, and even though he’d just cum the horny young stud was more than eager for the opportunity to grope and squeeze them. Saffron moaned at the intensity of the sensation coming from her sensitive breasts, and she squirmed as even more pheromone-laden lubrication gushed out of her soaked snatch.

It wasn’t long before the chemically enhanced appeal of Saffron’s sexy body brought Law’s cock back to attention, though his erection now came with an intense craving for the embrace of Saffron’s pussy as she rubbed his sensitive cockhead against the slick friction of her soaked panties. Law’s hands began to grasp along the curve of Saffron’s naked thighs; her entrance was so agonizingly close, and as he continued to inhale her scent he found himself becoming more and more eager to slide himself inside her.

“Are you sure you're ready for all this?” Law asked even as they continued to dry-hump each other out of mutual, barely-contained need.

Saffron tried to think objectively about it, but the promise of sex was so close, and her body was so turned on and ready. It would be so easy to just let Law’s dick slide into her, and with her increased sexual sensitivity Saffron would be guaranteed to love it. 

At the thought of the pleasure waiting for her it was like an entirely different person took over Saffron’s body, and she found herself smirking down at her helpless boyfriend in answer as she leaned her tits forward into his face, slid her panties to the side, and lowered her soaked snatch down around the tip of Law’s straining cock in answer. She watched the blatant lust for her body burning in his eyes as she slowly lowered her hips, forcing his hard cock up into her tight, lightly perfumed pussy.

There was a moment of pain, followed by a feeling of fullness like nothing Saffron had ever experienced, and she cooed in satisfaction as Law’s member twitched inside her, clearly enjoying being enveloped in her silky folds just as much. When he finally withdrew, the concentrated pheromones coating Law’s dick quickly evaporated into the air, and he found his cock growing even harder as he automatically pressed himself back inside. 

Saffron ground her hips against his and moaned encouragingly, amazed to discover that she could actually feel Law’s cock moving back and forth deep inside her torso, thrusting with increasing insistence as the young man instinctively used her body to stoke his physical arousal. It all felt amazing – not only was the physical sensation of Law’s six-and-a-half-inches sliding against her inner walls immensely satisfying and pleasurable in and of itself, but letting a man penetrate her innermost depths like this, over and over, was scratching a new, primal itch deep inside Saffron that she’d never noticed before.

Why had she ever been afraid of sex? She never wanted Law to stop fucking her, to stop filling her with that glorious, fascinating cock, and so Saffron focused all of her attention on stoking his arousal even higher as she continued to ride him, keeping her back arched so he’d keep his hands on her tight, perky body while she continued to rub her nubile torso against his, all the while using her hips to keep squeezing that cock deep into her stimulating pussy over and over again as it got harder and harder.

Law, however, knew deep down that he should probably stop, since he wasn't wearing a condom and didn't know if Saffron was on the pill, but there was still that aura of raw sexual enticement surrounding his cute girlfriend that made his blood boil, that made the appealing notion of staying inside of her for just a few more seconds seem inevitable. His nose flared as he panted with the exertion of their coupling, unaware that he was further eroding his ability to pull out with each breath. Saffron felt too good, and soon it was too late to resist that final, inevitable urge bubbling up inside him.

Once again Saffron’s body somehow knew that something amazing was about to happen, and her own arousal began to overflow into a new sensation. She lowered her hips as much as she could, driving Law’s cock fully up into her body before clamping her legs around his waist on the picnic table, locking him inside her, and then they were both moaning and shuddering in shared ecstasy. Saffron’s entire body clenched in pleasure as her pussy pulsed persuasively around Law’s hard cock, and Law found himself compelled to rhythmically release all the sexual pressure that had built between them deep into the waiting feminine softness of Saffron’s vagina.

Now that the unrelenting torrent of their ecstasy had passed, the young lovers cuddled and kissed on the table as they enjoyed their afterglow. Law’s cock was still inside Saffron, and she no longer had any doubt that that was exactly where it belonged.

“I love you, babe.”

“I love you too.”

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I'd love to hear from you! If you find yourself enjoying my stories, please consider supporting my work on Patreon (Fidget1) or SubscribeStar Adult (Fidget). Patrons get a full five months of early access to my stories, input into which stories I write, and some other fun perks. Every little bit helps, and your support is what enables me to keep doing what I love!


2024-11-15 20:13:45
She needs to tell him about the potion, and perhaps he needs to spike her drink with the rest of it? Maybe only half; does she have a sister? Some girl on girl would really get things going!


2024-11-15 20:12:15
She needs to tell him about the potion, and perhaps he needs to spike her drink with the rest of it? Maybe only half; does she have a sister? Some girl on girl would really get things going!

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