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Fourteen new pussies are just an appetizer for Jim before the real party starts
Ping's heart skipped a beat when he saw the man walk into the lobby with two new unbelievably gorgeous women on his arms. The hotel manager kept his face professional, careful to avoid staring at his guests. Anyway, he knew he could stare at these two new women later on the security camera footage from the lobby, the elevator, and the hallway outside the penthouse. And he certainly would. They were so unbelievably hot. Like all the others. There were so many of these women visiting penthouse B, and just this one man. It had been a parade of insanely hot gorgeous women going in and then later coming out looking so blissful, so satisfied, happier than he had ever seen anyone.

Who was this guy? Ping was obsessed with him, fantasizing about what was going on up there, imagining he really was doing the impossible and fucking all of these women. He'd seen many rich playboy types like this before, but almost never with women quite this beautiful, and absolutely never on anything close to this scale. Three or four normally, once in a while just a few more. Because who could do more than that? What would be the point? Not a hundred. He hadn't counted yet, but he had been collecting and studying the security camera videos, and he was sure it was well over a hundred different women. And all so gorgeous. Lovely sweethearts, not just hot bodies. Way beyond what was possible with call girls. Breathtakingly beautiful women.

In Ping's mind, this guy was a fucking legend, an absolute superhero playboy sex god, and his imagined exploits would forever be the focus of Ping's fantasies. He almost didn't want to know more; the truth had to be something much more boring than his impossible fantasy. Probably they were using the penthouse for model casting or something like that.

Ping watched the three of them step onto the elevator. Then he heard a woman's voice from near the entrance call out, "Jim!"

The man stopped and held the elevator for three more gorgeous women to join him. Ping finally knew at least his first name. As was often the case with these secretive playboy types, the penthouse wasn't booked under his own name. He watched as Jim shook hands with two of the three women, seeming to be meeting both of them for the first time. They looked out of breath. Maybe they had been running; they were wearing running clothes. Their eyes were wide, staring at Jim and holding onto his hand a little too long. What the hell was going on with this guy?

Ping hurried back to his office, eager to check the camera footage. On the live view they were already getting out of the elevator and heading for the penthouse. God damn they were gorgeous, all five of those women. Just unbelievably hot bodies. He couldn't even decide which one was hottest. After they disappeared inside the penthouse, he pulled up the elevator camera and rewound to watch them. They were making out! Almost immediately when the elevator closed, all five of those women were all over him, grinding and groping and kissing madly, especially the two he had just met seconds before!

Holy shit, maybe it was true. His fantasy, his wildest imagination of what was going on up there with all these women, maybe it really was happening. What a rockstar, what a legend. In his own hotel. Ping knew then that penthouse B would forever be hallowed ground to him. After they checked out tomorrow he'd visit it, he knew. He'd walk through every room, reverently imagining all the impossibly hot things that must have happened in every part of it. And then he'd jerk off all over that place.

He rewound the elevator camera to where Jim was holding the elevator for the three newcomers. There was a good view of one of their faces when she met him. He watched it four times in a row, increasingly amazed the closer he watched. He had never seen anything like her reaction to him. That gasp, those wide eyes, and then her face filling with desire, her eyes so intense, suddenly so full of lust. She was squirming in place as she clung to his hand. Oh my god, he thought, she just met him, and she wants him so much. Who the fuck is this guy? He was decent looking, but nothing special. Was he famous? Ping didn't recognize him.

He did a quick search for guests named Jim or James and found there were two currently staying at the hotel, one on the sixth floor and the other on the ninth. Neither of them had last names that sounded familiar. He tried searching their names but found nothing, nobody obviously rich or famous anyway. He pulled up hallway security cameras from those two floors and after about ten minutes he found him, that same guy going alone into that ninth floor room by himself this morning. Gotcha, he thought. Now he had the man's full name. His room was on a corporate card for an accounting firm. And after searching with the company name together with the man's full name, he found him on LinkedIn, recognizing his picture. He was just a regular accountant, it seemed. Not a millionaire playboy. What the hell?

Ping then rewound further on that ninth floor hallway camera and eventually found some video from Sunday night, with Jim outside his hotel room door looking in and two women in bathrobes hovering close by his side. Then he said something to them and they crowded in close to him while several bare arms reached out from inside the hotel room to pull him in, and seconds later Jim and the two women had disappeared inside. Ping rewound and watched it again, frame by frame. There were at least two women reaching out to him from inside the room. For a few frames he could clearly see one of them in profile as she pulled him in. She was nude. And then a few minutes later, six more gorgeous women knocked on his door and entered. And then a little later eleven women left together, absolutely glowing with satisfaction, giddy, giggling, radiating joy. They parted at the elevator after a lot of joyful hugs, the two wearing bathrobes riding up to penthouse B and the rest going down to the lobby and leaving the hotel.

He got out his USB drive to copy the new video files. He already had so many on that same drive, of women arriving and leaving the penthouse. But these new ones were particularly hot because they showed Jim with them. God, that elevator footage was so wild, and so was that new scene with him being swarmed into his room by lust-crazed gorgeous women.

He got an error message. The file failed to copy. He re-opened the source folder to try again. The file wasn't there. Then as he watched, files were disappearing from his USB drive. What the fuck? He yanked his USB drive out quickly. The error message about unsafely ejecting a drive popped up for a moment, then seemed to dismiss itself on its own.

He saw his mouse cursor moving by itself. It opened up a text editor. He saw words appear in formal Mandarin. "Li-Ping, you are a respected and discrete hotel manager, and a loyal party member. You would be wise to put that USB drive back in, and then not speak of this."

He gulped. Chills down his spine. Not just a playboy. A connected one. State security, probably. Not mere hackers or private security. The formal language, the mention of the party, and they knew the legal name nobody called him. Terror gripped him and his hand shook as he returned the USB drive to the computer, then watched as all the precious video files he had collected of Jim's conquests disappeared.

"I am so sorry," he said out loud. "I didn't know. I will never speak of it."

Immediately, an answer began to appear in the text editor. "Apology accepted. No harm done. You know now. Do not investigate these people further. We will be watching you."

Jim was sitting in the middle of the couch, savoring the anticipation and extreme sexual tension of being surrounded by twelve gorgeous women desperately lusting after him. What a thrill it was to just sit there, just wait, just let the anticipation and desire build and build. Ten of them were at maximum fertility already. In Sooyoung's case, that was wonderful; her body still wasn't in a hurry to get fertile for him. He could just take his time and play with her, maybe keep her all week. The other one not fertile yet was Bingyang, that stunningly gorgeous hottie he had recruited from the sidewalk minutes ago. Her body just hadn't had time yet, but he knew it was working hard to get ready.

There were five others he had just met, all now squirming with lust as they processed their overwhelming desire to give themselves to him and bear his children. They of course were all fertile because they had been recruited by others hours ago, giving their bodies time to get ready. Or giving those creepy fleshy pods more time to get ready. Jim suppressed that thought, again actively seeking to distract himself and not allow an idle moment for those thoughts to creep in. The excitement of hunting for and finding Bingyang had been a perfect distraction, and now savoring the growing mutual lust with these twelve again made it easy to not think about any of that. Also, seeing just how rare Bingyang's beauty was among the hundreds of random women on the rush-hour streets had made him more fully appreciate how high their standards had now gotten, and how special all the girls they were now recruiting for him were. They were fucking goddesses, all of them. And they all would soon be his.

Liena's two recruits she introduced him to in the elevator were now pressed close against him from either side, one teasingly stroking his thighs while the other caressed his chest. They were runners like Liena, one a freshman on her cross-country team named Song, and the other a former teammate named Luan who graduated two years ago. They were insanely hot, easily in Bingyang's league, the kind of girls you could see once for a few seconds and never forget, or wish you'd never forget. Liena had explained that they couldn't stay long because they had to go volunteer soon at a 5k, passing out water and white cards to runners. Remembering Liena's incredible body and looking over her two gorgeous shapely tight friends as they squirmed and stared at him in the elevator, Jim had thought this was a fantastic idea. More runners. Fuck yes. That thought had thrown his desire into an even higher gear, and soon after the elevator doors closed he had pulled the two stunned strangers in for kisses that turned into a madly passionate makeout session on the elevator ride up to the penthouse.

The other three new recruits were already in the penthouse when they arrived. They were elite athletes recruited by Qiao: an olympic diver named Gong, an olympic volleyball player named Hsio-Yen, and a Tai Chi master named Jiao. They were all intense, driven competitors like Fen, and all of that intensity was now driving a newfound purpose as they sat across from him on the other couch with Bingyang, the fierce lust in their eyes taking his breath away every time he looked at their beautiful faces.

Next to them on a loveseat were the last two Swedish girls he met this morning, Birgitta and Katja. What a thrill it had been to see those angels when he arrived at the penthouse, those otherworldly slender blond elfin beauties. They had explained they weren't in the wedding party, so they didn't need to get back in time for the rehearsal dinner, which meant they could stay an extra day and still make it to Sophie's sister's wedding. And, he knew, it also meant they'd be recruiting for him for the next few days before he arrived for that three hour stop in Sweden on his way home. God, what a sexy thought that was. More Swedish girls. Hell yeah.

Half an hour before their flight's boarding time, Birgitta and Katja had suddenly decided to stay. It was too late to get their luggage back. By that time, several hours after they had met him, their aching need for him was so strong that they didn't even think about their bags until after they were out of the airport. They had texted their friends asking them to pick up their bags in Stockholm. Then they didn't know what else to say to those poor girls to console them, just settling for a lame-sounding "hang in there." They knew the torture their friends were in for. It was almost unimaginable now, the thought of feeling like this for days, of having to wait until Saturday to give themselves to Jim, constantly thinking about him, constantly wet, squirming, clenching hard on the empty space where his cock belonged until their aching pussy muscles couldn't clench anymore. But Sophie, Annika, and Evelina were strong women. And they knew he was coming for them. They already had the flight tickets they'd need to get into the airport Saturday to meet him, for flights to Berlin that they wouldn't take. They'd get through it somehow.

Waiting at his penthouse had been torture, despite how wonderfully welcoming everyone was. It was amazing how close they felt to all these women, like they were all sisters. And they all seemed to understand what Birgitta and Katja were going through as they sat there all afternoon craving him. But now, finally, here they were together, at last just a few feet away from this sex god who they knew would soon take them, conquer their bodies, and breed them, along with all these other insanely hot conquests-to-be who were now fawning over him. And he was waiting, not doing it yet. It was obvious that he knew he could have them all, anytime he wanted. But he was just letting everyone's desire build higher and higher. This new form of torture was sweeter though, and it was all so worth it. It was so fucking intensely exciting, so right, and they knew it would all happen so soon, as soon as he couldn't stand waiting any longer. They stared at him, stunned by the power of their desire, pouring it into their eyes whenever he looked their way, their pussies so wet for him, their wombs so fertile for him. They were ready whenever he was. So very ready.

Jim's arms were stretched out on the back of the couch, past the two runners cuddling him, his left hand caressing Xin Yan's face as if to confirm that she was really real. She was. That unbelievably gorgeous girl he'd seen this morning through the coffee shop window was real, really right here with him, and so fucking hot for him, pressing herself against his every caress of her face, neck, and shoulders. As mind-blowing as it was to touch Xin Yan, his right hand was having even more fun on the other side caressing Sooyoung, making her moan and squirm so sexily, just like her twin sister Soomin.

He leaned his head back and opened his mouth for another bite. His two new chefs were there standing behind him, ready to feed him delicious appetizers, every bite a new delight, their food making love to his mouth as their eyes promised so much more.

Leaning back and savoring his bite, he also saw Chao-Xing's head peek over the railing at the top of the stairs. She had agreed to go up and rest so she'd be recharged when the real party started in an hour and a half, her body and especially her tongue rested and ready to help pleasure and prepare his conquests, but apparently she hadn't been able to resist checking on them. She was so turned on. He could see the rhythmic movements of her arm although her hand was out of view, and anyway he could just see it in her eyes, she was pleasuring herself as she watched them.

Across from him, Jiao, who had been giving him a footrub, was now parting her legs and scooting forward to bring his foot under her skirt. He felt her warm slick sodden panties pressing on the top of his foot as she squirmed against him. Her movements were so sexy, so sensual, so graceful, so perfectly controlled. Somehow she was turning this lewd brazen act of masturbating herself on his foot into Tai Chi, into exquisite slow-motion martial art. It was fucking hot as hell, filling his head with visions of what else she could do so artfully in slow fluid motion with that ageless limber body and that exquisite control.

The runners snuggled next to him were creeping their fingers closer and closer to his straining erection, their faces nuzzling his neck, almost kissing him, their excited breath hot on his skin. Gong, copying Jiao, now had Jim's other foot under her as well. There were no words now. Nobody seemed able to speak. There were just gasps and moans.

He surveyed the scene again in wonder. Chenguang was doing the same thing, her eyes burning with predatory excitement, gazing around at all these gorgeous presents she would soon get to help him unwrap and play with. She was standing behind the couch opposite him and had been giving Hsio-Yen a backrub, but had pulled the girl back upright and was now reaching over her to lightly caress her upper chest, slowly letting her fingers slip slightly under her shirt onto the swell of her breasts.

Copying Chenguang, Jim trailed his own fingers down from Sooyoung's face and neck, delighting in the familiar feel of the skin of her upper chest and the way she squirmed and pushed herself toward his fingers, moaning out her pleasure. He knew that body so well. He was so fucking addicted to it. He could make her come so easily, about a dozen ways. Another Soomin. Oh my god, the things he would do to her.

Xin Yan had taken his other hand and brought it to her lips, and he felt her take his finger into her mouth, swirling her tongue on it.

His throat was tight, his whole body tense and tingling with desire. The air was so thick with tension, the smell of their wetness so strong he could taste it. He was using all of his self control to draw this out, to let the tension just build and build. It was dizzying, the very air seeming to throb with it, waves of higher and higher lust. Soon it would have to break. Wouldn't it? Could he possibly want anything more than he wanted each and every one of them right now? And yet it kept rising.

Then there was a knock on the door. He groaned and they all disentangled themselves and scooted slightly apart. He drew his two bare damp feet back across the coffee table and scooted back up fully upright.

The two newcomers were of course gorgeous women, and they were strangers. He heard them introducing themselves to Leizu, Liena, Qiao, and Susu in the kitchen. Wing-Chung was a linguistics professor and Cao was a computer science professor specializing in cryptography. Both had just arrived in town from elsewhere in China to join an interdisciplinary research project. They said they couldn't stay for dinner, but their colleagues had said to stop by here before returning to the lab so they could meet someone named Jim who would introduce them to the codebreaking challenge they'd be helping with. Liena led the two over to meet him.

He adjusted his pants to hide his erection as best he could, then rose to shake their hands.

Wing-Chung gasped and stared as he met her eyes. He was captivated, stunned by her ageless beauty, her indescribably lovely and sweet round face, and above all those eyes. Those gorgeous, wise, soulful, kind eyes. He was filled with thoughts of what it would be like to look into those eyes when he took her, when he made her come, or when those eyes filled with joy at the knowledge she was bearing his offspring.

She was still clinging to his hand. She looked down at his crotch and stared at it for a long moment, panting, then looked back up to his face, her eyes now transformed, absolutely full of urgent lust. He smiled, showing her with his eyes that he felt it too, just as much. There was a chorus of barely suppressed gasps and moans from the women all around them. They fucking loved seeing this, all of them.

It was almost exactly the same with Cao, but again somehow it felt completely new, completely unique, stunningly powerful. Seconds later her piercingly intelligent eyes were also now full of lust. She too stared, captivated, at his obscenely tented pants, then groaned involuntarily when he powerfully flexed his straining erection at her. The crowd around them openly moaned and squealed in near-orgasmic sounding excitement. Actually not just near-orgasmic. Someone was coming. He heard a series of high orgasmic gasps from upstairs where Chao-Xing was still watching them.

Somehow Wing-Chung managed to speak. "So nice to meet you, Jim. What's your field?"

He turned to gaze at her lovely face again and was again filled with desire for her. He had to pause a moment before he could speak, still caressing Cao's hand with both of his. "I used to be an accountant. But now my field is… reproduction."

She gulped, staring at him. "Reproduction? Are you in obstetrics with Cheon-Sa? Or reproductive biology with Lanying?"

"No. I'm not a researcher. More of a… practitioner."

"Oh," Wing-Chung said, her voice a barely audible croak. "Oh my god."

"What… what are you going to show us?" Cao asked, her voice husky, her eyes fixed on his crotch again. Deep down, they both already knew the answer. "Cheon-Sa said you'd show us something so we'd understand the project better."

"Yes, it's upstairs. In the bedroom."

They both gasped again, eyes wide, neither able to speak for a moment as their lust swelled yet higher and as that driving purpose crystallized in their minds. They both knew then, as did Jim, that they were, right now, as fertile as they could be. Deep inside they were both so ready for him, and they both knew it would be so right, so perfect to combine their DNA with his. It would be the greatest thing they could ever do. They both needed it so badly, and they both could tell he did too. His eyes alone, not to mention his pants or his words, made it so clear what he wanted to do with them. What he knew he would do to them. In them. Deep in them. What they would eagerly let him do, deep inside their hungry pussies, as close as possible to their hyper-fertile wombs.

"The… bedroom?" Cao asked in a breathless, raspy voice.

"Yes," he said, turning to gaze around again at all the others in the living room, taking in all of those gorgeous faces raptly watching, the whole room seeming to throb with lust, all those incredibly hot bodies he couldn't wait to explore, all those new pussies he just knew were so wet for him right now, squirming, clenching, urgently craving his cock and his seed, just waiting for a sign from him, hanging on his every word.

He turned toward his chefs and opened his mouth, quickly receiving another delicious little appetizer bite. Ridiculously, this group of goddesses was just an appetizer for him. He almost laughed out loud at the thought. This was nothing compared to the huge feast of new pussies he knew was coming when tonight's party actually started. Fourteen new pussies, twelve of them at peak fertility right now, all of them utterly gorgeous, absurdly sexy. This was just a little snack for him, now. It would tide him over, but not come close to satisfying him.

It was time. It was long past time. He finished his bite and swallowed, gazing again at all of them. He would make the most of this little snack, savor the fuck out of all of them. He would have them all. Right fucking now.

"All of you," he said, his voice powerful, commanding them like the sex god he was. "Upstairs and nude. Now."

They all squealed with excitement and rushed up the stairs, peeling off their clothes as they went. He followed close behind, enjoying watching them and taking deep breaths of the smell of wet pussy they left in their wake.

This could never get old. He could never get used to it. Not even close. He was not even slightly less thrilled by it. Just the opposite. It just kept getting better. There was still nothing repetitive about it, ever. They were each unique, and now with their new higher recruiting standards they were all so mind-blowingly hot, each one new to him, each giving him their bodies for the first time, and his desire for each of them was specific to each of them, making comparison completely impossible.

Now, right now, as he took Luan's nude body in his arms and kissed her, spinning her around, sweeping her off her feet and then falling back together onto the bed with her on top, her gorgeously fit runner's body straddling him, grinding her wetness urgently against his erection, there was no thought in his mind of anyone else, no possibility of feeling like this was just like any of his other hundred and fifty-some other conquests of the past two days.

He had met her just a few minutes ago in the elevator, and now he had this lovely hyper-fertile sweetheart on top of him, her perfect hourglass body wide open for him, far too turned on for any more foreplay, her hand already holding his shaft and positioning him at her sweet slick entrance. Unbelievably intense desire, incomparable pleasure at that first contact with her slick lips embracing him, and then glorious conquest. Her beautiful eyes were locked on his, their connection so powerful, so meaningful to her and to him, and just so fucking insanely hot. His whole being was in the moment, feeling Luan's sweet pussy welcome his tip for the first time. How could this ever get old? How could he ever get used to this?

He was just an inch inside her and they were both gasping in pleasure, pausing a moment to adjust to the incredible sensation of it, the crowd around them squealing and moaning in excitement. Chenguang kneeled behind her, pressing up against her back, reaching around to stroke her breasts and kiss her neck, then trailing one hand slowly down toward her clit. Luan pushed down again and he slid another two inches into her sweet slick channel, the sensations so heavenly, so exquisite, her moans of pleasure joined by an echoing chorus from the watching crowd. As always, Chenguang was particularly enjoying this moment of conquest, her eyes wide, fiery, predatory, utterly thrilled to see him take another.

And as always this moment was so good, so powerful, utterly new. Luan lifted up, then pushed down again, slowly, delighting in every inch as she impaled herself fully on him. And now, right now, finally, they were fully joined. Luan was his. His cock was deep inside that goddess body, his tip so close to where her fertile egg awaited his seed. What a rush, what an incredible moment.

Luan couldn't believe how turned on she was and how impossibly great it felt as she began to move on him, long exquisitely pleasurable strokes, involuntarily gasping in shock at the pleasure each stroke delivered. And on top of that Chenguang was strumming her clit just right, driving her even wilder while whispering in her ear about how hot she was and about what a perfect baby she was about to make. She had been so worked up already by their wild passionate makeout session in the elevator seconds after they first met. Stepping off the elevator, gasping for breath, she had thought that elevator ride would forever be the hottest moment of her life. But then somehow seeing him in the living room surrounded by his other soon-to-be-conquests drove her desire exponentially higher. It was so fucking hot to think of him having them all.

And then what an unbelievable honor to be picked first among these goddesses, each so stunningly beautiful and sexy. She was amazed to find her orgasm already approaching. Normally it took her so long to come, but here she was about to blow, about to come so fucking hard, and they had only just started. She tried to hold on but it was all just too much. It was already inevitable. Sex had never felt like this, never even close. Impossibly perfect, already unforgettable, already by far the greatest sex of her life, no need or possibility to make it last longer. She sped up, pounding her body on him, on fire with lust, her rising moans perfectly communicating how close she was getting, and how impossible it would be to stop already.

Jim watched in awe as she sprinted toward orgasm, her body wildly pounding on him, arching and stretching and accentuating her already exaggeratedly sexy body shape. And then she was coming, gloriously, beautifully, powerfully, that tight toned body writhing and squirming on him, the sensation and sight of it all just absurdly hot. He was close too. He could hold on, try her in other positions too, make her come a few more times, but he didn't need to. It was already perfect, already by far the greatest sex of her life despite being so fast. And he wanted her recruiting more runners for him. More of these lovely lithe elongated hourglass bodies, like hers and Liena's and Song's. She was slowing down, her orgasm subsiding. He pulled her down to him for a kiss, then held her face there and looked her in the eyes, saying, "I'm about to fill you, Luan."

"Oh my god!" she cried, going wild again. Chenguang sped up on her clit and her orgasm was roaring back to life, another even higher peak quickly approaching as she pounded her body onto his shaft. He was there. He gripped her hips and pulled her down, holding her tight to him and finding that perfect spot deep inside her as his cock swelled, preparing to blast out his seed. "Yes!" she cried, feeling it swell, knowing that what she craved was moments away. Then he pulsed powerfully in her and she felt his hot seed spurt deep inside, just exactly where she craved it. "Oh, yes! I feel it! It's so good!" He released her hips and she was coming with him within a few strokes, her loud gasps and cries so contagiously sexy as she rode out her orgasm on him, echoed by the chorus of the gorgeous crowd all moaning in vicarious pleasure.

Jim looked up and saw that the loud, triumphant cries of Luan's double orgasm had summoned Chao-Xing. She was looking pleadingly in from the doorway. There was no way she'd be able to rest anyway, right next door, with the sounds they were making. He smiled and beckoned to her and she rushed to join them, tearing off her clothes.

He pulled Luan off and guided her to lay down next to him to kiss him while they waited for the joy to hit, and in the meantime reached out to Song, the other runner. As soon as he knocked them both up he knew they could leave and go to their 5k to recruit him more. He wanted more fucking runners as soon as possible. Maybe they'd be able to bring some tonight.

Song was on top of him in seconds, straddling him, fisting his shaft, and lining it up with her sweet little pink pussy. God, what a gorgeous little thing she was. Such slender long limbs, but with exceptional hourglass curves, adorable perky breasts with tiny nipples and an utterly angelic face. Was she a virgin? He had assumed so, with that sweet fresh innocent-looking face. Chao-Xing and Chenguang had clearly thought so too. They were hovering nearby, their hands gently caressing and guiding her, their eager eyes intently watching her. But there was no innocence or hesitation in Song's eyes now. She was so hot, so ready, and couldn't wait another second to get him inside her where she craved him. She pushed and he felt her incredibly tight slick heavenly embrace as he slid into her those first two delightful inches, well past where a hymen would have stopped him.

Song loved being underestimated. She was a sex addict and a seductress with a long list of conquests. She had made the absolute most of her freshman year in college, especially after the news broke four months ago that there were no more STDs in the world. She had gotten on the pill immediately and made it her mission to maximize her body count as if trying to set a world record. She especially delighted in corrupting good boys while making them think they were corrupting her. She used her innocent looks to make them feel safe being alone with her, often on the excuse of being study partners. She loved teasing them with revealing clothes, hugs, and whispered confessions about how they made her feel all tingly inside and such nonsense. They ate it up, every one of them. They were all the same. She knew just how to drive them wild. She'd have a new notch in her belt by the second or third study session, and sometimes even the first. She was addicted to it, and so fucking good at it. She had had at least two new conquests a week all year.

And her absolute favorite game was to make them think they were knocking her up. She'd coax or trick them into doing her bareback, telling them it was safe, or that she had a latex allergy. Then when they were starting to get close she'd lie and say she wasn't on the pill, that her period was two weeks ago, and that they'd need to pull out. Then when they said it was time to pull out she'd hold them still deep inside her instead, grinding her clit on them and begging for them to hold on just a few more seconds so she could come first. If they were on top she'd cling to them with her arms and legs, or if she was on top she'd just just sit hard on them. She'd hold them right on the edge deep inside her, knowing they were fighting a losing battle, about to lose control, and the thrill of this would always make her come, and when she came she'd start thrusting that poor helpless boy into her clenching pussy over and over through her orgasm, not letting him escape, and he would inevitably lose control and blast his hot seed deep into her. It never got old. She loved it, every second of it, even the aftermath.

Oh god, the aftermath was such an intense, powerful, emotional scene, in which she got to deliver such devastating lines. Like when she'd tell them the morning after pill was against her religion, that their fate was in God's hands, and that she needed to be alone and pray until her period was due. And she'd beg them to promise not to tell anyone because it would destroy her reputation. And they would. That was part of why she preferred good boys. They would solemnly promise not to tell anyone. And then they really didn't tell. Over and over, the word kept not getting out. And that meant she could keep doing it to more of them, keep ambushing more good boys who underestimated her, keep recreating that insanely hot scene when they thought they were knocking her up.

Many of them cried. Some said they loved her. Many gave her expensive gifts. Some even proposed. She broke so many hearts, caused so much stress, and loved every bit of it. In her view, on balance, she wasn't really doing any harm. She knew she was worth it. Her body was so hot, just off-the-charts sexy, and she knew it. The insanely hot sex she gave them was worth the stress and worry she caused, a million times over. So many men, dozens of them already, and she was sure it would eventually be hundreds, would never forget their brief time with her and probably never experience anything close to it their whole lives. And they'd never have her again, but they could jerk off all their lives to their memory of her. That was her gift to them.

When she first saw Jim in the elevator and felt that powerful rush of arousal, it took her completely by surprise. He wasn't her type, not even close. Why was she instantly so wet for him? And Liena was there. Her teammate, who had brought her along with an alum she hadn't met before named Luan to stop by this pre-party or whatever it was on the way to volunteer at the sunset 5k. Song was very secretly a seductress, and she needed it to stay a secret. She always hid this side of her until she was alone with a man. Her image as an innocent sweetheart was too valuable. It was what made her whole game possible. It was what allowed her to ambush her defenseless prey.

But she had been almost drooling staring at Jim, panting with lust, clinging to his hand, squirming in place, all right in front of Liena. She had to have him. And she found herself wishing she wasn't on the pill. She wanted his baby. Fuck, how was this possible? She wanted this man's baby. And from the look in his eyes, she knew he wanted to give it to her. It was crazy how hot she was for him already. This was like ten seconds after she met him. And then he was turning to meet Luan, and Song had watched in awe as he did the same thing to her. Song could tell, she felt the same exact way. Luan wanted his baby too. And so did that other girl in the elevator with him clinging to his arm, that gorgeous thing with the devastating body in the tight jeans and the red midriff-baring top.

Song had then glanced at Liena, expecting to find her teammate's face full of shock at seeing Song's normally sweet innocent persona replaced by the panting sex-crazed beast in heat she had just become. But instead all she found there was kindness. Understanding. And joy. Liena understood, somehow. She knew what Song was feeling and she was happy for her. So happy for her. What the fuck?

As the elevator doors closed, Liena had explained that they were going to volunteer at a 5k, "to pass out water and white cards." Song briefly wondered what white cards were, but there was no time to ask about that because the effect of this statement on Jim was electric. His already lust-filled eyes had suddenly flashed with fierce predatory intensity and he pulled Song and Luan to him. Wild kissing and groping instantly ensued, the other girls crowding in around them and joining in as the elevator rose quickly toward the penthouse and all its passengers rose even faster into mad passion.

Then in the penthouse she had sat there on the couch with him, pressed against him, stroking his chest, taking deep breaths of the scent of his neck, wanting him more and more each second, surrounded by so many gorgeous women who she knew all felt the same. She could hardly speak. She couldn't even do her normal routine of playing innocent and whispering to him that she felt all tingly inside, because this time that fun little lie was actually true. She really was all tingly inside, so fucking tingly that she couldn't even say those ridiculous words when they were actually true for the first time in her life. She had never felt so much desire. And it was way, way beyond tingly now, it was a throbbing need, deep inside, in every inch of her pussy, and all the way to her womb.

And then he had told them all, no, commanded them all, to go up to his bedroom and strip. Song had joined the stampede of giddy squealing women dashing up the stairs to get ready for him. He really was going to take them all, right now. God, why was that so hot? She had never been remotely interested in sharing a man before. But somehow just as much as she wanted him as a notch in her own belt, she wanted him to have more notches in his belt. She didn't feel a trace of jealousy. It was so fucking exciting to think of him having them too, plundering this whole huge group of beautiful sexy bodies that were all so urgently hot for him, the smell of their arousal thick in the air as they all raced upstairs.

Then she had watched in awe as he took Luan, ravishing her gorgeous body, the speed and intensity of it just way beyond anything she'd ever imagined, their cries of absurdly extreme pleasure utterly convincing. This was the sex of the gods. This was the impossibly pleasurable sex to go with the impossible desire she felt. It almost had to be mind-blowing, with how turned on they all were. But it was over so fucking fast. How could it get so hot so fast, and satisfy them both so completely in less than a minute? Everyone in the room was stunned by it, reverently silent and staring at the breeding couple as they rode out the last of their orgasmic aftershocks.

Then Luan had climbed off. And Jim's eyes were locked on Song's. He wanted her. Oh my god, he wanted her right now. Didn't he need a break to recover? No. He was a sex god. His cock was a steel rod, his eyes burning with fierce desire. He was reaching out, beckoning to her. He wanted to be inside her right fucking now. She rushed to him, straddling him and seizing his shaft in her hand.

And then finally, finally, she had come to this moment of truth, right now, his tip nestled at her entrance. How could any sex possibly live up to the desire she felt? How could it be anything but a letdown? Only one way to find out. She pushed and felt him slide two inches into her, spreading her, stretching her, and sending powerful shockwaves of pleasure through her body. It was absolutely in no way a letdown. Just the opposite. How the hell could it feel this good? Nothing could have prepared her for this much pleasure.

Then she heard a gasp from Luan, who was cuddled up at Jim's side. He turned to look at Luan and he gasped too. Song watched in wonder as they both filled with obvious joy, contagious impossibly beautiful bliss. And then Luan glanced up and Song suddenly knew why. Luan was pregnant. She was certain of it. Oh my fucking god he just knocked her up, she thought. That same straining erection that's just starting to stretch me open just knocked Luan up. Jim and Luan were kissing and hugging and laughing, wiping happy tears from each other's cheeks, the crowd around them squealing with the contagious joy they all felt.

He returned his gaze to Song as she squeezed her pussy tight on him while slowly pushing another inch onto his shaft. Then she had to stop again, panting, gasping, eyes screwed shut from the impossibly intense pleasure of it. Again, words she had said so many times before to her conquests were for the first time really true, and she couldn't say them because the only sounds her mouth could possibly produce right now were urgently sexy gasps and moans, as she slid farther down onto him, almost home, almost fully joined with him, but having to pause again, overwhelmed. So many times she had told a boy his cock was filling her so perfectly, that she felt so perfectly one with him, that she couldn't believe how good it felt, that she had never felt anything half that good. All of those little sexy lies she told to make boys think they were amazing and that they were blowing her inexperienced innocent mind, every one of them would now be a laughable understatement, completely inadequate for the insane pleasure she was feeling, the incredible perfection of it.

And yet it was still not enough. There was still that throbbing urgent need to complete it and get him deep inside her where she craved him, and where she craved his seed. She pushed one more time and finally she was home. Fully joined with him, his magic cock pressed against her cervix, filling her so perfectly, the pleasure so complete. Her mind again filled with the driving purpose of all this pleasure, the desperate need for his seed, that inexplicable but fervent wish that she was not on the pill, and the crazy thought that maybe somehow the sex would be so powerful that the pill wouldn't matter.

She was moving on him now, using every skill she knew, her strokes luscious, complex, using her hips, arching and stretching her body to accentuate her shape, her pussy squeezing him, milking him. She saw his eyes widen in surprise as he realized she wasn't the innocent inexperienced girl she looked like. She had had more sex this year than most women had in their lifetimes. And she was talented, a natural, a fucking goddess body with instincts to match. She knew what she was doing, and she was doing the fuck out of it.

There were appreciative gasps and moans from the crowd at her exquisite lovemaking. They had all underestimated her too. Everyone did, and as always, Song loved it. Especially the two women who had caressed her early on when she started mounting him, gently trying to help her relax like she was some innocent virgin. They were giggling in surprised amusement as they realized how they couldn't possibly have been more wrong about her. Then the two of them each turned to another woman nearby, the two professors who had arrived last, and began kissing and caressing them instead, getting them ready for Jim.

Song was in familiar territory now, riding a boy, using all her skills to try to blow his mind and make him come harder than he ever had before. And this helped her finally feel comfortable enough to catch her breath, so finally she was able to speak. Thinking she'd try playing her favorite game a little, she said, "It's a risky day. I am so fertile right now."

He just nodded. That fire was back in his eyes. Lust, pleasure, excitement, but not a trace of surprise. He wasn't alarmed. He already knew. And he fucking loved it. This wasn't how her game usually went. She slowed her thrusts a little, uncertain.

"Doesn't that… doesn't that make you want to pull out?"

He smiled and shook his head, then grabbed her hips and started pulling her harder onto him, his hips jutting up to meet her thrusts.

This was not how her game was supposed to go. He wasn't afraid of coming in her. He wanted to. He wanted to knock her up. Just like he had just knocked up Luan. Just like he would then knock up all of these women. Oh my god, he's going to do it, he's going to knock all of them up. The thought was dizzyingly hot. She sped up her thrusts, a powerful orgasm already building.

It was all so good, so ridiculously good. It was going to happen so soon. But then he tightened his grip on her hips and slowed her down. Was he about to come? His cock had swelled inside her. She squeezed hard on it, making him groan.

"Song," he said. "What do you want? Do you want to make my baby?"

"Oh god, yes, I can't believe it but yes I do, so much. But I can't, I wish I could, but I'm on the pill."

"No," he said, smiling and resuming thrusting. "The pill doesn't work with me. You're as fertile as you can be, right now."

She gasped, staring wide-eyed at him and clenching hard again on his cock. It was impossible, but true. She knew it, somehow. She was utterly fertile, right now, and with every impossibly pleasurable stroke, the tip of his iron-hard shaft was probing right at the entrance to her defenseless fertile womb.

"Song, if you want to pull off, you'd better do it soon. You're so fucking hot. God, you're so fucking good at this. You're going to make me come."

Her own game, with the tables turned. But not a game. Absolutely serious, with life-changing stakes. Life-creating stakes. Dozens of times she had delighted in putting boys in this predicament, making them think they were about to knock her up if they didn't pull out, then not letting them pull out, asking them to just hold back and not come a little longer while reveling in the feeling of driving them involuntarily to spray their seed into what they thought was her fertile womb. It was so fucking hot, every time, so intense, so powerful. And now this boy, no, this man, was doing it to her. He was the one telling her to pull off if she didn't want to make his baby.

But he wasn't holding her there. He wasn't stopping her from pulling off of him. He didn't need to. He could see right through her. He knew what she wanted. She wanted this. Deep down maybe she always had, even if she never admitted it to herself. Her little game with those boys was so hot because it was all leading up to this, all practice for this reality.

She was going to do it. It would be perfect. His baby. Her baby. It would be so fucking perfect. She'd turn the tables on him, make it her game again, and drive him over the edge, make him lose control and let fly in her. She showed him her decision with her eyes, grabbing both of his hands and intertwining their fingers while she resumed her sensuous, deep, urgent thrusting, riding him with all her skill, all her passion, all her urgency.

She could see it starting, his muscles tensing, his eyes fighting to stay open, veins popping on his neck. He was about to blow. About to blow deep in my fertile body, she thought. It was so fucking exciting. She poured all that excitement into her movements, knowing she was so fucking hot, knowing her lovemaking was irresistibly sexy. Why wasn't he coming yet? How the fuck could he hold on, with her doing this? Her lovemaking was devastatingly hot now, impossibly pleasurable, her whole body writhing and stretching its way onto him with each fluid, sensuous, powerful thrust. His eyes devoured her, the intensity of his lust and pleasure written all over his face and in his strangled moans. Even she had rarely come close to being this sexy. She was blowing the fuck out of his mind. Right now, in this moment, she knew that her body and the way she was moving on him was the hottest thing anyone had ever seen on this planet in all of human history. It just had to be. It wasn't fair what she was doing to him. It was epic, impossibly hot, her perfect body and her perfect movements and her perfect fertility and the perfect sensations every inch of it caused. It was impossible that he could hold on another second. But every second, somehow he did.

The power of her own lovemaking was too much for her. Unbelievably, he still held on and she was the one who came first, crying out as her shattering orgasm began, clenching and milking his cock, thrusting her body onto him harder and deeper, her orgasm coming in massive tidal waves that shook her body, taking her breath away as she fought to keep her eyes open against the agonizing pleasure of it so she could watch him for the orgasm that surely now had to come. And it did. She felt him swell, saw him gasp, and then he pulled her down hard on him and cried out his peak. His cock throbbed powerfully deep inside her and she felt it, felt his hot seed paint her cervix. It was breathtaking, glorious, epic. She resumed thrusting in triumph, her glorious orgasm still going on and on, and they rode out the rest of it together.

Then she fell onto him and kissed him, clinging to him, clenching her pussy on him over and over, so satisfied, sweet perfection, not an ounce of regret. This aftermath moment was such a beautifully pure opposite of the aftermath she was used to. She didn't have to pretend to regret it along with some sobbing weak boy. This man absolutely did not regret it. Not for a second. He was the opposite of her usual prey. He had wanted this fully, he had gotten it, and then afterwards he was happy about it, perfectly fucking satisfied. And instead of knowing he'd always remember her, she was the one who had been given a life-changing experience she'd probably never come close to again, and she was wondering if he even knew her name or would remember her a day or two from now, which for him would probably be dozens of pussies later. Or maybe hundreds. She wouldn't put it past him.

He saw the look on her face and understood. He took her face in his hands and whispered, "Song, wow, you are so fucking amazing. Absolutely unforgettable." Then he just gazed into her eyes, so grateful, so satisfied, so happy, showing her how special she was, just pouring his gratitude and awe through her eyes and into her soul. She felt exactly the same. She realized this was her moment like she'd just seen Luan have with him, and she almost laughed at the thought. She wasn't about to cry happy tears like Luan had, that silly sappy girl. Then suddenly they both gasped together. She knew. And he knew. It had worked. She was bearing his child. It was so right, so beautiful, such a powerful moment, the feeling rising and swelling and then overflowing, just utterly gushing, so powerfully, and in seconds she was bawling with joy, not just a few happy tears but a freaking waterfall of them, gasping and sobbing and thanking him over and over again, then laughing at herself, then just laugh-crying as the bliss just kept going higher. Such beautiful perfect complete joy. It was all just so right.

The joy seemed to open her heart up completely, and then she felt a new purpose fill that space, stretching it, growing it. For the first time she had something she really wanted to give to others, for their own good, not just for herself. She would devote herself to sharing this joy, spreading its gift to other women. She knew so many beautiful women who she could give this gift to, just by bringing them to meet him.

He wanted more, even now, with his hard shaft still deep in her pussy. He was insatiable. He was already looking over at the professor lying next to them writhing and moaning in pleasure, her legs wide open, another woman's tongue busy at her crotch. Song giggled and climbed off, eager to watch him take her.

He immediately turned on his side and scooted close to her, that lovely cryptology professor whose name Song forgot. She was on her back and he scooted his knees under one of her legs to get his cock in position. They had a pillow under her butt, raising her up enough so that other woman could still easily tongue her clit, leaning over them. He caressed her face and breasts as he positioned his cock at her entrance, pausing, savoring the moment, the whole crowd moaning in anticipation. The two soon-to-be lovers were staring so intensely at each other, their eyes so full of a beautiful mix of lust and that joy that still filled everyone from Song's own impregnation, his cock still so hard and so wet from Song's juices.

Liena was at Song's side. She had just come upstairs, on the way gathering Song's and Luan's clothes from where they had carelessly flung them on their way up. Song met Liena's eyes and they shared a blissful smile and a moment of profound connection. She was so grateful to Liena for bringing her here, for choosing her for this gift. She felt so deeply connected now to Liena. Like sisters. She suddenly knew why Liena already looked so happy, why she had looked so happy all day. She was bearing Jim's child too. Their children would be siblings. Along with the children of all those other women in the kitchen who had been so happy, just radiating joy, smiling at her so kindly, so knowingly. She knew now that Jim had knocked them all up too. It was all so beautiful, so right. Luan joined their hug and the three of them watched together as Jim's magic cock conquered the gorgeous professor on the bed, all three of them knowing exactly how she felt, moaning along with her shocked gasps at the impossible pleasure of every inch of it.

Again, just like with Luan, it was getting so hot so unbelievably quickly. She was already coming, and he was not far behind, less than a minute into their frantic lovemaking. Song was filled with excitement and a new urgency. He was so insatiable, so potent, and so damn efficient. Any second now he would knock this woman up. And then the others. All of these women would soon be bearing his children. And then he'd still want more. Holy shit, she thought, this isn't enough for him. He's going to run out of fertile wombs. She had to get him more. She hurried to get dressed, noticing that Luan was doing the same, clearly filled with the same thought.

As they finished dressing, the couple on the bed were already crying out their orgasms together, her second orgasm and his first happening almost simultaneously, their orgasmic cries so wild, so hot. And then Jim almost immediately pulled out and scooted over to the other professor, who sounded like she was close to coming too from the other woman tonguing her. Song shook her head in wonder at how he didn't seem to need even a break to recover. Instead, his desire only seemed to grow. He was speeding up. She had to hurry.

As the three runners left and hurried down the stairs, they could hear the second professor's gasps of shocked pleasure, that sound so familiar now, the sound they all knew meant he had just penetrated her with his magic cock and she couldn't believe how good it felt.

As they finally left, past the knowing joyful smiles of their new sisters in the kitchen, the sounds of lovemaking from upstairs still clearly audible, Song's thoughts then turned to her five most recent victims, those poor boys who were all anxiously waiting to hear about whether she got her next period. Who would she pin this pregnancy on? Certainly not Jim. The last thing she wanted was for him to be tied down. He needed to spread that seed and that joy. Ah yes, she knew who it had to be. Nanyou. He was half German and even looked a little like Jim. And such a nice boy, such a diligent student, so polite, considerate, well-adjusted, and intelligent. He was from a wealthy and very happy family. Her parents would approve of the match.

And he loved Song so much already. Even before she had seduced him, she had seen it in his eyes, felt his adorable innocent pure affection for her. He really was the kind, sweet, innocent soul she pretended to be. Unlike so many others, his proposal hadn't felt like it was unwilling, driven by duty and honor. He really loved her already. Or loved who he thought she was. Maybe she could really become that sweet girl for him. She knew suddenly that she really could love him back if she let herself. She already felt such tenderness for him. It was swelling within her now as she thought of him. She was stunned by how powerfully relieved she felt at the thought that she might not have to break his heart after all. Yes, oh my god yes, I really could love him, she thought, or maybe I do already. She might even be faithful, or at least try her best, but anyway she'd love him and make him so happy. He'd make a devoted husband and a wonderful father for Jim's baby.

She texted him as they rode the elevator down, saying she missed him so much, that she just kept thinking about what a wonderful person he was, and that she had changed her mind and wanted to see him as soon as possible. Then, her heart swelling, her eyes filling with happy tears, she impulsively added one more text, "I hope you still have that ring."
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