I eased my softening meat out of her and helped her to her unsteady feet, scooping her up in my arms I carried her inside and upstairs to the shower, her well fucked hole continued drooling a steady stream of cum. Rinsing myself off quickly I told her to take her time as I headed back downstairs to throw the pizzas in the oven. The rain had eased a little but was still quite heavy with plenty of low rumbling thunder, sounds like its going to keep up all night I mused to myself as I put the pizzas in the oven. My phone rang and I answered…it was Ally’s mother again….we had bumped into each other numerous times at mutual friend’s gatherings etc over the 8 years I had been living here so we weren’t complete strangers…being a small community everyone pretty much knew who was who anyway….” I was just speaking to the Wilson’s, they told me the water is over the causeway higher than they’ve ever seen in the 20 years they’ve lived there…looks like you’re going to be stuck with Ally for a couple of days at least, I’m so sorry for the nuisance” she apologised….. ”Don’t fret….she is by no means a nuisance, she was very useful helping me work on my truck this afternoon passing spanners and stuff….and I’m sure there’ll be plenty of leaves and branches in the yard from the storm so she can help with cleaning up in the morning…provided the weather has fined up”. She chuckled, “I’m glad to hear she’s being useful…gawd it seems I’ve got to hound her continuously to do things around here!”....she paused a moment and added, I got a call a moment ago from Jean Wilson, her and Frank are travelling back from the city and won’t be able to home to your side of the causeway so are going to stay with me…trouble is Gemma is at home alone and kinda stressed…I told her Allison was stuck at your place and suggested maybe if it was safe you might be able to drive over and take her back to your place….she’s freaking out that the power might go out. “Of course I can do that, and more than happy to” I assured her, my cock lurching, “I’ll have no problems getting over there in my truck to pick her up, we were about to organise supper so I’ll take another pizza out of the freezer and we’ll go fetch her.”
I took another frozen pizza out, turned the oven down low, and headed upstairs to get Ally…I had seen Ally and Gemma together often around town so knew they were friends….the vision of Gem filled my mind….from memory she was around 6 months older than Ally and stood a good foot taller….very slim and willowy, light red curly hair…I hadn’t really been able to tell what she might look like naked as her clothes always seemed to be baggy….I guess being so tall and slim that it was hard for her to get tight fitting clothes….I said a silent prayer asking that by the end of her stay I would have a clearer picture. I walked into the shower to find Ally sitting on the floor, knees up and spread wide as she stroked a finger between her divinely swollen pussy lips….”Damn girl, I thought that hot little pussy might be satisfied by now!”…she looked up at me and smirked, “it kinda is for now…but it just keeps leaking!” “Well you’ve sure had some good loads pumped in there….she looked up at me and smirked…”looks like you want to pump some more in me” she said giggling….the thought of having her red headed friend to perv at….and the sight of her stroking herself had thickened my meat considerably. I turned the shower off and reached my hands down…”come on you wicked girl, we need to go for a quick drive”.
I pulled her to her feet and handed her a towel before heading to my room to get dressed,….now what to wear? I thought to myself….I pulled a tee on and rummaged in the drawer for suitable shorts….something that wouldn’t cause the red headed angel to bolt screaming down the street….but revealing enough to hopefully make her pussy itch a little….the Lycra bike shorts just might do the trick I thought and began to step into them just as Ally’s arms hugged my waist from behind….”aww…don’t hide him away” she pleaded….I chuckled, “hopefully I won’t have to wear them for too long….just don’t want to get arrested for public nudity!”. Ally giggled and slipped in front of me….”let me tuck him in then” she said wrapping her hands around it….I stretched the waist out front and she slurped a wet kiss on my knob and began feeding it into my shorts….”put it down the right hand leg I instructed”, she looked at me quizzically but complied…struggling a little due it beginning to engorge….she withdrew her hands and stepped back to check its alignment….” Its crooked she exclaimed and squeezed a hand up the leg of my shorts, grasped the knob and pulled my shaft straight…”much better” she announced….Oh, not quite….and proceeded to fold the shorts leg up and over itself so my helmet was poking out the bottom….”don’t want him suffocating” she said giggling.
I picked her up and hugged her to and kissed her passionately, “Oh god I do love you and your wicked mind” I chuckled…..now we need something for you” as I placed her standing on the bed….I dragged an old business shirt out and held it to her to put one arm in the sleeve and then the second, I fastened the middle button and began working up until her hard titties were covered but the inner swells were just visible….I then fastened buttons downwards until her swollen gash was just covered…..”OMG I’m suffocating she protested”. “You’ll survive…..lets get going” I said and held my arms out for her leap into them and wrap her legs around my waist…”so where are we going?” she asked as I carried her down the stairs….I explained Gemma’s situation and that we were picking her up to stay with us until the flooding is over. “OMG….really!...way awesome...she’s like my best friend! “Yeh I reckoned she was…I’ve seen you both together a lot at the shops and stuff”. We climbed into the truck, Ally scooting right across the bench seat to sit beside me, and drove off slowly to get Gemma. “Sooo….were you perving at us those times and getting a boner and thinking about fucking us with this?” she asked mischievously as her hand groped my cock….”Oh hell yeh” I grinned, “well…mostly you…I loved those tight Daisy Dukes you would wear with those tight little ass cheeks peeking out the bottom….and your fat nipples almost poking holes in your tee!”…..”what about Gem…did you perv at her too and get a boner thinking about fucking her?” I chuckled….”maybe not as much as I did with you…she always had baggy clothes on so I had to imagine what her ass and titties looked like….I know a lot of red heads have yummy fat pussy lips and big fat nipples so that was enough to give me a boner”. Ally squeezed my leaking cockhead and giggled…. “ Yeh she’s got really fat nipples and fat lips…..you guessed pretty good” she giggled…I glanced sideways at her and reached down with my right hand to cup her hot mound and slide a finger along its slippery gash causing her to gasp and push against my hand….. “Sooo….do tell….how exactly do you know what her nipples and pussy look like?”
She squirmed a little…”umm….well…we’ve had a few sleepovers you know….so I’ve like seen her nude a few times getting changed and stuff”…I smelt a rat….”stuff”….I asked pointedly…..”what is ‘stuff” I emphasised as I curled a finger deeper into her steamy little cunt…..”aahhh” she breathed and flexed her hips forward on my digit as the hand on my cock gripped tighter. “Well…umm….we like kinda fingered n licked each other”. I nearly blew a load right then….seems like my red haired fantasy might be as open to a little sexual exploration as Ally had been…..”Fuck baby, that is so damn hot…I bet she tasted delicious”….”yea I kinda liked the taste of her pussy” breathed Ally gasping as I diddled in her dripping little cunt before pulling it out and turning into Gem’s house as the rain began to beat down heavier….”Ok, you go to the door and get her….when she comes to the door tell her we have to go quick because its raining heavy…don’t let her go back in and get clothes and stuff OK!...oh and when you get back to the truck make sure she gets in first…in the front….Ally slid across and leapt out into the rain and rushed to the door….I grinned knowing her soaked shirt would be clinging wetly to her hot little body and almost see through. I saw her press the door bell a few times and look back at me grinning wickedly….
She reached to press it again when it opened to reveal Gem’s tall lithe frame in what appeared to be a sleeveless nightdress that would have been considered a bit on the short side for a young teen to wear to a man’s house….I saw her make to turn back inside and my heat skipped a beat….Ally grabbed her arm and dragged her out then pulled the front door shut before pushing her towards the truck….Gem seemed to be arguing with her and pointing back to the house, I leant across and pushed the door open as they reached it…squealing from the cold rain Gem climbed in closely followed by Ally who shoved Gem across seat almost into my lap and slammed the door shut. “Hello Gem” nice night for ducks isn’t it?” “OMG… she gasped….thanks so much Mr. D…I was really starting to freak out…gawd I’m soaked”. I flicked the interior light on when they were about to climb in….my cock felt like it would tear through my tight shorts as I glimpsed her chest…the soaked nightdress stuck to her like a second skin…her fat nipples prominently perched atop hard titties that looked about the size of half a small lemon at most…my eyes dropped to her crotch and I almost groaned aloud….she was obviously not wearing knickers…the soaked fabric moulded wetly between her legs to reveal the outline of her bulging sex and her tight cleft. “Gawd I’m freezing” exclaimed Ally as she slid across bumping against Gem unbalancing her a little causing her to squeak and drop her hand down to stop herself tumbling across my lap….her hand landing bang on my hard cock which flexed strongly form the sudden contact….she gasped and jerked her hand away…”Damn it Ally what the heck you doing!” she admonished….”keep ya knickers on…I’m turning the heater fan on….or do you want your tits to freeze off!....not that there’s much to freeze off anyway” and shrieked with laughter at her own comment as she flicked the heater on fully…..Gem’s mouth opened and closed as she tried to phrase a retort to Ally’s barb…”Now now Ally….that wasn’t nice” I admonished, “some very nice things come in small packages you know…..and besides, I happen to think small titties are just to die for…so there!” as I reached my arm around Gem’s shoulder and pulled her slightly to me as if to comfort her….her hand once again dropping momentarily onto my straining meat for balance….she gasped again and I perceived she was slightly slower to remove her hand…
She turned triumphantly to Ally…. “HA…so there!...its official!!...keep your nasty big titties away from us!” and fell into a fit of laughter….Ally launched herself at her friend tickling her ribs and stomach causing Gem to squeal and squirm hard up against me….”Ok ladies….that’s enough shenanigans…for now!, we need to get home” as I reversed out and headed down the street slowly in the pouring rain….I was pleased to note Gem was sitting upright with her shoulders pulled back highlighting her divine little breasts, obviously quite chuffed from my ‘small titties are to die for’ comment…and I fancied I saw her eyes drop in the direction of my crotch…I reached up and turned off the interior lamp and dropped my arm gently around Gem’s shoulders….”I hope you’re feeling less stressed now sweety” as I hugged her body lightly against me…..adding, “despite our obnoxious big titted passenger!”…and we all broke into laughter and I felt her relax and kinda melt into my side and rest her head against my shoulder. Ally, feeling a little jealous perhaps, shimmied up against her friend and pulled my arm off Gem’s shoulder and placed it around hers as well…..my wrist dangling down and my fingers softly brushing her hard nipple each time we drove over a small bump. The girls gasped in unison as we turned a corner….ahead was a tree branch laying across the width of the road….”Oh gawd”…groaned Gem as she stiffened, I withdrew my arm from their shoulders, “don’t stress, its not that big…I won’t have any trouble driving over it” I reassured them, I slowed and creeped up to it at an angle, changing into 4WD, and the first front wheel climbed effortlessly over…jolting my passengers hard against me…..they both uttered a squeal and Gem’s hand grabbed at my leg to balance herself as Ally lurched against her….her hand landing right on my hard shaft….as the next wheel began climbing I felt her tense and her fingers unconsciously gripped tighter….as it dropped harshly onto the road both girls gasped again…Gem’s fingers curled further as the Lycra yielded….I increased the speed ever so slightly before the back wheels carried us over…lurching the truck a little more harshly and eliciting shrill squeals from both girls….Gem’s hand had almost encircled my entire shaft gripping tightly……suddenly realising what she was holding, she gasped and jerked her hand away….”So….so..sorry” she breathed in a whisper….”Don’t stress sweetie….as long as you felt safe is all that matters” I said as I softly squeezed her upper leg then returned it to the wheel.
We pulled into the garage, the automatic lights illuminating the cab….”Home safe” I announced and climbed out and turned back to watch the girls exit the passenger side….Ally slid out with Gem shuffling across to follow, she spun her body to face the door and, ducking her head and leaning forward so as not to bump her head, she straightened her long legs to stand on the side step…I groaned audibly, by shimmying her ass across the leather seat her wet clingy night shirt had rode up and stuck to her ass cheeks to reveal the firmest, plumpest little….well not that little….camel toe I had ever laid eyes on….its tight cleft parting deliciously as she lowered the first foot to the floor….my poor cock threatened to tear clean through the lycra as it flexed uncontrollably. As they rounded the truck to my side I was quite pleased to note both pairs of eyes dropped fleetingly to my bulging shorts…..well actually Ally’s eyes just stayed down as she licked her lips! I announced, “I’ll run up and grab a couple of towels for you to wrap yourselves in so you don’t drip water through the house, come through into the hallway” and headed inside ahead.
“OMFG” whispered Gem to Ally, “when we bounced over that branch my hand grabbed his cock!...I didn’t realise what I was doing….gawd I could die” she exclaimed. “Gawd I bet he loved that” giggled Ally…I bet that made your slutty little cunt get creamy” she added and thrust her hand between Gem’s legs to fondle her friend’s fat pussy. Gem squealed and pushed Ally’s probing hand away, “ALLY!” she admonished, “you’ll make me drip on his floor!” “Feels like you’re already dripping you slut” as she plunged her hand back between Gem’s legs, “bet you’d love to have his fat cock stretch your yummy cunt and squirt it full of cum….I would sooo love to see that…and lick it all out of you….gawd...did you see it nearly bustin his shorts open?”. “Yeh I did” Gem replied almost in a whisper as she spun away from her friends wicked fingers again….just in time as I returned with the towels…”here you go ladies, you both head up and shower….Ally you take Gem to my room when you’re finished and find a couple of shirts to wear….the older ones in left side wardrobe….I’ll be in the kitchen getting supper back on the go”…I’ll have a quick shower when you’re finished”, I had given my cock a couple of good squeezes on the way back and was pleased to note Gem’s eyes glance downwards…again! I turned and headed back to the kitchen…chuckling to myself as I heard a couple of squeals from Gem….no doubt Ally keeping Gem’s tasty pussy humming! Hearing another squeal from the vicinity of the stairs I risked a quick peek…the girls bounding half way up the stairs, Ally leading….Damn!!...Gem’s towel was a little short and I got a good look at her tight round ass seesawing up the stairs, her fat cunt nestled snugly between her thighs.
I turned the heat up on the oven and opted to throw the third pizza in the microwave, I readied the plates and checked I had some sodas in the fridge…..then fidgeted around waiting for my desserts to shower! My patience ran out after 10 minutes and I started climbing the stairs, at the top I called, “supper is ready…are you ladies ready?”. I heard squeals then Ally called back, “don’t come in yet, still trying to find a shirt for Gem, she’s being a princess and saying they’re all too short”….”Yeh well, she is a bit taller than you…..look in the drawer below the wardrobe…there should be a light blue shirt there that’s longer….I bought the wrong size accidently”….a moments silence then Ally called back, “good news…it meets her highness’s approval!”. I waited patiently and they finally appeared out of my room…..I bowed with a mock flourish…”Ohh, I do say….her highness certainly does look ravishing in that number!” Gem blushed crimson and then squealed as Ally, standing just behind her, grabbed the back of the shirt and pulled it back causing the front to tighten and reveal the outline of Gem’s firm delicious little tits and puffy nipples threatening to tear through the light material. “Ally you cow” screeched Gem as she spun to swing a slap at Ally who dodged it easily….the tail of Gem’s shirt twirling out and up to offer another yummy glimpse of her forbidden fruit. I chuckled at their antics, “I’ll just have a quick shower, you two head down to the kitchen and serve up”. I undressed, my shorts leg slimy from my precum that had been leaking out since I first laid eyes on Gem, and was about to hop in the shower when I heard Ally say to Gem…”you sort supper and I’ll just run our wet things up the laundry”….a couple of minutes later she ran into the shower, naked, and leapt into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist…..”gaawwd fuck me please…I’m goin crazy”….I grabbed her tight little ass and lifted her higher with one hand as I aimed my turgid cock with the other to slot it into her needy cunt and dropped her down….she squealed into my chest as I filled her with the meat she craved, bucking and squirming furiously as my balls tightened and my cock flared strongly in the tight depths of her needy cunt…. “gaawwd yesss…pump it in me pleeeaase” as her body began to convulse on my meat….my aching balls did her bidding as she shuddered and thrashed. I held her tight against me as she panted heavily….eventually I lifted her slowly off my cock and set her unsteadily onto her feet….”oh fuck…I needed that she gasped and turned to leave the shower, globs of my cum slithering down her legs….” You better wipe yourself good sweety…or Gem might want to know why you have cum dribbling out of your twat.” She looked back at me grinning, “maybe I’ll just get her to lick it clean” she giggled mischievously before wiping herself with my towel.
I hurriedly dried off and chose a muscle shirt and comfy grey sweatpants to wear and headed down to the kitchen where the girls had just served up and were waiting to start. “Who wants a soda?” I asked, noting that Gem hadn’t buttoned her shirt excessively high…a good sign I mused…though unfortunately here firm little globes were too compact to afford a glimpse of their inner swells….Ally on the other hand was more revealing as she raised her hand high and answered “yes please, I’ll have one”. “me too please” responded Gem more demurely….I passed them their sodas and pored myself a Bourbon with ice before sitting in the empty chair between them….hardly chance that they left a spare chair between them given they were close friends….I wondered who’s idea that was! We chatted about random stuff as we ate….I directed a lot more questions to Gem in the hope of making her feel more relaxed and ‘at home’, and in the process managed to catch a couple of partial glimpses as she leant forward to take bits of pizza….enough to keep my cock hanging heavily down the leg of my sweats…it got decidedly heavier when Ally slipped her hand furtively under the bench to give it a couple of squeezes! I finished my drink and got up to get a refill….turning towards the girls I asked if they wanted another…”yes please” they responded in unison looking to me….I saw Gem’s eyes widen as she saw the outline of my meat hanging down the leg of my pants….I flexed it a little and her eyes widened further…I turned back to the fridge and gave it a couple of good squeezes and a rub as I got the sodas out with the other and took the few steps to the bench to deliver their drinks….without looking directly at her I could see her eyes widen as she stopped chewing her mouthful, gleefully noting that her eyes were following my cock the whole time….ohh baby….you’re hooked aren’t you… I thought to myself as I turned back to fetch my Bourbon. As I walked around behind her to take my seat, I softly brushed my fingers along her shoulder and neck, “would you like anything else sweetie?” “uh…um…yeh…I mean no…I’m good thanks Mr. D” she stammered breathlessly, her cheeks flushing….”well don’t be shy to ask if you want something …anything ok” I said “uhh ha” she almost whispered.
I sat back down but didn’t pull my chair in so I was slightly behind the girls and knew my lap would be visible should Gem glance down, I turned toward Ally and placed my hand on her upper thigh, an audible sigh from her as her legs parted slightly on reflex, “how about you Ally, you want anything else?” she squirmed a little and parted her legs a little wider….the faint scent of pussy wafted into my nose causing my cock to flex involuntarily….I heard a stifled gasp from Gem and smiled to myself knowing she had been perving….another involuntary flex of my cock from that thought…..I drained my drink and set it on the bench, leant further back in my seat and softly placed my hand on Gem’s upper leg….I heard her inhale sharply and felt her thigh press a little towards me, “well I must say its been way too long since I’ve had the pleasure of dining with two of the sexiest young ladies in the State” I announced….caressing a little further up and over the top of Gem’s slim thigh….I felt a slight shudder from her body and her thighs parted further involuntarily, causing my finger tips to slide softly to her inner thigh….the fingers of my right hand now softly stroking the junction of Ally’s thigh and her leaking cunt mound….my cock was hardening with every flex an beginning to tent my sweats, Gem’s eyes fixated on it like a deer caught in the headlights…..I froze as I noticed the hand she had been resting on her left leg begin to slowly move towards my hand thinking she was about to push it away….I stopped breathing as she placed her hand on my wrist and her fingers curled around it and stopped…..we were on the razor’s edge between her yanking my hand off her thigh….or urging it on…
I went for broke and dragged the finger of my other hand through Ally’s weeping cunt slit causing her to moan loudly and thrust her hips at my touch…..Gem made a gurgling noise in her throat and pushed my hand onto her steamy plump mound while her right hand captured my rampant cock…..I gasped…”get your hand inside my sweats baby….and feel it properly”….she complied quickly….with BOTH hands and moaned hungrily as she felt its slimy hardness…bucking in her seat as I slid a finger the full length back and forth along her tight slippery cunt gash, her slim frame shuddering violently as her juices flowed hotly. I diddled both hungry gashes with gusto until within a minute Gem wailed and shuddered as her orgasmic fluids flooded my hand and puddled in the seat and she flopped back gasping for air. I turned my attention to Ally, stood and ripped off my sweats, laid her face down on the bench and fed my meat deep into her willing cunt….