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Guy continues to engage in and enjoy the latest activities with Chelsea. In the back of his mind he wonders just how much further she will go.
Sharing is the Spice of Life – Chapters 7 & 8


As always, Monday morning came around and a new day is beginning. The weekend was fun, and I feel that I have grown in many ways. Witnessing the things that Chelsea participated in had made me realize that she was her own, independent woman and whatever she wanted to do was her business, and I have no right to dictate to her how she will conduct herself.

I know that by acknowledging this, I could leave myself open to allowing her to have a steady lover. I don’t believe that it will ever come to this, but the possibility is always there. Also, I do know that she loves me and that she wants nothing from other men except their cock. Should this ever prove to not be correct, then I will have to deal with it at that time, but for now...I’m going to let her have her fun.

The sun is coming up and General is wanting to go outside. I took him downstairs and let him out to run and do his thing. Chelsea is still asleep, so I get dressed quietly and go downstairs to the kitchen for my morning fix of caffeine.

As I stand at the patio door sipping coffee and watching the sunrise, I begin planning my day. I must go in to see Ed this morning and see how the land deal and partnership agreements are coming along. Then I have to go over to Lance’s place and verify the head counts then get those into the bank so they can finish up the financing. I need to meet with Colton sometime and go over the details of our new partnership and sometime today, I need to hold my wife close, kiss her and tell her that I love her; that is probably the most important thing I can do today.

As I go out the front door, that damn jackass meets me to say good morning and General seems to be ready to go. I dropped the tail gate of my truck and let General jump in. I want him to get used to riding in the back of the truck, unless the weather is bad. Colton’s truck is at his office so I may as well get this job done while he is available.

“Good morning, Colton, and how are you on this fine morning?” I asked as I walked into Colton’s office.

“Hey boss, I’m doing great this morning. Things couldn’t be better.” he replied.

“I thought I’d stop by, and we can discuss some of the terms that need to be in the partnership agreement. Do you have a little time?”

“You bet, so what are you thinking?” he asked.

I had some notes made of things I had thought of and some things that Ed thought should be included. It took us about 2 hours to go through everything I had and some things that Colton wanted to include. It was a very productive meeting, and we felt that we had all the bases covered. “I’ll drop these notes off to Ed while I’m in town today and see if he can get a draft done that we can study for a day or so before we finalize it.”

“Also,” I said, “Did you get the head counts all done last week before everyone left for the weekend? I never got a chance to get over there.”

“Yeah, we did. Lance has them all.” Colton told me.

“I’ll go over there and pick them up in a little while before I go to the bank. That’s the last thing we needed to get to them so the notes and security agreements can be drawn up. I sure hope we can get this closed this week. How many of Lance’s men do we need to keep around?”

Colton thought for a moment then said, “I think probably all 8 of them. Were you thinking anything different?”

“That’s what I was thinking, just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. I’ll see you later, oh yeah, how did the weekend go with Jennifers folks?”

“It went well, they seemed to be happy that she had found someone that she could have a new life with,” Colton said.

“I’m glad for you. We’re still going to have to find a time when we can get together and go out and celebrate,” I told him.

“Yeah, maybe after we get this land purchase finished and get the stock situated; we’ll have time. I know that Jennifer really wants to hang out with you guys and get to know you better.”

I stopped at the house to see Chelsea and take care of one of my jobs for the day. This one will be the most pleasant job I get to do today. She is out on the patio, when I go in, still cleaning up from the weekend guests. I walked up behind her and put my arms around her and squeezed. “Good morning beautiful,” I said as she turned around.

“Good morning to you handsome.” she replied as she put her arms around my neck and kissed me.

“I just thought I’d stop and say good morning to you before I left. I didn’t want to disturb you earlier. Well, did you enjoy the weekend?”

“Yessss, I did. But I don’t think I want to do it all the time, I think once every few months maybe. How do you feel about it?”

“That sounds good to me...I don’t want to do it on a regular basis either. I think maybe if we did it every week, like some people do, it would get old, and I think I’d lose all interest.”

“I feel the same way,” she said.

“I need to go; I’ll see you sometime this afternoon. I’ll have lunch in town so don’t plan on me.” I said as I went to the door. “And... I’m leaving General here too. He will be out front somewhere...see ya later.”

When I went to my truck, I could see General out near the tree line smelling around. I whistled at him, and he came running. When he got to me, I petted him and praised him and told him to lay down and stay. I wanted him to work while I was gone. There had been another burglary about 3 miles away over the weekend. This time the burglars had sexually assaulted a woman that was home at the time, Colton had told me.

I went over to Lance’s and picked up the head counts. It turned out that there were about a hundred head more than Lance had thought. I thanked him and left for town. I made a stop at Ed’s office, then went on to see Harry at the bank. Harry informed me that with these head counts, it’s a done deal. All he needs to do now is get all the documents drawn up, then we can all meet and sign everything. Harry seemed to think that he would have everything ready next Monday. We set the closing for 3 pm.

It has turned out to be a good day. Everything has fallen into place for the Henry Ranch buyout and all the partnership paperwork will be done later this week, including the incorporation filings. Chelsea and I will lease our ranch to the new corporation. The Henry Ranch and all assets will be purchased by the corporation as well as all the stock from the Star Crest will be purchased by the corporation. It is going to be a very lucrative deal for all involved. Chelsea and I will hold seventy-five percent of the stock and Colton will hold twenty-five percent of the stock. All Colton and I have to do now is come up with a name for the new corporation. Hopefully we can come up with something this afternoon so I can let Ed know.

My stomach is beginning to growl, and I realize it is approaching 2 pm. I think I’ll stop at the Cattleman’s Steak House and satisfy my hunger and maybe chase it down with a little Maker’s Mark. After I was seated, I noticed Cindy sitting at the bar. She had not noticed me when I came in so, I walked over to where she was to say hi.

“Well, Guy, I didn’t see you come in. What are you up to today?” she asked with a wide smile.

“Oh, I had some business in town this morning and didn’t get home for lunch, so I thought I’d stop by here and settle my growling stomach. After I was seated, I saw you sitting over here and thought I’d come and say hi.”

“I’m really glad you did,” she said as she ran her index finger down the button line of my shirt.

“What are you doing here this time of day?” I asked

“I had a few things to think about, so I thought I’d stop here and have a drink and just relax.”

“Well, I don’t want to intrude, but why don’t you join me, and we can visit while we’re hanging out…if you’re hungry, I’ll treat you to lunch.”

Cindy smiled and stood up. She kissed me on the cheek and said, “I would be delighted to join a handsome guy like you.” We then went over to my table.

Cindy was wearing a very short mini-skirt, and a low-cut blouse that didn’t leave much to the imagination. I thoroughly enjoyed the walk to the table, the movement of her hips and the tight material stretched over her lovely curves awakened the snake in my jeans. I pulled a chair out and seated her, all the time enjoying the view of this ravishing woman.

“So where is Mike hiding out today?” I asked as I sat down.

“I’m not real sure,” she replied in an upset manner.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” I replied not fully understanding what was going on with her.

“Don’t mind me Guy, I’m a little upset with him today. You see, we have been involved with another couple from Waco. Mike has been sneaking off and having a few clandestine rendezvous with the woman. It’s not that I care if he is fucking her, but I feel he should tell me when he is with someone else. It makes me feel like he might be thinking he wants someone else besides me…I really don’t want to cry on your shoulder and bother you with my problems.”

“Cindy, that’s what friends are for…someone you can talk to when you need to let off some steam.”

“I appreciate that, Guy. You know, I had a very good time last weekend and I know that Mike did also. That wife of yours is one beautiful and sensuous woman…Mike has always been captivated by her beauty and his dream of seeing her naked and having her in bed was finally fulfilled. Aaaaaaaand, I really enjoyed having you inside me.” She said smiling just before the waitress arrived.

She did not want lunch but ordered another double Weller. I ordered a Chicken Fried steak and gravy and a double Maker’s Mark.

After the waitress walked away, I said to Cindy, “The feeling is mutual beautiful lady…I’ve desired you since Chelsea introduced us last year. I just never figured that circumstances would ever arise that would allow us to have sex. Chelsea has had this thing about experimentation lately, and it has led to some bizarre things. The swinging is one of them and there are a couple of other things also.”

“Well Guy, we’ve screwed, and she knows it and was okay with you doing it with me. So, what would be the matter if you and I go over to my house and fuck, Mike won’t care. If you want, I’ll call her and ask her if it’s ok…I’m really horny and I really want you...come on, pleeeeease?”

I wanted to fuck her, but Chelsea and I had made a deal, and I was not about to break that deal. If it was ok for me, it would be ok for her, and I am not going to be the one to get that started.

“Cindy, this is hard for me but, no. I’m not going to break my word to Chelsea…a deal is a deal. Now, when we’re all together next time, nothing would please me more than to please you. Just understand, I don’t want to go sneaking around and from what you just told me, you don’t like the fact that Mike is seeing this other woman on the sly. Soooooo, what’s the difference?”

“I see what you mean Guy, and you’re right, it would be the same thing. I guess I’m just trying to get even.”

My lunch arrived along with our drinks. Cindy and I had a good visit while I ate, and she drank. I finished lunch and told her that I had some more things to do in town and asked her if she wanted a ride home. I really didn’t think she needed to be behind the wheel of a vehicle in her condition.

“No, I want to stay here for a while longer, thanks though. Guy, I really want to have sex with you again, let’s plan on another party soon.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to Chelsea about it when I get home. I’ll talk to you soon. Sure you don’t want a ride?”

“No, I’m fine, I’ll get a cab when I’m ready to go home.”

I left the restaurant going home. I need to get hold of Lance and Colton and let them know about the closing on Monday.

When I arrived home, General was still in the front yard. I stopped and petted him then went on into the house; General followed me.

Chelsea was out on the patio sunbathing in the nude when I came in. It always excites me to see her naked, I’ll never get tired of it. “Well, I see you are slaving away today.” I said as I sat down.

“Oh yes, I ran out of steam getting everything straightened up after the weekend. When I finished, I decided to not start anything else today and just…… do nothing… except for maybe you.” She said grinning.

“I had lunch at the Cattleman’s and ran into Cindy. She was there by herself and getting a little tipsy. I think that she and Mike are having some problems. Cindy told me that he is seeing a woman that they swing with, secretly. She tried to get me to go have sex with her this afternoon. I turned her down. I didn’t want to get in the middle of their problem and also break our deal.”

“I appreciate that, I really do.” Chelsea said to me, “something like that could cause a lot of problems and distrust between us. You did exactly what I would have done; that’s why I love you.” Chels got up and came to me, sat in my lap and kissed me, until she felt a cold nose invade her pussy.

“I think he smells that I’m turned on and want to fuck.” She said to me as she pushed General away. “It’s time for you to go to the kennel.”

I watched her intently as she walked across the yard taking General to his kennel, then returning. She returned to my lap and began kissing me again. “Do you want to do it now, or wait till later?”

“I think that maybe we should wait till later, Colton may come by when he returns from Lance’s place. He had a couple of things he wanted to talk about, and I want to see what he thinks we should name the new corporation; you need to join in too.”

“Okaaaaaaay, if that’s the way you want it,” she said taunting me.

Chelsea put her clothes on and went to the kitchen to start dinner. A few minutes later, Colton showed up. We went to the kitchen, and I got a couple of beers out of the fridge then we sat at the table to talk. Chelsea joined us also.

“Well Colton, are you ready to do this thing?” I asked.

“It sounds like everything is coming together. I think I’m ready.” he said. We talked about the two concerns he had and solved those problems then began to talk about what to name the corporation.

“Does anyone have any ideas about a name?” I asked.

Chelsea suggested Hang Tree Valley Ranch because of a very old oak tree in a valley on the Henry place. Back in the 1800’s it was the place the good guys took all the outlaws to be hanged. We all discussed it and decided that it would be a very appropriate and appealing name, so we adopted it. I called Ed and told him what we had decided so he could get all the documents done.

Suddenly, General began barking very aggressively. Since this was out of character for him, I went out to the kennel. He was at the far end of the kennel with his total attention focused south of the kennel. I opened the kennel and calmed him then took him to the house with me.

“I don’t know what got into him,” I said.

“You know, Guy, there is someone around that has been breaking into different places. The Sheriff thinks it must be some of the trash that illegally crossed the border then drifted in here. Lance told me that someone tried to break into his tack room a couple of days ago but didn’t get in. It could have been them. At the last place that was broken into, there was a woman still at the house, they raped her. It’s a good thing you have General, he will deter those jerks from coming around here…I sure glad that dog is my friend.”

“I’m glad we got him too, especially because Chelsea is here alone so much of the time. I know he will protect her…she is his favorite person in the world.” I said as Chels kicked me under the table and gave me that ‘shut your mouth look.

“When Jen and I get moved into the new house, I think I’ll get a dog too. I’ve been thinking about getting a couple of Blue Heelers. They are not only good herding dogs, but excellent watch dogs also. Jen has said that she is going to quit teaching after we’re married. She wants to spend more time helping me. She grew up on her dad’s ranch at Childress. That is one more thing I found out this weekend.”

We had finished all our business and dinner was ready, so Colton went home to get ready to go to Jennifer’s place. We finished dinner and the dishes and went to the living room to hang out and talk about whatever might come up. The only thing to come up was my cock. Chelsea had gone up to our bedroom and changed into more comfortable clothes. When she came back down, she had changed into a thong and night dress…and I must say she looked fabulous.

I had the TV on, and we talked about the ranch deal for a while. Chelsea kept edging over to my end of the couch, finally laying across my lap and kissing me. “Hey there cowboy, I’ve had this thing for you all afternoon, what do you think?”

“I think you’re going to get fucked, that’s what I think.” My hands went under her sleep dress and began squeezing those two soft and sensuous orbs that were hiding there, then playing with her two erect nipples. She was laying there moaning loudly as I pushed one hand under her itty-bitty thong and discovered she was soaking wet.

“My oh my,” I said, “It looks to me like someone is in the mood for some pleasure.”

“That I am cowboy, why don’t you get those duds off and let’s get serious about this.” She challenged.

I moved her off my lap, stood up and stripped while she did the same thing. I sat back down, and she laid back into the same position. We kissed for a while till she rolled over and got on her hands and knees and began to blow me. One thing is for sure, my woman is a great cock sucker. She had me leaking precum like broken faucet. Chelsea was sucking my cock like she was pulling pop through a straw. “Hold it baby, I’m not ready to unload just yet…lay back and let me work on you for a bit.”

Chelsea lay back on the couch and I got between her legs and began to lick the juices she was secreting like it was melting ice cream. One thing I always liked about eating Chelsea is that she always tastes so good and the closer I get her to orgasm the more she leaks. In a matter of seconds Chels exploded. I shoved all my tongue into her sweet pussy and lapped up every drop she gave me. Her orgasm lasted and lasted. I know that she came on my tongue 4 times before I came up for air.

We both were breathing heavily. I leaned back on the couch and laid my head back. Chelsea smiled and got off the couch and got on her knees between my legs and began to suck my cock again. She looked me directly in the eyes and said, “I’m about to drain your balls cowboy, hold on.” And did she ever. I expected to feel my balls pop out the end of my cock, damn this woman is good. I could feel the cum blowing out the end of my cock flooding her hungry mouth. She continued working me over, never breaking eye contact with me.

Then suddenly, she stopped. I raised my head and looked down over her naked body and saw that General had mounted her while she was sucking me dry. She grinned at me and lay her head down on my cock while General fucked her like there was no tomorrow.

It was quite an erotic sight watching from my vantage point. I could see the determined look on General’s face and the wanting look on Chelsea’s face as she enjoyed the pleasure his big cock was providing her. My cock began to rapidly harden under Chelsea’s head. She felt it and immediately began to suck it again as General continued to work her pussy over. General knotted Chelsea and began filling her hot honeypot at the same time I was dumping my load in her talented mouth.

Chelsea lay her head down again on my spent cock and rested while General’s big balls pumped her full of his rich cum. After about 15 minutes or so, his cock popped out. Chelsea was able to roll over on the floor and lean back against the couch with a sated look on her face.

“I never thought I’d ever be spit roasted by my husband and a dog.” She laughed.

General had finished licking his cock clean and had his tongue up inside Chelsea’s cum filled pussy. He was touching all the places that sent her over the edge. She continued to cum all the while he licked her pussy clean. After another 4 or 5 orgasms, she went totally limp. I helped her to her feet and up the steps to our bedroom and into our bed.

I turned out the light and we both went to sleep on top of the covers. We didn’t wake up till well after sunrise. I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the shower. The water felt great and invigorated me. I caught some movement coming into the bathroom and saw it was Chelsea making her way toward the shower. I opened the door and held her hand as she entered. “Good morning.” I said.

Chelsea smiled at me, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. She pulled her head back and said, “Last night didn’t turn out like I thought it would. I’m sorry babe, I wanted you to fuck me, not General.”

“Let’s not worry about it. Didn’t you enjoy it?”

“Well, yes, I did. As usual with him, I got well fucked.”

Chels slowly went to her knees and took my limp cock into her mouth. Within a few minutes it was rock hard and leaking as she continued her oral assault. It didn’t take long till I felt a tingling in my balls then, just seconds later, I filled her oral cavity with cum, which she readily swallowed.

I helped her to her feet and kissed her. “Thank you for the wake-up honey…I needed that.” I said to her.

“You are most welcome,” she said, “it’s the least I can do for you, you are always so good and understanding with me.”

We finished our shower, got dressed and went to the kitchen. I told Chels that I would be going into town and asked if there was anything I could pick up for her while I was there.

“Nope, I think everything is fine.” She told me.

“I should be home for lunch, and I think I’m free for the afternoon. I’ll spend it with you, if you’re not too busy. Maybe we can go for a ride or whatever you might want to do.” I told her. “Today, no one should be around here, they’re all working out on the ranch till quitting time.

“Ok, that sounds like fun,” she said as I headed for the door.

I drove to the COOP to get a pallet of feed before the weekend and then went to talk with Ed for a bit. He told me that everything was still set to do the closing on Monday and assured me that we didn’t need anything further.

I made it home in time for lunch. Before I went into the house, Colton drove up and told me that the banditos had hit another ranch last night and I should keep an eye out for anything strange going on.

“Thanks for the info pal, I plan on being around here all afternoon, so I’ll keep a look out.” I told him.

Chelsea was just setting the table when I came in. “Did I see Colton’s truck out front just now?” she asked.

“Yeah, he was telling me there was another break in this morning a couple of miles down the road. He just wanted me to keep an eye out since no one would be around here today.”

“That’s what we have General around here for. When he is outside, I see him all over the place checking things out,” she said.

As we had lunch, we talked about swinging. Chelsea told me again that she wasn’t really wanting to do it all the time and wanted to just do it periodically. I was glad to hear that from her, swinging really isn’t my cup of tea either. It’s not that I mind getting a strange piece of ass, but I don’t like watching my wife get banged. I know, when I watch some big cock invading her, I do get turned on, but it is still the thing that she is my wife…chauvinistic I know.

We decided to go for a ride after lunch, nowhere in particular, just somewhere out on the ranch. Perhaps we can cross the boundary over onto the Henry place and take a look around there.

I had a little work to do in the office, so Chelsea said she would go to the barn and saddle our horses then bring them up to the house. Then we could leave when I finished.

About an hour had passed when I finished my work and Chelsea had not arrived at the house. I decided to walk down to the horse barn to see what the holdup was. General was snoozing on the porch as I left. “What a life a dog has, just lay around eating and sleeping all the time.” I thought to myself.

It is such a beautiful day. It’s not as hot as it has been and there is a light breeze blowing. Maybe I should take her up to the beach where I could spend the afternoon with her naked. My imagination was running a little wild as I pictured the scene in my head.

I walked through the door of the barn and didn’t see Chels anywhere around the tack area, so I went back to the stall area to see if she was back there. I didn’t see her but there was a stall door open, so I thought I’d check in there, maybe there was a problem with one of the horses. As I walked up to the stall, there was no horse in it. As I stepped inside the stall, I saw Chelsea tied against the side wall, gagged, and two hombres’ standing there holding guns.

“What the hell is going on here?” I yelled.

The taller of the two Mexicans said, “Como estas, compadre, come eeen. We were just having this leetle talk with the senora bonita here…we want to get to know her a leetle better. Maybe you don’t mind if we get to know her a leetle better, eh hombre?”

I immediately knew what was going on. These two were the ones that had been breaking in the different ranches and were probably the ones that had raped the woman at the one place. The shorter of the two took me by the arm and pulled me toward the opposite end of the stall.

“Well, senor, we gonna have to tie you up down here so you can watch us get to know your pretty esposa.”

I took a swing at the shorter one knocking him across the room. The other one shot a shot into the ceiling of the stall and said, “No, no, no compadre, doing stuff like that will geet you keeled, comprende? Now you geet back against that wall and Rodrigo is gonna tie you up…don’t mess around, I don’t want to keel you cabrone.”

The tall one held the gun on me while the short one tied me to the rings, we used to tie horses to from time to time. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get loose, I knew there were rifles in the tack room, if I could just get there.

As I struggled against my restraints the two men went back to Chelsea. “Heeey puta, I think you are a real pretty puta; don’t you think so Rodrigo?”

“Si, compadre, this peera es muy bonita. Maybe we need to take a better look…she got too many clothes on…maybe we need to take them off to geet a better look, yes?”

I could see the fear and begging in Chelsea’s eyes as she looked over at me. I struggled against the ropes trying to get myself loose but to no avail.

Chelsea’s hands were pulled out from her body and tied to the horse restraining rings on each side of her. Her legs were spread out wide and tied also. She looked like an X.

The tall one, Juan, pulled a knife from his pocket and began slowly cutting the buttons from her shirt, exposing her bare breasts. “Mmmmmmm, Rodrigo, weel you look at these niiice pechos. I think I could get mucho leche from these tetas, don’t you theenk?”

“Si, Juan mucho leche…. let me see if I can get any leche.” He said taking one of Chelsea’s nipples in his mouth while grasping the whole thing.

“Rodrigo, geet out of the way, cabrone, I theenk I need to take some more clothes.” After he said that he took the knife and cut the shirt off her.

Heey, Rodrigo, you untie one foot and take that bota off, then tie her foot back and go take the other bota off, understand cabrone”

“Si, cabrone.”

After Rodrigo removed her boots and had her feet tied back, Juan took his knife and carefully put it under the cloth at her ankles and began to slice the material, moving upwards. I could see more fear in Chelsea’s eyes. While Juan continued cut the jeans upward, Rodrigo was getting his hands and mouth full of my wife’s beautiful tits. Chelsea began fighting her restraints, trying to get loose.

Juan finally finished cutting her jeans off, leaving her standing there in nothing but her panties. “Hey Rodrigo, you look at this muy bonita cuerpo…look at this fine culo…he he he, we gonna get some reel bueno cono today.” Then he cut the panties off leaving her totally naked.

The two stood back and admired her naked body talking about how good she looked and how good of a fuck she was going to be. I couldn’t break the ropes as I looked into her pleading eyes. I didn’t know what I was going to do.

“Heey Rodrigo, you know what I am going to do now? I want you to watch this.” He got down on his knees I front of Chelsea and pulled her pussy lips apart. “Look heer Rodrigo, see all this nice pussy juice.” He pushed his nasty finger inside Chelsea and pulled it out, slick with her juice, then licked it off. “MMMMMM, Rodrigo, steek your finger in there and geet a leetle of this sweet stuff, it tastes as good as she looks.”

Rodrigo pushed his finger inside Chelsea and licked her juices from it. “oooooo es muy bueno, mas por favor.” He then stuck his finger back inside her and got some more.

Juan leaned close and began to lick between her lips. A shocked look came on Chelsea’s face as he continued to lick her, starting at her ass and licking all the way to her clit, where he paused and teased it with his tongue.

I could see that through all this, Chelsea’s body was beginning to betray her. Her eyes were closed and head back all the time he sucked and played with her sensitive clit.

He finally stood up and began to disrobe as did Rodrigo. When Rodrigo exposed his cock, I gasped at the sight of it. It was about 11 inches long and between 2 & 3 inches in diameter, maybe more. Juan was sporting a cock that should have been on a horse. It had to be at least 12 inches long and thicker than a beer can…...and totally ugly with big veins pooching out all around it and I could see a few sores on it. Oh my God, this guy is infected with something.

While I was trying to break free, I saw Juan remove Chelsea’s gag and begin kissing her as he groped her tits. Chelsea was trying to fight him off and screaming at the top of her lungs, “LEAVE ME ALONE YOU SORRY COCK SUCKER, GET AWAY FROM ME……”

Juan just laughed, “Heey there puta, you better get ready for me to push this big polla up in your belly. Me gonna give you goooood fuckin…take me grande polla up inside you and fill you up with my jugo de bebe. Ha Ha Ha.”

Chelsea was still screaming at him as he approached her holding his hard rod and aiming it at her wet pussy. All of a sudden, I hear a blood curdling growl and a black flash going through the air at Juan…it was General.

He hit Juan on the fly and knocked him to the ground then began to maul him. Juan had his arm up protecting himself the best he could, but this big monster was chewing him up. In the meantime, Rodrigo had fled the scene as fast as his short legs would carry him.

Now that Juan was occupied, I got my teeth onto the rope and began trying to pull the knot. After a short time, I was able to loosen the rope and free myself. General was continuing his assault on Juan. I found the two guns on the floor and called General off. I was so mad I wanted to shoot the son of a bitch.

Chelsea was crying, pleading with me to untie her. Juan had scooted his ass back against the wall and was cowering like a little bitch. “General, HOLD, I commanded. He moved over in front of Juan with his teeth showing as I moved over and untied Chelsea.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me tight, still shaken from the experience. I wrapped my arms around her and said, “It’s ok Chelsea, it’s ok, it’s over and they can’t hurt you.”

Chelsea continued to cry. I sat her on a stool and said, “Stay here for a minute, Chels, I’ve got to tie this bastard up. Here, you hold this gun while I do it. With General at guard, I hog tied Juan then went to the tack room and retrieved a blanket and took it to Chelsea to wrap up in.

Juan was stirring trying to free himself when I got back to the stall. I looked at him and smiled and said, “Heeeeey compadre, you in beeg trouble now cabrone. Now it’s you that’s gonna get jodido, perra. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.”

Juan just glared, his arms bleeding from Generals mauling. I left General guarding the prisoner while I took Chelsea to the house and called the Sheriff’s office.

Chelsea had calmed down and took a shower while I went back out to the barn to wait for the Sheriff to arrive. It was about 10 minutes till a deputy got there

“What’s going on Mr. Marlow?” the deputy asked.

“I think we captured the burglars, at least I have one back here,” I said as I walked toward the stall where General was keeping an eye on Juan.

As we started back toward the stalls, I could see two more Sheriff vehicles coming toward the barn.

When the first deputy and I got to the stall, General looked and growled. I told him to go sit which he immediately did. The deputy looked at Juan, still nude with all his chew marks, and said, “Looks like your dog was on the job.”

The Sheriff and another deputy arrived, and I told the whole story to them and that the other guy had fled when General attacked. The deputy got on the radio and notified the dispatcher that the other suspect had fled and was wearing no clothes.

Chelsea came back to the barn to give her statement as one of the deputies was escorting Juan to his car. Chelsea looked at him, called him a son of a bitch and kicked him in the balls, putting him on the floor. The deputy had to restrain her till I could get hold of her and calm her down.

While Chelsea was finishing her statement, a call came over the radio that other deputies had caught Rodrigo about 3 miles from the Star Crest. They said he was naked and suffering from multiple cuts and abrasions and cactus needles, and they were taking him to the hospital for treatment.

The Sheriff told Chelsea that she was lucky that she had a dog like General. “Without him here to protect you, all of this could have really turned out really bad.” He said.

The officers left and Chelsea, me and the General all went back to the house. Chelsea was still a bit shaken, but starving, so we drove to Sonic and got a burger. General rode in the back seat of my truck and was rewarded with two double burgers.

For the rest of the weekend, we didn’t do much except hang out on the patio and relax. Luckily the whole episode hadn’t traumatized Chelsea hardly at all. She has found out just how tough she is. As for Juan and Rodrigo, they will be standing trial within the next couple of months. Chelsea will again have her toughness tested when she has to testify in court. I have no doubts that she will be just fine.

Chapter 8

The following Monday we all went to town for the closing on the Henry Ranch. Colton included Jennifer and was very excited as was Chelsea and me. Today was the culmination of several weeks’ work and uncertainty. I was glad for Lance. Now, he and his wife would be able to kick back and enjoy their retirement now and not have to worry about the day-to-day operations of a working ranch.

After closing we all went to the Cattleman’s for dinner and a few drinks. The word had spread about the episode at the horse barn. Chelsea was back to normal, being her rowdy self after a few drinks. Colton had been giving her a hard time about being tied up naked. “Damn, I wish I had come back to the barn that afternoon and found you tied up like that, it would have been just like old times.”

I noticed that Colton acted like he had just been kicked under the table. I looked over at Jennifer and saw her looking at Colton, smiling and mouthing, “you better shut the fuck up mister.” I wasn’t sure if they had discussed each other’s past or not, but it sure looked like she knew something. A bit later, I saw her get Chelsea off to the side and talk with her. I guess I’ll find out the rest of this story later tonight.

We all did a bit of celebrating, but it didn’t last too late, we all had to get up and go to work in the morning. Colton and I had to go over to the Hang Tree Valley Ranch tomorrow and meet with the employees and explain what everyone’s responsibilities are. Colton and I have talked about this for some time. I’m going to let Colton do the talking, so that the men all know that he is one of the bosses now and not just the foreman. This brings up something we haven’t talked about, who will be the new foreman.

It was about 10 pm when Chelsea and I arrived home. General was on the job watching the place, but otherwise things were quiet. We went through the kitchen and got a glass of iced tea on our way out to the patio. Chelsea had told me earlier that she wanted to talk to me tonight when we got home, I didn’t know exactly what was on her mind, but I was about to find out.

“Guy, I found out something very interesting tonight. Jennifer and I have been talking most of the afternoon and evening and have really gotten to be good friends. It seems that Jennifer and Colton know Cindy and Mike. The more she talked I learned that she and Colton had been swinging with them for a while. I about fell off the chair when she told me that…but the real kicker is yet to come.” She said when she took a big drink of tea.

“Jennifer is a very sexual woman, almost as bad as I am. She and Colton sat down one evening with a bottle of bourbon and told each other everything about their past so there would be no surprises after they get married. Colton told her that he and I once had a relationship and that he had fucked me way back when. During the same conversation she told Colton that Cindy had told her that she and Mike were swinging with you and me. Well, to make a long story short, she wanted to know if you and I would be willing to swing with Colton and her.”

“I told her that you and I would have to talk about this at length because of the business relationship that we all have now. So, I guess we need to talk about it. I don’t know what to do Guy, this whole thing blows me away.”

I sat there in total disbelief. “Chelsea, this is one of the most bizarre coincidences that I’ve ever seen. I know that Colton seemed to want to talk about something the last few days but would never come out and say anything. Now, I know what it was he wanted to discuss. I think what we must do is have a sit down with Colton and Jennifer and talk this thing out. I don’t want something in our private lives to affect our business…we’ve put too much into this to put it in jeopardy. And now it is a done deal. What do you think?” I asked her.

“You’re right, this is going to take a lot of thought and I don’t know if I want to get into a sexual thing with Colton. You know that he has never gotten over me. I don’t know where this might go if we started having sex with them. We all need to have a very deep conversation about the pros and cons. Damn, of all the people for Cindy and Mike to hook up with……”

“I’ll talk to Colton tomorrow and set a time to get together and discuss this.” I told Chels, “But… I remember you always told me that the only thing that you really liked about Colton was the size of his cock.” I said to her joking. She just got red faced and flipped me off while I was enjoying getting one up on her.

“Of course, we always have Mark and Jodi if everything falls apart.” She said.

“We will just have to wait and see how our conversation goes. I think that if we get everything out in the open, things will work out, but you never know.” I stated.

The next morning, I saw Colton’s truck at his office, so I thought that now is as good of a time as any. I’ll go see if he and Jennifer want to come over later and we can all discuss this situation and hopefully come to a decision as to what to do.

I walked down to his office with General and Pedro, both following me. When I got there, they both just laid down out front and stretched out on the ground.

“Good morning, Colton. How does it feel to now be an owner rather than the foreman?” I asked him.

He stood up from his desk and came to where I was standing. As he shook my hand he said, “Good morning and it feels great. I don’t know how I will ever thank you for this Guy…I promise I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t,” I told him.

We sat down and discussed the meeting we have set with all the employees later this morning and who we would pick to be the foreman. We decided that Justin Campbell would be the best choice. He has worked for this ranch for over 20 years and is familiar with the Henry place.

“Anything else we need to talk about before the meeting?” I asked him.

Colton replied, “Not that I can think of, I believe we have all the bases covered………. except, for one other thing.”

“And that would be……….?” I asked.

“Guy, there is one thing more I’d like to talk about….and….it really doesn’t have anything to do with the ranch. A few months back, Jennifer and I started swinging with another couple. It came up that this other couple, Cindy and Mike, had been swinging with you and Chelsea. I………”

I cut him off and said, “Yes, Chelsea told me about it last night when we got home. I was going to bring it up to you this morning also and see if you and Jennifer would like to come over later and the four of us can discuss the situation, you know, all the pros and cons.”

“Yeah, Guy, I think that that would be a great idea. I know for sure that now, after our deal, it needs to be discussed thoroughly. I know that Jen and Chelsea talked some about it last night, but I think that the four of us need to be the ones to talk it out.”

“I’m glad that you see it that way…when would you and Jen like to do this?” I asked.

“I think that the sooner the better. How about today after we have the meeting with the employees, Jen will be here cleaning my house.”

“I think that will be fine, I’ll let Chelsea know. I had better go back over to the house and see Chelsea before we leave…you want to ride over with me?”

“Sure,” he replied, “I need to finish up a couple of things here before I leave, so why don’t you come by here when you’re ready…it shouldn’t take me over about five minutes to finish.”

I left Colton’s office and walked over to my house, with my two protectors that had been patiently waiting.

Chelsea was cleaning when I returned. “I talked with Colton, I guess that Jennifer will be cleaning over at Colton’s house today while we’re gone to our meeting. When we get back, we’ll come over here and have our talk…ok with you?” I asked her.

“That will be fine with me, I’ll go over and tell Jennifer when she shows up. How long will you guys be gone?”

“It will probably take us 3 or 4 hours. I called the Cattlemans and they are going to cater lunch for everyone at the meeting, so I won’t be back here till it’s finished.”

“Okay, I think I’ll see if Jen wants to go to town and we can have lunch there today, it will give us a little time to talk before you guys get home.”

I kissed Chelsea and went to my truck then over to Colton’s office to pick him up.

When we got over to the Henry place, all of the hired guys were there waiting for us. Lance had just recently built a new barn so that is where we decided to have the meeting. There are several folding tables and chairs in there, so the men had set them up and had our meeting area ready.

The meeting lasted for about 4 hours and when we finished everyone knew that their jobs were secure, and they each knew what their individual tasks are now. Everyone stood around and talked for a while after the meeting. The Henry employees and my crew all had some time to get acquainted and Justin had a chance to meet the new guys. Colton and I excused ourselves and went back to my house. When we got there, it was close to 5 pm and Jennifer’s truck was already there.

The girls were cooking dinner when we walked in. It looked like burgers and fries, which was fine with me. The Cattlemen’s had put on a fine spread for lunch and I really wasn’t too hungry. The girls were working on a bottle of wine so Colton and I each got a beer and sat down at the table on the patio.

During dinner we chatted about the ranch and everything we planned on doing. The girls finished off the bottle of Merlot and opened another one. Colton and I stuck with the beer.

Chelsea brought up the reason we were here and began by saying that we all four must figure this out before we get started doing anything because of the business relationship we will all have.

I began, “It really surprised me when I found out that you two were swinging with Cindy and Mike. I wasn’t really sure what to do when I found out. I guess what I need to know is do you guys think that we can do this and not let any jealousies get in the way of our partnership. That is the one thing that I want to make sure of and, if something comes up, we will need a protocol to settle it, other than breaking the corporation up. What do you guys think?”

Jennifer spoke up next, “Guy, you have some good concerns. Colton and I have talked about the same things and neither of us want any problems between us in the business. We are both very fond of you two and surely don’t want to have any personal problems either. We feel that there won’t be any problems arise.”

Colton spoke up next, “I know that I had a huge crush on Chelsea several years ago and it has taken some time to get over it. It all really happened when I met Jennifer and fell in love with her. She and her late husband had begun swinging several years ago and liked having an open marriage. After a lot of discussion, we decided to continue with the open marriage concept and get into swinging. Jennifer answered an ad online to Cindy and Mike and that’s when we began. So, Chelsea, I’m not going to have the problem of falling for you again…. I know that you and Guy are solid, and I think this would be a good thing for all of us.”

Chelsea commented, “Jennifer and I talked about this all afternoon and we feel that everything will be fine with the four of us. Even though we have just got to know Jennifer, after talking with her today and last night, I know for sure that we will all be fine with this.”

We continued to talk about the situation for over an hour and concluded that we all would give it a try and see how it all worked out. Jennifer suggested we shouldn’t wait and go ahead and start tonight.

I think that because we all had a little to drink that the decision to go ahead was made very easily. All the inhibitions were lifted, and it made things happen a little easier.

“I’m ready for this,” Jennifer said as she stood and started to disrobe and came to where I was seated. She sat in my lap and said, “I think that we are all going to have a lot of fun for a long time.” Then she gave me a long, wet kiss. I noticed that Chels had stripped, and that Colton had removed everything also and they were headed into the living room.

Jennifer stood up and took me by the hand, “Come on lover, let’s find a place and have some fun. Where is the nearest bed?”

I led Jen down the hallway to the guest bedroom and peeled the top covers off the bed. Jen got on the bed and watched as I took my clothes off and moved over to her.

I had to just stand at the foot of the bed and look at Jen’s fantastic body. She was about 36-24-34. Her tits were perfect. Her pubic hair was red and neatly trimmed and her skin was pale. I moved over her and kissed her then kissed on down to her luscious boobs. I softly bit her nipples and squeezed her tits making her moan loudly. I couldn’t wait to taste her pussy, so I moved on down to her navel then dragged my tongue through her curly hair till it reached her huge clit.

My lips encircled that cock like clit and began to gently suck it. My tongue delved into her wet slit and tasted the sweet nectar that was running freely from deep inside her. I felt her cum as I continued to work on her pussy with my mouth and tongue…again I felt her body shudder and a loud moan echoed through the room. I couldn’t wait, while I moved up to kiss her lips, I pushed the head of my hard member inside her and slowly continued sliding it in till I felt my balls laying on her soft ass.

As I lay on top of her, slowly fucking her tight hole, I continued kissing her on her neck. Her arms were wrapped around me as were her long, toned legs. I felt her cum again and pull me closer to her. Suddenly I felt a tingling in my balls and pushed my rod all the way inside her as I filled her with my hot fertile semen. When Jen felt the heavy bursts of cum inside her, it set off a chain reaction of intense orgasms that lasted several minutes.

We kissed again and she whispered in my ear, “I’ve wanted that since the first time I met you. Then she tongued my ear and pushed me over onto my back. She moved up and sat straight up with my cock still embedded inside her. She began grinding on my cock as she looked deep inside my eyes.

To my surprise, my cock never softened, only got harder. Her hands were on my tits squeezing as her soaked pussy ground on my cock. I felt her cum again.

I said to her, “You’re about to make me cum sweetheart. I began to fuck up into her and felt her quickly move her pussy off my swelling cock, only to take me deep into her mouth and allow me to blow my load of thick cum directly down her throat into her belly. She sucked every drop of cum from me and licked my cock and balls clean before she lay on top of me and kissed me.

“Damn Guy, that was fucking fantastic,” she said to me as she lay her beautiful naked body down on top of me.

Meanwhile in the living room Chelsea was sitting on the couch with her legs spread wide open while Colton ate her sweet pussy. Then he sucked on her hard clit while he roughly shoved two fingers in and out of her wet pussy. Chelsea had hold of Colton’s head, pulling him to her convulsing pussy, feeding him a slow flow of her tasty pussy juice.


After a short time it was over and Chels wanted more. Colton got to his feet and took her by the hands and pulled her to her feet. He led her to the end of the couch where he pushed her front down onto the high back of the couch and slid his hard piston into her warmth till his balls bounced on her clit.

Colton was finally back in Chelsea’s saddle after all these years of desiring her. He reached up under her and squeezed her ample tits while she moaned as his cock pounded her wanting cunt. With his hands still on her tits, pinching her sensitive nipples, he leaned over her and kissed her on the back as the head of his ram rod pushed inside of her uterus.

Chelsea felt him going deeper and deeper inside her with each stroke, feeling all those things she had missed from all those years ago. In the heat of passion she moaned, “Colton, I’ve missed the way you fuck me…so hard… so intense…so damn good…you’re so fucking big.”

“And I’ve missed the way you fuck me Chels. I love the feeling of taking you, using your body to satisfy all my carnal desires and now I’m going to fill your belly with my hot, thick fertile cum. I’ve been saving up for this for a long time!”

Then she felt it, he pushed his meat into her till his pulsing balls were against her wet clit. She felt his rod swell and finally deliver rope after rope of thick hot slime deep into her belly. It continued on and on till she felt the slick jism running down her leg.

Colton was laying on her back, his hands squeezing her tits as he continued pumping into her choice body. When he finished, he just lay there trying to catch his breath. His slimy cock was slowly softening, backing out of her well fucked pussy. When Colton stood and pulled out of her, a flood of spent cum rolled out of her, going all over the end of the couch and down her legs to her ankles. Chelsea was thinking about the four orgasms that she had just had and the immense pleasure that Colton had given her. She continued to just lay there, trying to regain her strength.

Colton stood behind her admiring the white river that flowed from her gaping pussy…a work of art he thought to himself. With his hand he scooped up a big gob of his goo and spread it on her ass hole. He pushed his finger inside her pussy and coated it with cum then pushed it into her ass, lubing her little brown hole till he could push three fingers inside her.

His cock was so hard again, he wanted to claim her ass with his spear of flesh…this desire of sexually claiming her, overriding everything else. Chelsea continued to lay there in a fog, still trying to regroup when she felt her ass open to Colton’s invading cock. In three pumps he was again balls deep inside her hot body…fucking her like a two-bit whore. He roughly slapped her shapely ass cheeks turning them bright red as he drove into her, his lust for her driving him harder.

Chelsea had missed this kind of fucking. Back in high school this is the way Colton always gave it to her…and she liked it. It was all perfect except for one thing………. she never loved Colton. She used him repeatedly for a couple of years to satisfy her deep lust to be fucked and fucked hard. That’s the reason she liked the fucking that General gave her. It reminded her of the hard fucking that Colton had given her all those years ago. She continued experiencing one orgasm after another while he fucked her deep and hard.

She thought back again to when Guy had asked her out. He was so nice and so gentle, the exact opposite of Colton. He treated her like a lady and when they finally had sex, he was so gentle with her, making sure she got all the pleasure she wanted. Then it happened, she felt a deep love for him and knew that she wanted him forever. She knew that he was in love with her, and he treated her like a lady even though she knew she was a whore deep inside. From this point on she knew she couldn’t ever feel anything but lust for Colton.

As her mind came back to the present, Colton was grasping her by the hips as he rammed his huge cock in and out of her sore ass. “That ass is mine Chelsea; it always has been mine.” She heard him say as he continued to plunder her hole.

Chelsea came again as her mind drifted back. Then last night, Jennifer told her that she and Colton were swinging and that they wanted to swing with Guy and her. She had felt those old desires again, to be taken roughly. She couldn’t act like she was all excited about it when she told Guy…it could make him wonder where her loyalties really did lie. She knew it was only his big cock and hard fucking she wanted, but she had to play it cool….and she did.

Chelsea was stunned back to reality when Colton slapped her cheeks again causing stinging pain. Her asshole hurt even though she was still having orgasms. Colton began grunting, grasping her hips hard and pulling her to him as he crammed his big dick deep into her colon. She could feel the pressure of his hose, swelling as it blasted thick streams of his hot jizz deep into her guts. Through the pleasure and the pain, she felt disgusted with herself for wanting to be treated like this when she has a loving man that takes care of her and all her needs. Why does she want this kind of abuse to her body? Colton is laying on her back again, grunting as he fills her with cum. She hears him whisper to her again, “That’s a good girl Chelsea, you may not have missed me, but you sure have missed the way I fuck you haven’t you?”

Colton stood upright and pulled his half hard rod out of her body. Again, he backed off and admired his work. Now both her holes were gaping and leaking his cum. He went over to a nearby chair and sat down. A puddle of cum had formed on the floor, streaks of cum were all down the end of the couch under Chelsea’s pussy and on the insides of both her legs. She was exhausted.

Colton sat there thinking about Jennifer and how her desires were almost identical to those of Chelsea. That’s why he liked her so much. He knew that she was head over heels in love with him and he does love her, but what he really loves is the way she likes to fuck.

When he learned that she wanted to swing, it was like a dream come true. And when Jennifer told him about Mike and Cindy swinging with Guy and Chelsea he prompted Jennifer to talk to Chelsea and see if she could get Guy and Chels to swing with them. He could again get to fuck the best piece of ass he had ever had.

Chelsea regained her strength and stood up. “Damn it Colton, I still like that big dick of yours and the way you fuck me. Just don’t get me wrong, that’s all I like about you.

Colton just grinned and said, “While I was waiting for you to come around, I could hear Jennifer moaning from down the hallway. Sounds like Guy is fucking the shit out of my fiance. I hope he enjoys it as much as I have enjoyed screwing his wife. Now Chels, come over here and suck my cock. I know exactly what you want…just like the old days…you want me to feed you. Come on honey pot.

Chelsea moved over to Colton’s chair and got down on her knees. She smiled at Colton and took him inside her mouth. She could taste their combined juices on his dick. She slid it further down her throat till his balls lay on her chin. Her head bobbed up and down on this monster cock while she massaged his dangling balls. Everything tonight had awakened all those old feelings she thought were long forgotten. She couldn’t remember how many loads of cum Colton had put into her belly, she just knew she loved the taste of cum.

She pulled off his cock and licked it like a popsicle. Pre cum was oozing from the end of his beautiful dick. She hungrily lapped it up and swallowed it then went back to bobbing her head up and down. As she was massaging his balls, she felt them pulsing and knew that the time had come to take his load. She took a deep breath and slid his cock down into her throat as the first jets of his jizz shot into her esophagus. She licked the finger of her right hand and continued to massage his nuggets as she slid a finger all the way up his ass and rubbed his prostate. He exploded almost drowning her in cum. She pulled off it as he blew more all over her face and hair. She was able to get it back in her mouth and taste the hot fluid that she loved so much. She pulled back off his cock again and took more cum on her face and tits. When he finished, she sucked him dry and licked him clean.

“Mmmmmm that was good. You’ve always had so much cum Colton, I don’t know where it all comes from.”

She stayed on her knees and continued to stroke and suck his cock till it was hard again, then put her knees on either side of his legs in the chair and sat down on his stiff dick. She had her hands on his shoulders as she would rise and fall on that stiff pleasure stick. Colton had his hands on her hips guiding her up and down as she fucked him this time.

Guy and Jennifer had been having slow and sensuous sex for quite some time in the missionary position. Jennifer was thoroughly enjoying this pace for a change. She did like the rough fucking that Colton gave her…it made her feel like a whore and she liked that feeling. But she did like it this way too…slow and easy. Guy pushed deep inside her once more and filled her fuck hole with his cum. She pulled him down to her and kissed him. Guy, I’m thirsty, can we go have a glass of tea or something, I don’t want alcohol, just something soft…. then I want something really hard up my ass. Guy dismounted and helped her to her feet. They held hands as they walked down the hallway into the living room. Unseen, they stopped and watched Colton and Chelsea as they fucked in the chair.

Jennifer grasped Guy’s cock and stroked it as they watched. From their vantage point, they could see Colton’s cock disappearing into Chelsea’s cunt on every down stroke. Guy could tell that Jen was getting hot and bothered watching and his cock was reacting also. The place on the couch where Chelsea had leaked so much cum was right in front of them. Guy pushed Jen down on the same place that Chelsea had lain and lubed her ass hole and his cock with spit. He slowly pushed his cock into Jen’s beautiful ass and began to fuck her deep while they watched Chelsea fucking Colton.

With the sight of Chelsea getting fucked and the sounds of her and Colton plus Jennifer’s super tight ass, Guy quickly shot his load in Jen’s ass. The same thing was happening to Jen. It was feeling too good. She began to moan and groan while Guy slammed her ass. When she felt Guy dump his load she yelled out….”OHHHHH FUCKING…YES!

That was the first time that Chelsea and Colton knew anyone was around. Chelsea was cumming and Colton had just shoved his cock into Chelsea as deep as he could filling her once more with his plentiful seed.

Guy pulled out of Jen’s gaping ass and saw his cum dripping from her down onto the floor. That’s when he noticed the abundance of cum on the couch and the puddle on the floor. Jen saw him looking it over and said, “That’s just Colton, I don’t know where all that cum comes from. There’s always a mess when we get through.”

Chelsea crawled off Colton’s fuck stick and turned around and looked at Jen and Guy. “Well, hello you two, we didn’t hear you come in……. we just heard you cum,” she laughed.

“We were thirsty and decided to go get a glass of tea.” I said as I watched a long, thin string of cum drip from Chelsea’s pussy onto the floor.

She felt it happening and caught it with her hand as she said, “Oops, looks like I’m still leaking.” She waddled over to a box of tissue and wiped herself off. “I think we just might join you for some of that tea,” Chelsea said.

I decided to show that I was alright with Colton fucking her so I said, “Well Colton, is she as good as she used to be?”

Colton laughed and replied, “I think better.” As he followed Chelsea and slapped her red ass one more time.

“Colton, one thing is for sure, you’ve got one hell of a fiancé here too. To tell you the truth, fucking her is like fucking Chelsea.”

With a puzzled look on his face Colton turned around and said, “You know what guy….you’re fucking right. I just realized that when you said it.”

We all had a laugh and went on to the kitchen for some iced tea and some snacks. When we finished rehydrating the clock said 1:45 AM. Colton and Jennifer decided they needed to go home as we all had to go to work in the morning…something that we had all overlooked. They left and Chelsea and I went up to our room and took a shower together.

While in the shower, we talked about the events of the evening and decided to continue swinging with them. I liked having Jennifer about as much as Colton enjoyed Chelsea. I think that Chels had a good time too. I know she loves me and that’s all that counts, but I think what she loves about Colton is his cock and the way he uses it on her. That is what she told me many times after we started dating years ago. I really wish she would just tell me that now…I know she would feel a lot better about herself if she would just confess that to me.

For the next month we were very busy at the ranch. There were many things we had to get done to put the two ranches together both working and legal. Colton and I have been working closely together and I am finding that he is a big asset to the company and a fantastic partner. As far as the swinging is concerned, our personal lives have been going smoothly with no hitches.

Colton and Jen and Chelsea and I have been getting together at least once a week for an evening of fun and pleasure. Once we included Cindy and Mike but they left early saying something about the next day being very busy. The relationship between the four of us is becoming more of a “wife swapping” relationship than swinging.

I’ve noticed lately that Chelsea is becoming more and more obsessed with sex. I’m having a hard time keeping her satisfied. Once every three months has gone by the wayside. Just last week I finished early in the afternoon and when I got home Chelsea was sitting at the kitchen bar having a drink. She asked me if I would like one which I was ready.

“I’m glad you’re home early tonight lover, I want you to take me to this club I heard about in Austin. It’s called colette Austin. Will you take me there tonight? I really want to go Guy, okay?”

“All the way to Austin?” I asked. “Hell, we can go over to Waco and go to a club darling, and it’s a lot closer.” I told her.

They don’t have a club like this in Waco darling, this is a swinger’s club. It’s a private club, we can buy a one night membership or a year membership. There’s no waiting, you do it all when you get there……. please.”

I thought about it for a moment and said, “If you really want to, let’s get dressed and go. What time does it open?”

“I think it opens at 9:00 pm. We don’t have to leave here till 5 or 6. We can have dinner before we go.”

Chelsea came to me and put her arms around my neck and kissed me. “I love you so much Guy, you are so good to me.”

I went upstairs and showered. This is a new twist. I wish I could figure out where this is going. I’m beginning to get just a little worried. Chelsea appears to be becoming addicted to sex and I’m not sure how to handle it. I guess I will continue to go along with it and hopefully she will tire of it and get back to normal.

“What do we wear to a joint like this?” I asked.

“Well, my darling, I’m wearing a very nice party dress and you should dress to impress, like dress clothes, maybe a jacket and no tie.” She said. She went into the closet and came out with a pair of blue dress slacks, a white shirt and a dress jacket. On the next trip she brought out my Ostrich boots and my black Stetson. “I think this will make you the most handsome guy in the place.”

We both finished dressing and left. I called ahead for reservations at Jeffrey’s restaurant in Clarksville, a top 10 restaurant where we could have dinner before we went to the club. All the way to Austin, Chelsea was excited, like a girl going to her first prom. I wasn’t sure what to expect.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we were escorted to a secluded candlelit table. The wine I ordered was on the table waiting to be consumed. Chelsea was very happy with my choice. I told her, “If we’re going to dress up for the evening, then we should have dinner at a 5-star restaurant.”

The waiter brought the menus and poured our wine. We decided to have the bone-in prime rib with an appetizer of oysters on the half shell. In the low candlelight, Chelsea was absolutely gorgeous. There wasn’t another woman in here that was as beautiful as my wife.

We had a wonderful meal, and our conversation was very meaningful. Again, Chelsea reaffirmed her love for me and told me how good I was to her. “Guy, I know these past months you were not real fond of trying this lifestyle. But you have allowed me to experiment and try so many different things…I just can’t express my appreciation enough. This thing with Colton, I just want to tell you again that the only thing I love about him is his cock and how he uses it on me…and that’s all. You are the one I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.”

We finished dinner and drove over to the colleen club. Since this club is a private club and does not sell alcohol, you must bring your own. Chelsea and I decided to drink bourbon tonight, so I stopped at a liquor store and bought a bottle WL Weller to sip on.

When we got to the club it was about 9:30 and the parking lot was mostly full. We took our bottle and went in. A doorman met us and took us to the membership desk. “How many times are we coming down here this year dear?” I asked.

“I don’t know, just get a one-night membership and we can see if we like it and want to come back or not. We can do the year thing next time.” She said.

After the membership desk we were taken to a table in the bar area. The waitress took our bottle, labeled it and took it to the bartender. We told her we wanted doubles on the rocks, neat.

As we sat there, we started looking around at the surroundings. The place was very well decorated with several curtained private rooms back toward the rear of the room. There were a lot of people, mostly couples. There were some single women at the bar and quite a few single men hanging back toward the back of the room.

“So, what now Chels,” I asked her.

“Well, we have a drink or two then we get up and mingle, get to know some of these people…then see what happens.”

We talked and laughed and continued to look around at the people present. We sipped on the Weller and decided to go mingle with the other patrons. About the time we were getting up from the table, two guys came to the table and asked if they could join us. They introduced themselves as Thad and Rich and were both in their early to mid-twenties, very handsome and trim. We found out that they were postgrads at the University of Texas Law School.

“Is this your first time here,” Thad asked, “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.?”

“Yes, it is,” I answered. “We were in the city tonight and decided to check the place out, maybe have a little fun.”

“Oh, so you guys don’t live here in Austin,” Rich said.

“No, we’re from up around Waco, just had a little business in Austin and had heard of this place so we decided to come check it out.” I told them.

I grinned and asked, “So, what’s happening here tonight, anything exciting?” I asked.

Thad couldn’t keep his eyes off of Chelsea, “It all depends on what you two are looking for…you do know this is a sex club?” he inquired.

“Oh yes. We were hoping to maybe find someone who we could hook up with this evening for a little…fun.” I replied.

“You’re in the right place then…. what are your names?”

Chelsea laughed, “Sorry guys, I’m Chelsea and this is my husband Guy. Do you guys come here a lot?”

“Once in a while,” Rick replied, “When we saw you two arrive, we knew right away we should talk to you and get acquainted. Chelsea, you are one beautiful woman. Thad and I would like to spend time with you tonight, if you’re agreeable to that. Of course, we want to hang out and talk and get to know you two.”

Chelsea smiled as she checked these two out closely, “Well gentlemen, Guy is not bi and I don’t know if he will be agreeable to not have someone to play with himself.”

“We aren’t bi either. We have a friend with us tonight…she’s over there talking with some of her friends that just came in. She will be over in a little while; she was quite taken by Guy…she loves to be with cowboys.” Thad said. “If you two would be interested, when she gets over here, we can all retire back to a private room and visit some more.”

I looked up and saw the woman Thad was talking about coming our way. She arrived at our table and said extending her hand out to Chelsea, “Hi, I’m Demi…I’m with these two tonight. I’m also a grad student from the UT Law School…mind if I sit down and join you.”

Demi was an exceptionally beautiful and well-built woman. Her skintight evening dress accentuated her fantastic figure. She had shoulder length dark brown hair with blonde highlights. Her dress exhibited her ample breasts well, the V front was cut almost to her navel showing about half of each breast. I pulled up another chair and seated our new arrival.

“So, would you two like to retire to a private room and get more acquainted…it’s a lot quieter?”

I looked over at Chelsea and could tell by her look that she was more than agreeable and after checking out Demi, my cock was pressing hard against my zipper. Thad led the way, and we followed. I noticed that there were several men and women checking us all out as we walked through the room.

Inside the room there were a couple of king-size beds and a table and chairs. We all seated ourselves, Thad and Rick sat on each side of Chelsea and Demi sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. The waitress popped in and asked if anyone wanted drinks…we ordered another round and continued to get acquainted.

After the drink order arrived things progressed. Thad and Rick had started kissing Chelsea and caressing her breasts. Demi was kissing me deeply and rubbing her nice ass on my hard on as she continued to sit on my lap.

Demi stood up and took me by the hand and led me to one of the king size beds, and removed her evening dress and heels, then got onto the bed and laid down wearing nothing but some very sexy lingerie and thigh high black stockings. She opened her arms, inviting me to join her. I had already started to remove my clothes. I got down to my boxer shorts and crawled onto the bed with her and began kissing her and exploring her fabulous body with my hands.

Thad and Rick had pulled the shoulder straps of Chelsea’s dress down and released her beautiful tits. They were each nursing her while she was rubbing their hard cocks through their slacks. They continued by pulling her cocktail dress up past her knees and each had a hand under it stroking her toned thighs and playing with her pussy. I could hear Chelsea moaning as the two studs worked on her, turning her on more and more.

Demi had moved between my legs and was licking the head of my hard cock, removing all the precum that had accumulated. She was taking my balls into her mouth as she jacked my completely hard cock. She got off the bed and removed her lingerie then got back on the bed and straddled my head feeding me her dripping pussy. As I licked her, she took my cock in her mouth and continued giving me a more than expert blow job.

By now Thad and Rick had removed all of Chelsea’s clothing and had stripped themselves. They had moved onto the other king size bed and were laying on either side of her, pleasuring her to the point that she had cum once already. Rick moved his cock up to her head and fed her his 9 inches of thick meat while Thad had moved between her legs and was about to put his 8 inches thick dick into her wanting pussy. As he pushed inside her, she let out a very loud groan through her cock filled mouth.

Demi had moved around and mounted me in a reverse cowgirl. I was able to raise my head and watch my cock slide in and out of her tight hole and see those beautiful puffy lips wrapped around my cock. She looked over her shoulder and said, “How’s that Cowboy? Do you like the view?”

“OOOOOO yeah,” I replied, “By the way, where do you want me to finish, inside or out?”

“Definitely inside…. I’m on the pill.” She said as she continued to pump my cock with her tight pussy.

I continued to keep an eye on Chelsea. Thad and Rick had been tag teaming her for a while and now had her laying on top of Rick facing up and his cock up her ass while Thad was between her legs fucking her pussy. Her eyes were rolled back in her head and I could tell that she was in a zone having multiple orgasms. I watched as they both began dumping their loads inside her at the same time. Chelsea was grinding her pussy as the two big cocks penetrated her soul. Chels was very vocal as the two cocks continued to destroy her.

I could feel my balls churning up a load of slimy little swimmers that I was about to deposit into the depths of Demi’s tight pussy. She had turned around and was laying on top of me, kissing me as I kneaded her tits and tweaked her hard nipples. When she felt the first ropes of jizz being shot into her depths, she began to cum hard, shaking all over, whispering in my ear, “Fill me full Guy…. fuck me good and give me your hot cum.” She lay there on top of me regaining her strength for a few minutes then got off me and the bed. She took my hands and pulled me to my feet. “That was great, want a drink?”

I got up and followed her watching my cum dripping down her legs as she walked. I glanced at Chels as I walked by the bed she had just got double fucked on. Thad had moved up by her head and was having her lick his cock clean. Rick was still pumping his cock into her ass and cum was flowing out of her cunt down over his balls.

Demi and I sat and chatted while Thad and Rick continued to give Chelsea a marathon fuck. One of them would sit and watch as the other fucked her doggie style. Then they would change places, and she would be on her back with her legs spread wide while she got fucked missionary. Watching this brought my soldier back to attention.

“You kind of like watching your wife get it don’t you?” Demi asked.

“Yeah, I do, I like to watch her having pleasure.” Demi got down on her knees in front of my chair and began sucking me again. It sure felt good. I finished her off by bending her over a table and fucking her till she came again.

The night went on and on. We finally left colette around 3 am. I had to help Chels walk to the vehicle. I think that all the muscles in her body were totally done in. I put her in the vehicle and put the seat belt on her and headed for home. When I arrived there, General met us in front of the house. I picked Chelsea up and carried her to our bedroom and removed her dress and tucked her in. I went to the shower which was very hot and relaxing.

If I’m lucky I will be able to get a couple of hours of sleep before I have to go to work. I just know one thing for sure, tomorrow I’ll be spending most of the day horseback and with the sore cock I have, it’s going to be long day.

To be continued…..
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