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More of the relationship as being parted comes closer.
I woke up still feeling a bit tired with Elise curled up by my side, her hair splayed out on the pillow her hands tucked under it. I got up without disturbing her and headed for the shower I badly needed. I dried off and went to her kitchen and brewed some of her coffee and put a couple of bagels in the warmer as I poached some eggs to go with them. When the eggs were ready I split the bagels and put an egg on each half then sprinkled parmesan and herbes de provence over them. I poured out some orange juice and breakfast was ready.

I went to wake Elise but she had woken up and had put on her kimono wrap, even in her just awake state with sleep tousled hair she looked beautiful.

“Good morning, sleepy head. Breakfast is ready.”

She rubbed her face with her hands and looked me with her head tilted.

“You made breakfast? I’m starving.”

We went into the kitchen and I poured out the coffee as she sat at the breakfast bar and pulled her plate towards her and started in on the eggs.

“How do you get them to stay runny? Every time I try they either go hard or are undercooked.”

“Just practice I suppose. I made you coffee as I don’t think tea would hack it this morning if you are still feeling tired.”

“This kind of tired I can live with as it comes from being made love to by you. I need to go shower as I feel like a cat that has been out on the tiles all night. I won’t be long.”

Elise kissed me softly and as she made her way to the bathroom she let her kimono drop off and give me a prime view of her beautiful ass.

“I don’t even have to look to know you are looking at my ass yet again, Ger.”

“A more beautiful ass I have yet to see and it is just perfect.”

She wiggled her butt and then went into the bathroom. I got to remembering last night as I was taking her from behind and looking at her neat puckered ass hole as I was stroking inside her. I would love to fuck it but it was hers to give to me and not mine to take from her. Someday though.

I put my clothes on and turned on her tv to watch the news. The same old shit as usual being recycled by opinionated self-promoting hacks who plied their trade for obscene salaries. Switching channels did not make things any better so I just shut it off. Elise appeared a few minutes later looking drop dead gorgeous in a short summer dress that accentuated her upper body and fell from her hips to her knees. She had applied light make-up and had her hair in a ponytail. Gone was any rebellious look and in its place a stunning young woman stood there.

“You can close your mouth if you like, I can be ‘normal’ when I feel like it, Ger.”

I hadn’t realised but my jaw had dropped in surprise and I quickly closed my mouth. I almost stammered when I went to speak.

“You look incredible, Elise, just fucking incredible!”

“Well I thought I might make the effort for today and show you that I have other clothes as well. I even put a bra on if that surprises you.”

I looked at her breasts and decided it must be a very sheer bra as her nipples were still visible beneath her clothing although not as pronounced.

“Bra or no bra you look amazing. I need to go home to change and do some shopping for a couple of essential things before the trip.”

Her face fell a little at the mention of my trip but brightened up.

“Shopping? I suppose I could bear that so come on, the quicker we get it done the more time for the other essential things!”

At my house I quickly changed and we headed back into town.

“What do you need to get?”

“I need to find a large suitcase as my usual one is not going to be big enough for the time we are there. A bigger version of it would be ideal as it is a lot lighter than the likes of an American Tourister type and I am not keen on fabric ones.”

“No doubt you can get one somewhere in the mall or downtown.”

We pulled into the mall parking and went directly to the layout map.

“There are two places here,” said Elise, “one of them is bound to have what you want, let’s have a look.”

We went hand in hand to the first one but drew a blank in trying to find one I liked. The second one was on the upper level and was a bit smaller. I had my doubts but we went in and I explained what I was wanting. The sales person was about to shake her head and she stopped and said that they had an aluminium one that was a bit shop soiled and had a couple of small dents in the back store. I told her that it would be worth a look just in case.

She went back and appeared shortly with a case of the size I was wanting and it was an actual Lufthansa one. I looked at it and it had some scuffing and two small dents in the top corners. I checked the mechanism, the hinges and the locks and they were OK, the wheels were fine and apart from the obvious it appeared to be ideal.

“We can let you have this for a good discount if you are interested, sir.”

Of course I was interested and wanted to see what they would take off for what I would consider minor imperfections.

“Would 40% off list be good for you?” The sales woman said.

If she had said 25% off I would have taken her hand off but at 40% it was a total no brainer. I made out I was pondering it and after a few moments I told her that it would do. After paying for it we left the shop and headed down to the car to put it in the trunk. Elise spoke.

“That was the price with 40% off? Jeez! I would not even consider it at that price!”

“Definitely the bargain of the year as far as I am concerned. They look better with some dents and aging to them. Nothing worse than picking a brand new shiny one off the luggage conveyor!”

Elise laughed.

“OK Mr extravagant, what’s next on the agenda?”

“Just some shirts, socks and a pair of shoes then it is lunch time.”

“Lunch? I’m famished already and wasting away here, sir.”

As we went from shop to shop chatting to each other, Elise was attracting a lot of looks from guys as we walked about the mall hand in hand. I knew that they were wishing she was theirs but she was mine and I felt a bit smug at the thought. Shopping finished we went back to the car and tried to decide where to go for lunch and what kind of food to have.

“We have had Thai, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Burgers, Seafood, Barbeque, what else?” Elise said. “I really would like something different but can’t think of what I want, have you got any ideas, Ger?”

“You like spicy food so how about Lebanese? There is a place across town that is supposed to be good. Want to try that?

“Sounds good, I haven’t tried that before. OK, settled we can go there and see what it is like. Wait a minute, don’t tell me you have been to Lebanon and you know what the food is like already, have you?”

I laughed and said, “No but I have been to Israel and had Arabic food there, I think it will be on the same lines, maybe, maybe not.”

“Bloody jetsetter! I am feeling faint from starvation so let’s go!”

It only took about 15 minutes to get to the restaurant and park in their lot. As we entered the restaurant there was a smell of pungent spices and herbs in the air that was pleasant and hunger inducing.

“Smells good, that’s a start.”

We were ushered to a booth and handed menus with the server asking what we would like to drink.

“You are not really a coffee drinker but you need to try the coffee they make in the Middle East.”

“OK, meanwhile I will see what looks good to eat.”

I ordered two coffees and iced lime water for us. I looked at the menu and found it to be very similar to what I experienced in Israel.

“How about we go for a mixture of the different foods that way you can find out what you like and don’t like?”

“I’ll leave it up to you and trust that you are not going to order pig’s ears or something like that!”

“You don’t have to worry about that as pork is not on the menu!”

The server came back and I explained that we would like to try a ***********ion of traditional dishes. He said this was not a problem and went off to the kitchen. He returned with the coffee in medium sized cups and the iced lime water placing them on the table.

“Put a good bit of sugar in it and alternate with the lime water as you will need it.”

When Elise took her first mouthful of the coffee her eyes widened as the strong liquid hit her taste buds. She reached for the lime water and took a gulp.

“Oh my god! Strong? That is an understatement if there ever was one. I take it you don’t drink this at night.”

“It is a shock to the system as it is super concentrated which is why the smallish cups. It is a good pick me up if you are tired.”

“Well there is no way I’ll be feeling tired now, coffee twice in a day will have me jittery.”

The waiter returned with a tray laden with small dishes containing a variety of Arabic foods. Kibbeh, kebabs, shawarma, kofta, shish taouk, falafel, hummus, tabbouleh, flat bread. kunafeh, and baklava. By the time he had unloaded the tray the table was quite full.

“Do you think we have enough food, Ger? You could feed a family with all of this!”

“It is quite normal to have this amount of food as it is considered an insult to a guest that their plates are empty at the end of a meal which suggests that the host is mean.”

“Well I think they won’t have that problem with us! Some of the food I recognise the rest I will have to try out and see.”

“Just start with the obvious ones then and work your way through.”

We started eating and kept up a conversation as we did. I ordered more coffee for us and Elise shook her head.

“Oh god, not for me, tea please.”

I asked the server for a mint tea for Elise and when he returned with the beverages Elise’s tea was in was in a tall glass with a metal holder and stuffed with fresh mint. She added sugar and took a sip of the hot tea.

“That’s better even though I did like the coffee but I am feeling jittery after it. This goes great with the food and cleans your mouth up for more.”

We kept on eating the various courses and by the time our hunger was satisfied there was actually very little left.

Elise spoke. “I can’t believe that we nearly ate everything that was there, it was just moreish with all the different flavours that it had. I am totally stuffed now.”

“I am glad that you liked it as it is something that I like a lot but only have occasionally and this place is going to be on my list from now on. What say we make a move and get back to my house and I can get things sorted out for tomorrow? I know that it is a downer but it needs to be done and we can go back to yours after.”

Elise frowned for a bit and then her countenance brightened up.

“Only if we can have fun in the pool as well.”

“I don’t need to guess what that means. OK, I’ll settle up and we can go.”

I added a good tip to the bill to reflect my appreciation of the quality of food and service then we left to go to my car.

On the way to my house Elise laid her head on my shoulder as I drove and stroked my thigh slowly working her way up from my knee to my crotch and back again. Her touch wss gentle as she brushed her fingers over my now swelling cock before working her hand back to my knee. Each time her fingers brushed against my cock it got harder and bulged more in the leg of my jeans. Covering it with her fingers curled around my shaft Elise squeezed gently and slowly stroked it making it harder until it was jammed there. I could feel a little precum seep from the opening and with more of her stroking there was enough to make a small damp patch through the denim. Elise must have felt this and she pressed her finger tip against it making me squirm in my seat.

“I think that someone is getting a little excited here and needs to be set free.”

She undid my belt and unbuttoned my jeans and then pushed her hand into them to grasp my now rigid dick. I was glad that we were off the highway and there was no traffic around us as Elise tugged out my cock from its restraint and brought it out into the air. She slid my foreskin up trapping the precum in its folds and then slowly peeled it back to leave the head of my cock glistening. She slowly slid it back to cover the head again and caught more of the precum leaking from it. As Elise drew my foreskin back she used her thumb to smear it over the head of my cock and gently rubbed the underside with it causing intense sensations that made my cock jerk.

“What do you think I should do with this?”

Elise raised her head and looked at me and then down to m cock.

“I have no idea, I am completely in your hands or should I say hand!”

“Funny aren’t you? Well I could leave it staring at the sky or I could do this instead.”

Elise shifted in her seat and still holding onto my cock she lowered her head and brushed her lips against its head. This made my cock jerk and its head slid across her lips smearing precum onto them. I felt her push her lips against me and slowly took the head of my cock into her mouth where her tongue circled and probed making the sensations increase. I felt her mouth start to suck on my cock head creating even more pleasure to rush through my nerves to my brain.

“Holy fuck, Elise, you are going to have me cumming if you keep that up!”

She took her mouth away and looked at me.

“So, what if I do make you cum are you going to stop me?”

She leant down again and took me into her mouth again bobbing her head up and down my shaft slowly and circling the head with her tongue. I wanted to thrust upwards into her mouth as she took more of my shaft into her mouth but I let her keep control. Her slow movements on my cock had me as hard as a rod of iron and my balls were drawn tight in my jeans. I tried to stop thinking of cumming but Elise increased the speed of her mouth on me and the familiar tingle was building up in my balls that would soon cause them to contract and send a load of cum shooting up my shaft and into her mouth.

“Elise! I am just about cumming I can feel my balls starting to boil. If you want us to make love then you had better ease up as I won’t be able to hold back much longer. We are nearly there so if you want to save that you need to stop now before it’s too late.”

Elise stopped with her mouth full of my cock and then slid her lips up my shaft and released my cock with an audible plop from her mouth.

“Well I usually finish what I start but in this case I will make an exception just this once.”

She bent down and kissed the head of my cock and then spoke to it.

“Don’t go away. I have plans for you later.”

She sat up and turned to me.

“You owe me now and I am going to collect!”

“I am sure that you will!”

By now we had entered my street and as we approached the house I thumbed the garage opener so I could drive in and not be reported for lewd behaviour for having my dick out exiting the car. I drove into the garage and pressed it again to close the door as I killed the engine. We got out of the car, me with my dick waving about and Elise grinning at the sight of it. I left everything in the car for now and we entered the house hand in hand like teenagers. As soon as we got into my lounge Elise reached behind herself and I heard the zip of her dress opening. She kicked off her shoes and let her dress fall to pool around her feet revealing her breasts encased in a shiny pale blue bra with the nipples erect under the material. She had matching panties through which I could see her tuft of pubic hair and a moist looking patch below it.

“Planet Earth calling Ger, come in Ger.”

I looked at her face and she was grinning at my preoccupation of her body. I took her in my arms and mashed my lips against hers with my tongue roaming inside her mouth. She pulled at my shirt baring my chest and pushed her covered breasts against me. She tugged my shirt off and then I felt her fingers dig into my back as she pressed her belly against my still hard cock.

“Get naked now! I want you to make love to me and make me cum hard.”

We parted and as I got my jeans and boots off her bra and panties were on the floor leaving her naked as nature intended. My cock bobbed in front of me as I picked her up in my arms and carried her to my bed. I laid her down and then got on beside her and pushed her hair away from her face. Kissing her gently I let my fingers stroke her shoulders and slide down the curve of her breast to brush her hard nipple causing a small gasp from Elise. I gently tugged her nipple and circled her areola before kissing my way down to it. As my lips covered her nipple she gasped again at the contact of them. I sucked her nipple into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue as Elise put a hand into my hair and pressed my head against her breast. Once her nipple was as hard as it could be I turned my attention to the other one and did the same to it and as my mouth left it glistening with saliva she gave a shiver.

“I love when you suck on them I just wish that I had tits that I could squeeze together and you could suck both at once, that would be amazing.”

“You don’t need breasts like that when yours are perfect as they are.”

I said as I kissed the lower parts of her breasts. I slowly worked my mouth onto her belly and her hands immediately went to my head.

“Don’t you dare!”

I laughed into her belly and gave her belly button a reprieve from being attacked. I took a pillow and Elise lifted her hips in anticipation. I slid it under her ass and then I moved to between her thighs. Starting at her hips I traced my tongue down her skin to her knee and then back up on the inside of her thigh crossing over to the other one I repeated this but on the return my face went between her thighs and I inhaled the gorgeous scent of her wet pussy.

Elise raised her knees to angle her pussy upwards making it easier for me to give her pleasure. As I kissed the inside of her thigh she moaned a little. My mouth brushed against the tuft of hair and onto the other thigh. She put her hands gently on my head and guided it to her pussy and I obliged by licking her outer lips causing her to shudder. Her juices were oozing from between them and I let my tongue slowly lap them up before pressing my lips against them.

“Oh yes! Oh god yes!”

Kissing her lips I pushed them apart with my tongue to release more of her sweet nectar which I drank in as I sealed my mouth against her pussy. My tongue explored between those lips and I stroked it from the bottom of them up to her covered clitoris. This made her gasp and I pushed it further in to encounter her inner lips and wet hole. I flicked my tongue up and down and Elise gripped my hair and pulled my head tight against her pussy. My hands cupped her ass cheeks and I pushed her hood back with my tongue to tease her clit making her tremble at the touch of it.

“Oh fuck! You really know how to please me.”

I took a hand from her ass as I concentrated on her clit and slid two fingers into the wet velvet of her pussy. Elise cried out and bucked her hips as I curled my fingers inside her and teased her swollen clit with the tip of my tongue. A tremor ran through her body and I pressed harder with my tongue to flick her clit back and forth as my fingers explored her inside. I sought out the rough patch in her pussy and stroked it and then sucked on her clitoris causing Elise to go into the start of an orgasm. She arched her back and released her hold in my hair as she gripped the sheet on either side of her. She gave a strangled cry as her orgasm blossomed to full and her pussy closed on my fingers trapping them inside her. I kept sucking and tonguing her clitoris as her body went rigid and she screamed out in the ecstasy of her orgasm.

“Stop Ger! Please stop!”

She gasped and I released her clit from my mouth and pulled my fingers from her pussy. As soon as I did this she collapsed back onto the bed shaking like a leaf and panting heavily.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck, fuck!“

I moved up the bed and level with her as she started to come back to her senses. Her arms went around my neck and she pulled me into a savage kiss before letting go.

“You do this every time. Just when I think that it can’t get any more intense you make it more intense. If you were a drug I would be a junkie by now! I need a drink, please.”

I reluctantly got up and went to the kitchen and got her a glass of iced water which she gulped down rapidly.

“You were not supposed to be doing that to me, you were supposed to male love to me instead.”

“I had to let your attentions to my cock ease off and what better way to do that than to make a meal of your pussy.”

Elise looked at me with the gold flecks fading from her eyes and then looked at my semi-erect cock.

“Looks like it is at ease now and needs to do what it is supposed to do and that is to make me cum. Lie back on the bed, Ger.”

I lay back and she straddled me and rubbed her soaking wet pussy along my shaft making me harden instantly. She continued to do this until my cock was covered in her juices and twitching against her wet lips. Raising herself up allowed my cock to stand up and Elise took it in her hand and rubbed the head of it against her outer lips. She guided its head between them and let go of my shaft holding my cock by its wet head at her soaking wet entrance.

“Look at me, Ger.”

I looked at her face and she slowly impaled herself on my shaft. The heat of her pussy walls against my shaft was incredible as she took more of me inside her. She sank down until I was completely inside her and slowly ground against my pubic bone causing my dick to press against her pussy walls. She put her hands on my shoulders and I put mine on her hips as she brought her clitoris in contact above the base of my shaft. Without raising her body she moved her hips in a slow circle causing her nectar to run out and coat my balls. The feeling of this was intense as she then gripped my shaft with her pussy muscles and rubbed her clit against me with more force. I could see sweat beading on her upper lip and between her breasts as the heat of our union built up between us. Elise slowly slid up my shaft and I felt the cool air on it as it escaped its wet imprisonment only to have her sink down on it again and fill her wet hole.

The slowness of Elise’s actions was aiding in staving off me cumming inside her but at the same time the sensations of her enclosing my cock in her pussy were intense. She bent down and her lips met mine in a slow and tender kiss as her nipples brushed my chest as her hips moved.

“Do you want to cum Ger? Do you want to fill my pussy with your cum? I feel the heat of your cock inside me and I want to cum on it and have you cum too.”

Her words excited me as she kept up her slow gring and stroking of my cock with her pussy walls.

“Yes, I want to cum. You have me on the edge of cumming and it would not take much more for me to cum in you, Elise.”

With that she started to hump her pussy on me and force her clit hard against me stroking my cock with more urgency. She tilted her head back and gave out a little cry as she increased the rhythm of her hips with her tightening pussy moving up and down my shaft. I could not take much more of this and I thrust up against her feeling my balls contract and the feeling of my load spurt up my shaft and spill into her pussy.

“Oh yes! Yes! I feel you cumming in me!”

Elise gave a strangled cry and her pussy clamped down on my shaft as she came. I felt more jets of cum leave my cock to fill her void as her pussy fluttered on my shaft and she fell onto my chest her breath coming in gasps from her orgasm. One more spurt left my cock to join the others inside her and I could feel it start to lose its hardness and still her pussy muscles clamped and released my cock as it they were trying to squeeze the last possible drop from me. Her heart pounded through her breasts against my chest and I felt the sweat from them mix with mine.

Elise slowly got her breathing calmed and raised her head.

“Oh my god! Feeling you cumming inside me sent me over the edge, it felt amazing.”

Her eyes glowed and she took my face in her hands and mashed her lips against mine with her tongue seeking out mine and twisting inside my mouth. I held her against me as she slid her legs out from under herself causing my now shrunken dick to slip out of her pussy and release a flood of cum over my groin with it running over my balls and onto the bed.

“My clitoris is still throbbing away. I think I might have flattened it!”

She giggled as soon as she said this.

“That was so good I want to do it again but it feels like someone doesn’t want to rise to the occasion anymore.”

“I very much doubt that my dick could after that. You drained my balls completely, Elise. Nothing left in reserve.”

“Hah! Makes a difference from me not being able to do anything after cumming for a change! I just love you so much, Ger and I’m going to miss this when you are away but we still have until tomorrow afternoon to make sure I get enough to last for a while. I think we need a shower now as I fell all sweaty and I’m still dripping from my little pussy.”

Getting up off the bed proved to be an effort as I found that my legs were shaky but I managed it as Elise scooped the cum that was dripping from her pussy and smeared it on my chest.

“I think that belongs to you, Ger!”

She laughed and dragged me towards the bathroom.

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