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Reading chapter 1 isn't necessary to enjoy this story, but it adds to the build up and makes Chapter 2 so much better if you've read it.
Ethan closed his eyes again, enjoying the feeling of his thumb rubbing underneath the tip of his cock, spreading more of its juices as he fondled himself. He pinched at the head, then, moving to the base of his cock, he wrapped his fingers around and squeezed, a moan escaping his lips. Ethan took his left hand and slid the elastic of his underwear down over his ass. He pushed the front of his underwear down just low enough that he could give his aching cock a proper stroking and free his balls from their cocoon. He smeared more precum along the length, and with his left hand, began fondling his balls at the same time.

His cock and balls were hot in his hands.

The wood of the door, cool against his soft, bare ass.

He was driving himself insane

"Fuck! Unhhh.... God.... I am not going to be able to wait!"

Ethan felt his phone vibrate at his feet, still in the pocket of his shorts pooled on the floor. His first instinct was to ignore it, the pleasure building from deep in his body, eyes tightly closed, panting, stroking his cock as it screamed at him for more attention. But suddenly he remembered...


Ethan released his cock, and, bending over, reached into the pocket of his shorts. He retrieved the phone and stood there, holding it with both hands, his shorts still at his feet, his yearning manhood jutting away from his body like a giant dart.

Ethan swiped the phone and read the text message.

"Hey! They gone yet?"

It was indeed Tommy. Just in the nick of time.

Ethan pulled his underwear up, then his shorts, fastened them, and plopped down on the couch.

"Yeah, they just left about 10 minutes ago," Ethan quickly texted back.

Ethan's phone vibrated in his hand again, a series of long pulses. Tommy was calling him.

Ethan answered the phone eagerly, "Hey!"

"Hey, you!" came the long-anticipated voice across the air waves. Ethan melted at the sound of Tommy's voice.

"Hey! Tommy! How close are you?"

"I'm really close... about 10 minutes out. I left early because..." Tommy paused.

"Cause what, lover?" Ethan asked coquettishly.

"Lover, huh?"

Ethan had never called him that before. He had felt it was too dangerous... that it might slip out at the wrong time if he got too used to it. But now the timing seemed right.

"Yeah... lover," Ethan breathed into the phone.

"Well, I am just really excited to see you and..."

Ethan cut him off.

"Just to see me? See me how, Tommy?" Ethan asked flirtatiously.

"Oh boy, Ethan. You're already starting!" Tommy laughed.

"How right you are," Ethan remarked, somewhat under his breath.


"Never mind. I'll tell you about it when you get here. But you could have called. You didn't have to be all secretive and text me."

"I mean, I know that..." Tommy seemed to be nervous, "...but I had to make sure... I just didn't want to show up with your parents still there."

"Why not?" Ethan replied, puzzled. "You've been here before. My parents love you!"

"Yeah, but this time... this time is different..."

Tommy's voice resonated with longing and a slight tremble.

Ethan picked up on the nerves in Tommy's voice. He had never heard him like this before. It was much more boyish, insecure... "Cute!"... Ethan had thought at the time. Tommy had always come across as so in control, so sure of himself. Even at the second basketball camp, when Tommy had told him how beautiful he thought Ethan was... "inside and out", Tommy hadn't seemed this anxious.

This was a new side of Tommy for Ethan.

And Ethan liked the fact that Tommy could be both confident and insecure. He thought it made him even sexier. It reminded him of just how much the two of them were alike deep down inside.

"I get it," Ethan replied assuring. "I'm really excited, too!"

"I know. And I just don’t know how I'm going to react when I see you. I just couldn't risk it. You... us... this... it's too important. I've waited so long..."

"WE have waited so long!" Ethan corrected him.

"Yes, baby, we."

Ethan loved it whenever Tommy called him "Baby". It made him feel like he belonged to Tommy. That Tommy would always be there for him and take care of him.

"It seems like an eternity," Tommy said wistfully.

"It sure has. So, hurry your ass up and get here! But don't speed! We can't let anything fuck this up!"

"Are you... 'parenting' me?" Tommy asked with a laugh.

"Ha! Hardly!"

"Ok, baby. I'll be there in just a few more minutes."

"Alright, lover. I'll be here. Waiting for you. With your surprise..." Ethan's voice trailed off provocatively.

"Surprise?! What kind of surprise?!"

Tommy's voice rose in a rush of apprehension and excitement.

"You'll see..." Ethan replied coyly as he hung up the phone.

Ethan's eyes darted about the room.

"He's going to be here. In just a few minutes. With me! Alone!!!!" Ethan said aloud, the adrenaline beginning to really course through his veins, now.

Ethan paced with excitement and apprehension, first in the living room, then down the hall, into and out of his parents’ bedroom, his room, the guest room...

His mind began playing various scenarios in quick session, as if on triple play speed. Should he already be naked when he opens the door?

No... the underwear...

And someone might see.

Should he strip down into his underwear and t-shirt? Lay on the couch in a seductive pose and simply say, "Come in..."?

Be casual and act like everything's normal?

He started straightening up things that didn't require straightening: the lamp, the coasters, the magazines on the coffee table. He looked over the room to see if anything was out of place, trying to make things look "perfect". Ethan was experiencing more energy than he knew what to do with, driving him about almost frenzied.

His heart pounded in his chest.

"Bathroom!" he said aloud.

Ethan ran to the hall bathroom to relieve himself. He turned on the sink, stripped out of his underwear and, taking a washcloth, dampened it under the warm water. Ethan expertly sponged his midsection, taking particular care to clean his cock, balls, ass crack, and his little bussy. None of it was necessary, but Ethan had to be sure.

Everything had to be perfect.

Ethan dried himself with a towel, slipped back into his underwear, and directed his cock up in its sling, the excitement of the moment no longer allowing him to orient his cock the way he liked.

"It'll still look hot," he thought.

Ethan had to determine what was important and what really was not.

This was serious shit. He felt like he had been waiting for this his whole life.

And really, he had. It had to be perfect.

Ethan grabbed the washcloth and the towel he had used, took them to his room, and put them in the hamper. He stood in the mirror again, striking poses and imagining.


Ethan heard a car enter the driveway. He peeked out through his bedroom window and saw Tommy's Jeep parked. He was opening the car door.

Ethan ran down the hall, the excitement overriding any schemes he had imagined earlier, and opened the door slowly.

He stood there in the doorway, watching Tommy walking towards him. Tommy was sporting a collared, white shirt, two buttons undone at the top exposing his hairless chest and the inner curve of his pecs, the shirt untucked, the sleeves rolled up exposing his still tanned and toned muscles. Tommy's hair, a bit longer since the last time Ethan had seen him, was caught in the breeze, covering his eyes, causing him to brush it out of the way. He wore khaki shorts and a pair of tie canvas boat shoes. Ethan thought he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

Tommy locked eyes with Ethan as he leisurely strolled up to the door. Ethan's heart was pounding, anticipating Tommy's touch, his smell, his taste.

"Hey!" Ethan said excitedly.

"Hey back!" Tommy retorted, playfully.

As Tommy approached the door, Ethan stood back into the house.

"Come on in!"

Tommy paused for a moment, looking left and right, down the street, apparently at the other houses in the neighborhood, Ethan thought. Tommy's face seemed to be contemplating something, a slight twinge of fear in his eyes.

"Tommy? You… ok?"

"Yeah, yeah... I'm just... I don't know..."

Ethan began to get a little worried. Tommy's trepidation was unexpected and confusing for Ethan. He didn't understand what was going on.

"It's ok, dude, come on in. Everything's fine. Relax," Ethan said as Tommy entered the house, and Ethan closed it behind him.

They stood in the foyer looking at each other.

"It's just..." Tommy began, "for so long it has felt so wrong that... I dunno... it's hard to let go of it, I suppose. I'm still afraid a little bit. I'm so sorry, Ethan. I feel like my boneheaded ass is ruining what was supposed to be the most important day in your life. I know how much you've been looking forward to this... and I have too. I just... I don't want to disappoint you. I mean..." Tommy looked down.

Ethan hadn't anticipated this. He had imagined Tommy running up to him, sweeping him off his feet, carrying him into the bedroom, and ravaging his teenage body. Instead, Tommy looked like a scared little boy and Ethan felt like he was the more experienced one of the two. It evoked something new in Ethan. He wasn't sure what it was. Maybe a newfound sense of propriety or maturity. Ethan had never felt so "adult" in his life as he did at that moment.

And he realized something else. He realized that he had been looking at this relationship in a skewed fashion for a very long time. For the first time, Ethan really considered what this experience must have been like for Tommy; the fears he’d had, the risks he’d been taking, and how hard this must have been on him psychologically and emotionally. Ethan suddenly felt the deepest love for Tommy that he could imagine. And he realized just how much Tommy really loved him. It was strange: he felt happy but also embarrassed and ashamed at how this situation had gone unnoticed by him for so long.

Ethan approached Tommy slowly, their bodies just inches apart, and took both of his hands in his own. Tommy returned his gaze to Ethan's eyes with a slight smile, his eyes moving away and then back to Ethan's.

Ethan shook his head slightly and spoke with solemn assuredness, "No pressure, Tommy. No pressure. We are together. That's all that matters. It is so much more important that you are comfortable. I know I've done a lot of talking..." Ethan looked down, "I mean a LOT of talking and a LOT of fantasizing, and... well... I guess that maybe that's put a lot of pressure on you. I am the one who is sorry, Tommy. I've kind of been a stupid kid about it. I can only imagine how hard… no… how scary this must have been for you at times.”

Ethan looked back up into Tommy's eyes, and continued, a serious, deliberate tone in his voice.

"I’m the one who is sorry, Tommy. I LOVE you. More than anything else in this world. You don't have to do anything you aren't ready to do. Just being with you is all that matters to me. You are such a beautiful person, and I am so, so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for being so patient with me."

Ethan smiled tenderly then hugged Tommy tightly, resting his head on Tommy's shoulder.

Tommy embraced Ethan in return and held him. Ethan could feel their hearts beating against each other.

Finally, Tommy relaxed his grip and pulled back a bit. He looked into Ethan's face, his arms still holding Ethan in the embrace.

Ethan noticed that the tense, nervous expression on Tommy's face had melted away. Ethan could see the fear and anxiety eroding from his face like sand in the surf. Tommy smiled and leaned into Ethan, gently kissing him on the lips.

Finally. Their first kiss.

Ethan felt his body almost fold underneath him. He returned the kiss by gently sucking on Tommy's bottom lip, the taste of Tommy's lips so sweet on his tongue. His breath was intoxicating, and the sound of it... first a relaxing sigh, then increasing in depth and breadth, made Ethan's heart flutter with anticipation

Tommy wrapped his arms around Ethan's waist and pulled him in close, deepening the kiss, their bodies touching full on. Ethan wrapped his arms around Tommy and turned his head slightly, encouraged to explore more with his tongue by Tommy's passionate kissing.

They stood there in the foyer, their tongues lightly wrestling in each other's mouths as Tommy's breath became more labored and his hands began to explore Ethan's back, pulling him to his body more tightly.

Ethan pressed his pelvis into Tommy's pelvis. He felt Tommy's dick through his shorts. It was pressing into Ethan's own fully erect cock. Ethan's pulse quickened. His breath became labored and more intense. The feeling of pressure against his cock, knowing it was Tommy's own hardened member, causing Ethan to grind into Tommy.

Suddenly, Tommy broke the kiss and looked at Ethan with passion and intensity. "I love you too, Ethan. I love you so fucking much it has been torture. I thought I wanted you, Ethan. I don't. I need you. I need you now!"

Ethan's heart was pounding in his chest. It was really going to happen after all! He wasn't sure what was going to happen, where this was all going, but he knew how it was going to start.

"I think... maybe..." Ethan stated suggestively, "that you have more than earned that surprise I told you about..."

Ethan took Tommy's hands into his own and, staring into his eyes, slowly backed down the hallway into his bedroom. His eyes never left Tommy's as Tommy allowed himself to be led, entranced by the youthful boy's gaze, the hunger and longing in his eyes unmistakable.

Once in the bedroom, Ethan slowly turned Tommy around, and, placing his hands on Tommy's shoulders, directed him to sit on the edge of the bed.

Tommy obeyed, almost mindlessly, never leaving Ethan’s gaze.

Ethan stepped back from Tommy and slowly, deliberately, pulled his T-shirt over his head. He didn't dance or move his body suggestively. He simply moved with deft articulation, tightening his stomach muscles, allowing Tommy to take in every inch with his eyes

"You have been so good to me, Tommy," Ethan spoke suggestively, with an almost innocent tone, lightly rubbing his hands over his own chest, down his arms, and across his stomach, "that I want to give you a present. A present that unwraps itself."

Ethan watched Tommy's expression. He seemed mesmerized, watching each of Tommy's movements. He didn't seem afraid anymore.

Ethan began to slowly undo the button on his shorts. He nimbly opened the fly and lowered his zipper, the shape of the top of his member revealing itself. Ethan shifted slightly and the shorts fell to the floor. He stepped forward, out of the shorts, and directly towards Tommy. Ethan rubbed his chest again, trailing his fingers across his abdomen with one hand, and fondling his cock through his underwear with light deliberate strokes, accentuating its form.

"I bought these just for you, Tommy." Ethan said in a lustful tone.

Tommy's eyes had widened to the size of teacups. Ethan watched as Tommy began rubbing his own cock through his shorts as he sat on the bed.

"Oh my God, Ethan. You're... you're beautiful! Those... those things are dynamite on you!"

"You like them, lover?"

Ethan stepped towards Tommy again, looking down at himself as he took his other hand and began running it just inside the elastic, his right hand continuing to stimulate his cock outside of the bikini briefs. Their bodies were so close now.

"Oh, hell yes!" Tommy replied, breathlessly. "I want to touch you, Ethan".

"Not yet," Ethan said soft but firm. "There's more."

Slowly, Ethan inserted his hand into his underwear. He released his cock from its compartment, but keeping it hidden in the fabric, grasped the hardness, squeezing, slowly stroking. Ethan observed Tommy tugging and pushing at this own cock through his shorts. He knew it was working.

"Mmmm... Tommy, this is what I wanted to show you... how hot you make me," Ethan cooed.

Ethan turned so that his back faced Tommy. He placed his hands at the elastic of his underwear and slowly slid them down, revealing his tanned, smooth, boyish bottom. He arched his back and allowed the elastic to catch underneath the curvature of his ass, pushing it up.

"Holy shit, Ethan!"

"You like?" Ethan said with a devilish smile, turning his head and looking at Tommy, "I worked hard on this tan for you."

Tommy nodded, captivated, and began to undo the button on his own shorts, hastily pushing down the zipper, trying to release his aching cock from its prison.

"Ethan... I need to touch you!" Tommy growled, slowly annunciating each word.

Ethan turned back around to face Tommy and began sliding the underwear down over his cock, slowly revealing the head, and continuing down the shaft. Ethan watched himself as if he were turning himself on immensely, his face flushed. He glanced back up at Tommy who was staring at Ethan’s dick.

"Not yet... not quite yet, lover," Ethan purred back.

Ethan pushed his underwear all the way to the floor and stepped out, finally revealing himself completely, his firm cock in one hand, the other at his chest, lightly touching and tracing his emerging pecs and abdominal muscles.

Tommy gasped. Ethan was an easy 7 inches at full mast. His manhood stood in stark contrast to his cleanly shaven and smooth pubic mound, cock, and balls. The head glistened with Ethan's boy juice.

Ethan stood in front of Tommy for a moment, watching himself rub his body and his cock, moaning, groaning, then looking back at Tommy's face to see his eyes ablaze with lust and fire. Tommy had extracted his own cock out of his shorts, rubbing himself while watching the intoxicating display. Ethan stared at Tommy stroking the top of his cock, longing to see more of it, but trying to stay focused on the hand currently in play.

"Now. Your present is unwrapped. What do you want to do with it?" Ethan said in a feigned innocent yet authentically passionate tone.

Tommy did not hesitate. He slipped off the bed, dropped to his knees, and positioned his face right at Ethan's cock.

"I'm going to suck on that beautiful cock, Ethan. I'm going to taste you.... Finally.... Now!"

Ethan let go of his cock and watched Tommy wrap his lips around the head and gently suck out the bit of precum that had built up just inside.

"Ah!! Oh fuck, Tommy!"

Ethan had never felt such pleasure. He watched as his cock began to disappear into Tommy's moist, warm mouth. He could feel Tommy's tongue darting over and around the shaft and head.

Tommy looked up at Ethan.

Ethan whimpered, watching him.

"Oh my God, Tommy... oh my God... I can't believe how good this feels!"

Ethan was panting, He swallowed hard.

Tommy moaned and hummed on Ethan's throbbing cock.

Ethan took his hands and began running them through Tommy's hair, watching his cock going in and out of Tommy's mouth.

"Ummmm... Unhhhh... it's... it's so much better than I imagined!"

Tommy wrapped his fist tightly around Ethan's cock and began to stroke him, long and slow. He removed Ethan's cock from his mouth.

"Mmmmmm... you taste so good Ethan... so deliciously good. I want to taste all of it. ALL of it!"

Tommy returned his mouth to Ethan's cock and began to work Ethan's member with expert precision.

Ethan thought he may fall. His knees weakened. His legs began to tremble. He took one of his hands and held onto Tommy's shoulder to help steady himself.

All of Ethan's edging during the day began to betray his desire to lengthen the moment. At first, he was disappointed, but the overwhelming sensations persistently drove away any guilt or remorse from his mind.

"Oh God, Tommy... oh God... I... I really don't think I can last long... "

Ethan had his eyes closed, babbling, marveling at how much better this was than the self-stimulation he was used to.

Tommy responded by tightening his grip further and moving it up and down Ethan's shaft more forcefully, faster, sucking and slurping Ethan's cock. He was determined.

Ethan breathed heavily, panting, then holding his breath, then gasping. He groaned and moaned under Tommy's oral assault.

"Oh God, lover, don't stop... I'm... I'm getting close!"

Autonomically, Ethan began to move his hips back and forth, trying to thrust his cock deeper into Tommy's mouth, the need for release burning inside of him. He had no thought of what he might be doing to Tommy now. Ethan was under the control of his body's lustful urges, undulating towards the desperately needed climax.

"Mmmmmmm…" Tommy moaned, tonguing Ethan's balls, running it up the shaft, and then taking him into his mouth again, moving faster, stroking harder.

Ethan was surprised at the slow build of ecstasy he was experiencing. It was climbing more slowly than when he brought himself off, the feeling much more intense, rising higher and higher than anything he had ever experienced before.

"Oh!! Oh fuck!! Oh Tommy! I'm going to cum!"

Tommy let go of Ethan's cock with his hand and grabbed him by the ass, gripping at him. Tommy thrusted Ethan's pelvis back and forth, driving Ethan's cock in and out of his mouth, down his throat.

"Unhhhh! Ohhhh... Shiiiiit!!"

Ethan exploded into Tommy's mouth. Jet after jet of hot, sticky boy cum filled Tommy's mouth as he swallowed furiously, savoring Ethan's sweet and salty taste.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm..." Tommy moaned as he slowed his pace and gently milked Ethan's cock with his mouth.

Ethan froze, holding still while Tommy serviced his cock.

"Ahhhh... Oh Jesus.... Tommy..." Ethan whimpered.

Once Tommy could feel Ethan's member softening in his mouth, he held Ethan in place by his ass but allowed him to pull back and extract his dick from Tommy's mouth; little dribbles of Ethan's cum still oozed from the head. Tommy stuck out his tongue to lick off each drop.

Ethan stroked Tommy's hair, his heart pounding in his chest. Slowly, he pulled Tommy up to meet him.

"Tommy... That was AMAZING!" Ethan said incredulously. "I'm not sure how that was a present for you, though."

"Tasting you, Ethan. To be the first to taste you. Being able to make you feel that good. That was your present to me," Tommy said lovingly.

Ethan leaned in and kissed Tommy. He tasted himself on his lips and in his mouth. It was familiar but different.

"Well, I don't think that's good enough," Ethan replied firmly.

With determination, Ethan dropped to his knees, and, within the same motion, pulled Tommy's shorts and underwear down to the ground with him.

Tommy's cock seemed to be about the same size as Ethan's.

"Maybe a little bigger," he thought.

It was beautiful and intimidating at the same time. Undeterred, Ethan eagerly gobbled Tommy's cock into his mouth and attempted to take in the entirety of its length.

Ethan quickly realized his limits as he gagged at the sensation of Tommy's cock at the back of his throat, only two-thirds of the way down his pulsing rod.

"Ah... shit! Ethan!" Tommy gasped. "Go slow, baby. Don't choke yourself to death! It takes practice to be able to go further down like I did."

Ethan settled down a bit and slowed his pace.

"That's it... yeah," Tommy murmured in a breathy voice. Tommy unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and threw it onto the floor. He stroked Ethan's face and drew the locks of his hair through his fingers, gently encouraging and directing the boy into the pace he wanted.

Ethan had dreamt of having a cock in his mouth. Tommy's cock. He had pretended and imagined by sucking on his fingers, bottles, cucumbers...all sorts of objects while pleasuring himself. But this felt different. The way it curved in his mouth. The feel of the skin on his tongue. The sensation of the head gliding along the roof his mouth and the soft palette, the taste of Tommy's precum. It was not at all the way it felt or tasted when he practiced. Tommy had practiced trying to suck himself, but had only been able to get the tip of the head in. He was suddenly glad that Tommy had sucked him first as he now tried to emulate what his coach had demonstrated.

Ethan moved his mouth back and forth on Tommy's cock, moaning, and looking up at Tommy with those beautiful, boyish brown eyes. Ethan tried to carefully replicate the movements and touch that Tommy had shown him.

"Oh Ethan... that's very good... oh... you're a... a fast learner," Tommy murmured.

Ethan thrilled at the encouragement. He decided to try some things he had watched in porn videos.

Ethan took Tommy's cock in one hand, just able to wrap his fingers around its girth, and began rubbing his lips up and down the shaft. He licked and tongued the pulsing muscle down to Tommy's balls, and gently sucked one into his mouth.

"Oh shit, Ethan! Unhhhh! That feels so good!" Tommy gasped.

Ethan felt his confidence increasing. He released one nut and sucked in the other, pulling gently, tugging, stroking Tommy's cock all the while. Ethan returned his mouth to Tommy's member and began to stroke and suck him the way Tommy had done with him.

"Oh fuck, boy... you're really doing it now..." Tommy said through gritted teeth.

Tommy tightened his grip on Ethan's hair and began to slowly pump in and out of Ethan's mouth. Ethan held tightly onto the base of Tommy's cock, making sure that he didn't take in too much.

"Yes, boy, you're learning... mmmmmm... that's it... such a good, good boy!" Tommy hummed.

The change in Tommy's tone and encouragement fed Ethan's determination. He was going to help make his lover cum. And he couldn't wait to drink Tommy in.

Ethan tightened his grip, moaning, humming, sucking, listening to the slurping noises that were filling the otherwise quiet room. Ethan grabbed Tommy's right ass cheek and squeezed.

At the feeling of Ethan's increased grip on his cock and ass, Tommy began to face fuck Ethan.


"Yeah boy, damn! Yeah! I'm going to fucking cum in that pretty little mouth of yours!"

Ethan had never heard Tommy speak to him in such a way. It was turning him on beyond belief. His cock began to reharden as he listened to Tommy groaning and cursing, feeling him fuck his mouth. Ethan let go of Tommy's ass and began to stroke himself.

"Mmmmm... fuck, Ethan... don't stop! Grip my cock tighter!"

Ethan obeyed and felt Tommy's cock swelling up.

"Ahh.... yeah!!!" Tommy exclaimed, pounding his pelvis at Ethan’s face.

Ethan felt Tommy's ejaculate splash against the back of his throat with such force he gagged. Ethan almost panicked at the volume, his mouth filling with cum. Ethan swallowed as fast as he could without letting go or removing Tommy's cock from its place. Tommy's cum oozed out of the side of Ethan's mouth.

Tommy suddenly pulled out of Ethan's mouth and pumped himself with a desperate grip, the last few spurts landing on Ethan's cheek and lips. Ethan opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, inviting more of Tommy's juice into his mouth.

"Ahhhhh" Ethan uttered, showing Tommy his throat.

Tommy's eyes focused on Ethan's.

Ethan was smiling with mouth gaping, delighted in his accomplishment. He licked his lips, and, taking a finger, massaged the cum from his cheek across his skin.

"Did I do good?" Ethan asked, innocently.

"Good?!” remarked Tommy. "I'm almost scared. I mean, if it's this good on your first time, I'm a dead man!"

Ethan laughed. He felt so proud to have been able to make Tommy feel as good as he felt.

Ethan stood up, and kissed Tommy, presenting Tommy's own cum to him. He pressed his naked body against Tommy, encouraging him to go back towards the bed.

They fell back together onto the bed holding each other.

Ethan giggled while Tommy laughed.

Ethan curled up into Tommy's embrace and lay on his side. He rested his head on Tommy's chest, his head rising and falling with Tommy's slowing breath, his member softening against Tommy's leg.

Ethan draped his leg across Tommy’s thigh and his arm across Tommy's waist.

“I’m sorry I came so fast…” Ethan said apologetically, “I’ve kind of been edging ever since I got home from school… thinking about you and all the things I want to do with you… I’m sorry.”

Tommy looked down at Ethan.

“You’re sorry? Oh, baby, don’t be sorry. You promised me you wouldn’t cum without me. And you didn’t! But even if you had, the fact that you were doing it thinking about me makes me feel just as special.”

"Oh Tommy, I love you so much. You are so perfect!' Ethan said softly with a sigh.

"No, you are perfect. For me. My perfect boy,” Tommy replied softly, kissing Ethan on the forehead.

“I’m so glad to know that you love me for me, Ethan. And to say that this was all worth the wait would be an incredible understatement! I hope I wasn't too rough there at the end."

"Oh, no, no Tommy, it wasn’t. And that's just the beginning! There's so much more I have planned for us..."

“More, you say?”

“Yes…” Ethan said looking up at Tommy with a wry smile; “much more!”
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