I meet a cute redneck boy at the local bar and begin plotting how to do filthy things to him
This is a true story that took place in my hometown in Upstate NY just a few weeks ago.
There are guys I find cute, guys I find hot, and guys I find meh. And then, there's guys I find myself so attracted to, I struggle to speak coherently when they're around. That guy, is Jackson.
Jackson is a 23 year old, 6' 2" country boy stud. Wavy blonde hair that he's made into a modest mullet, a great personality, killer smile, and a corn fed country boy bubble butt that any pair of jeans he wears can not possibly hide. Oh and he's a lineman, so while being young and hot, he's also very much blue collar. Pretty much, he's a gay country boys dream, and like most dream guys around here, he's "for the ladies only", or so i thought...
I met Jackson last year at the town bar. Naturally, he was trying to flirt with my friend Kelsie and like every well trained guy he had to scope out the males around her to see if they were a threat. He shook my hand and introduced himself. We exchanged names and instantly clicked. Shortly after, we had started a whole conversation separate from the rest of the group.
Half an hour later his buddy (and his ride) was heading out, so he was making his goodbyes to everyone. He comes up to me, stares me dead in the eyes, unflinching and without emotion and says "it was cool meeting you, hope I see you around more".
Without pause I say "Absolutely! You got snap?". It was now or never I figured.
"Hell yea man!" he exclaims and we exchange snaps.
I had no idea whether or not I should text him to say it was cool meeting him, had a good conversation etc without sounding weird, but I didn't have to wait long before I see Jackson typing. He was gonna message me first! Should I open it immediately? Wait 10 minutes? I couldn't wait 10 minutes lol, so I opened it up immediately.
It read "what's Kelsie doing. You guys should come to my house for some drinks".
I showed her the text and asked her if she wanted to go. She said she was too tired and didn't wanna hang with a guy she didn't know. Women, right?
I tell Jackson she's not down, but that I'm leaving the bar shortly and would be down to hang with him. His response was a typical straight male response: "If she's not gonna come whats the point".
I'm the point! I wanted to say. Instead I said "well we can still have a drink and chill for a bit if you want".
A few mins later he gives a similar bs "I'm getting tired, it's getting late" (it's 11:30 on a Saturday) answer as she did. I lose a little patience and just go for broke and say "well ngl, you're attractive af and if you wanted an amazing blowjob before bed, it could 100% be our secret". He almost instantly opens it up and responds "nah man, I aint about that", backs out of the chat, and instantly un-adds me on snap.
I blew it, and not in the way I was trying to, but in the worst kind of way. I felt so stupid for even trying. Did I really think I was gonna hookup with this gorgeous clearly straight guy just because he had great eye contact and gave me his snap??? All I knew in that moment was I still wanted to find a way to weasel my way back into his life. Somehow.
The next few months I'd see him at the bar but he never said a word to me. It kinda stung but it's no different than being virtually invisible to every straight guy there so I kinda just started to ignore it. Until one day this spring while hanging with a group of my friends, I felt eyes on me. I looked over and about 15 feet away those eyes belonged to none other than... Jackson. I quickly glanced over and then back to my friend group, but that quick acknowledgement is all Jackson needed cause within a few seconds he started making his way over to me.
My friend was deep in a conversation but I tuned out whatever she was saying and started thinking what my first words to him were gonna be. He stood just 2 feet from me, towering over me as I tilt my head up since I was sitting down. He extended out his pointer finger and goes "Liam, right?" with a quizzical and intense look on his face.
In as deep of a voice as I can, I confidently look up to him and say "Yes sir, you're Jackson, right?" (obviously I knew his name but I wanted to appear as nonchalant as possible).
He tilts his head, gives a broad smile, and begins shaking his pointer fingered hand like a gun shooting motion towards me and says "Ayyy you remembered". Like no shit bro, how could I forget???
Not sure what to say, but absolutely wanting to continue this conversation, I simply stated "so, whats up?".
He looks down at his beer, holds it up and states very plainly "drinkin".
Not being able to work much with that, I quipp back "well this is a good place for that" and chuckle a little.
He's does a few quick nods to that but his eyes are already locked in behind us to whatever group just walked in. So I just sit awkwardly for a few seconds until he abruptly states "aight man, catch ya later" and gives my shoulder a tap as he walks away to said group.
My friend stops the conversation she was having with the rest of the group, gives a quizzical look and asks "who was that?"
Once again, trying to be as nonchalant as possible I outwardly state "some guy I met here a few months ago. No idea why he decided to come say hi now", but internally I was gleaning that Jackson randomly initiated conversation with me, even if that conversation was stupid and pointless. I now had an in.
From there on out, every time I saw Jackson he would either acknowledge my existence with a nod or come up and start a conversation with me. What started out as an infatuation with him started becoming a more "bro"-like relationship, and I figured maybe I could accept it for what it was. That was, until this past June.
I decided to go to the bar on a weeknight. It was a wing Wednesday. It was far less crowded than weekends, but still every seat but one at the bar was taken. I take my seat and there's some larger hillbilly dude next to me on the right, and an empty seat with wallet and keys next to me on the left. I sit down to order a drink and a half dozen wings, and as I'm finishing up placing my order, the owner of said wallet and keys comes back to his seat. That seat belonged to none other than Jackson.
We instantly start with the usual cordial introduction and conversation, but this time since we're both there by ourselves and sitting down at the bar rather than at one of the tables or walking around/on the patio, the conversation becomes much more prolonged and personal. He starts telling me more stuff about his job, how labor intense it can be, about his family, hobbies, his exes, and even politics. Likewise, he takes an interest in knowing all that stuff about me too. And unlike usually when he has 10 friends around and is too stimulated to focus his attention on any one thing, he is currently solely focusing on me. That calculated and intense stare he usually has (which is still hot) is replaced by a warmer interest and innocent smirk (which is even hotter). I can live with this being as intimate as we get if we're bonding like this.
Suddenly, some random guy comes up behind him and starts massaging his shoulders as a joke. Apparently they're friends or whatever and Jackson reaches his arms up to try and pull the guy down for a fake kiss (usual straight boy dumb shit), but in doing so, unwittingly does something else...
You see, Jackson had worked a long day in the hot June sun, and apparently hadn't showered after, so when he lifts his arms up and starts moving his upper torso around, his steamy unwashed pits which are a mere 2 feet from me, release their pungent and masculine odor directly into my nostrils. Jackson stinks. They carry on this dumb tussle for about 30 seconds (fine by me) and I slowly but stealthily inch my nose a few inches closer to the source of the stink without making it too obvious. Even a foot or so away from his pits, I can tell they reek of hard working athletic hot male. I doubt he even applied deodorant before work and I somewhat question if he even showered at all that day.
In that moment I go from bro mode, to primal male instinct mode, and I fully realize, I can not live with this being as intimate as we get, I need to do it all. That evening before I leave, I tell Jackson how great it was to talk with him that evening and ask him for his snap. He easily obliges. He tells me we'll "have to set something up soon".
Yeah we will. He just has no idea what I'm planning to set up.
Unlike last time he gave me his snap, I decided not to message him anything sexual and simply wait for the opportunity to arise. That opportunity, came in October.
I was with my usual friend group, and he was with his usual mix of moderately cute rednecks and obnoxious sluts that hang around moderately cute rednecks. An average Friday night. Around 11:30 him and his friends are making their next moves and he's saying his goodbyes and what not to random people around the bar, and as he comes up to our table (over the past few months he's made their acquaintance several times) he asks "What are y'all doing after?"
Before anyone gives a solid answer he continues "We're gonna have a small party back at my place if y'all wanna swing by" and finishes his statement by looking directly at me.
I say back " I guess we're not sure what we're doing, but I'll definitely let you know" (I know damn well no one else but me is gonna wanna go). He gives me a thumbs up, and walks away.
I look over at my friend and she says "yeah I'm not leaving the bar at 11:30, that's crazy", shutting down any possible debate about the subject.
I decide to begrudgingly concur and say "yeah, no idea why you'd wanna have an after party when the main party is still going on". While the idea of going to his party stays in my mind, I sorta brush it off and focus on what I'm doing there.
Half an hour goes by and its now just past midnight, and suddenly out of the blue these 2 guys start getting into a fight. More guys join and it becomes a brawl. The brawl gets moved outside, but the police are called and the bar owner decides to call it a night and send everyone home. Instantly I snap message Jackson and tell him "we're actually all heading out now lol, whats the address?".
I suggest to my friends that we all go to Jackson's since the bar closed early and there's nowhere else to go. I look at my phone and open Jackson's message to see his address and pass it along to my friends who all rode separately. Most of them except Allie and Bryan (a couple) decide to just go home. Allie says they're gonna let their dog out quick and then meet me up there afterward. Perfect, I'm gonna finally see Jackson's house!
The address is only a 6 minute drive so it's a quick sprint up to his house. As I arrive Jackson messages me "you still comin?"
I respond "yeah just got here!".
I then message Allie and ask "wya", and turn my car off and head to the front door.
Noticeably, there's like... no one here. Kinda odd. Jackson opens the front door just as I walk and he asks somewhat puzzled "where's the rest of your group?".
I tell him everything that went down and that Allie and Bryan are coming up shortly. He simply nods and says "cool".
I ask "so where is everyone?"
He responds "everyone just left like 5 mins ago, that's why I messaged you asking if you were coming cause if you hadn't left yet I was gonna tell you it probably wasn't worth your time to come".
Little did he know I didn't care in the slightest about the party, I just wanted to spend time with him. Before I can even respond he tells me to make myself comfortable on the couch and asks if I want a drink. How can I say no?! The refrigerator is in direct line sight of the living room so when he opens up the door to search for what he's got and list it off to me, hes bent over giving me full visual access to his American eagle jeans covered ass. It's very ample for a slim white boy, and if it's kept as well cleaned as his pits, I'm sure the seam of those jeans are absolutely ripe.
I'm sitting on his couch getting somewhat hard at this visual and having trouble concentrating on the drinks he's listing off when I hear him mention Angry Orchard cider. "Perfect!" I tell him.
As I say this I open my phone to Allie's message saying "we stopped and got taco bell and just got home lol but I think we're just gonna call it an early night. Sorry :(".
This is now the make or break moment. He's either gonna be cool with chilling one on one, or come up with some "well it's getting late, i have an early day" bs line. As he makes his way to the couch with both our drinks, I break the news to him to gauge his reaction. He plops down 3 feet away from and simply says "fuck em" and opens his beer and leans it in for a cheers. Boys, I'm in!
I'm trying in some way to think of a way to make a pass at him before the end of the night while not making things too uncomfortable for him when he absolutely sideblinds me by what he says next. Staring straight ahead towards the TV in a trance like state he asks very monotone-like "so, remember that first night you met me, and you messaged me and asked to suck my dick?"
I froze. I had to think of my words here very carefully. I respond in a warm and mildly joking way "yea, it's definitely something that's hard to forget".
He continues staring ahead for a few seconds before breaking himself out of his self induced trance, turns towards me, shrugs, and says "hey you had to shoot your shot right?".
Once again, thinking about how to progress this further, I say "well the offer is definitely available anytime" while smirking and taking a sip of the cider he gave me.
His face turns towards me and gives one of his trademark soul piercing stares before confidently stating "Is that so?"
I quickly snip back "yes, that is 100% so. As a matter of fact, I'd be down to give you one right now."
"Fuck!" I think to myself, maybe that was too quick. but before I have time to respond he quips back "Well I should probably shower first cause I've had a long day and it's probably...."
"NO!" I almost exclaim. "You're a guy, the muskiness, the man scent, the naturalness of a guy is sorta the appeal for me if I'm 100% honest" I offer as my explanation for my determination here.
He sorta chuckles with his mouth half open before saying "that's definitely different from what girls want, but alright, less work for me".
Holy fuck, he just agreed!!!!! I go to reach for his heterosexual junk just underneath a layer of denim and underwear and he quickly swats my hand away.
"Not here!" he firmly states. "You can see the living room from the road. Let's go up to my room if we're gonna do this".
He gets up and I obediently follow him. We both go up his stairs with me trailing behind with a perfect view of his dumper. If he knows his junk stinks, I can only imagine how ripe it is in the crack of ass, but I'm 100% determined to find that out and wonder no more. We get to his room and he turns the light on. The room is exactly how you'd expect a less than tiny 23 year old country boy's room to be. Clothes strewn everywhere, barely made bed, a nightstand with no surface to place anything else, and a stronger general odor of male musk in the air. Before I have a chance to say or ask anything he states matter of factly "so how are we doing this?".
I state equally as plainly "well, you're probably gonna have to take your pants off".
"Yeah no shit" he responds as laughs and proceeds to take off his belt and drop his jeans to the floor. After which he drops his Walmart/Target brand plaid boxers to the floor revealing a solid 4-5" semi-hard cock and a rather untrimmed bush of blondish-brown pubes around it. At this moment any bit of coyness and playfulness is gone and my natural male dominant instincts kick in.
"Lay on your back with your legs spread like a V" I command.
He rather instantly complies as I take off my pants and underwear and move myself on to the bed. Part of me wants to savor the fact that this heterosexual stud I've been masturbating to for over a year and a half is now naked before me, the other half merely wants to dive in. That second half wins. My face takes a lightning speed nose-dive into his crotch and whew, was he right. The smell of sweat, unshowered musk, old piss droplets, and pure testosterone permeates every facet of my senses. A treat even few girls get to experience, is now mine to feast on and inhale. I quickly take his semi-hard cock into my mouth and begin to hopefully give him the best head he's ever gotten. Within seconds his semi-hard turns into a rock hard, and I begin hearing his deep guttural moans mixed in with some "fucks" and "yeahs". And while I absolutely would love to taste this dudes load, I know once he cums, he's 100% gonna be tapped out of doing anything else, so I take my mouth off of his cock and shift down so his nuts are in my face.
Here, the smell of old piss is less, but the smell of raw testosterone is through the roof. I take several deep lungful's of Jackson's masculine pungency before lapping away at the sac's carrying the mini-Jackson's. He instantly utters "Ahhhh fuck dude! No girl has ever licked my nuts before" as he proceeds with a mixture of soft laughs and moans.
I keep lapping away at his nuts and as i get lower my nose detects an even raunchier smell wafting from behind his nutsack. I know exactly what that smell is and I absolutely need it. I start trying to push Jackson's legs back to access his most intimate hole and his socially curated straight boy instincts kick in and swiftly buckle his legs from allowing that hole to be exposed "What the fuck are you doing?!" he exclaims.
Realizing this is a showdown of dominance I tell him "If you've never had your nuts licked, you've definitely never had your ass ate and if you enjoyed your nuts being licked and sucked on, you're gonna love being rimmed 10x more. I fucking promise you".
He goes silent for a second before saying "dude, I told you, I haven't showered since yesterday morning. You definitely don't wanna go back there".
I quickly remind him what I said earlier that the musk, the scent, and naturalness of a guy is the turn on about all of this to me. And before he can either agree to or argue with me I order him to "Just roll on your stomach. You gotta trust me here man".
He smirks awkwardly for a few seconds before lifting his body up saying "You're a freak man" and begins the process of giving me full access to his ass.
Within seconds Jackson's fully developed and untouched ass is now at my mercy, while he's tummy down on his own bed. I begin massaging the smooth-ish cheeks of his ass and slowly pull them apart to view a totally hairy and unkempt straight male ass crack. Once again, I can't control my animalistic urges. I shift Jackson's legs further apart, splay open his ass crack to my viewage and dive my face inward towards the most intimate region of his body.
His ass crack is about as wild and uncharted of an area as one could find on the male body. 2 dense lines of ass fur line each side of his hole, both sides matted and marinated in his ass sweat. His hole is tight and small with a few bits of leftover toilet paper on the top, and a thin but noticeable brown smear of his shit extending from the bottom of his hole into the thicket of ass fur to the right of his hole. And the smell is... out of this world. A mix of non-thorough showering, poor wiping, lingering farts from his diet of junk food, and that same "Jackson musk" I've found in other parts of his body creates, by far, the most pungent and raunchy smell any where on this boy.
As I'm audibly inhaling what may be the most sexy smell I've ever inhaled he quips back inquisitively "Everything okay back there?".
I simply state "Better than okay, this is like actual heaven to me" before getting to what he presented this ass to me for: a cleaning.
I begin licking the hairy forest on either side of his hole and tasting the sweat, funk, and god knows what else he's accumulated here in the past 36 hours before zeroing in on his virgin shithole (and a shithole it was). I beginning trying to tongue into his hole, but it's still way to tight and tense so I instead begin lapping at the skidmark he missed when poorly wiping his ass last and am rewarded with the bitter yet delicious flavor of his excrement.
Whether he knew I was tasting his shit or not, he began moaning and doing a series of "Fuck's" and "God damn's" even more vocally than he had when I was sucking his dick. So naturally I felt this was a good time to ask "How are you liking your rimjob?"
It took him a split second to gain his thoughts about it before answering and half looking back "Fuckin amazing dude, keep going".
I now knew I had him exactly where I wanted him, so I asked "Your hole is insanely tight, but do you want me to try to get my tongue to go deeper?"
He responded in an almost annoyed that I wasn't just eating his ass type of tone and said "Do whatever you gotta do, but I can't guarantee it's not like dirty or whatever inside". Apparently he really didn't know the surface of his hole was already in extremely dirty condition just 2 minutes ago.
I take this permission to up the ante. I put my finger in my mouth to get it covered in saliva, place my finger at his tight stink crinkle, and push my pointer finger into his asshole. This elicits an immediate "What the fuck are you doing?!" again from Jackson.
I already prepared for this reaction so I stated "Dude, the only way I'm gonna loosen your hole enough for a deep rimjob without it taking an hour is to finger it a little. Just relax. I was right about the rimjob wasn't I??"
"This is so gay" he quips back but makes no effort to try and push away.
My finger is finally fully in his poop chute and I begin swirling my finger around the soft, warm, and slimy walls of Jackson's rectum, feeling a cavity inside of him no other human being has felt, and very possibly that he himself has never felt.
By now it should be obvious what I'm really trying to loosen Jackson up for, but he still is blissfully unaware of his fate, so I decide to go back to rimming him since it's what he likes most thus far (and there's zero complaints from me about that). Despite me licking up the dirtiness on and around his hole, it's still intensely pungent back there and I almost start feeling a little nostalgic. As I inhale and taste each particle of his backdoor funk I wonder if this is the last time I'll ever do it, If he's ashamed of what we're doing, and if he's gonna be as weird with me after tonight as he was after the first time I made a pass at him. But before I could get too deep in my thoughts, he shifts slightly to arch his ass back more, uses his hands to spread his cheeks even further apart and merely orders "Get deeper" back at me.
I take this opportunity to deep dive my tongue into his steamy and odiferous backdoor as he blathers out a mix of moans, curse words, and random Jackson noises.
I take my tongue out of his hole to look at my work. His hole is very wet, though not visibly dirty anymore and while still tight, the seal it had before has given way to a *slight* dilation. So I decide to dilate him more. I take my pointer and index finger, slobber them with saliva, and place my pointer finger at his back entrance and quickly slide my index finger along side it. This once again elicits his immediate attention with a slight wince and him saying "Ugghhhh is that your finger again?"
I respond "It's 2 actually".
"The fuck you need 2 fingers in my ass for a rimjob for" he mutters.
"Because it's not for a rimjob, it's cause you're about to get fucked in the ass" I think to myself, but say nothing in response.
I think about how wild it is that just 2 hours ago I was at the bar trying to convince my friends to go to his "after party" and now I'm in his bed with my fingers plunging 4" up the hole this hot redneck boy farts and shits from. Crazy how life works! After loosening his hole to the point where I know it's not sealing shut tonight, and hearing his uncomfortable groans, I decide to do one final deep tasting and sniffing of his soon to be de-virginized country boy ass.
2 minutes later, it's time.
I take my face out of his crack and grab my throbbing hard cock to his former "exit only" hole. He finally begins to realize what I'm doing and asks coyly "Whatttt are you doing Liam?".
This is the most submissive I've seen him all night, and tbh, ever in my time knowing him. So I decide to just be blunt "Jackson, I have wanted you from the moment I met you. We have done everything 2 guys can do together in the past 45 minutes... and if you've come this far, and enjoyed everything I said you would enjoy, I think it's only fair you at least try and take it for me. Please man?".
Maybe this sounded better in my head, but part of me wanted to let him know he wasn't just a hole to fuck even if I 100% was about to fuck his hole. I hadn't really seen his face since my tongue descended into his ass, but he half turned around to look me in the face, and with my steel rod pointing out between my legs, gave me a glazed over smile and said "I can't believe I'm doing this bro" and simply proceeded to turn back around giving me unbridled access to take his final virginity.
I put a decent wad of spit on my cock and shaft, shimmied over to make full contact with his body, placed my manhood at his loosened and saliva covered hole, and pressed my cock slowly into his man hole. He instantly winced when my head passed the entrance to his rectum so I simply told him "Relax and push out like you're taking a shit rather than tense up".
"That sounds so gross" he quips back with, but obeys my order, and within 30 seconds I was officially balls deep inside of Jackson's formerly virgin bowels.
I looked towards his face which was turned slightly to the side while he buried it in the bed. I could see his eyes were closed and tensely shut, and while I wanted to do nothing more than jack hammer my dick into his anal cavity, I lowkey do have feelings for this guy and I want him to enjoy every aspect of this. So I asked "How is it feeling?"
"MMMMMFFHH" was all he responded with.
Well, that's not an answer buddy! So I start the process of slowly pulling my cock towards his exit and then slowly sliding back into his depths. I once again ask him how he's doing and he simply says "It feels like I have to take a shit" while sorta giggling at his own words.
While I don't doubt he might actually have to go since I felt soft pieces deep in his ass when I was fingering him, I simply re-assure him "This is just how it naturally feels having a dick in there".
I'm now giving steady and long thrusts deep into his lower digestive tract, and part of me wants to already cum and just flood his heterosexual ass with my babies. The other part of me wants to prolong this experience as long as possible (plus the wincing facial expressions he's getting from his first ass fuck are giving me such an insanely dominant feeling). Once again, wanting to prioritize his comfort and pleasure, I ask "Feeling more comfortable now?"
In a surprisingly steady and deep voice he states "It honestly feels better than the.. ffffingers did AAHHHHH".
Fuck yeah you little bottom. I press my body firmly against his back, lock my arms around his chest and shoulders, bury my face in his mullet, and begin to drill the shit out of his ass. I decide to keep pounding his little dumper for as long as I can hold out to maximize the amount of time his brain has to compute that he's getting fucked in the ass, and the amount of time I get to be in a reality where I'm sodomizing Jackson's guts.
Several more minutes go by and I can see he's getting tired of this new violation of his body and asks in a pretty exasperated voice "Are you getting close or what man..?".
All good things must come to an end afterall. I tell him "Yeah I'm close... And I'm gonna bust my whole load deep into your fucking guts bro".
"Fuck yea" he mumbles into his forearm.
30 seconds later, one of the greatest orgasms I've ever had begins to erupt and empty a solid 5-6 ropes of my baby batter somewhere in the dark, filthy depths of Jackson's colon. I collapse, limp as all hell, on Jackson's back and squeeze him as close as I can.
While I'm basking in post-orgasmic afterglow, Jackson sort of annoyed states "Hey, can you like take your dick out of my ass now".
I slowly lift myself up and get back into the kneeling position and dislodge my still hard dick from his tailpipe. The once tight balloon knot I first gazed upon an hour ago is now raw, gaping, and leaking a mixture of my cum with trace amounts of Jackson's shit and blood visible. I did a solid number on this boys bowels. Unsurprisingly, having anal sex with a straight man isn't a clean affair. There's clear signs of Jackson's mud up the side of my shaft and my dick head is particularly coated in his brown leftovers since it was the deepest inside of his digestive tract. While I'm not disgusted by it in the slightest, I don't know how Jackson will react so I simply tell him I always have to pee after sex (and I sorta do) and make my way to the bathroom that's right across from his room.
When I come out, I see Jackson sitting on the bed, hard and stroking. "Are you gonna help me get off or did you just plan on fucking my ass and leaving" he says in a way I can't tell if he's joking or serious.
Either way, I just took his anal virginity, so I absolutely owe it to him to get him off. I quickly take his cock back into my mouth and picked up where I left off before I began my anal invasion of him. After everything he just experienced, he doesn't last too long either, and I soon find myself with a mouthful of Jackson's reproductive juices. Due to Jackson having the same poor diet most young guys have, his cum has a potent and salty flavor to it with a moderately creamy aftertaste (better than the bleachy flavor some of these guys have though), that I quickly swirl around my mouth and then make a point of swallowing while he watches.
Not wanting things to get awkward I laughingly say "Well, I think that qualifies as a pretty good night for both of us".
He sorta cracks a laugh and says "Yeah, it's definitely something I'll never forget" as he tilts his head and enlarges his eyes.
As he goes to stand up and get dressed he exclaims "AHHHHH FUCK, my ass feels so fucking weird right now!".
Trying to continue the trend of keeping things upbeat and comical I go "Yeahhh the first time always feels that way... by the way, it's probably gonna be pretty sore when you take a shit next. Just giving you the heads up"
"It's already sore back there man, trust me" he states back automatically, but with that glean of a smirk that tells me he's not in instant regret mode.
Once we're both dressed I look him dead in the eyes and state "I had an amazing time tonight. Obviously everything that happened here stays between us, but... maybe we can do this again?"
He takes a few seconds to process everything I said and returns with "maybe, we'll see... but I don't know why I got dressed cause I definitely feel like I need to shower before I go to bed".
Realizing he doesn't really wanna go too in depth with the events of tonight I agree he should shower before heading to bed. We exchange a warm hug, and he walks me downstairs towards the front door.
Not much else was said other than a mutual "have a good night man" between us. And on the drive home, as fulfilled as I felt with everything that just happened, I found myself craving him even more than I had before now that I know what lie underneath his jeans and button up shirt.
The next time I saw Jackson he was civil but nowhere near as warm as usual towards me. Maybe he overthought things as straight men will do, maybe he regretted it, maybe he just wasn't as into me as I was into him. Either way, it sorta stung and I found myself almost depressed at the thought that what I found to be one of the best sexual experiences of my life, he maybe found shameful, and that it would never happen again.
I wasn't gonna release this story because as hot as I found the buildup and the actual encounter, it was too painful to write it as a chapter that seemed permanently closed.
That is, until last weekend when I was standing with my group of friends outside having a drink when they excused themselves to the bar to get another drink. I decided to simply wait outside rather than follow them to the bar and back outside. As they walk inside, Jackson comes staggering out, looks around the outside patio to see who's there and walks directly over to all alone me.
"Hey, what's up" he says with a smile as he takes a hit of his vape.
Back to the whole casual act I simply say "Not too much, same old shit honestly, how about you?"
It's clear he has a motive here cause he sorta ignores my answer and says "Soooo about the last time we hungout..."
Before he can go into whatever he's gonna go into I decide to set the record for exactly where I stand. I look down towards the floor then directly into his eyes and state "it was honestly some of the best sex I ever had not gonna lie (saying this part in a low voice so no one on the patio other than him could hear me), but if you wanna just be buds and nothing more what so ever, I... can accept that... but if you wanna ever do any of the stuff we did again, as I've told you, the offer is available anytime for you Jackson".
That blank Jackson stare-off into the distance returned for a few seconds before he nodded and stated softly "That sounds good to me".
He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a Zyn tin, opened it up and with a total warm softness in his eyes quietly asked "Do you want one?"
I gladly took one, as we exchanged half smiles for a solid few seconds. Luck would have it, my friends had just returned to the patio and were making their way over to us.
Jackson's demeanor instantly went from soft and kind with me to generic redneck boy with them and after an exchanging of cordials with them excused himself back inside to hang with his boys.
But before he did, when their faces had turned from him, and my face was still in his line of view, he gave me a warm smirk and a wink before turning around and walking back inside. This gave me a solid view of his jean covered ass, an ass that only I have fucked, and an ass probably in as poor of hygienic condition as it was when I went down on it a month previous.
Whether or not me and Jackson have sex again, become frequent fwb's, or maybe something more remains to be seen, but whatever the case is, I can't wait for the day I once again get the privilege of exploring Jackson's raunchy parts.