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When I started out with this I never thought that it would become as long lasting as it has. It just seems to have taken a life on of its own and each chapter becomes easier to write. I have the intention of wrapping it all up by Ch.20 but before then there is their adventures in the UK and a sudden twist that will hit the characters hard. Hopefully it is entertaining and boredom does not set in because of the narratives that fill it out.
Elise Ch.16

Standing under the shower Elise spread liquid soap across my chest with her hands and washed away the cum she had smeared on it. Her touch was so gentle as she did so and as her finger tips brushed over my nipples I felt a stirring in my dick. Turning her attention to my back I could feel her fingertip trace out the outline of my tattoo.

“Does it hurt when you get tattooed, Ger?”

“Not really, it is just a sort of prickling feeling but tattoos on the back are the least painful. If you got tattooed on the under arm or around your nipples then it would be a bit painful as the nerves there are more sensitive.”

“I think I would be too much of a wimp to get a tattoo although I would like one. I told you I would like angel wings on my back but not some itty bitty little ones, ones that would come from my shoulders down to my waist. It would have to be really fine work and delicate looking before I would even think of it. The other idea I have is to get a water lily on my shoulder that looked like it was painted on me.”

“There are loads of great tattoo artists here on the West Coast, I’m sure you could find one that could do that.”

“Someday but not in the immediate future though.”

Her hands circled my waist from the back and her fingers slowly reached down until she was touching my cock which gave a jerk as she touched it.”

“There is life in the old dog yet I see but that will have to stay in its kennel as I am absolutely starving.”

“I have no idea how you can eat so much and not put on weight. You must have a tapeworm or something!”

“Eeeewwww! I told you that I have a high metabolic rate and I expend a lot of energy, a real lot when I am with you! OK, we are clean again so why don’t we get out of here and get some food before I waste away.

Leaving the shower I wrapped her in a towel and held her to me as I kissed her lips. She responded by sliding her tongue into my mouth to play games with mine before pulling back and grinned at me.

“I know your game but no food, no sex. Come on and let me get my hair dried and we can go eat. I also need to pop into the bar and catch u. Better still, get your shit together and sleep with me there as I want you with me.”

“No problem. You get sorted and I’ll get ready.”

I dried quickly as Elise sat at the vanity and started to dry her hair. A trip to the car to get the case and shopping from it and I stood in front of my wardrobe with the case open. By the time Elise had finished drying her hair I was all but packed and was closing my cases. My laptop, phone and power supplies were packed and I checked I had the project folder in the bag with them.

“Is that you packed already?” Elise asked standing naked at the bathroom door.

“More or less as it is just the same process as a small trip but with more clothes. I am just used to doing it so not an issue.”

“Could you get me a glass of water please, Ger and I’ll get my clothes on.”

I went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water with ice in it to find Elise dressed and standing next to my cases. She drank quickly and handed me the glass back.

“I needed that and now I need food Mr.”

“I’ll call a taxi as I will leave the car here and keep you happy.”

“Good! Besides leaving it in the airport parking lot for that long would only tempt thieves.”

We stood at my front door with the cases and the taxi arrived quite quickly. The driver loaded them into the trunk as we got in the back of the cab.

“You folks going on holiday?” The driver asked.

Elise answered him.

“Nope work for him and slavery for me.”

The driver laughed as we set off for the bar and soon we arrived and got my stuff out of the taxi. Elise took my small case and I had the big one and my work satchel. As we went into the bar there were quite a few customers and we went through to the office.

“I can leave the bigger one here as I just need the toiletries and such which are in the small one.”

We went up to Elise’s apartment and I left the rest of my luggage in the hallway.

“I need to change and then we can go eat.”

I watched Elise take off her dress and unclip her bra as she went to her clothes racks and rattled hangers until she found a black tee-shirt with the Rolling Stones logo on it. She held it in front of her and grinning said.

“Does this remind you of something?”

“Indeed it does, you sex mad nymphomaniac, and it certainly does!”

“I love it when you are eating my pussy, you do incredible things to it when you do. I’d give you a taste but I am so hungry just now so you will have to wait.”

“Sex and food, food and sex, is there anything else on your mind?”

“Nope, as long as they are both with you. Thong, panties or a g string, you decide.”

“Most definitely a thong!”


She ***********ed a black lace edged thong and pulled it up her lovely legs to cover her pussy and tuft of pubic hair. This was followed by skin tight black leggings over which she pulled on a short violent purple skirt and then her boots.

“One thing missing though, wait there.”

About 5 minutes later she came back with full makeup on, her eyeshadow was the same violent colour as her skirt and her eyes were lined in black. A dark plum lip gloss and accentuated cheek bones transformed her from the womanly look she had on entering into a rebellious looking punk with her hair up in two bunches held with purple ribbons at the side of her head.

“Well? This feels normal again!”

She put on her leather jacket and gave me a twirl. She could wear a trash bag and still look as sexy as hell as far as I was concerned. Elise just had that effect on me.

“OK, a couple of quick things downstairs and then Charlies for something to eat then a couple of drinks and lots and lots of sex.”

“I am in total agreement with that. Let’s get this show on the road!”

Down in the bar Elise spoke with Sean and then we left for Charlies.

“Back door job, not the restaurant. I like it more in there.”

Elise pounded on the door when we got there.

“Open up! Jehovah’s Witnesses here, we know you are in there.”

The door opened with Charlie laughing.

“Best one yet, Elise. What’s wrong with the restaurant?”

“I love it in here as it feels so cosy and besides there are no people to stare at us either.”

“Come on in and have a seat then. What’s it going to be?”

“Wonton soup, barbequed duck pancakes, sweet and sour pork and egg fried rice for me. Ger?”

“Hot and sour soup, prawn spring rolls, Szechuan pork with steamed rice please, Charlie.”

“Two Tsing Taos?”

“Please, Charlie”

“No problem, coming right up Elise.”

Charlie brought the beers just moments later as the woks were fired up, cool, crisp and refreshing.

“Ahh! Just what I needed.” Elise had nearly emptied her bottle in one go. “Maybe they have this in English Chinese restaurants too.”

“I would think that there is every possibility that they will. One thing they have is better Indian restaurants because of the number of Indians that live in the UK so you will be in for a treat there.”

Charlie appeared with the soups and the side dishes and we fell to eating as we talked.

“I’m not going to get all maudling tonight as you are leaving tomorrow. I want us to have a great night together and enjoy ourselves as much as possible.”

“Sounds like a good plan and I am all for it.”

The soup dishes were replaced with the main courses and I found the Szechuan pork to be excellently spiced and tender inside. As usual, Elise was in the process of demolishing her food and was soon clearing the remnants from the plate into her mouth. She sat back and gave a satisfied sound and then an almighty burp.

“Ooops! Not very ladylike of me, I do apologise but that was great.”

“And here was me thinking of how ladylike you are too. You just shattered my illusion with that.”

Elise laughed and reached for her beer finishing it off before putting the bottle down.

“I suppose I will have to learn some manners for going to the UK and talk in a posh voice all the time. ‘I say Jeeves, could you possibly get me another crumpet?’.”

I had to laugh at her attempt at a posh English accent as it sounded more like a garbled synthesised voice.

“I think they will understand you as you are without the need of the accent. It is not as though it is a different language just a bit different with their pronunciation of it, after all it is where our language came from originally and we just adapted it.”

“OK, back home then and we’ll take it from there.”

We left after settling up and thanking Charlie and headed back to the bar with me wrapping my arm around Elise’s shoulders and her grabbing my shirt at the waist.

Back at the bar there was a decent amount of customers but the staff was not overstretched serving them. We sat at the bar and Sean put two bottles of my now favourite beer in front of us.

“The beer is on the house.” Sean said.

“Really? Who made you bar manager then? The third assistant toilet cleaner job is still open, Sean.”

Sean looked at Elise to see that she was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Har de har har, Elise. Very funny I am sure.”

“Just joshing, Sean, you are doing a great job.”

“Well thanks indeed Missy Hayes, As’ll just go sweeps out the barn an does ma chores now.”

“Not PC, Sean but seeing as you are from the opposite side of the globe I’ll let you off.”

“No offence meant, Elise.”

Sean went back to serving up booze and filling trays.

“You were a bit rough on him there, Elise. He was just joking around.”

“I know he was, but joking or not I don’t stand for that from anyone. It is bad enough that that kind of thinking still prevails without it being in my bar. Everyone coming through that door is treated equally unless they cross the line then they get some assistance from Tom and Jerry to leave”

“OK, let’s forget it and concentrate on us then. What about a game of pool then?”

“Fancy your chances do you? My dad taught me how to play and he was really good.”

“I think I know the basics so show me what you’ve got then.”

After three games where Elise absolutely hammered me I decided it would be a good idea to quit and keep what little pride I had left. We went to a booth and sat across from each other with fresh beers.

“I am trying not to think about tomorrow but I can’t get it out of my mind that you will be away for two weeks before I see you again. You are going to have to make it up to me when I get to the UK and I don’t mean taking me out for fish and chips either!”

“That is not going to be happening as we will have a great time there when I finish with the contract and there will be plenty of time making up to you. You are not the only one that will be missing everything, I will miss you like hell until we are together.”

Elise slouched in the booth as if she was a petulant child and I was about to say something when I felt her bare foot press against my crotch and rub against me. I looked at her and she was grinning mischievously with an eyebrow raised.

“Do you know that you can get really aroused without physical contact just talking about sex but seeing as I am rubbing your dick with my foot tell me what you have in mind for tonight.”

Her eyes never left mine as she continued to manipulate her foot against me causing my dick to swell. She took a swig of her beer and held the bottle on the table with her thumb and forefinger circling the neck of it and sliding them up and down it.

“I was right, you are definitely a nymphomaniac, Elise Hays. You really know how to make me want you all the time and the things that you do make me as horny as hell and want to fuck you even more.”

“Go on, tell me how you would fuck me, no-one can hear us and I want to know what you would and will do to me.”

I looked around and nobody was paying attention to us nor could they see what Elise was doing to me under the table.

“I would be behind you and let your hair down over your shoulders before pushing it aside to kiss your neck as softly as I could so that it felt like a whisper against your skin. I would do this to both sides before I work my way onto your shoulders.”

“Am I naked or do I still have clothes on?”

“Who is telling this? Of course you still have clothes on as it is slow seduction, not wham bam thank you mam.”

Elise laughed and she pushed her foot more against my crotch. “Go on then, so far so good, kissing my shoulders.”

“Can I continue?”

“Please do.”

“As I am kissing your shoulders my hands are cupping your breasts without touching your nipples. I am enjoying the feel of them through your tee-shirt as I am doing this I can see that your nipples are erect and poking the material. I brush one of them with my thumb and you give a slight shiver as I do that. I do the same to the other one and you press back against me with your ass against my swelling cock. I tease them making them completely hard and then pull on them through your tee-shirt giving them a little twist as I do.”

I look at Elise’s breasts and see that her nipples have become more prominent under her tee-shirt. I take a mouthful of beer and she does the same.

“All this time I am nuzzling your neck and taking your earlobes between my lips. My hands slide down your ribs and over your belly to rest on your hip bones for a moment. I run them down the outside of your thighs as far as I can reach without losing any contact with your neck and my lips. As my hands return to your hips I press them against me pushing your ass against my hard shaft and you feel this against you. With the same pressure my hands slide up under your tee-shirt and over your belly and ribs until they reach the underside of your breasts. You are giving out little moans of pleasure as I cup the soft flesh of them in my hands. You raise your arms to put around my neck causing your breasts to flatten against your chest and I cover your hard nipples with the palms of my hands and rotate them against your nipples making you gasp and pull your arms tighter around my neck and force my lips hard against your neck.

I love the feel of them and trap them between my fingers and stretch them from the softness your breasts before they slip from my fingers and spring back to where they belong. One hand slips over your belly and down to your mound and I press it through the material. My fingers slide between your thighs and I can feel moistness above your pussy. What I have done to you so far has made you wet and your juices are leaking from between your pussy lips to soak your thong and leak out.”

“Fucking hell! I am leaking right now and you are not even touching me! This is so fucking horny that I want to jump over the table and get fucked by you!”

Elise has fine beads of perspiration on her top lip and a slight flush to her cheeks.

“Well if you stop interrupting I can keep going with this if you want.”

“I think I need more beer and a shot to steady me first.”

Elise dropped her foot and sat up before beckoning Jackie to the booth.

“What can I do for you Elise?”

“A couple more beers and two large tequilas please, Jackie.”

She went to the bar and returned within minutes with the drinks.

“Thanks Jackie.”

Jackie moved off and Elise took a mouthful of the tequila as did I followed by some beer.

“If you do this to me over the phone when you are away I am going to end up rubbing my clit down to nothing. I mean it Ger, this is as horny as hell.”

“You want me to go on then?”

“You are so right, I do!”

Her foot returned to my crotch and she rubbed me back to semi hardness with it.

“I press against the wet material forcing it against your pussy lips and get you wetter than before. You are moaning with the pleasure of it and the sensations that are spreading from your pussy to the rest of your body. I can feel the slight bulge of your clitoris and stroke it just hard enough to make you squirm and gasp. More of your juices soak into the fabric and my finger slips over it with no resistance as I keep stroking you. You are trembling against me now and forcing your ass cheeks hard onto the bulge of my shaft which had hardened completely now. Suddenly you turn around and pull my face to yours mashing your lips against mine. I put my hand between your thighs and you spread your legs a little to let me continue toying with your pussy hidden by your clothes. You are groaning against my mouth as I hold you against me with my other arm pressing your breasts on to my chest where I feel your hard nipples pushing through our clothes.”

I see Elise put one hand under the table and small movements of her arm betray the fact that she is duplicating what I am saying.

“You give some small shudders and force your tongue hard into my mouth as more of your pussy juice escapes from you. Now the outside of the crotch of your leggings is totally wet and it is spreading further than just above your pussy. I stroke your covered clit harder and your thighs clamp my hand between them as you start to cum. You break the kiss and cry out as an orgasm sweeps through you from your clit to every part of your body. Your legs shake, your heart beats wildly and you hold onto me tighter than ever as you cum hard.”

“I felt Elise’s foot shake against my groin and she stifled a cry as much as she could. Her eyes were closed and screwed up, her arm was loose by her side and she shook slightly. I waited until she opened her eyes which were full of the familiar flecks while her cheeks glowed.

“A bit too much detail?”

“Oh fuck! I couldn’t help myself, I was so wet and so near to coming that it just took a couple of frigs and I came. I just hope that no-one saw me. I have never been that turned on without actually being touched to make it happen. I can’t believe I just came in my bar of all places and with what you said to me. We can’t stay here. I need you to fuck me for real now. I need to feel you do all of that and then fill me with your cock. Oh my god! That was totally unreal. I started feeling the things you were describing as if they were actually happening to me and not being told to me. Drink up and we are going upstairs now!”

We finished the drinks and Elise had a word or too with Sean before we went upstairs. As soon as the door closed she took her jacket and boots off and moulded herself against me with her arms around my neck pulling my head to hers. Panting heavily she broke the kiss and spoke.

“Oh god! I feel like a real slut for making myself cum like that but it was so intense and I felt every word just take over my body. Get into bed as I am going to get this make up off.”

I stripped in her bedroom and left my clothes in a pile on the floor, my cock was leaking at the tip with precum. Elise came to the bed with her face cleaned off and something in her hand. She got on next to me and leant over and pushed her soaking wet thong to my nose where I smelt the musky nectar that had leaked from her.

“You see how wet you made me? My pussy is still soaking wet from what happened downstairs and it needs you inside it.”

She took my near erect shaft in her hand and slowly slid my foreskin back and forwards to arouse me further. Her lips met mine and she probed my mouth hungrily with her tongue. I was fully hard within moments and Elise pulled my cock towards her pussy. I got between her thighs supporting my weight with my hands and she guided me to her entrance. The touch of her wet lips on the head of my cock made it jerk but she drew it closer to part them and put her hands on to my ass.

“Do it slowly Ger. I want to feel every inch of you slide into me and open me up and when you are completely inside of me just hold it there.”

I slowly lowered my hips to gently fill her hot wet hole feeling the intense heat emanating from her pussy walls. Once I was fully inside her my pubic bone was pressing against her clit.

“Oh yes! Just like that and don’t move yet.”

I felt her pussy muscles clamp and release my cock and her juices ooze out to coat my balls. She pulled my ass against her as tightly as she could and then put her arms around my neck to draw my head to hers our lips meeting in a slow and gentle kiss. Our tongues caressed each other’s as we kissed and her nipples were pressed against my upper chest. The kiss broke off leaving us both breathing hard. I looked into her eyes and said.

“I could never imagine feeling what I feel for you with any other person. I thought I was in love before but it does not even come close to what I feel for you, Elise.”

“I feel the same about you and just wish that we had met each other earlier but I am glad we did and wouldn’t change a thing. Can you just move slowly inside of me, I want this feeling to last as long as possible?”

“I will.”

I slowly drew my shaft back feeling her pussy walls slide over the head of my cock until it was just between her outer lips. I held it there for a moment before sliding it back into her as slowly as I could. Elise had let her pussy muscles relax and the silken feel of her hot flesh slowly covered my cock as it returned to fill her void once more was incredible. How long I kept up this slow stroking of her pussy I have no idea but it seemed to be forever. As I filled her wet hole once more Elise raised her hips against me as if encouraging me to stroke her insides quicker. I increased my strokes into her pussy and she moaned with pleasure meeting them by lifting her hips up to meet mine. She tightened her pussy against me increasing the silken friction and intensifying the sensation in the head of my cock as pushed her pussy walls apart.

“Make me cum now Ger, I need you to make me cum.”

I sped up my strokes and she thrust against me harder to increase the pleasure we were both experiencing. My balls started to slap wetly against her ass cheeks as she raise her knees to angle my cock inside her. I was sweating with the effort of keeping my weight of her and the stroking of her pussy. Elise tilted her head back and clenched her pussy onto my shaft and let out a drawn out moan as her orgasm started to overtake her, I kept up the increased stroking with my cock and felt greater resistance to filling her pussy that caused the friction to build up and start my balls tingling. I thrust my cock in harder and faster and Elise arched her back as her orgasm reached its peak. This was enough to trigger mine and as I drove myself into her pussy I could feel the jets of come leave my balls and race up my shaft to spurt into her, I was grunting as each jet of cum spilled into her and it seemed that I had an endless supply of cum as it flooded her pussy and pooled inside her. Gasping for air I collapsed on top of Elise totally spent as my cock gave a few weak jerks to expel the last of my cum. We lay like that for a couple of moments and I eased my weight off Elise’s still trembling body to collapse at her side with my now limp dick. She opened her eyes and the flecks of gold were intense in them.

“Oh my god! That was so intense, it was just what I wanted to feel. You couldn’t have made that any better than it was.”

Hair stuck to her forehead and I gently brushed it away as I leant towards her for a kiss from her lips. Elise responded to my tongue invading her mouth by wrapping her arms around my neck and crushed her lips against mine and forcing her tongue into my mouth. We kissed like that for a few moments before she released my head and I drew back to look at her face. Her eyes had returned to their normal startling green and her forehead glistened with sweat from our love making.

“Are you going to do this to me every time we have sex because if you are I’m going to need my pussy relined as you are going to wear it out!”

“I hardly think that there will be any need for that as it will recover as usual and demand more!!”

Elise laughed and then sat up quickly.

“For fuck’s sake! It feels like I have just peed the bed! Look!”

I looked between her legs and a large pool of cum had slipped from her pussy lips onto the sheet. I was surprised at how much had flowed from her pussy onto the bed.

“Up now before it soaks through!”

WE got off the bed and she dragged the sheet off and used a corner of it to wipe her pussy which had expelled more from her as she stood up.

“I think you must have totally drained your balls into me. Holy hell, Ger!”

“Just a minute, that is not all me miss Niagara Falls, half of that is yours, Blame the dog huh?”

Elise laughed and dropped the sheet on the floor.

“Well maybe it is, maybe it’s not but I think we need to get into the shower before any more comes out of me.”

In the shower Elise lay back against me as the water flowed over us washing away the sweat from our bodies. I slowly soaped her skin with the sponge and paid attention to her breasts and nipples causing her to back against my dick. I reached down and caressed her pussy lips with the soft sponge and she gave a shudder as it rubbed over her clit hood. I dropped the sponge and ran my finger between her outer lips feeling the combined fluids that still remained in her pussy. I slipped two fingers into her soaking wet hole and released the trapped cum that was there and then rinsed her inner lips and clit with clean water making her squirm against me as she was still sensitive.

“I think that will do for now as my pussy needs a little while to recover now, Ger.”

My dick hung down and showed no signs of life after our intense encounter. Maybe just as well as I didn’t think I had the energy for anything just now. We got out of the shower and as Elise was drying her hair I leant against the wall and just stared at her body admiring its beauty. Before long she brushed out her hair and got up from the vanity stool.

“I think we need some wine and food now, I’m hungry again. Don’t say anything smart or you will regret it!”

After donning the robes we sat in the kitchen with the wine and a plate of cold cuts, olives and cheese. As we ate we made small talk avoiding the big issue that was to come and then went to her lounge with the rest of the wine. After ***********ing a cd Elise came to the sofa and lay against me resting her wine glass on my chest and watched it rise and fall with my breathing. She pressed play on the remote and the distinctive sound of David Gilmour’s guitar filled the room as ‘Comfortably Numb’ started to play.

“I thought that you had to be in the right mood to listen to this.”

“After what I have been through tonight I can certainly say that I am in the right mood, now be quiet and listen.”

You would have to be made of stone not to feel any emotion when listening to ‘Comfortably Numb’ with its incredible solos that came from the fingers of David Gilmour. A classic that no-one has come close to matching. As the music played Elise finished her wine and her fingers roamed softly over my chest to end up playing with my nipples, pushing them from side to side and gently pinching them. The song ended and Elise said.

“You know that only one chromosome stopped you being a woman and me a man? I wonder what we would be like if you were a woman and I was a man, would we have ever met each other in that alternative situation. “

“Well I am glad we have the chromosomes that we have and don’t have to worry about it! Yes, I very much prefer it being this way.”

Elise gave a snort and pushed herself up so her face was level with mine.

“So do I because there is nothing better than having you making love to me the way you do.”

She leant forwards and placed her lips on mine so softly and kissed me. Leaning back she looked directly into my eyes before putting her head back down on my chest.

“Let’s go to bed and you can hold me against you and who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky!”

“Now I am wondering if you are not just a nymphomaniac but a succubus instead!”

She laughed as she got up and shed her robe.

“I’m a suck you something, that is what I am. You going to make me wait or are you going to get off your arse and come to bed?”

I got up and dropped my robe as she took the remote in one hand and my cock in the other and led us to the bedroom. Once there she thumbed the controls and more Pink Floyd played. She let go of my dick and sprawled on the bed patting the mattress beside her. She stretched her arms above her head and arched her back causing her breasts to flatten on her chest. I felt my dick starting to harden slowly in anticipation of making love to her again.

“Before you get any ideas get on your back and open your legs.”

I did as she asked and Elise got astride of me with her ass facing towards me and she took my swelling shaft in her hand and slid her lips over the head of my cock then took as much of me into her mouth as she could before bobbing up and down on it. I was getting harder by the second and right above me was her pussy that just begged to be licked. I drew her hips closer to my mouth and covered it with my tongue gently probing between her outer lips and tasting her sweet nectar as it started to ooze from her. My nose was between her ass cheeks and nudging her cute puckered ass hole. She grasped my shaft and held it as her tongue circled around the head of my cock and teased the slit. By now I was completely erect and enjoying the sensations she was giving me. I forced my tongue between her lips to taste more of her and sucked on them. Pushing my tongue as far as it would go I could reach her hooded clitoris and I flicked it from side to side making her groan against my cock. Having cum so hard earlier I knew that it would be a while before I came again so I concentrated on trying to bring her to an orgasm. As I licked, sucked and lapped her pussy my eyes were drawn to her ass hole and the thought of my cock pushing into it someday. I moved my head so I could concentrate on her clit and pushing past her hood I circled her clit with the tip and made her give more groans against her mouthful of my cock. Increasing the pressure on her clit caused her to release my cock from her mouth as she arched back and forced her pussy against my mouth. It did not take long before her juices were running out from her pussy and into my mouth as well as covering my chin.

“Oh fuck! You have me nearly cumming doing that.”

I did not reply but kept up the attention on her clit and giving her pussy some long licks from the bottom of it to her clit. Her thighs began to tremble as she neared her orgasm and I mashed my tongue against her clit until she started shuddering and cried out. As she started to cum I slid my mouth down her pussy and reached her ass hole and I thrust the point of it into the centre causing her to cry out and collapse onto me with her body spasming hard as her orgasm rushed through her. She still had my shaft in her hand and it felt as though it was in a vice with grip she had on it. It took her a good while before she released my cock and pushed herself off me to lie on her back still panting hard. I turned on the bed to face the same way and got between her thighs. I lifted her legs as she looked at me and positioned my cock at the entrance of her soaking wet pussy. I eased the head between her lips and her eyes widened.

“Oh my god! You want to kill me?”

“Not in a million years I just want to be inside of you right now.”

I slowly parted her inner lips and entered her hot and soaking wet hole. I felt the tightness of her muscles that were still pulsating as I gently filled her pussy until I was fully inside her. I began to slowly stroke in and out with the full length of my cock and Elise reached for my neck. I bent down and she forced her mouth against mine and sucked my tongue into hers. I increased my strokes into her and she started to thrust against me. She broke the kiss and I could see her eyes glowing with those flecks. I felt her grasp my shaft with her pussy muscles making her even tighter and increased the friction on the head of my cock.

“Fuck me harder, Ger!”

I increased my stroking of her incredible hole and she met each thrust with a moan. Her muscles tightened on my shaft as she cried out as she came. I was nowhere near coming yet so I kept thrusting into her tight hole as she came on my cock, gripping it tightly and making the sensations increase. She had stopped thrusting against me and was gripping the sheet with her hands as my continued thrusts kept her orgasm going. Her silk lined pussy fluttered on my shaft and caused me to feel my balls start to tighten against me. I was going to cum soon and I wanted to bury my cock as deep as I could in her. I felt her pussy clamp down on my shaft again as a second wave of orgasm overtook her. A few more strokes and that familiar feeling of my balls emptying their contents happened and I felt it rush up my shaft and burst from my cock into her pussy. I grunted hard as I gave the last stroke and collapsed on Elise letting her legs fall to the bed, She wrapped her arms around me and her legs around my waist as her body still shuddered with her orgasm. It was minutes before she let go and let her arms and legs flop onto the bed. My cock had shrunk and what little cum I had released flowed out of her as my dick shrank and fell from her pussy. I lifted myself of Elise and lay at her side taking her in my arms. I was totally spent and the trembling of her body subsided as she opened her eyes. She looked at me in wonder and threw her arms around my neck forcing her mouth against mine before dropping back onto the bed.

“That just did not happen! No fucking way did that happen! Three fucking orgasms, just one after another! Oh my god! I can’t move at all, I can barely feel my legs and my pussy is throbbing. What have you done to me?”

“I just made love to the woman I love, nothing else.”

“That is the understatement of the year, ‘just made love’. Yeah, ‘just’ indeed!”

“I don’t know about you but I am totally worn out and couldn’t even get up just now.”

“If that is how you feel can you guess how I feel after that? Ten times more than you. I have never had as many orgasms as that in one time of having sex and it has left me totally wrecked. Just hold me until I can start to feel a semblance of normal. Oh fuck, my pussy is still having contractions!”

We lay together in one sweaty tangle, neither of us capable of moving and the last thing I remember was hearing the ending of ‘Wish You Were Here’ before sleep overtook me.

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