Any Girl gets her brain fried and fucks firemen, neighbors ... most anyone with a dick.
Chapter Bester:
Any Girl Gets Bester
A few days after meeting Rina, my phone rang in the evening. It was Rina calling to invite me to come over for dinner and meet her mom. She invited me for that Friday night. Fridays are my son’s football nights. Can we make it another day? She didn’t know how to respond and had to ask her mom. We settled on Thursday.
I arrived with the customary flowers and a box of after dinner mints as hostess gifts for Rina and her mom. The community we all lived in was pretty tightly knit and her mom had obviously done some asking around about me. Hmmm…. She questioned me and asked my intentions. I simply replied that I had been invited to dinner and had no intentions other than to make new friends and enjoy their hospitality. After dinner, Rina had to walk her little teacup dog. I went with her as we walked the dog and we talked.
Rina’s story is that she had been married years prior (a future chapter), ending in divorce, no children. They got divorced after nearly 7 years of marriage when Rina suddenly went nuts. Like, off the wall hallucinations and such. Her husband and parents slapped her in the psyche ward at the local hospital where she underwent numerous diagnostic tests. She was ultimately diagnosed with Bi-Polar disease, manic variety.
After putting her on the then available heavy metal drugs (lithium and a whole host of other pills) she responded slowly, making little progress getting back to being “normal.” So, the doctors recommended the current state of the art “temple shock the brain” procedure. Just like what was shown in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest starring Jack Nicholson. Her parents objected, but her husband’s vote was the deciding one. He agreed and they basically fried her brain.
I didn’t know her until years after all that but it all explains why Rina turned out as she did. When I first met Rina, she was relatively functional, able to drive and get about normally. In group situations, she would usually just sit and listen. But one-on-one, she was more animated and involved. With extreme OCD. Her obsessions and compulsions revolved around having men stroke their rod in and out of her holes, any one, endlessly. She would just lie there, almost in a trace. She was most guy’s wet dream of having a never ending hole to fuck.
After our Thursday night dinner and meet the mom thing, Rina would call in the late evening. I was a year into having become a widower and was starting to think about identifying some sort of partner. At least someone to do things with and, hopefully, someone to have sex with again.
My son was near the end of his senior year in high school, and I was knuckled down at work, doing my best to keep my work throughput on schedule. He had school down pat and would leave to go party with his friends around 9 p.m., getting home again well after midnight. I would get home from work, rustle up some dinner for us, then sit at the dining room table drinking scotch and reviewing file after file for work. Then Rina would call. I’d go sit on the patio, drink more scotch, and we’d talk for hours. During those talks, Rina gave me a detailed report of her past sexual experiences.
Oh, my. It seems as if she had fucked just about every male on the planet! She described how, during her early high school days, her family hosted a male exchange student from France for a couple of weeks. Rina related that they immediately started having sex. She confided in me that he used to fuck her in the ass, then fuck her mouth directly. Further, once he left, he came back with a ring and proposed to her! Yikes.
When she turned of age to get her driving permit, she had to take an approved driving course. She explained that while out driving with the instructor, they’d find a secluded spot and she’d fuck him in the back seat. Needless to say, she passed the course.
Then, of course, there were the neighbor boys. During her late middle school and throughout her high school years, she maintained regular sex with several neighbor boys. This ultimately ended in her getting pregnant (at least twice, maybe three times). Her parents wisely forced her to have abortions because Rina was in no way capable of raising a child.
One of the more salacious revelations involved an on-going affair with several firemen. This started when she was fifteen, her first year in high school. Her parent’s mansion needed painting and they hired several firemen to paint the house. All but one of them worked at the same fire station a few miles away and their work schedules gave them extended time away from the station.
The leader of the group, Lem, somehow got the parents to agree to allow him to take Rina out for lunch or dinner. That started a year’s long fuckfest. In her first year of high school, before she got her drivers permit, she would make (fake) arrangements to spend the night at her girlfriend’s house the next block over. She’d contact Lem who would come pick her up at 2 a.m. when she’d sneak out of the neighbor’s house. Lem would take her to his house and they’d fuck each other silly until 5 a.m.
Lem was easily 20 years older than Rina. Once he started having sex with her, he kept her to himself until she turned sixteen. Then he started “sharing” her with his firemen colleagues. Several times a week, when school let out, Rina would call Lem at the fire station, then drive there. All the firemen would be in the break room and greeted her with her nicknamed, “fresh meat,” as she entered. There was a small bedroom adjacent and Lem would take her there and fuck the shit out of her, every which way. She was a “do anything” whore and he took full advantage.
A fireman buddy, Tom, was finally offered a piece of Rina and they would tag team fuck her. All three holes. Two at a time. When Lem and Tom had emptied their ball sacks, Lem would invite any others to share in the delights. She described how she’d spend several hours at the fire station, first fucking Lem and Tom, and then pulling a train with several others.
I asked her if they lined up and fucked her one after another or if they gave her some space between bouts of cock. She said that they’d just climb on and pound her cunt and ass in sequence, one after another. Sometimes she’d be doggy style with one in her pussy or ass, and another fucking her mouth. She carried on with the firemen for all four years of high school and then continued to have sex with a few of them individually for years after.
Tom (also much older than Rina) had a son who was also a fireman but at a different station. She described him as one of the best looking men she had ever seen. Because he was located at a different fire station than Lem and his dad, their hookups were not as frequent. Yet she still managed to enjoy his sex and give him the benefit of her equipment.
On a couple of occasions, she related that she’d be at Lem’s house when unexpectedly Tom and his son would show up. Guess they could smell her cunt juices from miles away! The three of them would have their way with her. Not only did they fill all three of her holes at the same time, but they’d force two dicks up her ass simultaneously with one in her mouth. She was truly every man’s dream.