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Two girls, 10 years apart, both did the same thing. One was arrested and briefly became a celebrity. The other had a brief conversation with a cop, who decided she was cool and let her go home to obscurity.

I will start with Topless Girl #2 then get to the more interesting Girl #1.

Topless Girl #2 - Gwen from Guelph, Ontario

August 17, 1991 was an extremely warm day in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. University student Gwen Jacobs rose and dressed to go outside. Or maybe she didn’t dress to go outside, depending on how you look at it. Gwen walked through downtown Guelph bare boobied.....and the world didn’t end.

I’ve seen pictures of Gwen ( much more decently covered than that pseudo-momentous day, and way overdressed if you ask me ) and I am confident no red-blooded Canadian male was going to object to a 19-year-old Ms. Jacobs stolling down King St. with her beautiful mammaries exposed. As far as I know she did not walk up to anyone and bash them in their faces; all accounts say she simply strolled along minding her own business.

Gwen was an attractive girl who must have caused quite a stir that day, nevertheless she was not troubled by ‘the Man’ and returned home unmolested.

Not one guy complained about this. In fact, in all my life, I have never heard of any red-blooded Canadian male tell a topless girl “Hey, cover up those fun-squeezies, they’re much too nice to look at!”

Gwen was not arrested until she sallied forth a second time on a subsequent day. Some mother of two toddlers complained that Gwen was showing her boobies in front of her kids and would the Police do something or are they just going to continue eating donuts?

Laws are slow to change and, by law, Gwen was indecently exposing herself. The Guelph Constabulary were not empowered with changing the law and, their hand forced, arrested Gwen before she could complete her second topless journey. I am a little concerned for the citizens of Guelph that the arresting Constable described the topless Jacobs as “having exposed her genitals”.

Despite the way Man-Bashers see the world, cops do not cruise around looking for ways to make women cover up. Cops have this weird idea that there are better laws to enforce. I know of one RCMP officer who responded to an Indecent Exposure complaint by some lady whose teenage next-door-neighbour was sunbathing topless in the backyard. He explained the lack of any charges in the matter by telling the dispatcher “...didn’t look indecent to me.”

As for Gwen’s exposure, any men involved in the incident were either complacent about the whole thing or powerless to ignore the law which the female complainant had insisted be enforced. Despite the entirely secondary role played by the Penis-Endowed in the Gwen Jacobs teapot tempest, the whole affair was interpreted as yet another example of suppression of women.

For reasons lost to me, the Canadian Women’s Rights movement were not busy doing anything worthwhile that month. A lack of more useful occupation is the only explanation I offer for the tremendous mustering of resources Femini$m threw into the Booby Trial of the Ontario Provincial Court. “No sister of ours is going to face a misdemeanor charge of Indecent Exposure on her own” they proclaimed to the only people who cared; the Media.

Gwen, feminists and the media combined to blow a walk on a sidewalk into a national rallying point for proving that equality equals showing some skin. They failed to reflect on the woman who stood up for her rights not to have her children see bare boobies by reporting Gwen to the police in the first place. No one interviewed her, no one criticized her, no one supported her.

The previous month these same ladies were probably protesting strip joints under the stock response “it objectifies women.” Perhaps bare titties only objectify if accompanied by frothy draft beer and tinny piped-in rock music?

Meanwhile girls all over European beaches were parading around in less than what Gwen wore that day and no one was batting an eye.

A simple defense of “who cares” should have been acceptable to Crown Prosecutor, Defense Council, Judge, Jury and Gwen. Unfortunately, a group of middle-aged women sought to protest the great injustice of it all by marching shirtless across the Peace Bridge between Ontario and New York

They made the 6 O’Clock News. Several seconds of bare, ugly, saggy breasts flashed from the Canadian Broadcasting News Centre to Canadian televisions coast to coast. It was not a pretty sight.

In fact, it was a perfect argument in support of judiscious modesty in deciding when those things should be covered up. Had I been Crown Prosecutor I would have offered the trial judge footage of the protestors as horrible examples of the consequences of allowing the general female population of Canada to strip to the waist.

Some cultures have a rule that nudity is fine, providing your body is not ugly.This rule should have been applied to those gravity impaired protesters.

When it was over, Gwen was convicted of the charge of Indecent Exposure, then acquitted on appeal to the Ontario Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court proclaimed it was alright for a women to expose her tatas as long as it was not “in a sexual manner”. Any judge who feels an exposed breast is not sexual has gotta be a queer or female.

The Crown Attorney did not appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. Gwen claimed she had won the fight the moment she took off her top in public.

But whom did she defeat? Since the sisters won their fight women have gradually been freed to expose their titties across every Canadian province from sea to shining sea.

Thing is, nothing seems to have changed. Women haven’t received more promotions at work. The stock markets haven’t rebounded on the news of more breast sightings. Islamic Fundamentalists haven’t renounced terrorism to sit and enjoy the view on the beaches of Canada...

Visit a beach in Canada and women are wearing bikini tops. The only benefit any female got out of this was a bunch of annoying squeegy-girls who started working their intersections topless, figuring men would want to see their breasts (in a non-sexual way, of course) and would therefore pay them extra money (for non-sexual reasons, of course). I’m sure squeegy girls are just as annoying topless as they are with their chests covered and since the idea of topless squeegying seems to not have caught on I assume there was little financial gain to the practice.

In the end, not one guy wanted the law against topless women to be reinstated.

A victorious Ms. Jacobs defended her bared rib balloons to the news folks with the assertion “They’re just bags of fat.”

I do not concur with Gwen’s opinion. The whole is sometimes greater than the sum of the parts. Reducing boobs to an analysis of their composition is like saying the Taj Mahal is ‘just a pile of rocks’!


Topless Girl #1 - Robin from St. Catherine’s, Ontario

The whole kafaffle over Gwen’s mushies seemed ridiculous to me. I had seen bare tits on beaches all over the world 10 years before Gwen’s little solo march through Guelph.

In fact, as far as Canadian Mammaries go I would like to announce that an 18-year-old girl with very lovely breasts had anticipated Gwen’s protest by a decade, and in the same Canadian province.

Her name was Robin and if a victory is scored by being first to remove your shirt in public then credit for the victory goes to Robin, not Gwen.

I was sitting in a park in Mississauga, Ontario on the day before I was due to make a 14 hour drive up to the City of Timmins to start a new job. Timmins is known for being full of hockey players and hookers. Shania Twain would have been living there at the time but would have been 6 years old. I wasn’t looking forward to Timmins and was lying in the grass glumly pondering this unwelcome life-change.

Three girls were sunbathing about 75 ft from my spot. They wore tiny bikini tops and short shorts. Although drinking in a public park was illegal in Ontario, empty beer bottles were strewn all around their blankets. That may explain the loud voices they were using to speak to each other.

They chattered back and forth about girl-things as they lay on their stomachs with bikini straps undone. No big deal there even if their breasts did bulge out as they lay flat or swayed when they raised themselves up on their elbows to speak to each other. From what I could see those breasts certainly looked very lovely.

My book was boring and the girls’ loud, tipsy conversation wouldn’t let me concentrate anyway. Eavesdropping on their conversation was unavoidable. I couldn’t help but learn that one girl was living in Mississauga. The other two, her younger sister and her best friend, had come up from St. Catherines to visit her. The little sister was Robin, 18 years of age. I never got the names or ages of the big sister or her friend but they weren’t much older than Robin.

Too lazy to redo her top up, Robin clutched her towel to her bare breasts as she got up and grabbed another Labatt’s Blue out of the cooler, her bikini top carelessly left on the ground. I found that a little tittilating but nothing to devote an essay to.

I went back to trying to read the paperback I had brought with me. I figured Robin was still walking around with her towel since her older sister was yelling “Jesus, you fucking exhibitionist, put your top on!”

I did not bother to look up. Only when I had finished my paragraph did I look up to see Robin now wandering around with a white bra. Okay, Big Sister, so she’s parading around in her bra, take a Valium!

Only when I saw large brown nipples crowning those white mounds on her chest did I realize she wasn’t in a bra.

The ‘bra’ was actually her untanned breasts, so white they gleamed in the sunshine and contrasted erotically with the rest of her skin, tanned a dark brown by a summer of sunbathing. They were so high and firm that Robin looked like she was wearing a bra.

Her nipples were huge and perfectly circular, the white breasts full and round. The contrast of her tan to the whiteness of her mammary mounds emphasized that we were seeing what she was not normally wont to show, save for this special day. She deserved a rating of 10/10 and I had no intention of asking her to please cover up.

Robin kept her top off for the next hour. She lay on her back with nipples pointing to the sun and occasionally got up to casually walk around bare-breasted in full view showing no concern for her state of public toplessness.

A couple of us young guys stuck around ogling Robin. She did not pay us any attention but neither did she seem to mind us looking. At one point while she was sitting there she unbuttoned her shorts and unzipped them while casually glancing around. I assumed she was intending for a moment to pull her bottoms off for a completely nude sunbathing experience. Perhaps such an impulse was borne of a few too many brews and maybe also a secret desire to show herself naked. If so, she seemed to realize she was going a bit too far and zipped back up before we guys got a view of her in the absolute buff.

Eventually the other girl, the friend, stripped her top off, too, but wasn’t as brave as Robin in the mammalian exposure department. She kept her long hair in front of her to keep us from seeing her boobs. Only Robin’s big sister refused to flash her coconuts, still audibly upset with her sister and now her friend. She gave me a disgusted look for checking out Robin the way I was.

Also present in the park were a couple in their thirties, sitting nearby and a young family picnicing. Not one of us males started yelling for the girls to cover up.

About that time one of the other guys boldly approached the topless Robin. She looked up at him as he stood over her. There was a pregnant pause.

A few summers before, in another park, I had seen a teen girl on her back under an amorous boy of equivalent age. He was pinning down her outstretched arms while rubbing his face all over her ample chest. She lay there under him laughing hysterically with his forehead pushing her boobs around in her thin t-shirt even though there were plenty of people around to see. I was titillated to ponder was Robin also the type of girl that would enjoy such male attention being paid to her breasts?

I suppose I should admire the guy for his courage; here was the same guy who would have gone over to ask a girl to dance in High School while the rest of us hung back in fear of rejection. On the other hand, I think the guy’s “courage” was due to his sexual arousal at seeing a half naked girl in a municipal park as well as his naïvety in concluding that any topless girl must be easy.

He spoke to Robin. His manner seemed to lack a smooth approach.

Maybe in some parallel universe, whatever he had said to Robin would have resulted in an invitation to him to kneel beside her and feel her breasts; perhaps to suck on her unusually large diameter nipples.

If so, it would not have been the first time I saw horny guys suck on tits in public. A few years previous I was one of those partying college idiots who had gone south to spend reading week on the beaches of Florida. I was one of 300 guys watching a wet t-shirt contest one hot afternoon in Daytona Beach.

Two drunk twenty year olds were pulled out of the crowd and handed spray bottles of water. They had the important job of wetting the girls’ t-shirts to make them properly transparent to the mostly male audience. They were doing a bang-up job until one of the two, correctly figuring the current t-shirt would benefit in no way from spraying more water on it suddenly lifted a corner of the contestant’s cotton top to expose the breast nearest him. He started greedily sucking on it.

Immediately, the other guy saw the girl was not stopping the first guy from the pleasure and likewise lifted the tee to expose the other breast. He, too, took a nipple into his mouth. In a split second the girl had found an eager male on each side of her satisfying his sexual appetite by feeding on her big boobs. She could only look in shocked surprise at the drunkenly cheering audience and giggle wide-eyed at the preposterous situation until the bouncer stepped in angrily and ended the fun.

Given the reaction of that wet t-shirt contestant, it would not have been totally impossible, but still extremely unlikely, that Robin would have entertained the guy in a similar manner.

To further speculate, if there is indeed an infinite number of concurrent realities in a multi-universe, then in one of them Robin may have...may have...even allowed this guy to get on top of her and make love while the rest of us got our voyeuristic thrills by watching him drive his hard cock in and out.

Robin had already revealed her naughty inclination to be nude in public when she had briefly undone her shorts. Thus one can dream that somewhere out there there lies that other reality where, naked, she agreed to engage in public copulation while we watched.

Of course, hopes of such things as described above are fantasy. The preceding discussion is presented merely to illustrate the irrational hopes a young man entertains when he sees a girl gleefully showing her breasts in public.

Such was not our reality that afternoon. Robin reacted predictably, to say the least, unimpressed by whatever the poor brave guy had said. Showing neither concern nor haste she calmly reached around and grabbed a nearby demin jacket. She held it across her boobs to cover them from his leer. She spoke to him sharply.

Obviously whatever suggestion he had made was not going to be entertained by Robin. Rejected, rebuffed and disappointed, he stood for a moment as if surprised by her unco-operative attitude. It was like he was thinking that standing there a few more seconds would somehow alter the disappointing reality to become the reality he wanted. After a cringey moment, he wordlessly retreated back to his spot where he continued to spectate the topless girls despite the humiliation of Robin’s rejection.

I figured the guy’s suggestive approach to Robin would have spooked the girls such that they would finally cover up. Instead, Robin tossed the demin jacket back on the ground and she and the topless friend started to play frisbee over by me. Big Sister stayed by the blankets and complained about the state of undress of the other two girls.

Robin’s hair was done up in a pony tail leaving the sight of her boobs unimpeded. As she chased after the frisbee her white tits bounced and jiggled wildly. I got a big hard-on watching those stark white girl-bags flying around bare to the breeze as she uninhibitedly dashed across the grass.

Big Sister made another crack to the other two about them being exhibitionists. Robin yelled back about how if men could do it so could women. The friend told her she should take her top off, too, so she could also see how good it felt. A short, three-way argument erupted among the girls, though the frisbee continued to fly around.

The guy who had lewdly propositioned Robin now moved over nearer to me to get a closer look at Robin running about free and floppy. Forgetting their differences, Big Sister yelled out sneeringly “Here comes that pervert!”

The Pervert looked very embarrassed to be identified as one of those Neandethals that liked to see girls play frisbee with their chests bared, no doubt recalling his humiliating rebuff by Robin. He yelled back at Sis defensively “Fuck off, I just like tits!”

The couple in their 30’s had seemingly just noticed that the girls were bare-breasted and sat looking dourly at the whole affair. The female of the pair became vocal in her disapproval.

Only the young family continued their lunch as if nothing was happening.

Unfortunately, long before us guys wanted Robin’s little performance to end, the Mississauga Police arrived to terminate the afternoon’s show and ruin everybody’s fun.

The cop obviously had been specifically dispatched to investigate a report of topless girls in the park, else he would not have immediately driven his squad car over the grassed berm that otherwise hid the girls from the parking lot. Appearantly, the girls’ boobs were not considered dangerous weapons; the Cop Shop had only sent one cruiser with one Constable to handle the situation.

The reaction of the poor girls to the appearance of the Police Department was instant. Big Sister threw a blanket over the empty beer bottles. The friend was close enough to her top to grab it and put it on. The pervert Robin had rebuffed so cooly redeemed himself by whipping his t-shirt off and giving it to Robin to don.

The thirty-something Prude sitting with her boyfriend yelled out jubilantly “It serves you right! I hope you’re satisfied!” To her, the approaching police car was an avenging angel come to punish the wicked, wielding the righteous sword of God

We guys pretended to be minding our own business. A few stood and sauntered away apprehensively. I decided that to slink away was tantamount to admitting I had been enjoying the cavorting girls so I went back to reading my book. “Topless girls, officer? Why, no, I hadn’t even noticed. I was too absorbed in reading this gripping novel.”

The three girls were summoned to the cruiser and huddled apprehensively around it, talking with the constable for a lengthy time. Whatever was said seemed to put the girls at ease.

Still, it appeared the constable requested they leave because they went back to their blankets and started gathering up their stuff. I suspect it was the presence of open bottles of alcohol that prompted their mandatory departure because Robin returned the shirt to the Pervert and walked bare-breasted back to the blankets, a distance of about 100 feet. Her tits bobbed beautifully as she strode that short distance. I was so disappointed when that journey ended and Robin pulled on her demin coat, stuffing her bikini top into her bag.

The cop, having saved the world from bare tits, did not do anything further. He just drove away. This resulted in a loudly voiced cry of dismay and frustration from the judgemental Prude sitting with her boyfriend. I gotta figure her boyfriend was just as disappointed as the rest of us guys about Robin getting dressed, but he remained submissively silent.



As regards Gwen getting all the credit for her topless bravery, I feel Robin from St. Catherines, deserves credit for the plaudits Femini$m awarded to Gwen, except that the cop in Robin’s case made the better decision and therefore Robin did not gain the status of Femini$t Martyr.

In looking back at the two above incidents, and several others I won’t relate here, I am amazed by several considerations:

1. It was other women who objected to the display of breasts.

2. Those women had the power to force the Police to respond and/or enforce Indecency Laws against exposed breasts.

3. The Police, ‘the Oppressing Men’, were forced to enforce the laws and had no real power in the decision.

4. Male judges and lawyers, when the issue was brought forward, reversed the law to belie the accusations of systemic sexism. It was a decision not welcomed by all women but the guys out there are fine with it.

5. A bare boob is sexual. I don’t care what some old Supreme Court faggot-judge says.

And in view of the foregoing, why are we still being tagged with the crime of oppressing ‘helpless’ women when they freely choose to cover their breasts?
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