By now, I was deeply engrossed in Amishi’s confessions. No doubt I was curious, but more than that, I somehow started getting increasingly turned on by each of her misadventures. Initially I felt sad, angered as well but slowly l realized that I was getting addicted to the thrill provided by her steamy narrations.
Scene One – Incoming story prep
I was pretty excited the next day, thinking about what surprising tale Amishi would share. Out of anticipation I didn’t jerk off the entire day, finished dinner early and even took out my wireless earphones to have a hands-free experience throughout her narration.
It was somewhere around 11:30 pm when Amishi called me. I hurriedly switched off my lights, laid down comfortably on my bed and received her call.
“Hey, I hope you haven’t slept”, Amishi began.
“No, it’s quite early you know. Plus, I was expecting your call”, I replied.
“I’m really sorry if I’m bothering you with my stories but it feels liberating sharing them with you. I know it doesn’t make any difference now but I feel like you should know everything. Also, I don’t have anyone else to share them with either”, Amishi continued.
“It’s absolutely fine Amishi. I know it won’t change anything but I really don’t mind knowing the truth”, I replied again.
“Thanks for being so understanding. Let me begin now”, Amishi said and started another one of her confessions.
The very first thing I did the next morning was rummage through my wardrobe to locate my business skirt. It was nothing special but a simple body-hugging black pencil skirt that I had bought to please you. Unfortunately, Suresh had seen me in it while browsing through my phone gallery. I never knew he would demand me to wear it one day.
After continuing my search for a while, I soon found what I was looking for. I pulled it out, spread it and frowned. It was short!
Frantically, I lowered down my half pants that I was wearing and put the skirt on. As expected, to my dismay, it settled almost 3 inches above my knee, that too when I very generously lowered the waist-band to the max. This was too short considering an office!
I thought of calling Suresh at first, but my distress would only make him happier than he already was. Instead, I started focusing on finding a shirt to complete my outfit for the day. Shortly I found one, it was a white full sleeved formal that was a perfect match for the skirt. There was one slight problem though.
Removing the T-shirt that I was wearing, I swiftly wore my new find and buttoned up. Damn was it tight! Tighter as I tucked it in!
As I examined myself in the mirror, I could see how nicely the shirt fit my body, enveloping it like a skin. These shirts are specially tailored for the female body and it did a wonderful job stretching tightly across the right places, displaying my curves and accentuating my breasts. Since I wasn’t wearing a bra then, I could even see my nipples faintly.
I started searching for a white bra, since a coloured one was out of question. My search ended with a cotton one; good thing being it would not be distinct under the shirt, bad thing being it would do very little in concealing my nipples, especially if they got hard.
I quickly glanced at the clock and realized I didn’t have much time. Shaking off my thoughts, I took a bath, grabbed some breakfast and started putting on my torture costume. A pantyhose would have been a life saver then but alas, I didn’t have one! I briefly thought about covering up with leggings but that would definitely upset my tormentor, plus it would have looked really odd. “I will just have to be really careful sitting down and standing up”, I silently thought to myself.
Before long, I found myself inside our apartment lift, my biggest concern being the stares I would receive that day. Luckily, there was not a single person in sight. “So far so good”, I whispered and proceeded towards the front exit. I couldn’t risk sharing an auto ride that day so I decided to reserve one.
“Madam, auto, auto!”, the chants started coming as soon as I reached the auto stand. It was crowded as usual and I saw people stealing glances at me, some even staring confidently. “So, it starts”, I thought to myself and swiftly paced towards an empty auto. Keeping my head lowered I hurriedly got into it and directed the driver to head towards my office.
The driver a bit surprised at my behaviour looked at me once and slowly started driving the vehicle. I had tightly clenched my knees together and kept my office bag pressed onto my chest. Though this helped me in covering up my chest, my legs were still exposed. No matter how modestly I sat, the skirt rode up beyond my mid thighs and one wrong move would mean flashing my red panties.
As the uneasy ride continued, the driver kept stealing glances at me through the rearview mirror, paying special attention to my legs. Needless to say, he was having a fun time and perhaps even hoping to get a peek at my panties. As for me, I felt extremely uncomfortable in my outfit, staying vigilant so as to not expose myself too much. I even thought of switching to a cross-legged position but discarded the idea, since that would only make my skirt creep up higher than it already was and I posed the risk of flashing myself.
“Madam, we reached”, the driver suddenly spoke up. Surprised I looked towards him and then outside; indeed, we were already outside my office premises. Lost in my thoughts, I had completely zoned out of my surroundings. “Oh, ok”, I replied, placed my bag onto my lap and reached inside for the money.
As I handed him the fare, I realized he had been staring at my chest; there was a sly smile on his face. I immediately glanced down at my chest only to realize how lewdly my assets were on display. My breasts looked like two huge globes, straining to get free, only held in place by the buttons on my shirt.
With an angry look, I repositioned my bag over my chest and carefully exited the auto. I’m sure he got another eyeful but I had bigger things to worry about then, a whole day of awkwardness was ahead of me. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself and entered the office premises.
I could immediately sense eyes on me as I walked past the security booth and onto the pavement towards my building. “And so, it begins”, I sighed at myself and quickened my pace.
When I finally entered my office, I was greeted with looks of surprise. Making my way through the cubicles, I hurried passed my colleagues as they stared me from head to toe. There was a fake smile on my face, my mind trying to dilute the situation.
Suddenly I bumped into someone. “Hey Amishi! Good morning”, spoke a familiar voice. It was my manager Mr. Ajay. “Oh, sorry Sir, I wasn’t looking”, I stammered and looked towards him. With a quizzical look, Ajay observed me for a while and finally spoke, “Umm, dressed for the meeting I see. But it wasn’t necessary, it’s only a video conference”.
I tried to come up with something quick but words failed me, all the while being stared at by my manager. He was particularly interested in my legs apparently. “Anyway, I hope you have prepared everything. See you at the meeting then”, saying this he made way for me to walk ahead. “Yes, surely Sir”, I stammered again and swiftly made my way towards my cubicle.
Finally seated within the confines of my cubicle, I sank my head into my hands and tried to focus. “We are going to do this Amishi, be strong!”, I silently said to myself. Composing myself, I switched on my computer and started working.
As the hours went by, I started getting more comfortable. Perhaps this wasn’t so bad after all, I thought. It was almost lunch time and until then, I had completely avoided getting out of my cubicle. The client meeting was scheduled after lunch and Suresh had still not come to the office. There were no messages or calls from him either. Maybe he slept over? Maybe I’m saved for today?
“Hello Amishi”, a voice interrupted my thoughts, a voice that made my heart sink. I looked up to see Suresh smiling. “Let’s go grab lunch”, he said smiling.
“I’m skipping lunch today Suresh”, I blabbered hopefully. “Come on now, no good meetings don’t happen on an empty stomach”, Suresh said eyeing me lustfully. Knowing I had no choice, I slowly picked up my purse and stood up, signalling Suresh to lead the way. “You’re looking like a bombshell by the way”, Suresh whispered as he started walking. Somehow, this made me blush, more than it made me disgusted.
Soon, we both found ourselves in the office cafeteria. As usual, it was crowded and people were busy ordering or eating food. I was seated against the wall and Suresh sat in front of me.
“Something wrong dear?”, Suresh asked. “Nothing”, I replied as I shifted my position a bit. “Tell me”, Suresh demanded playfully kicking my legs under the table.
“Those guys behind you, they are staring at me. I think they’re looking at my legs”, I replied looking at my food. “Are your legs crossed?”, he asked. I nodded, thinking Suresh was finally feeling pity on my condition.
“Then uncross your legs dear, let them have some fun”, Suresh said and winked at me. With a stern look I softly spoke, “Are you crazy, my skirt is too short, they will be able to see everything”.
“Well not everything technically, but that’s the plan”, Suresh smiled mischievously. “Do it or else”, he demanded.
I knew there was no way out, at least not today. I slowly nodded and uncrossed my legs. I could see the guys at the table getting attentive. “Now spread them”, Suresh directed again. Accepting my fate, I slowly started spreading my legs wider.
The guys at the table fell completely silent now, focused entirely on the lewd scene that was unfolding in front of them in a corporate office. All of them had their eyebrows raised in disbelief and their mouths wide open. One of them even started recording.
“Suresh! One of them is recording!”, I softly exclaimed looking at Suresh. The only reaction I got was a faint laughter and then he spoke, “That’s great Amishi! You’re providing an amazing show. Just act as if you don’t know what’s going on”. I felt a gust of wind blow into my skirt, caressing my bare thighs. This made me look down and check how much I had spread my legs. Though it wasn’t much to be obscene, it was enough to give the guys a peek at my panties, considering how short my skirt was and how far it had ridden up.
“So, I’m going to head over to the counter for a refill. What you’re going to do is to spread your legs even further and rest back against the wall. When I reach the counter, I will check you. If I smile, that means I’m satisfied and you can cross your legs. If I don’t, you will need to open up more”, Suresh said, stood up suddenly and walked away. Now the guys had an unobstructed view.
I waited for a while, gulping down the food that I was chewing and slowly resumed spreading my legs slowly. The skirt offered very little resistance and rode past my mid thighs now. Acting as if unaware of the situation, I also laid back against the wall, offering an even better view to the guys. I couldn’t displease Suresh, not at all.
Focusing on my food again, I stole glances around me. Thankfully, rest of the crowd seemed completely busy and paid no attention to me. Except the guys at the table, who were having the time of their lives.
I stopped for a while and glanced down at my skirt. It was obscenely very high now. Perhaps I should stop now, I thought to myself and checked to see if Suresh had reached the counter. He indeed was standing at the counter, looking directly at me. But where was the smile?
I knew what I had to do. Taking a deep breath, I laid back a bit more picked up my mobile acting as if I was checking something on it and spread my legs further. The skirt rode up, almost completely exposing my panties to me. There was no doubt what the front view would be.
I stole a quick glance at Suresh and saw him smiling. Not wasting a second, I sat upright, closed my legs and pulled down my skirt. Then I crossed my legs as Suresh slowly walked towards me.
“Ah red, the colour of passion”, Suresh remarked as he sat down on the table, referring to my panties. By now, I was almost in tears but I maintained my composure. “I bet all of those bastards have a full-on boner right now and they’re going to jerk off tonight thinking about you”, he continued. “I wish I could get that video from them”. I glanced over at the guys, only to them giggling and looking into their mobiles.
“Please Suresh, I think that’s enough for today. I’ll just head home after the meeting. Please end this now!”, I whispered to him pleadingly. “End?”, Suresh asked. “We’re just getting started my dear”.
Before long, I found myself in the conference room with Suresh beside me, on my right, as expected. Though there were around ten people in total, Suresh and me were placed in such a way that we occupied the far end corner of the room. The table was large and mostly hid the lower halves of our bodies. A perfect setting for more torture, I thought to myself.
As soon as we were seated, Suresh placed his hand on my thigh and started slowly caressing it. I simply ignored it and focused on my presentation which was due shortly. A foreign client would be joining us over video conference shortly and each of us in the room would be interacting with him and presenting our departmental reports. The employee with the best presentation would have a chance to serve at our client location overseas for a year. Everyone in the room was excited for this opportunity and the next few hours would be quite competitive. Mr. Ajay, our manager sat in the front facing us and he would be hosting the meeting.
“It’s good to see you all”, an unfamiliar voice interrupted my thoughts as I looked up towards the huge screen in front of us. A white man was smiling at us through the screen, seizing everyone’s attention. “Good to see you as well Rich”, Mr. Ajay responded back with a smile, “Let’s dive right into our presentations, Rich has several other meetings to attend today. Mukesh, why don’t you start with your departmental reports?”.
“Handsome, isn’t he?”, Suresh slowly whispered to me, as he caught me staring at Rich intently. “Huh? What do you mean?”, I replied to him softly with a stern look. “Well, I can see how you’re looking at him Amishi”, Suresh whispered again, his hands massaging my thighs more firmly now, “I’ve seen that lustful look in your eyes before, I know you want him”. I felt a tingle in my body as I realized he wasn’t completely wrong. Rich was indeed quite good looking.
“Just think it’s Rich who’s touching you right now”, Suresh continued, as he slowly pushed my skirt upwards, grazing my tender thighs with his coarse palm. The direct skin contact made me shiver but I tried to maintain my calm. I silently looked towards the screen at Rich and my mind actually started fantasizing about him. Suresh understood this and became more invasive now, going to my inner thighs. Instead of closing my legs, I shamefully parted them, allowing him more access, as I heard a faint chuckle.
As Suresh was busy molesting me, the meeting progressed steadily with each member of the room presenting their reports one by one. Rich interacted with each of them with great charm. It would be my turn soon, but with my legs parted, skirt rolled up and Suresh’s hand almost touching my panties, I was quite aroused by now. “Suresh, please stop for a while now”, I softly pleaded. As a gesture of dominance however, Suresh inched his hand higher instead and finally landed it on my panties, making me shudder.
“Well, someone’s excited”, Suresh mockingly whispered slowly applying pressure on my mound, over my panties, which were wet now. I clenched my fists, suppressing a moan as Suresh continued his assault. “Imagine that Rich guy moving his white fingers on your coochie”, Suresh said, moving his fingers up and down along my slit. I looked at the screen and stared at Rich, obeying Suresh’s orders.
Soon Suresh started tugging at my panties, trying to part them. I knew I was about to get fingered now. However, due to our seating positions, it became a little difficult for him to proceed with his assault. Just when I thought we had reached the upper limit of our tryst, Suresh dropped a bombshell on me, “Let’s get this off Amishi”, pulling my panties.
“Are you crazy Suresh!”, I whispered in shock, looking around the room frantically. Suresh simply held my clit with his thumb and pointer fingers and pinched it lightly. “Don’t disobey me girl”, he softly warned me, grabbing my panties and pulling them. Not willing to anger him, I complied, discretely raising my butt so that he could lower my panties. Finding the opportunity, Suresh swiftly pulled them down, as they traversed through my thighs, knees, calves and finally landing on the floor at my ankles. Suresh bent down as I got rid of them completely and then he picked it up, putting it in his pocket.
The chilly air on my now panty-less pussy brought me back into my senses. A couple of realizations flashed across my mind at that moment. One, I was completely nude underneath my short skirt and my vagina was fully bald. A simple wrong move would mean giving someone an eyeful of my privates. Two, I was significantly turned on and dripping wet down below. Three, my nipples were poking out visibly through my shirt, partly due to my arousal and partly due to the cold temperature in the room; the stupid AC! In short, I was a live disaster waiting to happen. I had never felt so exposed and uncomfortable in my entire life.
“Amishi, you’re up next!”, Mr. Ajay’s voice shot at me from across the room, startling me. I nervously looked at him and gave a small nod as Suresh let out an audible smirk. My body trembled as I began thinking how to compose myself. But making myself presentable was soon to become the least of my concerns as Suresh placed his hand on my thighs and started speaking, “You know what you should do Amishi, it’s time to give Mr. Rich some treat”. My heart sank.
“I need you to put on a show”, Suresh continued as I listened to him with an expressionless look on my face, gazing at my laptop. There would be no use arguing so I decided to pay attention to his directions. “You’ll be facing this Rich guy directly”, Suresh began again, rubbing my thighs as his hands moved upwards, hiking up my skirt, “And I know you like him, so why not let him have a happy time, show him your goodies?”. His hands were almost touching my bare pussy now.
There was a chair where the presenters sat while interacting with Rich and I could sense where Suresh was headed with his directions as I recalled my café ordeal. “As you sit down on the hot seat, keep crossing and uncrossing your legs, do it slowly and seductively. Push your chest forward, let him know how much milk you’re packing in your bags”, Suresh kept guiding me, “Drop something on the floor and while picking it up, uncross your legs, spread them and let him get a good look. Who knows maybe he’ll get hard and jerk off thinking about you. Maybe you might even get a chance to go overseas and actually sleep with him”.
I was already turned on from before and these lewd statements by Suresh made me more intoxicated as I started fantasizing about Rich. I didn’t even flinch as Suresh gently grazed my wet pussy lips and started rubbing them vertically. I clenched my fists as jolts of pleasure rocked my body. I knew this was wrong, I knew I was being humiliated, yet I couldn’t deny the delightful sensations. Somehow, being used in such a way, the thought of exposing myself to a stranger was sending me over the edge, knocking down all my inhibitions.
“Amishi! Amishi!”, Mr. Ajay’s voice broke my trance as I saw him waving at me. It was my turn to present the reports now. I hurriedly got up, adjusting my skirt as I felt Suresh’s hands finally leaving me. Forcing a smile, I held my laptop to my chest and made my way towards the front. “And this Mr. Rich is Amishi, the newest addition to this account”, Mr. Ajay introduced me as I smiled towards the screen at Rich, our eyes making full contact for the first time. Damn, he was attractive!
“Ah yes, Amishi”, Rich spoke from the other side, with a charming smile. “Though not on call, we do have shared emails with each other”. I placed my laptop down and gently sat down on the presenter chair, crossing my legs slowly, making sure that Rich got an eyeful. I sneakily glanced at the screen to find Rich checking me out. Instead of feeling ashamed, this made me feel good. Like I said, I was losing my inhibitions now.
Soon, I was presenting my reports to Mr. Rich, with Mr. Ajay speaking from time to time. As directed by Suresh, I tried to remain exposed as much as possible, displaying myself for Mr. Rich’s pleasure. While speaking at the screen, I pushed my chest forward with my hands lowered and elbows as close as possible, making my breasts jut out. The AC was still on full blast so I knew my nipples were also easily visible. I also kept crossing and uncrossing my legs often, changing sides every now and then. After uncrossing my legs, sometimes I would halt and part my legs a little, before crossing them again. I knew Suresh would be watching me, so I didn’t take any chances.
The effect of my lewd exhibition was clear. Not only was Mr. Rich becoming slightly incoherent, he was swaying off topic a lot, conversing with me about out of office stuff, flaunting a big smile. I guess Mr. Ajay noticed this and glanced at my direction a few times, understanding the situation. However, I wasn’t sure if he deciphered my intentions. I simply focused on getting over with my presentation and Suresh’s orders, though I did enjoy the attention Rich showered me with.
As my presentation neared its end, I remembered the last thing Suresh had asked me to do. I held my pen nervously and waited for a good time to drop it. “Would this be too obvious though? What if Mr. Ajay understands it? What if Rich sees more than I intend to?”, I started thinking to myself as I recalled that I was nude underneath my skirt. “All right Amishi, I think we’re good for now”, suddenly I heard Mr. Ajay speak out.
Realizing I had to act fast I quickly dropped my pen on the floor, uncrossed my legs and parted them wide as I bent down while still on the chair. Not wasting much time, I grabbed my pen and stood up hurriedly. “Thank you, Mr. Rich, thank you Ajay!”, I smiled at both of them and headed back to my seat. Mr. Rich must have definitely enjoyed the final view, as I saw a speechless look on his face. A faint smile crossed my face. “I hope I didn’t flash him entirely”, I thought to myself.
Suresh welcomed me back with a big smile on his face, as I reluctantly sat down beside him with a sigh. “Now that’s what I call a show Amishi!”, he whispered, patting my thigh. “You have earned yourself some rest now”, he continued, “and a gift. No more tasks for today”. Though I was highly relieved by his statement, I couldn’t help but wonder how he meant to reward me, what could his gift be?
My question was soon answered when Suresh entered my cubicle about an hour after our meeting ended. He smiled at me and placed a crumpled red mass on my desk. To my horror it was my panty! “Your gift, for your splendid performance today”, he said mischievously. Frantically I grabbed it and put it inside my purse. “Hope you like it”, saying this Suresh silently exited my cubicle.
I immediately picked up my purse and headed towards the washroom, where another surprise was waiting for me. As I pulled out my panty from my bag, I felt something was different. My panty seemed stiff; as I unfolded it, I saw some unfamiliar stains on it. At first, I thought it was my own discharge. “That bastard!”, I almost cried out loud as I realized what had happened. Suresh had masturbated and emptied his junk on my inner wear! And he was expecting me to wear it.
I took out my phone and texted him, “Suresh, I can’t do this! I can’t wear this dirty panty”. He must have been waiting for me as he immediately texted back, “Dirty? It’s been flavoured by my special fluid dear”. “No Suresh, I might, you know, get pregnant!”, I texted again. “I don’t think it works that way and anyway isn’t my problem. Now wear it before I change my mind about relieving you for today!”, Suresh ordered back. I knew I had lost once again. Reluctantly, I started pulling the cum stained panty up my thighs with disgust.
A couple of minutes had passed after I had returned to my cubicle when Suresh came back once again. “How does it feel?”, he asked with a smirk. I stayed silent staring into my laptop. It felt extremely uncomfortable, every little movement I made reminded me of his sperms swirling, trying to enter my pussy. But I didn’t want him to enjoy my turmoil. “Are you even wearing it?”, he followed up. “Yes, I am”, I answered with a side eye. “Prove it!”, he said as he sat down beside me. Well aware that denial was completely out of question, I spun my chair towards him, slowly parted my legs and lifted up my skirt a bit. “Sexy!”, Suresh muttered slowly and left.
The rest of the day went quickly and before long, I was back in my building, riding the lift to my floor. I was too tired to even think about all that had happened that day. I just wanted to take a bath, change into some comfy clothes and doze off. Suresh hadn’t contacted me after he left my cubicle and hopefully, he would leave me alone, well, unless he got horny in the middle of the night. I took out my keys as I was about to unlock my door, I heard a familiar voice behind me.
“Amishi beti!”, our watchman uncle greeted me with a smile. “Oh uncle, how are you?”, I smiled back. “Yadav Sir wanted to see you, he said it was something very urgent”, he spoke with a slight concern on his face. “Oh, is it. I’m really tired tonight. I’ll see him tomorrow”, I replied. “Umm, actually he wanted to see you immediately but alright I’ll convey this to him”, he spoke again and headed towards the lift.
Yadav was not someone you wanted to cross paths with. Sort of a local goon, he was head of the building committee and possessed quite a bit of power in our locality. I wondered what he wanted from me, donations maybe? Out of tiredness I brushed off my thoughts and entered my room and headed straight for the shower, pulling off the cum stained panty.
After a long bath, I put on some fresh clothes, a loose tee and a knee length flowing skirt, no undergarments. The thought of Suresh’s cum stained panty was still bothering me, so I wanted my nether regions to dry up properly. I checked my phone, no messages or calls from Suresh. With a sigh of relief, I hopped on to my bed and lied down flat on my back, staring at the ceiling. That’s when my doorbell rang.
At this point we enter a completely different story so I think it’s best we keep it for another day. You didn’t doze off right? You there?
“Yes, yes Amishi, I’m here”, I spoke as if out of a deep trance. My dick was rock hard, leaking pre cum as I slowly massaged it up and down its length.
“Good. I know it’s a lot to take in for you, but it’s best I come clean about everything”, Amishi continued.
“I understand, as always. So, who was at your door?”, I questioned.
“Umm, let’s discuss it the next day. Anyway, I need to grab some quick bite now, okay?”, she requested.
“No worries, later then, goodnight!”, I replied and hung up, staring blankly into the darkness.