His dad shoved his 12 inch soda can dick back into my pussy, and he was off to another 90 minutes of fucking my brains out. After that the boys just smiled. His son looked at me and said. "I think she's ready for biscuit."
"Who the hell is biscuit i asked."
He smirked "you'll find out"
He picked me up and carried back to their farm which wasn't far from the meadow to my surprise. We continued walking still naked to the horse stables. He walked me to one of the horses and the sight of my naked body excited the horse and he grew the biggest cock i ever see. A good 22 inches.
"Oh my god. He has a huge dick" I said
His dad nodded. "Yep and you're going to try it."
"You want me to take that?"
"You like big dicks don't ya? His is big even for a horse."
"How do you expect me to fuck a horse?"
"If you really want to try him follow me"
I was scared at the sight of the huge dick but still curious how he could get him to fuck me. I decided to follow him.
He lead me to a padded table in front of a small tire. "What is this?" I asked
This is biscuit fucking table. You lay on the couch, either on your back or on your stomach. Then we bring him in. You push your pussy tight to the tire and he'll line up with his front legs on the steps beside the table and he will fuck to music when he hears it. We've trained him that way.
"Does he match speed with the music?" I asked out of curiosity.
He sure does but you better be ready for a pounding if you ask for full speed. You gonna chicken out or should I bring him in?
My eyes buged out in shock. After the pounding in the meadow they actually want me to fuck a 32 inch horse.
His son chimed in. "Your choice but biscuit is definitely ready for you."
I started breathing heavily as I gathered the courage to say bring him in.
The dad went to go get him while I laid on my back trying to get my pussy over the opening.
I seen his dad come back in. Biscuit wasn't even close to soft. His huge member waving up and down as he walked.
Biscuit seen his favorite room and instantly put his legs on the steps. Oh fuck he's about to line up was the only thought in my head. The dad hooked up his radio just as I felt Biscuit ram inside me.
I let out a scream as his huge member dove deep into my pussy. Gasping for air I asked I asked. What song is he trained to hump to?
It's a recording of the chicken dance music. We started it really slow and ramped it up to almost quadruple the rate it starts at. Oh and we can play the quadruple in fast forward that really gets him going.
How long can he last?
We had to train him to last he use to blow his load rather quickly. Now he can go an hour but not at his fastest pace. That's why we started him slow.
So he can start slow and hit it up to 8 times faster than when we start?
Basically yes.
Is he ready? I don't see him humping.
He knows the routine. He won't start until he hears the music. Ready? Oh and I could just start him at 8 times the normal rate and skip the ramp up if you like.
When is the last time he's fucked someone?
A few months ago. Trust me he is horny and I bet if we could read his mind. He would be saying start the damb music already.
Will he stop when the music stops?
Or after he blows his load.
Fuck. I I I I'm ready if he is.
The dad smirked. "Biscuit are you ready?
The horse nodded and let out an excited whinny before moving his hind feet into a different position. I could tell this was his fucking stance as he drove his member deeper into me.
The dad smirked. "Where are we starting? Super slow 2 times 3 times 4 times or 8 times?"
"He can start right at 8 times? I'm not saying do it just yet." I asked
"Oh yeah. You say 8 times were starting him off right there but he normally doesn't last over 20 minutes at that speed."
"Fuck!" Is all I could say as I couldn't believe the thought in my head.
You have to pick one for him to start.
Well, um, well, um let's start him oh God I'm going to regret this. Can I change if it gets too intense?
The safe words are hay brake. If it's more than you can take say those words and we'll stop him.
I I I got to feel what he's capable of. I can't believe I'm about to say it start him at 8. I kind of feel that this will be a repeat pony ride for me.
You sure about that speed?
"God his nuts are huge he has to be pent up. Let him loose." I replied
"Alright then. Biscuit on get ready, get steady" the horse was nodding and making all kinds of exited movements. Then I heard it. The high speed music as he said go get her boy.
HOLY FUCKING HELL! I never knew a horse could hump that fast or any animal for that matter.
The table was shaking from his extremely hard fast thrust. I watched as the horse bent his head down and said teasing my nipples with his lips. "Can he go multiple rounds too?" I managed to studder out.
He's normally good for 3 in a row.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUHHCK! I screamed as squirted all over the horses cock. This must have excited the horse. To my surprise he started going a little faster. He was now hitting 2 times for every beat instead of one.
The dad smirked. "He must really like you."
He's no slouch either I have to admit that.
I looked down between my legs and watched his huge member piston in and out of me. "Is he the only one traied like this?"
He's the only one trained to obey music cues but all the males are trained to use this table to collect horse semen.
That's his main job on this farm. To pleasure the sluts we find.
at that moment I'm not sure why I blurted out. "BISCUIT WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
The men just laughed at my comment but the horse nodded and picked up speed again. The dad shut the music off to stop him but Biscuit knew what I wanted and didn't stop.
Come on Biscuit cross that finish line. You know you need to empty those huge balls. Come on boy. Come on boy, dont stop now.
He obeyed my commands and kept on humping. "That's my man! Keep it going big boy!"
The horse nodded and gave one long thrust deep into to me and blasted his cum deep into me. The horse looked me in the eye as he finished. I patted him on the nose and said do you want more?
I may be related to doctor Doolittle because that horse seem to understand everything I said because in no time he was back humping again. The men were surprised to see i could command him without music. They began to wonder if I could command his off spring the same way.
Once biscuit had worn himself out giving me everything he had I noticed them bringing in a black stallion. He wasn't hard yet but he grew quickly. He was bigger than biscuit.
What horse is this? I asked
This is pudding. We wanted to see if he took after his father or not.
What horse was his father? I asked
You just finished riding him. He's got about 4 inches on his dad. Making him 36 inches long, and he's got another 2 inches in girth.
I couldn't help but admire his long tool as he was broght over. He almost ran to the machine and got into position. He looked me in the eye. "Hello pudding. I hear you take after your old man. You ready to get your hump on?
He noted but his legs on my shoulders instead not like his father he was positioned to pull me onto his member.
"Oh fuck pudding do you need music to start?"
The horse did nothing at first but look back at biscuit who gave him another nod. That nod must have meant tear her the fuck up because he pulled me onto his tool and we were off and fucking.
Damn pudding could fuck. He wasn't just hitting me hard and fast but hitting all the right places. "OH FUCK ME PUDDING! FUCK MY BRAINS OUT PLEASE!"
He didn't disappoint either. I didn't think he could go faster but he found a way. I latched onto his stomach and hung there for a bit before the table gave way from his powerfully thrust. "Fuck now what can we do?"
The boys smiled and tied my hands and feet around the horse so I hung underneath him on his huge cock.
Pudding pauses long enough for them to do this. I'm in so much trouble I thought to myself. Pudding went back to thrusting as I hung beneath him.
I almost didn't want to get off his dick. I loved it so much then he got tired after the 1st round and the men asked if I wanted more before untieing the ropes. I asked how when he was spent already.
He laughed and said do you want more or not?
Of course I wanted more but I didn't want to get the horse too tired.
"Oh he won't be tired. Watch this." He fed pudding a treat with something blue in the center.
What was in that?
A erectile disfunction pill. He'll be back at it shortly.
"You gave him what?"
Sure enough within a few moments he was hard and back at it again. I begin to rock with his trust so I slammed back onto his cock the moment he pushed forward. "How long will that pull last him?"