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He left her with me still rolled up in the rug
"Are you nuts?" A muffle came from the thick roll on the floor. "Get the fuck out of here!"

"I can't, she's already awake."

"No shit!" The roll wiggled about helplessly on the hardwood floor while a muffled high-pitch squeal came from the slow-moving carpet and Derek put his foot on it to stop it from hitting his furniture. "Who is she?"

John looked sheepish and mumbled, "You don't wanna know." That caught his friends attention.

"Why not?" The frustration and the building anger apparent in his voice.

"Just trust me in this OK?"

"What are you planning on doing with her anyways?" Perhaps it would be better not to know, though Derek.

Again John shrugged, "I never thought it through that far."

That stunned Derek, "Your joking? You fucking kidnap some girl and then dump her at my place!"

John smiled triumphantly, "Well I did enjoy her before I came here."

"Fuck!" Derek threw his hands in the air and turned to look out the window. "I fucking can not fucking believe this!"

"Look, I'll just wait till dark to move her OK?"

No response.

"If I can just leave her in your room for the day, no one will ever know?"

Derek turned back and looked astonished at his long-time friend. All through his life, John had been the 'bad seed', the one that got the two of them in trouble. Regardless of his friend's influence, Derek had finished University as a lawyer and just started a new job. He was succeeding... his friend John, on the other hand, was still doing stupid things and getting into trouble. It was as if John was still stuck as a teenager. This time though, he had gone too far. But what could he do?

With a big sigh Derek finally responded, "Leave her in my room but make sure she doesn't know where she is."

"She has a blindfold on anyways..."

Derek rose a hand to stop his friend from explaining it all and turned to leave for work. With his feet stomping on the hardwood floor, Derek stormed out of his apartment to go to work.

Getting any work done was impossible. Waking this morning, everything was fine. Derek showered, shaved and then dressed as he does every work morning. Minutes before he was going to leave his friend shows up with a thick dusty bundle over his shoulder. When it started to moan and move slightly, it was obvious what it was, as incredible as it seemed with their mixed past.

Derek felt like he was in some Hitchcock movie.

The woman was probably one of John's old girlfriends, he had many in the last few years. Few ladies put up with his schemes and enterprises when he couldn't even keep a simple job for any length of time. Was he, right now, fucking the helpless woman in Derek's bed? Raping some poor woman right there in his new yuppie apartment? What was he going to do with her when he was done? Oh god, thought Derek, what if he does the impossible and kills her?

Derek drove cautiously all the way home, having left work very early, not wanting to get the attention of any police. Sitting anxiously at the lights, Derek's cellular rings, "Hello?"

"Hey Derek. Has mom called you?" It was his younger sister Jeannie.

"Listen Jean, I can't talk right now OK?"

"But I haven't seen or heard from her since lunchtime yesterday." Her voice rose to that nagging level, "At least you could help me!"

Every time that voice rose it grated at Derek's nerves, "You just missed each other and she's probably at her friends place. I don't have time right now", the light just changed and his car started forward, "OK? Bye." He hung up knowing that Jeannie would be furious at him for the next few days.

The elevator up to his floor was extremely slow or so he thought, but as it opened on his floor it felt like his whole body turned to lead and his heart froze. "My god!"

Fumbling with his door he jerked it open and ran into his apartment and into his bedroom to find his mother hog-tied and sleeping upon his bed.

He backed out shocked and horrified and mumbled, "Oh my god, mom!"

John had always lusted after his mom, all through puberty the jokes about his attractive mother and needling comments about her had driven him insane. He had defended his mom always but at the same time secretly lusted after her himself... but only in fantasy he never once thought to make his thoughts into reality.

John did.

Derek sat heavily into the sofa and stared off into space. He wanted to kill John for doing this unspeakable act. Harming his mother, kidnapping her, and knowing his friend, molesting and raping her.

Then he remembered the sight of her, laying upon his bed on her side, bound as she was. She had her wrists tied together with what looked like her own nylons behind her and those were attached to her ankles all with the same stretched tan nylon usually worn when she dressed in a skirt or dress. He remembered the rag tied about her eyes so she could not see and the dishevelled hair that was normally done to perfection.

"Oh god." Derek hid his face in his hands from shame.

His mother, had on a black shirt but it was bunched up around her waist and a torn white blouse on. The sight of his mothers white flesh hit him like a freight car. Never before had he seen so much of his own mother. Derek had seen all of her long shapely legs, most of one buttock, the crease of her ass and even enough of one breast that there was only the nipple that had not been seen.

It was an impossible position he now found himself in. He had to let her go, of course, but how... without her knowing he was part of her humiliation. He couldn't just untie her and say, "I rescued you mom!" She would ask, "What am I doing in your bed Derek?" He was a lawyer he knew he was an accomplice, he had not immediately called the police when he discovered the bundle on his friends shoulder.

"Derek?" John's voice caused him to jerk his head upward, so lost in thought was he that Derek didn't even hear him enter the apartment.

"You bastard!" Derek stood threateningly.

John dropped the two bags of groceries, probably containing beer and potato chips, and backed up afraid, "She'll never know who did it man, don't worry!"

Frowning Derek advanced.

"I covered her eyes, she never saw a thing!"

John was also not very bright. "You stupid bastard, she may not have seen you but she sure heard you and I talking this morning. Mom knows exactly who did this to her and where she is." That stopped him, John stood open mouthed, his plan obviously just trashed.

"Get out John." It was spoken gently but his friend could not mistake that very nasty look in Derek's eye and turned to leave. He had definitely gone too far this time.

Just as he was leaving, "You've gone too far you bastard, if I go to jail your coming with me." John looked over his shoulder with fear just before shutting the door and running down the hall toward the stairs.

Derek was left in his living room with his silence and his bound and abused mother in the next room. It felt like an impossible situation to the young man. Perhaps if he had not lost his temper with John, Derek could have gotten his moronic friend to return his mom to her home without more of his involvement.

It was many minutes later when he again opened his bedroom door and stood looking down at his mother, while thinking the best way to get out of this impossible predicament.

His mother, Holly, was not a strong willed woman but neither was she a coward. She had always instilled in her kids to do the right thing, to trust in themselves and the love of their family. When his father had been alive, he had taught his only son to be honest but firm and to extend his mothers 'trust in themselves' toward trust in no one but family.

Derek should have listened.

He wasn't sure what he should do, but he was certain he couldn't just leave her in such a low state. Derek took his sports jacket off and then his tie. He rolled up his white shirt sleeves and then took a big sigh to gather his resolve before kneeling upon his bed.

Holly woke with a start and swung her head about as if she could see through her blind, which she could not. She whimpered, "Please, no more! Please!"

"Shhhh... its Derek mother."

"Oh god, thank you. Thank you dear. Oh god!" She was crying the tears soaking into the blindfold. "Thank god its over!"

"I can't let you go mom."

That stopped her sobs and she took a few seconds to catch her breath and to digest what was just said.

"You knew it was John didn't you?" She didn't say anything but just sniffled. "And you knew it was me this morning?"

Derek started to untie his mothers hands from her feet, when he undid her wrists Holly jerked her hands away from him and tried to turn about and escape. In her condition she must have forgot about her bound ankles and did not even make it off the bed before her only son had a hold upon her.

"Please Derek, oh god this can't be happening!" Quickly Derek used his silk tie to bind his mothers wrists together over her head and to the wooden bedpost. She screamed in terror and then sobbed in misery.

He sat back and looked down to make sure she had no other way of escaping when he again noticed her clothing. In their brief struggle her blouse had opened completely and he was able to see her dark round nipples. With the skirt about her waist he also looked upon his own mothers naked hips and crotch, at the thick brown patch between her thighs.

Derek had to shake his head to escape from the sight of his helpless mother.

"What is it you want Derek? Did John take me for you?"

That question stunned the twenty five year old man, this exposed to him that he would never see the light of day again if the police caught him.

"I... I had no idea mom. I never knew anything until a few minutes ago."

She was calming down and Derek recognized this as a tactic she used to use when he was a kid, to use talk to get him to change his mind on something. "John raped me Derek. He hurt me like no one has ever done before."

Derek held back a sob of his own, John's work in this matter could never be forgiven even if he could never be punished without compromising himself.


"Yes mom."

"Let me go Derek." Nothing. "I'll never tell anyone about this, your my only son I could never hurt you."

The silence was thick and long lasting when Holly suddenly felt the rag torn from about her head and the bright sunshine burn into her eyes. Before her, kneeling, was her son Derek. He looked heart broken and in distress.

"Thank you dear."

He could let her go, Derek thought, she agreed not to tell anyone what happened here. He could make sure John never came near either of them again.

"Please Derek, let me go." He saw that she was trying to twist her body so her one thigh was covering her crotch, and he realized she was embarrassed at her nudity. Even now, after all that has happened.

She was too good a person to continue to torture her in this way, to hurt the most important person in his life, thought Derek.

His eyes passed by her breasts and he saw teeth marks about one nipple, John's teeth marks. Derek looked closer and saw a dried substance about his mothers cheeks and upon her thighs, his friends dried ejaculate. He saw the bruising upon the inside of her thigh, her buttock and even about her neck.

How could this happen? Why did this happen? It has gone too far!

"OK mom, I'll let you go." Up to this point, Derek had no plans since he kicked John out of his home - and had been living only for each moment.

"Thank you dear. Thank god. I love you Derek."

He moved to undo her ankles, "I love you too mom. I'm so sorry that John hurt you. I never knew a thing."

Holly was crying softly, "I know dear, I know. Her ankles were free and she rotated her feet to get the circulation back.

Again Derek saw her pubic region as she rose her leg to twist her foot, and saw the matted hair and juices. He even thought he saw a little bit of pink beneath that hairy bush. Derek startled himself when he thought that his mother never even bikini waxed, but stopped that line of thought as quickly as it came.

He moved up to the headboard and her wrists, "No one will ever know dear." Holly was obviously relieved. "I just want to go home and have a long hot shower."

Something stopped him from undoing the final knot. It was stupid really but the lawyer in him came out and he asked, "What shower mom? I thought you only had a bathtub?" She did, the only shower that Derek ever saw growing up in his parents house as an attachment to the faucet in the bathtub. It hardly qualified.

"I meant bath dear. Does it really matter?" The sound of her voice stopped him, it had a ring of impatience in it. He retied the knot.

"Derek? Baby what are you doing?" She was starting to get agitated and tried to see above her head to her wrists. "Oh god, what's wrong Derek? Please god!"

Then he asked what had been nagging him, "Why were you dressed up yesterday afternoon mom?" She only dressed to go to church each and every Sunday.

Holly looked at her son surprised at the change of the conversation. "I had something to do. Now let me go please!"

"Who were you meeting mom?" It was not so much great an assumption, knowing his mother as Derek did.

She shrugged, "Why does it matter dear, John still kidnapped and raped me. Now please just let me go." Holly tried to pull her wrists from her bindings, unsuccessfully of course.

"Jeannie said she saw you at lunch yesterday, when she came home from school right? You must have dressed afterwards or she would have mentioned it. What's his name mom?"

She just looked at her only son, slowly shaking her head negatively. Even she knew her escape was diminishing - but did not understand why. If truth be told, neither did her son.

In a booming voice, "What's his name mom?" Derek felt his breathing stop as he waited for the answer.

She became defencive, "Bill."

"Bill who mom?"

"Why does it matter, I was still..."

"I've known John a long time and there is one thing that I knew he doesn't like." Mother and son could hear the coldness of his voice.

She was again shaking her head, wondering where this was going, fearful that she may guess.

"Who's cock did you suck mom?"



Her voice rose also, "Bill's."

He nodded happy at his deduction but disappointed that he had been correct. "John told me long ago, which has proven true many times, that he thinks its disgusting for a woman to suck a guys cock." He again looked at the dried juices on her cheek. "He found you sucking Bill's cock right?"

"Yes. Does that make you happy, yes I was sucking Bill just before your rapist friend kidnapped me." She screamed up at her son. Her face taking on a new and unattractive quality.

Derek couldn't leave it alone, not yet. "What happened, the guy shoot off on your face and then run away?"

Her voice lowered a decibel and she stopped screaming, its as if she realized she could not be any more humbled and humiliated than she already was. "Bill came over and we started to kiss and one thing led to another and when he finished I went to the bathroom and John grabbed me. He put a cloth over my mouth and I fell asleep." She started to cry again. "Please Derek, I don't know what Bill has to do with this but please let me go!"

"Who is Bill mom?"

She sighed and saw that her son's face was set and he was determined to finish this line of questioning. "He was your fathers friend, you remember Bill Holson?"

"Dad's best friend? You sucked off dad's best friend. How long has this been going on?"

She turned her head away, as if determined not to continue this disgusting line of questioning. "Just a few weeks."

"Bullshit, how long?"

She stared in shock at her son, how could he know she was lying. "A church going mother wouldn't let a man she barely knows shoot all over her face after a few weeks. How long?"

She hung her head down to her chest, "Six years."

Derek sat back stunned at the news. The affair had started two years before his father had died of a heart attack. Did his fathers death have anything to do with his mothers infidelity? He just couldn't get himself to ask, his whole world was crumbling and he didn't know a way to stop it.

"Derek listen, it wasn't like that. We... we love each other..."

"What about dad?" He wasn't going to ask but she had pressed the issue. "Did he know?"

She started to cry harshly and Derek suddenly understood everything. "You fucking slut. He found out about your affair to his best friend and that caused his heart attack didn't it?"

She screamed up at him, "Yes. Is that what you want to hear, I killed your father by fucking his best friend! I'm a woman and I have needs I could not wait around while..."

"... While dad helped other people in our church, or worked every day to cloth and feed us. Maybe he might not if he knew all he would end up is dead with his wife poking his best friend."

The screaming suddenly transformed into a very thick silence and neither mother or son could look at the other.

It was broken only when Holly sobbed in misery but at a sharp look from her son she again became silent.

Many long minutes later Holly could not contain herself and she had to ask in a forced-calm voice, "What happens now Derek?"

Nothing. He just knelt beside her bound body looking at the far wall, no sound or movement.


"What is it mother?"

"Are you going to let me go dear?" There was a note of pleading in her voice.

Slowly his head moved until his eyes came to bore into hers, he took a deep sight and said, "No." The answer only came to him as he spoke his response.

Holly's eyes widened with surprise, what else could he do. Either let her go or go to jail.

A moment longer, "I'm not going to let you go mother. If I do, I think you will do two things; one, you will tell the authorities and I will go to jail for a very long time, next, you will return home and keep fucking Bill." She was shaking her head back and forth, not wanting to believe this.

"Your wrong honey, I'll do whatever you want, I'll..."

"Shut up!" She did, Derek was scaring her.

"I have another idea. The only other thing I can think of."

She whispered in fear, "What is it your going to do to me?"

"I'm going to keep you and train you."

"Train me!" Her body froze in horror - not understanding but the foreign sound of that word put fear deep in her heart.

"Then I will let you go." He crawled off the bed while his mother watched astonished. Years ago she had found stories about men tying up their girlfriends or wives beneath her son's bed. She had returned them only after reading all of them, several times, and much to her amazement they had turned her immensely on.

Derek returned from his adjoining bathroom carrying a basin and a couple of towels.

"Train me?" He ignored her and set the basin, which she saw was full of steaming water and a bar of soap, on the night table next to the bed. Again he disappeared.

He returned carrying scissors. Holly had to ask, "Your going to 'train me'? To be a slut?"

Her son pushed her hip to move her closer to the centre of the wide bed and then sat down next to her. Derek tested the scissors and then pulled at the arm of her dishevelled blouse. "Your already a slut, I'm going to train you to be a slave." He began to cut away her clothing, quickly and efficiently and without a shred of emotion.

Holly watched as her body was quickly exposed, her whole body. The torn and cut clothing discarded in the garbage next to his bed. She just stared in astonishment and disbelief. She tested the word, "Slave?"

He spoke softly, his face calmer than she had seen it yet today, "My slave mom."

Holly tried to look into her sons face, "Your slave?" The word felt foreign to her but she felt the need to tighten her thighs together to help with the mysterious pressure building in her loins. "Are you going to rape me Derek?"

It was spoken so matter-a-fact that Derek stopped in cutting off her skirt to look up into her eyes. After thinking carefully for a full minute Derek answered, "I'm going to fuck you, yes." Then he asked the impossible, "Do you have a problem with that?"

A problem, she thought, her own son was going to fuck her against her will and he wondered if she had a problem with that. "No", she whispered. Astonished that it was her voice that had said that word.

"Good." He returned to her skirt.

Neither mother or son could believe what was just asked and answered.

"Remind me to have you call Jeannie tonight, to let her know your OK."

Her voice was tiny, like a naughty little girls, "After you fuck me?"

He stopped from trying to pull her skirt from beneath her and looked up again into his moms eyes, "Perhaps." Holly felt her face smile and felt the heat in her loins. She lifted her hips to allow him to quickly pull her ravaged clothing from beneath her body.

In her mind she remembered the stories she had found beneath Derek's bed, how they had made her feel. They were disgusting, indecent, and very very exciting. Isn't that how Bill had seduced her so long ago, by being so much different than her own boring husband and the proposal he gave her excited and disgusted her at the same time. She had allowed Bill to do anything he wished with her, she loved every second. All the while she knew it was wrong, her sexual soul overpowering her sense of right and wrong. But her son?

Derek went out with the scissors and returned quickly without them. Holly was completely naked, not a stitch of clothing remained and she felt humiliated at her predicament. But she also felt a trickle of her own sexual grease slip down from her vagina to the crack of her ass. Her son sat back down and began to wet a hand towel.

She watched her son, especially his face. Holly knew she loved Derek at this moment more than ever before and it scared her. Could she be a slave, her son's slave? Did she have it in her to be her son's slave? Holly knew she could and would. The ease that her submission was accepted in her own mind scared and excited her.

"I love you Derek." He seemed not to hear and wrung the water from the cloth before turned toward her and wiping her face clean. Tears again came to her eyes, "I'm sorry honey."

That surprised him, "Sorry?" He didn't stop from his chore.

"I'm sorry I cheated on your father, that I killed him." He didn't say anything but just kept working. "I'll never see Bill again if that is what you want."

"That is what I want." She nodded affirmative, Holly resolved never to see her long standing lover. It was what her son wanted.

He was washing her arms, arm pits and then her generous breasts. It was like he felt no attraction to her at all in his automated and cold movements, Holly thought. "Do you love me dear?"

"Yes mother, I love you very much." He moved down and began to clean her stomach. Holly, on the other hand, had to again tighten her thighs to still the pressure between her legs.

He moved down to her thighs and Holly moved her knees apart exposing herself. She watched her son intensely - suddenly wondering if her ageing body was attractive to her son.

Derek could not help himself, as hard as it was to simply wash his mothers breasts without showing any signs of desire it was impossible when she spread her legs. Her thick curly pubic hair was matted with a new wetness, inside her thighs was glistening with a thick clear liquid and a puddle had formed just below her crotch on his bedspread. His mother was extremely excited.

He stopped in his chore and looked up into her soft submissive eyes, yes 'submissive'. "I'll do anything you want darling."

He again looked down at her crotch, seeing the flowered open pink lips beneath the thick matted hair. It took all his will power to rinse the cloth and then wash her full thick bush and then down the inside of both thighs while his mother moaned with desire at his brief touch.

"Anything?" He asked as he finally passed her sex.

"Yes baby, anything?"

He wanted to test her, "Like what mom?"

She stumbled, what could she say. What was more than anything? Then Holly realized her son wanted details, wanted to hear her say the words. Sometimes her lover Bill liked it that way, like to hear her pretty polite mouth spout off coarse and graphic images. Unlike Bill, she found this request exciting she wanted to speak dirty to her son.

"I want my baby to fuck me, to fuck his mommy hard. Mommy needs her baby's cock!" She had to close her knees and again grasp her thigh muscles. He was washing her feet and didn't respond. "Please Derek, I'll do anything for you. I'll suck your cock and you can come anywhere on me you want. I will jerk you off into a plate and lick it clean. I want you to tie me up and fuck me from behind, to spank me as you fuck me! I need you to make me do things I don't like, things I've never done before. I want to wear your collar and I want you to show your slut off to your friends, let them know how much a slut your mother is. I want to suck your cock after you fuck my ass. I need you to..."

Derek's hands were trembling with barely contained energy. The words his mom spoke were turning him on more than he would have ever guessed or admitted. He pushed upon her side so she rotated over upon her stomach and face, her hands still bound together above her head.

With trembling hands he continued with cleaning her.

Holly was clenching her thighs, crotch and her buttocks. Pushing herself into the firm bed. All the while she was chanting her lust for her son over and over, telling him any and every sexual thought that came to her mind. The more she spoke the more she wanted each and every image in her mind to come true, she was astonished that she did want to be her son's slave.

The grinding into the mattress and the tightening of her muscles was working to help her reach orgasm. When it hit she screamed into a pillow while her son was washing the back of one thigh. This was it, this was the beginning of her time as her son's slave, she thought, this orgasm consummated their relationship.

Holly regained much of her senses a short while later and felt hands pulling her ass cheeks apart and could feel a warm breath upon her newly washed skin. Her son studied the crack of her ass down to her clitoris, his finger lightly tracing the curves of her body. When his index finger slipped into her vagina she could not help but moan loudly with pleasure and push her hips back toward him.

She whispered, "Fuck me master."

"What did you say mother?"

What had she said? It was nearly a subconscious statement but after contemplating it, she knew exactly what she said. Her son brought down his free hand and it hit with a sharp pain and harsh sound that echoed about the room. Derek growled, "What did you say?" She knew he was raising his hand to deliver another spanking.

"Master! I called you 'master' Derek."

A heavy silence. "Do you mean it mom?"

She did. "Yes honey I do. I want to be your slave."

His finger pulled from her and she soon felt it push between her lips and he grunted, "Clean your cunt from my finger slave." Holly began to suck and make love to his digit as if it was the most perfect of cocks, as it was the only cock for her. It wasn't the first time she had tasted herself, but for some reason she found that she tasted better when sampled off her son.

He pulled his finger from her mouth and stood up off the bed. Holly turned her head and opened her eyes, she watched as her adult son began to undress. A bolt of pleasure hit her between the legs when his man-cock came into view and she knew that part of him would always be how she would give him pleasure. That his cock would invade every orifice of her person and that it would spew its seed over every inch of her body. She felt her excitement again rising.

When Derek was finished he gently spoke to his helpless mother, "Just calling me 'master' and enjoying my cock is not enough for me to let you go mother."

With a dry mouth she rasped, "I don't want you to let me go any more baby."


Five what, she thought?

"Every time you forget to address me properly you will get five spankings with a belt or crop." Another shot of pleasure hit between her legs and she let out a groan of pleasure. "I will punish you tonight before we go to sleep."

"Yes... yes master!"

"Ever been fucked in the ass mom?"

She wished she had a virgin ass hole, to give to her son. With a disappointed sob, she said, "No Master."


"Yes master." She thought to make the situation better. "Only twice Derek honey."

"Five more." Holly grit her teeth knowing she deserved her punishment. Derek, her only son was her Master now, he made the rules all she had to do was follow them.

"Yes, thank you Master."

Holly saw that her son was slowly stroking his fully erect cock, larger than both her dead husband and Bill's, while enjoying the sight of her bound body. A thrill ran through her, one that generously lubricated her sex, her son found her attractive, sexy even. For him, she would do anything. She would even allow herself to be 'trained' like some domestic animal. His animal she corrected himself.

If her hands were free she would crawl to him, suck his cock like his beautiful cock deserved to be sucked and show him how wet he made her by rubbing her impossibly wet hot cunt against his leg. Did he even know how she felt about him right now?

Whispering, "I want you Master."

"I love you too mother." She spasmed, a wave shot out of her cunt up through her body at the sound of her Master calling her 'mother'. It was nasty, illegal and immoral. It was also damn exciting, the most exciting thing she had ever experienced. More exciting than anything she had ever even thought about.

Derek watched his mother again grind herself into the bed, her buttocks rotating and clenching with an exciting rhythm. All the while her eyes were glued to his cock and his hand pumping himself.

My god, he thought, she really does enjoy this! His own mother was more than just a slut, she was a true submissive. He had looked and enjoyed various submissive-dominant games but never before had he come across a woman who is a true submissive. Fully and without reservation. Before today, he had argued such a woman did not exist.

He would have her remove all the hair between her legs, he wanted her bare. Derek wanted to have her live with him, sleeping in his bed when he desired her or at the foot of his bed on a rolled up futon when he didn't. He would test her in many ways, one is to do as many of those graphic things she had voiced off earlier. She would wash him in the morning, suck his cock during breakfast, clean his house, cook, and spread her legs at any time. He would train her to always be conscious that her sole duty in life was to give him pleasure, and that most often meant pleasure through his penis.

"Please Master... ?"

His attention returned to the present. "What is it mom?"

"I want you darling... please Master, fuck me!"

Indeed, thought Derek. When your mother begs for you to fuck her you don't turn the request down.

He came forward and pushed on of her legs high up, bent at the knee. Holly felt his warm hands upon her as he positioned her body and himself so that he was kneeling behind with her in a half crouch upon her front.

Then it happened, Holly let out a scream of pure raw animal pleasure when he easily slipped his cock into the love canal that he had originally come from. There was lightening shooting out of her cunt causing her body to bounce upon on the bed, only his cock and her bound hands holding her in place. The sharp strike of energy turned to thick waves of pleasure when he began to firmly and deliberately move himself within her.

Holly had never felt this much pleasure, ever!

It was her son that gave it to her. She had not gone willingly and her pleasure had to be forced from her in the form of bondage and rape. Yet, without any further doubts, it was all worth it.

Derek knelt straight up above his mother buttocks, watching as her body stopped thrashing about her screams turning into moans. She was jerking and twitching regularly and he watched amazed, knowing that his mother was having multiple orgasms. Again and again he pushed his hard cock into her body, their joining making lewd noises.

Holly felt his hands moving her body, rotating her upon the bed. She was in heaven, nirvana. Her thighs were pushed back to her stomach, her knees pushing into her breasts by her sons strong hands just below the knee. His long perfect cock began to slam into her, no longer is he simply sawing his body within her own, now he was fucking her like a man fucks his slave.

His balls were slapping upon the underside of her pussy-damp buttocks, sometimes hitting directly upon her sensitive anus and she remembered his question. More than life itself, she wanted to pleasure him.

"Fuck me Master, fuck me!" Her hands were pulling harshly at her bonds each time her son slammed incestuously into her. Hurting her body, her masters possession. It didn't matter, she knew, only his pleasure mattered. "My asshole... fuck my ass Master! Hurt me please."

Derek had no intention of hurting her but the nasty image of that first real look upon her pink wrinkled anal ring flashed into his mind. It was the nastiest thing to him, fucking his own mother in the ass. She was begging for it, wasn't she?

Derek quickly pulled from her body and using a hand, aimed himself directly at her pulsating ass hole.

The blunt head of him pushed at her tight private muscle and Holly groaned out, "Oh yes! Yes Master. Fuck your mother-slut!"

He grunted with exertion, and was rewarded when the head of his penis popped into her rectum. "Oh god, thank you... thank you Master!"

It stretched her more than she remembered, but of course his cock was thicker, longer. How lucky could a mom be, she marvelled, to have such a wonderful son with his wonderful beautiful cock as a Master? It felt as if he was pushing his arm into her backside and the pain caused tears to cloud up her eyes, she didn't care, her son and Master was smiling with pleasure. She was making him happy.

Derek had to press his whole weight down to get the full of his cock within his mom's ass. It was the tightest ass hole his cock had ever been in, it felt as if it was holding him firmly afraid to let him go. He rested his body, allowing hers to adjust to the anal invasion.

His earlier pounding fuck soon resumed when he felt her ass hole relax enough to manoeuvre. Again and again he pounded his cock within her bowels. Holly screamed out with pain and pleasure, another orgasm fast approaching but willing it to wait for her sons, her masters.

Holly could not wait any longer, she had no control of the orgasms her own son was giving her. She felt the low waves coming again and wondered if it was one long orgasm or many short orgasms before she felt a cloud over her minds eye and her pleasure consumed her.

Derek could see her face screw up in pleasure as another orgasm hit her. His cock felt like a mouth began to suck him with each of the muscle spasms that she underwent, forcing his own pleasure.

Mother and son clenched and released their juices into and upon the other.

"Honey... Master?"

The fog lifted enough that Derek knew new he was laying upon his side, his mother still laying before him. That was possibly the most intense and greatest orgasm of his life, and with his own mother!

"Master?" She was whispering his name, his mom sounded exhausted.

"Yea mom?"

"I have something to do baby, untie my hands Master?" She was pleading with him to do as she asked. Could he? Derek knew it would take months of training before he would ever trust her to leave this apartment without him. He could untie her but she may run away, to call the police.

Then he remembered the sight of her face just before his own orgasm hit and his mind turned to mush and he knew. With one hand he reached up and unbound her wrists from the bed, leaving her hands still together.

It didn't matter.

Derek felt his mothers sweaty warm skin as she moved about on the bed, turning her body about. He opened his eyes to look into the tired but seductive gaze of his own mother as her face hovered inches above his crotch. He knew what she was about to do and he closed his eyes and smiled, letting his slave do what a slave does best, pleasure her master.

Holly saw his tired eyes closed and knew his exhaustion was because of her, his lust for her. She had did this, and she felt the power of submission and loved it, loved how her own son was now her Master.

More than anything she wanted to lay back down and sleep with her new lover, to feel his strong arms about her. And she will... soon. But first she had to do a slaves duty, to complete her Master's pleasure.

She wanted this, Holly wanted to be his slave, more than anything else in her life. No longer was it just lust that drove her passions but love and need. She would give him years of pleasure, anything he wished. Anything, she promised herself! But right now she had to finish what he had started, it was her duty.

Holly leaned forward and took the most beautiful penis that she had ever seen, even soft and dirty as it presently was, into her mouth. She would clean him, preparing it for its next use.

Above her Derek suddenly giggled softly and mumbled to himself while remembering something he had said earlier to John, "'Are you nuts?'"
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