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This is the third chapter in a series chronicling the transformation of a conservative high school principal's submission to a dominate black lesbian student. It depicts scenes of non-consent and reluctance (no force or physical coercion). If you choose to continue please enjoy.
Friday morning Maggie took her swim as usual. She found herself looking toward the RV for any sign of movement, like an anxious school girl looking for attention from her first crush. She wanted to see her, hoping for acknowledgment the feeling was mutual. Her rational side clearly knew it was mutual, but her rational side was rarely available when it came to Taisha Smith.

Her mind replayed the events in her office last night, the feel of Taisha's touch, surrendering to pleasures she had never imagined. There was no rational thought involved, only memories of unbridled bliss.

Maggie placed her towel down on the lounge chair and studied the RV for movement. There was none, so like any love sick school girl would do, she coughed suddenly and loudly with hopes of waking her up. She put on her swim cap and goggles, taking her time so Taisha might show herself.

She stood thinking about Taisha's tongue probing her spread legs on that hideous marble conference table. Her eyes closed and pussy tingled as she remembered cumming and cumming as Taisha worked that incredible tongue.

Suddenly she realized she was standing there in a black lycra swim suit that would quickly be soaked through as her pussy moistened. She jumped into the pool and began her laps. Here, she could let her mind wander where it may with no danger of embarrassment.

She did just that. Yesterday she fought off the lustful thoughts, but after last night she had no fight left. So, at least for this morning, she would let her mind wonder, to forbidden thoughts with her former student and now subordinate. She wanted to know what Taisha meant by "so much more to teach her..."

Maggie had never been or even entertained being with a woman. She clearly never had an "I kissed a girl" moment... until last night that is. But something about the way Taisha spoke to her and so boldly took control of the situation, made her drop any defenses and surrender to the moment.

As she swam she would sneak peeks at the lounge chairs hoping for Taisha, but there was no sign. Her mind wandered to the feel of the kiss she had with Taisha. Her first with a woman, and possibly the most memorable of her life. As her mind wandered further, she had thoughts of what Taisha would look like naked, what she would feel like...

She tried to imagine what it would feel like to let her tongue explore Taisha's pussy. She wondered what that would taste like... Would she be able to please her? Taisha was a master. She made Maggie cum so powerfully, as her tongue seemed to know exactly where to touch and how to move...

Soon, Maggie felt her mind pulling her back to work and all she had to do, all she had to loose if this ever came out. "No this is my time!" screamed her inner voice. "Now I think about Maggie and her wants..."

Still no sign of Taisha, so she went back to fantasizing. Two days from now they would have the house to themselves while Sam was at an RV show in Fort Smith. He would leave early and be home in the evening. "So much more to teach you." Taisha had said. Maggie wanted to know, needed to know what she meant.

She finished her swim with no sign of Taisha, so she dried off slowly and lingered, coughing and pretending to bump the chaise lounge, all to no avail.

She came to the realization Taisha was not going to show herself and realized she needed to hurry or she would be late for work.

What Maggie did not know was Taisha had been watching her from the beginning. Peeking through the curtain separating the driver seats from the living quarters. She grinned immediately upon seeing Maggie and even more so when it was clear Maggie was looking for her.

That's when she decided, rather than go out and watch her from the chair, she would watch in secret and let Maggie miss her. Nothing like a little hard to get to make some one want you more. As she saw Principal Turner in that tight black swim suit contrasted against her light pink skin, she replayed last evening in her mind.

Maggie was the first woman she could recall being attracted to. Her senior year of high school, she happened upon Principal Turner and Coach Johnson in her office one evening. Coach Johnson was leaving for a job in Atlanta and they were saying their goodbyes. Taisha watched through a gap in the blinds when they were swept up by emotion and lost control, just for a moment.

Taisha was shocked as they inched closer and suddenly they both gave in to suppressed passions and kissed wildly. Something about seeing the ever professional always controlled white principal latch on to the strong and equally controlled black football coach that excited Taisha in a powerful but strange way.

Coach Johnson, lifted Principal Turner and placed her ass on the desk as they kissed passionately. Then as quickly as it started they both came to the realization that it was wrong and stopped themselves.

Later that evening as Taisha lay in bed thinking about what she saw. She quickly realized that, in her mind, she assumed the roll of Coach Johnson. She envisioned her hands gripping Principal Turner's ass as her tongue probed the Principal's mouth.

Taisha let her fingers slide inside her panties, amazed how hot and wet she became so quickly. She could barely contain herself as she imagined that pent up passion inside Principal Turner being released on her. Taisha held a pillow over her face and rubbed her clit feverishly.

She imagined her fingers inside Principals Turner's panties, feeling her wet heat as Taisha rubbed her stiff little button. She could almost feel Principal Turner's breath on her neck and imagined Principal Turner gripping her as tightly as she hugged Coach Johnson. Taisha came very quickly envisioning Principal Turner cumming on her desk at Taisha's hand.

Taisha had masturbated many time over her teen years, almost always feeling a bit of shame and embarrassment afterwards. But this was by far the most powerful orgasm she had ever felt, followed by the strongest guilt the act had ever brought her.

After that evening, she struggled with many confusing thoughts and conflicting emotions. On one hand she had grown up in an era of growing acceptance of same sex relationships and had been supportive of the gay community. But, on the other, she had seen many examples of members of the black community that were still very unaccepting of that lifestyle. That Included her parents, she thought.

This resulted in her suppressing her desires and, in hind sight, lead to some of the acting out she did her senior year. During college she, came to terms with her sexuality, dated several women and grew more comfortable in her own skin. The one constant through it all was her desire and if she was honest, obsession for Principal Turner.

She had gone on to masturbate countless time envisioning dozens of ways to please Principal Turner. After last night she felt she had finally achieved her dream and it was even better than the fantasies she played out in her mind.

This close to the finish line, she had to be strong, she had to keep control of herself and not overplay her hand. She had Principal Turner wanting more and to win her totally she needed to take it slowly but relentlessly. The best move for the moment was to let anticipation build until they could be alone on Sunday.

The plan was evolving with each encounter with Maggie and she could see the impact of pleasuring Principal Turner but not letting her reciprocate. As she learned in Psyche classes, anticipation is a powerful thing. The desperation in Principal Turner's demeanor when she spoke of wanting to reciprocate, gave Taisha the idea, that this could be the final hook she needed.

The downside of this strategy was the need for self control. Six years of fantasizing and Taisha was at her limit. She doubted she had the strength to restrain her own needs and desires any longer. She would need to continue with self gratification for as long as she could stand it, but to have her quarry so close and not give in, was torture like she had never known.

She needed to assure Maggie Turner wanted her as badly as she wanted Maggie Turner. With that in mind Taisha returned to her bed, laid down and pulled her nightgown up. She pictured principal turner pealing her wet speedo off slowly, then dropping to her knees and crawling closer.

Her fingers slid into her panties as she envisioned Principal Turners tongue splitting her screaming pussy lips. She lost count how many times she had done this, but this morning, laying on the bed so close to Principal Turner seemed more powerful than the first.

Her pussy was soaking wet and steaming hot as she touched herself. Imagining her right hand gripping Principal Turner's wet pony tail and feeling her tongue inside her, she fingered herself faster.

"Oh Principal Turner, please lick my pussy," moaned Taisha as her back arched. "I've wanted this for so... Ah! You're making me cum already..."

Taisha's ass clinched as she raised it off the bed, rubbing her clit rapidly. "I'm cumming Principal Turner, Oh God, I'm cumming. Please don't ever stop!"

Taisha's finger moved crazily fast over her hard little clit, as her pelvis jerked toward the ceiling. Her body shook and she suppressed a scream while her orgasm built to a paralyzing crescendo. Her ass collapsed back onto the bed and she came hard and long, imagining Principal Turner's tongue. When her orgasm passed, it occurred to her, she would have to wash the comforter, before Sunday!

She had already decided she would administer her training sessions in the RV. Maggie would associate Taisha's bedroom as her pleasure center, at least to begin with and it needed to be perfect.

Taisha showered and got dressed and by the time she was done, Maggie had left for work. She looked out to see Sam lingering by the patio door, clearly trolling for Taisha. She would definitely have to deal with the horny little prick soon. When she exited the RV, he came out to engage her.

"Good morning Taisha," he said coyly.

"Good morning Mr. Turner," she replied, forcing a smile.

Part of Sam knew he should back off but as his eyes drank in her shapely figure and beautiful dark skin, he could not muster the will to resist the growing urge for his first black experience.

"It surely is a beautiful day." He cringed inside at his feeble attempt at small talk.

Sam struggled for words after the embarrassing encounter the day before in front of his wife. But the memory of their dinner together while Maggie was at the board meeting would not go away. He had never had such an intimate conversation with a black woman before and he was certain she was interested in him too. She even hinted, not so subtly, that she was open to taking it in the ass.

Since then he could not shake the image of her incredible ass in those powder blue flowered yoga pants. His cock stiffened instantly every time he imagined sliding it between those beautiful buns.

"Mr. Turner, you're shaking. Are you ok?" She smiled knowingly. Her flirty little smile only flustered him more. "Sorry I can't linger this morning, I'm running a little late. My mind seemed to be wondering this morning and I did not want to get out of bed..."

She strutted by wearing a pair of black form fitting slacks that accentuated her asset perfectly. At that moment Sam was certain she wanted him and he would have her. She had black high heeled boots on that made him think, if she were only holding a whip, she would be his fantasy dominatrix.

"Damn that's nice," He said softly.

Taisha gave a back handed wave as she kept walking, knowing exactly were his eyes were. She grinned as she thought of her plan for the Mr. Turner... But there was plenty of time for that. She would let him simmer for a few weeks maybe. Anticipation...

Taisha arrived at work feeling on top of the world, but it all came quickly to a halt when the ever present Liz Richards practically greeted her at the door. "Good Morning Ms. Smith, how are you today." She said stepping out of the administrative office area.

She was no doubt sucking up to Principal Turner already this morning, Taisha thought to herself.

"Did you hear Manuel Espinosa got the full time social studies position? He sure has paid his dues and finally got his reward. I'm so glad Principal Turner did the right thing, aren't you?" The sarcasm hung in the air like a thick fog.

Taisha looked calm and cool though inside she was a raging tornado. The job would have been hers had Lizzy not reared her ugly head and forced Mr. Espinosa down Maggie's throat. She couldn't understand what she did to Liz to deserve the attitude and rudeness. The only logical conclusion she could draw was insecurity. Liz was so afraid Taisha would somehow get the upper hand with Principal Turner she felt she had to take her out before she had the chance.

Trying not to let on she was bothered, Taisha replied, "I heard he is a great person. I am really happy for him. Principal Turner said I'm on the short list now. Soon we'll get to see each other every day. I was going to get a quick coffee before classes starts. Would you like to join me Liz?"

Taisha was pretty sure Liz could sense the mutual sarcasm and was proud of herself for not calling her Lizzy. She knew that would send her over the top. She heard one of the teachers in the break room call her that once and it was not pretty.

Taisha did not want to light her up just yet, but there would soon come a day when she would get the chance and she would hit her with both barrels. For now, sarcastic banter was enough. She would bide her time for the right payback. She did find it amusing that the teachers lounge was every bit as petty and vindictive as high school. Taisha could do vindictive with the best of them.

"Thanks for the offer, but I need to do something for Principal Turner before class. Maybe another time," replied Liz.

Taisha suppressed an eye roll and moved on. The day otherwise went well, she really enjoyed the students in Mr. Cheswick's class. She would have loved teaching them full time and it only added to her anger toward Liz. But she did hear from several teachers and students throughout the coarse of the day, Mr. Espinosa really was a good person and well liked. That did lessen the sting. She really was happy for him and she knew her time would come. She could not complain, she had kept busy substitute teaching so far and hoped that would continue until a full time spot opened up.

Taisha purposely avoided Maggie as much as possible. They did pass in the hall between classes, "Good morning Principal Turner." She said with a alluring grin. She sensed Maggie stop and turn to talk but kept walking pretending not to notice. Her smile widened feeling the longing in the air.

Maggie was excited to see Taisha. She looked beautiful in her black slacks and red button down blouse. Her hair was down and combed straight hanging half way down her chest, and contrasted against the red blouse. Her full lips and bright smile drew her eyes and he wanted so badly to kiss her again.

Taisha's perfume made her tingle as they passed, and she could not help but turn and look as she walked by, disappointed Taisha did not stop. She couldn't resist ogling her full round ass and curvaceous shape. The obsessive thoughts that rushed through her mind since their first encounter a week ago, were becoming all consuming it seemed. Last night sent it to another level.

Maggie headed back to her office to force her mind back on work. She was successful because there was a lot to do prepping for the tag fee campaign. She was feeling more confident the $10 license plate fee would actually pass and bring more revenue to the Arkansas educational system. It had been so many years since a new tax passed for schools she could hardly remember.

Saturday, she would spend the day filming commercials for it. She was a little nervous but honored she would get to be the spokes person for the adds. It suddenly clicked in her mind that tomorrow was Saturday and that made her more nervous.

Like most everything in her life, she had prepped and practiced and there was really very little doubt it would all go smoothly, at least on her part, tomorrow. Liz volunteered to help her rehearse her lines before school and was going to help after school for a while too.

She was thankful Liz was taking such strong interest in helping with the license fee initiative. Too many teachers want to complain about the system but not get involved to make it better. So it was good to see a millennial actually getting involved. Maggie was not one for stereo typing, but she did find her self believing the reputation of the younger millennials for being slackers. Liz was a refreshing change, even though she was not always diplomatic when dealing with her fellow teachers.

Maggie hoped she would develop the ability to at least come across as more understanding of others feelings. If she could, Liz's career would be a success, she was sure.

At 3:30 Liz showed up as usual, right on time. They rehearsed Maggie's lines and she helped Maggie, set up a series of town hall type events to promote the initiative. It was nearly six when they finished and Maggie went to join Sam for dinner.

She would be tied up all day Saturday with the add campaign and Sunday.

Sam would be off to Fort Smith for an RV show, leaving early and returning late. She would be alone with Taisha for the day. "So much more to teach you," Taisha said... Maggie's mind wondered and she noticed Taisha's car still in the lot as she pulled out.

Taisha stayed late to prepare for next week's classes. She made a trip to the supply closet for materials to put together some study guides for the students. She notice Maggie had left and smiled, her efforts to ghost her for the day had gone well.

As she passed Liz's room she heard the young man from last night with her again.

"...legally an adult now Ms. Richards. Happy birthday to me..."

"Hold on Michael," She interrupted as she walked to the door and closed it.

Taisha stopped and tried to listen but they were whispering and she could not understand them. She stood there for a few moments with no luck and moved on when a couple girls from the volleyball team walked by.

When she reached the supply room, she turned on the light and went in, letting the door close behind her. She worked through the rows of shelves looking for the material. After a few moments, she heard the door open and the young man's voice. "Hello, is anyone in here?"

Taisha's instincts kicked in when she realized it sounded like the young man from Liz's classroom. She thought it strange he would be in the room since students should not have access to the key. She slunk quietly behind the shelves and listened. He stood quietly next to the backup copier, staring at the door and fidgeting.

She positioned herself to get a look and confirmed it was him. Her mind raced with anticipation. Could it be? she thought to herself. Two excruciatingly long minutes later, her question was answered. Ms. Richards walked in nervously.

Taisha suddenly thought she'd better silence her phone and did quickly.

"Ms. Richards, I've waited so long for this..."

She looked up at him as her arms went around him, "Easy, Michael, you know we shouldn't..."

"I'm a legal adult as of today and you promised me a birthday present. Two in fact." He put his arms around her and kissed her passionately causing her to moan audibly.

"Mikey's gettin' some tonight" Taisha's inner voice chuckled as she looked for the best angle to get this on video. "And the bitch is mine after this!" She found the perfect opening between the book shelves to get a good shot and stay almost completely out of sight.

Liz broke the kiss. "Michael, we need to be careful. I can get free Sunday..."

"No fucking way. Feel this! I can't wait till Sunday and no more phone fucking. I want my horny little bitch right here right now!" He shoved her hand to his boner and she instantly gripped and stroked it through his jeans. They both panted heavily as they plunged their tongues into each other's mouths.

Taisha tried to imagine how Liz and Michael got started in their relationship and how far they'd taken it. Clearly the cute nick name phase was past and they had moved on to the horny little bitch phase. Taisha could barely contain herself as her Little Lizzy problem was solved for life.

Mikey grabbed her hand and stopped her. Taisha was sure the young man was going to blow a massive load in his pants if he didn't. Right on cue, Ms. Richards dropped to her knees and pulled seven inches of pink steel from Mikey's pants. It was like she smiled for the camera when she looked up at him and took a big sweeping lick up the length of his shaft.

"Lick my cock, you horny little bitch." His head rolled back. "Oh fuck, so much better than the phone!"

Liz plunged him into her mouth and bobbed rapidly up and down. She had spent hours on the phone with Michael, playing this type of scenario out together. She had to agree, this was so much better. She could not believe how hard his cock was. Tony's cock never quite felt like hot steel in her mouth. She could get used to this real fast.

"Fuck!" grunted Mikey. "I'm gonna cum in that slutty little mouth."

Mikey's whole body convulsed, grunting like a hog, as he unloaded his bitter sweet spunk in her mouth. She nodded and moaned as she tried to swallow it all.

Her fiancé Tony was ten years older than her and she thought he came a lot, but Mikey came like a firehose. It dripped down her chin, causing her to lean forward to keep it off her blouse and slacks. Liz swallowed as fast as she could, not letting go of him. After waiting so long for a hot hard fuck, she was more than happy to swallow this time. She'd ease him into the once-a-year birthday blow job later.

She loved this cock and was going to ride the fuck out of Mikey every chance she could. Right now, she was kicking herself for wearing slacks and buckled heels. It would take forever to get them off. She yanked his pants down and pushed them to his shins, all the while pumping him in her mouth.

"One down, you hungry little slut. Now I'm gonna fuck that tight little cunt." He groaned looking down at her.

Taisha gave young Mikey credit. He played the role nicely for his experience level. But she was betting he would once again be a little too quick on the draw.

Liz pulled off and both ladies were impressed when his cock still pointed dead straight at the ceiling. Liz stood up and grabbed desperately at her belt. She needed that hot dick inside her and needed to finish quick. This was too dangerous, but fuck did it feel good.

This time, Mikey dropped to his knees and undid her pants. He'd jacked off to the thought of this dozens of times, with and without Ms. Richards on the phone. As he yanked her pants down, he saw her sandy brown muff and had to pause for a second to look at it.

"I want you so bad, you hot little slut. I'm gonna teach you what a hot hard fuck feels like, Ms. Richards." He yanked them down to her ankles and stood up.

Taisha felt her own pussy heating up, and a little jealous. Though she preferred the ladies, there's nothing quite like a hot hard cock filling you completely. Toys were close but the heat of the real thing...

Liz was panting and thrust her tongue toward his mouth. Aware that she just took his hot spunk, Mikey turned away, giving her his neck. He slid his hands over her tight little naked ass and gripped her thighs. Taisha gave her credit for a tight round little ass as she jumped up awkwardly, gripped his neck and spread her legs.

Michael played linebacker, so picking up her petite little body was no problem. But with both of them still bound by pants around their ankles, it was challenging. Her knees were around him, but her ankles were bound in front of him rubbing his thighs as he lowered her onto his stiff dick.

"Oh, Michael, that, ah, that's it, go slow. Feels so good. Oh, fuck your cock is hard sweetie. Oh my God, Michael." She groaned. Her mouth hung wide open as she took him to the hilt.

"You feel so good, Ms. Richards, so much better. Aah, ah, ah, ahhhhhh..." He exhaled and began to raise and lower her.

"You're so strong and so damn hard, Michael," she gasped. "I need you to fuck me, Michael, please, Michael, fuck me like the horny little slut I am."

Michael was beyond playing the role now. He'd had a few blowjobs, but this was his first pussy and he was overwhelmed by the feeling. It was so tight and warm. He was bouncing her now, trying not to fall over as he felt her hot cunt grip his tip before thrusting in deep.

"Oh fuck, Ms. Richards, so much better!" He let out a series of broken grunts as they slapped together.

Taisha's eyes watered as she tried not to make a sound but wanted to moan along with Little Slut Lizzy.

Liz hung on, holding her head against his, clinging to his neck. Her mouth was wide open and she sang, as loud as she dared in rhythm with his thrusts, "Hoah yes, aahhh, aaahhh, aaaahhhh!" .

Liz felt her climax starting to build as Michael, tensed and began to release his warm seed inside her. His pace slowed, bringing her the familiar feeling of pleasure mixed with disappointment she so often experienced with Tony. But she was confident Michael would become a climax inducing machine with a little experience. Her high school boyfriend had the same issue in the beginning, and she was able to train him quickly.

Michael's phone dinged. He scrambled for his pants. "Shit, my parents are taking me out to dinner. I'm supposed to pick up my sister from dance class." He retrieved his phone. "It's my sister, I'm late. Sorry gotta go." They both pulled their pants up and he leaned in to kiss her. He gave her a quick peck, not wanting to eat his own cum. "That was incredible, are we still on for Sunday?"

"Yeah, text me on the burner and we'll figure it out." She straightened herself up as best she could. "I'll go first, you need to wait five full minutes and then you can come out. Okay?"

He looked at his watch. "Okay. Thanks, Ms. Richards. This is the best birthday ever!"

She blew him a kiss and slipped out the door.

Michael began to talk to himself. "That was fucking awesome. Fuck that felt good. She came! She came a lot. I think it was like four times. You da man, Mike! You da man." He looked at his watch, shrugged and practically skipped down the hall.

Taisha replayed part of the video to make sure it clearly showed who it was. It was perfect and she got it all. She backed it up to the cloud and headed to Ms. Richards' room.

Liz had her bag and backpack in hand heading for the door when Taisha appeared in her doorway and startled her. "Wow, you scared me. What can I do for you, Ms. Smith? I was just heading..."

"Working late, Lizzy?" Taisha grinned widely.

She was shocked and pissed that Taisha would burst into her room and call her that. It took a few seconds to register what she heard. "Please, do not call me, Lizzy, Ms..."

Taisha pointed at her chair. "Have a seat, Lizzy, we need to talk."

Taisha looked menacing in her black slacks and black high heeled boots. She put her hand on her hip with an indignant scowl. Liz wasn't sure why, but she felt compelled to comply.

She sat and looked at Taisha confused. "What is this about, Ms. Smith? Your tone is really unprofessional."

"Unprofessional? Really. I'm gonna cut to the chase, Lizzy, cause I ain't got much patience for your prissy ass, back stabbin' bullshit tonight!"

Liz had never heard anything resembling the "girl from the hood" accent from Taisha and the fear showed on her face.

Taisha took a deep breath. "Here's how it's gonna be, Lizzy. You're gonna treat me with respect from now on. Do you understand?"

"I am a professional and treat everyone with respect, Ms. Smith. Your tone is brutish, and I don't have to put up with it. I'm leaving..."

"Sit your tight little ass back down and listen, you horny little slut," said Taisha sternly.

Liz's heart raced and she suddenly felt sick. The knowing look on Taisha's face was unmistakable. Taisha hit play and held up the phone. She watched herself in horror. "Oh, Michael, that, ah, that's it, go slow. Feels so good. Oh, fuck your cock is hard sweetie. Oh my God, Michael."

"Professional? Not sure Ms. Turner would agree, Ms. Richards. And by the way, it's backed up to the cloud and my best friend from college has a copy."

Liz began to tremble. "What do you want, Taisha?"

"Well, well, well, I must say I like your change in perspective, Lizzy. Aren't you engaged Lizzy?"

She looked down at the floor nodding slowly.

"I thought so... So much to lose. Do you live together?"

"No... Why... Please, Taisha." She looked pleadingly.

"I would like to sit down. Please get on your knees Lizzy, you seemed so at home there a few minutes ago. I have an e-mail draft to Principal Turner and the school board chair. Shall I hit send?"

Her face reddened as she moved from her seat and lowered to the floor.

"Good girl, Lizzy. You are what gramma calls a boot licker, Lizzy. Licking the boots of whoever can help you get ahead." Taisha sat in Lizzy's chair and crossed her legs. She bounced her top foot up and down. "I think you need my help, Lizzy, don't you."

Liz stared at the floor and nodded.

"Go ahead boot licker, start licking."

She dropped down sitting on her heels and slid herself forward. Then she cupped Taisha's boot in both hands, leaned in with her head hung in shame and took a small lick on the top of the boot.

"You're a lot better boot licker than that, Lizzy. I've seen you with Principal Turner. Look at me, Lizzy."

Liz was fuming inside. Her face was bright red and her hands trembled as she did as commanded.

"That's good, Lizzy. Now I want you to take a nice big lick from toe to top, just like you did to Mikey's stiff little dick."

When Liz followed orders, the smile on Taisha's face grew bigger along with a rush of warm wetness between her legs. She was going to enjoy this for as long as she could. Liz fully extended her tongue and took a full slow lick up Taisha's boot, looking her in the eye the entire time.

"Very good, Lizzy, did that give your little pussy a rush? I bet it did, you horny little slut," said Taisha, slowly licking her lips.

Liz felt a rush of shame, because she had felt a warm tingle from her nipples to her pussy. She told herself it was the encounter with Michael that did it. Anticipating what was next, she released the booted foot and reached for the one on the floor. Taisha smiled brightly and crossed her legs the other way.

While she watched Liz run her tongue up the other boot, she was shocked how excited it made her. "That is so good, Lizzy, you really get it. I own you and I think this is going to be the beginning a new era in our relationship. You're MY boot licker now, aren't you, Lizzy?"

She nodded holding Taisha's boot.

"Say it, Lizzy."

"I'm your boot licker, Ms. Smith."

"And you will treat me with the respect I deserve?"

"Yes, Ms. Smith."

"You are such a fast learner, Lizzy. That's good." Taisha raised her boot for another lick and Liz complied. "Now that you know your place, I think we are going to get along nicely. Going forward, when I reach out, it is respectful to reply immediately. Don't you agree?"

"Yes, Ms. Smith."

"Excellent, I may need you at any time. Are we in agreement that I am your number one priority?" Asked Taisha calmly.

"Yes Ms. Smith," she replied compliantly.

"I like that response Lizzy. Are we in agreement that whenever I ask something of you, your response will be "Yes Ms. Smith."?

Liz's face reddened as the reality of her situation began to sink in. She trembled with rage and shame. She needed to get through this moment and get away so she could think about options.

"Yes, Ms. Smith." She bowed her head as she spoke fully submitting.

"Of course you understand, that was your first and last fuck with young Michael. This should clearly set your mind right. You have crossed so many lines Lizzy. Don't worry though I will teach you boundaries. You will need to break things off with him as soon as possible. But, I'll let you wait until tomorrow so he can enjoy his Birthday."

Her rage grew. His hard cock felt so good inside her, she had been patient and she needed it so badly.

"Yes, Ms. Smith," she conceded.

"Good girl Lizzy, now go on home and try not to break out your toys thinking of young Michael. I assume a horny little slut has toys. You do have toys, don't you, Lizzy?"

"Yes, Ms. Smith." She trembled.

"How many?"

"Five, Ms. Smith." As she answered she could not fully understand why she admitted that. She could have said no. Shock and disbelief about what was happening consumed her.

"I knew it Lizzy. But five? You really are a horny little slut, Michael is wise beyond his years," Taisha giggled. "Ok, run along home now, Lizzy. You've got a lot to think about."

She grabbed her things and scurried toward the door.

Taisha cleared her throat. "Manners, Lizzy."

"Have a good evening, Ms. Smith," she bowed like a servant before her queen.

"You too, Lizzy, you too," smiled Taisha pleasantly.

Taisha grinned like a kid in a candy shop. She felt warm and wet and powerful, like she could take on the world. Her mind swirled with thoughts of how she could take advantage of this. Lizzy could be just the release she needed for her situation with Principal Turner...

Saturday morning Taisha awoke to the sound of Maggie Turner preparing for her morning swim. This morning's bathing suit was a red Speedo that seemed to reflect in her light brown hair, making it appear more amber. Her body was firm and lean, her ass curved and firm. She could not wait to explore every last inch of her.

She grew wetter as Maggie scooped her hair into a pony tail, pushing her chest forward, highlighting her medium sized well shaped breasts. Her heart raced when she noticed Maggie again scanning the RV for a sign of Taisha.

"Enough ghosting," thought Taisha. "I need to see her and talk to her."

When Maggie dove in, she walked out and sat in the chaise lounge. She fantasized about peeling her out of that bathing suit, and kissing every inch of her. Each flip turn brought her a sneak peek at her firm ass and a hint of her labia through the thin fabric. For a brief moment she thought about opening her robe and pleasuring herself as she watched.

Reflexively, she looked around to see if anyone was looking and noticed Sam looking down from the bedroom window. He waved and she did her best effort to give a flirtatious smile, despite her extreme disappointment at yet another moment spoiled by Sam.

He quickly disappeared from the window and came out to the pool in shorts and a T-shirt. "Morning Taisha, You look lovely this morning."

Fighting the urge to retch a little, she smiled. "Thank you Mr. Turner. You look..." She gave him the look up and down. "Comfortable."

He smiled. I was gonna make burgers for lunch today. Would you like to join me? I'm having poker night later with the boys since Maggie's tied up today, but would love some company for lunch."

Something snapped in her mind and Taisha blurted out, "So, are you saying you want to be tied up too?"

His cock stirred at the thought and his tie string shorts got a little tighter. "Absolutely." he said confidently smiling.

"Well, sure I could tie you up for lunch." She smiled teasingly, followed by a subtle lick of her lips.

"You two at it again?" asked Maggie startling them both.

She was standing up winded and removing her goggles and swim cap. Taisha noticed a wry smile and smiled back knowingly as Sam did the mumbling shuffle again. "I'm just kidding, glad to see you both up bright and early. I probably won't see you until late tonight."

I wanted to thank you both for your support on the initiative and offering to volunteer. After today, I'm gonna need all the help I can get to push this over the finish line.

"We're with you all the way Hon." said Sam, a little over zealously.

She quickly patted down with a towel and headed inside holding the towel in her right hand. Taisha couldn't help but watch walk in her in the bathing suit.

Maggie caught her in the reflection of the sliding door and grinned a little. Damn she didn't know if she could wait until Sunday.

"Are you gonna make me French Toast this morning Honey?" Asked Maggie sweetly.

"Sure, would you like to join us Taisha?" He asked eagerly.

"No thanks, I'm meeting a... friend for breakfast this morning. But I'll see you at lunch. What time?" She batted her eyes as Maggie stepped in and closed the door.

"How's about noon?" He asked backing toward the door.

She nodded and he smiled, spun around, barley avoiding the face plant into the slider and proceeded to make French toast.

Taisha, had almost resided herself to a little self gratification in the shower when she remembered, dear sweet Lizzy. It's a thin line between boot licker and cunt licker and she was sure Lizzy would cross it weather she liked it or not.

She shot a quick text to Lizzy.

Taisha: Text me your address Lizzy.

She hit send drawing a little extra gratification knowing the Lizzy tag would set her off even more.

"Liz: Why?

Taisha: I'm coming over so you can make me French toast and help me with a problem.

Liz: My Fiancé is here

Taisha: Are you saying he is top priority? I will hit send in two minutes.

Liz's address came through.

Taisha: Be there in on hour. I like Texas toast and powdered sugar.

Liz's heart raced. Her Fiancé had just gotten here and was clearly looking for love this morning. She was already feeling a tinge of guilt over her encounter with Michael but now this.

"I'm so sorry sweetie, but I just got a text from a friend that's in a dark place. She just broke up with her boyfriend and needs a shoulder to cry on and some French toast. You're welcome to stay. I'll bet a caring man's shoulder would give her some extra comfort..."

"That's ok Liz. I need to change the oil in the car anyway. You have some girl time. Dinner later?"

"Sure sweetie. Are you sure you don't want to stay? I'm gonna miss you..."

He grabbed her, leaned down and gave her a big kiss and hug. Then he squeezed her buns. "I just love that little round ass! I'll see you latter ladies." He gave each cheeks a slap.

He thought to himself, he would rather eat shit than deal with a hysterical chick and a crying fest. He would work on a hundred cars if needed to get out of this.

As he left, Liz fumed and jumped in the car to go get Texas toast. She could not believe how stupid she was to put herself in this situation, with that suck up little bitch. She barely slept and could not come up with a way out. She even gave thought to murder, but knew she could never really consider it. Even if, she could she told her she sent the video to a friend. If anything happened that would put her away for life. Enough fantasizing, she just needed to suck it up and get through this until an opportunity presented itself to turn the tide.

She got back to her house about 10 minutes before Taisha said she would be there, so she started preparing the French toast. Taisha arrived just as Liz was setting the plates on the table. She set them down and ran to the front door to let her in.

"Good morning Ms. Smith, come in, your breakfast is ready." She opened the door and gave a bow as Taisha stepped in.

"That's so sweet Lizzy, thanks for inviting me," smiled Taisha cheerily.

Liz wanted to rewind, slam the door in her face and feast on French toast alone, but that fantasy would have to wait. For now she needed to appease, the bitch until she could find a way out. She pretended as if she had actually invited her.

"I think this is long over due. I've so wanted to get to know you better. It's wonderful to see a former student come back and want make a difference in her own community. Thank you for that. Have a seat, your breakfast is ready," she pointed to the chair at the kitchen table. "Coffee, or Juice?" She smiled a plastered on smile.

Taisha was wearing the outfit that got Sam so excited the night of their dinner. The powder blue form fitting yoga pants with a grey and black floral pattern and a skin-tight white low cut sports tank top.

Liz could not help but be a bit intimidated by her muscular build. Her legs and arms seemed twice as big as Liz's. And she had her by at least three inches in height. Liz was always uneasy about her breast size and Taisha certainly had her badly out matched in that department.

Her dark skin popped against the white top. Her breasts bulged from the top as it pressed them together and up. The cropped top exposed abs were firm with a hint of muscle peeking through her ebony skin.

"I don't suppose you have any Earl Grey Tea?" asked Taisha with a touch of snobbery.

"Unfortunately, I don't drink tea so I don't have any right now. I will get some for next time though."

Taisha looked disappointed. "Ok, Juice then, thanks."

"Yes, Ms. Smith," she replied compliantly

Liz was wearing tight pink gym shorts with matching T-shirt. It had a teddy bear on the front. Taisha stared at her a moment, admiring her tight little body as she poured the orange juice for her. She had her short hair pulled tight into a little pony tail in back. It highlighted the nice skin on her face and neck.

"Is your fiancé not here?" Taisha asked feigning disappointment.

Liz, cringed at the thought of Tony ever meeting Taisha and took the subtle threat cautiously. "No he had to do some work on his car. Maybe some other time?" The screaming voice inside Liz said, "Absolutely Never!"

She quickly changed the subject "Do I detect Rhianna Reb'l?"

"Yes, you do thank you. Do you like it?" Taisha smiled.

"Yes Ms. Smith."

"Good Lizzy, that's excellent."

"Syrup Ms. Smith?" She asked holding up the bottle and wanting to slap her every time she called her Lizzy.

"Yes please Lizzy, I like my French Toast sweet." She wiggle in her seat with excitement.

Liz poured on lots of syrup. "Good?"

"Yes thanks Lizzy, can you sprinkle some more powdered sugar over the syrup too? I just love it."

"Yes Ms. Smith," she smiled dryly and leaned down to sprinkle it on.

Taisha leaned in and sniffed her. "You smell good too Lizzy. I like..."

"Thank you Ms. Smith."

Liz fumed inside as Taisha grinned. Taisha was barely able to contain her joy for turning the tables on the snarky little snob, if not, racist little bitch that treated her so poorly.

As Liz returned to her seat, Taisha took a bite, closed her eyes and chewed slowly. "Mmmm, mmmm, so good Lizzy. Thank you."

"You're welcome Ms. Smith." Liz smiled proud of the compliment.

"Come sit next to me while we eat Lizzy." Taisha nodded to the chair beside her.

Lizzy, looked at her warily, picked up her plate and coffee mug and moved around closer to her. As she sat down she wondered how much more she could take. She needed to know what Taisha really wanted from her that was so urgent she had to send Tony away.

"This is nice Lizzy, Eat up honey."

Her sappy voice made Liz want to shove the toast in her face. She was ready to blurt out in anger, when she took a slow deep breath instead. The French toast was a good idea. She hadn't made it in months. It really hit the spot and she had a second piece.

When she finished she asked politely, "Would you like more Ms. Smith?"

"No thank you, that hit the spot though, delicious. Now, I was wondering, would you be willing to help me with another problem?" She asked innocently.

"Yes Ms. Smith." She answered as she was taught.

"I'm glad you're on board Lizzy. Your boot licking skills will come in very handy." Taisha turned her chair and faced Liz. "Stand up would you please?"

"Yes Ms. Smith." She answered and stood in front of her.

"Come closer Lizzy." She held out both hands palms up, still sitting.

Liz put her hands in Taisha's who gripped them and spread their arms out wide pulling Liz between her spread knees until her thighs touched the front of the chair. Then she released her hand and made a circling motion with her hand.

"Turn around Lizzy, let me get a good look at you." She smiled sweetly looking up at her.

"Taisha, I'm not sure what's going on here, but..."

"But what Lizzy, did you forget last night?"

"No of course not..." She looked a Taisha for some sign of sympathy but saw none.

"So lets not rehash old business, turn around and show me that pretty little ass Lizzy."

She turned and looked back over her shoulder nervously. Taisha grabbed a handful of cheek in each hand. Her hands nearly covered her entire ass as she squeezed.

"You work out Lizzy, very nice." She gripped her waist band and pulled her shorts quickly down revealing a white thong.

Liz reached back to pull them up but Taisha had them to her ankles so quickly she did not have a chance. Taisha wiggled them and ordered her to step out of them. Liz complied and Taisha leaned back in her chair. She stretched her legs out straight and caressed Liz's bare cheeks, very softly.

"You see Lizzy, I have a lot going on in my personal life right now and it has left me... runnin' a little hot, if you know what I mean."

Liz stood motionless, not sure what to do. She wanted to beg her to let her go, but she just froze. She could feel the heat of Taisha's outstretched thigh touching hers and the gentleness of her caress was such a surprise. Taisha's finger traced the waist band of her panties and on down the edge of her thong to the crack of her ass. Then she pulled them away.

"You like me touching you don't you Lizzy?"

There was only one answer, "Yes Ms. Smith."

"Good girl, you see Lizzy, my situation is very sensitive and I was trying to think..." She hesitated. "Turn around please..." Taisha smiled up at her. "...thinking what I could do as a release..." Her eyes and smile brightened. "...take off your teddy bear Lizzy, let me see those titties..." Liz's mind was processing what she just heard as Taisha continued. "I was thinking about a release when I remembered what a great boot licker you are. I think, with a little training you could be a great cunt licker, don't you Lizzy?"

Taisha spoke so calmly and pleasantly Liz, was having a hard time reconciling the sweet smile and friendly voice with the words she was hearing. She thought to herself, "what did she say? Did she say she wanted to see my titties? Titties? who says titties?"

Liz pulled her shirt up over her head and felt as if she was watching from outside herself with someone else in control of her body . She looked down at Taisha's face and watched her eye light up and smile widen as her hands began to caress Liz's belly. She felt a tickling wave of energy spread through her uncontrollably.

"Lizzy Honey, you have a hot little body, girl. I am so glad it's mine now. I think you're gonna be just the release I need. Have you ever eaten cunt before?"

When it dawned on her what Taisha just asked, she seemed to snap out of it. "Ooh, no I'm not... Huh!" Taisha's hand began to rub between Liz's legs causing her to gasp.

"You're not what, Lizzy? Not wet? Feels like it to me. Even through your panties." Taisha's eyes were locked on hers as Liz was unable to move or talk. Her pussy was a rush of tingling warmth unlike anything she had ever felt.

She stared down at Taisha mesmerized by the alluring look on her face. "I think you're gonna beg to lick my pussy Lizzy. Those nipples look hard as nails and I think you will do anything to please me."

Liz felt like electricity was flowing though her body from Taisha, paralyzing her with a tickling pleasure that entered her thighs from Taisha's and exiting through her clit into Taisha's fingers. She only knew she needed more, "Yes, Ms. Smith." She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Will you be my release Lizzy?" She asked so sweetly.

"Yes Ms. Smith," said Liz breathing heavily.

"You want to be my cunt licker Lizzy?"

"Taisha's fingers rubbed steadily rendering her defenseless. "Yes Ms. Smith," she replied feeling a climax building. She wanted to lean in and kiss her dark glistening lips while she made her cum in her panties.

"Will you help me out of these pant's Lizzy?"

"Yes, Ms. Smith, Oh yes," she groaned on the verge of cumming from Taisha's gentle touch. No one had ever touched her like that before.

"Do you want to cum Lizzy.?"

"Oh please, yes! Ms. Smith." She begged.

Suddenly Taisha removed her hand and spread her legs wider breaking the contact at her thighs. Desperation filled her eyes as looked down at Taisha. "In due time Lizzy, but first you need to prove yourself a worthy cunt licker. On your knees please.

Liz felt a tinge of anger as once again she was on the verge of orgasm and was stopped short. But, the burning between her leg blocked everything else out. She needed Taisha's fingers back and nothing else mattered. Before she even realized it she had dropped to her knees for the woman she disliked so much and just a day ago was determined to run out of the school.

Taisha was preparing to stand but as soon as Lizzy's knees, hit the floor, both hands were on Taisha's hips with her fingers work under her waste band to peel off the yoga pants.

Taisha giggled. "Lizzy Honey, I had two prissy little white bitches like you in college that would beg to suck my pussy, but you are the hungriest one yet. They took weeks to turn. You took..." She looked at her watch. "Twelve minutes. Take my shoes off first Lizzy. Let's enjoy this a little OK?"

Liz looked at her and did as commanded. As she moved to her shoes it she thought to herself, "Suck her pussy? What does that even mean? Am I really going to beg?"

As the tingling in her pussy intensified, her question was answered, but had not yet sunk into her conscious mind. She was removing the second shoe when she looked up and Taisha smiled down at her.

"You like kneeling Lizzy I can tell. Do you kneel for Tony?" Taunted Taisha.

In a weak attempt to salvage some dignity, she blurted, "Hell no! I don't..."

"But you do kneel for me, thank you Lizzy. I'm glad you were truthful when you said I'm your number one priority. As my cunt licker you will perform your duties whenever I need it."

Liz's mind was still somewhere back on French toast. She could not fully grasp what she was doing or why. It suddenly occurred to her that Taisha's feet were amazingly soft. She never would have guessed as strong and powerful as Taisha's body was compared to her own, that her feet would be so much softer than Liz's. She cradled her left foot and rubbed it gently then switched to the right.

"Show me those boot licking skills Lizzy," Smiled Taisha loving the feeling of power.

As Liz began a slow firm lick up the top of Taisha's right foot, Taisha gripped Liz's right nipple with the toes of her left and squeezed just enough to get it fully stiff.

"Tammy had perky little titties like you with big hard nipples. She was one of my prissy little bitches and she loved this."

Taisha brought both feet up and began kneading and squeezing Liz's breasts and nipples with remarkable dexterity. Liz thought if Tony ever tried something like this, she'd slap is feet away and throw his ass out of bed, but somehow Taisha made her like it. And she wasn't in the bed, she was kneeling almost completely naked on the her kitchen floor.

"I think your nipples are even bigger than Tammy's. I'm gonna let you rub those on my clit some day, but right now, I need that tongue Lizzy."

Liz's mind suddenly envisioned rubbing her nipples against Taisha's pussy causing another tingling wave of excitement. She could muster no resistance. She only knew that she wanted to taste Taisha. She needed to show her that she was worthy of being her cunt licker, so Taisha would finish what she started. She wanted Taisha to touch her again and would do whatever it took make it happen.

Taisha placed her feet back on the floor, "Ok Lizzy, you can take these pants off for me now."

As commanded she gripped the waist band on each hip and slid them down. Taisha raised her ass off chair so she could get them down. She pulled a pair of white lace panties down with them. The bright white was a remarkable contrast against Taisha's shimmering dark skin.

Liz noticed her skin seemed to glisten in the light. Then her senses were aroused further by Taisha's scent flooding her nostrils. It was a strong musky sweet scent that caused a rush of chills down her spine. When the waist band reached Taisha's ankles, she pulled her feet through and spread her knees, revealing her well trimmed black bush.

Liz had never seen another woman's spread pussy before. She marveled at how perfectly sculpted Taisha's bush seemed to be. Her labia were black with just a touch of pink hue. She moved her hands up Taisha's legs and pushed her knees further apart. Taisha's labia, clung to each other from the surface tension of her wetness, finally giving way as Liz leaned in.

She stopped, shocked by the nearly neon pink color of her inner lips. Taisha's clitoral hood was clearly visible, as it's dark color contrasted against her wet pink slit. The scent made her pussy throb and mouth water. Liz could not suppress the urge she had to taste her.

She leaned in extending her tongue, when Taisha gripped her pony tail. "I like your eagerness Lizzy, but I want to enjoy this." She moved Liz's face closer, but held her back so she was looking up at her "Breath me in Lizzy."

Liz began to tremble as she breathed in through her nose. When she exhaled through her mouth, Taisha sighed. "Oh, your breath is warm Lizzy." She inhaled again. "Tell me what you want Lizzy."

Taisha's dark brown eyes cut through her as she replied. "I want to lick your pussy Ms. Smith, please."

You beg so sweetly Lizzy, how can I say no?" Replied Taisha, still holding her back. "If you do this Lizzy, there is no turning back. I will need you to service me whenever I need it. Are you ready Lizzy?"

Liz nodded and tugged against her grip. "I have to warn you Lizzy, I am descended from the Yoruba Goddess Oshun, Goddess of love and sweet water. If you take a taste you will need more and more." Liz continued to nod and tug. "I give you one last chance Lizzy, I will release you right now and delete all copies of the video and never mention it again. Or, you can prove yourself worthy of being my cunt licker, it's your choice Lizzy."

Liz felt Taisha's grip release. She stared at the black labia with the glistening pink slit. An inner voice told her to stand up and walk away, but as she took a slow deep breath, Taisha's scent quelled that last voice of reason.

She felt her tongue slowly slide into the bright pink opening, so soft and warm, she had to go deeper.

"Oh Lizzy, that's it girl..." Taisha sighed and gently petted Liz's head.

Her taste buds came to life as she probed Taisha's warm wetness. First a touch of sweetness followed by a hint of metallic, tartness. Waves of tingling goose bumps cascaded down her neck and shoulders. With her tongue fully extended inside her she could not recall feeling anything so delicate and soft. Her warm juices flooded her mouth and cheeks.

When Taisha let out a moan of pleasure Liz's pussy began to ache. She thought she might cum just from knowing she was pleasing Taisha. Knowing if she proved herself, she could do this every day, she wiggled her tongue in faster and deeper.

"Oh Lizzy, I like that Honey. I think you just might be worthy," Taisha panted. She was surprised how quickly Lizzy, succumbed and more surprised how good she felt. The pent up sexual energy Principal Turner built up was stronger than she imagined and Taisha could no longer contain it.

Encouraged by Taisha's praise, Liz began moving her head up and down, then side to side. Her cheeks and nose were coated with Taisha's warm juices. Her own pussy was soaked more than she could ever recall.

"Oh, that's it Lizzy. Th, that's so good. Aaahhhh!" Taisha moaned and gripped Liz's pony tail.

She held her on the spot and Liz began to suck her clit and lap with her tongue. Taisha stiffened and pressed herself against Liz's face. "Right there Honey. That's the spot. Oh yes, so good. Y, you're my, cu, cu, cunt licker!" She squealed as rush of hot cum flooded Liz's face.

Liz's body vibrated with uncontrollable lust and a sense of pride for making Taisha cum. Her reward was hot nectar coating her face and she happily lapped up every drop she could. After a moment Taisha pulled her off by the pony tail again. She looked at Lizzy.

"You did very good Lizzy, did you like that Honey?" She asked panting.

Liz nodded and ran her tongue around her lips trying to get every taste of Taisha she could.

"Are you my cunt licker Lizzy?" She asked with an arrogant grin.

"Yes Ms. Smith. Thank you."

"You have such good manners Lizzy, but I want you to say it out loud..."

Liz barked it out, "I'm your cunt licker Ms. Smith, I love the taste of you and I'll service you whenever you need it, I promise."

"Do you think you deserve me Lizzy?"

A feeling of panic came upon her when she feared Taisha might not keep her around. "No I don't. I'm sorry please let me service you again." She tried to move in for another round but Taisha held her off.

"It's ok Lizzy, I believe you. You've made some tremendous errors in judgement in the way you've treated people in the past, but I sense you really are sorry. I think you are willing to do whatever it takes to humble yourself and try to become a worthwhile person. And girl. don't even get me started about little Mikey. That was crazy wrong Honey."

"I'm Sorry Ms. Smith, I treated you badly and you didn't deserve it. Please forgive me. I'll do whatever it takes. " She said desperately. She dropped and began kissing her feet.

Taisha let her continue and then pulled her feet back and under the chair. "I like you on hands and knees Lizzy. Crawl over here beside me and bring me that tight little ass." She tapped the side of her chair with her left hand and then held it out beside her like a dog owner with a treat.

Liz crawled toward her hand and Taisha patted her head and guided her to crawl beside her until her ass was in range. Taisha began caressing her exposed ass cheeks loving her position of power over her nemesis.

The feel of those fingers gently caressing her ass washed out the shame as she stood on all fours like a dog, facing the opposite direction of Taisha. Her eyes closed as the gentle tickle made her pussy hotter and wetter.

Taisha could sense Liz's breathing getting deeper. "Do you like this Lizzy."

"Yes Ms. Smith," answered Liz in a high pitch voice she did not recognize as her own.

"You're ass is so smooth Honey. Is your little pussy wet for me Lizzy."

"Yes Ms. Smith, please!" she began gyrating her hips.

"Do you want my fingers inside you Lizzy?"

"Oh please yes, Ms. Smith!" Said Liz desperately.

Liz could barely breath when she felt Taisha's hand slip under the side of the thong and down her ass to her wet engorged pussy.

"Oh my, Lizzy, that little pussy is so wet Honey. I think you need this." her middle finger slid between labia and curled into her pussy.

"I do Ms. Smith. You make me so wet, hah, hah, hah." Panted Liz as she pushed back against Taisha's finger.

This was so much better than Taisha had ever imagined. "Tell me how that feels Lizzy."

"I love having your finger inside me Ms. Smith, Oh god it feels good." She lowered her face to the floor forcing her ass higher and spreading her pussy wider.

"Damn that's sexy Lizzy, I think you were born to be my cunt licker." Taisha inserted a second finger and began to slide them Rhythmically in and out.

"Yes Ms. Smith. Oh Fuck! Yes!" Barked Liz.

"There's that dirty talking little slut that fucked little Mikey. Do you like my fingers better than Mikey's pink steel cock Lizzy?"

Liz was rocking her ass forward and back fucking Taisha's fingers.

"Yes Ms. Smith please fuck me. Oh God, please. I need it."

"More than your fiancé's dick Lizzy?" asked Taisha feeling her own pussy heat up again.

"Oh fuck! so much more! Please finger fuck me Ms. Smith." Liz had her left forearm on floor with her forehead resting on it. Balancing herself with her right hand on the floor. Taisha's fingers were moving faster and she could hear her pussy sloshing as she was being fucked hard.

"Rub your clit for me Lizzy, I want to feel you cum harder than you've ever cum," commanded Taisha, loving the feeling of control and growing lust.

Liz happily complied and slid her right hand into her thong and began rubbing herself. Her fingers bumped against Taisha's as she rubbed. She had never been so excited before. The two of them working together intensified her pending climax beyond anything she could recall.

"That's it Honey cum like the cunt licking little slut you were meant to be."

"Yes Ms. Smith! Yes! Yeeesssss, yeeesssss!" She groaned rubbing her clit as fast as her fingers would go.

"Damn Lizzy, you got me runnin' hot again Honey. I'm gonna need another release. Do you want more, cunt licker?"

Y, yes Ms. Sm, Smith, Oh fuuuuccckkk!" she squealed as her orgasm overtook her.

"Has Tony, ever made you cum this hard Lizzy?"

Liz managed to blurt out "No!" before the intensity of her climax rendered her speechless.

Her body went stiff with the exception of her right hand which continue its assault on her clit. She felt like she was being electrocuted, unable to let go of the live wire that sent a pleasure current through every part of her body.

"That's it Lizzy cum for me Honey. Damn." Taisha was in awe of the intensity and duration of Liz's orgasm.

Liz's mouth was locked open as the combination of Taisha's fingers probing and her own hand rubbing her pleasure button brought on the most intense orgasm she had ever felt. Her abdomen began to ripple in slow convulsive waves as her orgasm pulsed through her. She could not recall such a long lasting climax before. Finally, unable to stand it any longer, she collapsed to the floor gasping for air.

She tried to speak, "Wha, wha, what did you do to me? You really, oh, are some kind of temptress...Oshun did you say?" Her body shuddered with a wave of chills.

"Yes, Goddess of Love and sensuality. You are addicted already, I can tell. Are you ready for another taste Lizzy?" She lay there panting trying to collect herself but unable to resist the thought of tasting Taisha again.

Taisha stood up beside her, feet far apart and hands on her hips. Liz turned and rose up on her knees. She looked at Taisha's beautifully trimmed black bush with her dark labia peeking out. Her glistening skin was like black silk and Liz reached out her hands to touch her hips. Then she slid slowly down her firm powerful thighs.

It was if she were touching an African Goddess, her strength and her warmth seemed to flow into Liz. "May I please taste your pussy, my Goddess?" she asked looking up a Taisha.

Taisha smiled. "I like that Lizzy, you may call me that whenever you are pleasuring me."

"Thank you my Goddess," said Liz as her hands slid up the back of Taisha's thighs and over her smooth round ass cheeks. "I love touching your ass my Goddess."

She began to kiss Taisha's left inner thigh while her hands gripped her firm cheeks. Liz felt a rush of excitement as Taisha's eyes closed and head roll gently back, enjoying her soft kisses. She kissed up her right thigh and brushed her dark bush with her nose as she move to the left.

Liz squeezed her ass cheeks marveling at the firmness. "Can I please kiss you ass Goddess Oshun?" Asked Liz longingly.

"Oh Lizzy, you make it so easy Honey. A boot licker and an ass kisser. You know what they say, acceptance is the first step." Taisha turned toward the table, slid the chair aside and pressed her thighs to the table.

Liz stared at her dark brown round firm ass. Her cheeks were almost perfectly symmetrical, with a dark little mole on the lower side of her right cheek. Her dark ass crack pointed to a triangular little gap between her thighs where her dark labia gave way to a tuft of her black trimmed muff at the top of the gap.

She gripped a cheek with each hand and gently squeezing and caressing them. Taisha's ass was at least twice the size of Liz's and its perfect shape captivated her.

"What do you think Ass Kisser?" Taunted Taisha.

Liz leaned in and kissed her right cheek, starting low, she worked side to side and up. "Your ass is so beautiful my Goddess," she spoke between kisses.

Taisha swayed subtly side to side while Liz planted a series of gentle kisses on her right ass cheek. She moved to the left cheek kissing and nibbling while her hand slid between Taisha's legs.

She heard Taisha moan as her middle finger slid between her labia sandwiching them between her pointer and ring fingers. "You are so warm my Goddess." She whispered as Taisha leaned forward and balanced herself with her hands on the table.

Liz backed up giving her room to bend over and expose her pussy further. "You've got me runnin' hot again Lizzy... Huh, uh!" she gasped as Liz penetrated her.

Soft kisses tickled her ass as two fingers pushed into her steaming pussy. "Lizzy, Honey, that feels so good," moaned Taisha as she began to rock her hips. "Such a good ass kisser..."

The feel of her fingers sliding inside Taisha was the most intimate connection she could imagine. Taisha's muscles gripped her fingers as she moaned from pleasure sending another rush through Liz's body. Her senses were heightened and when she breathed in Taisha's scent she felt an irresistible urge taste her again. She slid her elbow between Taisha's thighs and pressed her legs further apart.

Taisha panted and leaned forward bringing her pussy closer to Liz's waiting mouth. Liz starred in awe as her fingers slid in and out of Taisha's black glistening labia and her thumb touched Taisha's stretched sphincter. Her pussy throbbed as she watched Taisha's pussy lips push inward suctioned to her fingers as she entered her and then stretch outward as her fingers pulled out.

She loved the way Taisha's hips rolled with her thrusts causing her buns to bounce. Liz could have watched her move for hours, but she needed to feel her tongue inside her again to taste her tangy sweet nectar.

Pleasing her African Goddess was all that mattered and she pressed her stiffened tongue into that bright pink opening. As she entered her, Liz's cheeks pressed between her silky warm buns. Her body tingled from the feeling and she instantly felt like she never wanted this to end.

Taisha let out a pleasant groan as Liz's tongue extended inside her. Liz happily continued knowing she was exciting Taisha. Her nose pressed against Taisha's sphincter as she breathed her in. Her tongue thrust and wiggled flooding her taste buds with her heavenly juices.

"Oh, there's my cunt licker. Get that tongue in there Lizzy." Her hand gripped Liz's pony tail as she shoved her face against her soaked pussy.

Liz moved her right thumb rubbing Taisha's clit with her stretched fingers touching her belly. When her thumb made contact, Taisha cried out with pleasure. "Fuck Lizzy! Aaaaahhhhhhh!"

Taisha had a death grip on Liz's pony tail and jerked her head up and down grinding her face into her pussy. Liz's face was coated in pussy juices, and her heart raced with excitement from Taisha's growing frenzy. She held her tongue stiff letting Taisha guide her to the spot while she worked her thumb on her stiff little clit.

"Here it comes cunt licker, Ooohhh Fuuuuck!" Groaned Taisha as Liz's mouth felt the rush of Taisha's cum. Liz had never felt so satisfied as she did that moment in time with her face planted in Taisha's silky soft wet pussy drinking in the nectar of the Gods. She never wanted it to end.

When her orgasm passed, Taisha relaxed her grip and Liz licked up and down the length of her slit, savoring her bitter sweet cum, until Taisha pulled her off and turned toward her. She stroked Liz's hair as she looked down at her. "Thank you Lizzy, I needed that. Wow Honey, I just might need you to have me for dinner later. What do you think?" Taisha smiled.

Before she could think about the reply, she recalled the promise of dinner with Tony. "I'm making dinner for Tony tonight," she said meekly.

Taisha's smile faded. "OK Lizzy. Help me get dressed." She said flatly, pointing at her yoga pants and panties.

Liz, saw her face go cold and panic set in. The taste of Taisha's cum was still strong in her mouth and her pussy was wet and throbbing. A sudden fear that Taisha was angry washed over her. "No I mean, I can reschedule with Tony. I'll make you anything you want. Tell me what time you want to come over."

Part of her tried to conserve some semblance of dignity when she realized she was on her knees begging Taisha Smith to let her continue as her "Cunt licker". The only way she could think of was pretending that her true motivation was fear of the video getting out. "Please don't send the recording. I'll do whatever you want Taisha, Please." She looked up at Taisha with a look of desperation.

She held Taisha's panties in her hand and Taisha offered a foot. "Dress me Lizzy.

Then we'll consider your debt paid and apology accepted. I never told anyone else about the video. Dress me and we'll delete it. You and I will be done and no one else will know you are a closet cunt licker."

Liz dutifully slid the panties up Taisha's legs and slowly covered her dark bush. Next she pulled the waist band into place and worked her hands around to Taisha's ass. She froze there, head down, the taste of Taisha still in her mouth. Her mind raced, torn between having her life back as it was, or continuing as a toy for Taisha to play with.

Her mind told her to free herself of Taisha's control. But the heated stirring in her loins pulled her toward submission. Her hands slid down gripping her cheeks.

"What are you doing Lizzy? Dress me," she said sternly.

Liz pulled Taisha close resting her forehead against Taisha's abdomen. "Please," she whispered.

"Please what Lizzy?"

She could not find the words and clung to her, feeling her warmth, breathing her in.

"Dress me Lizzy!"

"Please don't make me..." She said as she reached for the yoga pants.

"Make you what Lizzy? Stop speaking in riddles, use your words Cunt Licker."

She slid one leg of the yoga pants over Taisha's foot. "I wanna be your cunt licker My Goddess, please."

"You fickle little bitch. What is rule number one?"

"You're my top priority." She replied putting on the second leg. She began to work the pants up her thighs as she continued. "I'm sorry Ms. Smith, I'll tell Tony I can't do it tonight. I'll do whatever you want to pleasure you instead."

"I don't know Lizzy, I don't think you deserve to be my cunt licker." Taisha looked deep in thought. "Although that sharp little tongue did feel... wonderful." She sighed. "I'll tell you what Lizzy, put my shoes on for me and I'll think about it."

Liz remained on her knees and put Taisha's shoes on. "I'm sorry my Goddess, I wasn't thinking. You will be my top priority from now on, I promise. Please forgive me." She looked up pleading with her eyes.

Taisha looked down gently caressing her face. "I think I believe you Lizzy, but I'm going to need you to prove it Honey."

"Anything tell me what I can do."

"Is your little pussy wet for me Lizzy?"

"Yes my Goddess, I can still taste you."

"Stand up and take off your panties."

Liz happily did as ordered and quickly stepped out of her panties. Then she stood in front of Taisha almost touching her.

Taisha took the panties, held them to her nose and sniffed deeply. "You're right Lizzy, you are very wet. From now on, you will wear white thong panties everyday. I like the way they highlight your tight little ass. When I leave you will go buy as many pairs as necessary. Understood?"


"You will answer "Yes my goddess, whenever we are alone, understood?"

"Yes my Goddess." She replied looking into Taisha's brown eyes.

Taisha reached out and began to slide her fingers up and down the length of Liz's slit. Liz trembled and sighed, "Ooooohhhhhh."

"This is my pussy now, isn't it Lizzy?" Taisha leaned as if to kiss her.

Liz's eyes closed to receive the kiss. "Yes my Goddess," she gasped.

Taisha brought her other hand around and gripped her ass. This sweet little ass is mine also."

"Yes my Goddess," she sighed as Taisha continued to rub her pussy.

"Once you buy the panties you will end things with Mikey completely."

"Yes my Goddess."

"You will have dinner with Tony as planned, but it wil be under some conditions."

"Yes my Goddess."

"Where will he sit Lizzy?" Liz pointed at the end of the table. "Good, plant that pretty little ass right where his plate will be."

Liz snorted at the sudden emptiness when Taisha stopped touching her pussy. Then she did as commanded. She sat with her legs together on the end of the table and her feet dangling.

"Good girl Lizzy." Taisha pushed her knees apart and stepped between Liz's legs. Again she leaned in as if to kiss her and stopped centimeters from her lips. Taisha moved down and tongued Liz's left nipple, causing Liz to gasp loudly. "Do you like that Lizzy?"

"Oh, yes my Goddess," she squeaked.

Taisha moved to the right, "These are my titties now aren't they Lizzy?"

"Yes my Goddess."

"Good, now spread your legs, put your heels on the table and show my that little slut whole Lizzy."

She did as commanded, panting in anticipation. Taisha looked her in the eye and slid two fingers inside her. Liz's lips quivered as her fingers moved deeper. Taisha smiled.

"Lizzy, your little pussy is soaking wet Honey. Be honest, does Tony make you this wet?" She panted and shook her head slowly. Taisha's fingers moved slowly in and out. "Has he ever made you cum twice in one day Lizzy?" She shook her head. "Do you wanna cum again for me Lizzy?"

"Yes my Goddess. Please."

Taisha picked up the pace and began a circular motion with her thumb on Liz's clit causing an audible gasp.

"Do you like this Lizzy?" She asked seductively.

"Yes My Goddess!"

With her lips tauntingly close, Liz leaned in to kiss her and Taisha backed away just as they touched. Liz whimpered in disappointment.

"Oh, Honey, you've got it bad, but you need to prove yourself worthy."

"I'll do whatever it takes." She rolled her pelvis against Taisha's fingers.

"That's good Lizzy. First, you're gonna cum right here on the table." Liz moaned her compliance. "You're not gonna wash it so Tony can smell you tonight at dinner. Then I want you to record a video tonight with your naked ass right her on the table letting him fuck you in this same spot." Liz nodded. "I want you to think about me when he fucks you and I want you to cum for me. OK Lizzy?"

Her orgasm building, Lizzy yelled "Yes my Goddess."

"I'll know you are thinking of me when you shout "I'm cumming for you." Just like you're going to do now."

Liz leaned back on her elbows gyrating her hips surrendering herself to Taisha's fingers. Her mind pictured the scene Taisha had painted, using Tony as a tool of pleasure for Taisha. She never wanted him so much. The image of her legs in the air and Frank fucking her on the table with Taisha watching pushed her over the edge.

"You'll have proved yourself worthy Lizzy and show me the video. After he makes you cum for me, you'll need to send him home. Then, I'll come back for your tongue Lizzy. Tomorrow's a big day for me and I'll need another release."

"Oh yes my Goddess. I'm c, umming for you!" Liz yelled.

She could feel her juices coating her buns as she gyrated on the table. She was completely in awe as Taisha's of probing fingers and massaging thumb was all that mattered.

"Oh God, I'm cum,ming for you!" she gasped with each syllable as she came. "Please, don't, stop!" her body convulse in a slow shuttering wave from her waist to her shoulder like a spastic belly dancer.

"There's my slutty little cunt licker, cum for me Honey," said Taisha softy.

Liz opened her eyes as her mouth hung open overwhelmed by the climax Taisha was giving her with just three fingers. "c, um, ming for you..." She raised her ass off the table twitching as her orgasm peaked.

As it passed she lowered back to the table and Taisha released her thumb from Liz's clit but kept slowly fingering her.

"I hope you have your priorities correct now Lizzy, I really don't want to have to repeat myself."

"Yes my Goddess," she panted.

"Good Lizzy." She pulled her fingers out, looked intensely in Liz's eyes and licked them clean. Liz looked at her in amazement. "Finger lickin' good Lizzy. I might call you KFC."

She held out her other hand and Liz took it. "Mmm, mmm Good," she sucked her fingers clean slowly and deliberately. After tasting you, I have another idea. I want you to make Tony eat that sweet little pussy for me before you fuck him. I bet you'll cum twice with him when you're thinking about me."

She pulled Liz toward her and slid her tongue into Liz's mouth. She kissed her slow and deep. Liz's feet slid off the table and she let them dangle. The soft warm lips against hers were nothing less than heavenly. When Taisha broke the kiss, Liz sat motionless, eyes closed with the taste of her own cum lingering in her mouth.

"You have your to do list Lizzy. I hope you'll prove worthy today. I really think I'm gonna need my cunt licker tonight. Gotta go, I have a lunch appointment in two hours."

Liz opened her eyes to see Taisha's amazing ass in the floral yoga pants as she stepped out the door...

To Be Continued...


2024-12-27 18:19:21
Great writing and great stories

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