Ashlee stood in the middle of Erin’s office looking… well, there wasn’t a better word than disheveled. It was strange. Ashlee had always looked so put together. Her makeup was always understated and natural-looking, giving her a healthy, youthful glow. She always wore the best clothes.
Tonight, she was wearing a simple pair of sweatpants, a pink T-shirt with one of the My Little Ponies on it, and her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. She was nervously washing her hands as she clutched them to her chest. Her emerald eyes were dark, suggesting a lack of sleep as they darted about the room.
“Oh my god!” she said, bringing her hands to her mouth as she stared at me in horror. “You look horrible!”
“Thanks, I guess,” I said, looking her up and down. “You don’t look your best either.”
“I didn’t know this would happen?” Her voice cracked with emotion.
“This shouldn’t have happened… I didn’t mean…” She trailed off, unable to finish whatever she was saying, as she stared at me in shock. I knew I didn’t look bad enough to get that kind of reaction; this was more than about a few bruises on my face.
Erin and I exchanged glances, and I knew she was thinking the same thing.
“What are you talking about?” I asked as I approached her. “Why did you disappear after I got kidnapped, Ashlee? Do you know who did this to me?”
“No!” She said, dropping her hands to her sides and emphatically shaking her head. “It’s not my fault! None of this is my fault!”
“Then who’s fault is it!?” I was having difficulty not raising my voice as I closed the distance between us and towered almost a foot over her.
“Marcus,” Erin cautioned.
“Who did this, Ashlee!?”
Ashlee looked on the verge of crying. “I’m so sorry, Marcus! I didn’t know I’d like you!”
She started to bow her head, but I grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at me. I’d already been pissed at Ashlee for abandoning everyone the moment I disappeared. It reeked of guilt. This, though… this was almost worse. Now, she was in my house rambling, and I didn’t know what it meant. “No,” I growled. “You’re going to tell me what the hell happened.”
By this time, her face was completely twisted as she began openly crying in front of me, seemingly unaware that I was manhandling her. “I did everything he wanted! Why won’t he return any of my calls?”
"Ashlee!" I shouted. “Who?”
"Marcus,” Erin said, “Chandler's trying to reach you."
Distracted by the news that Ashlee was in Erin's office, I'd momentarily forgotten that I had asked Chandler to take Hiro to my study, where they were waiting for me. "Fuck. Okay." I said, pulling out my phone as I let go of Ashlee and turned my back on her. I called Chandler as I headed toward the door; he answered on the first ring.
"Hey, Chandler," I said.
"Marcus," he said, his voice dropping in volume, "where are you? It's been twenty minutes." The usually jolly man sounded more annoyed than I'd ever heard.
"Sorry, Chandler. Something came up. It's going to take me longer than I thought. Can you keep Hiro busy for another ten to fifteen minutes?"
"Marcus, this is Hiro Tanaka we're talking about. He's not a man who's used to waiting on others."
"Okay," I said, "what if you pitched him the idea?"
"I've already given him the basics," Chandler said, his tone clipped. "Tanaka isn't much for small talk, so we've been discussing some of the details, but he wants to hear from you since you're the architect of this scheme."
I was so frustrated that I wanted to chew my arm off. On one hand, this plan had been in the works for nearly as long as I’d been a billionaire. On the other hand, I'd been waiting to get my hands on Ashlee since I woke up back in my house. "Ashlee's here. She had something to do with my kidnapping, and I need to talk to her."
"That can't wait half an hour? What is she going to do? Evaporate?"
I will fucking end you, you fucking Harry Potter cartoon character!
Fuck. Chandler didn’t deserve that, even if I was just thinking that.
"Fine," I growled through gritted teeth. “Give me two minutes."
"Very good," Chandler said and hung up.
I whirled to face the two ladies. "I have something I need to take care of." I pointed at Ashlee and said, "You! Don't you dare move from that spot." Ashlee tugged on the collar of her shirt and pulled it over her nose as she blinked at me through tearful eyes. She nodded hesitantly in response.
I pointed at Erin, "You! Make sure she doesn't leave that spot."
"Uh..." Erin said.
I had already turned toward the door and ripped it open. Chloe was standing beside the door, leaning on the wall. "Good. If Ashlee steps one toe out this door, shoot her."
"Got it," was all Chloe said, and I stalked away, moving down the hall and toward my study as quickly as possible. I arrived in just under two minutes, as promised.
Chandler hadn’t exaggerated. Hiro Tanaka was polite enough, but I could tell he was annoyed when I entered the room after making him wait for more than twenty minutes. It took me a good ten minutes to ease the tension from him. I wanted to fling Kwan and Carla out of a window for driving me to call Hiro down early - especially considering I had a hysterical Ashlee waiting in another room while my house was filled with party guests. Of course, I couldn’t forget that one of those guests was Roger VanCamp. How would he react if he found out Ashlee was in my house about to spill the beans? Maybe he didn’t have anything to do with this whole thing. After all, if Ashlee hadn’t returned to her house as soon as she got back into town, there was a chance Roger hadn’t been involved, but I wasn’t ready to put money on it.
There was only one thing to do - get through this conference with Hiro as quickly as possible.
The plan for Monday was simple. There would be a new vote for an official CEO for VistaVision, and almost everyone who held voting power wanted Maddox to take over the position. According to Chandler, Wayne Prudem held five percent of the company and didn’t like Kelly. If I recalled Wayne’s exact words as reported by Chandler, he would rather suffocate in a bag of his ex-wife’s queefs than vote Kelly back into a position of leadership in any company he was invested in.
Wayne and Chandler gave me forty-seven percent of the vote, which wasn’t quite enough. Since ninety-eight percent of the shares were held by investors with voting power, I needed forty-nine percent to make it a tie, which triggered the tiebreaker - the sitting CEO got the final say.
Hiro Tanaka owned another seven percent of the company, which got me to the forty-nine percent without Wayne, but he didn’t have the same hatred for Kelly that Wayne and Chandler shared. I had to buy his votes. Paying attention to the conversation was difficult as I gnawed at the mystery sitting in Erin’s office. I was almost willing to give the Japanese man anything to make the deal quick so I could get back to Ashlee.
Who was supposed to call her back? Roger? That couldn’t have been right, or she wouldn’t have stayed away from him all week. No, it had to be Cartwright. She’d been meeting with him, after all. I hadn’t considered the possibility that he’d been in Vegas, but it made sense. Had he been the mystery man beating on me? I remember hearing him speak, but everything that happened during that time was fuzzy, and when I tried to recall it, the memory of his voice was strained and distorted as if he’d been speaking through pool water. Besides, Cartwright had only said two words to me, and I’d been beaten unconscious since. I barely remembered what he sounded like.
As much as I wanted to return to Ashlee, though, Hiro’s demands increasingly pulled me out of my reverie. He started the negotiations by asking for another ten percent of my shares and the CEO position. Wayne, who had called from Texas, and Chandler were both ready to go to war with him over the CEO position, and I wasn’t prepared to let go of a quarter of my shares in VistaVision… not when I barely knew what I’d be giving up. As good a teacher as Chandler was, I could barely wrap my head around what VistaVision encompassed or how much income it brought me. Chandler almost seemed offended by the amount of my shares Tanaka asked for.
During the negotiations, I got a text from Chloe that simply said, 911. Hardly one for drama, I knew she wouldn’t text something like that unless it was important.
“Excuse me for one second. I need to take this,” I said, throwing the pair of them an apologetic look.
Chandler looked like he wanted to protest but held back. Hiro simply frowned.
“Look here,” Wayne drawled in his Texas accent over the intercom, “I get wantin’ your piece, but this ain’t it. You…”
I approached the door to my study and stepped just outside. Three people were playing pool and looked at me as I exited the office and dialed Chloe. Two more looked like they were coming from down a hallway where the dungeon was, and I hoped Erin had secured all the rooms I didn’t want anyone to enter. The idea of my parents or Richie seeing that room horrified me.
“Hey,” Chloe said, and I could detect the stress in her voice.
“What’s up?”
“I don’t know how, but VanCamp knows his daughter’s here and is demanding that he take her and go.”
“Shit. Is he in there?”
“No, but he really wants to be,” Chloe said.
“Is that Marcus?” I heard Roger from the other end of the line. “Marcus, you had better let me collect my daughter, or I’m about to make a scene!”
“Put me on speakerphone,” I said.
A moment later, Chloe said, “‘Kay.”
I turned away from the few onlookers and trudged a few feet down the hallway toward the dungeon room. “You go ahead and make a scene,” I said, trying to keep my voice as low as possible while trying to maintain a certain level of calm authority. My stomach was in knots as I decided to go toe-to-toe with Roger VanCamp. “Let’s see what happens when they find out you’re letting me fuck your wife.”
“Most of the company knows that,” Roger snapped, and he didn't sound particularly troubled by my threat.
I took a deep breath to steel myself for what I was about to say next. “Do they know she doesn’t want to stop? Bet you’d love for them to talk about that around the water cooler? Poor Roger getting cucked by their newest client. Thought he could use his wife to hook the big whale, only to have it blow up in his face.”
The silence lasted a second longer than expected, and I took that as a good sign. The man was jealous and prideful, and the last thing he wanted was for it to become common knowledge that he no longer exercised complete control of his precious trophy wife. I could tell how much it bothered him in our exchange earlier.
I had him on the ropes, so I decided to press things a little further. “Or how about we dig into where you’ve been for the last week. Were you really in the UAE or Saudi or wherever… or were you in Vegas?”
Roger snorted on the other end and said, “Boy, you have no idea what you’re talking about.” If there was any wariness or doubt on his end, I couldn’t hear it. “How about we make this deal - you tell your little guard dog to stand down and let me collect my daughter. We leave. No one has to know about the war profiteering you’re part of or how you own the majority of a company that is doing illegal experimentation on disadvantaged people for pharmaceutical research and development. I’ll also keep my mouth shut on whatever is happening between you and Barbara Nanford.”
Barbara? Who the fuck was…
My eyes grew wide, and I felt my stomach try to drop out of my ass. Bobbi.
What the fuck did Roger know? How did he know?
Wait… war profiteering? Illegal experimentation? What the fuck was he talking about? Was I involved in all that? Chandler did say my grandpa had his hand in some pretty dark stuff, but things like that? What was next? Human trafficking?
I wanted to tell him he was bluffing. I might have if it hadn't been for the threat he’d just made about Bobbi.
What the fuck did you tell him, Helen!?
“Marcus?” Roger said.
“Get the fuck out of my house, Roger,” I said.
“And Ashlee?”
“If she wants to go, take her with you.” That sentence tasted like rancid garbage in my mouth. Fuck Carla and Kwan. I wanted to fling Roger out of a window. No… I wanted to shove him into a wood chipper. Death by defenestration was too good for this guy.
“Thank you,” Roger said, and I could hear the sneer in his voice.
God dammit! My answers! I wanted my fucking answers!
Never in my life had I felt this much rage, and I did something I would have never done a month ago. With the call still going, I flung the phone down the hallway at an angle and watched as it smashed squarely into the side of a door frame, spun several times in mid-air, and clattered to the floor.
I turned and stalked back into the study, shutting the door only moderately hard behind me. Whatever Chandler was saying to the speakerphone immediately died as he and Hiro looked at me.
“Hiro, I can’t give you twenty-five percent of my holdings. It’s insane that you’d ask for that much. I also can’t give you the CEO position. Chandler’s done a great job and knows more about VistaVision than anyone else. Here’s what I can do, though. I’ll give you five more percent of the company and any executive role you choose.”
Tanaka peered at me through his spectacles for a solid ten seconds and said, “My son gets a position in the company of my choosing, and deal.”
“Not CEO,” I clarified.
“Not CEO,” he repeated.
“Deal,” I said.
“I want it in writing tonight so my lawyers can review it.”
“I’ll have our people start drafting it immediately.”
“Good,” Hiro said with a small, satisfied smile.
After we were done in my study, Hiro and Chandler left with me, and I found Erin and Chloe waiting just outside my door as we emerged. The five of us rode the elevator and emerged on the rooftop once more. It was still going pretty strong, though it looked like the crowd had thinned out a little, considering it was approaching midnight. Some of the people I’d invited were getting a little long in the tooth, after all.
Getting tired, Mr. Tanaka decided to find his wife and head home for the evening, giving me a slight bow of respect that I returned. Once he was gone, I breathed a sigh of relief that we’d sealed the deal with Hiro, but it doubled as a sigh of frustration that I’d lost Ashlee in the process. “How the hell did VanCamp know his daughter was here?”
Chloe glanced at Chandler. “We’re good?”
“Yeah,” I said. As far as I was concerned, Chandler had proven himself trustworthy and deserved some answers after I had left him hanging for nearly half an hour in my study with one of the most powerful men in Japan.
“He’s probably keeping track of her using her phone. He knows who I am, so when he saw me, I think he just made an educated guess that you were in there with her. He seemed surprised when it was just her and Erin.”
“Wait,” Chandler said. “What’s this about VanCamp?”
“Ashlee was with me in Vegas when I got nabbed,” I said. “She knows something about it. Maybe even helped make it happen.”
“My word,” Chandler muttered. “You have been busy, haven’t you?”
Unsure if that comment was pointed at the attempt to find out who my kidnappers were or about my sex life, I decided to ignore it. “Did Ashlee seem happy to see him?”
Erin shook her head. “No. It’s weird. She seemed almost relieved to leave but didn’t look thrilled to leave with her dad.”
“What about Helen?” I asked.
“Helen looked like she knew she was about to become roadkill any minute,” Chloe said.
“Fuck. Do you think they’re in danger?”
“Of being yelled at?” Chloe asked. “Yes. Of being killed or abused? I doubt it.”
“Can we put someone on them?”
Chloe shook her head. “Not one of my guys, but I figured you’d want someone to keep an eye on the situation. I texted Henry. He’s on it.”
As usual, Chloe was good at anticipating my needs. She really had been a godsend. “Thanks.”
“Just doing my job, sir.”
“Nothing we can do in the meantime,” Erin said. “You should get back out there and mingle.”
“Gonna be hard to do with everything that just happened.”
“Think happy thoughts,” Erin said.
“She’s right, my boy,” Chandler said. “You’re about to outmaneuver seasoned businessmen and take the helm of one of the biggest, most influential companies in the United States. Take some time to celebrate the victories as well as the losses.”
I nodded. Maybe they were right, but some of the things Roger said bothered me. I’d been blindsided by accusations of taking advantage of poor people in third-world countries and profiteering… not to mention him knowing about Bobbi. I shouldn’t have been surprised; Helen had said as much, but hearing it from someone I hated was a sting that was hard to recover from. Especially when he used it against me like that.
“I’ll try.”
The next half hour flew by, and despite the weight of what happened, the mixture of friends, family, and a splash of alcohol did a lot to buoy my spirits. I danced with Honey, Rose, Erin, and Danni. I did a couple of shots with Dillon, Jonah, and three girls I didn’t know. Jonah and I argued over public education in the US until we were shut up by Honey - who straddled Jonah and planted her lips on his - and Rose, who crawled into my lap and stuck her tongue in my throat. I would have been a little concerned about my parents seeing this if it weren’t for the fact that we were back in the garden. Considering the relative privacy, I enjoyed a few minutes of her grinding her crotch against my half-hard cock as we made out like a couple of high schoolers. The sound of wet smacks nearby told me Jonah was still enjoying himself.
When we parted, Rose leaned in and scraped her teeth along my jaw as I slid my hand under her skirt and pawed her dark chocolate ass. “Is the only hot tub the one out near the pool?” she breathed before taking my earlobe between plush lips and sucking on it.
“No,” I said. “There’s one here in the garden, too.”
“Good,” she breathed in my ear between soft kisses. “Find us there when things have calmed down a little more.”
We continued necking and making out for another minute before I got up, adjusted the steel bar in my pants, and headed back out. On the way, I caught Vikram and Venus making out and grinned, happy for the guy. He was a hard worker, and I suspected he didn’t have much of a social life. I wanted to reach for my phone and text him that he should find a room, but then I remembered that I’d destroyed my phone.
Emerging from the garden, I ran into my parents, who looked a little tipsy. “Marcus!” my mother said and pulled me in for a hug. “Thanks for inviting us! This has been amazing!”
“Are you guys leaving?” I asked, feeling guilty that I hadn’t spent more time with them.
“Yeah,” Dad said. “We’re too old to stay out much later than this. Richie and Megan wanted to stay longer, though. Would it be okay if they stay the night?”
“We have the room,” I said. “Do I need security on Megan to keep Richie from trying anything?”
Mom dismissed my question with a wave and a snort. “Try the other way around. Anyway, that ship has sailed, Marcus. We let them do it in the house as long as they use condoms. Just don’t let them drink.”
“Who are you people?” I asked. “Mom, you would’ve shot me if I’d brought a girl home!”
“I know,” she said. “You just snuck out instead. If I’m being honest, Jacob wore us down. With Richie, we decided if he’s going to do it anyway, might as well do it in the safety of our home where we can make sure they’re safe.”
“How progressive of you guys,” I said begrudgingly.
“That’s what Emily said,” Henry chimed in. “Speaking of, tell her we’re sad we missed her.”
“Did she never show up?” I asked.
“We haven’t seen her,” Mom said.
“Strange, but you guys can tell her that tomorrow. Still want to do dinner?”
“We’ll be there,” Dad said.
We said our goodbyes, and they left. I picked up something to sip on from the bar and headed for the ledge, needing a moment to decompress after making the rounds of the partygoers. My parents mentioning Emily reminded me of Natashya’s situation, and I concluded that Emily had decided to stay behind to keep her company.
Forget me and what I’d suffered at the hands of those mercenaries. Natashya had been hurt worse than me, and that was a direct result of Ashlee and whoever she was trying to reach.
As the night wore on, I became more convinced that it wasn’t her father. I couldn’t imagine Roger being so eager to take his daughter home if he’d been ghosting her. It had to be Cartwright, but that wasn’t enough. Cartwright had been a goon for my grandpa - an enforcer. I didn’t think he was the type to put a plan together and use other people. Unless I was reading him completely wrong, Ashlee had been working with someone else to kidnap me.
“You look deep in thought.”
I looked to my right and saw a woman leaning with her back against the railing next to me, watching me with brown eyes a shade between honey and wheat. A thick mane of dark blonde hair hung to the tops of her shoulders, held back from her face with a few pins in a simple, hair-down style. She wore a simple, sleeveless, black cocktail dress that went to her knees. The neckline plunged but was narrow enough that I could only see a hint of the slopes of her average-sized breasts. Her lightly tanned skin showed off a few freckles on her chest that begged to be traced with a finger, like playing a game of connect-the-dots. The dress was far from scandalous, but it was definitely tantalizing.
Julia Lyons was one of the most famous reporters for Channel Seven, a New York news station that had grown so famous that it had become nationally acclaimed. The innocuous name ‘Channel Seven’ had become synonymous with the station throughout most of the nation… kind of like the singer adopting the name ‘Pink.’ The last time we met, she interviewed me about inheriting my grandfather’s wealth and gave me her card in case I ever wanted to talk in more detail. I hadn’t.
“Just enjoying the view,” I said.
“It’s a good view.” She took a sip of whatever she was drinking and looked back at me, giving me a smile. It was generous, with ample lips and perfect teeth, and brought her high cheekbones into more prominence. She was a talented newscaster and interviewer, but I suspected her looks had just as much to do with her rise to fame on the national stage.
“Do you mind if I ask what happened to you last weekend?” she asked.
I snorted and looked back over the breathtaking New York night skyline. “It’s the weekend. Aren’t you off the clock?”
“A good journalist never stops working.” I noticed her fidget with the ring on her left hand as she said it. She’d come alone. I wondered if there was a story there.
“On the record or off?” I asked.
“I’d prefer on, but if you insist, we can go off.”
I thought about it for a few moments and shook my head. “There’s a lot of speculation, so I might as well set the record straight. It can be on the record.”
Julia simply nodded and took another sip of her cocktail.
“What have you heard so far?” I asked.
“I know an influencer named Charming Charity is set to be released from the hospital tomorrow. She was shot in the stomach but will make a full recovery.”
“You talked to her?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Julia said and gave me a smile. “She sounded good. She also told me that someone was taking care of all her medical bills.”
“Well, it wasn’t her fault she got shot. I don’t see why she has to pay for it any more than she did.”
“She sounded grateful enough to not divulge the name of her benefactor or what they were doing when the attack happened,” Julia said. She turned and leaned against the railing, mirroring me.
“So you don’t think she was the one to leak that image?”
“I think she was on too much Dilaudid to be a good liar.”
“Hmm,” I said, taking another sip and admiring Charity’s ability to keep her mouth shut.
Julia continued, “I also talked to Steven Vann and Karly Titus. Steven didn’t have much to add except that he liked you. Karly told me that she took in your friends after you were kidnapped. She said they had nothing but praise for you.”
What a fucking world I lived in now. My name was on the lips of people like Steven Vann and Karly Titus. Old Marcus would never have believed it.
“That’s good to hear,” I said. “I enjoyed meeting them.”
“So, what happened?”
I sighed, set my drink on the railing, and looked at the beautiful reporter. “Someone wanted me captured alive and hired a bunch of goons to come after me. They killed one of my bodyguards and almost killed Charity. I guess there were a couple more deaths and a few more injuries, but I didn’t see any of it. They knocked me out. The next thing I knew, I woke up in a warehouse or bunker or… something. Some mercenary guy beat me and kept me blindfolded most of the time. A couple of notable figures showed up and asked me questions. One of them really had it in for me… he wanted to kill me when they got whatever information out of me they were looking for. They had me for two or three days, and then my security team showed up, killed a lot of them, and got me out.”
“I owe my life to Chloe Tanner and her team… especially the bodyguard who died. His name was Ray. He and his husband were in the process of adopting. His funeral is next week, and I’m going to make sure his family never has to worry about money again. I’ll also make sure his husband can adopt if he still wants to.”
“One of my friends was kidnapped along with me. They beat her, and I’m pretty sure they did a lot worse. She’s still recovering.”
“What’s her name?” Julia asked.
I shook my head. “She can talk to you if she wants, but I won’t reveal that.”
“You’ll make sure she knows I’m interested?” Julia asked.
“I’ll tell her,” I said.
“What kind of questions were they asking you?”
“I can’t comment on those. It’s part of an investigation,” I said.
“You’re not giving me much,” Julia said.
“Not giving you much?” I repeated. “Mrs. Lyons, you know a hell of a lot more than any other journalist.”
Julia studied me for a moment and then said, “Yes, sir. You can’t blame a girl for trying, though. Is that everything you’re willing to share right now?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know a whole lot more. My bodyguard can tell you the location of the place… maybe a few more details. If you want to know more, do whatever journalists do, I guess.”
I looked down at my drink and considered my last words. Finally, I said, “I guess there is one more thing. I lost a friend that night and nearly two others.” My gaze came back up to meet Julia’s. “I’m going to go after whoever is responsible with everything I have.”
“To the fullest extent that the law will allow?”
Silence filled the few feet of space between us for a beat longer than it should have, and then I said, “ the fullest extent that the law will allow.”
We stared at each other as the sounds of the party washed over us. Then she broke out in a crooked smile and gazed out at the night sky. “So, what’s next for New York’s most eligible bachelor and business tycoon?”
I side-eyed her, unsure of why she said it like that. “Well, I’m familiarizing myself with VistaVision and am hoping to get more involved there. I'm also taking a closer look at his other holdings to see if there’s anything I’d like to change. I’d also like to maybe set up some non-profits or something. Give something back to the community.”
“That’s really admirable.” She looked back at me and said, “You’re… different than I imagined you. Based on the interview, I didn’t expect this kind of conversation.”
“To be fair,” I said, “Being kidnapped changes people.”
“Have you considered getting a publicist or a PR team?” she asked.
“Not really,” I said. “VistaVision has one. My assistant has used her a little.”
“You would really benefit from a dedicated one just for you. You’re getting a lot of press, and it’s not coming off in the best light.”
“How come?” I asked.
“A lot of people see you as one of the luckiest, clueless people to ever walk the earth.”
“Off the record?” I asked.
She chuckled. “Sure.”
“I am,” I admitted.
“Not everyone needs to know that, though,” Julia said. “I know some people in the PR world. I spent some time there. I could send you some recommendations.”
“What about you?” I asked. “You looking for a job?”
“I have a job,” she said.
“What about a better job?” I said.
She chuckled, “You don’t want me as a PR manager, Mr. Upton.”
“Why not?” I asked.
“There’s more qualified people out there,” she said.
“What if I want you?”
We stared at each other as the tension grew. I watched as her eyes dropped from mine to my lips, and I did the same. They were slightly bee-stung, plump, and painted in a subtle shade of brownish red.
She gave me another crooked smile and rested her chin on the palm of her left hand, making the wedding ring on her finger very obvious. “I think you could do better.”
I wasn’t sure if there was any subtext to that but decided to drop it. I was getting too used to hooking up with almost any woman I found attractive.
“Besides,” she continued, “It might benefit you to have a friend in one of the largest news organizations in the US.”
“You might be right,” I admitted. “Send me your recommendations.”
“Alright,” she said. She raised the glass to her lips, but I could see a smile in her eyes. “I’ll do that.”
“Hey, boss?” Erin said from behind us. Julia and I looked over our shoulders at her, and she held up her phone. “Important call for you.”
“Excuse me, Mrs. Lyons. Enjoy the party,” I said and took the phone from Erin. It was Helen.
“Hey!” I said.
“Why did you do that?” Helen said. Her voice was low and soft, as if she were trying to keep the conversation secret.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“I’m fine. Why did you let Ashlee go?”
“Weren’t you there?” I asked.
“You heard him. He said he would spill everything,” I said.
“The first two were empty threats. I promise his hands are just as dirty as your grandfather’s. He’s not going to tell on himself.”
“And if you think the Bobbi threat has any teeth, I promise you, that girl’s wrapped around our fingers. She doesn’t want to go anywhere, and she’d happily tell anyone whatever she needed to in order to keep her position.”
That sounded like a hell of a stretch. “Are you sure?”
“I promise you. I think she’s infatuated with you in her own twisted way. Why else would she stay?”
“You heard her.”
“I heard what she admitted to. It’s less embarrassing than what I suspect is really going on. That doesn’t matter, though. Whether it’s infatuation or the fact that she likes her cushy new life, she’ll do whatever it takes to keep it.”
“So, you’re saying I gave Ashlee up for nothing?”
“Mostly,” Helen admitted, “but one interesting thing came out of it. Roger knew about Bobbi.”
“You didn’t tell him?”
“No,” Helen said, and I could detect a note of hurt behind her voice. “I told you, Marcus. You can trust me.”
“But someone did,” Helen continued. “Who knows about her?”
“Damn,” I said. “I don’t know. There’s you, Erin, Natalie, Chloe… probably most of her team. Some of the hotel staff where she was staying before, maybe.” The hotel reminded me of a specific event where Bobbi and I got extra spicy. “Shit… her friend… dealer… whatever. She was there when Bobbi and I had sex right before she moved into the apartment.”
Remembering Candace brought up several more possibilities. “There could be a lot. Basically, anyone at Marduke could have pieced some of it together… Cartwright was tailing me for a while, apparently.”
“What?” I asked.
“And there’s Bobbi,” Helen admitted.
“You just said-”
“I know,” she cut me off, “but we can’t rule it out either.”
“Yeah,” I said. “My money’s on the dealer, though. She seemed like she could have been easily bought off, and if Cartwright or anyone else was tailing me, they might have picked up on her scent.”
“Regardless,” Helen said, “You shouldn’t have let Ashlee go.”
“Yeah. Thanks,” I groused. “Do you think you could get anything out of her?”
“No,” Helen said. “She’s gone anyway.”
“Roger dropped her off at the university. He has his own hired security looking after her now.”
“Fuck. Why?”
“Because Ashlee won’t stay at home, and Roger’s learned that giving her what she wants within reason makes it easier to steer her in the right direction… and probably to keep her away from me.”
“And the security?” I asked.
“To keep you away from her,” Helen said.
“I don’t get it, Helen. This is all really confusing to me. She said someone was-”
“I have to go,” Helen said. “I’ll talk to you on Monday.”
“Not sooner?”
The line went dead. I looked down at Erin’s phone and considered destroying a second one that evening. Obviously, Erin could sense what I was feeling because she tentatively reached for it and pulled it free from my grip. “I know it’s frustrating,” she said, “but please save me from transferring data for two phones.”
“Fine,” I said, and let her take the phone from me. “Can you order me a new phone?”
“It’ll be here tomorrow, boss,” Erin said.
“Good,” I said, as we headed back to the bar. “Do me a favor and text Vikram. Tell him he’s welcome to use one of the rooms.”
Twenty minutes later, I was on a couch with Shea and Chloe, filling them in on my conversation with Julia and Helen. Chloe reassured me that Psalter would do everything he could to rectify the situation and disagreed with Helen about Roger’s threat. She believed I made the right call, which did a lot to calm me down.
As we talked, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Danni leaning forward with her elbows resting on the back of the couch. The plunging neckline was eye level with me, and it was the first thing I saw; her modest breasts hung along with the loose fabric, giving them a little more volume than they usually had.
My eyes traced up her chest, along the gentle curve of her ivory neck, and up to Danielle's radiant, angelic face. She smiled as she stared down at me from her perch, obviously happy with my reaction when I turned around. This woman wanted to be objectified by the right person, and I just happened to be that person.
“Hey!” I said, unable to keep from breaking out into a smile of my own.
“Hey!” she said back. “I have to go soon, and I was hoping you could walk me to my car.”
The last thing Danni had to worry about was getting safely to her car; security in the garages was top-notch. She wanted to talk. Considering our conversation a couple days ago, then the weirdness with Natalie, I’d normally be wary, but, like Erin, Danni had the uncanny ability to make me forget my troubles for a little bit, and I could use a bit of friendly company right about now. I hoped that’s what this was.
“Ladies, if you’ll excuse me,” I said as I stood up. “Got to make sure Danielle gets safely to her car.”
“If anyone can protect her…” Shea said, raising her glass to me in a toast.
As we walked off, she linked her arm through mine and gave me a shy, closed-lip smile as a blush began creeping across her cheeks. “I’m sorry for how I acted earlier… with Natalie.”
“It’s okay,” I said, giving her a reassuring smile. “I get it.”
“I’m not a jealous person,” she insisted as we approached the small rooftop enclosure lobby where the elevators were.
“I know,” I said as we entered the enclosure. I pressed the button and said, “After some of the insane stuff we’ve done, no one can accuse you of being jealous.”
“But that’s the problem, Marcus,” she said. “When I saw the way you looked at Natalie, I did get jealous.”
“Oh,” I said, surprised by the admission. “How was I looking at her?”
“Like you were a man dying of thirst, and she was a glass of ice-cold water,” Danni admitted, looking up at me with those bright emeralds of hers.
“I wasn’t,” I protested.
“You were,” Danni insisted. The doors opened, she walked in ahead of me, and I followed on her heels. “And that’s okay. I don’t blame you. She’s gorgeous. If I met her in a different situation, I’d want to fall in bed with her.” The doors closed after she pressed the button to the appropriate floor where she’d parked.
That admission conjured an entire array of delightful images, but I had to quash them down to focus. I needed to focus on the amazing girl I was actually with. “To be fair, she cooled off pretty quickly when you approached. She probably saw the way I was looking at you.”
The blush on her cheeks intensified a little more as she broke out in a broad smile that almost broke my heart. It was so beautiful. “I saw the way you were looking at me,” she said quietly. “I was just… a little worried. I still want to date you, Marcus, and I’m scared someone like her is going to get you before I’ve had a chance.”
“You don’t have to worry about Natalie, Danni,” I said, my voice lowering to match her register. I suddenly realized that I was leaning against the wall, and the distance between us steadily vanished as she approached. “She’s dating someone else, and I’m making peace with that.” I chose my next words carefully. “You have to understand… I’ve carried a torch for Natalie for most of the past year. Even more, we almost dated a couple weeks ago. It’s not like I can just forget about all that.”
“Bet I can make you forget,” she husked as she stepped into my personal space. The spicy aroma of her perfume worked in tandem with her sensual aura to create a tempting concoction that I could barely resist. God, why did she have to smell so good?
I needed this. After everything that happened, I needed a few uncomplicated minutes with someone I genuinely enjoyed. I reached out and pressed the button to bring the elevator to a grinding halt. At that same exact moment, Danielle jumped on me, throwing her arms around my neck and clamping her thighs on my hips as I took all one hundred and ten pounds of her. I heard her snarl just as her lips crashed into mine, and she invaded my mouth with her tongue.
I reached under her with both hands, slid my hands under her skirt, and dug my fingers into her ass cheeks as I held her in my arms. My tongue met hers, vying for dominance as we desperately went at each other. Her fingernails raked across the back of my scalp as she grabbed handfuls of my hair, forcing me to keep my face pressed to hers as we molested each other’s lips. I didn’t need the encouragement, but I adored her passion.
Panting into each other’s mouths, I spun and sandwiched Danni between myself and the wall. Far from gentle, her back hit the side of the elevator hard, and I heard her groan into my mouth. “Fuck! I’m sorry!” I panted as I tore my lips from hers.
“Don’t,” she gasped. She tore at my shirt, and I heard a couple of buttons bounce off the floor of the elevator as she kissed me fiercely again. “I’m not made of glass, Marcus,” she breathed as she ended the kiss. That was all the permission I needed.
With her legs wrapped around my waist and pinned against the wall, I released my hold on her and grabbed both straps of her dress. They easily slid over those pale, freckled shoulders before I ripped them down her sides, exposing her delicate breasts. Her nipples stood out in the cool air of the conditioned elevator. I reached up with one hand and closed my hand around one of her tits, squeezing it briefly before continuing to slide my hand up her chest and to her face. I pushed it to the side with one hand as I grabbed her hair in the other and yanked firmly on it, exposing her flawless, alabaster neck.
Her breasts were crushed against my chest, warming against my skin as I pressed my face into the side of her neck and inhaled deeply. Danielle let out a long, desperate groan, and I felt her shift on my hips, trying to pull her groin into mine. The grip on my hair intensified to the point where it was almost painful as I ran my lips and tongue along the soft contours of her neck.
I opened my mouth and inhaled, suckling some of her soft skin between my lips and teeth as I clamped down on it, biting hard enough to leave a mark and sucking hard enough to make sure it stayed there for days.
Danni gasped and groaned as I felt the grip on my hair grow more intense. “You can’t do that,” she half-breathed and half-giggled. “I have a showing tomorrow!”
In response, I sucked harder, making absolutely sure I left her good and marked before letting go. “That’s what makeup is for,” I growled. Then I did it again, leaving another love bite an inch lower than the first, just above the collarbone.
By this time, my little realtor was grinding against me, tugging on my hair hard. “I need it, Marcus. Stop! I can’t take it.”
Her wish was my command. I stood back, and her feet dropped to the floor. She was only on them just long enough to keep from wrecking her knees as she fell to them, her delicate fingers already unfastening my belt. In moments, I had my pants around my ankles; once she pulled my underwear off my cock and saw the coating of precum already soaking, she looked up at me, grinned, and then inhaled my cock. She hummed in satisfaction as she began bobbing her head up and down on my prick.
“Since you’re going home,” I said, “I’m going to destroy that makeup.”
Danni took my cock out of her mouth just long enough to say, “Do it,” and then slid her lips back over it. Her tongue caressed the sensitive underside. I placed my hands on top of her head, grabbed two handfuls of hair, and helped sweet Danielle get me off.
I pressed my hips forward and fed her more of my length until I felt the head hit the back of her throat. She looked up at me with those gorgeous green orbs; the twinkle in them was all the go-ahead I needed. I pushed forward and forced the tip of my cock into her throat. Her lips stretched around my girth, and I slowed a little, giving her time to adjust.
Thanks to Bobbi, I was getting used to fucking a woman’s mouth. Danni’s wasn’t quite as wide as Bobbi’s, and it took her a moment to get accustomed to what I was doing. Her lips near the base of my cock made a more snug fit than Bobbi’s.
She was a champ, though. After a few coughing and gagging sessions, Danni had her sweet lips around the base of my dick while a generous portion of it was buried in her throat. She looked up at me, mascara starting to run down her cheeks, and gave me a little nod.
I began moving my cock in and out of her mouth, varying my thrusts so sometimes all she got was the top half so she could swab the most sensitive spot with her tongue. Other times, I would thrust down her throat, fucking it like it was another pussy. It was a tight fit, and I offered to stop, but she shook her head in protest as she coughed around the length of my cock.
I knew what she was doing - she was showing me how much she was willing to do for me, hoping to convince me through sexual deviance that she was the right girl for me. She was submitting to me… giving herself to me. She didn’t need to. I knew just how much of a freak she was. That didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it, though.
So amid the sounds of gagging and coughing, I fucked her throat, groaning at the feeling of my member sliding in and out of her tight hole as I dominated her mouth. Deepthroating like this was always messy. Tears ran down her cheeks, stained dark with her makeup. Her lipstick was smeared, and saliva dripped off her chin, but god damn, did it feel good! Too good.
I pulled on her hair, extracting my cock fully from her mouth. She gasped, smiling at me through the mess I’d made of her face.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“More than okay. Please just tell me you’re going to fuck me.”
Instead of answering, I pulled on her hair, forcing her on her hands and knees as I dropped behind her. I grabbed an ass cheek in each hand, only taking a second to gaze at her pale ass, noting the light brown pucker of her asshole nestled between her cheeks and just above her pale pink pussy. Her sopping pale pink pussy.
Without saying a word, I buried my face between her legs from behind and planted my lips on her slick petals, tasting the intense arousal leaking and running down her thighs. It coated my cheeks and chin as much as my tongue, and the smell was intoxicating; I was drunk off Danielle.
I pulled myself free, lined my throbbing dick up with the opening of her pussy, and slid it straight in. Danni’s head snapped back, and she let out a loud groan as I sank my cock fully into her. She was so wet it felt like I was fucking a sponge soaked in baby oil, but as I started pistoning in and out of her, that changed. I felt the walls of her pussy grip my cock as her breathing began to quicken. I bent over her, wrapped one arm around her torso just beneath her breasts, and started to power fuck her.
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Marcus…” she whimpered and raised a hand to her mouth and bit down on her palm as a long, loud groan escaped her mouth. What the fuck had worked this girl up so much!? No. That didn’t matter. All that mattered was fucking her.
I grabbed her hair and pulled hard on it as I straightened up and picked up speed. Danni rewarded me with a long grunt as I tugged on her thick mane, and she began fucking back against me, her ass bouncing off my abdomen as we furiously fucked against each other. The sounds of our grunts rang throughout the small room we were in, and my knees were starting to ache from the hard surface I was kneeling on.
But I was almost there. I could feel that familiar sensation of build-up before release.
“Danni,” I panted. “I’m gonna cum!”
“Fucking cum in me, baby!” she shouted. “I wanna feel you shoot deep in me! I need it! I need it!”
“Fuck!” I shouted as I felt the first load fire off deep inside her. “Fuck!” I repeated as I felt the second and third. The rest of my shouting became unidentifiable combinations of vowels and consonants as I ejected the next several rounds of my seed deep within Danielle. I didn’t stop fucking her. My cock, still hard, continued to work in and out of her hot, wet little hole.
“Don’t stop, Marcus! Please! Please!”
“I’m not stopping,” I panted. “I’m never stopping!”
Danni dropped from her hands to her elbows, her ass still in the air. Then her hips began to sink, and my cock slipped out of her. “Fuck,” I said, ripped from Danielle before I was ready to leave.
She twisted and rolled over on her back, spreading her legs for me as she looked down at me. One hand immediately dropped to her clit, and she began working it furiously as her hips humped the air. “Please, Marcus!” she implored.
I slid between her legs, shoved my cock back in her warm, wet snatch, and started fucking her once again. I bent over her and brought my lips to hers once again, and she whimpered into my mouth as she threw her arms around my shoulders once more, pulling me tight against her. Our tongues explored each other as I worked myself in and out of the angelic creature beneath me. We were both covered in a light sheen of sweat, and the elevator completely reeked of sex, but both of us were too intent on the other to even notice.
Danni pulled back, breaking the kiss, and looked up into my eyes as I thrust in and out of her. “I’m falling for you, Marcus,” she whispered. My thrusts slowed as I stared down at her in shock, but before I could respond, she placed two fingers to my lips and said, “Shhhh. I don’t want you to say anything. Please just fuck me.”
Despite her request, I wanted to respond. She’d just given me a great gift and displayed a vulnerability that I felt obliged to return. At the same time, her lips were still pressed to my lips, and she was looking into my eyes with desperate longing, her hips rolling up and down in wordless encouragement to continue making her feel good. I pressed my lips to her fingers in a kiss and picked up the pace again. She smiled and pulled me back to her, smashing her lips to mine.
She hadn’t said the word - that single, special word that humanity had unanimously decided was a special symbol that magically elevated the relationship between two people to new heights… but there was the implication. As I tasted this angel’s lips once more, I found myself not entirely displeased by the idea of that implication becoming reality. It was exhilarating. And terrifying.
Danielle’s phone started ringing, startling us from our hyper-focus on each other. I pulled my lips off hers and said, “Ignore it,” and continued fucking her as it rang. She cried out, drowning out the trilling sound of someone trying to reach her, and after a few short moments, it went silent.
Then it started up again.
“I should see who it is,” Danni panted, not looking away from me as she fumbled in the direction of where she dropped her handbag. I wasn’t interested in her finding her phone, so I showed her no mercy as I hammered away at her pussy as she managed to grab her handbag and pull it toward her. She tried fishing for her phone but seemed to be having trouble, her breathing becoming more shallow and louder as another orgasm approached. She tried looking at her bag, but I grabbed her face and forced her to look back at me.
“I want to look you in the eyes when you cum,” I huffed.
Her green eyes suddenly grew big, and her mouth hung open. Her hand flew out of her bag, clutching the phone in her hand as she brought it down on my shoulder, pounding me with her small fist. Her eyes screwed shut, and she gritted her teeth as she started to groan over and over again. I could feel the walls of her pussy beginning to clench around my shaft… I knew what was coming.
“Hey!” I said, tapping her cheek lightly with my fingers.
She peered at me through lids half shut.
“Look at me,” I whispered.
She cried out and clutched my shoulder in her free hand as she pounded my other shoulder with the other once more. “It’s too much! Oh fuck, Marcus!”
Danni doubled up on me and sunk her teeth into my trapezius muscle as she clung to me, and I did the same, holding her close as she came on my cock once more. I gave one final shove and buried the head of my dick as deep inside her as I could as she spasmed in my grasp. I could feel our mixed juices seeping down the base of my shift and dripping off my ball sack. Thank god, this was a private elevator.
We stayed like that for several moments, her cries eventually fading to whimpers as she shivered in my arms. I pulled back so I could look at her, and she slowly opened her eyes to look up at me, those catlike eyes trying to seduce me all over again. There was no saving me from whatever this woman was doing to me. I leaned in and kissed her, our lips moving softly over each other in a soft, warm kiss meant for lovers.
The phone rang again, and we slowly parted. Her emerald eyes searched mine for another beat, and she whispered, “I should get that.”
“Yeah,” I whispered back, pressing my lips to her forehead.
Danni looked at it and said, “It’s Chloe.”
“Answer it,” I said, worry starting to seep around the edges of my bliss.
“Hello?” Danni said, her perfectly sculpted dark eyebrows drawn together in concern. Her fingers flew to her lips, and she tittered. Then, she placed the phone on speaker. “Can you repeat that?”
“Now that you’re done,” Chloe’s voice came over the phone's speaker, “could you get off the elevator so some of our guests can leave? They’re getting restless.”
I immediately rolled on my back and collapsed to the elevator floor, laughing long and loud. Danni fell on top of my chest, giggling along with me.
Thanks again for reading another installment of the story. If you have any feedback, please feel free to email me. Or if you’re interested in reading any further installments, check out my Patreon at Chapters up to 46 are posted there already, and roughly 18 of extra dirty bonus chapters. Thanks for your time and cheers!