After saying goodbye to Danni, Marcus returns to the party.
After finishing and getting dressed again, Danni and I continued the rest of the way to the garage. We didn’t talk very much in the aftermath of the elevator sex we’d just had; Danni simply gave me Bambi eyes and slipped one hand into mine, our fingers interlacing. I met her gaze, and she looked away, suddenly a shy high schooler compared to the nymphomaniac I’d seen so many times. Honestly, I loved the way she did that - able to turn off the slut routine at the drop of a dime and pick up the innocent neophyte persona. Danielle Holland epitomized the saying - ‘lady in the streets, freak in the sheets.’
I walked her to her car and pressed her against her driver's door as we made out once more, me sliding my hands under her skirt to cup and squeeze her warm ass as she ran her hands over my chest and whimpered in my mouth. After a solid minute, I let her go and watched as she pulled out of her spot, gave me a final wave and a sweet smile, and drove toward the exit. With Danielle gone, I headed back up to my apartment, passing a couple of people on their way out and thanking them for coming to my event.
Back on the roof, it looked like the party was starting to wind down. The music was set at a lower volume and seemed on autopilot since the DJ wasn’t in the booth. My parents were gone, Kwan had managed to find another girl to talk to who wasn’t married this time, and Richie was lying on one of the couches with his head in his girlfriend’s lap. Megan was stroking his hair as I passed and looked up, giving me a small wave and a tired smile. Richie looked over and did the same. The pair of them looked like they were going to pass out soon.
I let them be as I looked around for Jonah and Dillon but couldn’t find them anywhere. Interestingly enough, a few other key players were also missing: Erin, Rose, and Jessica. I couldn’t find them around the pool, so I decided to check the gardens, recalling Rose had asked about hot tubs.
Sure enough, I found most of the people I’d been missing sitting in a hot, bubbly tub of water nestled in one of the garden alcoves. It was surrounded by trees and shrubs in full bloom. A couple of tables lined the walkway around the tub, and one of the walkways jutted out over the edge of the building, surrounded by a clear balcony. The rest of the wall lining one side of the tub was covered with climbing foliage, creating a pleasing blend of human architecture and natural beauty. It was complemented by a fantastic view of the city skyline late at night.
Seven people were sitting in the hot tub laughing as I passed through the opening in the foliage wall - Jonah sat on the far end of the hot tub on the side with the balcony. Honey sat beside him, leaning against his side as an outstretched arm rested on the side of the hot tub behind her. Her blonde hair was several shades darker thanks to being soaking wet, and her massive breasts were threatening to spill out of a tight-fitting satin bra.
Erin sat on the other side of Jonah but wasn’t laying against him the way Honey was. She was in a lounge in the corner of the tub, her head laying back, wet silver hair splayed around her; a flash of pink in the water suggested she had stripped down to her bra and matching panties. Considering this hot tub party was impromptu, it looked like everyone had improvised, using their underwear as swimwear.
Dillon sat near Erin on the left side tub, animatedly telling a story about someone he’d recently served at his job. Sitting opposite Dillon, about a foot from him, was a woman with a dark complexion, raven hair, and the absolute definition of ‘dick-sucking lips.’ She was definitely Indian or Pakistani, but as she responded to something Dillon said, her accent was West Coast American. Even sitting down in the water, she looked tall; standing up, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she was Emily’s height or even taller. Her long, glossy black hair hung straight down her back, and she had bangs cut in a straight line above her eyes, hiding her forehead. She was the first to catch sight of me, her dark eyes meeting mine as she gave me a beautiful smile.
“Oh hey! There’s the man of the hour!”
Rose was next to her, sitting in the middle of the tub's edge nearest me. Her long hair had been pulled into a makeshift bun on the top of her head, exposing her delicate, swan-like ebony neck. The white straps of her bra contrasted beautifully with her very dark skin, and I unconsciously licked my lips as she looked over her shoulder, spotted me with her deep brown eyes, and gave me a warm smile.
The last person in the water was Jessica, who sat on the right side of the hot tub with Honey caddy corner on her right. She was wearing a lace black bra that also threatened to break as her breasts were barely held in by the flimsy garment. Like with Rose, the fabric contrasted wonderfully with her skin - dark material on pale flesh. Also like Rose, her dyed-red hair had been gathered in a makeshift bun on the top of her head, showing off miles of ivory neck that just begged to be kissed. She watched as I approached the tub, giving me a small smile that reeked of insecurity.
There was a glaring hole in the hot tub’s seating arrangement - the corner nearest me between Rose and Jess. I approached it, leaning against the wall. “Looks like you guys decided to start a party inside a party.”
“Hell yeah, we did,” Erin said, sitting up in her lounger.
“Mind if I join you?” I asked.
We were kind of counting on it,” Rose said as she patted the tub’s empty corner.
I undressed down to my boxers and climbed in.
“Hi!” the Indian girl on the other side of Rose said, giving me a dazzling smile. “I’m Kelly.”
“Hey, Kelly. It’s good to meet you. I’m–”
“Marcus Upton. Everyone here knows who you are.”
It felt strange that everyone at my party seemed to know who I was, but I didn’t know who they were. In my experience, whenever I had an event like this, only my friends attended, so having to be introduced to people at my own house after attending the same party for hours was something that needed getting used to.
“So,” Rose said before I had a chance to respond, “Now that everyone is here, and we all know each other–”
“We do?” Dillon asked.
“Do you know everyone’s name?” Rose asked.
“Well, yeah, but I know Scarlett Johansen’s name too. Doesn’t mean we know–”
“Dude,” I said. That was all it took to shut him up.
“Thank you, Marcus,” Rose said. “As I was saying, since we’re all here, I thought it’d be fun to play a little game of Truth or Dare.”
“What?” I said, not sounding impressed at all. It might have been a little more fun were it not for the fact that my ex was sitting in the hot tub with us.
Rose glanced at me out of the corner of her eye and smirked. “Oh, what’s the matter, Marcus? Partied out?”
“Isn’t that a little high school for us?”
“No!” Dillon answered. “It sounds very adult, and I’m interested.”
“Now that you got your retirement money, you growing old on us?”
I knew what this would likely devolve into, given the amount of collective alcohol that had been consumed and the fact that I’d had sex with all but one of the women in this tub. Still, Jessica being here was bad enough, but I didn’t particularly want to see Jonah or Dillon getting it on with any of these ladies. It wasn’t that I wasn’t against them fucking them. I noticed how much time Jonah and Honey had spent around each other, and I certainly didn’t have a claim on Rose. I didn’t know Kelly at all. Jessica doing anything with either of them would just be too weird. And Erin… I wasn’t sure I liked the potential possibility of Erin doing anything with them. I’d said as much on our first meeting. However, we weren’t necessarily in a relationship, and we discussed the possibility of revisiting our arrangement if she was ever interested in a relationship. All that aside… I had just never thought about the idea of seeing my friends having sex.
I looked around the tub. “You’re all good with this?”
Dillon had already made his opinion known.
“It’s just a game, Marcus. If anyone gets uncomfortable, we can stop whenever,” Jonah said. Honey grinned and nodded. Kelly simply whooped in acknowledgment.
I eyed Erin, and she met my gaze through half-lidded eyes as she reclined in the hot tub lounger, wearing a slight smirk. I quickly cut my eyes over to Jessica and back to my assistant, a non-verbal way of asking if she’d been responsible for this. I wasn’t sure if Erin understood the question; her smirk deepened, and I detected a subtle nod.
“You good with this?” I asked, looking at Jess.
“If you are,” Jessica said, doing a lousy job of feigning casual coolness when I could tell she was a little on edge.
“Alright,” I said resignedly as I looked back at Rose. “Any rules?”
“Yep,” she said. “The challenger can’t ask the person challenged a direct question about themselves if they pick Truth, and if it’s a dare, they can’t dare them to do something directly to themselves. Like, if you picked dare, I couldn’t dare you to kiss me.”
“That’s a good rule,” Kelly said.
“Aw, really?” Dillon said.
“Yeah, okay.” I nodded.
“Second,” Rose said, “If you refuse to answer a question or do a dare, you have to leave the hot tub. Everyone gets one pass, though. You can use it to either refuse to answer or complete a dare. You also have the option to reflect it back to the challenger. If it’s bounced a second time, it can’t return to the original challenger. It has to be someone else.”
“So,” Jonah said, “if someone dares something and you use your pass to make them do the same dare, they can use their pass to make someone else do it, but it can’t go back to the person who just deflected?”
“Yes,” Rose said.
“Interesting!” Erin said, her eyes suddenly opening all the way. “I like that!”
She would.
“Yeah,” Rose said. “It makes the game fun. If you don’t have a pass, though, you have to do the thing or leave. Third, no question or dare can be used twice.”
Jonah said, “Okay, that’s weird, but yeah… I can see where it’d keep things creative.”
“Right,” Rose said. “And last, if a person has been challenged, they can’t be challenged again until two more people have gone. That’s it! Everyone good?”
There were murmurs and nods around the tub, but no one seemed to have a problem with the rules. I noticed someone with some foresight had placed several drinks on a table along one edge of the hot tub near me, and I grabbed a beer, passing a few around to people who asked. I needed a little more social lubrication if I was going to do this.
“Alright,” Rose said after sipping her fresh beer. "Since girls outnumber the boys, girls get to ask first.”
“What? Why? Since there’s fewer boys shouldn’t they get to ask first?” Dillon asked.
“Nope,” Rose said, looking slightly annoyed at Dillon. “Kelli, since you know Marcus the least, how about you start.”
“Hm,” Kelli said, looking around at the group. “I guess I’ll start with the cute boy on my left. Truth or Dare, cute boy?”
“Truth,” Dillon said.
“Boo!” Honey bellowed and giggled as she leaned back against Jonah.
“No way!” Dillon said. “I’m not breaking the seal!”
“Okay,” Kelli said. “If you could have sex with anyone in the hot tub, who would it be?”
Dillon had just taken a sip of beer and almost spat it out. Alcohol dribbled off his chin, and he swiped it aside. “You’re gonna start off with that?”
“What?” Kelly grinned innocently. “It’s a harmless question.”
“No it’s not! It’ll be weird for whoever I name, and everyone else will be offended!” Dillon said.
“I won’t,” Rose said.
“I would,” Honey quipped.
Dillon sighed. “Fine. I’d sleep with any of you.”
“Boo!” Honey said again.
“You have to name someone!” Kelly said.
“Nope. Your question was, ‘If I could have sex with anyone in the hot tub, who would it be,’ and I gave you an answer.
“Boo!” Honey said again, giggling once more. It was clear the alcohol was getting to her. She’d always come across as a bit cold or reserved, but I enjoyed seeing her new side. Maybe she was just shy.
“In the spirit of the game, I’ll let you win this round,” Kelly said, “but you’re on my shit list, and you’re no longer 'cute boy.'”
“I’ll be 'cute boy' again before we’re done,” Dillon said smugly. “It’s my turn now?”
“Yep,” Rose said.
“Alright. Honey, you’ve been booing me a lot, so I’m coming after you. Truth or Dare?”
“Yay!” Honey said. “Truth!”
“Chicken,” Dillon said. “Okay. What’s your real name?”
“Ah fuck,” Honey said and then sighed. “Fine. Stacy.”
“Stacy?” Dillon asked.
“You ever call me that at work, though, and I’ll throat punch you,” Honey said, jabbing a finger at Dillon. “Anyway, my turn! Erin! Truth or Dare?”
Erin sat up in her seat and bit her lip as she thought about it. I took that moment to glance at Jessica and saw her chewing on the inside of her cheek worriedly. It was so easy to tell that she was anxious about this game, but when she caught me looking at her, she gave me a small smile and a resolute look in her hazel eyes told me she was all in.
“Truth,” Erin said, and I was genuinely surprised. As the resident shit starter, I’d expected her to pick dare. By the look on Rose and Honey's faces, it was clear that they thought the same thing.
“Okay,” Honey said, and it looked like she needed a second to think of a question. I would have bet dollars to pocket lint that she had a dare lined up and ready to go. “Body count! Let’s have it!”
“Fuck…” Erin said, her tone thoughtful, and I found myself leaning forward a little in my seat in anticipation of the answer. Erin knew about my past sex life, but I hadn’t even thought to ask about hers. As I waited for the number, I felt a slight twisting in my stomach and wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer.
“Does non-penetration count?”
“Yeah,” Honey said. “Okay then. Well… that brings my count up to… eighteen.”
“Jeez,” Dillon said, clearly taken aback by the number. Honestly, I would have guessed higher, considering how sex-crazed Erin could be.
“Respectable,” Honey said. “How many girls versus boys?”
“Nope!” Erin said, seemingly unphased by Dillon’s apparent disapproval. “That’s a different question, and since it’s answered, that makes it my turn.”
Without even considering her options, Erin looked directly at my ex-girlfriend.
“Truth or Dare?” Erin asked.
Jessica looked around the tub at everyone else there, her eyes settling on me a moment longer. Then she said, “Dare.”
Erin smirked and said, “Wow… our first dare. Exciting…”
My assistant looked at me, and I could tell her dark eyes were full of questions, wondering what I was comfortable with and what I wasn’t. This was my ex, after all. For many, this was hallowed ground.
I nodded, hoping she would understand with such a simple gesture. We’d come to know each other pretty well over the last two weeks, but I wasn’t sure if we understood each other that well. Not yet.
The corner of Erin’s mouth quirked in a small smile, and I sensed a subtle shift in her eyes. Sadness… or pity, maybe? I wasn’t sure, but Erin gave the barest hint of a nod before I could think much more about it.
“Alright,” she said, looking back at Jess. “I dare you make out with Jonah.”
God… trust Erin to kick things from level two to level seven.
“Uh…” Jonah said. “What?”
You could cut the tension in the air with a knife, and I considered calling it right there. The last thing I needed was strife and awkwardness between me and one of my best friends.
“It only has to be for one minute. You’ve got a pass if you want to use it,” Erin said with a shrug.
“You realize that the etymology of the word ‘dare’ comes from old English vernacular meaning ‘to challenge,’ which comes from even older Indo-European roots with an implication to be bold, right?” Erin said without looking away from Jessica.
“What?” Dillon and Kelly said at the same time.
“In the spirit of the word,” Erin continued, “I’m telling her to be fucking bold.”
I watched Erin closely, trying to read her body language and gauge precisely what she was doing. I was almost certain she was responsible for getting Jess in the hot tub with us. What was she trying to do? Make Jess look like a fool? Was Erin jealous of Jessica? Why?
And why had Jessica chosen dare before anyone else? Was she trying to overcompensate because the game was stressing her out?
Jessica looked at me, and it was obvious that she was trying to gauge my reaction to Erin’s dare. I couldn’t give her an answer when I didn’t know myself. I had been in an exclusive, monogamous relationship with this girl for months. Then, I’d been angry and hurt by her over the last few weeks. Seeing her with someone else… I honestly didn't know how that would make me feel.
“You know the rules,” I said, trying to come off as cool as possible. “If you want to pass, use your pass. Jonah, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Erin can choose a different dare, but I’m fine with it if you're game. Honestly. We’re cool.”
When I looked at Jessica, her eyes held a little sadness, and I gave her a small, pitying smile in return, hoping it got the message across: You aren’t getting help from me.
“I mean, I’m okay with it if you are,” Jonah said.
Jessica visibly swallowed, looked back at Jonah, and said, “Okay.” She slowly stood from her seat and waded over to where Jonah sat with Honey still leaning against him. The dancer watched my ex as she approached, seemingly amused at the awkwardness of the situation. Jonah – eyes wide and visibly shaken by the situation he found himself in – sat still as she approached.
When Jess reached him, she wasted no time lowering her lips to Jonah’s; she had to go the entire way, getting no help from him as she closed in on him. Blocked by her body, I slid down the tub to sit in Jessica’s spot just in time to see her cherry-red lips touch his in a gentle kiss. Jonah glanced at me as their mouths touched, and I gave him a small smile of encouragement as I watched, enraptured by the sight.
Their lips remained closed until Honey reminded them that the dare had been a makeout session. Slowly, Jessica’s lips parted, and I could barely see the tip of her small tongue lap at Jonah’s lips. His parted, and we saw their tongues touch.
My ex lifted one hand as if to place her perfectly manicured fingers on the side of his face but opted to land them on his shoulder as the kiss deepened. Tentative caresses of their lips turned into a more heated makeout session as the pair of them quickly became comfortable with the situation. By the half-minute mark, they had fallen perfectly in sync, tongues moving back and forth between each others’ mouths as lips smacked against each other.
“Fuck,” Honey said. “Can I be next?”
“With which one?” Kelly asked. “They both look like they know what they’re doing.”
“Either?” Honey said.
“That’s about a minute,” Erin finally said.
The kiss lingered for another two seconds, and then Jessica slowly pulled back, opening her eyes to look down at Jonah. I quickly slid back down to my spot as she turned and made her way back to her seat, watching her closely. She kept her eyes downcast as she sat back down, and judging by her body language, she looked embarrassed. She would have been blushing had she not already been exposed to so much heat from the tub.
“Well,” Jonah said. “That was good. Damn, Jessica. You can kiss.”
“Thanks,” Jessica muttered as she brushed a stray lock of red hair behind her ear. She used the opportunity to glance over at me, and our eyes met; hers were full of questions.
Honestly, mine probably were, too. I’d expected more of a jealous response, but as I watched them kiss, I felt… nothing. Oh, there was a slight twinge of something for a moment – a remembrance of good times gone, maybe. However, I didn’t feel a single shred of jealousy. I didn’t feel the burning desire to shove Jonah’s head underwater until the bubbles stopped or a need to banish Jessica from New York like I’d done with Gina. If anything, it had turned me on a little.
It was hard to put my finger on – I wasn’t stimulated by the thought of sharing my woman with another man. It felt more like I was getting horny over the idea of a friend of mine getting what was once mine, but I didn’t want anymore… like he was getting my leftovers.
That was it. The idea of my friend getting what I no longer had a desire for as if he were a dog waiting for table scraps, was fucking insanely hot, and I found my member growing to full hardness just thinking about it.
God, what a dark thought.
“We good?” Jonah asked, looking at me?
“Yeah, man,” I said. “We’re great.” I kept my gaze far away from Jessica.
Instead, I looked at Erin and found her reclining back in the tub’s lounge chair again, watching me closely. There was a mix of understanding in her eyes and… something else I couldn’t quite pick up on. It was strange. I could usually read her like a book, but tonight, she was as mysterious as Helen often felt.
“I guess it’s my turn?” Jessica said.
“You earned it,” Rose said.
“Okay,” my ex said. “You.”
“Ooh!” Rose said. “Okay! Well, since Jessie here has unlocked the door, I’m gonna choose dare.”
“Okay,” Jessica said with a tentative smile. She looked around as if trying to draw inspiration for Rose’s challenge from the pool’s surroundings. “I dare you to strip everything off in front of everyone.”
Rose and Honey both laughed. “Girl,” Rose said as she stood up, “You don’t know what you just asked.”
No longer sitting down, the water came up to her hips, and I got a good look at most of Rose’s body, which I hadn’t seen in about two weeks. She was a dark-skinned woman with a body almost as slender as Erin’s. Years of incredible feats of physical exertion had sculpted her body to near perfection; her wet mahogany skin glistened in the light of nearby pillar lights that illuminated the area. Lean muscle rippled across her back and shoulders. Her arms were slim but corded, and her ass was so firm it looked like it could stop an eighteen-wheeler hitting it at full speed. Her abdominals rippled along her taut belly. Michelangelo would have salivated to capture such physical beauty in stone. While at it, he probably would have been salivating to do other things, too.
“So, just take them off?” Rose asked Jessica.
“Um… yeah?” Jess responded, unsure of what she meant by the question.
“Okay,” Rose said as she crossed her arms and hooked her fingers under the edge of her bra, “but it could have been a lot more interesting.”
With one fluid motion, she pulled her silk bra over her head and threw it over the side of the tub. Then she followed suit with her underwear, holding it up so that it dangled off one delicate finger, grinning amid the ‘whoos!’ from Honey, Kelly, Erin, and Dillon. Jonah was grinning in quiet admiration, and even Jessica couldn’t help but smile at the stripper’s enthusiasm.
For anyone who liked big tits, Rose’s weren’t anything to write home about. In fact, they might have been the smallest tits at the party tonight. In truth, she didn’t need a bra to support her tiny a-cup breasts. Even her areola and nipples were small. Her ass was on the smaller side compared to Honey or Jess. Not that it mattered… Rose was mouth-wateringly gorgeous, and any man would have been lucky to be worn out by a svelte goddess like her.
“Alright,” she said as she sat back down. “I guess it’s my turn. Jonah! Truth or Dare, big man?”
Jonah sat up straight, and Honey adjusted her seat so she was no longer leaning against him. “Truth.”
“Aw,” Rose said with a pout. “Why?”
“To be honest,” he said, “I kind of feel like I’ve already participated in one dare.”
“Aw. That’s fair, but it was good, though, right?” Rose said.
Jonah glanced at Jess and said, “Well, yeah, but that’s not really the point. I’m a little scared of what you’ll dare. Especially seeing as you started this whole thing.”
“Okay then,” Rose said. “Ever had sex with more than one person at once?”
“No,” Jonah said, shaking his head.
“Ooh!” Rose said. “We’ve got a cherry that needs popping!”
Jonah glanced at Honey and said, “Well, I’m open to the idea.”
“We’ll make sure it happens, right, Honey?” Rose asked her fellow dancer.
Honey leaned into Jonah again, stuck out her tongue, and licked at the tip of his nose. “I think we can work something out.”
“Like… a threesome?” Jessica asked. “Between you three?”
“Maybe,” Honey said, looking at Jessica with a shrug. “If Rose is up for it. If not, I’m sure one of our other friends would be up for it.” Then she nudged Jonah. “You’re up.”
“Okay. Marcus. Truth or Dare?”
“Well, I’m not gonna take the pussy’s way out,” I said. “Dare.”
“Alright,” Jonah said. “Since you’ve been super cool tonight, I’m gonna give you something you like. Pick anyone you want in the tub. They have to sit in your lap until either of you gets called on.”
Murmurs of appreciation went around as I contemplated my choices and concluded that the naked girl sitting next to me was my best option. Rose looked amazing, and as a bonus, she was already completely naked. The thought of her naked back pressed against my chest, and her pussy lips just within reach made my dick throb. “Rose.”
“Fucking lucky asshole,” Dillon muttered as he grinned at me.
Rose beamed at me, spun, and straddled my lap, facing me. She draped her arms over my shoulders and wrapped them around my neck, scrunching her Nubian nose as she pressed it to mine and gave me an Eskimo kiss. “Aww… he likes me!”
“Hey!” Kelly said. “No shenanigans before they’re dared!’
“Says who?” Erin laughed.
Rose looked at Kelly, pressing her small chest into mine as she said, “Yeah… says who?”
“What’s the point of the game if everyone just decides to let it devolve into hot, sweaty sex?” Kelly said. “Show at least a little restraint!”
“Fine,” Rose said. She looked at me again and whispered, “Like I said earlier, I’m getting that dick back in me tonight.” Then she pecked me on the lips and spun in my lap with all the grace of an exotic dancer and – still straddling me – leaned back against my chest. She raised both her arms and reached around so that her fingers could lazily play with the hair on the back of my head as she gave me a fantastic view of her small breasts and abdomen. Her tight ass ground against my crotch, and I groaned.
I glanced at Jess and could easily read the disappointment and jealousy in her eyes just before she looked away. Then I glanced at Erin and saw her watching my ex, her dark eyes shining as a small smile played about her lips. I wondered once more what was going through my assistant's head.
“You’re up, Marcus!” Honey said.
“Oh! Fuck!” I said, distracted by Rose’s cheek pressed against mine. She gave her ass another grind against my crotch, and I reacted by wrapping my arms around her midsection and pulling her back against me. “Um… I don’t think Kelly's gone yet, has she?”
“No, she hasn’t,” Kelly said.
“Truth or Dare?”
“Normally, I’d go with dare, but let’s see if you can come up with a creative Truth for me?” she said, leaning forward and resting her chin in one palm.
“Truth, huh?” I said.
Rose was still distracting me with her dancer’s wiles. I could feel one hand sliding up and down my leg as she still simulated riding me. Her smooth back was pressed firmly against my chest, and she tilted her head to the side so that the corner of her mouth brushed against mine as she nuzzled her cheek against mine. It was all I could do to not turn my head to the side and bury my face in her skin. Instead, I decided to play her game; I let one of my arms fall lower, resting my hand on her upper thigh so my fingers lay just a couple of inches shy of her dark pussy lips. A small hum of pleasure vibrated from her as my fingertips made small circles just inside her inner thigh.
“Rank the people you're most likely to sleep with from greatest to least.”
“Broooo!” Dillon said. Jonah, Honey, and Erin laughed and sat straighter in their seats.
“Oh fuck,” Rose said. “That’s a good one.”
Even Jessica let out a low curse of surprise.
Kelly looked shocked but in an amused way. “Why would you ask me something like that? It’s so mean!”
“What did a wise woman once say?” I asked. “Be fucking bold.”
“Eeeey!” Erin said and held up some sort of fruity cocktail in a toast before she took a sip. I grabbed my beer and mirrored her as we exchanged grins.
“Okay,” Kelly said, gazing at us with her dark eyes. I could tell she was really into this, taking several long moments to consider it. Rose made a show of undulating her hips against me; her entire torso rolled almost like she was part snake. The Indian woman eyed her for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip as her eyes obviously traveled up and down Rose’s mocha skin. Even Jess was leaning forward, showing off generous cleavage as her pillow breasts threatened to spill out of her flimsy bra.
“From most likely to least likely,” she said, pointing at each of us as she ticked off each name, “Rose–”
“Fuck, yes!” Rose said under her breath.
“Dillon, Marcus, Erin, Honey, Jessica, and Jonah.”
Oohs and ahs broke out all around, and Jonah put on an expression of exaggerated disappointment.
“Girrrrrrrl,” Honey said, “Dillon comes in second and Jonah’s last? You need to get your head checked.”
“Hey!” Dillon said, shooting Honey a dirty look, “You should be so lucky! I’m great in bed!”
“I can’t help it,” Kelly said, reaching out and playfully running her fingers through Dillon’s shaggy hair. “It was a close call between Marcus and Dillon. Marcus is pretty and loaded, but I like my men a little goofy… and Dillon’s a good-looking guy! Like, don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t kick any of you out of bed, but if I had to choose, that’s the list.”
“I’m just glad I wasn’t last,” Jessica said with a titter.
“Oh baby,” Kelly said. Don’t sell yourself short. With that skin and that rack, you’re fucking gorgeous, and don’t let anyone make you think differently!”
Jessica leaned against the back of the tub, wearing a face-splitting grin.
“God! And dimples like that? I could just eat them up,” Kelly said.
Jessica looked embarrassed at the barrage of compliments, but I’d also been with her long enough to identify the unmistakable signs of arousal as she looked away from Kelly. She had this habit of running her fingers up her neck from hollow to chin and back down whenever she was getting turned on, and she was doing that now. I absentmindedly let my fingers wander higher, up Rose’s leg, until I felt the tips brush her mons. The dancer tensed in my arms and pressed her cheek even harder against mine, turning her head a little more so that her mouth was half on mine as she let out a faint whimper. Truth or Dare was often used to initiate sexual situations, and it was clear that Rose was interested in getting rid of the pretext of playing a game as quickly as possible.
“Erin!” Kelli said. “Truth or Dare!?”
“Oh, you know what I’m gonna say,” Erin said. “Dare!”
“Oh good!” Kelly said, clapping her hands. “I dare you to give this cutie,” she tapped Dillon on the top of the head, “a nude lap dance.”
Erin cocked a brow at Kelly. “Aren’t you basically asking for two dares in one? I can’t necessarily give him a nude lap dance if I’m wearing clothes.”
“I don’t think so,” Kelly said. “A nude lap dance is a single action. It’s not, like, my fault if you have to do some extra work to get there.”
“I don’t see the issue,” Dillon said.
“You wouldn’t,” Jonah shot back dryly.
Erin took a long sip of her drink, and as she did so, she gave me a long look over the rim of her glass; her dark eyes held a single question: Are you okay with this?
My initial instinct was to shake my head no. I’d made it clear that I wasn’t interested in sharing her with anyone else, but something stopped me. Would Erin go through with it if I gave her the impression I was okay with it? Was she actually interested in fooling around with another man? When I made the stipulation, she said it was disappointing. Just how much was I restricting her? I could sleep around all I fucking wanted, evidenced by the slender black woman grinding her firm ass in my lap. Erin was limited to me and women, and she was the only one I’d made that formal deal with. Did she ever regret it?
I didn’t respond to the question, and Erin’s sip went on for a moment longer before she finally put the drink down, licked her lips, and said, “Who am I to punish a little creativity in Truth or Dare? I’ll do it.”
“Great! I’ll get the song ready,” Kelly said, bending over the hot tub's edge to retrieve her phone. Erin cast me one more glance and then moved in front of Dillon and watched as Kelly queued up a song.
The song had a slow, melodious beat to which Erin immediately began swaying her trim hips. Her back was to me, so I couldn’t see her face, but Dillon sat there in front of her with an enraptured expression. Having been on the receiving end of Erin’s teasing, I couldn’t really blame him.
The music reminded me of that evening a handful of weeks ago, when Erin followed me back to my hotel room and gave me a lapdance. It had the same sort of beat—slow and seductive… perfect for a lap dance, but this one had a man instead of a woman singing.
Erin raised a slender leg out of the water as her hands traveled up her body; she placed it on the edge of the submerged seat Dillon sat on, water streaming down the gentle contours of her lean thigh. Her hips swung wildly in time with a particularly harsh beat, and then repeated the motion - her arms were now over her head, hands weaving across each other in a mesmerizing, serpentine fashion. Her bronze skin clashed wonderfully with the pale pink bra and panty set she wore, and I had to wonder why the ladies even bothered wearing underwear in the tub when it was so transparent.
Suddenly, her petite frame lept out of the water as she jumped and placed the foot of her other leg on the ledge. Water splashed everywhere, reflecting the light from the lanterns and creating a lovely little illuminatory effect as droplets sprayed in all directions. Out of reflex, Dillon placed his hands on her calves as he peered between her thighs at the rest of us.
Swaying to the music, Erin lowered herself, bending her knees slowly until she finally rested on them, straddling my friend’s lap. Her willowy arms followed a moment later, dropping to her chest as she mirrored Rose’s move from earlier, grabbing the bar at the bottom and drawing it over her chest and head. She only did it much slower than Rose and with purposeful grace. Erin wasn't on the same level as Rose, Natashya, and Honey, but she was still insanely good for an amateur.
Dillon’s eyes grew wide at what I could only imagine was the magnificent sight of Erin’s firm, gravity-defying tits, and he licked his lips as his eyes fixed on them. He didn’t get a chance to stare for long, though. With bra still in hand, Erin snapped it out like a whip, and the free end of it wrapped around Dillon’s neck once before she caught that end in her free hand. Using the lingerie as an anchor, Erin leaned backward and away from Dillon.
“Oh shit,” Dillon muttered as he quickly reached behind him to hold onto the edge of the tub, bracing himself as he was used as a makeshift anchor for my assistant’s antics.
The ends of Erin’s damp silver hair dipped into the tub’s water as she arched her back as far as possible until she was almost parallel with the warm, bubbly surface. The muscles in her arms and shoulders were tense. Her breasts stood high in the air, and her dusky nipples were stiff.
She looked directly at me. Our eyes met, and we held gazes for a long moment. What I saw in her eyes chilled my blood - lust. Unmistakable arousal was written all over her face, and the only question on my mind was what was causing it. Was she as attracted to Dillon as Kelly had been? Was I keeping Erin on too tight a leash by not allowing her a little more freedom to explore with other men? The idea of doing that, though... for the first time, I questioned whether or not I'd miscalculated with my assistant.
Everyone else in the tub was utterly enraptured by the performance. Rose’s teasing movements had ceased, Honey had leaned into Jonah, and both were watching Erin intently. Kelly looked like she wanted to eat both of them for dinner. Even Jessica was enraptured by the sight of Erin. My Erin. My sexy, petite troublemaker.
Then Erin lifted herself back upright, holding my gaze for a moment longer before looking away as she brought her head back up and stared back down at her current ‘customer.’ I couldn’t see Erin’s face anymore, but I could still see enough. She placed a hand on either side of Dillon’s face and moved down, looking like she was going to kiss him. Her slender fingers slid down Dillon’s face, then his neck, and to his chest, rubbing his chest as she began to writhe back and forth across his lap, her chest following in its wake to brush her tits across his chest and bring her face enticingly close to his.
Rose, cheek still pressed against mine, audibly gasped, and I suddenly realized that as I watched Erin, my fingers, resting on her mons, had attempted to clench together. It had resulted in two of my curled fingers having buried themselves inside the dancer’s pussy. I started to pull them free, but her thighs clamped down on my hand.
She brought her plush lips to my ear and breathed, “Don’t you dare stop.”
I complied, and she opened her legs for me, allowing me to slide my fingers back into her pussy. She hummed and pressed her ass back against me as I worked my middle and index finger in and out of her.
My mind was barely on the woman in my lap; I was too focused on my assistant as she writhed in Dillon’s lap. She stretched one leg out to the side and swung it up, rolling over so that she now sat on his legs but faced the rest of the tub occupants. Her eyes immediately tracked to mine, that mysterious expression written all over her face as she leaned back against Dillon. He was too busy looking down at her chest to notice anyone else - Erin’s breasts were high and proud as she thrust her torso out, rolling it back and forth almost as if influenced by one of the tub’s jets.
Erin lifted one arm and wrapped it around Dillon’s head as she leaned her own back, similar to how Rose was lying on me. Her cheek pressed to Dillon’s as she slid the hand across the back of his head and down his jaw. The other hand was beneath the water as she moved to the music, and as her fingertips brushed Dillon’s cheek, her other hand emerged from the water, clutching her underwear.
My fingers began moving faster in and out of Rose’s cunt, and my hips ground back against Rose as we basically dry-humped each other. I knew it was hypocritical of me to have a problem with Erin being in Dillon’s lap when I had a smoking hot stripper sitting in mine while I fingered her. That didn’t change the fact that I had a problem with it, though. I had grown accustomed to having Erin at my beck and call… to be there for me when I needed anything. She had been mine, and now she was sitting on the lap of another man, her cheek pressed to his… her naked ass grinding against him. I didn’t want her there anymore – especially when she turned her head to the side so that her lips brushed his cheek before going to his ear.
What was she saying to him? What was she telling him? Or… what was she doing to him? My imagination ran wild – Erin’s lips softly pressed to Dillon’s ear, suckling gently on the cartilage. Dillon could probably hear her ragged breathing making him harder than he probably already was. How could he not? Erin was a goddess.
“You like her, don’t you?” Rose whispered, her breath coming in quick, shallow bursts as she gyrated against my hand.
“What?” I growled.
“I can literally feel how frustrated you are by how hard you're fingerbanging me. If I didn’t like it rough, your fingers wouldn't still be in me.”
“Sorry,” I said, backing off a little on the fingering.
“It’s okay, baby,” Rose said. She pressed her lips to my ear in a soft kiss. “I said I liked it.” At the same time, I felt a hand on my abdomen as she arched her back a little to make room for it. She slid it down past the waistline of my boxers, and I shivered as I felt her delicate fingers come in contact with the tip of my cock. She ran a single digit across the surface of the mushroom head; I felt it easily glide across my sensitive skin - evidence of precum despite being submerged in water.
“Fuck. You’re hard,” she whispered and nuzzled into the side of my neck, sending another round of shivers up my spine. “Jealousy will do that.”
“I’m not jealous,” I said quietly.
“Really?” Rose asked. “You like watching Dillon pawing at your woman?”
“No.” My quick reply was immediate and reactionary.
“You’re jealous. It’s okay, baby. Everyone can see it. Look to your right.”
I did as I was told and caught Jessica looking at me. She immediately diverted her gaze back to the dancing woman, but the slight frown made it perfectly clear that she didn’t like what she’d seen on my face. It was probably just the fact that Rose and I were simulating sex mere feet from her.
She wasn’t the only one watching me, though. So was Honey, and unlike Jessica, when I caught her looking, she didn’t look away. She gave me a small smile that almost looked pitying, and when I furrowed my brow at her, she glanced at Erin and then back to me.
“Anyone with half a brain can see it, Marcus,” Rose said, kissing the side of my neck. She fished my cock out of my boxers and wrapped her fingers around its girth, simply holding it in her hand as she humped herself against my fingers.
I looked back at Erin and found her watching me again as she lay her head back on Dillon’s shoulder. The tip of her tongue rested between her lips, her chest rose and fell in quick, shallow breaths, and she stared at me with burning eyes consumed by lust. One hand had slipped between her legs, and she was drawing the tips of her fingers through her shaven petals as they glistened in the lamplight.
Ten seconds later, the song was over, and Erin stood up, turned to face Dillon in all her naked glory, and bowed. Everyone around the tub clapped. Except for Rose and me – our hands were somewhat preoccupied.
“Dillon,” Erin said. “Truth or Dare?”
“Fuck,” Dillon said, looking up at Erin like he was in love. It took him a moment to respond. Finally, he said, “I’m too afraid to pick dare right now. I’m gonna go with Truth.”
“That’s fine,” Erin said, grinning her Cheshire grin. “Did you cum in your boxers just now?”
“Uh…” Dillon said.
“Sounds like a yes to me,” Jonah said with a chuckle.
“Oh! Ew!” Honey said. “Not in the hot tub!”
A few chuckles went up around the tub as people lightly razzed Dillon for nutting while getting a lap dance. Dillon took it all good-naturedly, but I could tell he was a little embarrassed. I might have felt sorry for him if it hadn’t been for the fact that he’d had his hands on Erin just a few minutes ago. I loved the guy, but Rose was right… I felt territorial over Erin, even if it was just a lap dance.
“Think that’s gross?” Dillon asked. “Stacy! Truth or Dare?”
Honey smirked at Dillon, gave him the middle finger, and said, “Think I’m gonna pick Truth? Dare, motherfucker! Do your worst!”
“Well, since you like cum in the tub so much, jack off Jonah till he nuts in the water,” Dillon said, smiling at Honey as if he just got one up on her.
“Aw,” Honey said, her voice sounding sickly sweet as her face softened. “That sounds like a nice one!” Then she sneered. “Think I’ll bounce that dare right back to you, though.”
A surprised silence fell over the hot tub until all that could be heard was the bubbles as everyone glanced around at each other. By this time, Rose had worked her hips up just enough to tuck my exposed cock between her legs so she could massage the length of my cock back and forth between her dark pussy lips. She had leaned forward and arched her back as her hips rolled lazily back and forth over my member while my fingertips lazily explored the muscled contours of her back.
Dillon’s face fell. “What? Why? I thought you liked Jonah!”
“I do!” Honey said. “I’ll give him a handjob later. Right now, I wanna see you give him a hand job.”
“Fuck no! I’m using my pass! You do it!”
“Can’t bounce it back to someone who bounced it to you,” Jessica said and laughed. She’d always been a rules lawyer.
“Fine,” Dillon said. “You can do it.”
“What?” Jessica said, her laughter dying. “Oh…”
“Oh shit!” Kelly giggled.
“What’s it gonna be?” Rose asked Jess.
Jessica looked at me, but I did my best to still my face, trying hard to give her no sign of whether I was okay with it as I said, “You’re choice, Jess.”
“I think I’ll pass,” Jessica said.
“What the fuck is this?” Jonah asked, feigning hurt. “My dick doesn’t bite or anything!”
“Aw… poor baby. Want me to kiss it and make it all better?” Honey asked, giving him a smile that showed off her world-class dimples.
“Nah! Fuck that. You passed on the chance,” Jonah said, splashing her with a bit of water.
Honey blocked the spray and giggled, “It's a handjob, stupid. I’m offering you something better.”
“Rose,” Jess said.
Rose smiled and stood up and said, “Fine by me. I haven’t given a handy since high school, so I might be a little rusty, but I think I can manage.” My cock suddenly felt much more lonely now that it had left the trench of her cunt, but she made up for it by turning around, bending over me, and planting her pillowy lips on mine for a lingering kiss. Jonah wolf-whistled, and Kelly let out a whoop as she leaned forward and slapped Rose on the ass. Rose laughed into my mouth and tumbled into my arms as she playfully bit on my chest - she seemed very under the influence of alcohol.
Once settled down, she got off my lap and headed toward Jonah. “Honey! Switch with me! I’m gonna please your man!”
“Give him what he deserves, baby,” Honey said as she stood up. Her massive tits hung precariously within the confines of her transparent bra as she adjusted her underwear. She stopped Rose and pulled her fellow dancer toward her for a brief make-out session before letting her go. Honey took her seat beside me as Rose settled beside Jonah and reached between his legs under the water for what I assumed was his cock.
Honey grabbed my arm, wrapped it around her shoulder, and leaned against me. “Hey, Jessica. Truth or Dare?”
Jessica hesitated for a long moment before saying, “Truth.”
“Hm,” Honey said, clearly disappointed. She raised her head so that her lips were next to my ear, “How mean should I be?”
“Why? Do you have it in for her?”
“She broke up with you, didn’t she?” Honey asked.
I snorted and whispered, “I appreciate it, but you don’t have to do that.”
She pressed her lips to my cheek in a warm kiss and said, “You’re too sweet.”
“Okay, Jess,” she said, looking around me at my ex. “Would you ever consider an open relationship?”
Every eyeball in the tub focused on Jess as she sat there, sinking into the water like a frightened deer.
“I said you didn’t have to be mean,” I muttered.
“That wasn’t the mean option,” Honey chuckled.
“I…” She had sunk into the water up to her chin and looked up at me to gauge my reaction as she spoke. Once again, I wasn’t going to give her anything. “I’ve never done it before. I would consider it.”
“I recommend it,” Honey said in response, snuggling beside me, laying her head back on my shoulder, and shutting her eyes. “You’re up.”
Jessica didn’t respond at first. She simply sat in the water, almost entirely submerged, looking up at me with those pretty hazel eyes of hers, and I could practically read the message in them: I would if it meant having you again.
I swallowed, remembering that Danni had said similar things when we’d first discussed the possibility of a relationship.
“Erin,” Jessica finally said, gazing at my assistant.
“Dare,” Erin said, taking another sip of her drink and sitting it down.
“I dare you to give Dillon a blowjob,” Jessica said.
“Hm. Pass,” Erin said. “You do it.”
Jessica balked at Erin. “What?”
“I pass,” Erin said as a slow smile spread across her lips.
“You can bail if you want,” Erin said, “but that means you’re out of the tub.”
Jessica looked at me expectantly, and I almost felt sorry for her. Almost. I had to wonder what the hell she’d been playing at, daring Erin to blow my friend after she’d obviously seen how it bothered me. Did she really think daring Erin to blow Dillon would win her points with me?
I shrugged in response. “Sorry, Jess. Them’s the rules.”
“You’re really okay with this?” Jessica said with a pained expression.
“Doesn’t matter what I think,” I said.
Kelly was in her corner, watching the whole thing like she wanted a bucket of popcorn. Honey feigned disinterest, but I felt her hand grab hold of my dick and give it a firm squeeze, and I got the sense that it was a sign of approval from her. Her thumb ran over the piss slit. Already painfully erect, a small groan escaped my throat just loud enough for her to hear. One corner of her mouth quirked in a ghost of a smile.
Jonah and Rose were staring as well, though I could tell by the look on my pal’s face that Rose was still manipulating his cock. I could tell by how Dillon was rocking side-to-side in the water that he was already shucking his underwear.
Jessica’s concerned expression hardened, and she swallowed whatever betrayal she felt. “Fine,” she said and strode over to Dillon.
“You’re cool with me sitting up here, right?” Dillon asked.
“Yeah, dude,” Erin said. “You can’t expect her to blow you in the water. She’s not a mermaid.”
“Cool,” Dillon said as he hopped up on the side of the tub.
“Holy shit!” Kelly said, her eyes wide. I followed her gaze to see Dillon sporting a massive erection. I’d never had reason to see his dick before, but it was impressive, and if I had actually felt the desire to get close enough to measure it, it might have beat mine by roughly an inch, give or take. I wasn’t exactly a slouch, but Dillon clearly had me beat. Judging by the look on Jonah’s face, Dillon had him beat as well.
Jessica slowed down a step, her eyes fixed on the cock. She looked back at me, giving me an ‘Are you sure you’re okay with this’ look. I simply shrugged and gave her an ‘It’s your call’ look. We stared at each other a beat longer, and then she closed the distance between her and Dillon, dropped to her knees, and reached out to wrap her hand around its base.
Erin glanced at it and appeared unimpressed. Then she turned and made her way toward Honey and me. “Hey, Kelly,” she said. “Truth or Dare.”
“Uh,” Kelly said, her eyes still glued to Dillon’s third leg. “Dare.”
“Go help Jessica give Dillon a good time,” Erin said.
“Oh, hell yes!” Kelly said, getting up from her seat.
With Jessica and Kelly occupied with Dillon, and Jonah being pleasured by Rose, a naked Erin approached, lifting a slender leg to straddle me as she lowered her naked ass on my equally nude groin. She slipped her arms around my neck and drew herself close enough to me that I could feel her firm breasts crushed against my chest. “Hello, sir,” she said, giving me her patented Erin-like grin. “It would seem almost everyone is occupied.
I glanced over her shoulder and saw that Rose had encouraged Jonah to sit on the edge of the tub the same way Dillon had, and she was just starting to suck his cock. I was fond of Rose, so when I saw the slender ebony dancer eating my friend’s dick, there was a slight twinge of jealousy. Still… it was nothing like when Erin gave Dillon a lap dance. I could obviously deal with Rose or Honey fucking others, but they were obviously not as close to me as Erin.
“For a second, I thought you were going to take her up on it,” I said, referring to Jessica’s dare.
Her gaze dropped to my lips as she caught one side of her own between her teeth. Then she looked back into my eyes and said, “I’m pretty sure she did too.”
“You looked like you wanted to,” I admitted.
“How else would I have gotten her to make that dare?”
And then it all fell into place in my head. She’d put on a hell of a show of being tempted to convince Jess that she’d leap at the first chance to do anything with Dillon to bait my ex into making that dare, so it would backfire.
"You weren't into him at all?" I asked.
"Nah," Erin said. "He's cute enough and packing some pretty impressive equipment, but we have an arrangement, and I really enjoy it."
We both looked back at Jessica; her head was bobbing up and down on Dillon’s dick while Kelly had her beautiful lips on Dillon’s balls. “How do you feel about seeing her with another guy?”
I’d felt a shadow of jealousy’s cousin at seeing Jessica with another man, and even that was fading. I wasn’t sure what was in store for me and my ex, but one thing was for sure… it wasn’t what we once had. “I don’t really feel much of anything,” I said.
Erin looked back at me and said, “Then you have your answer.”
“Answer?” I asked.
“On whether to start dating her again.”
“How did you know I was thinking about it?” I asked.
Erin lifted her hips, reached down to grab my cock in one of her dainty hands, and guided it to her waiting pussy. It was even tighter than usual, thanks to the water washing away most of the juices that kept Erin’s slit wet most of the time, but she persisted in dropping herself on me, slipping my cock inside of her.
“Because I know you, Marcus,” she said, her mischievous smile melting into something more genuine. Her eyes shined as she pressed her forehead against mine, bottoming out on my dick. I kept her like that for a beat, just soaking her up as she gave me that sweet smile.
Then, the moment passed when she said, “Besides, she didn’t run out crying, so I assumed you gave her some hope.”
I snorted. “You really do know me.”
“It’s my job,” Erin said as she reached over and grabbed a tuft of Honey’s blonde hair. The dancer had stayed snuggled against me but had practically ignored everything that had happened since asking Jessica about polyamory. She opened her striking blue eyes and blinked at my assistant as Erin pulled her head off my shoulder.
“Hey,” Erin said, lowering her face close to Honey’s. “You can relax later. I’m horny.”
While slowly rocking her hips back and forth as she started fucking me, my assistant pressed her lips to the buxom dancer, and I watched as the two of them began making out in earnest, tongues on full display as they sought each other and began to wrestle. I lowered my lips to Erin’s neck and began tracing them over her smooth, damp skin as my hands wandered over the subtle contours of her back.
And in the early hours of Saturday morning, the cries of men and women rang through the air as women pleasured men and, in turn, were pleasured. It was much better than how I’d spent my last Friday night.
Thanks again for reading another installment of the story. If you have any feedback, please feel free to email me. Or if you’re interested in reading any further installments, check out my Patreon at Chapters up to 49 are posted there already, and roughly 20 chapters of extra dirty bonus chapters. There's also a bonus chapter that covers another half of the hot tub event. Thanks for your time and cheers!