Vertically challenged girl finds love, sex and exhibitionism.
Vertically Challenged
by Vanessa Evans
Vertically challenged girl finds love, sex and exhibitionism.
Part 1
Hi, my name is Zoe and I am little.
By this I don’t mean that I am a dwarf, just a scaled down version of your average girl, it’s just that I’m only 4 feet 5 inches or 135 centimetres tall dependent upon how you measure things. I have no idea what happened to my genes because my parents and my older brother are all a lot, lot taller than me.
Okay, I’ll describe the rest of me. I’m a skinny, blonde hair and I have small tits. My mother used to really struggle to find clothes for me that weren’t for little girls. However, what I haven’t got in the tit department I have in the nipple department as they are huge in comparison to my itty bitty titties, They are dark brown as are my areolae which are quite small. They contrast well against my white skin.
Going down my 19 year old body, it has developed with all the usual girly curves including a cute little bubbly butt. However, my pussy hasn’t developed any of those flaps that most women have and I have an innie, but my clit takes after my nipples and is quite big in comparison to the rest of my body and it usually sticks out between my lips.
As you can imagine, being this short gives me lots of problems. At school all the other kids ridiculed me but I eventually got over that and ignored them. Now that I’ve left school, got a job, a place of my own, well a shared flat, I’ve started going to pubs, and the occasional club, I always have a battle convincing the staff that I am 19 years old. I’ve had to start carrying my passport around with me and even with that I sometimes get refused entry, the bouncers claiming that my passport is a fake.
Getting a job was a challenge, when I went for interviews I often got told to come back when I left school up but after around a year I eventually managed to get a job as an apprentice dressmaker.
The woman who I now work for (Amber) runs her business out of a unit in a small, newish industrial estate and she sometimes jokes that she will diversify into making clothes for kids and that I can model them for her, and she frequently does use me as a mannequin for adult women’s clothes, she says that she saves fabric designing them in my size, then, if she likes them she scales the patterns up to adult size.
The thing is, I stopped wearing bras and knickers when I left home because the only ones that that I could find are for little girls and there’s no way that I am going to wear huge, Barbie Doll knickers or a bra that’s designed for a kid; and with me having nothing really to put in a bra I just stopped wearing them.
So, when Amber is designing something in my size and I have to try it on, I’m often left naked at work, sometimes for hours at a time. At first it embarrassed me, but it happens so often now that I’m no longer embarrassed and just get on with whatever, totally naked.
What also helped me get over embarrassment is that Amber has me naked at work for so long each day that I’ve got used to delivery guys seeing me naked. That happened quickly as, being the apprentice, part of my role is going to see who is ringing the doorbell.
The other thing that helped me get used to being naked at work quite often is that Amber frequently has customers in for dress fittings and, dependent upon the new dress, she asks them to strip to their underwear, or less.
I quickly got used to seeing tits of all shapes and sizes, pussies of all shapes and sizes and pubic hair ranging from non-existent to wild, unkempt bushes.
The thing about those dress fitting sessions is that husbands or boyfriends are often there watching the proceedings. When I asked Amber if she shouldn’t do the fittings in private she replied,
“No, not at all, the guys like seeing their partners partially or totally naked, and most of the women want to show themselves as well.”
“When I asked if I should always get dressed when a customer brought a male partner with them Amber replied,
“No Zoe, don’t bother getting dressed, after all, it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of men.”
I was a little shocked at first, but I soon got used to it and started thinking nothing of it.
The first time that Amber saw me naked I had a bit of a bush and she told me that I’d have to get rid of it saying that she couldn’t have hair showing through the dress fabrics so she leant me her laser hair removal tool to permanently get rid of all my pubic hair.
I took the tool home to do the job and whilst I was doing it I removed all my other body hair, below my neck, as well.
“Now you really do look like a little girl.” Amber said when she next saw me naked.
After a while Amber started teasing me a little, saying that I could be naked almost anywhere and no one would care because they would think that I was around 10 years younger than I actually am.
I’d had enough of comments similar to that when I was younger and they’d stopped when I’d finally got a job, but when Amber started them again, my thought weren’t,
“Here we go again, can you just give it a rest for god’s sake?”
No, my thought were more like,
“Hmm, that’s an idea, I could run around totally naked and everyone would think that I was just another little girl. Think what they would say if only they knew how old I really am.”
That wasn’t my only thought, I started thinking things that other girls my age think, well I assume that they fantasize like I do.
“What would it be like to be totally naked in front of a crowd of people?”
“What would it be like to play with myself in front of guys?”
“What would it be like to be fucked in front of guys?”
One day whilst I was modelling new designs for Amber, I was totally naked and daydreaming about the above, when Amber said,
“Are you daydreaming about being naked in front of guys Zoe?”
My face went bright red and I quietly replied,
“Yes I was.”
“Well my girl, from what I can see between your legs it’s obvious that you like the idea, you have a bit of an exhibitionists streak in you. Don’t worry about it Zoe it’s perfectly normal for a girl your age. I was the same when I was your age but things were different in those days and I couldn’t do anything about it. These days even normal height girls can get away with being naked in lots of places, and you are luckier than them, there are hundreds of places that you could be naked and no one would say a word.”
“Like where?” I asked.
“Beaches, leisure centres, clothing stores, parks, hell, being the size you are you could run around naked just about anywhere and no one would complain.”
“You think so Amber?”
“I know so. Hell girl, you could be a naked mannequin in a shop window and no one would give you a second glance. Except maybe some older teenage boys who would even perv on a naked Barbie doll.”
“So is it normal for a girl to have these thoughts Amber?”
“Yes it is, especially a virgin like you Zoe.”
“Do you think that I’ll ever find a guy who will love me Amber?”
“Of course you will Zoe, not all guys are scared of being accused of cradle snatching, they’ll see you for what you are, a beautiful 19 year old girl.”
“Thanks Amber, but I don’t feel beautiful.”
“Tell you what Zoe, let me take some photographs of you and you’ll see. I can send them to a few modelling agencies as well, you’ll probably get a few modelling offers.”
“No, as soon as they see how tall I am they’ll just ignore me. Besides, my tits are way too small to be a model.”
“Not all guys love big tits Zoe, it’s usually just guy talk, most of them actually prefer small tits.”
“You think?”
“I know so Zoe. And those nipples and your clit are killers. no guy that I know would turn down the opportunity to chew on those.”
“Stop it Amber, you’re embarrassing me.”
“Okay Zoe, you can take that off now please.”
As I did that Amber continued,
“Besides Zoe, all guys like a girl who doesn’t wear a bra or knickers.”
“You know that that’s because they don’t make sexy bras on knickers in my size.” Hell, I can’t even get tampons small enough to fit in my vagina, I even had to go to the doctors to get fitted with a contraceptive implant to stop my periods because of that and the fact that I can’t use pads because I don’t wear knickers.”
“You’ll find Mr. Right Zoe.”
“I hope so.”
Later that day I had to try on that same dress again and after I’d taken it off Amber said,
“Don’t move Zoe, I’m just going to get my camera.”
I realised straight away that she was going to take some photographs of me so I said,
“Hang on, I’ll just get dressed.”
“No Zoe, stay as you are.”
“You really want to photograph me NAKED?”
“Of course Zoe, show the world what you’ve got.”
I thought for a second then replied,
“Okay then.”
And Amber did, taking well over 50 photographs. Amber told me how to pose and some of the poses were very explicit. The thing was, I really enjoyed posing for Amber and completely forgot that she had said that she was going to send the photos to a few modelling agencies.
When it ended, Amber connected her camera to her laptop and she scrolled through all the photos with me watching.
“Look Zoe, they’re amazing, you’re a natural.”
I had to admit, I did look good. I just couldn’t tell that I was only 135 centimetres tall. What’s more, I liked the look of my pussy, nearly like on a plastic Barbie doll, apart from my clit that looked big and hard. My nipples looked the same.
“What guy wouldn’t like to get his hands and mouth on those?”
“Stop it Amber, you’re embarrassing me, can I get dressed now?”
“Of course you can Zoe, it’s nearly time to go home anyway. I’ll copy all these onto a memory stick for you.”
Amber did the copy and when I got home I put the memory stick into my safe place ready for when I could afford a laptop.
When I went to bed I thought about me posing naked for Amber and wondered what it would be like posing for a guy. Those thoughts made me feel good and my right hand slid down to my clit and started rubbing. Of course I’d done that hundreds of times before but this time the resultant orgasm was one of the most intense that I had ever had.
As the waves subsided my fingers went lower and I pressed on the entrance to my vagina. It was wet and I surprised myself when my finger started to go in just a little bit.
“Oooh, that’s nice.” I thought, but then, as I tried to go deeper, the pain stopped me and I withdrew, but something made me try again, and this time I got more of my finger inside me before the pain started again and I withdrew.
Not wanting to admit defeat. I tried again, this time getting my finger knuckle deep before I felt the pain. I did this over and over until I could get my middle finger inside me as far as my hand would let it.
I was dead chuffed with myself and I finger fucked myself until I orgasmed. It felt slightly different to the orgasms that I’d had just by rubbing my clit, different, but nice.
I relaxed, feeling pleased with myself and I quickly went to sleep.
Just so you know, I have never worn pyjamas, just a nightie. When I left home I dumped my little girl’s nighties and started sleeping naked, only wearing a T-shirt when the weather got cold. But spring had stared and I had abandoned the T-shirt a couple of weeks previous.
When I woke up the next morning I discovered that my right middle finger was deep in my vagina and I was about to cum. Remembering how good I had felt just before I went to sleep, I finger fucked myself to another wonderful orgasm.
It was a happy girl that arrived at work and half way through the morning Amber asked me what I was so happy about, so I told her.
“Good for you Zoe, that will please your boyfriend when you get one.”
“Fat chance, no guy would want to go out with a girl that could easily get mistaken for his little kid sister.”
“Don’t you be so sure about that Zoe, you’ll find Mr Right.”
“I hope so, but in the mean time I’ve got my fingers.”
Life plodded on for a week or so, then one day Amber said,
“Zoe, have you got any plans for tonight?”
“No why?”
“Be at the Brisky Breeze pub at 7:30 this evening, and wear this.”
Amber handed me a bag with a silky, yellow dress in it. I noticed that I was very light and the fabric was very thin..
“Okaaay, where are we going?”
“Just be there Zoe.”
Thinking that a surprise would be nice I got on with my work, and when I got home I took the dress out of the bag and held it up thinking,
“Jeez Amber, it’s a good job that it’s a warm day.”
After getting some food and having a shower, I did my hair and put on some lippy and a little eye makeup, then put the dress on. Looking in the mirror I thought,
“It’s a good job that I have no pubic hair, it would definitely show through this fabric and jeez, I can see the colour change where my areolae and nipples are, I hope that we aren’t going anywhere cold or bright.
I felt as though I was naked as I walked for the bus, but being naked at work quite often I wasn’t too worried.
I got to the pub early and had the usual discussion about my age with the barman, then sat at a table at the side of the room with my beer and waited for Amber.
Fifteen minutes later Amber still hadn’t arrived, but I had watched a handful of people arrive including one handsome guy on his own. I watched him getting a drink dreaming of what it would be like to have him as a boyfriend and fucking me.
My heart started pounding as the guy turned, looked around the bar then walked over to me.
“Hi,” the guy said, “would you be Zoe?”
“Yes, why, do I know you?”
“Not yet, but I’m hoping to get to know you really well. I’m Zack, from the dating app.”
“What, I’ve never used a dating app.”
Zack got out his phone and seconds later he held it for me to look at the screen and said,
“This is you isn’t it?”
My face went red and I replied,
“Oh my gawd, where did you get that photograph?”
It was a full frontal photo of me totally naked and with my legs about shoulder width apart.
“The dating app,” Zack replied, “look.”
Zack swiped through a few pages and I quickly realised that my nude photograph was on the dating app.
“That bitch.” I said.
“My boss, she took that photograph and she must have created the account on that app.”
“Your boss took a nude photograph of you, was that some sort of weird job interview Zoe?”
“No, no, let me explain.”
I spent the next 10 minutes or so, telling Zack about my job and Amber. As I was talking I kept noticing that Zack’s eyes were going from my face to my tits and back again. When I was finished I asked Zack if I could look at my profile on the app. Zack pulled it up and handed me his phone. In the de***********ion of me I saw that Amber had put my true measurements and my height so I said,
“Have you read this Zack?”
“Only about a hundred times Zoe.”
“And it doesn’t bother you that I’m only 135 centimetres tall?”
“Not at all Zoe.”
“But you must be well over 180 centimetres tall Zack. I won’t even come up to your shoulders.”
“190 actually, and no, it doesn’t bother me, I really like small girls.”
“You’re not some sort of paedo are you, you won’t be wanting me to dress as a junior schoolgirl will you?”
“Hell no, I’m not a paedo or a pervert, I just like small girls.”
“Good, but my tits are tiny, they’re only a 26 AA.”
“I’ve noticed, they look perfect to me Zoe.”
I blushed a little then Zack said,
“Sorry about the dress, a bit see-through I mean, Amber made it for me and told me to wear it tonight.”
“I like see-through, you can see a girl’s assets without undressing her.”
“And you like undressing girls Zack, undressed a lot of them have you?”
“No, you’re going to be my first.”
“Don’t you think that that’s a bit presumptuous of you Zack?”
“Would you like to go for a meal with me Zoe?”
The change of subject caught me out but after a couple of seconds I replied.
“Yes, I’d like that, but I don’t have much money.”
“Don’t you worry about that Zoe, I’ve got plenty. Come on then, let’s go.”
Zack stood up and turned towards me. As I stood up I went to pull the hem of my dress down but I guess that I was too late because Zack said,
“No knickers as well as no bra Zoe, things are getting better by the second.”
“I, I …. never mind, let’s go, where are you taking me Zack?”
“Cute little bubble butt as well Zoe,” Zack said as he followed me out of the pub, “Your boss sure does know how to display a girl’s assets. There’s this little Chinese that I know, it’s not far away, we can walk or I can get my car. You do like Chinese food don’t you Zoe?”
“I haven’t had any for a long time, but yes, and I’m happy to walk.”
“Good, I can get to see more of you as we pass bright shop windows and streetlights.”
“Are you sure that you aren’t a pervert Zack?”
“Definitely not, I just appreciate beautiful women.”
“Even if they are half your height and look like a schoolgirl?”
“You are neither of those things Zoe, you’re up to my chest.”
“Just.” I replied.
We walked and when we got to a shop that had a really bright window display Zack stopped me and turned me to face the window, then he said,
“Yes, very nice, I can see every curve and you have killer nipples, and that slit, you do know that your clit stick out quite prominently don’t you?”
I blushed again and replied,
“Zack, you’re not supposed to say things like that to a girl. Especially not on your first date.”
“But it’s true and I like what I am looking at. So this is officially our first date then Zoe?”
As I turned and started walking I replied,
“Yes, I guess that it is.”
“Good, I was hoping that you’d say that.”
We arrived at the Chinese and were shown to a table, I was pleased that I didn’t see anyone staring at me, or saying anything.
The meal was over in what seemed like seconds as we had talked and talked and talked. I felt really relaxed and was enjoying Zack telling me all about himself. I actually forgot about my dress being slightly see-through, well, except for when I saw that Zack sometimes was looking at my chest and not my face, but I didn’t care, At one point I actually thought about taking my dress off, right there, and letting him see my tiny tits with their rock hard and tingly nipples, properly.
With the meal over and paid for by Zack, we got up and left with me not even thinking about my dress. Outside was dark and a bit cooler and Zack put his arm round my shoulder.
“You’re nice and warm Zoe, and your nipples look to have got bigger now that we’re out in the chilly air.”
“Zack, you shouldn’t say things like that to a girl, especially on our first date.”
“So it will be okay to say that I like your body on the second, third, fourth and the rest of our dates will it?”
“So you want a second date do you Zack?”
“Hell yes, and I hope that you’ll wear that dress again.”
“Zack, are you sure that you aren’t some sort of pervert?”
“If having a girlfriend who I like to see naked makes me a pervert, then yes I am.”
“You want to see me naked then Zack?”
“You told me that you get naked at work Zoe, so why not get naked here?”
“No chance Zack, I’d get arrested, probably by those 2 coppers over there.”
“Bloody hell, coppers out walking the streets, that’s a rare sight these day.”
“True, but I’m not taking my dress off here.”
“When we get to my car then?”
“This is your car Zack, it’s beautiful.” I said as we walked up to the sports car in the car park.
“So are you going to take your dress off for me Zoe?”
“But you’ll see me naked.”
“Not much more than I can see right now.”
I stopped walking and thought for a few seconds then reached down, grabbed the hem of the dress, pulled right up and off, then said,
“You did say that you liked small tits and a bald pussy didn’t you Zack?”
“Hell yes, you look totally awesome Zoe, I can’t wait to take photographs and videos of that amazing body.”
“What!? Who said that I’d let you photograph me naked.”
“But you will, won’t you Zoe?”
“Maybe after we’ve been on a few dates. Can I put my dress back on please?”
“Of course you can Zoe.”
I did, then Zack opened the door for me to get in the car. It’s a sports car so it was low down and I’m sure that Zack saw my pussy as I lowered myself down. As Zack walked round to the driver’s side I tried pulling the hem of the dress down but it quickly went back up and I was sure that if Zack had been in front of me he’d have got a great view of my tiny pussy.
As Zack drove me home I decided that I should be up front with him.
“Zack, as you’ve seen, I’m only little, and that includes my pussy. It’s so small that I’ve never let anyone get anywhere near it, except for my doctor when I had a contraceptive implant, so I’m still a virgin and I’m worried that if you try to make love to me you will never be able to get your penis inside me.”
Zack put his hand on my bare thigh and replied,
“Zoe, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I will never force myself on you and I’m 100% sure that with the proper foreplay we’ll be able to make love like any other couple.”
“But I’m so small and tight.”
“That sounds perfect to me, we’ll get there slowly Zoe.”
“You’re not hung like a donkey are you Zack?”
“I wish, no, I’d describe myself as average. You have nothing to worry about Zoe.”
“So you’re not a pervert then Zack?”
We both laughed and Zack squeezed my bare thigh.
Minutes later the car stopped outside the flat that I share with a couple, both only a few year older than me.
“So, this is me then.” I said.
“Can I kiss you please Zoe?”
I turned, leant over and answered Zack’s question by kissing him on his lips. Zack responded by putting an arm round me and he gave me a long, tongue wrestling kiss.
When we finally came up for some air I said,
“That was nice, the best kiss that I’ve ever had.”
“There’s plenty more where that came from.” Zack replied as his lips met mine again.
What seemed like an hour later, our lips parted and Zack said,
“I’d better let you go before I do something I might regret Zoe.”
“Like what?”
“Caress your breasts, try to get my hand between your legs.”
“How do you know that I don’t want you to do that Zack?”
“I hope that you do Zoe, but I have this rule, no sex on the first date, that gives the girl the chance to change her mind and have no regrets.”
“Okay Zack, I understand and respect that, so when is our second date?”
We both laughed a little then Zack replied,
“How about tomorrow evening.”
“You’re on Zack, I’m looking forward to it already.”
“Good, now go Zoe. Get out of my car and get inside before I do something I might regret.”
I gave Zack a quick kiss and got out of the car, again not sure how a lady should do that, and I think that I might just have flashed my bare butt to Zack.
Inside, my flatmates were already in bed and I could hear Carol making moaning noises.
I went to bed and practised putting my finger in my vagina and playing with my clit until I orgasmed then fell asleep.
When I got to work the next morning Amber quickly asked me how my date had gone.
“I should be mad with you Amber, firstly you set me up with that guy, and secondly, you gave me a dress to wear that is slightly see-through and more so in bright lights, Zack told me that he could see everything.”
“Well Zoe, you were so set against trying to date because of your height that someone had to push you into trying to find a guy. How did it go?”
“That’s another thing, you set me up with a guy who is nearly 2 metres tall, I looked like a midget standing next to him.”
“But how did it go Zoe?”
“It went well Amber, Zack is a really nice guy and he’s got a sports car as well.”
“So did you 2 fuck?”
“AMBER, no, we did not. Besides, I’ve told you, my vagina is way too small to get a cock inside it and if his cock is as big as he is tall it will never happen.”
“Oh it will Zoe, it will. Just take it slow and get him to make oral love to your pussy before he tries to put it in you.”
“AMBER, it’s not going to happen, I’ve only been on one date with him.”
“So, when are you going to see this Zack again?”
“Wow, he must be keen on you, oh my gawd, what are you going to wear, come on, get those clothes off and we’ll knock something up.”
As I was stripping, Amber asked me if Zack liked my dress.
“Yes he did, he said that he loved it and he loved that he could see everything through it. I really should try to find some sexy underwear that will fit me, could you make some for me Amber?”
“No chance Zoe, you’ll have a lot more fun going commando.”
“This dress that you are going to make for me today, will you be using see-through fabric?”
“Possibly, probably, let’s look at what I’ve got and we can choose.”
I went with Amber to the stores area and Amber started looking at fabrics and asking me what I thought.
“Those are all too see-through Amber, unless I’m going to wear a slip under it.”
Amber ignored that comment and pulled out a roll of soft, black mesh fabric saying,
“This will look good on you Zoe.”
“But it’s see-through. I’ll get arrested if I go out wearing that.”
“Did you get arrested last night Amber?”
“And did you get the bus into town and go into the pub wearing just that yellow dress?”
“Yes, I did.”
“And you are at work this morning and not locked up in a prison cell?”
“I am.”
“Then you have nothing to worry about.”
“But I’ll be virtually naked out in public, what will Zack say?”
“That you have a beautiful body that you should be proud of Zoe, and you know that it’s okay for guys to see a girl naked.”
“But it will be embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing! Says the girl who’s standing here totally naked and thinking nothing of it.”
“This is different Amber, there’s only you and me here and I need to be naked to help you with the fittings.”
“Tell you what Zoe, there’s a couple of customers coming in today for fittings, instead of you getting dressed before they arrive like you usually do, you stay naked all day. The weather is improving so you won’t get cold.”
“But they might have their husbands or partners with them, they’ll see me.”
“I hope so, it will help you get over men seeing you naked. I’m sure that you’ll enjoy the experience as much as you enjoyed Zack seeing through that yellow dress last night. You did get all wet and tingly didn’t you?”
“Yes I did, I had to go to the bathroom at the restaurant to clean myself up.”
“There you go then. Come on, we’ve got a lot of work to do today.”
“Simple and elegant is the theme of this dress.” Amber said as she started cutting the black, mesh fabric.
“Remember Zoe, this type of fabric is very delicate, you have to be gentle with it.”
“Can’t you make me a dress out of something that is thicker and more durable?”
“And less see-through, no Zoe, I’m sure that Zack will like you in this.”
“He might not even turn up to pick me up. Did I tell you that he has a sports car?”
“Yes you did Zoe, and I’m very sure that he will collect you.”
Just then the doorbell rang and before I knew it this couple in their mid-twenties were in the middle of the room, both staring at the naked me. Amber broke the silence by saying,
“Hi, on time as usual, please forgive my apprentice, she’s practising men seeing her naked. She’s got herself a boyfriend and she’s trying to get over her shyness. Zoe, please go and get Tanya’s dress.”
I was still a bit shocked at being caught naked, but I did as Amber told me and I fought with myself to not try to cover my tiny tits and pussy. I really wanted Zack to like me, and if that meant I had to be naked for him all the time then I was just going to have to get used to it.
I tried to act as normal as I could but I kept glancing over to the guy and seeing him looking at me. My pussy started tingling and I felt quite damp between my legs.
When they had gone Amber asked,
“That wasn’t too bad was it Zoe?”
“No, I guess not.”
“Are you wet and tingly?”
“Good, that just proves that you enjoyed the experience, I think that I should make your nudity a condition of your employment, starting right now.”
“Oh, I don’t know if I’ll survive, what if load of men walk in, you did say that you were going to get the place decorated, and didn’t you say that you had to get all the electrical things tested?”
“Thanks for reminding me, I’ll make some phone calls right after we’ve got your outfit for tonight finished.”
“Oh I don’t know Amber, all these changes are getting to me.”
“Relax Zoe, you’ll be fine.”
The day continued with me almost forgetting that I was naked at times that I’d never been naked before. Even when that second woman came for a dress fitting and she brought her boyfriend with her.
Amber asked her to take everything off for the fitting and she quickly did. As the guy watched me I noticed just how comfortable she was being naked. I wanted to be like that with Zack and I promised myself that I would never refuse any of his requests.
The day ended with me getting dressed and leaving with another little bag with my new dress in it. As I sat on the bus I decided that I must ask Amber if I could pay for those 2 dresses.
Zack was supposed to pick me up at 7 pm and a five to seven I was ready. I’d looked at myself in the mirror and I blushed at how much of me was on display. I even considered digging out some old knickers to put them on under the dress but I discounted that because the only ones that I had were big and very childish.
I went out to the main living area and said,
“So how do I look, will Zack approve?”
Both Carol and Derek turned to look at me and I saw both their jaws drop. Carol was the first to speak saying,
“You look amazing Zoe, if that dress doesn’t work for him there’s something wrong with him.”
Derek added,
“Jeez Zoe, you may be covered but you’re hiding nothing, I can see everything that you’ve got.”
“No you can’t Derek, she’s still got her legs closed.”
“Well okay, you’re right Carol, would you spread your legs for me please Zoe?”
Derek got a bruised arm just as the doorbell rang.
I opened the door and Zack’s jaw dropped as well.
“Zoe, you look amazing, where have you been all my life?” Zack finally said.
“You’ll make me blush Zack, thanks for coming, I wasn’t sure that you would.”
“How could I not come, last night you looked amazing, but tonight you’ve go way beyond amazing, and I’m not just saying that because of the dress, oh, we’d better go before I ravish you right here.”
Zack took my hand and as he started to lead me out I looked back and saw that Carol and Derek were still looking at me. I closed the door as Carol said,
“See you tomorrow night Zoe.”
“Ignore her Zack, she’s just jealous of me.”
I again had trouble getting into Zack’s car as he held the door open for me and I’m sure that he got a good look at my pussy as my legs spread wide apart.
“This car is embarrassing for a girl Zack,” I said when he got in, did you just see my pussy?”
“Yes I did, and it looks awesome. And I can see your tits and slit right now, that dress is amazing.”
“I told you last night Zack, we can’t have sex, my vagina is way too small and tight.”
“I’m sure that we can do something about that without hurting you.”
“Or you could fuck my mouth Zack, I’ve never given a blowjob before but I’m sure that it’s not that difficult.”
“Is that all you want me for Zoe, to lose your virginity?”
“Oh Zack, no, no, no, I really like you, I like the way you are such a gentleman, you’re so kind and gentle. I don’t think that you just want me for my body and I don’t just want you for what I’m sure is an amazing cock, I want you because of your brain.”
I reached over and put my hand on Zack’s thigh. He turned and did the same to me, but he also kissed me, just like the kisses the night before.
After a good 5 minutes kissing, Zack backed off and said,
“So where would you like to go Zoe, a drive in the country, a movie, a meal, or you could come back to my place.”
“Does your place have nosey flatmates?”
“No, I live on my own.”
“Your place sounds great then.”
“My place it is then, but on the way I want to call in at the club and let you meet some of my mates, they’re going to love you.”
“Okay then.”
As we drove there we talked and I confirmed all my feeling for him. I wondered if he just wanted to show me in the dress so that they could all see everything that I have, but I dismissed that thinking,
“Well it is okay for guys to see a girl’s naked body.”
The club was a rugby club and it was training night. Everything stopped as Zack led me by my hand over to the pitch where the guys were training. As soon as we got close the comments started,
“So this is why you’re missing training Zack.”
“Fucking hell Zack, she’s awesome.”
“Blood hell luv, do you always wear dresses like that?”
“Fucking hell Zack, you really do like them small.”
“Can’t wait to get her in the showers after a game.”
“Not cradle snatching are you mate?”
And quite a few more similar comments, all of which made me feel good.
“Okay, okay, enough, I just wanted to prove that I have a good reason for not training tonight. This is Zoe and you’re probably going to see a lot more of her.”
“Bloody hell mate, there’s very little left of her to see.” One guy said,
“That’s not what I meant Tom, Zoe is my girl and she will be coming to club events with me.”
“I’m pleased to hear that,” another guy said, “and we’ll do everything that we can to make you welcome.”
“We don’t want to lose a girlfriend like her.” I heard another guy quietly say.”
“That’s enough guys, we are off so get on with the training and I’ll see you on Saturday.”
“Yes Cap.” Yet another guy said.
As we walked back to the car, hand in hand, I asked Zack if he was the captain of the team.
“Yes I am, but we are a team, we play together as a team.”
“Does that include playing with me?” I asked.
“Maybe, do you want to play with those guys?”
“Depends upon what you mean by play, I’m only little, way too small to play rugby.”
“There are other games.”
“Maybe.” I said as I squeezed Zack’s hand before he let go and opened the car door for me.
“A gentleman doesn’t look to see if he can see a girl’s pussy when she gets into a car Zack.” I said.
“Sometimes I’m a bad boy Zoe.”
“Sometimes I’m a bad girl Zack.”
“Maybe I should spank your bottom when you are a bad girl Zoe?”
“Hmm, that sounds interesting, I’ve never been spanked before.”
My dress had ridden up as I got into the car and I did nothing to pull it back down and as soon as we got moving Zack’s hand went to my bare thigh, but this time higher up. The side of his hand touching my pussy.
“Hmm, that’s nice” I said as I wiggled my butt to get Zack’s finger pressing harder on my pussy.
“Have you ever been fingered before Zoe?”
“Not by a guy, and it’s only a few days ago that I managed to get one of my fingers in there.”
“But you’ve played with that gorgeous clit and made yourself cum?”
“Oh yes, hundreds of times, it’s so nice.”
“Well I’m going to do that to you after we’ve eaten something, I don’t want you dying of starvation, do you like pizzas?”
“Love them, especially those Hawaiian ones.”
Zack took his hand away from my pussy and pressed a few buttons on the car’s dash and seconds later he was ordering a pizza for us.