Teenage space troopers fight a brutal war of survival in a remote corner of the galaxy.
Galactic Date 5114.504
It is Earth Year 2579. The place is the planet Xares-27, where mankind is fighting a brutal, unending war for survival in a remote corner of the galaxy.
Alpha Quadrant
The space trooper tightly clutches his laser rifle with both hands as he and his fellow troopers are jolted by the near miss that rocks their transport as it approaches the objective. He’s hot in his tight fitting black battle armor; the armor has a cooling system, but it doesn’t work very well and he’s packed shoulder-to-shoulder with his fellow troopers, 2 platoons of them, 210 men in all, on the Model X-3000 transport. The only part of the cooling system that does work is the defogger for the mirrored face plate of his helmet; at least the face plate doesn’t fog up and he can still see through it, even though his hair is matted with sweat and he can feel perspiration pooling in his big, heavy boots. He anticipates little relief when he gets off the crowded transport; for one thing, he’ll be going directly into battle and for another, the average surface temperature in this arid region of the planet is 48 degrees (120 degrees in the old, long forgotten Fahrenheit scale). Facing combat for the first time, he’s standing in the front row of troopers and will be among the first to exit the transport and get into the fight. Excited and eager to see action, he’s very conscious that he might be killed, but he doesn’t fear death; I’m too young to die! he keeps telling himself, even though he knows that it isn’t true. Only 14, he’s a boyishly cute, blue eyed blond who’s just completed his military training and he’s known lots of boys his age who have been killed in battle. In fact, all of the other troopers on his transport as well as the other 4 transports on this mission are teenage boys, fighting an unending war against their ruthless enemies. There are two 17 year old veteran sergeants on the transport, each in command of a platoon, as well as a dozen 16 year old corporals scattered among the ranks, but all the rest of the transport’s cargo are rank-and-file troopers, eager, fresh faced 14 and 15 year olds. There’s no shortage of boys eager to throw themselves into the meat grinder and he’s just one of the many…
The troopers are jostled roughly as the transport crunches down on the surface. The corporal piloting the craft shuts down the engine, gets up from his seat, picks up his laser rifle and joins the front rank of the waiting troopers. They’re on the last of the five transports to land and through the still closed exit bay, the boys can hear the high pitched whine of the laser rifles fired by the space troopers who have already gone into action, answered by the deep, eerie thumping sound of the Zadons’ weapons. As the boys stand there, tightly packed together, waiting for the exit bay to open, they sweat some more and brace themselves for action. At least I won’t die a virgin! our young blond trooper consoles himself; last week, he and 5 of his fellow 14 year olds lined up to fuck a gorgeous 19 year old blonde with big boobs. He was third in line and lasted barely five minutes but his 5 inch love tool spurted inside his partner’s pussy and that’s all that matters. “Get ready for the jolt, dudes!” one of the corporals calls out; our teen hears a discreet beep in his left ear as the neuron transmitter stimulates an immediate surge of blood to his penis, instantly slamming it into a full, rock hard erection. The boy lets out a little grunt of pleasure, pleased at the intensity of his induced boner; raunchy commentary is heard throughout the transport as 210 teenage love poles simultaneously rear up in all their full, engorged glory. “Assault Wave Formation…Assault Wave Formation…” the female command voice now announces over the troopers’ helmet mics, silencing the ribald adolescent chatter. Our young trooper can now feel his heart thumping in his chest; assault wave means going forward in densely packed ranks and overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers no matter what the cost and being in the front rank means that his life expectancy can now be calculated in seconds. “Get ready, men!” the platoon sergeant calls out and then the exit bay opens with a woosh…
Our young trooper awkwardly scuttles down the transport’s downward sloping exit ramp together with the other boys in the first rank of the assault wave. Blinking his eyes in the bright sunshine, his gloved hands suddenly feel cold and clammy and his heart leaps into his throat as he looks out at the panorama of battle in front of him. Just outside the ruined, blasted remains of a village, he spots his first real life Zadons. There’s three of them, standing 8 feet tall, and suddenly the 5’3 teen feels very small, indeed. His blue eyes open wide as he watches the giant cyborgs fire at point blank range into the massed ranks of the troopers emerging from the other transports; he watches as whole rows of black armored figures are knocked off their feet and sent sprawling. “Forward, men!” the platoon sergeant calls out. Our teen grips his rifle even tighter now; with his closed-in helmet limiting his peripheral vision, he can only look straight ahead, but he can feel the weight of his fellow troopers pressing against him on either side as the boys advance in their tightly packed ranks. “Assault wave formation…assault wave formation…” the familiar female voice repeats through the CommLink microphone fitted into his right ear. He watches as one of the Zadons turns away from a heap of armored bodies lying in front of it. In no hurry, almost in slow motion, the Zadon awkwardly rotates its entire body until it stands facing our trooper and his advancing comrades, its beady red eyes glowing. Our teen longs to fire his laser rifle at the hated cyborg, but he can’t fire without orders and besides, the troopers’ tightly packed formation makes it impossible for any of them to fire their weapons at all. The distance between the advancing teens and the cyborg slowly closes but still the Zadon holds its fire. “C’mon! C’mon!” some eager boys in the back ranks call out, urging their fellow troopers forward, anxious to close the distance and deploy into a firing line as quickly as possible. Our young trooper’s senses are now on overload, with the cacophony of battle growing louder in his ears, the sergeant and corporals shouting, the female command voice droning “Maintain assault wave formation…maintain assault wave formation…” and most insistent of all, his throbbing boner seeming to pull him forward by his hips. He watches as the Zadon finally fires its weapon; it all seems like a dream. He only knows that the weapon is being fired because he sees its slight recoil, but there’s no muzzle flash. To his left, he hears short, sharp exclamations of surprise and pain as the Zadon works its way down the line of advancing troopers and then incongruously, he can feel the boy standing next to him being pulled away from his side; he sees his fellow teen’s armored legs flying up in the air and hears his cry of pain. Now he watches as the Zadon’s gun points directly at him and recoils again. Almost instantly he feels it; it’s like being punched in the chest, only harder. Lifted off his feet, he’s flung backwards, his laser rifle flying out of his hands. Suspended in mid air for just a fraction of a second, he’s smashed heavily, painfully onto his back with a thump that jars every bone in his body. Dazed, he lets out a groan and looks up through the visor of his helmet at the bright blue sky looming directly above him; he tries to raise his head but feels a searing, stabbing pain in his chest. He draws in a breath and hears a broken wheezing sound; he exhales and can feel the surge of warm blood gurgling upward and filling his mouth. His wide open blue eyes seem to glaze over as the sky above suddenly dims and he lets out another broken gasp…
Even as the massed ranks of his platoon are being mowed down, the 17 year old sergeant breaks away and sprints forward, veering off at an angle, trying to get into just the right position to take a shot. A strikingly handsome, muscular blond, in his armor the sergeant looks just like all of the other faceless, nameless space troopers in his platoon, albeit taller and with the three red stripes on his upper left arm and the back of his helmet. As he jogs ahead, he carries his rocket launcher in his gloved hands; he knows that if he’s lucky, he’ll probably only be able to get off one shot. There are 3 Zadons on the battlefield; the closest one is slaughtering his platoon as they debark from the transport, while the other two are slugging it out at point blank range with the troopers from the other transports, an unequal contest where the laser rifles of the space troopers have absolutely no effect on the Zadons, but the Zadons mow down the tightly packed ranks of teens. The sergeant drops to one knee, reaches into the pouch on his left hip and pulls out the plasma rocket. The Zadons pay no attention to him; they’re too busy working over the charging ranks of the younger troopers and seem completely oblivious to his presence. He feeds the rocket into the launcher’s antiquated loading system and hears the reassuring click as the round locks into place. With the din of battle ringing in his ears and the sweat stinging his eyes, he knows that he has to target the middle Zadon; it’s the only one he can get a clear shot at. His armor isn’t built for comfort or freedom of movement and his rippling muscles strain as he raises the launcher to his shoulder. He sights down the tube as best he can through the thick, closed visor of his helmet and tries to train it on the Zadon’s back; it’s going to have to be a side shot, doable, but just barely. Blinking the sweat out of his eyes, he corrects his aim, narrowing in on the edge of the cyborg’s back panel until his targeting screen goes from black to red and he squeezes the trigger. Bracing himself against the recoil, the loud whoosh temporarily deafens him and he watches with mixed dread and anticipation as the rocket courses through the air. Following the smoky trail of the projectile with his eyes, he’s rewarded with a loud bang as the rocket hits the vulnerable back panel of the Zadon at a glancing angle; an even louder secondary explosion follows as the rocket detonates inside the cyborg, blowing fragments of red hot metal high into the air. Holy shit! I did it! the sergeant enthuses, as the depleted ranks of teenage troopers raise a loud, boisterous cheer. It’s not the first Zadon that he’s killed, but it wasn’t an easy shot to make and the sergeant pauses for just a moment to savor his triumph. The tide begins to turn; the two surviving Zadons start to back away, still firing, falling back towards the ruined village. The decimated platoons of troopers regroup and surge forward, clambering over heaps of dead and dying fellow teens. The sergeant reaches his hand into his ammo pouch; two more rockets, just enough for the two remaining Zadons. He stands up and sprints forward again, trying to get into position behind one of the surviving cyborgs for another shot…
The tide of battle shifts again. The tall sergeant now lies dead in the ruined village, his rocket launcher at his side, surrounded by heaps of slain space troopers. The Zadons falling back into the village had lured the teens into a trap; concealed in the ruins were three more of the giant cyborgs who shredded the cheering, charging ranks of space troopers with point blank fire. The Zadons lumber forward again, pursuing the teens as they fall back towards their transports. With all their noncoms dead, the surviving troopers could be expected to board the transports and try to flee, but instead, the 14 and 15 year old boys bravely form a firing line and slug it out with the cyborgs, blasting away ineffectually with their laser rifles; in return, the Zadons mercilessly and systematically return fire, every blast of their weapons taking down another trooper until finally every last boy lies dead…
But not quite all the teens are dead. Two armored figures huddle behind one of the ruined buildings in the village. Just minutes ago, they had been eager warriors charging into battle. Now, they realize that they’re the only two survivors of the 1000 man assault force. Succumbing to momentary panic, they had thrown away their laser rifles and sought cover; now they’re recovering their equilibrium and they’re both ashamed of themselves. “We gotta get some weapons, dude and get back in the fight…” says the redheaded 14 year old. “Yeah, I know, dude, but if we leave cover and start looking for weapons, they’re gonna nail us…” the 15 year old blond replies. “If we stay here, they’re gonna find us anyway…” the redhead points out. “Yeah, you’re right…look, I’ll pick up a rifle and try to hold them off while you make a break for it…” the older boy replies. “What do you mean ‘make a break for it…?’ You mean try to escape…?” the redhead asks him. “Yeah, dude…try to get to one of the transports…you can report back to the High Command…they need somebody to tell them what happened…” the blond replies. “Dude, we’re all supposed to be dead! I can’t be the only one who comes back alive!” the redhead replies. “Don’t worry, dude…they’re not gonna hold it against you…they’ll go easy on you because you’re only a 14…” the older boy assures him. “Yo, dude, I got a dick and a set of balls just like you do…I’m gonna take what’s coming to me…” the redhead replies. “Okay, dude…but where are we gonna get weapons?” the blond now asks. “There’s a whole pile of dead dudes just up the street…we can probably scrounge some weapons from them…maybe even a rocket launcher!” the redhead replies hopefully. “Let me see if the coast is clear…” the blond replies; peeking around the corner of the building, he quickly pulls his head back. “It’s a Zadon! Heading right at us!” the blond reports in an urgent whisper to his friend. Sure enough, both boys can not only hear the clank of the approaching Zadon, but can feel its heavy, lumbering tread as it draws nearer. “We can’t run, we can’t even fight…” the blond whispers in frustration. “Maybe he’ll just walk right past us and then we can make a run for the weapons…” the redhead suggests hopefully. “No, dude, he picked us up on his sensors…he knows we’re here…” the blond replies. For a moment, the green eyes of the 14 and the blue eyes of the 15 vainly search for each other in the mirrored face plates of their helmets. “Just one thing we can do, dude…we gotta take what’s coming to us…” the blond declares quietly. In a gesture that would be incomprehensible to a Zadon, he reaches out and takes hold of the younger boy’s hand. “You ready, bro…?” he asks. “Yeah, bro…I’m ready…” the redhead replies, giving the older boy’s hand a squeeze. The teen warriors get to their feet and emerge into the open, right in front of the advancing Zadon. Seemingly in shock, the cyborg stops abruptly in its tracks. “Here we are…we’re the last two…” the 15 announces, looking up through his mirrored visor at the pitiless, 8 foot tall cyborg towering over them. “Yeah, you got us…we’re not gonna run…” the 14 adds in a steady voice, still clasping hands with his older comrade. The Zadon does a quick scan of the two targets, confirming that they are both human males. Its red eyes glowing hungrily, it trains its shock wave weapon at chest height, locks in on the targets and then fires two quick bursts in rapid succession…
The Zadons lumber across the battlefield, searching for any more living space troopers, but they find none. They scan the piles of bodies and the transport pods for any signs of life, but their sensors pick up no readings. One thousand and fifty boys dead. The contents of all five of the transports completely wiped out, all for the loss of a single Zadon. Tech bots swarm over the wrecked cyborg, scanning for components that can be recycled before the gutted shell is hauled away. The tech bots also swarm over the empty transports, scanning them to detect any technology upgrades that the humans may have achieved, but the heaps of armored bodies are utterly worthless and are left to the lowly utility bots who get to work heaving armored teenage corpses onto large, bulldozer like vehicles…
The dozer lumbers forward, its scoop filled to overflowing with its load of armor encased bodies, arms and legs dangling out in every direction, faceless, helmeted heads bobbing and lolling listlessly. It pulls up to the edge of a deep pit and stops; hesitating for just a moment, it releases the scoop and its cargo goes tumbling into the pit, landing with a loud clatter on top of the mountain of similar forms already piled high there. It looks like a vast junkyard of deactivated cyborgs, or a scrapheap of broken, discarded toys, but in reality, it’s a graveyard, the dumping ground for countless teenage boys killed in battle with the Zadons. One thousand and fifty bodies are added to the pit today; the weight of these fresh corpses helps to compress those further beneath them, more suits of armor containing more boys in various states of putrefaction. A low hissing sound can be heard emanating from lower down in the pit, as decomposition gases slowly vent from joints and seams in the armor; a little bit lower still, reddish brown fluids can be seen slowly seeping from the armor of the boys who have achieved liquefaction. These liquids pool and stagnate in the bottom of the pit, forming a vile, foul smelling muck of human decomposition fluids and liquefied flesh. Submerged at the very bottom of this putrid soup are the boys who have been completely reduced to bone; their empty eye sockets staring up through the mirrored visors of their helmets, they grin a greeting to the new arrivals who have just joined them. Overall hangs the overwhelming stench of human decay; there’s no telling how many boys are rotting away in the pit and it’s only one of multiple active burial pits on the planet. Once it has been filled to the top with bodies, it will be sealed over, just like all the other old burial sites; after 253 years of continuous war, the number of burial pits is staggering, containing the remains of literally tens of millions of teenage boys who have perished in the unending struggle with the Zadons.
Humans had first come to the Xares star system in 2075, not long after mankind mastered the science of true interstellar travel. To the surprise and delight of the original settlement expedition, the 27th planet in the system proved to not only have reasonable surface temperatures and varied climate zones, but also an atmosphere much like Earth’s, enabling them to survive without having to wear breathing equipment. The planet also had geothermal springs, providing an abundant source of water. Setting up a colony and a startup agricultural system on the otherwise deserted planet, the little community not only survived but flourished. With equal numbers of men and women, the interstellar travelers quickly paired off and began producing a new generation of settlers. They also benefitted by making contact with and opening trade relations with the Vizgarians, an advanced humanoid race from a nearby star system. Monitoring Earth, the settlers on Xares-27 soon discovered that their home planet had been ravaged by a global war of unimaginable magnitude, making their return highly unlikely, as well as precluding any future colonists from joining them. From 900 original settlers, the colony grew until, by 2326, there were several million humans living on Xares-27. And that was the year that the Zadons came…
After nearly wiping out the Vizgarian civilization, the Zadons turned their attention to the humans on Xares-27 and struck the hapless planet like a tsunami. A race of sentient cyborgs programmed for war and unrelenting violence, the Zadons slaughtered all of the adult men on Xares-27 and were on the verge of launching a final, devastating assault to extirpate all humans on the planet when they made a crucial, calculated decision. Killing humans was very pleasurable. Killing the women would be just as pleasurable as killing the men, but then the pleasure would cease. But why should it? Humans reproduce, so allow the women to live and reproduce, which they can very happily do with the teenage boys; once the boys have spread their seed, send them into battle to be slain for the Zadons’ pleasure, then repeat the process for generation after generation. Communicating telepathically with the women of Xares-27, the Zadons offered them a unique treaty; not a treaty of “perpetual peace,” as was sometimes seen on Earth, but rather a treaty of perpetual war. The women would not be harmed and the human race on Xares-27 could continue, but they had to sacrifice their teenage boys in battle for generation after generation; no human male would be allowed to live to the age of 18. One odd additional provision of the treaty, overlooked at the time, was that the Zadons would be responsible for disposing of all the human dead after a battle. At first distraught at the idea of having to sacrifice their sons, after fierce debate the women eventually agreed to the terms of the treaty; the only alternative was the destruction of the entire human race in the Xares system and since nothing had been heard from Earth in centuries, possibly the entire Universe. And thus began the war that’s now lasted for 253 years, with no end in sight…
Even as a thousand teenage space troopers are slain in battle, life goes on for the other human inhabitants of Xares-27. In Xaron, the capital of the Xarian Republic and its largest city, less than ten miles away from the battlefield, the streets pulse with activity, crowded with women and teenage girls, moving from office to shop to restaurant to salon. The streets are also thronged with roving packs of teenage boys, dressed in the typical adolescent uniform of backwards baseball caps, t-shirts, jeans and sneakers; off-duty space troopers, the boys are looking for fun on their day off, eager to hook up with either a giggling girl their own age or even better yet, a sultry, experienced MILF. A visiting observer, a Vizgarian, perhaps, might notice that everyone on the street is either a blue-eyed blond or a freckle faced redhead; the original settlers of Xares-27 had come from Earth’s Northern Hemisphere, so the planet’s current population is about 2/3 blond, the remainder redheads. The visitor would also note that adult males are conspicuous by their absence; Xares-27 is a world of women and adolescent boys...
“Mmmm…baby!” redheaded 17 year old Shannon purrs as her 16 year old blond boyfriend, Logan, positions himself on top of her, slides his rigid 7.5 inch pecker into her saturated love slot and starts to thrust. The strikingly handsome, curly haired Logan is a corporal in the space troopers; he’s off duty today and is looking forward to spending the whole afternoon fucking his girlfriend. Shannon runs her hands greedily all over his muscular body as he pistons his hips, tooling her pussy with rapid, forceful thrusting and working himself up into a sweaty lather. “Oh yeah, baby! Harder! Harder!” Shannon encourages him. Gasping and grunting loudly, the stud dutifully accelerates the tempo of his pelvic lunges…
“Holy shit!” Ryan exclaims, the loud sounds of copulation piercing the thin walls of his bedroom. Shannon’s younger brother, Ryan shares the apartment with her and he’s gotten used to the sounds of his sister having sex with her boyfriend, but it still has the same effect on the redheaded 14 year old virgin; he looks down at his rigid 5 inch pecker throbbing insistently, pointing imploringly at the ceiling as he tries to keep from touching it. He feels almost guilty about getting aroused by the sound of his sister getting fucked, but he can’t help it. “Oh my god! Yes! Yes!! YES!!!” Shannon’s orgasmic shrieks vibrate the walls. “Holy shit!” Ryan murmurs again; unable to restrain himself any longer, he grabs his virgin tool firmly with his hand. A big drop of precum oozes out of the slit as the cute, freckle faced teen starts pumping his hand, forcefully throttling his love worm, hoping to time his ejaculation to coincide with that of Shannon’s boyfriend…
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” a sweat soaked Logan gasps as his nuts explode. “Oh yeah! Oh yeah, baby!” Shannon cheers him on, as his tool spurts thick white globs of man slime deep into her pussy. “Fuck!” the stud groans again, each spasm draining his musky nut pouch of baby making seed. “You had a big load, baby!” Shannon exclaims appreciatively as her boyfriend, his orgasm finally spent, pulls out of her and plops down onto the bed at her side. “I was…saving up…” the stud gasps as he catches his breath after his intense carnal workout. “That’s good, baby! We need all the little wrigglers we can get!” Shannon replies with a giggle; the young couple are fully committed to having a baby together and have been working on it for the past several months. “You drained my balls, babe!” Logan murmurs appreciatively as Shannon snuggles up against him, pawing his sweaty chest and caressing his bulging biceps…
Ryan is almost as happy as his sister and her boyfriend. I did it! he exults; he’s been eavesdropping long enough to recognize the sounds that Logan makes when he orgasms and somehow he managed to hold out just long enough, only shooting his load when he heard Logan achieving climax. The first, big, thick glob of redheaded DNA whipped high into the air; successive spurts splattered gooey white clots of nut scum all over his bedroom. The intense, self induced orgasm was exhilarating and liberating, but now the freckle faced teen turns to the prosaic task of cleaning up the slimy, sticky mess…
“Courtney Starr is SO awesome! She really tells it like it is!” Shannon exclaims admiringly as she thrills to the latest video posting from the 19 year old blonde celebrity vlogger. Hanging out in the living room with Logan after their mid-day fuck session, she’s entranced by Courtney’s video about her latest visit to the front lines; dressed in curve hugging black battle armor and high heeled boots, but without a helmet, the gorgeous blonde tours a ruined village and poses with squads of space troopers, her luxuriant golden tresses and dazzling smile contrasting sharply with the helmeted anonymity of the boys. “Hate to tell ya, babe…but that chick’s never been within 100 miles of a Zadon…” Logan gently advises his girlfriend, downplaying the blonde’s skills as a frontline war reporter. “Maybe not, but she tells everything from the perspective of our space troopers…she really cares about you guys!” Shannon counters. “Who…?” Ryan asks, emerging from his bedroom and flopping down on the sofa as he joins them. “Courtney Starr! We were just watching a video of her visiting one of the battlefields in Beta Quadrant…” Shannon replies. “Yeah, she’s hot…I’d do her…” Ryan replies, shrugging his shoulders. “Dude, no offense, but you wouldn’t have a chance with her…and neither would I…she only does sergeants…big, buff 17 year old dudes with really big dicks…” Logan advises him. “That’s not true! How do you know that?” Shannon asks indignantly. “It’s no secret…everybody knows about it…” Logan replies, shrugging his broad shoulders. “Well, even if it is true, she’s still a great reporter, going to the front lines like that!” Shannon replies in a defensive tone. “Look, babe, I like her, too, but no way is the High Command going to let somebody as important as her get too close to a real battlefield…she’s just seeing the aftermath of everything…” Logan cautions his girlfriend. Just then, Ryan jumps to his feet and quickly makes a beeline back to his bedroom, startling both his sister and her boyfriend with his sudden exit. “Yo, dude, where ya goin’…?” Logan asks. “I…I gotta take care of something…” the younger boy replies in a distracted voice, disappearing into his room and shutting the door behind him; both Shannon and Logan quickly realize what it is. “Do it for Courtney!” Shannon shouts tauntingly as behind closed doors her thoroughly aroused brother grabs his throbbing love worm for the second time today. His vivid teenage imagination conjures up an image of Courtney Starr, purring words of lust as she seductively dances and gyrates in front of him in her tight fitting armor and high heeled boots. The freckle faced teen yanks his virgin tool with a vengeance until it spits another load of slimy redheaded DNA all over his bedroom; the orgasmic groan that he utters at climax is loud enough to make Shannon giggle when she hears it in the living room…
Delta Quadrant
Meanwhile, the towns and villages of the far off Delta Quadrant are also flooded with rowdy teenage boys looking for pussy and just creating general mischief, and there’s more of them than usual. Delta has a much smaller population than Alpha and no cities the size of Xaron, but the High Command has been shipping in thousands of space troopers from other quadrants, massing them in Delta to feed a big spring offensive. Now, after 6 weeks, the offensive has been abruptly called off, leaving thousands of randy boys with nothing to do until they’re redeployed and they’re already starting to become a nuisance. Fights among groups of boys from different quadrants are becoming more and more frequent as the horny teens compete for female attention; patrols of fully armored on-duty space troopers rove the streets trying to keep their fellow teens under control. The Quadrant’s governor records a special message to all the women of Delta reminding them that it’s their patriotic duty to welcome the teenage warriors from the other quadrants; the female citizens of Delta, from fortysomething MILFs to teenage bimbos, happily comply with the governor’s request. This only increases the resentment of the boys who call Delta home; they’re less than thrilled about having to compete for pussy with outsiders, especially the droves of lascivious freckle faced redheads shipped in from Epsilon Quadrant…
Grunting loudly and sweating profusely, redheaded 14 year old Colby hammers away at his 16 year old blonde girlfriend, Amy, with proficient, forceful thrusting. A native of Xenna, the largest town in Delta, Colby has already gained a reputation as a stud; his mop of tousled, curly red hair, freckles and mischievous grin, together with his 7 inch dick, make him irresistible to most of the chicks he encounters and he’s not worried about competition from wannabe Epsilon studs. “Oh my gawd!” Amy moans, looking up into the green eyes of her stud and running her fingers through his sweat saturated mop of curly red hair, as his ruthlessly pistoning love tool smashes her into yet another orgasm. “I wanna…do…doggy…” the stud gasps out between thrusts. “You always wanna do doggy!” the blonde giggles; the panting stud pulls his throbbing, stiffened pecker out, allowing Amy to get up off her back and obediently get into position on all fours. “You better fuck me real good now!” she calls out playfully over her shoulder, letting out another giggle. Dripping sweat, the stud positions himself behind his partner’s luscious ass cheeks and slides his engorged, purple headed worm back into her pussy. Gripping the blonde’s hips tightly and grunting loudly, the stud smashes her into a string of fresh orgasms until his nuts finally explode; throwing his head back, he gasps loudly as his spurting tool flings a massive, pent up load of his redheaded DNA into Amy’s well fucked babymaker…
Alpha Quadrant
“Dude, I’m still waiting to get laid!’ Ryan laments to his best friend Cody, as they hang out together That evening at Astron’s*, a chain burger joint and popular teen social venue. “Dude, you just turned 14 last month…give it some time!” Cody advises his impatient friend; like Ryan, he’s a cute, freckle faced redhead, but at 15, he’s already an experienced stud. “It sucks…I’ve been chipped*, I’ve almost completed my training, but I can’t go into battle if I’m still a v…” Ryan complains, frustrated by the regulations that prohibit a boy from seeing combat until after he loses his virginity. “What about Sean’s sister, Scarlett? She likes you, dude…” Cody asks. “Dude, she invited me over to her apartment last week…” Ryan replies. “Fuck yeah! What happened? Did she blow you…?” Cody asks, his face lighting up with anticipation. “Dude, we went back to her place and she told me to pull down my pants and when I did, she laughed at my dick…” the dejected Ryan replies, hanging his head in shame and embarrassment. “Yo, dude, that sucks…that seriously sucks…” Cody replies sympathetically. “And I was hard, too…it was so humiliating…” Ryan replies. “Forget about her, dude…why don’t you get your sister to hook you up with one of her friends…?” Cody now suggests. “Dude, if she had her way, I’d never get laid…she doesn’t want me going into battle…she’s worried that I’m gonna get killed like all of our brothers did…” Ryan replies. “Dude, that’s life…I mean, she just needs to accept the way things are…” Cody observes. “Yeah, she knows the score…I don’t know why she’s being so stubborn…” Ryan agrees. “That’s not the only thing she’s being stubborn about, dude…” Cody replies, rolling his eyes. “She still won’t give you a chance, dude…?” Ryan asks. “Dude, I stopped by your apartment the other day, pretending that I was looking for you…she wouldn’t even blow me…” Cody replies in a frustrated tone. “You just gotta keep trying dude…she’ll come around sooner or later…” Ryan assures his friend; in a complete role reversal, he’s now the one advising patience to his fellow horny teen…
“Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd!” Allison, a gorgeous big titted 29 year old blonde screams, throwing her head back on the pillow and writhing in ecstasy as the muscular teenage stud wraps his tongue around her clit. “Pussy is so fucking sweet…” 17 year old Justin murmurs appreciatively before clamping his mouth back down on Allison’s snatch; Justin is a sergeant in the space troopers and Allison, a captain, is his commanding officer, but neither of them is troubled by this. Allison screams lustily as the stud’s tongue brings her to orgasm for a third time; finally satisfied, he pulls his face out of her muff and positions himself for a round of carnal hip lunges. “Oh my gawd!” Allison moans, panting loudly as she tries to catch her breath; looking up lovingly at the handsome blond stud, she feels his rigid, bloated 9 inch pecker sliding into her love slot, its glide path well lubricated with her free flowing carnal honey…
Grunting loudly, Justin is on the brink of ejaculation; “C’mon baby…cum for me! Cum for me!” Allison implores him, running her hands all over his sweat lathered body. Finally, the handsome blond stud’s nuts explode with seismic force; “Fuck! Fuck!” he gasps as his love worm convulsively spews thick, slimy globs of his genetic sludge into Allison’s well hammered love box. “I’m going to give you an ‘A’ on your performance rating, baby!” Allison congratulates him as they cuddle after sex. “Yo, the colonel is gonna start wondering about me getting all these A ratings…” the sweaty stud observes in a half jesting tone; he's fucking the gorgeous blonde captain for fun, not to get any kind of special treatment. “No worries, babe…I’d give you an ‘A’ anyway, because you have the best platoon in the whole army!” she assures her handsome teen lover. “We are the best…and we’re ready for battle! We were ready to go to Delta!” Justin replies. “Believe me babe, I know…I was so excited for you guys…I have no idea why they called off the offensive, but that’s the High Command for you, I guess…” Allison replies, shrugging her beautiful bare shoulders. “My dudes are looking for some action…any way you can hook us up…?” he now asks her. “Yeah, I can definitely hook you guys up with some action…our two new lieutenants both have a major attitude problem and I think they need to get it fucked out of them…” Allison advises him. “Yeah, they do seem kinda stuck up…but I got just the right dudes that can solve that problem for us…” Justin assures her…
“Baby, you’re so amazing!” Shannon purrs, snuggling up against a sweaty Logan after another round of lovemaking. Just then, the stud’s ping* chimes with an incoming message. “Who’s that…?” a curious Shannon asks. “Justin…dude’s busting my balls…reminding me that I gotta report in at 0500 tomorrow…” the stud replies; Justin is Logan’s platoon sergeant and best friend, so the corporal composes a suitably snarky response and then hits send. “Yeah, baby, he’s right…we better both get some sleep. I’ve got to get up for school tomorrow, too…” Shannon replies. “You know, Justin’s packing…he’s got a big dick…” Logan murmurs, staring up into the darkness. “Yes, so you’ve been telling me…” Shannon replies in a weary tone, rolling her eyes. “You know, if you wanna…” he begins to suggest, but Shannon quickly cuts him off. “No, I’m not going to sleep with Justin…I already told you that, baby…” Shannon declares emphatically. “Yo, it would only be fair…” Logan replies, letting his voice trail off. “Baby, listen to me…I know all about those other women and I don’t care…I know that they don’t mean anything to you…we’re going to make a beautiful baby together, you and me…and we don’t need Justin’s help or anybody else’s!’ Shannon assures him fervently…
Just before midnight, the Space Trooper High Command’s webpage is updated with the daily casualty report. The High Command is surprisingly transparent about reporting combat deaths, publishing each day’s space trooper death toll for all of Xares-27’s citizens to see. In addition to the raw numbers, the webpage includes thumbnail photos of all the space troopers killed in action that day, all 1,419 of them; 1,050 in the big battle in Alpha Quadrant and 369 in multiple minor skirmishes elsewhere on the planet. All good looking teenage boys, dimpled blonds and freckled redheads, the webpage is a sea of smiling faces; click on a thumbnail and a popup box gives you the slain trooper’s name, rank, age and home Quadrant. The archived pages of the website serve as a memorial to the tens of millions of teen boys who have been slain fighting the Zadons…
(*Astron’s=a popular chain of fast food burger restaurants on Xares-27. Noted for their Galaxy Burgers and spicy Rocket Fries, Astron’s has 51 locations in Alpha Quadrant, 12 in Beta and 5 in Delta. The absence of Astron’s in Epsilon Quadrant is often cited as evidence of Epsilon’s backwardness and lack of sophistication.)
(*Chipped- Upon induction into the ranks, every brand new space trooper has a microchip implanted into his left butt cheek that tracks his location and heart and respiration rates. It also monitors his penile engorgement, literally recording the duration and rigidity of every erection the trooper has during the course of any given day. The chip ceases to record and transmit data upon the death of the space trooper, enabling the High Command to compile highly accurate daily casualty figures by simply counting up the number of microchips that go offline that day.)
(*ping=personal information network gatherer, the latter day equivalent of a 21st century smartphone. Often used as a verb: “Logan just pinged me!”)