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It all began several years ago when after my wife recovered from cancer.
SERVICE WITH A SMILE (and sometimes more!)

It all began nearly 5 years ago. At the time, I owned and operated a small business in a small town in Texas. The business included awards, promotional products, gifts and engraving. I operated the business by myself with no employees. Almost every day I receive shipments from my suppliers delivered by UPS. Over the years several different people delivered parcels to me daily. Most of them were men and a few were women.

One morning as I opened the store for the day, the UPS truck arrived. It was quite early, I thought to myself. The door opened and a beautiful petite woman emerged with a few boxes in her arms.

“Good morning, sir,” she said to me, with pearly white teeth and a wide smile.

“And a very good morning to you my dear,” I replied as she spryly approached.

I opened the door and held it for her as she went inside and sat the packages on the counter.

“You’re new,” I said as I checked out this gorgeous creature in her brown uniform. “Where is Rick, on vacation or off for something else?”

“No,” she replied extending her hand, “my name is Jamie, and I will be your new driver. Rick is retiring and I got the bid for this route.”

I extended my hand out to her and said, “My name is Drew and I’m the owner of this place. I must say, you are a very stunning young lady and a great improvement over Rick.”

“Well...thank you Drew, what a nice thing to say,” she said with that radiant smile, “I look forward to taking care of you from now on. I would love to stay and visit with a good-looking guy like you, but I have a lot of deliveries today and I must be on my way. I’ll see you soon.”

Out the door she quickly went, jumping into the truck and whizzing off in a cloud of dust.

As I looked through the delivery, I couldn’t help but think about Jamie. She was around 5 ft 2 in tall, she was a brunette with hair to her shoulders, probably around 100 pounds with what looked to be a fantastic figure. Her ass made those brown uniform pants look great. Just guessing I’d say she wore a B cup, and she looked like she was in her early 30’s. When you put it all together, she is quite attractive.

I was thinking to myself, “I would really like to get to know this beauty a lot better.” I then thought back some years to another woman I had met.

I have been married several years. 9 years back my wife contracted colon cancer and underwent 2 surgeries and two long bouts of chemotherapy. After a couple of years, she had beat it and was cancer free. But something else had appeared, neuropathy. It was caused by chemotherapy and affected the lower part of her body. She had some numbness in her legs, and we found that it had affected the feelings she experienced during sex.

We tried many things, but eventually she reached a point she didn’t want to have sex at all. Needless to say, it was a disappointment to me, but I still loved her, and I felt I would just have to learn to live with it.

Another year passed. One day as we sat out in the back yard, she said to me, “Drew, I know you’re disappointed in me. We had so much good sex together before the cancer, and I’m truly sorry I can’t, or should I say won’t, have sex...I just can’t feel it and I know if I don’t react you won’t enjoy it either. I’ve done some thinking and have come to a decision. I want to stay married, I do love you so much, so I want you to find someone to have sex with...I just don’t want to know about it. I want you to use your head and be careful, don’t get some girl pregnant or catch some God-awful disease. I just want you to have fun.”

I was thoroughly shocked. I was thinking that no woman does anything like this. I thought about the movie Hall Pass and had to laugh to myself. “You mean you are going to allow me to have sex with someone else? You can’t be serious.” I told her.

“I thought about this long and hard before bringing it up to you, believe me. I remember you telling me that abstaining from sex was okay and you understood and you saying you just wanted me and wanted to stay married. I just knew it wasn’t fair to you, so I want you to find a... fuck buddy.”

Time passed and several months later, we were at a Christmas party at a friend's home. There were many people there, some we knew and others we didn’t. My wife, Emily, is quite a social butterfly and was mingling with the crowd and catching up with old friends. I wandered to the bar and refilled my drink. The host, an old friend of mine, caught me as I was looking for somewhere to sit for a while.

“Merry Christmas Drew, it’s damn good to see you.” he said as we shook hands.

“Merry Christmas to you too David. This is a great party.” I replied.

We stood and talked for quite some time when an attractive woman walked up and kissed David on the cheek. “Thanks for having us, David, it’s a great party and we’ve met some really nice people.” she said.

“Thank you, Amy... I want you to meet Drew Gentry, one of my oldest friends. He is married to that beautiful blonde standing in that group over by the fireplace. Drew, this is Amy Cordova. She and her husband moved here a few months ago, she is my CPA, and her husband is an engineer and works for Haliburton designing oil field equipment.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amy.” I told her as I lightly shook her hand.

David left us to mingle with the other guests. I noticed that a loveseat had been vacated and asked Amy to join me. We refreshed our drinks and sat and talked, getting better acquainted. I asked her how long her husband had worked for Haliburton. She told me that he had been with them for over 8 years and stayed really busy all the time.

“I was surprised when he told me he would come to this party tonight. I think that he knew several people in the oil business would be here and he thought it would be a good place to meet some of them. I don’t see that much of him; he works late and leaves early. I guess you could call him a workaholic.”

“Excuse me for saying,” I said, “but you don’t seem really happy about it.”

“I’m not, really. Tom has failed at several different things in life. When he went to work for Haliburton, I believe he found his place in this world and has done well with it. He works long hours so he can be successful. For me it’s frustrating.”

At this point alcohol was starting to affect each of us as we continued to get deeper in conversation. “So, what do you do in your spare time? I asked her.

“I hang around the house, clean, cook and anything else I can find.” she replied.

“How about your wife, what does she do?” Amy asked.

“She is a real estate broker and stays busy with that. She travels quite a bit for work and is gone a lot.” I replied.

“How about you Drew, what occupies your time?”

“I own a small business here in town and have a small ranch where I raise registered Angus cattle. It’s small...I take care of all of it by myself.” I told her.

Amy laughed and said, “It sounds like you are kind of a workaholic yourself. I’ll bet your wife gets tired of you being occupied all the time. I really get tired of Tom working so much. I really love him, or I’d divorce him...he never comes to bed till I’m asleep and many nights he sleeps in the other bedroom, so he doesn’t disturb me, or so he says. Drew, I haven’t had sex in over two years. I don’t know what to do.”

As I listened to what she had to say I thought of what Emily had told me some time back. I couldn’t imagine how Tom could not be excited by Amy. She had a great body and was not hard to look at.

I grinned and shook my head. “You know, Amy, I have a similar situation. You see Emily had cancer some time back and when she recovered, we found that she had little feeling below the know, in the legs, feet and her female parts. She can’t feel sex, so we don’t do it. I haven’t had sex for quite some time either. It’s kind of amazing that we meet and are having similar problems in the bedroom.”

By now the alcohol had completely wiped out any inhibitions we would have normally had. Our conversation continued for an hour or more when her husband, Tom, came and told her it was time to go as he had an early morning the next day. Amy told me it had been a pleasure to make my acquaintance and had enjoyed the conversation. “I do hope that we see each other again, perhaps some night we could all go out to dinner together.”

“That would be nice,” I told her as they were leaving.

Several weeks later, Amy entered my store late one afternoon. “Hi Drew, I saw your store as I was driving by and decided to stop and say hi. “

“I’m glad you did, it’s really nice to see you again.” I told her as I offered her a seat. She was dressed much differently than she had been at the party. Very tight leggings with a blouse that fit tightly and with a V that went just below her tits...and nice tits they were. “You really look nice today,” I commented as my eyes went from her toes to her face.

“Thank you,” she said. “I hope you don’t think I’m being forward, but would you like to go out for a drink after work? Tom is in Houston this week at the home office, and I hate to be home alone.”

“I’d love to,” I told her, “Tell you what, let me lock up and I’ll meet you over at the Holiday Inn. It’s quiet there and we can visit without having to shout.”

“That sounds great, I’ll go over and get a table for us.” she told me.

My mind was running in high gear, I was wondering what she was doing, is this a come on or did she just want some company. I guess I’ll figure it out in a little while, I said to myself.

When I got to the bar there were a few people there, but it wasn’t crowded. I saw Amy sitting at a table in the back, kind of away from everything else.

“It was certainly a nice surprise having you stop at the store today; I’m very glad you did.” I said to her.

“I’ve wanted to stop several times but could never get up the nerve to. Today I said to myself, fuck it Amy, just do I did and here we are.” She was smiling as she laid her hand on mine.

I looked her in the eyes and said, “I’ve thought about you a lot since David’s party. Matter of fact, I would have called you, but I failed to get your number. You made quite an impression on me that night.”

The waitress came and took our drink order. When she left Amy asked, “I presume that Emily is waiting dinner for you at home, I don’t want to keep you long, I just have a question I wanted to ask you.” She said looking down at the tabletop.

“It so happens that Emily is in Dallas at a meeting with the real estate franchise she has...she won’t be back till Friday night. You said Tom is in Houston?”

“Yes, he’s at the company headquarters presenting something he designed that will make their drilling easier and safer...I don’t know what exactly, he never discusses these things with me. He won’t be home till sometime on Saturday. Drew, to come to the point, I would like .........”

The waitress arrived with the drinks and Amy stopped talking and again looked down at the table. I paid for them and told the waitress to keep the change, mainly so she didn’t come back too soon and interrupt what I thought Amy was about to say.

She watched the waitress walk away then said, “Uh, I don’t know exactly how to say this...I’ve never done this before and it’s taken me weeks to get bold enough to ask, so here goes... Drew, would you like for us to be friends with benefits? I can understand if you don’t want to and if you don’t just tell me no and I’ won’t bother you anymore.”

I sat there quietly and let her words sink in, thinking how my dream had just come true. I reached over and took her hand in mine and said, “I cannot think of anything else I’d like to do more than have sex with you. You’re a gorgeous woman Amy. I just want to say one thing, I don’t want to lead you on, this must be strictly for fun and enjoyment. I don’t want to leave my wife; I just want a friend with benefits strings that okay with you?”

“It’s perfect Drew and I want to be very discreet; I don’t want to become the object of local gossip. I don’t want to marry you or have a heavy relationship, excuse the French, but I just want to fuck...I want to feel the pleasure ripping through my body again.”

I felt her squeeze my hand very hard as she looked deep into my eyes and said, “Want to get a room tonight?”

All I said at this point was, “Yes! I’ll go get us a room.”

After I got to the room, I returned to the bar and pulled my chair closer to hers. “Are you sure Amy, is this what you really want to do?” I asked her.

“Yes, it is,” she said as she turned her glass up and quickly downed the remainder of her drink.

I took the hint and drained my glass. She stood up and held her hand out to me. I took it, she put her arm around mine and we walked to the room, not saying a word. I opened the door, and we went in, and I locked it. When I turned around, she put her arms around my neck and pulled me to her waiting lips. That kiss lasted forever. I couldn’t get enough. When she pulled away, she was smiling. She walked to the bed and pulled the covers back and began to undress. I stood and watched as I slowly unbuttoned my shirt. She revealed to me the beautiful body I had fantasized about and stood there letting me drink in her beauty as I removed the rest of my clothing. She came to me and again kissed me long and hard. My hard cock was pressing against her stomach, and I could feel her pushing hard against it as we kissed. She then pulled away and crawled between the fresh white sheets with me close behind her. I pulled the sheet over us, and we wrapped our bodies together.

My hands roamed over her entire body as she explored mine. Her tits felt firm, and her nipples were as hard as a pencil eraser. When my hand explored what lay between her legs, I found a clean-shaven pussy that was running like a river in springtime. I dipped a finger into her and listened to her moan as she bucked her ass into it.

One of her hands had taken hold of my seven-inch cock while the other one caressed my balls. I looked at her and said, “Be careful sweetheart, it’s been a long time, and I might blow very quickly.”

She smiled at me and pushed me onto my back. She threw the sheet off us and got between my legs and said, “Let’s get that out of the way so we can enjoy the rest of the evening.”

She took my cock into her mouth and took it down her throat. She had hold of my balls, gently squeezing as I began to cum. When she felt my hot cum shoot into her mouth, she picked up the pace and began to swallow one of the biggest loads I think I had ever produced. She continued till she had gotten every drop out of me then raised her head, wiped the overflow off her lips and swallowed before she came to me and kissed me. The taste of cum was lingering on her lips. “There now, that will take care of you jumping the gun.”

I pushed her over onto her back and quickly went down on her, sucking up all her very tasty juices and licking all the excess from between her swollen pussy lips. I looked at her and said, “Turn abouts fair play my dear as I buried my tongue deep inside her then sucked her engorged clit into my mouth. In a matter of minutes, she raised her ass off the bed and was moaning loudly as she was engulfed in all that pent up pleasure that she wanted so badly. I felt a warm flow of fluid coat my tongue. She tasted heavenly as her orgasm continued to ravish her shapely body. Her legs closed to the sides of my head; her hand was in my hair pulling my mouth to her hot pussy. Time passed and she finally lay back, completely exhausted.

My cock had regained its hardness, so I moved over her and slowly pushed inside her and began to move in and out slowly, but deliberately. Her arms wrapped around my back and her legs interlocked with mine as I fucked her. She was moaning as our bodies moved together. I could feel the sweat from our bodies between us as she pulled me closer, having another orgasm.

I looked into her eyes and asked her, “Darling, where do you want me to finish?” She pulled me to her and said, “Inside me, I want to feel your cum squirting inside me,” then she kissed me as I started to fill her belly with my hot cum. We lay there, still connected, not wanting to release each other. I finally rolled off her onto my back while she cuddled up closely to me. We slept for over an hour, not moving at all.

When I awoke, I needed to piss so I got up and went to the bathroom. She soon followed me and began to soak a washcloth with warm water. I looked at her as she spread her legs to wash the two rivers of cum running down the inside of her legs. “It has been a while for you, hasn’t it?” she said smiling.

We went back to bed and fucked like rabbits for the next 4 hours. Neither of us could get enough, it had been so long. Later, we went to our vehicles and went home. That night I dreamed about Amy, and it must have been good. When I awakened the next morning there was another load in my boxer briefs.

Amy and I played it very cool and were very careful about getting together. Many times, we would meet in another town, sometimes if I went on a business trip and Tom was out of town she would accompany me. We went to Vegas a few times when both our spouses were gone. All in all, we had a great relationship. I think that Emily knew that I was having sex with someone, but she never mentioned it.

A little over a year later, Tom was promoted and assigned to the company headquarters in Houston. Amy and I were both sad that she had to move. We stayed in touch for a while, and I saw her a couple of times in Houston when I was there on business. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end sometime. I haven’t heard from her for quite some time. I just hope she is happy.

So now two years have passed since Amy and I last saw each other. I think I want to try to get to know Jamie and see if she might be a woman that would be interested in having a no strings relationship. Something about the way she talks and handles herself makes me think this might be worth exploring.

Almost every day I received something from my suppliers, and I continued to get to know Jamie better and better. After a while, I began complementing her on her appearance. I would tell her she is the most beautiful UPS driver that I had ever seen or the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, and so on and so on. I could tell that she really appreciated the complements.

I asked her about her husband once. You know, like what does he do for a living; how long have you guys been married, how many kids do you have. She replied to me, “Oh, that son-of-a-bitch! I hate him. He works for a car repair shop. When he gets home, he just sits on his ass and expects me to wait on him hand and foot. He never does anything except hang out with his bros and drink beer. I’ve about had it with him.”

I replied to her, “Damn girl, I’m so sorry for you. That’s gotta be a real drag.”

“Yes, it is,” she said, “I wish he was more like you. You’re always telling me I’m sexy or beautiful or that I look exceptionally good today. He never does that. Sometimes I think that I’ll just kick his ass out of my house. We have 2 kids, and he doesn’t ever do anything with them...he even told me that it was an accident that he got me pregnant and that I should have got an abortion. He hates them and is so nasty to them all the time. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“Well, Jamie, I feel for you. If you ever want to talk, just say the word.” I told her.

“Thank you Drew,” she said as she pulled me into a tight hug, “I have a lot of stops today so I need to go...I hope you have a good day.” With that, she was again off in a cloud of dust.

I thought about what she had told me the rest of the day. I concluded that she was a very unhappy woman inside and just might be receptive to me becoming her lover.

Two weeks later, I ran into her in the supermarket one Saturday. “Hi Jamie, it’s good to see you. Out shopping for the day?” I asked.

“Yeah, I haven’t had time to come to the store for a couple of weeks, so I had to today. What are you doing here?”

“Oh, kind of the same thing. Emily is out of town at a convention, and I couldn’t find anything I wanted to cook, so I decided to come and get what I want this time.”

We stood in the dairy section and talked for a while. Finally, I said, “Why don’t I take you out to lunch, I’d love to just sit and talk with you.”

A big smile came across her face and her eyes lit up, “Damn, I’d love to, thought you’d never ask.”

“How much more shopping do you have to do, I’m almost finished?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m finished,” she said, “Just have to get a gallon of milk.”

I picked up some milk and eggs and we both headed to the checkout. We went to separate lanes and got finished about the same time then went to the parking lot.

“Jamie, would you like to go over to Chili’s?” I asked.

“That’s fine with me, I’ll meet you over there.”

We went over to the restaurant and went in together and got a tall table in the bar area. We both ordered margaritas to drink and a chips and salsa appetizer.

“So, what is your husband doing today?” I asked.

“He’s off fucking fishing with his buddies for the weekend. I think that they went down to Falcon Lake. I wanted to get off by myself today so Ieft the kids with my parents for the weekend. Did you say you were batching it for the weekend?”

“Yes, probably for another 6 days. Emily gets into these things very deep.” I replied.

“What is your wife like?” she asked.

I told her that Emily was really a great wife and then told her about Emily’s problem and how it had affected our relationship.

“That’s sad,” she said, “so you guys don’t ever have sex?”

“No, Emily refuses...and I can’t really blame her. However, it is very frustrating.”

“So, how long has it been since you had sex?” Jamie asked.

“Right’s been a little over 2 years. I used to have a friend with benefits that relieved my stress. She was in a similar situation, so it worked out good for both of us. Sadly, her husband got a promotion, and they moved.”

“So, how about you, things at home getting any better?” I asked.

“They will never get any fucking better, that ass. I haven’t had sex in over a year. I just don’t want to have anything to do with him. I swear, I’m going to get a divorce and I’m not going to get married ever again. I’m just going to raise my two girls and get me a friend with benefits, like you had. I’ve got a great job and make good money, a house in my name, my truck and my kids...” she paused, and a big smile came on her face, “Drew, why don’t you and I get together. We like each other a lot, we both want sex...need sex and we’re not looking for a serious relationship. What do you say?” She said beaming with that sparkle in her eye like she had just come up with a stellar idea that had never been tried before.

“Why the fuck not,” I said realizing that another dream was coming true.

Jamie got up from her chair and came around the table and gave me a big hug and a wet kiss. “You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about hitting you up Drew. She was beaming as she kissed me again and went back to her seat.

“So how are we going to go about this?” she asked. “When do you want to start? Where are we going to go to do this? Can we be discreet? I can’t wait...I’m so horny Drew....damn you’ve made me happy.”

“Slow down girl, you’re making me dizzy,” I said with a big grin, “So, is your hubby out of town, for sure?”

“Great, why don’t you come over to my house. You can go home and put your groceries away then come over, I’ll give you directions. Oh, and bring your swimsuit, I have a swimming pool.”

“Why do I need a swimsuit?” she asked with a coy look on her face.

I just grinned and shrugged my shoulders. Jamie and I finished lunch and went our separate ways. About two hours later, she arrived at my house. “I don’t know when I’ve been more excited.” She told me.

We went around to the deck where I had prepared more margaritas. We sat and talked and learned more about each other for the next hour or so. Then, Jamie stood up and took all her clothes off and went to the pool. “Are you coming?” she asked as she jumped in. It didn’t take me long to join her.

Her naked body was fabulous. Her tits were small, but, as they say, anything over a mouthful is a waste. We played in the pool for some time. The sun was setting when we went into the house, and I led her to my bedroom.

Kissing her felt wonderful. I led her to the bed and pushed her down on it. I looked her in the eyes as I went down on her and caressed her hairless pussy with my tongue. Jamie was so wet and tasted fabulous. My tongue explored her from her ass to her clit. She was a small woman but had a clit that was huge. I sucked it between my lips and teased it with the tip of my tongue. I felt her shudder and her muscles tightened. She was cumming. I pushed two fingers inside her and located her g-spot. As I massaged it, I watched her pretty face. Her eyes were closed, her mouth moaned out the pleasure she was experiencing. I continued sucking her clit as I finger fucked her.

Jamie was in heaven, experiencing the climax that she had yearned for. “Now Drew, fuck me and fuck me hard. I want your cock inside me; I want to feel your cum inside me; I want to feel your body on me and your lips kissing me; I want to be fucked…. make me cum again.”

She had her legs spread wide as I entered her. She was so wet that my cock went balls deep in her tight pussy with ease. Her arms surrounded me, and her legs wrapped around my ass, pulling me deep inside her hot cunt. I began to fuck her hard, my balls slamming against her ass at the end of each stroke. I was like a mad man plowing her hard and fast. Her breathing was rapid, and I could feel her hot breath in my ear as she whispered to me as I fucked her. I felt my balls tighten; my ass drove my phallus deep inside her. I could feel my orgasm building, the cum rushing down the center of my shaft and exploding inside her tight hot hole. My balls filled her cavity with my fertile seed. Soon it was running out of her around my softening cock. We were wet with sweat and were breathing hard like we had just run a marathon. My face was buried in the nape of her neck, kissing her skin. She was in the throes of another orgasm, clinging to me as if her life depended on it. When I felt her body relax, I knew that she had finished.

I lay there on her for a short while, kissing her. My cock softened and slipped out of her warmth, letting my deposit run from her freely. I rose up off her and again gazed and admired her naked form. I could see the thick white stream of semen oozing from within her well used pussy.

Her eyes opened and she smiled. “That was great,” she said.

I continued to admire her body. The heavy work of delivering parcels every day had toned her body in ways a gym never would. Her legs were shapely and so well-toned. Her abs were visible. Her breasts were firm and shapely. Her ass was a perfect and tight. There was not an ounce of fat visible on her anywhere.

I got off the bed and stood beside it continuing to admire this strong beautiful woman I had just ravaged. She stood and headed to the bathroom, cum slowly running down the insides of her legs.

Jamie cleaned herself up and put on one of my bulky t-shirts. I put on my boxer briefs, and we went out onto the deck and poured another margarita. The night was warm; we sat close in a loveseat and sipped our drinks.

“Jamie, that felt absolutely great…you are a superb lover…absolutely the best.” I told her.

She smiled and blushed and said, “You’re not bad yourself lover. I haven’t been screwed like that in a long time…I’m so glad we found each other.”

We sat and talked for a while until she stood and took my hand smiling as she said, “Come on, it’s time for round two.”

Jamie spent Saturday night and all-day Sunday with me. I don’t know how many times we fucked; I lost track. I just know that it was the best sex I had experienced in years.

Another work week began on Monday. I was busy with a customer when Jamie made her delivery. As I took care of my customer, she walked around the store smiling and winking at me, behind my customer’s back. I couldn’t do anything but grin and try to hurry my customer along. When the customer left, Jamie pushed me against a wall and planted a very passionate kiss on my lips while she rubbed my cock through my jeans. When she had me hard, she kissed me again and said, “I have a lot of deliveries, so I guess I best get it done.”

She giggled as she blew me a kiss and went out the door smiling.

“What a tease,” I said to myself as I adjusted my hard cock into a more comfortable position. Each day that week it was the same. I found myself looking forward to her arrival each day. On Friday she asked, “Whatcha doing this weekend?”

“Nothing much, Emily is home.”

“Yeah, hubby is home too. I told him I wanted a divorce last night. All he said was that it was fine with him, and he had been thinking about the same thing. We talked about the terms, and he was agreeable to what I wanted. He doesn’t want the kids or anything that’s mine. He just wants whatever is in his bank account. We will see the same lawyer next week and complete the agreement.”

“I have some work I must do here on Saturday so it’s ready to be delivered next week. If you’re in town on Saturday, come by, I’d love to be alone with you, even if it is just for a short time.”

“I’ll be here,” she said as she moved in and kissed me. “I’d better get going before I get in trouble for being stopped for so long. Bye for now, lover.”

Another kiss and she was on the road again.

On Saturday morning I made breakfast for Emily and I. She told me that she was showing a house later that morning in the next town and wouldn’t be home till two or three. I told her I had to finish a job I was doing for the college and would probably be home around the same time. “Want to go to dinner when you get back?” I asked.

“I’d love to Drew, we haven’t seen much of each other for the last couple of weeks, I think that would be nice.”

“Any preferences where you’d like to go?” I asked.

“Surprise me.” She teased.

I cleaned up the kitchen and we each took off to take care of business. I found myself rushing to see Jamie, I couldn’t wait.

I finished my job at the store and made another cup of coffee. I saw Jamie pull up in her truck and began to get a hard on, anticipating what was about to happen. I left my office and went to the door just in time to see her walk in. As usual, she was wearing her big smile. She was also wearing a light overcoat. I thought this was strange for a warm day, but I soon found out what she was doing.

After she was inside, she turned around and locked the dead bolt on the door. When she turned around, she unbuttoned the overcoat and opened it wide. I smiled as I took in her totally nude body. Damn she looked good standing there. She walked to me and wrapped the overcoat around me then kissed me. I could feel her hard nipples pushing against my chest and I could feel the urgency in her kiss.

I took her hand and led her back to my office, away from the showroom windows. My hands grasped the overcoat by the lapel and pulled it off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Jamie was busy unbuckling my belt and pulling my jeans down as I removed my shirt and shoes. We locked ourselves in another embrace, our tongues dancing.

My cock was so hard I thought the skin would split. She pushed me into my chair and kneeled before me, taking the head of my cock inside her lips. Her tongue teased me as she gently stroked my balls. My hands were on the back of her head pulling her down till my cock entered her throat. I put my hands on her shoulders while her tongue toyed with my engorged cock. It seemed like forever before she pulled off my cock gasping for breath. She looked into my eyes and swallowed my cock again.

I had taken about all the pleasure I could stand without unloading in her talented mouth. I gripped her under her arms and lifted her onto my desk, then pushing her onto her back. I rolled my chair up between her legs and lifted them over my shoulders as I spread her lips and licked up the sweet wetness that was leaking from her beautiful pussy. She moaned and groaned loudly as an orgasm overtook her body. Her body writhed back and forth, and her legs squeezed my head like a vise. Her juices flowed freely across my tongue and down my throat.

Shortly, her orgasm began to wane. I stood and pushed my aching cock deep inside her. I felt contact with her cervix. She screamed, “DREW…. FUCK ME HARD…. I’M GOING TO CUM AGAIN….OOOOOH FUCK….I’M CUMMING…..FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK……..OOOOOH SHIT…..DAMN….YOUR COCK FEELS SO DAMN GOOD…..FUCK ME HARDER…..”

Her excitement and tight pussy were doing a job on me. Cum began spewing from my cock, painting her insides with a thick layer of sperm laden semen. I pushed hard to get as deep inside her as I could. I felt the head of my cock squeeze into her uterus, continuing to inject her with my fertile seed. Jamie was screaming in extasy, her eyes had rolled back into her head, and she was shaking all over as if she were consumed by a convulsion. Her pussy was clamped onto my throbbing cock, milking every drop of cum from me.

When our orgasms ended, I collapsed on top of her. Our lips met and we kissed, not wanting it to end. My body was so exhausted I fell back into my chair. Jamie continued to lay on her back, her legs spread and dangling from the edge of my desk. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Her leaking pussy in front of my face, then her tight, flat belly leading up to her firm tits and her two hard nipples.

Her hands reached out to me, and I grabbed them, pulling her up to a sitting position. The pressure of rising pushed a river of thick cum out of her gaping pussy and onto my floor.

“Damn Drew, where do you get so much cum from? I have never been with a man that could flood my body like you do. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, and your cock fills me completely and feels so good as it slides in and out of me. I am so glad we met.”

“Me too. I have to say you are so good and that makes me do what I do. I don’t remember ever cumming like I do with you. You’re wonderful. We both stood. She took several tissues from the box on my desk and cleaned herself up. She pulled a pair of panties from the pocket of the overcoat and put them on, lining them with more tissues. “I’m going to leak for the rest of the day,” she said laughing.

“I hate to fuck and run,” she quipped, “but I need to go get the kids from Mom’s before 5. She and Dad have something to do. This is so great; I just want to be in your arms all the time, but I know I can’t.” Then she put on her overcoat and kissed me again.”

“Jamie, I need to ask you one thing, and I know it’s a little late to be asking but are you on the pill or some kind of contraception. I don’t want to get you pregnant and I ‘ve put some really big loads in you.”

She grinned, “I should have told you, but we have been a little busy when I thought of it. I had my tubes tied after I had my last child. I only wanted two kids so I fixed it so I wouldn’t have any more, so you can fill me to the top and I won’t get pregnant…. makes it a lot more fun if I don’t have to worry about it.”

She kissed me again and went to the door. “Bye, I’ll see you on Monday morning.” Then out the door she went. I got dressed and locked up. I remembered I had told Emily I would take her out to dinner. When I got home, she was just arriving.

We changed clothes and freshened up then left. I decided on Mexican food. There is a great Mexican restaurant in the next town, 14 miles away…that’s where we headed. When we got there, it was not crowded at all. We were seated at a table for two in an adjoining room. We ordered margaritas and told the waiter we were in no rush and would probably have another round before we ordered. He smiled and said, “No problem, senor. You two can take all the time you want; we don’t close till 10.

Emily and I talked about everything that had been going on with us in our professional lives. After the second Margarita and about halfway through the third, Emily got serious and said, “I can tell that you are seeing someone, you’re relaxed, and your attitude has changed. You’re like you used to be when we had sex.”

She took another sip and continued, “I’m so sorry I can’t take care of your needs, and I hope that whoever you’re seeing can do that for you. Are you falling in love with her, Drew? I don’t want to lose you.”

I could tell that she was worried and wanted to be reassured that we were okay. “Emily, darling, the one thing you don’t have to worry about is losing me, I am not going to leave you for someone else. You and I are good together, maybe not in the sex department, but otherwise we’re great. Rest assured I’m with you to stay.”

I could see the relief in her eyes. “I’m sorry I brought it up, I know I told you I didn’t want to know about any of it, but I do want to know. Is she young, beautiful, is she good in bed, do I know her?” she asked.

“She satisfies me, let’s just leave it at that.” I told her, “And no, you don’t know her.”

“Well Drew, I’m just glad she takes good care of you.” Emily said to me with teary eyes.

“How about dinner, are you ready?” I asked.

I called the waiter, and we ordered dinner along with another Margarita. We talked about life and other things that came to mind. Later, after we got home and were getting ready for bed, Emily came to me wearing nothing. She kissed me and said, “Want to try? I don’t know if I’m any better, but I want to try...please?”

I stood there, in total surprise that she would offer herself to me again. I looked at her closely, she was still a beautiful woman with all the right pieces in the right places. Emily had always had the body of a goddess, and I could see that she had retained it all through everything.

“If you want, I would love to make love to you Emily. God you’re beautiful. Nothing has changed; I still want you.”

We turned out the lights, except for a very dim light on the nightstand. When we were both between the sheets, she came to me and kissed me...a very, very long wet kiss. She slowly kissed her way to my fully erect cock, which quickly disappeared inside her. In my mind I knew that Emily was trying, I felt that the thought of my lying with someone else, even if just for fun and with her permission, had been weighing heavily on her mind. What she was doing to me made me want her and only her, but I was afraid that once I penetrated her, she would probably never want to do this again.

Time flew by as she continued to suck my cock and stroke my balls. She laid back, ready to do something that she had not done in many years...accept a dick that she had sent away. I went down on her and hoped that she would feel something. Her pussy was dry. I sucked on her clit and inserted my fingers into her in hopes I could see a response of any kind.

As I moved over her, she handed me a bottle of lube saying, “Try this dear, I think we will need it, so it is enjoyable for you.”

I applied lube to both of us and moved into position to impale her. My cock was so hard in anticipation. I slowly pushed the head inside her, then slowy moved deeper and deeper inside her. She wrapped her legs around my ass and began to move her hips, fucking me like she used to when we were first married. My hopes grew as we continued. I know that we fucked for over half an hour. I was thinking that she must be lubricating, I don’t think that the lube would have lasted this long. We continued fucking until I knew I was about to deliver a torrent of rich semen deep inside her.

“With my mouth close to her ear I whispered, “I’m going to cum Emily...I can’t hold it any longer.... OOH MY.......AAAAAAAH FUCK. I pushed into her as far as I could and unleashed a river of hot cum inside her.


Emily was breathing harder than normal. I rose up on my elbows, looking down at her, her eyes were closed, and her head was back. “Did you feel something Em? Did you really feel something?” I asked.

I rolled off her and she lay there for the longest time, not saying a word. Finally, her eyes opened, and she smiled. “Drew, I didn’t cum but, I swear, I felt you cumming...I really did! I could feel it when you pushed inside me and stretched me.” She nuzzled up to my neck and whispered, “I want to be a woman to you so bad my darling. I want you here, inside me, not inside some other woman. I want to be your wife...will you keep trying?”

I pulled her close and kissed her, something I had not done passionately in many years. I became hopeful that she was being honest with me and not just a ploy to keep me away from other women. I wasn’t sure I could stop seeing Jamie and enjoying her body that she so freely gave to me.

Emily and I slept holding each other for the first time in so long. When the sun rose, it was a beautiful new day.

I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Emily came in. She walked up behind me and put her arms around me giving me a tight hug. “Did you sleep well last night dear?” she asked.

“Yes, I did,” I replied, “How about you?”

“I slept better than I have in months.” Emily replied. “About last night, I want to continue to have sex with you. I know I felt something last night. I’ve been wanting to try it for some time now, but I was too shy to ask. I think the alcohol loosened me up last night. I want you all to myself Drew, I don’t want to share you. I really can’t bear the thought of you fucking another woman. I thought it would be easy, but it isn’t. Are you upset with me darling?”

“No, I’m not upset Emily. I do want you, but I want to know for sure that you are going to continue.”

Emily agreed to give it some time. I knew that I didn’t want to give Jamie up, the sex with her was much too good to let it go. I guess it was probably more that she was so much more uninhibited than Emily, or for any woman I had ever been with, for that matter.

Jamie and I saw each other frequently for the next year. Sometimes we would get together only once a month or so, other times we would have sex twice a week. Jamie would sometimes surprise me during the week when she delivered my freight by pushing me into the storeroom and giving me a blow job while other days when she wasn’t loaded down with deliveries, she would pull her pants down to her knees and bend over the work bench and let me take her from behind. When Emily was out of town, Jamie would come out to the ranch.

Emily continued to put out for me, and I tried to gauge whether she was truly feeling it when we fucked. One Sunday afternoon we were in the pool, and she was feeling amorous. I had gone into the house to get us a couple of glasses of iced tea. When I returned, she was in one of the chaise lounge chairs, totally naked.

Naked, there are not many women that look as good as Emily. Her boobs are not huge, but a nice size that stand up on their own. She has areolas that are the size of silver dollars with nipples that protrude at least half an inch. Her belly is flat and only a narrow landing strip of pubic hair above her clit. Her ass is fabulous, and I love grasping it as we fuck.

I handed her the glass of tea and stupidly said, “Where did your bikini go?

“It was wet, and I didn’t want it on.” She replied, “Why don’t you lose the trunks?”

I grinned at her and replied, “Well, you little vixen, are you trying to entice me into screwing you?”

Emily gave me a wicked smile and said, “I want something a little different. I’ve been reading about anal sex, and I thought maybe we could try that and see what happens. I’ve prepared myself for you.”

This is something that Emily had never ever considered before. I had tried several times to talk her into it to no avail, so I jumped at the chance to impale her ass on my hardening cock. Emily stood and walked a short distance to the outdoor kitchen and returned with a bottle of lube. “Want to put this on me darling?”

By this time, I had removed my swim trunks and was sporting a hard on that pointed at the sky. Emily got down on the chaise on her hands and knees and coyly looked over her shoulder at me. “Well, dear, I’m ready.”

I squeezed a generous amount of lube in her ass crack then began to rub it around her brown hole, just penetrating it slowly until I had my finger in her ass up to the middle knuckle. She was so tight. Soon the sphincter began to relax, and I was able to push two fingers inside her. I pushed just the end of the bottle of lube against her open ass and squeezed a generous amount inside her. I lubed my cock and kneeled behind her, pushing just the head inside.

“STOP, PLEASE!” she said. “Wait just a bit, it hurts. Please wait till the pain stops.”

I waited and after a bit began to slowly work deeper into her. I would drizzle lube on my cock as I pushed it in to make it easier on her. It felt so good. The fact that she felt the pain reassured me that she was indeed feeling something. Soon, I was balls deep inside her ass.

When my cock was finally all the way inside her, I stayed still and let her become accustomed to my size. When I began to fuck her, I heard her moan leading me to think that it was feeling good to her. Recently the times that I had fucked her pussy, I had never heard her moan or make any kind of sound. The harder I fucked her the more she moaned.


Emily’s arms collapsed, her head and upper body falling onto the cushion of the chaise. My hands were on her hips, holding them as I plowed her ass deep. I was soon filling her bowels with my thick, hot cum, shooting rope after rope of jism into her depths. I could feel her sphincter milking my cock as her orgasm continued.

My knees were getting weak, so I pulled out of her and observed her gaping ass hole and a stream of milky cum oozing down her crack, across her pussy and dripping onto the chaise.

I sat in a chair that was near and continued to look at my well fucked wife as she slowly recovered. She looked at me with a huge smile on her face and said, “Drew I got it, I did actually come…I haven’t felt that for years…Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.” She got to her feet and came to me; sat on my lap and gave me the most passionate kiss I had received from her in a long time. We continued to kiss and cuddle for I don’t know how long. Finally, she stood and jumped into the pool and swam to the other side.

I heard her call to me, “Come on in, the water is fabulous, and this day is the most marvelous I have known for a long time.”

I dove in and swam up to her. Again, our lips met, and I felt my cock begin to stir. I wanted inside her once more. We swam to the shallow end of the pool. She stood and leaned forward over the edge of the pool as I pushed inside her pussy. I could feel that she was somewhat lubricated. I slowly worked my rod inside her once more. She was so tight. I spit on my cock, giving it a bit more lubrication. I began to slip easily in and out of her tight hole. Emily was again making sounds of pleasure and soon her breathing stopped, her body shuddered, and her pussy gripped my cock like a vise. All of this pushed me over the edge and again I spewed my sperm inside her.

I collapsed onto her back, my softening cock remaining inside her. I whispered, “I love you so much Emily, I never thought this would ever happen again.” My cock fell out of her, and she turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. Again, we kissed and held each other close.

The sun was beginning to set, and a slight chill was in the air. We went inside, happier than we had been for months. We dressed in sweats and sat in the living room and talked about what was happening.

“Drew, will you tell me about the woman you’ve been seeing? I’d like to know something about her, what she is like, what her life is like, please won’t you tell me about her?”

“Are you sure you want to know about her Em? To know who she is and that she and I had enjoyed each other’s bodies. What if you run into her in town in the future, would it make you feel bad? Be sure you want to know.”

“Drew, I want to know, please tell me.”

“Ok, if that’s what you want. Her name is Jamie. She is a delivery driver for UPS and has worked there for many years. Em, I see her every day at the store when she delivers my orders and that’s something that will not change. She is a beautiful woman, petite, long brunette hair. She is divorced and has two young girls. As far as sex, she is uninhibited and likes all kinds of sex.”

“Emily, we like each other a lot. She had a crappy husband that treated her like shit and doesn’t want another one. As far as other guys, she told me that she hasn’t met any other men that she would even consider having a relationship with, except me.”

“She sounds sweet…just the kind of woman I know you would be attracted to. Is the sex good, does she take good care of you?”

“Yes she does. She is a wonderful lover.”

“I want to meet her Drew. I want to know the woman I’ve shared my husband with. Does she know everything about me, my problems and what I did to you?”

“Yes, Emily, I told her everything about us, no secrets, no lies, just the truth. I thought it was best that way. She knows I love you and I won’t ever leave you and I think that may be one reason she likes me.”

“I want to meet her Drew; I want to get to know her…that is if she would want to know me.”

“Okay, my dear. I’ll see her at the store in the morning and talk to her about it.”

Em and I made popcorn and watched an old movie on Netflix, going to bed later that evening when the movie was over. I wasn’t sure what Emily’s motive was for wanting to know Jamie, but, if Jamie is agreeable, they will meet.

A few days later Jamie made a delivery to the store. Like usual, she sat the packages down and came to me and kissed me a long tongue filled kiss. True to form, my cock became rigid thinking about the times we have had together.

“Good morning sweetheart,” I said to her as I slapped her on the ass. “You’re sure looking good this morning.”

“You’d better watch it bud, you just might have to perform if you keep playing with my ass like that.”

“Jamie, I have something I need to talk to you about. Do you have a few minutes?”

“Drew, I always have time for you. What’s going on?”

“Emily figured out that I’m seeing someone, so I told her the truth about us. To make a long story short, she would like to meet you and get to know you. She is not upset, matter of fact, she is beginning to get some of her feeling back and wants to have sex again. I don’t know what she wants, but she wants to talk with you. How about it?”

Jamie looked a little shaken. “She’s not going to shoot me, or something is she? It kind of scares me to meet her face to face…I’ve been screwing her husband. Most women would be awfully mad about that.”

“I don’t think it’s anything like that Jamie. I think she is grateful to you and wants to thank you, plus she said she wants to get to know you too.”

“If you think it’s okay Drew, I’m fine with it. I just want you to be there too.”

“Oh, I’ll be there too Jamie. When do you want to do this, how’s your work schedule?”

“How about Saturday, I’ll be off, and the girls are going to be gone on a 4H trip for the weekend.”

Saturday will be fine, let’s say about noon, I’ll fix lunch for all of us.”

“Okay my friend,” she said, “I’ll be there, but I am a little scared.”

“Don’t worry, you know I’ll take care of you.” I reassured her.

The week moved along quickly, and Saturday arrived. I could tell that Emily was as nervous as Jamie had been. I told her that Jamie was a very nice woman, and I thought that the two of them would hit it off.

“Drew, women are different, we have this territorial thing about us. We’ve both been intimate with you and are always afraid the other woman will take the man away. That’s not why I want to see her.”

“Why do you want to see her?” I asked.

“You’ll find out soon enough, what are we having for lunch?”

“I’ve planned something light, a chicken Caesar salad with homemade dressing. I’ve picked out a nice white zin too. It’s light in calories so I don’t mess up you ladies’ great figures.”

Emily went to change clothes while I set the table and finished preparing the dressing. It wasn’t long when I saw Jamie drive up and get out. She was dressed very conservatively and was absolutely beautiful. I knew that Em would be jealous. Of course, knowing Em like I do, I knew she would be dressed much the same.

Jamie rang the doorbell and I answered it. “Come on in, you’re right on time.” I said.

Emily emerged from the living room and looked just like I thought she would. She was absolutely beautiful also, and just a little sexy. I introduced them and could tell that they were both a little apprehensive.

“Would you two like a glass of wine before lunch?” I asked. Both ladies accepted so I went to get the glasses and poured the wine. We were all seated in the sunroom and talked. When most of the wine in our glasses was gone, I said, “Would you ladies like to have lunch now?”

I stood and escorted both to the dining table then seated them. I sat the salad bowl and grilled chicken on the table and said, “Help yourselves ladies.”

Things lightened up and the conversation became enjoyable. We finished our salads and a second bottle of wine as the conversation continued. I opened another bottle as we sat and continued to talk.

Emily broke the ice and said, “Jamie, I can tell from our conversations and what Drew has told me, that you are a very interesting woman. First, I want to thank you for taking care of Drew. I think that without you, he wouldn’t be here right now. Things have been difficult since my illness. But…I feel that I am beginning to recover somewhat. I’m not a hundred percent, mind you, but I feel that in time I may regain much of what I lost. Now, to come to the point, I want to ask you to continue with Drew. You might say what I propose is to share him between us. I would like to propose a menage a trois, or if you will, a threesome.”

I almost fell out of my chair, and I could see the utter surprise in Jamie’s face. I had no idea that Emily would ever entertain the idea of an arrangement like this.

Jamie smiled, glancing at me then back to Emily. “This isn’t at all what I expected Emily,” Jamie told her. “I’ve never been involved in a threesome before, but I have been with another woman before…have you Emily?”

“Emily glanced at me as she began to answer, “Uh, well, yes I have. It was back in college with my roommate, long before Drew and I were married. I want to be involved; I love my husband very much and want him to be happy. I can tell that he is totally happy with you, and I know he still loves me also. I am hoping that we can all become very, very close friends and lovers.”

Jamie took a long drink from her glass. “Emily, I am going to be totally honest with you. I didn’t know what to expect when I came out here today. Honestly, I felt you were probably going to beat me up or something. After getting to know you, I can see you are a gracious and generous person. Giving Drew permission to be with another woman can only be described as loving and very trusting. I have known all along that Drew was deeply in love with you and I was completely happy just having him as a friend with benefits. I’m not interested in dating another man, I want to continue with just him…and…with you also. I feel that this may be one of the best things to ever happen to me. So, yes, I would love to include you, and I know that Drew is agreeable. And honestly, I will tell you Emily, I do love him too…not like wanting to get married, but I love him like the friend he is and has been to me. He helped me through a rough time, giving me the support I needed to get rid of my deadbeat husband.”

I sat there sipping my wine thinking that I had to be one of the luckiest men in the world. To have two of the most gorgeous women in the world as lovers and friends……. I couldn’t ask for more.

Emily stood and walked around to where Jamie was seated. Jamie stood and they hugged tightly. My mind was running rampant with visions of having these two beauties naked and all to myself. We took the bottle of wine and went back to the sunroom and continued our little talk.

Emily sat next to Jamie and placed her hand on Jamie’s thigh. I think we were all beginning to get a little drunk and had no inhibitions at this point. I sat quietly sipping my wine, watching what was about to develop. In a few moments Jamie leaned into Emily and kissed her full on the lips, her hand on the side of Emily’s head. Their kiss lasted and lasted. Emily’s hand went to Jamie’s breast and caressed it through her clothing. Their breathing was beginning to be rapid. Jamie’s hand went to Em’s knee and began moving up her thigh, moving slowly and deliberately toward her pussy. Em’s hand was opening Jamie’s blouse, exposing her bare tits.

My cock had instantly went hard watching these two beauties go at each other. I could tell that Jamie had pushed a finger or fingers into Em’s pussy by the way she began to gyrate her hips. Em’s hand was rubbing Jamie’s pussy through her silky slacks. Her ass was pushing against her hand. I began to realize exactly what was going to take place this afternoon and I couldn’t wait.

The action between Em and Jamie had reached feverish heights. I stood up and walked toward the two women. Em saw me and smiled as she said, “What do you think Drew, you want to play too?”

“Yes, I do.” I replied. “What say we all retire back to the master bedroom and get more comfortable.”

Jamie smiled her huge smile and replied, “I’m ready, let’s go.”

The three of us walked to the bedroom, removing clothing as we walked along. When we arrived at the bedroom, Em pulled the covers off the king size bed exposing the sheets. Em and Jamie wasted no time entwining themselves on the bed and I moved onto the bed behind Jamie. My hands roamed freely over her body and Em’s, squeezing their asses and tits, pinching their nipples and kissing Jamie’s body as I moved down to lick her sweet pussy.

It was an orgy. All of us worked on the others at random. Sometimes Em was sucking my cock while I ate out Jamie while she gave oral to Em. Then shortly after Jamie was sucking my cock, I was eating Em’s tasty pussy and Em was giving head to Jamie.

I felt each of them cum a couple of times and I was able to contain my excitement and not shoot cum over both of them. Jamie and Em were in an embrace when I moved behind Jamie and pushed my hard cock deep into her dripping pussy. I heard her moan into Em’s mouth as I began to slow fuck her. Jamie was fingering Em, giving her pleasure.

The only thing I wish is I had known what was going to happen and could have set up a camera to record it all. I could feel Em’s hand rubbing Jamie’s clit as my cock pounded her wet pussy. I felt Jamie cum twice as I fucked her. After her last orgasm, I pulled out of her and moved behind Em and pushed inside her wet pussy.

Evidently, all the action on the bed for the last hour and a half had excited her to the point she lubricated. Her pussy felt great wrapped around my hard meat. She was so tight I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold my load for long. I gripped her hips and fucked her hard while she and Jamie were making out. Em was finger fucking Jamie hard, causing her to cum again.

I felt that warm feeling in my balls as my load built up, then moving through my cock and exploding inside my wife. I know that Em felt me dumping my load inside her by the way she moved and moaned. Soon my hard cock began to soften and slip out of her wet cunt. I rolled over onto my back and lay there exhausted.

Jamie pushed Em over onto her back and went down between her legs and began to clean her sodden pussy. She cleaned the cum from Em’s swollen lips then pushed her tongue inside and began to suck the cum from her depths. I saw Jamie raise up and move over the top of Em with a mouthful of cum and kiss Em, releasing the wad into her mouth. Em greedily swallowed and after one more kiss, Jamie rolled off her and onto her back and rested.

I think we must have all dozed for a short while. I awakened to Jamie sucking my cock back to life. Emily had left the bedroom. After Jamie got my cock hard again, she mounted me cowgirl style and began fucking me hard. Her nipples were hard and begging to be pinched. I kissed Jamie as I softly pinched her nipples making her squeal with pleasure. I felt her muscles tighten and her breathing cease. Her kiss intensified. She moaned into my mouth as her pussy continued to stroke my hard rod. I blew my load into her wanting pussy as she continued to pump me. Jamie collapsed onto my chest, and I felt something else touching my cock.

Emily was between our legs licking my cock and the thick cum that was slowly oozing from inside Jamie. As my dick softened and popped out, Em locked her lips onto Jamie’s pussy and began to suck out the cum that was still inside her. I felt Jamie begin to cum again pushing out the remaining cum that was still inside Jamie. Emily hungrily swallowed as much as she could before she stood.

Jamie rolled off me and the three of us went outside to the pool and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. After sundown, we ate again then went back to the bedroom and enjoyed each other’s bodies till well after midnight. The next morning Jamie kissed us both and went home. She told us that her girls would be home sometime this morning, and she should be there to meet them when they arrived.

Emily and I made love again, this time slow and easy, enjoying each other as we both anticipated the future with Jamie included. Emily didn’t cum this time, but she did hold on till I ejaculated. We had a nice day together, talking about the new chapter of our lives that was beginning.


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