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Uncle Joe takes action to address his niece's outdated wardrobe.
Allison – A Flower Blooms. Part 1.

I was excited to be heading back home after working overseas for 4 years on a very lucrative contract and was looking forward to just kicking back and taking it easy on the 10 acres I owned on the outskirts of the small country town where I grew up, now 52 years of age I reckoned I deserved a bit of time off from the stresses of hands on management roles in the mining industry.

The only family I had was an unmarried sister Eve, younger by 12 years, who had a ‘accidental’ daughter, and they lived in town where she worked as a secretary. I had been almost like a father to Ally and had missed her terribly. I can’t say I had missed my sister that much; Ally’s father had left town the day after Eve told him she was pregnant, pretty much overnight she turned into a bitter withdrawn woman and refused to even contemplate a relationship with a man. At times I felt she barely even tolerated me but at least she had been kind enough to keep an eye on my place and kept it tidy while I had been away. I had sold my truck when I went away but had arranged a new one to ready for me when I landed in the city, after picking it up I bought a few supplies and headed for home in the evening, despite arriving late at night I was tempted to drop in to see Ally but decided against it….I concluded Eve’s reaction would be somewhat frosty at best given it was 9:30 at night so opted to go straight to my place, put the groceries away, showered and went to bed.

I awoke at 3am feeling a little jetlagged and obviously my body clock out of whack from crossing a couple of time zones the day before, I wandered through the house noting everything was as I left it then wandered out back and to the shed. The big sliding doors squealed loudly as I slid them open and flicked on the lights….it was obvious the shed hadn’t been opened since I last closed it up, cobwebs everywhere and a layer of dust over everything….this will keep me busy for a few days I mused. I headed back to the house and brewed some coffee and cooked some bacon and eggs. Feeling refreshed I headed back to the shed to start cleaning up…. As the sun rose, I headed back to the house for a shower, I was planning on heading to Eve’s house before she dropped Ally to school.

I heard a key turn in the front door as I entered the lounge, it swung open and Ally burst in ahead of her mother….”Uncle Joe” she squealed and sprinted to me, launching herself into my arms, “Oh my god I missed you so much” as she hugged me tightly and smothered me with kisses. I returned her kisses and on reflex threw one arm around her waist and the other around her butt to stop her sliding down…. “Damn girl…I sure as hell missed you too” I replied, “Oh my, you sure have grown” I added.… “ALLISON” barked her mother… “young ladies DO NOT throw themselves at men like that!! I felt Ally flinch and she loosened her grip on me, I set her down softly and bit back the retort I was about to throw at Eve….not worth the drama I decided and simply said to her, “thank you for keeping the house in order for me. “I was hoping you might repay me by taking care of Allison for me for the next few weeks….my church group are going to several gatherings around the state” she replied gruffly. “I would be happy to take care of her for you, it’s the least I can do” I replied. “Come Allison” she ordered, “fetch your bags from the car” she snapped as she headed out the door, she turned back and added “she is to be at school by 8am sharp, picked up from school at 3, homework done before supper and in bed by 8:30…no exceptions!”…before I could answer she was gone, Ally hurrying after her to grab her things….I just stood there dumbfounded… “what a fucking cow” I thought to myself. Damn, I thought….when I was Ally’s age we were treated like adults, was normal to be left to fend for ourselves over a weekend of longer!

I walked to the door and watched Eve drive off and waited for Ally to return with her bags, my heart heavy as I watched her walk back, head hanging and shoulders slumped, I closed the door behind her and took the bags from her….dropping them to the floor I looked into her eyes and said….”Three weeks!!....are we going to have fun….or are we GOING TO HAVE FUN!!!!”. Her eyes lit up and the widest grin spread across her face…. “God yeh we sure are” she squealed as I grabbed her by the waist and threw her into the air, catching her on the way down she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist again as I held an ass cheek in each hand…. “Oh my” I gasped in mock surprise, “feels like someone has grown the cutest little ass…I better keep my shotgun handy to keep the boys away”. “UNCLE JOE!!” she gasped, her face blushing red…but I saw the sparkle in her eyes and the cheeky grin. I gave her tight little cheeks a squeeze and asked, “do you remember how I like my coffee?” as I released her ass to let her slide down my body…wondering if she registered the lump beginning to grow down the leg of my jeans….She let go of my neck as her feet reached the floor and skipped into the kitchen… “Sure do” she called over shoulder, her loose light red curls bouncing on her shoulders.

She made my coffee as I sat at the kitchen bench, brought it to me and climbed up onto my lap like she always did before I went away…facing away from me with her legs either side of mine…while I drank my coffee. We chatted about anything and everything….school was ok and she got pretty good grades….really not long to go until graduated ….she really only had two good friends…girls in her grade…girls that her mother ‘approved of’ as their parents were ‘decent God fearing folk’. I finished my coffee…. “Ok, we’ve got time to unpack your bag before I take you to school young lady” I announced, I spun the stool sideways, and she slid off my lap…I stifled a groan as her ass slid over the bulge in my jeans…and picked up her bag before heading to her room. I followed her and sat on the bed as she began unpacking…two school dresses then…. “What the hell are they??” I exclaimed…she held up the item, “these?” she asked, obviously embarrassed, “they’re my knickers” she answered red faced… “Damn Ally!, girls haven’t worn knickers like those for the last 100 years!!”. She was holding up what looked like a carbon copy, although a shorter version, of the underwear that women wore a century ago, they even had elastic around the end of the legs! She hurriedly stuffed them in a drawer, and unpacked the rest of her things….socks, a couple of casual dresses – long and plain – a couple of bras that looked like they were made of canvas…and a pair of sneakers.

“We better go, can’t be late for school” she said quietly…I put an arm around her as we headed out, “I’m sorry for embarrassing you sweetheart, I didn’t realise your mum was…well…you know”…. “Yeh..well…apparently I need to wear these horrible clothes so the devil won’t tempt me” she mumbled as we climbed into the truck, she slid across the big bench seat to sit beside me as we drove out. The reality of what she had to endure really struck me as we pulled up in front of her school….Ally’s school dress was buttoned up to her neck and went down to half way between her knees and ankles and had sleeves to her wrists….every other girl I saw milling about had short sleeves and dresses ranging from around no more than half way to their knees to…well….lets just say I caught a glimpse or two of brightly coloured knickers hugging tight ass cheeks as the wearers bent to pick up a school bag….a car pulled into the kerb in front of us and a pretty young thing stepped out and dropped her bag…she shut the door then bent at the waist to retrieve her bag leaving no doubt she was wearing a bright yellow thong….my cock lurched in my jeans!. I snapped out of my lecherous daze as Ally spoke… “Thanks Uncle Joe…I’ll see you at 3”. “Can’t wait sweetheart, have a good day” as she kissed me on the cheek and began sliding across the seat… “Umm…might be a silly question but…would you like for me to walk you in?” I asked…she started to say no but paused then said “yes please…mum always walks me to the gate…just in case some deviant abducts me from the footpath” she added in flawless imitation of her mother’s voice. “Wait there, I’ll open the door for you” I said and got out, strolled around to her door, opened it and held her hand as she stepped down from the truck…I was conscious of quite a few eyes glancing in our direction, obviously wondering who was dropping Ally off to school. (What I wasn’t aware of was that Ally had seen her two friends chatting near the school gate and wanted to show off her hunky uncle!). I draped an arm across her shoulders as we walked towards the gate and prayed my semi hard-on wasn’t too obvious”. We were 10 yards from the two girls before one noticed us….I saw her poke the other in the ribs and say something…they turned and walked toward us…I didn’t miss their ‘throwing the shoulders back to accentuate their hard little titties’ move…or their furtive glance down to my crotch either! “Hi Ally” they chorused as Ally stepped ahead of me for a group hug…. “Umm…Uncle Joe…this is Tina and this is Di” said Ally pointing at each in turn… “Hi Uncle Joe” they said in unison and giggled…Di stepped boldly up to me and offered a hand…(This one definitely has promise I thought to myself and guessed correctly she was around half a year older)…I took her hand and shook it firmly, pulling her slightly off balance towards me….she gasped softly as she steadied herself by briefly touching the other hand to my bicep before I released her hand and offered mine to Tina who took it also…. “It’s nice to meet you both”…I bent down and whispered in Ally’s ear just loud enough for her friends to hear, “you didn’t tell me your best friends were super models like you!” Ally blushed beet red….the other two puffed their chests out even further and giggled. I kissed Ally on the cheek, “have a good day gorgeous, I’ll see you at 3, nice meeting you Di…Tina” and headed back to the truck.

On the drive back home, fretting about how Ally must feel in her ‘18th century’ clothes, I began to form a plan. I knew I couldn’t do anything about her school uniform but I sure as hell could do something about her casual wear while she was home with me. I got home, made a coffee and cranked up the laptop to search for potential shops in the larger town an hour away from here…I couldn’t take Ally to a shop in her hometown to get clothes like her friends wore because Eve would no doubt get to hear about it! I found three potential stores, the first two websites I went to were just run of the mill and didn’t inspire me at all. The last however had real potential…I was about to dial them when I received a text from Eve…..she had forgotten to tell me that, as Tina’s and Di’s parents were also going on their ‘crusade’, she had told them that I would take care of their daughters also!! I had to take a few moments to absorb the information…read the message a couple more times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming…hell, I wasn’t going to say no!!...but the fucking hide of my sister!! I calmed down and typed a simple reply…”No problem, I actually met Tina and Di when I dropped Ally at school, they seem to be nice well-mannered girls”. I managed to push my deviant thoughts to back of my mind and rang the last store and was answered by a bubbly young woman’s voice…guessing she wasn’t much over 20 and thus would be sympathetic and understanding of Ally’s plight I resolved not to beat around the bush so began to explain the situation re Ally’s mother’s view of the world in general and how I was deeply concerned for my niece’s self-esteem but not sure if what I had in mind was the answer. The young lady, Julie, listened intently…. commiserated with me and wholeheartedly agreed that what I had in mind was not inappropriate and would indeed do wonders for Ally’s self-esteem and self-confidence. I told her we could be there at around 4pm this afternoon, “ well I usually close at 4pm but under the circumstances I would be more than happy for you to come in at 4” she replied. “Much appreciated Julie, just one other thing….I just found out 10 minutes ago that I am also caring for Ally’s 2 girlfriends so they will be with us, I only met them briefly when I dropped Ally at school this morning….I suspect they don’t need any of what I have in mind for Ally but I don’t mind coughing up for a few things for them also….I’m really not sure how adventurous Ally will be given her mother’s paranoia but suspect having her friends with her will help ease any inhibitions…Just a hunch but I suspect Di might be keen on some of your more risqué items” I chuckled…”Ohhh…sounds wonderful, the more the merrier…I am looking forward to your arrival” she giggled.

I poured another coffee and sat back letting my mind wander….was Julie as sexy as she sounded on the phone….I bet Di will pick out the hottest number in the store…should I suggest she model it for me?....if I’m paying for it maybe I should choose it!.....hmmm, a pair of silk crotchless knickers would suit her perfectly!....and a pair for Tina too….hope Ally doesn’t freak out…she’ll get into it I decided, nothing like a bit of pent up frustration and peer pressure! I snapped myself out of my fantasies and headed out to the shed to continue the clean up to kill time. It seemed to take forever but finally it was time to head off to pick up ‘my girls’ from school. I arrived at 2:45, sat and fidgeted impatiently….willed my cock to behave only moderately successfully….wondered whether I should relocate it down the left jeans leg but decided not….finally I heard the bell ringing to signal end of class and a few minutes later the place was swarming, I waited patiently…enjoying the views until I spotted the three girls heading my way so I scooted across and swung the door open for them…Di skipped ahead of Ally and Tina in the last couple yards and leapt in first, throwing her bag over into the back seat as she scooted across the seat, Ally was next then Tina. “How was your day ladies?” I asked as I leant across in front of Di to give Ally’s leg a squeeze in greeting…’accidently’ brushing my arm slightly against Di’s firm titties as I straightened up…. “not as good as now” answered Tina first… “ Wooohooo….two days of no school” announced Di. As I pulled out and crawled slowly along the street now teeming with kids, I announced “who’s hungry for a drive-through snack” and was met with a chorus of “MEE” from the three girls….Di leant against me and squeezed my arm, “thanks Uncle Joe…my mum never lets me eat drive-through, please don’t tell her”…I reached my arm around her shoulders and hugged her to me…. “Listen up ladies….I have one rule…what happens in Uncle Joe’s truck stays in Uncle Joe’s truck….nobody tells tales…and that goes for my house too….are we agreed?”… “YESS” they chorused almost as one.

As we approached the drive-through I asked “what’s everyone want?”….by the time we got to the speaker they had decided…. “scoot across and give the order Di, I’ll get it wrong for sure”… I deliberately stopped a little further out from the speaker…she scooted up and across to kneel across my lap and leaned out the window to dictate the order causing her dress to ride higher and reveal a tight little ass cheek encased in pale blue panties… my fat seven and a half inches pulsed to ¾ hardness and it flexed higher up my thigh…she dictated our order but was asked to repeat it…”lean out further Di, I got you” I said as I gripped her upper thigh, a hand around the front and the other from the back, my fingers barely two inches below her groin…she repeated the order and as she began pushing herself back in I said, “stay there and you can pass the stuff in”, I withdrew my left hand to the wheel and purposely gave the truck a bit more gas than was needed giving me ‘cause’ to slide my right hand an inch higher. As we rounded the corner of the building towards the collection window I saw a speed bump and turned the wheel slightly so that we crossed it at a slight angle…the uneven bumps causing the truck to rock side to side and a slight lessening of my grip as her body rocked back and forth ‘caused’ my hand to slide higher again…a soft shudder rippled through her as it rested softly in the junction of her thigh and pussy…my cock flexed again and I felt the wetness of a little pre-cum on my leg.

As Di began collecting our items and passing in to be collected by Ally, I was in heaven….each time she brought an item through the window her body twisted and pressed back harder against me causing the top finger on my hand to rub deliciously along the edge of her plump labia…a noticeable shudder rippling through her each time. Concerned that my throbbing cock was blatantly obvious along my right jeans leg, I glanced quickly across at Ally and Tina and relaxed…Tina was playing a game on her phone with Ally pretty much focused on collecting the food and drinks. Collecting the last item, my coffee, she placed it in the cup-holder, straightened forward, and flopped back onto my lap as I reluctantly withdrew my hand, she then shimmied across onto the seat…her head snapping down as her left thigh dragged across the bulge in my jeans. “Ok ladies, all drinks secured?” as I slowly drove away and turned out into the street. Silence prevailed as they tucked in to their snacks, I did notice out of the corner of my eye that Di was occasionally glancing down to peek at my lumpy jeans leg and smiled smugly. Their snacks finished, Tina and Ally returned to the phone game, Di placed her empty drink cup in the holder and leant back and turned to me, “thanks heaps Uncle Joe, that was nice”….I put my arm around her shoulders and hugged her to my side,…”you’re most welcome sweetie” and put my hand back on the wheel as we turned onto the highway…“Hey Uncle Joe, where are we going” asked Ally, suddenly realising we were travelling down the highway, “it’s a surprise” I answered, “you’ll find out in ¾ of an hour”. They tried to pester me for more info but I just stonewalled them and they gave up. Tina asked, “if we go past somewhere with a restroom could we stop for a minute so I can change out of my uniform?”….”Oh yeh, me too” added Di. “Well why don’t you just climb in the back seat and get changed” I suggested, “the window tint is very dark and the front seat is high enough so nobody will see you through the front screen….how about you Ally…I’m sure you would be more comfortable out of that uniform and undies if Di or Tina has spares!”. “Umm…I’ll be ok” she answered unconvincingly…”C’mon Ally” said Tina as she twisted around and slithered over the back, “you can wear one of my T-shirts and knickers”. “Ok thanks” said Ally as she slithered over the back to join Tina. “Are you going to get changed too” I asked Di dropping my hand to her leg and squeezing softly as I spoke… “Yeh…I’ll wait till they finish” she replied mimicking my move by putting her hand on my leg…half an inch from my shaft. While there was no chance of the girls being seen in the back by a passing car was true….they didn’t consider that the rear view mirror at the top of the screen gave me a panoramic view…I sure wasn’t going to enlighten them!

With no oncoming traffic in sight, I was able to focus on the back seat….Tina had pulled a couple of tees and knickers out of her bag dropped them on the seat between them before unbuttoning her dress and pulling it over her head then leant forward to reach behind and unclip her bra and let it slip off her arms to the floor… she sat upright and my cock lurched heavily as her delicious hard B cups defied gravity…a sharp intake of breath from Di as her hand felt the movement…but she didn’t jerk it away…Tina then drew her knees to her chest and reaching down she raised her butt off the seat and dragged her knickers over it and up her legs and over her knees, as they got down to her ankles she splayed her knees apart as she pulled her feet free….her puffy lips parted slightly….my cock flexed massively and slid higher up my thigh coming up against Di’s hand which twitched a little but didn’t move away! Ally had just dropped her dress to the floor and was struggling with her bra, Tina leant back, twisted toward Ally and released the clips and pulled the heavy duty bra from her and flung it to the floor…as Ally sat upright my hand unconsciously gripped Di’s leg tighter…my cocked jerked, pressing harder against her hand and she gasped faintly….Ally’s divine puffy nippled titties, were sitting rock solid for my gaze. “How’s it going back there” I called then twisted my body slightly as if to turn toward them…..”DON’T LOOK” squealed Ally throwing her hands to her tits….I didn’t intend to look…my move was only designed to ‘accidently’ slide my hand a few inches along, and a little down the inside of Di’s thigh…with a promising response…I felt her left thigh press harder against my leg and her fingers moved ever so slightly onto the side of my cock shaft. Ally relaxed and dropped her hands…my cock pulsed…Di’s fingers were now resting on top of my rock hard shaft…Tina casually scratched an itch on her furry mound as Ally pulled a tee over her head and covered her tits before working her disgusting knickers under her ass, up her legs and down to her ankles…her legs splayed, she removed one leg then the other…I groaned audibly as the delicious image of her puffy camel toe pussy burned into my eyes…my cock twitched…Di’s fingers twitched and her ass squirmed ever so slightly as my fingers squeezed her inner thigh. Tina covered her yummy twat with knickers and pulled a tight tee over her head as Ally slipped a pair of Tina’s knickers on and one by one, they slid back over into the front seat.

Di made to move but I squeezed her thigh… “wait a sec until these cars go past”. The cars passed, “ok, away you go”, she slid her ass forward before I released her thigh, my hand all but grazing her crotch as I lifted it, she pressed her fingers firmly down on my aching shaft as she turned away, causing me inhale sharply as my cock jerked under her hand, and slipped over into the back seat. I looked hungrily in the mirror as she unbuttoned her dress, pulled it over her head, unclipped her bra and discarded both to the floor before leaning back upright and drawing her hands up along her stomach to rub her hands over her firm, almost C cups with large stiffly extended dark nipples….I almost gasped aloud as I saw her eyes flick to the rear view mirror…fuck I thought, caught!!!... for some reason I couldn’t turn my eyes away….I saw her lips curl a little in a smile before she dropped her gaze and proceeded to lift her ass and work her knickers off, as they cleared her ass and her hands dragged them up over her knees, her eyes returned to mine, her panties dropped to the floor and, without breaking eye contact, she slowly and purposely, parted her knees until they all but rested on the seat either side of her, her plump glistening cunt lips parted, revealing the pinkness of her inner lips to my lustful gaze….she leant forward to retrieve an oversized tee and slipped it on…expecting her to lean down for a pair of knickers, I was taken back when she reached for the seat back and pulled herself over into the front and slid across against me again before drawing her right leg up against her chest, slipped the hem of the tee up over her right knee and tucking it under her ass, obviously forming a shield against the prying eyes of Ally and Tina….blushing a little, she grasped my right forearm and tugged slightly, I released my hand from the wheel and she took it in hers and drew it down to her bare thigh at about the same place it was before….she sighed softly as I squeezed firmly….her left hand slid over my thigh and settled fully on my rigid shaft, her body shuddering as her fingers curled over the it. She whimpered ever so softly as I began caressing her inner thigh lightly…with each stroke I worked a little closer to her willing cunt….her breathing was getting shallow and ragged as my finger reached the junction of her thigh and cunt mound…I moved my hand over her thigh to cup her ass cheek and pushed forward sliding her forward six or seven inches then drew her left leg up and pulled her knee across to rest over my leg before returning to caress her mons then began sliding a finger softly back and forth either side of her seeping slit….probably due to the sensation of my fingers on her pussy lips, her hand on my cock had stopped moving….I moved my hand to hers and guided it along my shaft and onto my swollen knob….she gurgled softly deep in her throat as she registered the breadth of my cockhead and began caressing my full length again…I returned my hand to her mound and began sliding a finger slowly back and forth along her slimy gash….her breathing began to quicken and she began thrusting against my finger so I removed it from her overheating cunt and brought it to my lips in the ‘be quiet’ sign and nodded my head slightly toward Ally and Julie, I couldn’t risk her alerting the others if she orgasmed loudly…she pouted and took her hand off my cock and adjusted her tee. “What do you want to do on the weekend Ally?” I asked, hoping to get a conversation going to kill the time…Ally turned “Umm…I dunno just chill I guess, maybe watch some movies”… The girls chatted at length about various possibilities then I suggested swimming.… “Ohh yea…I forgot” said Ally and began telling her friends about the swimming hole in the creek that ran through my property…and how it had a diving board and a long rope hanging out of a tree you can swing off into the water… “OMG” squealed Tina… “sounds way awesome”…even Di had forgotten about her aching pussy to chip in… “way cool…we could go skinny dipping” and looked up at me pointedly, the other two girls laughed in a way that made me think they might skinny dip if I allowed it… “now that DOES sound like a plan” I chipped in…“I can’t think of anything better than skinny dipping with three hot supermodels!” I took my phone out and handed it to Di, “here sweetie, dial that last call…Julie…and tell her we’re 10 minutes away. “Hi Joe, how are you travelling?” came through the speaker….Di made to hand the phone to me but I mouthed “you talk to her”… she introduced herself and gave Julie the message… Wonderful…I’ve been dying to meet you all… I’m just closing up now, when you arrive drive around back and I’ll let you in that way”….

Within 5 minutes we had pulled into the little parking area behind the store… “Ok young ladies” I announced as we walked to the back door of Julie’s shop…”Lets do a little shopping”… “what are we shopping for?” asked Tina…there was no signage at the back to indicate what the shop sold…I replied, “just wait and see….this trip was mainly as a treat for Ally but I reckon I can treat you and Di also…..if you see anything you like that is!” Tina and Ally began climbing out and I stepped out and turned back to face Di as she followed me, pulling herself across the seat and as she stood on the step, I reached under her tee, cupped her hot mound and slid my finger along her gash to give it a few good strokes…her legs began to buckle as she groaned, I threw my other arm around her waist to support her and molested her needy gash a little more…hearing a delicious squelching as her cunt began to flood again…I picked her up and set her on the ground and followed the others to the door and knocked on it.…the girls hopping from foot to foot in excitement….the door opened…my jaw dropped…”Well hello there” spoke the maybe 5’9” tall willowy red haired vision that didn’t look a day over 20, dressed in a fine silk dress with a plunging vee ending below her breasts to reveal the inner swells of them and the hem barely covering her ass…. “Hi…Julie” I stammered reaching out to shake her proffered hand… “Umm…this is my niece Ally and her friends Tina and Di” I answered indicating each as I spoke. “Hello Joe, hello girls….are you ready to shop?” she asked… “Oh yeah” they chorused…despite not knowing what they might be shopping for…Julie stepped aside and ushered us through the door and brought up the rear, locking it behind us….we were in what appeared to be a storeroom, Julie announced “A few rules before we go shopping….I sell only top end quality so no rough handling or shenanigans….the young ladies are required to shower…properly…before you will be able to try the merchandise” …she wasn’t giving anything away as to what she sold (it was all quality silk)…having told me the rules over the phone I had asked her to keep it vague…she cast her eyes over the girls and opened a cupboard and pulled out three high quality light pink silk robes… “come with me ladies, I’ll show you to the bathroom” as she disappeared through another doorway, the girls following her. She returned shortly, carrying the girl’s clothing clutched against her chest…. “I’ll just throw these in the washer…they’ll be done and dried by the time you’re ready to go” she said as she disappeared through another door then returned… “So Joe…I noticed Di doesn’t care for panties”… she stated quizzically with a slight smile…her eyes dropping, obviously noting the still damp stain where my cock had been leaking copiously and still straining against my jeans leg… “would you like me to put your jeans in the wash too?...I have a robe you can wear”. “Umm…no thanks…a robe may be…umm…a little dangerous I think”…I noticed her prominent nipples tenting her silk dress… “Nonsense!” she exclaimed as she grabbed my right hand and drew it to her nose and inhaled… “damn she smells sweet”…and then she sucked my index finger into her mouth!...withdrawing it she added,… “and tastes so fucking delicious!”. My mouth was opening and closing but no words formed, she pushed me backwards into the laundry and kicked the door shut…pushed me against the wall and pressed her body against mine, “Just for the record Uncle Joe…I have an Uncle too!… in the bathroom I smelt Di before I saw her swollen, leaking little cunt….take your jeans off!

I didn’t hesitate….I gingerly extracted my throbbing meat and ripped my jeans off as she backed up to the bench and lifted herself onto it, her ass perched on the edge and a foot either side of it…her fat cunt lips already leaking….I stepped up to her and pushed my cock down to lodge the head in her gash… “Aarghh…ram that fucking fat cock up me UNCLE Joe!! I buried my meat in a single thrust and she gurgled and whimpered…I felt her cunt walls shuddering tightly around it… “You love Uncle’s fat cock stretching your wicked little cunt open don’t you sweetie?” I growled in her ear…she threw her legs around my back pulling me hard to her….I reached and released her divine C cup, pear shaped tits, topped with the plumpest puffy nipples I had ever seen, and pinched them roughly… “ Ohhh fuck yess…I’m gonna cream on your fat cock” she gasped as I felt the tremors begin deep in her guts…I pulled back full length and slammed back in three times and unloaded deep into her spasming cunt and held her tight as she bucked and squealed…my legs almost giving way from the intensity of my orgasm. Holding her tight, I relished in the feel of her cunt as the twitches and spasms gradually subsided…she gasped in my ear, “Oh fucking hell…that was intense…don’t you fucking dare shove your cock into Di like that when you take her…it will kill her!!”. I hugged her and chuckled, “I’ve got them for three weeks so will definitely be going slow, even if I can only get half of it in by them I’ll be happy….depends how often I can get her away from Ally and Tina”…. She replied, “ well…most of my sales are on-line so it won’t really matter if I took a week or so off and….if you want…I could spend some time with you and keep Ally and Tina out of your hair.” As I was about to answer, the door opened and Di burst in carrying their towels…she froze and blushing redly, stammered, “s..sorry…I…um…brought the towels…

“That’s ok sweetie, just throw them up here” said Julie, patting the bench beside her ass…Di took the few steps slowly as if in a trance and placed the towels then step back a couple of paces… “umm…are you…um…is…does he have his…umm…in you?” she stammered. Julie chuckled softly… “Oh yes he does sweetie”, she reached out her hand beckoning Di who, eyes wide, shuffled forward and Julie wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her to us, I placed my arm around her also… “and it is the fattest, most beautiful cock I’ve ever had in my pussy…would you like to see?....a tremor coursed through Di’s body…wow…god yeh!”. Julie unclasped her legs from around my waist and placed her feet back on the bench top, I pulled back a little so Di could see Julie’s pussy lips stretched tightly around my thick shaft… “ohh jeeez” breathed Di, her hand started to reach up but she jerked it back… “it’s ok sweetie, you can touch if you like…feel how tight my pussy is stretched around Uncle Joe’s beautiful fat cock”…Di reached out and touched a trembling fingertip to Julie’s taut slimy lips and traced it slowly back and forth, her breath ragged, “wow…is it hurting?” she asked… “No sweetie, it feels wonderful”…I withdrew my cock a bit further and Di encircled it with her hand…it only reached a little over half way around…my cock spasmed and she squeaked softly. “Pull it out for me sweetie, lets see how much cum he pumped in me” whispered Julie…Di pulled back but her hand just slipped along my slimy shaft, I slowly backed away, Di gasped as Julie’s cunt lips bulged wider then my knob appeared followed by a gush of cunt juice and cum which pooled on the bench and flowed over the edge to the floor…”OMG…wow” gasped Di, my slimy heavy meat slipping from her hand, “gawd there was so much….wow…your pussy is like closed up already!” she exclaimed. Julie chuckled, “He sure does pump a big load doesn’t he….that’s the fattest cock I’ve ever had sweetie but our pussies are like a rubber band….c’mon we better get cleaned up before the others come looking” she added slipping off the bench and grabbed a towel to wipe herself, my cock, the bench top and floor, she slipped into the next room and brought a robe back for me, threw the towels in the washer and turned it on and we walked out, through the bathroom where Julie stopped briefly to grab a wash cloth to wipe off a few trails of cream snaking down her inner thighs, “Di, show me yours” she ordered, Di turned to her and pulled her robe open, “god you have a delicious little pussy sweetie…and as I suspected, its leaking” she added giggling. I continued into into the next room to find Ally and Tina oohing and aahing over dozens of sexy silk garments hung in rows.

Ally squealed as she spotted me and rushed over, flinging herself against me and hugging tightly… “OMG Uncle Joe, thank you sooo much, this stuff is way…awesome!”… her voice caught mid-sentence as my cock lurched under my robe. As she stepped back and turned away, Tina launched herself at me, throwing her arms around my neck and wrapping her legs around my waist….I brought my hands up to cup her ass cheeks….my cock lurched harder as I felt bare skin… “Thank you Uncle Joe….wow this stuff is just gorgeous”…she then whispered, “some of it is like waay wicked too…probs too wicked for us to wear” she added even softer. I tipped my head back and raised my eyebrows at her, “Oh really! just how wicked are we talking here young lady?...she blushed, “umm….well…like there’s bras that have holes in them for your nipples to stick out of and….ummm…G-strings and panties that umm….have holes for your umm…umm… “Pussy?”…I suggested… “ Yeah Uncle Joe…pussy” she whispered, turning beet red. “Hmmm….well now Miss Tina….if…IF.. a certain young lady, or any other young lady, wants to wear a bra that might let her Uncle Joe ‘accidently’ see her nipples… or panties that might let him ‘accidently’ see her pussy, I would suggest that…(I paused for effect)…that she sure as hell should be allowed to!!”… Her eyes flew wide open and she hugged me tightly and kissed me on the cheek….As I felt her legs loosen from my waist, I squeezed her pert little ass cheeks and loosened my grip enough to let her body slide down to the floor….she gasped as her pussy rubbed along my semi-hard cock on her way down, her wide eyes darting up to mine…I just smiled at her and she rushed back to the racks to join her friends.

To be continued…..
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