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What's it like to be a teenage space trooper? Let's put on the black battle armor and find out.
Galactic Date 5115.504

0500. Another day begins on Xares-27. Tens of thousands of teenage boys don the black armor of the space trooper force and start their on-duty day. For most of them it will just be a day of dull routine, while others will experience the thrill and danger of combat. It’s now time to take a closer look at these adolescent space warriors…

The fully lined black battle armor that the space troopers wear is super tight fitting and designed to be worn without undergarments. The teen trooper first wiggles and shimmies his bare ass into his knee length armored pants, a tricky process made even more challenging if he has an erection. Tightly hugging his hips, the pants have a reinforced crotch that can absorb a direct impact to the balls; the lining can also expand to accommodate a fully erect 12 inch penis, if necessary. The armor’s lining prevents chafing, but it also induces heavy sweating; the trooper’s ass and balls get very foul very quickly. He then pulls on his knee high black boots; worn without socks and lined with the same material as the armor, they’re clunky and awkward, weighing in at 10 pounds per pair. After locking his boots into place at the knees, the trooper then puts on his upper body armor which covers his entire torso and arms; it consists of a breastplate with attached sleeves hinged to a backplate that snap together when put on. The shoulders, chest and upper arms are built up, highlighting and exaggerating the male upper body and giving even the scrawniest 14 year old recruit a formidable appearance. The upper armor then sharply tapers in around the waist; even after skipping breakfast, the trooper is forced to suck in his gut as he fits the top together with the pants and locks it into place at the hips, giving his torso the coveted male V-shape configuration. If he’s going into combat or on any long mission, the trooper pops two pills into his mouth before putting on his helmet. One of them is a binder that arrests his bowel movements for 24 hours. The other is a timed release hydration pill that he tucks under his tongue; this replenishes all the electrolytes that he’ll be sweating out while he’s encased in his armor.

The teen now puts on his headgear, a black helmet with a mirrored faceplate. For combat missions, the helmet is locked in place and can only be unlocked by a wand swipe back at the base after the mission has been completed. There’s a small microphone built into the helmet which fits into his right ear; this is his CommLink which enables him to receive voice commands from HQ. A similar earpiece is nestled into his left ear; this is the neuron transmitter. The transmitter, activated when the helmet is locked in place, gives the teen a series of erection inducing jolts that keep him in a state of sexual arousal during combat, but more on that later. The rounded black helmet is completely featureless and completely closed in; it has a breathing system which uses recycled air that can keep the trooper alive for up to 24 hours without taking the helmet off. The only thing breaking up the smooth, shiny surface of the helmet is the face plate which completely conceals the trooper’s facial features from outside viewers; anyone trying to make eye contact with the boy inside the helmet will see only his or her own reflection staring back at them. The whole intent is to provide an intimidating appearance, although how intimidating even a 6 foot tall teenage boy would be to an 8 foot tall Zadon is an open question. To complete his uniform, the trooper pulls on a pair of thick black gloves and locks them into place at the wrists; the gloves are designed to give him a firm grip on his laser rifle, but like his boots, they also serve to induce heavy sweating. Overall, wearing the armor all day is a sweaty endurance test; most of the boys liken it to being encased in bubble wrap. Wearing the armor is a particular ordeal for brand new 14 year old recruits but after several weeks of brutal training their bodies adjust and they’re able to keep their armor on for up to 12 to 14 hours at a stretch…

The space trooper armor is only as good as the bodies that fill it and the teenage boys of Xares-27 are the most important raw material in the human war machine. Besides their boyish good looks, the teens are incredibly brave and fanatically dedicated to fighting the Zadons, but what makes these adolescent warriors so ready, even eager, to sacrifice their lives in such overwhelming numbers? There’s no denying that they’re fighting for their mothers, sisters and girlfriends, but they do undergo a certain amount of carefully calculated psychological conditioning. First, they’re dehumanized, an ironic process given that they’re the defenders of the human race against ruthless, murderous cyborgs. Wearing their armor and especially their featureless helmets helps to accomplish this, making them look and feel more mechanical than human. The armor’s restricted range of motion, as well as its rigid locking system makes the wearer’s movements seem awkward and robotic and the range of motion for the arms is so limited that it just barely allows the trooper to raise his laser rifle to his shoulder for firing. Similarly, the claustrophobically close fitting helmet with its limited field of vision only allows the trooper to see directly in front of him through the face plate; he has no peripheral vision at all and if he wants to see anything even slightly off to the side, he has to turn his entire head to look at it. Alternatively, some of the teens imagine themselves as being like giant, hard shelled insects in their armor, much like the Xarian beetle; an observer watching a dying, long limbed space trooper enduring his final agonies on the battlefield can readily see the resemblance to a writhing insectoid that’s been impaled on the end of a stick. The female citizens of Xares-27 find themselves turned on by the sight of the troopers in their tight fitting armor, purring over the perfectly sculpted upper bodies and bulging crotches and letting their imaginations run wild envisaging all of the handsome faces concealed behind the mirrored helmets. While the boys appreciate all the attention and all the flirting, it’s very impersonal, with the girls treating them more like armor encased sex toys than real live teenage boys. This reinforces their dehumanization and also helps to drive home to the boys that they have no individual identity, which is the next important component of their conditioning…

Wearing their armor and especially their helmets strips the boys of all individuality. No one looking at a helmeted space trooper can see his face, the most prominent feature that sets him apart as an individual human being; the trooper remains anonymous, with no name and no identity. Likewise, if he tries to make eye contact with a fellow armored, helmeted trooper, he can only see his own reflection staring back at him in the other trooper’s face plate. He may be a blond and the other teen may be a redhead, but in their armor, there’s no telling them apart; they’re just two nameless, faceless machines blankly gazing at each other. Organized into oversized 100 man platoons and trained to fight in massed formation, the trooper quickly realizes that he’s just a cog in a giant machine and a very replaceable cog at that; the machine is designed to feed as many boys into battle as quickly as possible and if he falls in action, there are countless others, exactly like him, who will step forward and take his place. This knowledge of his own expendability makes the trooper more accepting of the idea of death; space troopers rarely die alone and the knowledge that he’s perishing together with dozens or even hundreds of his fellow teens is strangely comforting. Knowing that he’s not alone helps steel his courage and prepares him to take what’s coming to him as he watches a Zadon with glowing red eyes level its shock wave weapon at his chest after it’s already mowed down all the other boys in his squad…

Another important aspect to turning these adolescent warriors into a disciplined fighting force is controlling, or at least channeling, their appetites. Right from the start, this is done with food; recruits are not fed breakfast during their training and are required to get into their armor first thing in the morning with empty, rumbling bellies. Not only does this help them fit into their skintight armor, but it serves to toughen them up, too, steeling them for the endurance test of being marched and countermarched under the broiling sun for hours on end. It’s a rare boy who doesn’t pass out at least once during his training, usually from a combination of hunger and heat exhaustion, but gradually his young body adapts itself to privation and even after his training is complete and he has more free time in the morning, he rarely eats breakfast ever again. Eating is also strictly prohibited for up to 12 hours before a combat mission, the theory being that a full belly makes the troopers sluggish on the battlefield; by contrast, hungry teenage boys are more angry, more aggressive and thus more reckless in combat. Food deprivation is an important controlling mechanism, but there’s also another appetite, even more primal, that needs to be channeled with this army of adolescent boys…

It's no accident that the voice crackling over the troopers’ CommLink helmet mic is female. All men find the female voice alluring and teenage boys are most susceptible of all to its charms. The voice on CommLink is sexy but not slutty and by universal agreement, she’s been named Kaylee by the space troopers. They agree that Kaylee is definitely not a teenager; she’s much too mature sounding. She’s usually pictured by the more imaginative troopers as a captain in the army, somewhere in her mid-20s, a hot, intelligent blonde with bountiful boobs, a pair of glasses sexily perched at the end of her nose. From their first day as raw recruits, the boys hear Kaylee’s voice as she greets them on their arrival at the training camp. After getting their basic training for the first two weeks from their fellow teen corporals and sergeants, the recruits are put through their paces in massed formation and Kaylee is their instructor. It’s her voice directing them through CommLink, marching and countermarching them across the parade ground for hours on end until their movements become mechanical. Boys exist to impress girls and many a new recruit can stay on his feet only because he doesn’t want to disappoint Kaylee by passing out from sheer exhaustion. Inevitably, as she becomes more and more a part of their lives, most of the boys form an emotional attachment to her. This sometimes veers off into sheer silliness; the High Command’s electronic message board is flooded with posts from thousands of 14 year old boys declaring their love for Kaylee but it’s happily tolerated since it helps boost morale. This devotion, this desire to please and impress Kaylee no matter what the cost pays huge dividends on the battlefield. The mere sound of her familiar, comforting voice helps to suppress any shivers of fear that the teens feel when they step off their transport and see a real, live Zadon for the very first time, towering over them and surrounded by heaps of their slain fellow troopers. Hearing the familiar voice over CommLink order them to “Maintain assault wave formation…maintain assault wave formation…” inspires them to close up their ranks, squeezing against each other ever more tightly, presenting even more compact masses that the Zadons can slaughter more quickly and easily. “Take the position at all cost…take the position at all cost…” means that no cost in boys’ lives is too high to pay; “Hold your position…Hold your position…” means that the Zadons will advance only over their heaped up dead bodies…

While Kaylee’s sway over the troopers is subtle and subliminal, the neuron transmitter nestled in their right ear is a more blatant form of sexual control over the randy adolescents. While teenage boys are constantly popping random boners, the transmitter eliminates the randomness and guarantees that all of the space troopers go into battle in a state of full sexual arousal; the pants of every suit of space trooper battle armor have precum stains on the lining from the leaking love tools of their owners. Having an engorged, throbbing manhood takes the trooper’s mind off the danger that he’s in and also makes him more aggressive; already reckless by nature as an adolescent male, the space trooper loses any shred of concern for his personal safety as his surging testosterone drives him almost into a frenzy. Encased in his armor, unable to beat himself off to release, he can only seek consummation in the excitement and violence of battle; even death itself becomes equated as a form of sexual release in the minds of many of the troopers. It’s all summed up by the grim joke about the 14 year old recruit who got his first orgasm from his lusty MILF neighbor and his last orgasm from a Zadon…

The vast majority of 14 year old boys who join the ranks of the space troopers can expect to die before reaching their 15th birthday; the loss rate for 14 year old Class B space troopers ranges anywhere from 60 to 75%. The survivors who make it to 15 are upgraded to Class A troopers and are winnowed even further; it’s only a lucky few who make it to 16 and promotion to corporal. An even smaller sliver of troopers see their 17th birthdays; these fortunate few are awarded sergeant’s stripes. The best of the best, the sergeants are looked up to as leaders by the younger boys and best of all, there’s never any shortage of willing pussy for space trooper sergeants. Once he’s made sergeant, though, there’s nowhere else to go and the end is inevitable; in all the 253 years of the Zadon Wars, no human male has ever lived to see his 18th birthday…

Alpha Quadrant

Justin and Logan, both short on sleep after long sex marathons with their respective girlfriends last night, get into their armor in the non-coms’ locker room; they’re both looking forward to a routine on-duty day with no combat missions, so their helmets won't be locked and their junk can dangle freely without being jolted to attention by the neuron transmitter. “So what’s goin’ on, dude…do you want me to make my move…?” Justin asks as he pulls on his boots. “I’m trying to hook you up, Sarge…she’s just not goin’ for it…” Logan replies, wriggling his bare ass into his armored pants. Just then, both boys get pinged; the messages are from the High Command’s STUD* program. “I got a service call for tonight!” Justin reports, checking the message. “Yeah, same here…it’s a good one, too!” Logan replies. “How good…? Forty…?” the sergeant asks. “Forty-two, Sarge! Forty-two!” Logan replies with a grin as the two studs exchange a high five. “Mine is 35…kinda young…wanna trade…?” Justin asks half jokingly as he pulls his upper body armor out of his locker. “No way, Sarge! No way am I passing up 42 year old pussy!” Logan replies. “I don’t blame you, dude…I wouldn’t swap, either…” Justin assures him. “You know, I do feel kinda guilty, though…I mean, I’m gonna be getting laid tonight while Shan’s sitting at home…just like all those other nights when I’m out fucking some random chick…” Logan observes. “Dude, you’re only fucking all these other chicks because you gotta spread your seed…Shan knows that…” Justin assures him. “Yeah, but I’m enjoying it, Sarge…I’m really enjoying it!” Logan replies. “Dude, how are you NOT gonna enjoy it…? Don’t worry about Shan…if you want me to make my move, I will…” Justin consoles him. “Go for it, bro…I want her to at least even the score a little bit…” Logan replies. “I’ll take care of Shan for you, dude…just relax and have fun, tonight! And remember the rule of three!” Justin reminds him. “You know it, Sarge! Rule of three drives these second wave*chicks over the edge!” Logan agrees. “We’re doing it all for Xares, dude!” Justin reminds him. “For Xares!” Logan repeats enthusiastically as the two handsome blond studs exchange another high five…

Shannon’s mind wanders as she sits through her morning galactic politics course. Normally, she would be fascinated by the teacher’s explanation of how the Vizgarians can be allies of the humans but still pursue their own agenda, but today her thoughts are distracted. The entire class is female; girls need to complete their education so that they can go on to leadership positions in Xarian society. All the army officers, up to and including the members of the High Command, are women; the President, her Executive Council and all four of the Quadrant Governors are also women. Shannon herself is slated to become an army cadet next year and eventually be commissioned as a lieutenant when she turns 21, but even when she’s an officer and puts on her black battle armor, she’ll never actually see combat. By contrast, the boys of Xares-27, every last one of them, are sent off to fight and die at the age of 14. Shannon’s already lost 5 brothers to the Zadons; she’s well aware that neither her last surviving brother nor her boyfriend will live to see their 18th birthdays. Why do I just have to be a military bureaucrat? Why can’t I fight the Zadons? she asks herself…

“…Nine…” Ryan gasps in a labored voice, his forearms quivering and straining. “One more…you can do it, dude!” Logan’s encouraging voice reaches the recruit’s ears through his helmet. “…Ten!” Ryan grunts loudly, dipping his armor clad body down one final time and lunging it back upwards with all of his might; he finally lets himself collapse in a heap and then rolls over onto his back, panting loudly. “I’m proud of you, dude!” Logan congratulates him, reaching out his hand; Ryan grasps it and raises himself up into a sitting position. Both boys remove their unlocked helmets and a sweat drenched Ryan slowly begins to catch his breath. “I suck…so…bad…” he gasps. “No, you don’t, dude…it’s not easy doing pushups in full armor…ten of them is good for a dude your age…” Logan reassures him. “Yeah, but you can do 30…and Justin can do 40!” Ryan replies. “Dude, I’m 16…Justin is 17…you’re only 14…just give it time…” Logan assures him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right…” the redhead agrees as he reaches out and grabs Logan’s outstretched hand again; the older boy now pulls him up to his feet and gives him a friendly clap on the back. To Shannon’s delight her brother and her boyfriend have become fast friends and Ryan looks up to Logan like an older brother. “You’re gonna build stamina, dude…you’ll be able to keep your armor on for 12 hours and not get tired…and the best part is when you’re in bed…you’ll be able to keep your girl happy all night long!” the muscular, veteran stud assures the still innocent younger teen…

“Oh my gawd, this is so boring!” Brittany exclaims to Taylor as they sit in front of the monitor in the control room. “Yeah, tell me about it…when we’re not cooped up in here, we’re inspecting barracks and equipment and transports…sooo lame…” her friend agrees. “And compiling the casualty reports at the end of the day…that’s the worst!” Brittany laments. “Yeah, counting up how many microchips went offline…” Taylor agrees, rolling her eyes. The two big boobed blondes, both 21, are newly commissioned lieutenants; hoping to get coveted positions on the High Command headquarters staff, they’ve been assigned to the space trooper barracks in Xaron instead, and their captain, Allison, has become annoyed with their negative attitudes. As the two young women continue to gripe, they hear a knock on the door to the control room. “Come in!” Brittany calls out in an indifferent voice; the door opens and two armored, helmeted space troopers step into the room and stand at attention in front of the two officers. “Escort detail reporting for duty!” a young male voice announces from inside one of the helmets. “Escort detail…? What escort detail…?” Brittany asks in a bewildered tone, exchanging puzzled glances with her fellow lieutenant. Just then, both officers are pinged with a message from the captain. “I have attached these two troopers to you as a security and escort detail and to provide for any and all of your other needs…” Taylor reads the message aloud. “Our ‘other needs’? They should have sent us a couple of corporals to provide for those…” Brittany comments dismissively as the two troopers continue standing in front of them. “Well, these guys are pretty tall…you know what that means…” Taylor replies, sizing up the crotch bulges of the two anonymous 15 year old troopers. “I guess it’ll be kind of nice to have a couple of guys to boss around…we can send them to get coffee for us…” Brittany responds in a flippant tone. Little do the two lieutenants know the secret instructions that the troopers, Cody and Sean, have been given…

Delta Quadrant

“Dude, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting laid…blonde chicks are SO easy…” Colby tries to console his best friend, Jason. Jason, a fellow 14 year old, is a cute blond; although the girls giggle appreciatively at his dimples and his bright blue eyes, he’s still a virgin. “Dude, all the blonde chicks are banging redheaded dudes…like you!” Jason counters. “That’s because I got a big dick!” Colby replies boastfully. “I don’t mind you getting blonde pussy, dude, it’s all these other dudes…from Alpha, Beta, Epsilon…Epsilon is the worst….” Jason replies. “Yo, dude, tell me about it…I heard this one little bucktooth asshole from Epsilon bragging about how he fucked three chicks at a party last night…” Colby replies. “I bet they were all blonde chicks that he banged…” Jason replies in a cynical tone. “You know it…dude has carrot colored hair and freckles…that’s what all the blonde chicks are hot for…carrottop was buried balls deep in blonde snatch last night…” Colby replies, secretly pleased that his fellow redheads are scoring so much blonde pussy. “Dude, I gotta get laid! We gotta go into battle together!” Jason replies. “Yeah, dude, that’s why I’m kinda glad that they called off the offensive…they woulda sent me in without you…” Colby agrees. “Why did they call it off, anyway…? I thought we were getting real close to a breakthrough…” Jason now wonders. “We were so close, dude…I mean we were losing a lot of dudes, but if we just kept pushing, we woulda had a major breakthrough…that’s why they brought in all these bucktooth assholes from Epsilon…cannon fodder for the offensive…” Colby replies. “Wow, that sucks…to get that close, to lose all those dudes for nothing…” Jason observes. “Yeah, tell me about it…the High Command really fucked things up…that’s what happens when you put a bunch of chicks in charge…but no worries, dude, because when the next offensive starts, we’re going in together!” Colby replies. “Yeah, but I still gotta get laid first!” Jason exclaims, bringing the conversation full circle. “Yo, I know who can help you…how about her?” Colby suddenly exclaims, showing his friend a picture on his ping. “Yo, she’s hot! Older chick, too…” Jason replies, favorably impressed. “Yo, dude, she was my first…her name is Lora, she’s 36 and she loves helping guys in your situation…young dudes who need to get their v-cards punched so they can go into combat…” Colby replies. “Yo, I gotta meet this chick!” Jason exclaims. “I still chat with her…matter of fact, I just fucked again her last week…I’ll talk you up to her, then you can ping her…” the redhead advises his friend. “Yo, cool! Thanks, bro!” the blond exclaims appreciatively. “She’s all about fighting the Zadons, dude…she had 6 sons and those motherless bastards killed all of them…she’ll punch your v-card for you!” Colby assures his friend. “Cool! But then I guess we’ll just have to wait for the next offensive…” Jason replies. “Yeah, we’ll probably be waiting until next spring…” Colby replies in a dejected voice. “Yo, that sucks! We’ll both be 15 by then!” Jason laments. “Nothin’ we can do about it, dude…no way is the High Command gonna launch another offensive in this quadrant before the end of the year…” Colby observes in a downcast tone…

Alpha Quadrant

“I can’t believe that we’re this far behind!’ the blonde, big titted colonel exclaims in frustration, dismayed by the numbers that she’s reviewing with her assistant. As director of the Strategic Planning Department, the colonel realizes that if they fall short of their quota for the year, she’s going to get blamed for it, even though her plans aren’t the problem, the High Command’s feeble execution of them is the problem. “It’s all because of the spring offensive in Delta…we only spent 60k before it was called off…” her assistant, a brainy redheaded captain remarks, looking at her superior officer primly through the glasses perched at the end of her nose. “I told them, throw more resources into the spring offensive and keep it going longer…they stopped it after only 6 weeks…” the colonel replies in an exasperated tone. “The conditions in Delta are perfect for expending resources…we should have been able to spend at least 100k there…” the captain agrees. “What’s our average monthly burn rate…?” the colonel now asks. “Only 10k…at this rate, we’re only going to spend 140k for the year…” the captain replies. “That’s completely unacceptable…we’ve got to find ways to maximize our burn rate…” the colonel replies. “We’ve also got a resource allocation problem…we brought in a lot of surplus from Epsilon and now we have 25k just sitting there in Delta, going to waste…” the captain points out. “That’s not good…I want you to draw up a study on all the different ways we can maximize our monthly burn rate…in the meantime, I’m going to propose a renewed offensive in Delta…hopefully we can spend another 60k there at least…” the colonel replies. “Delta is the place to do it…I mean it’s just made for swallowing up resources…we can spend 10k a week there easy, 20k if we really push it…” the captain agrees. “And we need to push it…we need to spend at least 250k by the end of the year…” the colonel reminds her. The captain crunches some numbers. “If we can increase the average monthly burn rate to 15k for the rest of the year and spend at least 80k in Delta, we’ll be able to get total expenditure up to 245k by the end of the year…almost there!” she reports cheerfully. “Good! You work on burn rate and I’ll work on a new plan for Delta and we’ll present them to the High Command! We need to get moving on this, so have your proposals drawn up by the beginning of next week!” the colonel orders; the two women get busy putting together their detailed plans for spending 250,000 teenage boys by the end of the year…

Reaching down with her hand, Rhonda, a strikingly attractive, green eyed redhead with D cup boobs runs her fingers through Justin’s tousled blond hair as the muscular stud voraciously devours her pussy. “Oh my gawd! Right there! Right there!” she suddenly shrieks, tightly clutching the stud’s hair as his well practiced tongue finds just the right spot, sending her spiraling into yet another orgasm. Made her cum three times! the stud smirks to himself, fulfilling the rule of three pact that he and Logan have to tongue every MILF into a triad of orgasms before fucking them. With his pulsating 9 inch tool now oozing precum, he positions himself on top of the redheaded MILF and slides his stiffened rod into her well primed, slippery snatch. “Oh my gawd!” Rhonda gasps in a breathless voice, gripping the stud’s bulging biceps and gazing up into his deep blue eyes as he starts working his hips, quickly falling into a steady rhythm, hammering her pussy with rapid, forceful thrusts…

In position on all fours, Misty moans loudly as Logan tongues her to orgasm; eating her out from behind, the stud grunts with satisfaction as he feasts on her well matured sushi. “Oh my gawd!” the MILF gasps, panting breathlessly as the stud continues to work her clit, steadily nudging her towards her next climax. The pleasingly buxom 42 year old has already given 6 sons to the Xarian war effort; she’s eagerly looking forward to nursing at least one more future space trooper with her bountiful DD jugs and Logan is just as eager to impregnate her. “Pussy is so fucking good…” the stud murmurs, relishing each slurp of the fortysomething snatch. “Nice ass, too…” he adds, getting the MILF to yelp as he gives one of her nicely padded cheeks a stinging slap. “Maybe I should just fuck you up the ass…” he now muses out loud, watching the fleshy cheek bounce and jiggle as he gives it another swat. “You won’t get me pregnant that way, stud…” the MILF replies over her shoulder in a sarcastic tone. Putting his probing tongue back to work, the stud soon has Misty shrieking as she tumbles into her second and then third orgasms. The rule of three now satisfied, Logan can’t wait anymore; his hardened love pole is throbbing insistently. He gets into position and slides his petrified 7.5 inch man worm into the loudly gasping MILF’s saturated slot. “Fuck me, baby! Fuck me!” Misty calls out over her shoulder in a breathless voice as Logan grabs her by the hips and starts to thrust...

“Mmmm…this pussy is sweet!” Cody murmurs appreciatively, briefly pulling his mouth away from the splayed out snatch and flashing a wicked grin with his braces. “Oh yeah, baby! Eat it!” his 39 year old neighbor, Melissa, purrs in response as the redheaded teen puts his tongue back to work. Moaning and squirming with pleasure, the tall, gorgeous blonde suddenly lets out a high pitched shriek as the freckle faced stud’s tongue finds the hot spot on her clit. Cody savors the taste of the MILF’s love muffin; she’s been teasing him for over a year now, making him wait to fuck her and he’s determined to show her no mercy. Batting her clit around with his eager tongue, he slurps, smacks and licks her into another orgasm before he slips his erect 6 inch pecker into her dripping love slot and starts thrusting…

Justin gasps loudly as his balls explode, hurling his baby making sludge deep into Rhonda’s love box. “You were amazing, baby!” the busty 35 year old MILF purrs, running her fingers through the stud’s sweat soaked blond hair as they snuggle after sex. “Yo, I’m cool with knocking you up, but don’t you want some redheaded dude to get the job done…?” the handsome stud can’t resist asking her. “Naw…all my sons were pure redheads…bright red hair and green eyes and freckles and they got teased so bad for it…I’m definitely going to water down the gene pool this time…” Rhonda replies with a giggle. “Cool! I pumped you full of that blond DNA!” the stud replies with a smirk. “You sure did! We’re going to make a beautiful baby…a handsome boy, just like you!” she purrs, caressing the stud’s face and looking deep into his eyes. “How many sons did you have…?” Justin now asks. “There were four of them…they’re all gone now…that’s why I’m starting on my second wave…” Rhonda replies with an indifferent shrug of her bare shoulders; determined to produce a second wave of space troopers, she’s already half-forgotten her first...

Drenched with sweat, Logan pounds Misty into yet another orgasm with his ruthless doggystyle pelvic lunges. The MILF lets out a piercing scream; she’s lost count of how many times the teenage stud has made her cum, but each fresh orgasm has been more intense than the last. As he continues his steady pussy hammering, Logan keeps a firm grip on the MILF’s hips and watches her ass cheeks ripple as he slams home one forceful thrust after another. The big titted blonde with her bubble butt is built for doggy and the stud is proud of his endurance, having given her a prolonged forceful pounding, but he can feel the pressure building in his balls and he knows that he can’t last much longer. Gritting his teeth, the stud accelerates his tempo into one culminating barrage of thrusts, mercilessly smashing the MILF into another screaming orgasm just as he feels the convulsive spasms deep in his nuts. “Oh shit!” he exclaims loudly as his tool starts to spurt, flinging thick white globs of his man scum deep into the blonde’s babymaker. “Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd!” the MILF gasps, as the groaning stud’s tool continues to spew genetic slime, pumping her full of the raw material that they both hope will create a future blond space trooper...

Grunting loudly, Cody works his hips feverishly, thrusting forcefully into Melissa’s love box as she looks up into his eyes and runs her hands all over his sweat lathered body. “Oh yeah, baby!” she moans, feeling herself nearing climax again. Gasping now, pushing himself to the limit, Cody slams home a final flurry of determined thrusts; he groans as his nuts explode and his man worm starts belching deep inside his moaning partner, flooding her well pounded snatch with his redheaded DNA; Melissa lets out a loud, long moan as she joins her freckle faced stud in climax…

Justin and Logan both spend the rest of the night fucking their partners, blasting multiple loads into their pussies. With machine like relentlessness, Justin floods Rhonda’s babymaker with 8 loads of his blond nut sludge, hopefully containing the one little wriggler that will get the job done and override the redhead’s genetic code. Meanwhile, Logan mercilessly hammers Misty into numerous screaming orgasms; he spews a total of 6 loads of ball scum into his big titted MILF partner. Both handsome studs are satisfied with the night’s work; not only have they done their duty in helping to create the next generation of boys who will fight the Zadons, but there’s no denying that they had lots of fun doing it. Now it’s all up to the thrashing, gyrating little DNA carriers that they’ve unleashed into the fertile snatches of the two MILFs…


There are no major battles today but the war against the Zadons never ends and 322 space troopers die in small scale skirmishes all across the planet…

(*STUD-- Space Trooper Unit Development program. Participation is mandatory for all qualified 16 and 17 year old space troopers. To qualify, a boy’s sperm is biogenetically tested to determine if he’s more than 90% likely to father male offspring; Logan scored a 92 and Justin a 96. If qualified and enrolled in the program, the participant is assigned to copulate with, and hopefully impregnate, fertile women who are determined to be more than 90% likely to conceive male offspring. Program objective: to create as many future space troopers as possible. The program has proven highly successful, resulting in the conception and birth of significant numbers of surplus males.)

(*Second wave-- Xarian women in their mid to late thirties and early forties who commit themselves to having as many babies as they possibly can before their biological clocks tick down to zero. Having already produced offspring in their teens and twenties, these women have moved on to success in their careers while watching their adolescent sons go off to war and be slaughtered by the Zadons. Fiercely patriotic, they work feverishly to produce a second wave of future space troopers to fight the evil cyborgs. The Second Wave Movement is widespread throughout Xares-27 and is a valuable source of future manpower for the space trooper force.)

(to be continued...)
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