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I thank everyone who has followed this story for their patience. After starting, I had several people close to me die. I fell into a deep depression, alcohol, and drugs before finally getting help. My life slowly returned to normal, and I have started writing again. I had wanted to add a few more chapters, but ultimately, I wrote the ending I had originally envisioned.
We returned to the chalet, and Melly caught me before my date with Rachel.

"Hey, bro. David asked me on a date tonight; what do I do?"

"I already told you, Mel."

"I know, but what if he... you know... wants sex or something?"

"That's up to you. If you feel like you want to give him a blowjob or have sex, go for it. Just go with what feels right, and don't worry about us. We all want you to experience life without feeling obligated to us."

"Thanks, bro. I love you." Melly said with affection and gave me a peck on the lips.

Rachel and Connie were watching Christmas movies in our apartment when I found them.

"Are you ready for some alone time, Rachel?" I asked.

"Change of plans babe. Connie and I want to spend the next two days with you together."

"Oh, okay, I had different activities set up for each of you, but I guess we can do both together," I responded.

"Aww, thanks, sugar. Can we finish watching this movie first?" Connie asked.

"Sure, we aren't in a hurry," I responded, then squeezed between them on the couch.

After the movie finished, I told them my plans for a nightclub for Rachel and a Spa in Samedan for Connie. The girls looked at each other without speaking for a moment, and there was an unspoken message between them before Rachel looked at me. "Let's skip the nightclub. Connie and I want to ski down the back side of Piz Nair today, and we can do the Spa tomorrow."

The three of us dressed and collected our gear, Connie and I with our traditional skis, and Rachel with her snowboard. We caught a ride to the incline train and then rode the closed gondola to the top of Piz Nair.

The backside of Piz Nair is more backcountry skiing; the slopes were well groomed, but you felt isolated, like you were a hundred miles from civilization. It wasn't as thrilling as our Helliski on Mont Rosa, but the scenery was spectacular. We would ski down one slope, then take a tram up another hill. We rode seven trams, some two or three times, and skied fifteen slops until finally skiing up to the back of the chalet five hours later.

We only saw Melly and David in the hot tub when we entered. We waved, but David looked dazed, and Melly looked guilty. We learned the next day that Melly had just finished a blowjob.

Connie, Rachel, and I were exhausted. We entered the private suite and fixed dinner. I took a shower while the girls cleaned up. When I stepped out of the shower, Connie was at the sink, and Rachel was sitting on the toilet, tending to her toenails.

"Sugar, why don't you wait for us on the bed," Connie said. It was still early evening, but after I laid down, I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember was waking up and seeing it was 3:32 a.m.

"Yeah, baby, Connie and I came out of the bathroom in matching pink babydolls, and you were dead to the world," Rachel says.

Rachel's Narration

Connie and I called out to Jay, but he didn't move a muscle. "We could force him to wake up," I told Connie.

"We could, but I'm kinda tired, too. Why don't we catch some Z's, and we can have fun in the morning?" Connie replied.

We crawled in and snuggled up on opposite sides of Jay. I don't remember how long we slept, but my eyes popped open, and I felt wide awake. I whispered, "Jay," but got no response.

"Can't sleep," Connie whispered.

"No, I slept for a bit, but I'm wide awake now," I replied in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, me too. Should we try and wake Jay?" Connie asked.

"No, not yet. Cons, can I ask you a serious question?"

"Of course you can."

"We all know you're head over heels for Jay. Would you, or do you want the rest of us to step aside? We all love Jay, but from a practical standpoint, can we all really share him forever?" Connie was staring into space, deep in thought. "We would, you know."

After a moment, Connie finally answered. "You're right. I'm truly in love with him, and I know I could make him happy on my own. I've thought about the same thing. Is it practical? Can we really make a Polymory or polygamist relationship work? I don't think it would work with just anyone, but I think it could with the five of us."

"So, not Melony or Brandi?" I asked.

"No, I knew from the start that Brandi wasn't going to last. She is just too different from Jay. Jay and I talked about Melly at the beginning, and while he loves her deeply, probably more than a brother should, she lived such an isolated life that Jay didn't think she knew what she really wanted. She just wanted love and companionship, and Jay was what she knew. Jay always planned to help her find someone else, but said at the end of the day, he would do whatever made her happy."

"She looked strange when we came in earlier. You think she had sex with that David guy?"

"No, you didn't notice, but she had cum dripping from her chin. She probably just finished giving him a blowjob. She was conflicted and probably felt guilty, especially after what Heather did," Connie replied.

"But Jay told her to do it."

"She knows, but she also committed herself to Jay. So... you know."

"Yeah, I get it. So you wouldn't take Jay for yourself?"

"Look, Rach, in a perfect world, I would love to ride off into the sunset with Jay and be his one and only. But when is the world ever perfect? You, Sue, and Heather, along with Jay are my best friends. I can't even remember what life was like without you. That's how important all of you are to me. We're all happy together; sure, we squabble sometimes, but we all love one another. I like what we have, so to keep that, I don't mind sharing the love of my life with you guys. I felt jealous of Brandi,"

"Oh, trust me, we know you didn't like bringing Brandi into the group," I said with a little giggle.

"I accepted it with grace in the end. That being said, I don't want to see Jay with anyone but us from now on."

"I watch him when he doesn't know. I've seen a few gorgeous women walk by him, and he never takes notice," I comment.

"Well, we know Jay isn't obvious about looking. I'm sure he notices other women, but I don't think he wants other women," Connie replied.

"Yeah, I guess we keep him pretty satisfied."

"Satisfied," Connie scoffs, "He went from a celibate virgin just a few months ago to having sex ten or fifteen times a week with six women. If he isn't satisfied, then there is no such thing as satisfied." Connie laughed.

Jay started to stir, so I put my finger to my lip and sounded, "Shhhh."

He settled back into rhythmic breathing, and Connie and I continued our whispered conversation. It was another hour before I felt Jay's cock harden under my leg, and he started to stir.

"His morning wood has come alive," I whispered to Connie. "You want to take care of it."

"You take it," Connie replied.

I started lightly stroking his cock until I felt pre-cum on the tip. Then moved down and began lightly sucking and working my tongue around the head.

Jay's Narration

I woke and could feel my cock being sucked and my nipples being rubbed. I looked to my left, and the clock read 3:32 a.m. Looking to my right, Connie was snuggled against my right side, playing with my nipples. I looked down and could see the back of Rachels's head as she sucked and licked the head of my cock. "Good morning, ladies. Sorry, I went to sleep on you."

Connie lifted her eyes to mine, "It's okay, sugar. We were tired, too; Rach and I had been awake for a bit and just talked while we waited for you. Your morning wood appeared, so Rach decided to take care of it."

I stroked Rachel's hair, "Rach, you know you don't have to do that every time I get hard."

Rachel lifted her head and looked back at me, "I know, babe; I love sucking your cock, though." She then went back to sucking, but with a little more vigor."

Connie wrapped her hand around the back of my head and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Then I felt Rachel move around and the warm, wet embrace of her as she slid down the length of me.

The three of us made love until after the sun rose and then slept until Melly woke us just before noon.

I woke to Melly staddling my midsection and bouncing me into the bed, "Wake up, bro."

Connie and Rachel eyed her with disdain at being woke before they were ready. "Jay," Rachel spoke, "Can I tie your sister to the chair and stuff my dirty sock in her mouth?"

"Ewww!" Melly exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I just really needed to talk to Jay, and besides, it's almost noon when my alone time starts."

"And your point is," extolled Connie.

"Well, to be fair, I didn't think you'd be here, Connie, and I wanted to see Jay before our alone time today," Melly answered.

"Connie and I decided to combine our alone time," commented Rachel.

"Oh, well, if you want to exchange days, Cons, that's fine. Jay told me to tell him if anything happened, and well... it did. And now I'm confused and don't know what to do."

"We already know you gave him a blowjob. What else happened?" asked Connie.

"How'd you know I gave him a blowie?"

"Well, it could have been the guilty look on your face when we came in last night or the fact that you had a string of cum dripping from your chin," answered Rachel. "You dumb bitch."

Melly covered her face with her hands, "Oh my god, I can't believe you saw that."

"So, did you have sex with him?" I asked.

Melly squeaked out, "Yes."

"What's the problem? Didn't you like it?" I asked.

"Yes, no, I don't know. I guess I liked it. I was just going to try it because you told me to. I love you so much, Jay. I didn't think anyone else could make me feel the way you make me feel, which is why I'm so confused."

"So you feel guilty for liking sex with someone other than me?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I do, but at the same time, sex with David was new and exciting. I shouldn't want anyone but you."

"Sis, there is nothing wrong with you feeling this way. Our relationship is clouded by the fact we are Brother and Sister. You love me from that family relationship alone, but you may have misinterpreted your feelings of family love for romantic love. I want you to be happy, little sis."

"Mel, we all love you, but like Jay said, we all want you to be happy," said Rachel.

"Yes, little one, we want you to be happy. Unlike other relationships that may come or go, we will always be here for you as family or as lovers," said Connie. "You will always have us no matter what."

"Thank you all," Melly said, pulling us together for a group hug.

"How was sex with David?" asked Rachel.

"It was good. I don't think he has much experience, but he's got a great body and a nice cock. It's a little thinner and shorter than Jay's, but not by much. He didn't last very long, maybe five minutes, but it felt really nice inside me."

"Jay probably spoiled you that way. Most of the guys I was with before Jay only lasted a few minutes. Jay is exceptional that way," said Rachel.

"Our Jay is like the Energizer Bunny; he just keeps going and going," said Connie with a laugh.

"It's not the length of time but the quality of the time," I commented.

"Thanks, I needed this talk. I'm going out with him again tonight, but I still want our alone time tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"Sure, it's okay. You have fun tonight, but if I can make a suggestion, don't have sex with him tonight."

"Why not?"

"Well, if he reacts badly to not getting sex, you'll know that's all he cares about," I replied.

"Oh, that makes sense, but I don't think David is like that. I practically had to rape him. He was very gentlemanly and told me he didn't want me to think sex was all he wanted."

"Aren't you the little slut," said Rachel with a giggle.

"Just like my big sister Rachel," Melly retorted.

"Touche," said Connie. "She got you there."

A flurry of words flew between Melly and Rachel, "Cunt, slut, bitch, whore, cum dump, cock sucker." before I intervened.

"Okay, ladies, I don't want a catfight on top of me. Be nice," I extolled.

They were smiling as they insulted one another. Melly got one final insult in using her Japanese. "Chijo"

"What the fuck it, C-jo," asked Rachel

"It means bimbo or slut in Japanese," I replied.


"Quit while you're ahead, Rach. Mel can insult you in seven different languages."

"Okay, bro. I'll see you tomorrow," Melly said as she hopped off the bed.

Rachel, Connie, and I got up, quickly showered, and ate a croissant with tea to drink. Then Jean-Francois drove us to the Spa in Samedam.

After four hours of steam baths, hot soaks, massages, and facials, we had a nice dinner in Samedam before returning to the chalet.

After changing into our sleeping clothes, we all settled on the couch to watch a movie. I wore boxers, and Connie and Rachel were in matching black baby dolls. Rachel was cuddled up tight against my right side, and Connie was lying down with her head in my lap. After twenty minutes of watching a sexy movie, Rachel started kissing and sucking on my neck. This had the immediate effect of hardening my cock under Connie's cheek, and it wasn't long until I felt her warm mouth surround my cock head. Connie sucked and licked lightly, and Rachel pulled my face around and kissed me. It wasn't long before I felt Connie crawl into my lap. She quickly slid onto my cock and joined Rachel and me in a three-way kiss. Connie was sitting still as we kissed. I could feel myself pressed against her cervix, and after a minute or so of her not moving, I felt something odd. Ever so slowly, I felt the movement of sliding in deeper. Connie moaned into our kiss, and then her cervix gave way, and I slid all in. She pulled away from our kiss and let out a long, deep, guttural moan.

"Did I just slip into your cervix again?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, but this time it didn't hurt. It just, kinda opened up."

"Damn, Cons!" exclaimed Rachel. "It didn't hurt."

"No, it felt a bit like anal after you do it a few times. There was a little pinch, but then it felt good," Connie explained.

"Well, it feels like my cock is in a vice."

Connie began moving her hips back and forth, which brought me an intense feeling. I lasted less than a minute.

"Cons, I'm cumming!"

Connie put her mouth to my ear and whispered, "I'm ovulating, sugar, but I can't stop. Put a baby in me."

At her words, I came and came harder than I ever had. Connie moaned long and hard as I filled her womb. Her cervix and vaginal muscles pulled my member as deep as possible and milked every last drop. Unlike previous times, I pulled right out; it was almost as if her pussy expelled me.

"Where's the cum?" Rachel asked as she looked at Connie's well fucked pussy. "Didn't you cum, Jay?"

"Yeah, it felt like a gallon," I replied.

"Then where is it, dude?"

I shrugged my shoulders. Connie patted her belly, "I felt like my cervix slammed shut when he pulled out. So every bit of it is swimming around in my womb."

"You had your period the same week I did. That means," Rachel said.

"Yeap, my egg is currently swimming in a pool of Jay's baby batter," Connie said matter-of-factly.

"What are you going to do?" Rachel asked.

"Nothing, if it happens, it happens."

"Jay?" Rachel looked at me questioningly.

"What Connie said, Rach. If it happens, it happens," I replied.

"I thought we were going to wait until after graduation to think about kids?" Rachel questioned.

"We were, but I asked Jay if I could stop taking the pill after I finished the November batch, and he said okay. I've only been off it for a month, so I probably won't get pregnant for a while."

"But what will your mother say if you get pregnant... you know... out of wedlock?" Rachel asked with concern.

"She'll have a hissy fit, I'm sure. Then she'll send a possie after Jay, and he'll find out what a shotgun wedding is," Connie said with a giggle.

"I don't need a shotgun pointed at me to marry you, Cons."

Connie looked at me with an ear-to-ear grin. "Aww, thank you, sugar."

"I don't think I'm ready, but would you care if the rest of us stopped taking birth control?" Rachel asked me pointedly.

"No, if you, Susan, or Heather want to stop taking the pill and leave it to chance, then go for it. Just don't do it to compete with one another; do it because it's what you want," I responded.

"Okay, babe, like I said, I don't think I'm ready, but Cons, you should tell Sue and Heather."

"I will, as soon as we get back," Connie said.

Rachel had been absentmindedly stroking my a cock as we talked and had me back to full hardness. Then, seemingly without any thought, she climbed on and impaled herself. She continued slowly riding me as the three of us chatted until she orgasmed. As she was concentrating on her orgasm, she rode me faster until I came. Rachel rolled off to the side, and she and Connie snuggled up on a side of me. We all drifted off to sleep.

We woke, ate, showered, and went for a toboggan ride in the morning. We had an early lunch, and on our way back to the chalet, we stopped at a jewelry store. While the girls were fawning over the jewelry, including engagement rings, I discreetly pulled the jeweler aside and asked him to find out what diamond cut they liked. I also saw a wedding ring set with three different gold colors. I asked about it and found he had custom-made it for a Ménage à trois. I wasn't sure how he would take it, but I asked if he could make it with four different colors surrounding a platinum band.

"Oui, Monsieur, jaune, blanche, rose, et verte," he replied.

I took his card and joined Rachel and Connie. Connie immediately shoved her hand in my face to show me an engagement ring. "What do you think, sugar? Isn't it pretty?" Connie asked as she wiggled her fingers to show the ring off.

"Yes, baby, it's very nice. That's a princess cut, isn't it?" I replied nonchalantly and turned to look into the case. I winked at the jeweler and gave him a nod.

"No, Monsieur, that is a coupe coussin or cushion cut," the jeweler interjected.

"Cons, you know he can't take a hint for shit," Rachel commented.

I turned to look at them, and Connie had her head down, her lower lip puckered, as she admired the ring some more. "What did you say, Rach?"

Rachel just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Was there one you liked, Rach?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like the same one as Connie, but I like simple round stones."

"Good to know. I can let your future boyfriend know what kind of diamond to buy you." I replied jokingly.

"You jerk," Rachel spouted with venom before she and Connie stormed out of the store in a huff.

Once the girls had departed, I tossed the jeweler my credit card and told him to get the two rings wrapped up, plus two more basic rings that would be exchanged for what Heather and Susan wanted later, and deliver them to the chalet the next day. The jeweler quickly agreed, and I left the store and ran to catch up with Connie and Rachel. They were still in a huff when I caught up and didn't talk to me all the way back.

I was laughing at them on the inside because I knew they would be thrilled the next night.

Melly was waiting for me when we got back, so I quickly said goodbye to Rachel and Connie with a quick peck on the lips. Then, I walked Melly up to the private suite.

"So, Bro, why are Rachel and Connie mad at you?"

"We stopped in a jewelry store, and Connie was hinting at an engagement ring. I acted oblivious and didn't pay attention."

"So you were acting like yourself," Melly retorted with a laugh.

"Yes, but it was only to throw them off. After they stormed out, I bought both of them the rings they wanted and two more basic rings for Heather and Susan that they could exchange."

"Wow, Bro! Are you seriously going to propose to all of them? What about me?" Melly asked with surprise.

"Mel, honey. I want you to experience life a little. If, after that, you decide you still want to be in this relationship, I will make you happy. So don't think anything into this. As for the others, yes, I'm going to propose to them."

"I guess as long as you're not shutting the door on me," Melly responded.

"Honey, we have already told you that we are here for you no matter what. I just want to give you a chance to explore."

Melly and I go for a walk and end up back at the jewelry store so I can finalize my purchase. Melly convinced me not to get the basic rings for Susan and Heather. So she helped me pick out rings she thought they would like, including an Emerald Cut for Heather and a Marquise cut for Susan. All of the diamonds were around three carrots and flawless. The jeweler handed me the bill and asked if it was okay to run the card. Two seconds after he ran to the card, my phone rang; it was my bank calling to verify the transaction. The jeweler promised to have all four rings delivered to the chalet by mid-afternoon the next day.

After a trip to the Spa, Melly and I returned to the chalet and fixed our dinner.

We settled on the couch to watch a movie, and Melly cuddled up to me. "You know, J.J., this is the first time we have been alone together. I know I'm supposed to explore my horizons, but J.J., will you make love to me?"

For my answer, I leaned over and kissed her tenderly. As the kiss continued, it became more urgent and more passionate. We laid on the couch and made out, completely ignoring the movie.

After a while, I stood and picked up Melly. Her arms never left my neck, and her lips never parted from mine as I carried her to the bed. For the next couple of hours, we made slow, passionate love. It wouldn't be the only time Melly and I ever had sex alone, but it was the most passionate time.

"Melly confided to me that it was the most loving experience of her life. She's had other beautiful experiences, but nothing has ever compared," says Connie.

"Yeah, she's said the same to me," says Rachel. "She's told me that David was fun, Roger and Kacy couldn't satisfy a woman if their life depended on it, but Josh has gotten close."

"I guess that's why she accepted Josh's proposal," says Susan.

"It is. Mel loves Josh, and he's good to her. He treats her like a princess, but she sometimes misses her times with us," I say.

I woke the next morning, and Melly was already in the shower. I joined her and washed her back before she turned and pulled me into a sensual kiss.

"Thanks for last night, J.J., it was wonderful. I hope you don't mind, but David asked me to go skiing with him at ten. I would take care of this," Melly said as she ran her hand softly over the length of my cock. "but if I don't get dressed right now, I'll be late."

"It's okay, Mel; I had a wonderful time too. You go on and have fun."

Melly left, and I took the next hour cleaning up the apartment and setting it up for later. I ordered a catered meal for five, then went and found the girls all lounging in our shared apartment.

I called them into the living room, "Ladies, would you all join me at five for a special dinner?"

"Of course we will, Sugar," replied Connie. "Where are we going, and how should we dress?"

"I'm having dinner brought in here, so it will be a private dinner, and I'd like everyone to dress nicely," I responded.

The five of us lounged around reading, talking, or watching Netflix. At around three, the girls started getting ready for our dinner date. Little did they know what the dinner was really about. At four, a courier arrived with a package for me, and I excused myself and took the package down to the private suite. I had four pedestals set up, and I placed the ring box with each girl's name engraved on the box on a pedestal and covered it with a cloth. The caterer arrived and put the dinners on the table under domes to keep it warm. With everything set, I went over and brought the girls back to the suite.

Upon entering the suite, I could tell the girls took an interest in the pedestals, but they didn't mention it as I assisted each of them in sitting at the table. I removed the domes from their plates. Duck à l'orange was served with Creamed Spinach, Steamed Rice, and white wine.

As we chatted over dinner, I could see eyes looking over at the pedestals. I smiled inwardly, knowing that the suspense of what was under those clothes was killing them with curiosity. We finished dinner, and I invited them to sit on the living room sofa, which had them staring straight at the pedestals.

I stood behind the pedestals and addressed them. "Ladies, you four have been my companions, best friends, and now lovers for three glorious years. What I have for each of you on these pedestals is an expression of how I feel for each of you. I hope each of you will accept this gift as a token of my love.

I pulled the cover from the first pedestal, and all four of them gasped at the site of a ring box. I picked up the box for Connie. I knelt in front of Connie and opened the box. Her eyes lit up, and tears started to flow from the sight of the ring. "Connie Jean Hamilton, you have been the rock on which my world has been built. I can't even fathom a life without you in it. Will you marry me?"

Connie looks at me, looks at the others, looks at me, and tries to speak, but nothing comes out. She closes her eyes and takes several deep breaths before she opens them. "Yes, Jason, yes, I will marry you." I lean forward and give her a tender kiss before standing.

I next pull the cover from Rachel's box. I pick it up and present it on my knee, and before I can speak, she blurts out, "Yes!" I smiled, "I haven't asked you anything yet. "Rachel Marie Savage, being your best friend has brought my life such joy. You constantly challenge me and help me to be better than I ever thought I could be. I can't imagine what my life would be like if you hadn't come into it. Will you marry,"

Rachel once again blurts out, "Yes!" and then tackles me to the floor with kisses.

After a minute, Rachel pulls away, looks at the others, and apologizes before sitting back in her seat.

I compose myself before pulling the next cover from Heather's ring. Heather is a mess, tears streaming down her cheeks in a constant flow. As I kneel before her, she covers her face with her hands and starts to ball. She blubbered between sobbs, "I, I, I, don't des, des, deserve you, Jay."

"Heather, look at me," I ask, and Heather peeks out between her fingers. "You do deserve me. Heather Adele McClaven, you have brought love, intrigue, spice, and passion to my life. When boredom creeps into our lives, it's you who brings fun and excitement with your zest for life. I can't imagine life without you. Will you marry me?"

Heather is so emotionally overcome that she can't speak, so she simply shakes her head yes. I pull her into a hug and whisper, "I love you."

Finally, I composed myself and pulled the cover from Susan's ring. Susan had that deer in the headlight look as I knelt before her. "Susan Janine Capris, you are the caring, compassion, and reason in my life. You bring such passion and so much meaning to my life. I can't imagine life without you. Will you marry me?"

Susan looks at the girls, then at me. "Jay, you know I love you, but this is so sudden. I can't imagine life without all five of us together, but this is a big step. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this."

"Sue, I know this is that reason I just talked about, but you just said it yourself. You can't imagine life without all of us together. Stop trying to justify this in your head. What is your heart telling you?" I asked.

"But what if my heart is wrong?"

"Honey, your heart is where the caring, compassion, and love come from. Those three traits have always defined you. When your head and your heart are arguing, how many times in your life has your heart failed you?"

"I guess never, or maybe a couple of times," Sue responds.

"So what is your heart telling you right now?" I asked.

"That I love you and want to be with you."

"Then what should your answer be?"

"Yes, but."

"No buts," I respond. "I know our relationship is going to have challenges, but all relationships do. We can overcome any challenge together."

Susan seemed to think for a moment before she finally looked into my eyes. "Yes, Jason, I'll marry you."

I pulled Susan in for a kiss and felt her passion. The girls all stood and walked me into the bedroom. We spent most of the night into the wee hours of the morning, a mass of sexual energy as we consumated our engagement.

In the morning, I woke, and the girls were all gone, but I could hear conversations going on in the living room. 'Yes, mama, I'm getting married. We haven't set the date, but it will be soon. Of course, you'll meet him. I've told you about Jason before. Yes, that Jason.' This was Sue's conversation. Then, I could hear Connie, Heather, and Rachel talking about dates. Then Melly came into the room and hopped on the bed with me, but she looked a little sad.

"What's wrong, Mel?" I asked.

"Nutin." was Melly's downtrodden response.

"Come on, somethings wrong. David didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, we spent the night together, but well, it's just I heard the girls talking about marriage. And I guess I'm a little jealous. And I know we couldn't actually get married, but you were mine before any of them."

I pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her forehead. "Mel, your day will come. The door isn't shut, and you're going to be living in the same apartment as me. So even if things don't work out with David, you still have us." Melly just snuggled in tighter and lay there as I held her.

We soon said our goodbyes to Switzerland and headed home.

My wedding to Connie was initially planned for June. The girls all decided that Connie would be my official wife to the outside world. However, the wedding date changed when Connie got us all together in late-January and announced, "I'm late."

"Late, for what?" I asked, clueless. Rachel, Heather, and Susan all looked at me like I was stupid and snickered.

So Connie put her hands on my shoulders, looked straight into my eyes, and repeated, "Jay, sugar, I'm late."

I thought for a moment and finally acknowledged, "Oh, OHH shit, you mean you're pregnant?"

"Ahh, what light through yonder window breaks," said Heather.

"Yes, Sugar, I probably am. I should have started last week, and you can almost set a clock by my period. So there's a good chance I am. I got a test, but I'll probably be only three or four weeks along."

"So, will we need to move up the wedding?" I asked.

"Yes, I think it will have to be moved up to April. Mom will have a fit, but no daughter of hers is walking down the aisle with a baby bump. It's funny because everybody knows a fast wedding is for that reason, but it's all about appearances to my mother."

After confirming she was pregnant, there was no doubt when the test showed a solid, heavy blue line in three minutes. So, Mom and Dad flew with us to visit Connie's family. Connie was right; I thought her mom was going to burst a blood vessel when we told her Connie was pregnant.

Mrs. Hamilton calmed down after my dad said he would pay half the wedding costs, and the four parents started making calls. Within an hour, the wedding was set for April 11th. Rachel would be Connie's Maid of honor, and Connie's sister, Heather, Melly, and Brandi were bridesmaids.

The week before Connie and I were to marry, Heather dropped the second bomb. "I'm Late!" Heather told us at dinner.

I married Rachel in a small ceremony in May. We flew to Hawaii in June, and I married Heather at the Kualoa Ranch in O'ahu. Then, I married Susan a week later at the Grand Hyatt on Kauai. She originally wanted to be married at the Coco Palms, where the Elvis movie Blue Hawaii was filmed, but it had shut down years before.

Unbeknownst to us, one of Connie's distant relatives who had been at our wedding was staying at the Grand Hyatt and witnessed Connie standing as Maid of Honor as I married Susan. A phone call and a plane ride later, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton sat before us in our suite wanting answers. So we brought all five families together and came clean.

After a lot of talking, some yelling, and a lot of explaining, we convinced Connie, Rachel, and Susan's parents that this was what we all wanted.

We stayed in Hawaii for the entire summer break as our honeymoon.

Melony went a little boy crazy when she got to college. She had a trainload of them wrapped around her little finger that first semester. There were only four official boyfriend relationships, but she dated quite a few before she found Josh. Josh had come with us to Hawaii and ultimately proposed to Melly. They are planning to marry after Josh graduates next year.

Connie gave me a son, Trevor. Heather gave birth to twin girls, Angel and Lacy. Susan and Rachel both got pregnant in Hawaii. Susan gave me another son, Jordan, and Rachel gave me another daughter, Jane.

As a wedding gift, my dad gave us an engineering company. It's planned that once we graduate, Connie and I will work as engineers, Rachel will work as a business manager, and Susan will work in marketing.

"So I guess that's our story. Do you ladies have anything to add?"

"No, I think you nailed it, babe," replies Rachel

"I think you could have added a little more about our sex lives and maybe told about the BDSM dungeon I built," Says Heather.

"Heather, you and that damn dungeon. No one wants to listen to your twisted sexual fantasies," extolled Susan.

"Yeah, bitch, you just don't want everyone knowing you like wearing latex and having that phat ass spanked," responds Heather.

"Okay, girls, no fighting. Is there anything else?" I ask.

"I have one thing to add, sugar," says Connie.

"What's that, sweetie?"

"I'm Late!"
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