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Who or what are the Zadons? A closer look at the mysterious, murderous enemies of the space troopers.

Ryan gets an invitation from Scarlett; Melissa gets STUD service
Galactic Date 5116.504

Alpha Quadrant

Fresh out of the shower and wrapped in a towel, Melissa softly hums a tune to herself as she brushes out her long, luxuriant mane of golden hair. Standing 5’10, she’s a statuesque beauty with a radiant, captivating smile, looking nowhere near her 39 years. She flashes her dazzling smile now, thinking back to last night; Cody was good…really good! I shouldn’t have kept him waiting so long! she giggles to herself. Just then, her ping chimes; putting down her hairbrush, she checks her device and reads the reminder that she’s entering peak fertility today. Excitedly, she immediately pings her 15 year old boyfriend, Alec, extending a lusty invitation for him to come over to her apartment tonight to impregnate her. Putting down her ping, she uncinches her towel, lets it drop to the floor and kicks it away into a crumpled heap with her delectable, shapely little foot. She admires her gloriously naked body in the full length mirror; with her C-cup boobs, flat belly, luscious, perfectly rounded ass and long legs, she not only has the face, but also the body of a woman in her twenties. All that time in the gym is definitely paying off! I’m in peak physical condition…ready to have another baby! she assures herself. She’s already given three sons to the war against the Zadons and as a patriotic Xarian woman, she wants to give even more. Another boy…no, wait…three more boys! I’m gonna be a real second wave chick! she enthuses, appraising the gorgeous body that’s going to provide Xares with more future space troopers. She’s already committed herself by making a pact with her 24 year old daughter; both women have pledged to get knocked up in the next few months so that they can raise their babies together, reinforcing the brood of three future space troopers that her daughter has already produced. I’ve just got to stay away from those redheads! she reminds herself. She wants her second wave to be a squad of handsome, blue eyed blonds just like her original trio of sons and getting knocked up by a freckle faced redhead will spoil everything. Her ping chimes again and she giggles as she reads Alec’s eager, lascivious acceptance of her invitation for tonight. After getting dressed, she heads off to her job as a civilian employee at Galactic Armor Associates, the planet’s biggest manufacturer of space trooper armor; it’s yet another personal connection that she has to the Xarian war effort…

Epsilon Quadrant

Z-3125 stands over the 12 armored bodies, waiting patiently for the flickering life sensors on 2 of the fallen space troopers to finally go dark. Their death agonies masked by their helmets, one of the humans is still gasping, while another is making gurgling sounds. The Zadon could finish them off, but human suffering is his pleasure and he sees no reason to curtail it. Such pleasure is rare here in Epsilon Quadrant, a quiet sector of the planet, and it was only the blundering of the space trooper patrol that brought them into his gunsights. It had been close; realizing their mistake at the last moment, the patrol had just started to turn back towards the farm, visible in the distance, that marks the limit of the restricted zone, but Z-3125 managed to nail them. He first took out the patrol leader with a well placed head shot before quickly bowling the others over, thumping each of them in the chest before they could even level their laser rifles at him. Now they lie flat on their backs, the outlines of their engorged male tools visible in their tight fitting armored pants. The cyborg glances at the distant farm; he can see two young females tending the crops, apparently oblivious to the carnage that’s just been inflicted on their male counterparts. He has no interest in harming or even disturbing them; the only humans that he enjoys killing are the ones in the black armor, the ones with the junk dangling between their legs. A last heaving gasp from one of the bodies and the Zadon’s kill counter is updated again. Just one feebly flickering sensor reading remains; the smallest, most slightly built member of the squad, undoubtedly a brand new recruit, is still stubbornly clinging to life. The cyborg can’t see through the human’s mirrored helmet, but from the gurgling sounds that he’s making, he guesses that the young male is slowly drowning in his own blood…

Epsilon Quadrant is noted for two main exports; agricultural produce and boys, lots of freckle faced boys. Settled mostly by redheads, the lush green quadrant is where the humans have most of their agriculture; Epsilon’s women and girls work the farms and the fruits of their labor are shipped to all the other quadrants to feed the entire human population of Xares-27. For this reason, the Zadons don’t devastate Epsilon; they realize that the weak human species needs food for its continued existence and by tacit mutual consent, the worst ravages of war are kept away from this quadrant. Occasionally, there’s a skirmish, resulting in 50 or 60 dead space troopers, or a Zadon catches a careless patrol in the open and wipes it out, as our friend Z-3125 just did, but big battles are almost unknown here. That doesn’t mean, though, that the boys of Epsilon escape the carnage that consumes their fellow teens on Xares-27. As soon as they turn 14 and receive their military training, Epsilon’s adolescent boys are shipped out, in their thousands, to the other quadrants to fuel the fires of war. Arriving in Alpha, Beta or Delta, the loud, randy redheads, most of them wearing cowboy boots with their sleeveless t-shirts and worn, faded jeans, aggressively pursue the local girls; their rate of success in scoring blonde pussy is legendary, but unfortunately they’re not given much time to spread their seed. The High Command throws them into battle as quickly as possible, using them as cannon fodder for large scale operations and the aggressive redheads are just as eager to hurl themselves at the Zadons as they are at the blonde chicks. As a result, countless freckle faced sons of Epsilon are rotting away in Zadon burial pits in every corner of the planet. Meanwhile, left behind in the home quadrant, at least temporarily, are the lucky boys who are given stud duty. Equipped with bigger dicks and/or determined to have a better chance of fathering boys, they copulate feverishly with Epsilon’s women and teen girls, working overtime to make the next generation of Epsilon redheads; as soon as they turn 15, they, too, are shipped away to meet their fate. The young redheaded studs do their job well; Epsilon is noted for its large families and there are many big boobed Epsilon farm women who have proudly contributed broods of 10 or 12 freckle faced sons to the war against the Zadons, each one fathered by a different 14 year old stud…

Z-3125 can’t wait to be rotated out of Epsilon to a more active quadrant, like Alpha or Beta, where there are frequent big battles and the opportunity to kill hundreds of humans in a single day. In his long career, he’s killed over 800,000 space troopers and he knows that he’ll eventually get to the million mark, but his tour of duty in this static sector is severely curtailing his body count. As the agonized gurgling from the dying human continues, he thinks back to the exciting early days of the war and calls up in his memory banks an epic three day battle during the opening stages of the conflict in which he and his quad were confronted by four full brigades of space troopers, 40,000 strong. These were the days before plasma rockets had been developed and the only way the teens could destroy the Zadons was by getting behind them and firing their laser rifles at the cyborgs’ vulnerable back panels. Starting at dawn on the first day of fighting, the space troopers threw themselves at the Zadons in continuous rolling assault waves, some of them sacrificing themselves in diversionary attacks while others tried to outflank the cyborgs; the Zadons slaughtered all of the spoiling attacks and thwarted all of the flanking attempts, piling up the human dead in heaps. By the middle of the day, the armored bodies were piled so high that the humans could no longer advance but neither side wanted the battle to end and by tacit agreement there was a temporary truce while the Zadons’ utility bots cleared away the mounds of teenage corpses. The Zadons were grateful for the lull; it allowed their overheated weapons to cool down a bit, while for their part, the humans used the truce to mass in even greater numbers, the hot midday Xarian sun beating down on them in their armor as they patiently waited for the field to be cleared. With the ground open again, the teens renewed their assault with redoubled fury, hurling themselves with adolescent recklessness at the Zadons in even bigger assault waves than before, throwing away their young lives by the thousands, but gaining absolutely nothing. Only nightfall brought an end to the relentless killing, but with the corpses again cleared away overnight, the humans came back for more the following day and again for a third day before finally abandoning their efforts to destroy the quad. Unaided by any reinforcements and without the loss of a single Zadon, the quad killed 26,000 humans in the epic 3 day struggle; Z-3125 himself killed more than 2,000 of this total. Not long afterwards, he made telepathic contact with a 19 year old female whose 3 younger brothers were killed in the battle. Z-3125 taunted her, rejoicing in the carnage that he and his fellow cyborgs inflicted upon the males and telling her that he killed all 3 of her siblings. To his own surprise, he was unnerved by her anguished reaction. While he still enjoys killing male humans, he now sees no utility in causing their females unnecessary suffering and when he telepathizes with girls, he assures them that their brothers or boyfriends died bravely and that they should be proud of them. Even now, he’s glad that he didn’t disturb the two farm girls down the road, still busily working their field. Suddenly, his reveries are broken by a loud, abrupt choking sound. The gurgling noise finally stops and all is quiet. The Zadon’s sensor goes dark and his kill counter is updated again. The cyborg links to the Zadon command center, and requests utility bots to haul away the armor clad husks to the nearest burial pit. It’s a decent haul for this otherwise quiet quadrant; twelve males, all fresh faced, wide eyed 14 year olds. Z-3125 has ensured that these randy redheads won’t be making any more freckle faced humans…

“Is it over…? Do you think he got them all…?” the 14 year old redhead asks her 15 year old sister as they tend their crops at the farm down the road. “Yeah, he got them all…they never let any of them escape…” the older girl replies calmly; the sisters look like twins with their identical pigtails, jean short shorts and cowgirl boots, their C-cup boobs nicely filling out their identical white t-shirts. “I thought that this kind of stuff never happens in our quadrant…” the younger girl remarks in a puzzled voice. “It usually doesn’t…they must have wandered out into the restricted zone…stupid boys…” the older girl replies unsympathetically. “I wish we could do something…maybe after he leaves, we could bury them…” the younger girl suggests. “What…? Bury 10 or 12 bodies? The two of us? Besides, they have bots that just haul them away…” the older girl replies with a shrug. “I wonder if we knew any of them…?” the younger sister now muses. “You mean like the 3 that were here the other night…? You never know!” the older girl giggles, reminding her sibling about the group of horny off-duty space troopers who had wandered onto the farm just a few nights ago; the two sisters had eagerly spread their legs for the trio, taking turns with all three of them and entertaining them until sunup the next morning. There’s now a lull in the conversation; the topic exhausted, the girls focus on their work again. “Ma told me that I gotta clean up my room tonight…she said no excuses…but I’m gonna to be all tired out from all this work that we’re doing today…it ain’t fair…” the younger girl now complains in her Epsilon twang. “Life ain’t fair…but just remember, no matter how bad it gets, you can always be glad that you’re not a boy…” her sister reminds her…

The Zadons

It's a mystery as to who or what built the Zadons and why, or even what part of the galaxy they originated in, but they’ve been the scourge of Xares-27 for the past two and a half centuries. Standing 8 feet tall and steel gray in color, the Zadons have a curiously squat appearance in spite of their great height. They have a pair of deep-set, beady, glowing red eyes, peering out over an elongated snout; hinging up to meet this protrusion is a large, heavy steel jaw. They communicate with each other telepathically and curiously enough, they also occasionally communicate with random human females, usually teenage girls; the only interaction they have with teenage boys is to slaughter them like insects, which is the one activity that brings them anything remotely resembling pleasure. The Zadons’ primary weapon is a hypersonic shock wave cannon, integrated into their right arms. This weapon fires a concentrated energy burst that pulses through the space troopers’ battle armor, leaving the armor itself pristine and intact but devastating human internal organs. Most Zadons aim for the chests of their teenage opponents; the cannon has a perfectly calibrated targeting sensor and when taking down a line of space troopers, it automatically adjusts itself to variations in height between each boy in the line. Each teen gets a single killing thump to the chest; there are never any shots that are too high or too low. If he’s lucky, a boy will receive a direct hit that pulverizes his heart and kills him instantly; if hit elsewhere in the chest his lungs will be ruptured and collapsed, resulting in a more protracted, more painful demise. Some Zadons, proud of their finely tuned targeting sensors, specialize in head shots, able to liquefy a whole squad of teenage brains in a matter of seconds. Others, displaying almost human levels of cruelty, deliberately calibrate their sensors to target low; designed to rupture boys’ bowels, these shots leave their armored victims writhing on the ground like hard-shelled insects as they endure their slow, excruciating death agonies. The space troopers especially hate these malicious “gut-busters” and even some Zadons disapprove of their overly cruel methods. Besides their shock wave cannons, both of the Zadons’ long, heavy arms are weapons in and of themselves, capable of delivering sledgehammer like blows that shatter and fragment human bone, even if it’s encased in armor. Although ungainly looking, with their long, thick legs and slab like feet, the Zadons can be surprisingly quick and agile. Moving into battle at a slow, deliberate pace, a Zadon can accelerate into a run with terrifying speed and easily overtake even the most nimble, long-legged teenage boy…

The Zadons are formidable killing machines. Each of them is fitted with an internal kill counter that adds every boy that he takes down to his tally; after 253 years of war, the kill counts of some of the cyborgs are truly mind-boggling. Mostly impervious to laser rifle fire, the one sure way to destroy a Zadon is with a plasma rocket, originally developed by the Vizgarians. Even a plasma rocket will have no effect if fired at a Zadon’s front armor; it must be launched at the cyborg’s thin back plate and space trooper corporals and sergeants are given extensive training with the antiquated rocket launchers that the humans are equipped with. The standard tactic is to distract the Zadons with massed assault waves of rank-and-file space troopers while the non-coms get into position to take a kill shot; programmed to kill as many humans as possible as quickly as possible, the cyborgs are usually so intent on slaughtering the assault waves that they’re oblivious to the humans with the rocket launchers sneaking up behind them. This method is hideously expensive in human lives and it’s never easy to kill a Zadon, but it can be done; occasionally massive volleys of laser rifle fire have also been known to destroy the cyborgs if directed at their back plates. If conditions fall into place and their luck holds just long enough, even 14 and 15 year old troopers can share in the collective glory of destroying one of the hated cyborgs if they catch it from behind with rapid, concentrated platoon firing...

The Zadons are a highly organized fighting force. Each Zadon is a member of a three cyborg pod; four pods are further organized into a quad. Designed exclusively for combat and killing, the Zadons are supported by an army of bots and drones. Tech bots are highly skilled androids who repair battle damage inflicted on their Zadon masters; they also retrieve, recycle and repurpose any salvageable components from destroyed Zadons. The lowly utility bots perform menial tasks; the one that keeps them busy the most is removing the human dead from the battlefield and depositing them into the burial pits using the dozers. The utility bots usually don’t encounter live humans and they’re not combat capable, but they are equipped to finish off any mortally wounded space troopers that they encounter in their battlefield cleanup duties. The Zadons also use drones, primarily for reconnaissance, but specially equipped battle drones have also been deployed in the special conditions of Delta Quadrant. Whoever or whatever created the Zadons stopped building new ones after about a century of war on Xares-27; at the time of our story the newest Zadons fighting the space troopers are 150 years old. This knowledge, originally discovered by Vizgarian intelligence, has given the humans hope that eventually the Zadons can be wiped out completely. There are no illusions about this, however; everyone knows that it will be a long war of attrition and countless generations of teenage boys will still have to perish before the last Zadon goes up in a fireball…

Just as the humans try to analyze the Zadons, the Zadons attempt to make sense out of their opponents. From a Zadon perspective, humans are shockingly vulnerable to destruction. The head can be targeted to annihilate the brain, while the number of vital organs packed into the human torso just invites devastation; heart, lungs, stomach and bowels all in such a compact area. The cyborgs have developed a grudging respect for the way the young males sacrifice themselves in such staggering numbers; the teens never ask for mercy from the pitiless cyborgs and battles usually continue until either all the Zadons have been destroyed or all the humans have been slain, usually the latter. The cyborgs enjoy killing humans in large numbers and they have no fear of ever killing the last of the species; they are very well aware of the enthusiasm that the humans have for making more humans…

Human reproduction quite frankly puzzles the Zadons. They realize that the male inserts his stick into the female to deposit his genetic fluid; the fluid appears to be produced by two units contained in a pouch slung beneath the stick. Both male and female seem to derive pleasure from the process of insertion and the vigorous thrusting motions that the male uses to release his genetic fluid; they make bizarre noises and vocalizations, with the female especially ranking high on the decibel scale. From telepathic conversations with the females, the Zadons have learned that this pleasure reaches its height at a stage called orgasm. Females can experience this stage multiple times during a sexual encounter while males experience it only once when they release their genetic fluid; this only reinforces the conclusion that most Zadons have that the female is far superior to the male. Most insertions don’t result in the creation of a new human; the process usually has to be repeated multiple times, often with multiple random males inserting into the same female. It all seems highly haphazard and disorganized. Furthermore, with the gestation period of 9 months and then waiting a further 14 years before the new male can become a viable combat unit or the new female can begin reproducing her own new units seems ridiculously inefficient. The Zadons are also puzzled by the way the female takes the male’s stick into her mouth. This is almost always done as a prelude to insertion, but quite often the female will continue to work the stick with her mouth until it disgorges genetic fluid. This apparent waste of genetic fluid makes no sense to the Zadons; the act seems to bring great pleasure to the male which appears to be the only justification for performing it, although some Zadons theorize that it also enables the female to exert some sort of subtle control over the male. Just one more bizarre aspect to these bizarre creatures…

Alpha Quadrant

“Ryan! Oh, Ryan!” The redheaded teen’s entire body tenses at the cloying sound of the girl’s voice. Oh, no! Not her! he thinks to himself. Sure enough, Ryan turns around to see the obnoxious Scarlett approaching him, dressed in a tank top and a skimpy pair of jean short shorts and flashing a sly grin with her braces. A redhead just like Ryan, Scarlett is also 14; wearing her hair in pigtails, she’s cute, with a perky pair of tits, but her personality is absolutely insufferable. “Hi, Scarlett…” the boy murmurs in an unenthusiastic tone. “Hey, Ryan, wanna come over to my apartment…my mom’s gonna be out all afternoon…” Scarlett offers, barely suppressing a giggle. “No, thanks, Scarlett…” Ryan replies. “Oh, c’mon! It’ll be fun!” she replies. “Yeah, fun for you…what are you gonna do, laugh at me again…?” the boy asks. “Are you still mad about that…? Don’t worry, I didn’t tell anybody…” she assures him, gazing at him with her adoring green eyes. “Nah, thanks anyway…tell Sean to ping me…” Ryan replies curtly, walking away…

“Yeah, I don’t know…I don’t know if that would be a good idea…” Justin tells Sean, one of the troopers in his platoon, who’s just made an unusual request. “Is it against regulations, Sarge…?” the 15 year old redhead asks. “No, nothing in the regulations about it…I just never had a dude ask me to fuck his sister before…” the 17 year old stud sergeant replies in a bemused tone. “She’s boy crazy, Sarge…she’s getting real obnoxious about it, too…I just think that one good fucking will get it out of her system…” Sean replies, pleading the cause of his sister Scarlett. “It’ll probably just make it worse, to be honest with you, dude…” Justin replies candidly. “Well, either way, she really needs to get her cherry popped and I think you would be the best dude to get the job done…” Sean replies. “Yo, I guess I should feel kinda honored that you want me to do it…I’ll think about it, dude, but I’m not making any promises…” Justin concedes; the idea of taking the innocence of the obnoxious Scarlett is both alluring and repulsive at the same time. “Yo, that’s fair…thanks, Sarge!” the redhead replies gratefully. “How’s that special escort duty going…?” the sergeant now asks. “So far, so good, I guess…” the younger trooper replies with a shrug. “Cool! You dudes know what ya gotta do…” Justin reminds him. “Yeah, don’t worry, Sarge…you can count on me and Cody!” Sean replies confidently, flashing a broad grin with his braces...

“I did it, dudes…I finally did it! I fucked my neighbor Melissa last night!” Cody brags to Ryan and Sean as they hang out at Astron’s that evening. “Congrats, dude!” Sean exclaims, as he exchanges a high five with his friend. “Finally! She kept me waiting for a year!” Cody exclaims. “She’s worth the wait, dude…she’s good…real good!” Sean assures him. “Yo, how do you know…?” Cody asks. “I’ve already had her, dude…a couple of times…” Sean replies with a shrug; a cute redhead, Sean boasts an 8 inch pecker and has a solid reputation as a stud. “Yo, you’ve been fucking her all this time and she keeps me waiting for a year? What’s up with that…?” Cody asks in bewilderment. “Dude, chicks are like that…the important thing is that you finally got her!” Sean reassures his friend. “Yeah, I guess you’re right dude…fucked her five times last night!” Cody exclaims boastfully. “Yo, what are you so bummed about, dude…?” Sean suddenly asks Ryan, noticing the downcast look on the younger boy’s face. “He’s still a v…that’s what he’s bummed about…” Cody replies. “Don’t worry, dude, you’ll get laid…just give it time…” Sean unhelpfully assures their fellow redhead. “Yeah, I know…” Ryan mumbles in response; he doesn’t mention his depressing afternoon encounter with Sean’s sister. “Yo, I know what! Let’s hook him up with Melissa! She loves redheaded dudes!” Cody exclaims. “Yeah, good idea! We’ll hook you up, dude!” Sean agrees enthusiastically. “Yeah…I don’t know…I’ll just fuck it up…” a dejected Ryan replies. “Dude, no way you can fuck this up…just leave it up to Sean and me…” Cody assures him. “Yeah, dude, the only way you can fuck it up is if you don’t eat her pussy before you bang her…” Sean advises him. “And you’re gonna bang her dude…guaranteed!” Cody assures him…

“Oh my gawd! Yes! Yes!” Melissa moans as she achieves climax, pounded mercilessly by the loudly grunting Alec. “You want…a baby…? I’ll give…you a…baby!” the sweating stud gasps between thrusts, smashing the gorgeous MILF into yet another orgasm before his nuts convulse and his tool starts spewing deep inside of her. A tall 15 year old blond with short, spiky hair, the boyishly cute stud is always ready to flash his braces in a sly, mischievous grin; he’s been fucking Melissa on and off for several months now and he’s more than eager to knock her up. He spends the rest of the night hammering the beautiful MILF with his 8 inch dick, draining his balls into her, flooding her with his babymaking seed…

Delta Quadrant

“Pussy is…so…fucking…good…” Colby gasps as he relentlessly hammers his 17 year old girlfriend Amanda, doggystyle. “Oh my gawd!” Amanda screams as she achieves orgasm yet again; like Colby’s other girlfriend, Amy, she’s a big boobed, dimwitted blonde. Feeling the first twinges deep in his sperm swollen nuts, Colby grips the blonde’s hips tighter and pounds her with redoubled fury. “I’m…gonna…cum…I’m…gonna cum!” he gasps. “I’m so close! Don’t cum yet, baby!” Amanda calls out over her shoulder. “I’m gonna…fucking…cum!” the redheaded stud gasps out in an even more urgent voice, sweating profusely and gritting his teeth while maintaining the feverish tempo of his hip thrusts; he wants to get his woman off again, but he just can’t hold back any longer. Just as he feels the final, climactic surge deep in his nuts, Amanda lets out a loud orgasmic shriek. Throwing his head back and letting out a deep, visceral groan, the stud feels the first explosive spurt of his pent up man scum, joining Amanda in climax as his belching love worm flings thick clots of baby making slime into the blonde’s well-pounded love box…


339 space troopers die in small scale skirmishes today. This number includes the 12 redheaded recruits on patrol in Epsilon who were slaughtered by Z-3125.

Galactic Date 5117.504

Alpha Quadrant

“C’mon! Tighten up those ranks…shoulder-to-shoulder!” the drill corporal calls out. Ryan feels himself being squeezed ever more tightly on both sides as the whole long line of 14 year old recruits compresses itself into an even more compact mass. In full armor, the recruits are packed into a fully simulated X-3000 transport; the cramped, overheated atmosphere is a foreshadowing of what they can expect when they go on their first combat mission. “Stand up straight…suck in your gut…and no grabbin’ the ass of the dude in front of ya!” the corporal shouts. The latter order prompts guffaws of laughter and is not meant to be obeyed; so tightly packed together are the ranks that Ryan, in the second row, barely has to move his gloved hand to grab the armored butt in front of him. In turn, he braces himself and manages not to jump as an unseen hand grabs his armor clad ass in turn. All the boys participate in the good natured groping; they’re going to be encased in their armor for 14 hours today, helmets locked, as their training reaches new levels of brutality and the adolescent bonding ritual helps relieve at least some of the stress…

“Mmmm…a sergeant…that’s so hot!” Melissa purrs, gazing up at the ceiling as Justin buries his face between her thighs and busily works her love muffin with his tongue, savoring the taste of some of the sweetest pussy he’s ever feasted on. The gorgeous MILF squirms with pleasure as she tries not to cry out; impressed with the stud’s oral technique, she still wants to make him work to get her off. “I know a lot of guys in your platoon…Sean, Cody, Aiden, Gavin, Rory…” she recites the names of redheaded teens in an increasingly distracted voice, her eyes darting, as the stud’s roving tongue nudges her ever closer to climax. “Mhmmm…” Justin grunts his acknowledgement as he continues to work her clit with quiet, focused determination until, finally, his tongue finds just the right spot. “Oh, yes! Yes!” Melissa exclaims abruptly; letting out a satisfied grunt, Justin goes in for the kill, expertly pushing the MILF over the edge with his proficient mouth snake. “Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd!” the blonde screams; her entire body writhes as the stud’s slithering tongue flicks her into double, back-to-back orgasms. As she lays there panting and gasping for breath, Justin gives her no chance to recover, keeping his mouth clamped on her pussy as he pushes her relentlessly towards her third orgasm; just one more climax and then he can start pounding her with his dick…

“C’mon, baby…C’mon!” Melissa moans, locking eyes with the grunting Justin as he thrusts into her. As their copulation reaches a crescendo, the stud can feel the MILF’s hands roving freely all over his sweat lathered muscular frame; finally he can endure no more and he feels the first, convulsive spasms deep in his nuts. Uttering a visceral groan, the handsome stud blasts a thick, slimy load into the depths of Melissa’s pussy; he gasps loudly as his tool continues to spurt, again and again, the MILF murmuring lusty words of approval in his ear as they orgasm together. When his love worm finally stops belching, he pulls out and flops onto the bed; Melissa immediately snuggles up to him, sliding herself into his brawny embrace. “You were amazing, baby…and the way you eat pussy!” the gorgeous MILF congratulates him. “That pussy is so fucking sweet!” the sweaty stud compliments her. “Thanks, babe! Mmmm…you have such an amazing body…I’m so glad they hooked us up…” the MILF purrs, caressing the handsome teen’s bulging biceps and pawing his broad chest, grateful to the STUD program for arranging their tryst. “Yo, I don’t know, though…you must really like redheaded dudes…I mean, all those dudes in my platoon that you know…” the stud can’t resist teasing her. “Oh, I love redheads! They’re so cute…and sexy! But I better stay away from them…I want to have a blond baby after all!” the MILF admits. “Yo, I just hope they at least measured up…hopefully all the equipment works!” Justin replies with a ribald smirk. “Oh, yeah, they measured up just fine…especially Sean! And believe me, the equipment works perfectly!” the MILF replies with a naughty giggle. “Cool! They’re my dudes…I gotta know these things!” the sergeant replies. “But none of them were anything like you, baby!” Melissa purrs, bestowing a kiss on the handsome 17 year old. In a long night of fucking, Justin will blast 8 loads of his baby making sludge into her; Melissa doesn’t even try to keep count of all the orgasms that she has. They catch a few hours of sleep together, entwined in each other’s arms, and in the morning the stud dumps another load into her before taking his leave…

Delta Quadrant

“My boyfriend would kill me if he knew what I was doing right now…” 16 year old blonde Amy announces, looking up at the redhead with the carrot colored hair and the overbite, his swollen, veiny 6 inch pecker throbbing in front of her face. “What, the dude don’t like redheads…?” the 14 year old from Epsilon asks with a sarcastic smirk. “He’s a redhead, too…he’s just really, really jealous…” she replies, sweeping her tongue up and down the length of the petrified alabaster shaft. “So, you like sucking redheaded dick!” carrottop exclaims, flashing his braces in a lascivious grin. “Yes, I do…it’s one of my favorite things in the whole world…” the blonde replies in a surprisingly serious tone before putting the stud’s pecker back in her mouth and bobbing her head up and down on it with lusty enthusiasm. Carrottop throws his head back and lets out a deep, guttural groan of pleasure. Blondes are SO fucking easy…and the way that they suck dick! the randy redhead thinks to himself, watching the blonde head bouncing rhythmically on his love tool. Way better than those redheaded Epsilon bitches…and I’m gonna be here in Delta until next spring…I’m gonna get all the blonde pussy I can! He lets out another groan and clamps his hand down firmly on the back of Amy’s bobbing blonde head…

Grunting loudly, a sweat soaked carrottop pounds Amy’s love box relentlessly with ferocious doggystyle thrusting, until finally, his nuts spasm with seismic force. “Oh shit! Oh fuck!” he gasps, throwing his head back as his spurting tool flings thick globs of his redheaded baby batter into the blonde’s well-hammered snatch. “Oh my gawd!” Amy moans, dazed and wide eyed by the intensity of the carnal onslaught; her boyfriend has a bigger dick, but the anonymous, bucktooth redhead from Epsilon is a lot rougher. “Shit! Fuck!” carrottop curses again as each spasm of his nuts hurls more of his wriggling DNA carriers into the blonde’s babymaker…


331 space troopers killed in minor actions and skirmishes today.

Galactic Date 5118.504

Delta Quadrant

Sitting on the edge of the rumpled, cum stained bed, a bleary eyed carrottop pulls on his cowboy boots as the early morning light starts seeping into Amy’s bedroom. “Oh my gawd! I just hope my boyfriend doesn’t find out about this!” the paranoid blonde exclaims, sitting up in bed with a sheet pulled up to demurely cover her boobs. “Yo, he’s not gonna find out…it’s not like I’m gonna tell him…” the redheaded stud replies. “See, that’s him…his name is Colby and he’s super jealous!” Amy replies, holding up her ping to display a picture of her with her boyfriend. “Dude looks kinda familiar…I musta seen him around here somewhere…” the bucktooth stud muses as he pulls on his sleeveless t-shirt. “I just hope you didn’t get me pregnant…” Amy now frets. “It don’t matter…you’re gonna have a redheaded baby anyway…” carrottop reminds her, shrugging his shoulders; this chick is such a dumb blonde, he thinks, as he puts on his baseball cap, back to front. “Will you ping me, baby…?” she now asks him. “Yo, I don’t go pingin’ chicks for second dates…it’s just not how I roll…” carrottop replies. “C’mon, baby…please?” the blonde asks in a pleading tone. “Okay, I’ll ping you…maybe…” the stud finally agrees with a smirk, won over by the blonde’s imploring blue eyes and luscious bare shoulders, as well as the memory of the frenzied night of sex that they just shared…

Alpha Quadrant

“Oh my gawd! Yes! Yes!” Melissa cries out as she climaxes again. Logan grunts with satisfaction; three orgasms…gave this beautiful bitch three orgasms! he thinks triumphantly. His pulls his face back, gazing lovingly at the well primed clit and the glistening vertical lips beckoning him. He’s ready to get into position, slip his dick in and start fucking the gorgeous blonde, but he hesitates; the pussy is just as good as Sarge said it would be…even better! He knows that Justin tongued her to climax three times last night; he can’t resist showing his sergeant up. “Oh my gawd!” Melissa exclaims, as she feels the stud’s tongue wrap itself around her clit again, and Logan soon has her writhing and screaming in ecstasy as he quickly brings her to her fourth climax of the night, all before the fucking has even started…

Grunting and sweating, Logan works his hips with machine like proficiency, hammering away at Melissa’s pussy. “I don’t know…I think Justin got me pregnant last night!” the gorgeous blonde cheerfully taunts the 16 year old stud as she gazes up at him. “No way…I’m gonna…knock you…up!” the stud gasps between thrusts. Soon, Melissa is moaning in ecstasy as Logan thumps her into a series of orgasms; the knowledge that he’s competing with his best friend to impregnate the gorgeous MILF makes him thrust just a little bit deeper and a little bit harder. Finally, Logan’s balls spasm and his tool starts spewing a thick, slimy flood of his man scum deep into Melissa’s babymaker. Logan’s thrashing wrigglers join the teeming mass of twisting, writhing gametes already swarming deep inside the MILF as his sperm cells go into direct competition with Justin’s; in all Logan will spew a total of 7 loads into the gorgeous blonde tonight, all in the line of duty for the STUD program…

Delta Quadrant

“Oh my gawd!” Lora moans loudly, thumped into yet another orgasm by Colby’s 7 inch love tool. “Yeah! Take it, bitch!” the redheaded stud grunts, slamming his hips with intensified fury, synchronizing his doggystyle thrusting with the thrashing background music that the petite blonde MILF has chosen for their encounter. Jolted by another, even more intense climax, Lora throws her head back and lets out a scream, even as the stud feels the pressure in his balls building rapidly. Finally, the stud’s nuts explode; with a loud groan, he releases the teeming sea of slimy white love scum into the welcoming snatch of his petite, 36 year old partner. Cuddling after sex, the MILF lets out a little giggle; she can’t resist taunting the teen for his voracious sexual appetite. “You little redheaded brat…you have two girlfriends…isn’t that enough pussy for you…?” she asks him in a teasing voice. “I wear both of them out…they can’t keep up with me…” the stud replies with a cocky smirk. “Yeah, because they’re just girls…you need a woman…like me!” the MILF assures him. “You know who else needs a woman…? My bro, Jason…” Colby replies, intent on helping his still innocent friend. “Don’t worry, babe, I’ll help him…just send him over here…” Lora assures him. “Cool! I knew that you’d help the dude!” Colby replies, flashing a grateful, boyish grin. “Yeah, I know how much you guys want to go into combat together, baby…besides, it’s my duty as a Xarian woman…I’m fighting the Zadons, too…I’m fighting them with my body, just like you guys are…” the MILF replies. “That’s another reason that you’re so cool…chicks my age just don’t understand all this stuff about the war, I mean how important it is…they don’t understand why we gotta keep fighting, no matter how many dudes we have to lose…” Colby replies, in an almost philosophical tone. “They’ll understand when they have sons and send them off to fight the Zadons…that’s all we can do, honey, is to just keep throwing our bodies at them…that’s the only way that we can fight them…” the MILF replies. The rest of the night is spent in raw fucking with the stud and the MILF alternating between mish and doggy; in the morning, after a few hours sleep, she gives him a special treat, riding him cowgirl style…


324 space troopers killed in action today.

(to be continued...)
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