A guy lost a bet to his twin sister, and now has to pay it off while watching the game with their friends.
I was in a hell of a mood as I parked in the alley around back of my sister's place, juggling the beers and booze I'd been ordered to pick up in my arms as I eased my way in through her back gate and across her small yard, elbowing her doorbell. The expense of the alcohol was the least of my concerns; I'd gladly have picked up the tab for the rest of the season, if it meant I could have gotten out of what was about to happen.
“Cam! There you are! Come on, we really need to get started if we're going to get you ready before Jake gets home and the rest of the guys start showing up!” My twin sister Rebecca greeted me at the door with a grin, liberating me of half my burden and leading me inside. She was wearing tight little pink booty shorts and a belly-revealing white tanktop, showing off her bellybutton ring. And her nipple piercings, too, for that matter, since her shirt was so thin and she wasn't wearing a bra. I sighed inwardly as I followed her, resigned to the way my sister enjoyed flaunting her tall, skinny body and phenomenal D-cup tits, and kicking myself for letting my discomfort at the sight push me into making such a stupid bet the week before.
“Come on, Bec... you can't really be serious about making me go through with this!” I grumped as I got the beers into the fridge.
“Hell yes I am!” she grinned again, leaning back against the counter. “And you've got no one to blame but yourself, you know! You know better than to make a bet you aren't prepared to lose!”
“Yeah, yeah,” I groaned, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. “Well... let's just get this over with, I guess.”
“Come with me!” she commanded, grabbing me by the hand and flouncing excitedly out the door and up the stairs, dragging me along behind her. She and Jake, her boyfriend and my best friend ever since middle school, had found themselves a really nice little starter house shortly after we'd all graduated college. It was a little small, and somewhat older, hence the parking issues, but still nice, and one hell of a lot better than still living at home while I saved up for a down payment on a place of my own. She whisked me into their bedroom, which I hadn't been inside since helping them move in a year ago, and along into the master bath.
“Shave, first!” she ordered, handing me a can of shaving cream and a little disposable pink razor. I sighed again, audibly this time, but I took them from her, looking at our images in the mirror. No one ever would have mistaken us for anything but twins. Five-eight, the both of us, which I'd always thought was distinctly unfair, her being a girl. We had the same pale skin, subtle freckles, and naturally wavy red hair; hers hanging loose to the bottom of her shoulder blades, mine in a ponytail only a couple of inches shorter, since I hated how unruly it became when it was short. We even had the same delicate-looking bone structure, which was why I'd so carefully maintained my goatee from the moment I could successfully grow one, to make myself look more masculine. But so much for that.
I turned on the tap and got to work, Becca lounging up against the door frame, grinning again as she watched. What, did she think I was going to do a runner out their bedroom window if she wasn't keeping an eye on me or something? Tempting, maybe, but not exactly feasible. She stepped closer again when I was finished, turning my face this way and that, inspecting my work.
“Not bad... now strip, and we'll get started on the rest!” she said, my jaw dropping open in shock. “Oh, don't you even start!” she cautioned before I'd even found the words to object. “I spent all week getting ready for this, picking out a really cute little outfit for you to wear... and you are not going to ruin it for me with armpit and chest hair!”
I groaned, pinching my eyes closed in dread, but I reluctantly pulled off my shirt and dropped my shorts, toeing off my socks.
“Those, too!” she motioned at my boxers.
“You can't be serious!” I gawped.
“Please!” She rolled her eyes. “It's not like you have anything I haven't seen before! Or do you not remember playing 'doctor' that one summer, in the tree house at Grandma and Grandpa's place?”
“When we were, like, ten!” I objected.
“Oh, whatever!” She waved that away with a smile and a flick of her wrist. “Just do it, will you? You need to get in the shower! If your skin's anything like mine is, then trust me when I tell you, you do not want to try to shave dry!”
“I can't believe I'm actually doing this...” I grumbled, hating the very idea of what I was about to do... but I slipped my thumbs under the waistband nevertheless, taking a deep breath to prepare myself, and defiantly pushed them down, baring myself to my sister for the first time in more than a decade.
“Oh!” she gasped, then giggled, her hand covering her mouth, a wicked twinkle in her eye. “So... just like when we were ten!”
“Okay, that's it!” I growled, reaching down for my boxers again, hauling them back up. Fuck that stupid fucking bet, and fuck my sister! I was going home!
“Sorry, sorry!” she said, squatting down beside me to grab my wrist, stopping me before I'd gotten them past my knees. “That was mean of me, I know! I shouldn't have said that. It just kinda... slipped out, before I really thought about what I was saying.”
“It didn't occur to you, that it might be a bit of a sore spot for me?” I asked, turning my head to look away, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks, the tears brimming in my eyes. The hell of it was, she was right. I did still look like I had back then... during that one brief, glorious summer, when we were old enough to be curious, but hadn't yet learned there were some things twins weren't supposed to share.
“You're right, and I'm sorry,” she said again, softening her grip on my wrist, putting her other hand on my back and starting to comfortingly stroke, the way we'd always done for each other when we were little. I let her do it, still not looking at her, as we both remained crouched awkwardly down on her bathroom floor. “Really, Cam. I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything by it.” I closed my eyes against the tears, letting myself relax into that comfortingly familiar touch, and eventually let my boxers fall back to my ankles.
“Is that why?” she asked softly then. I tilted my head in confusion, still not quite able to bring myself to look at her. “Why you never seemed very interested, I mean. Whenever I offered to set you up with one of my girlfriends.”
“I didn't want anyone to know.” I whispered.
“So... nobody, then? Not since...”
“No.” I shook my head. We stayed there silently for a long, strangely intimate moment, my sad, thin little three-inch dick, even smaller than that in its current flaccid state, still out on display as Becca comforted me with her hand rubbing my back.
“If that's really true... I suppose I could again, if you wanted. To show you how sorry I am, for being so careless with what I said.”
“What?” I gasped, my shock at that completely unexpected offer finally enough to turn my head to look at her. And to see the amazing cleavage there waiting for me, even more obvious than normal with her perched down on the floor that way, making it almost impossible for me to keep my eyes raised to hers.
“It isn't like I've never done it before, you know,” she giggled shyly, the blush that I so hated when I felt it rising in my cheeks looking so beautiful as it rose in hers. “And I've learned a thing or two about how to pleasure a dick, since we were younger! Tell you what... you hop into the shower, and let me finish shaving you. And if you let me shave all of you... this time, I'll use my mouth on you, as a reward, instead of just my hand like we used to.”
“Uhhh...” I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry. “Would you get in the shower with me, maybe?”
“Well... I suppose it would be easier that way, actually,” she smirked. “Provided you promise not to get too carried away! I don't want to end up nicking you because you can't keep your hands to yourself!”
“I'll do my best,” I smirked back.
“Yeah, right.” She rolled her eyes with a grin, standing back up, and suddenly stripping off her shirt. God! Her tits really were phenomenal! Huge but firm, with pale pink areolas, and shiny silver bars piercing her succulent, deeper pink nipples. “What are you waiting for?” she laughed, flicking her shirt at me like a towel and snapping me lightly on my ass. “Get in there!” I backed slowly into the shower, feeling my way, unable to keep my eyes off of her as she wriggled her way out of her shorts and panties.
“Okay... that is a piercing I didn't know you had!” I said, eyes riveted between her thighs. She must have already taken care of her own grooming earlier, before I arrived. Other than the little jewelled ring through her clit hood, and the complete lack of even the few wisps of peach fuzz she'd had the last time I'd seen her naked, she looked just like how I remembered her; trim, pink little inner lips, barely even visible, her soft, slightly puffy outer ones just beginning to blush. God, I was happy to see that! To know that I wasn't the only one getting aroused by what we were about to do together.
“And it's one you still don't know I have, as far as anyone else is concerned! Especially Jake!” she grinned, following me into the shower, cuddling in close, reaching around me to turn on the water. I closed my arms around her, holding her tight, her breasts squishing against my chest, nuzzling my nose into her hair by her ear and smelling deeply, an entire summer of half-forgotten memories rushing back in an instant.
I was surprised when she started by taking out my ponytail, washing and conditioning my hair with her own girlie, fruity smelling concoctions. To give my hair more 'body', she said. I couldn't have cared less; that wasn't the 'body' I was paying attention to at the moment! Eventually it was time for her to start shaving me, and I regretfully had to stop playing with her quite so much. I was still able to cop an occasional feel while she did my chest, arms, and legs. I'd never been very hairy in the first place, so that all went pretty quick and easy. Then she moved on to my groin, getting down on her knees so she could see up close, and I didn't dare touch her anymore for risk of ruining her concentration.
“And...done!” she announced as she finally coaxed the last few stubborn hairs from the underside of my sac, testing my smoothness with her thumb. “Now... bend over, and spread 'em!”
“Seriously?” I gaped down at her.
“Hey, that was our deal!” she grinned back. “I get to shave everything, if you want me to suck you off!”
“Ugh, fine!” I agreed, turning around and doing as she said. And I'd thought having my balls shaved had felt strange! But finally she finished, spun me back around to face her again with her hands on my hips... and delivered me straight to heaven.
God, but Jake was a lucky guy, getting this any time he wanted it! She wasted no time, sucking and slurping loudly, sliding her lips slowly down to my base, then popping off to lavish my freshly-shaved and newly-sensitive balls with her tongue, sucking them deeply into her mouth for a few moments, before returning again to my dick.
“Just remember... it isn't all bad, you being so small!” she murmured as she kissed my crown. “It's actually kinda cute, especially with you all shaved this way! And Jake would kill for me to be able to get him all the way inside my mouth, the way I can with yours!”
She took me deep again, driving all capacity for speech from my mind before I could think of a response. I just kept staring down at her, lovingly stroking my fingers through her hair as the water cascaded down my back, hardly able to believe what she was doing for me and desperately trying to commit every moment of it to memory. My only regret was that I couldn't have lasted longer, but there had just been too much buildup, playing with her tits and pussy while she shaved me. Though honestly, considering that it was my first ever blowjob, I probably should have been happy that I'd been able to hold out even as long as I had.
“Bec, oh God!” I gasped. She moaned happily, taking me fully into her mouth, dick and balls both, and holding me there, sucking hard as she swirled her tongue against the underside of my shaft. My hips started bucking uncontrollably, my hands clutching at the sides of her head for stability as jet after jet filled her mouth. She giggled happily up at me as it was happening, clearly enjoying the absolute control she had over me, and she kept me in her mouth long past the time I'd finished. God, she felt incredible! So much better than what I was used to with my hand! Slowly she withdrew, then before I knew it she was suddenly on her feet again, fingers twining into my hair at the back of my head, pulling me into a kiss on the lips. I responded eagerly to the insinuation of her tongue past my lips- and pulled back at the unexpected flood of hot, salty fluid that came with it. Her grip on me tightened, on the back of my head and my ass both, her tongue probing deeper and more insistently as she forced more and more of my cum into my mouth.
What could I really do, in a moment like that? I wrapped her in my arms in turn, mirroring her with my hands at the back of her head and clutching her amazingly pert little round ass, returning every bit of the passion and vigour of her kiss as she continued feeding me the rest of my cum, swallowing obediently.
“Good boy!” she praised in a purr, lovingly stroking my cheek as she finally broke away from our kiss. I smiled shyly, absurdly pleased by her words and starting to blush. We got out of the shower and dried off together, before she informed me she was going to blow-dry my hair for me. I was still feeling so good after what she'd just finished doing for me, I'd have done anything she asked; letting her blow-dry my hair wasn't even a question. I got down onto my knees in front of the counter, happy for any excuse I could get to keep staring at her gorgeous, naked body in the mirror while she worked on me. Besides which, I had to admit once she'd finished and had moved on to doing her own... my hair actually looked good!
“Ready to see what the boys' slutty little serving girl is going to be wearing, tonight?” she teased as she finally set her hairdryer aside, not waiting for a response before taking me by my hand and dragging me back into her bedroom.
“Just promise me, next time I get all bent out of shape about you wearing skimpy clothes and flaunting yourself in front of all my friends...” I groaned. “Promise me you'll just grab a convenient book, or frying pan, or something, and smack me across the back of the head, instead of baiting me into another one of your bets!”
“Oh, shush!” she grinned, gently smacking me on my shoulder. “I didn't see you complaining a couple of minutes ago, now did I?” she asked, sexily drawing a fingertip along her soft, full lips as a reminder. What response was there to that but to smile, nodding my acknowledgement of the truth. “Now, don't you move a muscle! Back in a sec!”
She disappeared into her walk-in closet, where I heard all manner of rustling. When she reemerged, she was holding a Victoria's Secret bag, and something I didn't immediately know quite how to describe.
“You wear them kinda like a turtle neck!” she giggled, dropping the bag beside her and holding out what looked like a short, fleshtone rubber crop top, with a pair of huge D-cup tits moulded on the front. They even had realistic-looking, erect, pink nipples, for crying out loud! Becca gave her hand an upward jiggle as I watched, and sure enough, the tits bounced almost like the real thing. Not that I'd had a lot of experience with the real thing before that evening, mind you, not unless you count watching truly enormous amounts of porn... but other than the lack of piercings, and obviously not being as heavy, they looked and moved almost like hers did! “Here, let me help you put them on!”
I was still in a little bit of shock at what I was seeing, and before I knew it she was guiding my arms in through the proper holes, then squeezing it over my head. It was a tight fit... but once I could see again, and she started pulling my hair out from under and arranging everything to sit properly on my chest and shoulders, it wasn't actually all that bad.
“The trick is, you need to get ones that go right up under your chin, where no one can see the transition between the rubber and your skin, and your hair helps hide it,” she explained while she worked. “We're just lucky yours is so long, so we don't have to worry about a wig. After that, it's just a matter of picking a top that does the same thing, covering the transitions on your shoulders and under your breasts to complete the illusion. Speaking of which...” She reached down into the bag, coming back out with a gauzy little black... something.
“Arms front!” she commanded with a grin, and we followed the same procedure we'd just been through. Surprisingly enough, this one was actually more difficult to get on properly, since the fabric wasn't nearly as stretchy as the rubber had been. But when all was said and done, I was left wearing an incredibly sexy little top, with soft, lacy black ruffles over my shoulders, around my neck, and under my breasts, the rest of it a sheer and transparent black.
“Oh, God!” I gasped, knowing it was all fake, but still turned on despite myself, unable to keep from staring at my fantastic, borrowed tits.
“Nice, aren't they?” Becca giggled, reaching out to give me a sudden two-handed squeeze and a jiggle. The illusion of looking down at them was so convincing, I was honestly surprised for a moment that I didn't feel it. “I had to guess at the fitting size, obviously... but I think I did pretty good. As for the skin tone, and the breast size... I had references.” she grinned, transferring her hands to her own chest to repeat the same squash and shake she'd just given me.
“Yours are still nicer,” I smiled shyly. “But yeah... you did good.”
“Awww!” She cooed, throwing her arms around me and kissing my cheek, then giggling again as she looked down at the way our matching tits were squished together. “Now that... is seriously hot!”
She broke away before I could respond, reaching into her shopping bag once again.
“Panties!” she announced with a too-excited squeal, waving them in front of my face.
“Those aren't panties!” I laughed, wryly shaking my head. “That's dental floss!”
“Pbbbt!” she blew a raspberry at me, and handed them over. I sighed, bowing to the inevitable. They matched my top, of course they did... and Becca decided she was going to be the one to settle them properly into place after I'd stepped into them, pulling them up until the band was riding high on my hips, the string digging painfully up my ass crack, snugging the tiny little triangle of transparent fabric tightly around my dick and balls, adjusting me until I was in exactly the position she wanted me in. Which, thankfully, turned out to be pointed skyward... because after being manually fondled and adjusted by my gorgeous naked sister like that, I was already well on my way to getting hard again.
Next came the skirt, and I was thanking my lucky stars the moment I saw it that it at least matched the frilly part of my top, rather than the transparent part. It wasn't much of a skirt, riding so low that the bands of my panties were clearly visible on my hips above it, and ending so high that it would reveal glimpses of my ass if I even so much as thought about bending over. But it was all I would have to hide the shame of my tiny, three-inch dick from my friends, and I was grateful for it. Last came the shoes; sexy, black, four-inch stiletto pumps, guaranteed to make any man drool... and to send me straight to the emergency room with a broken ankle!
“Well... at least you remembered my size,” I sighed as I sat on the bed to try them on, by that point pretty much resigned to my fate.
“You should still have some time to get used to wearing them, before the guys start showing up,” she smiled. “I'm just going to get dressed myself, then I'll do our makeup, and we can head back downstairs to wait.”
“Or maybe makeup before you get dressed?” I suggested hopefully, grinning lecherously at her tits.
“Why not, since you're being such a good sport about all this?” she laughed, pulling her chair over from her makeup table, with what looked like a child's pencil case filled with who-knows-what in her other hand. She swapped me onto the chair, while she got the bed. Unfortunately, naked or not, I didn't get to look at her nearly as much as I'd have liked, since she spent so much time working in proximity to my eyes. I did get to rest my hands on her thighs, though, which was pretty damned good as a consolation prize.
“Okay, tell me what you think!” she demanded excitedly, helping me to my feet in my new heels and gripping my arm for support as I tottered over to the mirror on her makeup table.
“God!” I gasped, hardly able to believe my eyes. “I look like you!”
“Jake's always teasing me that he wishes you were my identical twin, so he could partake in that whole twin-sister-fantasy thing!” she giggled. “Now I guess he can! Though I have to admit, not even I have ever dressed up like that much of a slut! At least... not where anybody I wasn't currently fucking was going to see!” I could only nod as I looked myself up and down, feeling the blush rising in my cheeks, and the twitching of my dick in my tight, sexy little thong. Hell, I even wanted to fuck me!
“Now, just see what you can do about your voice, will you?” she chuckled as she suddenly slapped my ass, making me jump and unsteadily catch myself on my heels. She moved around behind me, sliding her hand in under my skirt for a better grip on my ass, her other arm wrapping around me to take hold of my breast, both hands squeezing tight as I felt her naked tits pressing against my back, her nipples firmly erect. She came up onto her tiptoes to meet the extra height of my heels, her breath hot and moist as she nuzzled my hair aside and whispered breathilly into my ear. “I know this is all just to pay off that bet... but I really want you to do your best to play the role for me. Okay, Kami?”
“Ka-” I coughed, and tried again to pitch my voice to sound more like hers. “Kami?”
“My beautiful, sexy twin sister Kami!” she purred, nibbling softly on my earlobe, making me moan. She slid her hand around from my ass, over my hip, and under my skirt once more, slowly stroking her fingertips up and down my hard little dick through the soft, silky fabric of my panties.
“Mmmmm...” I purred back at her, eyes closing in pleasure, trying to mimic the sound of her voice. “You keep that up much longer, and I'm going to end up making a mess!”
“Well, we can't have that! Not before the boys even get here, at least!” she laughed, playfully slapping my balls, making me gasp and wince, but it had been a light enough smack that it was more in surprise than in actual pain. Then she withdrew, leaving me wavering on my heels with my arms out to balance, as she disappeared back into her closet.
“Keep practising talking while I get dressed, okay?” she called out. “I printed you out a little something I want you to read to me, it's there on my makeup table. And you can practice walking back and forth in your heels, too, while you're at it!”
I found the sheets of paper easily enough, picking them up and flipping them over, starting to read as I hesitantly tried walking. My eyes were already widening by the time I reached the end of the first paragraph; she'd found a porn story online, about a wife who had feminized her husband as a sexy nurse for Halloween, before taking him to a party and arranging for him to suck off a random stranger they met there and making him swallow his load.
Becca came back out of the closet when I was about halfway through. She was wearing a sexy schoolgirl outfit, her hair done up in a pair of cutesy little-girl pigtails now, her thin white shirt tied tightly under her braless tits, red plaid skirt lifted in front as she reached underneath, slowly masturbating herself to the words I was reciting for her as she lounged against the door frame. Her skirt was quite a bit longer than mine, I noticed, reaching nearly halfway down her beautiful, slender thighs. I started stumbling over my words, seeing her like that, and nearly tripped more than once, but finally made it through to the end of the story for her.
“You don't really think I'm going to let you make me do anything like that!” I gawped at her as I set the pages back onto her table, still in my newfound feminine voice, vigorously shaking my head. Now that I'd finally started feeling more comfortable in that voice, I didn't want to revert back, and have to start all over.
“Of course not!” she chuckled, confidently striding over to me in her gorgeous, ruby-red heels, every bit as sexy as my new black ones. She threw one hand behind my neck, forcing me to look deeply into her eyes, as her other slipped back under my skirt and started teasing me again. “It was really hot, though, especially hearing you read it out loud to me like that! That one's definitely one of my favourites... I just really wanted to share it with you, a little something to help get you into the mood for pretending to be such a sexy, slutty little girl for the evening. That's all!”
“That had better be all!” I warned her, and she laughed. She kissed me- just a peck, not wanting to ruin all the work she'd just finished putting into my makeup, then dragged her chair back in front of her mirror and started on her own. I probably should have taken the opportunity to continue practising walking, but I couldn't help but watch her, seeing the way she did it all. She seemed to go much faster than she had when she'd been doing it to me, more practised at it, I guess, but the end result was no less stunning. And now we really looked like twin sisters, as she stood up and put her arm around me, standing there looking at ourselves in her mirror.
“Babe?” We heard the call coming from downstairs, Jake arriving home from work. “You upstairs? Is Cam here yet?”
“Just a second!” Becca called back to him, turning to face me with a wicked glint in her eye. “You go down first!” she whispered, struggling to hold back a giggle. “I want to see his reaction, when he doesn't already know it's you!”
I groaned quietly and rolled my eyes... but in truth, knowing how sexy I looked right then, I was wondering how he'd react, too. I made my way out the door of their bedroom, clutching for dear life to the banister as I minced my way unsteadily down the stairs in my heels. Jake was in the living room, doing something on his phone. He smiled as he glanced up at me, his jaw dropping open as he did a double take.
“Shit, babe!” he gasped, his eyes greedily trawling my body from head to toe as he took me in. “I know freaking out over what you wear is kinda Cam's thing, but this time I might have to agree with him! You don't think that's a little much, for a night hanging out watching the game with the guys?”
“Guess again!” I said, as girlishly as I could manage, feeling the blush mounting in my cheeks at the way he was staring at me. He froze, eyes going even wider, if that was possible.
“Cam?” he asked in disbelief.
“Actually, that's Kami, tonight!” Becca giggled from the top of the stairs. She was much steadier on her feet than I was, hurrying down to join me at my side, taking my arm and helping me the rest of the way down to join him.
“God, damn... Kami!” he grinned, shaking his head in amusement, taking me in once more, then looking back to my sister. “I thought the idea tonight was to humiliate him for always bugging you about the way you dress, not to make him look hot!”
“She really is hot, isn't she?” Becca giggled, gently correcting her boyfriend's choice of pronoun. “And this way's better! If I humiliated my brother, it would buy me maybe a couple of weeks before he started up again. But if I teach my sister how much fun it is to be such a hot, sexy girl... hopefully she'll understand why I dress the way I do, and we won't have to go through this again!”
“Fair enough!” he laughed, watching as Becca guided me into a turn towards the kitchen.
“Eeep!” she and I yelped together, twisting to see Jake's shit-eating grin after the twin spankings he'd just delivered to our asses. I gasped as he kept his hand on my ass, tightening his grip and giving me a shake, the same as he was doing to my sister. Then he was gone, leading the way into the kitchen.
“I see tonight's going to be even more interesting than I thought!” She leaned into my ear with a whispering giggle, contributing her own little fondle of my ass before taking my arm again and leading me after him.
We busied ourselves readying snacks, not that there was much still left to be done. Mostly, I think it was just an excuse for Jake to keep 'accidentally' feeling up my ass every time we'd pass each other moving back and forth. He played it off like he was just joking around, but I wasn't really so sure; he was squeezing pretty intently, if he was just doing it for laughs!
It wasn't long before we heard the doorbell, and I, as hostess for the evening, was sent to go answer it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to steady myself, then opened the door.
“Wow! Hey there, Becs!” Todd was the first to recover his voice, Steven and Liam standing goggle-eyed behind him as all three of them stared me up and down, and especially at the bright pink nipples of my fake tits straining so visibly against the see-through fabric of my top. As usual they must have taken an Uber together, so they wouldn't have to worry about parking or getting too drunk to drive home.
“Uhh... no, actually.” I said, putting even more effort than normal into my girlie voice, wanting to complete the illusion for my first impression. It was absurd... I mean, I wasn't gay, for fuck's sake! But seeing all three of them standing there, tongues nearly lolling out of their mouths as they looked at me... I felt my dick twitching in my panties, just the same. “I'm Kami, Becca's twin sister. Pleased to meet you.” I nervously extended my hand.
“Pleased to meet you, too... Kami!” Todd replied, taking my hand daintily in his, eyes gleaming wickedly. And then, before I realized what he was intending, he'd lifted my hand, kissing the back of my knuckles as he looked into my eyes.
I gasped, at a loss for words, blush rising quickly in my cheeks, as Steven and Liam started laughing and shoving, breaking the spell. They each took their turn greeting me as I ushered them in and closed the door behind them, chuckling and lecherously complimenting me on how hot I looked, though neither of them tried a repeat of what Todd had done. I felt like my cheeks were about to catch fire, I was blushing so hard! But luckily the game was about to start, giving me the excuse I needed to get away, turning to escort them inside...
“Eeep!” I squealed, nearly losing my balance as I spun, until Liam caught me in his arms.
“Couldn't help myself!” he shrugged with a grin, the other two laughing even louder as he righted me and I reached back under my skirt to rub the spot where he'd just pinched me.
The entire evening carried on pretty much exactly like that. I was the fetch-and-carry girl; refilling snack bowls, replacing empty bottles... and going to the front door to collect the pizza when it arrived, nearly giving the poor, pimply-faced kid a heart attack from staring at my tits so hard while I paid. And every time I got up to do anything, I was getting spanked, pinched, squeezed and otherwise molested by every guy (and girl!) who I passed within arm's reach. Steven even grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to sit crosswise in his lap for a while, just like Becca was sitting in Jake's on the other side of the room, fondling my ass with one hand and my tits with the other. None of them would have even considered taking such liberties with her, when she was playing hostess! But apparently, I was fair game!
They were all really plying me with alcohol, too... way more than I ever drank normally! So much so that I was having a real devil of a time staying upright in my heels. I'd just finished bringing Todd another beer, nearly stumbling tits-first into his face in the process, when Liam surprised me by coming up from behind.
“How about you stop being such a tease, and show us all just what you've been hiding under this skirt, little girl!” he ordered with a laugh, reaching both arms around my waist and down to the hem of my skirt before I could stop him, grabbing hold and lifting it.
“No!” I squealed, scrabbling for his hands and trying to push it back down, but to no avail. Everything froze, every pair of eyes in the room, even Liam as he leaned around me from behind to get a look for himself, staring at my fully erect, hairless little three-incher trapped in my sexy see-through panties.
“Awww!” Todd laughed. “What a cute little clitty you've got there, Kami!”
“Is she hard?” Steven joined in, leaning forward for a closer look. “She is, isn't she? It's so small I couldn't even tell, at first! I guess you've been loving all this attention you've been getting even more than I thought you did, hunh? Isn't that right, you little slut?”
I peered over at Becca, desperate for help... but all she could give me was an apologetic shrug and a weak smile of reassurance. I don't know what else I'd been hoping for. After spending my entire adolescence being so careful, never getting changed, or even using a urinal, where anyone might catch a glimpse... my horrible, shameful secret was finally out of the bag to all my friends.
“If you thought the attention you've been getting so far was good...” Liam growled, his breath hot on my ear as he leaned against me, my eyes going wide as I felt the bulge in his pants he was suddenly rubbing against the crack of my ass. “I bet you'd just love all the attention you'd get from having a big, thick cock in your hands, wouldn't you, girlie?”
I stumbled as he let me go, turning unsteadily on my heels to look, gasping as he suddenly freed himself from his pants and I could see firsthand the cause of that bulge I'd been feeling.
“God!” I quietly moaned to myself. He was huge! Maybe not as big as some of the ones I'd seen in porn... but compared to mine? He had to be eight inches, easy!
“Go ahead, little girl!” Liam purred. “Give it a touch!” I gasped as he surprised me by suddenly making it twitch, and he laughed. “See, it likes you! Go ahead!”
“Okay, wait just a minute, here!” Becca suddenly spoke up, and I turned to her, sighing in gratitude for the much-needed rescue... but my relief was short-lived. “If this is happening... we're doing it properly! Everybody stand up and whip them out! Biggest gets to go first!”
I gawped, but she just smiled and shrugged, anything she may have tried to say drowned out by the suddenly explosion of cheers her announcement produced. I was surrounded, spinning myself uncertainly around on my heels as I looked down from one to the next. They were already hard, all four of them... hard for me, I realized in shock, swallowing nervously. I couldn't believe this was happening... but there was a part of me, a tiny, hidden, secret part, that was bizarrely proud of knowing I was having such an effect of them! My cheeks were already lit up like fireworks, and between the clothes, and the makeup, and way, way too much booze... it was all I could do to keep myself from girlishly biting my lip as I stared down at what they had to offer. Liam, I'd already seen; eight inches, maybe a little bit more. Steven, maybe seven and a half, it was hard to tell because he wouldn't stop slowly stroking himself long enough for me to get a proper look. Todd, just a fraction shorter than Steven, but thicker than him and Liam both. And then there was Jake... my sister's boyfriend, Jake, my best friend... who was a full nine and a half, if he was an inch, and the thickest of them all!
“Damn it!” Todd groused at Becca, an amused smirk on his lips. “You knew Jake would win, when you said biggest goes first!”
“I suspected!” she corrected with a laugh, smiling and licking her lips as she stared hungrily down at the virtual forest of cocks surrounding me. “This is the first time I've ever actually seen any of the rest of you, other than him! And Kami, of course, when I was helping her get ready earlier! And I've got to say, boys... very, very nice! Distinctly above average, all four of you! You're such a lucky girl, Kami! Having four such big, delicious-looking cocks to play with for your first time!”
“I...” I began, slowly shaking my head, unsure of what to say, or of how this had even happened! And, most of all... unsure of why my pathetic little dicklet was twitching so furiously under my skirt, as I stared down at Jake's absolute monster of a cock directly in front of me!
“It's okay, gorgeous!” Jake said, his choice of words snapping my eyes from his cock and up to his in surprise. He put his hand reassuringly on my shoulder, giving me a squeeze, and pressing ever so slightly downwards. “Just get down on your knees, take it into your hands, and start by giving it a little kiss. Then... just do what comes naturally!”
Oh, God! They expected me to give them all blowjobs? The idea of handjobs had been bad enough! But somehow, I felt myself sinking to my knees, unknown hands helping me down since I couldn't do it myself in my heels. And then Jake was stroking his fingers through my hair, looking at me reassuringly, his cock so hot and heavy as I held it in my hands...
I started with a tentative kiss, just like he said. And no one was more surprised than me, that it did come naturally, after that.
Becca sank to her knees beside me... she somehow managed it without help, though I didn't see how! I thought for a moment she intended to share... but no. She'd just decided she deserved the best view in the house, and none of the others had the balls to argue with her about it, the rest of them returning to their chairs to impatiently await their turns.
The game was still playing, somewhere in the background, but I could feel every pair of eyes on me. It was the strangest thing, that feeling of warmth and pride, knowing I was so desired like that! And sure, maybe it was just the fake tits, and the sexy outfit, and Becca's makeup... but underneath it all, still, they wanted me sucking them off! Even in the same room with my ridiculously gorgeous sister, wearing her sexy little schoolgirl outfit... they were looking at me, not her! No girl had ever expressed that kind of interest in me before, the way the guys now were! And as messed up as it was, I couldn't deny... it felt good! I found myself wanting to be worthy of that desire, wanting to please them, to show them how good I could be!
I quickly understood Becca's comment earlier, about not being able to swallow Jake's entire length. I was doing my best... but I couldn't even come close, hoping I was making up for it by slurping around his head and stroking the rest of him with my hands. It felt incredible, being able to wrap my hands around him, one above the other and still with room left over, instead of having to use just two fingers and my thumb the way I was used to with my own. I'm not really sure how long it took me to finish him off; by that point, honestly... I was just enjoying myself too much, concentrating completely on the task at hand. All I knew was, suddenly he was clutching at the back of my head, making me gag as he thrust against the entrance to my throat, his hot, thick load bursting into my mouth. And God, there was a lot of it! And surprisingly enough... it didn't actually taste half bad! I swallowed eagerly, determined that if I was going to play the role of blowjob-slut for the evening, I was going to be the best damned blowjob-slut any of them had ever seen! Then he was pulling out, and I barely had the time to finish swallowing and catching my breath a little before Liam was taking his place.
I did all four of them, one after the other. And then... I crawled over to where Jake was now sitting in his chair. I just couldn't help myself; I needed more! He scooted forward, letting me pull his pants and boxers fully down to his ankles for him this time, then spreading his knees. He gathered my hair into his left hand at the back of my head for me, taking a sip of his beer with his right, leaning back to relax as I got back to work, servicing that amazing cock of his for him once again. The second round took them longer... which certainly wasn't a bad thing, from my point of view! Though my jaw was starting to get kind of sore by the end! But I'd been rewarded with eight huge, creamy loads for my efforts, the game long since over, by the time Becca finally called it a night.
“So, uhhh...” I said shyly to my sister as we walked back to the living room, still instinctively in my sexiest girlie-voice after we'd finally sent the guys out to their Uber. They'd each fondled my ass and tits one last time, receiving my timid thank-you kisses on the cheek and a squeeze on the crotch on their way out the door. “You ready to help me get out of this stuff? I'm not sure I can do it on my own.”
“Not quite yet!” she smiled, avoiding Jake's invitation back to his lap and flopping herself down in the middle of the couch, instead. “I didn't want the guys to see, you being my sister and all...” She reached under her skirt, giggling wickedly as she wriggled her way out of her sexy little thong, tossing it at me. A virtual twin for my own, I saw as I caught it, except that hers was red, not black. She scooted forward, leaning back, lifting and spreading her knees. I turned to look at Jake in shock, but I guess he was still in such a good mood after the way I'd sucked him off, he just smiled and gestured me towards her with a wave of his arm.
I smiled too, wobbling my way over to her... and had to pause.
“Help!” I asked, shrugging and looking down at my heels as I turned back to Jake in his chair again. He laughed, but was quickly at my side, easing me carefully down to my knees in front of her, then taking a seat beside her for a better view. I looked up at Becca, and she smiled down at me, reaching between her spread knees to stroke her fingers through my hair.
God! I'd been dreaming of this forever! I'd wanted to right from the moment Becca and I first started playing doctor together, that long ago summer. But I hadn't had the courage to tell her, was too afraid she'd make us stop even using our hands on each other if I'd asked. I leaned down close, not yet touching her, just inhaling that intoxicating fragrance that I'd previously only received secondhand from my fingers, so, so long ago!
“Mmmm... I can tell you're enjoying yourself.” she moaned breathilly, temptingly rolling her hips for me as my lips remained poised only an inch away from her deliciously wet little slit. “But if you don't get that tongue of yours up my twat in the next ten seconds, I am going to have Jake tie you up, and I am going to sit on your face until you make me cum!”
“Next time, if you like!” I smirked, making her laugh- until I finally made contact with my tongue, and she broke off into a moan.
God, she tasted good! Even better than I'd imagined! I'd always heard that girls tasted fishy... and there was a little of that, I guess. But not in a bad way, like the guys I'd talked to about it had always made it sound. Though to be fair, I never had discussed that subject with Jake; he and Becca had been dating ever since sophmore year of high school, and it would have just been weird, talking to him about it. But even more happy than I was about her taste, I was just thrilled she seemed to be enjoying what I was doing! I'd been really worried about that, not having any experience at it. I slipped my hands in under her ass, squeezing and kneading that firm, round little butt, pulling her upwards into my mouth. She replied by rolling her fingers into my hair, taking hold and directing my movements. I was grateful for the assist, honestly, just wanting to make the experience as good for her as possible, in hopes that she'd let me do it again.
I was so focused on Becca's pussy, I didn't notice Jake getting up again. But when I felt him reaching under my skirt, pulling my thong off my ass and down the back of my thighs, and felt the firm, spongy flesh of his cockhead rubbing against my virgin asshole... that, I felt!
“Just let him do it, Kami!” Becca cooed, comfortingly stroking my hair as she stared down into my panic-stricken eyes. “It's probably going to hurt quite a bit at first, this being your first time... but once he gets it in there, you're going to love it, believe me! God knows I always do, and I don't even have a prostate for him to rub!”
“I don't know, Bec...” I chewed my lip, filing away the knowledge that my sister apparently enjoyed taking it up her cute little ass for future contemplation. It did feel pretty good, having him rubbing me there... strange, but good. But he hadn't started trying to get it inside, yet!
“Just trust me, okay?” she asked, smiling sweetly, her eyes so full of obvious love and concern, I was almost convinced. “And if it makes it any easier for you to make up your mind... if you let him finish inside of you... then I'll let you do the same inside of me, after he's done!”
“Really?” I gasped.
“Really,” she smiled. “Pussy or ass, you pick! In fact... I'll even let you do both, if you can get it up again before it's time for bed! I do have work in the morning, though, so I might need to give you a rain check, if you can't.”
“Ummm...” I stalled, but how could I possibly say no to an offer like that? I twisted back around to look at Jake. “You'll be gentle, right?” I asked. “And use lots of lube?”
“As I can be,” he grinned. “She's right, it is going to hurt some... but I have done this a time or two before, so I know how to not make it hurt any more than it has to. That's a good point about the lube, though... I'm so drunk right now I almost forgot! I'll be right back!” He put his hands firmly on my ass, pushing to lift himself back to his feet and heading for the stairs.
“Actually... let's all just go up to the bedroom.” Becca suggested. “It'll be more comfortable in bed, anyways... and lube isn't the only thing we almost just got so excited we forgot!”
“Okay.” I readily agreed, though I wasn't quite sure what she meant. Jake helped us both to our feet and directed us side by side up the stairs, coming along behind us with a hand on each of our asses. Becca took charge as we arrived, chivying me into the bathroom and telling Jake to keep himself entertained, closing the door on him and stripping me out of my skirt and panties. Then she explained. It was intensely embarrassing, having to try to evacuate my bowels right in front of her like that... but less embarrassing than the mess could have been, if I hadn't. Even worse was the contraption she'd pulled out from under the sink once I'd thought I was done. Getting filled and emptied with warm soapy water over and over again wasn't a feeling I ever thought I'd experience. But, she assured me, not only would it help avoid any residual mess, it would help loosen me up and make penetration easier. I was all in favour of that, and grateful for her expertise and help!
She eventually declared that we were done, and it was back on with my sexy little skirt before returning to the bedroom. She spread a towel out at the foot of the bed, upon which I was to kneel, doggystyle, with my ass and heels hanging out over the edge. I was more than a little nervous about that, imagining what it would mean for him to have the full power of his legs to work with while he was fucking me... but I did it. Then I had to take a trip back into the bathroom, when Jake said he missed the way my panties looked stretched around my thighs, since I'd left them off after Becca had finished helping me get ready. I put them back on and pulled them up, getting back into place once more, and let him be the one to pull them down to exactly where he wanted them. Becca, meanwhile, was playing pillow-castle, stacking them up behind herself so she could more easily look down at what her boyfriend was about to be doing to me while I ate her out. Then, we were as ready as we could be. I dove back between Becca's thighs for another taste of my long-awaited treat... and Jake started applying the lube, and working his way into my ass.
All I can say is, it's a damned good thing I had the taste of Becca's sweet little pussy to distract me from the pain, and her comforting cooing and stroking of my hair to get me through the worst of it! It did start slowly getting better, once he actually got his head inside of me. And once he finally bottomed out, that enormous, thick, nine-and-a-half inch monster pistoning relentlessly into my depths, his hips slapping loudly against my ass with the force of his thrusts... my high, girlish squeals had more to do with my pleasure, than any remaining pain. And my skinny little dick... no. My tiny little clitty, was harder than I'd ever felt it in my life!
“Oh! Oh, God!” I moaned, the suddenness of it surprising me, my eyes going wide. I grit my teeth, my legs starting to shake, as I pressed my cheek tightly against the softness of Becca's inner thigh. Then it was happening, Jake moaning behind me nearly as loudly as I was as my ass clenched involuntarily around his still-pounding cock, spurt after spurt shooting out of me onto the towel Becca had so wisely placed there before. I looked down beneath me, concerned that I'd just ruined my sexy new panties... but there'd been so much force behind that orgasm that I hadn't even come close, overshooting them completely.
“First prostate orgasm, little sis?” she cooed teasingly as I came down, stroking me and directing my attention back where she wanted it.
“You're three minutes older than I am!” I gasped my standard retort, feeling more than a little wheezy in the aftermath of such an intense orgasm. God! I had never cum that hard before, not even when Becca had sucked me off, which before thirty seconds ago had easily been the best orgasm of my life! I bent back down to my task as I started to recover, tired but happy, my breath hot and heavy on my sister's clit. She started moaning and trembling simply from the movement of air across her skin, before I'd even reapplied my tongue. “...but yes,” I whispered, a confusing mixture of shy and proud at what Jake had just made me do.
“Good girl!” Jake praised, making me yelp and tense up on his cock again as he delivered a sudden, stinging slap to my ass. “God, your sister's got such a tight little ass, babe!” He squeezed me tight where he'd spanked me, making me tremble.
“Enjoy it while you can! Mine used to be that tight, before you started fucking it!” she moaned back at him, eyes closed in pleasure at what I was doing to her as she laid back on her pillow. “Now... let's see if you can't manage to give her another just like that last one, hmm?”
I moaned into Becca's folds. I certainly couldn't have cum again so quick if I'd had to rely on stroking my dick... but from getting fucked up my ass? I had no way to know. And even if I could, I was far from confident I could even handle another as strong the one he'd just given me, not without passing out completely... but that made me no less eager to try! My thoughts were interrupted by Becca's sudden gasp, the trembling of her thighs announcing it was her turn, now! It was a shame we hadn't managed the timing just a little bit better, we'd been so close to cumming together... But I guess watching her boyfriend forcing me to cum with his cock buried up my ass had gotten her right up to the edge, and then she'd only needed just that little bit more of my suckling at her clit to finish her off. It was almost eerie, how similar her squeals sounded to mine. She bucked and moaned, fingers clutching at my hair and the sheet, her firm, slender thighs crushing around my head. I just kept going, determined to make it as good as possible, resisting every effort she made to push me away. She finally succeeded anyways, giggling tiredly as she lovingly wiped her moisture from my cheeks and fed it to me off her fingers. Only then, once she'd recovered, did she tentatively allow me back into range to start up on her again.
Our timing was reversed, the second time around, Becca's and my orgasms at least as strong as the first ones had been. In retrospect the signs were clear enough, and I should have backed off a little until I was once again ready to join her. But at the time, I just didn't have enough mental acuity remaining to notice; Jake was literally fucking me senseless, with that enormous, glorious prick! It was then, while she and I were both still trying to recover, that I heard the groan behind me, his hands tightening on my hips. She was faster on the uptake than I was.
“Beg for it, baby!” she cooed, encouragingly running her fingers through my hair. “Beg Daddy for his cum!”
“I... please...” I began, swallowing nervously, but gaining strength from the look of excitement and approval in Becca's eyes. “Please, Daddy!” I whimpered girlishly. “Please give me your cum! I need it so bad!”
“Oh, here it comes, baby girl!” he growled. “Oh, take it!” He rammed himself home harder than he'd ever done yet, making me squeal and arch my back as I felt his hot, potent jizz shooting into my depths. “Take Daddy's cum!” He continued thrusting, over and over again, fingers digging painfully into my hips as he pressed himself against my ass, trying to dig himself even deeper inside of me. “Take it all!”
Finally he was spent, and he slapped my ass again, chuckling at the way it made me squeal and twitch. But I didn't mind... especially with the way he stroked and squeezed me afterwards, his hand feeling so good on the tender warmth of my skin where he'd spanked me!
“I, uhhh...” I began. “I think I may need to take you up on that raincheck offer, Bec.”
“I thought you might,” she giggled, stroking my hair. “Really weren't expecting him to be able to make you cum like that, were you? Without even touching your dick?”
“As surprises go... that one wasn't bad!” I agreed, blushing and bending down to deliver another soft, bashful kiss to her clit. “And I definitely didn't expect him to make me do it twice!”
“I bet!” she laughed. “And I do mean to live up to that raincheck, you know! Some time when you haven't just been fucked half to death, obviously! But honestly... that was so hot, watching him do you like that, I'd have said just about anything to convince you to let him fuck you!”
“I'm glad you did.” I admitted shyly, tentatively wiggling my hips side to side, absolutely loving the way I could make Daddy moan with his cock still ensconced deep up inside of me! “And not just because it means I'm finally going to have a chance to fuck you now, too!”
“'Finally', hunh?” she grinned. “Been thinking about this for a while, have you?”
“You have no idea!” I grinned back, making her laugh.
“Well then... on that note, I guess I just have to ask; do you have to go home tonight? Or can you sleep here, with us, and just leave a little early in the morning so you can go home and get changed before you go to work?” She looked up at Jake behind me, making an adorable, pouty cutsie face and fluttering her eyelashes at him. “You don't mind, do you Daddy? She can sleep here tonight, with us?”
“She can,” he emphasized the pronoun, grinning wickedly. “But I do not share my bed with other men! That work for you, baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy!” I replied, my blush intensifying, giving him another little wiggle of thanks.
“Good girl!” he moaned and chuckled as he spanked me again, on the other cheek, making me moan and chew my lip as he began kneading the tender flesh where he'd just struck me. “You'll want to get rid of the makeup... I trust Becca when she tells me it's a nightmare for your skin if you sleep with it on, and having that pretty little face of yours breaking out all over is the last thing I want! But the tits stay on, if you're sleeping here with us! You can lose the top, skirt, and heels, though... they're sexy as hell, but those ruffles don't exactly look comfortable, for sleeping in.”
“Uhhh... no, not so much.” I agreed, blown away by the unexpected compliments. “Thank you, Daddy!”
“Of course!” he grinned. “Oh! But keep your panties on, if you don't mind! Your cute little clitty looks adorable, in those! And now, if you'll excuse me...” He withdrew, leaving me empty and whimpering piteously, already missing having him inside of me. “I just need a minute to wash off first, then I'll give you girls the bathroom to get ready for bed.” He said, snaking the towel out from under me and using a dry corner to wipe the worst of the lube off his still-hard cock, then taking another corner and doing the same to my ass, thighs, and bald little balls and clitty. He treated me to one last spanking and a squeeze on his way past, then disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.
“Told you you were going to love that cock!” Becca giggled once the door was safely closed, pushing herself up from her back and wrapping me in a tight, loving hug.
“If you say so...” I teased, playfully refusing to admit just how right she'd been.
“Hah!” she barked, seeing right through me and gently elbowing me in the ribs. “Now, let's get these off, before Daddy gets back out here.”
“Speaking of...” I groaned a little as she started struggling with my top, doing my best to contort myself the way she wanted. Sexy it may be, but it was even harder getting it off than it had been getting it on, especially with my breastforms trying to come off with it. “'Daddy'?... That's new!”
“Not exactly new...” she had the grace to blush. “I just wasn't about to tell you about that, before tonight!”
“Fair enough.” I chuckled. “And, I have to admit... it is kinda hot!”
“Oh, it is so much more than just 'kinda' hot!” she giggled naughtily. “But I had no idea how much I was going to enjoy hearing him call you his 'baby girl', too!”
“Yeah... that was a surprise.” I smiled guiltily, thinking back to the moment when he'd said it, just before that amazing cock of his had started cumming deep up my ass, filling me with that incredible, hedonistic heat! I trembled a little, just thinking about it again!
Then he was back, Becca and I were in the bathroom together, and we weren't talking much as she showed me how to get my make up off. It took longer than I would have expected... and I was actually feeling kinda anxious to get back into bed again, to see just how that was going to shake out! But Becca stopped me as I was about to reach for the door.
“Before we go back out there.” she took a deep breath. I knew that sign, growing up as her twin; she was preparing herself for something she was worried would be unpleasant. “I don't want you to take this the wrong way, okay? But... I just have to ask; have you ever though about doing it for real?”
“What?” I asked, honestly confused. “Doing what for real? What are you talking about?”
“About... becoming a girl, I mean,” she clarified, looking down and twisting her toes against the floor, just like she used to do when we were kids, and she was afraid she was about to get in trouble from Mom and Dad. “I mean... look, I'm really not trying to be mean, okay? I love you! I'm your big sister, and I just want what's best for you...”
“And you think what's best for me... would be being a girl? For real?” I supplied into the empty space of her words, hardly able to believe what I was hearing. And the irony that I was still saying those words in my high, girlish voice was not lost on me, either.
“How many times have I heard you complain, about how guys have to be 'gingers'... but girls get to be redheads!” She smirked, and I couldn't help but smile a little as I recalled many a bitching session on that very topic. “All kidding aside though... I just really want you to think about it, okay?” She asked, chewing on her lip in another sign I was so familiar with; she was on the brink of tears. “I probably wouldn't have said anything, except for what ended up happening tonight... and how much you obviously ended up enjoying it, once it did! I certainly wasn't expecting that! And...”
“What?” I sighed quietly, trying to keep my voice as even as I could, not wanting to make her cry. I may not have particularly liked what she was suggesting... but whether I agreed with her or not, I knew her well enough to know how honest she was, and that she really was trying her best to help. “Just spit it out, will you, Bec? It's okay, whatever it is, I promise I won't be mad.”
“Well, it's...” she paused, closing her eyes and taking another deep breath. “It's just... that!” she sighed, gesturing at my crotch. “Look... please try not to take offence, okay? But let's be realistic about this. What do you think the odds are of you finding a woman who's willing to keep dating you... maybe marry you... once she finds out about your little... secret?”
“Gee, thanks, sis.” I grumbled. “'Cause I really wasn't worried enough about that already, without you pointing it out!”
“No, that's what I'm trying to say, okay?” she said, clutching at my arms, the tears welling in her eyes. “Women care about that! Maybe we shouldn't, not as much as we do. And maybe some of us lie, and say we don't... but we do. But men don't care... not when they're the ones fucking you! You saw the proof of that tonight yourself! You've still got the proof inside of you, for crying out loud! In fact... it might even be an advantage, when you really stop and think about it. If your dick is so much smaller than theirs is, then you aren't a threat to their ego; it's easier for them to think of you as an actual girl, and they can simply enjoy fucking you, without worrying that you're somehow going to be competition, or whatever!” She sighed again. “Look, I know I'm not explaining it very good, okay? I know that... but think about what it could mean for you! For us!”
“For us?” I repeated dimly, and despite myself, really starting to think about what she was trying to say.
“You heard him,” she said, gesturing at the closed door to the bedroom. “He won't even consider sharing our bed with another man... but he has no problem at all sharing with my twin sister, Kami! He's even looking forward to it, I can tell! And that could be us! Not just once a week...” She paused, tilting her head as the thought sidetracked her. “I mean, you are planning to come over early again next week, aren't you? So I can help you get ready again, to look your best for when the boys get here?”
“Uhhh... maybe?” I allowed, my cheeks burning, fooling neither of us.
“Well... just think about what it would be like if that was all the time, instead of just once a week! I'm the one girl on earth who'll let you stick your dick in me any time, any place, and any hole that you want! The one girl who doesn't care how small you are! Because I love you! And the only thing you have to do to have me as often as you want...”
“Is to become a girl?” I smirked sadly, staring down at my feet... and at the sad, pathetic little dicklet trapped in my sexy panties, not even big enough to interfere with the view.
“Well... yeah,” she sighed, lifting my chin to look her in the eyes once more. “Look... it would be different, if you didn't like sucking cocks, and getting fucked! I wouldn't even suggest this, then! But you obviously do, don't you? I don't know which of us was actually more surprised by that, me or you... but neither of us can deny the truth, now that we've seen it firsthand! And what are your options, if you don't become a girl? Frankly... girls are just out of the picture for you. Sorry, and again, not trying to be mean! I wish it could be different for you, I so do! But that's just the way it is. Best case, if you stick to trying to date girls, is you find yourself some miserable ballbreaker cunt, who likes humiliating you for your small dick and pegging you up the ass! More likely... you end up spending your entire life alone. Either of which would be fine, if that's what you actually wanted... but you know it isn't. And I know you too well for you to lie to me and say it is! So... that leaves being gay. Which, again, is fine... and I'd certainly understand it, now that I've seen for myself how much you love cock! I'd be a little hurt, that you chose that over being with me... but I'd understand it, and get over it, if that was really what you wanted. But as much as it turns out you love cock... you obviously love pussy, too! Even more, probably! My pussy, specifically! Not to mention my tits! So... I'm pretty sure being gay is out, too! Really... I think you already know you want to be with me... and Daddy, too, obviously. You just have to decide how often you want to be with us! Do you want to spend most of your life frustrated and alone, and only come over here once a week or so, dressing up in fake tits and playing pretend, for just as long as it takes you to get your fix? Or do you want more than that? Do you want to live with us? Always! For Kami to become who you are?”
“And... just for the sake of argument, here, okay?” I said. “I'm not making up my mind, or anything! But even if I did... would he really be okay with that arrangement? I mean... one night, when we're all completely drunk off our asses, is one thing. Would he really be okay making this sort of thing permanent? And not just with him fucking me... but letting me fuck you, too? You are still my sister... that isn't going to creep him out, once he sobers up enough to remember that?”
“Are you kidding?” she rolled her eyes at me like I was an idiot. “I do my best, but even letting him do me three, or even four times a day, it's still barely enough to keep him satisfied! Honestly, I don't know how much longer I can keep it up! And it would kill me, if he ever ended up cheating because I couldn't give him enough of what he needs! He would be thrilled to have an extra pair of juicy little holes running around the house for him to fill any time he felt like it! That would more than make up for anything else he might be hesitant about, believe me!”
“I still don't know... Actually being a girl? For real?” I asked, glancing down at myself. “What would that even mean, exactly?”
“Well... I guess the details would pretty much be up to you,” she smiled shyly and shrugged. “I assume you'd definitely want a set of implants, at a minimum, so you'd be able to feel it when the boys grope your tits, or when Daddy wants you to give him a titty-fuck. But you wouldn't have to get rid of your dick, or anything, not if you didn't want to. And... I mean, it's not like I'm an expert, or anything. But the way I understand it is, the main reason to do that is to basically sort of... turn it inside out, I guess, and make it into a kind of vagina-substitute? And again, not to be mean, but honestly... you being as small as you are, I doubt they could make much of one out of that. Certainly not one big and deep enough to take a cock like Daddy's! So... probably keep your dick... or your 'clitty', actually, since that's how we'd treat it from now on if this is what you decide, that would be my advice. As for your balls... that's less obvious. On one extreme, if you keep them, and don't take hormones, or hormone blockers, you'll still be able to get hard, to fuck me. On the complete other end of the spectrum, if you get them removed, and start taking female hormones, instead, you'll start looking much more convincing as a girl! Those are the extremes, and where exactly on that line you might eventually decide to be... that would be completely up to you. I mean, you can more or less pass already, in the right clothes and makeup- obviously, based on tonight! But it's the little things... like your arms and shoulders, for instance. It could be worse, you've always been built more like a distance runner, not a boxer! But even so... they're a dead giveaway, for anyone who can pull their eyes away from your tits long enough to notice.” I turned to the mirror then, and sure enough, she couldn't have been more right.
“Hormones would soften the rest of your features, too...” she continued. “Though that's less important, in your case; you already look pretty much the same as I do, without your beard! That's another thing you'll have to decide about, by the way; hormones may slow hair growth on your face, but they won't stop it, so you'd have to either keep shaving, or get it removed permanently, either way works. But the hormones would help you put a little meat on your hips, help give you a more feminine shape. And of course, once you were on them long enough, you'd start growing breasts of your own! They'd never get as big as mine are... you'd have to go through actual puberty as a girl, for that! But fake titties always look much more realistic when the surgeon has some real breast tissue to hide them under! The only real drawback would be that, depending where on that line you decide you want to be, eventually you might not be able to get it up to fuck me anymore... and you might not be able to cum just from me sucking you, either. I'm not actually sure about that part... you'd have to make sure you look into it before you make up your mind! But even if I can't get you off by sucking you, there's nothing that says I still can't suck on you anyways, just for fun! And if I do it while Daddy's fucking you, I'd still even be able to swallow it all- or catch it in my mouth and make you swallow it, like we did earlier- when he makes you cum! And even if you go all the way down that line, and get rid of your balls completely, it would just mean there wouldn't be any sperm in your cum anymore. But all the rest of the plumbing would still be there, and still working normally. And the actual sperm only makes up, like, two to five percent, or something! So no real difference, if you ask me! It would be basically the same as having a vasectomy, which I hear doesn't even change the taste!”
“But you clearly don't have a preference, one way or the other!” I smirked.
“Well... okay, so maybe I do!” she giggled, blushing guiltily. “I'd love it if you looked as feminine and convincing as possible! And your cute little dick would look adorable, and even more like a sexy little girl-clitty, without your balls hanging underneath it anymore! But honestly, whatever my own preference... I promise I'd be totally fine with it, however you choose! Really! And I'll make you another promise, while I'm at it! Whether you're sticking it in me, or whether I'm just sucking on it while Daddy's shoving his up your ass... I promise you will never go wanting for an orgasm, living in this house!”
“I believe you.” I smiled, pulling her into my arms for a hug, and kissing her cheek. “Give me some time to think about it, okay? This is all still coming at me blind, here... We'll just keep this a weekly thing, at least for now, while I sort this all out in my head.”
“Obviously!” she giggled, squeezing me tighter. “You're still drunk, dummy! I'm still drunk! I'd insist that you take some time to think about it, first, even if you weren't! I just wanted you to be thinking about it, is all!”
“Love you, Bec!” I whispered into her hair.
“Love you, too... Kami!” she whispered back, reaching down to playfully pinch my ass. I squealed, and got her back. That went on for a while... we are twins, after all, and we're nothing if not competitive! But we calmed down eventually, and she let me strip her out of her clothes. We stood there facing each other... nearly identical, just as long as you didn't look too close. We kissed, slowly and passionately, on the lips, each with one hand between the other's legs, gently playing and exploring, just like we used to when we were little. Then, it was time to get back to Daddy. Becca helped me back into my panties like he'd asked, playing with my balls and clitty until she had everything arranged just the way she wanted it, displaying me to best effect through the thin, see-through fabric, before taking my hand... but she stopped again just before opening the door.
“There's just one more thing, before I forget,” she blushed, suddenly shy, hesitating to continue.
“Anything Bec, you know that.” I told her, reassuringly stroking her hip. “Or at least, almost anything.”
“Well, it's just... I'd really appreciate it if you kept your ass just for Daddy... and maybe me, too, if you decide you're willing to let me try a strap-on on you. So... suck off the boys as much as you like, when they come over... but I'd really like it if anal was something special, that you only do when it's just the three of us alone together.”
“You want to use a strap-on on me?” I gasped, keying in on the much more shocking of her requests. Despite everything that had already happened, somehow the idea that my sister suddenly wanted to fuck my ass herself, not just to watch her boyfriend doing it, still surprised me.
“I can't help it!” Her blush deepened as she guiltily lowered her gaze. “I've always wondered what that would be like, getting to fuck a boy the same as they fuck me... but Daddy's always been adamantly opposed to letting me try it out on him! Do you think, just maybe...”
“Only if I can fuck you first!” I grinned. “Because if tonight was any indication, and you can make me cum half as good as he did, I might not be able to fuck you, afterwards!”
“You mean it?” she gasped excitedly, and when I nodded she threw her arms around my neck, kissing me wildly, then suddenly leaned back. “And... the other thing? Keeping your ass for only Daddy and me?”
“Definitely!” I confirmed, which earned me another, even more passionate kiss. We broke away from each other reluctantly, and she took my hand again to guide me through the door.
I was surprised to find him laying squarely in the centre of the bed on his back, the only light what was filtering in through the windows. I was sure he'd have been off to the side, ready to spoon Becca from behind while I cuddled up to her from in front... but not so. He saw my hesitation, patting the bed on his left as he looked me in my eyes. I gave Becca's hand a last, nervous squeeze, then left her and walked around to that side of the bed, slowly crawling in. She was doing the same on his other side, and I watched her, mimicking her as best as I could. Daddy helped too, guiding me into place under his arm, my head resting comfortably on his chest, my nose maybe an inch away from Becca's. She draped her leg over his, and I did the same, feeling the heat of his thick, muscular thigh against my small, erect clitty through my panties. Then she took my hand in hers again, from where I'd been laying it on his chest under my chin, and moved it downwards. He was soft now, but still much, much bigger than me, and I loved the chance to play with all that heavy, floppy weight, something I'd never been able to do with my own... And I loved it even more, when he started to harden in my hand!
It wasn't long before he moved his arm from around my back, putting his hand on my head and pressing gently downwards. I'd been hoping for an invitation like that! I adjusted my positioning until I was resting my head on his firm, washboard abs, sucking greedily on his crown as I stroked and fondled his length with my hand. I was taking my time, relaxing, wanting to make it last. But I guess he was really enjoying himself even so, because it didn't take him all that much longer than when I'd been down on my knees for him, before. I swallowed it all, loudly moaning my pleasure to let him know how grateful I was for the gift he'd just given me once again... and only then realized that I'd maybe just been being rude.
“Sorry, Bec!” I said girlishly, popping my mouth off Daddy's cock and twisting to look up into her eyes. “I just swallowed it all by reflex! I didn't even think to share with you until it was already gone!”
“Next time!” she giggled and smiled, stroking my hair, and I nodded my promise that I would. I moved back up the bed again... paused, took a breath... and pressed my lips to Daddy's mouth.
He froze for a moment, and I was afraid I'd seriously miscalculated! But then his hand was on the back of my head, his tongue forced roughly between my lips to invade my mouth! I moaned into his lips, swirling my tongue with his, sucking on it the same way I'd been doing to his huge, thick cock only moments before. Too soon, he was pulling me away. I didn't want to stop... but I did as I'd been told.
“Thank you, Daddy!” I purred, submissively lowering my eyes.
“Such a good, good little girl!” he praised, making me feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside as he nestled me back down onto his chest once more. I didn't have to be told, this time, to put my hand back on his slowly deflating cock.
I felt myself drifting off in moments to the smooth, steady movement of Daddy's chest under my cheek. My thoughts, meanwhile, were running a million miles a minute through my head. It was such an odd thought... inconceivable, only a few hours before. But what did I really have to lose, if I went through with what Becca was suggesting? And what did I have to gain? What I wouldn't have given, for instance, to have a real pair of tits to squish up against the side of Daddy's chest as I was falling asleep! I knew I wouldn't do it right away, of course... I intended to fully explore the joys of fucking my gorgeous twin sister, in every way imaginable, before I would even think about doing something that might interfere with my ability to do so! But eventually, once I'd gotten that need out of my system... or at least, once I'd gotten the desperation of that need out of my system... might I be willing to consider trading that ability for something else? Something which, in the long term, I might find to be even more valuable to me? Especially since (and let's be real here!) there was so little chance of me being able to actually pleasure her by fucking her myself, given the size of the cock she was used to having inside of her? We'd have to see, I supposed. But I intended to demand honesty from her; there would be no faking of orgasms, if I couldn't get her there myself! And assuming I couldn't... well, there was still no need to rush ahead of myself. I had plenty of time to make up my mind. And in the meantime... well, let's just say that this week had already been a distinct improvement over the previous, and I was very much looking forward to next week's game!
And no... I already knew I probably wouldn't be able to keep my need for it satisfied by only one night per week, not now that I knew what Becca and Daddy truly had to offer me. I was fooling myself, and I knew it. But I owed it to myself to take it slow, to make sure I wasn't jumping into anything unprepared. And if I already knew how it was eventually going to turn out... that I was going to become Daddy's little girl in truth, not only in name... that I was even going to get my balls cut off, and take the feminizing hormones, and get myself a pair of big, beautiful tits, just like hers, to make myself just as girlish and pleasing for him as possible, until I really did look like Becca's hot, sexy, identical twin sister...
If I already knew all that, well... there were certainly worse fates in life than that!
I smiled to myself at the thought, turning slightly so I could kiss Daddy's chest, before settling back down to a blissful, dream-filled sleep. I could still hardly believe everything that had just happened, and the way it meant my life was about to change... but overwhelming and frightening though it was, I was more grateful for it than I could even begin to say!