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A young wife buys her husband a sex book for his birthday, to rekindle their romance. Adventure ensues.
It all started on my birthday, the year I turned thirty. My wife Anna and I had been going through a bit of a slowdown in our sex life recently. Nothing too extreme... after five years of marriage, and with our first child, Christine, barely old enough to finally be sleeping through the night, I imagine we weren't any worse off than any number of couples in similar situations. But the lack of sex, at least relative to the frequency with which we used to have it, was certainly one more source of stress for both of us. That situation, and Anna's desire to do something special for me on my birthday, was what prompted her to buy us the book.

It was one of those 'bring spice back into your relationship' deals, filled with all sorts of advice and suggestions, with sections on new sexual positions to try, roleplay scenarios to explore, costume and toy ideas... anything and everything you might think to name, it probably had a page in there somewhere, described and illustrated in erotic detail. That first night, when my eyes had been goggling out of my head after I'd unwrapped it and Christine had been crawling on the floor having the time of her young life playing with the shiny wrapping paper, Anna had leafed through it with me to show me a few things she wanted to try. She'd skimmed through it before wrapping it, of course, leaving a couple of bookmarks inside... and she informed me she had another present for me, a sexy nurse costume, that she'd be putting on for me after the baby was down for the night.

That night resulted in easily the hottest, most passionate sex we'd had in months. After that, we started trying more and more ideas out of the book, nearly every chance we got. Following one page's suggestion, we even went out and got some ten-sided dice, and used them to randomly determine which page we'd turn to on any given evening. That didn't always work out, of course; some of the ideas required props or costumes that we didn't have on hand, and as new parents we certainly didn't have an unlimited budget to spend on things like that. But we both got a kick out of the random nature of the suggestions, and tried to follow along as closely as we could, only rerolling when we really had to. Or on those rare occasions when we found something one or the other of us really didn't want to try, of course... but by and large, we were having so much fun experimenting together that we were pretty much up for anything.

Then, one night Anna made a roll that would end up changing everything; the book suggested that she try using a strap-on on me. I was hesitant, to say the least... but neither did I want to say no outright. And Anna pointed out, correctly, that I had really enjoyed it just the other week when she'd followed the book's idea to try sticking a finger up my ass while giving me a blowjob. We didn't actually own a strap-on, of course... but she did still have her collection of dildos and vibrators from when she'd been single, several of which I'd recently had a chance to use on her, following other rolls of our dice. I eventually decided I was at least willing to let her try, though I warned her that I might end up changing my mind depending on how much it hurt.

I... did not change my mind. I was actually shocked at just how good it felt, and how hard she made me cum, sucking me and stroking my cock with one hand while she drove her dildo in and out of my ass with the other. I ate her pussy like I was starving after she'd finished me, and as we lay together in bed we decided we'd definitely have to make room in the budget for a proper strap-on, so she could try fucking me like that for real next time. I'd expected we might get around to trying it in another week or two... but I guess Anna was even more excited to try it than I'd realized, going out to get one the very next morning while I was at work, and surprising me with it that night. And that evening, with my incredibly sexy wife tightly grasping my hips as she thrust into my ass from behind, fucking me doggystyle exactly the same as I'd so often fucked her... I don't even have words to describe how hard she made me cum, and she was absolutely soaked with her arousal when we got her out of her straps and I went down on her in the aftermath.

Things started to change, after that. We'd still roll our dice, but more and more we started making our own little adjustments to whatever the book said. If we opened the page to a de***********ion of a new sex position, we'd of course give it a try. And then, after I'd finished cumming in her and we'd laid in bed cuddling and kissing long enough for me to recover, Anna would go put on her strap-on and we'd try the same position again, only with me on the receiving end this time. When the book suggested that she dress up in a sexy cheerleader outfit (which she actually had, since she'd been one for real in high school, and which she could fit into again after trying so hard to lose her baby weight), we played out the whole scenario with me in the role of quarterback... only in our version, it turned out there was a little 'surprise' waiting for me under the cheerleader's skirt! Pretty soon, nearly every scenario we tried involved a 'surprise'... and I was absolutely loving it!

My next big surprise arrived about two month later, when our dice landed us on a roleplay page describing a naughty schoolgirl begging her teacher to change a grade. I was looking forward to it the moment we read it, imagining our standard 'adjustment' resulting in a sudden power reversal, unexpectedly finding myself down on my knees, powerless to resist the lure of sucking a sexy teenage girl's big, thick cock, before being bent over my desk and forcibly fucked up my ass! But Anna had other ideas... this time, she wanted me to try being the naughty schoolgirl! She even wanted me to dress the part, first!

I was in shock... but I couldn't deny how hard I'd suddenly become at hearing the idea. I agreed, on the condition that she would help me get ready, first. Little did I know what was getting myself in for when I made that deal! I'd just been expecting some help going through her closet, finding something I could fit into that would work as an outfit to wear. But Anna wanted the whole shebang... starting with a fresh shave, and I wasn't just talking about my face! I'm not an especially hairy guy, naturally, but that was still a lot of skin to take care of, and unlike her I had no experience. Thankfully she took charge of doing most of the work, stripping off along with me and joining me in the shower. I expected myself to go soft with a razor, even a safety razor, sliding up and down over the skin of my sac, but astonishingly I stayed rock-solid throughout. Anna took a moment to playfully pop my fresh-shaven balls into her mouth one after the other, sucking hard, giggling at the way she was able to make me moan. I couldn't help it; my balls were suddenly far more sensitive now that they were completely bereft of hair. By the time we got out of the shower and dried off together, I was ready to do anything she asked. And if that included letting her dress me up like a girl this time, before she fucked me... well, I'd never yet regretted anything we'd tried together, whatever I may have thought about the idea beforehand. So, I guess that meant I was game.

The red plaid skirt she found more or less worked, since it was made to adjust for a variety of waist sizes, but a top was more of a challenge. She ended up deciding on one of my own short-sleeved dress shirts, skipping the buttons and tying the ends into a midriff-baring Britney Spears look. I was just lucky there was no way in hell I could fit into one of her bras; I'm absolutely in love with my wife's big, beautiful D-cups... but other than her huge, amazing tits, she's a tiny little thing, only five-foot-two, and as skinny again as she'd been when we'd first met! Nothing that fit her would have even a chance of fitting me!

Then it was time for the long, bright red wig she'd worn as part of her costume last Halloween, followed by the makeup. Here, I'm at a loss to describe what she did; pretty much all I could do was close my eyes and let her do her thing. It took her even longer than it takes for her to do her own (which is quite some time already, when we're going out for a date night), but finally she announced that she was done, and allowed me to look in the mirror. My jaw just about hit the floor. I could recognize myself, barely... but I really did look like a girl! A very slutty girl, maybe, one who had no concept of subtlety when it came to applying makeup... but then, that was the idea, wasn't it? And the rest of the outfit worked, too. I was completely lacking in the breast department, but with the way my shirt was puffed out over my chest, if I didn't know any better I'd have completely believed there could be a pair of braless A-cups, of even smallish Bs, hiding in there somewhere.

Anna quickly got dressed herself, strap-on first, then bra, blouse, and business skirt. It resulted in a noticeable bulge under her skirt... one I was very much looking forward to 'discovering' as part of our play. We were finally ready to get started for real... until I stopped her. With the amount of time and effort it had taken to get me ready, there was one more of the book's suggestions that we just had to implement first; I rushed out to the hall closet, returning with our video camera and tripod. We'd tried that a couple of times before already, and it had always been a blast watching ourselves afterwards, whether we were engaged in more traditional sex, or some of the kinkier stuff we'd gotten up to recently. But this... this was so far beyond anything we'd tried before, we just had to get it on tape so we could watch it again later!

We eased gently into the scenario our book had suggested for us, with me slipping into what I hoped was a reasonably passable falsetto as we improvised our way through our lines to each other. It didn't take long for my 'teacher' to agree to my proposal to adjust my grade, and I was soon down on my knees, gasping in mock surprise at the luscious cock I'd unexpectedly found concealed under her skirt. I sucked and slurped greedily, deepthroating as far as I could manage (which, admittedly, still wasn't all that far, but I was gradually getting better the more I practised). The foot of our bed doubled as a pretend desk for her to bend me over, with me getting up onto my hands and knees over the towel we'd prepared ahead of time, ass hanging out over the edge and Anna standing on the floor behind me. I squealed girlishly as she grabbed my hips and forced herself inside! She asked me if I loved having a big, thick cock up my ass, and I whimpered piteously, assuring her that I did. She told me I was a slutty little whore, and I agreed. She ordered me to beg for it, and I obeyed, pleading with her to take me harder and deeper, to use my slutty little ass for her pleasure, and to cum deep inside, all in the highest, girliest voice I could manage.

The whole situation was so unbearably hot, I came in absolute record time. But unlike any of our previous experiments with Anna fucking my ass, this time when I came... she didn't stop! I squealed and whined, and she ignored me completely. I could hardly believe the intensity of the sensations radiating from my ass and cock as she continued mercilessly massaging my prostate, the pure, undiluted pleasure seeming to drive the very breath from my lungs. Then, suddenly, I felt the pressure building in me once again, and I looked down in shock- my dick was still soft! It was just hanging there all small and limp, flapping all over the place as Anna roughly had her way with my ass... but amazingly, not being able to get hard again yet didn't seem to matter. I groaned loudly, staring down at myself in awe, her thick, hard cock up my ass driving the cum out of my tiny, flacid little dick. I shuddered, in both pleasure and realization. What I'd just thought to myself hadn't been right. If I was going to dress the part, and act the part... I needed to give myself to the part! I closed my eyes and bit my lip, forcing myself to adjust my thinking. And when I opened them again, I was staring down at my tiny, hairless, cute little clitty, still drooling out the last little bit of creamy, sticky girl-cum Anna had just made me produce!

Only then did Anna finally relent, holding herself fully inside of me and caressing my ass, then eventually withdrawing. We tossed the towel in the hamper, and stripped Anna out of her remaining clothes and strap-on, but she kept me completely dressed as she directed me to lay on my back on the bed. She crawled up on top of me facing my feet, feeding me her juicy little pussy as I cupped and squeezed her ass with my hands, pulling her tighter onto my mouth. She moaned happily as I serviced her, squeezing my pecs in my shirt like they were a pair of tits, complimenting me on what a good little girl I was, how well I'd done taking her cock, and what a talented little pussy eater I was proving myself to be. Her words filled me with such a warm, proud glow, she'd have had me hard again in an instant if she hadn't just finished making me cum twice in a row! She held out for three of her own, which I figured she was more than entitled to, before she decided it was time to get off of me. By that point I was hard again, and she turned around and climbed down to lower herself onto my cock, riding me to one last mutual orgasm, praising me and calling me her 'good girl' throughout, until I came inside of her and she collapsed exhausted onto my chest.

That night was incredible... but with all the preparation time that went into it, we quickly came to the conclusion that we could only really get away with it on weekends. Anna started buying me girlie clothes... bras and panties, mostly, and of course the breast forms I needed to fill those bras. She was in charge, and she decided I looked best with a big, firm set of double-Ds, bigger even than hers were, to better fit my larger frame. She got me a couple of simple dresses and skirt and blouse combinations too, along with two more wigs, one blonde, the other a cutsie neon pink. Every Friday night I would rush home from work and head directly into our bathroom, shaving completely, then getting dressed in whatever Anna had chosen to lay out on our bed for me, before calling her in to help me with my makeup. It wasn't long before I was spending entire weekends dolled up like that, prancing around in skimpy little bra and panty sets. It was such an amazing thrill just walking around the house like that, even when Anna and I weren't doing anything sexual together, my hard, throbbing clitty barely restrained within my sexy little panties. Thankfully, Christine was still too young to really understand what was happening. Other than her obvious confusion and cries of annoyance anytime she tried to breastfeed from the wrong Mommy, she seemed to take it all in stride.

Our play continued getting progressively more intense, especially with regard to what we would say to each other. Anna started asking me... more telling me, really... that she knew I wanted to try a real cock. I went along with it, agreeing that I did... even begging her to let me do it, when we were swept up together in the height of passion while she was fucking me. I didn't want that, not for real... but I couldn't deny the wicked thrill that would course through me at the thought of such a taboo idea. She knew that, of course; I'd made sure to talk to her about it, outside of our lovemaking sessions, to make sure she and I were fully on the same page on that topic. She simply got an enormous thrill at the idea of me servicing a real cock, just like I did... but neither of us had even the slightest intention of ever making it into anything but an especially steamy fantasy.

Things were getting even more heated than normal in the lead-up to my birthday. One full year since Anna and I had embarked on this little journey of ours... I didn't have the foggiest idea what she had planned for me, other than that she'd arranged for her younger sister Sarah to take Christine for the night. Anna met me in the kitchen when I got home, wearing nothing but a tiny, ruby red thong and matching bra. In and of itself that was nothing new; it had been months since she'd greeted me in anything but a bra and panties when I got home from work on a Friday. These ones were new, and very, very sexy... but I was confident they were only the start of what she would have in store for me that evening.

“Ready for your first present?” she purred, slowly pulling away from her passionate kiss of greeting. My smile was enough of an answer, and she reached under the table, pulling out a small gift bag from where it had lain hidden on the seat of a chair. I reached inside, finding that it actually contained two presents; a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs, and an elegant and sexy red satin blindfold.

“Your next present... I'm going to tell you about, but not show you. That's why I got you the blindfold, too,” she giggled wickedly, while I tested out the handcuff on my wrist. They were actually really very nice- not just so fluffy and pink and girlie looking, exactly what she knew I'd been wanting... but the insides were subtly padded, too, making them much more comfortable than the set we'd been having to use up til then. As birthday presents go, she was already off to a really good start... but I knew it was only going to get better from there! “I'm afraid I spent a little bit more than maybe I should have... but I know you're going to just love it!”

“Is that so?” I grinned, watching her bouncing excitedly on her toes. If she was already this worked up just talking about it, I could hardly wait to see what else she'd gotten me!

“Remember a while back, when I showed you those super-realistic Japanese strap-ons I found on that website?” she asked, looking up at me guiltily. “The ones that are supposed to feel just like real flesh?”

“The ones we both agreed were far too expensive for us to justify buying, you mean?” I smirked back at her, struggling not to laugh at her look of sudden nervousness.

“Uhhh... yeah,” she blushed. “But I've been saving up from the household budget, you know! It's not like I'd just put it on the credit card, not without cutting back on expenses for a few weeks, first, so I knew we could afford it!”

“It's fine, babe.” I chuckled, reassuringly stroking her cheek and pulling her into a hug. “I know you wouldn't break the budget without talking to me about it first.”

“Okay, good!” she smiled up at me again. “I'm glad you're okay with it... 'cause I'm really, really looking forward to trying it out on you!”

“Me, too...” I grinned. “Maybe I couldn't justify buying one for myself... but now that you've gone and gotten one anyways...”

“I was hoping you'd see it like that!” she giggled, snuggling happily into my chest. “I do need to warn you, though... I got one that's a little bit bigger, compared on any of the ones I've used on you so far.”

“Like... how much bigger?” I asked, suddenly concerned.

“Oh, not that much!” she giggled again, energetically shaking her head. “I wouldn't pick something I thought was going to actually hurt you! But... I'm also not going to tell you, not exactly. It's enough for you to know it's going to be bigger than what you're used to, but other than that, I want it to be a surprise. I want you to be able to just hide behind your blindfold, imagining it's real... and never knowing exactly how big it is until you feel it going balls-deep up inside of you!”

“In that case, I guess my only question is... can we get started right away?” I grinned, and she giggled and nodded enthusiastically, taking me by my hand and tugging me along to our bedroom. She had a new bra and thong laid out for me on our bed, identical to what she was wearing except a few sizes up, with my bright red wig to match. She really had splurged... I just hoped I'd be able to live up to her expectations, to make tonight as extra special for her as she clearly meant to make it for me! I had just enough time to notice she already had the tripod and camera set up as well, before she was chivying me into the bathroom to start getting myself ready. As usual she left me to take care of the first, most embarrassing part on my own, cleaning myself out with the kit we kept under the sink, then getting into the shower to shave. As anxious as I was to get right down to business, I forced myself to take my time, wanting everything to be perfect for her. She came in again when I called, helping with the last few spots I couldn't see to shave on my own. Then I dried off, got dressed, and let her do my makeup. She's had me practising lately, but she's still just so much better at it than I am, and if we were going to be making a video I wanted to look my best. Finally I found myself down on my knees before the foot of our bed, fully feminized, blindfold on and wrists cuffed in front of myself. I assumed Anna's favourite simulated blowjob position without needing to be told, leaning forward slightly, palms pressed flat to the floor between my spread thighs, my upper arms squeezing my breastforms together and really showing them off in my bra. Anna left me then, stepping into our walk-in closet to put on her next 'surprise'. I didn't wait- I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue in eager anticipation, allowing the drool to form and slowly start dripping down onto my big, fake titties. Anna loved it when I did that for her, showing her what a desperate little whore I was for her cock! And I did too, honestly. My only regret was that I couldn't actually feel it on my skin when I let myself get all messy for her that way. That, and the fact that Anna had to be so careful when picking out underwear for me, only buying things that could survive having me drool and cum all over them! There were so many sexy bras and panties I wanted to wear for her... but there wasn't much point when I'd just ruin them the moment we had sex! And trust me, trying not to get all messy from her fucking me... Yeah, we'd tried that. It was so not an option for us!

Those were the thoughts running randomly through my mind as I knelt there waiting, before I realized I should be putting the time to better use. I still allowed my mind to drift... but I was doing so with some more conscious direction, now. I decided I was going to imagine it actually was a real cock I was about to taste. My first one ever... I shuddered slightly at the idea, my clitty twitching in my thong, imagining what it would be like. Picturing my beautiful, sexy wife Anna, all dolled up dominatrix-style, directing from the sidelines as she watched me servicing my first-ever real cock! God, that would be hot! And so what, if I would never actually go through with it in real life? It was that very fact, that I didn't want to suck or get fucked by a real cock, that made it so unbelievably exciting to imagine!

“God, what a needy little slut you are!” Anna purred as I heard her stepping out from the closet. “Mouth open, tongue out... just desperate for a big, thick cock to suck on, aren't you, you little whore?”

“Uh hunh!” I agreed with a vigorous nod, my voice high and girlish as had become second nature to me over the past year, resolutely showing her the good little cock sucker I was pretending to be.

“Here you go, you little bitch! Tell me, how do you like the taste of this cock?”

Suddenly I felt something heavy pressing down on my tongue, my eyes opening wide behind my mask as I felt the firm, spongy texture entering my mouth. I could hardly believe how real it felt! I mean, sure, I'd read all those de***********ions online when Anna had been showing them to me... but I'd immediately dismissed them as nothing but marketing lies. But this! It was even warm! I remembered something about that, too, about how the material they were made from was meant to be immersed in hot water before use, to better simulate the feel of flesh, but I'd had no idea what a difference that would make! No longer did I need to make myself imagine it was real... it was taking a concerted effort to remember that it wasn't!

I moaned happily around her shaft, making sure she knew how much I was enjoying what she was making me do. It was all I could do to keep myself from reaching up to feel it with my hands, but I knew my Anna; she wanted me looking as meek and submissive as possible, for the video, and that meant wrists bound, hands timidly on the floor between my knees, spit drooling down onto my titties as I gobbled as much of her big, juicy cock as I could take! And my God, was it ever big! I could just barely even fit it into my mouth without scraping it with my teeth, never mind any thoughts about trying to get it into my throat! I just had to wonder, was the length going to be proportional to the girth? If so, I was in for one hell of a night!

I could feel her hands on my head as she started gently thrusting her hips, careful not to dislodge my wig. I gagged a little, but not too much; she was being careful, letting me get used to the extra size. I concentrated on trying to do the best job I could, sucking and swirling my tongue against the underside, forgetting for a moment that she couldn't actually feel any of it, so complete was the illusion of the way it felt in my mouth. And all the while she was talking to me, telling me what a good little girl I was, what an obedient little cock-sucking whore. She made a particular point of talking about how much I obviously loved finally having a real cock in my mouth... and all I could do was enthusiastically moan my agreement as she continued fucking my face.

I lost all track of time, so much so that I was honestly shocked when Anna pulled out and ordered me up onto the bed. I crawled up eagerly, spreading my knees and lowering my chest fully down to the sheet, popping my ass temptingly up into the air. I could feel my big, heavy breast forms squishing slightly as I put my weight on them, almost as if I really did have such an impressive rack. Anna caressed my ass, making me moan, before slipping her fingers under the band of my thong and yanking it roughly down my thighs, making me gasp in anticipation of what she was about to do to me. I could feel her pressing against my opening, hard, huge and hot, wet with my saliva, eager to take my ass!

“Beg for it, you little bitch!” she commanded. “Tell me what you want!”

“Ooooh, please!” I squealed girlishly. “Please, fuck me with that big, hard cock! I've been looking forward to finally taking a real one for so, so long! Please, I need it so bad!”

Then she was pressing forward, and I gasped, robbed of speech as she pressed into me. I'd gotten really good at taking cock over the last year, even if I did say so myself... but this one was much thicker than any she'd used on me before, and it took me several long moments for me to regain my wits and voice.

“Oh, I love it!” I wailed, rocking myself forwards and back in time with her thrusts. “I love taking that huge, thick cock up my slutty little ass! I want it deeper! Please, give it to me! I want to take it all!”

“Oh, you're going to take it alright! Every last inch! Just you wait and see!” Anna promised, and I could hear the wicked grin in her voice.

I didn't have to wait long, and God was it ever good! She just kept going deeper and deeper, as if she had an infinite supply of cock and was never going to run out, plumbing my depths until it felt like I was about to burst. I had no way of estimating how big she truly was, not when the only thing I had to go by was how it felt to be stretched in places that had never been stretched before. It was a good thing I'd done such a thorough job cleaning myself out earlier! She did eventually reach her limit, her hips slapping loudly against my ass as she gave me her all, a warm welling of pride rising within me at the knowledge that somehow, beyond all reason, I'd actually managed to take everything she had to give!

The pressure of an orgasm soon started building within me, so much faster than I'd been expecting. This new cock was just so big and thick, so warm and realistic feeling... Anna had made me into quite the connoisseur, when it came to having things up my ass, but this was so much better than anything she'd made me feel before! I whimpered and squealed, telling her over and over again in my sexiest, most girly voice how much I loved taking her cock deep up inside of me, and begging her to make me cum. She did... not just once, or even twice, but three times in a row! I felt like I was about to die from the pulsating pleasure of having my prostate milked so relentlessly, over and over again with not a moment to recover in between... but still she kept slamming into me, so hard and fast and deep, my soft, spent little clitty flapping around like a fish out of water as she treated me like nothing but a toy for her own pleasure. And I was loving every second of it!

“Here it comes, you little slut!” she finally warned, her grip tightening on my hips. “Get ready for it!”

“Oh, please!” I begged, trembling beneath her as she increased her pace even more. “Please, fill my slutty little ass with your cum! I want it so bad!”

She slammed into me hard, over and over, pressing herself as deep as she could reach, just like she really was cumming in me. I was so lost in the fantasy, I swear I could almost feel it for real, her huge, hot load of jizz shooting up my ass, coating my insides! She stayed still for a long moment, caressing and squeezing my ass, then slowly withdrew, finally allowing me to collapse forward onto the bed, utterly spent. I could hear her moving around behind me somewhere, presumably turning off the video camera and getting out of her harness, before she eventually came over to join me in bed, turning my head to face her, taking off my blindfold and kissing me.

“So, tell me...” she grinned, gently stroking her fingers through the hair of my wig. “Was that really as good for you as it looked?”

“Even better!” I smiled shyly back, making her giggle. We lay there together for a good long while, until I'd finally regained enough strength to be able to go down on her, thanking her for what she'd just done for me. She stopped me after just one orgasm, assuring me that we could pick up again after supper. I laughed and agreed, helping her back into her thong first so we'd match again, before we went out to the kitchen together. We flirted and teased as we worked together at the stove, playing footsie under the table as we ate, pinching and splashing as we did dishes. I was dying for another taste of that pussy... but she said she wanted to watch the video we'd just made first, and of course I agreed.

She got the camera from the bedroom, quickly hooked it up to the tv, then started the video and flounced over to cuddle up crosswise in my lap with me on the couch. I slipped my hand between her thighs, making her moan softly and lick her lips as we watched the action starting to play out. The tv soon showed me blindfolded and down on my knees, and I was looking forward to seeing just how big her new toy really was after all as she went to open the door of our closet.

I cannot overstate my shock when instead of her stepping inside, out came Tyler, Anna's sister Sarah's husband, completely naked and slowly stroking his enormous, ten-inch cock... fully twice the size of my own!

“Oh my God!” I gasped, hardly able to believe my eyes as I watched my wife's brother-in-law silently stepping over to me and slipping his cock into my mouth, Anna standing close behind him so I'd think he was her when I heard her voice.

“Surprise!” Anna giggled, squirming in my lap and reaching around me to give me a tight hug, pulling me closer to lovingly kiss my cheek.

“Anna, I...” I trailed off, shaking my head in disbelief, unsure of what to say.

“It's okay,” she murmured reassuringly, smiling warmly and caressing my cheek. “I know how hard it's been for you to admit that this is what you've been wanting. Even to yourself, much less to me! But you don't have to pretend anymore. It's okay!”

“But... Tyler?” I asked, suddenly coming to a further realization. God! I actually hadn't been imagining it! Another man... my own wife's brother-in-law, for Christ's sake, had just fucked me up my ass, had just cum in me... and I'd even been begging him to do it the entire time! Not knowingly, sure, I'd thought it was all just a game... but I'd still done it! There was video proof, for God's sake! And he'd given me exactly what I'd been asking for! And it was all still in there, right at that very moment- that hot, sticky cum, coating my insides, even as I sat there holding my wife in my lap, watching myself eagerly slobbering all over that impossibly huge cock of his, right there on video! As I sat there... still in my sexy new bra and thong, my makeup and wig and breast forms, still instinctively speaking in my high, girly voice, the way I did every weekend... because despite my shock, it would still just feel wrong to speak in any other way while I was dressed like that.

“Don't worry, Sarah knows all about it. It's not like he was cheating on her, or anything!” She smiled, as if that had been my concern. “You know she and I tell each other everything.”

“Everything?” I gulped, my cheeks burning brightly at the idea of Anna's younger sister knowing my secret. And possibly having known my secret, for the entire last year, without me having the slightest idea that she knew!

“Everything, everything,” she giggled again. “I wanted to make sure your first time was something extra special... and after the way she's always described Tyler's cock...” she smiled. “Though I admit, I never completely believed her until he came over earlier I had a chance to see it for myself! But she agreed to let me borrow him tonight, to fuck you. Just as long as I promised not to let him fuck me, too! That would be cheating! And to give her a copy of the video we made, of course.”

“God...” I sighed, still trying to come to grips with it all. I'd never wanted this... never! Not for real! But could I bear to tell her that? When she'd so obviously been trying to do something extra special for me, convinced that it was what I truly wanted? No... of course I couldn't; it would devastate her, telling her she'd made a mistake. And on the other side of things... had it truthfully been all that awful? Far from it, obviously. In fact, it had been the most intense, most incredible sexual experience of my life, when I'd thought it had been Anna doing it to me. Did that now change, just because it turned out not to have been what I'd thought at the time?

“You know... Sarah's already going to be bringing Christine home tomorrow morning.” Anna smiled impishly. “We could ask her to bring Tyler with her, if you want. And we can skip the blindfold, now... Or not, I guess, if you decide you like it better that way.”

“You can't be serious!” I gasped.

“Why not?” she grinned. “And now that you know, and I don't have to worry about keeping you from figuring it out... it means he can cum in your mouth, this time!” she giggled excitedly.

“You'd... you'd really want that?” I asked tentatively, gradually warming up to the idea, her arousal contagious.

“So, so much!” she confirmed, eyes wide and nodding vigorously. “After how much of your cum I've swallowed over the years... I can't wait to watch you finally doing the same! Down on your knees, servicing him, begging him to fill your mouth while I watch... I get so wet just thinking about it! About the only thing better... would be if you agreed to let me spit-roast you with him! Bending you over, pulling your sexy little panties down just enough to reveal your slutty little fuck-hole, making your cute, tiny little sissy-clitty make a big, creamy mess in them for me from having my huge, thick strap-on pounding your ass, while you're slobbering all over his cock and swallowing his thick, hot load!”

“God!” I moaned, suddenly picturing it. She'd never referred to me having a 'clit' before, instead of a cock, or a dick... that had been one thing I'd only ever thought to myself, exclusively in the privacy of my own mind, too embarrassed to ever say those words out loud where she could hear! But I guess, you spend enough time doing... this... I guess I really shouldn't be surprised that she'd started thinking about it the same way I had. The fact was, it had been months since the last time I'd thought of what I had down there as actually being a 'dick'... whether I was dressed up in girl clothes or not! Fuck it was hot, hearing her refer to it like that! I couldn't deny... I wanted to hear her to say it again! And she'd never called me 'tiny' before, either. At only five inches I'd never been under the misapprehension of thinking I was big... but it had always been enough to get Anna off, and I'd made my peace with that having to be enough for me. But now, after having had Tyler's enormous fucking cock rearranging my guts for me... strangely, hearing her refer to me being so much smaller than him was somehow making me even more aroused! And the combination, hearing her talk about forcing my 'cute, tiny little sissy-clitty' to cum for her as she fucked my ass... God damn, was that ever hot!

“Would you like that, my dirty little cum-slut whore?” Anna purred sweetly, leaning up to lick slowly along the curve of my ear the way she knew drove me wild. “Do you want me to fuck you up your ass while you service that big, thick cock of his with your mouth? With my baby sister watching, and frigging herself to the sight of you taking it in both ends at once?” She bit my earlobe, making me moan. “Or would you rather I let her try out the strap-on this time... her and her husband sharing you like the filthy little fuck-doll you are, while I sit back and watch? If you're an especially good little whore, I might even let you eat my baby sister's juicy little pussy for her, after you're done swallowing her husband's cum! Would you like that? Taking turns eating our pussies, making my sister and me cum all over your pretty little face, until Daddy's ready for round two, and he fucks you hard up your sexy, girly little ass again? Is that what you want, my obedient little sissy bimbo slut? You want to be at his beck and call all day long, milking that huge, amazing cock of his any way he tells you to, taking load after load, letting him fill both your holes so full of cum it feels like it's about to start leaking out your ears! Let me hear you say it, sissy! Tell me what you want!”

“I...” I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. “I think maybe you should call your sister.”

“In a little bit,” she smiled wickedly, giving me a reprieve and not making me actually say it out loud. She'd already won, and she knew it. “We have a video to finish watching, first!”

That phone call ended up getting delayed. All that stuff Anna had said, about saving up and getting us one of those expensive Japanese strap-ons... turned out that was all true, not just a lie to trick me into believing Tyler's cock was an amazingly convincing fake. It wasn't quite as realistic as the advertisements had promised, of course... but it was a lot closer to the reality (to which I could now compare it firsthand) than any toy she'd ever tried on me before. It wasn't quite as thick as Tyler's was, but it was actually even longer, a full twelve inches, and it made me cum nearly as hard as the real one had, Anna relying on the enormous, creamy load of sperm he'd left in my ass for lube! Then it was time for her to call her sister... and since Sarah apparently already knew everything anyways, I decided it was a perfect opportunity to start 'thanking' Anna again while the two of them were still on the phone together. Anna, never being one to waste an opportunity, immediately put her phone on speaker, calling me her 'good little bitch' and giving Sarah a running commentary of exactly what I was doing to her the entire time, while the two of them discussed in detail all the possibilities of what they wanted to do to me after she and Tyler brought Christine back the next morning.

Anna finally came, loudly and vigorously, getting a laughing round of applause from Sarah before they said goodbye and hung up, then she pulled me up beside her to snuggle into bed, a blissful haze of exhaustion hanging heavily over us both. I was still a little conflicted about what I knew I was going to be doing come morning... but after everything Anna had done for me over the past year, I more than owed her this. Besides... if what had happened earlier that evening was any sort of guide, it wasn't like I wasn't going to be getting anything out of the deal! Nervous or not, something told me I'd be getting used to this new 'arrangement' of ours soon enough.

I pulled Anna a little tighter against my side under my arm, kissing her hair, closing my eyes, thoughts of her brother-in-law's enormous cock bursting thick, hot cum into my mouth floating through my mind. And God help me, as I felt myself drifting off to sleep... I couldn't keep myself from licking my lips with a small, anticipatory smile!
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