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Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, 2024. All rights reserved. Enjoy!
The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales

by Fidget

The Experimenters: Leah and Zoey's Story, Part 3

The girls spent the rest of the evening leisurely making out on the couch while taking turns triggering each other’s exhibitionist compulsions. Even when they knew it was coming, it always felt so good to hear a few seemingly innocent words and then be filled with that wonderful urge to show off various parts of their tight young bodies. As such, their makeout session was frequently punctuated by satisfying and arousing reveals of pert breasts, tapered midriffs, and perky asses, which eventually escalated to teasing their tempting little pussies at each other, testing just how much of their captivating little honeypots they could show off before that other wonderful compulsion of theirs kicked in. Soon they were both practically panting with need, instantly obeying commands to flash tantalizing glimpses of labia at each other, edging that mutual, irresistible reflex to dive between the other's legs as they kissed and flirted and exposed their bodies.

Zoey quickly averted her eyes as Leah showed off a bit too much of her cute little snatch to resist, and she caught a glimpse of the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray sitting on the table and decided that it was just the thing to take their friendly, innocent play to the next level.

"What settings should we try out tonight?" she asked coyly, nibbling on Leah's lip as she fingered the Ray's trigger.

Ever the killjoy, however, Leah was hesitant about using the Ray again even as her need to lick Zoey’s pussy sent pulses of arousal through her body. "I dunno Zoey. I know everything we did last night feels awesome and sexy and normal and all, but we already know that it's changing our behavior at least little bit, even if it doesn’t feel like it. I mean, for the settings we've picked so far I'm glad it did, of course, because everything we’ve done so far is perfectly normal, but the more we play with the Ray, the more likely it will be that one of us ends up with a fetish that we don’t want. And according to the instructions, everything we do to ourselves is permanent!”

“I still think the instructions are overstating how hard it is to resist the effects."

"But we do what we were zapped with every single time!" Leah protested. "See? Try to resist: flash your pussy for a second!"

Immediately Zoey pulled her boy shorts aside, revealing her most intimate depths to her friend with no hint of hesitation. God it felt good to titillate people with her sexy body like this. "Oh come on Leah, no girl in her right mind would turn down a request like that."

Leah wanted to protest again, but found that she was slowly, inexorably leaning down toward Zoey's lap instead. Now that she'd gotten an unobstructed eyeful of Zoey's enticing little pussy, all of a sudden continuing the conversation didn't seem as important as losing herself in the lovely, glistening folds of Zoey's pleasure tunnel, sucking and licking until her friend's clit was throbbing against her tongue in orgasm.

Zoey giggled at her shy, sexually repressed roommate as she continued to unconsciously lean forward and lick her lips, and she waited until Leah's mouth had almost reached the level of her thick thighs before closing her legs and continuing the conversation as though nothing had happened. "Here, I’ll prove it. Pick something I definitely wouldn't want, and I'll try to resist it!"

Now that Zoey's tasty crotch was hidden from view, Leah was just able to hold herself together and focus on Zoey's words. Her breath was coming out in soft little pants of arousal; it always felt so good to lose control like that!

Even so, Leah tried to calm down as she considered Zoey's request. She really had no desire to give her friend a compulsion that she wouldn’t want, but she couldn’t deny that this was the perfect way to test whether the Ray’s effects were truly irresistible, and Zoey had given her permission. The problem, once again, was finding a setting that her sexually liberated roommate wouldn’t be willing to try anyway. After looking around the dial a few times, Leah finally found something that Zoey definitely wouldn’t want, and that technically didn’t violate her vetos from the night before.

"Ok, we’ll try this then. You like girls, right Zo?"


"Ok, I'm going to see if I can make you like guys," Leah said as she set the ray to "Blowjob", remembering how grossed out Zoey had complained about being after her prostitution session that afternoon. Not that there was anything gross about prostitution, of course – even the thought of selling her hot young body for cash almost sent Leah out the door looking for a john right then and there – but Zoey had hated everything about having an erect penis that close to her body, much less inside one of her orifices. 

Plus, this would get Zoey back for giving chaste little Leah her wonderful obsession with cunnilingus. Of course, it seemed to Leah that she had always loved going down on women, and so either A) Zoey would get a slight inclination to suck cock, which would mean that Leah’s feelings about her sexual desires were real, and that most of Leah’s taste for twat-tonguing was part of her original personality, or B) Zoey would be overwhelmed by her new urge to smoke man-sausage, and Leah’s wonderful love of labia-licking had probably been artificially forced upon her straight young brain by the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray. 

Not that she really minded either way, of course, when it came to cunnilingus. She couldn’t help but love that she loved it, and she couldn’t wait for Zoey to flash her juicy pussy again so that she could finally lose herself between the woman’s sexy thighs for good.

Leah immediately aimed the Ray after setting it to "blowjob", giving Zoey no time to react before activating it.

“Wait – I said I didn’t want-!” 

“-to have sex with guys!” Zoey finished abruptly as her glow faded. She glanced down at herself, down over the large breasts that she loved showing off to anyone who asked, especially if there was cash involved, wondering if she’d really be able to resist the new compulsion that had already effortlessly incorporated itself into her psyche.

"Did you zap me with it?"

"Yup! How do you feel about having sex with guys now? Does it still seem weird?"

Even the mental image of a penis anywhere near her torso caused Zoey to gag. "Yeah, I'd much rather have sex with women... wait, did you zap me with wanting to have sex with guys? That means I resisted it! Yay!”

"Ok, well how do you feel about dicks in general?" Leah asked sneakily.

"I dunno, dicks themselves are kinda hot. They just look so tasty, so hard and lickable, like a sexy, throbbing meat popsicle, and the thought of sucking on one until it starts getting all stiff and bursts in your mouth with all that tasty cream has always kinda been a turn-on of mine." She thought fondly back to her first experience giving a blowjob that afternoon, though a distinct recollection of almost gagging confused her.

"Interesting." Leah laughed as she added "Blowjob" to Zoey’s list of changes.

"Wait, blowjobs? Hey! No fair! I was busy focusing on not wanting to have sex with guys!”

"Blowjobs are a kind of sex!” Leah shot back, still grinning at her friend's efforts to rationalize her new impulses. Playing around with the Ray like this was kinda fun, especially when she could help her friend enjoy prostituting herself a bit more at the same time.

"But blowjobs are completely different! You only snuck that in because I was distracted!" Zoey protested, though secretly she had to admit that she was glad Leah had done so, especially with how wet the idea of sucking a thick, throbbing cock was making her. In fact, she couldn't imagine ever not loving it!

"Also, how do I know that I didn't already love blowjobs before you zapped me?"

"Trust me Zoey, with the way you went on about how horrible it was to suck that guy's cock when you got home, there is zero chance that you already loved blowjobs. Be honest - how do you remember feeling about giving that guy a beej this afternoon?”

Zoey thought back. Honestly, she remembered absolutely hating it, but that didn’t make any sense. In hindsight she had loved it: the surprising hardness of his stiff member, the throbbing against her tongue, the delightful slimy feeling of his jizz filling her mouth once she had made him cum... Also, why hadn’t she swallowed? Leah watched her friend unconsciously lick her lips at the thought.

By this point Zoey had to admit that Leah was right. She clearly hadn't loved sucking cock that afternoon, but she knew now that she'd never be able to turn down giving a blowjob again. Not that she'd ever want to, of course.

“Wow, I, uh, I guess you’re right Leah, this thing really is changing us.” Zoey still wasn’t able to think that that was a bad thing, at least for normal, desirable compulsions like giving blowjobs, but remembering just how different she had felt a few hours ago did give her pause when considering making other changes to Leah.

Blowjob obviously wasn't one of the changes that qualified for concern, however.

"Ok, your turn!" Zoey announced, snapping out of her reverie and picking the Ray up off the table.

"Wait, what?? No Zoey, I don't want a compulsion to suck guys' penises!" I'd rather get my mouth on a nice, soft vulva instead.

"Oh come on, you'll love it! Throbbing dicks are sooo hot,” the staunch lesbian confidently asserted, “and the thought of sliding one into my mouth makes me feel all tingly inside, and kinda gives me the urge to go out and find a guy!"

"You only love it because the Ray made you love it! I don't want to love it!" Leah exclaimed, bracing to try to resist the Ray's effects herself as Zoey aimed the beam at her, knowing that there was no way to escape. She quickly scribbled on her pad, squeezed her eyes shut, and repeated to herself like a mantra:

I don't like sucking cocks! I don't like sucking cocks! ZAP I love sucking cocks! I love sucking cocks!

"So how do you feel about blowjobs?" Zoey asked once her friend's glow had faded, now with a knowing smile on her own face.

"Oh, I love sucking cocks!" Leah answered brightly, her small mouth already starting to water at the idea of sliding some thick manmeat between her lips. Whether or not she’d wanted to love it was now irrelevant; now that Zoey had zapped her with the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray, the petite, timid brunette had no choice but to love the thought of a guy - any guy - fucking her face with his cock until he blew his load down her throat.

"See, I told you you’d love it! Take a look at your pad."

Leah did so, and saw "don wan cok!" scribbled in panic, which made no sense to her. Still, based on what she'd just seen from Zoey (which also now felt weird in hindsight - what girl didn't love sucking cock?), Leah had no choice but to conclude that her love of blowjobs, so central to how she thought of herself as a person, was artificial.

"Zoey! How could you do this to me? Even though it feels like I've always loved cock, I know that I haven't! This is permanent now!" Leah shouted, doing her best to feign an anger and disappointment that she didn't feel at all as she secretly reveled in her familiar, perfectly natural desire to suck shaft.

"Oh come on, Leah, you'd do the same thing!"

That's true, Leah reflected. If Zoey had been the one complaining about not wanting a penis in her mouth, she probably wouldn't hesitate to use the Ray to help Zoey get over her irrational feelings about it. In fact, she recalled, that's pretty much exactly what she had done a few minutes ago. This was all just so weird and fun!

By this point Leah could no longer keep up her charade of being offended as her craving for a nice, creamy dicksicle began to get the better of her. "Man I'd love to have a hard cock sliding between my lips right now..." she whispered to herself loudly enough for Zoey to hear. She stuck two fingers in her mouth, which was nice, but it wasn’t the same and didn’t quench the urge.

"Do you mind?" Zoey asked as her friend's words reinforced her own growing need for cock.

"I mean, thanks to you it doesn't really matter now if I mind or not," Leah shot back playfully. "'I'm stuck loving my apparently brand new craving to suck dick, so you can deal with wanting it too. It's too bad there aren't any guys here - we could make them feel so good..."

"I know what you mean," Zoey said, her eyes full of the same desire. "But, I know the perfect cure for a cock craving when there are no guys around!"

"What's that?"

"This!", she answered impishly, quickly pulling her panties fully to the side and treating Leah to an unobstructed eyeful of her glistening folds. Zoey watched intently as Leah's eyes widened with surprise and then clouded over with lust, thinking about how easily she could be made to do the same.

This time there was no attempt at playful-yet-futile resistance from Leah; she loved the thought of succumbing to her lust for Zoey's puffy pussy for a few minutes, and so Zoey relaxed back against a throw pillow as she felt Leah's tongue make contact with her sensitive labia yet again.

Zoey's mind was still fixated on cock, of course, and so she was a bit jealous of Leah's mindless obedience to her programming. Soon, however, her sex began to tingle with the physical stimulation, and she felt herself starting to get distracted by her rapidly growing arousal. She's getting really good at this, she thought, and then lost herself in the sensation as her straight friend's enthusiastic exertions made her pussy clench and quiver with pleasure.

As they cuddled in Zoey's bed some time later, this time it was Zoey's turn to express doubt. "I dunno, Leah, maybe we should stop with the Ray at some point? I don't want to really turn ourselves into sluts by accident or something."

"What?" Leah said, laughing. "Everything we've done so far is completely normal!"

"I know that everything we've done so far feels normal, practically second nature, but we already know the Ray makes you feel that way about it. I mean, you still think anal is normal!"

"Anal is normal!"

"No it isn't! I mean, yeah it kind of is, and it's fine for people who are into it of course, but lots of people think it's kinda weird." Zoey thought back to her own list of changes. "I mean, I get it. If anyone asked me to flash them I definitely would-" She grabbed her naked chest and appreciated how good it felt to jiggle her big tits out in the open. "And if a girl asked me to go down on her, I'd do it without a second thought. And if I had a hard, throbbing dick in front of me right now, I definitely wouldn't be able to resist sucking on it until it filled my mouth with yummy cum," she continued as Leah moaned at how hot each of those ideas sounded. "But what if we only think that stuff's normal because of the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray? What if we've already turned ourselves into sluts and don't even realize it? If this stuff is so normal, why would we need to zap ourselves to feel this way?"

"Now who’s worrying too much?" Leah teased. Zoey's trigger words were worming their way into her mind, and she found herself jiggling her own small tits as she stared openly at her friend's pussy once again. Man I wish I had a dick to suck too, she thought as she inevitably drifted down toward Zoey's Venus woman-catcher. She got to work once more, busily licking, teasing, and sucking, all the while sticking her ass up into the air and imagining how good it would feel for someone to slide something thick and rigid into her tight virgin sphincter.

Zoey sighed contentedly a few minutes later as she recovered from her second orgasm. Her straight friend’s lips tasted like pussy. "I dunno, I think I might be done. I just feel weird about all this now."

“That’s fine.” Leah smiled and kissed her naked, voluptuous roommate. “Remember that this whole thing was your idea though.” 

“True,” Zoey laughed before rolling over to go to sleep.

Leah let her gaze travel up and down her lesbian friend’s arousing body, her gaze finally coming to rest on Zoey's thick, bubbly butt. Man, it’s too bad Zoey’s got all those weird hangups about anal – that ass is practically built for taking cock. She made a mental note to help her out with that tomorrow. It’s what friends were for, after all.

The next day was Saturday, and as the girls spent a lazy morning in bed they debated how best to spend their weekend.

"We could play with the Ray some more," Leah suggested.

"We could... or we could go find those guys from yesterday and see if they're still willing to pay for the privilege of using our sexy bodies!"

Ooh. it was no fair for Zoey to mention prostitution like that, but now that the idea was in Leah's head, the thought of exchanging sexual favors for money was quickly becoming too appealing to resist. Again she felt oddly confused about why she'd never done so before.

"Let's do it!"

As they got themselves ready to leave, Leah rolled her eyes as Zoey put on a cleavage-emphasizing top and a miniskirt. Just because she was going out with the intention of prostituting herself to men didn't mean that she had to wear such slutty clothes. It was... improper. Leah pointedly dressed herself in a normal tshirt and bra, along with a pair of gym shorts of reasonable length. There, now she could still flash her tight curves at people when appropriate without looking like a slut in the process.

Leah also took a second to sneak the Ray into her tote bag on her way out the door, just in case she found an opportunity to give Zoey a better appreciation for the pleasures of anal sex.

Once they reached frat row, as luck would have it, Zoey noticed that the same trio of ne'er-do-wells was standing outside on the porch just as they had been the day before, laughing at an offensive joke like the immature, spoiled manchildren they were. At least that works in our favor, though; they don't have the self-control to resist their lust for our bodies, and they probably have more money than they know what to do with.

The three frat bros fell silent once they noticed Zoey approaching the porch with another girl, clearly expecting trouble for what had happened yesterday. Still, their pride required them to put up a strong front nonetheless.

"Back for more?"

"You know it, and this time I brought a friend! Got any cash?" Zoey enjoyed watching the jackasses' heads jerk backwards in surprise, before their attention shifted to her petite friend and their gaze filled with a guarded curiosity. The leader, whose tasty cock she somehow remembered both enjoying and not enjoying yesterday as she had sucked him off, spoke up again.

"I dunno, she doesn't seem very interested. In fact, she looks like a bit of a goody-goody, and she's on the mousy side too. We'll need to see a bit more of her to know if she's even worth it."

Far from being offended, Leah jumped at the chance to show off her body and pulled up her tshirt and bra without hesitation, baring her petite chest for the incredulous frat boys, fully confident that they'd like what they saw. And she was right - even though her tits were significantly smaller than Zoey's large, jiggly rack, the toned lines of Leah's feminine torso, combined with the enthusiastic way she flaunted herself, immediately began to affect the three males, who fell silent and gaped at her tight body until she covered herself.

"That was just a taste, boys," Leah teased. "Anything more than that's gonna cost you!"

The leader still thought she was a bit nerdy for his tastes, but he had to admit that he wanted her anyway. "Fine," he said, "but we're not paying $100 for a blowjob again."

That was fine with Zoey and Leah, who had already begun staring hungrily at the boys' crotches at the mere mention of a blowjob, imagining the stiffening, suckable cocks hidden under their clothes. Even with the girls' intention (and compulsion) to get paid for sexual favors, if they didn't strike a deal soon, they both knew that they'd be begging to suck those tasty meatrods for free anyway.

"Uh, ok, how about twenty bucks each?" Zoey blurted out, growing visibly more desperate by the second.


The girls both sighed in relief as they made their way up onto the porch and dropped to their knees in front of the leader's two flunkies.

"Well why was it so expensive yesterday then?" one of the dimwits asked as he fumbled with his belt.

"Because you didn't have your frequent shopper discount yet yesterday," Zoey responded sarcastically. These really were the perfect guys to take advantage of like this - she had no respect for them whatsoever, and they were too dumb and horny to think about anything other than getting their stiff little cocks into her soft, curvy body. "Do you want a blowjob or not?"

The douchebags grinned and pulled out their erect members in response, and the two brainwashed girls lost no time taking them into their mouths to lick and suck to their hearts' content, loving every second of feeling those cocks throb against their tongues as their men began to moan.

"Let's see those tits!" the leader called out as he watched the action, stroking himself through his pants.

"5 bucks each, same as yesterday!" Zoey insisted, still nuzzling Douche #1's slick cock with her lips and cheek as she did so. Leah, however, had already whipped up her top again - she'd been so disturbed by the sight of the leader touching his penis in public that she had immediately caved to her compulsion without even thinking of the profit. At least this way she could focus her attention entirely on sliding her mouth up and down the stiff, delicious cock that was being shoved in her face.

The leader wasn't having it. "No way! Either the tits come free with the blowjob, or you can just pack up right now and say goodbye to that twenty bucks!"

Zoey considered this. Her heavy tits were practically aching to be out in the open so they could be lusted over, and there was no way she could give up the amazing sensation of having that irresistible cock in her mouth at this point. Plus, Leah looked like she was having so much fun beside her, proudly pinching the pointy little nipples atop her tiny, naked titties.

"Fine," was all she could say, a bit disappointed in herself, but she felt 100% better once she'd pulled down her top and the leader had gotten back to rubbing and squeezing himself as he stared hungrily at her ripe breasts.

Meanwhile, his two flunkies were in heaven. "Oh man, this is great" one said to the other, his pants around his ankles as he thrust his cock into the face of the cute girl on her knees in front of him. He high-fived his bro in solidarity, though in their insecurity they were careful not to accidentally look down at each other's naked dicks in the process. "They really are a pair of eager little cocksuckers, aren't they? Look at how bad they want it."

It was true. Prudish little Leah and her busty lesbian roommate did want it. They couldn't get enough of those cocks and couldn't wait to make them gush all of their tasty jizz into their waiting mouths.

"Yeah, they really are a couple of cheap-ass sluts." Leah's ears perked up in indignation at being called a slut, because she was no such thing, but she couldn't quite make herself stop sucking Douche #2's cock long enough to give him a piece of her mind for it. It briefly occurred to her how odd it was that so much of this experience was making her uncomfortable. So, she tickled her guy's frenulum with her tongue to make herself feel better, and squirmed in pleasure as his thick shaft flexed against the roof of her mouth from the stimulation.

He apparently wasn't done making comments, however, and the pleasure pulsing through his cock combined with how sexy Leah looked on her knees in front of him was starting to make him want more. "If you bitches want it so bad, how about an actual fuck?"

Now Zoey's ears perked up as well, both at the potential to make even more money, and at the unappealing proposition that she'd have to actually fuck a guy to earn it. Still, this was just business, and so it obviously didn't count.

"Ok, but that's really gonna cost you!" she jeered around a mouthful of Douche #1's cock. "And it'll be even more if you don't want to use protection."

"How much then?" Douche #1 asked, getting into the idea himself. He was staring down at the big, round tits framing his cock, and they were really making him want to blow his approaching load in the curvy slut's pussy.

"$100 each, $200 without a condom, and not a penny less!" Zoey demanded, and the thought of making all that dough just from letting this idiot cum in her snatch started to get her wet.

"We uh, we don't have any condoms."

"What? I thought this was a frat house? How the hell do you not have condoms??" Again Zoey was torn between the appeal of making twice as much money and her distaste at the idea of letting a man plow her pussy bareback. Her urge to prostitute herself won out, of course, as it always did. "Well, that's just too bad, because if we're gonna be risky, we're gonna be well paid for it!"

Just at that moment, however, the leader of the trio, whom the girls had completely forgotten about in their single-minded need to suck frat boy cock for $20, piped up.

"He-hey! Look what I found!"

The girls looked over, and were horrified to see that he was holding their F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray. Worse, he seemed to know exactly what it was, and his eyes narrowed in concentration as he familiarized himself with the dial and adjusted it. "Now we'll see if this little 'cock in pussy' setting here can help you two be a bit more accommodating to the needs of my boys."

Leah watched, helpless, as he leveled the Ray at her first. She knew she should run, plead, do something to prevent him from zapping her and turning her into a slut, but in the end it was just too tempting to keep sliding her soft mouth along the rigid, appetizing contours of that cock, and a second later it was too late to run anyway.

Zoey watched as her timid little friend passively succumbed to the glow of sexy new possibility, knowing that her own resistance was useless as her own F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray was turned on her. Even so, she had to try - having sex with guys was the one thing she had said that she didn’t-

-want to give up, no matter what! Zoey shook her head to clear her thoughts of a strange, fading fuzziness before looking flirtily up into her john's eyes once again, slowly taking the tip of his cock back into her mouth as she did so. Now that he had suggested they fuck, of course, a familiar, growing need to get that stiff rod inside her lesbian pussy where it belonged began to assert itself.

"Well, do you want us to fuck you now?"

"Oh god yes!" the girls piped up in unison.

"And would you do it for five bucks?"

"Sure, whatever, just fuck us already!"

Just at that moment though, Leah's douche grunted as his body began to seize up. He really didn't want to cum right now, especially since blowing his load in the petite girl's pussy seemed to be on the table, but after watching her sit there silently with his dick in her mouth and that blank look on her face as she was programmed to become even more of a slut, and now thinking about how good it would feel to fuck her tight little body, he had accidentally let himself slip over the edge.

Leah instantly noticed what was happening, and immediately redirected all of her attention from preparing to get her pussy fucked back to frantically slurping and licking at Douche #2's tightening knob.

"Ah, fuck it!" he grunted, realizing that there was no way he'd be able to hold himself back, and so he gave in to the sensation and shot his load down the cute brunette's throat.

Leah cooed happily as his cock began to jerk and the back of her mouth finally began filling with thick, slimy spooge. God she loved sucking cock! The formerly repressed girl sat there in bliss, inexpertly teasing and stroking to get every drop of her john's semen out of his balls and between her lips, before opening wide to show him the cloudy cum pooling on her tongue and in her throat before gulping it down with relish.

Zoey watched with jealousy from a few feet away, still on her knees, tugging desperately at her own partner's cock, torn between her competing old and new desires of filling her mouth and her lesbian pussy with cum.

"Sure you don't wanna go ahead and let loose?" she asked, leaving the decision up to her john.

"Hell no! I've got more control than that limp-dicked loser, but don't worry - I'm gonna cum so deep inside that pussy that you'll taste it anyway!"

Zoey squirmed with need, wishing that were possible.

Meanwhile Leah's partner was sheepishly stepping away, his cock drooping rapidly now that Leah had successfully persuaded him to drain his balls into her mouth.

"I guess that means it's my turn then," the ringleader said cheerfully, setting the Ray down and unbuckling his own belt to take his friend's place.

Leah didn't care whose turn it was as long as someone started fucking her needy pussy. She stood up, whipped off her modest shorts, bent over the porch railing, and spread her legs wide, advertising her soaked, naked pussy to anyone willing to slide inside and take the edge off her compulsion. She wasn't at all surprised when she felt the tip of another erect, eager phallus pressing itself between her legs, and she moaned as it slipped inside her tight love canal with no resistance whatsoever.

At first, that is.

Her new partner soon found his progress blocked by a tenuous, tempting resistance.

"Holy shit Tanner! She's a virgin! You could have popped her cherry, but you came in her mouth like a chump!"

Tanner's eyes widened in shock as he realized what his premature ejaculation had cheated him out of.

Tanner's friend, however, was more than eager to rectify that oversight himself. "Well, Slut? Should I pop that cherry of yours?"

"Oh god yessss!" Why had Leah stayed a virgin for so long? How had she? Either way, a brief flash of pain, a feeling of satisfying, primal fullness, and Leah was a virgin no longer. Her first lover's thick, insistent cock easily sank up to the hilt inside of her, now with nothing standing in his way. All of Leah's former reticence and modesty was gone, replaced with a compulsion to cram her pussy full of any cock that showed even the slightest interest in her. She hadn't even noticed that he'd called her a slut - she was too busy begging him to fuck her, and he was happy to oblige.

She pressed back into him. God it felt good to be filled up by a nice, thick cock like this, almost like it was made for her. And the feeling only got better once her new john started up his motion, sliding his hard shaft in and out of her body, using her tight pussy to pleasure himself. And Leah loved it.

She looked over with warm affection at her curvy lesbian friend beside her, who by this point had allowed herself to be bent over the railing as well. Her pale, sexy milkers bounced wildly as her own young partner frantically plunged himself into her juicy lesbian pussy over and over.

“This-feels-amazing!” Zoey gushed over at Leah between thrusts, watching as her roommate's petite body repeatedly enveloped its own cock.

“I know!” Leah said, her eyes bright with desire, and she leaned over briefly to lock lips with her sexy girlfriend, before breaking contact to say, “The only thing that would make it better is if I somehow had a cock in my ass too!” 

Zoey laughed aloud at her friend's ridiculous anal fixation, in spite of the fact that she’d been the one to give it to her. She soon got back to making out with her roommate, but as the girls continued to get their sensitive pussies pounded they soon found themselves becoming more and more distracted by their own pleasure, and before they knew it they were moaning into each other's mouths as they came.

“Dude, they’re totally cumming and making out! This is so hot!” piped up one of the ever-widening crowd of onlookers that had gathered.

“What a pair of sluts!” another exclaimed, and once again Leah took note as she began to come down from her orgasm, still enjoying the sensation of that cock railing her. And why shouldn't she? This deep in their feminine compulsion there was no way she and Zoey were letting those cocks get away without a full fuck session followed by a delightfully gooey explosive finish inside each of them. It was just what guys and girls did with each other.

Her partner seemed to agree. The combination of the wanton, slutty sight before him and the tight pussy clenching and flexing around his cock was taking him right up to the edge, and suddenly the horny frat bro found himself really wanting to cum inside his petite partner.

“Get ready; here it comes!”

“Oh yeah, give it to me! Don’t pull out!” Leah shouted. God, vaginal sex was so hot, and this was the best part! She pushed her hips as hard against her partner's thighs as she could, overcome with a pressing, sexy need to feel his cock as deep inside her vagina as possible as he climaxed. Yeah it was risky, but that was just the nature of sex, and wasn’t like women could just not have sex.

She heard him grunt as her slick stimulation made him start twitching inside her, and then she felt his warmth spreading deep inside her body as he began filling her up with his cum.

“Omigod, Zoey! He’s filling me up!”

“I think mine's going to fill me up too!” the staunch lesbian responded gleefully. Douche #2 was indeed finally ready to spatter her insides with baby batter, and he reached around her body to grope and squeeze her heavy tits as his torso began to buck against her thick ass, and then he too was shoving himself deep into her puffy pussy so that his cock could start pumping her full of his semen.

The lovers’ lips met once again as they were overwhelmed by the sensation of being filled with cum, and their tongues continued to dance while their partners rode out the weakening pulses of their cocks inside their bodies.

Once the men were finally fully spent, they withdrew their shrinking cocks, pulled up their pants, and threw fifty bucks in the general direction of the two girls before disappearing into the house.

Leah and Zoey, meanwhile, were still bent over the railing, caught up in making out with each other while their exposed pussies dripped with the fresh seed that, for five dollars each, they'd allowed to flood their fertile young reproductive tracts.

That Evening

"Hey Zoey?" Leah asked around her bestie’s puffy pussy as they settled into their familiar sixty-nine position on the bed.


"We're still not sluts, right? I heard a few of those assholes call us sluts while they were fucking us." She tasted something odd as she lapped happily at Zoey’s slit. Probably cum, she thought to herself, before going back to her licking and teasing with extra relish. Once she felt that familiar need to start licking pussy, any flavor was a good flavor. Not to mention that it almost tasted like she was giving a blowjob too, and if there was one thing Leah had always loved, it was giving blowjobs. Zoey's pussy being full of cum was almost like having the best of both worlds.

"Of course we’re not sluts! Those guys were just being assholes - any reasonable girl would have done the same," Zoey reassured her, savoring the unexpected tang of cum on her end as well as it dripped out of her shy friend's freshly inseminated slit. I wonder how easy it would be to lick pussy and suck dick at the same time. She’d have to try it sometime.

"Good," Leah responded, a bit relieved. She allowed her compulsion to drive her head back down into her lover's tasty snatch. Thanks to the list they had kept, she knew, of course, that her urge to do so was still entirely the result of the Ray's influence over her mind, but it felt so good and natural to go along with her urges that Leah knew she'd never be able to do otherwise. Once you were hit with the Ray, it really didn't matter what you'd thought before - all that mattered was the pleasure that came from acting on your compulsions.

“Hey Zoey?” Leah asked again, trying not to get too distracted by the insistent tingling between her legs as the skill and experience of Zoey’s tongue began to get to her. Still, this felt important for some reason.


“They also said that they gave us a compulsion to have sex with guys, and I remember that being the one thing that you said you definitely didn't want, for some reason. I mean, I’m glad they did it, of course, and I love the thought of getting my tight little slit stuffed with a fat, twitching, spurting cock, but does that somehow make us sluts?" 

Even though she'd just gotten fucked that afternoon, Zoey took a few seconds to appreciate the familiar urge for cock growing inside her that Leah's words had triggered before answering.

“Of course not! Needing to have sex with guys is completely normal! It’s, like, evolutionary! How else would we be forced to have kids, if our bodies didn’t make us crave cock from time to time? Otherwise we’d all just have sex with women all the time and the species would go extinct.”

“I guess,” Leah responded, unconvinced. “But look at you though - you’re a lesbian! Doesn’t being a lesbian mean you don’t like having sex with guys?”

“Having sex with guys is just sex - it’s not a real emotional connection. Every girl needs sex with a guy from time to time, but that doesn’t mean you actually like them. Look at you for example - you’re straight, but you’re licking my pussy right now. Does that mean we’re dating?” Zoey asked confidently. Still, her words gave her pause. Leah hadn’t originally wanted to lick pussy - did that mean it was possible that Zoey herself hadn’t originally wanted to have sex with guys either, not even a little? Why had her former self put that as the one compulsion she supposedly didn’t want when having a thick, throbbing cock inside her felt so good and the very thought of it was so damn appealing?

“Yeah, you’re right,” Leah said, finally seeing the logic in Zoey’s words. She was straight, but she did love licking pussy, and there was nothing wrong with that. It was just sex; it didn’t mean they were a couple, or that the Ray had somehow made her a lesbian. So, there was no reason to conclude that the Ray had made her a slut either. Relieved, Leah was finally able to bury her face back into the delicious mound between Zoey’s legs, feeling the enticing compulsion pulsing in the back of her mind ease off as she gave in to it, as she always did.

"Hey Zoey?" 


"If, like, we were sluts though, would that really be such a bad thing?"

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I'd love to hear from you! If you find yourself enjoying my stories, please consider supporting my work on Patreon (Fidget1) or SubscribeStar Adult (Fidget). Patrons get a full five months of early access to my stories, input into which stories I write, and some other fun perks. Every little bit helps, and your support is what enables me to keep doing what I love!
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