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Courtney Starr gets a new story for her vlog; Melissa gets a surprise visitor.
Galactic Date 5119.504

Sixteen year old pop star Gina Andromeda releases her long awaited new single, “Love,” today. Almost 5 minutes long, the song reaches its climax with the busty blonde songstress hitting a series of piercing high notes, followed by a long, loud moan. The rumor quickly spreads that Gina was having sex during the recording session, a rumor reinforced by the barely audible male groan at the very end of the song. “Love” becomes an instant hit with Gina’s teenage female fan base and quickly starts rocketing its way up the charts…

Alpha Quadrant

Shannon is startled by the flash of tinsel as her brother grins at her. “Oh my gawd! What did you do to your teeth?” she exclaims. “I got braces! What does it look like I did?” is the cocky reply. “You don’t need braces! The dentist said that your teeth are perfectly straight!” Shannon counters. “Yeah, they are, but I asked her to give them to me anyway and she hooked me up!” Ryan replies, flashing another wide, tinsel grin. “But why…? And what did it cost?” an exasperated Shannon now asks. “Yo, first off, I saved up my money and she gave me a discount anyway…and I got ‘em to help me get laid! Chicks dig dudes with braces!” Ryan replies. “Why can’t you just wait until you’re 15…?” Shannon now asks him. “Wait for what? To get braces…?” he asks in a puzzled tone. “No…you know…the other thing…” Shannon replies. “You can’t be serious! You really want me to wait until I’m 15 to get laid…?” Ryan exclaims, looking at his sister in utter disbelief. “You’ve always got your hand…I know that you know how to use it…” Shannon replies with a malicious smirk. “Yeah, well I gotta use it a lot with my dude Logan banging your brains out all the time!” Ryan replies. “Yeah, I guess we are pretty loud…but seriously, you should wait…” Shannon advises him. “Why should I…? Wait a minute…is this about me going into combat again…?” Ryan asks, suddenly realizing his sister’s motivation. “Yes, it is! I promised Mom that I’d take care of you!” Shannon replies passionately. “Yo, I’ve got a duty…a duty to my bros and to you and everybody else on Xares…I’ve gotta fight those Zadon bastards!” Ryan counters, with equal fervor. “There are plenty of other boys to fight the Zadons…hundreds of them are getting killed every day! Do you want to be one of them…?” Shannon asks. “Yeah, I wanna be the first one off the transport and the first one to get killed!” the boy replies in a defiant tone. “You’re only 14! You don’t care if you just throw your life away, but I do!” Shannon exclaims, her tone angry, but with tears in her eyes; her obvious distress softens her brother immediately. “Look, Shan, I know you love me…but this is just something I gotta do…” Ryan explains in a gentle voice, taking his sister’s hand; in response, Shannon throws her arms around him and hugs him tight. “I just don’t want to lose you…you’re all that I’ve got left…” she murmurs, trying not to break down. “Don’t worry, sis…I’m in Logan’s squad…he’s a good dude and he’ll take care of me…we’re gonna take care of each other…” Ryan assures her. “I’m so glad that you guys are friends…” Shannon replies, looking at her brother and managing a smile. “And I’m glad that you’re with him…but you could try to dial it down a little on all the moaning and screaming!” Ryan replies. “Okay, maybe we’ll try!” Shannon exclaims with a laugh, squeezing her brother tight again…

“Yay! Go Asteroids! Woohoo!” Melissa yelps, cheering on the home team as the Alpha Asteroids battle the Delta Rockets in junior league galactic football; wearing an oversize Asteroids jersey, she’s sprawled out on her living room sofa, watching the game with Cody and Sean. “We should be scoring some points right now, too…” Sean observes with a smirk. “Yeah, putting it in the end zone!” Cody agrees with a lascivious chortle. “Not gonna happen, guys…I already told you that…” Melissa replies, keeping her eyes glued to the galactic screen TV. “Yo, what about our dude Ryan…?” Cody now asks. “Not gonna happen, either…I told you that, too…” the blonde replies, still absorbed in the game. “Yo, the dude needs help…” Sean interjects. “Yeah, I mean he wants to go into combat so bad but there’s just this one little thing holding him back…” Cody explains. “Look guys, I’d really like to help, but….” Melissa starts to explain, finally looking away from the TV as the halftime show starts, but Sean cuts her off. “Yo, it’s not like we’re asking you to have the dude’s baby or anything like that…” Sean assures her. “But that’s exactly why I’m not going to do it…he’s a redhead and I’m trying to get pregnant with a blond baby…that’s why you guys aren’t getting any tonight, either!” she replies. “Yo, how about if the dude pulls out…that way you won’t have to worry about him knocking you up…” Sean now suggests. “It’s not even that…he’s so young…and this is his first time…it should be something special…he really should find a girl his own age…” Melissa protests. “Yeah, the dude found the girl and she broke his heart…” Cody replies. “Yeah and the worst part is, she’s my sister…I’m so pissed at her for what she did to him…” Sean adds in a disgusted tone. “Yeah, the dude is completely devastated…totally crushed…he has zero self-confidence now…” Cody observes in a downcast voice. “I mean, he’s cute…he’s really cute…and what your sister did to him was really mean, Sean…” Melissa concedes, looking at Ryan’s pic again. “So, you’ll do it…?” Cody asks hopefully. “Ummm…I don’t know…if he just showed up at my apartment one night, it would be really hard for me to say no to him…” the blonde admits…

Down on her knees, Melissa patiently holds her mouth open as each spurt from the two teenage cocks fills her maw with more and more slimy redheaded DNA. Cody gasps as his 6 inch love worm belches another thick clot of his ball scum onto the blonde’s already thickly coated tongue. Standing next to him, Sean lets out a deep groan as his 8 inch tool flings out a slimy blob of his nut sludge that further expands the seething pool of genetic goo. With the MILF’s mouth filled almost to overflowing, both penises finally stop spewing; a couple of stray drops of cum ooze out from both tools and splatter the tile floor of the kitchen. Melissa closes her mouth, takes a big gulp and then opens wide again, proudly displaying the empty expanse to her two studs and playfully wiggling her tongue at them. “All gone!” she announces cheerfully. “Holy shit!” Cody murmurs; both he and Sean are impressed by the double blow job that the lusty MILF has just treated them to. “Okay, that’s all that you guys are getting tonight! You better get out of here now!” she announces, getting to her feet. “Why? Is Alec coming over…?” Sean asks with a sarcastic smirk, as he and Cody both zip up their jeans. “Yeah, why wouldn’t he be coming over…? He’s my boyfriend, you know!” Melissa replies. “Yo, I thought I was your boyfriend!” Sean protests. “Yeah, you’re my redheaded boyfriend…Alec is my blond boyfriend…I’ve got to have one of each…a matching set!” Melissa replies with a giggle, hustling the two redheaded studs out the door…

The cute little pigtailed redhead looks at the erect, throbbing penis in front of her face and giggles. “It’s so big!” the girl squeals happily. Justin just rolls his eyes in response; he’s decided to go ahead and do Sean a favor, but he still has very mixed feelings about deflowering the obnoxious Scarlett. “Yo, are you ready…?” he asks her in an abrupt tone; he’s losing all patience with her enthusiastic but fumbling attempts to suck his cock and he just wants to get the deed over and done with. “I wanna see it shoot all over the place!” Scarlett replies, dissolving into a helpless giggling fit, the stiffened, spit slathered love pole standing upright just inches away from her face. “Nah, I’m not gonna waste my cum like that…” the stud replies sternly, motioning for her to stand up. The petite redhead gets up and lets out a delighted little shriek as the stud sweeps her off her feet and into his brawny arms. Giggling and playfully kicking her feet out, she revels in the feeling of helplessness as Justin carries her across the room and plops her down onto her bed. Without hesitation she spreads her legs wide, letting out a nervous little giggle as the handsome 17 year old stud hovers over her, his long, throbbing, erect penis poised to destroy her innocence. Her love juices flowing freely, she gulps nervously and gazes up at him with her wide open green eyes, bracing herself as Justin nestles the bloated tip of his love tool against her vertical lips and pauses for just a moment. The stud gently nudges his hips forward; the precum oozing purple head brushes past the vertical curtains to the temple of love, greeted by the warm, welcoming wetness within. “Oh yeah!” Scarlett breathes, squirming a little bit as more of the veiny, stiffened man flesh disappears from view; the stud pushes his hips forward steadily, burying more and more of his bone. The virgin snatch is tight and grips his flesh rod like a vise, but Scarlett is producing copious amounts of love honey to lubricate the steel hard shaft. The stud draws his hips back and then pushes them forward again, eliciting a little yelp of pain from the pigtailed redhead. With cold determination, he pulls his hips back and then thrusts forward again, this time just a little bit harder…

Sweating heavily, Alec grunts loudly as he hammers Melissa’s pussy. “Come on, baby…come on! Give me that load!” the MILF encourages her boyfriend, looking up into his eyes and running her hands all over his shoulders and his straining biceps as he works his hips with piston like thrusts. Finally, with a deep groan, the stud orgasms, his balls convulsing, his tool spurting thick jets of slimy DNA into the MILF’s babymaker. Cuddling after sex, Melissa runs her fingers through the stud’s sweaty, spiky shock of blond hair and looks deep into his blue eyes. “We’re going to make such a beautiful baby, honey!” she purrs. “Yeah, a little blond dude…just the way it should be…” the stud replies. “You’re not jealous are you, baby…I mean about Sean and Cody…?” the MILF now asks. “Nah, I don’t care…I’m gettin’ your pussy…I don’t care that you sucked them off…just as long as you swallowed…” Alec replies magnanimously. “No worries about that, baby…I swallowed every drop!” the blonde replies proudly. “Cool! It’s not right to waste cum…not even redheaded cum…” Alec replies. Far from being upset that Melissa blew the two redheads, the thought turns the blond stud on and makes him fuck his MILF lover even harder; he’ll spend the rest of the night emptying his balls into the gorgeous blonde’s fertile babymaker…

“Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd!” Scarlett moans, gazing up at Justin as he thrusts steadily into her; pain has now become pleasure and her well lubricated snatch is taking the horse hung stud with surprising ease. Justin’s balls finally spasm; with a groan, he blasts his nut sludge deep into the redhead’s freshly deflowered pussy as she giggles gleefully. Having deposited his load, the stud pulls out; he looks down at the drops of blood on the sheets and allows himself a satisfied little smirk; the annoying redhead is innocent no more, thanks to him. “Oh my gawd! I had an orgasm! Two of them!” Scarlett exclaims in wide eyed amazement. “Yeah, I know…your thighs were quivering…it was cool!” the stud congratulates her. ”You’re all sweaty!” she now giggles, running her hands all over the stud’s muscular, lathered body. “Yo, horizontal dancing…it’s a lot of work…” Justin replies, winning another giggle from the redhead. “Can we do it again…?” she now asks hopefully. “No…I gotta go…I gotta get up early tomorrow…” the stud replies in an abrupt tone, pulling himself away from the petite redhead and scrambling out of bed. “When will I see you again…?” she asks, gazing at him with her worshipful green eyes, watching as he puts his underwear and then his jeans back on. “I dunno…we’ll probably see each other around sometime…” he replies noncommittally, pulling his t-shirt on over his muscular torso. Wasting no further words, the stud quickly makes his exit; truth is, he doesn’t have to be up super early tomorrow, he just needs to get away from the starry-eyed redhead. She’s cute and under ordinary circumstances, he would have stayed and fucked her all night, but the look in her eyes spelled danger. Chicks…you bang them once and they wanna follow you to the ends of the galaxy…especially the young ones like her, he thinks to himself. Best to drop your load and get out quick. All in all, it was a satisfying evening. He got some fresh pussy, tapped his balls and did a favor for one of the dudes in his platoon. I gave her a good fucking…fucked her just right, not too rough, but still a good solid fucking. And I made her cum twice! She got it better from me than anything she’d get from some 14 year old virgin dude, he reflects. Getting home to his apartment, the stud plays several rounds of video games and then turns in for the night with a clear conscience…


316 space troopers killed in action today.

Galactic Date 5120.504

Beta Quadrant

“Oh my gawd! This helmet is ruining my hair!” exclaims the high pitched voice from behind the mirrored face plate. The armored figure is much more shapely than those surrounding it; reaching up, the trooper removes the helmet and with a toss of the head, reveals a long, glorious mane of golden hair. “Yo, you shouldn’t take off your helmet like that…” a male voice admonishes the hot blonde armored chick. “I’m not worried…there aren’t any Zadons for miles around! Why don’t you guys take off your helmets, too…?” the girl asks cheerfully. “Because we can’t…” replies another of the armored male figures; unlike the civilian female that they’re escorting, the male space troopers have their helmets locked in place and won’t be able to remove them until they return to base. “Awww…bummer…” the blonde replies in an empty expression of sympathy for her male companions. Already a celebrity at 19, Courtney Starr is a popular vlogger who posts content about the war on her website; the High Command allows her exclusive, albeit limited access to the outer fringes of the war zone, mainly because her aunt is a colonel. Taking selfies in front of ruined buildings, she gives her mostly female, mostly teenage audience the vicarious thrill of combat. Today, she’s touring a ruined village in Beta Quadrant where 600 space troopers perished in battle last week; she’s accompanied by a sergeant (17), a corporal (16) and seven 15 year old troopers, a sizeable escort highlighting her celebrity status. As she traipses among the ruins in her armor and high heeled boots, her escorts have mixed feelings about their mission. On the one hand, they’re sweating their balls off and potentially risking their lives just so some chick can go around recording video and taking selfies; on the other hand, Ms. Starr is some serious eye candy, and 9 armor encased teenage peckers stand at full attention. The handsome blond sergeant has a date with her tonight and the entire escort unit shares in the vicarious thrill of knowing that Sarge will be buried balls deep in the delectable blonde; he’s promised the squad that he’ll show her no mercy in bed. Fortunately, there don’t seem to be any Zadons anywhere in the vicinity and the boys of the escort unit start to breathe a little easier. The photo shoot is just wrapping up when a trooper posted as a lookout in one of the ruined buildings suddenly shouts “Zadons!”

“Yo, where did they come from…?” the bewildered sergeant asks the lookout as he and the other troopers come running towards the assembly point. “I don’t know, Sarge…they just appeared out of nowhere!” the trooper replies in a breathless voice. Moving as quickly as they can, the space troopers, together with Courtney, pile into their land skimmer, an open topped, ten seat vehicle more than fast enough to escape from the cyborgs. The corporal jumps into the driver’s seat, hits the ignition button…and nothing. “What’s wrong?” the sergeant asks urgently. “Ignition failure…” the corporal responds in a frustrated voice as he pushes the button several more times in futility; they’re using an old model land skimmer and maintenance problems are notorious and frequent. “Shit!” the sergeant exclaims. “CommLink! CommLink!” he barks into his helmet mic. “This is CommLink…over…” the female voice at the other end responds. “CommLink, this is Detached Squad 5942…location, Grid B-255…we need extraction support…over…” the sergeant replies; he’s greeted by an extended period of silence. “DS 5942, is Nebula with you…? Over…” the female voice finally replies. “Affirmative…we are escorting Nebula…we need extraction support…urgent!” the sergeant replies. “Extraction support is being dispatched…stand by…” the female voice assures the teenage sergeant. “What are we going to do…?” Courtney asks breathlessly. “We’ve gotta at least hold them off until the extraction units arrive…” the sergeant replies; jumping out of the skimmer, he pulls his laser pistol from its holster and releases the safety. The rest of the squad, including Courtney, still clutching her helmet, disembark from the now useless skimmer. “You better put your helmet back on…” the corporal advises the gorgeous blonde. “No, wait! Keep your helmet off so that the Zadons can see that you’re a girl…as bad as they suck, they never hurt chicks…” the sergeant tells her. He’s just about to order his squad to scatter and take up positions in the ruined buildings to delay and harass the Zadons, but it’s already too late; three of the giant cyborgs emerge from the debris of the village and plod steadily towards them. The small band of troopers forms a line, with Courtney standing a little distance apart. “Oh my gawd!” she gasps, looking up at the cyborgs towering over them; even in spite of her career as a war correspondent vlogger, this is the first time she’s seen a real live Zadon in person.

The Zadons come to halt; one of them, apparently the leader of the pod, takes two or three extra steps forward. “Yo! This is NOT a combat mission…we are escorting a civilian…a civilian female…we have no hostile intent…” the sergeant declares bravely, re-holstering his pistol to emphasize his peaceful intentions; although he’s 6 feet tall, the Zadons make him look puny by comparison. The lead Zadon trains its beady red eyes on the sergeant. The tension is heavy in the air; for a moment it appears that a stalemate has been reached. Then without warning, the cyborg raises its right arm and fires a burst with its shock wave weapon. As Courtney gasps out loud in horror, the sergeant is knocked off his feet and sent sprawling by the blast; slammed heavily onto his back, he feebly tries to raise his head, lets out an agonized groan and then lies still. There’s a shocked moment of silence. “Fire!” the corporal shouts; in response, the thin line of troopers blast away with their laser rifles at the cyborg who just killed their sergeant. The Zadon looks at them impassively, contemptuously, while his two fellow cyborgs still hang back; they know that their services won’t be needed. Again, the lead Zadon raises its right arm, locks in on the corporal and opens fire. In rapid succession, it fires again and again, bowling over all the boys standing in line. In less than 30 seconds, all the teens in the escort unit are lying flat on their backs in a neat row; the body of one of the 15 year old troopers gives a last convulsive shudder and then all lie still, the toes of their boots pointing skyward. Courtney stands rooted to the spot, her eyes open wide in horror. She gasps again as the Zadon turns to face her, its eyes glowing with red hot intensity. She suddenly hears a deep, disembodied voice echoing inside her head. “All your males are dead, but you are safe,” it assures her. “Oh my gawd!” she murmurs, her blue eyes opening wide as she realizes that the cyborgs are communicating with her telepathically. Too terrified to move, she and the 3 Zadons occupy the same space, along with the 9 armored corpses, for a long, uncomfortable moment. Courtney can’t know it, but the cyborgs are silently debating among themselves whether or not to use her as bait to lure more boys to their destruction. They finally decide against it, since they don’t want to risk having the female human caught in the crossfire. “We leave you in peace…” the deep voice echoes in her head and she watches as the trio of giant cyborgs turn and slowly lumber away…

Several more agonizing minutes go by and then help finally arrives in the form of a squadron of half a dozen skimmers, one of them equipped with a mounted multi-barreled rocket launcher. Packed with space troopers, the skimmers glide to a landing, allowing the troopers to disembark and quickly deploy into a defensive perimeter around the landing site. Two tall, buff sergeants walk up to the trembling Courtney and gently guide her towards one of the waiting skimmers. The gorgeous blonde turns to take a quick glance over her shoulder. “Bummer…” she murmurs, gazing at the armored corpses of her escorts and experiencing a genuine, albeit shallow current of sympathy for the boys who sacrificed their lives trying to protect her. Once Courtney has been whisked away, the extraction unit hitches up the disabled skimmer to one of their craft so that it can be taken back to the base and repaired. The troopers then pile into the vehicles and exit the scene, leaving behind the corpses of the slain space troopers for the Zadon utility bots to haul away. Nine boys have lost their lives, but that’s a very small price to pay for securing the safety of Ms. Courtney Starr…

Alpha Quadrant

“You know, we could move to a bigger booth…” Shannon observes as she sits between Logan and Justin as they have dinner at Astron’s that evening. “Nah…we got enough room…” Logan replies dismissively, pressing himself into his girlfriend, as Justin squeezes up against her from the other side. Truth be told, Shannon doesn’t mind being sandwiched in between the two handsome blond studs, but she knows what her boyfriend is trying to do and it’s just so blatant. “Yo, we gotta do this more often…I hardly ever see you anymore, Shan…” Justin exclaims. “I’m just so busy with studying…” Shannon replies with a shrug as she nibbles her spicy rocket fries. “Yeah, Shan’s gonna be joining the cadets next year!” Logan declares proudly. “That’s impressive…you’re gonna be an officer!” Justin observes. “Yeah, I guess so…right now I’m just worried about getting through my military science course…today we were learning how important tactics are…” the redhead replies. “Yeah, tactics are important, but you gotta have the right equipment…” Justin opines. “Yeah, Sarge is right…the big guns always win the battle…” Logan agrees, giving his fellow stud a wink. “I dunno…I mean, you can bring a really big gun to the fight and not know how to use it…” Shannon replies, eyeing Justin up with a challenging look; she takes a slow, deliberate bite out of her burger, allowing some of the creamy white burger dressing to linger at the corners of her mouth. “Ummm…yeah, you’re right…best to have a well equipped dude who knows how to use what he’s packing…” Justin agrees, watching Shannon wipe the dressing from the corner of her mouth with her fingers. “And he's got to be able to find weak spots in the defense…be able to exploit an opening…” Shannon replies almost breathlessly, locking eyes with the handsome sergeant as she slowly, deliberately licks the white gooey dressing off each of her fingers, one by one. “Oh yeah…drive into that opening and really hammer it…” Justin replies, returning her steady gaze. “Pound it…pound it good and hard with everything you’ve got…” Shannon agrees, her voice falling into a lustful purr. At her side, Logan sits silent in wide eyed amazement. It’s working! It’s really working! he thinks to himself happily…

Melissa settles back on her sofa and idly channel surfs on her galactic screen TV. It’s been a busy week for the gorgeous blonde MILF…working all day and fucking all night…should I just chill tonight and get to bed early…? she ponders. I’m still fertile…tonight is another chance to get pregnant and I can’t let Nancy down…what if she gets pregnant this month and I don’t? she muses, reminding herself of the pact that she has with her daughter. Deciding that she needs to get laid tonight, she quickly weighs her options. It’s too late to arrange a STUD call on such short notice and so she briefly considers putting on her makeup, a skintight body dress and a pair of heels to go hunting for random dick at Quadrant 15 before finally deciding to ping Alec. She’s just about to reach for her ping when there’s a knock at the door. Who can that be? she wonders, jumping up from the sofa. Scurrying over to the door, she opens it and is confronted with a boyishly cute redheaded teenager, who flashes her a shy grin with his braces. Recognizing him immediately, she beams him a smile in return and welcomes him into her apartment…

“Yo, dude, I’m tellin’ ya, Brittany’s hot for you…” Sean assures Cody as they devour a Titan Supreme at Saturn Pizza. “Yeah, they’re warming up to us, dude…I’ll do Brittany and you can have Taylor!” Cody suggests. “You got it, dude!” Sean agrees and the two redheaded studs exchange a high five to seal the deal. Just then, Sean gets a ping. “Yo, dude, it’s Scarlett…she’s home all alone right now…go over there and fuck her…” Sean offers his friend in a surprisingly casual tone. “You serious, dude…? You really want me to fuck your sister…?” Cody asks, staring at his friend in disbelief. “Yeah, I’m serious…Sarge popped her cherry last night…it’s your turn now…” Sean assures him. “Okay, I’ll go dump a load in her…just don’t eat all the pizza…” Cody shrugs indifferently as he gets up from the table...

Justin and Logan are in charge of night patrol duty that evening and immediately after dinner at Astron’s, they report to the barracks. Reviewing the interaction between Justin and Shannon, the two excited teens can already imagine the stud sergeant buried balls deep in Shannon’s love box; encased in their armor for the next 12 hours, they don’t need jolts from their neuron transmitters to keep them both erect for most of the long night. As for Shannon, she returns to an empty apartment; Ryan told her earlier that he’s sleeping over at Cody’s tonight. Dazzled by just how handsome and sexy Justin is, she’s feeling a little overwhelmed and wonders if she pushed things too far, too fast. But, hey, this is what Logan wants, she shrugs. At least I got both of them good and hard! she giggles to herself. It takes her a little bit longer than usual to fall asleep tonight…

Being a city full of horny adolescents, it’s unsurprising that night life in Xaron revolves almost exclusively around sex; copulation is Xares-27’s number one recreational activity, with galactic football running a distant second. Clubs like Quadrant 15, a favorite hunting ground for Cody and Sean, cater to boys 15-17 and women over the age of 21; the clubs offer up a smorgasbord of pussy for young teenage studs to feast on. Dressed in low cut blouses and short, tight fitting skirts or body hugging minidresses, teetering atop their stiletto heels, the women flock to the clubs, offering themselves up to be groped by the eager, lascivious teens. The boys aren’t served alcohol, but they have their task made easier for them as a few sips of Uranian Blast or Vizgarian Implosion cocktails annihilate whatever minimal inhibitions any of the women may have and carnal appetites are frequently indulged in many of the hidden nooks and crannies at the clubs. Many a MILF or twentysomething bimbo will suck off several teenage studs in one of the restrooms or surrender her pussy for a quick fucking in a darkened corner of the club before picking out a handsome, muscular 16 or 17 year old stud to go home with for the rest of the night. Even with so much willing pussy, not all the boys hook up, of course, and groups of teens prowl the streets after closing time. With so much overflowing testosterone, trouble is inevitable; fights between rival gangs of boys are a common occurrence, especially between groups of blonds and redheads. It’s all up to the space trooper night patrols, led by sergeants and corporals like Justin and Logan, to keep order on the streets and break up any fights before they get too far out of hand…

“Do you like that baby…? Does it feel good…?” Melissa asks, briefly pulling her mouth away from the erect, throbbing teenage penis and gazing up at its owner. “Oh, yeah…real good!” Ryan murmurs in reply, looking down to watch his 5 inch pecker disappear into the blonde’s eager mouth again. The freckle faced teen is enjoying getting his virgin dick sucked, but now he remembers the important advice that Cody and Sean gave him. Fighting off his shyness, he quickly blurts the words out: “Yo, I wanna eat your pussy…” “Don’t you want me to finish sucking you, baby…?” Melissa asks, looking up at him again. “I wanna eat that pussy…” Ryan repeats, now in a more assertive tone. “Yes, sir!” the blonde replies with a giggle. Stripping quickly, she obligingly sits down on the sofa, opening her legs wide. Quickly pulling off the rest of his clothing, Ryan eagerly gets down on his knees in front of her and pauses for a moment to feast his eyes on the gloriously naked female body being offered up to him. His roving green eyes spot the clit and then he bravely thrusts his face into the blonde’s splayed out muff and starts feeling around with his tongue, Melissa verbally helping to guide him to her pleasure button: “Up just a little bit, baby…” she murmurs in a gentle voice and soon his probing tongue finds the fleshy little nub. “Mmmm…mhmmm…that’s it…” Melissa purrs, confirming that he’s found the right spot. Hesitantly at first, but with growing confidence, the teen latches his tongue onto the clit and works it with a beginner’s enthusiasm. “Mmmm…you’re doing good, baby…” the blonde encourages him, as the novice stud quickly catches on to the art of pussy eating. “Mmmm…right there…right there, baby!” the MILF purrs, squirming as the teen relentlessly works her hot spot, making audible slurping sounds as he indulges his growing appetite for sushi. His intensive efforts are rewarded more quickly than he had expected; “Oh my gawd!” the MILF moans, throwing her head back and writhing in ecstasy. “Wow…cool!” Ryan murmurs happily, flashing his braces in a naughty grin. Eager to lose his virginity, he pulls his face out of the blonde’s muff and quickly gets into position to penetrate her; with his erect virgin tool poised for insertion, he hesitates for a moment. Does she really want me to fuck her…? the innocent redhead wonders suddenly, gazing at the beckoning vertical lips, but the MILF is caught up in the moment, too, and she quickly takes the lead. “Oh yeah…fuck me, baby…put it in!” Melissa exclaims and the freckle faced teen eagerly complies, pushing his hips forward, sliding his stiffened 5 inch pecker into the blonde’s love slot. I’m in her pussy! the teen realizes triumphantly, his eyes opening wide as he feels his rigid flesh wand sliding easily into the MILF’s well lubricated snatch. He eagerly but clumsily starts working his hips, getting in a few ragged thrusts, but the blonde gently stops him. “Wait a minute, baby…” she says; she draws back, letting the teen’s throbbing, love coated tool slip out of her as she shifts from her sitting position to lying down and stretching out full length on the sofa. “Let’s try it this way…” she suggests, opening her legs. His heart racing with excitement, the teen awkwardly scrambles into position; he hovers over the long legged blonde for a moment as she smiles up at him reassuringly and then grabs him by the hips and pulls him down on top of her. He allows her to guide him into her pussy; he can feel his stiffened tool sliding back into the wet, warm, welcoming love box as she murmurs lustful encouragement in his ear and moves her hands down to his bare butt cheeks. Letting the blonde push him into her, he feels his shaft sliding deeper until his pelvis meets hers; he’s now buried in her full length. Awkwardly, he draws his hips back and after a brief hesitation, nudges them forward again. The teen begins a series of halting, uneven pelvic thrusts but gaining confidence, he soon falls into a steady, even tempo, the thrusts becoming more rapid and more forceful. “That’s it…it’s all in your hips, baby!” Melissa assures him as he lets out another grunt…

“You’re sweating all over me…just like Justin! You guys sweat so much!” Scarlett exclaims, looking up at Cody and giggling as he thrusts into her. The stud has already smashed her into one orgasm and he wants to give her another one, but mostly he just wants to blow his load and get out of her overheated bedroom as he splashes her with a sweaty, salty spray. She won’t stop giggling…and that song…she has that new Gina Andromeda song playing on a loop! the stud groans inwardly, Gina’s high notes piercing his eardrums as he hammers away. Just then, mercifully, he feels his balls spasm; he lets out a series of loud gasps as his tool spurts again and again, flinging thick globs of his ball scum into the pigtailed redhead’s love box. His ejaculatory gasping throws his partner into another fit of laughter; as his nuts continue to convulse, Scarlett’s giggling and Gina Andromeda’s orgasmic moaning provide a surreal backdrop to his orgasm…

It all happens so fast. Ryan has finally found his carnal rhythm, working up a sweat as he vigorously hammers Melissa’s pussy; suddenly, he feels the urgent spasms deep within his balls. Before he completely realizes what’s happening, he feels the explosive tidal surge as the slimy white flood starts to spew out of his 5 inch love tool; he’s managed to last a little bit less than 5 minutes inside the gorgeous MILF. “Holy shit!” he exclaims in surprise and then groans deeply as he savors his orgasm. As his virgin tool continues to spurt, he suddenly starts feeling lightheaded…am I gonna die…? he wonders. “Oh yeah, baby! Oh yeah, honey!” Melissa purrs approvingly, as the cute redhead drains his balls into her. Finally, his man worm stops belching and he pulls it out, a few stray drops of his DNA plopping onto the sofa. “Did you cum…I mean, just now…?” he asks in a breathless voice, awkwardly settling himself into a sitting position in one corner of the sofa. “I got real, real close, honey…but don’t worry, you made me cum when you were eating my pussy…” the blonde reassures him, flashing her radiant smile and playfully resting her feet on the teen’s lap. “I’m sorry I didn’t pull out…I mean when I was cumming…it all happened so fast…” he now apologizes, his face suddenly flushing red with belated bashfulness. “Don’t worry, honey…you did good!” the MILF replies; she sits down next to him, puts a reassuring arm around his shoulder and gives him a tender peck on the cheek. “Well, I guess I better get going now…” the freckle faced teen murmurs, flashing a shy grin with his braces. “You don’t have to go, honey…you can stay and sleep with me tonight…do you want to?” the blonde asks. “Hell, yeah!” the boy replies, his face lighting up in a wide, tinsel grin, his dick already starting to stiffen again. Taking him by the hand, Melissa leads the randy redhead back to her bedroom…

Cody, like Justin the night before, can only stand so much of Scarlett. He promised Sean that he would dump a load in his sister; one load only and he makes his exit, ignoring Scarlett’s protests and pleadings for him to fuck her again. Anxious to get back to his dinner, he rejoins Sean at Saturn Pizza where they finish their Titan Supreme before it even gets cold…

Ryan has the kind of first time experience that most teen boys can only dream of. The fucking in Melissa’s bed lasts into the early morning hours and is completely unrestrained; working his hips with greater proficiency and confidence each time, the newly minted stud is cheered on by his gorgeous blonde partner who encourages him to pound her with increasingly forceful thrusting. Each time he lasts a little bit longer; halfway through their second encounter, Melissa lets out a long moan and Ryan realizes that he’s fucked her into an orgasm. His tool spurts 5 times inside the gorgeous MILF that night and she bestows a tender goodbye kiss on him when he leaves in the morning. He’s got his v-card punched and best of all, there’s nothing holding him back from going into combat now…

Beta Quadrant

Grateful for her rescue from the Zadons, Courtney Starr shows her appreciation by fucking one of the sergeants in the extraction team that brought her out of danger this morning. A tall muscular redhead, the 17 year old stud uses his 9 inch tool to hammer the delectable Ms. Starr into one orgasm after another during a long night of intense, sweaty copulation. As Courtney screams in ecstasy, her toes curling, she doesn’t give a second thought to her boyfriend, who’s spending the night alone in their apartment elsewhere in Beta. Also forgotten are the 9 members of her escort, their armor encased corpses slowly starting to rot in the Zadon burial pit that they’ve been dumped into…


376 space troopers killed in minor actions across the planet today. This number includes the 9 members (7 blonds and 2 redheads) of Courtney Starr’s escort.

Galactic Date 5121.504

Alpha Quadrant

“Oh my gawd! This is so crazy!” Shannon murmurs out loud as she reads the latest blog posts while hanging out in the living room with Logan and Ryan. “What’cha reading, babe…?” Logan asks her. “There’s this girl in Epsilon who’s made a telepathic link with a Zadon!” Shannon replies. “You don’t really believe that crap do you…?” Ryan snorts contemptuously. “Sure I do…there are well documented cases of it…it’s usually teenage girls and they’re usually redheads…like me!” Shannon replies. “Yeah, dude, shit like that actually does happen…so what else does it say…?” Logan asks, genuinely curious. “The girl’s name is Cassie and she’s 16 and she says that the Zadon told her that his name is Z-7798…he’s 177 years old and he’s killed almost 450,000 space troopers!” Shannon replies. “Four hundred and fifty thousand??? Wow! Awesome!” Ryan exclaims, shifting instantly from skepticism to enthusiasm. “He’s killed 450,000 humans and you think that’s awesome…?” a bewildered Shannon asks. “Yo, don’t get me wrong…he’s a soulless, motherless Zadon bastard and I hate him and all that, but ya gotta admit, 450,000, that is a friggin’ impressive score…just sayin’…” Ryan replies. “Yeah, that averages out to about 2500 a year…if he’s been taking down that many dudes consistently for that long, that’s solid…real solid…” Logan agrees, doing the quick math in his head to calculate the cyborg’s annual kill rate. “This isn’t a video game, you guys…you wouldn’t think he was so awesome if you met up with him in person…” Shannon opines. “I’d be an easy score for him…just another lowly 14…” Ryan replies with an indifferent shrug. “I mean, I’d try to rocket him, but if he’s that good, he’d probably take my ass out before I could get a fix on him…” Logan muses. “He told Cassie that he likes killing boys, but he would never hurt a girl, ever…” Shannon continues reading from the blog. “That’s cool, too…I guess…” Ryan replies, shrugging again. “Yeah, he sounds pretty cool, for a Zadon, I mean…” Logan admits. “Yeah, I guess it would kinda be an honor to get taken out by a top killer Zadon like that…” Ryan muses. “You know it, dude…we’d be two more clicks on his kill counter…move his score up…get him a little bit closer to 500k!” Logan agrees. “Side by side, bro…he’s takin’ us down together!” Ryan replies, as the two boys exchange a high five. “You guys are weird…” Shannon murmurs, shaking her head…

(Editor’s Note: While Z-7798’s body count may seem impressive, there are Zadons who have wracked up much larger scores. At the time of our story, the 3 highest scoring Zadons have been cutting a path of destruction through Xares-27’s adolescent male population for 253 years; Z-2175 has killed a staggering 1,518,253 space troopers, Z-2298 has killed 1,264,747 and Z-2304 has killed 1,263,482. Between the three of them, these top killer cyborgs have slaughtered over 4,000,000 teenage boys.)

“Congrats, dude! I’m proud of you! That was some prime pussy that you scored for your first time!” Logan exclaims as he high fives Ryan; with Shannon out of the room for a moment, the redhead has just told his older friend about his encounter with Melissa last night. “She was so good, dude! I fucked her all night!” Ryan boasts. “Yo, dude, tell me about it…I had her last week! And that pussy is some good eating!” Logan agrees. “I gotta fuck her again, dude…I gotta eat that pussy again!” Ryan exclaims. “I don’t know, dude…she’s got two boyfriends, Alec and Sean…this was probably just a one time thing…” Logan cautions his younger friend. “Yeah, I guess you’re right…Sean was cool for hooking me up with her, though…” Ryan agrees in a more subdued tone. “You can’t get too hung up on one chick like that, anyway…life is way too short…you need to get out there and fuck as many chicks as you can…” the older stud advises him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right…older chicks, just like Melissa…that’s what I want, dude!” Ryan agrees. “That’s the way to go, dude…older chicks are where it’s at!” Logan readily agrees. “Best of all, I’m a full fledged space trooper now! Ready for combat!” the redhead exclaims, beaming a tinsel grin from ear to ear. “That’s right, dude! I’m gonna tell Justin to put you on the active combat roster!” Logan replies. “Thanks, bro! But can you just please not say anything to Shan? I wanna tell her in my own time, in my own way…” the redhead asks. “My lips are sealed, dude…” Logan assures him, just as Shannon walks back into the room…

Lying together in a contented post-coital embrace, Logan and Shannon enjoy a quiet, blissful moment together, entwined in each other’s arms; it’s Shannon who first breaks the silence. “Mmmm…it was so good seeing Justin again last night…he’s right, we really do need to get together more often…” she says, nuzzling her face against her handsome stud boyfriend. “Yeah, it was cool…but our schedules don’t always work out…it’s hard to work things out with three people like that…” Logan replies. “Yeah, I guess you’re right…” Shannon concedes. “Besides, if you wanna hang out with him, you don’t need me to do that…” Logan now suggests in a casual voice. “What do you mean…? You mean like maybe go out on a date with him…?” Shannon asks, throwing just a hint of a suggestive purr into her voice. “Yeah, why not…? You don’t even have to call it a date…just go out for pizza or something…” the stud shrugs. “Mmmm…maybe I’ll just go ahead and ping him tomorrow, then…” the redhead now suggests. “Go for it, babe!” Logan replies…

“So, I’m at peak fertility right now…” Olivia informs Justin in a matter-of-fact voice as he laps her love muffin with his skilled, proficient tongue. Another one of Justin’s STUD calls, Olivia is a big titted blonde MILF, a 36 year old teacher who has a studious air with her round, owlish glasses; she also reveals a sluttier side with the pair of black, high heeled stiletto pumps that she’s wearing in bed. “Mmmmhmmm…” the stud grunts agreeably, tonguing the MILF’s clit and finally making her squirm a little; she’s hot, but Justin is just a little bit put off by her lecturing tone. It’s also taking some extra time and work to get her warmed up; she hasn’t orgasmed yet, even in spite of the stud’s best efforts. Suddenly, the blonde throws her head back on the pillow and starts gasping loudly. “Oh my gawd! That’s an orgasm!” she announces in an urgent, breathless voice. Justin allows himself a satisfied grunt and keeps his tongue relentlessly busy. Two more orgasms and he’ll have her pussy primed to just where he wants it…

Grunting and sweating, Justin works his hips with a steady rhythm as he hammers Olivia’s snatch, the pressure in his balls building with every thrust. “Do you know how many sperm cells there are in an ejaculation…?” the brainy blonde suddenly asks, looking up at him through her glasses. “Dunno…” the stud grunts, maintaining his even tempo, bewildered that the MILF is giving him trivia questions while he’s pounding her pussy. “300 million!” Olivia replies with a smirk. “Holy shit!” Justin gasps in response; unimpressed by her factoid, the exclamation reflects his amazement at how hard it is to make this chick cum. He finally made her orgasm three times with his tongue in a long, protracted pussy eating session, but now, he’s been pounding away at her with his dick for almost 10 minutes and he still hasn’t fucked her into a climax. This is a lot of work! he reflects, the sweat pouring off of him, splashing his big titted partner and saturating the sheets as he wills himself not to cum just yet. Finally, reaching the limits of his endurance, he’s rewarded for his efforts with the MILF’s quick, rapid gasping. “Oh my gawd…I’m there! I’m there!” she calls out, her toes curling in her high heels. In response, Justin’s balls convulse savagely, hurling his genetic sludge deep into the big boobed teacher’s babymaker as they climax together...

“So, I’m going to give you an A+ for cunnilingus and an A- for intercourse…” Olivia informs Justin; sitting up in bed, a sheet pulled up to cover her boobs, the blonde MILF peers at the stud through the glasses perched at the end of her nose. “Yo, A-??? What’s up with that…?” the sweaty stud exclaims. “You were good…very good! But you ejaculated too soon…I only had one orgasm…” the MILF replies in her lecturing tone. “Yo, I made you cum three times before we even started fucking…” the stud protests. “Yes, that’s why I’m giving you an A+ for cunnilingus…but you only gave me one orgasm from intercourse…I was just starting to get fully aroused and then you had your orgasm…it really wasn’t fair…” the MILF replies in her prim, condescending tone. “No worries…I’ll last longer next time…” the stud promises her, trying to mask his exasperation; this is the first time he’s ever had any woman complain about his performance in bed. He’s tempted to get up and leave right now, but since this is a STUD call, he needs to spend the rest of the night doing his best to knock up the demanding MILF…

Delta Quadrant

Grunting loudly, carrottop clamps his hands down on Amy’s hips and subjects her pussy to a furious doggystyle pummeling. “Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd!” the blonde shrieks, enjoying the latest in a string of orgasms. Sweating profusely, the bucktooth stud feels his balls starting to spasm; he slams home a final, forceful thrust and then lets out a deep groan as his nuts convulse, and his tool flings thick clots of his redheaded DNA into Amy’s babymaker. When his love worm stops belching, he wastes no time pulling out of his well pounded blonde partner and getting out of bed. “You’re so cute…” Amy giggles, sitting up and watching him with a starry look in her eyes as he puts his well worn jeans back on. “You’re just lucky that I pinged you again…” the cocky stud replies, reaching for his cowboy boots. “I knew you would, baby…I knew that you’d come back to me!” Amy assures him. “Yeah, I don’t know why I did…but I better get going before your boyfriend gets here…” carrottop replies. “Yeah, you’d better go, baby…he’ll be here any minute now!” Amy agrees, an excited undercurrent of danger in her voice. Quickly exiting the blonde’s apartment, the randy redhead makes his way through the streets, scoping out future potential conquests. So many blondes, so little time! Why did I ping that Amy chick again, anyway…? he asks himself. Yeah, she’s hot, but I’ve done a lotta hot chicks and then just moved on. Maybe it’s the competition with her jealous boyfriend, the dangerous thrill that made him hook up with her again, but banging the same chick more than once just isn’t his style. As he walks along, he pulls out his ping and deletes Amy’s contact info so that he won’t be tempted to hit her up again…

“Deeper, baby! Deeper!” Amy moans, as Colby hammers her doggystyle; while his hip thrusts aren’t as frenzied as carrottop’s, his dick is bigger and he’s giving her a good solid pounding that’s already brought her to climax several times. Oblivious to the stale scent of carrottop’s sweat still lingering in the air, Colby’s now bathed in sweat himself, adding his own pungent notes to the overripe atmosphere in the blonde’s bedroom. “Oh fuck!” he gasps as his balls spasm and he spews a flood of genetic goo into his moaning girlfriend’s love box. “Oh yeah, baby! Give me that load!” Amy cries out as the freckle faced stud drains his balls deep inside of her. “What would you do if I got pregnant…?” she now asks him as they cuddle together after sex. “Yo, you always ask me that, but it never happens…” Colby replies in a bemused tone. “Yeah, but it could happen…I’m fertile right now, and you just dumped a big load into me…all it takes is one little sperm cell to get through…” the blonde reminds him. “Yo, I’d be cool with it…we’d be making a little future space trooper dude…” the stud replies. “Or it could be a girl…” Amy reminds him. “Yeah…that would be cool, too…she would grow up and make lots of little space trooper dudes! Yo, either way, I’d be happy!” he replies. “Is that all you think about, being a space trooper and making more space troopers…?” she asks. “I dunno…isn’t that what life’s all about…fighting those Zadon bastards with our bodies…or somethin’ like that…” the stud replies, retailing his version of Lora’s life philosophy. “Huh…? Guys are so weird…” Amy replies, running her fingers through the stud’s sweat matted red mop of hair. As she coos words of lust in her boyfriend’s ear, deep inside of her Colby’s wriggling little swimmers are competing with those of carrottop in a genetic derby involving hundreds of millions of participants but where there can only be one winner…

“Oh, shit!” 14 year old blond Jason gasps as he feels his balls convulse; he groans as his 5 inch tool starts spitting his virgin man scum into his partner’s snatch. “You did it baby!” Lora exclaims happily, congratulating the boy as he orgasms inside of her. Jason groans again and after his tool stops spurting he pulls it out of the MILF’s pussy. “I fucked you!” he exclaims in a dazzled tone, watching as his sperm starts to ooze out of the blonde’s snatch; it was fun and he’s proud of himself but it happened all so fast. “Yes, you did, baby, but now you better get going…I’ve got to get up early for work tomorrow…” Lora announces suddenly, unceremoniously handing the teen his precum stained briefs. “Oh, okay…that’s cool…” the boy replies in a slightly bewildered tone, disappointed that he won’t be staying for at least one more round. Lora watches him get dressed impatiently; she can’t wait for him to leave. She’s gone through this scenario so many times with so many boys that she’s lost count; she lets a virgin dump his load in her and then he wants to stay and screw her all night, but she always just sends him on his way. This kid is like all the rest; he’s super cute but he was fumbling and he didn’t even get her off once. Worst of all, he didn’t even try to eat pussy. Wrapping herself in a sheet, she escorts the now fully dressed teen to the front door. “Don’t worry, I’ll ping you baby…” she assures him as she hustles him out of her apartment and slams the door. In spite of how brief and unsatisfactory the sex was, Lora still feels a deep sense of accomplishment after the encounter because she’s deflowered yet another male virgin, yet another brand new space trooper who can now be sent into combat. Thanks to her, there’s one more body that can be thrown into the fight against the Zadons…

Alpha Quadrant

“Fuck…fuck!” Justin gasps, the sweat rolling off his muscled body as he maintains his steady tempo of deep plunging thrusts. “I’m getting close…I’m getting so close!” Olivia informs him, peering up at him with that critical, appraising look on her face again. It takes her so fucking long to cum! the stud thinks to himself, letting out a deep, visceral grunt as he lunges his hips forward again. It’s now their second round; he’s brought her to climax once and he’s determined to hold out until she cums again, mostly because he doesn’t want to hear her complain again. Just then, he feels the first twinges deep in his nuts. Oh no! Not yet! he thinks, the bed creaking loudly, keeping rhythm with his piston like hip thrusts. He feels another forceful spasm in his balls and then, without warning it happens; Olivia starts her quick, rapid gasping. “Oh my gawd! Yes! I’m there! I’m there!” she moans in a breathless, heaving voice. “Fuck!” the stud bellows triumphantly as his nuts detonate with seismic force and his tool starts to spew; stud and MILF climax together, male gasps and groans blending with loud female moaning...

Melissa’s bed creaks loudly, its limits tested by the feverish, frenzied fucking. Oh my gawd! I hope the bed doesn’t break! the thought flashes through the gorgeous blonde’s mind but it’s quickly erased by yet another orgasm that surges over her, seizing hold of her body, frying her brain and curling her toes as she lets out a long, ear piercing shriek of ecstasy. Gasping loudly, vainly trying to catch her breath, she looks up into the blue eyes of Axel, 6’1, blond, strikingly handsome and 189 pounds of pure muscle. The 17 year old stud is using his 10 inch dick like a battering ram, smashing the MILF into one orgasm after another; he’s been hammering away at her with machine like precision for almost 10 minutes and isn’t even close to blowing his load. Usually a talker during sex, Melissa is rendered speechless by the intensity of the pussy pounding; all she can do is run her hands all over the stud’s sweat lathered body, especially his bulging, rippling biceps, the left one encircled by a barbed wire band tattoo. The stud grunts loudly, with an animal like gutturalness; finally, he can endure no longer and his balls explode with seismic force. “Fuck! Fuck!” he bellows as each powerful pump of his nuts blasts a series of thick, slimy globs of his genetic scum into Melissa’s babymaker. A member of the STUD program, Axel spends the rest of the night working diligently to impregnate the gorgeous MILF; so intensive are his efforts that Melissa will have to call off from work tomorrow, needing the whole day to recover…

A thoroughly exhausted Justin leaves Olivia’s apartment in the early hours of the morning after blasting 5 loads of his babymaking goo into the big titted blonde’s love slot. Fucking the hypercritical MILF was an endurance test, involving a strenuous effort each time to get at least 2 orgasms out of her before he could cum himself. Complying with her insistence that he fuck her only in mish, he earned a final grade of a solid A from the demanding teacher. He fervently hopes that he got her pregnant; that would be the only adequate reward for all the hard work that he had to put in. He can’t help feeling sorry for the next dude in the STUD program who has to fuck her…


338 space troopers killed in minor actions today.

(to be continued...)
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