Girl leaves home to live on her own and discovers a side of her that she really likes.
I am an Exhibitionist Girl and it makes me really horny and happy.
by Vanessa Evans
Part 1
Okay, I’m Anna and I’m your average girl, 21 years old, blonde, shoulder length hair, 165 cm tall and I weigh 55 Kg. My dress size is 6 and I have ‘A’ or ‘A+’ cup breasts that are quite firm with no sag. My nipples are on small and much darker areolae and are pencil eraser size and they get erect very easily. I’m an innie girl with a clit that seems to be permanently erect and sticking out between my labia. I have had laser hair removal for everywhere below my neck. I keep my body in good shape by exercising just about every other day and a few of my friends have told me that I have a cute, little baby face and cute little bubble butt.
Now that you have an image of the naked me in your brain let me tell you about where I live.
Fortunately for me, I live in a part of the country that has warm, sunny and dry weather for most of the year. If I didn’t live there I would have moved to somewhere where the weather is like that because I hate cold and wet weather.
I was lucky in that when I left home I managed to get a small apartment in a big block, and from both my large lounge and bedroom windows I can see the windows in the apartments across the street. The first thing that I did when I got the apartments was to get rid of all the curtains and blinds. I wanted to put on my own little reality show.
My Neighbours.
Just down the hallway live a couple that I have become good friends with, Jenna and Tommy. They are both slightly older than me and we hang out together at times. Not only are they aware of my kink, they encourage me and sometimes lookout for me when I am doing something risky. We have spent a few evenings drinking and thinking of places and ways that I can expose myself, some of which we have turned into reality.
Jenna tells me that she loves it when I go to their place and have wardrobe malfunctions in front of Tommy, she tells me that their lovemaking after I have gone is very rewarding.
Occasionally, Jenna insists that I got to the pub with her and Tommy, just for a drink and gossip, my skimpy attire attracting the attention of the odd guy or two. Jenna swears that she isn’t trying to fix me up with a guy.
Jenna and Tommy have thrown a couple of parties since I’ve been there and they invited me, probably trying to fix me up with one of their single guy friends. They organised a third party that was ‘different’ but I’ll tell you about that later.
At each of the 2 parties I went there wearing just a very skimpy dress and heels. One of the dresses was just an ultra short skirt and a narrow, baggy front. All the single guys there were hitting on me all the time and I rewarded them by leaning forwards quite a lot so that they got a great side view of my tits, or bending over, pretending that I had an itch foot.
When I danced with any of them I didn’t stop their wandering hands and I got fingered a few times.
The dress that I wore to the other party was a stretch tube with no straps or sleeves. I had to, well sometimes, keep pulling the hem down to cover my slit, front and back. The other thing that makes me proud of making it, is that it’s covered with a dozen or so of diagonal slits, all of which are around 15cm long. Because of the stretch fabric some of the slits stretch to around 4 cm wide.
I cut the slits all over the dress, front and back, and quite a bit of flesh is on display, even my butt, bald pubis and a fair bit of my tits. When I pull the fabric to my right, my left nipple gets exposed. When I pull the hem down my slit and sometimes my clit get exposed.
That dress also proved to be a hit with the guys.
I met 2 of my ‘friends with benefits’ guys at those parties. The others I met at pubs that I went to with Jenna and Tommy, my skimpy clothes acting as an invite for the guys to come and hit on me.
My clothes
I’m lucky in that I know how to use my sewing machine and I make most of my clothes. I hate trousers and shorts so I don’t own any. Nearly all my skirts and dresses are really short (except my work clothes which around mid-thigh) and most of my tops show the bulges where my nipples are because I stopped wearing average bras when I left my parents home to live on my own.
Having said that, I still have a few soft mesh bras and a couple of ‘strings only’ bras that I wear when I believe that women are expected to wear a bra.
The same applies to knickers. All I have is a couple of mesh G-strings and a few ‘strings only’ G-strings.
I also have a couple of bikinis that are minimalistic but could pass as a ‘standard’ bikini. They are made of ultra thin, unlined fabric that cling to every little curve of what little they cover. They also go quite sheer when they get wet.
I was feeling quite daring one evening and made one strings only bikini that is literally 2 strings that go over my shoulders and at the back they meet at my butt crack. Down the front, each string has a metal ring, the diameter being the same as my nipples. The metal rings obviously go over my nipples that keep the strings in place. The 2 strings meet at my slit where the are joined to another metal ring, same size, that goes over my clit, then a single string joins the back strings at a little dildo that fits nicely into my vagina.
It took some time getting the lengths if the strings right so that 3 rings press around my nipples and clit making them stick out quite nicely.
Unfortunately, I haven’t yet had the courage to wear this bikini out in public, but wearing it makes me dream about doing that.
I have made one bikini bottoms that has a lot more fabric in them, even covering a fair bit of my butt, I only wear it if I want to appear ultra decent.
I never get embarrassed, or tired of, men starting at my chest instead of my face when we are talking. Quite the reverse, when I notice men looking, my nipples and my clit tingle.
A lot of my tops are low-cut and, or, have deep arm holes that, at the right angle, show lots of my tits, even my nipples if the voyeur is lucky.
I love making clothes out of fabrics that are thin, light-weight and often diaphanous to some extent. I also love making clothes that easily give me wardrobe malfunctions, revealing parts of me that society believes should be covered up.
Having said that, I am amazed by the number of unobservant people there are around. Either that or it doesn’t register what they are seeing.
Years ago I discovered that I can get away with showing a lot of skin if I act as though I am dressed like a nun and act normally. I’ve also developed a bit of a skill at pretending to be be embarrassed when I have ‘accidental’ wardrobe malfunctions that leave my goodies on display.
In my Apartment I rarely wear any clothes and I have my yoga mat in front of my large lounge window which is also where I do my exercise routine, all totally naked.
So far I have spotted 3 voyeurs in windows in the block of apartments across the street that sometimes watch me working out and even just when I’m pottering about my apartment or when I’m laying on my bed, the bedroom also facing the block across the street. They may even watch me when I’m sleeping because the warm weather means that I can sleep totally naked with nothing covering me and I have a habit of sleeping with the lights on.
I have spotted one guy across the street that has a telescope that always seems to be pointing my way.
I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve been watched when I’m masturbating on my bed, often with me using some of my toys.
I often dream that there are dozens of voyeurs in the block opposite who watch me, but are clever enough to make themselves hidden from my view.
Better still, I often dream about me masturbating or being fucked in a very public place with lots of people watching.
I do not have, and do not want, a steady boyfriend in spite of Jenna and Tommy trying to pair me off with some of their friends. I’m worried that a boyfriend will cramp my style and spoil the fun that I am having. I’d really hate to have a guy get all jealous of my exposing myself. However, the idea of having a guy who deliberately ‘forces’ me to expose myself does appeal to me, but I have yet to find one of those.
Having said that, I have acquired a handful of guys who I describe as ‘friends with benefits’, and when I’m in the mood for a good fucking I’ll phone one of them, meet them at a pub or restaurant wearing a dress that is very revealing, have one or two wardrobe malfunctions to tease them, then bring them back to my place for a night of sex. I have never discussed my voyeurs across the street with any of these guys and none of them has raised the possibility of us being watched.
My Work 1.
I work in a small office and employees are expected to be smart and presentable. I believe that I am - just, but my blouses and skirts do tend to reveal what is under them if I sit carelessly or bend or twist in certain ways. Females are also expected to wear a bra, which I do, even though they have mesh or missing cups, the visible straps revealing that I am wearing one.
I’ve had a couple of guys at work hitting on me, usually after I have ‘accidentally’ let them see up my skirt or down my blouse, but I have always turned them down, me not wanting to mix work with pleasure.
I have lost count of the number of known ‘wardrobe malfunctions’ that I have had at work, and I’ve not had one complaint.
The Company Picnic
My bosses have a picnic for all their employees and their families each summer. It’s organised by a corporate events company so all the employees and families have to do is turn up.
The first one of these picnics that I went to was a bit boring, mainly aimed at the kids. We’d been told to dress casually but I took that to be ‘smart casual’ which to me meant no see-through clothes and no exposure, accidental or deliberate.
This years picnic was much more fun. The event was based at an outdoor activities centre on the outskirts of a little village in the middle of nowhere. A coach was laid on, and we were told that a crèche was organised for the kids. The adults were told to dress casually and expect to get dirty.
I was the only female to arrive wearing a skirt, A miniskirt, a floaty miniskirt at that. My top wasn’t as ‘robust’ as the ones the other girls were wearing as well. I chose to wear a cut-off gypsy top, and of course, no underwear. The boss who had organised the day look at me and asked,
“Have you got anything to change into Anna?”
“No, but it doesn’t matter if I get these clothes dirty.”
“You may wish to sit out of some of the challenges Anna.”
“No, I intend to prove that I am a team player Mr. Johnston.”
“We’ll see Anna. Onto the bus please.”
I got on, and by the time the bus moved off there must have been going on for 20 employees, most of them with partners, and half a dozen kids.
Understandably, there was a lot of gossip and speculation during the journey but things started to get a little clearer shortly after we arrived.
The kids were sent off to the crèche and all the adults were given a number. An activities centre guy (Andy) then explained that we would be split into teams for each activity, but before an activity started the teams would change. There would be a winning team for each activity and at the end there would be a winning individual, the person who had been in the most winning activity teams.
There would be no breaks between activities, except for waiting for other teams to complete the activity, but there would be drinks tables at the end of each activity.
After half the activities there would be a break for lunch where the kids would join the adults for the picnic.
We were then taken round the back of the building where we saw a field with the activities. That was when there was a few adverse comments and complaints, the activities being likened to an army assault course.
The boss quietened things down explaining that it was a fun day and that no one was expected to either push themselves to the limit, nor even take part if they didn’t want to. The objective was to work as a team to get the whole team through each activity.
It was at that point that a couple of larger lady employees announced that they were dropping out and they were followed by 2 others, each giving a reason that there was no reason to not believe that they were a valid reason.
The boss then handed control back to Andy and the boss came over to me and asked me if I had any clothes to change into that were more suitable for the activities. I told him the same thing that I’d said before getting on the coach to go there and the boss accepted that, but I did see a grin on his face.
As Andy called out the numbers of the people in each team. An assistant (Phil) wrote down each persons number against a team number.
As I stepped forward when my number was called, Andy looked me up and down and asked me if I wanted to skip the activity. Again I said not and I was handed a red sash (each team had different coloured sashes).
The first activity was 2 telegraph poles planted about 2 metres apart with flat, thick planks of wood between them, up to a height of around 2 metres. That challenge was to get all the team over the planks.
We all split into our teams and watched 3 other teams attempt the challenge. It quickly became obvious that knees and shoulders had to be stood on to get 2 people on top of the planks then, straddling the planks they would help the rest get up and over. I quickly realised that if I wasn’t the last to get pulled up, those on the ground would see up my skirt, but after I’d seen all the activities earlier, I just knew that it was going to be an ‘interesting’ day and that just about everyone of my colleagues would see my bare pussy and possibly my bare tits at least once.
That thought had both worried and excited me. Excited for the obvious reason, but worried me at the thought that one of my bosses might not be happy and sack me on the coming Monday.
Two guys in our team were soon sat on the top of the planks then Paul, the self appointed leader, shouted down for the girls, me and Tanya, to be helped up first. Tanya stepped onto a knee, put her arms up and was hauled up where she sat and swivelled round before lowering herself to the ground on the other side.
It was my turn and as soon as I was standing on the knee I heard Mike, who was going to go after me, say,
“Bloody hell, Anna isn’t wearing any knickers.”
That caused the guy, whose knee I was standing on, to wobble a bit and I lost my balance and fell to the ground in such a way that every one in my team, except Tanya, could see my bunched up skirt and bare pussy.
Not only my team, but Andy, his assistant and the teams who were waiting their turn.
Knowing that something like that was going to happen sooner or later, I quickly got to my feet, stepped onto the knee and reached up. Two hands grabbed mine and my bare butt was soon sitting on the edge of the top plank and shuffling myself round to be lowered down the other side.
Tanya was waiting for me and put her arms out to help me and I was soon on my feet on the ground, Tanya saying,
“I suspected that you were an exhibitionist a long time ago Anna, but I hear that you have just proved it.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn’t know what, and thankfully, Tanya’s face went from a serious expression to a big grin before my brain had a chance to work out what to say. Tanya hugged me and led me a couple of metres away from the obstacle.
Tanya and I watched as the rest of our team were pulled up then were lowered down to complete the challenge.
We watched as the rest of the teams completed the challenge before everyone moved on to the next obstacle, handed in our sashes, were allocated to a new team and issued with a different coloured sash.
This second obstacle was a lot less physical and more to do with balance. Two ropes were stretched between 2 more telegraph poles. One rope about half a metres from the ground and the other around 2 metres from the ground. The challenge was to walk along the lower rope using the top rope for balance. Andy told us that if we fell off twice we didn’t have to try a third time.
Well, everyone was standing around watching as people tried their best, then fell off. The most amusing ones were the people who ended up with their feet pushing the bottom rope out to one side whilst still hanging on to the top rope before they had to let go and fall to the ground.
When the second team started, I watched the first success of the day, Rachael from Accounts walked almost normally along the bottom rope instead of having the rope under her insteps and shuffling along. Rachael got lots of applause when she touched the telegraph pole at the other end.
Only 3 people succeeded in staying on and I wasn’t one of them. When my body started going sideways, my feet were quite a bit apart and that is how landed on my back on the ground. Unsurprisingly, most people were gathering at each side of the ropes and around half of them must have seen my bare pussy when I landed on the ground and before I got to my feet and straightened my skirt.
The third obstacle also involved ropes, this time it was a huge cargo net laid flat on the ground and pegged down all along 2 sides. The objective was for all the members of each team to crawl under the net, from one end to the other, in the shortest time.
When it got around to my teams turn we dived down and started belly crawling. This set of team mates were all older than me and I was soon ahead of them. Two of my older colleague team mates came out from under the net after me, both with grins on their faces and I realised that they must have been seen up my skirt.
They both gave me a high five and congratulated me but I wasn’t sure if it was for beating them or giving them a great view.
The fourth obstacle looked dead easy, just a walk along 4 logs. However, the logs were wet and slippery and if you fell off a log you had to start that log again. I was one of the ones who didn’t fall off and no one got to see my pussy that time.
The fifth obstacle really got your arms aching. Each team member was lined up behind tractor tyres which we had to lift onto the tread then push over the other side, thus moving the tyre along the course. Hard work, but I held my own and didn’t end up last. Nor did I flash my bare butt or pussy – I think.
Then, thankfully, it was picnic time. In another area, blankets were spread out with hampers of food and drink on them, and the kids came out to join their parents.
I sat on a blanket that only had the unattached people there and we were soon talking about the hilarious moments of the day so far. The subject of me wearing a skirt soon got raised and I defended my attire by stating that no one had told me that trousers had to be worn, and that I didn’t own any anyway.
“You do realise that you have been flashing your intimate lady parts Anna?” Mike the trainee accountant asked.
Somehow, I managed to blush and I pleaded ignorance as I looked down my body to check that nothing was currently on display that shouldn’t be.
“Maybe you should drop out of some of the obstacles Anna.” Mary said.
“But that would show people that I’m not a team player, and I am.” I replied.
“So you don’t mind showing your lady parts Anna?” Mike asked.
“I didn’t say that, but a gentleman would avert his eyes when a lady gets into a compromising situation.” I replied.
“But you’re not wearing any knickers Anna.” Mike said.
“No, I can’t, medical reasons.” I lied.
“Quite a few of us have noticed that back at the office as well Anna.” Mary said, “you need to be more careful when you’re bending over.”
I looked at each of the guys around the blanket and all of them had knowing smiles on their faces and somehow I managed to blush a little, but the knowledge that those guys had seen my pussy at work made my pussy tingle some more, even though there was every chance that they’d seen it that morning as well.
“So you have a medical condition that stops you wearing knickers Anna,” Mike asked, “does that stop you wearing a bra as well?”
“No, I always wear a bra at work.”
“They must be flimsy ones Anna, we can see that your headlights are on full beam just about every day, just like they are right now.” Mike said.
“It’s not my fault” I started to say, but Mary interrupted me,
“Mike, leave poor Anna alone, she doesn’t get paid half of what you do so she probably can’t afford to buy lots of clothes.”
“How do you know what I get paid Mary?” Mike asked.
Thankfully, the conversation moved on from my clothing and what ‘accidentally’ gets displayed, and it wasn’t long before the kids were ushered back into the crèche and the adults were assembled and allocated new teams ready for the next obstacle.
The sixth obstacle was another cargo net, but this one was vertical and all the team had to do was climb up one side and go down the other side. However, the net was suspended from a pole high up so as soon as people started to climb it their movement made it move about, thus making it more difficult to climb.
After we’d watched a couple of teams struggle, James, one of the senior managers, decided that the light weight members of our team should climb up first so that the net wasn’t moving about so much. That meant that Carl and I were first up.
The holes in the net were quite far apart and my feet had to move quite a bit to get to the next step. It was only when I put my hand on the pole that I looked back down and saw James and another guy directly below me. The must have had a great view up my skirt.
I leaned over the pole and swung my legs up and over ready to go down the other side, but as my torso started to go down, my skirt, and my top, didn’t want to go as fast and as my torso and as I started to get level with James I realised that he was getting a great view of my bare legs right up to my stomach, and my tits.
I smiled at James and said that it was difficult to find the next step down because of the swaying net.”
“You can do it Anna,” James said, “show us.”
I didn’t know what he was referring to with those last 2 words but I ignored him and kept going.
The seventh obstacle was an easy one, but a wet one. There was this big drainage pipe, about 10 metres long and with a diameter of around one metre. The thing was, it was on a bit of a slope and water was being pumped into the top of it from a nearby stream. And it turned out to be quite slippery inside the pipe.
The challenge was to get all our team through the pipe from the bottom to the top.
It was hilarious watching the other teams starting then sliding backwards when someone lost traction. One team got everyone nearly to the top when the front person lost traction and slid back down, taking the rest of his team with him.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, the same happened to my team and when we were all in one big pile at the bottom, I realised that my wet skirt was stuck around my waist and another senior manager, Bob, had his head between my legs, his face right in front of my bare pussy.
“Oops.” I said as we started to get untangled, “sorry about that.”
“That’s okay Anna, these things happen.” Bob replied, but I saw that his face was all red.
I straightened my skirt and we all set off again. This time with more success, but another guy was following me and he must had had a great view of my pussy.
The eighth obstacle was hard work on my arms. It was some Monkey Bars and the challenge was to get each team member from one end to the other with at least one hand on the bars all of the time. If that didn’t happen then it was back to the start for that person.
It took to the second team’s attempt before people realised that other team members could support the hanging person by holding their legs and moving with them.
When it got to my turn, 2 male members of my team were quick to offer to hold me up so that I could complete the task. As soon as I took my weight on my arms, a pair of hands grabbed each of my thighs, and as we moved along their hands slowly slid higher and higher. By the time we got to the end of the bars I had the side of one hand pressing on my pussy and the thumb on my clit.
I was in no hurry to be lifted down.
The ninth obstacle was a Tug of War. Teams were ***********ed and set against each of the other teams in turn. Our team decided that the heaviest members would be at the back which meant that I was at the front.
Once the pull was started everyone had their feet well apart trying to dig their heels in and leaning back. For me this meant that the front of the opposing team could see up my skirt. I don’t know if that contributed to us winning each pull.
The tenth, and final obstacle was a Water Slide on the same hill as the large pipe, and the water pumped had been moved from the pipe to the top of the slide. This obstacle was more for fun than a serious challenge. We had to get the whole team down the slide as quickly as possible, and it was again agreed that the lightest person should go first.
However, watching the first teams it became obvious that the whole team should go on one long snake, with me at the front.
Somehow. I managed to get ahead of the rest of the team, but as I looked back to see what had happened, I somehow managed to turn onto my stomach and my skirt that had been pushed up at the back, now got pushed up at the front as well. So did my gypsy top.
Just at I came to a halt at the bottom, the rest of my team arrived and we ended up in a big pile of bodies. As we untangled it became obvious that my team, and most of the spectators that were standing around at the bottom, were looking at the virtually naked me.
Again feigning embarrassment I quickly put my clothes back to where the were intended for, but they were all wet and clingy, my gypsy top clinging to every contour of my tits and was showing the contrasting, darker colour of my nipples and areolae which was quite inappropriate for a the works picnic, but there was nothing that I could do.
Thankfully, the organisers had provided towels and I managed to get most of the water out of my clothes, but, unlike most of the other employees, I had brought nothing to change in to.
Again, thankfully, it was still a warm day so there was no chance of catching a chill as everyone was assembled to hear the results. I wasn’t in enough winning teams to get awarded anything, but Mike later told me that I should have got an award for the most entertaining person there. I managed to fake some embarrassment again.
The coach journey back was filled with gossip and recollections of incidents and I was pleased that no one mentioned any of my wardrobe malfunctions.
My clothes had dried by the time we got back to the office.
I was also pleased that no one, apart from that Mike, mentioned any of my wardrobe malfunctions at work the next week, although I did notice a few knowing smiles from senior management and I wondered if those wardrobe malfunctions would get me a promotion or at least a good pay rise at the salary review time.
My neighbourhood.
Where shall I start? Okay, the neighbourhood is the suburb of a largish city.
Part of my keeping in shape routine includes jogging, and around once per week I can be seen jogging around the streets and the nearby park. I have 2 jogging outfits, both of which I made myself, both are made of very thin cotton fabric.
One is a very short tennis style dress that rises up when I raise my arms and reveals, to anyone who looks, that I am bottomless under the dress. The skirt part also bounces around when I’m jogging and I’m sure that the lower part of my butt becomes visible.
As I mentioned earlier, my small tits are quite firm so they don’t bounce up and down as I run, they just wobble a bit and my nipples get teased by the soft cotton which leads to them leading me along my route.
My other jogging outfit is a bit more daring. It’s an ultra short, skater design skirt that really does bounce around. The skirt is paired with a crop top that is only just long enough to cover my tits when I’m stood still. When I run it rides up and shows a lot of under-boob. If I leave it long enough it rides up over my nipples which then stop it from falling back down.
I’m truly amazed at the number of people who don’t see my exposed nipples. It’s usually the groups of young guys who see them and quickly tell their mates. When that happens I always smile and enjoy the crude comments as I run passed them.
If it’s a particularly hot morning or evening when I’m out jogging I often stop for a rest in the park and lay on the grass with my knees bent and my feet flat on the grass. knowing full well that anyone walking passed my feet will be able to see my bare pussy up my skirt. If I’m in the mood and it’s some young guys walking passed, I spread my feet enough for them to get a really good view of my pussy, me watching them through my sunglasses.
Sometimes the guys will come out with some really crude comments but I always ignore them, and on one occasion they came over to me but I quickly got to my feet and ran off.
One thing that I really do enjoy doing during the days when I’m not working, is to go out wearing just a top, skirt, heels and sunglasses. Sometimes without the skirt if the top is long enough to cover my butt.
The type of tops that I usually wear for these adventures are all sleeveless and scoop low at the sides and none of them are tight fitting meaning that it is easy for me to adjust them so that a huge amount of the side of my tits, or even all of my tits, is showing, or the front gapes open giving a great view of my tits.
The skirts that I wear are mostly very short wrap skirts that have very little overlap. I can easily slide them around me so that the overlap doesn’t overlap when I walk, or it slides off me when I sit. Occasionally, I’ll slide one of these skirts round so that the overlap is at the front and it will gape open as I walk, thus exposing my slit and clit.
I even have one wrap skirt that I sewed a broken hook and eye fastening on to it and I have to roll the waistband to keep it from falling off me. The ‘broken’ hook and eye being there just in case anyone accuses me of deliberately dropping my skirt. You probably won’t be surprised that I sometimes partially unroll the waistband so that the skirt falls off me. I quickly worked out how much, and when, to unroll the waistband so that I can time the ‘accidental’ wardrobe malfunction to happen when some guys walking towards me get quite close.
Again, I fake embarrassment and enjoy the crude comments as I pretend to struggle to put the skirt back on.
On these ‘showing myself’ trips I just about always end up in a cafe, sat on my own at a table outside where people walking along the street can easily look my way and see a girl engrossed on her phone and sitting very carelessly. The more observant of people will see my pussy, and / or my tits.
Again, my sunglasses let me see the people who look at me and I always get pleasure out of seeing a shocked or grateful facial expression. Occasionally a young guy or two will stop and stare for a while and I’ve even had one guy walk up and down the street a few times so that he can ‘casually’ look as he walks by. That guy really amused me and I was tempted to ask him to come and sit opposite me for a while so that he could have a long stare at my pussy.
I’ve also had young guys stop, get their phones out and take a photograph. I’m sure that if they were challenged they would just say that they were photographing the cafe but I don’t care. I get all horny when I think that they might post the photo on the internet and lots of guys will wank whilst looking at my pussy.
On the subject of the internet, I keep telling myself that I’m going to sign-up to one of the camgirl sites but I’ve been too busy enjoying myself to do that – so far.
Often when I am wandering around town I’ll sit on benches, or half way up some steps, in a very unladylike way knowing that people passing by will be able to see my pussy and or tits. Sometimes I will adjust my top so that one tit is fully exposed. All the time I will be pretending to be engrossed in my phone but watching the people through my sunglasses.
In the big shopping centres I often ride up and down the escalators, picking the time that I get on them so that I am above a guy or 2. I like it more when there’s 2 so that I can hear them talking about what they can see.
Usually, at the end of a flashing expedition in town, I go to one of the big supermarkets to do some grocery shopping. This always gives me the opportunity to bend over or squat down when I know that a guy is staring at my short skirts.
This shopping has 2 other benefits. Firstly it gets my shopping done, and secondly, it’s impossible for a girl to hold her skirt down on a windy day if she has shopping bags in both her hands. I’ve had to fake embarrassment a few times when this happens.
I have bought, or been given, a number of dildos and vibrators. I like them all, and they feature quite a lot in my solo events, and with my little gynarchy of ‘friends with benefits’.
The phone apps to control the remote control vibrators are loaded onto the phones of all my ‘friends with benefits’ and it’s not uncommon for one of them to receive a phone call from me asking them to remotely give me some pleasure.
This is frequently when I’m at work and during a quiet period. So far no one at work has discovered this although I have been asked if I’m okay a few times.
I have 2 magic wands, one is a Hitachi and has a power lead, the other is battery operated. It’s quite heavy which accounts for the batteries lasting a long time between charges. This the one that I sometimes take to the park when I’m sunbathing.
I’ve also re-arranged the furniture in both my lounge and bedroom so that I can play with my toys. With the lights on, and be visible to anyone in the block of apartments across the street, if they care to look.
On a weekend outings, like to the beach or shopping, or to the park, I often wear one of my remote control vibes and phone around my ‘friends with benefits’ asking them to control me. When I find one who is free to remotely pleasure me, I often find myself in situations where I suddenly gasp when the vibrations shoot up, or have to stop walking and lean against a wall whilst my friend takes me over the edge.
So far I’ve had 3 concerned, older women who’ve stopped and asked me if I’m okay or if I need any help.
Shopping – not groceries.
Although I make most of my own clothes I do enjoy going to clothes shop for 2 main reasons. One is for me to get ideas for clothes and to inspect some of them to see how they are made. The second reason is for me to see it there are any opportunities for me to flash guys whilst trying on clothes.
I’ve found one little shop that only has 2 curtained cubicles in the main part of the shop. I’ve given a few guys a pleasant surprise by not pulling the curtain fully shut.
The local Leisure Centre.
I go there usually once every couple of weeks. It’s quite big and has lots of facilities. It also has one big changing room with rows of changing cubicles that are marked as for the different sexes or families but no one seems to take any notice of the signs. The design of the doors on the cubicles is such that if they are not locked then they slowly swing open.
This works great for me as I never lock the doors and by the time I am naked the door is usually wide open and sometimes a passer-by looks in. One time a male staff member came by and told the embarrassed me (ha) that I should always lock the door.
I always start off wearing one of the bikinis that I described earlier and wander around letting as many of the staff see me so that they know that I am wearing a ‘decent’ bikini, then I get into the pool and get my exercise in the pool before I start showing-off my body.
When I get out of the pool I know that the fabric of the bikini has become quite sheer and I walk by any groups of guys that are hanging around to let them see me.
Then I go and change the bottoms to a thong made of the same fabric and go and have some fun on the slides and the in the wave machine pool.
One time, so far, I’ve changed into a G-string bottoms that has no fabric then gone and used the slides and the wave machine. Going up the stairs to the top of the slides can be fun. With my back to the guys following me up, all they see is a girl in a G-string bikini, and there’s usually a handful of those there, but when I turn round the more observant guys realise that they can see my slit and clit. When I see, or hear, that they’ve noticed, the tingling really starts. That’s also true when / if they notice my hard nipples tenting in the slightly see-through fabric of my top.
The top of the slides is often fun as well. If I think that the guy, or girl, holding back the queue, then releasing them one-by-one, might appreciate seeing my slit I’ll keep my hands at my sides. If they look to be a prude or a miserable sod, I put my hands together over my pubis which is something that I’ve noticed that a lot of girls do, even if they are wearing an industrial strength swimsuit.
As well as the pools and the slides, the Leisure Centre has a jacuzzi, a sauna and a steam room. I usually frig myself to an orgasm in both the jacuzzi and steam room, but the sauna is more difficult. Having said that, I’ve done it when I’ve been in there on my own. I’ve also laid on the benches in there with my G-string bottoms having a wardrobe malfunction and been completely to one side of my vulva.
If there’s only a small number of people in there when I go in I will create the wardrobe malfunction as I spread my towel ready to lay out. Most of the guys in there appear to spot my wardrobe malfunction, but never say anything. One time there was a couple about my age in there and I saw the girl giggling when her guy nudged her and nodded my way to get her to look.
When it comes to the time for me to go home, I get my towel, soap and shampoo from my locker then go for a shower. These are different to what I have seen before in that there is a communal shower and several small cubicle showers, all with doors similar to the changing cubicles.
The first time that I went to the Leisure Centre I used one of these shower cubicles, but didn’t lock the door, and I was pleased that it slowly opened. Of course I pretended not to notice and was pleased when a couple of people walking by saw me totally naked.
After my shower I half-heartedly wrapped my towel around me and used both hands to carry my belongings back to my locker to collect my clothes to go and get dressed.
The thing was, when I came out of the shower cubicle I looked to the communal shower and cursed when I saw a naked couple showering. Every time that I’ve been to the Leisure Centre since I have showered naked in the communal shower.
Back to that first time, as I walked to the lockers, my badly tucked in towel came lose and fell to the floor right in front of a young, male staff member who bent right in front of me to pick up my towel for me. The thing was, well 2 things, firstly, his head was right in front of my pussy that I was dong nothing to cover, and secondly, when the towel dropped my next step left my foot on it so the staff guy had a long look at my pussy as he asked me to lift my foot.
He slowly got to his feet holding my towel then said,
“There you go ma’am.”
“I held out my full hands showing him that I couldn’t take the towel from him, and after a few seconds, his eyes rose from my chest and he said,
“Oh sorry, err …. “
“Could you follow me to my locker please?” I asked and started walking to it, not giving the guy much choice in the matter. At my locker I bent over and put my shampoo on the floor giving the guy a good look at my bare butt, then I stood up, opened my locker then turned to the guy and took my towel from him.
“Thank you so much for helping me, this place could do with little baskets to put shower things in.”
Wrapping my towel around me I smiled at the guy then turned to get my hairbrush out. When I turned back round I saw the guy walking away from me, shaking his head as if he was trying to work out what had just happened.
I smiled, loosened the towel round me, locked my locker, took my hairbrush to the mirrors to dry my hair and waited / hoped for another wardrobe malfunction.
All the time I was doing my hair I was looking in the mirror to see who was behind me, and whenever I wanted a wardrobe malfunction I pushed my shoulders back and hoped.
After I had done that the first time, with no success, I cursed myself, put the hairdryer and brush on the shelf then re fastened the towel around me, but not as tight.
A few minutes later when my hair was just about done and I was starting to think that I wasn’t going to get lucky, 2 late teen guys appeared behind me and I pushed my shoulders back.
“That’s better.” I thought as I felt the towel starting to unravel.
“SHIT!” I shouted as I turned to face the guys. “Oh my gawd, I’m so sorry.”
I just stared at the 2 guys for a couple of seconds as they stared back and my naked front. Then I squat down to pick up that towel as one guy said,
“Very nice, don’t rush to put it back on on our account.”
I smiled as I picked up the towel then passed it round my back before overlapping the front and tucking it in, all while facing the 2 guys who didn’t move on until I turned back and picked up the hairdryer.
Before I switched it on I heard one of the guys say,
“She was hot wasn’t she.”
“Yeah, I could give her one.” The other guy replied.
Back in my changing cubicle I left the door open as I looked out and slowly got dressed.
Each time that I got to the Leisure Centre I try to repeat all the above although I’m still waiting for another staff guy to come to my rescue. I do however, take a long time totally naked shower in the communal shower, usually having at least one guy watching me.
The local Park.
I’ve already mentioned a bit about this, but there’s more because I use the park as one of the places where I can sunbathe either topless or totally naked out in the open.
When I go there to sunbathe during the daytime. I join quite a few others on the big expanse of grass. However, I lay out close to one of the paths and let passing people look up my really short skirt.
I’m usually on my back, up on my elbows pretending to read a book or my phone whilst looking around through my sunglasses. Either that or laying on my stomach up on my elbows pretending to read. As you would expect, my knees are rarely together.
I usually wear either my Egg vibrator or the one with the pink antenna, and if I can’t get one of my fuck buddies to control the vibe, I’ll do it myself.
If there are other girls wearing a bikini there, I’ll change into one that I take in my bag. Needless to say it’s always one of my G-string bikinis and sometimes one that consists of only strings.
I have spent many hours sunbathing in that park and I love the attention that I get from some of the guys there.
Sometimes, I go and sit on one of the many benches or low walls there. If I’m wearing a loose fitting top I’ll arrange it so that a lot, or sometimes all, of one tit is enjoying the sun.
As for my legs, I never keep my knees together and sometimes even sit with my feet up on the bench or wall with my knees bent supporting a book or my phone, and my feet wide apart, thus giving anyone who looks a clear view of my bald pussy.
Of course I wear my sunglasses so that I can see who is looking and make any adjustments that I think I can get away with.
Very occasionally, a couple of policemen will walk through the park. So far I have always spotted them and managed to make myself what society calls ‘decent’ before they get too close.
The Beach.
Sometimes, when I have a full weekend day free and the weather is really warm, I’ll go to the local beach. It’s 60 minutes away by bus but even that can have its rewards. Wearing the right top and skirt I can expose myself to the people getting on or off at the dozen or so stops on the way. Of course I wear an ultra short skirt that exposes my bald pubis when I sit down with my knees closed, but I rarely sit like that, I sit on the front edge of the seat with my knees about shoulder width apart.
The tops that I wear to the beach are baggy and low cut, affording great opportunities for down blouse views for the people walking down that bus aisle.
Once on the beach I walk towards the water’s edge then get changed. It’s not a nude beach but that doesn’t stop me stripping naked then putting on just a G-string. Dependant on my mood the G-string will, or will not have some fabric covering my pussy and pubis, usually not. I will them walk just in front of all the other people there until a find a place near the rocky end of the beach and spread my towel.
After covering myself with sunblock I lay on my front or back to soak up the sun. Dependant on who’s around I will spread my legs hoping that some guys will walk along the water’s edge and look my way.
When I lay on my stomach I often slide my right hand under me and toy with my clit between my spread legs.
When I get bored I often go for a walk wandering around other beach goers and hoping that the guys will look at me and realise how little I am wearing. I usually end up cursing that people are so unobservant and willing them to look at me..
When it comes time to leave the beach I take off the G-string and put on a tank top that’s a loose fit and so short that it only just covers my tits. The skirt that I put on is the easiest item of clothing that I have ever made. I bought some printed, very thin, see-through fabric that I intended to use as a sarong but I bought too much and was left with a long strip, a bit like a scarf. This I fold over and wrap around my hips and tie the ends on a hip. It’s just wide enough to cover my butt, but I can twist it around so that the knot is in front and not making a very good job of covering my pubis.
Then I head for that amusement arcades and play a few games. The ones that I enjoy the most are the ones where you get these basket balls and you have to throw then into the basket. Each time that I throw a ball my top goes up above my tits letting anyone around see them.
The other game is racing a motorcycle. When I lean forward on the motorcycle my tits are hanging free and a lot of my butt is visible.
I sometimes play on one of the pinball machines leaning forwards to do so and letting anyone behind me see the bottom half of my bare butt and my pussy.
I often end up with a little group of young guys following me around.
The resort has a bit of a funfair and I sometimes go on the rides, the little roller coaster or the slingshot. Both of these have young guys strapping you in and I make sure that they see my pussy and, or, my tits as they do so. Both rides have cameras that take photos of the riders and I always make sure that my tits are uncovered when the photos are taken.
At the end of the rides I scroll through the photos looking for the ones with my tits exposed then I leave the screen like that for the next person who will see the photo of my tits.
If I’m lucky, on the bus back home I will usually be sat on my own so that I can frig myself and cum before the end of the journey.
Friends with Benefits.
One of the guys that I met at one of Jenna and Tommy’s parties is into bondage. I discovered this when he held my hands above my head when he fucked me and I joked that he should tie my wrists to the headboard.
When we were recovering Jake asked me if I was serious about him tying my wrists to the headboard. As this is a subject has always intrigued me a little I agreed to him tying me for our next round of fucking and I really enjoyed it, I orgasmed much quicker and twice before he filled my pussy again.
Jake realised the effect that it had on me and we agreed to start experimenting.
I experienced the ‘friend with benefits’ every night the next week with Jake bringing ropes and ball gags over to my place. He also screwed some steel rings to the ceiling in various places around my bedroom and lounge.
One Saturday evening when we were having some bondage fun things suddenly changed. Jake had my wrists tied to one of the ceiling rings in the lounge and he’d put a ball gag on me. I was just expecting him to fuck me when he disappeared.
While I waited I wondered if anyone in the apartments over the road was watching the naked me just hanging there.
Around five minutes later, and with me starting to get a little annoyed, Jake returned along with Jenna, Tommy and a whole load of other people. I was shocked, but excited at the same time as they all said hello.
“Well,” Jenna said, “Jake has told us everything that you two have been getting up to Anna, and I have to say that I’m not surprised. We all know that you like being seen naked too.
All I could do was nod my head a little.
By that time my mind was running wild, my nipples and clit were throbbing and my pussy was leaking like a tap.
“So,” Jenna continued, “we thought that you might like to take it a little further, do you? Oh, sorry, you can’t talk can you? Let’s assume that you do, so Jake, Tommy, the next stage please.”
Jake and Tommy sprung into action with Jake tying a rope to one of my ankles and Tommy threading the other end through another of the steel rings in the ceiling. Those done, Jake lifted my tied ankle off the ground then up into the air, forcing me to do the splits. Tommy then pulled on the rope and tied it off so that I was hanging there by my wrists and one ankle, the other foot just touching the floor. My leaking pussy was spread as wide as it would go and a dozen or so people, most of whom I’d met before, were all looking at me.
“Happy so far Anna?” Jenna asked. “Just nod your head if you are Anna.”
It didn’t show too well because of the ball gag, but I was actually smiling. My head was trapped between my hanging arms but I did managed to nod my head a little..
“Good, I thought that you would Anna,” Jenna continued. “Your dripping pussy is telling us that you are turned on by this so how about everyone here caressing your body and we’ll see how long it takes for you to cum.”
I felt a little rush of my juices in my pussy as what seemed like everyone there moved in on me and lots of hands started feeling me all over.
Of course, some of those hands went straight to my tits and to my pussy, and before I knew it fingers were inside me and some were rubbing my clit.
I vaguely remember hearing Jenna saying something like,
“Slow down guys, there’s plenty of time for all of you to get your hands on her.”
If Jenna said anything else I didn’t hear her as my second orgasm of the evening exploded out of me. It was much stronger than the one that Jake gave me when he first arrived that evening.
The orgasms kept coming as hand kept changing and fingers invaded both my available holes.
It wasn’t just the guys that were groping me, I saw and felt quite a few, gentler, female hands on and in my body, and that included Jenna who blew me a kiss as her fingers went deep inside me.
When I realised that less hands were on, or in, me, and the orgasms stopped, I heard Jenna say,
“Okay everyone, I hope that you enjoyed than, I can see that Anna did, but there’s more to come Anna, are you ready for the cocks? I know that Jake has fucked you already tonight so how about my boyfriend being the next lucky guy? Tommy, come and put that gorgeous cock of yours into our neighbours pussy.”
My eyes opened wide as I felt Tommy’s cock enter me, but they quickly went back to normal as Tommy got into a rhythm, taking me back up there quite quickly and making me cum just as he unloaded deep inside me.
Tommy was quickly replaced by Harry but he unloaded way too quickly to make me cum again.
Harry got replaced by Will, then I sort of lost track of who else fucked me. I think it was 5 guys with me cumming only twice more before it unfortunately ended. I was shattered but very happy as Jenna said,
“Get her down Jake then take her into the shower. Bring her over to ours when she’s ready.”
Jake did release me then carried me to the shower where he soaped me, rinsed me, then dried me before helping me walk to the bedroom to put some clothes on.
I sat on the bed whilst Jake got out a dress for me, but I fell asleep before he could dress me.
I woke a couple of hours later and found that I was on my own but I could hear music coming from Jenna and Tommy’s apartment, so, not bothering to put any clothes on, I waked to their apartment and went in to discover that the party was still in full swing.
Of course, everyone wanted to talk to me to find out if I’d enjoyed myself and to ask me when the next time was. I couldn’t answer the second question but I sure will get Jake to surprise me like that again.
I found Jenna and Tommy, then Jake, and thanked them for what they had done for me. All 3 told me that they had other ideas for exposing me in public but none of them would tell me what they were.
The party went on for another hour or so with me being the only naked person there. I again thanked Jenna and Tommy before I went back to my place with Jake and we fucked until the sun started to come up.
That wasn’t the last time that Jake has tied me up. Since then he has surprised me a couple of times. The first being one Sunday when he got me to go on a bit of a walk in the country with him. I don’t have any proper hiking equipment but Jake told me that we weren’t going anywhere where I would need anything special, just my dress and trainers.
I got a little suspicious when we got out of the Jake’s car and he took a big backpack out of the back of his car.
We were out on the hills and the weather was good and the air was fresh. As we walked I could see hills and farms and a few other people walking along the same tracks that we were on.
We’d been walking for about 30 minutes and were in the middle of nowhere when Jake said,
“Take your dress off Anna.”
I smiled and did just that, Jake putting it in his backpack. All I was now wearing was my trainers.
It wasn’t long before we saw a youngish couple walking our way and the tingling started.
“Morning.” Jake said as we got close to them. “Nice out today,”
“So it seems.” The guy said as our paths crossed.
“Enjoy that did you Anna?” Jake asked when the couple wouldn’t have been able to hear him.
“I did, did you see them staring at me.”
“Yes, and the next lot of people will have more to look at, stop walking Anna.”
I did and I got more excited as I watched Jake go into his backpack and get out my ball gag and some rope whereupon he put the ball gag on me and tied one end of the rope round my wrists then he started leading me along the path by the 3 metre rope.
I felt like a naked slave being led to who knows where.
It took around another 20 minutes before we came across some more people, this time 4 young men who just stopped and stared when we got close to them.
“So what’s with the rope and the gag?” One of the young men asked as we all stopped walking.
“She’s not my slave,” Jake replied, “just a friend who likes to be exposed to other people.”
The 4 guys started asking all sorts of questions about where I exposed myself and where Jake exposed me. Some of Jakes answers were true, but some weren’t, and some of the ideas that the 4 guys suggested did give me some ideas.
All the time the 4 guys were staring at me all the time which made me get more and more aroused.
“Would she mind if we took some photographs of her?” One of the guys asked.
“If she could talk I’m sure that she’s say that it was okay, so go ahead, take as many as you want. You can play with her tits and pussy as well if you want, she looks close to cumming so don’t be surprised if she starts shaking or jerking.” Jake replied.
What followed was a whole load of photographs taken on the guys phones, and Jake took some as well on his phone as well. Jake had told me to put my hands on my head when the guys had approached us, and they stayed there just about all the time.
Some photographs were with just one guy stood next to me, sometimes holding one of my tits or my pussy. Some photos were with me held in the air by 2 of the guys, me with my legs spread wide.
Yes, I did orgasm, and the photography session stopped whilst they all watched my pussy contract and relax.
I was just getting close to cumming again when Jake told the guys that the session was over and they we were going to move on. I cursed him for stopping the groping, but of course, he couldn’t hear me.
About half a mile further we came across 2 middle-aged women hikers. I could see them smiling as we got close, and after Jake had passed the time of day with them I heard them giggling as we walked away.
Shortly after that we got to a wooded area with the track going alongside it and Jake decided to stop.
“Fancy being tied to a tree and left there to see who comes along and what they say and do to you when they see you all on your own Anna?” Jake asked.
I had mixed feelings, but of course I couldn’t answer him. On the one hand I really liked the excitement of the situation, not knowing who, if anyone, would come along and what they would do to me. On the other hand someone could come along who thought that I had been kidnapped, and put on display, and they would call the police. I certainly didn’t want the police there, maybe they would cut me down and treat me like a victim and smother me with kindness, maybe they would just rape me and then leave me.
All those, and more, scenarios were running through my brain as Jake led me over to 2 sturdy looking trees. He threw the rope that held my wrists together over a branch and tied it so that my arms were in the air above my head, then with other ropes from his backpack he tied my ankles to each of the 2 trees leaving my legs spread wide.
Then he fucked me from behind, me doing my best to stick my butt out. I orgasmed before him but he kept thrusting in and out of me until he left a big deposit deep inside me.
After he’d pulled his jeans up he got a sheet of paper, with strings attached, out of his backpack and tied it round my neck. As he was doing that I managed to see that there was some writing on it, but I didn’t see it long enough to know what was written.
Jake went into his backpack and my eyes went wide open when his hand came out with one of my remote controlled vibrators in his hand. It was the one that has a pink antenna with a flashing light on the end. I was both pleased and panicky when Jake easily slid the bulbous end up into my vagina, my muscles almost grabbing it from his fingers and gripping it to stop it from sliding or being pulled out.
Then Jake picked up his backpack and started walking further into the woods. As he did so he switched the vibrator on, but only on low vibrations.
“Don’t leave me like this Jake.” I pointlessly tried to say, but he did,
It didn’t take me long to realise that I was alone and that absolutely anything could happen to me. I was both terrified and unbelievably turned-on.
Apart from the very faint rumbling of the vibrator everything was suddenly very quiet. If I hadn’t of been in the situation that I was, I would have loved the peace and quite, the sun, the fresh air and the relaxing scenery.
As I hung there, by my wrists, my brain started to relax and not think about what could happen to me. I felt the sun on me and I thought about my all-over tan.
I was just starting to enjoy the sun on my body when I heard talking, a man and a woman. My heart started pounding as they got closer and closer, then I saw them. They were in their mid twenties and when they saw me they just stopped and stared.
After a good few seconds they came over to me, the girl asking,
“Are you okay girl?”
All I could do was nod my head but as soon as I did I felt the vibrations in my pussy increase. I cursed Jake as I realised that he must be close and watching.
“At least he won’t let anything bad happen to me.” I thought.
“Why are you here like that?” the guy asked.
“Does she look like she can answer you Dave?”
“Do you want me to take that gag off you?” Dave asked as his eyes were going up and down my naked front.
I shook my head sideways, the last thing that I wanted was to have to talk to them.
“Is this sign right.” Dave asked.
I gave a blank expression because I didn’t know what the sign said.
“So can I touch your pussy like the sign says?” The girl asked.
That was news to me but I nodded as my arousal was rapidly reaching the point of no return.
I nodded my head and the girl’s hand reached forwards.
“Oh, she’s all wet,” the girl said, “she must be enjoying this, and feel her clit Dave, it’s bigger and harder than mine.”
Dave’s hand replaced the girl’s and one of his fingers bent upwards and entered me alongside the vibrator.
“Wow,” Dave said, “she’s vibrating and dripping, her pussy feels like she’s on fire.”
“Play with her clit and make her cum.” The girl said as one of her hands reached up to my left tit and started twisting and pulling my nipple. “It shouldn’t take long, that vibrator is switched on.
The vibrator suddenly went to full blast and I let out a muffled gasp then I went over the edge and started shaking.
“My gawd,” the girl said, “that didn’t take long, she must really have been gagging for it.”
“Can I take some photographs of her Janice like the sign says?” Dave asked.
“No, err, yes, why not, I’d like a reminder of that big clit and these hard nipples.”
“They are much bigger than yours Janice, but I like yours better Janice.”
“Good answer Dave, come on, let’s get those photos taken and get out of here before who ever is controlling that vibrator comes back.”
Dave quickly took about half a dozen photos of me, some really close to my pussy, then they both scurried off. Dave looking back at me a couple of times.
By then, Jake had turned the vibrator off and I was just hanging there, very sated.
A minute or so later Jake appeared in front of me with a grin from ear to ear.
“So how was that Anna, want more or have you had enough for today? Oh sorry, let me get that gag off you.”
Jake took the gag off me and as I moved my jaw around to get it feeling normal again he put a bottle of water to my mouth.
“Thanks.” I said after drinking half the bottle.
“So, what next Anna, want some more strangers groping you, or maybe fucking you?”
“Hell yes, but not today, I’m knackered, unless you are going to leave me here, and what does that damned sign say?”
Jake was still grinning as he turned the sign so that I could read it.
“Oh my gawd Jake, I’m not a slut.”
“I think that maybe you are Anna, you seem to enjoy strangers fucking you.”
“That Dave guy didn’t fuck me.”
“Did you know all those guys at Jenna and Tommy’s party?”
“Well no, but I’d met most of them before and I met the rest later that night.”
“So did they rape you, gang rape you Anna?”
“Hell no, I enjoyed every second of it. ………….. Okay, maybe I am a bit of a slut.”
“You certainly dress like a slut most of the time Anna, but I like girls who like to show lots of skin.”
I didn’t reply as I was still thinking about me being a slut and deciding that there was no way that I was going to change, I was having way too much fun.
Jake started untying the ropes and I was soon just standing there, still naked apart from my trainers and the pink antenna of the vibrator which Jake had straightened so that it was pointing down between my legs.
“Do you want me to stay naked Jake?” I asked.
“It’s not what I want Anna, it’s what you want.”
“Let’s start walking again.” I replied as I started walking back onto the trail.
We passed 2 more groups of people, all of them either smiling or ignoring my nakedness as Jake wished them a good day.
I had sort of expected to be walking for a few hours more, but when we turned a corner I could see the car park.
“Oh, I, ….”
“Didn’t want to go far Anna, just in case we had to run for it.” Jake explained, but he didn’t stop walking and within a couple of minutes we were walking into the car park, me still naked from head to ankles and walking alongside Jake.
There was a handful of people on the car park but they either just stared at me or ignored me. That was until we got to the rear of Jake’s car (reverse parked) and another car swung into the slot next to Jake’s car.
Three young men quickly got out of the car, one asking Jake what was with the naked girl.
“We’ve just been for a short walk and she likes to have an all-over tan.” Jake replied.
My heart had started pounding and my nipples and clit had started tingling again.
“Well you look good for it.” Guy 2 said to me.
“Thanks.” I replied.
“Is that thing switched on?” Guy 1 asked me as he pointed to the pink antenna.
“It wasn’t,” Jake said as he got his phone out of his pocket and started the vibrations saying,
“But it is now, do you want to watch what it does to her?”
I’d gasped a little as the low vibrations started, but when all 3 guys said that they did want to see what it did to me, Jake turned the vibrations right up to the maximum.
I gasped louder and my body started shaking. My hands wanted to go to my pussy and my nipples but I fought that desire and kept them at my sides.
“I thought that her tits would wobble more than that,” Guys 2 said, “my girlfriend’s bounce all over the place when I turn her vibrator up to max.”
“That’s because your Jane has 2 watermelons on her chest, this girl just has small tits that look quite solid.” Guy 1 replied.
“You can play with her tits and pussy if you want guys.” Jake said, me being unable to agree or disagree with Jake offering my body for their use, but looking forward to it as soon as Jake offered me.
My eyes closed as one hand found my left tit and another hand cupped my pussy. Seconds later, and orgasm exploded out of me, me loudly shouting,
“Quiet Anna.” I vaguely heard Jake say, “someone might think that we’re raping you and call the cops.”
As my brain started to return to normal I felt Jake pull the vibrator out of me and I looked around and saw a handful of people looking our way. They couldn’t see much because we were at the back of Jakes car and all 4 guys were around me, but I was still naked apart from my trainers.
“Wow,” Guy 3 said as he looked at my eyes, “that didn’t take long, you must have been gagging for it.”
“Hardly surprising if she’s been wandering around out there for a while like that,” Guy 2 said, “and if that vibe has been on all the time I’m surprised that she didn’t cream herself just as soon as she saw us getting out of your car Andy. Are you still horny luv?”
I wasn’t going to lie so I nodded my head triggering Jake to make an offer,
“She’ll give you all blowjobs if you want, and I’ll fuck her while she’s doing that.”
My eyes went wide open for a second, then as they went back to normal a big grin appeared on my face and all 3 of the guys took Jake up on his offer.
Jake stepped back, put one hand on my stomach and gently pushed my shoulder blades until my torso was parallel to the ground, my face right in front of Guy 1’s hands that were getting his cock out.
As I anticipated the pleasure I was about to get I had a really quick thought about how I was out of sight to people walking around the car park, but it was only a really quick thought as the cock in front of me sprang out of its confinement and headed for my face, and Jake’s cock found my entrance and slid inside me.
The next 10 or 15 or whatever minutes was amazing with me cumming twice and getting my stomach and my pussy filled, and my face covered, with male cum. My only regret was that I wasn’t on a stage with hundreds of people watching.
After the third load erupted partially in my throat and partially over my face, I realised that Jake was going soft and slipping out of me. I stood up straight, and with a grin on my face, I said,
“Thanks guys, I needed that, but it’s time that we left.”
“Oh, err, yeah,” Guy 1 said, “come on guys, that hill awaits us.”
The 3 guys walked away, I looked at Jake and said,
“I look a mess don’t I?”
“You look like a very happy and beautiful girl who has just had a load of cum dumped on her face.”
“Three actually,” I replied, “have you got a towel that I can borrow?”
“Nope, get in the car like that Anna, you can stay like that until we get back to your place.”
My jaw dropped, then returned to normal as a smile appeared on my face and I walked round the side of the car and got in. Jake shut the back of the car then got into the driver’s seat.
“You want to do this Anna? We might just have to stop at that McDonald’s that we passed on the way here.”
“Fine by me,” I replied, “but it will have to be a drive-through, I’m not feeling brave enough to go inside there like this.”
“Yet.” Jake replied as he started the car.
We did stop at the McDonald’s and we didn’t go inside. When we stopped at the ordering point, Jake slid his seat right back telling me that the ordering machine had a camera in it so that when we got to the paying and collection point the assistant can check that they are serving the right customer.
“Turn and face the camera and tell the person what you would like.” Jake said.
I did, and as we moved on I wondered just how much of me had been photographed and how good the photo resolution was.
At both the paying and collection stations I saw that the guys had smiles on their faces and I guessed that the camera resolution was high.
We parked up and sat eating with me thanking Jake for an amazing day out.
Back outside me apartment block Jake was a gentleman and went and got my dress out of the back of the car for me to put it on before getting out of the car, but he told me not to wipe my face until I got in my shower.