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Girl leaves home to live on her own and discovers a side of her that she really likes.
I am an Exhibitionist Girl and it makes me really horny and happy.

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

The second time that Jake has tied me up in public was a few weeks later. I’d phoned him on the Friday and asked him if he wanted some benefits on the Saturday evening. Unsurprisingly, he agreed and he took me to nice little restaurant then we went back to my place for a night of hot sex.

After we’d had another round on the Sunday morning and were laying in my bed recovering, Jake asked,

“So what have you got planned for today Anna?”

“Nothing special, a bit of work around the apartment and some shopping, that’s all.”

“Right, go and have a shower while I put some coffee on.”

I did, then we swapped places, Jake showering and me making some toast. As we sat having breakfast Jake said,

“Anna, you me, Jenna and Tommy are going to the coast for the day and I would like you to wear one of your amazingly short, wrap skirts that sometimes fall off you, and a top that only just covers those chewable nipples”

“Nothing else I presume?” I asked.

“You can wear some trainers.”

“Gee thanks, do Jenna and Tommy know about this?”

“They do, I phoned them when you were in the shower.”

“Won’t I need a bikini with me, or are you going to make me go naked on a non-nude beach?”

“Nope, we probably won’t go on the beach. Oh, get out a dress that’s easy to put on or take off. I’ll put it in my backpack.”

Jake saying ‘backpack’ should have triggered an idea about what was in-store, but it didn’t and 15 minutes later the 4 of us piled into Jakes car and off we went, Jake and Tommy in the front seats and Jenna and me in the back.

“So what’s this all about Jenna?” I quietly asked.

“No idea, it was Tommy who got the phone call and he won’t tell me.”

I gave up on trying to find out what Jake was planning and Jenna and I caught up on the gossip.

It was around mid day when we got there and had managed to park the car, but in a car park away from the seafront. Things got a bit more intriguing when Jake got his backpack out of the back of the car and slung it over his shoulders.

“Going hiking are we Jake,” I asked, “I didn’t know there was a coastal path around here.”

“I don’t know if there is one, but we’re not going to walk that far.”

That was all that Jake would say but I did notice a grin on Tommy’s face.

We set off walking with me keep checking the waistband on my skirt to make sure that it didn’t come undone.

Jake led us to one end of the seafront, got us all together then said,

“Right, in a minute, Anna is going to strip completely naked and slowly walk the whole length of the seafront.”

My jaw dropped for a second and my nipples and clit started tingling. This was something that I’d wanted to do every time that I’d been there but didn’t have the courage to do so. Jake continued,

“Tommy, you walk about 20 metres ahead of Anna, I’ll walk somewhere around her and will be videoing her, and Jenna, please walk around 25 metres behind Anna. Jenna and Tommy, keep you phones in your hand and quickly phone me if you see a copper or anything else that might cause Anna a problem and I’ll move in to Anna and giver her her dress to quickly put on if my phone rings. Any questions?”

Neither Jenna not Tommy had any questions and I was still taking in what I was about to do. I felt a little nervous but at the same time so excited and horny. My nipples and clit had gone from tingling to throbbing.

“Good. Anna, strip, Tommy get going, and keep looking back to check on Anna.”

Tommy set off and I started getting totally naked, which didn’t take long. As I handed my top, skirt and trainers to Jake to put in his backpack I saw that he was getting out a professional looking video camera.

“Borrowed it from a friend on condition that I give him a copy of the video.” Jake said to me and Jenna.

I watched as Jake stuffed my trainers, top and skirt into his backpack and pull out the backup dress which he put back into the backpack, but right on the top for easy access.

I was pleased that I’d given him one of my easy to slip on summer dresses. It’s very short and slightly see-through but you have to look closely to realise that.

“Let’s go.” Jake announced and I set off slowly walking.

At first I was quite nervous but I quickly realised that hardly anyone was taking any notice of the naked girl walking along the footpath.

“Blinkered idiots.” I thought.

I did notice a couple of puzzled expressions, and a couple of guys stopping and staring, and I was still at the end of the seafront, the busy part was till to come.

I turned my head and saw Jake videoing me, I smiled and started to relax a little. This was fun and I thought,

“Well this is one thing to cross off my bucket list.”

On I slowly walked, realising that there were more people around, again, most of them not appearing to register that a naked girl was in front of them. Then a guy around my age came up to me and said,

“Looking good luv, is this some sort of dare or lost bet then?”

“No,” I replied, “just something that I always wanted to do.”

I don’t think that he was expecting that answer because he stopped walking and just stared at me as I continued.

Seconds later I saw a middle-aged woman stop and glare at me. I smiled at her and thought,

“You’re only jealous because your way too fat to even think about doing this.”

My smile got broader, I realised that all my nervousness had gone and that I was relaxed and happy.

On I walked, looking at guys and silently daring them to look at me.

“What is wrong with these guys?” I asked myself even though I’d already worked out the answer months ago.

I heard a geeky looking guy say to his geeky looking mate,

“She’s hot, we should come here more often.”

But they only stared and didn’t come over to me.

Then a couple of middle-aged men came over to me and one of them asked,

“Can I take a selfie with you gorgeous?”

“As many as you like.” I replied as I stopped and stood with my feet shoulder width apart.

The man stood beside me with one arm round my shoulders and the other taking the selfie. Then he swapped places with his mate. As the second guy was taking his selfie he said,

“Thanks luv, I can’t believe my luck, you sure are a sight for sore eyes.”

The both thanked me and I walked on. A minute or so later Jake came close and asked,

“Fancy an ice cream Anna?”

I looked to the shops and saw that I was close to the little ice cream kiosk that I’d passed many times before but never stopped at. It was the usual young man behind the counter and he was staring at me. Feeling brave, I walked over to him and asked for a cone.

“Wouldn’t you like a 69 cutie, sorry, a 99.”

I smiled, noting his words as my brain got into high gear,

“No, just a cone please, I only like white, creamy things dribbling down my chin and chest.”

The guy caught my double entendre and I saw that his eyes were looking at my chest as he automatically picked up a cone, put it to the machine and pulled the lever.

Then he caught me off-guard for a second as he said,

“Oh sorry, did you want it HARD, or do you prefer Soft ice cream?”

For a split second I was confused but then replied,

“No, I like them both soft and hard, I just have to lick faster if it’s soft.”

We were both smiling by then and we both knew what we were saying. The guy passed me the cone and I realised that I hadn’t got my purse with me. I turned and looked for Jake but the guy said,

“That’s okay, this one’s on me. Hey, you look familiar, have I seen you before?”


“Have you got any videos on the internet?”

“Not that I’m aware of.” I replied as I did my most seductive lick of the cone.

“Is that guy over there videoing you for the internet?”

“I don’t know.”

“Hey, I’ve got it, I’ve seen you walking along here a few times, you usually wear a top that your tits look like they are about to fall out of the bottom of it, and that scarf for a skirt. You’ve given me a flash of your slit a few times.”

“Have I, and do these tits look like they could fall out of anything?”

“Hell no, they look really solid, but you know what I mean.”

“Yes I do, and this time you’ve got to see all of me. Thanks for the cone and I’ll think of you each time that I take a long lick.”

I turned and walked on feeling quite proud of myself. I’d given as good as I’d taken and I wondered if I’d stop for an ice cream the next time that I came to that beach.

On I walked, licking the cone until it was gone, but not being distracted from looking for guys who were looking at me. I got a couple more nice comments before we got to the end of the seafront and Jake told me to go between a couple of parked cars where we all gathered.

“So, what now, where shall we expose our little exhibitionist next?” Jenna asked.

By that time I was so turned-on that I’d have done just about anything so I eagerly waited to see what was suggested.

“What I was thinking,” Jake said as he went into his backpack, “was that we’d walk back the way we came, but with Anna wearing these.”

My eyes opened wide as Jake produces a pair of handcuffs, a dog collar, a long leash and one of my remote controlled vibrators, the one that had a pink antennas that stays outside my vagina.

“I like the cuffs, the collar and the leash,” Jenna replied, “but I think that the vibe is going a little to far for this place, people will see it as a sex toy and think that Anna’s masturbating or some other such sex act.”

“Hmm,” Jake replied, “good point, okay, not the vibe, but is everyone happy with the rest?”

I was the first to reply in the affirmative, Jenna followed then Tommy said,

“Maybe we could put the vibe in back at the car park and lead Anna round that Biker’s pub car park on the outskirts of town. I can’t imagine for one second that a gang of bikers would objected to a naked girl getting made to cum whilst in the middle of them.”

That suggestion raised my arousal level even more but when Jake put the vibe back in his backpack he pulled another one of my remote controlled vibrators out, one that I sometimes wear when I go to the Leisure Centre, my Egg one.

“How about this one?” Jake asked.

The smile on my face told everyone that I liked the idea. Jenna took it off Jake and I spread my legs saying,

“This is going to be so cool, you are going to make me cum as I walk back to the car aren’t you?”

“Jeez Anna,” Jenna said, “you really are enjoying this aren’t you, we might have to stop on the way to get a drink to rehydrate you, there’s a river coming out of you.”

“Who wants Anna’s phone to control her?” Jake asked.

“I’ll do it,” Jenna replied. “I’ve probably got the best view of what’s going on around her.”

“Like looking at Anna’s butt do you lover?” Tommy asked.

“Actually yes I do, I wish that my butt was more like Anna’s.”

“Well I prefer your butt Jenna, well when it isn’t covered by those jeans. Do you fancy stripping and walking with Anna Jenna?”

“Err, maybe some other time lover.”

Whilst the lovers were talking, Jake had got me ready and handed Jenna my phone.

“Come on everyone, you two lovers can fuck yourselves silly when we get back.”

With that Jake set off, giving the leash a gentle tug to get me walking behind him. We hadn’t gone far before Jake stopped and handed Tommy the video camera saying,

“You’d better record this, but keep an eye out behind us as well mate.”

When Tommy was happy using the video camera we set off again. With my wrists cuffed behind me and with the collar and leash on me I felt more like a slave than before, but that didn’t last because Jenna switched my Egg on. Okay, it wasn’t on full blast, but it certainly was enough to remind me of my very exposed, and wet pussy. I wanted to know just how big my clit had grown, and how visible it was but there was no way that I could find out.

It took less than a minute for me to see the first person staring at me but I was rapidly getting to the point where I would treat negative comments just the same as complimentary comments, and get a little more excited. But I did keep turning my head to observe any voyeurs, and there were more of them this time. But still only a small percentage of all the people there.

On we went with me with a huge grin on my face because I was really enjoying the experience, especially as I was rapidly getting to the point of no return.

Then it happened, and a group of young men had stopped to watch me as I went over the edge.

I stopped walking, my face got all contorted, and my fingers spread wide as I somehow managed to keep my hands by my sides.

I wanted to shout out to let the world know that I was cumming, but I managed to not do so as that would probably lead to some jealous old woman phoning the police to tell them that a naked girl was making a sexual exhibition of herself on the seafront.

When my brain started registering what was going on around me, the young men had come closer to me and were discussing me.

“Have you just cum?” One guy asked me.

I slightly nodded my head.

“Told you so,” Guy 2 said.

“Have you got a vibrator inside you and is someone controlling it, making you cum?” Guy 3 asked.

I slightly nodded my head again.

“Lucky bastard.” Guy 1 said.

“Where is this bloke?” Guy 4 asked.

I did nothing.

“Is this some dare,” Guy 2 asked, “or are you making a porno? I’ve seen the bloke with the camera.”

I did nothing.

“Can we take some selfies with you?” Guy 2 asked.

I nodded my head.

Within seconds phones were out and, in turn, the guys stood beside me to have the photos taken with me.

Jenna had turned the vibrations down when she’d seen me cumming, but as the fourth guy stood beside me Jena turned them up to the max and I was probably gasping as the last photo was taken.

I thought that they guys might have wanted to take some more explicit photos, maybe lifting me up and spreading my legs, but they missed the opportunity and said their thanks and walked off.

Jake had dropped the leash and backed away a little when he’d seen the young men walk over to me, but when the guys had left he came and grabbed the leash again and gently tugged on it to get me walking again.

I was a little disappointed as I started walking again, but after everything that Jake and the others had made me (ha) do that day I had absolutely nothing to complain about.

I got a few more complimentary comments and the odd insult from a middle-aged woman, before we made it back to the car where Jake uncuffed my wrists and unfastened the leash, but he left the dog collar on me and Jenna left the Egg gently vibrating inside me,

“Biker’s pub?” Jake asked,

I was the only one who answered, in the affirmative, and we all got into the car with me still totally naked.

Fifteen minutes later the car pulled into the car park of this big pub that stands alone, alongside a main road. There must have been around a hundred motorcycles parked there, all with handlebars up in the air like those you see in the movies.

There was quite a few big, hairy bikers dressed just like you see in the movies, walking around or standing in groups talking.

“You’re not going send me out there are you Jake?” I asked, “they look scary, they might rape me.”

“No I am not Anna,” Jake replied, “but the question is, do you want to go and be seen, like you are, by those guys?”

“I dunno. I’m a bit scared.”

“Okay Anna,” Tommy said, “I agree, they do look scary, and there’s no way that I’d ever cross any of them, but you have to remember that they are only normal guys, maybe lawyers or business men, maybe even firemen or doctors. They just have a passion for big bikes like those and they like to meet up with other like minded people to show-off their bikes and talk about them. 99% of them will decent guys who will really appreciate seeing and talking to you, without, or even with clothes on Anna.”

“Wow, good motivation speech honey.” Jenna said.

I looked at the faces of each of the 3 of them and saw that they all had smiles and looks of expectation. I went for the door handle and pushed the car door open. Seconds later, a very naked, nervous but excited me was walking towards a big group of the very scary looking guys.

“Well hello there gorgeous,” One of the guys said as soon as he saw me. “Strippers normally arrive with their clothes on, but hey.”

“No, err no,” I nervously replied, “I’m not a stripper, I just wanted to look at the bikes.”

By then, all that group of guys, and a few others who were nearby, were staring at me and I could feel my nipples and clit tingling like mad.

“Well you’ve come to the right place girly, come here and let us all have a good look at you.” Another guy said.

“So what’s your interest in bikes luv, or is just us biker guys?”

“Both,” I replied, “my father had a Harley but I also like guys looking at me like this.”

I lied about the first part, but the second part was very true.

“Well there’s at least one Harley here and I’m sure that the owner will let you sit on it, get that throbbing feeling coming up through your butt.” Guy 1 said.

“I’m sure that most of the guys here would like you to pose on their bikes, you being all naked that is.”

“Okay,” I replied, “I’d like that.”

“Well start with my bike then, do you mind if we take selfies as well?”

“Be my guest.”

Seconds later I was taking my time lifting my leg over the bike and phone cameras were clicking. Guy 1 reached over and pressed the start button and that throbbing feeling started. My brain quickly started imagining me riding down the street on a bike like that, totally naked, and that throbbing slowly driving my arousal up and up.

“Can I put my arm round you while my mates take photos please?”

“Sure, why not.”

The huge arm came round me and made me feel quite small, but the touch of his bare hand and forearm sent tingling through my body.

I looked to where most of the pointing phones were and a smile from me got even more photos taken.

Then I heard,

“Would you like to sit on my bike girly.”

Soon I was going from bike to bike and posing for, and with the owner. One guy even asked me to sit backwards on his bike then lean back onto the handlebars. I instantly knew why he’d asked that and I readily agreed thinking,

“My snail trail is going to be bigger on this bike.”

As I got on like requested, I looked to my previous ride and saw a guy sniffing the seat that I had been sat on. I smiled.

I lay back on the handlebars, with my pussy spread wide, watching the guys take their photographs of me.

Eventually I’d obliged all the guys who had asked, about half of them wanting me to climb on the wrong way round so that I could lean back and really expose my pussy, and as I climbed off the last one, guy 1 said,

“Would you like to come inside and meet the others, I’m sure that they’d all like to meet you.”

I was about to say that I would, when I remembered Jenna, Tommy and Jake and I replied,

“Thanks for the tour of the bikes, you’ve all got amazing bikes that I’m sure my dad would have loved to see, (another lie) but I really should get going, my mates will be getting pissed-off with me.”

“Well if you must girly, but we’re here on the first Sunday of each month if you want to come back, and I’ll let you experience that ride if you want.” Guy 1 said.

“Thanks, I may well take you up on that.”

With that I started walking back across the car park to where Jake had parked his car.

“Well,” Jenna asked, “did they make you cum Anna?”

“No, but I’m so close to the edge.”

“Take your time driving home Jake,” Jenna said, “I think that I need to give Anna some relief then she can give me some. Watching her walk around all day had got me all horny too.”

“I can take care of you Jenna.” Tommy suggested.

“You can do that when we get home as well lover, my pussy will be aching for your cock by then, and no doubt Anna will be desperate for Jake’s cock by then as well. Come on Anna, I want to get my hands on you.”

We all got into Jakes car and Jenna and I gave each other some relief as Jake drove. It was a good job that the back windows were tinted because neither Jenna nor I wore our seat belts.

I did, reluctantly, put my clothes on to walk up to the apartment, but Jake took them off me just as soon as we got through the door and his cock was inside me before we made it to the sofa.


One Saturday a few weeks ago, I was sunbathing in the park just wearing just one of my G-strings, when another one of my ‘friends with benefits’, Ethan, appeared with one of his mates who he introduces as George. I lay there, tits up, as we said hello then I invited them to join me for a while.

They quickly agreed and sat either side of me their faces facing mine and it wasn’t long before Ethan was telling George that I was one of his friends with benefits saying,

“Anna is a bit of an exhibitionist George, she like to walk around her apartment with no clothes on and with the curtains open and I’m surprised that she wearing that G-string here. Do you want me to take it off you Anna?” Ethan asked.

I said nothing but I did smile so Ethan reached over and pulled the strings on both sides of the G-string.

“You have a nice clit and pussy Anna.” George said as Ethan pulled the G-string out from under me, me having spread my legs a little to make it easier for him. “Nice pussy and a nice tits, I can see why Ethan likes looking at your photo on his phone all the time.”

“So it’s not the benefits that I give you every few weeks then Ethan?” I asked.

“That as well Anna. You really do have an amazing body and you’re fun to be with.” Ethan replied as one of his hands went to my pussy and started toying with my clit as I automatically spread my legs wider to give him better access.

“And look at that clit George.”

I watched as George’s eyes went from my tits, that one of his hands was playing with, and down to my pussy.

“Yeah, that’s a really nice clit, can I play with it mate?”

Ethan moved his hand up my body and George moved his hand down my body. Between them they manipulated my tits and pussy until I orgasmed, me not caring if anyone could hear or see me.

“Have you cum in public before Anna?” George asked when he thought that he could get a coherent answer.

“Once or twice.” I replied.

“You love cumming in public Anna.” Ethan said, “From the stories that you’ve told me you must be well into triple figures by now,”

I said nothing, but after a few seconds George said,

“Anna, how do you fancy having your brains fucked out by a machine with dozens of strangers watching you?”

My eyes lit up and a broad smile appeared on my face, but I still didn’t say anything because George continued,

“I can fix that up for you Anna, but I must warn you that no one will switch the machine off until you look like you are about to pass out, or maybe they will wait until you do pass out.”

My grin was still there as Ethan asked,

“Is this that porn move company that you do some work for George?”

Ethan interrupted George by telling me,

“George has this friend who is into bondage and he has a place where he gets girls to perform for him on video.”

“Yes, and I’m sure that with a body like that and that exhibitionist streak that you have Anna, I’ll be able to get you a try-out Anna.“ George continued.

“You mean an audition to be in a porno movie?” I asked.

Meanwhile, George’s and Ethan’s hands had swapped places again and they’d both started getting me all aroused again.

“Something like that Anna, but you’d have to impress him.” George replied.

“I’m sure that Anna will do that George.” Ethan added as I got to the point of no return again.

Again, when George thought I was getting coherent again, he said,

“I’ll see what I can do Anna, can I take a photo of you to show my friend?”

“Sure.” I replied and George got to his feet, stood between my knees and took a photograph of me looking down as I lay on my back.”

“That won’t show my tits very well George, can I stand up.”

“Don’t worry about that Anna, Oscar prefers small tits just like Ethan and me. I’ll get your number from Ethan, contact Oscar then get back to you. Come on Ethan, I need to get to that shop before it closes.”

Ethan got to his feet and they were gone before I really had time to take-in what had happened. I was left there, in the park, totally naked on my back with my legs spread, and a very happy girl.

This was far from the first time that I’d sunbathed naked in the park, but this time I was nearer to lots of people.

“Sod it,” I thought, and stayed like that for around another hour before putting my clothes on and heading home.


It was nearly 2 weeks later when I got a phone call from an unknown number that turned out to be George.

“Anna, are you still up for being fucked senseless by a machine with people watching you?”

“I certainly am.”

“Good, be at Newton Industrial Park, Unit 7, at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Do you know where that is?”

“Yeah, the bus passes it on my way to work.”

“Good, see you on Sunday then.”


I spent a little longer in my bathroom on the Sunday morning making sure that everything was as perfect as it could be. I even put on a bit of lipstick. Then it was a short summer dress and 3 inch heels, nothing else.

I have to admit that I was a little nervous, but also excited, as I left my apartment then waited for the bus. I’d never been onto Newton Industrial Park before but Unit 7 was easy to find. Outside were dozens of cars and I wondered if they were all waiting for me.

Inside I was met by George and he introduced Oscar who looked me up and down and said,

“You’ve dome me proud George, Anna looks perfect, and that’s before she strips.”

Then Oscar explained that once I had stripped I would be blindfolded then led into the big room where I would have my wrists tied, well apart, and well above my head. My ankles would then be tied so that me feet were wide apart and couldn’t move. Then the machine would be placed between my legs and prepared for use. Only then would the blindfold be taken off me.

Oscar then asked me for a safe word, telling me that I should only say it if I really, really wanted everything to stop, He told me that once everything stopped it wouldn’t start again.

Only then did Oscar ask me if I was still happy to continue.

“I’m nervous but really excited Oscar, so yes, let’s do it, or should I say do me.”

When I took my dress off Oscar again said that I was perfect and he said that he hoped that I would really enjoy myself.

George answered for me, saying that he was sure that I would.

The blindfold was put on me and the VERY nervous and VERY excited me was led into the room.

I could hear quiet talking and even a bit of applause as I was led to, presumably, the middle of the room where velcro wrist and ankle cuffs were put on me before I was tied firmly into the spread eagle position.

Then I could hear activity behind me and I gasped as what felt like a huge dildo was pushed right up inside me until it hit my cervix.

I sensed that the person(s) who had restrained me, and setup the machine, back off a little and the blindfold was taken off me.

I blinked to get used to the very bright lights then saw all the people in front of me. There must have been at least 50 of them, all ages and both sexes. The only face that I recognised was George’s.

I felt totally amazing being spread eagled, totally naked with a huge dildo in me, and totally helpless in front of all those people. The throbbing in my clit and nipples was unbelievable and my pussy felt very full.

I could also see 4 video camera on tripods

“Ready Anna?” Oscar asked me from behind.

“Yeah.” I replied and the dildo withdrew most of itself from me. Then it slowly ascended into me going just as deep. The machine started fucking me faster and faster until I was being fucked faster than any guy ever had and I was getting more and more vocal.

Then the machine slowed down for a few seconds before speeding up again.

When it got to full throttle again I orgasmed for the first time and was almost screaming my head off. For a split second I thought about shouting my safe word, but I couldn’t remember what it was.

The machine slowed as I started to recover, only for it to speed up to full throttle shortly afterwards.

On and on it went, faster then slower then faster. And the orgasms kept coming. After the second one I went through that very sensitive phase where I wanted everything to stop but I’d been fucked through that phase before and all I did was scream obscenities as my body jerked and shook more than ever before.

I quickly lost count of the number of orgasms that I had but I was convinced that I was well into double figures. What I did know was that my feet were no longer taking all my weight and that dildo would probably have come up my throat if it wasn’t for me hanging by my wrists.

On and on and on the dildo went forcing orgasm after orgasm out of me until I realised that I was no longer vocal, my pussy felt numb and I felt sleepy.

When I woke up I was still hanging there and the dildo was still going slowly in and out of my pussy. I raised my head and saw the audience. Then my ears started functioning and I heard them. They were all cheering and clapping but I was still out of it enough to not realise that it was me that they were cheering.

I suddenly felt all horny again.

Then Oscar appeared in front of me and asked,

“Are you ready for Take 2 now Anna?”

My jaw dropped but Oscar continued,

“Just joking Anna. You were awesome. Hang in there and I’ll have you down in seconds.”

Thankfully, Oscar started with the dildo, switching the machine. Then my ankles, if he’d have done my wrists first I would have collapsed down and probably done myself a serious injury that I wouldn’t have wanted to explain in the ER department.

As it was, Oscar called George over and told him to hold me as he unfastened my wrists.

Someone, one of the cameramen I think, brought a chair and a bottle of water over to me, but as George half carried me to the chair I saw a puddle of my juices below where my pussy had been.

After I’d drunk all the bottle of water Oscar said,

“You were amazing Anna, better than I could ever have imagined.”

“So how long was I strung up there for?” I asked.

“Nearly an hour Anna, are you okay?”

“Yeah, well I will be after some rest.”

“Understandable Anna, so how would you like to be one of my permanent girls?”

“What do you mean by that Oscar?” I asked.

“My models, the girls who want me to put them on machines like the one you’ve just been on and get their brains fucked out whilst they get videoed. I sell the videos so there’s some money in it for you.”

“I’d love that Oscar, can I have a copy of the videos, and do I get some money for today’s fun?”

“Yes, and yes, give me your email and I’ll be in touch with the details, and a date for the next session. It will probably be in 4 or 6 weeks, there’s quite a few girls wanting in.”

“I’m not surprised, that was awesome.”

I put my clothes on and slowly walked to the bus stop. My pussy was feeling stretched and sore, and I guessed that it would get worse before it got better, but I was happy and every ache and pain would have been worth it.

I had a hot bath when I got home, then got something to eat and went to bed. As expected, my pussy was quite sore when I got out of bed the next morning and I was happy to be able to stay at my desk for most of the day.

I was a little surprised that I felt okay when I walked to the bus to go home, and after getting something to eat I put a dress on then went to see if Jenna and Tommy were at home because I needed to tell Jenna all about my Sunday.

Jenna and Tommy were just finishing their meal and they welcomed me in, Jenna immediately asking me to tell her everything. Tommy opened a bottle of wine and I sat on one of the armchairs whilst Jenna and Tommy sat opposite me in the sofa.

“So how long were you strung up there and fucked by that machine?” Tommy asked.

“About an hour.”

“And the dildo was going in and out of you quite fast?”

“Most of the time.”

“You must have been fucked thousands of times then?”

“I don’t know, probably.”

“That reminds of of something I read on a new site,” Tommy said, “about a girl on OnlyFans, or was it TikTok, Lily something or other, not important, she made a lot of money by getting fucked by a hundred guys in one day.”

“Yeah, I read that as well,” Jenna added, “it said something about it affecting her attitude towards sex.”

“That’s probably because she was just doing it for the money.” Tommy said, “Now if Anna was doing it it would be different, she’d be doing it for a totally different reason.”

“You mean to be seen naked by 100 men.” Jenna replied.

“I could do that,” I said, “100 men, hell, I could do 1,000 in a day.”

“Bloody hell Anna,” Jenna said, “a thousand, could your pussy take that number, and is it even possible in one day.”

“It would only be a quick in and out, a one thrust wonder, that counts as sex doesn’t it?” Tommy asked. “How long does it take for a guy to walk over to Anna, ram his cock balls deep inside her, pull out and make way for the next guy?”

“I don’t know,” Jenna replied, “let’s time it. Are you up for this Anna?”

“What do you think?”

“Thought so.”

With that Jenna put her hand in Tommy’s jeans and declared him ready before saying,

“Anna, lay back and spread ‘em. Tommy go over to the door. When I say go you get over to Anna and ram that thing in her then get out of the way, I’ll time you.”

“Err yes.” I replied as I did as Jenna has suggested and I felt my pussy getting quite wet in anticipation.”

“GO.” Jenna loudly said.

Three seconds later Tommy’s cock was balls deep inside me with his girlfriend watching him.

Tommy pulled out, stood up and started to put his cock away.

“Seven seconds.” Jenna announced then she continued,

“Let’s round that up to 10 seconds so that’s 6 per minute and 360 per hour. Hell girl, you could get fucked by 1,000 guys in 3 hours.”

“I doubt that it would be that simple,” I said, “for starters where would we get 1,000 guys, and how could we get them all hard and in condoms for exactly when they were needed? And what about my pussy, could it take that number?”

“How different would it be to that machine fucking you, you said that it had a huge dildo and that it must have rammed into you over a thousand times Anna.”

“Good point, but the logistics would be a nightmare.”

“Easy, we could hire bouncers to keep the guys in a line and I’m sure that we could find a few girls to get help the guys get ready.”

“Yeah,” I said, “but 1,000 different guys, where could we get them from?”

“The university, hell, there must be going on for 5 or 6 thousand guys there right now and I’m sure that they’d happily pay you £20 or even £50 for a quick fuck.”

“I wouldn’t be doing it for the money, just the thought of 1,000 guys seeing me naked is making me so horny. Nice idea guys, but there’s too much to organise.” I replied as I sat up.

“We could even invite someone from the Guinness Book of Records. I reckon that a 1,000 fucks in a day must be a record.” Tommy added, not realising that I had just shot down the idea.

“Hey girl,” Jenna said, “don’t give up so easily. Maybe that Oscar guy could organise it for you, video it and make you some money as well. Think how many guys would pay for a video of you getting fucked by a thousand guys in 3 hours.”

“A thousand guy gang-bang, yeah, but ……….. “

“Don’t give up yet Anna, phone that Oscar and run the idea by him.”

“Hmmm, okay then.”

“Hey Anna,” Tommy said, “All you’d have to do is lay there with you legs spread wide, how hard can that be?”

Jenna thumped Tommy and I smiled.

When I was toying with my clit in bed later that night I was thinking about 1,000 guys and the thought of them all seeing me naked was doing more for me than the thought of them gang-banging me.

I decided to do nothing until Oscar contacted me about my previous days fun.


My Work 2.

About a week after the company Picnic, I got told that James, one of the senior managers, wanted to see me. This wasn’t that unusual as I regularly produced reports for him, but this time when I went into his office he told me to sit in the chair that is in front of his desk.

As usual, I was wearing a shortish skirt and I didn’t cross my legs but I did keep my knees together..

“Good morning Anna, thank you for coming to see me. Did you enjoy the company Picnic?”

“Yes sir, it was very good of the company to organise it for us.”

“As you know, one of my roles in the company is Human Resources and I couldn’t help notice that you weren’t appropriately dressed for the day.”

“No sir, I’m sorry about that but no one told me what I should wear and I hadn’t a clue about the challenges until we got there.”

“And you didn’t ask to opt out of the challenges as you call them, by the way, please call me James, I hate being called sir.”

“Yes James, and no I didn’t opt out because I wanted to show that I am a team player and I didn’t want to let anyone down.”

“Very commendable Anna, but weren’t you worried that, as actually happened, people would see parts of you that most women prefer to keep covered up?”

“Yes I was James, I worried that some of my colleagues would get upset and report me to you in your HR role, is this what this talk is about James, has someone complained about me?”

“One or two people have mentioned your attire on the day and it’s not the first time that that subject has been raised with me.”

“Are you going to fire me James?”

“Anna, no one has complained about your attire, either at the picnic or your general office attire, so no, I am not going to sack you. As you are probably aware, there is a procedure that the company has to go through to dismiss someone, and that starts with a verbal warning. This little chat isn’t even a verbal warning, just a little chat to find out more about you telling Mike that you have a medical condition that precludes you from wearing underwear. I’ve also had a couple of people mentioning that they’ve noticed that don’t appear to wear knickers at work at times and that your bra doesn’t conceal your erect nipples. It was very evident at the picnic that were not wearing either articles of underwear and your top does appear to have 2 bulges in it.

Anna, I’m concerned that your health isn’t as good as it could be.”

“Oh, Mike, err, I’m really sorry James, but what I told Mike was a lie just to stop him delving deeper into why I wasn’t wearing underwear at the picnic, and I’m very sorry that you had to see me with my skirt around my waist and my top around my neck, that cargo net just caught them and pulled them up.”

“Relax Anna, you are not in any trouble, as I said, I am concerned about your health. That is my priority over all this woke, political correct nonsense that is built into employment laws these days. Girls are girls and boys are boys, and there will always be an appreciation of the opposite sex that will be expressed visually, verbally and physically, in public and within reason. However, companies have to abide by these laws just in case some unrealistic person with a lack of reality and common sense gets upset and sues the company.”

“I understand James, so what happens now?”

“Anna, I understand why you lied to Mike, and to be honest, if I were in your position I would have done the same. However, I can’t have staff not telling the truth.”

I interrupted James at that point by saying,

“So, if you aren’t going to sack me do you want me to tell everyone that I don’t wear underwear and that I’m an exhibitionist? That might upset a few people, especially some of the older women. I’d lose any respect that they have for me.”

“No Anna, that is not what I want. What I was going to say was that if anyone says anything to you about your lack of underwear, just tell them that HR are aware of your situation and that they should discuss the issue with me if they had any issues. Let it be me who covers for you Anna.”

“Thank you sir, err, James, that’s very understanding of you and I appreciate it.”

“You are so welcome Anna, you’re little displays at the picnic were a real boost to my enthusiasm on the day, and I’m sure that the same can be said for the other men there; keep up the good work. Now, is the quarterly sales report ready?”

I explained the status of the report then left James’ office. As I walked back to me desk I was both happy and confused. Yes I still had me job and wouldn’t have to tell any lies, or truths to anyone at work if the were a recipient of any of my wardrobe malfunctions, but James, he obviously appreciated seeing me virtually naked at the picnic, but was he implying that he’d like for me to have wardrobe malfunctions when I’m near him. Did he want to see me totally naked again, or was I totally miss-reading the situation.

I also thought about having deliberate, accidental wardrobe malfunctions if front of other guys that worked there. I hadn’t really been wanting to do any deliberate flashing to them but had James, in a round about way told me that it was okay for me to flash them?

After an hour or so of thinking about it, and getting some tingling and a wet pussy, I decided that I’d have to experiment a little each time that I went to James’ office, be a bit careless when sitting, drop a pen so I have to bend over in front of him, unbutton the top of my blouse and let him see that my bra has no cups.

If that worked out in a positive way maybe I could extend it to other guys at work.

By the end of that day I had quite a few ideas as to how I could make James more enthusiastic (his word) about him coming to work.


Oscar and my Internet Debut 1

A couple of weeks after I had had my brains fucked out by that machine, I got a phone call from Oscar. He asked me for my bank account details and he gave me the URL where I could watch the video that he’d posted and he also told me that he was about to email me the unedited versions.

As he was telling me that my phone pinged to tell me that I had new mail.

Then Oscar told me about an opportunity that he had for me. He was looking for some girls to help him, and some of his friends, at an erotic arts convention. Oscar explained that the girls would be either naked, or nearly naked, and act as models for erotic clothing, erotic equipment and girl’s toys.

With a rapidly soaking pussy, I pretended to want to know how much it paid, although I didn’t particularly care about the money, getting seen naked was my priority.

It was a 3 day weekend event at a city 45 miles away and transport would be provided.

Telling Oscar that I was sure that I could get the Friday off work I told him that I was up for it. I then asked him if he’s heard about the girl who had been fucked by 100 different men in one day.

“Yeah I read about that girl, she made a lot of money out of it didn’t she? I bet that she had a sore pussy after that.”

“You say that Oscar, and you may well be right, but when you put me on that machine how many times do you think that that dildo went into me?”

“Thousands I guess. Hey Anna, are you thinking of doing the same?”

“Think about it Oscar, it takes less that 10 seconds for a guy to approach a girl, ram his cock into her once then pull out and make way for the next guy. At that rate, a thousand guys can fuck a girl in around 3 hours.”

“Are you serious about this Anna?”

“Yes I am, it’s not just the fucking, it’s a thousand guys looking at my naked body. Okay, getting a thousand guys could be a problem and you’d need bouncers to keep them under control, and you’d also need a team of girls to get the guys ready, but I’m sure that it could be done, what do you think Oscar?”

“Well for starters, I think that you are crazy for wanting to try it, and it would take a lot of organising, but yes, it could work, and if you would let it be videoed, and charge the guys, we could make a fortune out of it.”

“Well I may well be crazy, and yes, I want to have a go at it and I would be quite happy to be videoed doing it.”

“Okay Anna, let me think about it some more and I’ll get back to you.”

“The 1,000 guys could be university students,” I said, “the 2 universities around here must have well over a thousand guys nearby during term time and you could use social media to round them up and use their student ID cards to check that some of them don’t try to have a seconds go.”

“Hmm, good ideas Anna, leave it with me.”

“Thanks Oscar, don’t forget to let me know the details of the erotic arts convention.”

This phone call had taken place whilst I was outside work, having my lunch on my own so I didn’t have the time to watch the videos then, but I knew exactly what I was going to do as soon as I got home.

When I walked into my apartment building Jenna was just getting home as well and I invited her to watch them with me.

“Can I invite Tommy?”

“Yeah, why not, it’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked and he has fucked me.”

Four minutes later, Tommy was outside my door waiting for us, and 10 minutes later my phone was casting the videos to my television.

Watching the videos proved too much for Tommy and he jumped Jenna on my sofa while my eyes went back and forth from them to the TV.

It was weird, fascinating and educational watching myself getting fucked by that machine. My facial expressions were unbelievable, and I just had to frig myself to relief while I watched.

We didn’t get around to looking at the porn site that the edited video was posted on, but I gave the details to Jenna before they left, After I’d eaten, I cast my laptop to the TV and went to the site. Oscar had given me a login ID and password that I could use so that I didn’t have to pay to watch myself, and when I got to the video I saw that it had been downloaded 3,684 times already, and that was only in the first 5 days.

As I watched the video, I was impressed with the editing job that someone had done to produce the 9 minute video that was there. It included close-ups of my face, tits, pussy and even my butt. My right hand had made me cum before the video ended, and that was on top of the orgasm that I’d had whilst Jenna and Tommy were there.

Once the online video ended I just lay there feeling very, very happy and proud of myself.


My Work 3.

My life at work did change after the picnic and my chat with James. James started going through each report that I produced for him in more detail. I knew that it wasn’t to check on my work, he just wanted to perv on me. He gets me to sit at the glass top coffee table that’s in his office. It has 4 comfy, low chairs round it and he always sits opposite me.

Remembering what he had said at that little chat after the picnic, my nipples were always rock hard when I had to go to James’ offices and the 2 bumps in my top lead me into his office.

The first time that he invited me to sit to go through the reports I sat on the front edge of the chair, but when I noticed that his eyes spent a lot of time staring at my uncrossed, bare legs and up my skirt I decided to experiment so I shuffled my butt back a bit and spread my knees a little bit.

Because it was a low chair this meant that my knees are slightly higher than my butt, thus giving James a better view up my skirt through the glass table top. I was sure that he could see my bare pubis.

That’s as far as it went the first time I had to go through the reports with James, but I got a little more adventurous each time that I’ve had to sit there, and after 4 or 5 times it got to the stage where I sit and lean back with my knees about shoulder width apart.

James has also started having short conversation with me whilst I’m sat there after we’ve completed the reports, and they are about anything but work. I’m sure that it’s just so that he can stare at my pussy for longer.

Of course, I haven’t told him about my adventures but I suspect that he doesn’t think that I’m the good little girl that our conversations imply.

Sometimes he stands and comes round to me. Pretending to look at what I’m pointing out but I just know that he’s looking down my top. For some strange reason I have started wearing lose fitting blouses a lot and when I walk to his office I unfasten a couple of buttons at the top.

James may be married, but that doesn’t stop him from looking, and the proof that he does is always visible at the front of his trousers.

It’s got to be a little, unwritten game that we play. He enjoys looking and I enjoy showing but we never talk about it. Maybe that gives him plausible deniability. Who knows, and who cares.

So far, none of my colleagues have said anything to me about my lack of knickers or protruding nipples and James hasn’t said that anyone has said anything to him, but I have noticed that some of the guys seem to be watching me more than before the picnic. I’m trying to decide if I should have a few more blatant accidental wardrobe malfunctions.


Oscar and my Internet Debut 2

A couple of days after Oscar told me that he was going to send me some money for the machine fucking video going on the internet, I checked my bank account and was pleasantly surprised to see that Oscar had send me £500.

I went to my email account intending to ask him if that was right, and saw that he’d sent me another message telling me that I could expect more each month.

Boy was I happy, I’d never really had much money, only able to ‘get by’, but now, wow.

One of the first things that I wanted to spend some money was on a holiday. Somewhere hot where I could show myself and not be under constant surveillance by thousands of CCTV cameras.

I spent a few hours searching the internet for beaches that the text and stories that went with the photographs gave me the impression that a naked girl wouldn’t be likely to upset people. The 2 that seemed to stand out were San Antonio and Ses Salines in Ibiza and Maspalomas in Gran Canaria.

I researched those 2 more and discovered that Ibiza has an impressive night life and I imagined myself in amongst that wearing next to nothing, or even nothing. I’d seen videos of naked girls dancing in bars and clubs in Ibiza and I was quite jealous.

The next day at work I booked a couple of weeks off and when I got home I went online and booked the holiday. Then I started planning what even more revealing clothes I needed to make.

Well, that seems to be a good point to end this story about my life since leaving home. I may just get around to writing about the amazing times that I have had at the erotic arts convention, the 1,000 guy gang-bang and my holiday in Ibiza.
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