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Previous versions of the Demi-human Brothel series can be found here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Foreword: This particular story contains some stronger themes and violence that may not be to some readers taste.
“Well, what do you think of the place?” Halle asks, her long black tail swaying back and forth as it does when I know she’s nervous. I look around the room, taking in the dust and moth-eaten furniture that has filled every room we’d seen. The mansion has been abandoned for a long time and although the furnishings are beyond repair, the bones of the house are still strong. It will take a few months and a fair amount of coin before it will be ready but I’m more than happy to spend the money, especially on this location. It borders the threshold between the lower and the middle city, the perfect place to attract clients from the poorer to the wealthier.

“It’ll do just perfectly. Now let’s get down to Adarin’s and see what he’s got for me.” I say, rubbing Halle’s head and scratching just behind her pointed ears. She purrs happily and flashes a rare smile at me before following me out of the old building.


The slaver’s shop was crammed. Nobles and rich traders mingle around the crowded cages, discussing loudly about which slave they wished to buy with the shop assistants. A harassed looking Adarin pushes his way through a group and smiles up at me.

“Welcome, welcome. Please, follow me into the back. It’s a bit quieter there.” He says, gesturing for me to follow him. A few of the other customs shoot me angry looks, annoyed at the owner’s preferential treatment, as we pass through a door into a back room. As soon as Halle shuts the door behind her the noise disappears and Adarin sighs, slumping against the wall in exhaustion.

“Apologies about the crowd. 3 of the other slave markets had to shut down as their whole stock caught the plague. Serves them right for operating out in the slums beyond the walls.” He says, muttering the last sentence to himself. “So that meant when this new shipment came in all that lot out there rushed here. I haven’t had 2 minutes to stop and breath. Anyways, you’re here for that new Beast-kin I told you about. Well, she’s just through here, a real struggler this one.” He stands upright and straightens his clothes before leading me to one of the cages. Inside is a bound figure, gagged and hogtied with lengths of rope so tight it prevents her from moving even an inch.


The girl inside is clearly Squirrel-kin. Her big bushy, rusty red coloured tail is clear indicator of her species. Large brown eyes stare up at me with undisguised disgust through a rough fringe of red hair.

“As I said, a real struggler. She kept trying to escape and the guards had to rough her up a bit before they could tie her up. I’ll knock 10 gold off the price because of her condition.” Adarin says as he unlocks the cage, stepping aside to let me in to get a close look. The parts of her pink skin that I can see are spattered with purple and black bruises, some clearly the size and shape of large boots. I look over her body with an appraising eye. There’s nothing overly special about her, average height, average sized breasts, slender waist, and long shapely legs. The only distinguishing feature was her unusually large, round ass. Her face once it’s healed up will be pretty and somewhat cute.

“She’ll do. She’s nothing special but that defiance in her eyes will make it fun breaking her in. Was it 60 gold you said?” I say, gesturing for Halle to pay Adarin once he’d confirmed the price. With a small flick of my wrist, I cast a spell that causes the squirrel-girl to float up in the air. She gasps in surprise as she rolls over so her chest, and her a slave mark, are clearly visible. I quickly perform the ritual and follow Adarin out of the back door into a quiet alley, the girl still floating behind me.


Back at my main house the young squirrel-girl was causing trouble. As soon as we attempted to untie her so she could be bathed, she had bolted for the door. The only thing that had stopped her was Val, my flesh golem slave, tackling her as she stumbled from the pain of her activated slave mark. As soon as we had her tied back up again, I levitated her struggling body and led her, along with Halle and Val, down into the basement.

“I have never shown you two this room, I never need to. Not many of my clients are into this kind of pleasure, nor have I needed to train a slave in this way in a long time.” I tell the two girls as I lead them into a dark room.


Magical lights float near the ceiling of the small room, illuminating the racks arranged along all four walls. Halle gasps as she enters and Val’s wide eyes stare around the room as they come to stop in the centre. The racks along the wall with the door are filled with whips and riding crops, all varying in length, thickness, and material. The second wall is hung with chains, each one ending in cuffs so that a person could be held there. The wall opposite the door is lined with a range of different tools and equipment, ropes, manacles, cuffs, and even a metal stockade. On a small shelf is arranged a group of what appears to be large cocks, each one carved from different materials: wood, stone, ivory and crystal. The final wall is hidden behind metal bars, a cage built into the stones that make up the foundation.


I drop the squirrel-girl in the centre of the room and turn to the shocked girls behind me.

“Halle, you can leave us now. Go and find the seller of the house. You said it was 180 gold pieces? Offer 150 and haggle, do not go over 165.” I say to Halle, watching her quickly turn tail and dash out the room.

“Val, I will need you to stay. I have need of your healing ability.” I say to the remaining girl, gesturing for her to shut the door. From the far wall I pull down a set of heavy manacles, thick metal cuffs connected with a few links of chain. I move back to the squirrel-girl and grab a handful of her hair between her small animal ears. She cries out in pain, muffled by her gag, as I drag her up into a kneeling position. I clamp one of the cuffs tightly around her wrist before quickly untying it and bringing her hands in front of her body, cuffing the other wrist as well. She slumps back as I retrieve a length of thick rope, uncoiling it as I return to stand over her. I look up and toss the end of the rope up and over one of the thick wooden beams that supports the ceiling. I catch the end and tie it securely to the chains linking the manacles. I then hoist on the other end of the rope, pulling on it until the squirrel-girl’s toes just brush against the stone floor. She swings in the air, groaning in pain as she dangles by her arms and as I tie off the other end of the rope to bars of the cage. Val steps forward and raises her glowing hands. As they pass over the squirrel-girls body her cuts and scrapes heal, and her bruises fade.

“What is your name?” I ask as Val finishes healing her, removing her gag before stepping back.

“Fok jou, jou kak. Ek sal nie jou hoer wees nie!” The squirrel-girl yells, spitting at me. I don’t know what she just said but based on Val’s sharp intake of breath I can tell she understood.

“She… She just said she won’t be your whore.” Val stammers when I turn to look at her.

“You understand her? Good, your still surprise me with all these abilities. Now ask her for her name.” I say to Val.

“Ek verstaan jou. Ek is nie 'n moron nie, jou baster. Ek sal nie my tong besoedel met jou vuil taal nie.” The squirrel-girl snaps before Val has a chance to speak.

“Oh, so you do understand me.” I say once Val had translated. “Val, go and get a few buckets of water. Get someone to help you bring them down. Me and this one need a little chat.”


Val leaves the room and I pick up a thick leather collar up from the racks. The squirrel-girl thrashes and tries to bite my hands as I fasten the collar around her neck. As soon as it’s locked in place runes carved in the leather begin to glow a deep purple.

“What you have around your neck is a control collar. Unlike your slave mark, which causes you pain when you ignore my orders or try to harm me, this collar forces you do to whatever you’re told.” I explain, watching her eyes grow wide as realisation sets in.

“Now, tell me your name.” I say, my voice commanding.

“Brisa.” She gasps as the door opens and Val enters with one of my human courtesans in tow, both carrying a bucket of water in each hand. They set the buckets down and the courtesan bows her head to me before exiting the room.

“Let’s get you out of that dress and all cleaned up.” I say as I grab the collar of her rough dress. The material tears easily and I toss the rags to the side. Her slender body is covered in dirt and grime from the long journey from her homeland. I pick up one of the buckets and toss the contents over her. She gasps for breath as the icy-cold water washes over her. She barely has time to recover before the second bucket splashes over.

“There we go, you look a lot cleaner already.” I laugh as water drips down her body. Putting the second bucket down I take a second to look over her body. Her face, neck, and chest are spattered with freckles. Her breasts are two small, perfectly round mounds with large areolas and pointy nipples. My eyes move further down her body, over her flat stomach and onto the thick bush of dark red hair between her legs.

“Very nice, we’ll have to get rid of that hair though. But now it’s time for your punishment.” I say, complimenting her body.


“You won’t break me.” She snarls as I pick up a long, coiled leather whip.

“Don’t speak unless you’re told to.” I command as I circle around behind her. The whip cracks as I give it a few experimental swings and I can see Val, in the corner of my eye, jump with each one. Brisa struggles against her bindings, trying to turn to face me. She screams as the whip strikes along her back, leaving a deep red mark in her otherwise pale pink skin. She screams again and again as I whip her repeatedly, her voice cracking as she shrieks in pain. On the tenth strike her skin breaks, a thin red line forming from her right shoulder down to her left hip. A thin bead of blood trickles down her back and I gesture for Val to heal her as I coil up the whip. Tears stream down Brisa’s face as I strep in front of her, lifting her chin to look directly in my eyes.

“Do you understand what it means to disrespect me or one of my girls?” I ask her, gently brushing away her tears.

“Fuck… You!” She snarls, her eyes filled with determination.

“Oh, don’t worry, we’ll get to the fucking in a bit.” I say, holding up a short riding crop ending in a thick square of leather. I flick my wrist and the crop strike against her left breast, hitting squarely on her nipple. Brisa sucks in air through gritted teeth as she tries not to show her pain as I take turn striking her breasts. Suddenly I change the direction of the crop and bring it across her face. She gasps in surprise and pain as the leather leaves a stinging red mark on her cheek.


I use the crop for a few more minutes, striking all over Brisa’s body, before returning it to its rack. Her skin is covered red marks which quickly fade as Val passes her hands over them, healing them with her magic.

“Are you ready to behave now?” I ask Brisa as Val retreats back into the corner.

“I… Told… You… I won’t be… Your whore.” She gasps between sobs. I don’t bother with any tools this time. My fist slams into her stomach and knocks all the air out of her. I punch her twice more before grabbing her throat with one hand, choking her, as I bring my hand back across her face. Her face starts turning blue as she struggles to breathe and her legs quick out uselessly. Just as her eyes begin rolling back in her head, I let go. She takes in great lungsful of air before screaming as she drops suddenly to the floor. I had used my magic to release the manacles suspending her in the air. She collapses down in and bundles up just as my boot hits her. I kick and stomp, letting my heavy boots deal the damage. At one point I think I hear her bones break, probably some of her ribs.

“Heal her.” I say to Val after kicking Brisa so hard in the stomach that she threw up. Val quickly hurries forward and begins the healing process. It takes her longer than usual because of the broken bones but as soon as she’s done, I throw one of the remaining buckets of water over Brisa, washing away the vomit.

“Please… Please stop. I can’t take anymore.” I hear Brisa say, her voice barely audible and trembling with fear.


Hearing her say those words makes me smile. They always break, eventually. I lean down and roll her over onto her back, her body limp and unresisting. Tears streak her face and her lip trembles as she stares up at me as I pull out my growing cock. I grab her hips and pull her closer towards me so my cock rubs against her hairy pussy. She gasps as I thrust inside her, my hard cock stretching open her tight pussy.

“Where you a virgin?” I ask, loving the way her pussy squeezes my cock as I begin thrusting in and out. She nods her head and sniffs as a fresh wave of tears slowly trickle down her cheeks.

“I could tell, you feel amazing.” I say, leaning down and licking the salty tears from her face. She continues to lay motionless, like a doll, as I play with her tits; squeezing, groping, and sucking on them. She doesn’t even react when I pinch her nipples, twisting them uncomfortably. I only get a reaction when I pull out of her pussy and quickly ram my cock into her ass. I only get about 2 inches inside her before the incredible tightness stops me. She groans in pain and tries to pull away but I stop her with a single word.

“Freeze!” I command and her body locks in place, unable to move even an inch. I pull out and can almost hear her sigh with relief.

“Roll over and get on all fours, and then don’t move unless I tell you to. Or if I move you myself.” I say, waiting for her to get into position. As soon as she does, I move her bushy tail aside and ram my cock back into her ass. I can hear her groaning and moaning quietly as with each thrust my cock enters deeper into her.

“I can’t tell what feels better, your incredibly tight ass, or your tight wet pussy.” I whisper into her ear as I move back to fucking her pussy.


I spend the next 5 minutes switching between fucking her pussy and fucking her ass. When I finally pull out and stand up both Brisa and I are panting and sweating from the physical exertion.

“Get on your knees and clean my cock.” I command. Brisa slowly moves up onto her knees and reaches over towards the last bucket of water.

“No, use your mouth.” I say, a coy smile spreading across my face. Her face blanches slightly but she shuffles forward and reaches up with one hand to steady my cock as she moves it towards her mouth. She tries not to gag as her mouth closes around the tip of my cock but I can tell she’s struggling. Her eyes are closed so she doesn’t see me reach down and grab her head. I force her head further down my shaft and her eyes fly open as this time she does gag. She gags and wretches as my cock hits the back of her throat, the magic of the collar preventing her from pulling away.

“I’m gonna cum in your mouth now, and you are going to swallow every drop.” I grunt as my balls ache from the pressure to orgasm. With another grunt my cock explodes, cum shooting from it and flooding her mouth. I pull back and watch as she gags again, struggling to force herself to swallow my cum.


“Good girl.” I compliment as she finally manages to swallow my cum, a look of pure disgust plastered over her face. I turn my back to her and cross to the rack of whips. I pick up a flogger, a thick leather handled whip with many long-braided tails instead of the usual one. Brisa’s face falls as she’s sees it but her look turns to confusion as I hand it to her.

“Whip yourself 100 times with this, as hard as you can. Do not stop until you have finished.” I order, seeing a look of pure hatred flash across her face. I turn to Val and gesture for her to join us.

“Once she has finished, heal her up, rinse her off, and then lock her in that cage. Come and find me when all that’s done.” I tell her before moving towards the door. As I leave, I pause for a second to watch Brisa hit herself with the flogger, counting aloud with every strike against her back.


2025-03-11 11:27:49
Maybe a centaur-girl is coming in the next story?

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