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Mark meets the doctor who saved his life, and Kiya smuggles him out of the hospital.
After we ate that night, Alexis went back home and Amanda slept in the hospital bed with me. I fell asleep almost instantly, cuddled against her, feeling her warm skin and soft curves. My cock was half-mast, thick and heavy against her bare ass. I would’ve loved to go for a third round, but I knew my body needed rest. Amanda didn’t help, however, and wiggled her cheeks until my cock rested between them.

I’m so glad I’m marrying this woman.

I slept like a baby, content and loved.

“I have to go back to work.” Amanda woke me up with the worst possible news.

I pouted.

“Stop.” Her sweet laugh rang as she laid her hand on my chest.

“I need to do some course correction, sweetie. Gordon shouldn’t have to do my job forever.”

I nodded.

“Kiya is taking off school and work to watch you, and I’ll be back tonight, okay?”

I breathed a deep, dramatic sigh. “I guess that’s okay.” I smiled and grabbed her hand. “Thank you.”

“For what?” She asked.

“For never . . Leaving me. You stayed here for me.” I looked at her.

She gazed back at me with loving eyes, and put my hand on her face.

“I could never leave you, and I will always stay. You took a bullet for me, baby boy. If that’s not an ownership ritual, I don’t know what is!” She reassured.

I smiled, and we kissed with love. Pure, unfettered love. The kind of love between two people whose souls are destined for eternity.

“I can’t wait to marry you, Mommy.” I whispered into her mouth.

She shook her head, her nose brushing mine. “We don’t have to wait. We can do it when you get out of the hospital.”

My eyes snapped open. “Yes. Please. I don’t need a big thing, I just need you.”

She kissed me again. “You still need a ring, baby.”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t. I’ll just get an ‘A’ tattooed on my finger.”

Her eyes snapped open. “Oh, fuck yes. Yes, let’s do it. I’ll get everything ready, and make sure whoever needs to be there is there.”

I nodded. “I still haven’t met your mom.” I laughed.

She shrugged. “She knows about you.” She looked at me knowingly. “Approval is an understatement.”

I smiled. “My mom won’t. . “ My voice faltered.

“That’s okay, baby. There will be more than enough love to go around.” She whispered.

“There’s more than enough love right here.” I grabbed her ass, and she giggled.

Amanda kissed me fiercely. “I love you so fucking much.” She got out of bed.

“Kiya will be here soon. I need to get home and business-ify myself.” She dressed quickly and collected all of her things.

I watched her in amazement. “I’m so lucky.”

Amanda leaned over the bed when she was done.

“It wasn’t luck, darling. The universe wouldn’t let us be apart.” She kissed me. “I love you. Don’t get into trouble with Kiya.”

I laughed. “I love you too, Mommy. I’ll try not to.”

I leaned back in the bed with my hand behind my head.

Trophy husband. Who would’ve thought.

I laid naked in the hospital bed waiting for Kiya. I kept one hand behind my neck, flexed my bicep, and stroked my cock leisurely. Before too long, I heard a knock on the door.

“You don’t have to knock, just come in.” I said.

The door opened and a strikingly sexy Indian doctor wearing green scrubs and a white lab coat entered. She had long and curly raven black hair, deep brown skin, and sharp features.

“Oh fuck.” I snatched the blanket and covered my lap, and my hard cock tented the white fabric.

“Are you sure I don’t need to knock?.” She said, amused, as she came in and closed the door.

“Sorry, I thought you were someone else.” I said, my face red, my cock deflating.

“No need to apologize, Mr. Sampson.” She said with a smirk as she walked over to the bed.

“I am Dr. Naidu, the surgeon who operated on you.”

“Oh!” I sat up in the bed quickly, and extended my hand. “Thank you! Thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome. May I inspect my work?” She shook my hand, and stood next to me.

“Sure.” I leaned back on the plastic headboard and let her look at my chest.

She bent over at the waist and looked closer at my chest scar. She gently pressed her fingers around the area, and my muscle fibers reacted to the dull pain. I looked at her hair that draped down her arched back, at her coat hanging down her ass, smelled her perfume, and felt her breath on my body.

“You’ve healed much better than expected.” She murmured.

The combination of her touch, her smell, her sultry voice, and everything about her lit my arousal and steeled my erection again.

I suddenly felt air on my cock, and I realized my sitting up and arousal had exposed me again.

Her head turned towards my lap. “Better than expected, indeed.” She whispered.

“I am so sorry.” I blurted, terrified.

She stood back up and looked back at me with smoldering eyes, then gazed back down at my body. Her fingers trailed from my chest, down my abs, and settled at my hip bone. Her touch sent lightning through me, and I spasmed slightly, making my cock bounce.

“I see why my nursing assistant visited your room after her shift was over.” Her hand moved up and across my lower abs, causing me to instinctively flex and clench.

Her brown eyes pierced through me with lust. We heard a knock at the door. She quickly pulled the sheet back over my lap.

“Come in.” I said, my voice cracking.

Kiya walked in and saw the two of us. “Oh hi, Doctor!” She said as she set her purse on the chair.

“Hello, Miss Morris.” She turned back to me. “You are healing perfectly. I will evaluate you again before you are discharged, Mr. Sampson.”

She said professionally, then turned on her head and left the room.

“Again?” Kiya asked, and she moved over to the bed.

I cleared my throat. “What do you mean?”

Kiya shrugged.

“She already checked how you were healing last week. Said you were fine. Why does she have to check you again?”

“I think she . . “ I pointedly looked at my crotch.

Kiya’s mouth gaped and she pulled back the sheet, revealing my cock.

“Oh, you totally should. She did save your life, after all.” She grabbed my cock and started stroking me. “The least you can do is show her your gratitude.”

I leaned my head back and enjoyed the sensation of her velvet hands pumping me up and down. “I am very grateful.”

“Are you grateful for me too, Daddy?” She said and I looked down at her face. She was giving me puppy eyes.

“Absolutely, Princess.” I moaned.

She pumped faster and faster while she beamed at me, then abruptly stopped and withdrew her hand. “I want to save that for later.” She smiled wickedly and pulled the sheet back over me.

I exhaled deeply, and let my head fall back.

“You all are going to fuck me to death.”

“What a way to go.” She giggled.

I smiled at her, then lit a lightbulb in my brain. “Hey, do you think we could sneak out and hit the gym?” I asked.

“Mark, you’re still healing-“ She began to say.

“I’m fine, really! I’m not gonna hit a max or anything, I just wanna get out of her for a while.”

She nodded slowly. “I guess . . I can pick up some gym clothes for you. If you’re not wearing a gown, they wouldn’t look twice at you.”

I nodded eagerly. “Please?”

“Okay. But if you start hurting, we leave, okay?”


Kiya gave me a kiss, then hurried out. I relaxed back in the bed, thinking about what I wanted to do at the gym, what I wanted to do to Kiya, and what I wanted the Doctor to do to me.

Kiya came back rather quickly, and was wearing tight red gym shorts and a black shirt. She had brought me a red shirt and black shorts.

“I couldn’t resist, we’ll match!” She said excitedly.

“Hell yeah.” I grinned at her.

“Did you bring preworkout?” I asked her when we got to the gym and signed in.

Kiya nodded, then pulled it out of her gym bag. She reached for my shaker bottle.

“Wait.” I looked around to make sure no one was listening or watching. “Do the . . The thing.”

Kiya smiled with her mouth open. She handed me the tub of pre-workout, and I opened it and got a scoop. I dumped the spicy, fizzy powder into my mouth.

“You are bad.” Kiya said seductively before she took a swing from her water bottle. I leaned down so she could spit it into my mouth. I swirled the water around to mix the pre-workout, and Kiya whispered into my ear. “Bad Daddy.”

I gulped hard, and part of the water went into my lungs. I started coughing horribly.

“Oh my god. I’m sorry.” She giggled, and patted my back.

I shook my head and finally was able to take a breath. “No. That was hot.”

I pointedly looked at my crotch to show her the effect. She smiled and decidedly walked in front of me, deliberately brushing against it as she moved past.

Kiya wanted to do squats, so we set up a squat rack and she did a few sets. On her last one, I could tell she was struggling to move the weight up, and her legs were shaking after only four repetitions. On her fifth, she got stuck at the bottom. Instead of grabbing the bar like a good spotter and helping her up, I decided to get her back.

I bent over and smacked her ass cheeks hard with both hands and yelled. “Up!”

Kiya shot the weight up like a rocket, and looked at me through the mirror in surprise.

“One more?” I asked.

She nodded. She squatted back down, this time moving from the bottom, but struggling. I tapped the bottom curve of her perfect ass with my fingertips and she moved the bar effortlessly. I put my hands on either side of her head, grabbed the bar, and I helped her rack the barbell while shoving my cock against her ass.

“Good girl.” I murmured into her ear.

She flushed, her beautiful brown cheeks alight with pink. “Why did that work?” She asked quietly, with a smirk.

I let go of the bar and caressed her hips. “All you needed was a little . .” I pulled her back into me. “Umpf.”

She laughed loudly, then spun around and kissed me. She brought her hands up, trailed them up my back muscles, and hugged me by the shoulders, pulling me into her.

“I missed you so much.” She whispered into my mouth


“God himself would have to pull me from you and Amanda.” I stated, as we separated.

“God is a woman.” Kiya teased.

“How so?” I asked.

“Because all power is derived from-“ She stood on her toes and whispered in my ear. “Pussy.” She nipped my earlobe.

She pulled back and I stared at her with one eyebrow raised and the other eyelid twitching.

“You might have a point.” I said with a grin. “Are you trying to get punished for being a bad girl in public?”

She smiled and ran her tongue across her teeth. “Only if I let you punish me.” She teased, then ducked under my arms and ran to get a cleaning towel.

I’m going to fuck her to tears.

I decided I was going to try the incline press, and went to grab some medium-weight dumbbells. When I wrapped my hands around the handles and pulled, a sharp pain radiated through my chest and down to my fingers.

“Nevermind.” I said aloud.

I moved to the smaller weights and grabbed two dumbbells. I got on the bench, and managed three painful reps, before Kiya came over and scolded me.

“What are you doing!?” She blurted angrily.

“I’m just trying to get some movement back in my muscles. I gotta quit, anyway. Hurts way too much.” I replied, setting the weights down on my knees and sitting up.

Kiya rolled her eyes. “You’re doing too much.”

“I haven’t done you, yet.” I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

“I know.” She turned away.

Is she upset we haven’t had sex yet?

“We have plenty of time, baby.” I reached for her hand.

She pulled her hand away quickly. “Do we?” She turned back around, her eyes tearing up. “Or are you going to leave again?”

I took both of her hands and pulled her towards me.

“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

She nodded. She wasn’t able to speak or she’d cry.

“Do you wanna leave?” I implored.

She nodded quickly.

“Alright, let’s go.”

We grabbed her gym back and left, getting into her car. Kiya settled down rather quickly, but we didn’t talk on the way to my apartment. Amanda had given her my key, when we walked in, everything looked the same as it had, frozen in time. It was eery, like stepping into a distant memory.

“This is weird.” I whispered as we entered the living room area. “I think of Amanda’s house as home rather than here.”

“I was thinking . .” Kiya was wringing her hands. “I’ll take over the lease for your apartment, when you move to Amanda’s house. I like this one better than mine.”

“Of course not.” I said, and walked to the bedroom.

She followed, stuttering. “W- what?”

“You’re going to live with us.” I sat down on my bed.

“W- what?” She repeated in a higher pitch.

I nodded. “Amanda and I already talked about it. I’m not sure if we’ll stay in her house, or get a new one . .”

“But you’re going to live with us. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

She kept wringing her hands. “But, you two will be married-“

“And? This is a winner-takes-all situation, and I’m the winner, so I’m taking all. Amanda can’t have children, so she will love our kid like her own. What’s wrong with having two moms and a dad? Sounds like a whole lotta love to me.”

She shook her head slowly. “Nothing is wrong with that, I just . .”

“I was scared you wouldn’t . .” Her voice faltered.

I took her hands. “I belong to Amanda, but you belong to me. Remember?”

She nodded. Her eyes brimmed with tears. “You’re gonna make such a good dad.” She said.

I smiled. “I’m gonna whole-ass it, that’s for sure.”

She wiped her eyes, then moved to stand between my knees. My chin rested on her stomach as I looked up at her.

Kiya began rubbing her thighs back and forth. “I miss your cum, Daddy.” She whispered, gazing down at me.

“Do you need to be filled up, Princess?”

She nodded.

I realized how dirty I must have been from being in the hospital so long. “Let’s go take a shower.”

I stood up, took her hand and pulled her to the shower. We stripped our clothes quickly, turned on the shower to warm, and got in. I washed as fast as I could, but Kiya finished first. She rinsed as I was finishing up, then she spun me around to face the water, rinsed my front, and pushed me back out of the flow. She dropped to her knees and took my hard cock into her mouth halfway with ease. I leaned against the back of the shower and groaned.

“Fuuuuuuck. I hadn’t gotten head until now.” I said.

When she heard that, she doubled the speed at which she was blowing me. She grabbed the base of my cock with both hands, folded her fingers together around it, and pumped them up my shaft as my cock left her mouth, and back down as it went in.

“Oh my fucking god!” I yelled, and looked down at her.

She was feral, and terrorized my dick with passion.

“Uh- uh- uh- uh-“ I grunted, and my head fell forward as she assaulted me. “Fuck- I’m- Jesus Christ.” I blurted.

She removed my cock from her dripping mouth and pumped the full length with both her hands. “Tell me when you’re about to cum, D—-.” She said with sparkling green eyes.

“I’m so fucking close.” I whispered hoarsely.

She stood, spun around, and bent over at the waist. She had kept one hand on my cock, one hand went to her ass, and she pulled apart her cheeks to reveal her creamy pussy. She slid my tip inside herself, then slammed her ass back onto my cock.

“Fuck!” We both cried together.

“I’m cumming. I’m fucking cumming!” I moaned.

“Oh Daddy it feels so good- I’m- Ugh!” She squealed.

I launched cum deep into her depths as she writhed in pleasure. She leaned backward against my chest, grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her. One of my arms dropped, pinning her waist against me. My hand found her clit, tending her orgasm as long as possible. The other traveled up her stomach, her breast, and rested lightly against her throat. She turned her head into my cheek, and she sobbed quietly with every spasm.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered into her ear.

“I love you. I love you so much Mark.” She whimpered.

I pulled her harder against me, my cock embedded within her walls pushed deeper, forcing my cum and her cream out of her pussy, and down our legs with the water.

“I love you so much Kiya.” I squeezed one last burst of cum inside her, and she twitched and moaned as it overflowed.

“I love you.”

My vision faltered, my arms weakened, and I felt myself falling. My traction in the shower failed, and I slipped and toppled through the shower curtain, and onto the floor.

My arms had prevented my head from smashing the tile, reminiscent of the fight with my father, and I slowly took a breath, trying to regain my composure.

“Mark!” Kiya screamed, turned off the shower, and leapt onto the floor next to me.

“Mark, oh my god are you okay?” She asked frantically. She knelt beside me and put one of my arms around her shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m- I think I’m good.” I said, regaining the strength in my legs as Kiya helped me off the floor.

“Let’s get out of the sauna.” She said and opened the door.

We left the bathroom, and shuffled slowly as she adjusted to my pace and shouldered my weight as we moved. As we trundled down the hallway, I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror. I saw a big, muscular guy, shredded from not eating, being supported by a tiny black girl, doing all she could to keep him up.

How very un-sexy.

Is it? Is intimacy in its purest form not sexy?

We made our way to the bed, and she plopped me down onto it, sitting on the edge. She sat down next to me. “I’m sorry- I- I never should’ve taken you from the hospital.” She said guiltily.

I caressed her cheek and she looked at me with sad eyes.

“It’s okay. I’m okay. My body just had a little more than it can handle right now.” I chuckled.

She nodded, and embraced my hand, closing her eyes momentarily. They shot open and she darted her hand between her legs.

“It’s leaking.” She whined. “I need to-“

She moved to get up but I stopped her. “No. Leave it in.”

“Why-“ She started to ask, but was interrupted by my mouth.

I kissed her deeply and gently, savoring every flavor of her tongue. She moaned, and I pushed her back onto the bed.


“Scoot up.”

She did as told, and I climbed between her legs, draped them over my hips, and maneuvered my hands over the top of her legs and cupped her ass. I pulled her against my new erection, and bent over to kiss her again.

“Again?” She whispered.

I nodded. I moved my hips backward and my tip found her entrance, and I slid my entire length inside her effortlessly, lubricated by my cum.

I fucked her slowly, lovingly, carefully. I sensed every single one of her cues, listening to her body as it reacted. I pulled her ass into my hips, placed my head at her neck, and kissed her throat as I gently pumped halfway inside her, moving only an inch at a time. I felt her ass clench as I moved in, and her pussy grip as I moved out. I felt her body twinge and contract when I kissed her neck. I moved my jaw over her shoulder and whispered.

“I love your perfect pussy. You feel like the walls of fucking heaven. I want- I need. I need you to cum, babygirl.”

Her body rocked and her breathing changed as I spoke to her soul.

“You’re pregnant with my baby. Our baby. I already came inside you. You need more. You need all of my cum-“

Kiya began weeping. I pulled away slightly, removed one hand from her ass, and caressed her face while I thumbed away her tears.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly, still inside her.

She shook her head. “I- don’t- know- it’s so- good-“

The tears flowed from her eyes and down her face.

This is an impactful emotional release for her.

I kissed her wet eyes, then moved my hand back under her ass, pulled her tight, and replaced my chin over her shoulder.

“I love you.” I thrusted all the way inside her, and never pulled out. I just thrusted deeper and deeper, keeping my tip as deep as physically possible.

“It’s okay to cry.” I pushed her deeper into the mattress. “Let it all out. Let everything out. I’m here. D—-’s here. Let it all go.”

She sobbed, and I cemented myself into her. We laid in the bed as she cried and came, over and over, for nearly half an hour. Her tears and endorphins coursed through her body, causing countless orgasms. Her pussy spasmed uncontrollably, profusely leaking cum and cream onto my bedspread. Our bodies were wet with love, and we were one for eternity.

Kiya stopped crying. I removed both my hands and cupped her face, my thumbs drying the tears on her face.

“Please Daddy.” She whimpered to my soul. “Please cum again for me.”

I thrusted hard, and exploded. My cum was barely contained by her, and it streamed from my tip, inside her womb, back out along her walls and my cock, and out, flowing a steady current along her inner thighs.

“Fuck.” I whispered, my eyes welled with tears.

Kiya’s emerald eyes rolled backward, and she violently shuddered and convulsed as she held her breath.

“Breath. Stay awake. Daddy wants you to cum all the way.” I ordered.

Her eyes snapped back to mine, wide with fear as she struggled to breathe in.


She gasped, air finally flowing into her lungs, and she exhaled with sobs. “Fu- uh- uh- uhck-“

“Good girl.”

Her head hit the bed and she breathed unsteadily.

“One more for good luck.” I thrusted deeper once more, pulling her forehead to my chin as I kissed it.

“You are fucking perfection.” I grunted.

My rapidly deflating cock forced more cum to gush from her, and she gently twitched as another small orgasm bathed her body.

“Daddy . . I love you Daddy.” She whimpered, as her fresh wave of pleasure passed.

“I love you too, Princess.” I said, and kissed her deeply.

“You tried to make a baby again.” She giggled. “There’s already a baby in here.”

“I know.” I smiled. “Doesn’t hurt to try.” I grinned stupidly.

She hugged me, and we laid together for several minutes.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

She nodded.

I quickly rolled over her leg to the side, and she cupped between her legs, then grabbed my shirt and put it against herself, soaking up my cum. She laid next to me.

“Why was I so emotional?” She asked.

I shrugged. “I’ve cried with Amanda, too. Her with me. That’s like . . Soul-bond level stuff.”

She sighed. “Before I met you, no guy had ever made me cum.”

“What?” I turned and sat in my elbow. “I mean, some guys can’t make women cum just from, y’know-“

She shook her head. “No, I mean ever. I’ve always had to make myself cum.”


“You were the first to ever make me cum. Or ever pass out, like what the hell?”

I laughed.

“Your cock is dangerous.” She said seriously.

“I was addicted instantly. But that-“ She dreamily looked at the ceiling. “That was something else.”

“That was making love, my dear.” I said in a bad British accent.

She turned and stared sadly into my eyes, and her fingers played with my arm.

“I want all of you.” She whispered.

“I know.” I replied.

“I’m okay with this . . Situation.” She said hesitantly. “But you can’t ever. Leave me. Again.” She enunciated angrily.

“I won’t. I promise.” I answered the edict.

She pursed her lips for a kiss, and I gave her one.

“Let’s go back to the hospital. Hopefully they haven’t missed us.” She said calmly.

We walked past Dr. Naidu right before we made it to my room.

“Mr. Sampson. Another?” She asked with accusation.

I grinned sheepishly as we walked by.

“Hmm.” She strode away. “Here I was hoping to be the third.”

“What did she say?” I asked Kiya as we got into the room.

She only giggled in response.

“Dr. Naidu?” Amanda asked, sitting on the bed.

I nodded.

“She was just asking all about your . . Performance.” Amanda sighed seductively.

“What did you tell her?”

“Well I didn’t lie, or downplay anything, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Oh boy.

Amanda laughed at the expression on my face. “Oh yes, she is very keen to try you out for herself.”

I sighed. “Kiya did say I should show my gratitude.”

Amanda stood off the bed and moved to kiss me. “Yes. You are going to show her your thanks. Over and over and over, I imagine.”

I smiled. “I mean, she is hot . .”

Amanda nodded. “Very. And her pussy is delicious, as well.”

I just stared at her with my mouth open.

Amanda laughed and shrugged. “What? I wanted to thank her myself. Here, see for yourself.” She raised two fingers to my mouth and I sucked on them.

Wow. That is delicious.


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