My girlfriend's daughter showed up unexpectedly at our door, and I never could have imagined where it would lead.
It was just another boring Saturday afternoon when I heard the knock on my door that would change everything. I frowned, wondering who that could be. Delivery drivers usually just left their packages on the stoop, and I couldn't remember the last time one of the neighbours had come by. I set aside the invoice I'd been working on and went to go find out. Was it girl scout cookie time, maybe? I couldn't remember what time of year they normally came around. But as I opened the door, the last person I'd expected to see was my girlfriend's eighteen year old daughter Danielle, looking bedraggled and worn out, her eyes red from crying.
“Dani!” I exclaimed, stepping back and gesturing her inside, closing the door behind her. “Your mom didn't tell me you were coming. Is everything okay?”
“Hi, Scott. Is she here?” she asked, glancing around, clearly expecting her mom to come stepping out from around the corner any second now.
“I'm afraid not. She just had two nurses on her floor get hired away from her last week, so she's been having to cover a bunch until they can find replacements,” I explained. “Talk to me, sweetie. What's going on? Not that we're not always thrilled to see you... but why are you here, without letting us know ahead of time you were coming?”
“Ummm...” she said, glancing downward, her lower lip beginning to tremble. “Jackson and I broke up.”
“Oh, sweetheart...” I said, pulling her against my chest as she started to sob. She was taller than Evie by a couple of inches, five-eight, but she snuggled herself down and tucked herself under my chin. “I'm so sorry! What happened? I thought everything was going great between you two!” The only negative thing I'd ever had to say about that boy before this was that after graduation he'd accepted a job five hours away from home, necessitating that he and Dani move away and resulting in us hardly getting to see her anymore outside of holidays.
“So did I,” she wailed, wrapping her arms tight around my chest, holding on as if for dear life. “But I just found out he's been cheating on me! This whole time! In fact, it turns out she was the whole reason he accepted that job so far away in the first place! So he'd be able to live basically right next door to her, and be with her any time he wanted!”
“Oh, sweetie!” I stroked her up and down her slender little back, just the way she used to like when she was younger, when she'd come home crying because some mean girl said something nasty to her at school. I kissed her hair and held her close, letting her cry herself out. That son of a bitch! If he knew what was good for him, he'd better damned well stay where he was, because if he ever came home again after hurting my little girl like this, we were seriously going to have words!
“Is it okay if I move back in?” she sniffled. “Just until I get myself back on my feet?” I could tell how hard it was for her to ask—we'd hated to see her go in the first place, but she'd been so proud of herself, just her and her boyfriend making a go of it out in the big, adult world, far from home and all on their own.
“Of course you can, sweetie,” I murmured. But then I had the most terrible, horrible idea. I shouldn't. I couldn't! Only... I kind of had to, didn't I? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself, if I didn't at least open the door a crack to see how she would react. “Though of course, now that you're an adult, I hope you realize that if you're going to be living here, you're going to be expected to either be going to school full time, or getting a job and paying rent.”
“Oh,” she said, obviously surprised, but covering well. “Ummm... yeah, I guess that's fair. How much is my rent's going to be?”
“We can sort out the exact number with your mom, once she gets back home,” I told her, steadying myself with a breath for what I was about to say next. “Unless you intend on paying your way the same way she does, that is!”
“Scott!” she gasped, leaning back and looking up at me in shock, smacking me lightly on my ribs. “Don't even joke about that! And after what I've just been through? I would never help you cheat on Mom!”
I smiled down at her as calmly as I could, desperately trying to contain my excitement. That had been just about the best reaction possible; not a denial of me, or what I was suggesting, but only a desire to protect her Mom.
“Well, that's just the thing, sweetie,” I told her, lifting my hand to run it through her beautiful, dark auburn hair, the exact same shade as her mother's. “It doesn't count as cheating, if the other person knows all about it, and has given you her permission.”
“You can't be serious!” She gaped, shaking her head in denial.
“Afraid so,” I confirmed. “Not about you specifically, of course! And normally I wouldn't be telling you about this at all, without checking in with your mom first to make sure she's okay with letting you know, but I think circumstances demand it. The fact is, after you moved out... your mom and I had a long conversation, about something she'd been privately dreaming about for a long time in the back of her head, but that she'd never had the courage to act on before. She asked if I'd be okay with trying it, and I agreed. Long story short, it went well, and we've been doing it every couple of weeks ever since, with girls we've been meeting online.”
“And now, you want me...” she began, but was unable to finish the thought.
“Only if you're sure you want to, sweetie,” I told her, continuing to hold her and stroke her hair. “I know what a huge crush you used to have on me, when you were younger. But I also know what an enormous difference there is, between having a crush, and actually deciding to act on it! I would never, ever want you to do something you weren't sure you wanted to do! I wanted to let you know what's been going on with your Mom and me, and to give you the opportunity to choose for yourself. I love you, Dani! I love you like you were my own flesh and blood! And you, along with your mother, are the two most gorgeous women I've ever met in my entire life! Nothing could ever possibly make me happier, than if you decide to say yes. But yes or no, however you decide, I will always love you no matter what! I hope you know that, sweetie.” She didn't speak for a good long while after that, just chewing her lip and hiding her eyes against my chest again. When she finally broke her silence, it wasn't what I expected.
“You knew?” she asked. “That I had a crush on you, I mean?”
“You weren't exactly subtle about it back then,” I softly replied. “Always going to change into your cutest little outfits when you and I were going to be spending time together, and insisting on getting to sit in my lap, when the three of us would cuddle up on the couch to watch movies.”
“You never said anything,” she blushed.
“It wouldn't have been right,” I said. “You were a kid. You were entitled to your emotions, whatever they were, without me going and making you feel all embarrassed about them by telling you that I knew.”
“Thank you,” she smiled shyly. “For not telling me back then. But you're wrong, though.”
“I am?” I asked.
“You said I used to have a huge crush on you. When I was younger,” she tilted her head back slowly, meeting my gaze with those deep, beautiful blue eyes. “The truth is, I just got better at hiding it. But that crush... it never went away. Not ever. I just never had any idea you wanted me too.” She leaned slowly upwards, obviously nervous, but her intent was clear. I met her half way, her lips soft and sweet, her tongue timid and teasing. I took my time, enjoying every last moment. I was the one taking the initiative, but I was careful to let her be the one setting our pace. We were both panting with desire by the time I finally lifted her into the air by my grip on her phenomenal, tight little ass, carrying her into the living room and dropping myself onto the couch with her straddling my waist.
“You swear to God Mom really is going to be okay with this, right?” she demanded, repeatedly running her fingers through my hair as she breathed against my lips.
“She's going to be freaked out at first, I'm not going to lie,” I admitted. “But after she gets over the initial shock, she'll come around.”
“You're so sure about that?” she asked, understandably nervous.
“Well... let's just say that playtime with other girls isn't the only hidden little fantasy mommy dearest has been exploring lately,” I grinned wickedly. “My little pet will do anything I tell her to... as will you, won't you, baby?”
“Seriously, Scott?” she gasped in disbelief, but I knew her mother far too well not to recognize that exact same look of pure arousal when I saw it in her daughter's eyes.
“You know Dani, I've always wished that you would call me 'Daddy'. Say 'Yes, Daddy!' for me!”
“Yes, Daddy!” she repeated obediently, then looked rather shocked at herself that she'd done it so automatically when I'd asked.
“Good girl!” I praised, stroking her hair and kissing her deeply. She responded in kind, and it wasn't long before we were pawing at each other's shirts, stripping them off and tossing them aside, her cute little lacy magenta bra following shortly thereafter. She seemed absolutely enraptured by my chest hair, licking and biting her lip as she ran her hands up and down. I was even more enthralled by her breasts. She was much smaller than Evie, struggling to fill even a B-cup, compared to her mother's huge, heavy Ds. She was certainly much perkier as well, with tiny, suckable little pencil-eraser nipples and soft pink quarter-sized areolas. I sucked almost half her entire breast greedily into my mouth, making her gasp and moan as I swirled and flicked her nipple with my tongue. She pulled me back and forth, my hands cupping and squeezing her pert little ass through her jeans.
“I want it!” she moaned, grabbing eagerly at my crotch, and I looked at her archly. “I want it, Daddy!” she corrected herself, blushing beautifully. She climbed backwards out of my lap, but I stopped her before she could drop to her knees, making her stand for me instead. She was biting her lip, but it was definitely out of excitement now, not nervousness. I slowly unfastened her jeans, kissing her lovely, skinny little hips the entire while, and she seductively shimmied for me as I pulled them down her long, slender legs. Her matching magenta panties went next, revealing the cutest, most adorably tiny little pussy I had ever seen. She was fully shaved, or more likely waxed, I thought, her outer lips ever so slightly puffy and flushed a lovely, bright pink from her obvious arousal. Her inner lips I could barely even see, just tiny, delicate little curtains hiding her entrance. I leaned down, the hot, fresh smell of her sex absolutely intoxicating. It was only at the very last moment that I thought to ask.
“When was the last time Dip-shit came in you, baby?”
“Ummm... it was last night, Daddy,” she shyly admitted. “I only found out he'd been cheating this morning, and I packed my stuff into my car and drove straight here. I did have a shower, though, and tried to wash myself out as much as I could, after I found out. It honestly made me sick, knowing his stuff was still in there, and I just wanted it out!”
“Raincheck then, sweetheart,” I said, leaning down to give her a single, slow kiss right on her clit, making her tremble and moan, but not anything more than that. I stood, and repeated my kiss on her lips. “But what do you say we give any of his swimmers left in there a real fight for their lives?”
“Please!” She giggled wickedly, and quickly began returning the favour by stripping me out of my pants and boxers, eyes going wide as she finally got her first clear look at the nine thick inches I had waiting for her. “Oh, shit...” she swore reverently, glancing nervously and briefly back up into my eyes, but unable to keep her gaze off my cock for longer than about a second at a time. “You're going to have to be really, really careful with me, okay Daddy?” She asked. “Jackson—” I interrupted her with a finger across her lips.
“Dip-shit, baby. His name is Dip-shit.” I corrected, making her giggle again.
“Well, Dip-shit is only, like, four and a half inches, and nowhere near this thick, Daddy, so you're going to have to be really careful. I don't know if you're even going to fit!”
“Of course I'll be gentle, sweetie,” I reassured her, lovingly stroking her hip and her hair. “But you're your mother's daughter. If she's any indication, I'm sure you and I are going to fit together like a key in a lock!”
“I sure hope so!” she giggled. “But... I guess there's only one way to find out, hunh?” she asked, flirtatiously stroking my chest with one hand, my cock with the other, as she dropped herself down to her knees and started to suck. I moaned happily, lovingly stroking my fingers through her hair. She was obviously enjoying it too, eyes closed in pleasure, experimenting with just how much of me she was able to fit into her mouth. But she didn't do it for long before she was back on her feet again, eagerly biting her lip and stroking her hand around my slippery, saliva-covered cockhead. I laughed, and took her gently to her back on the couch. Maybe our bed would have been better, but something about that just struck me the wrong way. I think it was because we hadn't had a chance to tell Evie, yet. Sex was one thing, but doing it in our bed... that was different. It didn't make much sense, maybe; Evie's issue was absolutely going to be the fact that Dani was her daughter, not whether I did or didn't do her in our bed. But however illogical it was, the couch was just going to have to do for the time being. And Dani, for her part, clearly couldn't have cared less either way.
We made out for a bit, my cock laying heavily atop her lips as I gently ground back and forth. I'd call it dry humping, but there was nothing dry about it; Dani, just like her mother, was a creamy little thing, and I loved it! I waited for her to make the move, reaching down to take me into her hand, letting me know she was ready. I backed away and lowered myself into position, pushing gently, watching her intently for any sign of distress. She was definitely feeling stretched, there was no doubt about that, but as I slowly, carefully worked my way deeper her moans were remaining firmly on the side of pleasure, not pain. It became noticeably more difficult once I'd gotten down to my last two inches or so, and she was already giving me so much I was more than prepared to wait, and work up to giving her my full depth over the next couple of weeks or months. But by that point we were both already so excited, and she had her hands tightly gripping my ass, trying to pull me deeper—I had no choice but to trust her to know her own body and her own capacity for pain, so I slowly gave in to her urging. She winced, panting heavily, but she was determined. And the moment I was finally able to push myself firmly against her lips, all nine inches fully inside of her, her orgasm crashed through like a freight train! I kissed her forcefully as it was happening, but I kept my tongue to myself; I did not trust her teeth right then, not one little bit! Slowly she came down from it, licking her lips and staring up at me with the fire of pure, undiluted sex in her eyes.
“God, you're good, Daddy!” she purred happily, such a naughty, wicked gleam in her eyes. “Now give it to me! Fuck your baby girl, the same way you fuck Mommy!”
I grinned down at her, and gave her exactly what she wanted. She came fast, and she came often, also exactly like her Mom. And so vocal, too! Not speaking, no, there was very little of that—but moaning, squealing, whimpering... every adorable, sexy little sound I ever could have wished to hear from my gorgeous baby girl! Then finally it was time for me to join her. I was about to warn her, my conscience forcing me to give her one last chance to change her mind, though I already knew she wouldn't. But she saw it in my eyes, and beat me to the punch.
“Give it to me, Daddy! Give me your cum!” she begged, gasping with exertion and clutching at my ass. “I want it inside me! I want it so bad! Please, Daddy! Fill me up! Fill my womb with your cum!”
I couldn't hold back one more second, not hearing her beg like that! I let out a deep, bestial growl, pounding her hard into the cushions of the couch. My hot, molten seed flooded into her, crashing her into a long, powerful orgasm of her own, the rhythmic pulsations of her tight, wet little walls milking me of everything I had to give! We fed on each other, back and forth, every little movement either of us made seeming to ripple through us both. Finally we were done... and she started to giggle. I looked at her in confusion, arching my brow, and that just made her giggle all the harder. Eventually I just gave in, and started to laugh right along with her until we finally calmed down.
“I love you, Daddy!” she murmured, softly kissing the side of my neck as we lay there entwined. I pushed myself up until I could look her in her beautiful, soft blue eyes.
“I love you too, baby!” I said, gently stroking my fingers through her wildly dishevelled hair. “So, so much!” She started to giggle again, but this time I kissed her, cutting her off before it could grow too far out of hand.
“I need you to let me up,” she eventually said, tapping me on my hip. “You were amazing, Daddy... but I'm not used to taking a cock this big, and you were seriously pushing against my bladder!”
I laughed, giving her one more quick kiss before I pulled out and stood, helping her to her feet. But I had one more question for her before I could let her go.
“Have you ever tasted yourself, baby?” I asked, glancing meaningfully down at my cock. Her eyes went wide as they followed my gaze, seeing the absolute deluge of creamy white girl-cum she'd given me, slowly shaking her head. “Go ahead, baby. Give it a little lick.”
She nervously bit her lip, but allowed me to help her down to her knees. I stroked my fingers reassuringly through her hair, and she took a deep, steadying breath before slowly leaning in. She was timid at first, but the more she got used to it, and the more I moaned at how good it felt to have her soft, questing tongue exploring my extra-sensitive cock, the more she got into it. Almost before I knew it she had me completely cleaned off, even down to my balls, giggling happily at the way my pubes tickled her nose.
“Like that, baby?” I asked, pulling her back to her feet and giving her a kiss. “You like licking your cum off Daddy's cock”
“Uh hunh,” she smiled bashfully, preening in my arms.
“I'm glad, baby,” I told her. “Now... just wait until it's your Mommy's cum I have you licking off me instead, and until you get to watch her licking up yours!” Her eyes went wide again, a beautiful pink blush rising quickly in her cheeks as she considered that idea, making me laugh. “Go on, baby. You said you needed to pee.” I kissed her again, and sent her on her way with a soft, playful slap on her ass. I sat back down again, and when she got back I pulled her crosswise into my lap, cuddling her tight.
“So... what's the verdict, Daddy? Am I still going to be paying rent?” she teased, resting her head comfortably on my shoulder and wrapping her arm in around my back.
“Definitely not,” I chuckled. “But I am still going to insist on either school, or a job. You're free to choose either one... but if you choose job, I think I'm going to have you come work for me. I have a few ideas about how I could have you helping me out on my lunch breaks, if you do.”
“Sounds good to me, Daddy!” she giggled. “But for safety's sake, I think we'd better reduce those 'few' ideas of yours to just one, and have me only giving you blowjobs while we're at work! If you keep fucking me like you just did today, there's no way in hell I'll ever be able to stay quiet enough that the whole office won't know what you're doing to me!”
“You may have a point,” I laughed. “Of course, there is still one other option, if you'd rather not go to school or go to work.” I said, placing my hand on her flat, toned little belly and giving her a loving rub. “I could always just knock you up, and have you staying home looking after kiddies, instead.”
“Are you serious?” she gasped in shock.
“Well, not right away, of course,” I said, considering. I'd mostly just suggested it to tease, but now that I'd said it out loud I was actually starting to think about it. “That's one thing we would absolutely have to talk about with your mom first, even if you eventually decide it's what you want. You have as ever long as you need to, to figure out how you feel about the idea and make up your mind.”
“I don't need it, Daddy!” she vigorously, excitedly shook her head. “Of course I want to have your babies!”
“You do?” I asked, surprised by the speed and surety of her reaction.
“Daddy, being a mom is the only thing I've ever really wanted to be! I was working, when I was with... when I was with Dip-shit. And we hadn't started trying—and thank God for that, by the way! But that was only because we knew we couldn't afford it, yet. If I'm with you, and Mom... I swear, I'll go off my pills right this second, if you tell me it's okay!”
“Not just yet, pet,” I chuckled, kissing her and squishing her tighter in my arms. “Like I said, it's something we have to talk to your Mom about, first. And I want to make sure you have some time to think about it too, to make sure you're not letting your excitement run away with you.”
“I can wait, Daddy, if that's what you need me to do. But I'm not going to change my mind!” she determinedly shook her head. “You just tell me as soon as I'm allowed, and we can start trying right away!”
We cooed and kissed, but sat in relative silence after that, just content to snuggle naked in each other's arms. I had an ulterior motive for that, since I knew Evie would be getting home soon, though I didn't tell Dani. She was nervous enough already about how her mom was going to react, and I knew it would only get worse if I gave her a time frame. It was only about half an hour until we heard her keys in the door.
“Wait,” I told her, holding her tight in my lap as she instinctively tried to dash for her clothes to cover up. She started chewing frantically on her lip, but I'd earned enough trust that she didn't fight me on it.
“Babe?” we heard Evie calling from the entryway. “Is Dani here? Her car's in the driveway, and it's full of boxes and garbage bags, but she didn't tell me she was coming home today. What's going on, is everything all right?”
“We're in the living room!” I called back. Dani's lip chewing speed increased dramatically, but she remained seated in my lap.
“Oh my God!” Evie gasped as she finally saw us. “Dani? What the fuck?”
“So... long story short,” I summarized, cutting her off before she could work up any more of a head of steam. “Dani found out this morning that the idiot boy who shall henceforth be known only as Dip-shit has been cheating on her for months, at least as far back as when they moved away. She's dumped his Dip-shitty ass, and moved back home. And I'm sure you've already guessed, from seeing us sitting here naked together, but just to remove all doubt; yes, she and I had sex. I imagine it'll be easiest if she still keeps most of her clothes and things in her old room, since we don't really have the space in ours, but she's going to be sleeping with us from here on out.”
“But... my own daughter, Scott?” She said, slowly shaking her head in disbelief. “Why? How?”
“I admit, it wasn't exactly planned,” I said. “But Dani and I got to talking when she got home, and one thing led to another. I told her what we've been doing, while she's been away, and she's okay with everything. Eager, even; she more or less demanded that she be allowed to join in.” A slight exaggeration, maybe, but not much of one I thought. “And what did you say, when you told me you wanted to find a girl we could try to have an actual relationship with, and eventually ask to move in with us, instead of all these immature little chippies who are fun for a night, but who we can barely stand trying to have a conversation with the next morning?” I asked, but she was still too surprised to respond. “You said I could pick whoever I wanted, if I could guarantee they wouldn't drive either of us nuts living in the same house with us. Well, who better to ask to join us than someone we already have lived with, and for years already?”
“But of all people, I never meant that you should pick Dani!” Evie objected.
“To be fair, Mom, it isn't so much that he picked me, as that we picked each other.” Dani said. “I never would have helped him cheat on you, but once he explained what you guys have been doing... Well, he was pretty much just giving permission to do what I'd always wanted to do anyways, if he hadn't already been in a relationship with you first.”
“I can't believe this is happening...” Evie said, finally coming to sit on the chair across from us, leaning forward and looking deeply into her daughter's eyes. “Are you sure this is what you actually want, baby? All of it?” she stressed. “I mean... you do realize that if you do this, it isn't going to just be sex between you and him, and between me and him. He's going to be making us have sex with each other, too! Are you sure you're going to be okay with that?”
“I am,” Dani replied, slowly, seriously nodding her head. “I love you, Mom. I love you both! Having sex with Daddy... it didn't take away from our love, it just opened it up into something more! I know it's going to take some getting used to... I've never been with another girl, for one! But... I just know that we can make this work, Mom! It's going to be amazing! I just know it!”
“Daddy?” Evie asked, and Dani giggled shyly and nodded her head, making Evie sigh. “I should have guessed. Well, okay then. If you've really taken the time to think about this, and you're sure this is what you really, really want, then I guess we're giving this a try. But only on the condition that you agree you can change your mind any time you want to, and that you promise to tell us right away if you do!”
“I won't,” Dani said, confidently shaking her head.
“Maybe not, but that's the deal,” Evie insisted. “You have to promise.”
“Fine,” Dani rolled her eyes. “I promise, if I ever go crazy and decide I want to ruin the most amazing, incredible, loving relationship I am ever going to have in my entire life, I promise I will tell you, so you can tie me up and bonk me on the head with a frying pain until I come back to my senses. There. Good enough?”
“That's the best I'm going to get, isn't it?” Evie sighed, but with a small grin peeking in at the corner of her mouth. This was not the first time mother and daughter had done some version of this dance. “Okay then. God help me, but it looks like we're actually doing this.”
“Excellent! And now that we have that settled...” I gave Evie a wicked little grin. “What is my rule about you wearing clothes around the house?”
Her eyes grew wide, glancing back and forth between Dani and me, but when I didn't alter my expression she knew I was serious.
“Sorry, Master!” She bashfully replied, standing and quickly starting to strip herself out of her scrubs.
Dani turned to me then as well, silently mouthing 'Master?', not quite believing what she thought she'd heard. I grinned, nodding my head back at Evie, telling Dani to watch. Her mother was soon standing completely naked in front of us, hands timidly at her sides, her thick nipples standing out proud and firm on her large, heavy tits, her pussy flushing a lovely shade of pink as we watched, confirming her arousal at being ordered to place herself out on display for her daughter like that.
“Now,” I whispered into Dani's ear. “Tell her to come over and give you a kiss.”
Dani swallowed nervously, but did as I'd said. “Come give me a kiss, Mom!”
Evie obeyed, bashfully bending down to meet her daughter's upturned lips. The kiss itself, however, quickly grew to be anything but shy, their tongues twining sinuously and deeply into each other's mouths. I allowed it continue for several minutes before I gave my next command.
“Now, tell her to kiss your other set of lips,” I told Dani. “Tell her about the big, creamy present I left inside you for her.” She was even more anxious this time, but again she did as I told her to.
“Kiss my other set of lips!” Dani breathed. “Daddy left a big, creamy present inside me for you!”
Evie dropped to her knees, and I guided Dani into twisting around to lay her back flat against my chest, opening my thighs nice and wide and having her do the same. Evie's cheeks were a forest fire of red, but she obediently leaned down and started to kiss and lick. Dani moaned loudly, unable to take her eyes off what her mother was doing to her for even a moment.
“My little Slut is at her happiest when she's being her most submissive and obedient,” I explained for Dani. “You obey only me, but she'll obey you as well as me, and you can use her at any time and in any way that you like. But I want you to keep in mind that there's a difference between use, and abuse! A certain amount of naughtiness and rebellion is to be expected from my pets, and can be easily corrected with a good, swift spanking. That's often the point, when Slut's in the mood to have her cute little ass turned a lovely shade of pink! But she knows that if she ever pushes it too far, there are other punishments I can use. If she ever truly displeases me, I've told her I will take her out into the back yard and kennel her there naked overnight, for all our neighbours to see! I already have the cage, disassembled and waiting in the shed. It always gets her tight little pussy sopping wet, just thinking about it—but it's something she never, ever wants to happen for real! I want you to remember, that cage can as easily accommodate one of my pets as it can the other, if you ever think about taking your use of her too far, or otherwise do something to intentionally make me upset!”
“I won't, Daddy, I promise!” she trembled, partly in fear of my threat, partly at the attention her mother was giving her between her thighs. “I promise I'll be good!”
“I know you will, baby!” I kissed her gently on the side of her neck, taking her firm little titties into my hands and starting to play. “You've always been my good, good little girl!”
I was tempted to turn her head for a kiss on her lips, but I just couldn't bring myself to interrupt her view of the first time her mother was eating her pussy. Something which, I freely admit, I was really enjoying watching, too! I contented myself by sucking and nibbling on her adorable little earlobe instead, looking eagerly down over her shoulder at the way Evie was absolutely devouring her daughter's creamy, cummy little cunt! It didn't take long for Dani to cum; her mother had been getting a lot of practice eating pussy recently, after all! She squealed and kicked, grasping Evie's head and holding her tight against her, then desperately pushing her away when she could no longer stand the intensity. I reached down to stroke Evie's hair then, watching her preening proudly at my approving touch as she lay her head against Dani's soft, slender inner thigh. I gave them both a couple of minutes to recover, then it was on to the next stage of my plan.
“Up you get, baby,” I told Dani, tapping her lightly on the side of her ass. We stood and I pulled them to my sides under my arms, cupping their cute little asses in my hands and holding them tight against my hips as all three of us took turns kissing back and forth. I was already mostly hard again after watching their first time together, but as the most experienced of the pair Evie took the initiative, taking her daughter's hand and placing it on my cock, the two of them then working as a team to get me the rest of the way ready for what she knew would be happening next. I started moving us up the stairs to our bedroom, slowly and awkwardly since we were all so focused on each other. Evie knew me well enough to already know what I wanted, crawling up into the bed and propping our pillows behind her, leaning back and lasciviously spreading her legs. That was enough for Dani to figure it out, blushing brightly, but obediently getting up into position on her hands and knees without needing to be told. I moved up behind her, waiting until she had her tongue up her mother's hot, wet little slit before spreading her own with my cock.
I took her gently this time, not wanting to bounce her around too much and risk her hurting Evie with her teeth. If their positions had been reversed, I wouldn't have cared—Evie had done this so often she knew just how to anchor herself with a grip around the girl's thighs—but for Dani this was all still completely new, and I wanted her first time eating her mother's pussy to be as relaxing and enjoyable as possible. Evie was helping too, moaning happily to encourage her, stroking her fingers through her hair and gently guiding her to the spots she wanted. Dani obviously wasn't very good at it yet, only managing to give her mother one orgasm for every two to three she received herself from my fucking, but Evie wasn't complaining. By the time I drained myself into Dani's eager little cunny once again, all three of us were feeling good and relaxed, and collapsed happily into bed together. I snuggled tightly up against Dani's back, mother and daughter facing each other and sharing slow, gentle kisses.
“So... what did you think?” Evie asked, softly stroking her daughter's hair.
“About eating your pussy, you mean?” Dani blushed. “I don't know... I could tell I'm not very good at it yet. You made me cum way, way faster when you were going down on me than I was able to do for you, so I obviously need practice still! Mostly, it's just totally different, compared to sucking a dick. It can't choke you and hurt your throat, first of all, so that's definitely a bonus! But at the same time, I did kind of miss the feeling of it filling my mouth. Daddy, especially, is just so big! I haven't had time to try giving him an actual blowjob yet, and make him cum in my mouth... But it feels incredible, just sucking on him! Though I admit, a dick pretty much just tastes like skin and a little bit of sweat; with a pussy, you get to really enjoy the taste of it right from the start! But again, I do kinda miss getting a nice, big mouthful of cum bursting into my mouth at the end, telling me I did a good job, and that thick, hot, slimy feeling of swallowing it all down. Watching you cum was still awesome, don't get me wrong! Especially getting to do it more than once in a row without having to wait for you to recover first, like you have to with a dick! I don't know... like I said, it's just different. Not better or worse, really. Just different.”
“Well, I'm glad you at least didn't think it was gross, baby,” Evie chuckled. “And don't you worry yourself too much about not being very good at it yet. Neither was I, my first couple of times. But I'm sure Master will be making sure to give us both plenty of chances to practice on each other.”
“Hmmm...” I said, thinking about what I'd just heard. “You know what... I think I'd like to experiment with hearing you call me 'Daddy', the way Dani does. Try it out a little. Maybe keep 'Master' for when you're being your very most submissive and playing at being my obedient little 'Slut', and try 'Daddy' when it's the three of us being more lovey-dovey and cuddly together.”
“Ummm... okay, Daddy,” Evie said, smiling shyly and making Dani giggle with approval.
“Yeah, I definitely like the sound of that,” I said, reaching across to stroke her hair.
“Is it okay if I ask her now, Daddy?” Dani asked then.
“Ask me what, sweetie?” Evie replied, obviously confused, but Dani was almost vibrating with excitement so I knew there was only one thing she could have meant.
“Go ahead, sweetie,” I chucked, kissing the back of her neck. “Ask away.”
“So...” she began. “Daddy said that now that I'm living back at home again, I need to pick one of three choices. I can either go back to school, I can get a job... or my preferred option, he can knock me up, and I can stay home looking after the kids! But he said we had to talk to you about it first, before I was allowed to start trying.”
“Seriously?” Evie gasped. “No way! There's no way I'm old enough to be a grandma yet!”
“That's hardly my fault!” Dani giggled. “By the time I'm actually giving birth I'll already be older than you were when you had me! Even if Daddy knocks me up today!”
“I don't know, sweetie,” Evie bit her lip, thinking about it. “Having a screaming, crying baby around the house, changing diapers, midnight feedings...”
“Please, Mom?” Dani begged. “You know how much I've always wanted to have babies of my own! You could even have one too, if you wanted, and we could raise them together! You're not too old, still!”
“Oh, that is so not happening!” she denied, vigorously shaking her head.
“Are you sure, babe?” I asked, reaching down to stroke her hip. “I wouldn't exactly be opposed, you know.”
“What?” she gasped, obviously surprised. “You never said anything about wanting a baby of your own with me! If you did, why didn't you say something when we first got together, when I was still young?”
“First of all, you're hardly some decrepit old crone, babe! You're still every bit as hot and sexy as the day we met! But to answer your question, we had Dani to take care of back then,” I shrugged. “And believe me... I know exactly what it's like when your mom remarries and starts having more kids with her new husband. They try not to make you feel excluded, but you still end up feeling like a second class citizen inside your own home. I never, ever would have wanted to risk Dani feeling that way! But now that she's sharing our bed, and old enough to start having kids of her own... that changes things.”
“You're really serious about this?” she asked, still not quite able to believe it. “About having a baby with me? With both of us? This isn't the kind of thing you can take back later, you know, if you decide you've changed your mind!”
“I'll admit, I did always feel like I'd been just a little ripped off, that I never got to experience how sexy you were when you were pregnant!” I grinned, making her scoff and roll her eyes.
“Yeah... swollen everything, sore everything, hormones constantly out of whack and making me bounce back and forth between unreasonably bitchy and balling my eyes out... Totally sexy, for sure.”
“You were, actually,” I said. “I've at least seen the pictures. And yes... I am absolutely serious. You know we can more than afford it, with the way the business has taken off. And this house has always had way more room than we needed for just the three of us anyways, even moreso with Dani sleeping with us from now on. I hardly even use my office anymore, so we could convert that to a bedroom easily enough. Same with the computer room, since we only really use our laptops or our phones now. To say nothing of all that room down in the basement that we've never really done anything with. We could field our own basketball team, if we wanted, before we had to start worrying about running out of room for them all.”
“You've actually been putting some thought into this,” Evie said, and I could tell she was starting to consider it as well.
“Dani was just so, so excited about the idea... it was infectious,” I shrugged and smiled. “Just think about all the fun we had, raising her! Wouldn't you like to do that again? I mean... you missed having her around so much, we started inviting over random chippies we found on the internet, for crying out loud!”
“That wasn't about that!” she objected.
“Wasn't it?” I countered. “At least on some level? Face it, babe—you're a natural mother. It's just what you were meant to be, and you are amazing at it! So, yes; I want to have more kids. With Dani for sure, since she already wants to. And with you, too, as long as you're willing.”
“You know I'd do anything for you...” she said, biting her lip. “but I still really wish you'd brought this up when I was younger! You know what we call it at the hospital when a woman is pregnant past the age of thirty-five? A geriatric pregnancy. We're actually supposed to call it 'advanced maternal age' now, since supposedly that's more sensitive, but either way, it isn't exactly ideal.”
“All the more reason for you to get started trying right away, right Mom?” Dani asked with a giggle, making Evie roll her eyes again.
“You know how much I love you, babe,” I told her, cupping and stroking her cheek. “That's never, ever going to change. I want to have a baby with you. But regardless of whatever games we play about having to obey me and do what I say, I hope you know that on this one, it's up to you. I'll respect your decision, whichever way you choose.”
Evie sighed, closing her eyes and biting her lip again. I knew that expression, and so did Dani; it meant she was thinking up a storm, sealing herself off from distractions while she figured out how she felt about something. It took her a good long while, but when she finally opened her eyes again it was with a small, shy little smile.
“I guess I really am going to have to get used to calling you 'Daddy', aren't I?” she asked. “Put your baby in me, Daddy! I want you to!”
“Yay!” Dani squealed excitedly, throwing her arms around her and attacking her with a kiss. “And how about me, Mom? Can I start trying, too?”
“You, missy, have to wait a bit!” Evie laughed through the kisses, resolutely shaking her head.
“Awww... come on Mom, please?” Dani begged, but Evie was having none of it.
“No way! Daddy and I have been living together for years already, so if I start trying to get pregnant now it's just an extension of the relationship we already have. You, on the other hand, have just had your entire world turned upside down in the space of not even twenty-four hours! It's not going to kill you to wait a couple of months to let everything settle down before you start trying too.”
“A couple meaning two, right?” Dani asked hopefully. “A couple means two.”
“I was thinking more like six,” Evie countered.
“Six?” she gasped. “Come on, Mom! I was thinking, like, one, maybe! Six is forever!”
“Six months is hardly forever,” Evie denied. “You expect to be pregnant for nine, and then raising them for another eighteen years, minimum. A six month waiting period to settle in to this new relationship of ours first is perfectly reasonable.”
“Well... how about one month, and then you re-evaluate and see just how well I'm 'settling in', as you say? We'll go month by month, and if you honestly think I still need to wait, then I will. But if you agree that I'm adjusting just fine, and I'm ready, then you have to admit it, and let me and Daddy start trying, too!”
“I don't know...” Evie said, but I could tell Dani was wearing her down.
“And how about in exchange, I'll promise I won't start accidentally 'forgetting' to take my pills, while I wait for the month to be up!” Dani teased.
“Ugh! This is so unfair,” Evie grumped, but she was smiling as she said it. “I started letting you negotiate for yourself when you were little, so you'd grow up independent and able to speak up for yourself. It's no fair using it against me now!”
“I'll take that as an agreement!” Dani giggled, kissing her again. “You'll see, Mom! You're going to say yes on month one! I'm going to prove how ready I am, so you won't have a choice! I bet I'll be getting pregnant even before you do!”
“No bet, baby!” Evie smirked. “You're eighteen, and you have no idea just how fertile you are at that age! Once I let you off your pills, you could be getting pregnant from Daddy just sneezing at you the wrong way!”
“Ha-choo!” I fake-sneezed, making them both laugh.
“Speaking of fertile...” Dani said. “Most of the month's worth of birth control are just sugar pills anyways, right Mom? You just have to take them anyways to make sure you keep on schedule for the ones that actually matter, that's what I remember you telling me. So if you stop taking yours as of today, then depending on where you are in your cycle there's nothing to stop Daddy knocking you up right away, right? Assuming he starts cumming in you, that is, instead of only in me.”
“You know sweetie, if that's your roundabout way of saying you want me to go down on you while Daddy fucks me, you could just say that outright!” Evie said, blushing brightly. She was playing it off as a joke, but I knew her well enough to detect both nervousness and excitement at the idea that I might actually be able to get her pregnant right away. Excitement was definitely paramount though, confirming the decision she'd made, so I didn't feel the last bit guilty about what I was about to do.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” I agreed. “Though it is going to take me just a little while to finish recovering, still. So how about the two of you get down on your knees at the side of the bed, and babe, you can teach your daughter how to share sucking my cock!”
“Yes, Daddy,” they said in adorable stereo, making themselves laugh. They obediently climbed down out of the bed, and I stood to join them, running my fingers into their soft, thick hair at the back of their heads as they snuggled in close and got to work. I knew how much Evie loved playing with and sucking on my cock when I wasn't yet able to get hard again, and it was apparent that Dani was quickly discovering an appreciation of the same. There wasn't a lot of her cum left for them to play with, most of it had rubbed off onto Dani's cute little ass while we'd been cuddling in bed after, but they were still able to find a few undisturbed patches of it for them both to enjoy. They took turns trading me back and forth, playfully competing to see who could stuff the most of my thick but flacid cock into their mouths. Evie definitely had the edge, from repeated practice, but Dani came closer than I'd expected her to, and often had to back off due to an outbreak of the giggles rather than because she was actually starting to choke. None of the three of us was in any sort of hurry, quite happy to just stay there and play. But my cock, of course, had other ideas, becoming rather insistent as it grew in their mouths. Part of me really, really wanted to give Dani the chance to finish off that blowjob she'd been talking about wanting to give me, busting into that pretty, sexy little mouth of hers and giving her the taste she craved! But I'd already been with her twice already, and she'd been right to point out that I could hardly hope to get Evie pregnant without taking turns cumming in her, as well.
“Up on the bed on your back, babe,” I told Evie, pulling her to her feet and giving her a firm slap on her ass to get her moving. “Dani... I want you riding Mommy's pretty little face while I fuck her!”
“Yes, Daddy!” Dani breathed, eyes wide with arousal as I did the same to her. Evie was too nervous, or excited, or both to reply, but she obediently moved herself into place, Dani eagerly climbing up on top of her. I got between her thighs and started rubbing myself up and down her lips, waiting until Evie had gotten fully involved eating her daughter's creamy little pussy before I split her open around my cock, pushing all the way in with one slow, smooth stroke. She absolutely loved it when I took her like that, and with everything we'd already done together she was more than wet enough to make it possible. I noticed then that Dani didn't seem to know quite what to do with her hands, holding onto her own skinny little hips as she rocked slowly back and forth on her mother's face. I fixed that problem easily, taking her hands in mine and placing them firmly onto her mother's big, soft tits, guiding her into squeezing and playing, before I placed my own hands on the backs of Evie's toned, slender thighs, pinning her legs back as I began fucking her harder. Dani bit her lip as she stared hungrily into my eyes, leaning slowly forward, and I couldn't deny her. It was a little tricky to get the positioning just right, but we soon started passionately making out with each other, sharing her mother's body for our pleasure. It wasn't long before mother and daughter were cumming all over the place, like they were playing a game of orgasmic hot potato. I just held on tight and went along for the ride, until I could resist Evie's tight, grasping little pussy not one second more, and came deeply inside. When I finally regained enough control to withdraw Dani was there in moments, kissing and licking me clean of her mother's cum. Evie got the tongue treatment too, but only for what had leaked out onto her lips; anything inside was staying inside, as far as Dani was concerned, as she finally tore herself away from her mother's mouth and the two of us collapsed beside her on the bed.
“Do you think my boobs are going to get as big as yours are, Mom?” she asked, nuzzling softly against the side of her mother's breast. “After I finally do get pregnant, and then start to breast feed, I mean?”
“Ummm... I doubt it, sweetie,” Evie replied, not wanting to dash her daughter's hopes, but wanting to be honest. “I was already a full C-cup, before I got pregnant, maybe even a little bit more. I'm sure you'll grow a little bit, but probably not this much.”
“I hope you don't, honestly,” I smiled reassuringly. “They say variety is the spice of life—as much as I love playing with your mom's big, soft titties, I love your tiny little firm ones every bit as much!”
“He really means that, too, sweetie. He isn't just saying it to make you feel better,” Evie smiled warmly. “Out of all the girls we played with while you were away, not one of them was any bigger than a smallish C. Daddy loves playing with firm little titties like yours!”
“Well... there was that one girl,” I admitted, in the interests of complete disclosure. “But that was only because she'd just gotten implants, and hadn't gotten around to changing her profile picture yet. It was quite a surprise when she showed up at the door, let me tell you! I didn't even recognize her at first, with her hair done differently and those balloons popping out of her shirt! But we didn't want to be rude, of course; we were the first couple she offered to let take them out for a spin, after she'd finished healing enough.”
“I'm glad you like them, Daddy,” Dani said, smiling shyly around the curve of her mother's tit. “I like the way you play with them, too!”
“Well, you'd better get used to it,” I grinned, sliding my hand up from her hip to give her a squeeze. “Because I'm not going to be stopping anytime soon!”
We cuddled and played for quite a while, but it was getting to the point where I needed a longer recharge anyways, so we eventually decided to put on some clothes and go help Dani collect her things from her car, sorting out what was to go to her room, what we would make room for in ours, and what was going into storage downstairs. I was more than ready to go again after that, due in no small part to staring at their cute little asses as the two of them were bent over boxes together figuring out what went where. Unfortunately, we'd all also managed to work up quite an appetite in the process, and Dani especially was feeling the pangs, having skipped lunch during her drive home and not having mentioned it until then. We made and ate supper together, kissing and fondling throughout, then it was finally time for me to be able to give Dani the dessert she had been craving, she and Evie happily making out afterwards, passing my thick, creamy gift back and forth between them before they each swallowed their share. We spent the entire rest of the evening not more than two feet apart, and Evie, at Dani's insistence since her mother was currently the only one with a chance of getting pregnant from it, took my last two loads. The first, again at Dani's insistence, she earned by riding me, with Dani cuddled tightly up against my side, eyes wide and licking her lips as she masturbated herself to the sight of her mother's huge, bouncing tits, and my big, thick cock repeatedly disappearing up her tiny little snatch. Then it was my turn, and after so long watching them bent over boxes together there was only one thing that would do; I placed them tightly side by side in doggy style, going back and forth between their tight, wet little pussies every thirty seconds or so, while they cuddled together and made out, until Evie got my cum.
We were all so worn out by that point, we could barely stumble our way into our bathroom to brush our teeth and share a much-needed shower together. Then it was back to bed, me taking the middle as the girls cuddled tightly to my sides, heads on my chests and legs draped negligently over mine, their hot little pussies pressed against my hips as they shared a soft, loving grip on my cock.
“Love you girls!” I told them, kissing them softly in their hair.
“Love you, Daddy!” They echoed, giggling softly as they returned my kisses to my chest.
I settled back to sleep, the events of the day rushing endlessly through my mind. I could hardly believe that any part of it had really just happened... but with my two perfect, beautiful girls snuggled tightly against my sides, if this was only some sort of wild, incredible dream, then I never wanted to wake up!