My daughter's best friend snuck back out of her room during their sleepover, setting in motion a series of events I never could have predicted, and which I never knew just how much I needed.
I was in a hell of a mood after a long day at work, at the end of an ever longer week. My firm was overseeing a huge merger, and though the billables were fantastic I was starting to doubt whether it was worth getting home so late every night. The workload would be getting back to normal soon, I hoped, but I had to survive at least two more weeks of shit before it would. All I wanted was to grill up a pair of steaks for a late supper with my daughter, then crash in front of the tv until it was time for bed. The last thing I wanted to deal with was high-pitched squealing voices all night, but that was what greeted me as I walked in the door. I took a moment to take a deep breath, trying to relax, biting down the impulse to walk upstairs to Melanie's room and demand she tell whichever of the friends she'd invited over to go home.
Mellie was finally starting to do okay again. It would be two years next month since her mom lost her four-year battle with cancer, and neither of us had been in very good shape for a long time. But we were getting through it, and Mellie had regained enough of her ability to concentrate that she'd finished near the top of her class last year. She was already looking at colleges, planning where she might want to go. I was really hoping she'd choose Northwestern, so she could still live at home, but I knew better than to try to pressure her in that direction and risk driving her off to some God-forsaken party school in Florida. She was spending more time with friends again, too, something she'd mostly pulled away from doing while her mom was sick, and which she had flat-out refused to do for the better part of three months in the immediate aftermath of the funeral. It took me a few more deep breaths to get there, but I managed to cram a smile onto my face by the time she came downstairs to welcome me home.
“Hey, Dad,” she said, favoring me with a brief smile before bouncing over to the fridge and opening the door. “Is it okay if Vicki stays over, tonight?”
“Of course. Hi, Vicki,” I said, smiling over at the second girl, standing shyly at the entrance to the kitchen. “I was planning to grill up some steaks, tonight. Think you girls could take care of making something to go with them? Potatoes, green beans, something like that? Whatever you feel like.”
“Hey, Mr. S.,” Vicki smiled back. “I'm sure we can figure something out,” I was glad to see it was her; Vicki was Mellie's best friend, and out of their group she was by far the least squealy and annoying. And unlike most of the others, she was smart and mature enough you could actually have a proper conversation with the girl. She reminded me quite a bit of Mellie herself, in fact, except Vicki was blonde and my daughter was dark like me and her mom. They were both skinny and small, maybe five-three at most, with long, straight hair down to the middle of their backs, and cute as a pair of newborn kittens.
“Sounds good,” I smiled, stepping over to join Mellie at the fridge, giving her a squeeze on her hip and a kiss in her hair. She smiled wider, blindly handing me the steaks I'd had marinating while continuing to peer around the fridge. I bit my tongue to stop from giving her advice, trusting the pair of them to come up with something edible, and headed for the patio doors.
October in Chicago isn't exactly balmy, but it wasn't yet so cold that I needed a jacket. I fired up the grill, and was intent enough on what I was doing that it took me completely by surprise a little later when Vicki was suddenly standing beside me.
“Rough day at work, Mr. S.?” she asked.
“Long,” I specified, wondering what had brought her outside with me, rather than staying in the kitchen with Mellie. “We're really busy right now. How was school today?”
“Oh, not too bad,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around herself and shivering. “More boring than really difficult. Too much emphasis on memorizing, and not enough on understanding. In the unlikely event I ever actually need to know who the president was in 1860, I can just look it up! I wish they'd spend more time discussing the reasons and meanings of things, rather than just having us memorize facts about them.”
“The more things change, the more they stay the same,” I chuckled. “I seem to remember making the exact same complaint, when I was your age.”
“You were probably using the same current-events textbooks we are, too,” she grinned, and I laughed.
“I wouldn't bet against it,” I agreed. “There are jackets in the hall closet, if you want.” I told her.
“I'm okay. But thanks,” she said. She was doing her best to minimize it, but I could still see her shivering a little.
“Well, at least come over closer to the grill, then. It's warmer over here,” I suggested, and to that she agreed, coming in close enough to rub her upper arm against mine. I didn't even think about it until it was done; I just wrapped my arm around her, rubbing her back to warm her up the same way I would have done for Mellie. It wasn't until I was already doing it that I realized how the gesture could be misinterpreted, but thankfully she just cuddled closer for the heat.
“Tell me it's going to get better, once I'm in college?” she asked.
“Much,” I confirmed. “At least, it does if you pick a real major. I make no promises if you pick something like gender studies, but anything actually based in reality, yeah, it gets a lot better than high school. You given any thought to what you want to do, yet?”
“Umm... sort of?” she said, shyly dropping her eyes.
“What is it, sweetie?” I asked.
“You'll think it's weird,” she said, shaking her head. “I told my parents, and they tried to change my mind, they don't want me to do it. They didn't say it outright, but I could tell... they think it's creepy.”
“Creepy?” I repeated, surprised. I didn't know Vicki's parents very well, but it surprised me that they wouldn't support whatever it was their daughter wanted to do. “Why don't you just tell me. I promise I won't think it's weird, or creepy, or whatever.”
“Well... I want to be a pathologist,” she said, looking up at me. “You know, doing autopsies and stuff? Figuring out why people died,” she started speaking quickly, and I could tell from the look in her eyes that she needed to justify herself, that she was desperate for some sort of approval. “Science has always been my favourite subject, and medicine is really interesting, more than just working in a lab somewhere. And it didn't gross me out, or anything, when we've done dissections in Biology! I thought about being a doctor, a surgeon maybe... but I'm just not sure about the idea of working on actual living people. And I've always really liked puzzles! I think I'd do much better with dead people, being able to take my time and figure out what happened to them, without worrying about killing them myself if I'm not fast enough to figure out what's wrong,” she started chewing her lip, waiting for my response. I made myself wait, thinking it out, not wanting to give her just a gut reaction.
“I think that's a wonderful idea,” I said, nodding seriously.
“You do?” she gasped, her face brightening like I'd just turned on a light.
“You've clearly thought it out, considered both your strengths and your possible weaknesses, and found a career that fits them, and that interests you,” I smiled. “The only advice I'd give is to keep your options as open as possible while you're working towards your goal. You might find out after you finish your bachelor's that lab work actually does appeal to you after all, and you want to get a masters and Ph.D.. Or once you get to med school, and actually start seeing patients as part of your training, you might find that working with live ones isn't as worrisome as you think it will be right now. But as long as you keep your mind and your options open, and you don't nail down any decisions until you have enough experience to be sure you're making the right ones for yourself, I think that's a terrific plan. And if your current plan stays exactly the same the whole way through, it still isn't weird or creepy. Not at all! It's an important job, one not a lot of people can do. But I'm sure that if you work and study hard, you'll be wonderful at it.”
Suddenly her arms were wrapped around me, squeezing me tight, her face buried against my chest.
“Thank you!” she murmured, and I couldn't help but wrap my other arm around her as well, giving her a squeeze, leaning down to give her a chaste kiss in her hair. I meant nothing by it, honestly... it was like a reflex, after the thousands of times I'd performed the exact same action whenever Mellie gave me a hug like that.
“I didn't do anything, sweetie,” I told her. “It's your plan, and it's a good one.” She tightened her grip on me even more, then slowly backed away and resumed her position at my side with my arm around her back, now with hers around mine as well. She moved back just in time; she may have been far too young for me, and my daughter's best friend to boot, but my body sure didn't know that! Having her pressing up against me like that, with her small, firm breasts squashed firmly against my chest, had triggered a reaction I had no way to control. Thankfully, she didn't seem to have noticed the effect she'd had on me.
“So... Mellie decided she didn't need your help in the kitchen?” I asked, seeking to divert the conversation to safer areas.
“I think she decided my help was counterproductive, actually,” she giggled sweetly. “It was taking her longer to explain what she wanted me to do than to just do it herself. So she sent me out to see if you needed any help, instead. Do you? Need any help, I mean?”
“Not really. But you're welcome to stay out here anyways, if you like.” We laughed and talked, mostly with me prompting her to tell me more about how school was going, and her probing for memories of my own college days, wondering about what it was really like and what she should expect. The conversation continued when we rejoined Mellie inside, just finishing up with the seasoned green beans and caesar salad she'd prepared. It was an excellent meal, any of my residual disappointment about Mellie having a friend over having been long since dispelled. Vicki surprised me yet again as we were filling the dishwasher, asking if maybe we all wanted to watch a movie together before bed.
“I'd be good with that,” I said. “You're the guest, Vicki, so why don't you go ahead and pick something?”
She agreed, taking Mellie by her hand to go and help her pick. I puttered around the kitchen a little longer, until they called from the den that they were ready to start. I found them on either side of the couch in front of the tv, the middle cushion conspicuously left open for me. I thought that was a little odd, having expected that they'd want to sit together, but I didn't think too much of it. It made more sense when I realized they'd picked a horror. I'm not a big fan of the genre, but when the girls each started crowding in on me from the sides, clutching at my knees during the scary parts, I understood the reason for the seating arrangements. I leaned back and wrapped my arms around them, prompting them to cuddle in tighter, grateful for the extra sense of security my embrace was providing.
I got hugs from them both after the movie was over, the one from Mellie that I expected and the one from Vicki that I didn't. It didn't last as long as the one she'd given me out by the grill, but I still had to readjust myself in my slacks after the two of them had safely retired back to Mellie's room. I collapsed back onto the couch in front of the news, but my mind was elsewhere. Maybe it was time to start considering dating again, I thought. Masturbation could take care of the physical needs, more or less, but if my body was starting to betray me over my daughter's teenage friends, maybe that was my subconscious' way of telling me I needed more. I sighed, not looking forward to the prospect. Sex was one thing, I could definitely get behind my body wanting actual sex again, rather than relying on my hand the way I had been. It was the idea of dating that I didn't much care for.
It had taken me ages to find my Gwennie, when we'd been in our early twenties together. Girls like her, girls who are willing to give me what I need... they'd been hard to find, even back then. And I already knew from speaking with my divorced friends that the pickings out there were slim at best. Women are just worse at dealing with their emotional baggage than guys are, I think. When you date a woman my age, you aren't just dating her. You're dating the husband who cheated on her and left her for his hot young secretary. You're dating the father who never had time for her. You're dating every shitty boyfriend she's ever had. Basically, all that baggage means you're screwed before you even start.
None of that is to say that men don't have baggage, we most certainly do! I lost my soulmate, the mother of my only daughter, to cancer; believe me, that left me with some baggage! But I'd been dealing with it, slowly working past it, for almost two years. And I'd had the good sense not to be trying to date anybody while I was doing it, the way women seem to do!
I was still chewing over the idea an hour or so later, when I heard soft footsteps approaching the couch.
“Scary movie keeping you awake?” I asked quietly as Vicki came closer, trying like hell to keep my eyes fixed on hers where they belonged. She was wearing a loose white t-shirt to sleep in, her small, erect nipples poking obviously against the thin fabric, the hem not quite long enough to hide glimpses of the powder-blue cotton panties she was wearing underneath.
“Not exactly,” she whispered back, silently stepping closer, folding her leg under her as she sat down beside me, facing me. I looked at her quizzically, and suddenly it was her who couldn't maintain eye contact. “I had to wait for Mellie to fall asleep, so I could sneak back out without her knowing. I wanted to ask you something.”
“You did?” I asked stupidly.
“Yeah,” she took a deep breath, biting her lip as she fought to slowly bring her gaze back up to mine. “I wanted to ask... if I could sleep with you, tonight?”
“Uh...” I said. Yep, that was me, the very soul of intellect and erudition. “You mean, because Mellie steals the covers, and you can't get to sleep in her bed?” I tried, knowing that was not what she meant.
“No,” she smiled impishly, shaking her head. “She is a cover-hog, but I'm used to that. I'm asking because I've had an enormous crush on you for ages, and I really, really want to have sex with you tonight!”
“Oh,” I choked out.
“'Oh'? Just 'oh'?” she giggled quietly, moving herself closer. Her bare knee was resting against my thigh. I could see more of her panties, the fabric of her shirt bunching up around her waist; there was a tiny, darker spot in the light blue fabric. It was taking an extraordinary amount of willpower to keep myself from reaching out to test the wetness there for myself.
“That would be a very, very bad idea,” I told her, trying to convince myself at least as much as I was her.
“Would it? Are you sure?” she asked, her fingers stroking my arm. “I think it sounds like a fantastic idea!”
I just slowly shook my head, not trusting myself to speak.
“Maybe we could start by just kissing for a little while,” she suggested. “That much would be okay, wouldn't it?” She didn't wait for my answer, leaning forward, her hand sliding up my arm to the back of my neck. I couldn't bring myself to push her away and she leaned slowly closer, finally making contact. Her lips were so soft, and sweet, the tip of her tongue teasing my mouth. Before I knew it she was in my lap, straddling me, my hands on her waist with me having no conscious memory of having placed them there.
We kissed for a long time, slowly, intently. She drove her tongue inside my mouth, exploring deeply as she ran her fingers through my hair, pressing herself against me. She pulled back slowly, coaxing me to return the favour, and I did. She closed her lips, sucking on my tongue. My hands were on her ass, not her waist, and again I wasn't sure quite how that had happened. She was so firm under that soft blue cotton, so tiny. I know some guys love big, juicy asses... but not me. When I was young, that was something that only black and latino guys looked for in their women, but I know it's become a thing for a lot of white guys too, in the intervening years. But I've just never understood the appeal, never joined the trend. For me, there's nothing better than a tiny little ass, one that fits so easily into my hands, just like Gwennie's had. Vicki's was like that, too; tiny, round, firm... perfect in every way! I just couldn't get enough, loving the way it was making her moan as I squeezed her tender young flesh nice and tight in my hands.
“I want this!” she gasped, minutes or hours later, I was so disoriented by her kisses and the feeling of her body rubbing against mine that I had no idea how much time had passed. “You're not pressuring me into this, you're not taking advantage of me. I want this! So I'm younger than you... so what? I'm old enough to know what I want, old enough to understand what it means, old enough to be responsible for my choices! This is what what I'm choosing. I choose you! I want you!” she moaned, her entire, tiny little body shuddering in my arms. “Tell me you want me too!”
“Yes!” I gasped into her mouth, our kissing becoming suddenly frantic, so much that I could no longer even speak. I couldn't tell her how sexy she was, how amazing she felt in my lap, how it felt like she had been made for me, how she fit perfectly against me as I held her tight. I couldn't tell her any of those things, not without stopping kissing her, and so I showed her, instead. I stood, lifting her easily, like she weighed nothing, holding her by my grip on her ass and her legs and arms wrapped around me, as I carried her up the stairs to my bedroom.
I nudged the door closed behind me with my foot, as quietly as I could to avoid waking Mellie down the hall. I didn't want to put Vicki down, but she was struggling to undo the buttons on my shirt, I was squeezing her too tightly against my chest. I set her on her knees on my bed as a compromise. I took over on the shirt, she moved to my belt and slacks; I liked it was better that way anyways. I hurried, tossing my shirt at my hamper, staring into her eyes as she worked. I knew what was coming, and didn't want to miss a moment of it.
“Oh God!” she gasped, my cock springing upward as she pulled down my pants and boxers at once. She looked up into my eyes in wonder, excitement, and not a little fear. I smiled down at her encouragingly, stroking my fingers through her fine blonde hair, guiding her up into another kiss. She let me, but broke away quickly, staring downward at what she had found, tentatively reaching out to take it into her hands.
“How big is it?” she whispered almost reverently as she experimented, feeling the weight of it. Her fingers couldn't reach her thumb when she wrapped it in her tiny little hands. “Have you ever measured?”
“Nine and a half inches,” I told her with a smile. “According to Gwen, at least. She reacted just the same way, the first time she saw it. I half wanted to kill her, when she made us stop while she went searching for a ruler... though of course, she more than made it up to me once she'd finished measuring.”
“God...” she sighed, smiling happily and shaking her head, reaching down to help me the rest of the way out of my pants. I toed off my socks as well, leaving myself completely naked in front of her. She looked up at me again, suddenly serious. “You have to be gentle with me, okay? I'm not a virgin... but I pretty much am, compared to you! I've only had sex with one boy, one time... and he was nowhere near as big as you are!”
“Just the once?” I asked, a little concerned. “Didn't like it much?” Not that I'd expected more partners, at her age, but I was surprised that she'd only had sex the one time. If my experience at her age had been any sort of a guide, teenagers were like bunnies; after the first time, they wanted it as often as they could get it.
“What was to like?” she scrunched up her nose in disgust, which just made her look cuter, then she giggled. “He lasted all of about thirty seconds, and he wouldn't even get me off with his fingers after. The prick! I mean, I could kind of understand, if we hadn't used a condom, but as if that was ever going to happen! And he'd fingered me before, without any complaints! He just didn't feel like it anymore, because he'd already gotten his. So I dumped his stupid ass, and chased him out of my house buck-ass naked, hitting him with my shoe! Then I went back in for his clothes, threw them down at him from out my window, and made him get dressed out on the lawn!”
“Good girl!” I laughed, and she beamed up at me, giggling and with cheeks flushing pink as she dropped her eyes again, embarrassed. I lifted her chin, kissing her slow and deep, then looked her deeply into her pretty blue eyes. “Let's make sure you enjoy yourself more this time, shall we?”
“Yes, please!” she giggled again, renewing the kiss. I slipped her shirt off, slowly and blindly, only then leaning back to look at her.
“Fuck me!” I gasped, taking her in. She was so skinny, even more than I'd expected, but not in a way that made her look unhealthy. I could see her ribs, sure, but they looked natural on her, and her perfect little B-cup breasts suited her perfectly! I've never been one to fixate on the size of a girl's breasts; it's always been quality over quantity, for me, and I could tell just by looking that Vicki's were amazingly firm and full and round. Her areolas were of a scale with her breasts, about the size of a quarter at most, and a very pale pink to match her pale Nordic skin and hair. Her nipples themselves were puffed up like gorgeous little pencil erasers, blushed to a much deeper and incredibly tempting pink by her arousal, and had me literally salivating at the idea of sucking them into my mouth!
“That is the general idea...” she teased. I laughed, remembering just in time to stay quiet so we wouldn't wake Mellie, and pulled her into another kiss. Then I ducked my head further, no longer willing to deny myself the feeling of those firm little nipples on my tongue. But she was so much shorter than me it still wasn't really working, even with her on her knees on the bed. I gave up and just lifted her up into the air again by her ass, bringing those pretty little titties up to my mouth. She squealed quietly in surprise, then moaned with pleasure as I started to suck, wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist, pulling me even tighter into her. Her nipples were so tiny and erect, begging to be bitten, and I definitely indulged; I was tentative, at first, not sure how she'd respond, but I think she enjoyed the feeling of my teeth biting into her flesh even more than she did the sucking. I was in heaven... but I needed even more. I moved my hands from her ass to her waist, lifting her away from me and throwing her backwards onto the bed without warning. She let out another surprised little squeal as she bounced; funny how that sound didn't seem to annoy me any more, coming from her. I crawled menacingly up after her, loving the way she started to tremble with mixed fear and desire as she stared into my eyes, lifting and welcomingly spreading her knees for me. I wasn't one to pass up an invitation like that! I bent down, gently running my hands up and down the backs of her thighs, leaning in for a soft kiss right next to the line of her panties, at the junction of where her leg met her core. She cooed appreciatively just at that, but that little dark spot in her panties was much more pronounced now, after all the attention I'd been paying her tits, and I couldn't resist moving over for a nibble. I couldn't taste much, not through her panties like that; I wanted more! I slipped my fingers under the band, yanking them to her knees, getting another cute little squeal at the roughness of the motion.
“What? Is it okay?” she said nervously, and it was only then that I realized I'd been kneeling there, staring.
“Sorry, sweetie, I didn't mean to make you feel self-conscious.” I smiled up at her, shaking my head and looking down at her again. “I just got a little lost in the enjoyment of the moment, is all. You are a sight to behold, let me tell you!”
“Really?” she asked, as timid as I'd ever heard her.
“Oh, yeah!” I said with as much feeling as I could put into the words, looking up at her again so she could look right into my eyes as I said it. “It is gorgeous, sweetie, just like the rest of you!” I wasn't exaggerating. Her outer lips were ever so slightly puffy, swollen a beautiful shade of pink against her pale skin, her tiny landing strip confirming her status as a natural blonde. Her inner lips, so small and trim that they were barely even there, looking so soft, wet and inviting that I could hardly even believe she was real. More than anything, my eyes were drawn to her clit, a tiny little nub, almost red it was so swollen with arousal, timidly poking out from its tiny pink hood.
“Well then finish taking those off, and get down here, already!” she smiled, extending her arms to me. “I need more kisses!”
“You don't have to ask me twice!” I laughed, hurriedly stripping her the rest of the way out of her panties and tossing them aside, then letting her pull me down towards her mouth. “But only for a little while! You're a terrific kisser, but you know I'm not going to be able to resist kissing that pretty little pussy of yours for much longer!” She giggled again as our lips met, the hardness of my shaft coming to rest naturally against the welcoming warmth of her mound. She started to move beneath me, rubbing herself on me as we made out. It felt wonderful, but I needed more. I needed to taste her, needed to feel her cumming on my tongue. I needed to hear her screaming her pleasure, begging for me to take her completely!
I moved down slowly, kissing her neck, her breasts, sucking her tiny, sensitive little nipples fully into my mouth again, one then the other, flicking them with my tongue. She was already gasping for breath, fingers brushing through my hair, guiding my attentions. The small guidance, I accepted; one breast to the other, the lower slope of her cleavage more than the upper, that I was fine with. The big guidance, trying to push me lower before I was ready, I resisted stubbornly. I was getting there, but I wanted to properly enjoy all the little stops along the way first. That tiny, taut little belly was worth every second I could give it.
Eventually I arrived, not as quickly as Vicki would have preferred, but she was too inexperienced to know any better. By the time I started licking those delicate little folds, she was coated with delicious nectar for me to enjoy, nearly burning up with arousal, the heat of fast-coursing blood beneath her skin radiating up onto my cheeks as I devoured her. She tasted incredible, young and fresh and sweet, better than I could have even imagined.
“Into a pillow,” I warned her when I could tell she was getting close. “We don't want Mellie to hear.” It hadn't taken her long, which I loved. If she sped along like that every time I ate her out, it meant I'd be able to make her cum twice, maybe even three times, before my tongue got too tired to continue. But not that night. That night, she was getting one, to make sure she was lubricated and ready... and then she was taking my cock!
She scrambled for a pillow, holding it tight onto her face. I held on too, grabbing her ass, pulling her to my mouth, sucking desperately on her clit and rapidly flicked the tip of it with my tongue to push her over the edge. She screamed, loud and long, reflexively thrashing to try to get away from what I was doing to her. I'd never seen her cum before, obviously, but I was willing to bet from the look of her that she'd never had an orgasm half that intense. I grinned wickedly into her wet little pussy, backing off a little to ease her through the aftershocks. She'd liked that, definitely. But I knew the best was yet to come.
I climbed up her body, pushing the pillow away, bending into another kiss. Her eyes were closed, her tiny body heaving with exertion as she tried to recover her breath, but she found the energy to lick at my lips. I wondered if she was even fully conscious of what she was doing, cleaning me of her juices, or if in her exhausted state she only knew that she was enjoying the taste.
“Are you ready, gorgeous?” I asked her. Her eyes flashed open and she started shaking her head, still not quite able to speak.
“I know,” I chuckled, lovingly stroking her hair. “But there's a method to my madness. You're tiny, and I'm not. I'll be as gentle as I can, but this isn't going to be easy for you no matter when we do it. Doing it when you're fully lubricated from cumming, and you're flooded with endorphins to help with any pain, is the best I can do.”
She bit her lip for a moment, thinking and looking into my eyes. I knew the moment she made up her mind, before she even started to nod. I kissed her again, slowly, lovingly.
“I'll be right back,” I said. “The condoms are in the hallway bathroom, not mine, in case Mellie ever needs them.” I started to move away, but she stopped me with a hand on my wrist and a shy smile, shaking her head.
“You're on birth control?” I asked, and she nodded, her breath still too uncertain for speech after the intensity of the orgasm I'd just given her. “And you're sure?” She nodded again, emphatically. That was good enough for me. She'd already told me that she'd only ever been with one boy, and that she'd made him wear a condom, so I wasn't worried about STDs; that, and checking she was on birth control, were all I needed to know. No way in hell was I going to pass up the opportunity to cum inside of that gorgeous little near-virgin pussy, giving her her first ever creampie, if she was going to let me!
I went slowly, rubbing myself up and down her lips, pushing gently, getting her used to the feeling of me pressing into her, but without actually penetrating her yet. She wasn't as tight as I'd worried she might be, based purely on the size of her. That was probably due to Douchebag McGee who she'd given her virginity to; from the sound of him, he was probably the type to be harder than he needed to be, stretching her hymen out more than just his questionable thickness would have required. I suppose that was both good and bad, in a way. Bad made me want to track him down and shove my foot up his ass, to show him what it felt like when somebody was unnecessarily rough. Good made me thankful that this experience was going to involve somewhat less pain for Vicki than it otherwise might have, though it was still immediately apparent that she'd never been with anybody my size before.
It took me half of forever to work my way fully inside without causing her more than the minimum necessary discomfort, but she was worth every second. She paid me back in spades, too; I guess the long buildup to full penetration had gotten her just as worked up as it had me. Her first orgasm arrived about a minute after I'd finally reached my maximum depth, and she squeaked and shook adorably as it happened, biting my shoulder rather than the pillow this time as she tried to stay quiet. She was amazingly tight just naturally, and even moreso when she was cumming, her pussy clenching rhythmically down on me like a vice as the tremors took her. Still I forced myself to go slow, taking long, gentle thrusts, but pressing fully into her at the end of each one. We were kissing throughout, more or less, which pretty much meant we were just brushing our lips together while panting into each other's mouths. I wanted it to last as long as I could, trying to think of anything other than how absolutely amazing she felt wrapped so tightly and wetly around my cock. She had three distinct orgasms, that much I know, those ones were easy to keep track of. But after that, I'm not so sure. She had more, but which ones were full orgasms and which were powerful aftershocks, and where one orgasm ended and another began, I doubt even she knew. About all I can say for sure is, she was literally begging for it by the time I was ready to join her!
“Please!” she gasped. “Pleeease!” The single word had become a mantra, and she was so far out of it by that point I'm not even sure she truly knew what she was saying anymore.
“Oh, God!” I growled, the only warning I was capable of in that moment. She bit me again, on my pec that time, hard enough to leave a mark and I could not have cared less. I barely even noticed, as I was pumping jet after jet of thick, hot cum deep inside that tiny little teenage pussy. It felt like I was pouring years of cum into her, everything that I'd accumulated since the last time I'd been with my Gwennie, filling her up until it would come dripping out her ears. I wasn't, of course... I masturbated regularly—that very same morning before getting up and into the shower, in fact. But it felt like I was, and I collapsed on top of her afterwards like she'd taken every ounce of energy I had to give. It was all I could do not to crush her, pulling her with me as I rolled over onto my back, clutching her to my chest with my cock still buried deeply inside of her.
We lay there, perfectly silent, for maybe half an hour, until I'd finally softened enough to slip out of her. It took that long before either of us was capable of speech.
“I should get back to Mellie's room,” she said. I didn't respond right away, fighting with myself about what I wanted to say, but I stopped her when she tried to move.
“Don't,” I whispered, fighting with myself as I said it... but the die was cast. She raised her head, looking deeply into my eyes, questioningly... and hopefully? God, please let me be interpreting that look correctly! “At least... not yet,” I said. “I need you to make a choice, first.”
“A choice?” she asked, cutely confused as she tilted her head at me.
“Yeah,” I said, raising my hand to run it through her hair. It was so soft, and fine. I'd never felt hair quite like hers before, like the slightest breeze would lift it up into the air around her face. “Tonight was amazing, sweetie. But... you need to decide if tonight was all it was. Because if it was, then you're right, you should sneak back to Mellie's room, and we should pretend like this never happened. And no matter how amazing it was, we should never do it again. But if not...” I took a deep breath. “If you want this to be more than just tonight, the way I do, then you should stay. Because if this is going to be more than a one-time thing, if we're going to try to find a way to make something work here, between you and me... than we can't keep it a secret from Mellie. From everyone else, maybe, at least for now. But not from her. And you need to know, ahead of time, what being with me is going to mean—everything it's going to mean! Because if this is what you decide you want, if you're going to keep coming over, and we're going to keep sleeping together... there is no way in hell that I'm going to be able to keep myself from kissing you, and holding you in my arms, and grabbing your ass, and tits, and every other part of you I can reach, whether Mellie's around to see it or not! If we're going to sit on the couch and watch tv, I'm going to pull you up into my lap, and stick my hand up your shirt, and my other hand into your panties, and I'm going to tease and play with you to within an inch of your life while we watch, before I pick you up and carry you off to bed with me! I'm going to forbid you from wearing anything more than a t-shirt and panties when I'm at home. I'm going to walk up behind you at any moment, whatever you're doing, and without saying a word I'm going to strip you out of those panties, I'm going to rub your pussy until you're wet, and I'm going to fuck you right then and there, even if Mellie's in the next room. And I'm not going to stop if she walks in on us, either! That's just who I am. That's what I need, from a relationship. I need you to be mine... the same way my Gwennie was mine. Has Mellie ever told you that? About the way my relationship with her mom worked?” I asked, and Vicki just shook her head, eyes wide with surprise. Astonishment, really; 'surprise' was a vastly insufficient descr*ption for what I could see staring back at me.
“Yeah, I suppose not. Understandable, really. She always used to get really embarrassed, any time she'd catch me feeling up her mom around the house. Which was pretty much all the time, by the way. We tried to be at least a little discrete, when it came to actual intercourse... I'd usually throw her over my shoulder and carry her off to our bedroom, first. But Mellie's older, now. She knows what sex is, and I'm not so worried about hiding it from her any more, the way Gwennie and I were when she was younger, and we didn't want her repeating everything she might have seen to her teachers at school. Now... I know this is all a lot to take in, and that it probably feels like it's coming out of nowhere, and maybe that it's too early to talk about a relationship, after only one time hooking up... And if you can't, or don't want, to accept a relationship on these sort of terms, I totally understand that, there aren't a lot of girls who would. But as much as you took me by surprise... tonight was amazing, sweetie! I think we may have a real shot at creating something here. And if you agree, if you want this to be more than just a one-time thing, and you're willing to have the sort of relationship I need... then I want you to stay here with me, tonight! I want to wake up with you in my arms tomorrow morning, and I want to fuck you absolutely senseless again, before we get up, share a shower together, and then go tell Mellie that you're mine, now... If that's what you decide that you want.” I smiled at her as warmly as I knew how, praying that she would say yes, but completely incapable of deciphering what I was seeing behind those beautiful blue eyes.
“You don't have to decide right this second...” I continued when a response wasn't immediately forthcoming. “I get it, if you need to think about it, or if you want to talk more about what saying yes will mean. But I need you to decide as soon as you can. Especially if you're going to say 'no'. If that's what you decide, then you need to sneak back into Mellie's room while we can still pretend like this never happened. If you think you might say 'yes', but want to take time to be sure... I can wait a little longer for your answer. I'm confident I can keep myself from jumping you in the living room—for a couple of days, at least—if you're still making up your mind.”
She giggled, the reaction I was hoping for, and eased her head down onto my chest. I waited, softly stroking her slender, naked back with my hands. I was under no illusions about what an enormous decision I was asking her to make, and on essentially zero notice, at that. It wasn't easy, but I tried to be as patient as I could. She didn't speak for over an hour, long enough that I'd have thought she'd just fallen asleep, if I couldn't see her eyes were still open, chewing on her lip as she thought it over.
“I have questions,” she said finally, pushing herself up onto her elbows and looking into my eyes again.
“Shoot,” I said, nodding encouragingly, trying with only moderate success to appear calm and collected. She'd thought about it, long and hard, which was already more than I'd dared to hope. And now she had questions, rather than saying 'no' outright.
“Essentially, you're proposing a pretty traditional dom-sub relationship, right? I mean, not that I have any direct experience... but I watch porn. And read porn, too, actually, even more than I watch. Some that calls itself 'romance', and some that's just straight up porn, that I find online,” she giggled shyly again at that admission. “Sounds pretty straightforward, what you described, but I need details before I make up my mind. So you need to be completely upfront with me, okay? Be honest, and don't hold anything back!” she demanded, and I nodded for her to continue; it was a serious topic, and I was relieved she was treating it that way. “Bondage?” she asked.
“Some,” I told her. “I'm not into the really heavy stuff; stress positions, things like that. I like bondage for the purpose of enhancing sex, or achieving positions you can't easily do without it. Occasionally for teasing, tying you down and playing with you while denying you an orgasm, things like that. But never indefinitely, maybe for an hour or two at the very most. And not for punishment... except for play punishment, of course; I'm a big fan of good-girl/naughty-girl play. Mostly, if I'm denying you it's so that when I do eventually decide to give you an orgasm, it'll be all the stronger from the buildup and wait.”
“I assume there would be some S&M, to go along with the bondage?” she asked next.
“Hardly any, really,” I replied with a shrug. “At least not for the really hard stuff. Anything I can do with my hands, yes. Spanking, pinching, nipple twisting, all of that, definitely yes! Biting, too, sometimes. Hard enough to leave bruises sometimes, not hard enough to break the skin or cause any actual injuries. But that's for me on you; I have no problem at all with you digging your nails into my back while we're having sex, or even drawing a little bit of blood with your teeth, if you want, as long as you're doing it somewhere safe, with no major arteries or veins. And obviously never on my cock or balls! Nibbling, yes... biting, no! But as for tools and implements, no. Oh! Except nipple clamps and butt plugs, if you count those. In general though, it doesn't do anything for me, using anything on you that isn't my hand. Maybe occasional hot wax play; Gwennie was really into that, but I could always take it or leave it, if it wasn't for how much she enjoyed it. I'd like to try it with you at some point, just to see how you feel about it, but I'm totally good either way.”
“And, uhh... how about choking?” she asked, and I could tell instantly she was hoping the answer would be yes.
“Never for real,” I shook my head. “Way, way too dangerous! But play choking, yes. A little bit of pressure, to make it feel a bit like choking, especially if it's part of any roleplay we're doing. Oh, and of course gagging and choking on my cock any time you want, since there's no actual danger from doing it that way. But never, ever any real choking, other than that,” I said.
“And... any specific fetishes I should know? Feet, leather, vinyl... umm... pissing? Stuff like that?” she asked, barely able to force the words out through her embarrassment at the very idea of that last one.
“Does having sex with an absolutely gorgeous but much, much younger little teenage girl count?” I teased. She giggled, shaking her head. “No then, no specific fetishes other than what I've already told you.”
“And... are you always going to make me cum as hard as you did tonight?” she grinned flirtatiously.
“No,” I smiled as I shook my head. I knew that response wasn't what she'd expected to hear, and her reaction proved it, making me chuckle. “Tonight was only our first time together, sweetie; we're going to have some experimenting to do, figuring out what we each like best. And some of those experiments are bound to work better than others, so sometimes you might not cum quite as much as you did tonight... and sometimes, you might even cum more! Although from watching you, I don't really know how!” she giggled shyly, and I gave her a squeeze in my arms. “But we'll figure it out. And just because I need to be the one in charge, doesn't mean I'm not open to advice, or requests! Especially if they will help you cum more, and better, while we learn what works best for each other!”
“Okay...” she said, nodding slowly, thinking it over. It looked to me like my answers had been more or less what she had expected, but again, I was having real trouble interpreting the look in her eyes. “Okay, I think I can be okay with all of that,” she said eventually. “There might be occasional, specific things that I say no to. Like, if a certain bondage position hurts too much for me to enjoy it, or whatever. I assume I can trust you to always respect a safeword, if I need to use it?”
“Of course,” I immediately agreed, the breath nearly catching in my throat, hardly able to believe this might actually be happening. “Gwennie's was 'pineapple', or green-yellow-red for more, just-right, stop, so that's what I'm used to. But of course we can use whatever system you feel comfortable with.”
“No need to change what isn't broken,” she agreed. “'Pineapple' works for me... but I think I have some conditions, too.”
“First... and I doubt this would be an issue, but I'm going to get it right out in the open first to make sure... I'm totally onboard with you just coming up behind me and doing me in the kitchen, or whatever... provided there's no jumping me like that while I'm on my period! I prefer tampons to pads, and I'm not going to have you jamming one right up into my uterus just because you wanted 'surprise' sex, and didn't give me time to take it out first!”
“You're right, that would not have been an issue,” I laughed, and so did she.
“Ok, good,” she grinned. “And on that same topic... no vaginal sex during my period without permission. I've never tried it before, so I don't know how gross it'll be, or how icky it'll make me feel doing it. I promise I will try it, at least once, if you want to. But I can't guarantee I'll be willing to do it more than that. And even if I am willing to do it sometimes, I can't say for sure that I'll be willing to do it every time. So as long as I'm not on my period, then yes, absolutely, you can do me any time you want to. If I am, you can still always ask, but if I say 'no' you have to promise to be okay with just a blowjob, instead.”
“Perfectly reasonable,” I assured her.
“Next... no spur-of-the-moment anal, not unless I'm the one who initiates it,” she giggled shyly. “I've never tried anal before either, obviously... but I want to! Your dick is, like, freakishly huge, though! It took forever for you to get into my pussy, and I can only imagine the effort it's going to take to get you into my ass! So... you need to give me some advance warning, any time you're going to want anal, so I can clean myself out properly first, and try to stretch to get ready. Okay? And you have to agree that we don't try it at all for at least a month from tonight. I need to get more used to taking you in my pussy, first, before I start thinking about taking you up my ass!”
“Again, perfectly reasonable, sweetie.”
“Oh, 'sweetie' reminds me!” she grinned bashfully. “This isn't a condition... but I can hardly keep calling you 'Mr. S.' for the rest of our lives. Here I am, laying naked on top of you with a pussy full of your cum, and I don't even know your first name!”
“Noah,” I chuckled, amused that we were already discussing her becoming my sub before we'd gotten around to proper introductions. At least I already knew Vicki was short for Victoria. “I will also accept Sir, Master, or Daddy.”
“Okay, Noah,” she said, trying it out, then wrinkled her nose, shaking her head. “Yes, Daddy!” she tried again, this time nodding happily.
“Yeah, I think I prefer that one, too,” I agreed, reaching down to give her a pinch on the ass.
“Hey, hold on there mister, I haven't officially said 'yes', yet!” she reminded me. I smiled, nodding, and moved my hand back to her waist. By that point I was pretty sure it was a done deal; I couldn't imagine any condition she would be likely to impose that would have me denying her! But she was right that she hadn't officially said 'yes' yet, and I had to respect that.
“Okay, next... I am happy to be your good little housewify, and your obedient little cum-slut, but I am not your bitch!” she said, seriously shaking her head. “There is to be no locking me in a kennel, feeding me out of a bowl on the floor, or making me sleep on the floor at the foot of your bed! You can call me your bitch, when we're having sex... I might even like that part of it! But you do not treat me like a dog!”
“You really have been finding some 'interesting' porn, haven't you?” I chuckled, thinking, as I watched her blushing a beautiful shade of pink. None of the specifics she'd mentioned were an issue for me... but there were a few things I liked that might be borderline to her objections, so I hoped there was some wiggle room. “How about collars and leashes?” I asked. It took her a moment to respond as she thought it over.
“Collars yes, as long as you buy me pretty ones,” she giggled. “Leashes... maybe. It depends how you use them. If you want to walk me all over the house on my hands and knees, probably not. If you want to walk me around normally, with me just doing cutsie puppy hands...” She sat fully upright to straddle my hips for a moment, demonstrating with her hands in front of her breasts, an adorable pout on her lips. “Then probably yes.” She eased back down onto my chest, keeping herself raised just enough so she could keep looking me in my eyes. “If you want to use it to make me crawl to you to give you a blowjob, or to choke me just a little while you're doing me... then definitely yes, for that part of it!”
“Play leashes by ear, then? Specifics to be determined by trial and error as we experiment and find out what you like?” I suggested, and she agreed.
“Next... no group sex without prior discussion and approval,” she said. “I might, and I repeat might, be willing to have threesomes, or even more-somes... I'm not sure, yet. The idea turns me on, but I don't know if I actually want to do it for real. But even if I decide I do, I don't ever want you to spring it on me! And I already know I never want to be with other guys, only other girls. And I don't want to discuss the possibility with her just sitting in the next room waiting for us, either. We have to talk about it ahead of time, just you and me, so I can make up my mind without any extra pressure.”
“Deal,” I agreed.
“And other than mutually-agreed upon group sex, if I ever do end up agreeing to that part... we don't have sex with anyone other than each other!”
“No sexual or romantic contact whatsoever!” I amended. “Including touching, kissing... everything! And no flirty texts or naked selfies to anyone else, either.”
“Agreed. And speaking of which, no pictures or videos you take ever get shown to anyone else, and you especially can never put them online! You can take as many as you want... but they're only for you and me! And Mellie, I guess, if she ever wants to see them too, since she'll probably end up seeing everything at some point anyways, just from being around the house with us. But nobody else! You can even decorate with pictures of me, if you want... I think I'd kinda like that, actually, as long as they're artistic, and good quality! But if you do, you have to take them down and replace them with something else before we, or Mellie, invite anyone else over to the house.”
“You'd like it if I decorated with you?” I asked, surprised by the notion but immediately turned on by the thought of it as I continued stroking my hands up and down her sides. “Some tasteful black and whites? Maybe with little droplets of water sprayed all over you first, showing off your curves? Your perfect, firm little tits? Maybe even one of your gorgeous little pussy, mounted on the wall over our bed like a trophy?”
“Maybe...” she giggled again. “I do like the sound of 'our' bed!”
“You're not the only one,” I smiled, leaning up for a quick peck on her lips when she wasn't expecting it.
“And on the topic of decoration... no marks, bruises, bites, or anything else visible, anywhere I can't easily cover with clothes appropriate to the weather,” she smiled. “Accidental hickies... I know you might not always be able to control those. But you should try to avoid them as much as you can, at least while I'm still living with my mom and dad.”
“Good idea, though I really don't know how I'm going to manage,” I teased. “You have such beautiful, slender, biteable little neck!” I snapped up at her playfully, making her squeal, until she pinned me with a long, passionate kiss, instead. Then she leaned up again, gently stroking my cheek with her hand as she stared into my eyes.
“So...?” I asked. We both already knew the answer.
“So... I reserve the right to add more conditions later, if something comes up that I'm not thinking of right now!” she giggled. “But yes, Daddy, I agree. I'm yours, now! Officially!”
“Thank you, baby!” I said, one hand reaching up into her hair, the other down to her ass. I pulled her down for another kiss, as passionate as the last but faster, more intense. “And... now that that's settled... how about you get down there and clean my cock for me like the good little slut I know you are!”
“Yes, Daddy!” she smiled shyly, but her eyes were glinting wickedly. She crawled quickly down the bed and got to work, sensuously licking my cock and balls.
“Does that taste good, baby?” I asked. “Do you enjoy the taste of your cum?”
“Yes, Daddy!” she purred. “I love tasting myself on your cock!”
I moaned happily, propping my head up on a pillow so I could watch her. It didn't take her long to finish cleaning up her mess, but she seemed to be enjoying licking and kissing my cock nearly as much as I was watching her do it, and she kept right on doing it until she had me hard once more.
“Can I ride you this time, Daddy?” she asked with false timidity, sensuously stroking her hand up and down my shaft as she looked up into my eyes, my firm, swollen cockhead still pressed gently against her lips as she spoke.
“You damned well better ride me, if you know what's good for you now that you've gotten me all hard again!” I scowled playfully.
“Yes, Daddy!” she giggled, pushing herself up and wiggling herself into position. She'd tightened back up again quite a bit, but it wasn't nearly as difficult to get me inside of her the second time around. She was still really tight, though, and her moans were absolutely adorable as she slowly worked her way down to my base, taking it all. She stayed there for two full minutes, eyes closed and with a dreamy smile of pleasure on her face as she gently ground herself against me and I stroked her hips in my hands. Then she started to move, lifting tentatively up and down by no more than an inch, and it took another minute or so of experimenting with the positioning of her knees to find what felt best for her. She started getting a bit more vigorous after that, but although it felt incredible I was still more than a little worried that her obvious excitement would lead to her accidentally hurting herself.
“Easy, baby,” I corrected gently, tightening my grip on her hips. “There's no need to rush, and risk hurting yourself before we're sure you're ready for that. Just take it nice and slow, and show me how good that gorgeous little teenage pussy can pleasure Daddy's cock!”
“Mmmm... yes, Daddy!” she purred happily, placing her hands on top of mine on her hips as she slowed her pace the way I'd asked. She pulled my left hand up to her mouth, taking my index finger inside for a slow, seductive suck, before pulling both hands to her firm little titties. She squeezed my hands in hers, guiding me into a tighter grip, gasping with pleasure as my fingers kneaded deeply into the tender young flesh of her breasts. She was amazing, riding me so slowly and sensuously, clenching down for all she was worth every time she bottomed out, squeezing me in the tight, wet confines of her glorious little pussy.
Understandably, her concentration and coordination both flagged somewhat as the orgasms started to hit her. She did the best she could, but by the end there was really no option but to return my hands to her hips for stability, thrusting up into her from below as she gasped and trembled on top of me. She squealed cutely as I came, back arched wildly and eyes rolling up into her head as I filled her for the second time that night, triggering what was obviously another very powerful orgasm of her own. She collapsed on top of me with all the strength of a wet rag as we finished, and I wrapped her tight in my arms, stroking her sweat-slickened back and cupping her perfect, round little ass.
“You were amazing, baby!” I told her, nuzzling and kissing the side of her neck.
“You!” she gasped tiredly, shaking her head. “You were amazing, Daddy!”
“Well, then. What do you say we take our mutual amazingness off into the bathroom? I still need to brush my teeth, and you should always remember go pee after I'm done fucking you; it's the best and easiest way to prevent UTIs.”
“In a minute, Daddy,” she giggled, but she nevertheless pushed herself up onto her elbows and eased herself off of my cock. I was just about to say I hadn't meant we had to go immediately... when she started crawling slowly backwards down the bed and I saw the look in her eye. I smiled, stroking my fingers through her hair and holding it out of her way as she once again began cleaning my cock of our mixed cum.
“All done, Daddy,” she announced, not when she'd first finished, but after she'd made a complete second pass to make sure that she hadn't missed a single drop. She really was perfect!
“Good girl,” I praised, stroking her hair again, guiding her back up the bed for another kiss and fondling her breast with my other hand. “Now, into the bathroom like I said.”
“Yes, Daddy,” she giggled, pushing herself tiredly up out of bed and standing there, wiggling seductively while she waited for me to join her. I swung up to my feet beside her, my hand naturally gravitating to that pert little ass, and only once she had my hand on her to guide her did she start walking towards the bathroom. She wasn't shy at all as she went pee, even though I was staring right at her the whole time. She even opened her legs nice and wide for me, though I still couldn't see much. As I'd told her, that really wasn't a fetish of mine... but I enjoyed seeing that she was so open and comfortable with me already. She wiped and rejoined me at the sink, washing her hands, then taking the spare toothbrush I'd found for her. She'd already brushed before the first time she'd gone to bed, with Mellie, but it wouldn't hurt her to do it again with everything that cute little mouth of hers had been up to in the meantime. Besides, I liked the way brushing made her wiggle, my free hand once again cupping her ass as she did so. We rinsed and kissed, enjoying the minty freshness, and I lifted her by her ass to carry her back to bed. I settled her down in the crook of my right arm, head on my chest where I could kiss that soft, fine blonde hair with barely a dip of my neck. She draped her leg over mine without needing to be told, fingers trailing slowly through my chest hair. Perfect, absolutely perfect, like she'd been made to fit against me, just like Gwennie had always done. Well, except for the last few months of her pregnancy with Mellie, of course, when she'd swelled up like she had a beach ball in her belly. But even that had simply been a different kind of perfect. I kissed Vicki's hair one more time, gave her a squeeze under my arm, and slowly drifted off to sleep, happier and more satisfied than I'd been in years. I was floating so high, not even worrying about how I was going to explain it all to Mellie in the morning could dim my buzz.
I woke with Vicki's soft, wet mouth sealed around my cock, her tongue swirling slowly around my head.
“Mmm... morning, baby,” I moaned, slipping my hand under the sheet to stroke her hair.
“Morning, Daddy!” she giggled sleepily. “Your cock is sooo yummy! I hope I didn't wake you up too early... but it was already hard when I woke up, and I just couldn't help myself!” She bent back to her meal, and I flipped the covers back so I could get a proper look at her. She smiled up at me around my cock, her gorgeous, dick-sucking lips stretched wide around my shaft as she started bobbing further up and down. I owed her a fucking that morning... but I checked the clock, and it was still early. We had time to do both before Mellie would be waking up.
I propped myself higher on my pillow, devouring her with my eyes. It had been a long time since I'd been woken up with a morning blowjob. Gwennie used to do it for me all the time, before she got sick. But between radiation, chemo, and the cancer itself, there had been a lot of things she just hadn't been able to do anymore, at least not with any sort of regularity. She'd only been gone for two years, but it had probably been closer to five since the last time she'd felt well enough to wake me up this way, and it felt incredible to have such a sexy little teenage slut taking care of me the way I'd been craving for so long.
It took me a while, as it always did. I love blowjobs, and Vicki was proving to be good at them, but I've always been slower to cum from them than I am from actual fucking. She didn't seem to mind, her wide smile and enthusiastic slobbering showing me she was enjoying herself nearly as much as I was.
I could tell she knew I was getting close. Her eyes, even more than her mouth, were what pushed me over the edge. She was so excited, so obviously desperate to receive her first mouthful of my cum, I couldn't hold back any more. I grabbed her head with both hands, holding tight, thrusting upwards with my hips as I emptied myself into her mouth. She choked a little at first, the forceful gush of cum hitting her right in the back of her throat, but she kept her lips tightly sealed, catching it all. She kept herself there after I'd finished, twirling her tongue around my overly sensitive cockhead. She pulled away cautiously, making sure not to leave any of my gift behind, sitting up a little until she could safely open her mouth without letting it drip out.
“Ahhhh!” she moaned, showing me my creamy white cum coating her tongue, nearly filling her mouth. It was my first load of the day, and there was a lot of it!
“Good girl!” I praised, stroking her hair, staring into her eyes. She stayed there obediently, mouth wide open and tongue extended, waiting to receive her next command. “Now, swallow for Daddy!” I told her, and she did so happily. It took her a couple tries, to get it all down.
“All gone, Daddy! See?” she announced proudly, her voice cutesy and girlish, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out again to prove she'd finished.
“Such a good, good little girl!” I praised, pulling her back down to cuddle at my side, reaching down to caress her pretty, pert little ass with my hand as she nuzzled and kissed at the side of my chest, her hand softly fondling my cock. “You're better at this than I expected,” I told her, kissing her hair. “You're so young, I thought I'd have to teach you.”
“About the whole dom-sub thing, you mean?” she asked, and I nodded. “Well... let's just say, you aren't the only one who's been keeping secrets,” she giggled.
“Is that so?” I prompted. She bit her lip, thinking how to start.
“I was hoping I'd be able to sleep with this hot older guy. A man, not a boy like guys my age. A guy I've been dreaming about, and masturbating to, for years!” she smiled shyly. “I finally managed to work up enough courage to tell him I wanted to sleep with him... but I never thought he'd want the same things as me! I thought, maybe, if I played my cards perfectly, he might be willing to do a few of the things that I wanted. Never, even in my best and wildest dreams, did I think he might demand being able to do those things, if I wanted to be with him!”
“So our little discussion last night?” I asked. “When I was terrified you were going to freak out and run screaming back into Mellie's room?”
“Like... eighty to ninety percent overlap with what I was already dreaming about myself!” she admitted, giggling wickedly again.
I pinched her ass, making her squeal, and chuckled at her.
“You have no idea how happy you made me, Daddy!” she said seriously, turning her head to suck on my nipple. “When you offered to make me yours! I'd say it was a dream come true... but I didn't have the courage to even let myself dream something as amazing as this!”
“I feel the same way, baby,” I told her, squeezing her tight. “You know what I was thinking about, before you came out to me on the couch last night?” She looked up at me, shaking her head, her beautiful blue eyes wide with curiosity and wonder. “I was thinking about how hard you'd made me, when you'd given me hugs earlier. It made me wonder if maybe it was time for me to start dating again. And I was dreading the idea of trying to find a woman my own age, who could give me what I need! It was hard enough finding Gwennie when we were young, back before all the good women got snapped up and married off,” I chuckled. “I guess my subconscious had the right idea, telling me it wasn't a woman my own age I should be looking for after all!”
“Damn straight, Daddy!” she giggled, and I laughed, rolling her over and pinning her down, attacking her with a passionate kiss. She melted up into me, spreading and lifting her knees, offering herself completely, writhing and moaning with desire. I knew it wouldn't take me long to get hard again, not with her helping me like that. I was soon proved correct, but I was almost tempted to just stay there kissing her instead, I was enjoying myself so much... but not that tempted.
“On all fours. Elbows and knees,” I commanded her.
“Yes, Daddy!” she gasped, hurrying to obey. I bent down behind her to taste her first, confirming her wetness with my tongue, then got back up onto my knees, caressing her hips and ass.
“God, I love this tiny little ass!” I moaned, squeezing tight. She moaned too, pressing herself back into my hands. I took hold of my cock, angling myself into position, gently testing her. She'd tightened up again overnight, as I'd known she would, but it was already much easier coaxing her into opening for me than it had been that first time. She'd never be loose, her tiny little frame guaranteed that... but another week or two of steady fucking, and I might be able to start thinking about being a little less gentle with her. That was something to look forward to, but not something to become fixated on. She was giving me so much already, I owed her all the care and consideration I could provide. She wanted the rougher stuff just as much as I did, I could tell from the way she was pushing herself back onto my gentle thrusts... but there was no rush. I'd take the time and get her properly ready first, rather than risking accidentally hurting her and needing to take time completely off from sex while she recovered.
I was fully inside her soon enough, hands on her hips, and sometimes sliding up to cup her firm little round titties. They may have been on the smaller side, only B-cups compared to Gwennie's Ds that I'd become so used to, but they were still fantastic! I was thrusting slowly, not only because I didn't want to hurt her, but because I didn't want to risk waking Mellie with the sound of my hips slapping up against Vicki's ass. I was so completely absorbed in what we were doing, I wasn't paying enough attention to anything else.
“Dad? Did Vicki say she had to leave early? I can't find... oh my God!” I heard, twisting back around to see my daughter staring at me from the door to my room. Fuck! She'd woken up earlier than I thought she would, and of course she'd gone looking for Vicki when she realized she was no longer in bed beside her. It was like we were frozen in place, eyes locked together, neither of us able to break free. But even so, I didn't stop thrusting. It didn't even occur to me, like my hips were on autopilot, while my daughter just stood there staring at me gently fucking her best friend.
“Uhhh... Morning, Mellie,” Vicki said, moaning slightly with the words, unable to keep the pleasure I was causing her out of her voice. That seemed to break the spell.
“God, I...” Mellie glanced down at her friend, spinning way to avert her eyes, losing track of herself and bumping heavily into the open door. Then she was gone, the door left hanging open behind her.
“Well... that was not how I was intending to break the news,” I sighed, caressing Vicki's hips, still slowly pumping in and out of that tight little pussy.
“Maybe we should stop, and go talk to her?” she suggested guiltily, biting her lip as she twisted back to look at me. I could tell from the look in her eyes, she didn't want to stop any more than I did, but still I considered it, trying to think of what would be best for Mellie...
“No...” I smiled down at her, picking up my pace a little. “No, we'll give her some time to come to grips with what she just saw, first, before we go fill her in on all the details.”
“Okay, Daddy,” she smiled trustingly, lowering her torso and sticking her ass a little higher into the air. I laughed, giving her a smack. She squealed happily, pressing back, encouraging me to go even harder. I gave her a little of what she wanted, but not much; fictional depictions aside, the biggest part of being a dom is to care for your sub... even if it means denying her what she clearly wants, at least until her body is ready to handle it. I told myself yet again, we'd get to the rougher stuff soon, but only after I'd loosened her up enough that I wouldn't be injuring her in the process. I wanted any pain I caused her to be on purpose, like the spanking I'd just delivered, not because I was too impatient and fucked her harder than she was ready for. It was a struggle... but repeating that mantra to myself kept me from inadvertently getting carried away.
She didn't cum quite as many times as she had the night before, but it was close. I was already loving that about her. Gwennie had been really easy to make cum, too, but if anything Vicki was proving to be even easier. She screamed her orgasms out into a pillow again, figuring Mellie probably wouldn't be ready to hear more than she had to yet. Her strongest was triggered just as I was cumming myself, whether from the feeling of me filling her or because at that point I could no longer prevent myself from slamming into her the way she'd been craving, I wasn't sure. I pulled her up to her knees afterwards, wrapping my arms around her and fondling her tits as we passionately kissed over her shoulder. Then I carried her into my bathroom, still impaled on my cock, pulling out only when I set her down carefully in front of the sink. We brushed our teeth, then I picked her up again for the short trip into the shower. I knew I was being ridiculous, carrying her around instead of letting her walk, but I was enjoying manhandling her tiny little body far too much to stop. I told her she was in charge of the temperature, while I continued fondling her.
“I love this little landing strip,” I told her, running a fingertip up and down as I held her tight, her back against my chest as the spray poured down over us both. “You can keep it like this, or you can shave it bald, any time you like. Other than that, you need to ask permission.”
“Yes, Daddy,” she smiled happily. “Do you have any other rules for me?”
“I want everything under your neck kept hairless, everything except your little landing strip, if you choose to keep it. You can shave or wax, whichever you prefer,” I told her with a wide grin, pleased that she was so eagerly accepting of my desires for her. “You're not to cut or die your hair without permission, but you can wear it however you like. Up, down, pony tail or pigtails, braids... whatever you feel like from day to day. You can paint your finger and toenails however you like, too, but I don't want you wearing earrings, perfume, or makeup anymore.”
“No makeup?” she gasped, surprised. I chuckled, happy to have finally found something she wasn't automatically okay with.
“No earrings, because I like nibbling these cute little earlobes too much,” I told her, demonstrating. She had little studs in, currently, and I made sure to give her enough of a nibble that she could see how they were interfering. “No perfume, because I prefer the natural smell of your skin and hair. No makeup, because you're even prettier without it. Makeup is just a distraction. I prefer your own innate, untouched beauty, the way you look right this moment, with everything washed away under the shower,” she bit her lip for a moment, considering, then nodded.
“Okay, Daddy,” she agreed, maybe a little reluctantly. I pulled her into a loving kiss, fondling her breast and pussy, thanking her for her obedience until she giggled, turning and throwing her arms around my neck. Now that was what agreement really looked like, and I knew I wouldn't have any more problems convincing her of the makeup thing from then on.
“Oh, and I'll tell you right now, I'm never letting you get any tattoos or piercings,” I continued. “Same principle applies; you are far too beautiful to be messing around with distractions like that.”
“Not even a little 'Daddy's girl' tattoo right above my pussy?” she asked teasingly.
“Not even then!” I laughed, giving her pussy a gentle slap and making her squeal. “I don't need a tattoo to know you're mine! And nobody else had better be getting a look to see!”
“Okay, Daddy!” she giggled. “But in exchange... I have a request. Not a condition, like I was making last night,” she quickly clarified. “I already agreed to be yours, that isn't changing, even if you say 'no' to this now! This is only a request. A favor, really,” I smiled and quirked an eyebrow at her, silently prompting her to continue. She steadied herself with a deep breath, then spoke. “I'd really like it if you didn't masturbate any more, now that I'm yours,” she said, a beautiful blush rising in her cheeks. “Weekends should be no problem, I can sleep over, and you can do anything to me you like... but I know I can't sleep over every night, not on school nights, not as long as I'm still living with my mom and dad. I hope you know I'm ready to move in with you the moment you ask... but I know that's going to be more complicated for you than it is for me, because of our ages. So even if I didn't belong to you the way I do, I know the timing would still have to be up to you, Daddy. And I know it isn't fair to expect you not to cum every day, if I'm not around to take care of you... but I just can't stand the idea of wasting any of it, your cum is just so thick, and hot, and yummy! So... if you agree not to masturbate, then I promise I'll come over every day after school, even on nights I can't stay over, and I'll be here waiting for you when you get home from work. That way, you'll still be able to cum every day, but you'll be draining your balls into me, instead of just wasting it into the shower, or a tissue, or whatever.”
“I think I can definitely get on board with that plan,” I grinned wickedly at the prospect of receiving guaranteed daily sex, or at the very least a blowjob if she was on her period, from the gorgeous little teenage sexpot I was holding in my arms. Like I was really the one doing her a favor in that arrangement? Ha! She giggled happily at my agreement, and we made out quite a bit more. We eventually got out and dried each other off, and I dressed her in Gwennie's red silk robe, from where it had been hanging on her hook on the back of the bedroom door ever since the last time she'd put it there herself. All of Gwennie's things were in the last place she'd left them, all except for the few things that Mellie had claimed for herself in the two years since; I'd never had the heart to put any of them away into storage. Strangely, it didn't bother me to dress Vicki in Gwennie's robe. I thought it might, but it didn't. It felt... right, I guess. Like Gwennie would have approved. I brought Vicki into my arms, kissed her for a bit, then slipped into my own terrycloth robe and kissed her for a bit more. Then it was time for us to stop stalling, and go talk to Mellie.
She was sitting at the kitchen table, eyes red like she'd been crying, staring down at her hands clasped on the table. I sat down across from her, pulling Vicki into my lap. I wrapped my arm around her waist, tempted to slip my hand into her robe to grab her breast, but I didn't. Best to give Mellie a bit more time to adjust, rather than springing everything on her at once.
“So... was this just a one time thing? Just hooking up? Or are you guys, like, dating, now?” she asked, never raising her eyes.
“Dating, I guess... but somewhat more than that, too,” I explained, turning to look at Vicki, prompting her to jump in.
“I agreed to let Daddy make me his, which is a lot more than just dating,” she continued slowly, choosing her words with deliberation. “Maybe it started out as just a hookup, when I came onto him last night, and asked him to take me to bed. I wasn't sure I'd be able to convince him to do even that much, so I was trying not to get my hopes up. But then afterwards, when we were laying in bed together, we had a really long and honest talk... and we were both surprised when we realized we wanted all the same things in a possible relationship. So... we decided to give it a go, and we agreed; I belong to him now. I know it must seem like we're moving really fast, and that this is coming out of nowhere for you... and it's probably going to be a little complicated, until I'm old enough Daddy decides I can move in officially. But I'll be coming over all the time now, and staying the night whenever I can. For you and me, nothing really changes, of course. It isn't like I'm going to suddenly start trying to act like your step-mom, or anything dumb like that! You're still my best friend, that'll never change! It's just... from now on I'll be sleeping in Daddy's bed when I stay over, not sharing with you in yours. And... you'll probably end up seeing some stuff. When Daddy fondles me around the house, and stuff like that.”
“Daddy...” Mellie sniffled quietly, still refusing to so much as raise her eyes to look at us. “You're calling him Daddy, now.”
“Maybe we should go talk about it in your room, for a bit?” Vicki suggested, turning to me for confirmation. “It might be easier for us to talk about this, just us girls?”
“That's probably a good idea,” I agreed, patting her on the side of her ass. She stood, taking hold of Mellie's hand and pulling her to her feet. Mellie was completely passive, not resisting, but taking no action that Vicki didn't guide her into. I frowned as I watched them disappearing slowly up the stairs, hoping that Mellie's reaction was due mostly to the unfortunate way in which she'd learned what was happening. I'd known telling her wasn't going to be easy, but I hadn't expected her to take it nearly as hard as she seemed to be. She and I had always been reasonably open with each other about sex, I thought. She may not have known every detail of her mom's and my relationship, but she'd seen a lot. If there was anything she didn't know, it was only because she hadn't wanted to, not because we'd have refused to tell her anything if she'd asked. And I'd made sure she knew she could always tell me anything she wanted to about her own sex life, too. She'd never taken me up on that offer, but the year before, when she'd asked me out of the blue to let her go on birth control, I thought I had proved myself to her. I'd made the appointment for her right away, asked her if she wanted me to go in with her, trusted her to do it on her own when she'd said no, waiting patiently in the lobby to drive her back home after.
I was still second guessing myself half an hour later when the girls came walking back down the stairs. Mellie's eyes were even redder than they'd been before, she'd obviously been crying again, but Vicki was looking... I wasn't sure how Vicki was looking, actually. It was hard to reconcile her expression with Mellie's. Surprised, certainly. But beyond that, I'd just be guessing. Mellie was still looking at her feet, chewing her lip, hands wringing nervously in front of her while Vicki comfortingly rubbed her back.
“Mellie has something she needs to tell you, Daddy,” Vicki said, as Mellie started slowly shaking her head.
“It's okay...” Vicki prompted. “You can tell him.” Still Mellie just kept shaking her head. Then she started trembling.
“She isn't upset that we're sleeping together now. Not exactly,” Vicki continued, stepping closer to Mellie, giving her a little one-armed hug or reassurance.
“Baby?” I asked, trying to put all the comfort I could into my voice and eyes, hunching over and looking up as I tried to meet Mellie's gaze. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“I can't. You'll hate me if I do,” she whispered, her trembling increasing.
“Never, baby!” I said, vigorously shaking my head. “Never in a million years could I ever hate you! You're my baby girl, Mellie! I love you! More than anything!”
Mellie took several deep breaths, wrapping her arms around herself, visible gathering her courage.
“She's right. I'm not upset,” she whispered, slowly raising her eyes, the tears starting to flow again. “I'm jealous!”
“Jealous?” I repeated, sure I mustn't have heard correctly.
“Jealous you picked her!” Mellie continued, quiet sobs now accompanying the tears. “Jealous you didn't pick me!”
I was up and out of my chair, wrapping her in my arms, pulling her tight. The sobs broke heavy and fast, her hands clutching at the fabric of my robe.
“I thought you weren't ready yet, after Mom,” she cried. “Or I thought maybe you were waiting until I was older, first. But...” She pressed her face into my chest, shaking me with her grip on my robe. “Didn't you see me? Didn't you know? I remember what you and mom were like! Don't think I don't! I remember how happy you both were! How she'd be waiting, every day after I got home from school, looking forward to the moment you stepped through the door after work. I remember how you'd sweep her into your arms, and kiss her, and you'd feel her up, and she'd rub you through your pants. Even if I was right there watching, because you loved each other that much, you couldn't even wait for me to be out of the room! I remember the way you'd carry her off into your bedroom, shrieking and giggling, as if I didn't know exactly what you guys were going to be doing in there!”
“With Mom gone... I wanted to be that for you, Daddy!” she said, finally glancing up into my eyes. Those soft hazel eyes, so much like Gwennie's had been, so full of pain and tears. “How could I possibly not want a love like that, when I saw it every single day growing up! I want to be the one doing that for you, pleasing you! I want to be the one making you happy, the way Mom used to do! You're my Daddy, not hers! I'm the one who's been watching you, my whole life, learning what you need to make you happy! You were supposed to pick me!”
“But...” I gasped, hardly able to believe my ears. “You're my daughter, sweetie!”
“Which means I can't have your babies, Daddy!” Mellie wailed desperately, her shaking of my robe intensifying. “It doesn't mean I can't have your cock!”
I looked over at Vicki, seeking some sort of backup.
“We talked. A lot,” she shrugged, slowly shaking her head in muted disbelief. She must have been as surprised as I was, when Mellie had first told her, but she'd had more time to get used to the idea. “I told her everything. Everything I could remember, at least, and I don't think I left anything out. She says she's on board with it all... she didn't even balk at the no-makeup rule, the way I did at first. Though obviously, if we're going to do this, you and I will have to adjust our little monogamy clause somewhat,” she smiled, shyly but with undeniable excitement in her eyes, that simple look letting me know she'd be okay with it if I was. “Trinogomy? Is that a word?” she giggled.
“Bigamy, sweetie,” I smiled back tentatively, still trying to wrap my mind around what Mellie was suggesting. Thank God for Vicki, injecting a little bit of much-needed levity, giving us all some time to think. “The -gamy suffux comes from Greek, I think. Maybe Latin, but I think Greek. It means 'marriage', that much I'm sure of. So monogamy means one marriage, bigamy means two marriages.”
“So Vicki's right, then. Trinogamy,” Mellie giggled up at me, her own tentative smile fighting against her tears. “You and Vicki, you and me... and me and Vicki makes three. Or are you trying to claim you aren't going to make us take turns going down on each other while you're fucking us?”
“You're sure you'd really be okay with that, baby?” I asked. God, at what point exactly had I transitioned from thinking this was a horrible idea and trying to dissuade her, to trying to make sure she knew what she was signing up for before I said 'yes'?
“I would do anything for you, Daddy!” she promised, then giggled a little, smiling shyly as she looked over at Vicki. “And it's not as if going down on Vicki would be a fate worse than death. I've never done it before... I've never been with anyone before, boy or girl! But you're the only guy for me, Daddy! And if you'd told me I had to pick a girl to be with... Vicki always would have been number one on my list, whether you were sleeping with her yourself or not.”
“Awwww...” Vicki giggled, blushing shyly. “For me too, you know! Not that I ever really thought about it much, before today. But now that it might actually happen, I have to say... I'm really kinda looking forward to tasting you!”
“See, Daddy?” Mellie asked, looking up at me again. Her tears were ebbing, it seemed to me, replaced by hope. “We can make this work, I know we can! I agree to everything Vicki agreed to, promise! Anything you do to her, you can do to me too! Anything except knocking me up, that is... giving you babies will obviously have to be her job, if that's what you decide you want,” she giggled.
“I'd need to check that you're really sure about this, sweetie. It's one thing to say you want this...” I told her, stroking my fingers through her soft, dark hair. It felt just like Gwennie's had, before she'd gotten sick... and the feeling of running my fingers through it like that sent me into a bit of a flashback. Gwennie had cried for days when she started losing hers from her treatment... I'd tried to tell her it was no big deal, that I loved her no matter what. But I'd never made a secret of how much I loved wrapping my hand into that long, lustrous hair of hers and using it to control her while I fucked her, and it had really upset her to lose it.
“Anything, Daddy!” Mellie said, quickly rubbing her eyes to remove any remaining tears, bringing me back to the present. “I'll do anything you want!”
“You can start by stripping for me, baby,” I told her, bending down for a kiss on her lips. It was the first I'd ever given her like that, and though it was brief, she responded like I was offering her life itself. “Nice and slow. If we're really going to do this... I want to start by getting a good, long look at that sexy little body of yours, first!”
“Yes, Daddy!” Mellie giggled, bouncing a little on her toes, the excitement clear in her eyes. She started to dance, but Vicki stopped her after barely a second.
“Let's find you some proper music, first!” she suggested, eyes flashing wickedly. She was off in a flash, returning quickly with her phone. I didn't recognize the tune she picked, but Mellie clearly did. She pulled over a chair, pushing me gently into it, then she started to dance again. It was something with a heavy, slow beat, Mellie twisting and turning, rocking her hips along with it, running her hands up and down her body to show herself off for me.
“May I masturbate while I watch her, Daddy?” Vicki asked cutely, Mellie giggling and smiling happily as she heard the request.
“Up on the table, legs spread nice and wide so I can see,” I told her with a grin. She was quick to comply, slipping completely out of her borrowed robe and hopping up onto the table. She started slowly teasing her lips, eyes glued to her best friend's gyrating body. Mellie was returning the looks. Not always... when she was facing me, she kept her eyes on mine, as I expected. But any time she was turned around, showing me her ass, her eyes were riveted on her friend's gorgeous little tits and pussy.
Mellie was going slow, teasing me by lifting her shirt and then letting it fall, opening the button on her shorts without pulling them down. It was just like I wanted it. I didn't respond, not yet, treating her like she was dancing for me in a club. The shirt came off slowly, revealing a tiny pastel-yellow cotton bra, nipples standing out proudly through the fabric. She was every bit as skinny as Vicki was, her larger, heavier breasts heaving hypnotically with her rapid, excited breathing as she danced for me. The shorts were off not much later, after a bit more teasing, revealing matching panties. She moved even closer to me, straddling my lap, her hands on my shoulders, pushing herself into my face. Then she pulled away again, twirling around, bending down to her toes as she reached back for her panties. She gave herself a wedgie, the fabric pulling against her lips, showing them off for me, then she pulled the panties slightly, slowly down, just enough to tease me, but that was all.
She stood again and turned, rubbing her tits with her hands, pulling on the fabric of her bra to almost show me her nipples, but not quite. She took my hands from my lap, placing them on her hips, letting me feel the movement of her muscles under her skin. God, did she ever know how to drive me crazy! She'd taken dance classes for several years growing up, but I'd never suspected she was capable of anything like this! She turned away again, reaching back to unhook her bra as I watched, letting the straps ever so slowly slip down her shoulders as she finally took it off and tossed it aside. Then she took my hands in hers again, guiding them up and down her sides, stopping just before reaching her tits, backing up until her cute little ass was waving back and forth directly over my lap, brushing my abs. Then she sat, leaning her head back onto my shoulder, licking slowly at the side of my neck as she ground herself against me, giving me my first clear look down her chest at her spectacular naked tits.
I'd already known her tits were bigger than Vicki's, but now that I was finally seeing them naked I could take a proper guess at their size. C-cups, though of course that always depends on the fit of the particular bra. Her areolas were a little bigger, too, silver dollars compared to Vicki's quarters, but it was her nipples where the differences were most noticeable. Mellie's were a dark, dusky pink, and rounded like perfectly hemispherical domes, the diameter of pennies, exactly like her mother's had been! I would have given just about anything, in that moment, just to turn her around in my lap and suck one into my mouth, to swirl around it with my tongue and see if she tasted like Gwennie had, too!
Then she was on her feet again, facing me just out of reach of my hands, teasing me with partial glimpses under her panties. She finally pulled them half-way down her thighs all at once, her bald little pussy flushed nearly the same shade of pink as her nipples, she was so aroused. I licked my lips as I stared, Mellie smiling proudly as she noticed the reaction she was having on me. Her inner lips were a little bigger and thicker than Vicki's were, but not by much, still held neatly within the confines of her outer ones. Her clit was a little bigger, too, practically begging to be sucked. Again, almost exactly the same way Gwennie had looked. I'd always known Mellie took after her mother and not me, but with their clothes off the two of them could have been twins. All except for the size of their breasts, that is, but Mellie was still young. I loved them just the way they were already, but by the time she was into her early twenties, which is when I'd first met Gwennie, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Mellie had a full pair of D-cups to play with, just like her mom's had been.
Mellie raised her arms high over her head, clasping her hands, and started twirling as she rolled her hips, the gyration itself enough to slowly work her panties the rest of the way from mid-thigh down to her ankles. She stepped out of them daintily, facing me, and stepped forward to straddle my hips once again, pulling my hands to her tits as she sat down. They were as firm as any I'd ever felt, hot and full in my hands. I almost didn't notice her own hands moving inside the top of my robe, stroking my pecs, leaning forward to kiss my neck as she worked. She slowly started pulling it open, her eyes widening as she saw what lay in store for her. I figured Vicki probably would have described it to her, while they'd been closeted away in Mellie's room, but hearing about it and seeing it for yourself are two very different things. Now was the moment of truth, I knew. I knew she was serious about wanting to be with me, but it remained to be seen if she was actually capable of going through with it. If she was, she'd sink to her knees and take me into her mouth. If she wasn't, she'd stand up and back away, admitting defeat. It was all up to her, now.
She stood up. I closed my eyes for a moment, intent on keeping any trace of disappointment off my face, preparing to comfort her, tell her that it was okay that she couldn't go through with it. And that was why it took me so completely by surprise when I felt her moving back into my lap, her back to my chest, her hand reaching down between her thighs to take hold of my cock. She angled me into position against her soft, wet lips, twisting enough she could look deeply into my eyes. I suddenly realized that the music had come to an end, and wondered when that had happened. I'd been so swept away by the rhythm of her dance, I hadn't even noticed that the only music I was hearing was now inside my own head. I shook myself, grabbed her ass, helping to support her weight. She smiled shyly, knowing that this was probably going to take a while, and grateful for the assist.
I had no choice but to give her complete control. That was not the position I would have chosen for her first time, since it meant there was so little I could do to make it easier on her. She seemed to be doing okay, taking her time, patiently teasing herself into stretching further open for me. Vicki, up on the table with her legs spread for me, actually seemed to be having a harder time of it than Mellie was, believe it or not. I'd given her no instructions on the subject, but it seemed she'd decided not to cum until Mellie did. I was sure she was regretting that decision now, whimpering piteously as she continued slowly teasing her lips and clit, holding herself just on the edge without ever allowing herself a release.
It took Mellie even longer than it had Vicki and me the night before, but eventually she got my head fully inside of her. It became easier after that first and most painful stretch, but it still took her quite a while, slowly bouncing herself up and down, before she managed to bottom herself out. I moved my hands from her ass to her tits, comfortingly squeezing and massaging them for her as she held herself immobile for a minute, then started riding me for real.
I was so tempted to have Vicki get down on her knees and start licking Mellie's clit for her... but no. No, we would have plenty of time for that, but for this, our first time, Mellie deserved to have it be just me and her. She was already doing more to prove herself to me than I'd asked or expected of her, not only giving me her virginity, but doing it right in front of her best friend, and letting Vicki watch and masturbate to the sight of her as she was doing it! I didn't need to give her any more to deal with, not yet.
She didn't cum as easily as Vicki had, but that wasn't surprising. The position meant she was having to put in all the work, and I could tell from her expression that she was still feeling a bit of pain, as well. I let her get herself through the first two orgasms all on her own, then switched the positioning of my arms, wrapping my left around her to take hold of her right breast, the fingers of my right hand reaching down to start playing with her clit. She liked that a whole lot. I made no effort to count after that, but I know she was nearly spent by the time I was ready.
“Do you want it, baby?” I prompted her.
“Oh, pleeease, Daddy!” she whimpered. “Please, give me your cum! You made me, Daddy! You made me with your cum! Now flood your daughter's tight little teenage virgin cunt with a big, hot load of your incestuous Daddy cum!”
Well, that was more than I was expecting! Her words sent me over the edge in a big way, grunting and groaning as I thrust up into her from below, filling her completely. We were both left gasping for breath, Vicki doing little better in her position up on the table. She'd lost any semblance of restraint after the first time Mellie had cum, and though she hadn't been able to make herself cum with nearly the frequency that Mellie had been experiencing, having just her own fingers to work with rather than my cock, it hadn't been for lack of trying; she was looking thoroughly but happily exhausted, sexily biting her lower lip as she looked at us.
“Did I do okay, Daddy?” Mellie gasped. “Will you make me yours, now? The same as Vicki?”
“Oh, absolutely, baby!” I said, squeezing her tight in my arms. “You are mine, now and forever! You and your sister both!”
“My sister?” Mellie giggled, twisting so she could look me in the eye.
“You have a problem with that?” I asked, arching an eyebrow at her. “You both call me Daddy, don't you? That makes you sisters in my book.”
“Yes, Daddy!” she giggled. “You know I love my sister! I'm so proud that we both get to take our Daddy's cock together now!”
“Good girl!” I praised her, making her squirm happily in my arms. “Now... how about you ask that sexy little sister of yours real nice to get down on her knees for us, and suck Daddy's cum out of your pussy for you?”
“Vicki....” Mellie giggled plaintively, obediently looking over to the table. “Will you please come suck Daddy's cum out of my pussy for me? Pretty please?”
“With whipped cream and cherries on top?” Vicki teased, already making her way slowly and carefully down off the table, careful not to let her exhaustion make her slip and fall.
“Maybe not whipped, but there's plenty of cream!” Mellie teased back, smiling happily as she looked down at herself. She wasn't wrong; she'd cum so many times, she'd creamed herself halfway down her thighs! “And the remains of a cherry, at least, since I just gave mine to Daddy!”
Vicki laughed as she moved into position. She had to content herself with cleaning up just Mellie's cream, at first, waiting for me to get soft enough to fall out. Then she went to work properly, on my cock first, then hungrily lapping and sucking at Mellie's pretty little pussy. I doubt she actually managed to get much of my cum, but she sure as hell tried. Nine and a half inches is a long way to try to suck something so thick and sticky, and I'd given Mellie enough of it that I was sure most of it had gone much farther still, flooding right up into her womb. Thank God for birth control!
Vicki kept at it until she'd made Mellie cum in her own right, carrying her through the aftershocks, then sitting back onto her heels with a messy, cummy grin on her face.
“Trade?” she said simply, and Mellie giggled, nodding her head. They swapped quickly, Vicki squirming comfortably into my lap as I wrapped my arms around her and started playing with her tits, out tongues dancing together in a passionate kiss over her shoulder as Mellie dove between her thighs.
“God... do you two know what people call girls like you?” I asked, shaking my head in wonder. They both looked at me questioningly, their expressions almost identical, making me chuckle. “They say you're born to the collar,” I explained. “It means you're natural submissives and slaves, that you know just what to do, how to act, without even having to be trained first.”
“Is that a good thing, Daddy?” Vicki asked for them both, trembling slightly at what Mellie was doing to her.
“Oh, it's a very good thing, baby,” I smiled, squeezing her tighter in my arms. “Mellie's mom was like that, too. I tried being with quite a few girls, before I met Gwennie, but for one reason or another those relationships never lasted very long. She was the only one I ever met who took to it so quickly and naturally. I swear, it was like she always knew exactly what I wanted, most of the time before I even knew for myself. She was the only girl I ever met who I could truly say was born to the collar. And now...” I shook my head, hardly able to believe my luck. “Now, I've found two more. God... I love you girls! You're perfect, the pair of you!”
“You do? Really?” Vicki asked timidly.
“I do,” I smiled. “I know it seems strange... I've known you forever, but I haven't known you like this for even a day yet. But yes, Vicki, I love you! I love you both, so, so much!”
“Oh, Daddy! I love you too!” She broke down in instant tears, twisting further so she could throw her arms around my neck, kissing me passionately. Then she was reaching down, pulling Mellie away from her pussy and up to join us, kisses and declarations of love going back and forth. It took a long time before Vicki was willing to remind Mellie that she wasn't finished yet, giggling and pushing her gently back down between her thighs to finish the job.
I don't think the three of us were more than two feet apart for the rest of the day, with me filling those gorgeous little pussies as deeply and as often as I possibly could, then watching and touching while the two of them took a turn having sex with each other until my cock had recovered enough for another round. We all would have preferred for Vicki to stay for supper, but her parents were having company and she'd promised to be there for that. She was back just before bedtime though, she and Mellie on their hands and knees in our bed, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, making out together while I took turns going back and forth between their pussies, fingering whichever one I wasn't currently inside of. I finished all over their pretty little faces, making them lick each other clean before we went into the bathroom together to wash off, brush our teeth and get ready for bed. I fell asleep with them cuddled close on either side of me, Vicki on my right and Mellie on my left, the soft contrast of their hair on my chest even better than I'd imagined it.
I knew it was going to be tricky, keeping our secret until Vicki was old enough we could realistically announce our relationship and have her move in. Not to mention keeping the other half of our secret, the incestuous half, for the rest of our lives. But somehow, I just knew we would make it work. With so much love, care, and devotion for each other, and our entire lives to look forward to together... how could we possibly not?