I was one of eleven boys in a sporting team playing in the under twenty grades. A summer sport and a winter sport. We won some matches and we lost some matches. We always had a lot of fun, and we used to enjoy lots of good natured horse play and banter in the showers afterwards.
One of the boys Garth had a huge cock, he really was impressive, his thick black pubes always trimmed or shaved. Some of the boys used to ask him, “How much a week does it cost you to feed your schlong?
“Does your mom shave you or one of your girlfriends?” We learnt later it was rumoured his mother’s sister who shaved him, unbeknown to his mother. Another locker room rumour was one of the coaches from a higher grade team used to shave him. Though perhaps they took it in turns?
Garth knew had an impressive cock, huge and so thick. Some of the boys were in awe of the size of his cock as he made it obvious he liked them ogling his cock. Some of the boys liked to watch him preparing for a game. Undressing to change into his sport uniform, making sure all the boys could see his toned, athletic body, his smooth, firm ass and his large impressive cock. He used to wear the sexiest jock strap in the whole team, a perfect, tight fit to flaunt his ass framed by it and so tight over his big cock. It wasn’t until a few years later when I was far more sexually sophisticated I realised just how impressive this boy Garth was.
It was just after four one afternoon when most of the boys had left for home when a man in his mid-twenties, a man none of us had ever seen before came into the change room. He was agitated and staring at Garth’s cock. “I was never here today. You boys never saw me. I am here this afternoon to give Garth fellatio, a blow job, suck his cock, give him a head job. You are free to stay and watch, I would like you to stay and watch me, so would Garth. Before I lock the door, if any of you boys want to leave, you are free to leave now.”
None of the boys, all of us in our late teens, myself included chose to leave the room, some of us not quite sure what all the words he had used meant, fellatio, a blow job, suck his cock, give him a head job, though all of us, red face and slightly embarrassed wanted to watch him suck Garth’s impressive cock, give him a blow job.
We had never seen Garth with an erection, or at least I hadn’t, though I suspect some of the boys had seen him with his cock fully erect for them.
“Tell me you want this Garth, tell me so there are no repercussions later. Repeat after me, ‘I want you to give me fellatio, a blow job, suck my cock, give me a head job. And I am happy for my buddies, my team mates to watch.’”
At our age, late teens, we had all talked about and fantasiszed wildly about our sex lives, girls, women, having our cocks sucked by a girl, a woman, another boy, another man.
Garth’s partner, his male lover, we never did learn his name or who was, took control, He told Garth to stand with his back to the wall, to spread his legs, with his hands behind his head. “You are my sex object, you can talk to me, talk to your buddies, say anything you wish. Just remember you are my sex object. I want to blow your huge cock.”
Garth was surprisingly relaxed, making it obvious this wasn’t the first time another man, an older man had given him fellatio, a blow job, suck his cock, give him a head job. Watching his male lover teasing Garth’s cock to erection was an awesome, first ever experience. We knew Garth had an impressive cock, huge and so thick, just as his male lover did. Garth was was whispering to himself, creating heavily, licking his lips.
His lover pushing his cock back against his stomach, licking it, kissing it, watching it grow, licking and sucking his balls. All of us watching Garth soaking up his blow job, he had a huge erection now. None of us had even dreamed about watching another male, our team mate, our buddy having his cock sucked, never realizing it could be so erotic, such a huge a turn on for us.
“Look at the size of his erection, huge and so thick, he must be more than ten-inches,” of the boys whispered while watching and stroking his own erection.
“He has to be almost twelve-inches,” I whispered, while watching and stroking my own erection. Trying to make meaningful comparisons, a twelve-inch ruler, a twelve-inch plate, a twelve-inch storage box.
While we watched all of us wondering if another male would ever want to give us fellatio, a blow job, suck our cock, give us a head job. All of us hoping a female would.
The next time I saw Garth in action came as a complete surprise. I was moonlighting as a drinks waiter to help pay my college fees. It was a Saturday night party for some type of special occasion in a large expensive house in one of the best suburbs in town. Lots of sophisticated drop dead gorgeous women and handsome men in attendance, all dressed to impress.
At eleven an announcement. “In a few minutes there will be an adult entertainment. If you will be embarrassed or uncomfortable watching an adult entertainment feel free to move to another room or leave now.
Only a few people left the room, all in an older age bracket, before Garth appeared topless, holding hands with two of the guests a woman and a man close to forty, a very attractive couple. I had watched them earlier, slightly tense and nervy as they declined my drink offerings.
“Oh wow,” the guests whispered as one as the man removed Garth’s leather trousers, sliding his hands over his chest and his ass cheeks bulging out of his jock strap. The man kissing his lady as he removed her dress, now naked, she wasn’t wearing underwear. The man licking Garth’s nipples as he removed his jock strap.
“Oh wow,” the guests whispered, just as I did as we looked at his huge, thick erection. Garth was even bigger than when I saw him last. The man’s woman sucking his erection, alternating sucking it while the other one, alternated teasing his nipples.
“So good, fuck yes, yes, yes, yes,” Garth was moaning, his face contorted as the audience waited for the lady to bring him to orgasm, willing her to bring him to orgasm.
The vibe from the people watching was incredible, amazing, sex charged, women and men with their hands all over each other. The looks of lust on their faces something I had never seen as Garth moaned, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” as he orgasmed for them.
I can still recall the reaction from the audience. Lots of, “Oh, wow, fuck,” as men and women watched him blow, impressed by the size of his erection.
I caught up with Garth afterwards, he was still naked and almost gloating when he told me, “Wasn’t she a doll, and he was so good, did you realise who they were?. I was paid three for that, plus a limo to get here.”
We learnt later Garth had gone on to a successful sporting career and an even more successful business career. Both of his two wives complaining loudly about his second job, though not about the money he was earning after hours. Rumours abounding about his cash earnings, five for a woman, seven and a half for a woman and her man. Ten for a four-way, thousands of course, plus expenses and a tip.