A father inadvertently catches a glimpse of his son's surprisingly huge cock, and simply can't resist.
It was barely past noon, and it was already a miserable hell of a Friday. First, I'd been woken up early. That part, at least, I'd known was going to happen; my wife and our twin girls had set out bright and early for the four-our drive they were making so they'd arrive on time for the spa-day portion of our niece's (and their favourite cousin's) bachelorette weekend. Apparently a simple bachelorette 'party' is no longer enough, it was going to be an entire three-day weekend! Jana and Julie had been looking forward to it for months, ever since Emma had invited them, especially since she'd intentionally scheduled it for a week after the girls turned old enough to drink. So... I suppose my day could have been worse. I did not envy Sarah the job of trying to keep those two under control this weekend, that was for sure! But even so, my day at work had still sucked. I'd had a full day of cataract surgeries scheduled... and some idiot in the orthodontist's office downstairs had to go and cause some sort of enormous chemical spill. Details on exactly what it had been had not been forthcoming, but after two hours standing around outside in the blazing summer sun the fire department had eventually informed us that the building would be remaining closed for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours, while everything was cleaned up and thoroughly aired out. So, no surgeries, no clinic hours, no nothing... except back home to see if I could coax our son away from his video games long enough to even say 'hello'.
“Jack? You here someplace?” I called, stepping out of my shoes and ridding myself of phone, wallet, and keys before making my way to the kitchen. No response, but I hadn't really been expecting one. He was a conscientious kid during the school year, but it was summer vacation now. It would have taken an act of God to get him away from his screen for longer than it took to nuke a pizza roll.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I turned to the sound of the patio door, and saw him walking into the house buck-ass naked, tousling his hair with a towel after a swim in our pool, his huge, thick eight-inch flaccid cock swaying proudly before him.
It took me a minute to find my voice. Not to mention to pry my eyes away from that hypnotically swinging dick! “Hey, Jack.” I said. I think I even managed to keep my voice more or less under control. God, what a cock! So, clearly my son took after his mother's side of the family, in that regard. Her father, specifically. Mine was... okay. That's about all you could say about it. Five inches, a bit on the skinny side but not unreasonably so. Slightly below average, but then, that's how 'averages' work; somebody has to be below them, and at least mine wasn't much below. But Jack's...
As to how I knew it was Sarah's father that our son took after? Well... that is a story! She and I had met online. In the forum section of a porn story site, believe it or not. She'd commented on a story about a group of couples getting together for a party, the girlfriends convincing the guys to do a cock-measuring contest, with the loser then having to give blowjobs to all the winners while the girls watched and masturbated. Sarah had said it had always been her biggest fantasy to make her boyfriend suck another man's cock for her, something I'd spent more than the occasional hour thinking about as well. I'd never even touched anyone else's dick before... for me, at that point in my life, the entire point had been about doing it for the girl, not for any enjoyment I thought I might get out of it myself, so I'd never even been seriously tempted to experiment. But when I saw in her profile that she actually lived in the same city as me, I hadn't been able to resist sending her a private message and striking up a conversation. I'd been shocked to learn that a girl as hot as she was in her profile pic was actually single at the moment, and it hadn't taken us long to arrange to make our shared fantasy a reality. It had started out as just a one-time hook-up expressly for that purpose, and it had gone just as we'd planned—her with one hand on the back of my head, forcing me up and down, while she rapidly frigged herself with her other hand down her pants! But when she and I were hanging out in her kitchen afterwards, long after her gay friend she'd invited over had busted his nut in my mouth and left, we realized we had other things in common than just our fantasies. We stayed there for hours, just talking... and when she eventually invited me back to her bedroom with her, it was for the most incredibly mind-blowing sex I'd ever had! It wasn't until two months afterwards, when we'd decided to attend our first 'party' together, that we'd shockingly run into her mom and dad, who I'd not yet met. All three of them looked about ready to die of embarrassment right on the spot... but Mary, Sarah's mom, eventually found the courage to recover. 'So are we all just going to keep standing here gawping at each other, then? Or are you going to tell this new boyfriend of yours to get down on his knees and suck your father's cock for him?' She had asked. And sure enough, that was what Sarah had hesitatingly told me to do, and that was what I had just as nervously done. Nor was that the only thing I'd done that night. Michael had a beautiful, thick nine-inch prick... and at Mary's encouragement, after recovering from making me swallow his first load of the evening, he'd used it to pop my anal cherry and give me his second load deep up my ass, mother and daughter both masturbating themselves like crazy, getting off over and over again as they watched! And we'd been making a regular thing of it ever since. It became more difficult, not so much once we had kids, but as they grew older and could no longer simply be sent off to bed early while the grown-ups stayed up to 'talk'. But we made it work. Sarah still arranged strangers for me occasionally too, when she was in the mood to watch me servicing somebody new. But her father was the only one who'd ever fucked me more than once, and that amazing cock of his was by far my favourite I'd ever had!
“Oh, shit!” Jack exclaimed, drawing me back from my thoughts and my contemplation of his cock as he yanked his towel down from his head to cover himself. “Sorry! Thought I was the only one here! In fact... why are you here? Something happen at work?”
“Don't get me started!” I sighed, and not only with disappointment that he was now hidden behind that towel. “Some big chemical spill in an office downstairs, mandatory closure for a day or two until it's cleaned up. Assuming they can actually get it done that quick, and we're not out part of next week, too.”
“Oh, well...” he smiled shyly. No big deal, right? Guys caught unintentional glimpses of each other in the locker room all the time. I'm sure he was telling himself that just as hard as I was. “There's no such thing as bad vacation, enforced or otherwise.”
“True enough, I suppose,” I smirked. “And speaking of vacation... do you always swim naked when you're the only one home?”
“When have I ever been the only one home, before today?” he smirked back and shrugged. “I just thought I'd give it a try. Felt really nice, actually, not needing a suit.”
“Well... feel free, I guess, until your mom and the girls get home,” I said as nonchalantly as I was able. Please, please take me up on that offer! “Just make sure you're thorough, with the sunscreen.” I gestured casually towards his towel. “The girls at your school would be after me with pitchforks and torches, if they caught wind of me letting you put that thing at risk! Don't take this wrong, or anything... but I hope you realize just how lucky you are, having a dick like that!”
“Yeah... thanks, for that!” he smirked, understandably assuming it was me he'd inherited it from.
“I wish I could take credit!” I admitted with a chuckle. “I'd kill to have a cock like yours!” (In my mouth... up my ass! I carefully did not say!) “You must be beating the girls off with a stick!”
“Yeah, right!” he sighed. “I need to convince one of them to at least go on a date with me, first! It's not like I can just walk up to one and say 'Hi, my name's Jack, and I have a ten-inch dick. Want to ride it for me?'” he shook his head. “Not gonna happen.”
Ten inches, when he was hard? He was clearly underestimating just how effective that approach was likely to prove if he tried it! But that wasn't what I said.
“So... you've never done anything with a girl?” I asked instead. “Not a blowjob... nothing?”
“Way to make me feel bad about it, Dad!” he rolled his eyes at me, but I knew he wasn't being serious.
“Sorry, I just meant...” I trailed off, unsure of what I'd been about to say, silently fighting with myself over what I'd really meant. I shouldn't. I knew I shouldn't... But it was like I just couldn't stop myself. I couldn't get that huge, amazing cock of his out of my mind, hiding so temptingly close behind that simple little towel. I had to try! “I could do it for you, if you want.”
“What?” he gasped, eyes and mouth opening wide.
“I mean... no pressure, or anything, obviously!” I quickly reassured him. “Say no, and I'll never bring it up again! But, if you want...” I shrugged, swallowing nervously. The die was already cast, and there was nothing left to do but to follow through and see how it landed.
“You... you suck cock?” he gasped, completely flabbergasted. “But... I mean, does mom know?”
“She does,” I nodded shyly. The details could wait; he hadn't run out of the room screaming yet, so so far, so good! But as he stood there frozen, chewing over the implications of my offer, I knew further words wouldn't be enough to get him to decide. I stepped over to him slowly, giving him plenty of time to object, or to back away. And when he didn't, when I was standing right in front of him... I dropped to my knees.
I looked up at him silently, trying not to let my eyes wander to the growing bulge I could see starting to lift his towel. It took a slow, endless moment... then the towel was falling, and there was nothing more to say. I started with my hand, just feeling the weight and heat of him, but not for long; I couldn't risk giving him the chance to change his mind, not before I'd at least been able to taste him! He gasped loudly as I slid my lips over his crown, his hands flailing clumsily at the sides of my head. I was worried I'd made a mistake, that I shouldn't have rushed it after all... but as his hands settled I realized; he was just trying to hold me in place, not push me away. I smiled happily around his thick, stiffening shaft, and got to work.
After more than twenty years of regularly sucking my father-in-law's cock, I'd learned how to give one hell of a blowjob, even if I did say so myself. Jack clearly agreed, if his near-constant moaning and the gentle, instinctive thrusting of his hips were any indication. But he couldn't possibly have been enjoying himself any more than I was. As he finished getting hard for me, it became clear that not only was he the inch longer than his grandfather that he'd already mentioned, but he was a little bit thicker, too! And hard like only a teenage boy can be! God he had such a nice cock! I was really giving him my all, using all my tricks, wanting to give him the best experience I possibly could. How better to convince him to let me do this again, after all?
Deep-throating was tricky... that touch of extra thickness made a bigger difference than I'd expected, trying to get him past the entrance to my throat. I gagged a few times, trying to get used to it, then pulling off for a moment and just using my hands on him until I'd recovered enough to try again. I got it done eventually though, and the startled and grateful moan from above me as I finally took his entire dick into my mouth was the most gratifying sound I think I'd ever heard. I kept him down as long as I could hold my breath, nose pressed hard into his pubes, tongue swirling back and forth across his base inside my mouth. It was a shame I couldn't actually get my tongue out to tickle his balls for him... but he and his grandfather were both way too thick for that. I'd have had to dislocate my damned jaw to make enough room to get my tongue out while he was still inside my mouth!
I kept changing it up, not wanting him to ever get too used to any one technique. I made sure to pay some attention to his balls, too, taking turns sucking one then the other into my mouth; they were far too big to even think about trying to get both of them in at once! He really seemed to enjoy it, just like Michael always did. Personally, I didn't really see the appeal. Sarah occasionally got into the mood for it, and of course I never said 'no', but given my choice I'd much rather have my cock in her mouth, instead! Being on the giving end of a good ball-sucking, however... now that was something I could get excited about! Almost as excited as I was about slobbering all over that enormous shaft!
“Oh, God...” he suddenly moaned. I'd been working on just his first couple of inches for a while, that perfect depth where I could bob really quickly up and down while stimulating that sensitive bit under his head with my tongue. “If you don't slow down you're going to make me cum!”
I moaned my approval and encouragement, redoubling my efforts as he tightened his grip on my head. He hadn't lasted as long as I might have wished, but certainly longer than I'd been expecting, it being his first time. I let go of his shaft and grabbed him by his hips, hard; come hell or high water, I was going to keep him in my mouth until he was done! His thighs started to shake, he let out a long, deep groan... and then a sudden gasp, and it was happening! I moaned too, overwhelmed by the pure enjoyment to taking my son's hot, thick load. And there was a lot of it, too! I swallowed eagerly, and it just kept coming, spurt after glorious spurt! I wondered how long it had been since the last time he'd masturbated. Either it had been quite a while (which I seriously doubted, him being a teenage boy and having had the house to himself all morning) or he produced a phenomenal amount of cum! Michael always made sure to have at least a couple of days' worth stored up for me when we all got together for one of our play dates, knowing how much I loved taking a nice, big load... but this was something else entirely! I wasn't really counting, but I'm sure it must have been a good seven or eight full blasts, filling my mouth over and over again as I worked hungrily to get it all down without letting any of it escape, before he finally trickled off into a couple of smaller ones I could hold on my tongue long enough to properly taste and enjoy. He was salty, as all men are, but not so much so that it was unpleasant. Nor did he have that awful, indescribably strong taste some men seemed so unlucky to possess. No, I couldn't have been happier, and I made sure to let him know that, in no uncertain terms, until his post-orgasm sensitivity finally got too be too much for him and he pulled himself out and away. He was still letting me gently hold him in my hands, though, just enjoying the feel of him, still hard and apparently determined to stay that way with the stubborn resilience of youth.
“Thanks!” I smiled up at him. Michael would always have a special place in my heart... and my ass, him being the first to have taken it! But I think his grandson may have just taken his crown as my new favourite dick. “And just so you know... you taste delicious!”
“You swallowed it?” he asked, mouth agape in shock.
“It was either that or drown!” I laughed at his surprise, reminding myself again that it was still just his first time. “God, that was a lot of cum! How long has it been since the last time you masturbated?” I simply had to know.
“Uhhh... what time is it?” he asked, twisting to look at the clock. “About... three hours, I think? Maybe four? I wasn't watching the time. Only the once so far today, though. I was about to go to my room to do it again, after my swim... but you kinda interrupted that plan.”
“My bad,” I smirked up at him, trying to hide my astonishment and glee. Only three hours? God! “If you'd have preferred...”
“No!” he exclaimed, then coughed, trying to play it cool. “I mean... that was really good, Dad. So much better than doing it myself! Thank you!”
“My pleasure!” I smiled. “And I hope you know how much I mean that!”
“Starting to, I think, yeah,” he chuckled... then seemed to suddenly pause himself, and sighed. “I suppose I should really go put some clothes on now though, hunh?”
“Not on my account, you don't need to!” I grinned and shook my head, leaning in for another soft, slow kiss on the tip of his cock, making him moan. “Your mom and sisters won't be getting back until late Sunday night... you can spend the entire weekend naked, as far as I'm concerned.”
“Ummm...” he said, chewing his lip as he thought it over. Still having my hands gently cradling his cock probably wasn't helping with the clearest of thinking... but if it helped lead him in the direction I wanted him to go, I wasn't above a little bit of cheating.
“I will if you will, I guess,” he eventually offered. Ahh, crap. I didn't really want to do that. Knowing it intellectually is one thing, but having him see just how much bigger than me he really was... But if that was the price he was going to exact for letting me stare at that huge, luscious cock of his all weekend, then I guess ultimately, it was one I was willing to pay. And... there were other considerations, too, I supposed. Things that would definitely involve him getting a look at me anyways, if I could find a way to make them happen. I was getting way ahead of myself... but maybe having to be naked in front of him would be a good first step in that direction.
“I guess I can do that,” I said, hoping I was putting the proper mix of nerves and just a hint of excitement into my voice. “I need to go take a shower anyways, after being stuck out in the sun waiting for the fire department to do their thing...” I stood, paused a moment to make sure I wouldn't seem overly eager, and started to strip.
“Oh!” Jack exclaimed as I finally pulled my boxers down and stood naked in front of him. “I guess you weren't kidding, hunh?” he asked. “Damn... Sorry, Dad. That sucks you got shafted in the dick department like that!”
“Or not 'shafted' enough!” I smirked and shrugged as I joined in on his unintentional pun, trying not to let it be a big deal. It wasn't like I wasn't used to it. One of Sarah's iron-clad rules for me was that I only ever sucked or got fucked by guys who were at least two inches bigger than me. I may only have had five of my own to work with, but at least I was hard for Jack's first time seeing me, after getting so worked up while sucking his. The contrast between us would have been even more humiliating, if he'd seen how small I was when soft. We stood there silently for several long moments, both just staring back and forth between ourselves. He was fully twice my length, and about one and a half times my width. I'd have to properly measure us both at peak hardness to know for sure... but looking at us right next to one another like that, I thought my estimates were pretty accurate. “I'll, uhh... just go hop in that shower now, I guess,” I said lamely. And I did not scurry off like a frightened little girl. I know this for a fact, because I resolutely did not let myself scurry off like a frightened little girl, no matter how much I suddenly wanted to flee from the embarrassment of having such a sad, pathetic little dick compared to my teenage son's absolute monster of a cock!
I started feeling better the moment I had a nice, solid door between him and me, and immediately started kicking myself. What the hell was wrong with me? But I knew that, of course. I was used to other men, bigger men, pitying my poor little excuse for a dick. Even having some of them openly mock me, humiliating me in front of Sarah as she watched. Going so far as to claim that what I had wasn't even a dick at all, but just an ugly, overgrown clit, while they mercilessly used my mouth or ass until they'd finished filling me with their cum. But those were all strangers! Even Michael had been a stranger, to me if obviously not to Sarah, that first night he'd fucked me. But Jack was my son! He hadn't been mean about it, of course, any more than his grandfather had ever been. But that look in his eyes as he saw how small I was had shaken me more than I'd expected it to, and I needed to get a handle on that, emotionally, before I'd be ready to go back out and face him again.
And in the meantime, as I was struggling my way through all of that... I knew what I needed to be doing. It was never particularly pleasant... and I had no idea yet if it would even be needed or not. But better to be properly prepared, just in case; I retrieved the enema kit from its home under the sink in Sarah's and my bathroom, and started the process of getting myself ready. By the time I'd finished both that and my shower, and then thoroughly lubed myself up (No harm in being hopeful, is there?), I was feeling much better about things. The key, I'd decided, was just to accept it. Lean into it, even. That's what I did whenever the stranger Sarah had picked for me turned out to be into the whole humiliation side of things. I just let them have their way, agreeing with whatever they said, begging to get my sissy faggot ass fucked by a real man... whatever they needed to hear to get them off, to make them cum in me! It wouldn't be as easy, doing that with Jack... my key to success had always been knowing that I would never see any of those guys ever again, so it didn't matter how much I humiliated myself in front of them. But now that I'd had some time to wrap my mind around it, to really picture it and think about how it might play out, I was no longer having that instinctive fear response that had hit me so hard earlier. I doubted Jack would want to degrade me like those guys anyways... but even if he did, now that the idea of it was no longer coming at me cold, I felt I could handle it. Even enjoy it, if I was being honest! There was something that was just so incredibly hot about giving yourself up completely to service someone else's desires and lust! And the idea of giving myself to my own son like that... was indescribable!
Jack was sitting in the living room when I returned, idly flipping for something to watch. He was still naked, I was relieved to see, his cock limp but still long and thick, laying heavily between his thighs. I'd run over several different scenarios while I'd been in the shower, for how this might work. In the end, I decided that straightforward and simple was the way to go. I said nothing. I just walked over, making as if I was going to sit down beside him, but as I got there I instead dropped to my knees in front of him again, bent down, and immediately resumed sucking his cock.
He gasped in surprise, but it didn't take him long to get over it, sliding himself forward and leaning back, widening the spread of his knees to give me better access. He grew quickly in my mouth, putting one hand on the back of my head, negligently guiding me up and down his shaft as he continued flipping through the channels with the other. That was surprisingly thrilling, being used almost as an afterthought like that, while he continued uninterrupted about his day... I moaned around his shaft, bobbing faster and deeper.
“You really do like that, don't you?” he moaned back at me. “You enjoy sucking your teenage son's big, fat cock!”
“Uh hunh!” I moaned around his shaft, eagerly nodding my agreement. I'd planned to wait a bit longer, first... but he sounded so turned on in that moment, I couldn't let the opportunity pass me by. I pulled off and looked up at him.
“I love sucking your cock...” I took a deep, preparatory breath. “Almost as much as I'd love having you fuck me with it!”
His eyes went wide. “I don't know, Dad... I mean... getting a blowjob is one thing...”
“We can put on some porn for you to watch, while you do it,” I continued unabated. “Straight porn. You can just concentrate on the girls, imagine it's one of them you're fucking... but I need to feel this cock inside of me! Please, Jack! You're the biggest I've ever seen in real life! You have no idea how much I need to experience it for myself!”
He chewed on his lip for what seemed like half of forever, thinking it over. “I'm really the biggest you've seen?” he asked. “You aren't just saying that?”
“Longest and thickest, both,” I confirmed, still worshipfully stroking him with my hands as I looked up into his eyes. “I just know you'd feel absolutely amazing! And if you thought getting a blowjob was good... just wait until you're feeling your entire cock pounding up into my tight, hot ass!”
“Well... I guess we can at least try it,” he eventually agreed, and I kissed his cock again in thanks.
“Would you prefer to watch something with just lesbians, or to see girls getting fucked?” I asked as I stood.
“Getting fucked, I think,” he answered shyly. I smiled, and quickly disappeared back to Sarah's and my room. I knew just the one I wanted him to watch, always one of my favourites; tiny little eighteen and nineteen year old blonde girls, getting their cute little pussies and asses reamed by cocks nearly as big and thick as Jack's was. I quickly returned to the living room and got the DVD playing, dropping eagerly to my hands and knees on the floor in front of him, facing the tv. I could sense him getting down to his knees behind me, placing one hand tentatively on my hip. I didn't look back. If he was feeling conflicted, I figured looking me in the eyes would be the last thing he needed right then!
“So, do I just...” he asked.
“Don't worry,” I reassured him calmly. “I already prepped and lubed myself up before I came back out here after my shower. Don't just ram it in there, obviously! But you don't have to worry about trying to be too gentle, either.”
“I guess you really do want this, hunh?” he said, his wicked grin clear in the tone of his voice, and I sighed happily as I felt the firm, spongy tissue of his cockhead pressing gently against my hole. “Getting yourself all lubed up and ready to go before you'd even asked me if I'd be okay with this.”
I was saved from having to respond as he began to slowly press, opening me, stretching me, robbing me of the ability to do anything more than gasp and moan.
“Is that okay?” he asked, pausing once he finally had his head fully inside, both hands on my hips now. “I'm not hurting you, am I?”
I couldn't speak yet, but shook my head.
“You want more?” he asked teasingly. He definitely seemed to be feeling more confident, now that he had himself partly inside of me, that was for damned sure!
I nodded. Vigorously!
He laughed, gently starting to thrust, slowly working himself deeper. I pushed back to meet him a little, but not too much. Just enough to encourage him, to let him know how much I was enjoying having him inside of me. I needed to let him be in control, to let him be the one fucking me, not the other way around. My God, he was so thick, and hard! It was like getting fucked with a goddamned baseball bat! And I was loving every minute of it!
“Damn, this feels good!” he moaned. “You weren't kidding when you said it'd be even better than having you suck me off!” He tightened his grip on my hips, giving me a bit more force, making me shudder and moan. “You like that, don't you? You like having my dick up your ass?”
“Uh hunh!” I groaned. God, that was some good dick! He'd barely even gotten himself halfway into me so far, and he already felt incredible!
“Let me hear you say it!” he commanded, punctuating his demand by slowly sinking another full inch of himself up my ass.
“Unnnnh!” I moaned, reflexively arching my back as I felt it pushing in. “I fucking love it!” I gasped. “I love having that big, thick cock stretching my ass!”
“Whose cock?” he demanded next, confusing me for a moment. In my defense, I was pretty fucking distracted at the moment. But I ran his words through my mind again, and I understood what he wanted. Virgin or not, he'd clearly been visiting some 'interesting' areas of the internet, if he already had the language down. I wondered if he'd found that same site where Sarah and I had met? Wouldn't that be a trip, if he'd been jerking off to some of the same stories I did... only he'd been imagining himself as the one doing the fucking, while I'd been dreaming of being the one getting fucked!
“My son's cock!” I moaned for him, gladly giving him exactly what he wanted to hear. “I love the way my own son is using his huge, amazing dick to ream his father's ass!”
“Oh, take it, Dad!” he growled. “Take all ten inches of your son's thick, hard cock!”
“Oh, fuuuuck!” I whimpered, falling forward to rest my forehead on the floor as he slowly but inexorably delivered every last inch he had to give. And my God, what a difference a single inch could make! He was just holding himself there for a moment, not even moving as his hips pressed tight against my ass, and I could barely breath. Not since that very first time with Michael had I ever felt something quite like this, getting filled and stretched out in a place no one else had ever been able to reach!
“Oh, give it to me, son!” I begged, unsure I'd really even be able to handle what I was asking for, but unable to stop myself. “Give me that cock! Make me fucking take it!”
“Like this?” he asked as he resumed his thrusting, gentle at first, but gradually growing more forceful.
“Ohhh, God...” I wailed. It took me a minute to gather my wits about me, but I knew what I had to say. I couldn't come this far and not say it, not when I wasn't certain I'd ever be able to convince him to do this again. I'd be kicking myself forever, if it turned out I'd only had this one opportunity, and I'd squandered it.
“Harder, please!” I gasped. “I can take it! I want it as deep and hard as you can! Make me your bitch, Jack! Please! Make your father your fucking bitch!”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked. “You want it like this?”
The sudden force of it expelled what little breath I'd been able to gather from my lungs, but I nodded through my gasp, urging him onward. He moved his hands from my hips to my shoulders, lifting me up, forcing me to bow my back for him and using the more secure grip to really rocket himself up into my guts on each and every deep, rapid thrust. He didn't disappoint, proving himself every bit the strong, athletic fuck his grandfather had always been... but with that extra little bit of youthful first-timer zeal that really put it over the top!
“I bet you wish you were her, don't you?” he asked, referring to the adorable little blonde I was now in a position to see on the tv, squealing in pleasure as she took a big, thick cock up her tiny little pink pussy. “With a pair of nice, round little tits for me to hold onto while I drill your slutty little cunt?”
I was still too short of breath to respond, but I nodded again, licking my lips as I stared at the screen. I was in no way trans... but if that was the fantasy he wanted to play out, I could go along with it. I owed him at least that much, in thanks for the unbelievable fucking he was giving me! I tried to imagine what it would be like, being the gorgeous little blonde on the screen. Taking that huge, thick cock deep up my tiny little teenage pussy... Giving him my virginity, even; the first boy I'd ever allowed to have me! Trembling and moaning as he took me so deep and hard, over and over again, using me like a fuck-doll for his pleasure! Cumming for him, creaming all over that huge, amazing dick, my frothy white girl-cum the proof of how good he was! Of how much I loved the way he was fucking me! And waiting... waiting for him to unleash his huge, potent load deep up inside of me, completely filling my fertile, unprotected womb... Knocking me up, putting his baby in me! Giving him the ultimate proof of my devotion to that huge, amazing cock!
I played it over and over in my mind, through the entirety of the first girl's scene, and into the next. I was distantly impressed with how long he was taking, given that it was his first time, even if I had just finished blowing him not that long beforehand. But mostly, I was just concentrating on the fantasy. I was maybe a little too wrapped up in my thoughts, truth be told; so focused on what it would be like to make him cum inside of my tight, wet little teenage pussy, I didn't notice how close I was getting. Then suddenly I was cumming, hard, with barely enough warning for me to grab his towel and lay it out beneath me before I was spraying all over it. He moaned nearly as loudly as I was, the reflexive tightening of my ass proving too much for him to take; his fingers dug into my shoulders, his hips slamming as hard as he could against my ass. I gasped, eyes wide, feeling wave after wave of that incredible heat filling me up.
We came down slowly together, as he moved his hands from my shoulders to my hips, letting me relax down to lay my chest on the floor, but still keeping his cock buried deep inside my ass. And thank God for that! I was so not ready to let him pull out of me, not yet! But after another few minutes that was what he did, disappearing into the bathroom to wash off as I lay there, satiated and spent, before he considerately returned with a wet washcloth for me so I could clean up, too.
“I can't believe we actually just did that!” he sighed, flopping back onto the couch as I was finishing up.
“Regrets?” I had to ask, unable to meet his eyes, staring instead at his still mostly-hard cock, holding my breath as I awaited his response.
“Depends...” he said, and as I worriedly looked up I saw his grin. “You going to let me keep on doing it? Or was this just a one-time thing?”
“You really think you have to ask?” I grinned back, sighing with relief.
“I was hoping you'd say that!” he laughed, readjusting the way he was sitting on the couch, spreading his knees and looking at me expectantly. I could feel myself starting to blush, but I obediently spun around and crawled towards him, pausing as I took him into my hand.
“You cleaned off really good, right?” I asked as I gently started to stroke.
“Really good,” he confirmed with a nod, and I took him back into my mouth, laying my cheek against his thigh as I began to lazily suck. We'd have to let him finish going soft first, I was sure; even teenage lust had to have some limits! But there was nothing keeping me from making sure he enjoyed himself while we waited!
“So... how long has this been going on, anyways?” he asked, sighing and closing his eyes as he leaned back into the cushions, resting his hand on the back of my head to guide me slowly up and down.
“Uhhh... ever since my first date with your mom, actually,” I admitted shyly, popping him out of my mouth again and slowly stroking him with my hand as I spoke. That sure made him open his eyes again! I proceeded to tell him the whole story... almost. I of course left out the fact that it was his own grandfather who'd had the first and most regular claim on my ass! But other than that one little detail, I told him everything he wanted to know. By the time he finally ran out of questions the dvd had come to its end, and he was ready to go again. And this time, he took charge! He restarted the video, then brought me around to the back of the couch, spreading the towel out again to catch any mess, before leaning me over to brace myself with my forearms down on the cushions. God, that was a good position! He had the full force of his legs behind him, and with my thighs pressed against the back of the couch it meant I couldn't move an inch, no matter how hard he slammed that huge, thick cock of his up into my guts!
And that was pretty much how it went all weekend long, with him completely in charge of it all. Whenever I wasn't actively getting fucked, I was down on my knees, lazily sucking and stroking while we waited for him to recover. He even had me go down on him while he was playing one of his video games, the friends he was chatting with on his headset the entire time having no idea their buddy was busy getting his cock sucked as they played! And certainly not that the brief pause he had to take was so that he could shoot a hot, steamy load of cum down his own father's eager throat!
We didn't actually sleep together, of course; this was about sex, not romance! I did sneak into his bedroom early the next morning, though, and woke him up with a blowjob. And the next morning, Sunday, after completely wearing me out the day before, he snuck into my room, rubbing his thick, needy cock all over my face until I finally woke up enough to start sucking him again.
The girls didn't get back until late that evening, all three of them happy but thoroughly exhausted after their weekend of drinking and partying. Sarah had just gotten out of the shower, cuddling up next to me in bed all fresh and damp, wearing nothing but her cute little tanktop and panties, as I tried to figure out how to divert her from the sex she was clearly expecting and to initiate the conversation we needed to have, instead. That was when we heard the quiet knock on our door.
“Come in!” she called, rolling away from me a little bit and pulling the blanket further up to make sure she was fully covered. It was Jack, of course, but he was early; I hadn't planned on Sarah deciding she wanted a shower before bed.
“Hey... what's up, kiddo?” she asked, looking up at him innocently as he stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind him.
“Oh, uhh... I guess you haven't told her, yet?” he asked, suddenly nervous.
“I was about to...” I said, which was close enough to being true, even if I'd still been working out the details of how to say it.
“Told me what?” she asked, glancing back and forth between us. “Did something happen this weekend? Is something wrong?”
“No, nothing's wrong,” I tried to reassure her. “At least... I'm really hoping you won't think anything's wrong. I mean, I'm pretty sure, but...” I trailed off.
“Okay, now I really am starting to worry!” she said, the concern clear in her eyes as she stroked her hand over my chest, biting her lip. “What's going on?”
“Umm... maybe it would be easiest if we just show her?” Jack hesitantly suggested. I swallowed nervously, but in my inability to force the words out myself, it might be our best option. I squeezed Sarah tight against my side first, kissing her hair, then gently extricated myself and slid down out of bed to my knees. Jack was already stepping closer, and I knew I just had to do it and get it over with quickly, before I lost my nerve. I grabbed his shorts at his hips, pulling them down, hearing Sarah's gasp of shock as our son's huge, semi-erect cock sprung into sight. But I couldn't stop there... I leaned forward, taking him into my mouth.
“Oh my God!” she hissed, thankfully with enough presence of mind to keep her volume too low for the girls to hear. Assuming they were even still awake, as worn out as they'd been when they'd gotten home.
“It's okay, Mom,” Jake moaned quietly, his hands taking hold of my head as he gently began thrusting into my mouth, obviously enjoying the attention I was once again giving him. “You don't have to act all shocked, and everything... Dad told me about how much you like to watch!”
“What?” she gasped, and I could see her vigorously shaking her head in my peripheral vision.
“It, uh...” he began to explain, breaking off in another moan for a moment before shaking himself back to the present. “I think it's kinda my fault, actually. After you left on Friday, I decided to go for a swim... and I wanted to see what it would feel like, doing it naked since I was the only one here. But then Dad had to come home from work early, and he caught me... And I guess after he saw my dick, he just couldn't help himself. He asked if I'd like a blowjob... and I took him up on it.”
“Just like that?” she asked in disbelief.
“Well... maybe there was a little more to it than that,” he admitted with a shy grin. “ But once I got over my shock, and realized he was actually being serious... And once he told me him sucking dick was something you knew about, and were okay with... Yeah, pretty much.”
“God...” she gasped.
“I'm sorry I didn't check with you first,” I said as I popped him out of my mouth, continuing to stroke as I looked over at her. “I know our deal's always been that you're the one in charge of picking cocks for me... but when I saw how big he is, I just couldn't help myself!”
“And... you're sure you're really okay with this?” she asked Jack.
“Oh, I'm good!” he chuckled quietly, forcing his cock back into my mouth, making me moan around his shaft as I eagerly got back to work. “Although... I am really hoping you aren't just going to stay hidden away under your blanket like that! You've got an amazing body, Mom! If you really do enjoy watching as much as Dad says you do... I would love to watch you getting yourself off, while you watch him sucking my cock!”
I turned my head as much as I could without interrupting my sucking, trying to read her reaction. She was chewing her lip, her eyes wide in even deeper shock at what Jack had just said... but she slowly pushed herself up and leaned back against the headboard, easing the blanket down to her knees. Oh my God! It was actually happening! The tanktop went next, revealing her heavy DD-cup tits and thick, erect nipples. Jack moaned quietly, staring lustily and licking his lips. I agreed. Sarah's pregnancies hadn't been easy ones, especially when she'd been carrying the twins, but she was still every bit as gorgeous as the first day I'd met her; the very definition of a milf! She was looking incredibly self-conscious as she sat there topless, wrapping herself in her arms to hide her stretchmarks, but I doubt Jack even noticed them. She hated those marks... but she'd put so much effort into getting back down to her pre-pregnancy dress size, honestly you could barely even tell they were there unless you were looking for them.
“God damn, Mom!” Jack sighed in awe, eyes nearly bugging out of his head.
“Don't swear!” Sarah chided in reflex, but she was blushing brightly, flattered by the effect she was having on him. It took her a while, but I could see her growing slowly more confident as Jack continued starting at her, so obviously enthralled by what he was seeing. She gradually unwrapped her arms, reaching up to tentatively start lifting and squeezing her breasts, showing herself off for him. Jack groaned louder, growing rougher with me, gagging me as he pressed repeatedly against the entrance to my throat. That encouraged Sarah still more, the two of them feeding off each other until she was absolutely mauling her tits for him, both of them moaning and panting with desire. She could finally hold out no longer, stripping herself out of her panties almost in a panic, throwing them aside as she slipped down the bed a little and spread her knees wide. She abandoned her tits, attacking her bald little snatch with both hands, rapidly driving her ring and middle fingers in and out of herself at the exact same pace Jack was using with my mouth, the fingertips of her other hand vibrating back and forth across her clit.
My one and only regret was that my view of her was so limited, needing to keep my head straight on into Jack's crotch. But I could live with only glimpses, if I had to, knowing how much she was enjoying herself watching. I almost felt like I should warn her what she was getting herself in for, honestly. It hadn't been very long yet, compared to how long I knew Jack could last, and going at herself the way she was now she was in for one exhausting fucking night! But no, I eventually decided. Better to let her figure that out for herself, the same way I had.
“Crawl back up onto the bed there and eat her pussy, Dad!” Jack suddenly commanded, shocking me out of my thoughts. I glanced up at him, eyes widening as I instantly understood what he meant. This hadn't been part of the plan, not yet! But I couldn't disobey that look in his eyes.
I pulled away from his cock and climbed up onto the bed on my hands and knees. Sarah hadn't clued in yet, tilting her head and looking questioningly back and forth between us, but she didn't try to stop me, withdrawing her hands as I lowered myself to my elbows and started to lick. I could hear Jack at the side of our bed, Sarah gasping loudly as he opened the drawer of her end table and came out with the lube. I could feel him getting into place behind me, grabbing hold of my boxers, jerking them down to my knees, my cock springing up to slap loudly against my abdomen. Fuck, I was hard! Sarah was still at a loss for words, eyes wide as saucers at what she was seeing as I looked up at her from between her thighs. I felt the familiar coolness of the lube pouring down my crack, Jack's fingers massaging and teasing, soon replaced by the spongy firmness of his cockhead. I tried to relax, but still moaned loudly into her pussy as he forced himself inside.
“Oh, fuuuuck!” Sarah moaned reverently, gently rocking her hips to grind herself into my mouth, her arousal finally overcoming her shock as she watched our son slowly working that enormous cock of his deeper into his father's ass. “That is so fucking hot! I can't believe it!” One hand found its way to the back of my head, pulling me tighter against her, the other returning to playing with her tits. “Do you like that, babe? Do you like feeling our son's huge fucking cock stretching that slutty sissy ass?”
“Uh hunh!” I moaned into her pussy, slathering her soft, succulent inner lips with my tongue. Fuck, she was wet! I licked up as much of her juices as I could, revelling in her taste. I was enjoying myself so much, didn't even mind her calling me a sissy. She'd never done that before, it had always just been something some of the guys she'd picked for me had done, the ones who demanded that I act all submissive and girly for them to help get them off. But Sarah had never before joined in. I guess she must have enjoyed hearing it more than I'd realized, if she was doing it herself, now. But fuck it! As long as she didn't make us stop, she could call me whatever she liked!
“Oh, give it to him, baby!” she cooed at him. “Give your father that cock! I want to watch him take it all!”
“Anything for you, Mom!” Jack promised, an audible grin in his voice as he tightened his grip on my hips and pushed. I groaned, unable to stop myself from tensing up around his shaft. I jerked forward, reflexively trying to get away, but his grip on me was more than up to the task of holding me in place. He was still only about halfway in, and it took another minute or so of repeated grunting and groaning on my part until he finally got it done, holding himself pressed tightly up against my ass, all ten inches of that thick, amazing cock buried into my guts.
“Talk to me!” she commanded. “Tell me how it feels!”
“It's fucking huge!” I moaned. “He's reaching so fucking deep! I fucking love having our son's huge, thick fucking cock filling my ass! It's so fucking good!”
“Show me, baby! Show me the way you fuck your father's ass!”
He started thrusting again, slowly at first but with gradually increasing speed and force. It was amazing, as always... and even better, with Sarah now there to watch! We'd never actually done anything quite like that before... and not just because it was now our son who was the one having his way with my ass! Normally, she'd just watch and masturbate while it was happening. I'd always eat her pussy afterwards, of course, once we were alone again, but this was the first time we'd ever tried an actual threesome, with me going down on her while I was still actively getting fucked. I was loving the new arrangement, and she seemed to be as well, even if the way Jack was pounding me back and forth resulted in me having to be extra careful not to hurt her with my teeth. It meant I wasn't able to eat her nearly as well as I normally did, but anything I was lacking in technique seemed to be made up for by how much she was enjoying watching. So much so, in fact, that she surprised me by cumming earlier than I'd expected, her soft, slender thighs squeezing tightly around my face as she gifted me with an extra-big helping of delicious white cream.
“God... did you just cum, Mom?” Jack asked behind me.
“Uh hunh!” she murmured drowsily, eyes having fluttered closed, still trembling slightly as my tongue carried her through the tail end of her aftershocks.
“Fuck, that was hot!” he moaned. “I've never seen a girl do that in real life before! Watching you is so much better than seeing it in porn!”
“Mmmm... thank you, baby!” she purred happily at the praise, smiling shyly as she met his eyes once more. “I can hardly wait to watch you cumming, next!”
“Naw... I've still got a ways to go. It's going to be Dad's turn, next!”
“Yeah?” she asked, eyes widening in surprise and hope. “You can make him cum without him even touching himself?”
“He's never failed yet,” I moaned. Her father always could as well, so it shouldn't have been such a shock to her, though the other guys she picked for me only had a fifty-fifty or so record of being able to do the same. “Speaking of which...” I'd already been getting close, but watching, feeling, and tasting Sarah cumming had given me an enormous boost. It wouldn't be long now.
“Wait, not yet!” she demanded, quickly wriggling herself down the bed beneath me, knees spread to either side of my hips, pulling me into a passionate kiss on the lips. “Okay, now you can cum!” she announced, stroking both hands through my hair, staring lovingly into my eyes. “Make him fucking cover me with it, baby! Make your father fucking cum!”
I'm not sure who groaned louder, me or Jack, as he took it up a notch at his mother's command and really started giving it to me. I bent down for another kiss and allowed myself to close my eyes, concentrating on the building sensation of pressure deep inside of me as my son's huge, hard cock rubbed back and forth over my prostate. I held off as long as I could, knowing from experience how much more intense that would make the eventual explosion, but I may as well have been ordering the tide not to rise. I moaned into Sarah's mouth as it finally happened, cock twitching violently as I sprayed all over her.
“Hunh...” she said, her quizzical tone making me open her eyes again. She was staring down at herself, a slight frown of confusion on her lips. I glanced down and immediately understood; I'd left several thin white lines stretching from her slender little belly up to her tits, but there wasn't nearly as much of it as she must have been expecting. I didn't cum as much as Jack did, of course... but normally there still would have been significantly more of it than what I'd just given her.
“Looks like you two must have been busy earlier?” she smirked, coming to the obvious conclusion herself. “Before the girls and I got home?”
“Guilty as charged,” I admitted, relieved that she didn't seem angry about it.
“Well... you can still lick up what there is of it, even if there isn't much!” she giggled, kissing me again, then pushing herself slightly back up the bed. I bent down and softly kissed the upper curve of her breast, obediently licking up the furthest-reaching drops of my mess. She took it slowly, enjoying the feeling of my kisses, and only occasionally moving further up the bed to give me access to more of my cum. Only after she was completely clean did she return herself to her prior position, pulling my eager, sucking lips back down to her pussy once more.
Our timing was off. I recognized the growing intensity of Jack's thrusting, along with Sarah's panting and rocking of her hips, but she was clearly lagging behind. I did everything I could to try to speed her along, but she'd had me linger too long licking up my cum.
“Oh, give it to him, baby!” Sarah begged as his sudden groan announced that he was right on the cusp, staring desperately up into his eyes, shuddering at the vigor with which I was now devouring her pussy. “Give your father that fucking cum!”
“Fuuuck!” he moaned, hips slapping hard against my ass, the now familiar heat of my son's thick, potent cum bursting into my bowels.
“Oh, God!” Sarah squealed along with him, surprising me as she trembled her way into orgasm. I smiled into her folds, eagerly lapping up her juices. I guess the timing had been good after all; I'd never been happier to be proven wrong.
It must have been a good five minutes before any of us felt able to move again, Jack slowly withdrawing and easing himself silently up off the bed, disappearing into our bathroom to clean up. He closed the door behind him, obviously to give Sarah and me a moment in private to discuss what had just happened. I crawled up the bed as she was slipping down, easing myself in beside her, slipping my arm under her neck and holding her close.
“Are you mad?” I asked quietly, though I was pretty sure we were okay. She never would have let it go as far as it did, if she had been. But I still had to ask.
“No, not mad...” she said, nuzzling against my chest. “Surprised... but not mad. I'd have told you not to, if you'd asked... I'd have been too scared of what might happen, if it went wrong when you did. But now that I know it didn't go wrong... no, I'm not mad. I'm still going to want a full accounting of just how it actually happened though, not just that little nothing you told me before you got down on your knees for him! But that can wait until later.”
“Of course,” I promised, tilting her chin up for a soft, loving kiss. We didn't speak after that, just kissing, cuddling, and holding each other, lost in our own thoughts, content to wait until Jack was safely back across the hall in his bedroom before we'd discuss it any further. It was going to be complicated, I already knew... but with Sarah on board as she now seemed to be, I was confident we'd find a way to make it work. We'd have to be exceptionally careful, to make sure the girls never caught even a whiff of what was happening... but I was already really looking forward to how much more regularly it meant I'd be able to get my ass fucked, now that we had a partner for me actually living in the same house with us!
Jack came back out of the bathroom not much later, his cock soft but still almost absurdly huge, swaying heavily between his legs as he walked over to the side of the bed. He tossed me a washcloth, which I hurriedly used to clean up any residual lube and mess before folding it over and setting it on my bedside table to be dealt with later. Sarah, meanwhile, had spun herself around to face him, unable to keep her eyes off of that enormous cock of his any more than I could.
“So... before I go back to my room, I just have to ask...” he paused, blushing nervously as he stared down at us, eyes travelling hungrily up and down Sarah's body. “Do you think... maybe I could do you too, Mom?”
Sarah gasped, eyes going wide, and I'm sure I must have looked the same.
“It's just... I've never done anything with a girl before, and... well, you're just gorgeous, Mom! You're so, so sexy! I'd really like to know what it's like, being inside of a pussy, compared to an ass! If you'd... maybe let me try, a little?”
“You... you haven't?” she asked. “Done anything with a girl, I mean? Not even a blowjob, or anything?”
“I've barely even kissed a girl before,” he admitted shyly. “And the one I did wouldn't even let me feel her up through her shirt, much less do anything else.”
“I...” she began, nervously licking and chewing her lip. “I don't know. I... I guess I could at least let you touch me a little, if you want.”
“Yeah?” he asked, smiling hopefully. Sarah returned the smile, if more nervously, twisting to lay flat on her back, presenting herself for him. Her breasts may not have been quite as firm and perky as when she'd been younger, before we'd had kids, but they were still fantastic, and Jack clearly agreed. He lowered himself onto the edge of the bed beside her, tentatively reaching out with both hands at once. Sarah gasped quietly as he touched her, cupping her gently in his hands... but that was all he did, seemingly afraid to move.
“She isn't going to break, you know,” I grinned up at him as I twisted onto my side beside her, making him jerk his eyes over to mine. I think he'd almost forgotten I was still there—not that I could blame him for that! “Give her a squeeze. Don't go trying to hurt her, or anything, but she prefers it with a bit of force behind your fingers.”
“Like this?” he asked, squeezing gradually tighter until Sarah's sudden, trembling moan gave him his answer. He grinned happily, growing gradually more confident as he began kneading and playing. Sarah was blushing furiously, but she was definitely enjoying herself as well. More because of Jack's obvious and flattering enjoyment of her, I thought, than due to whatever his still-clumsy groping might have been doing for her physically. But whatever the cause, she was clearly enjoying herself just the same.
I was getting a fair bit of enjoyment out of watching them myself, I have to admit. I was so intent on watching his hands on her, at first I didn't notice him leaning down towards her. Neither did Sarah, but she had the excuse of having her eyes closed at the time. Before I knew it, Jack had his lips pressed tightly to hers, Sarah squeaking into his mouth, her eyes flashing open in shock. Neither of us had expected that! But I couldn't find my voice to object, and when Jack didn't relent Sarah slowly started giving in, tentatively returning his kiss. He took that as encouragement, growing slowly more bold, giving me an up-close look at my son's tongue probing against his mother's closed lips. Sarah was still trying to hold back... but it wasn't long before she shuddered beneath him, allowing herself to abandon her restraint. She slipped her fingers into his hair at the back of his head, pulling him down to her, opening her mouth and welcoming his tongue. She even started sucking on it, making him tremble and moan, and when he finally withdrew to gather his breath she immediately chased after him, slipping her long, sinuous tongue deeply into his mouth!
Jack leaned further into and on top of her, regretfully taking one hand from her breast to support himself on his elbow as he dove deeper into their kiss. Then his other hand started moving too, sliding slowly down from her breast and along her trim little belly, Sarah moaning into his mouth and eagerly spreading her legs for him as he slipped it between her thighs. She immediately started panting and rocking her hips, grinding herself against his palm as he cupped and squeezed her lips, gasping and trembling as he penetrated her, just as he'd watched her doing to herself. He was impatient, the curse of inexperience... he should have made her wait for it, drawn it out to ramp up her arousal even more, so the eventual orgasm he'd give her would be all the stronger for it. Though to be fair, I suppose the taboo nature of what they were doing to each other would probably do a good job of that all on its own. God knows it already had me hard again, and I was just watching them!
Sarah was clumsy, too distracted by having his fingers in her as she reached down blindly between them, fumbling to find his cock. Maybe she was getting confused, as big and heavy as it was, thinking that was his leg she was bumping her wrist against? She eventually got it figured out, stroking long and slow, exploring and enjoying his size. He was hard and straining, and I found myself licking my lips as I stared at it, wishing she'd offer me another taste. We'd never, ever done anything like this before, in all the times she'd found guys for me to fuck! That was our deal; I never touched other women, she never touched other guys. But I couldn't possibly deny her this, deal or not. I owed her whatever she wanted now, in exchange for her being okay with what I'd started asking Jack to do to me while she'd been away.
“Lay down on the bed, baby!” she commanded breathily, gently pushing him away from their kiss, tits heaving heavily on her chest. She slipped and fell on top of me as the two of them tried to trade places, but they got it done. She moved to her hands and knees above his legs, taking his cock in hand and angling it at the ceiling. She leaned in quickly, but stopped just before her lips made contact with his crown.
“Umm... you did wash really good, right?” she asked, looking bashfully into his eyes. “When you were in the bathroom earlier?” I quirked my lips in amusement, remembering my own embarrassment when I'd found myself in her exact same position just the other day.
“Really, really good,” he confirmed with a nervous but excited smile. “I, uhh... I knew what I was planning to ask you, when I came back out here again.”
“Cheeky boy!” she laughed, smiling shyly as she bent to take him into her mouth. Jack moaned loudly, closing his eyes and leaning his head back into the bed. But only for a couple of seconds, before he was leaning up again and propping a pillow behind his neck so he could watch, reaching down to lovingly stroke his fingers through his mother's long, beautiful hair as she went to work servicing his cock.
Sarah gives an amazing blowjob! But she was used to dealing with my cock, not a monster like Jack's, and it showed. Her struggles didn't make her any less enthusiastic; quite the opposite, in fact! But she had to rely a great deal on her hands, unable to get more than the first third of him actually into her mouth. For his part, I doubt Jack even noticed her lack of depth. I knew from my own experience just how much he had to be loving the feeling of those huge, pillowy tits of hers weighing heavily on his thighs, and how incredible it felt to have her rapidly bobbing and gagging herself, sending rivers of slippery saliva running down his shaft for her to use as lube for her hands. It was incredibly hot, seeing her working away on his cock like that... but strange, too, watching her doing things that for more than twenty years together she'd only ever done for me.
There was one difference, compared to the blowjobs she normally gave me. Other than her trying to cope with his obviously much larger size, I mean; Sarah enjoys sticking a couple of fingers up my ass nearly as much as I enjoy having her do it to me. She says she loves the control it gives her, the power to demand or deny my orgasms however and whenever she likes. But that was one experience which, as amazing as it always is, I did not think Jack was ready for... and certainly not for it to come as a surprise! Maybe someday, if he ever expressed an interest. But for tonight, making him cum with a normal, non-prostate-stimulating blowjob was definitely the right way for her to go.
Or... maybe not? She hadn't even taken him halfway to orgasm yet, by my estimation, before she was pulling off of him, sitting back onto his calves, chewing her lip and staring into his eyes as she continued slowly stroking his cock in her hands. Jack looked as confused as I was, with a heavy dose of desperation thrown in as well, visibly fighting with himself not to demand that his mother get back to what she'd just been doing. Thankfully he was able to hold himself in check; Sarah does not take kindly to being told what to do! But then she started to move, Jack and I both gasping aloud as it became clear that his restraint was about to be rewarded. She went slowly, inch by inch, crawling up his body until she was straddling his hips. She held him up, the two of them moaning in synch as she used his firm, saliva-coated cockhead to rub up and down her bald little pussy lips.
“Please, Mom! Please!” he begged as she continued to tease, his hands stroking pleadingly at her hips. She didn't respond, smiling impishly... then lowered herself slowly onto his head.
My gaze was locked on that tender, tiny little pussy, hardly able to believe how wide she was being stretched! But as difficult as I was sure it must have been for her, she was slowly getting it done. God, she was sexy! Her eyes were closed in concentration, her pouty, kissable kips gaping open with the heaviness of her breathing, making adorable little gasps of pleasure as she gradually rode her way deeper onto our son's thick, amazing cock! Jack, meanwhile, was going after her tits like a crazy person, his fingers digging deeply into that softly yielding flesh. Sarah was enjoying it well enough, I suppose... but her concentration was clearly focused on what was happening between her thighs. She'd been doing fine, at first; a few little shudders when she accidentally went too fast, and no shortage of moaning at the stretching she was receiving, but no major issues. I was honestly impressed! But once she got herself about two-thirds of the way down, things started to change. Progress slowed to a crawl, and the moans started to be accompanied by pained little scrunches of her face. They were only momentary, disappearing the moment she lifted herself again, but she was definitely struggling.
I fought with myself over whether I should say something, to warn her not to hurt herself. She wouldn't appreciate the interruption—but she'd be thankful for it afterwards, I knew. I was still debating with myself when it all became moot.
“My nipples, baby!” she suddenly squealed. “My nipples! Like this!” She fumbled at his hands, guiding him into pinching her, hard, even making him lift her, stretching her against the heavy weight of her tits! She squealed yet again, arching her back and throwing her head back to stare at the ceiling, her body trembling and shaking as the orgasm tore through her.
“Fuuuuck!” Jack moaned beneath her, squirming on the bed, lost in the intensity of that tight, wet little pussy clenching around his shaft. I knew that feeling oh so well... but I was sure it must be even stronger, for him. Not just because it was his first time, and he didn't know what to expect, but because he was just so much bigger than me, so she must feel even tighter when she clamped down! What I wasn't expecting, what came as an absolute shock, was what she did next. While still mid-orgasm, her body still trembling uncontrollably, she started forcing herself down again. Half an inch, an inch... she wasn't even breathing, her mouth moving in a long, silent scream that wouldn't come, as she pushed herself resolutely onwards. My God... bad enough to try forcing it too far normally, but to do it when she was actively cumming, and clenched up even tighter than normal? What was she thinking? Only when she was finally all the way down, her, tight, tender little pussy lips stretched seemingly to the point of tearing by the thickness at his very base, did her eyes flash open again, as if she were suddenly coming back to herself.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she gasped over and over, hyperventilating as she rocked herself violently forward and back, grinding her clitty hard into his pubic bone the way I knew she liked so much, and I'm sure making that huge, rock-hard cock of his pound mercilessly back and forth inside of her! I could hardly believe what I was seeing, that she'd actually managed to take the entire thing like that... and she was still cumming, too! I knew the signs well enough to know; I could see that tremor still racing through her, most noticeable at the backs of her sexy, slender thighs, but visible all over if you took the time to look. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself, but I guess forcing herself so deep like that was somehow keeping her rolling, extending the length of her orgasm beyond any I'd ever seen her have before.
Jack didn't know what a treat he was getting, I was sure—but you'd have been hard-pressed to convince him of that! He was rolling around beneath her like he was trying to work his way out of his own skin, clutching hard to his mother's huge, spectacular tits, trying his best to match the timing of her movement as he thrust desperately into her from below.
“Fuuuuuck!” Sarah squealed one last time, arching her back again and speeding the rocking of her hips to something commonly only seen in jackhammers and paint mixers, her voice climbing to something only dogs could hear before it faded out completely. She froze in place then, between one heartbeat and the next, as if someone had just pulled the plug. It was a long, slow three-count before she finally started moving again, a deep, wracking breath that shuddered out in a near-sob, only the enormous, satisfied smile on her lips indicating that it was one of pleasure more than it was of pain.
“God, Mom, please!” Jack begged beneath her, tears of pure, unfiltered need welling in his eyes. “Please! I'm so close!”
“Give it to me, baby!” Sarah purred to him as she started slowly, rhythmically rocking her hips again, lowering herself to horizontal for the first time, squishing her huge, heavy tits into his chest and pulling him into a deep, frenzied kiss. “Cum for Mommy!” she growled seductively into his lips, caressing her fingers through his hair. “Be a good boy and fill Mommy's tight, needy little cunny with that big, hot load!”
“Oh, God...” Jack moaned, his hands clawing desperately at Sarah's tight, phenomenal little ass, pinning her in place as he thrust up violently, grunting loudly as wave after wave of his hot, incestuous cum flooded into his mother's eager, thirsty pussy. She purred happily as she felt it happening, trembling head to toe—not another true orgasm, I saw, but definitely a nice, solid aftershock triggered by the feeling of him bursting inside of her. She snuggled into his chest as he finally finished, nuzzling and kissing as he ran his hands over the slender, sweat-slickened curves of her back.
“That was wonderful, baby. Thank you!” she cooed, shimmying playfully, making him gasp and clutch at her hips to hold her still, unable to bear the post-orgasm sensitivity of still being inside her. She just laughed, kissed him hard on the lips, and did it again, harder this time, until he finally had no choice but to roll them over so he was on top of her, using his superior weight and leverage to pin her solidly to the bed. I had to laugh. Doing that was one of Sarah's favourite little tortures for me, and it was amusing as hell to see him figure out and use the exact same counter move I always ended up using on her, too.
“'Wonderful' is a wholly insufficient word,” he grinned down at her, pressing his lips to hers in a soft, loving kiss. “Thank you, Mom. That was... indescribable!”
“Any time, baby! My pleasure!”
“Don't think I'm not going to hold you to that!” he chuckled, making Sarah smile bashfully as he stole one last kiss on the lips, before sighing regretfully and pulling out, pushing himself up to stand at the side of the bed.
“Before you go...” I said, staring at the thick, creamy-white mess Sarah had just left all over our son's huge, fantastic cock. I looked over at her meaningfully. “Care to share, babe?”
“Oh!” she exclaimed, blushing adorably and lowering her eyes. Sucking her cum off my cock after I'd just finished inside of her was another of her very most favourite things, even if it was one she always felt a little guilty and ashamed about liking so much. It also happened to be one of the few things I'd never, ever done before, thanks to our rule about her never being with any other guys. “Uhhh... yeah. We can do that, I guess,” she was smiling shyly, but there was no hiding that gleam of anticipation in her eyes.
I took her hand, guiding her down off the bed with me and to our knees side by side as Jack stepped up in front of us. We turned to stare into each others' eyes, unsure how to start. Jack was the one who figured it out for us—he ran his fingers into our hair at the backs of our heads, one hand each, and pulled us toward him simultaneously. And once we actually had our mouths on him, instinct kinda just took over. We licked, and kissed, and played, passing him back and forth, taking turns. It didn't take long for us to clean him off, but neither of us felt like stopping. I'm pretty sure Sarah was thinking the same thing I was, that we'd just wait for him to finish going soft, then we'd have him wash off properly in the bathroom, get dressed, and we'd send him off to his room to sleep. Only problem being, he didn't go soft. At least, not all the way. He started to, dropping to maybe half-mast or so, but then he started getting harder again. And once we realized that, well... Sarah had never been one to let a perfectly good erection go to waste, any more than I had!
Truth be told, I was surprised how naturally we worked as a team. You'd think there would be some awkwardness, some clumsiness, some not knowing how to take turns, or how to share without getting in each other's way. But there was none of that. I think because we were both just so focused on Jack, and making him cum as our only priority, the rest just fell into place. It wasn't until he started getting really close, in fact, moaning and groaning and clutching hard to the backs of our heads, as I bobbed on his cock and Sarah nuzzled and sucked on his balls, that she realized we had a choice we had to make.
“So... which of us is going to be the one actually taking his cum?” she asked, her eyes closed in pleasure as she softly kissed the base of his shaft, down past where I could reach. “We going to have to rock-paper-scissors for it, or something?” I thought about it for a second, but the answer was actually easy.
“Maybe next time,” I told her, passing him back to her and taking my turn at his balls, which were already starting to tense up against his shaft as he got closer to cumming. “This time's all you, babe—you haven't had a chance to taste him, yet, so it's definitely your turn.”
“'Kay!” she grinned. So hard to convince, that one! Barely had her lips off long enough to get the word out before she was back to sucking.
“If you don't mind, though, try not to swallow right away!” I chuckled. “I want to make out with you while you've got a mouth full of his cum!”
“Mmmmm!” she hummed in anticipation, nodding eagerly.
It didn't take much longer, after that. Jack started moaning more, his hips rocking instinctively, his hand clasped at the back of Sarah's head, holding her in place as he gently mouth-fucked her. Then, all of a sudden, it wasn't so gentle anymore.
“Oh, God!” he moaned, eyes pinched closed, his lean, muscular thighs trembling with the effort of holding back as long as possible. He did pretty good, actually—almost ten whole seconds, which when confronted with his mother's prodigious cock-sucking skills, I knew from experience must have felt like a lifetime. “Oh, take it, Mom!” he finally grunted, his hips jerking forward, Sarah's eyes flashing wide open and almost panicked as he inadvertently gagged her, his thick, rigid cock spasming violently into her mouth, pulsing with the delivery of his thick, hot seed. “Take my fucking cum in that pretty little whore mouth!” She squealed pitifully onto his cock, pushing ineffectually back against his hips with her hands, her eyes tearing up and starting to cry as he thrust into her over and over again, pressing hard against the too-tight entrance to her throat, emptying himself completely. I was conflicted, hearing him call the woman I loved, his own mother, a whore, even in the heat of the moment like that... but it was just so fucking hot! I decided to wait, and only bring it up with him later, if Sarah decided to object.
He pulled away slowly, and honestly I kind of lost track of him for a bit, too focused on collecting my promised kiss. Sarah was a little slow to respond, still trying to recover from the ordeal our son had just put her through, but I pulled her around to face me more and started comfortingly caressing her hips as we kissed, and that seemed to help. Soon enough she was shoving her tongue eagerly into my mouth, sharing that hot, creamy load back and forth, making an absolute mess of ourselves until we couldn't help but swallow, then carefully licking each other clean.
“God... watching the two of you play with it like that...” Jack grinned, Sarah and I turning as one to look up at him. He was just finishing getting dressed again, I guess having taken advantage of our distraction. “So fucking hot!”
“I'm glad you liked it,” Sarah giggled shyly, nuzzling against my shoulder as she stared up at him. “Just... don't go getting your hopes up for being able to do this every night, okay? Don't worry, I do want to do it again... of course I do! But we're going to have to be really careful, to make sure the girls never find out!”
“I get it, Mom,” he smiled, reaching down to lovingly stroke his fingers through her hair, then bending down for a soft, tentative kiss on her lips. That was a surprise! I'd already cleaned her up as much as I could, but he was definitely still tasting himself. Then the kiss deepened—I guess he didn't mind! “We were lucky, tonight, that they're both passed out dead to the world, after your trip! I'm okay with you and Dad being in charge of deciding when it's safe for us to try it again. Just know I'm always going to be ready and eager... you just have to say the word!”
Sarah smiled and nodded shyly, Jack chuckled and stole another kiss, then he was gone. I stood and helped Sarah to her feet, but I stopped her on her way to the bathroom, pushing her onto her back on the bed and crawling up after her.
“Oh!” she giggled as she saw the predatory gleam in my eye as I stared down at her creamy, freshly-fucked little pussy. “Okay, then!” she wriggled herself back a bit more, giving me more room, then propped a pillow behind her head and obediently spread her knees. God, she was a mess! Partly just from the fucking, I was sure, but even more from being down on her knees after, gravity in that position making so much of it seep out onto her thighs. I took my time, cleaning her with slow, gentle little licks, as I gradually made my way closer to my goal. She was already humming along pretty good by the time I got there, grabbing my head with both hands and pulling me tight, clenching her muscles to try to squeeze out everything she could for me as I greedily lapped it all up. Even so, I knew there had to be so much more of it still stuck up inside of her. And it was honestly just absurd, how turned on I was by that fact!
She came pretty good. Not nearly as hard as when she'd been riding Jack's enormous fucking cock, obviously... but still pretty good. Then she pulled me up the bed and into a kiss, sensuously cleaning her taste from my lips.
“Your turn, babe,” she smiled shyly. “But... if it's okay with you, I'd really kinda prefer not to take you in my pussy, right at the moment.”
“I get it, babe. Not a problem,” I smiled, kissing her and holding her tight. Truth was, I was relieved. I was pretty sure her reason was just that she was enjoying the feeling of having our son's naughty, incestuous cum filling her womb, and she didn't want mine 'muddying the waters', so to speak. I could understand that, and I was okay with it. But from my point of view, I just didn't want her feeling how loose I would be inside of her, after the way Jack had just finished stretching her out so much. Having her seeing how much smaller I was was one thing—that much couldn't be helped. But I didn't want her actually feeling it, especially not if it meant she might not be able to cum from me fucking her, because of it! No... better to wait until tomorrow, when she'd had time to fully contract back down to her normal wonderful, tight little self, before I penetrated her pussy again.
“Okay, good!” she sighed in relief. “So in that case, you have a decision to make. You can have my mouth right now... or, if you're willing to be patient for a couple more minutes so I can get myself ready for it first, you can have my ass tonight, instead!”
“Is that seriously even a question?” I laughed, and she blushed and giggled too, squirming happily in my arms. “Not that I don't absolutely love the way you give a blowjob, babe... but the idea of you falling asleep tonight with your pussy full of Jack's cum and your cute, sexy little ass full of mine... that isn't something I can turn down!”
“I was hoping you'd see it that way!” she giggled excitedly, pulling me into a long, slow kiss on the lips. “I can't believe you and I both have a load of his cum inside us right now! Plus each having half of a third, that we just finished swallowing together!”
“Oh believe me, I'm not likely to forget!” We laughed and shared one more kiss, then she was scurrying her cute little butt off into the bedroom to prep herself. I spent the wait slowly stroking myself and thinking about what she was about to let me do to her... not that I actually needed the extra help staying hard, after everything we'd already done!
It didn't take her long, and she flounced excitedly over to the bed when she returned, throwing herself down into my arms. I kissed her passionately, then rolled her over with a squeal, taking the towel she'd brought with her and laying it out on the bed. She rolled eagerly back onto it as I retrieved the lube, laying herself down on her front and giving me a cute, sexy little shimmy of her ass as she waited for me to get to work. I wasted no time at all, bending down and kissing my way back and forth across the slender, shapely curves of her ass as I applied the lube and prepared her a little with my fingers. Then I climbed up on top of her, knees on either side of her hips, and found my mark.
“Ooooooh, yes, Daddy!” she moaned as I entered her, her eyes fluttering closed in pleasure. “I love it! I love the way you feel in my tight little teenage ass!”
“Mmmmm... me too, baby girl!” Leaning forward and brushing aside her hair, kissing her neck. So, that was what she was in the mood for tonight, was she? I could work with that; it was always one of my favourite roleplays. “God, you're such a naughty, dirty little girl! Seducing me like this, and using this gorgeous, tight little ass to pleasure Daddy's cock!”
“I can't help it, Daddy!” she trembled adorably as I started thrusting, slowly, gently working myself deeper. “You're so sexy, and I love you so much! I just need to have you inside me!”
It was ironic that in real life, I was the one who pleasured her father's cock, never her... but I think that was actually a big part of the reason this particular fantasy always worked so well for us when she was in the mood to try it.
“I love you too, baby! So, so much!” I told her. “And God, I love fucking this amazing, tight little teenage ass!”
“Yes, Daddy! Yes!” she gasped, pressing upwards to meet my thrusts. “It feels so good! I love it so much!”
“Oh, take it, baby!” I growled. I was a little more than half-way in at that point, and I pushed slowly but resolutely onward, giving her the rest. “Take all of Daddy's cock up that pretty little ass!”
“Daddyyyyy!” she squealed, clawing reflexively at the sheets as I pressed further and further, until I was finally all the way inside, my hips pressing tight against the firmness of her ass, pinning her down against the bed.
“You like that, baby?” I asked. “You like feeling Daddy's cock buried balls-deep up your pretty little teenage ass?”
“Un hunh!” she moaned girlishly, vigorously nodding her head.
“Let me hear you say it, baby!” I growled. “Let me hear the words!”
“I love it, Daddy!” she whimpered into the sheet. “I love feeling my Daddy's big, hard cock filling my tiny little ass!”
“And what do you want, baby?” I asked.
“I want you to fuck me with it, Daddy!” she breathed, shuddering beneath me. “I want you to give it to me hard, and fast, and deep! I want you to use me, Daddy! I want you to make yourself cum up my tight little ass!”
“Lift yourself up a little, baby!” I commanded. “I want to feel those big, beautiful titties in my hands while I'm fucking this pretty little ass!”
She did as she was told, lowering herself back down with my fingers gripping tight into all that firm, soft flesh. I leaned into her heavily, pinning her down—another little detail I knew she really liked! She didn't mind letting me use handcuffs and restraints on her, but using my own body to hold her down, that was what really got her off! I started thrusting again, nuzzling and kissing at the side of her neck, nibbling at her earlobe, whispering sexy little nothings, telling her what a dirty little whore she was and what a good job she was doing taking Daddy's cock! I still wasn't sure how I felt about Jack calling her that, but I loved doing it myself when the mood was right! She was beyond being able to say anything back by that point, but every little gasp and whimper as I slammed myself hard into her ass told me everything I needed to know.
She was really getting desperate for it, by the time I finally started getting close. It was always like that, when she had me up her ass—she could cum from it, but not as easily as she could from having me in her pussy. Which meant it took longer, and she could only ever have the one, not multiples like she normally got. She was actually even crying this time, tiny little tears breaking free and rolling down her cheeks as she gasped for breath, such was the depth of her need.
“Are you ready, baby girl?” I growled. “Are you ready to fucking cum for me, when you feel me bursting up this pretty little ass?”
She nodded vigorously, glancing piteously back at me over her shoulder, waiting for permission. We couldn't really play that game, with vaginal sex. She'd try her best, of course, if for no other reason than because the attempt at denial would always make the oncoming orgasm that much stronger for her when it arrived. But her best-ever attempt was barely thirty seconds before the rising tide overwhelmed her ability to resist. When it came to anal, however... we'd discovered she could hold herself off more or less indefinitely. I honestly had no idea how she did it—I certainly couldn't, when I was taking it up my ass! But for her, she was able to hold herself right on the knife's edge for just as long as she wanted. And her favourite way to get pushed over that edge... was to wait until I ordered her to do it!
“Oh, cum for me, you little bitch!” I demanded, pounding into her hard and deep as my orgasm took me. “Cum on Daddy's cock! Cum for me as I fill this pretty fucking ass!”
“Daddyyyyy!” she wailed, somehow finding the breath, twitching and jerking beneath me, her tight little ass contracting almost painfully around my shaft as she came, milking me of everything I had to give. Which, admittedly, I knew wasn't much by that point, not with the way Jack had been draining me dry all weekend long. But that didn't matter at all for the way it felt to me, or even more importantly, for the way it made Sarah cum!
“God....” she moaned eventually, once the worst of the sensitivity had passed, a huge, satisfied smile gracing her lips. “Don't pull out for a while, okay?” she asked. “I want to just... feel you here, for a while first!”
“Wouldn't dream of it!” I chuckled, nuzzling lovingly into the side of her neck.
“Okay, good!” she giggled happily, squirming just a touch, making me moan at the way my oversensitive cockhead was rubbing around inside of her. “God, babe... you have no idea how this feels, knowing I have loads from both of you inside me at once! I never would have thought... but now that it's actually happened...”
“So... you're still okay with it?” I had to ask. “Now that the heat of the moment's faded, and all?”
“It's... a work in progress, I think,” she shrugged shyly, a lovely pink blush rising in her cheeks. “I'm not about to panic and go running for the hills, at least, that much I can promise you! But more than that... I think I'm still okay with it, yeah. But I can't guarantee I'm really thinking all that clearly, yet. I'm going to need some time to adjust.”
“Oh, believe me, I get that!” I smirked, and she smiled, nodding her head. “Ummm... while you're doing this adjusting, babe... there is one small favour I'd like to ask?”
“Oh?” she asked, turning a little so she could look at me better.
“If we do keep... doing things, with Jack. Do you think... you could not let him do you up your ass?”
“Babe!” she gasped, eyes flashing open wide, shaking her head in shock. “Babe, that isn't a favour... that's self-preservation!”
“Yeah?” I asked, grinning despite myself at the look of surprise and fear in her eyes.
“Trust me, babe!” she shuddered. “There is no way I'm ever letting that monster come anywhere near my ass! Nuh unh! No way, no how, not ever! I know he wouldn't mean to... but even so, he'd tear me apart! Any time Jack decides he wants anal, you can be the one to give it to him!”
“Okay, good,” I chuckled, reassured. It wasn't just that I was afraid of what Jack's cock would do to Sarah's pretty, tight little ass—though of course that was part of it! It was that I knew, given a choice between having sex with either me or her, Jack would always choose her. And who could blame him? Of course, I knew Sarah would never let that become too much of an issue—she enjoys watching me getting fucked way too much not to insist that Jack take his turns doing me, too, not just her! But knowing that the only way Jack would be getting anal was with me... well, it was a load off my back, let's just leave it at that.
“Babe... you do know your cock is the perfect size for me, don't you?” she asked then.
“You don't have to say that,” I shook my head, grimacing slightly. “I know it's small... I made my peace with it a long time ago. I don't want you to feel like you have to lie about it, just for the sake of my ego.”
“Who's lying?” she asked, twisting even further, so she could really look me in the eyes now. “I'm telling you, babe... yours is exactly the way I like it! For anal especially—it's big enough to stretch me, to make me feel all warm and stuffed and full... but without actually hurting me, in the process! If I had to pick out a dildo, and I could pick any size and shape I wanted, yours is exactly what I would choose!”
“For anal, sure, I guess that makes sense,” I allowed.
“And have you ever, even once, failed to make me cum, fucking my pussy?” she countered. “You know I never lie about that—if you ever do something wrong, or something I don't like, I tell you, right away, so you know not to do it any more!”
“Well...” I said, and it was my turn to blush a little. “There have been a couple of times when I haven't.”
“That doesn't count!” she smiled shyly, understanding my meaning, and I was relieved to see her blushing brighter, too. “When I stick my fingers in your ass to make you cum early, because I want to watch you finishing me off by eating your cum out of me instead... that's me cheating, and doesn't count at all!”
“Then... I guess not,” I smiled.
“Damned right, you haven't!” she smiled back. “Something for which I am very, very grateful, by the way! How many of my girlfriends do you think can claim the same, speaking about their husbands? So don't you go thinking badly about yourself, just because you're a little on the smaller side! Not when the important part of the job de***********ion, you're fantastic at!”
“Still... I saw you cumming on Jack's cock,” I said. “You can't tell me that didn't feel amazing, having him fill you up so completely like that.”
“Well... sure,” she admitted, shrugging and bashfully lowering her eyes. “I mean, of course it did. You know what it's like! At least... more or less, you do. I'm sure it can't feel that different, taking him up your ass compared to having him in my pussy. But I hardly want it like that every night!” She forced herself to meet my gaze again, seriously shaking her head. “Even if I wanted to—and let's be clear, even assuming we do decide to keep doing stuff with him, I most emphatically do not! But even if I wanted to, I couldn't have sex with him like that every night! Physically could not! The first bit was bad enough... but you saw how hard it was for me to get the last couple of inches of him inside of me! I couldn't do it at all, until I came on him that first time and I could use the endorphin rush to force my way past the pain! Speaking of which... you're going to be getting a lot of blowjobs and anal for the next week or so, just so you know. I can already tell it's going to take me that long just to recover, before I'll feel ready to let you fuck me in my pussy again, never mind letting him!”
“It was really that bad?” I winced in sympathy, softly kissing her cheek. “I'm sorry, babe... I could see you were struggling, but I had no idea it was hurting that much.”
“I mean... it's not like I'm saying it was all bad,” she clarified. “Even with the pain... I do want to do it again, once I'm healed up and ready to. Whether I actually will do it again... that's something I still need to figure out for myself, once I've had more time to think about it all. But I do want to, regardless of what I end up deciding about actually going through with it.”
“Whatever you end up deciding, babe,” I told her. “And I can stop having sex with him too, in the meantime. At least until you make up your mind.”
“No! I...” she began, but immediately cut herself off, biting her lip.
“What is it, babe?” I asked, confused.
“Nothing, just...” she sighed, smiling wryly. “Sorry. I guess I just hadn't noticed I'd already made my mind up about that part, without even realizing it. I don't want you to stop having sex with him. Obviously, we'll have to be really careful never to let the girls find out. But whether I keep having sex with him or not... I definitely want to keep watching him fucking you!”
“Is that so?” I grinned at her evilly, deepening her blush.
“Is it really that much of a surprise?” she smirked defiantly. “You've been taking my father's cock for literally decades, and that's never bothered me. Quite the contrary, in fact! It seems somehow... fitting, I guess, that now that he's old enough you should start taking our son's cock, too!”
“That's one part Jack doesn't know, by the way,” I hastened to clarify for her. “He knows you've periodically been arranging cocks for me, ever since we started dating. He does not know his grandfather is one of them... much less that he's our favourite, and the only one you've ever had me take more than once.”
“Bit of a shame, that...” she giggled as I looked down at her in shock. “I understand why you didn't tell him, but I would love to watch you getting spit-roated by them both!”
“Speaking of spit-roasting...” I playfully growled at her, nipping at her earlobe and making her squeal.
“We can try that,” she smiled bashfully, then caught herself. “I mean, maybe we can try that... assuming I decide it's okay I do keep doing stuff with him, not just watching the two of you.”
“Yes. Assuming that,” I teased dryly.
“Shut up!” she giggled again, reaching back to slap me on my hip. “Though...”
“What?” I pressed.
“It's just... getting spit-roasted, while definitely an interesting idea, isn't the fantasy I'm most interested in,” she nervously bit her lip, looking down and away. “I'm much more excited to try riding him with my pussy again, the same way I did tonight—only while I'm letting you do me up my ass, at the same time!”
“Fuck me...” I swore softly at the idea, making her giggle again.
“Actually, I believe it would be 'fuck me!', in those circumstances!” she giggled sweetly. “But now that you mention it... having you inside of me, while he's inside of you... that also has possibilities!”
“God, babe...” I smiled, just thinking about it all. “Please... if you do end up deciding 'no', on the question of having sex with him again... please don't make up your mind that way until after we've at least tried a couple of threesome positions with him, first!”
“We'll see...” she grinned shyly, but as I saw that blush of hers rising to truly epic proportions, I knew. She was going to end up saying yes. She might not have known that yet, but I knew my wife. It was just a matter of time... as long as neither Jack or I did anything extraordinarily stupid in the meantime, to ruin our chances. I'd just have to warn him not to push things with her for the next little bit, to give her some space and let her come to terms with it all in her own time. “Now... how about you pull out and let me up, and help me into the shower. I'm definitely going to need another one now, before I'm ready for bed, and so do you. As long as you promise not to try fucking me again while we're in there, you're welcome to join me.”
“I wish I had enough stamina left for that to be a serious concern!” I chuckled, carefully easing my hands out from under her tits and pushing myself to my knees, clumsily getting off of her and helping her to her feet. We leaned unsteadily against each other on our way into the bathroom, arms wrapped around each other's waists. I kept to my word, and didn't try fucking her again. But when I unexpectedly found myself able to get hard again after all while soaping her tits for her, and she turned off the water and dropped to her knees for me, I didn't exactly tell her 'no', either.
We quickly rinsed again after she finished swallowing, drying each other off and cuddling up in bed facing each other, Sarah's adorable, sleepy face pressed against my chest as I held her tight in my arms. She questioned me at length, and I told her, as best as I could remember, every last detail of the last couple of days. I could tell she was wet again, just from listening to it all, but by then we really were both beyond doing anything about it. We kissed softly and shared our love, then drifted quickly off to sleep, images of the months and years to come floating through our dreams.