Caught My Sister Getting Fucked By Our Cousin
by Loupy
Fiction, Anal, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Boys/Teen Female, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Female Domination, First Time, Gay, Hardcore, Humiliation, Incest, Teen, Teen Male / Teen Male, Teen Male/Teen Female, Threesome, Virginity, Young
A boy inadvertently stumbles across his older sister getting fucked by their cousin, and he never could have guessed where it would lead.
I wiped my forehead of sweat, grumbling and kicking a rock down the dusty farm track I was trudging along, cursing my parents' stupidly good luck. They were probably having the time of their lives, enjoying the romantic three-week Alaskan cruise they'd won at a fundraiser auction at my sister's school, which was the reason we'd been banished to our aunt and uncle's farm for the summer. It would have been bad enough if it had just been for the duration of their cruise, but Mom had decided it would be good for us to 'get our hands dirty doing some actual work for a change'. We were only a week in, and they wouldn't be coming to pick us back up again until just before school started.
It wasn't that I didn't get along with our cousins; I did, especially with Emma and Julie, who were closest to me in age. But with our morning chores finished they were busy watching some stupid girly show in the den, and I just hadn't been able to stand watching more than five minutes of it with them. So I was out wandering the farm, killing time, looking for something fun to do without any real expectation of finding anything. It was as I was passing the weathered, half-abandoned old tool barn on my way down to the creek at the edge of the property that I heard it; a soft, meaty slapping sound that stopped me in my tracks.
I was still a virgin, despite my best attempts with the girls at school, but I'd watched more than enough porn to recognize the sound of sex when I heard it. I snuck around to the door as quietly as I could, finding it open and slipping inside. It wasn't really all that dark, with multiple rays of light sneaking in through gaps in the wooden slats, though it seemed that way compared to the brilliance of the afternoon sun outside. But my eyes adjusted quickly, and I began carefully making my way around piles of unidentifiable junk towards the source of the sound. I don't know what I was expecting to find, exactly... but when I finally saw it, it took my breath away completely; my big sister Sami, bent over at the waist and bracing herself with her arms on a workbench, getting railed hard and fast from behind by our older cousin Wes.
My eyes just about popped out of my head at the sight. I knew, in an academic sort of a way, that my sister was pretty hot. She'd always been popular, and it was a rare Friday night that she wasn't getting taken out somewhere by one guy or another. I knew all my friends had huge crushes on her. But she was my sister, and I'd never really looked at her that way before... but I sure as hell was looking now! I'd come up on them more or less from the side, which meant I had a fantastic view; she'd left the house wearing a simple little flowery summer dress, but it was little more than a belt at the moment! My eyes were bouncing back and forth, unsure of where to focus, travelling from her long, slender legs, to her tiny little round butt, to her heavy, vigorously bouncing titties. They were D-cups, I knew... curiosity and the constant begging of my friends had eventually gotten the better of me, and I'd checked one of her bras. And they were perfect! And tipped with such beautiful, tiny little pink nipples, too, I saw now! I always preferred porn actresses with tiny little nipples like that, not the big, thick ones that seemed to be so much more common, especially on tits the size of Sami's! But hers were even better than I ever could have imagined!
I couldn't help myself... I quietly undid my jeans, pulled myself out, and started to stroke. God, what I wouldn't have given to be Wes at that moment! I knew it was wrong, thinking of her that way... but if she was willing to give it up to our own cousin, would it really be that much worse for her to let me have a try? It was all I could do not to get too carried away, and risk having them hear me. I almost lost it when he wrapped his hand into her long, blonde hair, pulling it hard, making her bow her back for him as he slapped her pert little ass hard with his other hand. Thankfully her resulting yelp and moan covered whatever small sounds I hadn't been able to keep myself from letting out in my surprise, but I grit my teeth, determined to make not a single further noise that might get me caught.
“Oooooh, yes Daddy!” Sami mewled desperately, pushing against the edge on the workbench she was leaning against, throwing herself back to meet each of Wes' thrusts. “Right there! Just like that! I'm so close! Oh, please, Daddy! You're going to make me cum so good! Please? Please may I cum?”
“Do it for me, you little slut!” Wes growled his command, spanking her again even harder than the last time. “Cum on Daddy's cock!”
“Daddyyyy!” she squealed, beautiful blue eyes flashing open wide, her sexy, skinny thighs trembling uncontrollably as the orgasm raced through her.
Curse me and my stupid, inattentive clumsiness; I was so completely enraptured by watching my sister cumming like that, I momentarily lost my concentration on what I was supposed to be doing. I reached out to steady myself against the nearby support column, only to blindly brush my fingers across the shovel handle I hadn't noticed leaning there, sending it crashing loudly to the floor.
“Shit!” Sami hissed, eyes darting panic-stricken back and forth across my hiding place, pulling herself off of Wes and struggling with her dress as he turned quickly away to tuck himself back into his jeans. “Is somebody there?”
I forgot how to breath for a moment, desperately searching for a way out of my sudden predicament... but there was none, and I knew it. Sneaking into the barn while they'd been busy distracting each other had been one thing, but now that they were actively looking for me there wasn't a chance in hell of me being able to make it all the way back out through the door without being seen. I winced, painfully forcing my cock down and to the side, back into my jeans so I could zip up. This was still going to suck, no matter what I did... but at least I had enough time that I wouldn't be caught literally with my dick in my hand! I waited until Sami had her dress back on properly, wanting to give her the chance to at least pretend I hadn't just seen what we would both know I had... then took a deep breath, and stepped out into view.
“Sean?” she gasped.
“Uhh... hey, Sami,” I said stupidly.
“Oh, God!” she blanched so completely I was afraid for a moment that she was going to pass out. “Please, you can't tell anyone, okay? Mom and Dad would kill me, if they found out! To say nothing of what Uncle Tim and Aunt Sarah would do to Wes!”
“Uhhh...” I began again. Of course I wasn't going to tell anyone! If I did, in the first place it was doubtful anyone would even believe me. But more importantly... I'd never have a chance to watch them doing it again! That was what I really wanted... but how could I just come out and say that? I couldn't find the words to say anything at the moment!
“Please, Sean?” Sami asked again, pleading, her eyes visibly welling with as-yet unshed tears in her desperation and fear. “I'm literally begging you, here, I...” she broke off, swallowing nervously, taking a deep breath to steady herself. “I can make it worth your while, I... I can give you a handjob, if you want, as long as you swear you'll never tell!”
“Seriously?” I gasped.
“But I mean it, you have to swear!” she nodded vigorously, the seeds of hope that I might be willing to come to an arrangement with her keeping those tears at bay for the moment. “You can't tell anyone! Not ever!”
It was my turn to fight back my nerves. I should have just agreed on the spot, a handjob from my gorgeous, sexy sister was more than I had any right to hope for! But I didn't. Something deep inside me, something dark and dangerous... told me I had to try.
“Seems to me you can do better than just a handjob, considering what you were willing to give to Wes!” I told her, pleased I'd managed to make my voice sound far more confident than I truly felt.
“Is that so?” she asked wryly. She was smirking a little, then started chewing on her lip, cocking her hip against the bench she'd been leaning on earlier, crossing her arms in front of herself as she thought it over. So far so good, I thought... at least she hadn't turned me down flat!
“Only seems fair,” I shrugged, sounding maybe not quite as confident, but still doing pretty good.
“Tell you what...” she countered with a wicked, seductive grin. “A handjob, right now... or if you're feeling lucky, and you want more than that, we can play a little game, instead.”
“What sort of game?” I asked, suddenly suspicious.
“Well... maybe 'game' isn't really accurate,” she smirked. “More of a contest, really. You and Wes both whip out your dicks, so I can have a look. If you're bigger than he is... you and he trade places, and you get to carry on fucking me right where he left off when you interrupted us! But if you're smaller than him... you have to trade places with me, instead! Then I'll give you a blowjob, not just a handjob, as a reward... but only after he's done cumming up your ass!”
“What? No way!” I objected, stridently shaking my head in denial.
“Don't I get some sort of a say in this little plan of yours?” Wes smirked, the first words he'd spoken since I'd knocked over that stupid shovel.
“You keep telling me how much you want to try anal!” Sami grinned back at him. “This could be your big chance!” he rolled his eyes at her, but nodded his amused agreement, and Sami turned back to me. “So, what do you say?” she asked again, the hope for what she wanted my answer to be obvious in her eyes and voice. “Just a handjob... or do you want to roll the dice? If you do... worst case, you get to watch your big sister getting submissively down on her knees for you and sucking you off! I even promise I'll swallow it for you! Or let you shoot it all over my face and tits, if that's what you'd prefer! And best case... I'm on birth control, so I won't even make you wear a condom! You can cum inside me, if you want!”
“You're leaving out the 'worst' part of that 'worst case' of yours,” I swallowed nervously, and she just grinned, waiting for me to make up my mind. I glanced over at Wes, wondering. I'd been sleeping on a cot in his room, but he and I both wore boxers to bed, and always kept our backs to each other when we had to get changed. And just now, I'd been far too focused on watching Sami, and hadn't caught even a glimpse of him in the moment between him pulling out of her and turning his back to me to tuck himself back into his jeans, so I had no idea how big he actually was. But I knew how big I was, and I knew my chances were pretty good. I wasn't freakishly big, or anything... there were lots of guys in the porn I'd watched who were bigger than me. But at eight inches, there were lots of guys who weren't bigger than me, too, even in porn. And the idea of fucking Sami, of cumming inside of her, of making her mine that way... God help me, but it was just too tempting to turn down. I'd hate myself forever, if I blew my one and only chance at having her because I was too chicken-shit to take the risk. And even if I lost, as terrible as that would obviously be... once that part was over, I'd still get to experience my sister's beautiful, cock-sucking lips wrapped around my dick, sucking me off and swallowing my load...
“I guess I'm rolling the dice,” I told her.
“Really?” she squealed excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet, her braless, jigging tits drawing my eyes like they were attached on strings. “You're sure, Sean? Because there's no backing out, after you make up your mind! I'll hold up my end, I promise... and so will you, even if it means Wes and I have to hold you down and tie you up, first, before he rapes you!”
“I'm sure,” I told her, though I was anything but. God, I hoped I wasn't making a huge mistake!
“Yay!” she squealed again, eagerly clapping her hands in front of herself like she was seven years old again. “Both of you, come stand right here in front of me, facing each other!” she demanded, grabbing us by our arms and moving us into position as she rested that cute little ass of hers back against her bench. “Now... I want you both to unzip and get ready, but wait for it! I'm going to count down, and when I say 'Now!', I want you both to drop 'em and let them spring free, okay?” Wes and I mumbled our understanding. He wasn't looking nearly as nervous as I felt... though why would he, really? His worst outcome would be a case of blueballs, as I got to take over fucking Sami instead of him today. Mine would be much, much worse!
“Okay, here we go...” Sami continued, almost vibrating with barely-contained excitement, glancing back and forth between us to ensure we were both ready. “Three... two... one... now!”
I yanked down my jeans and boxers, staring at Wes' crotch, hoping, praying... my jaw dropping open as I saw what awaited me. Nine and a half inches, easy...
“Fuck me...” I swore softly, slowly shaking my head in disbelief. I'd had the odds on my side, but odds only go so far. And I guess, really thinking about it, Wes had a lot of the same genetics I did, plus several more years than I'd had to continue growing.
“He's about to!” Sami giggled wickedly, pushing herself away from her bench and sensuously melding herself to my side, making me gasp as she reached down to start gently trailing her fingertips up and down my shaft.
“Bad luck, little bro,” she cooed, giving me a soft, consolatory kiss on my cheek. “But I've got to say, you've got nothing to be ashamed of! I had no idea you were this big! I think I might even enjoy myself a little, going down on you after Wes is done with you! A bet's a bet, though, and you lost fair and square... so I want you to lean down against the bench here, the same as I was!”
I wanted to beg, or run, or scream, or fight... but I did none of those things. Maybe that was stupid. Maybe I should have done all of that. Was I just numb with shock that I'd actually lost? Too lost in my own pride about what it meant to honour a bet? I don't know. But what I did instead of those things... was to make just one demand.
“You hop up there first,” I told her. “If I'm really going to go through with this for you... you can at least help distract me by letting me taste your pussy while he's going inside me!”
“Not part of our bet...” she grinned. “But I guess I'll allow it!” she giggled, giving me another kiss on the cheek, then grabbing the waist of her dress and shimmying her hips as she slowly stripped it off, carefully laying it down atop the old weather-beaten wood. She gingerly boosted herself up, leaning back against the wall and spreading her legs, kicking off her sandals and letting them fall to the floor. I hadn't stopped to think about it earlier, but I realized now; not only was she not wearing a bra under her dress, but she wasn't wearing any panties, either! And God, she looked amazing! Completely shaved, wet and pink with arousal and recent, interrupted sex. She stroked her fingers through my hair, guiding me into leaning down... and I gave her a soft, slow kiss on her inviting little lips.
Hers was the first pussy I'd ever even seen in real life, never mind touched! Much less tasted! I was instantly in love. I'd been expecting a strong, unpleasant fishy taste; that's what my friends all said it was like, though I wasn't entirely convinced any of them actually had the experience they claimed. But tasting Sami, either my friends were completely full of shit, or my sister was blessed with an unusually delicious pussy. There was a tiny bit of a fishy taste... but 'fishy' wasn't even the right word, not really. It was just a little bit... salty, I guess. It reminded me of fresh seafood, but that isn't a very good de***********ion either. All I can really say for sure is, I liked it. A lot! And she had such delicate little pink folds, too, just like I'd been hoping she would, with an itty-bitty little clitty just barely poking out into sight, almost like it was playing shy. I explored eagerly, bathing her with my tongue, learning from the sound of her moans what she liked best. I was enjoying myself so much, in fact, I'd almost forgotten what was meant to be happening behind me, while I was going down on her.
I guess that had probably been Wes' intention, come to think of it; let me get fully distracted and relaxed, so he'd have an easier time getting himself inside of me. I don't know if it worked. Never having taken anything up my ass before, I had nothing to compare it to. I know I did not enjoy the process, though he was obviously being as careful and gentle as he could, starting with a finger, then two, gradually loosening me up until he was ready to start with his cock. Fuuuck! He wasn't any thicker than I was, despite being a full inch and a half longer, and I swore to myself then and there that I would be as gentle as I possibly could if I could ever convince a girl to let me put mine up her ass! I tried to just concentrate on Sami's pussy, letting Wes just take care of things for himself. I was only marginally successful, wincing and grunting almost constantly... but finally he got himself in.
I won't say the pain got better, because it didn't, not right away. But it did become different, almost instantly, once he was through my ring. And slowly, so, so, slowly, the pain did start to fade as I got more used to having him inside of me. What helped more than anything was Sami, believe it or not. She was just so excited, watching me take it up my ass, and so obviously, unashamedly turned on by it, that I couldn't help but want to do a good job for her. I hoped that at least some of that excitement was the result of what I was doing with my mouth... but realistically, with the amount of time I spent grunting and groaning from what Wes was doing to me, I knew it was mostly just watching me that was getting her off. And it did get her off; three times, in fact, as she grabbed my head in her hands and rocked her hot, creamy little pussy all over my face, covering me with her juices. It was shortly after number three that I started to feel it; a sensation that was so familiar, and yet so strange, as I'd never before felt it from any cause but stroking my own dick. I didn't know that was even possible, without touching myself, but it was undeniable; Wes was well on his way to forcing me to cum with his big, thick dick up my ass!
I tried to fight against it, not wanting Wes, and worse still Sami, to witness my ultimate humiliation of actually cumming from getting my ass fucked! A bet was a bet, and it was one thing to honour the terms no matter how much you hated it... but to actually enjoy it? I didn't want that! And to show them proof, undeniable, hot, spurting proof that I'd enjoyed it... that would be even worse! But I could feel it building up, and the more I tried to deny it, the heavier the pressure seemed to build. And finally, it became too much to bear. Legs shaking, fingers biting tightly into Sami's cute little butt as I buried my face deeply into her snatch, I was cumming. Rope after rope of it, splashing audibly down onto the worn wooden slats of the floor before my feet.
“Oh my God!” Sami gasped. “Did you just cum? Just from Wes fucking your ass?”
“Un hunh,” I moaned, eyes clenched shut, ashamed but unable to deny the obvious. Fuck, why had that felt so good? So, so much better than just from using my hand! And I was still feeling the aftershocks from it as he continued thrusting in and out.
“Oh, fuck that's hot!” she moaned, clutching my head in her hands again and rapidly gyrating herself against my face. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuuuuck!” she squealed, cumming for the fourth time that afternoon. So... maybe letting her see me cum wasn't actually all that embarrassing after all, if she was going to react like that!
“I'm close, Sami!” Wes moaned then, the tightening of my ass when I came having pushed him to the edge. “God I'm so close!”
“Beg for it, Sean!” Sami demanded, her gorgeous, sweat-slickened tits heaving with her heavy breathing in the aftermath of her most recent orgasm as she stared down at me between her thighs. “Beg Daddy for his cum!”
“Please... Daddy!” I gasped, too weakened from the effects such an intense orgasm to deny her. I was trembling from the constant assault of sensations his hard, thrusting cock was still sending radiating out from my depths, hardly able to gather enough breath to speak. But I'd watched more than enough porn to know the sort of thing Sami wanted to hear. “Please, cum in me! I need it, Daddy! Please! Give me that big, hot load deep up my slutty little ass!”
“Ohhh, here you go, you little bitch!” he grunted, tightening his grip on my hips. “Take my fucking cum!”
I squealed like the slutty little bitch I'd become, unable to stop myself as he pounded into me harder and deeper than anything he'd yet given me. I could feel it, the hot, wet fluid bursting up out of his cock, flooding my depths, filling me up! He kept thrusting, as hard as he could, smashing against my ass, giving me every single one of his hard, thick, nine and a half inches, as he just kept cumming and cumming, his huge, heavy balls slapping against my taint. Fuuuck! And I thought he'd made me cum a lot! Well... he had, actually, there was no denying that. And it probably just felt like he was cumming buckets more than me, since his was all just trapped up there inside of me with nowhere else to go. But illusion or not, it felt... well, best to just admit it, I supposed; it felt fucking incredible, having his hot, potent cum all the way up inside of me like that! No wonder Sami seemed to be such a fan!
Then he was done. He suddenly slapped my ass, hard, just like I'd watched him doing to Sami. It surprised me... but it felt like a silent thank-you, of sorts. Strangely, I enjoyed it, especially when he followed it up with a nice, tight squeeze of his hand on my stinging flesh. He pulled out then, and I was shocked at how much I regretted that, at how much I was suddenly missing having that thick, hard shaft stretching me open around him. I felt so empty all of a sudden! Fuck! What was wrong with me? I wasn't gay! Being forced to cum so hard with his cock inside me must have been messing with my head!
“I think you've got another choice to make, Sean,” Sami said.
“Hunh?” I asked, still too lost in my own thoughts.
“Obviously we're going to need to wait a while, before you're ready to get hard again so I can live up to my side of our deal,” she continued, looking absolutely gorgeous as she looked down her slim, sexy body at me, slowly fondling her big, full tits with both hands as she leaned back against the wall, her toned, slender thighs still draped to either side of my head, her glistening pussy bright pink and tempting only inches from my mouth. “And we can totally do that, if you want. I told you I'd blow you after Wes was done with your ass, and I meant it! But... I also know how much you'd really prefer to fuck me, instead. So... I'm going to offer you another little bet. I can blow you like we agreed... or we can skip that today, and you can come back here tomorrow, too, and let Wes fuck you again. And if you can hold out long enough to make him cum before you do, this time, I'll let you finish by sticking it inside of me, instead of just blowing you. What do you say?”
“You can do better than that!” Wes interjected. He stepped in, making her squeal as he scooped Sami up into his arms with one under her knees and the other behind her back, carrying her the few steps away to a nearby chair and sitting down with her in his lap, reaching up to fondle her tit. She cooed happily at his touch, nuzzling into the side of his neck as he continued to speak. “Both your options make it sound like we're just going to send him on his way, while you and I stay here in the barn; he's obviously not going to want to do that! So in addition to Sami's little bet... if you decide to take her up on it, you're welcome to stay here with us, until it's time to go get started on the evening chores. I've got at least two or three more loads stored up with this little slut's name on them, if you want to stick around to watch me giving them to her! I bet she'll even let you suck them out of her, after, if you ask really nice.”
“You have to wash really good first, Daddy!” Sami giggled, putting on an adorable little-girl voice as she squirmed happily in his lap. “No getting dirty ass-cooties up my pretty little cunny!”
“Obviously!” Wes chuckled. “So, how about it, Sean? Are you sticking around just long enough to get hard again, so she can suck you off like she promised? Or are you spending the afternoon with us, and trying another little bet tomorrow?”
“I think... I'm going to try again tomorrow,” I said, feeling the blush rising in my cheeks, and hoping they wouldn't notice. I saw a second chair off to the side a little and dragged it over, wincing slightly as my poor abused ass made contact with the smooth wooden seat. “A blowjob would be awesome, don't get me wrong... but I really, really want to try that hot little pussy out for myself!”
“I don't blame you one little bit!” he laughed, suddenly pinching Sami's cute little pink nipple, making her squeak. “Your sister's one seriously talented little piece of trim! You won't regret taking her out for a test drive, I guarantee! But honestly, I have to admit... that isn't why I'm so glad you decided the way you did! I hope you don't mind me saying this... but that is one hot, tight little ass you've got there, little cuz! I hope I didn't hurt you too bad, I tried my best not to... but I'm already really looking forward to fucking you again!”
“Uhhh... thanks, I guess?” I said, and this time I could really feel the heat burning in my cheeks. It was absurd how proud and pleased I suddenly felt, hearing him compliment my ass that way.
“Now... how about you go fetch a bucket of water and a dish towel, so you can wash me off properly,” he told Sami, pinching her nipple again, only this time he held on, squeezing tight.
“Yes, Daddy!” she whimpered against the pain, gasping as he lifted his other hand behind her back, pulling her hair and forcing her into a kiss. And not a soft, gentle thing like the ones she'd given me on my cheek, either, but a full-on, passionate, tonsil-exploring tongue-kiss. It was almost violent, that kiss was so intense! She was panting breathlessly when he finally allowed her to pull back, patting her on her ass to send her to her feet. She stumbled a little, but managed to get her sandals and dress back on before heading for the door.
“Now that you and I have a moment alone...” Wes smirked, not meeting my eyes but staring over at the door to the barn so he'd know as soon as Sami was back, speaking quietly so she wouldn't hear. “I just want to make sure you know, you are allowed to change your mind about all of this, any time you want to. You know your sister... and I'm sure you don't need me to point out the way she's manipulating you here! That isn't necessarily a bad thing, really, as long as you decide you're okay with what she's getting you to do. God knows, she's sure as hell manipulated me into giving her exactly what she wants! But I decided a long time ago that I was good with that. More than good with it, even! But it looks like she's decided to sink her claws into you now, too. And judging from this afternoon, she clearly wants something different from you than she does from me. You're going to need to decide, quick, just how much you're going to be okay with, too.”
“'A long time ago'?” I quoted, keying in on those words. “You mean, you and her... this didn't just start this summer?”
“Naw...” he smirked. “Three years ago. And pretty much every time the family's gotten together since. Though it's a whole lot easier to sneak away together here than it's ever been at your place in the city, or at Grandma and Grandpa's. A lot nicer not having to be so paranoid about staying quiet, too!”
“God...” I said, doing the math, and imagining Wes' huge, thick cock pounding into Sami's tiny, petite little body the way she'd looked like back then.
“I can't actually prove she rigged that auction at her school to make sure your parents won that cruise...” Wes continued. “And I don't have the slightest idea how she even could have done it... but knowing her, I wouldn't put it past her. At the very least, I know she did take advantage of the situation, putting the bug in your mom's ear about staying here with us, arranging for her and I to have the whole summer together. Sorry you kinda got caught in the crossfire, on that one... although, maybe not, if you decide you really are okay with everything she's getting you to do now.”
“I don't know,” I admitted with a shrug he wasn't watching to see. “I... I think I'm okay with it. So far, at least.”
“Yeah?” he asked, glancing briefly over before returning his gaze to the doorway. “I'll admit, that's a relief. I know you weren't exactly saying 'no', earlier, even if you were only going through with it because of that stupid bet she tricked you into! But believe me when I say I understand just how difficult it can be to actually deny her, when Sami is right there next to you egging you on!”
“You've got that right!” I sighed. Truer words about my sister had never been spoken.
“Well, just so you know... if you ever do decide to say 'no' to something she's trying to get you to do, I've got your back, if you need it.”
“Thanks,” I smiled shyly.
“I really owe you a 'thanks' too, you know,” he chuckled. “Just realized, I didn't actually say that, earlier. Seems the least a guy should say, after another guy lets him cum up his ass!”
“Ummm... you're welcome?” I chuckled too.
“I meant it, you know,” he continued, still watching the door but lowering his eyes a little, and I thought I might be detecting just a slight reddening of his cheeks. “What I said about it feeling so good, fucking you. That sister of yours is a stubborn little thing! She enjoys playing at being all sweet, and submissive, and letting me boss her around, treating her like a sex-toy and making her do whatever I want... but it's all just an act, with her! A convincing one, I'll grant you, and one she almost never lets drop... but still just an act. She just will not give up her ass to me, no matter how much I ask, or what I offer to do for her in trade! So... thanks, Sean. Seriously. And I really am looking forward to doing you again, if you still decide you're okay with it come tomorrow.”
“It, uh...” I said shyly, glancing down myself, unable to even look at him while I said this next part, whether he was looking at me or not. But after his honesty, I felt I owed him the truth. “It wasn't entirely unpleasant on my side of things either, you know. Don't get me wrong, it hurt like a mother, at first, no matter how careful I know you were trying to be! But towards the end, there... that was one hell of an orgasm you made me have!”
“For me too, you may have noticed,” he smirked.
“I did get that impression, now that you mention it,” I wryly agreed. “It felt like you came so much, it's still going to be leaking out of me when we try again tomorrow!” We both laughed.
“I hope you won't take it personally, that I'm going to keep trying my best to hold out and make you be the first one to cum,” he said. “I'll admit, part of me hopes you win, so I can watch her having to let you fuck her after all... but not enough to get me to throw in the towel early!”
“Fair enough,” I agreed. “Just means that when I do win, I'll know I earned it honestly!”
“And when you don't...” he grinned. “Well, when 'losing' means getting fucked into orgasm against your will, that isn't exactly the worst thing ever, now is it?”
“No, no it is not,” I laughed again. “But... let's not mention that to Sami, okay? She's getting so much enjoyment out of manipulating us both to get the kind of show she wants... it would be a shame to ruin her fun by letting her learn we're actually both okay with it!”
We laughed again, and kept laughing, setting each other off over and over again, until Sami got back. She looked at us quizzically, but Wes just shook his head, beckoning her over, stripping her out of her dress and pushing her to her knees in front of him. She went to work with her bucket and washcloth, lovingly cleaning his cock for him. If it really was all just an act, Wes was right; it sure was a convincing one! Did it even matter, beyond a certain point? Did the act become reality, if you never stopped acting? Or was it still only an act? Weighty questions that probably deserved more concentration and thought than I could manage while watching Sami cleaning Wes' once-again stiffening cock.
I was starting to rise again, too. Not quite as quickly, maybe, but I didn't have a gorgeous, naked girl fondling my cock and balls while cleaning me off. She was really being thorough, but eventually even she had to admit that he was as clean as he could possibly be. She pushed aside her bucket and cloth, and took him into her mouth. He moaned loudly, leaning back and running his fingers through her hair, as I started stroking my cock to the sight of her. She knew what I was doing, too; she lifted herself further up onto her knees, bowing her back, showing off the lovely, trim little slit of her pussy for me. But as much as I loved the view of her pussy, my eyes were even more drawn to the equally stunning beauty of her asshole. Her virgin asshole, according to Wes; I couldn't imagine her having given it to anyone else, if she wasn't willing to give it to him! So strange to think that she still had a virgin ass, when I no longer did!
It didn't take her long to get him the rest of the way hard with her mouth, Wes pulling her to her feet and spinning her around to face me, then lowering her slowly back down into his lap, impaling her completely on that big, thick cock. She moaned in rapture as it was entering her, eyes fluttering closed in pleasure. I have to admit, it made me more than a little jealous, on both sides; that he was getting to fuck her and I wasn't, obviously, but also that it was clearly so much easier and more enjoyable for her to get him inside of her pussy than it had been for me to do the same with my ass. She started riding him, slowly at first but with gradually increasing vigor, her big, beautiful bouncing titties almost hypnotizing me as I stared at her. When Wes wasn't clutching them in his hands mostly blocking my view, that was. But I still had her pussy to focus on when that was the case, her tiny little pink lips spread so amazingly wide around the thickness of his shaft, her creamy white girl-juices gradually leaking out of her to cover his lower shaft, even running slowly down onto his big, hairy balls.
“Slow down!” she demanded through her moans, giggling at how her unexpected words had caught me by surprise, making me jerk my eyes back up to hers. “I want you doing it in time with me, imagining what you could have been having right now if you hadn't let yourself cum from taking it up the ass like such a little bitch!”
Typical Sami, running so hot and cold; one moment cumming all over my face and squealing about how turned on she got watching me cum that way, the next berating and humiliating me for the exact same thing. I groaned with frustration, but did as she wanted, mimicking her movement with my hand. Both hands, actually; I may not have been quite as big as Wes was, but I had room for two, and now that I'd been forced to slow down I wanted all the extra stimulation I could get. It helped with the fantasy, too, imagining Sami was taking my cock inside of that tight, creamy little pussy, right down to my balls, just like I was watching her do for Wes.
I tried my best to hold off when I felt myself getting closer, but watching Sami's gorgeous, naked body pistoning rapidly up and down Wes' cock, and being forced to match her pace the way she'd demanded, there was only so much I could do. And when she then started cumming, that was it for me. I still would have given just about anything to swap places with Wes... but at least I had the satisfaction of seeing her hungrily licking her lips as she watched me spurting onto the floor of the barn for her. It was only another couple of minutes until he was thrusting up into her from below, grunting loudly as he unleashed himself inside of her.
They sat there panting for another few moments, Wes tightly clutching Sami's tits and kissing the side of her neck. Then Sami suddenly seemed to remember that she had an audience, smiling as she met my eyes; she lifted herself slowly, until Wes' still-firm cock finally slipped out of her with an audible squelch, and she sat back down once more, wriggling forwards in his lap and leaning back against his chest.
“Your turn, Sean,” she grinned wickedly, seductively trailing a fingertip down her trim little belly, shuddering slightly as she finally made contact with her clit and began slowly teasing herself for me. “Come get your taste!”
I swallowed nervously, but I didn't have remotely the strength of will it would have taken to resist. Presuming I'd even wanted to, which in that moment I was no longer so certain I did. I slid to my knees off my chair, crawling the few steps towards her. Wes widened his knees at my approach, and I tried not to think about the huge, cream-covered monster sticking out at me just a few inches further down, concentrating on my goal.
I immediately noticed the difference in her taste... I could feel the hot, sticky fluid slowly seeping out of her, so much thicker than her own juices had been earlier. Shockingly, it wasn't nearly as horrible as I'd been expecting; saltier, certainly, but otherwise not all that bad. She ran her fingers into my hair, pulling me tighter, and I let her do it. There was no point trying to deny her; doing so would only end up pissing her off, and I knew I'd end up doing it anyways. So I obediently wriggled my tongue up inside of her, as I knew she wanted, trying to lick out as much of Wes' cum as I could. I even sealed my lips to hers and tried to suck out more. It didn't work very well, but she rewarded the attempt, guiding me away from her entrance and up to her clit, allowing me to stay focused there, softly cooing to me in approval and stroking my hair until I made her cum again.
She pushed me away then, but not by much, continuing to stroke my hair and staring down into my eyes as she reached down between her legs with her other hand.
“Get him ready for me,” she commanded, and I glanced down. He was soft now, but still intimidatingly huge. She was holding him softly, hand wrapped around his middle, his head and two inches of his shaft sticking out at me. Of course it had come to this, the next checkbox on my sister's list of humiliations for me. But the intoxicating taste of her pussy, even mixed with that of Wes' cum, robbed me of the will to resist. I took him slowly into my mouth, the soft, spongy flesh of his cockhead so hot and strange feeling between my lips. Sami moved her other hand to the back of my head, pulling me deeper, feeding him to me. I closed my eyes, trying not to think about it too much, and reflexively started to suck. I had no idea what I was doing, never having gotten blowjob before myself, but from the way Wes was moaning I guess I was doing okay. Strangely, sucking him off actually felt even more humiliating than letting him fuck me had. When he'd been up my ass, I'd at least been able to tell myself that I was just a passive victim, unable to stop him from having his way with me but certainly not wanting it. But that approach wouldn't work here. I was participating now, sucking and slurping, actively trying to get him hard again so that Sami could go back to riding him. Thank God it at least didn't take him very long to get hard again, and I was able to pull away and offer him up to her once more.
“Keep going,” she commanded simply, smiling and shaking her head at me, my jaw dropping open in shock as I stared back up at her, suddenly understanding her full intent. I tried to say something, to find some sort of excuse, or words of denial, but she just kept smiling at me, giving Wes' cock a gentle shake as she held it pointed at my face. It took me several long, slow moments as I tried to make myself object, but I eventually resigned myself to the inevitable, taking him back into my mouth once more. He was erect enough now that she no longer needed to hold him for me, and she took my head in both hands, guiding me into a slow bobbing motion as I resumed my sucking. I didn't wait for what was sure to be her next command; I settled myself more comfortably onto my knees, freeing my hands to I could start stroking his lower shaft. Sami purred approvingly when she realized what I was doing, but I wasn't doing it for her; if I was going to have to blow him all the way to completion, I just wanted to get the whole thing over with as quickly as I could.
It seemed to take forever, way longer than it had when Sami had been riding him, but I eventually got him there. I couldn't believe how forceful it was, when that very first jet of it shot into the back of my throat! I choked and gagged, trying to pull away, but Sami held on tight, forcing me to take blast after blast straight into my mouth. It was so hot, and thick... even more than I'd been expecting, from licking it out of Sami's pussy. And there was so much of it! Way more than I'd been able to suck out of her! I'd assumed at the time that he must not have had much left to give her, after so recently cumming in my ass... but I was reevaluating, now. Clearly, he'd just cum in her so deeply that even my best efforts had been able to retrieve only a trickle compared to what must still be inside of her, and what he'd just finished giving me. God... she had better not get careless with her birth control! If he was routinely filling her up like this, he'd get her pregnant for sure!
“Swallow it, you little bitch!” Sami demanded then, grinning down at me evilly, our cousin's swollen cockhead still stretching my lips, his hot, potent cum filling my mouth. “Show Daddy what an eager little cumslut you are!”
And I did it, too, just like she wanted. It took me several attempts, to get it all down, but I took every last drop. And when she finally relaxed her grip on the back of my head, letting me pull off, I knew what she wanted next; I tilted my head back and opened my mouth, proving that I'd swallowed it all.
“And what do we say?” she prompted me, and again I knew just what she expected.
“Thank you, Daddy,” I murmured as I submissively lowered my gaze. “Thank you for giving me your cum.”
“Good girl!” she praised with a laugh, my cheeks burning even brighter. I was a guy, damn it! But... considering that at that very moment I still had a load of my cousin's cum filling my ass, and had just finished taking a second load down my throat... what sort of position was I in to contradict her?
After that, Wes informed us it was time to get dressed again and head back to the house, if we didn't want the rest of the family to start wondering where the three of us had been all afternoon. I couldn't shake the feeling that they would somehow know anyways, that they'd see it written all over my face the moment they saw me... but that didn't happen. The rest of the evening was astoundingly normal, in fact; supper, chores, and some tv as a family before bed, the same as every other night since Sami and I had arrived. We said goodnight when our last show came to an end, Wes and I retired to his room, and as I was stripping down to my boxers I was finally coming to grips with the fact that we really had gotten away with it.
“Would you mind?” he asked, and as I turned back around to face him my jaw nearly hit the floor. He was naked, his thick, hard cock jutting proudly out towards me, his hand slowly stroking up and down his shaft. My eyes flashed to the door, suddenly terrified that someone might come walking in. But I guess he misinterpreted my look, because he smiled, took a few steps over, and flipped the lock. Then he was back, standing right in front of me once more, looking at me expectantly as he slowly masturbated himself at me. I don't know what I was thinking... I guess maybe I was still just in shock, and not thinking at all. But before I knew it I was lowering myself to my knees, and suddenly I had his cock back in my mouth again, my hands wrapped around his shaft as I worked to get him off.
It didn't take nearly as long that time as it had out in the barn. I shouldn't have been so surprised; he'd already cum twice in a row the last time I'd sucked him off, and this time he'd had all evening to recover first, so of course he was eager. He was still gentler than Sami had been with me, though he couldn't stop himself from choking me a little as he was cumming, reflexively thrusting his hips and driving himself against the entrance to my throat. He didn't hold me in place to make me swallow it, either, but I was afraid of his room smelling like cum if I spat it into his waste basket, so I ended up gulping it down anyways.
“Thanks... I really needed that!” he told me quietly, turning off the light and climbing into bed without another word. I really didn't know what to say, so I just climbed into my cot. Fuck, my dick was so hard right then! But I couldn't do anything about it, not with him right there on the other side of the room. I tossed and turned a little, and eventually fell asleep dreaming of what an incredible, rough and desperate fucking I was going to give Sami, once I finally got the chance to deliver what she was owed!
The next morning followed much the same pattern. Wes woke up, his prodigious cock throbbing with need he was desperate for me to satisfy. And, just like the previous night, I didn't know how to say no. My own dick was literally aching by the time I swallowed his load, but I told myself it would be better that way, that Sami would really get what was coming to her once I finally got to shove my rock-hard prick into that luscious little pussy of hers.
It didn't turn out that way, of course. Maybe horniness was interfering with my ability to think straight; I should have been trying to cum as often as I could in the lead up, trying to build up a tolerance to withstand what Wes was going to be doing to me. But I was so focused on what I wanted to do to Sami afterwards, that strategy never even crossed my mind! Long story short, I was so worked up that I came almost immediately. But Wes wasn't the type to let me off easy. Even gasping and begging the way I was, with each and every thrust of his huge, magnificent cock seemingly triggering a new mini-orgasm in my too-sensitive ass, still he kept right on fucking me. I didn't think it would be possible, but somehow he was able to hold out long enough that he actually made me cum for him again, my still-limp, flopping dick spraying wildly beneath me, before he finally relented and gave me his up my ass!
And God damn it... after that, I was hooked!
From that point on, I was no longer conflicted; I wanted to suck him off, morning and night, intentionally building my own frustration, preparing for our afternoon trip to the barn. I never did manage to hold out longer than him... but I no longer cared, not as long as he kept making me cum the way he did! It was just so much more intense, when he made me cum, compared to anything I'd ever been able to do for myself! It didn't take Sami long to get in on the fun, either, not once she realized I was never going to last long enough to earn fucking her. She'd still occasionally have me eat her out while Wes was doing me, but more and more often she'd skip that part, using the time to play with me instead. The specifics varied, according to her mood. There was no telling ahead of time whether she'd stroke and caress my shaft, murmuring about how sexy she found it watching me getting fucked, or if she'd painfully slap and squeeze my balls, berating me for being such a pathetic sissy bitch. And honestly... it didn't much matter to me either way. Whatever she was in the mood to do to me, it all only ended up making my resulting orgasm even stronger. Which wasn't to say I didn't have preferences. My absolute favourite, out of all the different things she tried? It was when she gave me a titty-fucking while Wes was doing me, making me cum all over her huge, firm tits, and then making me lick her clean when he was done! I was quite happy to do pretty much anything she asked, when she offered that as a reward... something she took merciless advantage of all summer long! She even got more permissive with what she allowed when it was her turn getting fucked, which I had never expected but absolutely adored. She would often let me lick her clitty while she was riding him, or let me suck on her titties, depending on the position Wes wanted to take her in. Sometimes she'd even make out with me and play with my dick while he was inside of her, or make me masturbate and spray all over her tits or freshly-fucked little pussy, before it was time for me to lick her clean!
But that was all in the past, now. Summer was over, Sami and I had been back at home for a little over two weeks, and mounting sexual frustration was slowly driving me insane. I was masturbating almost constantly from the moment I got back home from school every day, but it just wasn't the same. I'd tried stimulating my ass with my fingers, and with a variety of objects I'd scrounged from around the house, but none of them came close. I was currently going at it like mad to futa-porn on my computer, dreaming desperately of having Wes' fantastic cock deep inside of me again, when I heard the swift knocking on my bedroom door, Sami opening it and stepping inside without waiting for a response.
That part didn't surprise me; Mom and Dad wouldn't be home for hours yet, and I didn't lock my door anymore when it was just me and her at home. It wasn't like she could possibly catch me doing anything more embarrassing than the stuff she'd already seen, after all. I glanced over at her, assuming she must be in the mood to have her pussy eaten again, and hoping she'd be willing to trade by sticking her fingers up my ass and squeezing my balls for me while I masturbated my dick, the way she had the last few times she'd busted into my room without warning. But as I got my first real look at her, naked from head to toe except for the enormous black strap-on cock sticking out at me from her crotch, I gasped in shock.
“Up on the bed, slut!” she commanded, grinning wickedly as she saw the way I was looking at her. “Hands and knees!”
I scrambled out of my chair, porn forgotten, stripping the rest of the way naked and getting up onto my bed facing away from her. She started with a slap on my ass, followed by the application of cool liquid. I hadn't noticed when she'd walked in, but as I twisted around to look back at her I was relieved to see she'd brought along some lube. I felt the familiar pressure, but she actually took it slower than I was accustomed to with Wes, erring on the side of caution. Soon enough though, she was fully inside. It felt... different. She'd found one with the length and girth just about right, but the firmness wasn't quite there. It wasn't bad... just different, more squishy and flexible than Wes' was. I adjusted after a minute or two though, and with how bad I'd been dying for it for the last two weeks I was soon well on my way. I came hard... maybe not quite as good as when Wes did me, but easily the best I'd had since we'd gotten home. I collapsed forward onto the bed, and Sami tumbled along with me, her fantastic, sweat-slickened tits squashing tightly against my back.
“Did I do okay?” she asked, uncharacteristically nervous as she kissed the back of my neck.
“You were amazing!” I sighed gratefully. “You have no idea how much I needed that!”
“Oh, I think I might have some idea,” she giggled. “You aren't the only one going through cock-withdrawl, you know!”
I laughed, and she slowly pushed herself up and withdrew from my ass. I twisted around to my back, staring unabashedly up at her tits as she struggled with her straps. She even blushed a little under my gaze, which was a new development, cutely biting her lip as she finally freed herself of her contraption, tossing it to fall on the floor. I was expecting her to crawl up to straddle my face, collecting her due, but instead she just flopped down on top of me again. Then she really surprised me, pinning me with a full-on kiss, right on the mouth, deep and passionate. I was totally out of breath, confused, and completely blown away by the time she eventually backed off. She just giggled again, stroking my cheek with her palm, then slid off to my right side, snuggling tightly into place with her head resting comfortably on my chest, draping her leg over mine, her hand drifting down to slowly begin playing with my overly-sensitive cock.
I moaned at her touch, wrapping my arm tighter around her back, pulling her closer, squishing her fantastic tits tighter against my side. I was terrified to speak, afraid I'd ruin... whatever this was. Thankfully she seemed content with the silence, amusing herself playing with my dick as I slowly finished deflating in her hand. Still she played, and it wasn't long before I was able to start responding to her again. She waited until I was as hard as I could get, then suddenly, without any warning at all, she pushed herself up, swung herself over to straddle my hips as she angled me upward with her hand, and slammed herself down onto my cock, engulfing me completely into her tight, wet little pussy!
My breath was forced from my lungs in a gasp, my brain misfiring from the sudden intensity of sensations surrounding and squeezing my cock. A distant corner of my mind was still with it enough to register that Sami was trembling, eyes closed and fluttering, an expression of absolute rapture on her face. But then she started moving, and even that part of my mind shut down for a moment in the face of so much concentrated pleasure. By the time I started coming back to myself, somehow my hands were on her tits, lifting and squeezing, her nails digging pleasurably into my chest as she slowly lifted herself up and down my shaft. My God, she was incredible! I wanted to freeze her in my memory, wanted to save this moment forever, so I'd never forget!
But even more than her body, it was her eyes that held me transfixed. They were so bright and wide, so dilated with arousal, such a deep and stunning blue. Mine were that same colour, I supposed; she was my sister, after all. But it was just different, looking into hers! And she'd never before looked at me the way she was now, so full of love and desire, not even when she'd been at her most gentle while we'd been together with Wes. Neither of us spoke, but every little gasp and moan, every minuscule tremble of her lip, communicated volumes.
I was so utterly lost in the moment, I honestly haven't the slightest idea how long we stayed like that. But I'd witnessed her cumming far too often not to recognize the signs when I started to see them. I was getting pretty close myself by that point, and I was thanking my lucky stars that I'd been able to hold out long enough for her to get there first. I drank in every little shudder, thrilled beyond words that for once it was my cock making her feel that way, just as I'd fantasized about for so long. The final release arrived with all the speed and subtlety of a car crash, her eyes flashing wide as her breath caught in her chest, her nails digging deeply into my chest, her thighs trembling wildly as she struggled to keep riding me. I helped as much as I could, tightening my grip on her tits and thrusting into her from below, helping carry her through. It was a long one, too. Not the longest I'd ever seen from her, but easily top third, causing a burst of pride to swell in my chest that I'd been able to do that for her! She came down slowly, a sleepy, satisfied smile on her lips as she ground herself into me.
“Give it to me, Daddy!” she mewled, seductively licking and biting her lip as she stroked and squeezed my chest. “I want it! I want your fucking cum in me!”
“God!” I moaned. I'd thought I was still at least a couple of minutes away, but hearing that pure, distilled sex in her voice was more than I could take. The pressure built in a matter of seconds, and suddenly it was happening, a flood of hot, incestuous cum bursting out of me, filling my sister's tight, welcoming little cunt!
“Oh, fuck!” she squealed, her eyes snapping wide once more, her back bowing as she forced herself fully onto me and rapidly rocked her hips, grinding her clit on me. I wasn't sure if it was a fully distinct orgasm, or just a delayed and especially strong aftershock from her earlier one, but either way I was just thrilled that I'd been able to give it to her!
She collapsed slowly onto my chest after that, easing her knees out to her sides one after the other so she could stretch out her legs alongside mine, moving slowly and carefully to make sure she kept me inside of her. I wrapped her in my arms, squishing her huge, heavy breasts tightly to my chest, stroking her hair and caressing her back as she nuzzled against my neck. We were both panting heavily, my mind running about a million miles a minute as I tried to absorb everything that had just happened.
“I'm terrified of ruining this,” I admitted shyly, once I finally felt like I had my breathing somewhat back under control. “But... I have to ask. What made you change your mind?”
She lifted herself a little, so she could look me in my eyes, an adorable expression of confusion on her face. Then she laughed, snuggling down to my chest once more.
“Silly boy!” she purred. “Nothing's changed! I've been wanting to do this ever since the first time I saw your cock!”
“You have?” I gasped, hardly able to believe what I was hearing.
“You better believe it!” she giggled. “You were so much bigger than I expected! And... you want to know a secret?” she asked, conspiratorially lowering her voice and snuggling tighter against my chest. “When Wes and I first started having sex... he was actually a little bit smaller than you are now!”
“He was?” I asked in shock.
“Uh hunh!” she giggled. “And not only are you already bigger than he was, starting out... you've already grown almost another quarter of an inch, just since the start of summer!”
“Really?” I asked, trying to think back to see if she was right. “I hadn't noticed.”
“Trust me... I've noticed!” she giggled again. “I can hardly wait to see just how big you're going to get, by the time you actually finish growing! I've been dreaming about finally having you inside of me... I just didn't want to ruin the little game the three of us had going, is all! You seemed to be enjoying it so much... otherwise I'd have done this ages ago, believe me! But now that we're home, and it's just you and me, there's no more reason for me to have to deny myself anymore! I am really sorry for making you wait the last two weeks though... you have no idea how hard it was not to do more with you, when we've been playing together after school! But I just had this really strong feeling that for our first time having actual sex together, I needed to have my toy ready to use on you, first! And it's not like I could just ask to borrow Mom's credit card to order one online, so it took me some time to arrange.”
“I had no idea...” I said, slowly shaking my head, trying to wrap my mind around the fundamental change that had just occurred in my world. “So... this wasn't a one-time thing, then?” I asked hopefully, needing to confirm.
“It had better not have been!” she laughed again, taking a playful bite at the side of my neck. “We'll have to be really careful, of course, to make sure Mom and Dad don't find out... but after how good you just made me cum, you really think I'm going to let you stop?” she shook her head. “And don't worry... I know I owe you at least a couple dozen blowjobs, too, after everything I put you through this summer! But one thing or the other had to be first, and I figured the choice was pretty obvious which one you'd prefer.”
“You got that right!” I laughed, squeezing her tighter in my arms. Then I had a thought... and given the mood she was in, it seemed like there would be no better time to try. “And speaking of things you might owe me...” I said, letting my hand drift down to cup her spectacular little ass, my fingertip sliding slowly into her crack to rub teasingly at her cute little hole.
“Ugh! What is with you guys?” she groaned in amused exasperation. “You and Wes both! I offer you a perfectly tight, wet little pussy to fuck, and still you can't get your minds off sticking it up my ass, instead!”
“I can't help it,” I shrugged, giving her another squeeze, and turning my head so I could kiss her hair. “I love you, Sami... I want to express that love, in every way you'll let me!”
“Well...” she hemmed, chewing her lip. “I do suppose I owe you one, for how good a sport you were about having to take Wes' cock. That first time, I mean, before you knew how much you'd actually end up liking it! So... I guess we could maybe try it...”
“Really?” I gasped.
“Don't you go getting ahead of yourself there, mister!” she laughed, giving me a playful slap on my shoulder. “I said we could try... I'm making no promises about letting you finish that way, if it hurts too much! So you'd better be really gentle with me, when we do! Especially if you want me to keep letting you do it, more than once!”
“Absolutely!” I vowed. “I promise!”
“And we're not doing it today!” she continued, pressing herself up from my chest again, stroking her fingers through my hair and smiling down at me before darting in for a quick peck on my lips. “It's getting too close to when Mom and Dad will be getting home, and we are not going to be taking any risks like that! So up you get! As long as we go now we should still have enough time for a quick shower together, before we have to get dressed and start pretending that we've both just been doing our homework since we got home!”
I smiled, giving her a gentle pinch on her ass to remind her that she had to get up, first. She laughed and kissed me again, and we headed for the bathroom, bringing her toy with us and giving it a thorough cleaning at the sink before we got in under the spray together. We had to go quickly, we both wanted to play it safe and make sure we'd have plenty of time before Mom and Dad would be getting home, but it was no less enjoyable for that. We separated to our own rooms afterwards, at which point I realized I definitely needed to do a quick load of laundry, with the state in which we'd left my sheets. We'd become too used to doing it in a disused old barn, I guess, where any mess we left wouldn't matter; we'd have to remember to put a towel down from here on out, at least for when she wanted to use her toy on me!
I could hardly believe how normal the rest of the evening was, after Mom and Dad got home. I was completely paranoid that they'd figure it out somehow... but they clearly didn't have a clue. And could you blame them? What parents would even consider the idea that their two teenage children may have secretly started fucking each other behind their backs? By the time I climbed into bed that night, I was finally coming to grips with the fact that Sami and I were actually going to be able to get away with it, my cock easily as hard as it had ever been as I dreamed of what our future together would bring.