Starting the day after Wayne first had sex with Colleen, she began avoiding him. She didn’t say anything to either of her sisters and pretended nothing had changed whenever they were around, but the moment it seemed like she would be left alone in a room with Wayne, she would leave first.
As Cassie was the only other person home most of the time, she was the primary buffer between them. Because Cassie refused to miss any meals, neither did Colleen, but the moment she left the kitchen, Colleen chased after her, even if they ended up going to different rooms.
Wayne was not surprised in the slightest. In fact, he was just glad she had not tattled on him to her sisters. He was not sure she could prove anything and as freeloaders, they might have been willing to look the other way, but he was happier not having to find out.
However, with Colleen avoiding him, Wayne was left with no outlet for his urges. Cassie was still lazing around the house in whatever outfit or lack-there-of she pleased. Whenever he got too excited by her openness, Wayne would usually go straight to his room to use his computer.
Colleen noticed this as well, and started hanging around Cassie in hopes that Wayne would leave them both alone. She was not able to figure out why Wayne locked himself in his room so much, just that it was good for avoiding him.
After over a week of this new routine, Wayne was starting to get restless. The next time he came downstairs to find Cassie lounging on the couch in nothing but a towel, he pretended to ignore her and just went to the kitchen to make breakfast. It was not that he was desensitized to her body; he was just immune to the porn on his computer after seeing it so often.
Colleen came downstairs shortly after Wayne and stopped in her tracks when she saw him in the kitchen. She knew Cassie was downstairs and had expected Wayne to flee at the sight of her. Not wanting to look suspicious, Colleen quickly entered the living room instead of the kitchen and sat on the floor in front of the couch. Cassie patted her head to acknowledge her arrival but otherwise kept her eyes glued to the TV screen.
It took less than 10 minutes for Wayne to prepare eggs for breakfast and soon both sisters were in the kitchen with him, waiting at the table for him to set their plates in front of them. While Colleen waited for Wayne to get silverware, Cassie was more impatient. She lifted her plate to her mouth and tried to bite the egg off of it while tilting it.
The moment her teeth broke the over easy yoke, hot liquid egg ran down her chin and dripped into her cleavage. She shrieked and stood up, ripping her towel off. She used it to wipe the hot liquid off her chest while Wayne rushed to fill a cup with cold water. She took it from him gratefully and splashed it down her front.
Wayne’s eyes were drawn to the now discolored part of her body. The burns were not enough to cause blisters but her skin was now red where the egg had touched her. Cassie noticed Colleen glaring at Wayne before she noticed him and a bulge in his shorts. “Now really isn’t the time,” she whined.
“Sorry,” he muttered while taking the cup from her and filling it again.
“Never mind, I’ll just go take a shower.” She ran up the stairs. Wayne watched her butt shaking the entire way. Under any other circumstances he would have tried to feel her up, but not right after she injured herself.
It was only when he turned around after Cassie had vanished from sight that Wayne noticed Colleen still glaring at him. “What?” he sputtered.
“You’re not supposed to look at girls like that,” Colleen answered in a moping voice.
“That is exactly what boys do,” he corrected her. “They ogle any part of a girl they can, try to touch them and if lucky enough, they fuck them.”
“But you already fucked me, so why are you looking at Cassie?”
“Are you forgetting you’re the one who tried to tell me to leave you alone and go after her?”
“No.” She lowered her eyes guiltily.
“Have you changed your mind?” He smirked while lifting her chin.
“No!” She slapped his hand away.
When she got up to leave the room he made an exaggerated yawn and stretch. “I guess I’ll just go see if Cassie needs any help in the shower.”
Colleen stopped in her tracks. “She won’t let you shower with her,” she muttered. She sounded more hopeful than sure.
“She might need help with her burns. Besides, you let me shower with you?” Wayne reminded her of the bath they took together right after the first time they had sex. He had spent the whole time putting his fingers and more into her mouth.
Colleen bit her lip shyly while looking at the bulge in Wayne’s shorts. “What if I don’t want you to shower with Cassie?”
Wayne grinned while placing his hands on her shoulders. She thought he was just being comforting until she noticed him applying pressure, trying to push her to her knees. She slowly kneeled down so her head was at his waist. He undid the fly to his shorts with one hand while keeping her from backing away with his other one.
She gasped when his cock flipped out in front of her. They last time she saw it was after they had already had sex and it was slightly flaccid. This time it was incredibly stiff. Colleen waited with her mouth slightly open, expecting Wayne to play with her like he did in the bath. When he did not move, she realized he wanted her to initiate. He probably wanted to lord it over her, that she caved in first and let him touch her again without being forced.
Opening her mouth wider, Colleen pushed her head forward until Wayne’s cock was completely past her lips. She closed them tightly around the base and felt his rod heavy on her tongue. Almost immediately she felt like gagging and spat him out. She sputtered and spat saliva on the floor and her chin as she tried to get rid of the taste.
“What’s your problem?” Wayne felt insulted.
“It’s weird,” she moaned.
“It’s the same as in the bath,” he argued.
“That tasted like soap. You had just cleaned up. This tastes like sweat.”
Wayne looked around for a moment. When he spotted the uneaten egg on Colleen’s plate, he grabbed it in his fist. Colleen tried to move away but he pulled on her hair and tilted her head. When he squeezed his fist, the liquid yoke of the egg spilled over her lips. He then thrust his cock back into her mouth without warning. “There, what does that taste like,” he growled.
She pulled her head back and swallowed the egg yoke. “Eww.”
He slapped the side of her face lightly. “You’re not done.” He pulled her back by her hair. She saw that there was some yellow on his cock now. Sighing, she began to lick it off. Every time her tongue touched him his cock would twitch. She was paying too much attention to how it moved to care about the taste anymore. She began playing a little game with herself, trying to see how much she could make him react.
Annoyed, Wayne held her head still with her hair and shoved his cock all the way to the back of her throat. She gagged slightly but did not pull back. Instead she looked up at him intently, gauging his reaction as she pursed her lips and lapped at the underside of his shaft with her tongue.
He likened her expression to a goldfish with large focused eyes as she tried to make him react the way she wanted. When she opened the back of her throat and let the head of his cock slide in, he jerked and shoved her away.
She gasped to catch her breath for a moment but then sputtered, “wait,” before lunging forward and burying his cock in her mouth again. Wayne’s fingers flexed as he tried to keep from pushing her back again. The tip of his cock was getting too sensitive in her throat.
As she had never given a proper blowjob before, Colleen did not know how to use her hands to control Wayne’s cock. She thought she was supposed to just move her head. As such, she let her hands move down her own body until they found the hem of her sundress. Wayne’s eyes widened as he saw her lift it, revealing her panties to him. His cock stiffed in her throat, making her gag.
She slowed down for a moment but when she saw his jaw clenching and his fingers flexing she wanted to continue making him react. She pushed further, letting his cock slide even deeper into her, the tight ring of her esophagus griping his shaft and massaging it.
At the same time, she pulled her panties to the side and plunged her fingers into her own cunt. She moaned as small shocks traveled up her body. The sight of little Colleen’s exposed cunt getting penetrated, a young girl masturbating while giving and handless blowjob, was enough to put Wayne over the edge.
When his cock began to spasm in her throat, the tip touched the mucus-covered walls and made him jolt. He yanked her head back, trying to free himself but she kept her lips pursed so he could not get out of her mouth.
The first shot of cum made her cheeks bulge. The second came squirting out of her nose. She crossed her eyes as she felt like she was drowning in semen. She wanted to panic but something told her she could not be in real danger during sex. Despite not being able to breathe anymore, she just kept prodding her own cunt and shaking with each shock going up her body.
Unable to stand anything touching his spasming cock anymore, Wayne used the corner of Colleen’s mouth and her slimy semen filled nostrils as gripping points to pry her off of him. As soon as her mouth was vacant, Colleen threw up egg and semen on the floor and then fell onto her side, still gripping her loins as her own orgasm began.
One large jerk freed her face from his grip, allowing her to flail around on the floor like a fish. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Wayne pulled her legs apart and pushed his fingers into her cunt alongside hers. They were still covered in slime from her nose so they slid in easily. He scrapped the walls of her cunt intentionally as he went.
She suddenly screamed as gushing liquid rushed past his hand. She had obviously lost control of her bladder in the midst of her orgasm. Wayne just continued to scrape her cunt, using the liquid as lubricant. Colleen thrashed and wailed until the gushing stopped.
Wayne had to remove his fingers when Colleen pulled her own out. She clamored to her feet and stood with wobbly knees while she straightened her dress. When she was satisfied she lifted her messy face and smiled at Wayne while making a V with her fingers.
“What are you so proud of?” He lifted the hem of her dress and confirmed her panties were still pulled aside. She moaned while rolling her eyes as he put them back. Her clit was swollen and visible through the fabric, which he assumed was why she was still reacting to just the outside of her cunt being touching. He flicked it once, making her knees nearly buckle.
She let out a slight laugh while huffing to catch her breath. Wayne slapped her cheek with his wet hand to get her to focus. Her eyes returned to normal and she continued to smile at him. “What’s wrong with you?” he was confused.
“That was so much better than getting fucked,” she spouted.
“What? Pissing yourself on the floor?”
She looked down at her wet dress and the puddle she was standing in. “I’ll get a mop,” she suggested.
“I’m gonna shove the mop up your ass!” Wayne threatened her.
“You’re satisfied too, right?” she argued. “You got to fill me with slime again and it didn’t have to go into my pussy.”
“But if you were just going to finger fuck yourself, why not let me fuck you anyway?”
“Finger fuck?” Colleen absorbed the new term into her vocabulary. “So what we did was mouth fucking?”
“Or face fucking,” Wayne corrected her.
“I like face fucking. You’re penis feels fat in my throat. I like trying to swallow it. It’s so smooth when it touches the sides.”
“I prefer the inside of your cunt,” Wayne disagreed. Her throat was far too soft for his sensitive cock.” Colleen ran her fingers over her protruding nub and flinched. She could guess what a cunt was, even though she preferred calling it a pussy. “You look like a little slut, playing with yourself.” Wayne gripped her clit through her panties.
“Oh god,” she moaned while more piss ran down her legs. “It’s like when Cassie gives me a wedgie. The cloth just digs into me.”
“So you get off from getting bullied?” Wayne laughed at her.
“Get off? You mean when my body shakes? Yes. I used to shake like this all the time whenever Cassie pulled my undies or choked me.”
“You like getting choked?” Wayne was taken aback.
“It kinda feels like when you filled my nose. Wait, when you put your fingers in my nose, were you trying to fuck it? Were you fucking my nose?”
“I was trying to get your greedy vacuum of a mouth off my cock,” he corrected her. “If you like getting your nose prodded, that’s on you.”
Colleen tilted her head in thought and then ran over to the kitchen sink. She had to use a step stool to reach it but when she did, she took the spray nozzle and began cleaning out her nose like a sinus cleanse.
Wayne shuddered as he watched. He could not understand how girls seemed to have no gag reflex sometimes. While she took her time cleaning the semen out of her nose, Wayne crept up behind her and lifted her dress. She moaned as he prodded her clit again.
Only when he pushed the cloth of her wet panties into her butt did she react. She spun around and pointed the spray nozzle at him. “Here, let me show you something.” He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her onto the edge of the sink. She was confused as he slid her back until her butt was hanging into the skin.
He took the spray nozzle from her and pressed it into her butt. “I see,” she moaned when he turned it on. “This is just like the bidet in the bathroom.”
“Have you ever just left it running, to see how much water your butt can take?” he asked.
She shook her head while looking up at the ceiling. Her eyes were glossing over slightly. “I get scared that it won’t come out if I fill it too much.”
He pressed a hand to her belly and felt the water now filling her stomach. “Don’t worry, it’ll come out eventually. Just keep going for now.”
Colleen bit her bottom lip as she felt her stomach expanding. Her body wanted to expel the water any way it could so she felt saliva forming in her mouth as if she was about to throw up. “Can it really go all the way through me?” Colleen was concerned.
“If I don’t ever stop,” he explained.
“Stop, please,” she begged. “It’s gonna come out of my mouth. I'm gonna be sick.”
“I could stop, but what fun would that be for me?” Wayne played ignorant.
“What do you want,” she pleaded.
“Can I put something else in your butt instead?” he asked coyly.
“Yes,” she sputtered, frothing at the mouth. “You want to fuck my butthole, right? Go ahead. It can’t be much worse than this.”
Wayne finally pulled the nozzle out of her asshole. Immediately water began to gush into the sink. Colleen pressed her hands into her stomach, trying to force it out faster. Even after the sound of water gushing into the sink stopped, she still felt like there was more inside of her.
Wayne picked her up and walked straight to the back patio doors. “Where are we going?” she groaned.
“Somewhere we can make a mess,” he explained. Colleen felt lethargic as he sat on the patio rocking swing with her in his lap. Her asshole had closed up almost completely but there was still some water trickling out. The numbness she felt from having cold water rushing past the opening for so long made it impossible for her to tell when Wayne pushed his cock into her. She only felt it when the warmth of his shaft started to spread to her bowels.
“Oh my god,” she screamed. “It’s really in my butt!”
Wayne covered her mouth. “What are you so surprised about. You just had several gallons of water go through you. Also, be quiet or the neighbors will hear you.”
Colleen pulled his hand off. “I don’t care. Let them watch you fucking me. You’re the one who wanted it so badly. Either admit you did something wrong or don’t be ashamed. Hey, anyone watching? Come watch me getting fucked in my butt!” she shouted even louder.
Wayne restrained the urge to cover her mouth again. He knew if he kept telling her to stop she would just get worse. If he pretended he didn’t care, maybe she would focus on something else.
Something else turned out to be Colleen’s clit, still visible through her panties. She kept flicking it and eventually even pulled Wayne’s hand over her crotch to make him touch it. “It’s weird that we’re not naked,” she said something random.
“We weren’t naked until we got in the bath last time either,” he reminded her.
“Yeah, but Cassie used to be naked when Mike fucked her.”
“Meghan’s ex-boyfriend. Cassie would be fully dressed whenever he dragged her into the bedroom, but when she came out later she was always completely naked and covered in slime. He never filled her with it like you do to me, he just covered her face or chest.”
“He probably liked looking at her body,” Wayne muttered.
“You like looking at Cassie too,” Colleen reminded him.
“She’s hot,” he was honest.
“What about me? Do you not like looking at my body?”
Wayne lifted her and dropped her, letting his cock slide out and back her asshole in its entirety. She jolted and flopped over, held on his lap only by his hands on her waist. “I'm more interested in getting inside you,” he admitted.
“My insides aren’t pretty though,” she moped.
“They absolutely are,” he cut her off. “I love your pretty pink pussy and especially this part. I can’t get enough of.” He gripped and twisted her clit, making her shriek and unleash a stream of urine right onto the deck. “I want to see what your asshole looks like after I turn it inside out. I want to coat your insides with my cum the same way Mike wants to coat Cassie’s face.”
Colleen’s cheeks turned red in embarrassment. She buried her face in her hands but peeked out through the spaces in her fingers. “Do you mean that?” she asked meekly.
“Do you think I would do all this to a girl I didn’t find pretty?” he asked.
Colleen pulled her dangling legs up onto the swing and pushed off the edge with her heels, lifting herself slightly. She fell down again with an “oof” as Wayne’s cock stretched her asshole while sliding back in. She repeated the action a few more times, groaning louder each time.
“What are you doing?” Wayne stopped her by lifting her by the waist so she was standing in front of him.
“You want to turn me inside out right,” she shook her butt in his face. Her dress fell back down over it before he could see much of her flexing her anus.
“It’s a figure of speech,” he assured her.
“But you want to fill my butthole with slime, right?”
“It’s called semen, not slime,” he finally corrected her.
“But that’s what satisfies boys, right? Mike and you get off when you cover a girl with semen, inside or outside.”
“Basically.” Wayne nodded.
“So fill me up. I want you to think I'm prettier than Cassie. I’ll wear your semen whenever you want, so please don’t look at her anymore. Just look at me.”
Wayne pulled her back down, sliding back into her butt with ease. “You don’t have to try so hard. I already filled your head with semen earlier, remember?” He poked her nose. “I can hardly think of something sexier than a girl breathing my cum right into her skull.”
Colleen used her feet to spin herself around so she was facing Wayne. He winced as he felt her tight anus rotating around his cock. Colleen was smiling as she kissed him. “You like cumming in my head? I like it when you fuck my throat. How about we don’t fuck anywhere else anymore.”
Wayne frowned while gripping her clit and twisting it, making her shriek again. “I don’t have to do what you want. You’re mine to fuck as I please. As long as you live in this house, I’m going to fill all your holes, not just your favorite one.”
“But…” she tried to argue but Wayne let himself fall out of the swing so he was on top of her on the deck. She felt his cock expanding as he began to ram into her instead of just moving her waist like before. She grabbed her stomach as she felt the remaining water inside sloshing around. “It’s coming out,” she groaned as she felt herself squirting each time he pulled his cock back enough.
“It’s just water,” he assured her. “Everything else came out in the sink.”
“I don’t like this,” she groaned. “Can’t you just be happy fucking my mouth?”
“You’re so selfish. Sex is about give and take.”
“What’s sex, I thought we were fucking?”
“Right, I forgot. I’m just fucking you, which means I decide which hole to use.”
“What if I just don’t let you fuck me anymore?”
“Then you don’t get any semen.”
“Why do I want semen again?”
“Because you can’t be pretty until I fill you with semen,” he reminded her. “If you want me to think you’re pretty, let me cum in your asshole.”
“I can just use my mouth to make you cum. I don’t need you to do anything.”
“God you’re such a brat. If you don’t shut up, I’m gonna just choke you whenever I fuck your ass.”
Colleen’s eyes lit up. Wayne realized his mistake immediately. She took a deep breath and began to shriek. He scrambled to cover her mouth but the whole neighborhood definitely heard her. Hopefully they just assumed it was rowdy youngsters laughing and playing.
Colleen moved his hand away and began to shout. “Cassie, help me. Wayne keeps fucking me!”
This time Wayne pressed his thumbs into her neck to cut off her airway. The smile on her face almost scared him. Because she had been shouting, she already had barely any air in her lungs. Her face turned red within seconds. Wayne contemplated just getting off of her, but strangely his cock was getting harder just seeing her struggling to breathe. Colleen was not the only breath-play freak apparently.
Without any other option, Wayne picked up his pace. As he had cum earlier, it was proving difficult. When Colleen’s lips started to turn blue, Wayne finally lost control. He slammed into her asshole and began cumming straight into her bowels. At the same time the remaining water squirted out around his cock, soaking into the deck.
Wayne could have stopped choking Colleen right away, but part of him felt there was no point if he did not wait as long as possible. She remained calm, only jolting and squirting each time his blood pulsed in his cock. Eventually though, she began to squirm and then kick. She flailed madly as he held her down by her neck.
He leaned close to her face and whispered in her ear. “You may have wanted this, but that doesn’t mean you have any control over when I stop. You belong to me one way or another. I can fuck you while you’re awake or once you pass out. So think about that before you try calling for help next time.”
She nodded rapidly but slowed down as she began to lose consciousness. Wayne waited for her to stop moving so he knew she had blacked out. Finally he released his grip on her neck. He expected her to wake up gasping but instead her chest just started heaving. She remained motionless though. Shrugging, he picked her up and carried her inside. He took her straight to the downstairs bathroom and put her in the tub with the water falling on her.
He wished he could join her but he was completely spent so it would just be a normal shower. Also, he had to clean up the kitchen before anyone noticed.