This story picks up where “Symone’s Gang Bang” leaves off. Gina and Simon finally get some time alone.
I crossed the street into Enlisted land when I heard Gina calling my name. I turned to see her waving and running toward me. I waited for her to catch up. She immediately peppered me with questions, “First are you alright? How many guys were there? How did they react to Symone? How many times? Did you have fun? Did any of them hurt you?” I reached out and held her hand and we began walking home. “To say it was interesting would be an understatement. When I walked into Dave’s house, I owned it! You girls have it good, every fucking guy there wanted a piece of little old me! But then I saw the downside of being a cute “girl”, one of the guys got nasty. I’m Ok, but I owe Jim and the other 3 guys for protecting me. As to how many, let’s just say several and leave it at that. And yes, I did have fun, even with the near ass whopping.”
She stopped in her tracks and spun me around to face her. “Tell me what happened?” I recounted my interactions with John. She looked at me and said, “Wait, you told him he was fucking you so nice, too bad he couldn’t last longer!! Why didn’t you just kick him in the nuts? You emasculated him in front of his friends! No wonder he wanted to beat you up.” “Yeah, my mouth got the better of me, but the guy gave me a revenge fuck, he was literally trying to hurt me with his dick, and I didn’t let him get away with it.” She pulled me close and hugged me, my big protective Amazonian. (Insert shit eating grin here)
“Oh, speaking of John, we’ve got to warn Mary away. He is fucking bad news. If he’d pull that shit on me, surrounded by friends. What would he do to Mary, if they were alone? Plus, I may have found the perfect boyfriend replacement for her.” Gina, cut me some side-eye, who? “Fellow named Tim, he’s tall, great dick,” “Simon really” she said with mock exasperation. “OK, too much info. Anyway, he’s a nice guy, he’s like me, likes to play with boys and girls, but only wants a relationship with a girl. I like him if that helps.” Gina said she’d call Amanda when she gets home and let her know what happened with John, Mary and Tim. I told her I had Tim’s phone number. She gave me the side eye again, “And exactly why do you have Tim’s number?” Busted! “Oh, I was going to call him if I could get him a date with Mary.” “Right, Slut!” she said and laughed. She pulled a pencil and paper out of her purse and wrote Tim’s number down.
“Ok enough about me, why were you so long at Amanda’s? Did you have a good time? Did the girls say anything about me? Did you have fun?” She paused to think about how she was going to word this, I’m growing suspicions something was up. She finally said, “Yes, you were the subject of our conversations for a bit. I think sweet blushing Mary may have had the hots for a younger man/girl. But I put a stop to that idea. Anyway, Amanda gave me the details of “Our Time”, Amanda and the girls are going to go to Dave’s tomorrow morning and fix the place up for us. Of course, as with anything to do with Amanda, a sexual price had to be paid.
“What the heck does that mean?” I asked very concerned. “Well let’s just say I had to satisfy all the girls there.” “Seriously, Amanda made you?” “Simon, that’s just the way Amanda does things. She really goes out of her way to do something special for you, but there is always a price. I always thought it was just you and I that had to provide a sexual service to her but the three girls, none of them were wearing panties. I think she treats them that way too.” “Oh, well did you have fun?” I said, just as she punched me. She smiled, “Mary tasted really good, too bad you’ll never find out.” I reached out and pulled her to me and tilted my head up to kiss her, she leaned down and we kissed. I explored her mouth with my tongue and when we broke the kiss, I stepped away from her and said, “No, you’re wrong, Mary tasted pretty good on your lips.” I didn’t move far enough away, the punch landed hard on my arm.
I walked Gina to her door, and she gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered in my ear, “I’m going to fuck you so good tomorrow, no other woman will ever satisfy you.” With that she turned and went inside. Jesus, I love her.
After supper I called Tim and told him there is a possibility that Amanda might assist in an introduction to Mary. He laughed and said, “The girl network works much faster than you, Simon.” “huh” I said. He explained, “Amanda called me and asked me to meet her and some of her friends at Dave’s tomorrow morning. Apparently, we’re going to be making a little love nest for you and your girlfriend. How in the hell did you pull that off? Anyway, Amanda mentioned she has a girlfriend she wants me to meet.” “Wow, that was fast, I only told Gina about John and Mary an hour and a half ago. I’ve got to warn you Tim, Amanda is an amazing person but beware of hooks.” It was his turn to say, “Huh.” He asked, “Is setting me up with a date your way of getting out of putting out for me?” “No way, I really want your cock buried balls deep in my ass!” We laughed and hung up.
I slept like a rock; I was fucking worn out, literally. I awoke around 8:30 Sunday morning. I hopped out of bed and did the 3 S’s, shit, shower, shave…Ok, maybe it was 2 S’s and two Bs, shit, shower and brush teeth and hair. I’m still parting my hair in the middle. I like the impish look it gives me.
Gina called around 11, she said meet me in half an hour, it’s on!” She sounded really excited. I changed into some of my better clothes, and I put on the panties Amanda had sent me via the Gina’s pink knapsack. I grabbed my lightweight coat on the way out, it’s a little chilly this morning. I saw Gina was leaving her house, so we met in the street and began our walk over to the other side.
I noticed Gina was wearing a trench coat, I asked her if the coat was a little over-kill, she ignored me. I asked her if she’d heard anything more about our “date” and she just gave me a sly smile and said, “It should be memorable.” I reached over and held her hand, “All the time I have spent with you has been memorable, even when you were pimping me out.” I said with a smile. She turned her head to look at me, “You fucking loved it!” “Well, that may be true, oh, the shame of it all!” I said in my most dramatic voice. I didn’t see the punch coming, fortunately it was just my arm and not my teeth.
Gina asked me about my moving plans, I gave her the bad news, “this coming Thursday night I’ll be in Transient Quarters.” She bit her lip and squeezed my hand, there may have been a tear in her eye, but she turned her head away. I said, “Gina, let’s enjoy the time we have left. We can feel sorry about it later. “I love you; I adore you, I think you’re the sexiest woman alive, and at least for now, we are together.” She turned her head to face me, and yes there had been a tear there. She smiled at me and licked her lips, “I’m going to eat you up lover boy.” I gave out a nervous laugh, praying I don’t disappoint, I want her first to be memorable in a good way.
We turned the corner onto Dave’s street and I asked Gina, “Are you sure baby girl, we can turn around right now, I won’t be mad.” She gave me that patented side eye, “Why, are you chickening out on me, Lover?” “You know I’m not; I just want you to be sure, there’s no going back once it’s done.” “I know, Simon, and I want it to be US. I’ve known from the first time you licked my pussy; you would be the one.” “Wow, I was that good!” “No spaz, but you were trying really hard to please me. That’s what won my heart.” She squeezed my hand again. “I love you my beautiful Amazonian.” “Whoa, what’s with the Amazon? I’m African!” I laughed, “I think of you that way, because you are bigger than me.”
We turned onto the sidewalk, leading to Dave’s front door. I squeezed her hand and we both put smiles on our faces, showtime. I was reaching for the door bell, when Dave opened the door. “We’ve been expecting you two, come on in.” We stepped into the hallway and there was a receiving line. Dave took his place as third in line. First was Amanda, she looked positively radiant. She eyed Gina’s trench coat and said “hand it over.” Gina blushed and removed the coat. Underneath it she was wearing a red baby doll nightie, that left very little to the imagination. Amanda held out her hand and made Gina do a full twirl for all the admiring eyes.
Amanda, then turned her attention to me. “I expect you to be gentle and caring. Satisfy her needs, then fuck the hell out of her! She then leaned in and whispered, “I may have another job for you next weekend if you’re game.” Then she kissed me on the cheek. Jim, who was stand next to Amanda, took Gina in his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He shook my hand and said under his breath, “You lucky bastard.” Dave and Tina were next, he kissed Gina on the cheek and told her she looked stunning. Tina gave me a hug and Dave and I shook hands, and he gave me a thumbs up. We continued down the line until we got to Tim, standing next to Mary! “They both smiled at us, and Tim gave me a real hearty handshake. Pete and Sharon were the last in the line. Sharon hugged Gina and Pete, patted me on the back. We were now standing at the door to the basement, Amanda came up behind us and said “shoo, have fun, we love you two!”
I opened the door to the basement. It was dark, but there was a faint glow coming from the interior. I led the way down, holding Gina’s hand. When we reached the floor, we could see our friends had set out an array of candles and on the coffee table was a small bottle of wine and a box of chocolates. The bed that I had just yesterday been fucked senseless on had fresh sheets and a poofy comforter on it. I turned to Gina and said, “Turn slowly for me, let me see how beautiful you are.” She did a very slow turn, never taking her eyes off mine. “My god, you are absolutely gorgeous.” I pulled her to me and we kissed. Seems I have a little show and tell that I must perform for you. I saw the question on her face.
Yes, Amanda gifted me an outfit that was in your knapsack. The note that came with it said I am to wear the contents of this bag on Sunday. I sat on the couch and began removing my shoes, socks, shirt and I finally stood to remove my pants. Gina stopped me and said, “Let me unwrap Amanda’s gift to me.” She loosened my belt, undid the waistband snap and lowered my zipper. She then knelt down in front of me and hooked her thumbs into my belt loops and in one swift motion jerked my pants down. Leaving me standing there in a blue pair of girl’s lacy panties and a big bow on the front. Gina burst out laughing, then stood up and kissed me.
I shucked the pants off, and asked my Amazon if we should try the wine before…She said, “No, I want to be clear headed, so I can remember every detail. Now, let’s get in bed.” “Yes, my love.” We walked over to the bed and pulled back the comforter to revel a red towel, with 3 condoms on it. We slid into bed and cuddled, kissed and just enjoyed each other’s closeness. Gina sat up and said,” help me get out of this thing”, I happily obliged. I lowered the straps from her shoulders, revelling her beautiful tits. Somehow, one of them ended up in my mouth, then the other before Gina reminded me what the mission was. She lifted her hips and I pulled the teddy down her legs, exposing her oh so tasty pussy. She sat back down, and I removed the Teddy.
I started to remove my “panties” but Gina stopped me. “Let me do it.” I got off the bed and stood facing Gina, she crawled over to me. She grabbed the panties by the leg opening and pulled them down to my knees, freeing the one-eyed monster. She smiled up and me, licked her lips and sucked my dick head into her mouth, she ran her tongue up and down my piss slit just to drive me crazy. Then she released him with a pop and said,” get back on the bed.” I kicked the panties off and climbed on the bed to join her. We hugged, kissed and cuddled for a couple minutes, I loved playing with her tits.
I decided it was time to take the next step. I untangled myself from Gina and grabbed a pillow. I had her lift her bodacious ass and I slid the pillow under the red towel and her hips. I then crawled down the bed and got between her long silky legs. I moved in close and let my breath blow on her pussy. Even in the dim light I could see the pink peeking out from between her light brown lips. I slipped my hands under her ass and used my thumbs to open her up. I licked my lips and dove my tongue into her pussy hole. I pushed it in as far as I could go, and licked it around. I felt Gina’s hands on the side of my head, let’s get the show going. With her guiding me, I licked up, circled, gentle suck, lick down, deep dive and repeat.
She kept me in motion for a good 5 minutes, then the shaking began, any second now, here come the thighs pinning my face to her pussy. I’ve learned a thing or two in the last couple weeks, when you get to that point, STOP what you are doing! You’ll get released faster! Yep, she gave me a little squirt in the face. She’s primed for the main show. She released my head and I moved up to her clit and give it a gentle lick.
She pulled me up to lay on her, we kissed and I shared some Gina squirt with her. “Simon, teaching you how to eat pussy was my gift to all women who will be lucky enough to share a bed with you. Now, I going to make it impossible for any other woman to truly satisfy you.
We traded positions, me on top, sans the pillow, and Gina was opening one of the condoms. She stopped and looked at me very seriously. “Simon, can you promise not to cum in me for a minute?” “But…”, I stammered. Gina said, “If you can hold back, I’d like you to take my virginity bare, so I can feel your dick inside me. Once the deed is done, then we can put the condom on and can fuck all we want,” I agreed, she slid up and we kissed again. She broke the kiss and sat up, she raised her hips off me and I steadied my dick for her. She slowly lowered herself down on me. Her pussy was so warm and moist! She got the head in and paused, her eyes were closed and she was bitting her lip. I told her to stop and breathe, she took a deep breath and dropped straight down on my cock. I felt my cock hit something, then pushed through, Gina let out a little whimper and leaned down onto my chest. I hugged her and kissed her cheek.
She recovered quickly and said, “Amanda told me it would hurt, but I wasn’t expecting that. You feel so good in me, this is where you belong.” I sensed, Gina was about to make a really bad decision so I rolled her off me. She looked shocked, “Gina, I can’t promise how long I can last, we have to use protection, I love you to much not to think of your future. Now, help me get this thing on.” She laughed and said, “Actually we need to go get cleaned up, you got enough blood on your dick and belly, it looks like you were in a knife fight.” So, we went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. While there she hugged me and said “Thanks, you read me right, I was going to ride you until you came.” She unrolled the condom onto my dick. “That was pretty neat.” She said.
We kissed and I ushered her back to the bed, this time with her on the bottom. I crawled back between her thighs and started working her clit over with my tongue and lips, then I crawled back up on top of her. She helped guide me in. I must be honest, bare is best! I slowly entered her and when I was completely in stopped and kissed her on the lips while playing with one nipple, she moaned and I asked her, “do you feel the difference?” She said, “Yes, it almost doesn’t feel real. I am so glad we went bare for the break; I know how you really feel in me.” We hugged and I began fucking her in earnest. She was so tight, it was wonderful. She wrapped her legs around my waist and keep me tight to her. When I began to tire, she rolled us over and rode me like a cowgirl. I love watching her, grind that lovely pussy all over my dick. We must have fucked for half and hour, who knows, when I finally came we both collapsed on the bed wrapped around each other.
When we caught our breath, I suggested the wine again. This time Gina agreed. I got up and went to the bathroom to remove the condom and flush it. When I came out, Gina was sitting on the bed with two wine glasses. “Have you ever drunk wine?”, I asked. Gina said, “No but I’m game.” We sipped the wine; it was sweet and tasted like strawberries. I could see the label on the bottle, Boones Farm, Strawberry Hill. We finished the wine and picked up where we left off, with condom number two.
Number two was the miracle worker. We had just finished doggy style and Gina rolled onto her back and brought her legs up. I slipped in and slowly worked my cock into her very moist pussy. Rather than straight in and out, I circled my hips around, letting my cock brush up against all her pussy walls. She started mewing, almost immediately, I rotated around her pussy for 5 solid minutes when she finally cut loose and wrapped her legs tightly around my hips. I loved looking at her face when she came. I’d gladly let five more teenagers fuck my butt just so I could see that again. We collapsed back onto each other.
After I flushed condom number two, Gina said, “Simon, I want you to fuck my ass, just so I can have a load of your cum in me.” “Ok, my love, in what position would you like.” Gina thought a minute, “I want to lay on my stomach, with a pillow under my hips, my legs together, with you straddling my body. Fuck me long and slow and cum deep in my ass.” Damn, I almost came just listening to her describing it. She rolled into position, on top of the pillow. I found the lube, our hosts had left for us and took my time fingering Gina’s nicely rounded, extremely fuckable ass. Gina got a little impatient, “Simon, enter me already!” I slid into position and slowly feed her ass my cock. Then I stretched out on top of her. I began plunging in and pulling out. Sometimes, I’d come completely out, just to watch Gina wiggle her butt inviting me back in. I didn’t last long, being free of the condoms and a nice tight ass milking my cock, I’m amazed I lasted as long as I did. Just when I cuming deep in her ass, we hear the door to the basement open and the sounds of a lot of people walking downstairs. I grabbed the comforter and threw it over us. Just and the gang entered the basement.
Amanda said, “Aren’t you two through yet? It’s been 2 and a half hours! My first time lasted all of 5 minutes!”. I saw Jim give Amanda some side eye, apparently, he didn’t know she had given herself to someone else. She reached down and picked up Gina’s red teddy and my blue panties and threw them on the bed. Get dressed if you are finished. Everyone moved over to the couch and chairs. I heard Dave ask if anyone wanted a hit, then the sound of people coughing.
My dick shrunk and slid out of Gina’s ass. I grabbed the red towel that was under us and wiped her ass clean of my cum as best I could. I reached out and snatched our clothes from the top of the comforter and rolled off Gina. We, hurriedly dressed under the comforter, then stopped to savor the moment under the covers. We kissed, and she told me she loved me. About that time, Amanda and Jim pulled the comforter off us and helped us off the bed. We both headed to the bathroom to the applause of the group.
When we returned we were welcomed with comments like, “They must be part of the rabbit family” “Or did they just sleep the whole time?” “Nope, that’s not Simon’s style if there is an ass to slay.” We took the ribbing as being good natured. All the guys were giving Gina the male long stare once over. She’s going to have a lot of boyfriend options when I leave. I noticed the girls were smiling at my blue panties, Mary seemed particularly interested in me. Gina got pulled into a private conversation with Amanda and Tina. Tim was busy loading the bong for a hit, so I walked over to Mary.
I could tell she was surprised by my approach. “Can we talk?” I asked her. Sure, she said, “I’ve noticed you seem to like what you see in me, is that true?” “Yes, you’re cute and I…” she stammered. “You like the idea that I play the field, both men and women.” She blushed. “It’s ok to have different tastes in your sexuality.” I said. She blurted out, “I’d love to fuck your ass with the hairbrush Amanda told us about.” “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen, however, I know someone who would be very receptive to butt play, and he has a gorgeous cock.” She looked at me quizzically. “Tim, he’s a good guy with a wonderful personality, he truly cares about the person he is with and I’m sure if you allow yourself to tell him what you want, he will be more than happy to please you. Don’t be shy, tell him exactly what you want. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Now, go talk to him.”
She turned and walked over to the coach where Tim was sitting. She looked back at me and give me a timid smile, then sat on Tim’s lap. I saw her whisper in Tim’s ear, his mouth dropped open and he looked directly at me and smiled. I gave him the thumbs up, and he turned to talk with Mary. Gina had been watching my interactions with Mary and asked me what was going on. I explained, she was right, Mary did like men/girls, I told her to tell Tim, she would be pleasantly surprised. Gina looked over at the couple and they were kissing. She turned to me, “You match-making slut! I love you.” We hugged, and looked over at our friends. Sharon and Pete looked very happy and comfortable with each other. Dave and Tina had moved over to the bed and were doing some heavy petting, Amanda was down on her knees in front of Jim with his cock in her mouth. He smiled at us then grabbed Amanda head and began face fucking her. I gave him a thumbs up! Gina punched me. We gather my clothes and Gina’s trench coat and headed to the bathroom to dress.
When the door closed, Gina turned to me and asked, “Was it everything you expected?” I reached up and held her face, “Gina, I had no expectations. You are the girl of my dreams, just spending time with you is all it takes to make me happy. You have accomplished your mission. You have moved my bar of sexual satisfaction so high; I seriously doubt any other woman will be able or willing to reach it.” I went up on my tippy toes and kissed her square on the lips. She had a tear in her eye. I wiped it away, “Gina, just be happy for the time we have left.” She hugged me tightly.
She released me and I asked her, “Was this everything you expected?” She laughed, “No, it wasn’t anything like I expected. Amanda told me it would hurt and then be over in 15 minutes. She said not to expect any sexual satisfaction. I was just giving myself to a man, who would brag about his conquest and not really give a shit about my feeling. That’s not what happened. It was wonderful, yes it hurt briefly, but then it just got better and better. I know you respect me and love me. Other than you not cumming in my pussy, there is no way this could have been better.” We were interrupted by loud banging on the door, “I gotta pee!,
We opened the door and Mary rushed in, her clothes were disheaveled and when she plopped down on the toilet, I could see she didn’t have panties on. Gina caught my gaze and pushed me out the door. I saw Tim, he smiled at me and raised a pair of panties, I laughed and we moved over to where Jim and Amanda were making out. We told them, thank you very much, we had a grand time. Dave and Tina walked over and we thanked them for letting us use your place. Gina hugged Tina. I shook hands with Dave and Jim. I turned and Pete and Sharon were standing behind us. I thanked Pete and Sharon gave me a hug, and whispered into my ear, “I don’t know what you did to Pete but he has more confidence, thank you.” Mary, walked out of the bathroom, blushing as always, and walked right up to me. Gina closed in to protect her property, Mary said, “You were right, Tim, is the right guy for me. We have so many….” “Fantasies” I suggested. She nodded, “yes, fantasies.” She moved in and hugged me and planted one right on my lips. Then she turned and Tim was standing there, he wrapped a protective arm around her. Tim and I shook hands, and Gina gave him a hug.
We said our Goodbyes and thanked them all once again and turned to go up the stairs. We heard Jim say, “They were at it for two and a half hours, they were still at it when we came down!” Everyone laughed and we made good our escape. Hey, it was our first time! I checked the clock in the living room as we left the house. It’s a little after 2pm. We began walking back to our side of the base. Arm in arm, feet barely touching the ground. I asked Gina what Amanda talked to her about. Before she could answer, I told her Amanda said, “I have another job for you on Saturday if I’m up for it. Those were her exact words, “If I’m up for it.” Gina, stopped dead in her tracks. I could see concern on her face. “What is it, Baby?” She said, “That’s what Amanda said to me. First, she asked me how it went, I told her the truth, we enjoyed each other and pleased each other, it was better than I would have ever thought possible. Then she said she has a job for me next Saturday.” Gina said, “I’m only guessing here but Amanda apparently did not have a good first experience based on how she advised me. Is it possible she wants us to “give her that experience” after seeing how long we were at it?”
I put my arms on her shoulders, “Baby, we can say No. Yes, we owe Amanda a lot, but in a sense she made us pay for the gifts she bestowed upon us. My ass still burns to prove it.” Gina laughed, “You deserve a tinder tooshie, my love. But you’re right, we can say no. I just have a hard time saying no to her. She’s my friend, and she’s the one who taught me how to…” “Capture the hearts of young impressionable boys?”, I interjected. I didn’t even bother trying to dodge the incoming slug. We held hands and began walking again. Gina said she’d call Amanda later and see if she can get more details.
I asked Gina about Tim and Mary. “Shit, did you do a number on her!” “What do you mean?” I asked innocently. “Little miss blusher, taking a pee with no panties! Timmy’s at least had his fingers in her pussy. What did you tell her?” “Well like I told you before, yes, she likes men/girls. Apparently, Amanda told her about fucking me with the hairbrush, that’s what had her hot and bothered, she wanted to do me. So, I told her, Tim’s cool, be honest, don’t be timid, tell him what you want. I think she did.” Gina laughed, “Well I hope they are a good match; we need more freaky couples, and you are off the market, right lover.” “Yes dear.” I’m a quick learner.
“I think Pete and Sharon make a nice couple.” I said. “Ok, I meant to ask you about your conversation with Sharon, that tall bitch kissed you.” “Oh, that was nothing really. Pete had a lack of confidence about his dick size.” “Really, he’s a pretty big dude.” Gina said. “Yeah, but he is a gentle giant. I really like him. His cock is on the shorter side, only about 5”. All the guys at the stag party were longer, but his wiener is at least 2” across. I put him dead last in the lineup cause I knew he was going to split me open if I weren’t stretched out first. I told him women would line up for a gentle giant with a thick dick. Guess that’s all it took to give him confidence.”
“I wonder how many of those young ladies is going to give it up this afternoon?” I mused, “Hell, Amanda was giving Jim a blow job in front of everyone.” Gina said, “wonder if they will blame us, for lighting a fire between their legs?” We both thought that was funny. We approached our neighborhood and we both got quiet. “Before I walk you to your door, will you let me see you in that red teddy one more time?” We both looked around, she unbuttoned the trench coat and opened it, my god she’s fucking hot! “You are just so beautiful; you take my breath away.” She buttoned back up and I walked her to her door. We did a quick peck on the cheek because we saw Gina’s mother looking on. I walked home with a boner, in my blue panties.