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Alex gets to work late and pays the price
Mrs. Amber was not her real last name but it was long and full of weird tongue twisting words. Mrs. Sprakkur-Tikdrusla does not roll off the tongue. So she uses her first name. There is something even more powerful using it. Gives her more control as she uses our last name.

Twenty seven minutes late. To her this is my third time this week I was late, but really, I have not made it on time in any loop. I get to my small office at the end of the hall and close the door. I hang up my jacket and quickly head to my desk. I click the button to turn on the computer as I sit. Maybe today I started thinking but the door opens.

“Mr. Simpson, I see you are late again,” she says as she slides into my office. I started to speak but she continues to speak. “This is the third time this week, correct?” Before a yes can escape my lips she continues. “How am I to run a business if one of my employees keeps coming in late?” The question hung in the air as she closed the door behind her and the dull sound of the lock being engaged.

“I’m sorry. Traffic was a bear today,” I said, trying to be as upbeat as I could. Fighting to put a smile across my face. I have heard stories of people who have gone on her bad side. Shit, I was one of them in a few loops. My ass was beaten raw.

Well Mr. Simpson, maybe you should have left a bit earlier. You know to beat the traffic.” She crossed the room with a predatory grace. Smooth and sleek in her black pumps. Her legs glide effortlessly in her midnight grey pencil skirt. The blazed unbuttoned showing off the low-cut cream top. Letting all see that god gifted her one fine assets and she used it to her advantage to get what she wanted. Her long red hair fell in curves down over her shoulders. Her face is covered in freckles that make her green eyes stand out.

As she sat on the edge of my desk I thought of the saying about redheads and how they will steal your soul. This one will do it just because.

“Umm,” I shuttered. In past loops she was never this forward. “See I was helping my little old landlady this morning. It was big so she needed my help.” Nerves building as I spoke.

“That is very considerate of you Mr. Simpson, but in the future, you could help her after work,” she responded. Her right leg crossed over her left. She let the pump dangle back and forth from her toes.

I don’t think Mrs. Tomas would understand if I told her she needed to wait until after work but saying that would not be a smart move with Mrs. Amber.

My eyes locked on the heel as it rocked back and forth. The black caught the light at the right moment. Shining up into my face. If she noticed she didn’t say anything. What she said did surprise me. “Do I make you nervous Mr. Simpson?”

The question was out of the blue, so my mind didn’t have an answer ready for her. “Because you sure seemed nervous, and you should be. Me being your boss. I could dock your pay for being late. How does that sound?”

“Not good,” my words came out softly as I followed the bouncing high heel.

“I could suspend you without pay. Is that a better option?”

“No,” my words sounded so distant in my own ears.

“How about a fire you Mr. Simpson. You have been late a lot over the last few months.”

“Please no,” no fight in my words. My words should be.. should be something but what. My mind is groggy. Hearing her words but not processing them correctly.

“You do not have to worry Mr. Simpson. I have a better solution for you. It is called the Omega Project. I think you would be a perfect candidate for it. What do you think?” Her words are thick and sweet like honey.

“Yes Mrs. Amber,” I said almost in a whisper.

“Good, no time like the present to start.” She pushed off the desk and lowered herself over me. Our faces are about a foot apart. From this angle I could see down her shirt, but those magically green eyes kept mine locked on them. “Now just listen to my words.”

What was going on? Words drifted around me, but they only came into my mind as sound. I was able to make out a word or two here and there. Relax, drift, sink. Words dancing around me as I stare deeply into the emerald pools of her eyes.

“Relax now Alex,” her words begin to become clear. “Let your body relax as you listen to me”. I could feel all my muscles loosen at that moment. My body sank deeper into the chair. “Sink for me. Let your stress go. Let it go and be replaced with calmness. As the calmness takes you, your mind sinks deeper. As your mind sinks deeper you give it over to me. You know it is the best thing for you. Let your conscious mind drift so I can train your subconscious one. Let me in to train it. Train it to understand that it wants to be obedient. That being obedient is the best way to feel pleasure. And pleasure is the way to serve me in the Omega project.” My mind tried to follow but it was like it was molasses. The words bypass my conscious mind and go deeper.

So relaxed now. So hard to keep my eyes locked on hers. They slip down her face. Her nose covered in freckles, to her full kissable lips. Watching her mouth move as she spoke. My eyes dropped lower. Seeing the light dance off the ruby pendant dangling from her neck. Framed with the deep cleavage.

“It is ok if your eyelids are getting heavy. Let them close. Only your ears need to listen as your body relaxes. Letting your body relax deep as your mind drifts down, down, down for me.” I could feel my lips slowly close. There was light and then none. A peek of it again and back into the darkest. A few more times my eyes flickered open before finally closing for good. As they did my body completely fell into her trance. Feeling my head droop to the side. A small wetness as drool escaped my open mouth. Then I heard her last word “SLEEP.”

I woke up to a car movement. My eyes glanced around. I was in some expensive car. It made a right out of the parking garage under our building. I could see the main door to the building as we drove by. Wait, what is going on? It’s midday. He had work. He was so confused.

A female hand reached over and was placed on his knee. “Welcome back sleepyhead.” My head turned to see the driver. Of course there is a driver. My shocked mind saw my stunning boss Mrs. Amber. Wait, I’m in a car with Mrs. Amber. My upper body jerked back.

“Relax Alex. Relax and breathe. We are going out on a field trip for your first task in the Omega project. We will be going to see my husband at his place of work, S.L.U.T. Corp. just sit back and enjoy the ride.” Her hand moves off my knee and back to the steering wheel. Her foot pressed down on the gas pedal and accelerated quickly. She drove fast but in complete control like she always is. Weaving and darting in and out of traffic.

I just sat in the seat watching as we sped along. Each waking second felt like my mind woke up a bit more and more. Then we pulled into a parking garage. Down the ramp into the large underground area. A row of beautiful cars lined the wall. Mrs. Amber pulled into the spot with her name. Wait, she didn’t work here, why does she have a spot.

She pressed the button and the purring engine shutoff. “If you were a gentleman, you would come open my door for me.” Pulling the handle on my door, I moved quickly to her side and opened the handle. Giving her my hand I helped her out of her luxury car.

“Now follow me,” she said as she fixed my tie. “Two steps back and one to the left. Do not say anything to anybody. Not until I tell you too. Once in my husband’s office you will stand up straight with your hands behind your back. Understand?” I just nodded my head yes. She turned and headed off.

Her heels echoing in the cavernous space as her ass swayed with each step. At the elevator we rode in silence to the third from the top. The bing announced we have made our destination. She stepped off and headed to the left. Down the hallway lined with cubicles. The woman staring at us. Each one is hotter than the next. At the end of the hallway, she came to a door. Before she opened it she turned to the mocha skin bombshell and said, “Wanda, he is not to be disturbed.” The woman nodded and agreed. She knocked as she opened the door. “John, your lunch date is here, and I have brought my newest member of the Omega project.”

The man behind the large black desk smiled as he saw his lovely wife entering the room. He pushed back from the desk and stood. Making his way around the right side of the desk to greet her. He was about my height but thicker in the shoulder and his shirt didn’t do a good job hiding all his muscles. He had dark blue pants, tan dress shoes and a pink tie. His brown hair brushed to the side and his square jaw a pillar of strength.

“Amber, what a surprise. I didn’t think I was going to see you until this evening,” he said as he got closer to her. Kissing her on the cheek as his right arm wrapped around her waist. Looking at these two as I stood there. This was a power couple. One of strength and dominance. “So, who is this my sweet?” I could fill his eyes looking me over. Looking down on me.

“Tell my husband who you are,” the commending words escaped Mrs. Amber.

“My name is Alex Simpson, sir. I work for your wife.” The words came out low and weak. Mrs. Amber smiled as she stepped away from her husband.

She turned back to him as she was halfway across the room. “Watch this, John.” A few more steps and she was by my side. Her perfume was all around me. Taking my senses. She walked past me. Her hand on my chest. The light touch feeling so go. As she finished her loop around me she stopped and whispered,” Omega trigger.”

My body froze as my mind broke. It was like it was shattered and put back together all in one. The way I saw myself in my mind's eye completely changed. Gone was me, the way I pictured my form. What replaced me was a smooth blank doll. No features, no face, just standing there ready to be molded. “Who are you,” she questioned me again.

“Omega, he is Omega, and he is ready to serve Alpha.” It was my voice but not my words. My eyes focused on a spot across the room as I waited for a command.

Her heels clicked on the wood floor as she headed back to her husband. “What do you think, John? Another employee who will obey me and my company.”

“I see you turned him into one of those mindless thralls of yours. The last three could not think for themselves. They are useless at work unless you tell them what to do.”

Her hand took his and she pulled him to the waiting Omega. “That was the case with them, but I have changed up the *********** a bit.” As they stood in front of her thrall she said,” strip for us Omega.” Without a delay he started to shake and strip his clothes off. Not as one who would just get undressed but as a sexy stripper trying to entice someone.

“Hmm, that is different,” John said as he watched Omega remove his clothes.

“Yes, what a pleasant surprise,” Mrs. Amber added. “See he took a simple command and used the bit of mind I left him to put that together. To please me.” As Omega completed his dance he picked up his clothes, folded them and placed them neatly on the end table by the sofa. He made his way back in front of the power couple.

“Good boy,” Mrs. Amber said to him as she stepped to him touching his bare chest.

“That is a good trick,” John said, but Mrs. Amber turned and cut him off before he could continue.

“Zeta trigger.” John froze. His eyes went distant. His mind broken like Omega’s. “You see Zeta, Omega here was not my first test subject. I have be tinkering in your mind over the last few months to see which is the best way to program my toys. I think I have found it. Now remove your clothes and stand in front of Omega face to face.” The other man did as commanded. His clothes piled on his desk. He walked up inches from the frozen Omega. “Good Zeta. Now I want you two to reach out and stroke the other's cock. I need to get some items from the secret closet.” As she turned to head to the far side of the room and the closets, each man reached forward and took the other’s cock in their hand and started to stroke.

Zeta’s cock felt warm and heavy in Omega’s hand. With each stroke the semi soft cock swelled. Growing bigger, longer and wider. Soon he had a thick veiny man meat in his hand.

His own cock grew as the strong hand gripped around it. Zeta’s hand was hesitant as he complied with Alpha’s command. Nonetheless, Omega’s own cock grew thick and strong too. Zeta’s was a bit bigger both in length and girth. This didn’t bother the simple-minded Omega.

The click of Alpha’s heels came back to them. “Oh, look at you two. Both with a handful of cock. I know it is the first time for you Zeta, but I’m not sure about you Omega. Tell me, have you played with a man’s cock before?”

Omega’s mouth responded yes before his sluggish mind to process the question. “That is very interesting. We shall see if you are skilled or not, but first let’s get to all setup.” She raised her right hand and in it was a double sided dildo. Bringing up to the thralls faces she said,” Open.” Zeta and Omega both opened their mouths in unison. She placed the flexible member first into Zeta’s mouth and then Omega’s. Her hands then pushed their heads together. “Now go back and forth. Do it together you sluts. Back.” Both of them pulled their heads back so the head of the double ended cock was resting on their tongue. “Don’t let it drop. Hold it there for a moment.” Her hands move around Omega’s head attaching a harness and then to Zeta. “Now that will now let you go too far back. Now suck.” Her two toys moved their heads forward, gagging on the pink plastic.

Back and forth they moved. Taking it out and then gagging on it. Zeta gagged hard each time he took it down his throat as Omega took the shaft easier. Their heads bobbed back and forth. Building saliva with each thrust until it was too much and overflowed. Zeta’s drool fell first into Omega’s hand, adding lubrication to his stroking. Omega’s own cock was soon lubricated by his own drool.

“This is so wonderful,” Alpha squealed. “I just love seeing you two being such good cock suckers. Let me take a video to remember this.” She pulled out her phone and hit the record button. “Look at these two big strong men bend to my will. Bound and made to suck the end of a double end dildo. Just look how close they get.” Moving the phone closer in. “Nose to nose as they take it deep down their slutty throats. And that is not all.” The phone swings down. “They are stroking each other off. What a bunch of sluts I have here. This is getting me all excited. I can feel my wetness.” She clicked the button to stop the recording. “Now let’s get you tied up.”

Her right hand gently pulled Omega’s hand away from Zeta as she pulled it behind his back. Taking the resting one from his left side. She placed them into the leather harness and then buckled the straps holding his arms out straight behind him. She moved to Zeta and put his arms in the same harness.

Back to showing Omega attention. Her hands started with a rubber ring around the base of his shaft and then one right behind the head. Another rubber ring was placed around his balls, stretching them. She then attached pads to his stiff cock and enlarged ball sacks. With a push of the button an electric current was sent into them. Pulsing over and over. The waves made him buck but he held his place quite well.

As Omega rode the pleasure, Alpha attached Zeta’s own cock ring to his bulging member.

She stepped away and came back with two plugs and some lube. Covering the first one she went behind Zeta. “Now I know your hole will be tight so I will give you an easy one.” She pulled his cheek apart and pushed the plug into this rim. As she pushed she met resistance. “I know you're a tight ass, but this is ridiculous.” Placing her free hand on his chest she gave it a hard push. With this extra force she made the plug past his defenses. He whimpered as his anus was violated for the first time. “Good boy, take that like the slut I’m going to train you to be.” With a push of a button on the plug it started to vibrate. His body shivered. “Let the real training begin.”

She shifted from behind Zeta to Omega. “Now your turn, my toy.” Again, she lubed up the plug and spread his cheeks apart. The plug slid into without an issue. Finding its way to the hilt. “Oh,” Alpha gasped. “It looks like your ass has been trained before. I think you could have used a big one slut.” A push of the button sent his ass vibrating.

Tears are now running down both faces. Their chins covered in their own drool. “You two have put on a great show but I want even more.” Her hands moved to remove the harness holding their heads together. She pushed them apart and took the dildo. Both thralls grasped for air since deep throating for the last couple minutes left them lacking.

Standing behind Omega, she slapped his ass cheek with the slime covered dildo. “On your knees Omega. On your knees and suck Zeta’s cock. Show me what kind of skills you have.” Omega dropped to his knees and opened his mouth. Taking the thicker cock into his mouth.

First he started just sucking on the tip. Feeling the difference from the flexible plastic to the real flesh. Feeling the warm pulsing dick in his mouth. Sucking the head hard he could feel the other toy react. Although Zeta didn’t move or moan his cock gave him away. The slight way it twitched in his mouth.

Omega let the cock free. He tilted his head and wrapped his lips around the shaft and started rubbing his face up and down it. His tongue along the base of Zeta’s shaft feeling each of his bulging veins.

Zeta was at the mercy of Omega’s mouth. Letting the cock go, Omega's face continued lower, taking Zeta’s nut sack in his mouth. Gobbling up both of the balls in one swallow. His tongue licked then as he sucked. Zeta’s cock twitched again. Omega took this as a sign and released Zeta’s swollen balls.

His mouth opened and swallowed the thick shaft again. This time choking down as far as he could go. Pulling back a second later he did it again. Over and over he did this. Choking and gagging as he went a bit deeper each time. Alpha’s hand went to Omega’s head and helped him along. After thirty seconds of this she removed her hand and said,” let’s see how you will really worship a cock if freed.” Her hands removed the binding encasing his arms. As the harness dropped, Omega whipped his arms around. His right hand grabbing at the base of Zeta’s meat. Stroking as his mouth sucked up and down the thick member.

“Fuck,” Alpha exclaimed!!! “This is so hot!!” Her phone is out and clicking photos. “That is, it Omega. Worship that cock.” Her hand moved back to the back of his head, gliding him. “What a greedy cocksucker you are.” Omega let the cock slide from his mouth. Saliva both covered his face and the thick cock. A thick rope of it connecting the two. “Zeta thrust into his whore mouth. Fuck it like the fuck hole it is.” Before Omega could move back to it the burly man flexed his hips forward ramming his cock into Omega’s eager mouth.

Alpha took a few more photos before moving behind Zeta. Her hands moved to remove the harness holding Zeta’s arms behind him. She moved in front of Zeta and lightly slapped his face. “What a naughty little boy you are. Facefucking Omega like this. Letting your manly cock be sucked by another man. Who would have thought that you would enjoy it so much?” She stepped away from him, heading back to the closet. “Let Omega know how you like your cock sucked, Zeta.”

Zeta’s hands moved to the sides of Omega’s head. Ramming his cock deeper. “There you go slut. Suck on that cock. Worship it. Take it deep down that slutty throat of yours. Oh yes Omega.” Zeta tilted his head back as he pulled back. “You want to worship Zeta’s cock more?”

“Yes, Zeta,” Omega begged. “Please let this lowly slave worship your cock more.” His eyes gazing up at the man standing over him. His mouth ready. Zeta pulled Omega’s head forward.

“Good lowly slut. By sucking Zeta’s cock you please Alpha. By Zeta having his cock sucked by Omega, it pleases Alpha. All to please Alpha,” he finished as he fucked Omega’s whole again.

“I’m so happy to hear that, Zeta. All to please me, correct.” She walked past the two men to the door. Unlocking it, she called, "Wanda, please come in here.” The shuffling at the desk outside the door was apparent, as the woman hurried into the office.

As the opened and closed behind her, the door was locked. She gasped at the sight unfolding in front of her. “What the…”. The words dying on her lips.

“Breath Wanda,” Alpha said as she walked up next to her. Her arm wrapped around her waist. “I have been trying out some mind control.” She gently walked the shocked woman further into the large office. “These two have been my greatest success. Your boss is known as Zeta and the cocksucker is Omega. I do have a favor to ask of you. Can you take a few videos? I’m going to get into the action soon,” her hand slapping at the strap on between her legs,” and would love to watch it later.”

“Umm, ok Mrs. Amber.” She smiled then. “You think later I can use one of them?”

Alpha laughed. “First call me Alpha and second yes sweet girl. I'll let you use both of them. I know how much Zeta can be an asshole. Here is my phone. I bet you know what to do.” With the phone handed off she didn’t look back.

Back by the two thralls. “Stop, both of you stop. Omega, turn around and get on all fours. Zeta, you get on your knees behind him.” The two mind control men obey her orders without a question. “Now Zeta, remove Omega’s plug.” The large hairy man used his thick fingers to pull the plug free. “Hand it to me.” He compiled without a question. She stepped away from the two as she placed the plug down. As she did, she said,” now you are going to fuck Omega. Start out slowly.” Inching closer, the larger man pushed his dick into the waiting hole of Omega. Filling up his anus much more than the plug. Zeta started to pump in and out as his hands moved to Omega’s hips.

“What a sight do we have here. How does it feel to fuck another man’s ass? Even if it's lowly, Omega.” Her hand moved to Zeta’s face.

“His ass is tight, Alpha. It feels good,” he answered in between grunts.

Alpha returned to their sides as Wanda circled the group. Working in different angles of her boss fucking around man.

“Excellent,” she paused. A wicked smile grew across her face as she looked into the photo. “Now we get some training time for your throat Zeta.” Alpha pointed for Wanda to move to the other side of them. As she did Alpha spoke to Zeta again. “Open your mouth.”

Zeta did as he was commended but a bit hesitantly. She rubbed the strap-on along his open lips. “There you go slut. Let your tongue out and lick my shaft.” She rested a hand on the top of his head, helping him guide his mouth along it. “Are you afraid of this big dick being shoved down your throat? Making you gag on it.” She let the plastic meat slide in. “Or are you afraid you may like it?”

Her hands rubbed around over his head, messing up his hair. Drilling it back and forth. She pulled back, letting it fall free from Zeta’s mouth. His body was in constant motion as he drove in and out of Omega. The moans now deep. Escaping from him as he took a big delivery in his back door.

Alpha didn’t give Zeta any rest as she slapped her cock on his cheek and then rubbed it across his face. “Kiss it Zeta. Kiss my cock all over. That is a good toy.” Shoveling it back into his dirty mouth. “There you go. Suck it. Damn you really going at it. You are no Omega when it comes to sucking dick, but you are no slouch. You sure you have never done this before.” Before Zeta could answer, Alpha said.” Never mind. I want to have Omega choke on my girl cock for a bit.” She backed away from Zeta and positioned herself in front of Omega. Dropping to her knees she let the strap-on dangle in front of Omega. His mouth opened greedily and took it in.

The married couple fucking each end of him now. Wanda circled and circled. Zooming in and out. “Fuck I’ve never seen someone getting spit-roasted,” she said softly. She thought softly enough that nobody heard her.

“Really girl. You have never seen it. A hot piece of ass like to never had it done to you?”

“No Alpha. I have seen videos but never in person.” Her voice lowered as she shyly said.” And I never had it happen to me.”

“We will have that change, but not today. Someday soon I’m going to have a girl's night and you are coming with us. I will not take no for an answer.”

“Umm, ok Alpha. Thank you.” Her free hand sliding along her skirt. The scene getting to her.

“Shit Wanda! Strip down and have some fun.” The mocha skin young lady looked at her surprised then shrugged her shoulders and smiled. She unbuttoned the white shirt and let it fall to the floor. Unhooking her bra like a pro, she let that drop also. Her right hand moved up to touch her large nipple. “You have the most perky round tits. Just wonderful.”

“Thank you, Alpha,” the girl said shyly. Her hand massaging her right and then left tit. Pinching at her nipple. A small moan escaping. She wants them to be touched. Touched by any of them.

“Zeta, suck on Wanda's tits for her. She looks like she would enjoy that.” Zeta reached out with his left hand and hooked his fingers into the top of her skirt and pulled her forward. Wanda stumbled just for a moment, but his strong hands held her up. His left hand moved around her waist as he brought his mouth to his perfect hand sized boob. His mouth latched onto her breast. Sucking just for a second before his tongue darted out and flicked on her nipple.

How Zeta could keep thrusting and now worshiping her tits was a mystery to her. Since her hand holding the phone dropped as soon as he took her. Her free hand wrapped around his head, holding him closed. Moans of her pleasure mixed with Omega’s moans underneath her. She started to lose herself in his breast worship.

“Wanda, give me the phone,” said the commanding words of Alpha. The young woman turned and handed the phone over to the powerful lady. Her hands free, she undid the skirt, stepping out of it and kicking it away. The white panty was a perfect contrast to her lightly brown skin. Her arm pulled her boss’s mouth close to her again. Having him suck deeply.

“Just look at this. My husband is not only fucking another man in his office but now sucking like a little piglet on his secretary’s breasts.” She giggled. “What a horny little toy he is. What you don’t see is the vibrating plug deep in his ass. I’m enjoying turning him from the strong leader of industry into my needy Zeta whore. Begging and greedy to serve.” As Wanda’s moans became a bit longer Alpha continued,” Zeta, finger your hot young secretary. After dealing with all your crap you should at least give her some pleasure.”

Zeta’s right hand moved from on the back of Omega to in between Wanda’s legs. “She is so wet already Alpha,” the mind-controlled man said in a low monotone voice. His thick fingers moving the thin, soft panties to the side. One finger making its way past the wet lips. Finding her needy mound. Working it over. Her moans intensified. When that first finger pushed further, deeper into her wet hole she gasped. Her arms tighten around his head. She bit her lip as she looked over her shoulder at Alpha. The woman looking between Omega sucking on her strap and her husband fingering this hot little thing.

A second finger entered her and she froze. Zeta’s fingers were thick and having two inside her filled her up. Stretching her pussy walls out. Lucky for her this whole scene has turned her on and she is soaking wet. His fingers moved with rhythm and purpose, like they were here before. Her body reacted and reacted quickly. Her moans deepened and body started to melt to his touch. She can feel herself getting so close. She wanted to orgasm so badly. Wanted her boss and his thick wonderful fingers to get her off, but something in the back of her mind said check. She turned head back and looked at Alpha. She could just imagine her needy eyes begging this powerful woman for her orgasm.

Alpha knew exactly how her mocha sex partner felt. She too has felt those experienced fingers inside her. How he could quickly bring you to the edge of your pleasure. “Ask me,” was all she said to the young girl.

Biting her lips harder Wanda asked,” can I cum on your husband’s fingers.” She waited for the answer. It felt like forever before Alpha responded.

“Yes you may miss. Let his fingers drive you wild.” Wanda turned back and started humping a bit more into her hand and then it happened. Her orgasm hit and took her over. First her body started shaking and then froze. A few seconds later the flood gates opened and she lost all control. She screamed in pleasure. Head looking up at the ceiling as her eyes back. Her body lost all strength and collapsed into Zeta. His strong arms held her from falling.

Alpha watched young Wanda as she was driven into a state of ecstasy. If her program works, she just may have to add this sexy chick into her program. She doesn’t have a Delta yet. Maybe even try out letting her control the ones below her, but those thoughts for later. What she really wanted now was to fuck Zeta, her husband, up the ass.

She has gotten Al coworkers up from this going on and needed her strap-on to be deep in his ass. She pulled the well lubed dick from Omega’s mouth. Before she stood up she bent over and looked Omega in the eyes. “You are an amazing cocksucking whore. Keep it up and maybe you will move up the ladder.”

Omega, who liked the feeling just like a piece of meat being dicked from both ends, said,” thank you Alpha. He likes being Omega.” She chuckled at that and slapped his face lightly as she moved away.

There was something about this his mind tried to process. Something naughty and dirty but all that kept coming back was the pleasure of being used. How it made his body feel. Having two large meat sticks, one flesh and the other plastic, at each end. At first there was no rhythm to it but by the end they thrust deep into him together. This raised up his slutty feeling and made him feel like the whore Alpha wants him to be.

The other was the small electric current still going through his cock and balls. Every few seconds it pulsed, and his body received a jolt of pleasure. Being used like he was turned on enough, but the current sends his body into a realm it has not been before.

For the last few minutes, each time the current shot through his package a wave of pleasure raced through his body also. Almost like a mini orgasm. That feeling where your body feels every nerve firing at once. The one that makes your toes curl. This is what raced through him. The pleasure building, letting a bit free and the building even more. At some point his body would give in completely.

He felt Zeta’s pace change behind him. At first the bigger man pounded him hard and fast. Stretching out his ass as he went. Finding the rhythm required. Then when Alpha’s dick was shoved into his mouth the pacing changed but it was still of need. Need for Zeta to fuck him as hard as he could. Now something has changed.

Zeta’s thrusting stopped for a few seconds and then started slower, lighter. Building up speed but that primal rawness was missing. It was like Zeta was not in control anymore. Kind of like when Mrs. Ramos started getting fucked by the creepy guy from down the hall so many loops ago.

Alpha made Zeta a sandwich. She fucked him as he fucked Omega. Omega’s level of excitement raised even more.

Wanda regained herself and was back behind the camera. She focuses on Alpha driving her hips into Zeta, who in turn drove them into Omega. The penetration of Zeta was taken by Aloha as she was still coming down from her orgasm. She did watch as Alpha pulled the plug free. Zeta’s body fighting as the thicker head came loose. Only to have his ass filled back up a moment later by something bigger, thicker and longer. His whimpers of pain and discomfort was a pleasure to hear. They soon changed into something more. Moans of pleasure. Sighs of enjoyment as Alpha used his tight ass.

“Damn your ass is tight Zeta. I was barely able to fit my smallest strap in you. We need to start you on some training.” Alpha turned her head to look at Wanda. “You think you can help with that. Help him from being a tight ass bitch to a horny anal whore.”

Giggling Wanda responded as she moved closer to the trio,” I think I can help with that Miss Alpha.” A pause and she continued,” but Zeta will have to compensate me for all my hard work.”

Alpha laughed. “A girl after my own heart. I know he will take care of you.” Turning back to Zeta, she pushed into him. The angle was a bit weird, with her pushing up into his kneeling position. She pushed his upper body forward, dropping it over Omega. Better angle and better thrusting. After a few pumps she had both her thralls moaning underneath her. “God damn this is fucking hot,” she whispered out loud. When the moaning turned into oh god and other words said in passion she knew this was going to be her new favorite.

Looking over to Wanda to see if she was enjoying the view. She found the hot young thing with the camera in one hand as she let a wand hum on her mound with another. “Fuck Miss Alpha this is the hottest thing I have ever seen.” Her moans slowly building.

“Let’s get you into the pile up. Lay on your back in front of Omega. He will lick that soaking pussy.” The young girl giggled as she bounced on her toes. Tossing the wand to the sofa she moved in front of the sex train. Was she going to be the caboose now?

Omega didn’t waste any time as his face pushed into her mounds. His tongue licked her wetness as it worked its way to her clit. Pleasure washed into her. She took it and let it build. She held the camera up the best she could as her body let the rapture take her.

“Zeta, take the phone from Wanda. Clearly Omega knows how to eat pussy too. Maybe I should get him to teach you that. Only good for your cock at the moment.” Zeta reached forward and took the phone and passed it behind him.

Straightening the phone, she started with a view down her body. Her large tits were first on the screen. As she moved the camera down, her pegging her husband came into view. The long thick plastic shaft pushing in and out of his ass. Sucking sounds with each new pull out. From there she let the farmers pan out. Damn she wished she had the selfie stick. No matter, you could see her husband being fucked into another man. At the end of that chain, Omega had his face buried deep into sweet young Wanda. What a view.

Wanda breathing quicken. “Miss Alpha can I cum again,” she said with her eyes pleading. Holding back a tile wave.

“No you may not.” The disappointment in her eyes. Alpha pulled free of fucking Zeta. “I’m going to let one of them fuck you.” Tapping on Zeta’s back she told him to pull out.

Omega could feel the large dick slide free of his ass. How it gaped once free. His rim almost reached out for more. That was all in the background as he took eating pussy very seriously. He knows deep down inside himself there is nothing better than having a woman releasing on your face.

“If Omega is good with his dick as his mouth, I need to try that,” she said, biting back the moans.

“Then Omega it is. Take him to the sofa and fuck him there. Give me room because I have an idea for a big strong Zeta here,” she said as she patted the kneeling man on his head. “Crawl over the sofa Zeta and sit on it.” Zeta, on hands and knees slowly crawled the five feet.

Wanda squirmed out from under Omega and pulled him to his feet. Taking him by the hand she led him to the sofa also. She sat on the edge and moved her hands to his cock. “Let’s take these things off your cock.” The current raced up her hand as she did. “That is interesting.” Letting her words drift off. “Fuck me now Omega.”

Omega kneed in front of a waiting Wanda and opened her legs. He watched as she placed the leads that were on his cock and balls on her nipples and tits. She let out a oh as the current sent its first pulse. That is when Omega shoved inside her. There was no friction since her juices have been flowing for a while now. “Oh shit that feels so good. Yes Omega, fuck me just like that. Your cock fits perfect in my tight fuck hole.” Her arms raised over her head and she grabbed onto the back of the sofa. He drove her deeper and deeper into delight as he pumped her. His own body of fire with desire.

Alpha watched them for a minute before she went to work on Zeta. Pushing his legs back to near his head. He was very flexible for a big man, she started tying rope around his ankles to keep them in place. Then his wrists got tied to his ankles. Now poor Zeta was under her complete control.

She picked up the phone and started recording again. First showing the two hot youths fucking on the sofa next to them and then to Zeta all bound. His cock was rock hard. Poking straight up at the angle he was tied. Alpha straddled him, lowering herself down onto his enormous cock head. Showing how it pushes her pussy lips wide as it enters her.

She let out her first moan of the afternoon. Her mind finally not able to hold it back any longer. She started to slowly work up and down his shaft. Her left hand moves down to his thickly muscled chest. She could feel the change in her body as she rode him. His legs pinned back, she was in total control. She handed the phone off to Wanda who was in her own pleasure bout.

Wanda didn’t see it at first. She was too busy enjoying Omega. “Fuck Omega, your cock is so good. Yes, yes fuck me just like that,” she exclaimed. “Drive your big dick deep into my tight hole.” Her hands moved to him. Grabbing under his arms, pulling at him. “God damn.” A pause. “Give me more.” She was in heaven. The phone waved in front of her, and she reached out taking it. Leaning back, she took a POV of Omega dicking her. Changing from the sexy concentration on his face to his dick slamming into her.

Then she heard moaning off to her side. Turning her head and the phone to see Alpha riding Zeta. If asked she would say Alpha was riding Zeta but more like fucking him with his own cock. Him being pinned down and her with all the control. Zeta made mall moans and whimpers as his wife fucked him but it was Alpha who was being vocal.

“Who’s in charge now bitch boy? Your cock, your body, your mind is all for me to control now,” she barked at him as she bounced up and down. Her two hands are now resting on this chest. Her upper body leaning forward over him. “I could use you like this anytime. Make you my whore and not let you remember. That is why the Omega Project is so perfect. I got two willing fucktoy here at my service. To use anytime.”

Alpha was driving herself wild. From getting off with the power she now had to riding this wonderful cock, she knew she didn’t have long. Her hips started to grind faster and faster. “Make me cum Zeta. Make your better cum. Yes, that is it.” And then it hit. The fulfillment. The satisfaction. The rapture ravaged her body. Her nails dug into Zeta’s chest. As her body convulsed with ecstasy.

Seeing Alpha fuck Zeta hard and cum pushed Wanda to the edge. Her orgasm didn’t wait. It pushed down the door and took over. The phone dropped. The lens looked up seeing a panting Omega drive forward. What it didn’t see was the two women in the throws of ecstasy. Although there was no visual, the audio was all captured.

Wanda pushed a thrusting Omega off her. “Enough lover. You did enough.” Omega pulled his cock free from the warm wet home it found. A bit disappointed.

Alpha pushed herself up from where she collapsed on Zeta. Her legs are still shaking. She found it too much to walk at the moment so she collapsed next to Wanda. The younger girl just coming back from her own outer body experience. Wanda snuggled into Alpha. The contrast between their pale and mocha skins a sight.

“That was good,” Wanda said out loud.

“So damn good,” Alpha responded.

“But your two slaves are all built up. Look how their cocks and balls are so swollen.”

“You think I should let them release,” the pale woman questioned?

“Why not. Look at poor Omega’s face. He looks so disappointed.”

“Omega are you disappointed?”

“Yes Alpha, he is a bit.”

“Why is that,” she continued?

“Omega was hoping to cum from fucking Alpha.”

“And Wanda is done with you. I see. I’m done myself, but” she paused with a evil grin,” you can fuck Zeta. What is good for one is good for another.”

“Thank you, Alpha,” Omega exclaimed as he crawled in front of Zeta. Pushing his tip in made the tied man scream.

“Too big, too big,” he started panting but it was no good. Omega gave him more and more of his shaft. Zeta’s body froze. Wanting so much to push away but the rope held him in place. His whimpers did nothing to stop this violation of his ass.

“Maybe Omega is too big for poor Zeta,” Wanda whispered to Alpha.

“Zeta needs to learn how to take dick, all kinds of sizes and shapes. He will be fine.”

And fine he was. Once his body relaxed to the foreign object in his ass he found enjoyment in it. So much his body craved it. Begging for more. Harder and faster. So close to that spot. So close to heaven. “Can I cum Alpha,” he begged?

“Yes you may,” she responded. Directing the camera to his engorged man meat. She was not disappointed.

His cock started to twitch and then it came. Stream after heavy stream of cum shooting from his cock. The first blast covered his face and as the power lessened it covered his chest in warm white thick jizz. His cock twitched and twitched until there was not a drop left and still twitched some more.

Zeta’s ass clenched as he came. Tightening down on Omega’s cock. A few thrusts after this he was ready to unleash his own load. “Can your toy cum also,” his words are a bit more controlled than Zeta’s.

“Yes but finish covering him and then fuck him some more with you cum cover cock.”

Omega pulled out as his dick unloaded onto Zeta. First covering his chest and tummy and finally a bit for the other man’s cock. As ordered, he pushed his cock back inside Zeta and fucked him fast and hard before his dick started to soften.

“You have a minute to cum again or you will not be able to cum for a month,” Alpha said in her calm, controlling voice. Omega quickens the pace. Pounding Zeta’s virgin ass with so much vigor. At the forty second mark he knew he would make it. A few more thrusts and his cock let loose. His seed coating the man’s inside. He let it throb inside for a bit before he removed it slowly. His body drained; he collapsed on the floor.
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