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Fantasy about my math teacher
Ms. Marcy Daniels was a very pretty and sweet woman who I have known for several years. You see, at one time, she was my math teacher back in high school which seems like such a long time ago. In actuality, it was only ten years ago. Let’s just say that in Ms. Daniels class she never had to tell me to wake up and pay attention because she was such an object of beauty.

Ms. Daniels, age 28, is slender in size and probably only stands about 5’2” tall. She has Light brown hair which is always kept at shoulder length and is usually curled under or flipped out. Her skin tone was very light but milky smooth and when she looked at you with her smoky blue eyes it almost made you melt. She always dressed very conservatively and never showed off any skin. Normally she had on a full length skirt which fell to the ankle and a regular looking blouse which covered up her rather small but perky A/B cup breast. Some of her skirts had slits in the back up to her knee so when she walked in her pumps you would at least get a glimpse of her nylon covered legs.

Ms Daniels was very easy on the eyes and the fact that she dressed so conservatively made you lust after her even more. You knew that underneath all those clothes was a hot body; she just left a lot to your imagination. Boy did I imagine! I would often day dream about her and usually it was in her class. I wondered about stuff like if her nylons went all the way up or if they were thigh highs. I wondered about what kind of bra she was wearing. Was it lacy? Was it sheer or cotton? Thoughts like these often kept my mind busy in class when I was supposed to be learning math.

When I was a sophomore in high school Ms. Daniels husband was killed in an accident. It was very hard on her for a long time but a lot of people in our church helped her through it. I for example volunteered to cut her grass for her every week. She had a big back yard but I didn’t care one bit. It was more time that I had to possibly see Ms. Daniels. Week after week during the hot summer I would show up on a Saturday and start mowing her lawn.

Several times she would come out on her back porch, usually in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and wave at me to show that she had drinks waiting. I would spend a couple of minutes chatting with her while I drank up and every week she would try to pay me, but I constantly refused it. She would always give me the biggest smile and thank me, often touching my shoulder. I continued mowing her lawn, drenched in sweat without a shirt on, and I always wondered if she found my body attractive. I worked out constantly and had a nicely built shape.

Never the less, time went by fast, and after a few summers of cutting Ms. Daniels grass I was graduating high school. Marcy and I grew somewhat close after spending as much time together as we did. I didn’t just cut her grass; I also did odd jobs for her around the house. Whenever she needed help with anything she always called me and I never complained.

Well, it came time for college to start and I was leaving town to study in a different state. About a week before I was to leave my car went all to hell. I had a cracked head, a bad oil pump, and internal engine damage. The prognosis wasn’t good and it looked like I needed a new engine. The only problem was I couldn’t afford a new engine. I was broke. A couple of days later the phone rang and it was Marcy.

“Hey Dom, its Marcy. Can you come over my house this afternoon? I have a going away present for you.”

“Yeah sure, I’ll be over around four O’clock,” I replied.

My curiosity was definitely peaked. I couldn’t help but wonder what she had gotten me. Or maybe she’s going to come on to me and seduce me before I leave for a really long time. After all, I was eighteen. My imagination was going wild with lustful thoughts and I couldn’t wait to find out.

I promptly arrived at Marcy’s front door at four O’clock and found it open so I walked inside. As I walked into her living room Marcy was bent over in a tight pair of jeans digging through a box of stuff. I could see her panty line and the small of her back as her shirt was creeping up.

“Hey Ms. Daniels,” I said.

“Oh hey Dom, I didn’t even hear you come in,” she replied as she stood up and greeted me with a hug.

“Come here and sit with me for a few minutes,” Marcy said motioning with her finger.

I sat next to her on the couch and she began asking me about college. As she was talking to me she crossed her legs and lightly swung her foot back and forth in the air. I couldn’t help but notice her dainty, smooth feet with the most beautiful pink manicured toes. Oh what I would give to suck on them one by one. Anyways, she asked me all about my classes and the campus and we talked for about ten minutes.

After talking for a while, Marcy got up and told me to follow her to the garage.

“Surprise!” Marcy said pointing to the Camaro which used to be her husbands.

“I kept this car for the past few years since my husband died and didn’t really know what to do with it, but when I heard that your car died on you I knew right away that I had to give this to you. It’s the least that I can do to repay everything you have done for me.”

“You are the best!” I told Marcy while I gave her a big, long hug. Her hair was so soft as it brushed my face and as I pulled out of the hug I gave her cheek a kiss. Marcy looked at me and smiled while I checked out the car. It was bad ass and I couldn’t wait to drive it. Marcy and I said our goodbyes and I drove off from her house only to leave town a couple days later.

College was great! There were so many hot chicks on campus. There was one girl in particular named Karen that I got to know real well. One day I was walking on campus and out of nowhere this girl was walking in front of me. She was about 5’3” and nice and thick. She had on some of those itty bitty, orange, cotton shorts that barely covered her plump round ass and across her but cheeks was the word hottie. The orange shorts went well with her dark tan, and don’t get me wrong when I say she was thick I don’t mean fat by any means. She just wasn’t your average skin and bones girl.

I don’t know about you but I like some meat to grab onto. I kept following her and eventually she stopped at a café for a drink. I got right behind her in line and continued to look her up and down. I finally got a good look at the front of her, and damn did she have some big tits. You could see the outline of her lace bra pressing against her thin white t-shirt that was holding back those huge puppies.

Karen sat down at a table by herself and after I had ordered I went and asked if I could sit next to her. She said yes, and we hit it off right away. We probably sat there for a couple of hours talking and flirting big time. She was definitely horny seeing how she looks like she just turned eighteen and graduated high school. Of course, I just graduated myself. I kept joking with her and saying that I was going to take her back to my place for some fun and she kept saying, “Okay, go ahead.” Finally one time I just got up and motioned for her to follow me.

I walked her back to my place and as soon as we were inside my apartment door Karen pulled off her t-shirt to reveal her bra that was probably two sizes too small holding back some of the biggest tits I had ever seen (in person that is). I pulled my shirt off as I walked toward her and started squeezing her tits as we made out. My hands explored every inch of her voluptuous body but they spent the most time squeezing her ass.

Slowly we made our way into my bedroom and before getting into bed Karen took all of her clothes off. I stared at her while she undressed and pulled her shorts down. She had a nice looking bald pussy with some long pussy lips and her tits burst out of her bra like two prisoners escaping when she unsnapped it. We climbed into my bed and made out furiously. I kissed every inch of her tanned body and sucked on her fat erect nipples like a baby.

She kissed my chest and from there her lips kept moving lower and lower until her tongue made contact with my cock. She engulfed my entire dick with her warm mouth and began sucking me off and jerking at the same time. She was pretty damn good and was sucking pretty damn hard. She had sucked me almost to the point of ejaculation and then she took my dick out of her mouth and wrapped her big titties around it. My dick slid in and out of her massive cleavage over and over. She obviously had done this a few times before. I squeezed her tits tightly together and slid my cock in between them and pumped away until a thick spurt of cum shot out of me and landed on her chin and lips. Several more spurts flew out as I finished fucking her giant tits landing on her neck and chest.

I went and got her a towel and while she was wiping my cum off of her I began diving my tongue in and out of her wet pussy. Her pussy lips were nice and long, perfect for sucking on and stretching them out with your lips. As my tongue flicked over her swollen clit she moaned loudly and swore like a sailor. I grabbed her ankles and held her legs up into the air as I pressed my cock into her tight, pink pussy. Her lips sucked my dick right in and I began fucking her hard sending her tits bouncing up and down. Her tits were bouncing so hard she had to hold them with her hands. Over and over again I rammed my cock into her juicy little cunt and she loved every second of it. She was a regular freak.

When she bent over for me to fuck her doggy style I fingered her ass hole. This drove her wild and she couldn’t get enough of it. After a few minutes of this she said, “Fuck my ass!” Obeying the girl I pulled out of her pussy and slowly pressed my cock into her tight ass hole. She moaned and yelled so loud I know my neighbors could here her through the bedroom wall. I started fucking her ass faster and faster moving my dick in and out of her greasy hole. Her ass was so tight and after a few minutes I had to cum again. I grabbed a hold of her hips and shoved my cock deep inside of her and came.
When I was done I pulled out of her stretched hole and Karen stayed bent over while my creamy cum dripped out of her ass, little by little. I love watching that.

That day was just the beginning of many hookups with girls at college. Karen and I kept fucking through all four years of college. We did everything imaginable together including every position imaginable. Karen was a freak and a half and I definitely got some good experience. Both of us knew that we were just fuck buddies but I was definitely going to miss her after I graduated.

Speaking of graduation, it was just around the corner and I already had a prestigious job lined up for me at an engineering firm. I would start my job a week after I graduated. During that week off I decided to visit family before I started work. While I was in college my family moved cities from where I went to high school so I didn’t get to see the lovely Ms. Daniels. I was a little bummed out but that was life and I knew that I would be back there one day. I often thought of Marcy and how I would like to see her again, all grown up. Sometimes I would think about her as I masturbated.

Well, time passed little by little, and I was doing really well at my job. I was making bank and shacking up with all kinds of girls. It had been six years since graduation making it ten years since I left home or seen Marcy. She would be about 38 now. It turns out that my company had plans for building a corporate office in my home town and I jumped all over that as soon as I found out about it. I was doing so well at my job that I not only got a position at the new office, but I got the General Managers position. I would leave in two weeks to start my new job back in my home town and I couldn’t wait.

All I could think about was seeing Marcy again. Right away I had movers come and pack all my stuff up and I headed back home. I quickly found a house for sale and bought it and leased a brand new Mercedes S500. Yes, life was good. Once I was completely settled in I decided to drop by Ms. Daniels house for a surprise visit.

I hopped in the Benz and drove over to her house and parked out front. Marcy must have seen me getting out of my car because next thing I know, she’s running out the front door.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” she exclaimed as she embraced me with a big hug and a kiss to the cheek.

“Surprise!” I replied.

Marcy sure did look different. For one, she had on a bouncy short skirt which fell above her knee and a rather low cut shirt that was a little tight showing off some cleavage. Second she had a little bit of a tan and she really looked hot. She was more beautiful than I had remembered her being.

“Wow, you look amazing. You certainly have changed,” I told her while we sat down on her couch.

“Yeah well, I guess I have gotten over the whole dressing conservative thing,” she replied.

After we sat and talked for a few minutes I asked, “Would you let me have the honor of taking you out to dinner tonight and we can catch up on old times?” I asked her.

“Yes, that sounds great,” she replied with a big smile. We talked for a few more minutes and it was time for me to leave.

“I’ll pick you up around seven O’clock.”

“See you then,” she replied.

I drove home and took a nap being worn out from unpacking everything. After the nap I got up, shaved and showered, and put on a nice polo with a pair of freshly ironed slacks. Just before leaving I put on some cologne and then headed over to pick up Marcy. I pulled up to her house and she was waiting for me with the door open. She looked gorgeous. She had on a sexy top that swooped down low showing a little skin and she was wearing another short, fluffy skirt which showed off her sexy legs. Her feet were wearing a pair of white, open toe heels which only accented her cut little toes.

“You look beautiful,” I told her as she followed me to the car. I opened the door for her and she sat inside being very impressed with my ride. As I drove to the restaurant I couldn’t help but glance over at her legs shimmering in the sunlight as Marcy sat in the plush leather seat.

Once at the restaurant she grabbed my arm as I led her in to get our seat. We had a great night talking and eating while catching up on old times. Marcy kept great eye contact as we talked and I stared right back into her beautiful eyes. She had to know by the way I looked at her that I had a thing for her and I wasn’t so sure that she didn’t have a thing for me.

“Who cuts your grass now?” I said with a chuckle.

“Well, poor little old me has to cut it myself since you left town.” She replied.

“For now on, I will cut your grass for you. It will be like old times.” She smiled real big and said, “Thanks Dom, you’re the greatest.”

We talked for a while at the restaurant and had a few glasses of wine before leaving to take her home. Marcy was a little giggly from the wine and very cute. When we arrived at her house she grabbed my arm as I walked her to the door and just before she opened it she turned to look at me. Our looks lingered for a couple of awkward seconds until I leaned in and kissed Marcy on the lips. It was a slow, half open mouth kiss, and when I started to pull away she kissed me back. Our lips meshed together in a fury of kisses with our tongues slipping in and out of each others mouth until she pulled away.

“I’d better go inside. I probably shouldn’t be doing this.” she uttered.

“Okay, that’s fine. I’ll see you on Saturday,” I replied.

I was in heaven walking back to my car. I sat for a minute to let it soak in, the fact that I had just made out with a very beautiful, sexy women who was ten years older than I was and used to be my teacher. I guess that’s why she was hesitant and didn’t invite me in. She just needs time to warm up to the idea.

Well, Saturday came around and I couldn’t wait to head over to Marcy’s house. When I got there she invited me in and the first thing out of her mouth was, “I never thanked you for the other night.”

“It was my pleasure,” I replied. I got the lawnmower out of the shed and started it up. As I began cutting the grass Marcy came outside and was working in her flower garden. She really kept it up nice. She had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and was a lovely site to see her bent over working with the flowers. It was a very hot day out so I took off my shirt and continued mowing drenched in sweat. I noticed Marcy glancing over at me a few times and I could tell she was trying not to make it obvious.

After about an hour and a half I was almost done and Marcy came up to me, covered in dirt and sweat, and told me she was going inside. I finished up about ten minutes later and after putting the lawnmower up I went inside to tell Marcy goodbye. Once inside I could here the faint sound of the shower running coming from her bedroom. I slowly walked down the hallway, and when I got to her bedroom, I notice that the door was cracked open slightly.

All of the sudden, the shower shut off and I froze as to not make a sound. A few seconds later Marcy came walking out of the bathroom with one towel wrapped around her wet body and another towel wrapped around her head. I know it’s not polite to be a peeping tom but I had to look. She stood over by her bed and pulled the towel from her body and began to dry off. Immediately my cock began to grow inside my pants as I stared at Marcy’s beautiful naked body. Her A/B cup tits were still very perky and her nipples stood erect from the cold air hitting them. They were nice and tall, probably a half inch, perfect for sucking on.

From the side view that I had I could see Marcy’s pussy. She had a nice little bush around it and I could only imagine how good her pussy must taste being fresh from the shower. After getting a good look I quietly walked back into her living room to wait for her to tell her goodbye. My boner had barely subsided when she walked in the room.

“Thanks for cutting my lawn. I really appreciate it,” She said.

“No problem, I’ll be back next week.”

Before I left she walked to me and gave me a peck on the lips. I drove home and when I arrived, I jumped into the shower right away being so filthy. Being aroused by Marcy’s naked body I jacked off in the shower. That night as I relaxed at my house watching television all I could think about was Marcy. It was almost like she left the door to her bedroom cracked open on purpose.

The next week at work went by pretty fast and soon it was Saturday again. That Saturday afternoon I was cutting Marcy’s grass again and she like usual was working in her flower garden. About half way through cutting her backyard I had seen Marcy trip and fall in her garden so I immediately turned off the lawnmower and ran to see if she was okay. She had cut her leg on a decorative rock in her garden and it was bleeding pretty well.

I picked her up and carried her to the porch and quickly ran to get a wet sponge and some paper towels. I squeezed the water out of the sponge and washed off the wound which was covered in dirt and applied the towels to stop the bleeding. I kept changing the towels until it stopped bleeding and I wrapped a bandage around her leg. As I took care of Marcy she looked upon me with admiration and love and I could tell that she liked it very much that a strong man was taking care of her.

I knew Marcy was able to walk but she asked for me to carry her into the house. As soon as I picked her up she leaned in and began kissing me. I kissed her back as she held on to my neck.

“Take me to my bedroom,” she said. “I need a shower.”

After I put her down in her bedroom she stood up and we started making out again. Our hands explored each others body for the first time and little by little an item of clothing fell off and to the floor. Marcy pulled off all of her clothes in a frantic hurry and so did I. Once naked we embraced each other again and my hard cock brushed up against her while her tits rubbed up against me. We made our way into the bathroom and she started the shower. Once in the shower we continued to make out passionately. This was a long time coming.

Our tongues wrestled in and out of each others mouth as our hands rubbed up and down our wet, slippery skin. I loved watching the water run down her back and into the crack of her ass. Her hair was slicked back wet as I kissed her lips and neck. My lips found their way to her breast and I sucked on her tall nipples. Marcy’s dainty hands gripped my throbbing cock and caressed it and squeezed it gently. We rubbed soap over each others slippery wet bodies and cleaned up before getting out of the shower.

Once out of the shower we didn’t even bother getting dried off; we just went straight to the bed. I got on top of Marcy and began kissing every square inch of her wet body starting with her toes and working my way up. She moaned lightly as I slipped toe after toe into my mouth. As my kisses reached her inner thighs I let my tongue gently brush the outside of her pussy to tease her and continued my way up. Marcy’s tits were perfect size (not too big, not too small). They fit perfectly in my mouth and it drove her crazy when I swirled my tongue around her nipples.

As I began to kiss her neck and ear lobe my cock rubbed up against her wet bush and pressed against her pussy lips. Slowly I entered her extra tight pussy as she sighed loudly.

“It’s been a while,” she said. Little by little she had taken all of me in and I began thrusting back and forth. As our bodies meshed together we kissed passionately. Our kissing only muffled the moans coming from Marcy’s mouth as I thrusted harder and faster. The look on her face was a look of ecstasy and amazement that such a young hard cock was inside her. For several minutes I fucked her, stopping every once and a while to keep from blowing.

“Let me on top!” she exclaimed.

I rolled over and she straddled over me and when in position she sent my dick plunging into her pussy. She rocked her body back and forth, grinding her clit into me, and enjoyed every second. I grabbed a hold of her tits and squeezed them tightly while she fucked me harder and harder.
“Oh God! I’m cumming!!!” she yelled out. She continued ramming my cock into her cunt until she slowed down and moaned really loud. I could feel her pussy flowing with her juices all over my dick. She came fast! She collapsed on top of me and kissed me some more while my still hard dick rested inside of her.

“I hope you know that I’m going to wear you out all night long,” Marcy said half out of breath and with a smile. With that said she sat up on top of me and began riding my cock again slowly. After a minute she got up off the bed and bent over it waiting for me. I got off the bed and positioned myself behind her sending my cock deep inside her. I fucked her doggy style hard as her perky tits bounced back and forth. I love the feeling of entering a pussy from behind, especially a tight pussy.

I kept ramming my dick in and out hard as my hips smacked against her ass.

“Oh…Oh yeah!” she kept saying over and over. Within minutes of fucking her full speed from behind I had to cum. I grabbed a hold of her hips and pounded my cock into her deep and hard and she said, “Cum inside me Dom…” She knew I was getting ready to. Right after she said that I came inside of her, spurt after spurt of warm, gooey cum. When I pulled out of her I could see my cum at the edge of her pussy.

“Oh…Dom, it’s been so long since I felt heat like that inside of me,” Marcy said in a satisfied tone.

“You were awesome Marcy…Very, very hot!!!” I replied.

“You weren’t bad yourself.”

After Marcy cleaned herself up we both got under the covers and caressed each other until we fell asleep. We were probably only asleep for an hour when I awoke to find Marcy’s petite body on top of me. She was kissing my neck and chest while her warm pussy was sliding up against my semi-hard cock. I began kissing her back and before I knew it my cock was sliding into her cunt.

She rode me slowly for a few minutes while we kissed each other and then she picked up the pace. She couldn’t get enough cock inside her. After a few minutes I flipped her over so I could be on top. I grabbed her ankles and placed them up over my shoulder and began pounding away. While I fucked her I caressed her legs, one by one, and sucked on her toes sending her body soaring to new heights of ecstasy.

Her moans filled the bedroom while I fucked her deep. When I was getting close to cumming I grabbed her ankles again, held her legs spread out in the air, and pumped my cock as fast and hard that I could without hurting her. I came inside her tight, fucked little pussy while she had an orgasm and soaked the bed with her juices. I pulled out and sucked on her toes while she soaked in her intense orgasm. After cleaning up and putting a towel over the sheets we fell back asleep.

Two more times during the night we fucked and fucked hard. It was an awesome experience. She said she had to make up for all of the missed years and plus she was in her peak sexual drive. When we woke up the next morning we went to the kitchen and she made me breakfast, which was really nice. I had barely finished my last piece of toast when Marcy started sucking on my cock while I sat up on the stool at her breakfast bar.

She sucked me until I was rock hard, slipped off her robe, and laid on top of her kitchen table with her ass positioned right at the edge. I plowed my cock into her sticky cunt and fucked her senseless until she came all over the table. Talk about blue balls, I was hurting. After that we spent the rest of the day relaxing together.

Marcy and I fell hard for each other and started dating regularly. There was never a dull moment and the sex was fantastic. Eventually she sold her house and moved in with me. She would constantly surprise me when I would walk in the door from work like wearing a mini skirt and a tie around her neck which draped in between her perky tits. The sex stayed great!

Ms. Marcy Daniels…My ultimate fantasy

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-07-03 02:02:23
A fantastic love story. She waited 10 yrs for Dom to return. She didn't seem to fuck around with anyone either. That's real love' I'm so glad they finally found each other for real instead of pining fantasy. She could have had anyone, but she waited for him.!!
Love Ur works.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-09-25 13:33:03
couldn;t stop jerking my cock kept me hard and cumming strong

Anonymous readerReport 

2010-04-30 02:26:56
A good story, but could have or should have been longer, bringing it to the conclusion of pregnancy.


2009-09-02 21:53:07
That was great. I hated for it to end. I sure hope you wrote a follow up story for this.

Anonymous readerReport 

2008-07-04 01:17:47
I was jerking the whole time I read this.

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