My daughter's best friend told me she had a birthday present for me, but it wasn't one I ever could have anticipated.
I was finally able to close the book on a particularly stressful week, sighing gratefully as I stepped through my front door to the sound of pop music and girlish giggling coming from the kitchen. The music, I could live without; I'm more of a rock and metal guy, myself. But was there any sweeter sound than young girls giggling? I took off my hat and gloves, my heavy winter coat and shoes, and went to say hello. My daughter, Olivia, and her best friend Charlotte were a study in contrasts. Livy was tall, dark haired, slender and busty, just like her mom had been; Charlie was tiny, petite and blonde, and looked like she was about four years younger, though she was actually the older of the pair by a couple of weeks. I could hardly believe they were both eighteen now, adults, about to graduate high school in just a few more short months.
“Hi there, girls,” I greeted them, smiling and shaking my head as I took in the mess they'd made. “What have we here?”
“Hi, Dad!” Livy replied, bouncing over to me from the stove and throwing her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek. “We decided we're going to make you supper, tonight, for your birthday. Charlie even helped me bake a cake!”
“Awww... thanks, girls!” I said, squeezing her in my arms and returning her kiss. “You didn't have to do that!”
“We wanted to,” Charlie blushed. She'd always been very much the shyer of the two, and although of course I'd never acknowledged it, not wanting to embarrass the poor girl, I knew she'd had a harmless little crush on me for as long as I could remember. “It isn't much of a present, but happy birthday, Mr. H..”
“Well, thank you, both of you, it means a lot,” I told them. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Nope, all set!” Livy giggled. “It'll be maybe another fifteen, twenty minutes, something like that. You just go watch tv or something for a bit, we'll come get you when it's ready.”
“Sounds good,” I agreed, giving her one more squeeze and a kiss, and leaving the pair of them to their work.
The television, predictably, offered nothing of interest. I left the news on in the background and checked my phone instead, grimacing at what I saw. How was it that even during just the length of my commute, I could still have received four new emails awaiting my urgent attention? I loved my job, really I did (I told myself that regularly, especially at times like this). It just got to me sometimes, how no one seemed capable of making an actual decision about anything without passing it up the chain to me. Did I really care that the company who stocked the vending machines in the break room wanted my permission to switch from coming in every second Tuesday, to every second Thursday, instead? Some things, sure, some things needed my involvement, and I would be more than annoyed if anyone tried to cut me out of a decision that should have come to me. But could the employee who had taken the call from the vending machine people really not have just said yes to that one on their own, and sent me a memo fait accompli? I composed a quick affirmative response, and moved on to the next. I shouldn't complain. My job paid well—almost too well, honestly, though of course I would never admit that to another living soul. For a widower with a young daughter, needing to pay for nannies, and the near constant stream of new activities Livy had wanted to try growing up, that had been important. It was just a lot sometimes, that was all.
I'd gotten through three out of the four—five now, actually, since another email had just arrived—before Charlie came to collect me. Livy was just heaping supper out onto our plates, delicious looking homemade chicken fried rice, with Caesar salad on the side.
“This looks and smells delicious, girls, thank you again!” I complimented them, making them smile proudly as we all took our places at the table.
“You're welcome, Dad,” Livy replied for them both, reaching over to give me a squeeze on my wrist. “How was work today?”
“Ugh, annoying and boring as always,” I dismissed the question with a wave of my hand. “Tell me about school, instead.”
Livy launched in right away, as always occasionally prompting Charlie to get her to tell her version of events, as well. I swear, if it hadn't been for Livy pushing her all these years, I don't know if Charlie ever would have overcome her shyness enough to speak to me at all. The two of them had been completely inseparable ever since kindergarten, almost joined at the hip. I wasn't sure if the girls knew this or not, but Charlie's parents had gone to all three of the school principals they'd had over the years, making especially sure the girls would always be in the same classes. I didn't know all the details, but I knew Charlie had been seeing a therapist when she was younger, to try to help with her shyness, and after he'd finally gotten her to open up enough to talk about 'her friend' (her only friend, as far as Charlie had been concerned) he'd been the one to suggest the arrangement. Someone who hadn't known her back then would be hard pressed to believe it, meeting her now, but the improvement in her confidence over the years had been incredible! At the end of middle school, when the girls had been planning which options to take the following year, Charlie had even said she didn't want to take outdoor ed. and sports medicine with Livy, but wanted to take cooking and sewing, instead! Culinary arts and fashion and design, I think is what they were actually called nowadays, but cooking and sewing were what they were. Now, I know that might not sound like much to you or me, but the fact that Charlie had been able to speak up for what she wanted like that, even at the expense of not being with Livy for those classes, had brought her parents to tears! I may have shed one or two myself, if I was being honest; Charlie spent so much time over at our house, I thought of her almost as if she were my own.
Dessert was every bit as good as the meal, a rich chocolate cake with thick chocolate icing. And it turned out they'd even made it from scratch, not a mix, which explained the mess! I was suitably impressed, Charlie's blush mounting to truly epic proportions. She tried to deflect credit, saying Livy had done just as much work as she had, but we all knew who the brains of the operation had been. I loved my daughter more than life itself, but I swear that girl could burn boiling water! Birthday or not, I wouldn't let them stop me from helping clean up. And it wasn't just because I was using it as an excuse to avoid going back to my email, I swear! But whatever my ulterior motives, it was just so much fun hanging out and working with them both, talking and joking around, flicking each other with water from our fingers. Charlie even bumped up against my side a couple of times, which from her was pretty much the equivalent of a full-on hug.
Livy asked if we could make it a movie night, to which I readily agreed. But unlike all the other nights when we'd done the same, the girls sat themselves on opposite sides of the couch. Charlie was blushing again, so I decided I'd better not draw attention to it, and just sat between them like they wanted. Their motivation became clear when Livy started the film; a horror, I really should have guessed. I'd never really cared for them, and to my knowledge neither did Charlie, but Livy was a fan. She snuggled in close before the opening credits had even ended, and I wrapped her in my arm, holding her tight to my side. I was careful to let Charlie make the first move, but after the first grisly death, when she gasped and sidled closer in fear, I raised my arm to the back of the couch. She took the invitation, snuggling just as close as Livy had, and I held her just as tight. At death number two, she grabbed at my thigh—and got a lot more than she'd been bargaining for, the proximity of two such beautiful young girls having caused the predictable anatomic effect. She jerked her hand back as if she'd been burned, blushing again, mouth gaping open as she prepared to apologize—I cut her off with a squeeze, an understanding smile, and a rub on her arm, silently reassuring her that it was okay, that I knew she hadn't grabbed me there on purpose. She settled back down, still blushing brilliantly, but making certain to only grab her own thigh from then on.
The second movie, another horror, proceeded in much the same way. This one's plot and acting were even worse than the first, but the girls didn't seem to care, and I was just enjoying their reactions to it, not the movie itself. It was definitely time for bed once it was done, and I got another big hug and a kiss on my cheek from Livy, then a big hug from Charlie as well. I tried not to show my surprise, just holding her and gently rubbing her back. She wished me a quiet 'happy birthday', and I could tell it was costing her a concerted effort not to let herself literally run away from me afterwards as she and Livy headed up the stairs to get ready for bed.
I sat back down on the couch, wanting to give them their space, and trying to dissect the meaning of what had just happened. It was probably nothing, I eventually concluded. Or at least, nothing I needed to worry about. Another step in Charlie's years-long battle with her shyness, maybe; something to be celebrated, not concerned over. I was listening in upstairs, not for voices, which I couldn't make out anyways, but just for the sound of doors closing so I would know when it was time for me to head up as well. Which is why I was so surprised, after hearing Livy's door and rising to my feet, to see Charlie standing nervously at the foot of the stairs, still wearing her jeans and t-shirt, not one of the oversized sleepshirts she and Livy always wore to bed.
“Charlie?” I asked in concern. “Is something wrong?”
She bit her lip, shaking her head, slowly coming closer, her eyes focused on a spot in the center of my chest. I'd often wondered if Charlie might be just a little bit autistic, direct eye contact being so difficult for her, but as she came within arm's reach she forced herself to meet my gaze.
“I...” she hemmed, speaking so quietly I could barely hear her. “I... wanted to give you a birthday present. If you'll let me.”
“You don't have to do that,” I smiled, shaking my head. “And you already did, anyways! Supper was delicious, and you can't tell me Livy was doing anything but following your instructions making it! That was already much more than I ever expected or needed. But if you're really determined you want to give me something else, you certainly don't have to ask my permission, first.”
“No, I do...” she shook her head, taking a deep, steadying breath, then slowly reaching up, placing her small, delicate little hand on the back of my neck. “For this!” She stretched up onto her toes, pulling me gently down towards her, pursing her lips, her beautiful blue eyes fluttering closed. I could hardly believe what she was doing... but I didn't stop her, meeting her lips in a soft, slow kiss, my hands finding her hips. She was so gentle, and sweet... she pulled away slowly, opening her eyes again, staring nervously into mine.
“That was my present?” I asked almost breathlessly. We hadn't been making out, hadn't been doing anything that would explain my sudden lack of air, but that didn't matter.
“No,” she shook her head, biting her lip, as excited and out of breath as I was. “That was just the bow. To get your real present... you have to unwrap me, first!”
My eyes widened, hardly able to believe what she seemed to be implying. I glanced at the stairs, my question obvious to her before I'd even thought to ask it.
“Livy knows,” she confirmed, blushing brighter and glancing down at my chest again. “She's in her room with her head buried under her pillows right now, because she doesn't want to actually hear any of it... but she knows what I was planning to ask you tonight. She's okay with it.”
“Really?” I gasped, trying to adjust to this new, entirely unexpected information, considering what it meant. “And... are you certain that you are really okay with it?”
“You know I'm eighteen, now. It's okay. You won't get in trouble, or anything,” she said, which was absolutely not an answer to my question. I reached up, slowly lifting her chin.
“Are you sure about this? Absolutely, one hundred percent sure?” I demanded.
She glanced around, biting her lip, unwilling to fight against my finger under her chin, but doing anything but looking me in my eyes. Finally she did, and it was like lightning struck.
“I... I'm in love with you!” she gasped, her words tumbling out like the flood from a breaking dam. “I've been in love with you! You have no idea! I've never been so sure about anything in my entire life! I... I know this might be weird for you, me being the same age as Livy, and everything... but please, just give me a chance, okay? It's not like you've been dating anybody else, and I know I can be good for you! I... just please, give me a chance, okay? Let me show you how much I love you, how good I can be for you!”
I don't think I'd ever heard her say so many words all in a row before. Certainly not to me! But looking into those soft, beautiful blue eyes, seeing her so completely overwhelmed by previously hidden emotion, the tears of vulnerability and hope welling... I could only imagine how difficult that had been for her, opening herself up like that, throwing her heart to the floor at my feet and just praying I would pick it up and hold it to my own, and not grind it to dust under my heel. So, what else could I do? I kissed her again. And after the initial moment of her surprise, this time it was anything but soft, or slow! She responded eagerly, almost desperately, moaning into my lips. For once in her young life, there was nothing shy about her! My hands roamed her back, she threw an arm around my neck, lifted her leg to wrap around mine. My hand went lower. She trembled at my touch, teasing at my lips with her tongue, sliding into my mouth. I grabbed her ass, hard, using both hands—God, she felt good!—so tight and small and round, just barely enough of her to even fill my grip! I lifted her, so I no longer had to bend down, and she wrapped her legs tightly around my waist, both arms around my neck.
“You know you can change your mind. You can tell me to stop at any time,” my conscience forced me to tell her, struggling to get the words out against her kisses.
“Shut up and take me up to your room already!” she moaned against my lips. Well... consent didn't get much more emphatic than that!
I carried her through the house, and she flailed blindly at the switches for me, turning out the lights before I carried her up the stairs. My bedroom door was closed, and I pushed her against it, kissing her almost violently as I rubbed against her body; it took her three tries to remember how doorknobs worked, and I stepped quickly inside, nudging the door closed with my foot. It slapped against the frame much louder than I'd intended. Oh, well. It wasn't like Livy didn't already know what we were about to be doing anyways! My bedroom light was already off, and I didn't change that; I could see well enough in the moonlight through my window, and I hoped Charlie would find it more romantic this way. I crawled up onto the bed, making her squeal adorably as I let us fall down together, bouncing slightly on the mattress. She reached between us and began fumbling with the buttons of my shirt. I had a much easier time with her t-shirt, though the fact that neither of us was willing to interrupt our kissing long enough to properly strip was certainly an impediment, if a thoroughly enjoyable one. She was wearing the cutest little pink and white bra, small, lacy and unbelievably sexy. She was small enough she didn't need to wear one, so I knew she'd chosen to wear it just for me. Even so, I wanted it off! Immediately! But I made myself wait. Once she had my shirt off, I finally pushed myself back to my knees, undoing her jeans, then grabbing them by her ankles and starting to tug. They were unreasonably tight, and she laughed and squeaked as I yanked her down the bed, clutching at the blanket to try to push herself back up. Her panties were a match, tiny and tight on her, the outline of her lips just barely visible beneath the fabric as she moved. She joined me on her knees to resume our kiss, before pushing me onto my back. I lifted my hips to help her remove my pants, but unlike me, she wasn't willing to stop there.
“Oh, wow...” she moaned as she got her first true look at me, eight thick inches laying proud and hard for her in the dim evening light. “I thought, when I grabbed your thigh... but I had no idea you were this big!”
“And was that actually an accident, by the way?” I chucked as I looked up at her, stroking her hip with my hand. “Knowing now what you had planned for tonight, I have to ask.”
“It was, actually!” she gasped, playfully shoving me on my shoulder. “Not your thigh... I meant to grab that! But I hadn't planned on getting... that, as well!”
“You can say the word, you know,” I smiled, pulling her down, rolling on top of her, rubbing myself against her through her thin, cute little panties. I nibbled gently at her pretty little earlobe, whispering hotly into her ear. “If it's about to be inside of you, you should be able to call it by name.”
“Ohhh, God...” she trembled. I pushed myself up a little, so I could see her eyes. “I... I want it. I want you to make love to me. I want you to take my virginity. I... I want your cock, Tom! I want it inside me, please!” It was the first time she'd ever called me by my first name, and I could tell she was unsure about it still.
“Tom is good,” I smiled reassuringly, gently stroking my fingers through her soft, blonde hair. “Certainly better than 'Mr. H.', given what we're about to be doing tonight. But let me hear you try 'Daddy', instead.”
She smiled shyly, and even in the moonlight I could tell she was blushing again. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Mmmm...” I purred to her, kissing her softly on the lips. “Very good, kitten. I like the sound of that, very much indeed!”
“Kitten?” she giggled against my kisses, stroking her hands up and down my back.
“I think it's fitting. But I can pick something else, if you'd prefer.”
“Ummm... I don't know,” she bit her lip. “Did you ever call Livy's mom that? Or any of your other girlfriends?”
“No,” I shook my head. “At least, not that I can recall. Vicki was mostly babe, or hun. And definitely not for any others. Kitten would be only for you.”
“I like kitten, Daddy,” she giggled again, squirming happily beneath me. “And I like it even more, knowing it's only for me!”
“Always, kitten! Always, only for you!” I promised, and kissed her harder. I supported myself on one arm, my other hand reaching up to take hold of her breast, making her tremble and gasp. She was so small, only an A-cup, but so perky and firm! I moved down the bed, kissing my way down her neck, her collarbone, her chest, moving back and forth across the exposed slopes of her breasts. I reached behind her, finally undoing her bra, tossing it aside. Her nipples were tiny little things, barely the size of pencil erasers, her areolas no larger than the width of my thumb. I kissed slowly and gently, not wanting to rush, no matter how her heightened breathing was urging me on. She whimpered piteously as I finally allowed myself to take one fully into my mouth, both hands grasping at the back of my head, running through my hair and pulling me deeper. I went back and forth, enjoying myself immensely, and determined to make sure she knew it. I knew girls with smaller breasts were often self-conscious about them, and especially given Charlie's history of shyness and self-doubt, I wanted there to be no room whatsoever for her to question my enjoyment! I'd have stayed there forever... until she reached down between us, tentatively grabbing hold of me and starting to stroke, signalling her readiness for more. Even so I didn't move right away, giving her time to play and explore first, but as her stroking grew more intent I knew it was time. I sat back, easing my fingers into her panties at her hips, and drawing them slowly down her legs and away.
“Wow...” I smiled, echoing her previous reaction as I slowly shook my head, taking her in. She had the most beautiful little pussy lips, ever so slightly puffy and flushed a lovely shade of pink, with just a tiny little blonde landing strip above. I normally wasn't much of a fan of pubic hair, but hers was so tiny and trim, and the rest of her was so tiny as well, I think it would have made her look just a little too young, if she'd shaved it completely. I loved it! “You are incredible, kitten! Absolutely gorgeous!”
“You really mean that?” she asked insecurely, wrapping her arms around her slender little belly.
“There is not one single thing I would change about you, kitten!” I told her seriously, leaning back down on top of her to start kissing her again. “Not even one!”
“Not even my boobs?” she asked, glancing down at herself critically, chewing her lip. “You don't have to lie, I know they're too small. And I know Livy complains about how heavy hers are, but I'd give just about anything to have nice, big ones like hers! I want to get implants, when I can... but for now, I'm afraid this is all I've got.”
“Don't you dare!” I scowled my firm disagreement with that plan. “Yours are perfect, just the way they are! And while I'm at it, let me tell you a little secret about guys, and boobs,” I told her. From that look in her eye, I knew this had to be addressed right away, before we went any further. I eased myself off of her and onto my side, pulling her up to face me, resting her head on my arm as I stroked her hip. “The secret is, girls care way, way more about the size of their breasts than guys do!” She looked at me with such naked disbelief, I couldn't help but laugh. “It's true, kitten, I swear! Even if we ignore personality, and loyalty, and all the other truly important stuff for the time being, and focus only on the breasts themselves. Girls obsess about size, because they think that's what guys are obsessed about too—and granted, there is a tiny, tiny minority of men who really do think that bigger is always better no matter what. But for most guys, size is only one component. We care about shape, and fullness, and position, and perkiness—and yes, also size. But for every guy who loves huge ones, there's another who prefers tiny ones instead! Every guy prioritizes different things. Some guys will totally obsess over the size and shape of a girl's nipples, or the colour of her areolas, or any other quality you could possibly think to name, plus a dozen more you'd never think of in a million years! But what a guy cares about more than absolutely anything else?” I paused, making her wait for it. “Whether or not the girl will let the guy play with them, of course!” I tickled her side, making her squeal, until she playfully thumped me on my hip to make me stop, cuddling closer against my chest.
“And... what do you like?” she asked, nuzzling against my chest, unable to meet my eyes. “If every guy is different... what do you like, Daddy? The truth!” She was trying to play it casual, but I could tell how much the answer meant to her.
“I will always tell you the truth when you ask, kitten,” I promised her, softly kissing her hair. “And the truth is, for me, I couldn't care less about breast size. I greatly prefer natural to fake, but whether they're big and heavy, or small and perky, I just like them full-feeling in my hand, with bonus points for firmness, as well. Ideally round, like yours, or sometimes a little bit cone shaped, too. As for nipples, as long as they fit in my mouth and the girl likes having them sucked on, that's good enough for me! And for other, non-breast-related things... I like skinny girls,” I said, stroking her tiny, slim little waist with appreciation and approval. “I like tiny, firm little butts! I know that's not very popular, nowadays, but anything bigger than my hand is a waste, as far as I'm concerned!” I moved my hand around, demonstrating there as well with a nice, tight squeeze that made her squeak like a cute little mouse. “I like slender, shapely little thighs and calves. I like suckable little earlobes, soft, kissable lips, and adorable, cute little button noses. I like long, soft hair, whatever the colour, and big, beautiful eyes—blue, grey, or green are best. Most of all, I like you, kitten. I like you!”
“Oh, Daddy!” she cried clutching at my back, pressing herself tight into my chest as the tears started to flow. I held her, murmuring nothings and stroking her back, waiting for her to cry herself out. The tears faded, and she started nuzzling, then kissing. She made her way slowly up to my lips, and this time, when she rolled herself to her back and pulled me with her, she was ready.
I, unfortunately, was not. Unlike her, I wasn't a teenager anymore, and there was an upper limit to how long I could maintain an erection without actually doing anything with it. More than that, seeing young girls crying makes me want to cuddle and protect them, not have sex with them. But a bit more kissing, and some more playing with her hands, and it didn't take long to rectify the situation.
“Be gentle with me, okay, Daddy?” she asked, nervously biting her lip as she stared down at what to her must have seemed like an absolute monster of a cock, helping angle me down with her hands, notching me into place between her soft, welcoming lips. “Remember, you're my first!”
“Always, kitten,” I assured her. Then, remembering my promise to always tell her the truth, I amended. “Until it's time not to be, at least.” She giggled with a combination of nervousness and excitement, at that. I kissed her deeply, partly to distract her from the pain, partly just because I wanted to, and I slowly began to push. I went as slow and gentle as I could, thrusting just the slightest bit in and out, gradually easing her open. God, she was tight! There were a couple of points at which I almost thought we'd have to give up, and work on loosening her up over time, instead. But every time I considered saying something the look of laser-focused determination on her face made me swallow the words unsaid. We got it done eventually, and once my head was in the rest went much, much easier. Not that it wasn't still difficult—she was still really, really small! But she refused to relent, even going so far as grabbing my ass and trying to jerk me further into her, when she thought I was going to back off and stop pushing deeper. Which I absolutely was, by the way! She'd grown so tight I was certain I'd hurt her if we continued. But though she was willing to slow, stopping entirely was completely out of the question. She pushed stubbornly through, not stopping until she'd managed to get all eight thick inches fully inside.
“Whew!” she finally laughed, staring happily down between us at the proof of her success, exaggeratedly wiping her brow of sweat. She'd surprised me, and I stared at her dumbly for a moment before I laughed too, shaking my head. I kissed her again and resumed thrusting, finally able to stop thinking so much about what I was doing and making sure I wasn't hurting her, and to just concentrate on actually pleasing her, instead.
She soon started making the most adorable little gasps on every thrust. I don't think she even realized she was doing it. We tried to keep up our kissing as much as we could, but as my pace gradually increased we found ourselves just breathing into each other's mouths. Then her orgasm started to build, and she could no longer even manage that. Hers eyes went wide, her delicate little fingers clenched tightly to my ass, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, unable to speak or breath. The climax itself hit her like a truck! She bit my pec, hard, letting out a high, wailing squeal through her teeth, her entire body trembling, her tight little pussy clenching down on me so hard I had no choice but to stop! It had to last a good twenty seconds, after which it was like somebody had suddenly cut her strings; it was only the huge, satisfied smile on her face that reassured me she hadn't passed out completely. I kissed her gently until she started moving again, then carefully resumed my thrusting.
“I get it now...” she murmured sleepily, trying to return my kisses, but mostly just licking slowly at my lips.
“Get what, kitten?”
“I get why the girls at school are always talking about sex,” she purred. “I always thought it would be pretty much the same as when I play with myself. But that was so, so much better than that! I love you, Daddy, for doing that to me! I love you so much!”
I kissed her again rather than respond, feeling guilty but knowing it was the right thing to do. I would be saying it back, I already knew; I wasn't blind, I could see where this was going, could already feel the initial stirrings in my heart. But although I loved her the same as I always had, as Livy's best friend and a wonderful girl in her own right, I wasn't truly in love with her, not yet. I owed it to her not to say it until I was.
As it turned out, that first orgasm had taken so much out of her it killed the chances of another. I could see the signs, could tell she was one of those lucky girls for whom multiples would normally be possible, but she was just too blown away and sleepy in the aftermath of that first one for it to be a realistic option that night. No matter. She was still very much enjoying herself, cooing happily, running her hands over my back and ass, wordlessly encouraging me onward. I tried to make it last as long as I could, but she wasn't the only one overcome by the intensity of our first time together—it wasn't long before I could feel the rising tide.
“Where do you want it, kitten?” I breathed.
“Inside me, Daddy, please!” she begged. “It's okay, I'm safe!”
“Oh, God!” I growled, the mere idea of getting to burst inside this tiny, perfect little girl too much for me to withstand! Safe was better, but I wanted her so much in that moment I'm not sure it would have mattered! I thrust in hard, ramming myself against those soft, bald, puffy little lips, pulsing deep and hot, and it turns out I was wrong; she bit me again, even harder than last time, screeching to wake the dead! Our orgasms met and crashed, every twitch either of us made sending unbelievable cascades of pleasure racing through us both. This time, it was my turn to nearly pass out! I was just glad I still had the presence of mind to roll us over first so I wouldn't crush her, clutching her tightly in my arms as we panted to recover, my cock still lodged deeply inside.
“I'm sorry, Daddy,” she murmured sheepishly, quicker to recover than me as she nuzzled against my chest. I still needed another thirty seconds before I could gather the breath to reply.
“Why on earth would be sorry, kitten?” I gasped, as I softly stroked her slender, sweat-slickened back and spectacular little ass. “That was amazing! You were incredible!”
“Because... I bit you! Twice!” she looked so guilty and ashamed, but all I could do was laugh.
“Oh, kitten, sweetie...” I shook my head, squeezing her tighter in my arms. “You can bite me like that any time you like!”
“You're sure it didn't hurt?” she was biting her lip, still feeling bad for what she'd done.
“I didn't say it didn't hurt,” I corrected. “I said I didn't care that it hurt. Are you upset that I hurt you? And don't you even think of claiming I didn't; I could feel how tight you are, so I know better.”
“But... that's different!” she denied, vigorously shaking her head. “I knew it was going to have to hurt a little, especially when I saw how big you are.”
“Not to me, it isn't,” I kissed her hair. “The cost of doing business, and a bargain at twice the price! I mean it, kitten—you can bite me like that any time! Any marks you leave me, I will treasure as reminders until the next time we can be together. Assuming there is going to be a next time, that is, and that the whole birthday-present thing was just a convenient excuse?”
“There had better be a next time!” she mock threatened, holding up a tiny little fist at my side and waving it in the air, but she couldn't hold back a lovely, lilting giggle as she was doing it.
“That's what I thought!” I chuckled, kissing her hair again. “So, as long as you can limit yourself to biting my chest, shoulders, and arms, and keep the claw marks to just my back and ass, I don't intend to worry about it.”
“Oh, I probably did, didn't I?” she winced in sympathy at what she was just now realizing she'd done. “Is it bad, Daddy? Do you want me to get off you, so you can roll over and I can check?”
“You getting off of me right now is the last thing I want in the entire world, kitten,” I chuckled, giving her a playful little pinch on her ass, making her squeak.
“Well... okay then,” she agreed, not too reluctantly I thought, as she snuggled tighter again my chest. “Ummm... Daddy?”
“Yes, kitten?”
“Was I really okay?” I tilted my head down to see her biting her lip. “Only... you can tell me, if there's anything I can do to be better for you. You know that, right? Tonight was only my first time, and I won't know how to get better for you if you don't tell me.”
“You were phenomenal, kitten. Truly!” I told her, meaning every word. “So wet, and hot, and tight! You were worth every last bit of trouble we had getting it in there, sweetie, I mean it!”
“It was kind of tricky, wasn't it?” she giggled shyly. “But I agree! Totally, totally worth it!”
“The good news is, it should get easier over time,” I told her, wanting her to know what to expect. “Not so much on the insides; if prior experience is any guide that part will probably stay pretty much like it is. But your hymen, the tight stretchy bit right at your entrance, should loosen up quite a bit the more we do this.”
“Okay, good!” she sighed with relief. “Because it really was worth the effort... but if it could get just a little bit easier getting you in there in the first place...”
“Agreed!” I laughed. “Speaking of which, how are you feeling down there now?”
“Oh, pretty good...” she lied. Adorable, that she thought I didn't know how to read her by now.
“Kitten...” I called her on it with my tone of voice.
“Kinda sore, Daddy,” she admitted with a sad sigh. “But... I think I could still go again, if you want, after you've had a chance to recover.”
“Don't think I'm not tempted,” I chuckled. “But as much as I'd love to, I think we'd better give you the night to recover, first. I'd rather know I get to have you tomorrow morning, too, and we won't be able to if you wake up too sore. How about you just join me in the shower, instead, and we can kiss and play some more under the spray, without me actually going inside you again until we're sure you're ready.”
“'Kay,” she agreed, her shyness creeping in again, but I could tell how excited she was by the idea of showering together. We waited until I fell out naturally, then made our way into my bathroom. Charlie was funny, looking around like she'd never been inside before—which I then realized she hadn't, of course, mentally kicking myself. She and Livy came to the door to my bedroom often enough, if they needed something on a sleepover night after I'd turned in, or if they decided to make breakfast the next morning and came to wake me up, but she'd never come in further than that. My bathroom was the best part of the whole house, a big part of the reasons Vicki and I had chosen to buy it in the first place. I had dual sinks with more counter space than even she had been able to use, a comfortable built-for-two soaking tub, and a big, multi-head walk-in shower. The rest of the house had its charms too, though it was much bigger than Livy and I had ever needed for just the two of us; Charlie could have had her choice of guest rooms when she slept over, though of course she always shared Livy's bed with her, instead. We'd bought it for the family we'd planned to have, not the one we'd been able to have, after Vicki had gotten sick. But I'd never, ever considered the idea of downsizing, and leaving behind the memories we'd made here.
I brushed my teeth, Charlie already having done hers while she had supposedly been getting ready for bed, cocking her hip up against the counter as she watched and made flirty eyes at me. I rinsed and eagerly collected my freshly minty kiss, then told her to go pee, stepping back into the bedroom and closing the door behind me. Maybe someday Charlie would be in a mental place where she'd be able to go with me still in the same room with her, but I knew better than to even suggest it, tonight. So, temporary banishment it was; I was not about to ruin her first sexual experience by letting her contract a U.T.I., and Vicki had always sworn by peeing after sex as the best preventative. Not having a vagina of my own for comparison, I was bowing to the voice of experience.
Charlie opened the door again, taking me by my hand and walking me back into the shower. I let Charlie be the one to control the temperature, experimenting with the multiple heads, snuggling up behind her and starting to play as she adjusted all the various knobs. She tried to turn around to face me, but I held her in place with my arms wrapped around her, one hand on her breast, the other cupping her mound, giving her kisses over her shoulder instead. I rubbed her gently, external stimulation only, letting the warmth of the water and my body relax her. By the time I'd made her cum for me again, my own knob was getting rather insistent about being ignored. Charlie didn't say a word; she just backed me up against the wall of the shower, and dropped to her knees.
I sighed in pleasure, and regretfully turned off the shower. We had plenty of steam already anyways, and the last thing I wanted was to run out of hot water when she was only part way through. She started out a little too eager, trying to gag herself like I was sure she'd seen in porn. But once I slowed her down, and told her just to explore and play at her own pace, it improved for both of us. In particular, she just could not get enough of playing with my balls, constantly bouncing and fiddling with them in her palm. I didn't mind, of course; it felt pretty terrific in fact, but I honestly did not get the appeal. Whatever the reason, considering the fascination I had with her breasts, pussy, and ass, I was in no position to throw stones. I warned her when I was getting close, in case she didn't want to take it in her mouth, but she was determined to finish the same way she'd started, swallowing greedily as I came. I pulled her back to her feet, kissing her deeply. She tried to pull back, but there was really only the slightest trace of saltiness left anyways, only a reminder of what she'd just done for me, and when she realized I wasn't going to let her escape she kissed me back eagerly enough.
“Get the shower going again,” I told her. “I'll get you a glass of water at the sink.”
“I'm okay,” she tried to tell me. “I liked it. It tasted good, even.”
“Kitten...” I chided, stroking my fingers through her soft, wet hair. “I get that you liked it. I like that you liked it! That doesn't mean it still wasn't salty as hell, and you need a drink. Let me take care of you, and get you a glass of water, will you?” She smiled bashfully, and let me get her a glass of water.
We played a bit more under the shower, but with an actual aim towards getting clean this time, soaping each other up and rinsing each other off. Certain parts got more attention than others, but we eventually finished up, dried each other off. Charlie didn't need to pee again, but I did; I even managed not to laugh as she watched with wide-eyed curiosity as I drained the tank. We made our way back into bed, cuddling up spooning together, her head resting softly on my biceps, my other arm wrapped tightly around her, my hand cupping her breast.
“Love you, Daddy,” she purred, and this time she noticed my hesitation. “It's okay... you don't have to say it back. I've had loads of time to fall in love with you... I know you wouldn't let yourself even see me as a possibility, before tonight. I know it's going to take some time. I can wait.”
“Thank you for understanding, kitten,” I squeezed her tighter, surprised and grateful for her insight. “You should know... I can already feel the seeds, if that makes sense. When I say it—and I do mean when, not if—I want you to know that I'm going to mean it.”
She smiled, nodding happily, and turned her head to kiss my arm. I did the same to the back of her neck, and we settled down to sleep.
I awoke slowly the next morning, confused by what I was feeling. Heat, wetness, movement...
“Well hello there, kitten,” I turned my head to not yawn in her ear, then kissed her neck and squeezed her breast, gently starting to meet her thrusts. “Got started without me, I see.”
“I hope you don't mind,” she giggled, a little breathlessly I thought. I wondered how long she'd been at it before she'd woken me up? “You were so hard already in your sleep, pressing up against my butt when I woke up... I just remember how much work it was last night, getting you inside, so I figured I'd try taking care of the hard part myself this time, and just let you enjoy the fun part when you woke up!”
“Fun part, indeed!” I chuckled, giving her a little more force, pressing deeper, making her tremble and moan. She'd gotten me about half way in so far, and the rest was going quickly now that she was no longer concerned about waking me prematurely.
“Daddy?” she asked, cutely uncertain.
“Yes, kitten?”
“This is wonderful, Daddy... but, ummm... now that you're awake, do you think maybe I could try being on top this time?”
“We can try anything you'd like, kitten,” I chuckled, squeezing her tight under my arm. “Anything at all!”
She blushed, but I think more in excitement this time than in actual shyness or embarrassment. She scrambled off of me, pushing the covers down to my ankles, and moved herself into place straddling my hips. God, she was beautiful! Especially in the soft, cloud-diffused winter light that was now seeping through my window. It took her some trial and error to get the positioning of her knees just right, but soon she was riding me slowly up and down, moving sinuously, gradually working to bottom herself out. She paused a moment once she had, again staring happily down at herself to see the proof, then started grinding back and forth, rolling her hips in little circles, experimenting with all the possibilities of the new position. I placed one hand on her breast, the other on her hip, just hoping I could communicate with my eyes and hands how utterly amazing and perfect she was. She grasped the wrist of the hand holding her breast, her other arm helping support herself on my chest. I didn't say a word, but I didn't take her long to figure out what worked best for me from my reactions, and she resumed bouncing herself up and down once more.
Her orgasm arrived faster this time, maybe because she was the one in control, and could move exactly how she liked best, or maybe just because it was no longer her very first time, and she wasn't so nervous anymore. It hit her just as hard as the ones last night, making her bow her back and howl into the air as it was happening, then collapsing bonelessly to my chest after it was done. She tried to keep moving, but she could barely twitch without the sensation becoming too much for her and making her lose control of her hips.
“I think you're going to have to roll me over, Daddy, and finish like you did last night,” she suggested shyly. “I'm trying... but I'm just not used to how amazing you make me cum, yet!”
“Never a problem, kitten!” I reassured her, moving my hands to her adorable little ass and giving her a nice, tight squeeze. “And we can definitely do that, if you like... but how would you like to try doggystyle, instead?”
Her eyes widened as she looked up into mine, biting her lip with excitement. “Yes, please!”
I laughed, rolling her over and pulling out, getting up to my knees as I helped her into place, up near my headboard so she'd be able to steady and brace herself better when she needed to. I adjusted her knees a little, really making that cute little ass pop for me, caressing it in my hands as I moved up behind her. I slid in slow, gentle, and deep, making her moan, then moved my hands to her hips as I started to thrust. She was doing okay so far, but I was fully expecting her legs to give out at any moment, and knew I needed to be prepared. I wasn't wrong, either. Her lead up was slow and relatively gentle, filled with the adorable little yips and gasps I was already coming to love so much, but once she made that crest again she completely lost control. I held on for dear life, easily able to support her weight, her legs thrashing, hands clutching desperately to my headboard and sheets, screaming like I was killing her or she was having the time of her life, either could have been true. And this time, she didn't stop! She just kept squealing and kicking as I relentlessly pounded into her, either multiple orgasms all in a row, or one long one that wouldn't seem to end, I had no idea which. Finally I was able to join her, the sensation of my hot, thick cum filling her up finally forcing her to silence—not because her orgasm had ended, but because it had grown so strong she could no longer even breathe, her back bowing upwards, her eyes rolling back, her mouth gaping wordlessly in unbelievable pleasure! I delivered my last, in not much better shape than she was, sliding my hands up to her breasts and pulling her tightly back against my chest. She started breathing again, huge, racking gasps, as I nuzzled and kissed at the side of her neck.
“Oh... My... God...!” she managed to choke out, and I could only agree, chuckling quietly. We stayed there on our knees, neither of us daring to move a muscle, waiting for the intensity to fade. Until we heard the solid knocking on my door.
“Are you guys done in there now?” Livy called.
“Don't come in!” Charlie squealed in panic.
“Well, cover up, already! I'm not yelling through the door!”
I reached back to grab the sheet, not knowing what else to do, and pulled it with me as I collapsed on top of her, pinning her to the bed beneath me, covering us both. She gasped and trembled as we landed, still fully impaled on my hard and throbbing cock. Livy opened the door slowly, still in her sleepshirt and panties, her hand in front of her face with a small gap between her fingers, as if that would protect her from seeing too much.
“Okay, good, it's safe!” she chuckled wickedly and lowered her hand, her eyes darting back and forth over us on the bed. She might not have been able to see us directly, thanks to the sheet, but given our relative positioning I'm sure it didn't take much to imagine what was going on underneath. “I just wanted to tell you guys, I'm about to start making waffles for breakfast. So you can stay up here as long as you want, but if you stay too long you're going to have to nuke them or eat them cold.”
“Thanks, sweetie,” I told her, trying like hell not to let my face react to the suddenly renewed clenching of Charlie's amazing little pussy around my cock. She really hadn't needed to open the door just to tell us that! “We'll be down in just a little bit.”
“'Kay!” she giggled, backing out and closing the door behind her, her laughter growing even louder as she retreated down the stairs to the kitchen.
“Oh, God...” Charlie moaned, hiding her face against the bed.
“Shhh... it's okay, kitten,” I reassured her, kissing her neck. “Just look at it this way; at least we have proof now that she really is okay with this, between you and me. She might put on a brave face and just say she's okay, however she felt, if she thought this was what we both needed. But she'd hardly be teasing us and laughing like that if she was secretly upset by it.”
“Well... I guess that's true,” she reluctantly allowed.
“So, what do you say?” I asked. “Quick shower this time? You know what Livy's like in the kitchen; I want to get down there before she burns the place down around us!” That finally made her giggle, and she allowed me to pull out and help her to her feet. I sent her into the bathroom to pee, while I tossed on my robe and darted down to the hall bathroom to retrieve her toothbrush for her. She was done by the time I returned, the door standing open, and we stood in front of the mirror to brush together, my hand cupping her cute, wiggling little ass the entire time. We hurried in and out of the shower, but I wouldn't let her dress—I put her in Vicki's red satin robe, instead. It was huge on her, but she looked sexy as hell, and I kissed her passionately as I tightened her sash for her. I got back into my own robe as well, and I led her downstairs holding hands.
Charlie and I took over the cooking, and though Livy had a wicked gleam that would not vanish from her eye, she restrained herself from commenting or asking questions. I was sure that would change, once she got either of us alone, but for the time being at least she was behaving herself well. I felt she deserved just a little bit of payback, however, so once the waffles were done and we went the table, I pulled Charlie into my lap with me to eat. She blushed brilliantly, but I think the feeling of my free hand caressing her hip through her satiny little robe made up for it, and the look on Livy's face was priceless! We cleaned up quickly, and the two of them disappeared back up the stairs hand in hand, Livy leading the way. Theoretically it was so Charlie could get dressed again, since she had a family commitment she had to attend, but I knew Livy would be giving her the third degree while she did. I left them to it, going to the couch and grabbing my phone from where I'd been too distracted to remember to plug it in last night. I sighed. Six new emails, of course. I got through two of them before the girls came back downstairs. Charlie was looking shy, as expected, but also proud; I guess their conversation had gone well.
“I really wish I didn't have this family thing today,” Charlie sighed as she snuggled against my chest in a hug. “I wish I could stay here all weekend with you!”
“Me too, kitten,” I held her tight, kissing her hair. “But unless you feel ready to tell your parents you've started dating me now, it's best we not do anything to make them suspicious.”
“Not yet,” she agreed with an impish little smile and a kiss through the gap in my robe. “Once you're ready to say you're in love with me, maybe. Then I'll be ready to tell them.”
“That's fair,” I chuckled, squeezing her tighter.
“What are you two waiting for?” Livy rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Kiss her, already!”
I laughed, Charlie blushed, and we did as we'd been told, deeply and passionately. And, to give Livy a little bit of her own back as well, I wasn't shy about grabbing Charlie's cute little ass through her jeans as I was doing it, either! We backed away breathless, and I escorted her over to the door to put on her boots and bundle herself up against the cold. She shared one last hug with Livy, and another, briefer kiss with me, then she was out the door and on her way home. Livy scurried away from the blast of cold air, back to the table, and I went with her.
“You, missy, have been a very naughty girl this weekend!” I accused, giving her a firm slap on her cute little ass, making her yelp.
“Does that mean you're going to punish me, Daddy?” she purred, leaning forward slightly and pressing herself back against my hand, wiggling seductively.
“I should!” I laughed, giving her a squeeze. I slipped my hands in under her shirt, easing my fingers under the waistband of her panties and sending them to her ankles. “But I think I have something better to do with you, instead!” I opened my robe, already mostly hard after my extended kiss with Charlie, and slipped myself between her thighs. She was already wet, as I'd known she would be after everything that had just happened, and I pressed myself inside, making her moan. “You naughty, naughty little girl...” I purred, freeing her of her sleepshirt, taking her big, full breasts into my hands, squeezing tight and making her clutch at the side of the table for support. “How long did you know Charlie was planning on seducing me last night?”
“Just a couple of weeks, Daddy,” she moaned, her eyes fluttering closed in pleasure as I worked my way into her tight, hot embrace. “I'm sorry I couldn't warn you... but she really wanted it to be a surprise!”
“But she still doesn't know about you and me?” I was pretty sure I already knew the answer, but I needed to be certain.
“Of course not, Daddy!” she gasped, surprised that I would even have to ask. “I promised I wouldn't tell, not even Charlie, and I meant it!”
“But your end goal is... what, exactly?” I asked. “Some sort of sister-wives situation?”
“Ummm... pretty much, Daddy,” she admitted shyly, and for once it was her turn to blush. She wasn't as good at it as Charlie was, but it was still adorable. “You know how much she and I love each other... she's always been the sister I never had! I always hated the idea that eventually we'd both go off, and find husbands, and have lives of our own and drift apart, only seeing each other once in a while when we could make time... well, this way we don't have to! We can both share you, instead! Ummm... as long as you're okay with that, of course, Daddy. I figured you would be, but I'm sorry I couldn't really ask you about it ahead of time, without ruining Charlie's surprise.”
“Of course I'm okay with it, you little monster!” I laughed, slapping her ass again. God, I loved the way that always made her yelp!
“Careful with that, Daddy!” she giggled, responding with the little wiggle of her hips she knew always made me moan. “You know she's going to be doing everything she can to be able to come back over here again tonight, if she can get away from her family thing in time. You're going to be the one who has to explain, if she sees your big red handprints all over my butt when she does!”
“True,” I chuckled. “Do you have any idea yet how long you're planning to wait, before you tell her about us?”
“You mean before you tell her about us,” she corrected playfully. “I made a promise not to tell, remember? Telling her is your job!” Handprints or not, that earned her another spank, getting me an even louder yelp and giggle in exchange. “Honestly, I'm not exactly sure yet, Daddy. She deserves to have some time alone with you, the same as I've been getting, before I start horning in and we make it a threesome from then on. But I also don't want us to have to lie to her any longer than we have to... I know she'll understand, and she'll forgive us, but still...”
“I know what you mean,” I sighed. I may not technically have been lying to Charlie, since she'd never actually asked me if I was seeing anyone else, but that was splitting hairs; she was certainly going to feel like I had been, when we told her. This was not going to be easy. But then, the best things in life never were. Seducing my own teenage daughter had hardly been easy, either, but look at how that had turned out! “I guess we'll just have to play it by ear, and trust that we'll be able to figure it out as we go. But the sooner the better, for sure.”
We didn't talk much, after that. Livy was already getting close to her first orgasm by that point, and no longer had the breath to spare. I had to move my grip to her hips, holding on tight in preparation for her to loose her footing the way she always did when she started to cum. But afterwards she was right back to it, pushing against the table to drive herself harder and faster onto my cock. She must have been really, really turned on still by knowing I'd been with Charlie; she made it through five distinct orgasms this time, not just her normal three or four, plus a cluster of little micro-tremors as she felt me getting close, pushing her into her sixth and strongest as she felt me unleashing inside of her! I had to wrap her in my arms to hold her up after that, carrying her up to our bed still pinned on my cock. And it was definitely 'our' bed, now; she may still have had her own room, where she kept her things and her clothes, but she hadn't slept there in months except when Charlie was over. We snuggled and kissed, and on the rare times we spoke it was nothing of import. But as I felt myself starting to rise again, there was one thing I still wanted to know.
“So tell me, baby...” I grinned. “Charlie said you had your head buried under your pillows, not wanting to hear, but we both know that was a lie. How many times did you make yourself cum last night, listening to us through the walls?”
“Only two,” she admitted, snuggling tighter into my chest, hiding her face and giving me a shy little Charlie-like giggle. “You know how much longer it takes me doing it with my fingers, compared to you doing it with your cock!” That was true, I knew exactly how much longer it took her; one of my favourite things ever was to cum inside her, then watch her masturbate for me while I waited to recover for another round. “Then I did another one, when I heard the two of you going into the shower together. But I couldn't actually hear you, then, so I'm not sure if that still counts.”
“And this morning?”
“Only one,” she smiled. “I so, so wanted to do more! But I wanted even more to walk in on you together, just after you were done, and I needed to make sure I looked presentable when I did, not like I'd just finished cumming myself almost as hard as she had!”
“You poor, poor baby!” I teased, nibbling her earlobe.
“I am, actually!” she laughed. “I so wish I could have been there with you, watching you take her virginity the same way you took mine! She's just so much smaller than me... I bet it looked like this big, thick cock of yours was about to tear her in two, the first time you put it inside!”
“There were a couple of times it didn't just look like that, I was afraid I almost did!” I admitted, chuckling and shaking my head as I thought back to it. “But Charlie's a trooper! Such a shy little thing, you'd never expect it from looking at her—but she just would not give up until she'd taken every last inch! You really had to see it to believe.”
“I bet,” she sighed wistfully, a happy smile on her face. She was jealous she hadn't been able to see it for herself, that was clear, but not at all jealous of Charlie being with me; she was only happy for her friend. “People are always saying how different we are, she and I. But we're really not, you know. Not when it comes to the important stuff.”
“Like your taste in men?” I teased, squeezing her tight and kissing her brow.
“Like that,” she agreed with a laugh, reaching down to take me into her hand. “And our taste for other things, as well.” I laughed and took her hint, pushing her onto her back and climbing on top. We made love slowly and gently this time, and when it was over we collapsed heavily into the bed, snuggling tight.
This really wasn't going to be easy. But I loved Livy so much, and I was already well on my way to falling in love with Charlie, too. We'd find a way to make this work, we just had to! Maybe... would it be too early, if she did come back over later that night, and I told her then? If I apologized right away for not telling her earlier? Livy had said she wanted to wait, to give Charlie time to be just with me, rather than with both of us. And I couldn't fault her reasoning, as far as it went. But is that really what Charlie would want? As soon as I'd asked myself the question, I knew; she would want the truth, all of it, no matter how messy. I examined the dread I felt at the idea, and knew that meant it was the right thing to do. And... just because I told her the truth, that didn't mean we'd have to start having threesomes right away. I knew that's what Livy ultimately wanted, all three of us having sex together and sleeping in the same bed, and I wanted that too... but we didn't have to jump straight there, not if Charlie didn't want to, or wasn't ready. The whole 'sister-wives' thing wasn't like that; they took turns. We could start with that, and go from there.
That made me feel a little better about the idea. The girls really were like sisters already anyways; this could be just one more thing for them to share. Wishful thinking, maybe, but that didn't change what I knew I needed to do. I'd do it in private; I'd take her up to bed, just Charlie and me, not Livy, and I'd tell her right away, before we did anything else. That was the only fair way to do it. I could maybe be excused, for not telling her everything in the heat of the moment last night. But waiting any longer would be a choice, now that I'd had time to think it through.
God, I hoped Charlie would understand! That she could find a way to be okay with it all, not just the idea of sharing me, but the fact that the girl she'd be sharing me with was my own daughter as well! It hadn't even been a day, yet, but I already wanted her so much! I just couldn't help myself as visions of possible futures kept running through my mind; the houseful of children Vicki and I had always dreamed of, my two beautiful, perfect girls cuddled under my arms as we watched them run about and play. I wanted it so badly I could almost feel them at my sides, one, or maybe even both, pregnant and radiant as they stared lovingly up into my eyes!
I squeezed Livy tighter in my arms, murmuring softly and kissing her hair. Whatever Charlie needed, she would have it! Anything at all, to make that dream come true!