Fiction, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Female exhibitionist, First Time, Gothic, Group Sex, Incest, Male / Older Female, Males / Females, Oral Sex, Spanking
This is a long one and took a while to write so I hope you all enjoy it. It's probably a one off but if there's enough demand/want for a sequel I might consider doing it
It’s been a tradition in my family that once someone turns 18 that they and all their cousins, well, those who are of age, all go out for drinks. It started when my two oldest cousins, the identical twins Catherine and Ellen, bumped into my next oldest cousin, Faithe, not long after her 18th birthday and they decided to go to a pub in celebration. The tradition continued for my other two cousins, first Emma, and then Faithe’s younger sister Victoria. When my 18th birthday came around, I was both surprised but happy to hear from Catherine about organising a full weekend away. The reason I was surprised was because there was a 4-year age difference between me and Victoria, and an 11-year age difference between me and the twins. Being younger, and the only male cousin, I always felt a little more distant and out of place with my cousins but I was determined to enjoy the weekend. And the reason that this time was a full weekend instead of the one night was because I was the youngest cousin and this was going to be the last time that we would do it.
We hired out an Airbnb for the weekend and met the on the Friday night, ordering in pizza and opening several bottles of wine. It had been almost a year since I’d seen them all and the evening was taken up with chatter and catching up with everyone’s lives. Catherine had become a stay-at-home mother nearly two years ago told us about the art classes she had taken up to fill her spare time between chasing after her 2-year-old and maintaining a tidy house. Ellen, with her bright purple hair and gothic make-up, talked about her psychology teaching job at the local university. The twins, although been identical, looked nothing alike. Catherine had a natural look and always wore light pastel colours, usually in the form of a homemade sundress made from floaty fabrics. Ellen was the complete opposite, as if it was her mission in life to be as different from her sister as possible. She wore blacks and purples. Thick heavy black leather boots, tight black pants, and a deep purple corseted top which sinched in her already skinny waist. She also had a tattoo, a beautifully artist vine that wrapped around her left arm, covered in roses and thorns. And she had lots of facial piercing; her tongue, her lip, her nose, her eyebrow, and her eats. All wear adorned with shiny silvery metal.
Faithe is still working at her job as a secretary in a large law firm and recently been promoted to be the owner’s personal secretary. She recently had a nasty breakup with her boyfriend and so it’s wasn’t much of a surprise when she finished off two full bottles of wine by herself. Her mousey brown hair is pulled up in a tight bun and she’s still dressed in her work uniform: a tight blue blouse, black pencil skirt, thigh high stockings, and practical high heels.
Victoria looks nothing like her older sister. Faithe is pretty in a homely sense, but Victoria is all long legs, shapely curves, fake tits, and high angled cheek bones. She works as a nurse and because of that, whenever she’s not at work in her uniform, she loves to dress up in fancy and often revealing clothes. Tonight, she’s wearing a simple pink tube top and booty jean shorts, leaving little to imagine when it came to her lightly tanned skin. Her dyed blonde hair is tightly braided on one side and hangs loosely over her shoulder on the other. Even though she is my cousin I can’t help be somewhat attracted to her, especially when she bends over so I get a good look at her firm round ass.
Emma has just started her job as a junior vet and is wanting to specialise as an equine veterinarian. She’s always been a horse girl, for as long as I can remember, and her new job involves making sure all the race horses that are signed up at the local track meet regulations. Her curly brown hair is pulled up in a lose ponytail to keep it out of her round face and despite having an hour-long shower when she arrived there is still a faint odour of horses. She’d slipped into her usual attire of an old oversized hoody and jeans.
I’m the first one up the next morning and decide to have a quick shower to help clear my head. The warm water washes away the fogginess from the previous night of drinking and as I finish rinsing the shower gel from my body, I hear the bathroom door shut behind me. I turn around just in time to see Victoria slip out of a gown and into the shower next to me.
“What I you doing Victoria?” I yell, startled. I try not to look at her body but can’t help catch a glimpse out of the corner of my eye. She smirks as she looks me up and down, her eyes growing wide as they reach my cock.
“Wow Cuz, your dick’s huge!” She exclaims as I try to cover myself up. Without saying another word, I push past her and grab my towel, wrapping it around my waist. Still dripping water, I dart out of the bathroom and across the corridor into my room, hoping she didn’t notice the towel tenting as images of her naked body flooded my mind.
By the time I make it downstairs all my cousins are gathered and waiting to go. We have a table booked at a brunch restaurant nearby and so I follow them out the front door. In an effort not to make eye contact with Victoria I study each of my cousins. The twins are their usual opposites; Catherine in a pink jumpsuit and Ellen in a black top, plaid skirt, fishnet stockings and thick heavy boots. Faithe has switched out her business attire for a simple patterned red top and beige brown pants. Emma is still wearing the same hoodie and jeans from the night before, or at least some very similar ones. As we turn onto down a street, I nearly bump into someone coming the other direction and quickly step aside. I nearly end up stepping on Victoria.
“Oops, shit. Sorry Victoria.” I say, finally looking in her direction. Gods, she’s pretty. Her glossy pink lips look so inviting and I can’t help but imagine what they’d look like wrapped around my cock. I look down and feel my cock starting to stiffen as I stare at her tits on show in her low-cut pink mini-dress.
“That’s all right, don’t worry about it.” She replies, winking at me before turning to walk in front of me. My eyes drift down her back and fix on her way round ass, barely covered by her dress and swaying seductively as she walks.
“She’s your cousin.” I mutter under my breath, shaking my head to clear the thoughts from my mind.
Breakfast is accompanied by bottomless mimosas and by the time we leave we are all somewhat tipsy. And we plan to get even more tipsy. Our next stop is a local gin distillery where we have a tour and tasting session booked. I’m not normally one for gin but these are quite tasty and we learn about pairing them with different tonics to enhance their flavours. The whole tour lasts several hours and as we leave the sun is starting to set. We’re all definitely quite drunk now and both Faithe and Catherina are swaying as they stumble back towards the Airbnb. As soon as we get back Ellen and Victoria disappear upstairs to get changed into something more comfortable whilst the rest of us head into the living room. I crash down onto the couch and are joined by Emma who surprises me by laying her head on my lap.
“I am wasted!” She says in a sing-song voice, her words slurred as she looks up at me with a big drunken grin.
“The night’s not over yet.” Laughs Catherine as she sits down in an armchair opposite us, pulling out a couple bottles of gin and tonic that she’d purchased after the tour. Faithe enters a moment later from the kitchen carrying an eclectic bunch of glasses which she sets down on the little coffee table.
“No gin glasses so I just grabbed what there was.” She says as she and Catherine begin pouring out the drinks.
“Hey, look what I found!” Ellen says as she joins us, holding up a poker set. “Come on, let’s go play on the kitchen table.” Emma groans theatrically as she sits up off my lap, reaching out to pick up her glass as she follows Ellen into the kitchen. Catherine and Faithe both pick up 2 glasses, leaving just mine on the table. I grab it and follow them, entering the brightly lit kitchen where Ellen, Emma, and Victoria are already sat around the table. I slip into the last remaining seat between Catherine and Victoria.
“So, what are we betting with?” Asks Catherine as Ellen hands her a deck of cards which she starts shuffling. There are a few sounds noncommittal and shrugging of shoulders as Ellen begins handing out poker chips to each of us but after a few seconds Victoria speaks up.
“How about we play strip poker?” She suggests and when I look at her in surprise, I see a mischievous glint in her eyes as she looks back at me.
“Vic, that’s weird.” Says Faithe as I look around and see everyone else’s shocked faces.
“Oh, come on. It’s not that weird. We’re just cousins, it’s not like anything’s gonna happen. It’s just a bit of drunken fun.” Victoria replies before downing her gin.
“I’m… I’m down for strip poker. Just as long as everyone else is.” Emma says in a quiet voice, her pale cheeks blushing red in embarrassment.
“Alright, thank you Emma. So, does anyone object?” Victoria says, taking control. “Well in that case, here are the rules.”
In regular strip poker you bet items of clothing each round but Victoria had a different way of playing. Instead, the game would run like any normal game of poker, betting chips each round until the river card is turned over and a final round of betting is complete. Anyone who has folded at any point is safe. With all bets complete the players must present their hands. The winner, and anyone who folded, is safe. The loser, or losers, must then remove a piece of clothing of their choice. Belts, shoes, socks, and any other accessories don’t count as clothes, just in order to make things fair. If someone goes bust, they must remove all their clothes, stripping completely naked.
“Ok, does everyone understand the rules?” Victoria asks as Ellen deals everyone two cards. We all nod and I pick up my cards, glancing at them. Pocket Kings. Emma starts as the small blind and only bets her mandatory 5 chip. Faithe goes next as the big blind and plays a 10 and a 5 chip, raising the bet by 5. The rest of us all call, matching the bet. Ellen then plays the 3 flop cards: a 7, a king, and a 4. No one seems happy about these cards and I try to hide my smile at the third king that I know is in play.
“Check” Emma says and is echoed by everyone else. Ellen deals the turn card, a second 4. I now have a full house. Emma, Faither, and Victoria all check but I raise by 10. Catherine and Emma both call but the others fold.
“Alright, here’s the river.” Ellen says, dealing the final card. The river is a 2. Emma checks and I copy her but Catherine raises 5.
“I’m not being the first to strip.” Emma says, placing her cards down as she folds. Catherine turns to me, her eyebrow arched quizzically as I take a second to contemplate my choice.
“I’ll call.” I say, matching the bet.
“2 pair” Catherine says, placing down a 7 and a Jack with a smile.
“Nice, but it doesn’t beat a full house.” I say, placing down my cards. Catherine’s smile fades as the others make ooh noises, turning to watch her in anticipation. Because she’s wearing a jumpsuit, we agreed to let her only take off the top half. She pulls down the zip and shrugs out of the sleeves. Her plump tits are nestled in a plain white cotton bra and there are a few whoops around the table as she shimmies, her tits jiggling slightly.
Faithe and Ellen lose the next round to Victoria with a four of a kind. They both remove their tops, Faithe revealing a surprisingly sexy lacey red bra and Ellen a stereotypical goth bra, all black lace and unnecessary straps. The next round I win, bluffing them all into folding so no one ends up stripping of any clothes. It’s the fourth round when I finally lose, my 2 pair being beaten by a Victoria’s higher pair. I pull off my top and hear a few whoops as I bare my, not ripped, but certainly muscular torso. The fifth round is a triple defeat for Catherine, Emma, and Victoria. Catherine stands and kicks off the rest of her suit so she’s just in her bra and a pair of simple cotton panties. Emma pulls her hoodie off over her head to reveal she’s wearing a simple tank top beneath. A simple tank top stretched tightly over her huge tits. Her incredibly huge natural tits. I would have stared at them for ages if it hadn’t been for Victoria unbuttoning her pyjama top and completely revealing her bare tits. Unlike this morning in the shower, I do stare at them. They’re large, perky, and round with small areola and pointy nipples, just how I like them.
“Damn, Vic! Those look great. How much did they cost you again?” Ellen says, giving Victoria’s tits a good eyeful.
“Just under 8 grand. And they’re worth every penny. I went from a B cup to a D cup and couldn’t be happier.” Victoria replies, bouncing them in her hands.
“Oof, 8 grand. I wouldn’t mind getting bigger tits, especially if it can help me finally find a partner, but I don’t know if I can spend that much.” Says Ellen, looking down somewhat forlornly at her B cup tits.
A few more rounds go by and Faithe is the first to go bust, stripping out of her thong to briefly show her landing strip bush before sitting back down with her legs crossed. The rest of us are in our underwear, a sudden death to nudity. I’m struggling to keep my dick from getting hard, everywhere I look are amazing tits. Catherine and Ellen’s are the only thing not identical about their bodies. Catherine’s are small and round, just how they were before her pregnancy. Ellen’s are just as small but her nipples are pierced and there’s a flower pattern tattooed down her sternum between each breast. Faithe’s are a little bit bigger than the twins, nothing special but definitely a pair I wouldn’t mind sucking on. And then there’s Emma. Emma’s tits are just huge, there’s no other word for them. They’re easily the biggest tits I’ve ever seen. She said she was an F cup and I have no reason to disbelieve her. I’m still too shocked that she’d always managed to hide them beneath her hoodies.
Things were getting interesting. The next round came down to me versus Catherine, Ellen, and Emma. Victoria folds when I go all in on the flop but everyone else copies me, raising the tension as the turn and river are revealed. But they don’t matter to me, I’d got my victory on the flop. My hand is unbeatable.
“Royal Flush.” I say with a big grin as I lay down my cards. There are groans from the losers as they show their hands, a full house and 2 different full houses. Catherine stands up first and removes her panties, flashing her wild dark-haired bush before sitting back down with a blush. Ellen goes next, pulling off her thong to reveal a smooth pussy. Finally, Emma stands up and it’s only then that I notice that not only are her tits huge, but so is her ass. She’s got really wide hips; the kind they say are perfect for childbirth. Her pussy is also shaved smooth, not that I get much of a chance to see it as she quickly pulls off her panties and sits back down.
“And now there’s only us two.” Victoria says, fixing me with a mischievous grin as she crosses her arms, pushing up tits even more.
Ellen shuffles and deals the next round for us as I pay in the big blind and Victoria pays in the small. I pick up my guards and glance down at them. A 2 and a 6.
“Call.” Victoria says, matching the big blind. I check, not wanting risk anything at this point.
“Ok then, the flops are… A 3… A king… And a 5.” Ellen says, placing each card down with a dramatic pause between each one. Not the best but if there’s a 4 on the turn or the river, I’d have a straight.
“Check.” Victoria says and I echo her a second later.
“And the turn card is a 4.” Ellen says, placing the card next to the others. Perfect, just what I wanted.
“Raise by 20.” Victoria says, tossing the chips into the middle of the table.
“Alright, call.” I reply, tossing in my chips as well.
“Ooh, big bets this round.” Catherine teases, looking at my large pile of chips that I’d got from knocking the rest of them out. The other’s laugh, especially because I could just go half in and still out bet Victoria with ease.
“The last card is… A 5.” Says Ellen and she places the last card down. It doesn’t do anything for me but Victoria doesn’t look happy as she checks.
“Raise 20.” I say, sliding my chips forward.
“Ahh… Err… Fuck it, call.” Victoria replies, tossing her chips down.
“Alright, show your cards.” Ellen instructs, looking between us. I place my cards down and my grin falls as I see Victoria’s. Pocket 4’s. She’d bluffed me and won on the river card with a full house.
“Yes! I’m the winner. You know what that means.” Victoria says as all eyes turn to me.
I feel my cheeks get hot as I slowly stand up. All my cousins’ eyes drift down and fix on my boxers as I prepare to pull them down. I take deep breath and then in one quick movement slip my boxers down and kick them away. There are gasps from all my cousins. Well, all except from Victoria who is staring at my cock with a satisfied grin.
“Holy shit, how big is your cock?” Emma asks, her eyes wide with shock.
“I… I don’t know about when it’s like this.” I say, gesturing towards my flaccid cock. “But when I’m hard it’s nearly 10 inches long.” I see Faithe’s jaw drop when I say that.
“10 inches…” Catherine whispers at the same time Victoria leans forward.
“Prove it. Get it hard for us.” She says, and this time it’s my jaw that drops. I expect to hear the others object but none of them do, they’re all still too busy staring at me.
“I… What? You want me to…” I flounder, unable to think of what to say next.
“Oh, don’t be mean Vic. You’re putting him under the spotlight.” Ellen says, standing up and moving round the table. “Come on, lets at least go through to the living room. Get a little more comfortable.” She takes my hand and begins leading me out of the kitchen, gesturing for the others to follow.
My brain is struggling to process what’s happening. I’m sat in the middle of the couch with Ellen on my left and Emma my right. Catherine, Victoria, and Faithe are kneeling in front of me, looking up at my growing cock as Victoria strokes it up and down with both hands.
“My god, I don’t know whether to feel jealous of your girlfriend, or scared for her.” Says Emma, making the others laugh.
“I don’t have a girlfriend, never have.” I say, feeling my cheeks blush in embarrassment.
“Oh, please tell me you’re not a virgin.” Victoria says, her lips only millimetres from the tip of my cock. I shake my head slowly and then suddenly Victoria is sucking my cock. Only the tip is in her mouth but she’s doing something with her tongue that is sending sensations of pleasure throughout my body.
“Hey Vic, who said you can go first? You are such a whore.” Faithe chides, lightly slapping her sister on the shoulder.
“I’m not a whore!” Yells Victoria, looking at her sister in mock annoyance. “I’m a slut, there’s a big difference.”
“Oh, give it here.” Catherines says, taking my cock from Victoria. She begins kissing my shaft, moving down it until she’s sucking on my balls, her hand stroking up and down.
Ellen takes my hand in hers as the 3 kneeling cousins begin taking turns sucking my cock. She guides my hand down between her legs. I feel her dampness as she presses my fingers against her smooth pussy. She moans in my ear as I begin rubbing her slit, my fingers not quite penetrating her.
“Don’t forget about me.” Emma whispers, grabbing my other hand and bringing it to her pussy. Both girls moan loudly in my ears as I finger them, sliding my middle and index fingers in their wet pussies. I hear gagging and look down to see Faithe trying to swallow my cock. She’s only managed to get about ¾ of the way down my shaft before my cock filled her throat and blocked off her airway. She comes up, saliva dripping down her chin as she gasps for air.
“You never where any good at deepthroating. Let me try.” Victoria says, taking my cock back from Faithe. My cock begins to disappear in her mouth. I feel it hit the back of her mouth and then the tightness of her throat. Her eyes cross as she continues to move down until she’s swallowed my entire cock. She holds herself down for several seconds before coming back up, her eyes still crossed and tongue stuck out.
“Fuck…” I groan, my hips bucking slightly as I try to stop myself from cumming to soon.
“It’s ok, you can cum. We won’t mind.” Catherine says reassuringly, her hand rubbing the inside of my thigh.
All thoughts of fingering Ellen and Emma escape my mind as Victoria starts doing the thing with her tongue again. I grunt, waving my hand in warning as I feel myself reach the breaking point. Victoria quickly leans back as Catherine and Faithe press their faces against hers. I grunt again and this time cum explodes from the tip of my cock. The first shot hits directly in the centre of Victoria’s face, splattering across her nose and in her eyes. A second shot lands on Catherine’s face, trailing up her cheek and into her hair. I grunt again as a third load shoots out. Somehow, I manage to twist slightly so it hits Faithe this time. It’s a small load compared to the others and lands on her lips.
“Oh wow, there’s so much.” Ellen says, slipping down to down to the floor. She takes Catherine’s head in both hands and leans forward, licking my cum from her cheek. Faithe moves back to allow Emma do the same with Victoria, licking my cum from her lips as she does.
“That’s so hot.” I whisper as I watch all 5 of my cousins swap my cum between them. They giggle as they look back at me, sticking their cum covered tongues out at me.
“So, who do you want to fuck first?” Catherine asks.
“Well, I did win the poker game. So, I should get to go first.” Victoria interrupts before I even have chance to think of something to say.
“You got to suck him off first Vic. Let someone else have a go first, stop being such a nympho.” Catherine argues, making Victoria roll her eyes theatrically. I don’t know who to pick so they decide to play rock-paper-scissors. Emma wins and smiles happily as she lays back on the floor, spreading her legs wide. I slip down off the couch and move forward, pressing my throbbing cock up against Emma’s slit. The others crowd around us, watching intently as I prepare to fuck her.
“You ready?” I ask, hesitating until she nods her head. I slowly push forward and feel the tightness stretch open around the tip of my cock. Her mouth opens wide in a silent gasp as I continue pushing inside her.
“Oh fuck. You’re so big!” She yells, her back arching as half of my cock enters her. I go to push even further but she yells again but this time it’s not in pleasure.
“Shit, no more. You’re too big, I feel like I’m gonna split in 2.” She moans as I pull back in alarm.
“No, it’s ok. Just don’t go all the way in.” She reassures. I slowly push back in, only going half way in before stopping. I then begin moving my hips back and forth, gently thrusting in and out. Emma begins moaning again, her impressive chest rising and falling rapidly. They look so good that I reach out and grab them with both hands. This only seems to make her moan louder. Her tits are warm and soft, jiggling in my hands as I continue with my thrusts in and out.
“Suck on them.” She moans. I don’t need telling twice. I lean down and begin kissing each of her tits, moving between them before latching onto her left nipple. It’s hard and pointy, erect with pleasure as I suck it.
A timer blares and I look up to see Faithe holding her phone.
“Alright, my turn.” She says, handing her phone to Ellen before taking up the same position as Emma. I slowly pull out of Emma, my cock dripping with her orgasm and move over to Faithe.
“Holy shit!” She cries out as my cock enters her. I have more confidence this time and push my cock deeper and deeper. She manages to get 2 thirds of my cock inside her before it gets to be too much. My hands hold her waist as I move in and out.
“Now this is what a cock should feel like. You’re more than twice the size of my ex.” She moans between loud cries of pleasure. It feels like only a matter of seconds before the timer blares again and I have to stop.
“I’m next.” Says Catherine as I look for who’s next. “But you need to lay down. I’m riding you cowgirl.”
I lay back, my hard cock resting on my stomach as Catherine straddles my legs. She moves forward and begins rubbing her hairy pussy up and down my shaft.
“It’s been so long since I’ve fucked anyone other than my husband. I’m glad your cock is gonna be the one to break that.” She says as she lifts herself up, her hand reaching down to hold my cock in place. She’s not as tight as Emma and Faithe, guess that’s the downside of childbirth.
“Oh fuck, I can feel you all the way up inside me.” She says as she lowers herself all the way down my cock, her hand pressing her belly. She then leans forward and rests her hands on either side of my head as she begins rising up and down. Her tits are only a few inches from my face so I reach up and pull her further down so I can begin sucking on them. I can feel her hips moving in ways which make my balls ache with the need to cum.
“I’m gonna…” I gasp, but it’s too late. Catherine gasps as my cum floods her insides, shooting out of my cock like a firehose. I stare up in shock as she looks down at me with almost dreamy expression on her face.
“I’m so sorry…” I begin to say but she silences me by placing a finger on my lips.
“It’s ok, I love how your cum feels inside me. And anyways, I got my tubes tied not long after I gave birth so you can’t get me pregnant.” She says happily, bouncing up and down on my cock a couple more times before climbing of and turning to Ellen to say “Your turn sis.”
“God I’m so wet right now.” Ellen says over her shoulder as she straddles me in reverse. And she’s not wrong, I can see her pussy glistening as she reaches back and slips my cock inside her. She’s tighter than her sister but like Emma, she can only comfortably take about half of my cock. Not that I care. The way that’s she’s moving her ass as she riding my cock can only be described as hypnotic. She shakes and twerks it even as explosive moans of pleasure emanate from her mouth.
“Oh yes! Spank me baby.” She yells as my hand hits her ass. I do it again. Her cheek ripples as the palm of my hand connects with it. She looks back over her shoulder as she leans back, laying down on top of me.
“Fuck me.” She whispers into my ear as I take hold of her waist. Her moaning gets louder as I thrust up and down, growing in noise until she’s almost screaming in pleasure.
“Oh yes! I’m gonna cum” She yells as her pussy squeezes my cock. She yells again as the orgasm rips through her body, making her shudder and quiver.
“Mmm, keep going.” She whispers, her breathing heavy. I only manage 2 more thrusts before the timer blares again.
“At last, my turn.” Victoria says, a wide grin plastered across her face.
“We’re doing this doggy style.” Victoria says as she turns away from me, bending over so her back arches and her ass sticks up in the air invitingly. I move up behind her and place one hand on hip as I use the other to guide my cock towards her pussy. The tip presses up against wet lips and then slips inside her. My other hand grabs her waist and I ram my hips forward.
“Oh, fuck yes! Fuck me hard.” She cries out as she takes my entire cock into her. I tighten my grip on her waist and begin thrusting in and out as fast as I can. My body slams against hers again and again, each thrust making her cry out in pleasure.
“Harder… Harder…” She moans between thrusts. I’m already thrusting as fast as I can so I reach forward with one hand and grab a handful of her tight ponytail. I pull it, pulling her up onto her knees as I wrap my other hand around her waist to steady her. I let go of her hair and both hands move to grab her tits, squeezing them between my fingers.
“Yes… Play with my tits as you fuck me!” She yells as my cock continues to hammer her pussy.
This time I’m more aware, more alert, to the feeling building inside me.
“I’m gonna cum. Where do you want it?” I ask Victoria as the feeling reaches near breaking point.
“Cum in me! CUM IN MY PUSSY!” She screams as she reaches an orgasm. I don’t need telling twice. I slam my cock as deep into her as I can and it explodes. We both moan and groan with orgasmic pleasure as cum at the same time. Victoria’s pussy grips my cock as it shoots out thick spurts of cum, filling her stomach with what feels like my biggest load of the night.
“That… Was… Perfect.” Victoria whispers as I let go and we fall apart. She crawls forward and I look around to see the others watching us, their faces still flushed red from their own orgasms.
“That was incredible.” I say to them, a big smile on my face.
After that we sat around and chatted as 1 by 1 my cousins disappeared to shower before going to bed. Emma is the last to go and I end up following her upstairs, enjoying the view of her huge ass and saying that I’d just have a quick shower in the morning. I say good bye to her as she enters the bathroom and I enter my room.
“Hey, you got room for one more in here?” Faithe asks, making me jump in surprise. I shut the door and smile as I cross the room to the bed.
“I can’t sleep by myself, it feels weird. I’ve not had a proper good night’s sleep since I broke up with my ex.” She says as I slip under the covers next to her. She snuggles into my chest and I hold her, breathing in her the smell of her still slightly damp hair as we fall asleep.
The next morning, I wake up to my cock being sucked. I know it’s not Faithe because she’s still lying next to me. Well on me, my arm is numb. I slowly open my eyes and look down but whoever’s sucking my cock is hidden beneath the sheets. With my free arm I throw back the covers to reveal Catherine, her mouth full of my cock.
“Mornin’.” I say blearily as she continues sucking me off. She winks in response before closing her eyes and sliding my cock all the way down her throat. After a second or 2 she comes up for air and begins stroking my cock as she catches her breath.
“I wanted to say goodbye before I go and get my train home.” She says before diving back onto my cock. Her head bobs up and down, moving faster and faster, edging me closer to orgasm. It doesn’t take long until my cock explodes and my first load of cum of the morning fills her mouth.
“Mmm” She moans in pleasure as she sits up, a small bead of cum trickling down her chin. I watch as she swallows and sticks out her tongue to show her now empty mouth.
“Alright, I better get going now. See you, Cuz.” She says, jumping off the bed and wiping her chin as she slips out of the room. A few minutes later I hear the front door open and close.
Now completely awake I decide it’s time to get up. Faithe had rolled off of my arm at some point and is now sprawled out on her back, her legs spread open. I think about fucking her but there was something else that I wanted to try. I move down the bed and in-between Faithe’s legs, lowering my head until it’s only a few centimetres from her pussy. I lick it. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it tasted nice so I licked her again. Faithe moans in her sleep as I begin eating her out, pressing my mouth against her pussy and using my tongue to explore every crevice. Her hips buck and legs move as I hear her stir.
“Don’t stop, keep going.” She moans when I pause as she wakes up. I go back to eating her out, pushing my tongue inside her. Her moans grow even louder and she grabs handfuls of my hair, holding my head in place. Her hips continue to buck as I make her edge closer to orgasm.
“Oh shit!” She yells as she squirts. I’d seen it in porn but I didn’t actually think it could really happen. Evidently neither did Faithe. Her warm juices flood my mouth and cover my face as she lets out another cry of pleasure. I swallow and sit up, wiping down my face with the back of my hand.
“I’m so sorry. I… I didn’t know I could do that. I’ve never done it before.” She stammers but I silence her by leaning forward and kissing her.
After washing my face off in the bathroom sink, I head downstairs to the kitchen.
“Good morning. There’s a pot of coffee there if you want some.” Emma says from the kitchen table, gesturing to a pot on the bench. I thank her and pour myself a cup before joining her at the table. She’s wearing a pink silk robe from which I can the nipples of her huge tits poking out through the thin material. As I stare at her tits, thinking about burying my face in them, I notice Emma has put her feet up on my lap.
“Are my tits getting you hard?” She teases as her feet begin stroking my cock. They are. My cock is once again rock hard as her feet rub up and down my shaft. She begins untying the knot of her gown, slowly opening it to reveal her tits. I sit there, hypnotised by them as she squeezes them in her hands, jiggling them up and down.
“You want to fuck them?” She asks, pinching her nipples between her thumb and forefingers. I nod my head and her feet disappear from my lap. She dives underneath the table and emerges a few seconds later between my legs. Her hand reaches up and grabs my cock, holding it place as she spits on it. She then takes her tits in both hands and wraps them around my cock. Seeing my cock disappear between her tits and then reappear as she stares up at me with her big brown eyes is so hot. It’s been a weekend of hot stuff but this is one of my favourites. I’ve just discovered a new kink.
“That’s so hot.” I say as she spits again, lubing my cock with her saliva. She continues bouncing her tits up and down, bringing me ever closer to orgasm. It only takes her a couple more minutes before my cock explodes. My cum shoots up into the air like a fountain before splattering down on her tits.
“There’s so much… And it’s so tasty.” She says, scooping up my cum with her fingers and licking them clean. She continues to scoop up my cum, eating every drop until her tits are wiped clean. I move back to allow her to stand up and move towards the kitchen bench.
“Do you want some breakfast? I’m making dippy eggs and soldiers.” She asks, holding up a box of eggs.
Breakfast fills me up perfectly and after giving Emma a playful slap on the ass I head back upstairs. I can hear the shower running as I pass the bathroom. I enter my room and Faithe is no longer there so I assume she’s showering. Ellen is there though.
“Finally, I though I might have to come down and drag you up here to give me a proper goodbye before I’ve got to go.” She says.
“Sorry. Emma made me breakfast, among other things.” I say, smiling at her nakedness. I climb onto the bed and move over her so we’re face to face. She smiles up at me as I lean down and kiss her, slipping my tongue into her mouth. We kiss for bit before I break away and lean back to start fucking her.
“Wait.” She says, stopping me. “Before you starting fucking me, will you take some photos of me blowing you and of your cock near and in my pussy. It’s for my OnlyFans.”
“You have an OnlyFans?” I blurt out, completely surprised.
“Shh. Yes, I have an OnlyFans. I started it last year. Only Catherine knows about it so don’t tell anyone else. And your face doesn’t have to be in the pics, just your cock. You can take them POV style.” She explains, handing me her phone. I climb down off the bed and she kneels in front of me, both hands on my cock and the tip just resting on her stuck out tongue. I take a few photos of her like that, including one where she crosses her eyes in a perfect ahegao expression. She then begins sucking me off, pausing occasionally to allow me to get a photo of her with her mouth and throat full of my cock. I must have taken about 30 photos before she finally stops sucking me off and moves back to the bed, laying on the edge with her legs stuck up wide in the air.
“Alright, just a few with your cock next to and in my pussy and then you can get rid of the camera and fuck me until you’re ready to cum.” She says as I approach her. We get another 2 dozen or so photos and then the fucking begins. Like last night, she can only take about half of my cock comfortably inside her but the sex is still good.
“Fuck yes!” She cries as she orgasms, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Seeing her like drives me towards the edge so as I’d agreed I pull out and step back. Ellen quickly slips back down to her knees and grabs my cock with both hands, holding it just in front of her face as she pumps the shaft. With her mouth open and tongue stuck out she makes a perfect target. My cock explodes and cum splatters her face, landing in her hair, her eye, across her nose, and in her mouth.
“Quickly, get a pic.” She says, being careful not swallow any of my cum or let it drip off her face. I grab her phone and quickly open the camera, snapping a few pics of her cum covered face and then her tits as it drips down onto them.
“They’re perfect, thanks.” She says after swallowing, scrolling through the photos I’d taken.
By the time me and Ellen had finished the bathroom was empty so I let Ellen go in first so she could clean up. Once she’d finished, I entered the hallway and bumped straight into Victoria.
“Hey.” She says in greeting, her eyes moving down my naked body to look at my cock.
“Hey.” I reply, “I was just about to go have a shower. Do you want to join me?” Victoria’s eyes immediately look up as a grin crosses her face. Without a word she grabs my hand and half drags, half leads me into the bathroom. It takes a few seconds for the shower to get up to temperature but as soon as it does we step in. Victoria’s already sexy body looks somehow even more incredible as it glistens under the downpour.
“I love shower sex. It always feels so intimate.” She says, one hand stroking my cock as she leans in and kisses me. As we kiss one of her legs wraps around my waist and I instinctively grab her ass, lifting her into the air as her other leg wraps around me as well. Her sudden weight somewhat unbalances me but as the shower is quite small and compact, I’m able to quickly lean against a wall to support myself. Victoria moans into my ear as I slip my cock inside her. I turn around and pin her up against the wall, giving me a better position to thrust my hips in and out.
“Oh, fuck yes!” She yells as my cock slams in and out of her pussy. Fucking her this way is tiring and I can feel my muscles burning but I don’t stop, not until my cock explodes for a fourth time this morning. I’m mid thrust when I do so my cum floods her stomach, filling her with another huge load.
“Thank you… Thank you.” She gasps as I slowly set her down. I look down and can see my cum trickling down her legs, mixing with the hot water as it spirals down the drain.
Once we’d both caught our breaths, we take turns shampooing each other’s hair and then rubbing down our bodies with shower gel. After that we towel off and head into our rooms to get dressed. Ellen and Faithe had both left whilst we where showering so once I was dressed and packed, I gave both Emma and Victoria kisses goodbye before getting in a taxi waiting to take me to the train station. As I sat down on my train, my phone buzzed with a text message from Ellen to the group.
“Thanks for an amazing weekend.” I read, smiling at the picture of her sat on her train, flashing her tits.
“No, thank you. We should definitely do this again. I had a lot of fun.” I reply. My phone buzzes with several more texts. Heart emojis and agreements to do it again fill my screen as my train begins to pull out of the station.