Chapter of the series- Hope you enjoy. Heavy on the rape and abuse. If that's not for you don't read
Gwen Stacy had been investigating a file she swiped off her father’s desk. Her father being the caption of the police he never would have willingly given Gwen the file. Stacy being a former Oscorp employee knew the evils of the company, and how Harry Osborn had become the green goblin like his father. Although this fact was not public information. Gwen had worked with Spiderman in the past on solving some major cases. She had also dated Peter not knowing the double life he had lived.
Gwen used the file to compare it with old Oscorp file locations she downloaded before she left. “Well I would’ve been fired regardless Harry knew I was snooping around after awhile” she thought. Gwen had been investigating old warehouses that were owned by Oscorp. The location she pulled up to seemed like the perfect location to hide sketchy experimentations. On first glance the warehouse appeared to be owned by another company. Upon doing research she realized this company was a lesser known subsidiary of Oscorp.
Gwen got out of her car and peered at the dilapidated warehouse in front of her. There were no cars in this area. In fact she suspected there wasn’t anyone in a three block radius…. Well anyone who wasn’t up to illicit activities. Gwen stood at 5’3”. She had glowing blonde hair that cascaded down her back. Currently she had it in a high ponytail. Gwen was a petite woman standing at 5’3” with B cup breasts. While she was petite her ass was exceptionally big for her frame and men constantly ogled her. Gwen was wear a white crop top with a black blazer that was open showing a modest amount of cleavage. She wore skinny gray slacks that accentuated the curve of her delicious ass. Gwen had a pair of black high heels on and was wearing a small frame of glasses that were in front of her pale blue eyes. On her hip she had a Glock 9 holstered that she was not afraid to use. She also carried a taser on the other hip.
Gwen approached the building and began pulling open a steel door that was very rusty. It looked pale blue gray in the pale moonlight. The door was 15 feet high or so. The door screeched as she slide it open along its rusty track. She tried to pull slowly as to lessen the sound but to no avail. Gwen stopped pulling the door as there was enough room for here to squeeze in sideways. The door pressed firmly against her round ass as she pushed her body into the warehouse.
The warehouse was dark and there was a blue light flickering in the distance. Gwen was relieved that the loud screeching had not alerted anyone of her entrance. Gwen flicked her phones flashlight on. Looking at her phone she noticed that she no longer had any service. There was no way she would be able to call for backup if needed. “I guess I just have to be careful” she muttered under the breath to herself.
Gwen walked towards the flickering light it was over the entrance to a hallway that went down perhaps 150 feet. Gwen began walking down the hallway. There was a series of doors going down the hallway on the left side. most the room were empty with old rusted materials and rats that scattered when the light shined on them. Gwen was starting to get disappointed until she made it to the end of the hall. The last door had a strange green light illuminating under it. Gwen slowly pushed the door open. She immediately saw tall glass pods that were filled with a glowing green substance. In the containers there were large lizard like creatures perhaps 3-4 feet in length the size of a big dog. They appeared to be dead or unconscious to Gwen. As she walked through the room there were countertops with science equipment and beakers. Gwen noticed large claw markings on some of the tables and smashed equipment. She placed her hand on one of the claw marks and pulled her finger through it. These appeared fresh compared to the spaces where a light dust had settled.
Gwen made it to the end of the room that ended with another door. When she opened it she found what appeared to be a surgery auditorium. Circular in nature with a walkway around the outside. Pale flickering lights illuminated the bottom where….
Oh my god?! Is that Mary Jane on the table. Sprawled out and unconscious. Mary Jane was stark naked. Gwen spotted a rusty ladder and hurried down to Mary Jane. Gwen began to shake Mary Jane.“Mary Jane! Mary Jane wake up we have to get out of here now!” Mary jane’s eyes fluttered but she was clearly not all the way conscious. Mary Jane mumbled “Gwen you shouldn’t be here leave now”
Gwen had been so frantic getting down to help Mary Jane she did not notice a manhole cover in the corner that had been moved to the side leading down into darkness.
Gwen was startled when she heard clanking behind her. She turned and pointed her light in that direction. Immediately unholstering her gun and pointing it in that direction.
The first thing Gwen noticed was the long green snot coming out of the whole. The face of an alligator with glowing red eyes. “SHIT its the fucking Lizard.” Gwen backed up and ran into the side of the auditorium. The Lizard was now fully in the chamber. He scanned the room and his eyes settled on Gwen. “Ahhh an unwelcome intrusion and who might you be?” The lizard stood over 8 feet tall and had a white lab coat that went down its chest.It was ripped and frayed. Clearly meant for a much smaller human man. The lizard had broad shoulders that led into long arms ending in deep black claws. His tail behind him was at least 2 feet long and a foot thick at the top. Down the long tail were ribbed scaled that stuck out in all directions. The tail swung gently behind him. “ Don’t come any closer Lizard what have you done to Mary Jane?” “ Nothing yet nothing yet but you are just in time to join the experiment”the Lizard snarled in a as he began approaching her. Gwen began firing her pistol.The bullets hit the lizard and fell to the ground. The sound echoed loudly in the chamber. “Shit shit shit I have to get out and come back for Mary Jane maybe I can contact Spiderman somehow.” Gwen thought.
The lizard took a large leap and landed between Gwen and ladder knowing she planned to retreat to escape. His giant tail swung back and crashed into the metal ladder breaking it halfway up the broken rusty piece clattered to the ground. “ There will be no escape for you. I need more subjects to test my serum on” the Lizard ominously snarled. At this point Mary Jane was wide awake. She flung herself at the lizard who threw her onto the ground without the slightest of concern. The lizard began approaching Gwen he came close and rested a large clawed hand on her shoulder towering above her. Gwen stepped in knowing this was her only chance and quickly pulled out the taser and pushed it into the lizards chest. The lizard looked highly amused and picked Gwen up by the throat and slammed her onto the Surgery table Mary Jane previously laid upon.
Gwen struggled against the lizard choking her to no avail. “A little help Mary Jane” Gwen gasped. Mary Jane sat up laying on on her left hip hair covering the left half of her face. But her eyes never looked up tears were running down her face. At this point Gwen knew she was in some serious shit and began panicking.
With her other Hand the lizard ripped off Gwen’s Tank top and blazer. Her perky B cup breast were exposed to the empty auditorium. The lizards long tongue moved down and began licking her tits. Covering them in a think oozing slim. Gwen continued to struggle against the Lizard but could feel her small circular pink nipples becoming aroused from the sensation.
The lizard crawled upon the large surgery table while still pinning Gwe. He was now crouched over her with his large snot dripping thick saliva onto Gwens face. Gwen struggled and screamed. Some of the saliva made its way into Gwen’s mouth. It tasted foul. What she could only imagine Raw sewage tasting of. With his arm that was free the lizard ripped off Gwen’s pants. All that was left was a pair of pink cotton undies. The lizard gently used one of his claws to pierce through the fabric and push into Gwen’s unsuspecting pussy.
Gwen could feel the curved black claw now two inches inside of her while it was not deep the claw had immediately began stretching the width of Gwen’s entrance.“ My dad is going to kill you lizard!” Gwen yelled. The lizard only snarled pushing the claw deep into Gwen’s pussy. “UGHFFFPN” Gwen spewed out as the air felt as if it was punched out of her stomach.
The lizard let go of Gwen’s neck but now pinned her down with his body. Gwen swung her face side to side in protest.The lizard’s tongue followed her face.The lizard finally got what he wanted and his tongue pushed deep into Gwen’s mouth. Flicking and curling around her tongue. The lizard used the hand that was choking her to reach down and rip away Gwen’s undies. The lizard then pulled his claw out of her pussy. Gwens pussy made a suckling sound as it was pulled out and her pussy shrunk down its original side. Gwen looked down to see the lizards tail now making its way up her thigh. The nubbed scales scratched as they went up her thigh. “Oh god no! Where the fuck is Mary Jane why isn’t she helping me!” Gwen yelled in her mind mouth still full of the Lizard’s pink tongue.
The Lizard’s tail began mashing into Gwen’s tender pussy. The lizard forced 3-4 inches in and began rhythmically pumping it back and forth. The Lizard snarled and seemed to be highly amused with what he was doing. The scale numbs pushed against the sides of Gwens pussy. Stretching her out in all different directions. The lizard began pushing more and more tail into Gwen’s pussy. The deeper the tail went the thicker the base became. Gwen’s body shook from the relentless assault. Gwen used her arms and tried to push the lizard away but there was nothing she could do. She began pounding on his chest but soon lost energy to fight as her body began responding to the tail fucking. Her legs shot out into the air with each thrust as she grunted out the sides of her mouth. The lizard got in close almost laying on top of Gwen. He pulled his tail out of her pussy. The Lizard Then repositioned his body and thrust his cock into Gwens pussy. It was just as scaly and numbed as his tail, but much thicker. The Lizard immediately pushed 6 inches into Gwen’s tiny pink pussy. She was being stretched to the max. All she could do was wrap her arms around the lizards back as he began plummeting his cock into Gwen hard and fast over and over. “ uggh uggh fuggggh oh god oh fggggnnnah please stop” Gwen puffed out these words during the assault. The lizard was using Gwen as his rag doll her reached his arms down and pulled her legs up and around his low back as he slammed into her. The Lizard pushed all the way in and kept pushing. Gwen raised her head above the lizards right shoulder as she was wrapped around him. She cried out in agony as the lizard forced 4 more inches into her pussy.
At this point Gwen wanted the disgusting monster fuck to be over. She needed to escape on her own. The thought of her dad or anyone else finding her in this position ashamed her. The lizard began slamming into her extremely hard and at a slower pace to force every inch of his large nubbed cock deep inside Gwen’s destroyed twat. Gwen let out a loud “unnngh” with each slam of the lizard’s massive penis. The lizard increased his speed rapidly as he fucked Gwen senseless. He pushed his body up rested his large clawed hands on each size of her shoulders. Gwen could feel the Lizards cock expanding. With each thrust a massive ball shape moved down Gwen’s pussy stretching her past her breaking point. Gwen realized what was going to happen when the large ball reached the head of the Lizard’s penis. In her horrified state she did not want the giant reptilian to spew his load inside her, but she also knew the quickest way to end her suffering. In an instant Gwen made up her mind and began thrusting hard back into the Lizard. The lizard felt what she was doing and said “Ah here comes the filthy slut she is a willing participant in my experiment. The first experiment is almost over.” The words first experiment vibrated through Gwen. Oh god no. First experiment? How much more twisted and perverse pain must she be put through? Gwen was sobbing but still kept thrusting back into the lizard. Ayhhhhh she screamed as her pussy erupted into a giant orgasm. The lizard could feel her pussy spasming around his massive cock. This was enough to push the lizard over the edge. He blasted with ferocious might into Gwen lifted his head he let out a loud roar that reverberated off the walls of the surgical auditorium. The lizards cum shot into Gwen like a high speed base ball. A large hot ball slamming into the deepest depths of her. Gwen screamed as the Lizard roared. She shook as her orgasm continued. The hot cum began flowing out of Gwen as he pulled his cock out of her and got off the table. Gwen lay on the table dazed when she finally could control her breathing she lifted her head weakly and saw bright green goo pouring out of her below.So much that it was pouring off the end of the surgical table.
It was at this time the lizard dragged a struggling Mary Jane by her nape and pushed onto the table. “ suck my cum from her pussy you filthy ravaged whore. Lets see your Spiderman love you now” Mary Jane made a wimpy movement but did not do as she was told. The Lizards tail spun and slapped the side of Mary Janes face. She yelped as her cheek immediately reddened
Gwen knew she needed to take control of the situation. “Mary Jane its fine suck my pussy so we can make it through this.” Encouraged by Gwen Mary Jane began sucking the the green ooze from Gwen’s stretched out pussy. Mary Jane sucked and swallowed. Her tongue went up and down Gwens small pussy lips circling her clit. Mary Jane put her mouth on Gwen’s clit and began sucking with vigor. While Gwen was disgusted with the situation this was a welcome reprieve from the primal fucking she had experienced. Gwen arched her back and let the waves of pleasure rush through her body. She could feel another orgasm building . Mary Jane used her teeth to gently bite down on Gwen’s clit and flick it with her tongue. Gwen thought “she must have used this move before it felt so fucking wonderful.” Gwen involuntarily shook and her head rolled back as she exclaimed loudly as another huge orgasm shook her body.
It was at this time the lizard crawled back onto the large table and positioned himself behind Mary Jane who immediately looked up with fear in her eyes at the lizard behind her. The lizard Grabbed Mary Jane’s head and forced it back into Gwens muff. He pulled her legs up and open wide positioning behind her. The lizard slammed his gargantuan cock into Mary Jane’s pussy. With the state of her used whole It slid in relatively easily except that the nubs on his cock pushed out stretching Mary Jane’s pussy walls. Mary Jane began exclaiming “ Ugh Ugh Ugh” as the lizard pumped into her. He still forced her head into Gwen’s pussy. Mary Jane continued to suck Gwen’s pussy as best as she could while she was fucked with no mercy from behind.
Gwen had multiple orgasms as Mary Jane sucked her sticky pussy and she watched the lizard fuck her hard. “Oh god why is this turning me on” Gwen thought. She immediately felt disgust and shame but could do nothing about her current situation. The lizard continued pounding into Mary Jane for ten to fifteen minutes. At this time he lifted Mary Jane up into the air with his massive arms and began ramming her up and down on his giant pole. Gwen could only look up at the onslaught as Mary Jane’s leg dangled on either side of the massive cock as she was thrust up and down upon it. Gwen couldn’t believe how stretched out Mary Jane’s pussy was from this angle. The lizard was stuffing so much more into Mary Jane that she could have taken. On each pull up Gwen could the the trail of white pussy juice running down the Lizard's cock. She watched as Mary Jane’s massive D cup tits bounced up and down rapidly in the air. Going up then slamming down into her flat taut stomach. Mary Jane’s head laid back and her hair danced and shook around her. She was looking up and her mouth was ajar eyes rolling back. “Jesus Christ was she drooling. Maybe she is a little slut” Gwen thought. Gwen could see the massive ball moving up the lizard’s cock. With Each thrust he lifted Mary Jane all the way off his cock then slammed her down further and further. Finally the Lizard lifted up and with one final heavy motion slammed Mary Jane down harder than he had before. Both of her legs slammed into the table. It now looked like Mary Jane was standing on the lizards cock inpaled all the way up the middle. Green ooze dripped out of Mary Jane her head hanging down and defeated as the lizard pulled her off of his massive cock and laid her on the table. “Now its your turn to ingest my seed.”Gwen crawled to Mary Jane and immediately began gently sucking on her clit. As painful as that appeared Gwen decided Mary Jane needed some tender sucking to help soothe the pain. Gwen lightly blew on Mary Jane’s abused pussy. She delicately traced her lips and clit with her cum. Then Gwen began lapping up and swallowing the green ooze. She choked it down as the hot ooze tasted as the lizards saliva did, but also incredibly salty. Mary Janes legs began to twitch and vibrate and Gwen felt Mary Jane squirt into her willing mouth as she came.
The Lizard was behind the women stroking his massive cock back to its hardest state. In his hand he had a remote and hit a button. Gwen hard heard some noises coming from the distance above but was preoccupied with pleasing Mary Jane that was until she felt something behind her beginning to thrust into her now gaping love tunnel. Gwen turned her head and eyes slightly to see that the creatures that were in Large glass tubes upstairs had now been released. There was 4-5 lizards that had jumped into the bottom of the auditorium with them. The Lizard shrieked and was clearly communicating with the group of smaller lizards. Two of the lizards pulled Mary Jane off the Surgery table onto the floor Gwen could not see what was happening but could her the wet plops of Mary Jane being fucked. Gwen had here own issues as the lizard behind her began his assault. His dick was not as big but still very much ribbed. He began slamming his four inch cock into Gwen repeatedly. Gwen tried to push herself up as this lizard was not big enough to control her, The Lizard slapped her hard across the face. Gwen was now seeing stars and dazed as the smaller lizard continued in his depravity. When the stars faded Gwen’s wet pussy was squelching and in heat. She moaned loudly as she began having an orgasm. The thought of being fucked senseless by these creatures was beginning to turn her on. She was in this situation she thought might as well try to enjoy herself. Gwen immediately questioned the thought with disgust. Am I already being slutted out like Mary Jane?
Down below on the floor one lizard had pushed itself below Mary Jane and the other positioned itself behind her. Both lizard pushed their hard dicks into Mary Jane’s ass and pussy. Mary Jane began moaning and pushed her body to allow the assault to commence. She thrust her mouth onto the lizards mouth below her. Forcing her tongue into its mouth. Their tongues swirled as the lizard watched his pet’s dominate the helpless women. He watched proudly as a one of the remaining lizards had positioned itself in front of Gwen and began fucking her face. Gwen instinctively began slurping the cock. Running her tongue around the tip and slobbering on the cock.
The Lizards on the floor began screeching and their balls of semen moved up their cocks. Mary Jane began humping into both lizards fiercely. She lifted her mouth off the lizard and Moaned out loudly as they all orgasmed together.
Gwen too felt the large bulb in the penis’s of the smaller lizard she sucked hard and felt the explosion in her mouth shooting the green goo down her throat and into her stomach. The Lizard behind her also shot his huge ball of cum into Gwen’s pussy. This caused Gwen to have another fierce orgasm.
While the assault continued high above watching through a skylight was a cat dressed woman. Her hand was on her clit stroking vigorously. As she came. Her fluids dripped onto the sky light. After a minute or two coming down from the orgasm the cat dressed women zipped up the front of her tight black leather body suit. She ran across the roof of the building and hopped to the next building jumping and spiraling off into the night.