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This story is a work of fiction, and all characters are 18 and over. This is the second installment of a series, and builds upon what happened in the first one. Reading the first part is recommended but not required.

Thanks for reading
Jake woke up refreshed. He was still naked from the previous night. Groggy from sleeping in, he turned to see May still asleep on the other twin bed. Her lower half was partially covered with a blanket but her D-cup breasts were exposed for Jake to admire. They were round, and perky despite their size. Her large pink areolas surrounded two perfect nipples. Jake focused on the small mole on her left breast, the one that made him feel like he was in on a very intimate secret. She stirred, bringing Jake back to his senses. Even if they had cum in front of each other the night before, that didn’t mean she would be comfortable with his staring. He got dressed quickly, tucking his morning wood inside his shorts and headed for the bathroom. He had promised to be a gentleman and he intended to be one.

In the bathroom, Jake freed his 6.5in cock from its fabric prison and bent over to pee despite his erection. He was contemplating jacking off when a knock interrupted his thoughts.

“Come out, some of us need to pee.” It was Sophie’s voice

“Just a minute,” replied Jake, tucking his deflating dick inside his underwear once more and flushing the toilet.

“Aren’t you gonna wash your hands?” Asked Sophie when he opened the door. She was only wearing a t-shirt and panties. The same white see-through ones from the night before. Jake could still make out her landing strip. The nipples on her B-cups were poking through the thin t-shirt making it obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“I can wash in the kitchen sink, I thought you were in a rush, but if you’d rather I take my time,” said Jake standing in the way so he could keep staring at Sophie’s tight body.

“Move!” she said, shoving him to the side. She ran into the bathroom and slammed the door in Jake’s face. He smiled and headed to the kitchen.

“Help me make some pancakes,” said Anna, when he walked in. She was wearing her pajamas with short shorts and a t-shirt and was opening every cabinet door in search of a pan.

“Here,” said Jake, handing her one. He couldn’t stop staring at her as she turned on the stove and started working on breakfast. Images of her face and body as she came flashed through Jake’s mind. The sound of her moaning echoed in his ears and all he could think about was the memory of her pumping fingers going in and out of her swollen pussy.

“Stop it,” she said playfully.


“Stop picturing me masturbating.”

“But I wasn’t…”

“Of course you were,” she insisted, “and I’m already self conscious about doing it in front of you all. Please stop.”

“I did it too.”

“But only for a minute, it’s not the same. Just let it go, please.”

“Fine, Peter and Eric not up yet?” He said trying to change the subject.

“No, I wouldn’t be up either if Sophie could exist without making enough noise to wake the whole neighborhood.”

“Sounds like her,” said Jake and started to help with breakfast. The rest of his friends joined them one by one. Soon the cabin was buzzing with jokes and laughter, with good natured teasing and boasting. They had gotten past the awkwardness caused the previous night and had gone back to their normal selves.

They decided to go hiking and spent all day outside, exploring the mountains around the cabin and the sights they offered. Shortly before dinner time, they all walked back exhausted and begging for a shower. Anna and Peter went first and were tasked to drive down to the closest town and get some food, since no one wanted to cook. They came back with two large pizzas and everyone ate until they were full.

“What’s this,” asked May, when she was helping clean up.

“That is for tonight’s game,” said Anna with a wicked look in her eyes.

“More poker?” asked Peter.

“No, we are too tired for a competitive game tonight,” replied Anna. “This is a simpler game, just for us to help each other unwind and relax.”

“And we need a bottle of cheap-ass whiskey for that?” asked Jake, pulling the bottle out of May’s hands.

“Yes and no,” said Anna. “I’ll explain after I get the dice,” she added and went to her room.

“Are we playing dice now?” asked Eric, without expecting an answer.

Anna came back with two dice one red and one white. “There’s six of us, so each one will get a number. We’ll take turns rolling the dice. Before rolling, the roller will say something like: ‘red gives white a 5 minute foot massage.’ And if the white die has my number and the red one has Peter’s, then he’ll give me a foot massage for five minutes. As I said, there are no winners or losers, just relaxing together,” she explained.

“You still haven’t explained the bottle,” said Jake apprehensively.

“If the dice ask you to do something you don’t want, like rubbing Peter’s stinky feet…”

“Hey I just showered,” interrupted Peter.

“As I was saying,” continued Anna, raising her voice above Peter’s. “If you get something you don’t want to do, you can take a shot, and that goes for both the red and the white die. Like if you know Sophie gives terrible massages you can skip that one too. You can also call it a night anytime you want.”

“So who’s what number,” asked May.

“I’ll be one,” said Anna, “Sophie can be 2 and you’d be 3.”

“I’ll be 4,” said Peter, “Eric 5 and Jake 6. Sounds good?” His friends nodded.

“Ok I’ll roll first. Red will give a 3min foot rub to white,” said Anna rolling the dice. They landed on 1 and 5. “Nice, I get a nice massage from Eric.” She was already barefoot so she just placed her feet on the couch, Eric walked over and after setting the timer he started to rub Anna’s feet with his strong hands. Every stroke of his hands made her relax a little more, she closed her eyes and let him do his thing. When the alarm beeped, she let out a moan that immediately reminded everyone of her orgasm the night before. She blushed a little, as did Eric.

“My turn,” squad Sophie rolling the dice. “White will massage red’s shoulders and neck for 3min.” The dice had a 5 and 6.

“Oh no I wanted that massage,” said Sophie.

“And I get it,” said Eric with a grin.

“This is so unfair, he has the most neck and shoulders out of all of us and it’s my job to do it,” said Peter and everyone laughed. But he stood up behind Eric rubbing his shoulders and neck for three minutes. Peter’s finger dug deeply into Eric’s stiff and strong muscles. Eric had his eyes closed the whole time, enjoying the pressure his friend was providing.

“Thank you,” Eric said when the alarm beeped, looking deep into Peter’s eyes.

“Sure,” said Peter as he sat back down.

“My turn,” said May. “My calves are killing me from all those steep hills, so red will massage white’s calves for 3min.” She rolled a 2 and a 6.

“Come on Sophie, my calves hurt too,” said Jake.

“I’ll take the shot, thank you very much,” she replied.

“Come on,” protested Jake.

“The rules allow it,” she countered, and everyone else groaned as she pulled that excuse for the second night in a row. In the midst of all the protesting Sophie took the shot of the whiskey. “Oh my god that’s disgusting.”

“You deserve worse,” said Jake. “I’m hurt you'd rather drink that filth than touch me.” He said that jokingly, but his brain started plotting revenge.

“Ok, if you’d rather be drunk than be nice… red will give white a lap dance,” said Peter defending his best friend.

“Hey not fair,” said Sophie.

“The rules allow it,” Jake said imitating Sophie. “And with your bad Karma it’s gonna be you and I again.”

Peter rolled the white dice and it was a 6, but the red one was a 1 instead of the 2 they had been hoping for. Anna stood up immediately.

“Another shot?” questioned Jake. Anna didn’t answer but reached for her phone and started playing some sultry song on it. She grabbed Jake by the hand, sat him down on the couch during the intro rap. When the singing started, Anna began grinding her well formed ass against his lap. The four thin layers of clothes that separated their bodies were not enough to hide her warmth or the shape of her curves, so Jake’s blood started flowing down to his groin.

As his cock swelled, Jake tried to adjust his position. However Anna’s grinding had him pinned down and there was no way he could move without ramming his dick into her ass. She had to be feeling his erection, but she didn’t stop grinding.

About halfway through the song, when another rap section started, Anna turned around and put her legs to the sides of Jake’s hips. She climbed on his lap, facing forward. Her C-cup tits were in his face, close enough for him to smell her sweat. Her hips were moving forward and back against his cock. It wasn’t her ass that was hugging his dick anymore, it had to be her pussy. She was effectively dry humping him to the rhythm of the song, and in front of their friends. His cock was pulsing and throbbing for the last minute of the song.When it ended Anna stood up, pointed at the tent in his pants and said: “that’s the mark of a job well done.”

Feeling the color raise to his cheeks Jake replied: “nothing you haven’t seen before.” He took a deep breath and tucked his dick in the waistband of his boxers as he went back to where he was sitting before the lap dance.

“My turn,” said Eric. “White will give red a full back massage.” He rolled a 2 and 3, that meant Sophie had to massage May.

“I’ll prove to you I’m nice too,” said Sophie. “Full back massage?” May nodded.

“Take off your shirt then.” May took it off as commanded, her D-cups were held by a purple bra with some lace. The sight made Jake’s already hard dick slip past the waistband and jump to attention.

“Lay down on the couch,” said Sophie, and May complied. Sophie moved May’s long hair out of the way and unhooked her friend's bra, sliding it off her friend’s back and shoulders. She also pulled May’s fluffy pants and matching purple panties halfway down her friend's butt, revealing the top of her crack. Then Sophie climbed on top of May’s legs and started rubbing her friend’s back from buttocks to shoulder and back down. She put her weight into it and leaned on the tight knots of Mays back and shoulders. May let her breath out in long deep exhalations as her friend worked on her tired muscles. When Sophie was done, she clasped May's bra back on and pulled her pajama pants back into place.

“Thanks,” said May, sitting back up.

“I told you I’d play nice too,” said Sophie.

“Not with the guys you won’t,” claimed Jake. He was still turned on from the lap dance and the sight of May’s naked back and butt had done nothing to tamper his eagerness. “For my turn, white will kiss red’s chest and neck for 3 minutes.” He rolled the dice and Peter and Sophie’s numbers came up.

“Will you take off your shirt,” Peter asked.

“Ok, but I’m keeping my bra on,” she replied and she did. Her bra was black and made of lace with low cups that barely rose high enough to cover her nipples. Peter went over to her and caressed her curly hair out of the way before planting a swift kiss just below her ear. He nuzzled his way down her neck toward her shoulder with tiny kisses where his lips barely touched her skin. Sophie got goosebumps as Peter repeated the same pattern on her other side, then he kissed around her neck following the shape of an imaginary necklace. He started planting deeper kisses on his way back up from her clavicle to her chin. Sophie stretched her neck and arched her back, tensing her tight belly and legs. She was clearly enjoying Peter’s touch.

Emboldened, Peter kissed her just below her chin, and started teasing his way down the midline of her body with the very tip of his tongue. When he reached the spot between her breasts, he kissed her, making a smooching sound. She dug her nails into the couch and exhaled with a barely audible moan. He kept kissing around the edge of her bra softly and tenderly, first on her left tit and then on her right before planting another deep kiss in the curve just above her clavicle. Her hands went up to squeeze her B-cups as if by instinct as Peter planted another kiss just below her jawline. The alarm rang announcing their 3 min were up.

“Red will kiss and suck on white nipples,” said Anna before Sophie even had a chance to put her pajama top back on. The shape of Anna’s nipples was very noticeable through her t-shirt, proving two things: one that she never wore a bra to sleep like she had claimed the day before and two that she wanted white to land on 1. It didn’t, it landed on 5 while red landed on 4.

Peter took his t-shirt off eagerly and Eric got near his roommate. The muscular blonde placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder and the other on his side, just below his ribs. He enriched Peter’s nipple with his lips and kissed. He kissed again and again. Pulling back, he let his tongue circle the puckered nipple. Peter had closed his eyes and was focused to the sensation of his friend’s mouth on his chest. He stretched his neck as he took a deep breath.

Eric lowered his hands so he was now holding his roomate by the sides of Peter’s abdomen. Eric shifted his attention to the other nipple, flipping it with his tongue twice then circling around it with circles that got bigger and bigger until his lips sealed around it. Eric sucked with sloppy noises and Peter sighed and he ran his fingers through Eric’s shirt blond hair. Eric teased the nipple with his teeth, nibbling lightly then pulling. He swiftly went back to the other nipple and repeated his ministrations. After two more flicks with the top of his tongue, Eric sucked softly, only to be interrupted by the alarm.

He separated his mouth from his roommate’s chest but his hand remained in place as they looked into each other’s eyes. Both had throbbing erections, Peter’s 5.5in cock was making a tent in his shorts while Eric’s 9in monster had peeked from the leg of his loose fitting shorts and pulled it up as he got hard. It was almost completely out of his shorts making it clear that Eric liked to go to bed with no underwear on. He tried to find a position that hid his raging manhood better, but failed, leaving it as his own very revealing tent.

“Can we repeat rolls?” asked Sophie.

“No rule against it,”replied Anna, whose nipples were now threatening to cut through her t-shirt.

“White will fondle and suck and kiss red’s chest and nipples,” said Sophie and she rolled a 1 and a 3.

Anna pulled her shirt up revealing her C-cup boobs. Her dark areolas that contrasted beautifully with her olive skin. May made the younger girl lie down on the couch and she cupped her breast and kissed firmly between them. She kept kissing the space between her perky tits while pinching the nipples. Anna’s dark areolas pucker up.

May kissed down and around the curve of Anna’s right breast, and freed the nipple from her fingers only to swallow it. She was rhythmically sucking on Anna’s right nipple, pinching and flicking the left one, and caressing the soft skin between breast and clavicle with her free hand. She opened her mouth releasing the pressure and used her tongue to flick the nipple so fast it became a blur.

Then May kissed the nipple sweetly and blew a steady stream of air on it causing it to contract again. She held it tight between thumb and forefinger and kissed her way to the other side. She repeated the pattern: sucking, flicking, kissing, blowing. Anna let out a low grunt that made Jake’s cock jump inside his boxers. May’s hands were now caressing Anna’s sternum and around her boobs. She made a star around Anna’s areolas before slowly closing her hands and tracing 5 paths toward the point of each tit. The alarm rang and May planted one quick kiss on each nipple before stepping away.

“Damn,” said Jake

“That was my line,” said Anna, short of breath. She didn’t put her pajama top back on, leaving her breasts and puckered nipples out in the open.

“Thanks,” said May, smiling. “I haven’t given up on massages. So for my roll white will give red a lower half massage. Legs, butt, everything below the belt is included.” The white die landed on a 2 and the red one on a 6. Jake expected Sophie to take another shot, refusing to massage his legs for a second time, instead she asked him to lay on the couch face down.

Sophie pulled on the sides of Jake’s shorts and boxers trying to get them off, but they got stuck on his hard dick. She tugged a few times before asking for help. Jake chuckled, reached down to free his cock and then raised his butt just enough for her to slide everything off. He was naked from the waist down and very aware that his but was on full display. His newly found turn-on of being watched took hold of his system sending another throb to his already hard dick.

Sophie climbed on top of his back, straddling his body with her legs and reached down to begin the massage with his feet. She rubbed his soles, exerting deep pressure on the arch and pulling the toes. She repeated it on both sides before moving to his calves. She put their weight behind the long strokes along his tired muscles. Every stroke caused her tight butt to bounce on his back.

When she finished with the calves, Sophie turned her efforts to Jake’s thighs. She focused on relaxing the muscles, with pressure and stroking, but Jake’s attention was not on that. His attention was on how far her fingers would reach with every movement. She was reaching into the space between his legs, lightly stroking his groin, moving so close to his ballsack that it tingled and retracted.

She then moved on to his butt. She massaged it vigorously, pushing her fingers deep into the muscle. Every stroke made Jake’s hard dick press against the couch as he wondered what would come next. Meanwhile Sophie was massaging his buttcheeks in circles, exposing his asshole with every turn.

“You said everything below the belt right?” asked Sophie. May nodded, sending Sophie back to work.

She pushed his buttcheeks to the sides exposing his asshole once again. She held them there with her left hand while her right hand traced the edge of his puckered hole. Jake gave an involuntary shiver as Sophie applied some pressure with her thumb on his sphincter, she moved her finger in circles and he held his breath. She moved further down, using her hands to separate Jake’s legs and pulling at his hip. She put both her thumbs on his perineum and pushed toward his balls slowly, stopping just before hitting his scrotum and starting up again.

“Turn around now,” she said, patting his buttcheek.

She stepped off so he could follow her order. He did as he was told, exposing his throbbing dick. All eyes were on the thick vein at the top of his shaft and the twitching of his dick. She climbed back on top, immobilizing his arms with her legs and placing her petite body on his chest.

She returned to the massage right away, sending her hands on his thighs again. She was applying pressure and stroking like she had on his back. Every time she reached down toward his knees, the top of his cock rubbed against her loosely hanging t-shirt. After finishing with his thighs, Sophie pulled Jake’s hips up and legs aside pushing his dick toward his belly and exposed his balls for all to admire. She massaged around the ballsack, starting at his taint and pulling her hands to the sides along his groin. She pushed his hips back down and let his dick bounce back.

With nothing else left to touch, it was time for Sophie to turn her attention to Jake’s cock and balls. She scooched her butt toward Jake’s face and laid flat against his torso so her face was only inches from his exposed dick and its throbbing vein. She took a few seconds to look at it closely while she massaged the area where Jake’s trimmed pubes made a circle around his cock. While she paused, Jake breathed deeply. Sophie’s pussy was only inches away from his face. The pussy he had fantasized about fucking countless times over the past few years. The one he had seen for the first time only yesterday. It was so close he could smell her juices even through two layers of fabric. His dick twitched and almost as if that had been the signal Sophie was waiting for, she grabbed his cock..

She held his dick in place with her left hand while she cupped her balls with her right. She moved his balls around and then pulled on the ballsack lightly, extending it as far as it would go without hurting. She then rolled each one between her index finger and thumb. Sophie let go of Jake’s dick making it bounce again and gave one final squeeze to his balls before focusing her attention on the main event.

She held the base of his dick with her left hand making an O with her thumb and index and cupping his balls with the remaining fingers. It was exactly the position Jake’s hand had adopted when he had masturbated in front of everyone the day before. His dick twitched again. Sophie’s right index traced the shape of his bulging vein on its way to his cock head. When it got there, her finger circled around the edge of his head before closing her whole hand around it. Jake’s bulbous cock was turning red as Sophie stroked his frenulum with her middle and ring fingers while holding his head in place against her palm. A drop of pre-cum leaked when she moved her hand to the shaft, pumping twice. She let go of both hands only to press both her thumbs on his throbbing vein and gently but firmly pushing up toward the tip of his manhood.

“There,” Sophie said, giving one final tug to Jake’s swollen cock. “A full lower half massage. No more saying I don’t play nice.” She stood up quickly, releasing him from the hold she’d have on his arms.

“I wouldn’t dare say it. Not after that,” said Jake sitting up and out of breath.

“Good,” sentenced Sophie with a smile. Jake decided not to put his shirt or boxers back on. They had all been staring at his dick for some time and it turned him, so he just pushed his clothes to the side and went back to his spot.

“It’s my turn and I want to see some more of that,” said Peter. “So my task is for this one,” he thestrically held up the white die, “to jack off this one,” this one he held the red one.

“Jack off?” Asked Anna.

“Or Jill or whatever, masturbate if you please,” replied Peter. “Drumroll.”

He rolled the white one and it was a two, Sophie’s number.

“Wait, don’t roll the other! I’ll drink, I need a break. And I don’t want people to claim it’s because I’m not nice.” She took a shot of the terrible whiskey, shrugged and sat back down.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” said Jake

“Yeah whatever,” she replied.

“Ok, I wanted more show, but fair is fair,” said Peter passing the dice to Eric.

“I don’t want you to be disappointed so I’ll repeat the task, just a reroll.” White landed on 1 and red on 2.”

“She’s my cousin, no way,” said Anna, taking a shot.

“Will the third time be the charm?” Said Jake rolling again. He rolled a white 5 and a red 4 meaning Peter had to jack Eric off.

“Karma,” said Sophie, “drink up.”

“Nah,” said Peter. “Drop them shorts,” he said looking at Eric, who immediately obliged. His hairless 9in monster cock immediately became the center of attention.

Peter directed Eric to sit back down as he knelt between his roommate’s legs. His left hand closed around Eric’s shaft, holding it in place, while his right hand grabbed the head and moved in circles. A few seconds later, Peter’s left hand slid down to the base of Eric’s dick holding it in place. His right hand went down and stroked Eric’s balls a few times before wrapping around his hard shaft. He stroked up and down slowly, with his thumb parallel to the shape of Eric’s dick. Every time Peter’s hand reached the tip of his friend’s cock, the thumb would caress the frenulum and slide back down.

Eric had closed his eyes and thrown his head back, enjoying his roommate’s touch. He had relaxed his strong shoulders and arms, but his abs and thighs were tightly wound, as Peter pumped up and down increasing the pace with every second. He moved his left hand to Eric’s balls and closed his index and thumb tightly just where the ballsack met the body. Eric grunted. Peter tightened his grip and pulled, causing Eric to grunt again. In the meantime, Peter’s right hand was becoming a blur. He let go suddenly, and Eric exhaled slowly, tensing up all the well toned muscles in his body. When Eric drew breath again, Peter tenderly caressed the circumcision scar on Eric’s dick. With another one of Eric’s deep breaths, Peter traced to the edge of Eric’s cock head with his fingers.

Eric relaxed his arms and shoulders again, and as if on queue, Peter wrapped both hands around his roommate’s cock. It was long enough for Peter to use both fists and still leave the cock head uncovered. He moved his hands in concert, up and down as if they were a single thing. There was no buildup this time, just speed right from the start. Eric’s balls tightened and his cockhead started to swell even more. His breathing was getting shallow and once again Peter stopped.

He moved his hands away, using the tip of his fingers to gently tease Eric’s groin, perineum and balls, never putting any pressure, just barely touching. He then lay his hands in the flat space between Eric’s belly button and cock, extracting another grunt. All around, the group watched, mesmerized by the spectacle Peter and Eric were making for them. Anna had her hands on her exposed tits, rubbing and pinching her nipples. Jake had grabbed his own cock so tight the head was turning red. Sophie was staring with her mouth open and her fingers digging deep into the couch cushions. May had a hand between her legs, which had closed so tightly they would have cracked a nut.

When Eric’s breathing came back to normal, Peter resumed his chore. He wrapped both hands astound his roommate's shaft but he didn’t move fast this time. He moved slowly, turning his hands around at the same time as they moved up and down. It was slow and methodical, a set rhythm that never wavered, up and down and moving around. It wasn’t long before Eric was tensing up again. Peter tightened his grip and moved his hands up slowly, making Eric’s cock red with blood. A large drop of pre-cum formed at the tip of the 9in manhood. Peter let go, picked up the drop with his index finger and smeared it on his friend’s muscular abs.

“That’s enough for now,” he said standing up and he made his way back to his seat. Everyone was silent, and the only sound in the room we’d heavy breathing.

“My turn,” said Anna. “That’s gonna be hard to top, but maybe… Red will masturbate white, without using their hands.” She flashed a wicked smile and rolled a pair of sixes.

“Well I can’t do that one, pass the bottle,” said Jake.

“Feet, mouth, something else?” asked Anna.

“Only Eric can do that trick. Nah, I’ll just drink.” He replied and took the shot.

“You guys kept the same one until it stuck, so I’ll do the same roll,” said Sophie and rolled a 4 and 5, which meant Eric had to pay Peter back, but with no hands. Eric smiled, he was still naked and with a throbbing erection.

“Come on, take them off,” Eric said. Complying, Peter removed his t-shirt, shorts and light blue briefs, exposing his uncut dick. To everyone’s surprise, he no longer had an untamed bush around his cock, but had trimmed the top part and shaved his balls.

“I got self conscious since I was the only one with a bush,” he said awkwardly.

“Good, it’ll make this easier for me,” replied Eric, directing his roommate to sit back on his chair. He separated Peter’s legs and sat between them. Eric reached apurnd Peter’s legs and grabbed his hips with his strong hands. “No hands,” he said, and he dove into Peter’s crotch.

He started with a quick peck at the bottom of Peter’s balls and then used his tongue to trace the midline of his sack toward his hard dick. Before reaching the shaft, he pushed his tongue to the right carefully going back down and around to cover the whole area with spit. He planted a few sloppy kisses on each ball and then swallowed one sucking on it. He let go with a plop and reached for the other sucking it in and closing his mouth around it. Peter moaned quietly, still trying to keep his wits. His thick cock twitched.

Eric let his friend's ball go, and shifted his attention to Peter’s shaft. He licked it from the bottom to the tip and back down three times. He then licked the tip of Peter’s foreskin, pushing his tongue inside trying to reach the head. Peter’s whole body twitched.

“That won’t do,” whispered Eric, and he wrapped his lips around Peter’s cock and pushed them down toward his friend's body. He did it twice, then once more before letting go. “There, much better,” he added, looking at his roommate’s exposed head. It was pink, shiny and very sensitive. Eric blew on it softly and that was enough for it to throb involuntarily.

Eric’s tongue went back to work, circling the edge of the head, tracing its shape and licking the frenulum. He closed his lips around it and sucked, pulling back with another plop. Peter’s breathing was shallow, but he had not shifted his eyes away from what Eric was doing. Eric looked up to meet his roommate’seyes with a mischievous smile and then got to work. He deepthroated Peter’s 5.5in cock in a single swoop. Peter’s body jumped of its own accord when Eric’s upper lip met his newly trimmed pubes.

The muscular blonde kept going up and down, up and down, always swallowing Peter’s full length. He hadn’t let go of his roommate’s hips, and he used the leverage to try to go deeper and deeper with each thrust of his head. Peter threw back his head, and grabbed Eric’s blond hair for support as he almost convulsed from the attention. But as swiftly as Eric had begun, he let go.

“Should we take this to our room?” He asked a breathless Peter, who nodded. Eric stood up and grabbed him by the hand to the room they shared. The other four friends watched in silence as the two swollen members disappeared behind a closed door.

“I thought he was gonna cum,” said Anna.

“Me too,” said Jake. “Should we keep playing?”

“How?” Asked Sophie.

“We can re-roll the fives, and for the 4s we can let the other person choose. What do you think?” replied Jake. The girls nodded.

“It was my turn,” said May. “How about Red kisses White's clit or dick for 1 minute.” She rolled a white 1 and a red 5.

“Reroll,” said Anna eager to get some attention. May rolled the red die again, which landed on a 2.

“Not with my cousin,” said Sophie and took a shot before anyone had a chance to say anything else.

“Oh come on, can we just reroll the red one again,” said Anna.

“Fine by me. May?” said Jake and May rolled a red 6, Jake’s number.

Anna laid back on the couch and lifted her ass to remove her pajama shorts and panties. She was fully naked now, and very clearly turned on. Her nipples were fully erect and her clit was clearly visible between the shiny folds of her pussy. Jake got closer and she rested her legs on his shoulders.

Her smell filled his nostrils and took hold of his mind. Jake had always liked to eat pussy, it was one of his favorite things to do with a girl. But he was only supposed to kiss her clit, not eat her out. So he planted a quick peck just above the swollen nub, then another to its side and another and another. He covered the area with swift kisses. He tasted her on his lips, and her mixture of acid and salty with a little sweetness was infatuating.

Without a moment to waste, he closed his lips around her clit, hood and all, and started sucking. He opened and closed his mouth applying pressure to the top then to the sides. Anna moaned loudly and dug her fingers in Jake’s hair, pulling his face further into her crotch. He responded by flicking her clit with his tongue, lightly at first then faster and faster. He licked it, pushing it around in unpredictable patterns.

He sucked on her clit again, pulling it into his mouth and very gently held it between his teeth. She jerked her body upward, and he let go still sucking.

“No, keep going,” she said between shallow breaths. But as if on queue the alarm sounded marking the end of the one minute May had given her. Anna groaned as she let Jake let go.

“Why just a minute, May, why?” asked Anna frustrated. “But it’s my turn and I’ll have red make white cum. And red will only stop after white finishes cumming and is totally spent.” She rolled a white 3 for May and a red 4.

“I choose Jake,” said May blushing,” that’s if you are not too tired.”

“Never,” said Jake with a smile. Anna groaned again, she wanted to be white, not reward May.

May removed all her clothes including the matching purple panties and bra and stood fully naked in front of Jake. He had seen her naked the night before, and even seen her masturbate until cumming but he still took a few seconds to look at her. He saw her large breasts with pink, wide nipples, her sexy mole on her left breast. He saw her pale skin, covered in goosebumps as she adjusted to being naked. He got close to her hairless crotch and caught the smell of her juices, different from Anna’s but just as alluring. His cock jumped, harder then ever.

He pushed her back to the couch where she adopted the same laid back position Anna had had just moments before. He looked into May’s eyes with a smile.

“Are you ready?” He asked, and she responded with a nod. She closed her eyes and raised her hips, expecting Jake to repeat what he had done to Anna, but he had other plans. He kissed her neck, and ran his fingers along the shape of her clavicles. His hands shifted down tracing the edges of her body, her arms, her sides, her hips, her legs as he continued to kiss her neck. His thumbs outlined the share of her breasts, and the circumference of her pale pink areolas. She let out a sigh stretching her neck.

Jake nibbled her earlobe as he placed a finger at the bottom of her chin. He slid it down her neck and chest, caressing the space between her breasts. He slid it further down over the flatness of her tummy and past her belly button. He kept going down and when it got to May’s pubic mound she took a deep breath. But Jake did not touch her slit, his finger and thumb traced the sides of her labia as his hand moved further down. She moaned softly, eager for more.

His hands went to her hips and slid up her sides only to stop at the curve of her breasts. His kissing had moved down and he focused on the space around and between her tits, planting swift small kisses all over. Then his hands surrounded her breasts and held them lightly but firmly. He massaged the soft flesh in circles, while his kissing mouth made its way to the mole on her left breast. He gave it a deeper kiss, sucking on the pink skin around it.

Jake drew a line from the little mole to the tip of May’s nipple using the tip of his tongue. He circled the little nub, flicking it. It got hard and he closed his mouth around it. He pulled on the nipple with his lips and sucked on the tender flesh. His tongue moved fast as it danced around the tightness of her nipple. Jake’s left hand had kept pace on her other tit and was pinching and rubbing and pulling. He then switched sides and repeated his actions, never daring to ignore a single inch of her large boobs.

May’s heavy breathing made Jake’s cock throb mere inches away from her pussy. He wanted to ram it in, but he wasn’t supposed to. If he wasn’t going to fuck her, he would make her wish he did. Holding that thought, he kissed his way down to past her belly button. He knelt between her legs and slid his arms under them. He put one hand between her breasts and the other where her belly curved down toward her pussy. She raised her body to his touch and let out a long breath.

The sight of her pussy up close made his dick swell even more. Her enlarged clit had poked through its hood. Her folds were bright pink and glistening with anticipation. Her juices had coated everything and were starting to drip down toward her asshole even before he touched anything. The smell was driving him mad, it was intoxicating, sweeter than Anna’s. He tasted it, putting the tip of his tongue in the space between her pussy and asshole and it tasted better than he could have imagined. May’s whole body jerked at his touch and that was his signal to dive in.

Jake licked the outside of May’s pussy, starting at the bottom and inching his way to the top. He lapped her juices into his mouth and put pressure on her clit with his nose. She melted, relaxing her core muscles. He held her hips in place with pressure from his right hand and shifted his left to massage her right breast pinching the nipple. Her back arched and his dick twitched as he blew on her shiny clit.

He ran his tongue up and down her slit twice more before plunging it into her vagina. She tensed at the sudden intrusion and then relaxed as he moved his warm tongue out slowly. He continued reaching in and pulling out at a constant rhythm and she rocked her hips to match it. Her breathing had turned to moans and purrs which in turn encouraged Jake to find her clit with his thumb and rub it. He felt her insides clench around his tongue and he pulled out.

“Don’t stop,” she said between moans, and he didn’t. He shifted his mouth and tongue back to her swollen clit. He let go of her breast and shifted that hand to her soaking pussy while still holding her hips in place with the other. May immediately replaced Jake’s hand on her tit with her own, resuming his pinching and massaging. Meanwhile Jake had coated two of fingers in her juices and he gently pushed them into her. She bit her lip trying, and failing, to stop herself from moaning.

He kept sucking on her clit and flicking it with his tongue as he started pumping his two fingers in and out of her vagina. Her juices now covered his face and hands, and were freely running down her ass and onto the couch. His fingers were picking up speed and he turned them up to put pressure on her clit from inside her own pussy. She made ininteligible grunting noises as he rubbed, and pressed, and sucked her clit from all the angles he could reach.

May came. Her legs closed tightly around Jake’s head, her back arched, her neck stretched, her core muscles contracted in jerky waves that sent her whole body shaking. And Jake kept going, as if nothing had changed. He was still sucking, still flicking, still pumping. Wave after wave of her orgasm came and went and he still kept going. Nothing existed but her clit, his mouth and his fingers.

When May’s orgasm finally subsided she collapsed, truly spent. All her muscles relaxed, freeing Jake. His cock was throbbing and leaking pre-cum. He was so horny that he might have cum without even touching his dick if May had cum for a little longer. He sat back and admired his own work. May’s pussy and ass were covered with a mix of his saliva and her juices. He was covered in it too. Her skin was sweaty and had an after orgasm glow that he enjoyed greatly.

“I need to get her to bed,” said Anna pointing at Sophie and bringing Jake back to the real world. “Think she’s had too many shots,” added Anna and Jake saw it was true. Anna had been turned on by the show, her pussy was swollen and her nipples were standing to attention. Sophie on the other hand had dozed off in her seat.

“You need any help?” he asked, standing up but still catching his breath.

“Nah I can manage,” replied Anna taking her cousin back to her room.

Jake turned to May who opened her eyes.

“Hey,” he said and she smiled. “Did you like that?” She let out a tiny giggle.

“I’d like to return the favor,” she said softly. “If you are up to it.”

“Yes please,” he said, eyes wide and cock twitching. She stood up, grabbed him by the dick and pulled him into their room. She pushed him onto his bed so he was laying down and she climbed on top of him. She kissed his neck and chest like he had done with her, slowly making her way down toward his manhood.

Anna had put Sophie to bed, but when she came back out Jake and May were gone. She groaned frustrated. She had hopped to keep the game going. She went to the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet when she heard Jake’s muffled voice through the wall.

“Fuuuuuck,” he said as May planted kisses all over his trimmed pubes.

Anna put her ear to the thin wall that separated the bathroom from Jake and May’s bedroom. He could hear his heavy breathing.

May’s kisses had reached Jake’s balls, and she teased his sack with the tip of her tongue. She nuzzled his balls and softly pulled on the skin with her teeth. His cock was twitching almost nonstop and leaking pre-cum from the tip. She licked the string of precum catching it all in her tongue and swallowed. He let out a long sigh.

On the other side of the wall, Anna still had her ear to the wall. She had one hand on her breast, squeezing strongly and pinching the nipple. Her other hand was between her legs rubbing circles around her clit.

May spit on Jake’s cock covering it in her slippery saliva. She then pushed her breast together with her hands, holding his dick between them. She moved up and down giving him a slippery titjob. He groaned again, knowing he wouldn’t last long if she kept doing this, and yet wanting it to last forever.

The groaning and heavy breathing from the other room had excited Anna even more. She has pumping two fingers in and out of her pussy trying to match Jake’s breathing. But she wanted more. She looked around and grabbed a hairbrush with a long handle. She plunged it deep into her vagina and had to bite her lips to prevent herself from shouting. Her juices kept everything slippery so she had met no resistance, it had just felt that good to fill herself with something.

Jake’s cock had swollen even more, thanks to the pressure and movements from May’s large tits. She held them together with her right hand and kept them bouncing on his dick, while she reached below them with her left and cupped Jake’s balls. She pulled on them and Jake clenched his muscles. He was getting very close.

“May, I’m gonna…” he was saying, when she closed her mouth around the head of his cock, sucking and rubbing it with her tongue. His voice trailed off morphing into grunts.

Anna had heard everything and had one hand rubbing her clit in a blurr and the other pumping the hairbrush with abandon.

Jake’s fingers dug into the mattress, as he felt the pressure building deep into his pelvic muscles. He wanted to hold off, to ride the edge as long as possible, but May’s tongue licked his frenulum and it was more than he could take. He grunted loudly, releasing shot after shot of white cum deep into May’s mouth. She swallowed it all without missing a beat. Just like he had done with her, she kept her ruthless rhythm until he collapsed from exhaustion.

Jake’s orgasmic grunting drove Anna over the edge. Her back arched as the muscles in her vagina contracted around the handle of the brush. Waves of pleasure emanated from her crotch and shook her whole body. Her hands kept moving, more slowly, but still making her jerk and spasm all the same. When she calmed down, she slid the hairbrush out and left it carefully back in the sink. She went back to her room and crashed naked next to her cousin on the full sized bed. Feeling better after cumming, she still yearned to be fucked when sleep took her.

Back in his own bed, Jake laid on his back, all his energy spent and cock quickly deflating. Smiling, May climbed into bed with him leaning against his sweaty skin. She placed her leg on top of his and her head on his shoulder.

“Good night Jake,” she said. He hugged her and kissed her forehead and they both drifted to sleep.
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