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Sam and her brother Andy continue their incestuous love, considering whether it's really love or just sex. And they visit Julie, Sam's best friend and Andy's first sexual partner. Julie learns a secret.
Andy and Sam awoke the next morning as millions upon millions of men and women awoke on that sunny summer morning, their bodies entwined into a Gordian Knot of limbs, fingers, hair. The lucky millions, like Andy and Sam, were deeply in love with the person whose body was pressed against theirs. A much smaller number were, like Andy and Sam, brother and sister whose love had put them on an incestuous journey that neither could stop.

As she awoke she gently withdrew herself from her brother’s embrace so as to lie on her side and watch him sleep, breath slowly, and, finally, return to her world as he awoke. She assisted his awakening by gently caressing his chest and then kissing him. “Still no regrets?” were her first words.

“Are you crazy? I think it was better last night than ever. I don’t know if you’re crazy, Sam, but I know that I am; I think I’m crazy in love with you…with my own sister.” And if it keeps getting better like this - I don’t see how it can - it will be insanely good.”

That said, they began their slow, gentle, languorous lovemaking, their arousal awakening and growing, warming their bodies as the sun rose and began warming the day. Each by now was well acquainted with the other’s body, learning quickly those special places, the special touches, caresses, probes that fed that arousal. Their bodies began to shift, pressing themselves even closer to the other, demanding their touch at every place possible, revelling in the scorching touch of brother’s skin to sister’s. Always in Sam’s mind was the memory of her first realization, her first understanding, of the sexual power her young body held, how somehow it seemed a kind of sexual battery, building its charge between lovemakings, ready to connect with Andy, ready to release that charge into his body.

And for his part her brother continued, since virtually their first kisses, her first lesson to him, to want to please Sam, to give his sister every possible pleasure, to bring her to climax as much as possible, to put her pleasure before his own. And that was the case as his kisses left her mouth, his tongue left hers, and found her breasts, circling and then sucking her nipples, his hand lightly pressing her body back onto her bed as it rose suddenly to his touch. In short order he was once again at the very source of her pleasure as he breathed deeply of the sexual musk of her mons, smiling as he again tasted the now familiar tang of her aroused wetness, bringing her almost to orgasm but stopping, as he now understood his sister’s body, her levels of arousal enough to withdraw and move up along her body until his head was resting on the pillow next to hers.

“Talk dirty to me,” she muttered, as he felt her hand move to the spot he had just tasted.

“What?” he whispered.

“You heard me,” she repeated, a quiet note of pleading in her voice, “talk dirty to me. Tell me you want to fuck me. Tell me you want to fuck your little sister.”

Startled by this Andy drew back slightly, stared briefly at his sister’s face, her eyes squeezed shut, her head now pushed back into her pillow. She had his undivided attention; his sister rarely swore and he could not recall the last time he’d heard her say ‘fuck’. This was new; as advanced as their lovemaking was, as much as they each had learned in the past weeks neither had ever broached that aspect of sex, either during their incestuous couplings or during their talk and decision-making between their sexual events together. He began quietly, cautiously; “so you want me to fuck you, do you?” and was instantly rewarded by her wide smile. “You want your big brother to fuck his little sister? Is that it?” Her smile widened, her eyes opened and met his, lit by her growing arousal.

Warming to his task Andy asked his sister “what do you want? Do you want your brother to taste you again? Do you want his tongue tasting your wet pussy?” At this he felt her body shudder, her hips lift slightly from the bed. “Is it my cock? Is it your brother’s cock that you want inside you? Should I come into you now? Should I push my hard, hard cock into my sister’s wet pussy?” as her body began to shake uncontrollably.

“Yes,” she answered, “yes. I want you in me now, Drew, I want my brother’s hard cock inside me NOW! I want you to fuck me, bro, fuck your little sister.” He rolled onto her, placing himself more quickly than he had ever before, feeling her urgent need as he quickly guided his cock to her vaginal opening and without hesitation pushed himself deeply into his sister, grunting as he thrust as hard as he could, vaguely hearing, through the roar of the blood pounding in his ears, her groans, her muffled “yes, yes, give it to me, Drew, fuck me…FUUUUCK ME, fuck me, big brother, fuck your little sister.” Her body bucked beneath him as it never had before, every limb - her arms, her legs - wrapping his body in her vice-like grip. As words failed her he heard her soft, high pitched “unnh, unnh, unnh,” each quiet groan perfectly synchronized with each of his thrusts into her. And then, more quickly than had ever happened with his sister, her soft grunts recovered their words as she said “Drew..Drew…DREEWW, I’m cumm…” as her body erupted with her orgasm, as suddenly it was Drew that had to embrace his sister, holding her close as her body shook them both, as her body’s sexual battery shot its climactic voltage through both bodies, driving him to one last thrust, his rigid cock pressed as deeply as possible into his sister, her cervix feeling the head of his cock against it, as his body was suddenly rigid for an interminable moment before he began pulsing, his cock releasing his incestuous seed, rope after rope with each pulse, into his sister’s waiting womb.

Their bodies virtually melded together, perspiration mixed with Andy’s semen, flowing from his sister’s full vagina, they lay together, clutching each other’s body as a drowning man might clutch flotsam, they slowly came down from their euphoric orgasms, slowly felt their breathing returning to normal, their heartbeats following suit. Finally Andy separated himself from his sister, smiling at her reluctant groan as he did so. “Where did that come from, Sammy? I’ve never heard you say ‘fuck’ in your life, I think? What happened?”

“I have no idea, Drew. I never planned it, it just came from, I don’t know, somewhere deep. Somewhere dark, maybe?”

“Well, wherever it came from, it was fantastic. I can’t believe you’ve got any place dark, Sam. You’ve never cum that fast yet. It was…sooo hot. But it was really different, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, and it’s kind of like something I’ve been thinking about all week, Andy.' She cuddled up to him, lay her head on his chest, and, caressing his midriff, asked “are we fucking, Drew?” She felt his startled response and quickly added “I mean, is that what this really is? Two people just fucking? I know, it’s fantastic; I’ve never felt anything like this in my life, but is it like some kind of sexual narcotic? Are we getting addicted to each other? To incest, because that makes it incredibly hot? Are we pretending it’s something else between us, just so we can fuck?”

Like virtually any young man of his age, Andy was not given to analyzing his feelings or, often, even acknowledging them. But his sister’s blunt question, her challenge, really, brought him up short. Was she right? Had they somehow dressed up their sexual urges as something lofty, something that, in some people’s eyes, even permit overlooking their incest taboo? He lay with her, his hand idly tracing her flank, drifting up to her shoulder, keenly aware of the warmth of her breast against his ribs, feeling his sexual stirrings, he began to think “maybe she’s right, maybe we’re just a couple of horny siblings, finding easy release and sexual pleasure in each other.”

He continued to caress her and, finally, replied “yes and no.”

“That’s it, ‘yes and no’? That’s the best you can do to help me with this?”

“Yes: we’re fucking. It’s fantastic sex with you, Sam, pleasure so far beyond my wildest dreams. You make me hard almost instantly, at the drop of a hat. I’ve cum harder with you, and I think you’ve cum harder with me than I thought possible. I’m becoming addicted to you, yes; I’m becoming addicted to sex with my sister and I’m beginning to think there’s nothing I can do about it, and nothing I’ll ever want to do about it.”

He rested, feeling her slow breathing against him. “That’s the fucking, Sam, no doubt about it. There’s guys I know who brag about ‘pounding her cunt’; that’s brutal, Sam, that’s guys hooking up for one-nighters with women whose name they might not even know. But there’s so much more that I’m feeling, right now, before our sex, during, and after. I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before. All I can call it is ‘love’, even if brothers aren’t supposed to feel this for their sisters. How can that possibly be wrong? How can what I’m feeling be wrong? We’ve talked about this, Sam; who are we hurting? Probably only ourselves if we crash and burn together. So, no, there’s fucking and then there’s lovemaking. What we do, absolutely, is lovemaking. Unless,” he paused and laughed quietly, “unless you talk dirty to me. That was wild. I have no idea where that came from, but for the record, sis, you were a great…no, a fantastic fuck.” Her laugh told him he’d answered her, satisfied her concern.

Sunday then took its usual pattern; showers, all of Sam’s bedding quickly laundered, a careful, almost forensic examination of the entire house, looking for any clues or signs of their weekend sex. Sam: “did you find the condom wrapper from Friday night?”

Andy: “yes.”

“Will you get rid of it somewhere? Maybe in a litter container somewhere?”

Teasing, he smiled “I’m thinking of keeping it, my best souvenir of the first time I fucked my sister.” To her shocked visage he added “don’t worry, sis, I’ll hide it really well. If Mom ever finds it I’ll tell her it was some girl that she’s never heard of.”

“Do you really need something to remember?”

“Not really. But there are still remnants of the first microsecond of the creation of the universe; our TV still gets ‘snow’, cosmic radiation. That wrapper is my cosmic radiation, it was the beginning of a new universe for me, Sam.” His eloquence surprised her and she allowed it to override her fear.

“Ok, hide it really well and be ready with a story for Mom.” And with that their day progressed until their parents returned and brother and sister slipped once more into their old roles of normal siblings, ones who were not preoccupied with their incestuous love. There was much banter, much catching up between parents and children, much reporting of gossip at the lake and the state of the cottage.

The weekend pretty much set the tone and routine for the family. Their parents went most weekends to the cottage and Andy and Sam, with other goals in mind, usually begged off their parents’ encouragement to go with them, pleading fatigue from their week’s work or studies or, as often, social commitments. Mindful of the need to allay any possible suspicions on their parents’ part Sam and Andy occasionally agreed to accompany them “overnight”, always driving up to the cottage in Andy’s truck on a Saturday morning, returning Sunday in time for their other, mythical, commitments. In fact, their only commitment was to each other, proven every Friday night by their lovemaking, every Sunday afternoon on those cottage weekends on repeat, before their parents’ return.

In mid June Andy told his sister of telephone conversations he’d had with her best friend, his first sexual partner, Julie. “I’ve suggested I come to visit over the 4th of July, like you suggested, Sam. She’s really enthusiastic but she wants to see you too. What do you think?”

“I think it’s a great idea, but we have to be careful, right?”

“Right. But I’m really looking forward to seeing Julie. A bit nervous, to be honest.”

“I can understand that. I can’t wait to catch up with her.”

And with that it was settled; the holiday landed on a Monday that year so that they had three days to visit and catch up. Sam could not leave her nursing student residence early enough on Friday, so that their departure was delayed until Saturday morning. The four hour drive passed peacefully, Andy driving, Sam occasionally sitting on the middle of the truck’s bench seat, lightly caressing her brother’s thigh, the two exchanging occasional, unhurried kisses.

Arriving, they were welcomed with hugs and lunch from Julia and the chatter never ceased as lunch and wine fuelled their gossip, jokes, and laughter. Andy realized that the lion’s share of chat was between his sister and her best friend, but felt the embers of his affection for Julie fanned as she reached out and took his hand to make a point, holding it for longer than necessary, smiling a conspiratorial smile as her warm hand held his.

Relaxing after lunch, watching her brother and her best friend closely, Sam finally judged the moment appropriate and said “if it’s ok, I’m going to step out for some fresh air. Do either of you need anything? I think I’ll get some more wine; is that a good idea?” As both Julie and Andy nodded, giving each other quick glances, Andy tossed his truck keys to his sister and she left on her errand.

Conversation between Andy and Julie changed the tone. Made more sure of himself by the lessons his sister had taught him and by their repeated incestuous couplings, Andy began to unburden himself and as he warmed to the conversation, beginning to tell Julie how he felt, as he remembered and recounted the deep, unprecedented affection he’d suddenly felt for her the night each took the other’s virginity, she colored slightly and moved across the couch, leaned toward him, and broke into his monologue with a warm, loving kiss. He returned her kiss with his own, separating his lips, hoping she would too, his heartbeat rising as he felt her lips part and felt the tip of her tongue on his.

She broke their kiss and told him “Andy, I’ve felt almost the exact same way, but I didn’t think you’d feel much. I was around you for so long, so many years in your family home that your folks used to joke that I was another daughter, that you had two sisters. I thought ‘he sees me as his sister; I’m invisible to him’.”

“You’re right, you were exactly like my second sister and because of that you were kind of invisible. Julie, I think I’ve got a lot of catching up to do; according to Sam you’ve loved me for over six years. Think I’ve got a chance?” And with that he saw her eyes tearing, felt her soft lips on his again and tasted her tears as the rolled down her cheeks.

Thirty minutes later, judging that she’d given them enough time, Sam returned with more wine and, to their delight, a bucket of ice cream. “Uhhh, Sam, do you mind sleeping on the couch tonight? Andy and I have, ahhh, plans.” Sam’s uproarious laugh told them both instantly that she approved, as it began to dawn on both her brother and her best friend that wine and ice cream weren’t the real reason for Sam’s absence. “Do you feel like a third wheel, Sam?”, asked Julie.

Sam smiled and said “don’t be worried, because I’m not,” Julie not immediately realizing the cryptic import of Sam’s words.

The afternoon seemed to fly by with chattering, laughing, and plans for the next day. Andy willingly took plans for dinner in hand and after a quick survey of Julie’s kitchen and pantry began assembling their meal while his sister and her best friend continued, deep in conversation.

After another hour of after dinner conversation, all the while Julie resting in Andy’s arms, her head laid comfortably on his shoulder, there was a pause in the conversation, ended when Sam smiled and said “it’s getting late; don’t let me keep you up,” an unintentional double entendre that was seen immediately by both Sam and her brother, both coloring at its second meaning while out of the corner of her eye Julie’s subconscious noted the glance sister and brother gave each other.

Rising from the couch Julie announced “I’ve got your bedding over here” and proceeded to quickly make the couch up for Sam. For a few brief moments Andy stood shyly aside until, her quick chore done, Julie took his hand, lifted herself on her toes and kissed him. Then she led him into her bedroom with a smiling “good night” cast over her shoulder at her best friend who smiled conspiratorially back at her.

Sam lay on the couch, comfortable and smiling, as she began to drift off to sleep, wrapped in Julie’s blankets and the love that seemed, somehow, to fill Julie’s home. Then, in the few minutes before she fell into the arms of Morpheus, the silence of Julie’s bedroom was broken by, at first, muffled sounds. Words that she couldn’t make out, then quiet moans, growing in volume, then occasional laughter with moans and louder utterances interceding. She listened, smiling, as the inescapable rhythm of the bed began, accompanied again by her best friend and brother’s voices, growing in volume until she heard Julie, distinct and clear: “Ohhh, god, Andy, my god… YOU’RE SOOOO GOOD”. More sounds, more agitated bed sounds and then, finally, laughter and soft words.

Sam heard it all, understood it all, in her mind saw her brother and her best friend deep in their sexual joining and as the sounds increased, as they became clearer to her, she began to touch herself, to feel vicariously their heat, their passion. As it grew she began to respond to her own touch, to shake, smiling as she imagined herself - no, remembered herself - in the place of her best friend, and suddenly, perfectly synchronized with the orgasms of the two people she loved most in this world, she laughed as she, too, joined them with her climax. Satisfied, savoring the love she sensed in the next room, she welcomed Morpheus and fell asleep. Her brother and her best friend were not blessed with the same release of sleep; it was another two hours, another two orgasms for Andy and four for Julie, before they, too, entwined together, fell asleep.

First asleep meant first awake so that Julie had risen from the couch, fully rested, folded and set aside her bedding, showered, and was making coffee when she heard the first stirrings in Julie’s bedroom, the quiet muttering there, a quiet laugh, then a silence of ten minutes or so, and then sounds that replaced the earlier muffled talk; sounds more feral as again she heard the music of the bed springs, their rhythm deep and regular, then speeding up as the song of sex came from her brother and best friend until the song reached its unmistakable crescendo.

After another fifteen minutes Samantha heard the bedroom door opening and looked over to see Julie, nightied and robed, hair tousled, smiling, her smile broadening to a full grin as she saw her best friend calmly drinking coffee. As Julie approached her, Sam, also pyjama’d and robed, rose to greet her and they took each other in a warm, loving, sisterly hug. Holding the hug Julie said quietly into Sam’s ear “Sam, that was amazing. If I had known Andy felt any of those things for me I don’t think I could have ever left town…left him…left you. I think he might be The One, and I’m almost afraid to say that out loud.” As she drew back, still holding her friend, she saw the tears in Sam’s eyes. “What…are you…?”

“No, you idiot; these are tears of joy; I’m incredibly happy for you both. All summer I’ve been thinking about you and Andy. We’ve had long, deep conversations and I really worried that maybe that ship had already sailed.”

“The ship is waiting at the dock, Sam, and Andy’s welcome aboard any time,” and with that they both broke into raucous laughter. “He’s fast asleep, Sam; I think I wore him out. And I really,” giggling now, “need a shower. See you in a few minutes.”

Sam sat at the kitchen table savoring her coffee, savoring the thought of her brother and best friend, their almost-sister, in love. It surprised her that just as she had felt their passion the evening before, had almost channeled their lovemaking as she masturbated to their sexual sounds, now she felt another vicarious feeling, but this time it was, simply, love. She wondered if love could be on some way triangular as the love that flooded through her warmed her entire body as her coffee mug warmed her hands.

She heard the shower stop, heard fussing and shuffling in the bathroom until its door opened and Julie emerged, hair tied up, glowing with a shine that Sam understood was about much more than soap, hot water, and shampoo. Finally ready, Julie sat with her best friend as Sam poured her coffee and, from many years together as best friends and many coffees together, poured the precise and correct amount of cream into Julie’s mug. It was warm, it was loving, and it was familial and each was more than content to sit quietly, sip their coffee, and feel the love in the room.

Sam knew she couldn’t ask, but she knew Julie as well as a sister; better, perhaps, and for some years now, in some situations it was common for either to refer to the other as ‘sis’. So she waited patiently until Julie finally began, looking first at her coffee and then into Sam’s eyes, “Sam, I know I’m no expert. In fact, I’ve had a few dates since I moved here, seen a few guys, but Andy is the only one I’ve slept with. Somehow, this summer, I had to wait, had to see if there was really anything there for Andy and me. I can’t tell you what a relief it was when he finally called. And it was worth waiting for, Sam; last night was beautiful, really beautiful. It was like that first time at your house, when you worked so hard to help me, to arrange that last night for me…with Andy. That night at your house seemed somehow more than just sex with a guy I had wanted for years, more than just letting a guy that I cared about take my virginity. I felt something more and I was pretty sure he did too, but I had to wait until he knew it was there. But last night, Sam, last night was amazing; it wasn’t just a really good fuck; it was lovemaking. Andy is an amazing lover.”

Before she could realize it, looking out the window, Sam said very quietly, almost to herself, “I know” and instantly realized her slip, feeling her blush rise, unable now to meet her best friend’s eyes.

Julie heard her words, but hadn’t really listened to them. “His lovemaking, Sam, it’s, it’s so much more mature than when he and I had sex several months ago. He’s so tender, so caring; it’s as if it’s only my pleasure that he’s concerned with. Has he got a girlfriend that I don’t know of?”

A quiet “no” from Sam.

“Well, it can’t be - you know - from porn or something. He’s really learned some skills from somewhere.” She had said all of this looking down at the table, at her steaming coffee and now she looked up to Sam’s face.

Julie saw the blush, thought back to what Sam had just said; “I know”, and “no” to any girlfriend, but took long seconds to process, to understand them, to register their deep, deep meaning, feeling an almost tectonic shift in their relationship as her mind shot back to the quick glance she’d unconsciously noticed the evening before at Sam’s offhand reference to “…keeping you up,” and suddenly thoughts and pieces fell into place in her mind, a kind of tetras array suddenly taking shake. “Oh my god,” she said, as quietly as Sam had just spoken, then, louder, “Oh…my…god,” and finally “OH. MY. GOD…it’s true, Sam, isn’t it? It’s true, you and Andy? Oh my god; he was so good last night, I asked him where he learned to be such a good lover, who’d he been practising with, and he just laughed and kissed me again. But,” and her voice dropped to a quiet, sisterly, conspiratorial level, “it’s you, isn’t it?”

Sam’s blush deepened as she understood her slip, the profound truth that Julie had discovered, her and her brother’s incestuous secret. She found herself unable to look at Julie. Somewhere in her mind she realized that sooner or later their secret would have to be shared with Julie if she and her brother were truly in love. But that did not offer any relief. Suddenly the shock of Julie’s knowing created question after question for Sam. Would their secret spread further? Would Julie judge them? Would this be the end of her sisterly friendship, her longest friendship, her deepest friendship? Would this be a cataclysm in her brother’s relationship with her best friend? It was impossible for her to even begin to consider all of the possibilities and, as she finally found the courage to turn and look her best friend in the eye, she felt Julie take her hands in hers, welcomed the warmth of her touch, felt the tears now coursing down her own cheeks.

“Still tears of happiness, Sam?” asked Julie.

“No. Tears of fear, Julie. I have no idea now what to do. I love Andy so damned much and I know he loves me. But I think you and he both love each other. We tried really, really hard before we, well, you know, allowed it to happen. We tried to think about all the things that might happen, but we really didn’t factor in how much he loves you; we didn’t know that at the time, Julie. And now I’m really afraid. Is this going to ruin things for you? For us? I think if I somehow hurt you or Andy, if I somehow came in the way, I’d never forgive myself.”

Julie shifted her chair around the table until it abutted Sam’s. She reached over and pulled her into a hug. “We’re sisters in every way possible, Sam, except biology. I guess that makes Andy our brother…together. Believe me, that night that you arranged, that made it possible for me to finally sleep with Andy, to have sex with him, to, honestly make love with him before I left town I kind of felt that…ummm…I was sleeping with my brother. Is that shocking? Does that shock you? It wasn’t a really strong feeling for me, and as he became more and more affectionate with me, more tender, more loving, it kind of faded away. But later, when I’d moved here, the memory remained and I’ve been trying to process it ever since. So I kind of understand, Sam,” as she tightened her hug, as she kissed Sam on the cheek, tasting her salty tears. “I can understand how…why…you’d love him too; he’s an amazing guy, Sam, and I still want to give us - Andy and me - a chance.”

“Still?” Sam’s eyes rose from the table to Julie. “You still want to be with Andy? After knowing that he and I are…lovers? After knowing how he and I…what we’ve done? What he and I are feeling? Because, Jules, I don’t think either Andy or I can stop. I don’t think we want to stop.”

“Yes. I love him - there it is, I’ve said it out loud, but that’s no surprise; I’ve loved that damned guy for years. First it was my kind of juvenile girly ‘love’, then it was a kind of brotherly love when you became my best friend, and then…then,” she struggled with the words, “I realized that I really did love him, but I didn’t think he loved me back. Now I know I got that wrong. Now I know he loves me. I don’t want to stop that, Sam. I have no idea where this is going. I think maybe…maybe…that two women can love the same man; that part happens all the time. But I think that a man can love those women back and I think key to that, for us, is that you and I love each other. Don’t get me wrong, sis,” and there it was, their old affectionate term for each other, “I’m not remotely into girl-on-girl stuff. I’m not into kink. It’s just that I love you as a best friend, as a sister, and I think the three of us, together, can love each other. What do you think?”

Sam, her tears now dried, smiled, kissed Julie on the cheek, realized that she and Julie, in the complete absence of her brother, Julie’s lover, were making the most important and profound decision in their young and, most importantly, future lives. “I have no idea where this is going, Julie, all I know is that I want to try harder for this than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. I love you and I love him; think that will be enough?”

“It’s a start, that’s for sure.” And with that Julie rose, returned with the coffee pot and topped their mugs up. Soon they had fallen back to the comfort of sisterly chat, laughing at stories from their lives since Julie had moved and, hearing Andy awaken, their gaze turned to the bedroom door as Andy emerged, dishevelled, rested, and needing his own shower. He was brought up short by the look given him by both his sister and his lover. In his sleep-addled state he couldn’t read their knowing look, their glance to each other, their sudden loud laughter, their tears that came with their laughter, the hug the two women had for each other. Shaking his head, he wandered into the bathroom, the continuing sound of laughter, whoops, even, piercing the bathroom door as the two women in his life, the two women he loved, sealed their understanding, their laughing replacing words.


2025-02-24 06:29:09
Should this not be Chapter 11?

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